Let me read the passage from another Judgment of the Supreme Court of India in the concept with regard to the concept of justice justice and its connotative expansive engs the liberalism of an ocean the magnanimity of the Sun the sternness of a mountain the Simplicity of a
Sent the austerity of a Spartan and the humanity of a r the concept of justice has to remain embedded in spite of adversities it should remain unshaken unterrified UNP and loyal to the RO of LA and that is why justice is called the queen of all virtues thep the inspiring preamble to our
Constitution CHS that one of it CH object to assur qu it citizen the liberty of thought exess belief and worship it’s liberty of which infuses spirit and energy into life and make it Spark It’s Liberty that aids in developing the growth of human mind and individuality that is why Patrick once announced maybe
Slightly dramatically but it is absolutely correct Give me liberty or give me death Give me liberty or give me liberty in every sense of the word forms the most priceless asset for the human race the virtue of Liberty is entrenched in the hearts of men and wom and the
Primary aim and objective of the Indian constitution with the Preamble as its not is to ensure that its citizen Liberty is attained with full force Dr BR edar we have to remember him today we are obligated in law to remember him we are also ethically obliged to keep him in our Min as
Students of as citizens of this country he spoke about fraternity fraternity finds place in Pble he say without fraternity equality and Liberty would be known deeper than codes of pain understand theity of this line and his focus on paternity paternity essentially means Brotherhood and common interest in a diversified country like ours it will not amount to an overstatement if it is said that paternity is an intrinsic
Value inher in our constitutional Assurance it warrants mutual respect and concern for each other’s dignity the preamble to the Constitution which our founding fathers finally settled after the Constitution was F confirms to the ideas and aspirations of the people embodied in our magnificent Constitution it’s an invocation of the Grand and organic
Document when we celebrate today thetion we should remind ourselves that our speech and actions are in accord with in consonance with the Constitutional drma and philosophy thank you very much for your cour for