For Hello Chad how you doing how is everyone must have been working all day on that title took me like 5 Seconds honestly you call that diffic you call that effort over there I literally thought this this is clearly Marvel inspired how far did we get last night
We got to the point where Liu King right after uh you take control of the ninjas and then yeah after they finish up that section where beow behan whatever you switches sides just to give you an idea Jim D is playing Lee me okay uh so but
Yeah hope everyone’s had a good day hope everyone’s rested up we’re going to be finishing this game tonight it’s nice to play a game that only takes two streams for a chain how long has that been like for like months now every game I’ve played has been an RPG that requires a little
Bit of a commitment stopid game no one ask for you to play a demo hey Dart can you in good conscious recommend this game uh well keep in mind I’ve only played the story mode so far I have not touched the multiplayer and probably never will I I am not the
Person to really ask for recommendations when it comes to fighting games I am not that knowledgeable of them or at least on what makes them good or not it feels all right to me I mean all the animations look really good in the game some people I’ve always heard
People complain that Mortal Kombat is not a top tier fighting game though it’s like got a lot of presentation but the mechanics uh are a little lacking compared to stuff like Tekken or Street Fighter that’s really all I know about it I know it works and that’s all I
Really care about did I see the Yakuza trailer today oh the infinite wealth I did actually it definitely looked like a yakuzi g u sent is that the first time they’ve said a Yakuza game in America by the way or is it you know returning to Old H cuz
Usually it’s in Japan so but this one’s in like Japan plus somewhere in Hawaii it’s a confident fighting game it feels that way that’s how I would describe it yes it is competent it’s Hawaii yeah uh but on Tekken Aid in four months I guess I’ll want to play I’ve never actually
Played a Tekken game before guess I got another game to play before I have S rebirth sister you ain’t kidding I don’t know next month I don’t even know what I’m going to do there’s like not a single week where I’m not having to play something new you’re cooking Pizza Pasta
Pizza Pasta Pizza Pasta something about that doesn’t strike me is correct for our universe it was like something You’ come across and like some alternate universe where things went down a different path wanted to point out last night before I had to dip the Drone Johnny bought is Cassie’s weapon from
11 uh okay so I’m also am I understanding this correct the timeline of this game has been I mean uh obviously Johnny isn’t like 50 years old anymore but it’s still taking place in or modern time not the 90s it’s like you know what Liu Kang didn’t realize there’s a little bit of
Time lag when he created recreated the universe he’s in his M mid I’m talking about in the back in the last few games he got into like his 50s or something right he was like y he he was the vet at that point where in this one he’s like
In his prime despite but it’s no longer just like the ’90s uh let’s see am I going to am I going to send Mario RPG I highly doubt it it’s kind of hard to send a game it’s meant to be goofy like light-hearted comedy you’re downloading separate ways very
Slowly downloading it du to I’ll be playing that tomorrow actually looking forward to that I’m hoping it only takes me like one stream but it’ll probably take me too tossing the old lady over the ledge scene went viral uh yeah I mean we kind of all had
A good laugh of that the moment we first saw it I honestly thought the scene of her waking up was better though AG with f rebirth and I realize that the high wind was present too it looks pretty Sleek uh I didn’t notice the high wind in it you
Sure usually that doesn’t actually get introduced until like the crater from what I recall dad Johnny was around 58 that’s a good 58 uh where there is smoke there is elder abuse is he known for that spend 5 minutes Johnny Cage or play Resident Evil Code Veronica
Again you think this is a difficult choice you think that’s difficult 5 minutes is still only 5 minutes versus multiple hours of Redfield you take your own pick I know which one I’m choosing keep my old you know I’m going to like go into my options menu just to
Get the game to stop trying to go into like a demo mode also I need to send out announcements get in here you see the high wind briefly in junon in the OG so it makes sense yeah I I’m not recalling that one but you’re probably right like the first time I cuz
I remember like in the original game they literally go to Rocket Town like Shinra they were so hard up for like a vehicle they go to Rocket Town to like get the little Bronco from Sid which I’m wondering how that’s even going to work into the game now since that was a plane
That uses a boat I have a feeling that’s either going to be cut or like very limited how you use it to be fair though you only really use it briefly anyways in the original Game there we go got a good laugh when Liu Kang tried to refuse to send Raiden into to fight Katana and was like I don’t send my fighters to fight an unknown enemy which is why got Kung LA’s next which is why got Kung LA’s next is that what that you
Sure that’s a reference I I feel like Liu Kang’s making plenty of mistakes that he should know more about dude’s be [ย __ย ] up I think he’s actually [ย __ย ] up worse than Raiden never did am I going to play Paper Mario Thousand-Year Door I don’t I’ve never actually played the Paper Mario games so
Wait there’s like the remake of the original Mario RPG and they’re also remaking Thousand Year Door now how many Mario RPGs are there again I know there was one just like a year or two back on y the switch about yo paper is like origami right first alarm Bell should have been
Shinsung not being a dead beat snake you know what I would have given like shinsung a good job so i’ have been happy how did he wait here’s some Logic for Liu Kang how does Liu Kang think evil people come about it’s usually because you know they were had bad lives
Usually people have you know something to look forward to in like a decent life don’t become genocidal like Sorcerers so maybe you should have looked at shang’s past and saw what he led up to him and being like that in the first place and not giving him something exactly the
Same it’s just being a dick Dart fam Dart of fam chat we’re I’m I’m now going to be a super cringe uh content creator inste referring to you guys as my fam what’s up fam what’s up fam it’s your boy l k must have watched Prague University on YouTube Prague
University the only thing I’ve watched recently on YouTube for some reason is is jaiti dubs I haven’t watched jaib boti dubs in a while but for some reason he like you know what let me pull up some good old classics cuz there’s quite a few of them I never bothered
Watching blue King is from that earned Redemption school I thought I think Liu Kang was just like got is like got massive Asian parent mode on he did say s had a worthless life and I thought that thought that’s insulting to make sellers everywhere well in in
Shang Sun’s you know life he was like a he wasn’t even just like a merchant he was like a scam artist 12 Mario RP they made 12 Mario RPGs holy [ย __ย ] also keep in mind Liu Kang reverted synel to not being a total [ย __ย ] he’s
All for yeah he did he also did it for Molina even though she still end up catching the disease that’ll probably make her a villain she seems like a pretty normal person as she is right now without being you know sick so he did like decide to give her a better life
Even though she never did anything to deserve it cuz she was always horrible from beginning to end in the original series Prager Universe what the you the weird conservative people Shen never got visited by the mystery visitor from another time Shang wouldn’t have done anything yeah but he just would have
Continued living a terrible life that he keep in mind that terrible life was like given to him by Liu Kang he he couldn’t he had no other option did he like he could just make a better life for him that was the Fate that Liu Kang made for
Him uh why didn’t he just simply turn the bad guys good you you would wonder he had that ability and he he did for a couple of them I guess he just had a few Prejudice left over also Dean Trucking they you the sub man 23 months
Dude Jesus and Buddha are Canon and Sonic good piece of information by the way uh the SNES Mario RPG and the Thousand-Year Door or there was an SNES Mario RPG oh yeah one they’re remaking uh so Dart you enjoy some of the PS1 classics right did you ever try
Legend of Lea legaya I never played that one when it came to PS1 RPGs it was really just Final Fantasy games and then uh chronocross89 keep in mind he yeah he he was the ruler of the underworld and was pretty hateful for a bit he kind of just like got over
That instantly as soon as Raiden gave him his powers weirdly enough thought we were all moo you were a moo fan wi bully bid well interesting you should ask I’ve been holding off on doing uh Rockstar open world game videos because I’ve been hoping that yall we
Would get a release date for GTA 6 at some point uh so if we get a GTA 6 release date that’s when you can expect me to release a whole Bevy of your Rockstar videos I would like to do one on Red Dead Redemption 1 bully GTA San Andreas
4 and five in like the leadup to a GTA 6 I mean I’ve already got all of them played so the footage is there I just need to write scripts for them sounds like liuk Kang as are starting the universe just to troll people I don’t
Yeah I don’t really did what was luk hang’s Logic for when to restart the universe who gave him that right like what if you just like fix the [ย __ย ] that was broken in the one you had but whatever it’s you know Multiverse now everyone’s W one of
Those after you beat the main story line you need to play invasions also I’m looking forward to watching you and K play Mario I mean I’ve not said I’m playing a Mario RPG we fought chronica and later Shan was kind of stranded in the beginning of
Time so it was because he got stuck somewhere that he decided to remake all of reality Legend of legaya was not that big as FF or probably even Legend of Dron probably is actually bigger Legend of Dron that game didn’t do very well uh I mean I’m open to suggestions
Though Mario has the deepest Lore Liu Kang is Mortal turn God what isn’t Raiden the same thing though I’m assuming he was because that’s what he is now he was struck at the beginning so he might as well try to make it better he he didn’t doesn’t seem that way did you
Finish leg Legend of Dron no I still need to finish that it just that so much has been coming out I’m not even sure when I’ll be able to like play it again because I got a bunch of stuff to play this week and then I’m going to be gone
For a week on a short trip and then when I get back from that it’s going to be October right in the middle of everything releasing uh so my schedule’s looking pretty packed I got to I’m oh by the way chat good news the ff16 script is complete
It’s well content complete and halfway already you know been implemented and put into video form so I have half the script left to like polish up now which only takes me like a day finally well like I said half the video has been complete for like a month
Now it’s been the other half I’ve been working on but I I my rough draft of the script is complete and I started polishing up already so my plan is to spin tomorrow before the stream getting that into order then I can go into recording it my
Lines and then edit together how long is the vid it will almost certainly be around an hour and 30 minutes long love how the music kicked in cinematic timing back with matcha you made Macha te interesting or a Macha latte perhaps way to go Mr productive yeah I’m pretty
Happy with the script too I mean I don’t know who wants to sit around watch listen to me talk for an hour and you know 30 minutes on a video game I say that to people here watch me play a stream for four hours oh you did make a latte did you
Foam the milk and warm the milk uh brain mesh well I just know you Macha lattes are in right now you’re already getting made a featurelength film let’s go essentially yeah it’s what it’s turned into you did and you put vanilla protein powder in it did you okay you made a
Health even healthier matcha you have to make me one of those sounds pretty good I’ve tried drinking regular Macha tea before and it did not go down well it’s like there’s apparently a very specific way you got to make it oh yeah I’m gonna need my recording software on aren’t
I hella chalky yeah it’s known for being bitter isn’t it I’ve heard they’re even like making matcha coffees these days like hey pour your espresso into the matcha greetings my king well you know what we’re all Kings but how you doing gahad you heat the water too much fun fact monsters in
Corporate events happened because Randall joined a frat uh even funner fact B movie is still the greatest like animated BM of all time there I said it you all know it to be true you all know you enjoy watching a movie where a bee tucks a Human as well as all the other Insanity that goes on in that all right slander slander they say you’re full of [ย __ย ] you there’s someone who just hasn’t watched B movie had to do a s a watch along at some point I’ll show show you guys the
Truth uh that women can fall in love with bees and form relationships with Eight Crazy Nights I’ve never seen it uh so chat the plan T night finish the story and then we’ll check out I need to see all the I need to see all of the fatalities that that must be done
And then we’ll see what else we got there’s like other stuff too right there’s always like the bonus modes so Shall We Begin it has begun or as the game would say be movie night let’s freaking go boy I know right I mean is that on Amazon
Prime’s like movie list if so we could actually do that okay I’m on act three chapter 10 it’s looking pretty good you know we’re on the Ambush apparently according to the games I’m only like a little over halfway through the story Though okay act act four is very long you are my Grandmaster no longer what are you doing once he’s exposed won’t you be made Grandmaster you forget Cyrax and seor their loyalty to behan is absolute but are they even in this game they’ll sooner bet his corruption than follow me
Scorpion deserted actual original Scorpion isn’t in this Legacy and serves Earth Realm help me we can’t leave him here to a which I assumes I mean he’ll be in Mortal Kombat 2 and he’ll have a completely different skill set since this guy’s confidence cak and sector are cameos are
They still robots though because they shouldn’t be robots in this timeline how did you achieve this sorcerer you arve not a you think this guy is upset that he’s not as small as he used to be in the old timeline scrutinizing Shang tung’s first meeting with his benefactor I made an important Discovery
Her life Essence the very make up her being are not of this timeline not of this timeline how could someone from a previous timeline into this one that cannot happen if that cannot happen and what has happened gears there are no other timelines than those that have come
Before all evidence points to the presence of a second timeline I want someone to tell Luke K he’s been watching too much Marvel movie two timelines side by side moving forward simultaneously never in a billion lifetimes have I seen this well considering this is owned by Warner
Brothers I guess DC being less real there can can be no doubt that Shang song’s benefactor hails from it Chad I want to prepare you for some the future that I’m predicting at some at some point someone is probably going to try to like take Lord of the Rings
And make a Multiverse out of it I will know someone’s got that bright idea convince her to withdraw from Earth Realm by showing her how history is being manipulated someone will want to do that event require revealing to her your prior role as keeper of time
Time the situation gives me no choice I will need your help gears to prove my please know you you know that you know they think there’s money in this Multiverse stuff I don’t think any I think it’s pretty universally accepted now that Multiverse stuff has been just
Mid a lot of people just don’t seem to be you know liking it too much it had one good example with well two I guess Spider-Man is the only one that can do it well every other attempt has been like huh return home Lord Liu Kang I am to let
Well that and also homecoming or whatever it’s called Majesty she must call off her attack on Earth real her decision was unwise but she no longer seeks my counsel and I doubt she’s interested in yours the empress has been deceived was it good it was pretty well
General sha haveed this crisis as a means to steal her throne fire god luk hang looks far better black hair rather than knew he was hiding his true intentions yeah you’re right song I knew he couldn’t be trusted were I still he would never have breeded the same a as the
Empress my Palace sources told me he arrived out of nowhere and immediately had the empress’s ear he gained her trust by treating princess like how Le may think she can make L well you realize Liu Kang isn’t unbeatable right how many times did Raiden get his ass
Stomped before the empress must he’s no more powerful than Raiden right if Shang found no wonder she embraced him I have shared this with no one I trust that you of all people will keep this secret of course this is a reset after the time it would bring down the royal
Family Li Empress cindel needs our help we doing be movie night maybe one day Emperor Jared’s death the pain it only be viewable if you like a twitch Prime always haunted me I failed the royal family once I won’t do so again how come outworld doesn’t have a
God protector like Earth realm does by the way is there any explanation for that in the lore everything now makes sense my Otti contacts had said the general soldiers had beening it has Argus I’ve never seen this Argus I can’t fathom it General sha committing treason it is the
Fruit planted by Shang su he played to the General’s vanity inflamed his prejudices to convince him that he alone could save our world he may be unstoppable DTI don’t have numbers and my constables aren’t trained for war know that I too will Aid in the empress’s defense driver what is is
It I may need that Aid right now one day they will make the the the Centaur a playable character again right return Liu Kang to the portal gate lie may he isn’t welcome in outworld I won’t support the general Reiko nor his plot to usurp the the Thro then you won’t
Live to see the new regime he was from Mortal Kombat 3 originally wasn’t [Applause] he they have us surrounded I am Earth realm’s protector Li I am no stranger to combat then let’s get out there if Johnny’s voice is announcer the select Moto is aist Johnny goes out of
Hereo Johnny MK3 you should have joined us not the constabulary we could have used your own God he called the constabulary I have no use for a traitor’s compliments conary constabulary yeah I don’t know this lady’s moves NOA blast all right uh Sky Lantern here it’s pretty look at it uh she Shey
Lion how is my timing off on [Applause] those what I miss nothing yet I thought sh sold for better trade also Chain Reaction gu see that’s like an anti-air move the a o o o you and your accomplice will face judgment Reiko how can anyone be excited for Reiko he’s a jobber like half the cast of a Mortal Kombat game is a jobber we must leave reinforcements will be on the way
Hey great bit thank you for the 15 months love the content and Vibe you know well thank you you’re part of the vibe though you know streamer is only half as important as the chat word of his arrival precedes you surrender if you wish to remain unharmed let us pass Tanya the empress
Andent her family are in danger he brings word that Shang tsun and general sha plot against them the general are you so easily taken in by lies once again you prove incapable of protecting the Royal House fight you literally jumped into That I’m not really liking L May very much I got to be honest we waste precious time T let’s finish look what what is our purple Power uh let me try the Nova blast again I’m not going to check out Li a p yes eventually I’ve already technically
Checked it out I played the demo about a few month like a month or so back oh go I’ll be playing you Y I’m sorry you made that necessary priestesses okay I got to ask because it’s it can’t be ignored but why is the entirety like of the guards women of my Deeds when I was one of you I may no longer be welcome but in my heart I am still
Umadi I will always honor my vows he’s here to end a threat to the empress matriarchal society I’m assuming that would be like the only good expanation stand with us and we will save the Empire they wanted to reference black panther why does a Warner brother’s property feel so marvelous
When you think about it why you kill me because we mean you no harm and that you live will help prove that fact to the empress girls are badass well I’m not claiming otherwise I’m just saying it’s noticeable now I want an explanation for it how dare you liay it’s not enough that
You let Jared be murdered you’d let Li Kang destroy the rest of my family not Jared my heart broke when your husband died I lost not only my Emperor but you my closest friend I know question they were all men hon I doubt I would have noticed it
Because one I would kind of expect usually bunch of men to be like darks and stuff and I’m also not saying it’s bad because it is Mor combat a world where everyone is like a Kung Fu Master capable of magic and [ย __ย ] so you could get away with
It your faithlessness astounds Li how can you side with Earth realm against us I’m acting for your family’s benefit and for outworlds I want the new Ione model that’s why we don’t have that here F it’s going to have USBC okay I think Liam’s Powers were based off Jubilee that’s when I got the impression of the first time I found her uh let me try the lantern again I think that idea to release that and you knock her up into it right we let her jump Bas first into it
Who knocking up is Katana no Molina I forbid it I must if I won’t risk my life for the throne I’m not worthy of it I remember teaching you that princess you were but a girl that was long ago much has changed my loyalty to your family has it trust
Me now as you did then you made a new neighbor Room everyone in this room is 10,000 years old just listen we shouldn’t fight actually the Luke hang’s like a billion years old uh forgive me princess but I won’t allow you to I’m saying I’m not really fond of her like fighting style more than anything
Else Al so she no longer has the size she literally just has the same thing Baraka has in his hands Every character on outworld shits on laying okay I mean I she’s just like a she’s like outworld comp right I must be careful I cannot harm her you know what one character I kind of dug from the more recent Mortal Kombat games is that you big Aztec guy
Who’s like you the new con was always pretty cool mainly because of the voice act they got for him to yeah that guy what up hey music what’s up tarot makes victims of us all I have to wonder what possess Liu Kang to make tar carton a zombie v i
Mean we have to assume he has a hand in like everything that’s going on in this universe cuz that’s how he designed it personally so yeah had to like assume that yeah he allowed that to happen oh thank God my diabetes was acting up again thank you I am in your
Debt no your majesty damn your majesty you walking around with all de ass shots like that safe and that our conflict has ended thank you for beating up paused not ended Li May has earned my good will whether you do remains to be seen I seek only peace your
Majesty is that why you send Minions on secret missions into my Empire you’ve proved yourself the enemy I was long warned you would be I understand your anger but I had reason to believe that Shang Tsung posed a threat to both of us until I conf confirm them I did not want
To burden you with my suspicions and now they have proven true shung quani the general they conspire to conquer our Realms a serious charge where is your proof uh I’m a God Shang Tsung’s laboratory if what you see there does not convince you I will surrender Earth
Realm without a fight you have that Authority we have nukes how could I have so misjudged them for Shang suum to indulge in such depravity for General sha to condone it they are not the men I thought them my best meat statue there is that a character we should know she are who
They were meant to be they’re not your responsibility they’re outworlders but it is I who crafted their Destinies along with those of all other beings at the dawn of History you created the Realms I is your mind adal demigod I am a mere demigod now butons ago I was more powerful than
All of the Elder Gods combined I was a Titan and the keeper of time used to become a big deal this is GIS your majesty your highnesses girus is the guardian of The Hourglass a celestial object which background he just blabbering Universal secret regates time and maybe they don’t
Know English when I wielded its power it was upon me to craft all of existence which I did when I restarted history restarted this timeline was preceded by chat predict what Johnny Cage is going to say when he finally learned Kang’s design the others were designed by his predecessor chronica was obsessed with
Equalizing good evil when a timeline veered too far to one or the other she would halt it and restart history tinkering with lives and events in the hope of achieving her golden balance prior timelines chronica gave Shang sanii Mastery of the most vile Magics Shia was not a general the
Tyrannical ruler bent on Conquest idel were his ruthless wife do anything to preserve your privilege when I took the Hourglass from Kona I vowed to do better so in this timeline the sorcerers would not gain their dark Powers sha would be your loyal follower and you would rule
Outworld firmly but fairly [ย __ย ] free will what someone has interfered with Liu Kang’s design Xiao Shang song GUI all have been groomed by an unknown entity to be the villains they were in previous weast of bang you think you’d bring that one up where to begin who’s
Chronica villain from the last game am I to kneel to my Creator do you expect worship no your majesty my prior role was thrust upon me by circumstance I am in no way Divine you had power over all of creation yet you gave it up because I saw how it drove chronica
Mad I knew I would fail know better had I kept it can’t believe he left at before we fought Leatherface in the predator and RoboCop too you how dare you conspire against outworld not against outworld but against your misguided rule your deference to him leaves us all vassals so you sanction these unspeakable
Horrors lie to me about the threats we face thanks to you Earth Ro blood is already on my hands Bloodshed without cause or provocation don’t move Empress everyone stay back what is it the Amulet of shin a weapon of terrifying power it should not exist where did he get that it’s maker as
Powerless as Liu Kang designed yet more proof of foreign interference enough PR you both Bend to need outworld New Emperor put down the amulet it evil is beyond your control do you think I’d do battle not train with my weapons I am more than Prepared they br up our chin was rendered powerless by Liu Kang yet his amulet is still I guess it’s from a different world’s enemies against me he’s a fool to Ally with you blood sucking feet fight didn’t even give Naro a line there huh she just Hissed all right so low let’s let’s you know low hair ball and we got scream yeah there we go uh Queen’s Comm in that ain’t working what does Queen’s command do just points as someone you fight on it is a pointless endeavor team command forces the Cameo to stop their attack oh
Okay this lady has definitely been doing her yoga you’re no better than shang’s monstrosities Tanya and your daughters they are not dead but trapped in the amulet we can still save them SEL is racist as we already know a good chunk of DLC that’s coming up for this game does it
Matter it’s no surprise that you are party to sh every game anymore know that it will cost you your life I owe him mine many times over s sacrificing it in his service would be an honor Fight oh oh no I didn’t need that one that oh no not doing that move again you will answer for this sorry about that that that move is banned owie Zoe I know right her attack so incredible as a major blow up doesn’t she always been considered one of the better
Characters oh she got wet your betrayal hurts most rain I thought of you as a son I’ve outgrown that special shampoo maybe it’s me just the surface of my power born with it to explore it I can’t be bound by your limits fight so the fendom is has always hated
Rain right I’ve never heard a single good thing about him like everyone’s like I hate that bastard he’s like the Jeff Bezos of Mortal Kombat characters or Something God why is everyone going for the crotch all of a sudden sh me more than you know proes are just getting blasted my chat hey Mr water bender knock get the [ย __ย ] off you are forever dead to me me your Reign is over cindel I remember the weak sickly boy
You were how your father fought to push you past your infirmities now you repay him by spitting on his ideals your Revolt shreds every value he held dear fight so Liu Kang made Shia into a soy boy for this universe or he tried to he he should have just introduced sha
To anime and that would have been enough yeah who want who wants a shaan who’s a really big fan of like Slice of Life anime and he like let me tell you about my favorite M school days he has like figurin I am the Emperor of outworld and
Wow this wow man I really like this new season chainsaw man I would watch those is oh yeah you’re right my turn going for the balls thousands of years old that just means he has all the time he needs to watch all the eneme you forsaken both me and the
Empire your family name yeah I want Big Time anime fan incel shaon [Applause] a you are relieved General The Amulet your majesty you would think he would have used that during the fight twitch [ย __ย ] up hold up I hate to but we must act quickly to save Earth
Realm hold up what the [ย __ย ] is my internet dying my internet’s dying you guys back yeah twitch uh either my internet or twitch had like a moment there have you heard of Neon Genesis Evangelion it’s pretty deep Bro about those 14-year-olds where yeah there’s about this Shinji dude he like
Jerks off on a coma patient you’re good yeah so uh you know I paused the the cut scene fory Chad hopefully he didn’t miss where what was the last thing you saw before the is the know everything went dark what’s the last thing you remember Dy mommy relieving Shia okay yeah okay I
Caught it pretty quickly all that happened since then was she gave Liu Kang The Amulet and he use that to vomit up her like children out of the amulet have I beat sha yeah we just finished that fight but he just freed the children’s is that the command of my
Creator no your majesty it is the request of a friend friend hopefully that doesn’t happen Again we are ready and the Soul Steelers keep them running I am sure we’ll find a use for the collected souls and quanchi is really just like submissive and you know breedable in this this game is he’s doing everything Shang un kill him do uh this is R stupid right why do they
Bring Sy and Molina you know the outworld monarchs uh they wanted a part of it also if you notice they L Liu Kang didn’t choose any women to represent Earth realm not sure what was up with that it was only man only kind of deal so I guess I needed you know equal
Opportunity for this final you know you know big fight will this stand down if ordered no those are the General’s most loyal lieutenants they must be neutralized if we are to shut down the soul Steelers back train with the people I don’t know we should split up Liu Kang isn’t think
He’s needed here I Guess you go that way I’ll go home stay behind me princess no we fight together we lose as One what’s wrong my ribs they may be broken amazing how the tournament part is so small in Moral Kombat story it is these days isn’t it no ta stay down I mean I mean this time I protect you can’t blame them because you can’t really do that every single game I guess
It is pointless to resist us come any closer and you’ll feel the points of my blad we are I’m not really digging um Molina I think it’s her name as like a goody will become part of our collection fight they deliberately make this mod kind of L slower than the last couple
Cuz it definitely kills that way maybe I’m just playing it Slowly oh no she does have her size okay all right teleport up oh yeah that’s right she’s a very mobile character all the teleports in fact three of her moves are teleports Lena got to be [ย __ย ] frez well see what you don’t know Chad is a secret that women don’t tell you is
That breasts are like produce a lot of body heat so as long as you have those you stay warm even in the mountains with no clothes on they sometimes let it slip when they talk about how much they sweat but hey you put a UV light on or
Like you you know the heat detection camera whatever it’s called holy dude stop it you’ll see they’re like SLE degrees I’m just making [ย __ย ] up you know so was that devil lady a character in a previous game cuz she just looks bizarre he looks like one of those sleep
Paralysis demons that got painted in like your old school paintings you’ll have no part of me herac bigger they are the more they provide me hey it’s more cellular energy you know in another life they’re like camel humps they burn them to stay warm I prefer this one dearest Tanya she’s
From mythologies of subzero that’s a that’s a quite the reference we must leave quickly Molina wait father h father is it truly you yes Molina this body was created from the living Forest Souls mine was one of them your attack broke the spell that binds us now I am in control
Father you are umari but not Le I replaced her after your death your majesty she left the order rather than accept punishment punishment it was not her fault a discussion for another time father has this always been the thing herac was no that’s that’s new stuff
Right herac has always been like a you demon Legion so her now good okay it has been a thing before was an idea at the ending of MK9 Jared yes cindel it’s me what about all the other souls in him though how I’ve missed you greetings
Jared Liu Kang my friend we meet feel that the the bad guys are a little outnumbered here we once again find ourselves in challenging circumstances and once again we will prevail as always cindal I am yours to Command got Shang sanii and behan oh no actually beh got captured so it’s really just those two right left right how is it they’re unaware that the soul Steelers are shut down we are deep within the mountain from here they couldn’t tell look at them conspiring it is
History we should not be repeating we must take the crown without it he can’t raise more Warriors our odds will improve if we can surround them I’ll distract them while the rest of you there’s two of them you there’s like a dozen of you and you’re all like
Demigods for the for most part you all have special powers you I think you got it P sh or DLC that and they’re not doing what he wanted them BR news from outworld cindel is deposed General sha now rules and yet you are still free to succeed the general needed help on the
Inside I provided it the heir to the throne gives it up willingly it is a burden I’ve never wanted the realm is better left in general they buy this look she’s hot all right that’s all it takes Emperor shes hands the most mature perspective outwild benefits from your wisdom yes Shang Tsung it
Does but not in the manner that you expect like qu but he’s DLC there’s like plent times they done that in the past though a bold Gambit princess it is an impressive display of Gia who knew she was so capable you count yourselves among my doubters what did that even do
That was a terrible Ambush they attacked everyone but quani Shen what was the point I I’ll distract them you guys like move in position and then attack all the stupid statues Oh oh I’m dead they’re going to go for the crunch Too no just like needle in the titty it’s weird that Shang Sun’s all about like injections now he’s turned into like a weird like Kung Fu scarecrow limited not the mo that CH what the media doesn’t want you to know is that that’s how breast implants work or at least a Chinese medicine
Version I’m not stuck with this character your betrayal will be punished do not expect Leen there will be consequences for forsaking outworld he was just helping her with her estrogen oh okay that’s what it was all titties are beautiful even the small well I agree is ended the fight perhaps
Not the battle true until your benefactor is caught the Realms remain threatened who is she sorcerer speak of the devil Liang meet damashi damashi who you are the victim of deception sorcerer you’re not deashi you’re me more correctly you are me a poor fimile anyway made lesser by Liu Kang’s medaling
What’s Happening Here who is he this changsung is whom I battled for The Hourglass I thought him dead as I did you L Kang it turns out our battle released Mammoth energies which ripped apart time’s fabric the fight had two conclusions in one I was the Victor in the other it was you
It was eons before I discovered this once I did I knew the path forward I took this form and infiltrated your timeline I elevated these wretches giving them great power together they seow Discord among the Realms and assembled for me the dragon Army I led them to believe they were aiding my
Conquest of Earth realm and outworld but my intent is to exterminate all life in this timeline and then merge it into my own you promised us Realms now you leave us to slaughter you were PS not Partners the bits by the way your purpose served yeah this is whoes
Sacrificed we served you loyally you the Dragon Crown this this is a toy I do not need it to control the dragon Army only the souls contain in goodby Liu Kang neither you nor your timeline will wa is that evil [ย __ย ] Raiden behind Oh okay it appears our interests align for now know that I trust neither of you I will finish you both at the first hint of treachery wait didn’t he kill those characters DLC Molina what’s wrong I remember he like sucked up a l like shinsung like killed most of the cast except for
Like must stay in control you attack my family I will make you suffer further resistance serves no purpose this timeline will be destroyed okay that’s a different voice act old she get different moves when she’s like this I think she does doesn’t she now she gets that that’s only move she gets all
Right wait why would God demig God Raiden have that little like lightning amulet on his belt that gives him lightning powers he wouldn’t he doesn’t need those when in from that Universe you hav fight left it won’t take don’t worry about I got to worry these are the things I have to talk
About eventually you know this is what happens when you do Multiverse all right only me it only breeds confusion so why did Shang song feel that he needed to like pretend he was chronica to people who didn’t know who chronica was Throw off from Liu Kang and Garis could have been any one though and throwing them off this is the second time Travis willing th have sent more minions he always voices like characters who you know have a little bit of authority you know come forward if you dare I will
Finish what Raiden could Not remember this girl in Mortal Kombat 8 killing the most of the tast because she was so powerful or is it nine whichever one it was I guess this she’s back to that level of power have I talked about seeing the switch version of this game no well
Actually I have heard about it yeah your is to be admired until our last breaths are taken as long as blood flows through our veins we are not beaten Noble sentiments which in the end matter little none of you will leave here Alive Oh it’s so sad to see a child lose her mother if my mother dies she won’t be the only send out I couldn’t really tell which one was which there for a bit also I got to I got to wonder why does Shang Sun want another timeline is he
Not satisfied with having an entire one all to himself he wants to eras L Kang time one cuz he’s a spiteful [ย __ย ] your heart I think you need a little bit more character development than that a little bit more reason to go to all the trouble there’s a thing called the
Amount of effort it takes to do something also if Shang Sun can learn about the other timeline how come when Liu Kang was like the time God for like a billion years he didn’t learn about yo the remaining time whatever you know what we shouldn’t worry too much about
It is that habit forming that stuff mother you can’t go not yet it’s my time dear at least we had a few hours more that c will cherish them I guess Shang Tsung made a big supply of it you are now Empress I’m going to have
A fit if Shen song ends up you’ll beat his evil Shen song I will he’s the main character the the hero we were asking for all will help me you’re not just a con artist Shing s you’re a hero I’ll take that of course father what did you do I
Collected your mother’s Soul it resides Within Me She is safe hurry everyone we must Withdraw sindle and Jared having Soul sex you know they’re doing something kinky in there oh no the army that large among Realms he’ll need a portal yes more than one you will need a Nexus of portal gateways it must be nearby we follow them they will lead us to it agreed but
We cannot strike until Raiden and kungla arrive that the linqu won’t Aid us is unforgivable bihan has corrupted them totally when this crisis ends we will deal with that one this is but the open opening battle in a longer War Titan Shang Tsung has prepared his entire
Timeline for it we cannot match its strength my counterpart said that your battle with him ripped time’s fabric creating two timelines but how do we know that it wasn’t torn further there are two timelines can’t there be more God damn you why the thought experiment sorcerer you said we lack
Strength we might find it in other timelines how godamn you We Gather allies from across timelines other Titans to build an overwhelming Force if they exist you had the worst idea we have no proof that they do we must fight the battle in front of us we can’t stake our Survival on pure
Conjecture if Liu Kang is right the B can you at least bring back the big titty Our Only Hope and Molina from nk9 thoughts on war like stripper outs is possible but as I am only the hourglasses steward such a search is beyond me it can only be undertaken by
The keeper of time and I no longer wield that power you may be able to regain it what how do you mean when you gave up control of the hour glass I worried that one day you would find place that seems that way so rather than let your power dissipate
I collected it to this day it remains safely stored why did you never tell me this because the process of restoring your power is likely irreversible returning to the life you have now as Earth realm’s protector a life you cherish may be impossible and you did not want me
Tempted to make that sacrifice unless it was absolutely necessary correct thank you giris you have saved us with your wisdom now where have you stored my power we must retrieve it it is at the fire temple stored in the Jade Jaguar gifted to you by the great
Kungla oh oh is that the only rence you’re going to get to the ending of the DLC yesus Liu Kang has proven more resilient than anticipated he and his comrades have escaped The Fortress forget the others find Liu Kang he alone threatens my plans how come they couldn’t get the
Actor from the sh from the movie thec I have always treasured the great kung’s gift it reminds me of his meticulous nature and his Generous Heart once we retrieve the Jade Jaguar ref we will proceed to the hour class there we will transfer the temporal power stored within it to you it now
Occurs to could afford John Wick think they car I I would assumed access of those expensive the other yes but I wouldn’t assume it was car could have taken it become Keeper Of Time old is he’s just voicing some lines why because I have faith in your vision for this new
Era I am content to be its Guardian thank you geis but why he’s done nothing but screw up this process you propose you are sure it will restore my power as sure as I can be of one that has been neither you can have someone else do the moap but successful it is
Not guaranteed that you will find any other timelines or Allies they may not exist saying getting screw up I would say like making certain people have shitty lives so they could be manipulated a big mistake your Champions will bolster their strength against the dragon Army it is sure to be the mother
Of all battles may the Elder Gods protect them oh they don’t do anything you know that already mortal chitchat mortal clickbait Deadly Alliance evil Johnny K oh no that’s like y no never mind thought that was Johnny Cage for a second no that’s just the kin cheep wait does he have any evil Johnny Cage is he just incorruptible speaking of my ex was so wrong the 30k I spent on this seems like
A steal right now this magic is incredible not magic your loveliness technology either way it’s clear what must happen next the gateways and the dragon Army have to be destroyed scorpion have you a plan we must divide our forces you Shang Tung quanchi will use your magic to attack the portals as
You do kenhi and Jared will grind down the dragon Army the rest of us will attack our dark doubles if they’re defeated it will hopefully throw the dragon Warriors into disarray an astute strategy truly I could not have devised a better one enough with the empty
Flattery if you want our trust give us actions not words oh he’s he’s got such good smoody faces it is time a Venom will spread it will be the end of all things arm a k yeah I wouldn’t mention that word in Moral Combat after that one
Movie it it was not a good time you want what Go full Kingdom Hearts it’s getting pretty close is over here looking like he’s a little bit out of look at oh no he’s turned into a Warhammer 40K character Almost happened to the Stone Army being unkillable Molina just killed three of them the battle continues Shang song qu with me I for one I’m not pleased we were double crossed it is an Isle I share may I suggest we harness our anger and use it to obliterate My Doppelganger minions
Fight playing Shang huh all right right straight skull ground Skull then we got form stealer oh yeah form stealer Circle Hey remember when Shan sun can turn into every character in the game darigan remembers you cannot thwart me what else have we got uh all right let me try the quick age Mor so this changes your move somewhat right it’s this pair will trouble us no more hm
What’s up base how you doing there are more who acquire our attention what if I missed uh Multiverse [ย __ย ] we’re finding evil usies from like the DLC timeline of the last game more Multiverse oh this is yeah this is this is getting super dumb you’re welcome Sorcerers is it me or is that
Raiden becoming insufferable you are not wrong but it is tomorrow’s problem let us first solve today’s fight time breaking this [ย __ย ] portal aren’t they Uh I guess this is the only chance I’ll have to play as rain in the game so I should play still as form knocked me out of it still wish to fight they couldn’t just do a soft reboot well they yeah well they did that once already how many games do you think
It’ll be for the re boot it again because this one game in they’re already confusing as [ย __ย ] with the Multiverse stuff already said they didn’t want to lock themselves into the set window so they’re not doing a Trilogy before resetting again stop resetting it’s not that difficult it’s it’s Mortal Kombat ain’t
That complicated hell Street Fighter never needed a reset problem solved underestimate how stupid Ed boom is well it’s not that he’s stupid it’s just that he’s very easy to influence by what he’s watching in movies that’s kind of been Mortal Kombat thing is like every single person was
Just him being inspired by a movie character and want to make a video game fighting character of it that he didn’t have the rights to now on to the next I guess he’s been watching a lot of superhero movies wait shouldn’t this be the super powerful y shaon from the original
Universe who would like body these three his life force is feeding the Portal’s energy we kill him we close them permanently Is it like fun bad it’s it’s kind of like fun bad I would say it’s just like you know you can’t help it like give me laugh at it these meddling minions grow tiresome let us finish them Raiden is just cool with that it’s different kind of Raiden you
Know oh wa so which sub wait which scorpion is this is this Hanzo Scorpion or be or like I don’t know which one it’ be at this point twitch being [ย __ย ] again what the [ย __ย ] uh hold on can you guys hear me is Twitch is Twitch screwing up
Again you can’t can hear me oh for some reason my twitch is like frozen so I need to refresh as well it buffered for only a few seconds yeah but I on my screen it was like not moving so I need to check it again just to be sure okay we’re all good
Then I was never gone I’ve never left you chat I’m always here four to five days a week all F you’re in apparently twitch either my internet or twitch has been messing up tonight I have had a lot of Internet issues recently well some well really just for like two days
Be lost without you you would be lost with such guidance as like [ย __ย ] dick suck I’m a font of Wisdom imagine paying for advice from someone they’re just like yeah [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] they just have nothing but seizure advice where the most drink meal shitty toilet there you go baby charge $10 for you just got to find how to Market it you so much for Fire and Ice I’m [ย __ย ]
You [ย __ย ] you Ed bone in you’re writing is a game fun to play it’s all right I’m not a big fighting game of fish and AO there’s only so much I can tell you if it’s a good fighting game or not it animates well and I’m able to pull off
Combos in it are you hurt I’ve never been better fools your spell worked before only because you surprised me it won’t happen again can’t wait for a gaming wins video in this I love gaming wins like hey what about me I I dude I not deserve I’m the gaming sin guy though you
Are am I I now I’m wiing am I maybe I’m not I mean I literally gave gaming wins advice when he was first starting his channel so hey don’t right gaming winds is cool I feel like people are liking him more than me at least in my own chat betrayal it’s walking
That does that mean you’re the Godfather of sins uh sure why not I am Mr Game s finally someone does the reasonable [Applause] thing feel Good Shing have be foro no one like trapped all of the other Realms in this timeline are safe never forget Raiden that we risked Our Lives to perform this service one that wouldn’t have been needed if you hadn’t conspired with the other Shang Tsung they will fight to the last
Man come we must help the Others the same voider as vampire dude in Boulders Gates is it are you ready to begin the search ready enough May there be other timelines and Titans to Find how did Liu Kang miss this big magical Hourglass in the middle of his Temple Gus Liu Kang easy Katana you are among friends what’s happened where am I a Long Way from Home in a different timeline to be precise what are you also a a keeper of time yes both of us how is that possible the battle for Chronicles hourglass ripped
Apart time’s fabric where there once was one timeline there are now many each new timeline represents a different possible outcome of that battle in mine I became times Keeper in yours it was you in others it could be Jade cindel hoping you get a video for this oh most certainly the possibilities are
Endless if many timelines sprung from one and we were both part of it then you are you are my L Kang the same one who battled you in shang’s Courtyard who fought at your side at the Coliseum who beamed with pride when you became outworlds con Why does fate seem always to conspire against us to deny us life Simple Pleasures I don’t know perhaps in one of the many timelines they are ours CH you now aware that luk Kang has been like waiting a couple billion years to like get kissed again I know you well
Enough to know better dude’s been pinned up what Duty beckons us I will tell you but first we must gather more of our old friends Shang a Titan wielding the power of The Hourglass yes kungla he is a threat to all time Raiden what the [ย __ย ] happened
You not yet aware of any Beyond his and Liu Kang’s you’re looking like the guy who just sells like cars to people I V rep would end the endless cycle of combat sadly it begins a new we have no choice we must stop shangu the millions in my White Lotus Society will
Aid us if needed thank you my friends he is here Liu Kang you have found allies in fact oh for [ย __ย ] sake it’s twitched dead again God damn it all right Chad you know the drill tell me when twitch is working and you hear me back now what what is going on Twitch twitch work with me swear it’s I only
Need you to like work on that’s all I ask of you is to perform your service can you do that for me huh good yes it’s good now I’m just making sure just making sure could I have been so blind of course our timelines aren’t the only two Retreat to yours shangom your
Attempt to merge timelines has failed yes your comrades proved most resourceful thus I have resigned myself to Simply destroying your timeline knowing that others exist to conquer makes that Choice much more palatable once I destroy your hourglass your timeline will cease to exist kind of weird this like God time
God Shang song decided to wear the same like y needle injection needle gauntlets that yo of this of this newer sh this is a bit weird is that all there I believe so hey GIS can actually die from what I remember of him so I don’t think we need
To be you find how I remember I know what you’ll do before you do it likewise let’s hope our advantage proves decisive fight oh finally liuk Kang chap dra there we on MC flame okay low Dragon Dragon’s Tail can you not do the bicycle kick anymore I guess that replaces it
He doesn’t do the anymore though which I miss why not sther back to your timeline look at the full control list what do you mean yeah it’s like you know Punch Kick all in the Rhythm look I’m not worried about being a master you get the fireball again okay Cosmic
Flame B they saved it for this okay never mind cease this how I’ve missed Fighting by katana’s side I haven’t been this hard in new let’s rip the I got ask why was a big plan to get like other versions of ourselves and they just have the same
Abilities mine is no better you should meet mine she’s a vast Improvement I’d like that should we survive this battle Fight these are evil matrix versions yep is no but our big plan to like beat Shang slung like let’s get other vessels and they just have the same abilities so at most we get like one extra person for each person in our team to play them
See the F pick I’m working on for rence Li K became the dominant personality L Fusion BEC a death God honestly not too bad actually oh [ย __ย ] are you the best Shang song can do it has begun God you’re such [ย __ย ] nerds over there nether realm K we must stop them if The Hourglass is emptied this timeline will be destroyed wait what that’s how it works youal quickly my friend this battle ends with your timeline
Obliterated your final moments will be torture and pain I do not fear your wa why does he have like God eyes when he’s not a god far more wait I guess I guess evil Shang son made all them demig gods clone well well it’s a clone fight yeah
But I mean and it’s got It’s a different character different timeline it’s time to break my mirror image you’re surprised how much the story mode skips on G yeah they save that for the vitalities it’s there there like otherwise there’s only like one like kind of edgy scene with like the fles pit
Nice he enslaved his God your timeline Brothers we have little time The Hourglass is failing then let us end this now be good girls and kill them won’t you as you command shangu Katana and I will fight them you save The Hourglass yes lookang fool you cannot save
It I don’t know which of them is worse both are cracked reflections of me they are Abominations neither will survive this fight fight to be honest this liuk Kang kind of liked an evil Abomination Katana he was he was he spent more time with her than any normal Katon when you think about
It so he should actually be like you know I really like the evil version of you bit more okay it doesn’t count chat let me get my right now youve do you think they’ll ever find a katana and Molina like character model that they like they stick with cuz I
Think they’ve changed it every game haven’t they never they keep experimenting once Shang song is finished you will be two does anyone have the idea to kick the evil Shing song in the nuts so he just stops his evil beam that’s what Johnny would do you damn well know it
This isn’t over luk Kang wait you know this all powerful time God changsung ain’t that impressive thank you everyone for your Aid this battle was won together Shang Tsung is gone but he’s not defeated he will be back to renew his campaign not only against this timeline but against
All timelines our choice is clear we must take the fight to him all Titans destroy any power he has to make war against us oh that’s what it was he he went got evil tit is likely already Gathering allies as I gathered you we must best his efforts assemble an
Overwhelming Army from across all timelines stop Ed just Stop we must assemble an overwhelming Army but only from the characters in this game though we have to like completely ignore all the other Legions of Mortal Kombat characters that have ever Existed this oh okay what what you got to choose who’s going to do the final battle I got oh [ย __ย ] I got 20 seconds [ย __ย ] uh Raiden one oh [ย __ย ] you pick right up yeah you get different endings depending on who it is I was actually thinking Johnny
Cage wait that actually is the Armageddon pyramid from that Mortal Kombat Armageddon isn’t it so they’re now redoing Armageddon again at this point no the thing that they had to first start rebooting From No Where to run Shang thong nowhere to hide we have banded together to rid all
Timelines of your evil the threat you pose to them ends today such certainty Liu Kang that this battle will end in your favor it can end no other way because across all timelines the Ark of History bends toward Justice how would you actually even get like a good sh back
There in this timeline it bends toward me so what are the Elder Gods doing all this by the way no one’s bothered Consulting them upon you kind wonder what Johnny Cage did after became evil oh they got Jack evil Jackson you know Kos on you there oh something about you know his face
There uh qu’s face there there was something very off about it [Applause] you know I’m pretty sure sh Chung’s Army had the advantage since they were already on top and we had to run up it so wait is this like normal ridden from the beginning of the game or is
This no this yeah this is like the regular human ridden I will scor your fles fight how could this like version of Raiden like fight Titans then stop stop stop kind of Forgotten Raiden’s move wait wait is that Baraka doing scorpions I didn’t really notice that until
First well maybe not he just shoots out his back no it’s a scorpion move he doesn’t do this the line the oh only one fight I want at the end of this like this Raiden does the like the time message again like a n he must win fight oh it’s
Kingan all right what was my electric fly again I don’t understand why there’s fusions of characters now these like how do they get like character fusions the last few fights are mixed M of pass they’re all random sometimes you can fight cameos Like oh we got Elder Gods protect me fight sub oh No Just Subzero sexy subzero Multiverse anything is possible he know sign and this son isn’t voiced by Rell Either I can’t wait to drench myself with your lizard Queen okay it’s kind of funny I’ll give it that hey noon MIM Johnny no he’s going to do the sunglasses line how will it feel to be cancelled fight scream demon wait is this female Johnny Cage combined with Y the Y Angel
Lady this is a Lamer version of Big Trouble in Little chant same we’ve never gotten a game base on that franchise oh it’s oh it’s those guys remember them allow the combat K to thank you Katana you’re welcome now hurry there’s no time to waste my Godly might will strike you down Fight this is no this is kind of awkward isn’t it [ย __ย ] yeah I keep forgetting I can do that too so has someone put together a video clip of like every single permutation that you can face here yet my thunder will take you wait I thought he was on our side
Fight so what is this does he like smokeing Johnny Cage or what there’s a near infinite amount of combination though well at least this Johnny won’t be giving any quips cuz he’s a mine he has to be silent oh no no no why did I stop attacking when you do that I don’t
Know data mining shows Kung Jin and Cassie are coming as DLC eventually assist Mew why would all these other like time God like versions of the characters listen to the Shang song’s order though they’re just as powerful right what test your might uh-oh going to do it Again it kills her though when happens to her though off to bed hey Jim you have a good name man yeah I got about 20 minutes left really game you all right game you good hurry Raiden you are almost there I will defeat you fight
Mac and who I know lady crossed I guess Ma and everyone gets an as shot oh that’s not good fight CTO storm game good you know what it’s entertaining me it’s goofy as [ย __ย ] I guess they maybe they intentionally wanted it to have be movie charm CU that’s really what they seems
Like they’re going for uh the M Multiverse stuff is goopy and stupid but whatever it’s a fighting game I can I don’t have to take it too seriously whoever made this game definitely watched in game but yeah well yeah that’s Ed Boon he’s always putting movies into whatever he’s making Follow your defenses have failed failed shung this is over I do not think so realize sorcerer and you’ve brought this on yourself twitch has been messing up so there might be some issues have again proved your undoing we have no choice but to eradicate you it is you who will be
Eradicated you and your followers and once you are dead all timelines will be mine Oh we’re just doing The Deadly Alliance thing now AR we going break his neck again or they [Applause] a got a big snake your position is precarious to survive you must submit yes the question you must ask is if Liu Kang couldn’t finish us how possibly could you fight oh I don’t have a helper this is not going good now question Titan Shang Song extended
His role to all Realms in all timeline no one would ever dare challenge him again rematch to survive you must submit yes the question you must ask is so could finish us how possibly could you fight fight close clutch and they called me the chosen one you honor me Liu
Kang may I finish this you have done more than enough please permit me to end this finish him that’s it D may that be the last we see of you what’s happening timeline without saying soon to hold it together it’s falling apart we must return to your timeline before this one
Collapses thank you for your Aid raen may we one day meet Again I’m telling you the location we found here are money I mean look at this don’t the rainbow colors on these mountains just scream outworld I cannot believe you’ll be telling our story about how we defeated sh making the Mortal Kombat well the studio thinks it’s fiction not fact but I don’t care
As long as it’s covering the budget I assume you’ll be the star nope I’m behind the camera writing and directing time to let someone younger and prettier Take the Lead You know I’ve written in parts for all of you if you want them us on screen I mean they’re
You get to get the soundtrack Johnny this uping band called The Immortals thank you Johnny but we must decline but Raiden the new initiates arrive tomorrow we must return to the woi to begin their instruction of course you are right what about you Takahashi I need a blind swordsman
And no actor can do what you do we got that guy from Kung Fu on board but my work to revive the Tyra is starting to pay off I can’t let up now well I know better than to ask you your plate is always full indeed Johnny Cage which is why I
Must now depart off to outworld to advise the empress between her father and her sister Molina is receiving receiving plenty of good advice and with the sorcerers and the general imprisoned there are few threats to a rule please play the Techno theme that is copyright
Out the ass I am simply Shoring up our defenses as you know bean and his linqu have abandoned their roles as Earth realm’s Guardians his brother Quang has agreed to build a new Clan the sharai rayu to take its place I must go he decided to be Japanese is there anything
We can do not yet but I will call upon all Johnny yeah was fine Madame Bo once again you have served an excellent meal that’s kind of you to say enjoy the rest of your evening I want her to be like a secret villain and thank you all of you you have served
Well as Earth realm’s Champions no Liu Kang thank you joining up with you really has changed the arcs of our lives I am glad all right gentlemen if you’re finished there’s only one thing left to do which one of you gets the bad news not me I’m still 3 mil in the hole
On sento how uh Thick’s your wallet Takahashi thick enough but seems to me our hosts are on the hook they did invite us you think we have money the it looks like it’s just drinking tea it can’t be that D don’t worry I’ve this covered besides
My business manager tells me I can write this whole thing off the Realms are in safe hands and the Sequel that was a really [ย __ย ] final F what that was an incredibly [ย __ย ] Final Fight by I guess the entire final fight was supposed to be the you know journey of the Tower uh but just like uh you just fight like one round against shinsung C my BL imortal open a portal I
You out of order your head in your torso I murder your you got a death wish my spin I’m watching them get spit you ain’t going to block all right what’s your writing this music is a pro credits I always watch the credits so you guys don’t have to
Worry when just license the the Mortal Kombat song crying out loud they didn’t get the mortal they’ve used that in a trailer for the previous game they don’t have I don’t think they’ve ever used it in a game uh yeah I mean it’s all right gameplay wise but wow that story was
[ย __ย ] but I went knew expecting to the plot to be crap s is okay better than 21 Savage B movie uh probably a c movie honestly the previous game was the B Movie I feel like there was actually less effort put into that PL here’s to another good points but too much here
Another what do you mean the store had Megan Fox and oh yes Megan Fox SL better uh yeah the multi-time vers [ย __ย ] no thank you please please don’t keep that going anymore also just like Hello here we go all right big reveal who’s it going to be I had to turn my head upside down ah look at him clinging to life even now he struggles ice Che everyone who fought today did so fiercely had I not been here for it I would have thought it
Impossible Warriors from across timelines clashing in comat the blood the death the chaos yes Lord Havoc it’s unfortunate it all ended so fast you love the story except for the ending the next time it won’t but he’s the new villain this this jobber Havoc yes zombie man final felt
Like the cosplayers at a ComiCon having a drunk bar Marvel has brain roted Executives desperate for money end up making everything a Cinematic Universe and Multiverse uh true to it agree I mean they made Marvel made a [ย __ย ] ton of money off doing that so I can’t I’m not
Surprised everyone else wants to copy of that success but it really is not something everyone can do cuz one it’s expensive and two just everyone can’t give that much attention to everything this is the original Havoc who is God a chaos uh like I don’t even know who that
Is was he like a the final villain of w the previous Mortal Kombats so since they went through multiple timelines was one of these timelines they would have been going through the one that Raiden reset in Mortal Kombat 9 which also at two time I’m know what you can’t make sense of
This [ย __ย ] so don’t even bother it’s like the answer is always going to be a big yes but no you just want the Techno them to be here for us I wish it were but they’ll quote that movie endlessly but they don’t want to use the music from it cuz that cost Money to be fair the story would have been [ย __ย ] even without a Multiverse I mean yeah but it didn’t have to be Terri didn’t have to be so goddamn like uh but yeah whatever Havoc is like another Shon like like I said I’ve I have a vague idea of who the final
Villains were and usually like every Mortal Kombat like I played one through four and then like I think five was uh five was deadly Deadly Alliance right one where at shinsung and Y kwani then you have like the dragon lord guy then like some burning blaze guy for like
Eight and then youo 9 10 11 Havoc is basically shaon if he had less ego people even play these games with the dumb story mode well obviously people play through it once and then they focus on the multiplayer or like just you whatever Havoc was never a final villain okay so
He’s not that as important as I don’t know he was just a dude like so many other Dudes so many characters to keep track of timeline Raiden reset was the original timeline that broke into the that many timelines let’s watch the tower endings uh like I said I need to see the fatalities you beat Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 50 goddamn hours now wait till
You try out Val Valhalla which is like twice as long even longer if you want to do the DLC you think Havoc likes anime if anyone lives long enough and has a to it they will eventually watch enime fatalities is next that’s the plan you’re good with valalo then what
About the new one coming out in like a month where do Kratos and the ter yeah why didn’t they bring any of the DLC characters into the into the Multiverse battle where’s Robocop and Terminator and everyone else just started watching those vods the other day and woof uh which vods is
It oh Assassin’s Creed yeah that’s a lot of videos though Assassin’s Creed Vall it’s it’ll be fun for you to watch it because you’ll see my demeanor quickly go from being like Oh okay okay and then just like by the end of it just like please [ย __ย ] kill me just [ย __ย ] end
It put a bullet in every orb as I have each character has two vitalities yeah they’re easy to pull out there right you just hit a button now excited for Assassin’s Creed Mirage cuz we finally get to play as an assassin in an Assassin’s Creed game
Again how long has that been since that was the case when was Assassin’s Creed uh uh yo limey release whatever that’s called put on the background while I do things oh yeah that’s a pretty good way of watching a live stream can’t wait to buy this game on sale and play Tekken eight
Instead that’s a man who knows how to save money right there it’s been eight years since we had a real Assassin’s Creed game to be I don’t to be fair Assassin’s Creed Origins despite being the one that started the current RPG Assassin’s Creed still had a lot of the original
Assassin’s Creed in it I think that was probably like the last one you could probably consider that at least felt like it to a degree you’re off to bed a raar Roi you have a good night man REO probably always mispronounce your name and I Apologize been eight year but uh yeah we’ll see I’ll I’ll wait I mean I know it’s going to be [ย __ย ] I don’t care what kind of game you’re play like I’m not going to like it I don’t trust ubis at all so did Raiden yell Santa Monica at
Least once in this game I’m not familiar with this meme you’re referencing is he known for yelling Santa Monica I just known he’s known for Consulting the Elder Gods which did not happen once sadly to say how did you like Marvel combat 1 uh gameplay wise it was fine I
Felt for a fighting game story-wise all over the goddamn place it felt like fanfiction it honestly did the the game’s plot felt like it was written by a fan who just like was posting it on the internet and they just like copy pasted it the endless quoting of like movie
Endless like goofy [ย __ย ] happening and it’s like it’s like this is like fan work fan wake material I feel like fanfiction is a lost art chat you don’t hear people talk about it as much anymore I mean it’s still out there I think we like it got pushed
Underground how would you compare MK1 story mode to MK9 and even Tekken sevens I’ve never played a teking game I only know it’s like there’s a guy keeps getting dropped off the cliff uh MK how would I compare to MK MK9 was well I feel like MK9 was you know at
Least more constrained and it was like only resetting one timeline not doing Multiverse [ย __ย ] and at least it was an interesting idea to like reset all redo Mortal Kombat 1 2 and three all in one go and try to like Rectify that so I would say I probably give it to that one
Not that the writing in that was good particular but at least I could follow it all not very good but you’re writing it oh you have to like send me a copy you still write fanfic damn it well I’m glad you’re keeping the Lost Art alive all agree that the plots in these
Games are stupid as [ย __ย ] I mean yeah they are well I think everyone agrees on that but there can be moments that are still good it’s actually really hard to write a plot I feel for a fighting game when all you can do is make characters like
Resolve everything by having a Kung Fu battle it kind of does get in the way of you actually writing anything cohesive so when are you going to One V one me bro I’m messing with you you’re not messing with me no I mean I’m winning right now cuz I’m the one with the
Microphone like look I can declare myself the Victor I won oh takes for Me let’s say you were the writer for this game what do you think the plot should have been uh one I would have gone with what they they seem like they were suggesting they were going to do at the end of the DLC which is like an actual like prequel set
Back in the first Mortal Kombat tournament that seemed like it might have had potential you could have had an entirely new cast of characters but you don’t have to like rush through to like get you know information out like I I’m this character and this is my name and
This is what I’m all about and you could do more interesting stuff with that so I would have done that that would have been brave you wouldn’t have been able to use all your legacy characters that people know and love but would have been interesting that’s what I would have done why Not looking for Peak storytelling this is the wrong well no I looked for like gooiness and like at least cohesive gooy gooiness too there’s it there’s a there’s a difference between just like be movie and then be movie that’s you know I don’t know it’s hard to describe it
Actually I mean I do feel like they were trying to embrace the be movie nature of it though I will give them that uh it didn’t make me laugh uh the second half of the game though was like lesser less so once they got into all the Multiverse stuff it’s
Like you’re dipping you’re dipping bro how do you feel about flashbacks cuts to show characters and circumstances being discussed versus long protracted walking talking SC both of them are usually pretty bad uh usually I’m always against less flashbacks and like if you can you get away with none don’t use any of them
It’s far quicker to just mention something if you need to get some like Fast information out of the way and if you must use it make it extremely short you consider doing a stream of Tekken 7 for its throw mode I mean sure I’ll consider it I I know almost nothing
About it so I’ll probably be completely lost hold on this music sounds familiar uh true you do have the mic but I want to see you fight Kate in Mortal Kombat I I mean neither of us are probably like what you would consider good at fighting
Games my man oh my God I [ย __ย ] you [ย __ย ] love me well thank you I’m glad we share opinions uh but that’s just like writing like creative writing 101 it’s better to always show instead of tell people so and usually like a flashback is just a form of telling sometimes flashbacks are
Necessary if you have something that did happen in the past but they’re not there’re still ways around it should have had either Onaga or the one being the one being I’m not sure who that is I know who Onaga is one being don’t know maybe they could just have a new
Character be the villain [ย __ย ] love you too Dad look at all this love I’m getting in tonight CH I don’t know what I did it’s probably just cuz I would like grunt out cuss words during tonight like [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] ass by bananas that’s all it takes chat just ultimate Randomness that’s the
Multiverse version of Me by the way he just likes has you know spurgers just Ys random stuff I should do a Multiverse hases anyone tried to do the idea of a Multiverse stream just have different personalities that come in at one point or another m I’ll be the first CH Multiverse
Streamer I had to like constantly be changing outfits though you think crispy K cream in the Mortal Kombat universe is spelled with c’s I think so actually yes usually it’s only if it’s like uh yeah it’s if if it’s a c sound no if it’s a c yes so [ย __ย ] spell with they
Came cake spell with they came cat I don’t think so the British D again there is a British D there’s a there’s a multinational darigan out there tell don’t show can work sometimes I Quin Indianapolis story uh there is a time and place for everything yes but
Generally you want to keep as much as you can to be shown it’s always far more it’s a far easier way of building a connection with the the audience versus telling people telling people they people sometimes just like zone out if they’re being told
Stuff I do have to say this game for the most part ran really well by the way at least for Me thoughts on Darius he didn’t have a single line in the game he was just there and I never played a game with him in it I don’t believe so I don’t even know what he’s About any more cut scenes thank you for being a fan seasonal content you defended the new era from shengsong but your adventure has just begun invasions will take you on you a single player journey across the Realms Combat League will test your mic I just want to see the I just want
To see uh uh you you should yeah fatalities we got here we go it is time chat time to get gruesome all right who should we start with uh let’s start with a Katana Katana reptile K Zia blade let make it easy to see get to what we really came here for
Welome to fatality brightness learn the inputs and the correct distance for each fatality finish Him F Talent kitan wins Flawless victory right she has two right how do you select the other what wait do they all have two fatales cuz that me let me see I’m a girl and I’m allowed to say it what did you hey Sona looks like well you’re allowed to say Florence
PUK finish him is it so she only has the one everyone has two how do I get her to use the other one you have to look the second one up they don’t they don’t teach you fatality all right yeah I’m going to need someone to bring out the list of
The second fatality so I can like pull them off I I’ll wait we’ll get don’t worry chat we have trained men looking for the list right now I think you need to unlock you need to unlock it if that’s the case we only get to see one from
Each you’re in the second one through upgrading okay we have to look you’ll have to look those up on YouTube Then all the cameos also the cameos also have fatalities all right let’s Melina Repti Goro Jack hanging gens uh down down back Circle close well okay well I kind of Switched Off if someone said I had to unlock them first finish Here fatality these are the the shorter ones too that you Victory all right uh what about uh Molina’s second one we’ll try that see if we can use it down forward back X close on Molina I [Applause] don’t fatality M wins Flawless Victory all right let’s go back and check out Katana is the one he this loading in for the character select is a little long all right what what was katana’s other one repti yeah we’re going to be giving yo reptile the business over and
Over again chat because he has green blood Cyrax fro a mansion down down back Circle Cliffs finish Him oh her classic one fatality yo do I see ass I see ass Flawless Victory ZX just blows up the whole planet for his fatality how do you do the their the fatalities for the those guys what I miss the ending of the game and now we’re checking out fatalities da reptile Cyrax
Striker Call of Duty guy Tomb of the Dragon Army sounds like a location of like legend of the Hidden Temple you can start by entering the Tomb of the Dragon Army all right Finish fatality is a o fatality Danel Flawless victory that was a neat one see reiko’s fatality yeah we’ll get to him what’s the other with fatality for this ladyy finish him back forward down triangle close or mid all right [Applause] oh him from the wrong direction fatality Daniel Flawless Victory there’s no kids watching right now right Cyrax Cameo fatality Annihilation okay uh someone have uh you know if you can save your keep those out the the list I’m guessing you got a list of them on you and we’ll do those
Too right uh we’ll do that after we see the list of all these characters though reptile who cares I’m a responsible adult I’ll have youus dark cotton Colony lesbian Tanya loves to deep throat people how long were you holding on to that one Finish he just Blends him and Mak Jello fatality rain WIS Flawless victory Reigns fatality 2 down forward okay thank you down forward back see I got two people feeding me fatalities chat the mid distance for Backpacks you think anyone ever watching this is like dude he was dead in the first second what was the rest point of the rest of that CH this is the kind of like footage real someone would put together so they can show to Congress to prove that video games are like bad for
Children all right uh we will now do these I can’t do sh Shang song obviously but we’ll doile Serena darus Temple of Kavala finish him that’s a Great a little Dum General how would that not tear the skin off his own arm if he swinging around that fast John Ford Back Square mid distance how was the skeleton screaming without y skin or vocal cords at that point don’t worry about it man finish him okay
Sh no don’t give me your Victory CL shall WIS why would they do that when you’re like trying to practice vitality down forward Back Square right down forward Back Square okay I was I was in mid stop it stop General sh WIS he spinning them a circle the inside the circle moves
Slowly a centrifical force would have an effect as suppose but I think his arm would come become dislocated as well guard is always mid that’s my goal Finishing fatality General sha wins Flawless Victory you know back in the middle know middle Mortal Kombat like one and two in 3 days there’s no easy you had to like get these things were passed around at school chat the fatality inputs they were like a closely guarded secret like
Your friends were like hey man I got the down low one you want to know what Scorpion’s Fatality is you had to like know people if you wanted to like do it like you you talk about it in hush Whispers hell you had to enter a blood and gore
Code into the first game if you’re playing on Sega Genesis so I I so I do remember like like it took a while before I ever saw all the the fatalities in there original game cuz you just had to like keep finding the people who knew them who would learn them from someone
Else repti you were a Killer Instinct Chad I didn’t know it a Super Nintendo so never got a chance with that one Goro the Gateway pick a r pick a rtim I can’t talk pick a victim with red blood like I said if I if I never end up using any of
These in footage or plus I I just safer to use reptile for this all right everyone knows it all Right plus this guy has a good face for it po your queen fatality cindel wins he’s a good guy in this game remember sell’s fertility two back forward back mid uh what’s the button inut you put like a number there back forward mid triangle back forward back triangle sure about this
One mid to far distance Okay fatality cindel WIS Flawless Victory good let didn’t mean to like switch to again [ย __ย ] I’ve SE both of them you know what actually give me kano’s fatality real quick how do I do Kos while I’m here go you wish that were you why is Kano here isn’t he dead this
Is he’s like a they have a Multiverse but this is like he’s a sidekick carrier you didn’t look it up back down forward Cameo mid-range all right So he just does gold one cindel wins Flawless victory the classics chat you know they totally didn’t rip that out of your temple of do right uh rikos riko reptile all right we’ll start doing uh these as well while we’re doing this so we’ll see what Darius is looks like frost the flesh
Pce this game has more Edge than it’s Mortal Kombat that’s all it’s ever had that’s was it Silling Point finish Him okay that one was pretty yeah that was pretty nasty REO win frosses here as a cameo not an actual fighter back down down Circle close okayo finishing Oh okay rikos are pretty nasty what a SP rage I’m noticing Victory all right let’s see darius’s anyone got darius’s this this mystery character has been throughout the game that had no lines but they animated a fatality for finish him oh wait someone has to look it up I guess
Reiko is such a loser why does he have cool fatalities like I said they like to try to revive some old classic characters down back forward Cameo mid okay thank you that wasn’t quite it finish Him okay clearly the The Cameo winds aren’t that impressive right WIS Flawless Victory they’re they’re a little on the like okay we don’t have that big of a Budget all right let’s see smoke did we actually control smoke at any point in the game we didn’t did we that’s kind of weird like you did all the other good guy characters well we you also didn’t really control gas either smoke reptile that was darius’s deception fatal I still remember Quan’s fatality
In four where he just rips your leg off and like beats you to death with it repeatedly Serena Frost the hour and me and my friends laughing at that over and over again all right finish Him fatality they do anything with Sonia’s character in this game no she’s not playable Victory uh actually she’s not in it at all is she other than like a reference here and there down forward back triangle any distance finish Him fatality smoke WIS Flawless game sucks wow and now we need that whatever the name was appreciate all the Cameo fatalities are their classic ones definitely tame compared to the more recent ones hey back in the day when they they came out though I was like you
See this [ย __ย ] all right we need uh serenas uh demon back down back cameo mid-range Dam it’s hard to guess where the mid-range is sometimes smoke wins it’s weird that you didn’t play a smoke at any point during the campaign I think that smok’s deception fatality finish him all right so back
Down back mid oh come on that was mid-range I built maybe that was far range I smoke doesn’t like Noob cybot usually have like the most brutal and disturbing like uh fatalities from what I always remember finish come on sure this is correct back down back you know think
Smoke maybe get me get a little closer finish him take a step back from where you start that’s mid okay I’m not mid enough I will be smoke smoke one smoke weed every day all right so back down back yeah that is clearly not it I think I’m want to move on
Smoke want to move on from her well we’ll give it one more sh I can’t find the right distance whatever smoke WIS let’s get some other fatalities is going back down back that’s what I was doing but I can’t find the right distance for it all right scorpion scorpion reptile Cyrax Frost
Fortress back forward down square is that for Cyrax or someone else it’s back down down Cameo oh finish him come here fatality scorpion wins Flawless Victory good one what’s the second one what’s the second one finish him back forward back uh triangle Mid oh it’s all it’s a Multiverse scorpions yeah that was a good one fatality scorpion wins Flawless victory all right let’s see cyra’s now finish him this is based off IM Mortal Combat 3 Vitality where the screen goes black oh thyrox came Annihilation forward back forward mid-range another mid-range huh Oh the blow of the world went billions dead well that’s actually the most devastating fatality of all Flawless Victory billions died there chat bombs were those that’s not a fatal that’s a suicide the little dramatic well Mortal Kombat 3 is the one where they went really goofy with the fatalities from
What I recall of it uh um did you win I mean he’s a robot they can rebuild him Sub Zero reptile all right Kano Kano FR treasure chamber finish him this going to feel really bad for reptile he was a good boy you know fatality Subzero WIS flawless
Victory let it go let it go I’m one with the wind and sky back down Circle close Distance oh they got the idea of like what oh well normally it’s the you freezing your tongue to it but he did his entire brainal Subzero WIS Flawless Victory all right we need did I I did kano’s already never mind I forgot I already saw His whoops okay who’s next and murdering people makes a dude thirsty all right reptile versus oh finally reptile all right four reptile over all right we will have reptile kill someone else Johnny Cage all right Sonia son blade I can only guess her is going to be where she
Like blows a kiss and sets someone on fire I think chamber kind of fitting out having son you do that to Johnny as Well yeah I don’t blame you for spitting out Fatality and so just comes up like yeah my husband Flawless Victory some characters are support only yep forward down back X close thank you finish that wasn’t it I did it Wrong reptile finish weon back X is making me do a tail Spin reptile any Vore fetishes in chat you honestly expect someone to answer truthfully finish are you sure this is right cuz it’s not working son looks like she has a fanny pack on that she’s just doing her classic outfit you know she was the Camy of Mortal
Kombat I swear I’m hitting forward down back X reptile WS am I on I’m on a I’m using a PS4 controller savior finish H close can be a bit finicky I don’t want to be too close sometimes fin for down back front kick it us I know we’ll give it a few more
Tries finish I don’t know don’t know how to kick no that’s the kick one just for know it’s probably a very sensitive like play here to be standing uh give me Sonia we’ll go ahead and look at hers finish oh wait no did it here that’s not close fatality reptile wins Flawless Victory
All right now we need sonas d a pretty good one like that I can hear him like softly chunting Johnny in the backround back forward down cameo mid-range I got wait for Sonia to recharge now stand on the Square that’s mid-range that seems like pretty back range fality reptile wins Flawless Victory
Good that’s a SP they had they had a Daughter all right Raiden it’s your time Raiden reptile and yeah okay now we’re going to have seor sector Frost the Gateway he’s a man of peace chat he just wears you like a belt fatality raen win Flawless Victory down forward Back Square mid four four finish Him fatality raiding win Flawless Victory no Dead overkill name one that isn’t every one of them has someone dying in like four different ways at the very Li very limit all right now we need seor back forward back Cameo okay that was a good one fatality just like win Flawless victory that’s when you kill someone after you get your engineering Degree hydraulic press that that could be some saw level stuff okay tally halfway through it now with the luu Kang L Kang reptile and frost time Frost Frost get a bit quicker once we get through the cameos as well can someone Boop someone in the nose to death I mean no one’s ever
Attempted Finish fatality l k wins Flawless Victory he’s a man of peace chat man of peace and pieces back for back triangle close distance you say finish him another one of These too close too close finish him not triangle what is it then oh it’s X this is a lot of work to put into killing a man fatality Li Kang wins like Victory Steven Hawkings Vitality all right we need Frost flushed MF Mar well the numbers MF the numbers MF the numbers MF back down back can you [Applause] fatality kind of adorable that he leaves the skin extremities yes I said Adorable all right John here the moment we’ve been waiting for it Johnny Cage he always has some good ones reptile all right and Jax ja Frost the powerg glass I’m a psycho look sometimes a death especially a violent one can be adorable finish I really do wish they would have
Put Johnny in the marble combat y your combat suit the entire game should have just stayed dressed like this talk about Talent meet Hollywood’s newest Star they always give Johnny and it’s proy the best ones they fality Johnny Cage wins Flawless Victory like you know what no star put your face
Into the s mid to far forward down back Circle thank you not the lambo vroom vroom the toasty and boom fatality Johnny Cage wins y Johnny Cage still has the best ones uh down for down Cameo far for ja’s finish him this is like this is like K you from calling it to
Mates fatality Johnny Cage wins Flawless Victory how do you do that Chad how you get big all right Kong Lao Kung Lao reptile and Cyrax or I mean Striker Striker fortunately I can’t see all the other ones because I have to unlock them FR treasure wouldn’t it be cool if they
Gave the women Jack’s fatality yeah wouldn’t it if you had big women just stepping on you finish him it’s just a flesh W right all right that was to be expected with Kung fatality close distance back down onx finish Him that’s a risky one cuz I can go right through him fatality W I’m beginning to think like 90% of every person is intrs and skeleton chat based off how like the biology of Mortal Combat Characters are they’ve got that chainsaw man biology actually all right let’s see what Strikers looks like Uh forward down forward Cameo midrange And Striker is a guy again he’s just a cop from what I know of him then again so is RoboCop Cop like of you at least plant some crack on him first all right they haven’t brought Striker back since MK9 have they wonder why all right uh let’s lame me lame me reptile and our final one of these I have Mr Goro they got motaro Shinko
Kungla oh the older kungla and I guess other Subzero and a classic scorpion Goro Frost Tre chamber Serena we’ll go back to try her Serena yeah I kind of forgot about her if I can make it work Finish okay that one’s good boom like happy Festival firework y’ victory well damn Al B all right back four down Circle close thank you finish Him I should use a nipple twister move this is what I was like when I was doing that my little brother oh but he that didn’t happen to him though fatality Le they wins Flawless Victory the purple nerle all right Goro’s fatality finish him back forward down Cameo close R tality Le May WIS Flawless Victory there’s still telling one more Cameo since we get get pull out that one ladies I like the little cute squirrel they have in the foreground there that I just not noticed all right uh kenchi Ki reptile and yeah we’ll see this Serena ladies Serena Frost Temple
Ofala Finish like they did it slow to make him watch balls first can she wins Flawless Victory back down Back Square mid thank you CBT Mr Freeman CBT is the administration of pain to the genital region otherwise known as genal for he slap chopped him fatality can she wins Flawless
Victory all right so does anyone got the low down this Serena ladies Cameo fatality back down back mid-range we’ll see if it works finish him knock down back H I swear to God I hit back down back stand behind the box I did I got wait for the bar to no back down down Cameo okay I’m getting there’s two okay either back down back or back down down let me try back down down okay he back down down wait What F okay that was Serena right she like changes her model I guess Flawless Victory all right that’s all the cameos then that one is pretty decent all right Baraka Baraka reptile Serena Frost Ling the rest of the stream popping in the bath late hey you have a good night ly the Gateway
Finish Him which Mortal Kombat game do you think had the best overall fatalities CH wless honestly I think it it’s probably 10 from what I recall of 10’s fatalities MK yeah seems like 10 is like the general answer uh forward back down close Distance what he hang him on that’s a good one though fatality Baraka wins Flawless Victory all right pretty good that one had some creativity in it all right GIS Gus or Gus reptile Serena Frost the fire temple finish You he’s giving him the Sarah’s Victoria fality ear WIS Flawless victory second one is fantastic my chat is telling me finish him what’s the inputs for this one down forward Back Square down forward Back Square Close oh he P his timelines oh that’s ooh oh okay that’s good great fality I like that one that one was clever Flawless victory that might be the best one actually just because that was [ย __ย ] creative that one told a story in the fatality Chat all right this lady who only really appeared briefly didn’t really do much with her did they Ash reptile Ser Frost W Academy how do you what do you think like the meeting is for when they decide a fatality chat finish you found peace and became an earth R real that’s what happened
That’s why she like left the you’ll stop fighting Fatality Ash wins Flawless Victory down down back Circle finish fatality graceful I’ll give it that can you pause can’t you pause and look this up it’s a little bit easier if chat just has it up on their own browser and tells it to me do you want me to
Spend more time looking it up in myself didn’t they make game devs watch Gore I heard that was like maybe the older ones I don’t think it’s like nowadays I would hope not at the very least that sounds like imagine your boss telling you hey go on live leaks and
Spend the rest of your like week there oh Nara this should be good Naro reptile Serena Frost living Forest hey hey Jim I know you’re you’re about to get off today but listen I need you to like I need you to spend like your evening on World Star Hip Hop finish Him fatality wise that was pretty decent fatality Naro wins Flawless Victory though my people feed on blood does not make us evil know right going to wor when he gets these jaded ideas back down back Circle mid Deo fatality people are made a jello with their SK just come out like that Victory Chad do you get the feeling that this is like pulling the Wings off of like flies or something when you’re a kid only in video game all right last one Mr Havoc Havoc
Reptile Serena cross W Academy Force required to do that yeah I it wouldn’t a kick wouldn’t be enough but also to do it cleanly as Wellish oh this guy pull his own heart out heart transplant fatality Havoc wins Flawless Victory you want to see the name of that fatal do I want to know the name of that fatality just did sure you can hit me with it we got let is forward back down Close oh fatality Havoc wins Flawless Victory atomic heart clever huh all right that’s all the Fatalities CBT CBT or the administration of pain anything else the shrine use your coins or attemp random I don’t care reptile could finally rest all right I guess that’s it for me then CL yeah I don’t really care about the towers and Invasion stuff she was right though if you don’t kill the
Person you are feeding on that feeding on blood isn’t in inherently evil at least see what what looks like yeah I don’t want to do this going to watch arcade endings uh I’m not personally it’s usually just like a JPEG image right I usually don’t really Care like like you see here it’s where you like unlock them right and they look like that not this time uh I’ll let you guys watch that on your own cuz it is getting like it’s a little late and I feel like that’s enough feel like that’s probably
Enough I have to look it up on YouTube and pull videos up and [ย __ย ] yeah I’m good Tower endings are Cannon this time around so might be important B if I I’ll check them out on YouTube or something and you’ll see but I don’t think it I usually wouldn’t really care even if
They work uh Chad though that that seems like a pretty good size stream to me 11:30 a.m. it’s pretty yeah that’s pretty good so Chad tomorrow guess what I believe tomorrow is Resident Evil 4 a DLC and you know I’m [ย __ย ] playing that if if I’m right on the release dat
And it’s tomorrow so I’m hoping you guys will have time to you know spin with me for that cuz that should be good we get the truly goofy stuff that was left on The Cutting Room floor of the Remake oh time for us to take a shower
Yeah that’s right we all feel a little dirty after that one right oh but Chad you’ve all been wonderful tonight I think you guys for joining me it’s wonderful having you here really good Stream So Much appreciated thank you for any bit subs or gift subs thank you the
Mods as well as hey if you want to drop a follow on me here it’ be nice and much appreciated of you you can also join my Discord uh there’s a link for it down below you can enter it into chat so you be streaming tomorrow Evil 4 DLC good
Stuff I’ll see you then chat you guys have a good night peace