With Ariane hey everybody and today’s topic we’re going to talk about her sorority Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated how you doing today I am great I’m gonna do it you look nice thank you my face is really really greasy you can open a lot of cocoa
Butter on there but other than that I’m doing nothing milling then pop through girl is okay so why did you choose this particular sorority out of all of the divine i’msorry so actually you know when I went to school I had family members who were in this sorority but I
Also have time when he was in other they’re like fraternities and sororities as well and at my school not only that we have the divine in PNC we also had a lot of people like to put them in a category as white and black sororities I
Want to you know not why expertise but you know those are they problem you can see black and another ones that’s why he and I don’t like the kind of categories or categorize it as that because you do have those other people who are in those penitent lepen Hellenic sororities who
Are also people of color but so yeah somebody’s of all kind of not just in QT and I went into a school and I just saw all these people and these sororities and stuff and I saw the violet they had I saw the services they were doing and I
Was really really interested and everything that had going on so before I pick my sorority or pick anything that I wanted to do I of course did my research and that’s very important in picking any type of organization that you want to be in whether it’s a Greek or non-greek do
Your research so I did my research and I also started to might go out to events like they’ll have like events on campus blood drives or just small events throughout the week or on the week that it begins Solomon and once I did that I kind of just started talking to people
Who are in organization who were on campus after I did my research I thought started one two minutes and I found what just looks best for me everybody on my on my campus were we’re amazing people never are very very nice but just after doing my research and just looking into everything
I felt that Justin with an interest or incorporate it was just the best thing for me okay so do you have like any friends that shows a different sorority than you and are you still close friends with them of course actually somebody who I grew up way I find my cousin did
You know angle is because you know I thought my cousin and she’s actually she just crossed across okay any last semester and I love her so much and we’re really really close I also had another high school friend she crossed a K and then just being in the
Organization that I am in now I have a lot of other clothes for this for and a lot of other organs as far as Sigma Gamma Rho and saving us so I just know a little bit of everybody and I’m not just come on to my sorority yeah that’s good
Because it’s good to branch out and still have those close bonds with you were friends with before you want it out too so you don’t want to like switch up on them like yeah I’m a delta now so I can’t talk to you in a lot of it I think
That like once you become a part of the work of an organization you know certain organization my girl I’m not associated with you like that’s not it I associated with everybody we just happen to be in different organizations we both our organizations were created to service people especially the black community
And just give back and so we’re all for the same thing just happens to be a little different right okay alright so you said you had a cousin who just crossed a Kay there is a little history between it came Delta so could you explain like what happened in the
Like the feud between like a key–and oh it’s so bad yeah like the view is really really fake like of course like it is so kind of like a friendly little competition but there’s nothing like that I feel like it’s no bees it’s no hate between us we love all of our d9
Sisters and nu9 brothers like we’re all a family at the end of the day and it just goes back to a whole bunch like history was a long time ago the way I organizations were brought about and stuff like that but it’s nothing no type of be for a no type of
Hate between one of those it’s actually really think people love to put us against each other and I mean I mean I don’t know why I’ve been the stereotype spent playing to it and well but and love putting us against each other in just it’s just not bad at all like
Almost a lot of days and I love and I just yeah what it is yeah yes because I’ve seen like a lot of YouTube videos of aka dissing Delta Delta this make haze whether it be like verbal or like in one of their several teen you toys
And you don’t seem like a lot of memes like that as well it’s like people like this and one another but I always go back to being it like it’s just really friendly especially with the chapter that I’m from and the school that I’m from and I feel like it’s just really
Friendly and I don’t think like you know if you do see like people doing like certain steps and certain struggles and they’re like this mental organization it’s not the DPR it’s all in fun it’s all fun and games like it’s just a little friendly competition and isn’t
That it’s never anything you know it’s a series okay so what chapter did you cross and what school did you go to so I went to the University of Central Missouri across Tanzania a chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated it was chartered morris 29:29 1959 about 15 courageous women across spring 14
Which seems like a long time ago probably all before this spring so so once you’re like an undergrad chapter once you graduate you can go to the Graduate Jackson don’t work I’ve been if anyone was maybe a year I actually just been a finished graduate school last semester so I’m gonna kind
Of focus on that just trying to get out of school because grasp it was like really really hard but I wants people to actually graduate and they move to whatever city that you are from you there are a lot of Greg Chapman’s I know in st. Louis in front like two or three
Grand chapters and so you just get the you get the possibility to join those chapters is not necessarily a like you hack the darkness to envy is still oh so so that’s something you have to be the Venus chapter it’s not necessarily like that but it is encouraged and I will be
Eventually drunk doing in a gradual chapter soon but it’s under the next you know mandatory so once you’ve wrecked my undergrad you don’t necessarily have to do graduate in chapter but it is highly encouraged just to continue to keep the service and continue to be involved we highly encourage people to them being
Involved with the Grand Chapter after graduation okay so so is it easier to get in grad it’s so Dean yeah so I just since I’ve already crossed um Monda grant I don’t have to like you know as far as I doing any much paperwork or anything like that all I have to really
Do is um I have to do something work but it’s my life it’s it so that’s like rejoining the organization I don’t have to say well I’m done with this chapter so I want to be a partner to check it out okay that’s good so what are some
Stereotypes that people have a deltas then we are really really loud and main and we fight a lot natural hair and really smart that’s not really building a lot of people think that were really really smart I’ve heard like else is just like real like aggressive that’s not true
Does not screw it up like I you know I miss me met Delta’s of all different type of characteristics identified we’re all different like as far as the Metro Airport I do find extrovert and a lot of doses new have nuts where I don’t know what it
Is after I cross I got that repair so it’s just like honey it is a good thing but most of the stereotypes are just like a lot of like funny games but we do be that a lot I give it a lot like I’m going to be really like real rough and
Like real mean like a memory Oh crazy especially men come to relationships I think a lot of people think of Delta’s in relationship like we’re real crazy like we’ll go break it up with no such a but it’s not that at all dull so range from all different type of women and
We’re not just confined to one side certain type of the stereotype okay so speaking of relationships have you ever dated a guy paternity I have when I first became a little woman adesso Sigma that is for incorporating I was in a relationship with someone who was a Kappa and then been in necessarily
Didn’t go well so the downer a beautiful made in their relationship with someone who’s now houseless own okay so alpha with the deltas back a little cute fire after joining Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated have anybody ever tried to be your friend just because you were a
Delta um I think so I think people were more influenced to be my friend just because of my letters but sometimes I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing because you do have those people who just aren’t interested in sometimes really nervous they’ll come out and be
Like hey I have a question about joining your sorority or I have a question about your organization and so they just think that maybe befriending me would be the best way to go about it so sometimes I mean I don’t see it as better but I do
Think that other times you do have people who were like not even interested in joining your organization but just because of your letters they want to be a part of it but I I experienced more than and in college so now that I’m out of college I don’t think I’ve
Experienced that at all that someone was trying to be my friend because of my work but in college I did experience it a lot and I just think that it’s just a it depends on the situation and it’s a little situation it just really against okay so I know a
Lot of sororities of attorneys are really big on like discretion so that’s why I like people are like afraid to ask you something and they don’t want to ask the wrong thing they don’t want you to look at them crazy so when is the best
Time like to put them aside you know to tell you that they’re interested ah discretion is key first of all so it’s just like when you’re expressing your interest it’s always important to be professional and so when you’re being professional indiscreet you just always
Want you don’t want to be in a huge room with somebody who’s Greek and you want to be freaking like hey I want to be great like you don’t you don’t want to do that now you can’t put them to the side and you know have a personal conversation I think
Conversation with you maybe later on and some that I would like that would be best but you just don’t want to do it in front of a big group of people because whatever you want to do with your business and you don’t want everybody to know your business though it’s just
Important to just just be really I would say just be discreet you just don’t want everybody to know then you don’t want to go around if you’re already undergrad or or you are in retrospective or trying to be a part of it you don’t want to go around just letting everybody know what
You want to be because again it is only your business and our organization is just really really sacred to us and we don’t necessarily just want everybody to to be if that’s something that you really want to do for the organization we don’t want everybody to know your
Business because it should just be an important as to you as it is to us right so have you seen that Netflix movie burning sand yes so what are your thoughts on like that movie and overall thoughts on hazing so Brennan says I think Bernie’s s is a
Great movie I think everybody should check it out and Rove is still on the loose but I don’t know well it still it was a really good movie but first of all my someone is like doesn’t Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated is a non hazing organization we don’t promote we don’t
Believe anything whatsoever it is illegal and no one should participate in hazing like at all that’s just totally not cool so I definitely feel like the Bernie says movies open a lot of eyes I don’t know it’s been a lot of stories and news where we’ve read about stuff that’s
Acting like that and you should never put yourself in a situation where you feel like you’re in danger to be a part of something just you know it’s not that serious at all so I just feel like I’m totally against hazing and my organization is also something
Concerning um and I feel like the movie definitely organized I feel like we should continue to make ourself aware of situations like that so we they’re not put in those situations right yeah because I watched movie myself and that just got me thinking like how many sororities and fraternities actually participate in
Hazing is it really that bad because I’ve heard of stories of people actually dying yeah because they wanted to join a sorority or fraternity so I don’t feel like it’s that serious you should but definitely express your interest in it and do what you have to do to be a part
Of it but I feel like it was life-threatening and it’s physically harming you I don’t feel like you should like participate in anything so there is also a stereotype as far as sororities being with a certain eternity Manju is not organization so it’s doesn’t eat me first of all so I don’t
Think that’s just there’s my true at all but people think that deltas are supposed to be with cubes and in case of Zulu alphas and zillions of our sailors are supposed to be with Sigma’s and as she rose most people Kappa and I’m not true like it’s not sure we all love one
Another it’s not it’s nothing like that no Zetas and Sigma’s actually are bonded by Constitution so yeah but that’s the those are the only two organizations who are bonded as far as everybody goes like we get to do what we want I remember I had this is probably thing spilling out
Over Thanksgiving you know I was drawing my boyfriend’s car he has these outfit placed on them and I have pull-ups on my family house and however I wasn’t with me but at my uncle he was like why are fighting why are you with an apple core you used to be I
Thought you can only go to that you only go to Q and I liked it it’s 2017 we’re cool wiring stuff then go with right well I could be with like I hadn’t explained yet but then you have a lot of people just don’t understand so you just gotta explain it to him
Yeah and you know the AKS the AKS and alphas they first spam so you know they always together they’re always just like be a thing but then triage is always just a family I mean I do feel like sometimes you do have those chapters who
Are closer like as far as you may have the Alpha chapter and a KA chapter which is really close so you may have a I’m gonna go to chapter and we’re not boom everybody everybody you’re not assigned to a certain prisoners are in chapter or a certain order is completely okay okay
Well do you have any last-minute advice or anything else you want to add I think the only thing that I just want to add is it if you are non-greek just looking to be a part of our organization I’m just saying do the research and don’t be
Afraid to ask questions in private and Bradley don’t be afraid that expression because you just sometimes you know how you know teacher you always said no question is a stupid question and I truly believe that because you don’t want to like just assume something you don’t ask a great question so you just
With someone eat on their own it’s only right you know knowledge is power so if you gotta get that knowledge from a agree just get their knowledge and it’ll be familiar family for whoso is don’t feel like we just we’re not better than anybody which is which is what happens to be a
Part of our organization so grant okay well thank you so much Arianna for being a guest on my show thank you for having me would you like to share any of your social media information you can follow me an X Ariane a IR a while and Ernest on all social media Twitter Instagram
And all right well thank you guys so much for watching if you’re a Greek or if you’re not Greek and you want to express your opinion on this subject please comment down below I love to see your feedback and I’ll see you guys in my next video bye for more information
On Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated you can go get that and delta sigma theta dot org next on talk it out