Is up everybody should boy Cory and today I got my lb my brother from another mother they’ll offer himself dr. bright now what I love you boys on the right age today we’re going to be talking about 10 fresh Commandments now this can go for eternities and this can go for
Sororities as well but we’re just called it in fret Commandments because it kind of rolled off the tongue so we’re gonna get into the video make sure you like share and subscribe let’s get it to the first fret commandment is never changed beat yourself you know I’m saying cuz
Whenever you join a fraternity whenever you Baba Jordan fraternity or sorority you just want to be yourself and you want to be the subject for who you are too many instances where I see people you know they they join a frat or sorority and you like you knew him
Beforehand you know I’m saying y’all cool but then it like you know it gets to their head you know I mean like they they join this organization all of a sudden they think that they like bigger than everybody it’s crazy imagine you walk past and they be like
Don’t even look at you know we ran across that so many times whenever before we even cross five-minute segments we run across several times so make sure you stay the same and be yourself right the second fret commandment is look for organization that fits you you always want to find an organization this
Is going back the person so you could be yourself is if you find an organization that fits you whenever you get into the organization you just feel comfortable right that’s what happened with us but now it’s so many other attorneys that we could have join it so many other fraternities that
We probably could look into but we chose five Beta Sigma because the chapter and the organization itself it when we was looking for a that so if you don’t choose an organization that fit who you are or your personality then whenever you joined this is not you just not
Gonna feel comfortable you just not gonna mesh well with the brothers that’s in the organization I don’t know anybody personally but I could say people that I’ve met it seemed like they didn’t fit with that organization that charity I joined because it’s like oh I want to join this
Because I think I should join this you know they didn’t buy with the people that were I thinking with so yeah definitely make sure that you join and you know join literally make sure when you join you’re going in with people who you buy it that’s important very okay so
The third fret commandment is to keep your mouth closed don’t tell anybody be discreet and don’t want their bladder don’t go out there too loud like I’ll tell you there’s so many people that join these organizations IV online then we figure it out like if we know that
You’re online and there’s a problem what’s the point it’s the problem it’s a problem you know it’s like you don’t need to be telling people what to do await your do away your meat net how many guys online bitching who your elby’s gonna be don’t do it especially this generation
Nine-day they always want to hop on social media they always my dad was going off and they hate it oh I wanna be a ka oh I’m gonna be part of five pitches Sigma No don’t do that graduations you plays yourself don’t you that you’re aspiring
To be like are looking on social media hey I see you talking thing about like this person doesn’t know fourth fret commandment is don’t believe the hype And when we say don’t believe the hype is whenever you join a fraternity sorority it does not automatically mean you’re gonna get all this lab on campus get all these fondos don’t get all these you just gonna get populated oh it don’t automatically mean that it takes you as
A person just because you joined XYZ organization I don’t mean you gonna be just like everybody else in those organizations you gotta come with you gotta come with you is corny before you’re gonna be corny out just be yourself in the day just be yourself and don’t
Follow other people man just Chu Chu maybe what they hear all right so the fifth fret amendment is a rad way you’re joining these returnees or sororities the main purpose of scholarships so they wants you to graduate and you go to college to graduate so make sure you
Study make sure you’re making good grades make sure you ain’t skipping his hands and everything just to go to stroll along like an hour tops prioritize what you need to do what you need to study give me a job we live together an apartment for a little while yeah and
Every other weekend there was something going on always but throughout the week before weekend we will study we would do you’ve never seen each other hardly doing the room right but during the weekend we did everything during that week and we can a you turn up on
Yourself make sure you study make sure you find out what your study habits is what the atmosphere you thrive in as far as studying and that way you don’t be like certain organizations make sure you do that man cuz study this is important you come to college graduate get that
Degree and go off and do your bank know a member of the scholarship service or sisterhood scholarship service um when you get an academic achievement so the sixth fret commandment is you only live once Yolo you only live once so the reason why I say this you want to take
Advantage of all the opportunities that that’s presented to you so if you need to get on an exec board you need to do different things in the organization need to take advantage of going to conferences it’s a thing because you learn about the organization you learn about other brothers and sisters in the
Organization’s and that’s what these organizations important to help build into the leader help you become the best popular person you can be exactly man you know people you know sometimes they let fear get in the way of life you know certain things know you have to step
Outside your comfort zone back and you have to experience these things so that you could become a better person that’s the point of joining this order you know organization you want to become a better person is that because a lot of people get it confused they just join
The steps stroll but it’s all kind of different things going on in each organization to help you become the best possible person yup especially the second board he was treasurer I was a correspondent secretary I became president president president president a nickname but I mean we join
And we end up being leaders in our organizations and making a difference in an organization so you don’t want to be you want to be an asset and you don’t want to be what’s the word I’m looking a lot of Billy’s allowed all right number
Seven and you ain’t a part of the tribe don’t throw up this sign up do it you know too many instances you know I’ve seen like people outside yeah we’ve seen too many like people outside of the organization you know they’ll get excited don’t see everybody my soul
Shines up in the picture you know it’s like no no I bought video with Rick Ross and onto the picture with these two alphas and you know you know it was you know cool the picture but it looked he was to the science on its own a face I
Decided if they don’t shut me down the movie you will shut down like we don’t want to see Thorne on the side you’ll see we’ll see you doing our strong technically I mean you can wear any color you want but you know if you go to
A halt oh why do you Wayne man don’t do it another good idea nice so don’t rip you sick so that eight frat commandment is every brother ain’t your brother this cuz you join or every sustained to just because you’re doing that don’t automatically mean y’all buddy-buddy y’all
You can trust them still use the proper precaution to trust them the same way you would trust the strengthen exactly I don’t like through this whole situation before I’m gonna tell y’all story real quick this guy so I came out on the Thursday I came out on Thursday
In April that Friday we had a little block party went to a probate then so we had a block party a frat we knew our child didn’t new he’s like yo we’re going to a probate Friday and upstate miss bye all right you’ll ride with you ain’t told our
Prophytes and he told nobody else to the chapters just meet in my life and we just went out there with a random frat random dude and hopped in the car like it ain’t nothing you know I’m saying so we went up there I had my book bag cuz I
Had a chance to go back home so on my book bag had school supplies I had my iPad yeah it’s all like I had my whole life keys in there everything so I let my foot back in the car once we actually got some pro Baker long story sir so it
Went into the probate dude took us to meet some Sigma get up flag down whatever he went goes when you saw him – after the probate so we got back in the car after the probate I got my bag I feel kind of like you know
So I look in there my iPad was no iPad could put that’s that dolt was a dog so we look alike okay let’s going over here so then the dude that we rode with Hugh’s economic somebody boom car seat oh you gonna say some right broker steal car after we
Don’t got in the car and the footage party I see you try to make it look like this car was trash yeah yeah stuff all over the place this man had a ipod my hips like oh shoot with my outside my eye so he was looking for his outside turn out you
Love to see a car so long story short is don’t trust everybody do your brother’s out feel your sisters out and then gravitate towards ones your trucks that brother definitely thing is not bad we certainly – I’m certain and we talked to him since so every brother
So the 9th fret commandment is break the line if you wanted that so what that means is do not get in the way of people stroll I know this might sound petty in my canal middle school but don’t do it because these organizations practice for this these organizations practice to be
In the limelight and they want to be perfect they take it serious they take the stairs so if you jump in the middle of this line are you in the way you might just get ran over somebody might Yankee out the way I mean right I mean I
Was in frat but Delta Sigma you know they looked at me like I was crazy I didn’t mean to do it but old man I knew by even when we strollers we make it a deal not to get in nobody wait right we like we even do it so not just
For y’all but for people in fraternities and sororities don’t get in the way if you see his line coming towards you bear off that way you’re on say your respective just beat just our respect exact so don’t do it I hope people they like airbrush so yeah you got a drink
Your hands you see this minute oh just get out here so the tenth fret commandment is if you ain’t uniformed don’t even bother if y’all look at slack out there you know go out there y’all are your different things yelling together just don’t go out there that’s going wardrobe and that’s more
Than being prepared for strollers either if you’re not beautiful go out here with your brother and one brother got blue boots on and then another brother I don’t see any spare your sketches another brother got on or whatever they’re like exactly you don’t look you don’t look bad bravery been going like
It’s amazing and I got this book man is car the melody you know and it’s a collection of poetry that I created basically and it’s like you know I see the homes that I put in this book and melody and I want to use them to like
Connect review all you know I mean I go I don’t do a lot of things and I feel like a lot of people will be able to relate to the content in this book so you know if you want give it a read you know you know contact
Me and I’ll add that look the Amazon link in the description below so y’all go directly to it yo and make sure you support my boy bag he is talented with the pin with a spoken word Ben there’s a creative man so make sure y’all go how you like it
Ox I feel like this is it so make sure you go support again and a we need a signed copy just saying so but that’s it man I hope y’all enjoyed this video if you’re new here do that subscribe button if you haven’t hit like button already
Y’all know where to go and hit that bill down there to be notified every time I make a video cuz I’m dropping deal with every Tuesday but that’s it man please the arms singer than the streets but to get it in talking bus and drinking to some mingling walk the minimum seeing man
They come the card y’all I just want to make a pill they smell you’ll send down an you know solve no groupie see a blonde girl with a brunette