Being a father is so important having a father is so important teaches you how to be a man how to speak fluidly and to be a standup guy my father never was inside my life but I listened to a lot of Jordan Peterson and one quote hit me
He said living is mostly suffering with some good sense of happiness but when death comes you got to stand up be a man and better brunt for for everyone around you but then that quote came to my head and I immediately hopped on the phone started making calls making things
Happen took that pressure off my sister took that pressure off my aunties and getting things done so it’s about being a man it’s about in the time of stress where the family is going in chaos and falling apart you got to make sure that everyone’s around you know that they can
Lean on you and you can find your other time to break down um modern women more violent than women yes I would say modern women are equally as violent as men um nowadays uh because I feel the way Society has gone Society has given them the green light to protect yourself
And a lot of them use that knowing that we will probably look at them look at the man as the as the one who caused the situation to happen so do I think modern women more violent I don’t think they’re more violent I think they’re equally as violent as as men has been
So I don’t I don’t know about modern women being more bias I think I mean more violent I think that what it is is we’re seeing uh I guess effectively I could say yes because the women understand that the system has a strong bias towards them and so they can get away
With things because if they act out on you I’ve had a situation personally where I was physically being attacked by a woman and she called the police because I was about to leave her leave the relationship and you know she knew that she was a woman and that if she
Called the police most likely I would be the one to get in trouble even though she was you know acting out and and and hitting me and when the police got there you know I told him Hey listen everything she says is fabricated I never touched her and the police told me
Well luckily you guys don’t live together because if you live together we would be taking you to jail right now so I think that that almost incentivizes the bad behavior and the misconduct on their on their part on their part so in that respect well modern women you all
Have came full circle you have fought for your rights you you have now become equal you have became more equally violent towards men you like to put your hands on men you like to curse out men you like to beat men and you like to
Take men yeah we have heard of that too well now it comes to the part inside this story to what happens to you when you do the same thing to men that you claim that men always did to you DV domestic violence well it’s been shown that women
Get lesser sentences when they do it than men so here’s two equality if a woman puts a hand on a man and if that same man gets one year in jail guess what Honey Boo so should you take it like a woman or a man whatever you want to call it modern
Women are not more violent and the reason I’m saying that is it’s just reported more now with the 24-hour news cycle now with people having all these darn stinking social media apps it’s in our face but this has been going down for eons cuz how many uncles we know
Back in the day who took the charge uncles dads they took the charge cuz they knew they didn’t want to be there with the kids the wife or the girlfriend was the one that exemplified acts of violence whether it’s battery or assault and then they went to jail right and
Then the woman remained free even though it was the woman who initiated cuz back then I think men were more apt to take it cuz they’re like dang who going to be be here with the kids so now it’s reported more it’s more in your face because of social media and a 24hour
News cycle but this has gone on since back in the 80s women have been violent and I’m just glad that they’re showing it at a greater proportion I’m going to go ahead and step out and say that uh I think that more that modern women have more access to violence than before in
Previous history like we if you look at what’s happened recently right I know some of the men and women but like women who are modern right you have access to guns you have the same rights to do the shootings and all that [ย __ย ] so yeah I think that
Overall they have more access to it doesn’t mean they’re more violent but I think now let me say this if we’re talking about modern Hood women then [ย __ย ] yes they are definitely more violent than they were in the past it’s like basically you [ย __ย ] a man who
Would just happen to have titties in the vagina like they are that violent right now okay so like have you been to some of these clubs and seen some of these women yeah it’s dangerous days and look what happened Mary found someone else and then she said that somebody visited
Her and that’s how we got Jesus hey so you trying to say God was a side dude you heard it here God was Mary side dude man I’m going to get off this side y’all going to get U struck is that crazy so you are you saying Jesus was a
Side dude you going to get his man no he’s saying that Joseph was a side dude no no but no because see first off they were married and together already then God came on the scene okay hold up if they were already married why hadn’t they they weren they were in the process
Of getting married and then all of a sudden she shows up pregnant Joseph was like okay I’mma put you away privately cuz pulled a p and Ray Ray talking about this baby or so a uncle daddy move so Joseph was a uncle daddy like look man
You can tell this child you’re the daddy but we know you ain’t the real daddy that’s R Joseph wasn’t the real daddy we telling the welcome to the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen good afternoon ladies and gentlemen good afternoon allow me to introduce you to man’s planation we got Mr life Mr life Amari
Amari can’t forget about the bad Gemini the bad Gemini we in the building let’s figure this out and let’s talk about what’s been going round what’s been going down let’s figure this out let’s talk about what’s been going what’s been going down since a kid I was lost in this
Man’s world thinking life is about money and beautiful girls raised off in the struggle blessed to have my mother blessed to have my father but nobody really loves you started being up on the scene before I hit my teens think I started smoking weed before I turned 13
And I had a beon dreams just like Dr King but my dreams were never what my dreams seemen from juvenile attention when they wanted to Lynch me to the Chain Gang slaving me I’m locked in prison that’s how supp support be crazy be careful making babies you going to
Have to pay a price to love them and raise them I’m well sered thank you next caller on the line next Mr life man help me out man I have problems with my old lady man cross down I got a girlfriend and all I’m trying to figure it out man get this
Help me out my name is Jessie and I’m from South Florida and I’ve been trying to figure out why the sun rises and sets the way to do I’m from bu man and I love y’all show man I appreciate you guys Man fure it preaching the word man going don’t forget the ti by leaving your comments and Shar fing this out let’s figure it out figuring is out we discuss the laws figure it out history religion’s figure it out finances the government politics everything let’s figure it out [Applause] woo all right all right all right all right all right we going to learn today got a
Big D we got the boys on deck tonight pause pause what’s out here like got a big a big deal but he just left it at that say the rest of the word sir all right I don’t think he said big deal I think Kevin Hart said something quite
Different when he said that you going to learn today yeah you going to learn today sometime you have to go back and watch old stuff like that if you haven’t watched that Kevin Hart special absolutely the funny special that he ever done I don’t think he done anything
Remotely close to that one yeah nothing close to it what do you all think let’s give a shout out to our girl first three and then the rest was just whatever yeah the first three uhhuh the first three all right I can dig the first three I
Could dig the first three but yeah it’s like seriously funny laugh at My Pain those two and then I then I’m forgetting the other name but the rest after that I’m like okay it is what it is yeah but what’s good though oh man I’m just super
Excited man I’m super excited about what we have going on here at man Nations Network Ministries um I’m so tempted to start saying the new name but I thought that wait yeah yeah I thought that they was going to have ready to go today but
They did not I mean on Monday they did not they’ve been drawing things out but we have a total revision going on we got a whole lot more things going on so you all get ready we’re going to have a Hab aasher coming up sometime soon we going
To have a online habitatery what’s up Arkansas how you doing people are here early they here early Kareem everybody we oh we got Kareem in the house oh we got people here early shout out Kareem the dream Kareem the dream is the man Kareem the
Dream is the man so once again we going to get into it we going to get into it real quick tonight but I’m going have to let BG take over because I finished up so early I forgot to do something so BG take over and let me drop down cuz you
Know when I have to download something it messes the stream up so let me take care of that definitely yeah so yeah I know I’m G to lose my music in this but I’ll come with the backup music yeah so Mr T man how’s your week been um thanks
For everybody who’s watching chiming in you know what to do get us some likes um get those likes up um you know we out here in these YouTube streaks getting it in um Mr T um so oh let them know we ain’t seen the girls in a minute either
So let’s do some about oh yeah definitely we ain’t seen the girls now we want the girls to Come Dance you know so it can be whatever you know we hey a buck two bucks three bucks five no pressure whatever you care to give but hey that’s what brings out the girls and
So we love bringing out the girls girls girls girls girls all over for the world so we we definitely want to bring the girls out um now um you know Charlie llama may be um coming up later but in the meantime um I think we have a great
Show going off you already see a lot of Buzz out there you see the captions one of them is AKA sority member takes the Royalty shirt off eight year old girl right and so that’s just one of the few things we got that’s a headline topic
But we going to get it in in these streets these YouTube streets Mr T I know you got an opin on that but if you can just address it don’t go too deep into the situation but just when you first saw it what’s your initial reaction my initial reaction
Was what if this was um a white sorority and this was a black child and they a teacher a white teacher took that um shirt off of a black child the Uproar would be outrageous right now this would have made CNN U all kind of news I’m just not
Hearing about this this week so this been it’s still reverberating though yeah yeah it’s still hitting these streets though it’s definitely elevating and doing it so we’ll definitely dive into that topic a lot more uhoh you didn’t have to we appreciate you look Arkansas you know hey we appreciate you
You could have you could have kept your your your D what they say keep your stash in the kitty hidden way you ain’t have to share with us but she’s out here with her stash so you know what time it is we about to see the girls I don’t
Even want to bring the girls up without Mr life but you know what we may run it back again so hey let me get these girls ready um thank you once again um let me go ahead and uh you know shout out Arkansas one more time thank you for the
Super or actually stick you didn’t have definely like wait what happened uh well yeah we’ll get into that story let’s get into the girls right now all right let’s bring these girls y’all give me a moment I got to go fiddle with some buttons and pull out some things and make these
Girls show up all right Mr T you ready for these girls it’s been a minute it’s been a minute okay I’mma do the short version then all right there we go here we go girls do your Once again thank you for the girls that’s for our super sticker for Arkansas y’all saw we had the girls um ready so BM she said see you wasn’t even ready no no look I got different buttons I got to push than than Mr but the girls
Out here they show they tell and um definitely appreciate that super sticker 100% now um we didn’t lose anybody let me tell you hey internet goes in and out so um look how he’s looking it’s not because of the girls um and we we do compete with football that’s another thing I
Will say we are very bold to compete with Thursday Night Football that’s one thing I like about the show we are right here in the prime time spot competing with Thursday football so you got people juggling phones for fantasy and then I’m tuning in to this here so shout out to
All y’all fantasy football players um trust me my squad is out there um I’m well adversed with fantasy um if they can do a fantasy squad for women that would be awesome like forget Sports they need to do like a fantasy type league but combine it with reality TV and make
It drama you know what I’m saying but let’s get that popping um shout out dang the last lady look like her camel was going to bite someone well hey thanks to Mr life he chose these videos and that Camel had a whole hoof and that Camel Not only was gonna bite somebody know
Cam’s like to spit it was going to bite and spit it out so shout out cuz yes that Camel was that c is not anybody’s Zoo that’s a c in the wild so shout out to hey we got Charlie l in the background whenever he’s ready he’s
Gonna come on up now I’mma say with this AKA sorority member um thing I I haven’t you’re going to get a fresh reaction from me I haven’t taken a deep dive in that intentionally you know uh so it’s going to be initial shock with me when I
See it I’ve heard it I’ve seen Buzz uh about it but me myself haven’t locked in so I look for for to seeing this and giving you a real time reaction Mr life always wants me to go study and do research well I blew it Mr life I did
Not look at this one advance so you gonna get a real reaction to how treacherous y’all make this sound now um when Charlie llama’s ready to come up pull on up um Broski Mr T I have a question um so um you know you being former law
Enforcement um and and the reason I’m bringing it up we just had a a big deal going in Tallahassee with fam you homecoming right big deal right you know the cities out of control everybody’s here and and they’re making it happen so this is going to help people out because
I know law enforcement you like these type of questions so what instruction were you given like when you were in law enforcement when big events like this happen were you um encouraged to be lenient um did you get people a pass because there’s always these allegations
That we can’t go out and have fun as whether it’s black people a group of people what what instructions did you have when you had to attend large Gatherings whether it’s at a fair ground or something like that um get out your shotgun and walk around with the shotgun
And let that whenever they get out of line they’ll get back in line you sound too happy to say that he does sound too he does sound too happy to say that I right J go unchain like what SI you he does sound way too
Happy to say all that right there uh but for real though um for the most part you want to make sure people are being safe that’s that’s where the most thing is you know C certain stuff you going to see but you can’t arrest everybody certain stuff you going to see certain
Stuff you just got to let go but then that stuff that leads to bigger stuff that’s the stuff you got to take care of to make sure the crowd stay in control because once it get out of control then that’s it now I don’t know what happened in Tallahassee enlighten me on what
Happened up there this weekend oh nothing happened it’s just year in and year out people come from other major cities right to have a good time for HBCU experience and then it just takes one knucklehead to make it go left as you reference but my thing is what’s the
Instructions because I’mma give a shout out to the to the officers right because technically like when you think about the officers they’re in the League of Extraordinary men uh and women right and so it was a group of five white officers and it was like uh four guys and one
Woman and literally they just had their hands crossed that all the ratchetness was happening around them people throwing it up they got music out of control people ride it on 32s everything right and they just chilled they didn’t come insert themselves they didn’t look a certain way they was just smiling and
And relax so you know sometimes the whole mindset is oh um they come and ruin the fun one really is we do some bonad things not just as a culture just people who get drunk whether white or black and so that’s why I was asked if you had special instructions in those
Large events you may have attended to act a certain way as a officer or just just basically keep it under control if you see something that going to lead to something larger and some more dangerous to put the crowd in um danger then that’s stuff you got to take care of but
You know little stuff you know whatever you got to let you got to let that junk go because you can’t arrest everybody and people there to have fun and last thing you want to do is put yourself out of the game so to speak for something little for something small
When something big is when something big pops off when you ain’t got enough so my last statement on this is look for all my white friends even some of my husband friends if you not experienc a true HBCU uh experience you go to any one of these HBCU during their homecoming it’s
You’ll enjoy it it doesn’t even matter your culture race it’s a festival you’ll love it tons of people tons of good music Vehicles it’s like a car show essentially everywhere and and have a blast so shout out once again um Mr life so you got everything popping yeah I thought I did
Um yeah let’s go ahead and get it going let’s get it popping hey you saw the girls come out I did see the girls come out I did see the girls come out I was trying to see if we have my chat bot up and have my chat bot that I just
Installed but I’m not sure if it’s going all right let’s give some special shout outs here L shout special shout out to my boy low cast the great working on the new theme song that’s coming up special shout out to Kareem the dream we already gave him that Miss jeda if she’s lurking
Around Deacon hering Deacon Tito that’s always around somewhere and we live streaming on YouTube Twitter oh well we live streaming right now on YouTube and Facebook I think we and twitch we are reducing the amount of places that we’re streaming to because we’re trying to consolidate down to one or two and keep
It going but tonight’s show sorority member snatches AKA shirt off little white girl also we have on the second hour do men love better than women but tonight we’re going to get into the fragrance review but we are doing things a little bit different and we’re going
To do a special giveaway here uh for the next two weeks that I’m going to actually get into after we get into the fragrance Rie is the fragrance review fragrant regroup regroup so make sure you stick around for that now let’s now let’s get into the fragrance review and and that is
Brought to you well by us I can’t say the new name but I was and we’re going to get to that super chat too as well right after we get to the fragrance the fragrance review why can’t I say that right now let’s get into the fragrance review and we’ll come right back
Fellas this is Mr life hacks here with another life hack to make you look good smell good and make sure that you present yourself very well and today I want to talk about not only should you look good but you should smell good like I just said and there’s a thing out
There in colog called dupes so I want to talk about a dupe today that actually a dupe of a very expensive cologne which is called Creed of venti this one is called Club the new intense and once again this is a replica of creed of the Creed Adventist I like to give my
Fragrances a credit score and when I talk about the credit score the highest credit score you can have is a 850 and the lowest you can have is a 350 so for the for mimicking created Adventist I give this a 810 I don’t give this a 850 so it’s
Going to be a exact match and it’s for one reason and one reason only this is a old the to that so it has a little bit of chemical bite on on on the backhand side but this is by far one of the best replicas that’s out there that’s made to
Smell like creative venti so I would advise you if you want to actually smell like creative venti and smell like a high value man this is the cologne for you Club d n and get the intense man you can find find this here on Amazon that’s
Where I bought mine from so you can get yours too is Mr life hacks and I out all right all right so back to what I was saying again this is the club the newe and I’m going to be giving this bottle away to any to the to someone
Within the next two weeks and how do you win this bottle you might be asking how do I win this bottle of Club d new well one thing you got to email us at mations and say I want it and and the deadline to get all that done will be by by
11:15 and and I will send an email to the person that won the bottle and we’re going to have some things that we’re going to need you to do outside of that but once again if you want to win this bottle of Club D once again email us at mations at someone put that inside there if you see it out there mations if not I get to it but it should be around there somewhere so email us at mations and you for your chance to win this bot of Club the new and once again I am Mr life hacks the
Dupe King and that’s going to be my name for my fragrance my fragrance review and also follow me on Amazon I just got promoted to be a influencer on Amazon I already have about 10 products out there so make sure you go follow me on Amazon
To make sure that you find out what I do to look good smell good and feel good because once again I buy a lot of things from Amazon you can talk to my sister she’s inside the chat right now she would tell you I have have things
Shipped to the house two to three times a week I don’t have a problem with Amazon so once again follow me there Mr life hacks and once again let’s get back to the show man they don’t know I we got so many things coming up right now we got
Plenty things coming up I’m like super excited man I’m super excited right now and why can’t I hear myself all right so let’s get to these before we get into the th of the show let’s get to the girls again where is the sh and CU you all gave us a short
One we only do the long version for 10 for for 99 for $9.99 and up so let’s get at it again here we go with the Girls All right all right look at you trying to your head says the Bible says your eyes are the Wonders to your soul I can’t look at that stuff man two of two two or three of them took my soul especially that one that had that camera she she a soul
Snatcher is definitely a soul SN let’s give a shout out to Arkansas and sis in the background y g once again she wanted to see the girl make it rain and we got to make it rain right here cuz Arkansas’s dropped a second one that’s what she already dropped one earlier she
Came back and double back appreciate that shout out for for the super sticker and then she double back for the girls with another one so appreciate it and if she Dro one more for $2 you know we going to go to the loan version of that I’m going just combine them all together
And keep it moving you you know how we do around here you we we trying to get at it around here man we got to so let’s go ahead and get into it because I know where y’all I know why you all came so let’s get to it a sorority sister who
Teaches decided to to to take matters into her her own hands confiscating a little girl’s shirt the shirt in question was a shirt to the teacher sorority so tonight we address the dogma of black sororities and frat I ities and if they have become militant so let’s
Watch this clip and then come back and let’s figure is out let’s get to it uhoh BG I’m need you to talk for a second oh yeah definitely so we going to have this video popping and let’s see it because that was a valid point uhoh and
She had to push us just to push it to the Limit I hopefully that bought you some time right there because here’s Arkansas with the $2 one so we can round on up up and I think it’s time for the long version of the girls and we going
To jump right into the store should we wait after how do you want to do it Mr life goad long version now yeah yeah go with the long version because my computer keep kicking off that one that one particular video and I don’t know what’s going on all right we got you you
Know what that video they they know they saw the lust in your eyes so it had to boot you off and whatnot so let’s get this thing popping girls here you Go He No no no no thanks for your offering [ย __ย ] all right so I’m not sure what’s going on with that so I got to do this another way so give me I like how Mr T went off camera for that whole situation he ain’t even want to be seen who you hiding from
He went off camera during the video oh God she said Mr T close your eyes CA yeah he needed to he he did better than that he went off camera that’s what this guy did shout out CB Smith um you know good to have you on here what’s up CB
Smith how how’s everything going moving baby okay okay what you what you you sipping on your usual tonight what you got you know what you already know what time it is we do it how we do it this is how we do it definitely so Mr
Life is getting the video um popping um are you familiar well uh so Charlie llama of course you’re gonna Reserve most of your conversation so with this whole sorority thing um just a quick thing what’s your initial just a couple of words initial reaction if you’ve already saw the
Video I I saw the video that was shared in the group chat um and I I want to do exactly what you said I want to actually reserve my thoughts until you guys open it up a little bit more uh because I didn’t do any research beyond the video
In the group so I want to hear what you guys think got you definitely and so um um with that we going get it popping now you know people look let me tell you one thing about us here on the show right we we’re rebranding for all those who might
Not be aware um and so the to begin with the rebranding um Mr T um is going to start applying Dark and Lovely to every gr area of his uh well we’ll we’ll let that be Mr T don’t worry you don’t have to Rebrand you could be the old head of
The crew uh Mr life is actually going to get a forehead reduction I didn’t know they made these but you know he lives um in Central Florida and they do everything they freeze the fat off of people so I’m interested to see what this forehead reduction is he could have
Took the easy route and had a two- pay and just draw his line forward down to here but no he wants some forehead reduction so um darn we got this nice technology coming up and he’s still getting it so Mr T um let me ask you a
Qu let me ask you a question bad Gemini if his forehead reduction surgery is successful are you going to follow sup first off for a man that’s not cammed up if you look mine is a flat surface I’m for the flat earthers that believe the Earth is flat he is for everyone who’s
Rocking with the Earth is round so he needs to flatten his out so I don’t know if I need the same treatment that he’s going to get cuz he has a round skull right there you see this flat one but anyway we ain’t going he looks like a a
I ain’t gonna even tell you which well he looks like but anyway um look CB Smith did you got the video popping Mr life CU I finally got it man I finally got it you can stop being Reckless right now I finally got it I had to do it a whole different way
Somehow Here we go we’ll just do it this way and you all let me know if you can hear it too a second grader was wearing the sparkly shirt featured a so can you all hear that somebody got to give me head up cut off the background music
From us yeah just cut off our our music and let that play all right there you go au’s Greek letters tonight the principal of that elementary school is apologizing but as News Channel 5’s Jason Lamb explains the issues surrounding this aren’t as clear-cut as you might think
This one is my attendance hero one attendance award in hand 7ear old Payton Tiger’s mom says her daughter isn’t used to getting in trouble at school so what happened Thursday surprised both Payton and her mom when I picked her up off the bus it took me a second but I realized
You know why aren you wearing a different shirt Payton went to school that morning wearing this shirt spelling out AKA 1908 in pink and green rhinestones a reference to Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority Incorporated an historically African-American sorority I like the shirt I was wearing but that’s not the
Shirt pton came home with and an email from a teacher at the school to Payton’s mom sheds some light on why today I noticed pton wearing an AKA shirt nville Elementary School teacher take away the shirt a second grader all right so we had to see that so we saw that you all
Dumbfounded no we go ahead I thought you were segue to the question we all like we had to see all saw that so I thought she was GNA kick us a question you’re good first question is from your well let’s go to your let’s go back to the
The original question that you asked your initial reaction to when you heard and saw this what did you think Mr T said that he thought it was what Mr T what did you say you thought this was I thought I thought that this should if this happened to a black child from a
White teacher there be outroar all across the United States of America this happened three weeks ago I think I think um a little longer but I’m just not hearing about it this week so I don’t know so do you think it’s racist can this [ย __ย ] can racism I don’t I don’t think it’s
Racist but I think that sometime we um can do things to others that others can’t do to us without us feeling like it’s racist a lot of time we take um this situation we take situations and make them racist when they’re is not a racist situation so um I agree with
Kareem that the parent should have been called but for what it’s just a shirt you say it’s just a shirt but you have to remember this there’s something called cultural appropriation and this is the same uproar that uh the Kardashians right two of them they got
For what wearing a a Tupac and a biggie shirt there’s something within our culture where we feel like we have to protect it even though we know there are more urban white kids that buy hip-hop music well back then when people were buying CDs so there’s a portion of us
Where it’s like that’s ours and if you want permission you have to um come through us you just can’t freely wear it it could have been a black friend it could have been somebody else who gave her this shirt and and you know the teacher didn’t have the Back stories the
Teacher looking like this is our stuff so my so um now that you have more CB Smith you said uh you were going to reserve and then kind of second hold second hold a second let me dive into this racist thing because you all say it
Can’t be racist because it’s no well I personally don’t believe in s Reverse Racism I believe in racism and Marcus gar said that racism needs two components you got to have Prejudice and you got to have power and inside this situation I see both I see Prejudice and
I see Power I see a teacher enacting her prejudice against a against a little girl that is not of her race I I don’t know why black people think that we can’t be racist I I fully understand that America as a whole as in our society enacted racial stuff against us
Some demoralized in uh uh things that they they brutal and everything else but that brutalized we got you yeah yeah yeah yeah they they brutalized mutilated he put He put mutilated I mean that’s what I did yeah but the thing is when we look at it from that perspective and this is
How I think about it we have a woman here that that was being blatantly racist against this little girl I think it need to go on her record that that that that this was a racial driven act and she need to be fired and and her license taken we need Swift and severe
Punishment for this foolishness right here because this is a little girl that’s not racist man I won’t say it’s racist and power Prejudice and power did she have Prejudice and power hold on the reason why I won’t say it’s racist is because she’s a part of the AKA right if
You watch the second um tape this was she was part of the AK AKA right so with her being a part of AKA she know what she went through I don’t know much about saris and fraternities and junk I never play as a nothing I play as Jesus that
About it but she know exactly what she went to went through to get that shirt right so I don’t see it as her seeing a little white girl with the shirt being on but I see her as seeing somebody who didn’t go through what she went through
To get that shirt the shirt being on the same way it is in motorcycle games when you wear a patch when you wear those patches wear one um and then don’t have him G through what those guys go through see what happened to you all right let
Me rebuke both of that right all both of those points first point was where do you oh man I forgot just that quick but he was saying that it’s just the person put in work it was not a matter of the white they put in they you said
They put in work and it it wasn’t a matter about them being being white once again they put in the work that their people did to them so their people did did that to them not nobody from an outside group second thing is you can go
Buy a AKA shirt in toddler size you can go buy inside teenage size you can go buy in six-month old size and now none of those people put in the work to actually wear that particular shirt and and you can still put that on your child
Second thing is the the the the AKA is a black organization it’s it’s related to the Black Culture and black people Prejudice and power and is still indicted by race at the same time this was a racist act and I don’t know why us as black people continue to hang on this
Whim like we can’t be racist yes your black niggly and shiftless ass can be racist most of us is racist I got a little racist than me too as well I fully get it but but to say that is not she’s misguided though I can’t say she
You know why I’ve seen other black people challenge other black people that I can definitely tell you that a lot of white people that I’ve seen other black people challenge other black people that were wearing sorority and fraternity garbs that they didn’t do cuz once they
Ask you when you got it what’s your line the year Pledge you can’t answer that like oh my cousin gave me this they looking at you in a janky way so this happens universally now this girl happened to be a kid that’s what made it
Um worse to me I’m not even looking at during race you take you snatching the shirt off a kid and that’s the whole problem like gosh dog so it was more offensive in a bullying aspect than racism um CB Smith you haven’t chimed in
Yet cuz uh you know Mr life is ready to take off but get your I’m ready to go I’m ready to go um there were a couple of good uh good statements put in the comments um I want to go back here to uh what black
Man travel said he said you touch my kid somebody’s going to get got and uh let’s see here and then uh yet G said with that being said would it be okay for her to remove a HBCU shirt off a white person would she have done that if it was a black
Girl and I think this but that’s what’s slightly different though cuz you have white people that graduate from HBCU so you know that even that can be miscalculated right just imagine somebody snatching a shirt off somebody HB and they actually graduated from there like I when I attended FAMU on the
Highest of the Seven Hills there were white classmates and I didn’t view them anyway like they shouldn’t be here get your out of here and go to a pwi I was like hey you getting that education that we all trying to get one so you know that one there is slightly different
Because you can Nothing Stops a white person from attending a HBCU now in these fraternities let’s be honest how many uh other cultures do you see on that line you might see Hispanic and black you don’t see them saying even though you go to the school we extending
This invitation for you to cross the line and March with us so that I would say the racism comes from the structure that establishes it or we would see diversity within sororities so what’s your take on that just like I said uh it’s a I’m not
Going to say there’s a racist sority but it is based on race what this girl did was racist that’s what I’m and that’s the point that I’m getting to she this was a racist act she saw a little white girl she had no idea if this little
Girl’s mother was a part of this whole thing because let’s be honest she don’t know that because there there can be some Caucasian Asian and white AKA she had no idea but only for the fact that this was a little white girl she took this shirt off this girl that is what
Makes this that is what make this a racist act she had Prejudice and she had power she had a PR she had a preconceived notion that this girl mother was not a part of the AKA because remember you all said that you got to
Actually be a part of you got to go go through it but the kids can wear it so how so how does she know that this little girl mother did not go through it it’s a racist act and and and black okay out you look at the second if you look
At the second it doesn’t matter screen it says she said I am a member of the AKA yeah I read all that merchandise is reserved for the members only but how do she know that the girl’s mother wasn’t a member that’s the point that that’s the point of I’m trying to
Make it could be her grandma it could be uncle have mixed family she could have black in her family just cuz you know she uh is you know young white girl point I’m trying to make bro she can have a black uncle right now you know what I’m saying and and you offended
This young white girl don’t even know her family makeup but I would say this this wasn’t a regular teacher though so my thing is do you think a regular teacher would have done that who who went to H BC you but never pledge but she knows what those shirts mean you you
Said the second stream said she was part of the AKA that’s what merits that action would a regular teacher have done it if she felt like n still culture appropriation no I don’t think a regular teacher would have done it because other teacher don’t care nothing about AKA um
In the comment section down there the girl one of the parents said I don’t care if you wearing Omega boots a Kappa cane and a AKA shirt don’t touch my child that would be entertaining seeing the mega boots but go ahead all right let’s all right let’s clear this up she got
This shirt from a she got this shirt from a thrift store the the mother got the shirt from a thrift store a uh store so there was no she had no well from what we perceived she had no idea what the shirt meant the little girl said
That she just likeed the shirt so so yeah that’s where we are so going back to the original I’m going back to the original um statement I made saying that it wasn’t about race it’s about her seeing somebody else in the shirt that didn’t go through what
They what they what the what they went through on the I’ve already disputed that comment you made a thousand times before one thing their their kids get to wear it so that debunks that secondly how what what because they go by make for infant yes they do they they make them for in
The kids get to wear it and so that debunks that completely second thing is how do she know that the parent wasn’t wasn’t a wasn’t in this place she didn’t know that and I’m real too my my son so he’s in um where he’s not part of the main
Fraternity but they have the junior lamp lighters right and so this is all part of the Omega uh you know sci-fi and and they Q dogs let me just get straight to it right and the thing is they selling garments right to everybody cuz they want family support so I can buy the
Shirts his sister can have it and then also the um you know whoever right and so the whole family’s bought shirts I probably got like 10 of them right am I a Q Dog no but the thing is because my son is being groomed in their mentorship
Program I’m going to rock it now somebody and then not only that they encouraged it we went on the trip we wanted everybody to be uniformed whether you were in it or not so I wore the uniform I mean I wore the clothing this is what’s interesting when we went to
The different fraternity houses on this trip guess what happened they see people with the gar they leaning in doing the whole gestures and all that and I’m like yo I’m just you know I’m just a parent here I’m support my son I was like oh my
It’s good to see you for show cuz they did the whole special thing I ain’t want them to confuse me wearing the garments thinking I’m part of it they’re like who he at but they didn’t trip about it they said good to have you we need more you
Know um representation you know from parents and all that so that’s why I can kind of agree what Mr life said because I’ve been in the setting where I was allowed to wear it um my um his sister my my son’s sister could wear it the mom everybody nobody trip but for some
Reason in this school this girl trip uh this teacher trip when she saw a young um white woman so let’s make it personal what do you do when it’s your kids cuz we see what everybody’s saying about when they it’s their kids for Mr T since you have uh children Charlie llama you
Have children what do you do if that happened to your kid I’m toing that’s the American thing to do he said he’s suing how about you Charlie Lama he’s on break right now he’s um getting his his bever up I’ll tell you what I do I think it’s uh I think it’s I
Think it’s situational I think you really have to examine it from uh a lot of different Vantage points um so first of all let’s consider that nowadays mixed race relationships are as prominent prominent as they’ve ever been so let’s let’s just say that there’s a possibility there could have been a
Possibility that that was a young white girl who had a black stepmother who could have been a AKA right and so she’s just wearing something that she that she came across because of the relationship Dynamic that she has having a black stepmother and she saw it she liked it
She she thought it was cool she thought it was cute and I wanted to wear it to school and the and the black stepmother had no problem with it and allowed her to go to school the teacher doesn’t know this the the uh the other thing is is I
Have a little bit of a a little bit of experience with this it’s it’s it’s not the same but it still parallels in a c in some ways I had a young uh white girl that was best friends with my daughter in high school when I was living in North
Carolina I’m trying to draw a parallel here the young white girl comes to the house like she had done many times before but I had different standards for what was permissible for my kids versus what the young white girl had at her house the young white girl came over she
Was wearing something some little shorty shorts that I thought I deemed inappropriate you can’t you can’t come here and and tell my kids that this is the norm so I I sent her upstairs gave her some something to change into here you go I’m going to call your mama I’mma
Tell your mama why why I ask you to change into these clothes if your mama got a problem she can come get you you can’t be here in in this attire called the mom explained to the mom what was going on the mom actually said thank you I appreciate you because she doesn’t
Listen to me right so um when they talk about you can’t touch my kid no one actually touched the child they said here you go please go change and so I think that sometimes you know we get in our feelings and we don’t consider the whole thing this
Teacher uh this teacher made a poor judgment call in my estimation and she made it about her her uh sense of uh connection or whatever you want to call it to the AKA as opposed to the care and concern for the child which when she’s on the job that’s supposed to be her
Priority that’s a valid statement at the end that that should be her priority rather than worry about a shirt man I got to say this be BG cuz you said that you said something about you got to be a known racist and and and I wanted to say
It was plenty white people that didn’t think they was racist but they were still racist that just because you don’t know it doesn’t mean that you can’t be that you can still be something and not be conscious love it once again like Garvey said you need Prejudice and power and
Although black people don’t have have a lot of power in most situations here that teacher had all the power there at that school and she came with a preconceived notion of what of what that little girl was so I’mma ask you this question and that’s flipping tius saying if if you
Talking about so say you had uh a daughter who wanted to join a sorority that’s a predominant race like how would you look at it would you consider them racist if a white woman or white college woman wanted to pledge to the sororities and they ain’t going to
Blatantly say no cuz you’re white but they make it difficult where she can’t cross she’s paid her money did everything that everybody else did is like nah we ain’t except you can’t do or they be like we’re not taking anybody right now for the line we full would you
Consider that racist cuz how often do we see other cultures other than black in fraternity and sororities well you got to prove two things you got to prove the Prejudice and the power so we see the power on that but the Prejudice is kind
Of in a gray that’s in a gray space in this particular space we see the Prejudice because it was a little white girl that she did it to and if if anybody on this panel could say you think she would like like Dre asked do you think she would have took this shirt
Off a black girl what do you think that she would have done probably not she would have probably automatically she would asked questions no she would have asked questions at least like oh was your mama at AKA then if the girl couldn’t verify then she made but she
Would at least ask bro you’re a grown man you don’t have to raise your hand go ahead just talk over he been in church too long man you’re a grown ass man on the U on the on the U Instagram page in the comment section it also said
As a teacher in AKA I prove and for the record the teacher educated the parent via email so it could be in writing and not verbal furthermore this has nothing to do with race if you didn’t earn it don’t wear it but I will educate you on
Our profound society that so you want a bring to me so you want to bring to me you want to bring you want to bring to me a renegade black woman talking about something is not racist just like just like I said just because you don’t know
That you racist doesn’t make make you not be a racist once again was there Prejudice and power there was there Prejudice and power there again was their Prejudice I I answer your question sir I answer your question sir please give me an answer right now was there Prejudice and power there there but
There was not Prejudice what the [ย __ย ] Mr life Mr life I would say he plead he’s pleading the fifth but he don’t drink liquor so we ain’t GNA worry about that but I let me let me address something though because you know he likes to take the
Easy way out we we get it I agree with you there was Prejudice in that Mr life to answer the question and there was power so I’mma make this personal um can anybody recount a story where there was Prejudice in power and and you felt you know whether it’s helpless disrespected
Whether it’s at the job or in the streets wherever it may have been where you experience that M we all know the story and the answer is yes but go ahead because just for entertainment give us the story yeah we if you’re black man you know it’s by the police I don’t know
What you talking about all but for CV Smith all for CV Smith can you give me a a situation outside of the police then cuz people always think that’s the number one and only give me the other on right your career right oh man the prej oh there
Was this company in tell called Livewire I’mma call the name because I F them F them completely f you f the company I hope y’all go down it is a security company feel free to call them and spam them right it’s called live wild security and this is back when this is
Back when I was just trying to get come out of all the bank rupies and all the other stuff and I was trying to find a job I sat down with this white lady and she said listen here the job is yours I need for you to meet with my boss which
Is a formality at this point in time and it just going and it just and just so you can meet you can meet him and then you can start the next day she we don’t done the we’ve done the paperwork she’s putting out all this stuff just getting
Getting ahead she’s getting ahead of the game she’s doing my background checks and everything I walk I come in that next morning it was this big white got six two shorter than me uh 6’2 probably about 270 we’re about the same size he comes up I come up I shake his hand and
I see this disgruntled disain look on his face and she looks at him and says this is the guy that I was telling you about and he looks at her and looks at me me and says what is he doing here and then just walks off look everybody son because it’s like I’m
The work what I’m doing at the job I got do he just he just walks off just like blatantly boldly just walks off and she looks at me and says almost almost te outed at this point in time and say I’m sorry let me go find out what’s going
What’s going on and I can’t recall where she said I said up that but I left but I still remember calling her back that next day and ask what did I do wrong or anything like and she and she didn’t respond at all she did not pick up a
Phone call didn’t do anything yeah that that is one of my stories but most of them involve the cops said most the cops oh gosh so so basically with this do you think cuz you asked a question um I think earlier like are sororities and fraternities considered militant um you know anybody
Got any um answers to that do you consider the militant in their approach I’m glad you went there I’m glad you went there no oh yeah so yeah yeah because you became a Christian Boy by the time we started going to FAMU and going to the
Set BG might know this CB Smith might Charlie Lama might know this as well but I’m not going to say outside of college so I’m going to take it off the guys that graduated and moved on but the ones in college yeah they operate like a g it
Is what it is yeah they militant they gangs and they do whatever they want to do and we we saw them doing more fighting than the than the hood dudes we we saw them doing more shooting than the hood dudes and the and what here’s what baffled me about huh shooting shooting
Yeah yeah Ain nobody go to jail I don’t know about all that but once again after the club talking about their behavior though but go ahead bro just because you lost that debate you don’t have to make me you have to make me to be a liar yeah you totally L that’s the
Officer in him though that’s the officer you know he ask that anyway he put in jail he’s arrested over 100 black man personally arrested over 100 black men he the only Pro black man that that’s known to throw black people in jail at us stound and rate I don’t
Get so I want to I want to approach this from a slightly different angle right I I don’t know if I don’t know if you can uh share that or not uh yeah I’m trying to get to it right now but I got to do
Some things first but yeah go for it but there are tons of videos with white people that have joined black fraternities and let’s just let’s just have a honest conversation right the real issue is not so much that it’s a white person that wore the AKA shirt or
Whatever the soror or fraternity it it is you know or it was the real issue is is that that teacher did not think that this was someone that had embraced the culture because if it was a white person that they thought had embraced the culture really understood how to navigate that
Landscape then they would then they would in turn Embrace that white person warmly right and so when you look at these videos of these white boys out there dancing with these different fraternities these sisters out there losing their mind because they think oh white chocolate white chocolate he
Really gets it he knows what time it is so yes there was a strong bias on that teacher’s part if that teacher had known that this kid was a child of someone who embraced the culture we wouldn’t even have a conversation right now we wouldn’t have a topic
Matter Charlie ladow we very impressive you know um and I’m not talking about what you said I’m talking about the fact that you can take those swigs from your um High Life while living a low life and communicate properly um I appreciate that and even got a few silent burps out
As well that’s that’s magic at its finest but no but you caught you caught that but aside from that uh Charlie llama no but that that’s a point now but you know this is a kid though right so there’s no time to assess if she earn her street credits for being out here
Right so that was a 100% blatant bias and that’s all it was and it ain’t even about racist so I won’t say it’s racist Mr life I’ll say it’s a 100% bias you ain’t good enough to rock our gear act like we do and do what we do U cuz
You’re not one of us but the one thing is let me tell you what’s the commonality All America hold one second hold a second yeah yeah let me go because Mr T want to chime in whenever whenever somebody agree with him like thank [Laughter] you that’s
Some that’s some ban type of stuff BG you know what ban mean y’all know what ban mean you’re like yeah you come be like yeah you’re like yeah you’re like yeah but let me say this once again neither one of you have disproved what Marcus Gary said Prejudice Prejudice
Right Prejudice in power she had she had po both but y’all want to say that it’s not we need to get to the point is it a definition that he gave or that’s his opinion has that been indoctrinated as the definition or again racism all right let’s look up the well
We can look up the definition of races what does it mean to have a stereotype against someone because of their race okay so was that again not because of her race but because what she was wearing so there’s you you trying to tell me that she did
Not do that because this was a little white girl because we have already agreed if this was a little black girl that this would that this would not that this would have probably not happened maybe maybe not because I’ve seen black people get checked about once
Again I said once again this is a little girl can we have it about what can we have the conversation this is about a little girl if this was a little black girl 8ye old black girl would she do the same thing we see this
We see never seen her mama pull up no the hell they would not because little kids walk around family you all the time with AKA shirts on ain’t nobody going to walk up to a little kid and tell them to take that shirt off can we be honest man
Can we be honest it gonna say future AKA future Omega no it does not no it does not they no it does not it does not say future it does not say say future though now now now I’m getting ready to fat check y’all [ย __ย ] no some of them say
Parent of o no the reason I some of them say we got be [ย __ย ] no cuz with with we gotta be [ย __ย ] and [ย __ย ] Le what’s going on but my son his said mine said like father of you know of a future Lamplighter or or Omega
Like and then they have moms and so they have different ones depending on um you know your relationship they do have different ones yeah they do have those that says future and all that other stuff but they still have the ones that says AKA this was a regular one this little girl was
Wearing so she it was in future I gotta I gotta touch on what Mr T just said he said why you gotta be uh [ย __ย ] and niggly um and I hit Mr I hit Mr life up the other day and I told him I just seen something I ain’t never seen
Before and it sounded and what I said to him was was very much like what you just said I said this dude out here ain’t being shiftless and niggly he out here being niggly and [ย __ย ] right dude was standing out dude was standing out there
On the side of the road just off of I95 with uh with a pan handle I mean with a pan handling sign a black dude and he out there with a sign sign that’s talking about you know will work for food whatever you know uh need a couple
Dollars on hard times but he turned around and walked away and and his shirt said in huge letters I eat ass with a picture of a booty in a g string all right all right let’s get to what Charlie what CB Smith sent us here there will be no music because we will
Not get a copyright strike so U it’s this is muted I don’t know he kind of stiff though first off what why we got to have Sam white out it it you know what this even that was the was controver I’m like why you going okay anyhow I’m not even
Gonna talk about the part the Sam white like yeah but with that look what they did they danc a whole routine when people see that like you’re not seeing that at other ones right like when you talking about you going to the trenches of these HBCU like that one there has
Been taken over that’s when you call these former rappers who are gooned and that’s crossover right now these dudes got they because you know it’s normally a token black guy they don’t got them a token white guy put him in the middle showed them a little shoulder moves and
He think he swagged out you know what I’m saying I ain’t knocking him man he went through the process but Charlie llama if you trying sell the dream on that one that ain’t enough for me all right point the point is the point is is that you know that that teacher’s
Actions was unfounded because she don’t know who might have been connected to that she made a snap judgment based on her biases and based and based on what could potentially be considered as racist and I don’t think it’s necessarily too much of a stretch when when Mr life says that her actions was
Racist I don’t think he’s stretching or reaching really at all bias cuz she came as able to identify what she did and why she did it she was because this per when you got it like I if I say I hate it’s perceiv but it’s unfounded did she do
The research did she find out whether this little girl had a family member that was actually a member of the AKA no she did not that’s fine but she gave you her standpoint even without the research right what you talking about old white racist always gave their standpoint they
Even wrote philosophy on it on why they thought that black people say I hate you she never said she hated the girl she didn’t like the shirt where the racism go so who okay she she did racist you have tote somebody to be you could work
For somebody who’s racist I get it if you’re a good worker and you make the money they like just run me my money my question though is with that white girl right that you said she was racist toward did was that an act of hate at
All once again I’m not going with that because I don’t believe your I don’t believe your definition the definition says that you got to have Prejudice according to someone’s skin color that is racist it doesn’t say anything about hate she didn’t do you to hate anybody
She did it because of the shirt once again we can’t prove that in the court of law they can’t prove that she did it for that would get thrown out of court they wouldn’t be like because she’s a white girl we can use our deductive reasoning we can you
Don’t you have a master’s degree you can use your you can use your deductive reasoning to figure this out that this black woman is not the master of this young little white girl and all she did was say I don’t agree with this shirt
Because this is what I had to do to get with it had nothing to do with her being white and in ACC court of law that’s getting thrown out because you cannot substantiate racism in that it’s a oneoff now she well once again we are
Once again you ran along wait Al this is this is not a court of law and we having a debate right now so in a debate you can actually have deductive reasoning and you can have you can you can have deductive reason and rationale so you
Trying to tell me that you are not a rational person that I can accept but you cannot tell telling me is 100% RAC y’all sound ignorant as hell right now because if you think if you think that if you think that because this this didn’t have nothing to to do a
Little white girl because we have all said if this was a little black girl if they would have done this to a little black girl everybody would have came out there would have been riots there been racist okay so I’m I’mma throw I’m G read Arkansas’s comment and then I’m G throw
Something at you BG uh Arkansas said alphaa Alpha sority Incorporated does not discriminate in its membership selection practices on the basis of race color age or ethnic or or ethnicity nor will alpha C calpa Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and Incorporated tolerate such discrimination by its chapters or its
Members all right so um with that being said I’m G throw I’m G throw this to you BG you have a young daughter and some of these white sororities if she was rocking if she went to school and she didn’t know any better because the shirt
Was purchased at a thrift store and the same thing happened to your daughter what would be your response sir I’m be like baby just understand you wearing that shirt you lost 50 % of your Rhythm so we going to have to fix that we going
To get you in a good old AKA classic deflection deflection like don’t hate my that’s my response so yeah you just lost you might want to take that off you know what I’m saying you can’t even walk with swag anymore like you but who’s the feminist now cuz that was that that
Deflection was very feminine that was classic deflection that there’s nothing deflection about that first off this the thing his Captain American shielded that way if she want I don’t care about that she can it’s not that serious to me um the thing is when y’all
Try to make a racist first off um thank you Arkansas for uh pulling that up but you know every company has that you know how many racist companies have that same type of language cu the lawyers know you better put that in there you got some blatantly racist companies like we don’t
Discriminate anybody we hire this that that and people over a certain age don’t get hired people of a certain race don’t get hired like it discrimination happens blatantly so with that video I want to say this what she didn’t do you can’t actively say she came with the racist
Mindset she just came with a mindsets of you I nobody’s vouching for you and I don’t agree with you wearing that because I’m not sure if you have a family member or not in that and so that’s the difference if you think that’s racist I look at it other disciplinary action with her
And that girl no the day the girl wore the shirt that’s when things Chang you have to understand shean start teaching this girl day one and then snatched the shirt this girl has been her student all that time so are you saying she displayed acts of racism previously we
Won’t know all we know is she did it cuz the shirt was on that’s why I say it’s biased so um bad Gemini um I got to challenge you on this and here’s why right I would say you full of [ย __ย ] but um I think you got most of the crap out
And that’s why your shirt that’s supposed to talk about cheses is fitting on you real loose cuz you done got all the crap out like all you have your your your dig all right go ahead all right so last question on this one tonight is this another sign of black women being
Unruly no everybody’s pleading the fifth no Mr T not unless he want to be on his well you know I’ll be quiet go ahead Speak Out Mr T I won’t throw no numbers out go ahead I see it as someone just protecting something that she went
Through it’s kind of like um that as a Christian if I were to see a Satanist wearing a a shirt like that was originally Jesus Christ shirt or something like that that but then got all this other stuff on it that’s making it I don’t know so I might found offense
To that so she found offense to it but she did something about it so I don’t see it’s just a black woman being she bullied a kid than you she bullied a kid she took it off off she bullied a kid she just took the shirt
Off now I’m not saying that it was right for her to do but I’m just simply um stating the point that it wasn’t racist but if it was something done to a black child we would have considered that racist you know if I’m the little white
Girl hush your face Mr T hush your face we would have we would have considered that racism right but what I’m saying is we can’t consider everything racist that’s what I’m saying oh so only oh so only when we do it to somebody else we don’t consider it being being racist I’m
Just saying we as a black people when I first said it as a black people we would have went in a upro everywhere all across America saying that that was racist right he making it sound like only people Mr racis Mr life you forgot to hit the button H what the what
The what the [ย __ย ] he making racism one-sided y’all what y’all feel about that he’s making it onesided like goes one dire what no you you got to understand where I’m coming from as black people we see everything as being racist that’s and that’s something we
Got to stop doing that’s the point I was trying to make we see everything as racist and that’s something we got to stop doing because not everything that’s done to us is racist some stuff deserve it we deserve it if I was a little white
Girl I would have me toed her too like you know you making Mr know you making Mr point right now I’m not making his point I’m not making I’m not making his point I’m not making his point you ain’t got something you sure you ain’t got something extra
In that water bottle cuz right now you digging your own hole listen I’m not make I’m not making nobody Point not diing no hole what I’m saying is that was not a racist situation that’s the only thing I’m saying and as black people we woulded make it me racist but
It was not a racist situation even if it was done to a little black girl it would not be racist back to the question that got understand what the what the background of it is the same thing I made about it being like a motorcycle game if you wear something some
Motorcycle guard and you wasn’t initiated that way they G to do something to you same way if you do something with a game and you you wear some gang gear and you want to inate that way they don’t give a d you black white green purple red something going
To happen to you if you ain’t walk that line these are sororities they shouldn’t be militant that action is is understood in went through just a terrible parallel just a terrible parallel when he told me it’s a terrible parall it’s a terrible parallel it’s a terrible parallel when
You told me that you thought I was lying when I said when when I said Frat Boys shoot guns so it’s a terrible parallel like they don’t have that like they don’t have that capability once again back to the question at hand it’s a pledge back to the question
Hand comment by G let me read the comment by y g read the comment they were so concerned about who wears what the hell was it doing being donated to the thrift Store all right back to the question of hand because I know CB Smith might have something to say about this is this another situation of black women being unrooted damn right still deflecting he said dang right go ahead say it again CB damn right all right all right let’s get to
The final thoughts of this one man we ran way too long this was a great debate this was a good spirited debate Mr T took a lot of BR he took some punches but he kept on getting back up I’mma give it to him let give my boy the hand
Let give my round Applause whatever get my round [Applause] Applause you T them Ling you T them lick and kept on kicking bro whatever let me get my final thought out first I want to go first all y g just messed around with my my final thought when she just said that
Let’s get to it let’s now you know you gotta be looking at the camera now so you can’t be looking down because I got I got you oh God all right so my final thought is apparently um someone in sorority didn’t think highly of the sorority as she did so that’s that’s why
The shirt ended up in a thrift show or whatever so the problem is not external the problem is in internal so my advice to all of those who have a problem with uh people wearing your stuff in a sorority get it right and most of all seek
God he ain’t forget his tagline this time all right I’m g go ahead and get mine out the way that his TD Jak’s moment final thoughts black people we need to do better we are so sensitive that we can’t even handle a little eight-year-old child wearing a t-shirt
Harmlessly what does that really say about us as a people it’s really really sad and we need to do better and Mr T you sir are a closeted racist so my advice to you is to really think about what you said tonight and above all seek [Laughter]
God did he use his own tagline on him oh shoot he got you good that was good enjoy it I can’t even be serious no more he don’t took it out of me but I’mma figure it out go ahead Mr life oh gosh man it’s unfortunate right the
Whole teacher snatches this shirt off a young eight-year-old white girl right saying man you shouldn’t do this you didn’t earn the rights to do this well let me tell you what speaks loudly in America the allmighty big old damn dollar you know why because right now
You got a lot of people wearing mechanic shirts I’m pulling up the guys like yo man you can check no man I bought this I just like what it say you got their whole name patched on it right you got people you can buy whatever you want in
America no matter what the facts you got people who in the hood and I swear they can land planes because they got the whole thing with the things but it’s like n they ain’t doing none of that so when it comes to America I will say this
Here cut it out as long as you got this here you can wear with heck you want you can even dress up as a black man if you want white guy but you got to be able to afford it but never mind stay white and stay proud but hey don’t be wearing our
Stuff he said don’t be wearing our stuff I was trying to be nice but I lost my mind at the end I had to think about it man it’ be cultural appropriation go ahead Mr life we know you going you gonna come for real man but I got one
More though you know let’s bring it back man I’m stealing it I’m stealing it put him back down this what we got to talk about this is a deep issue let’s get right at it man I was trying not to let’s go this the problem so if I’m the
Parents of this young white girl who was embarrassed right in front of all her peers most of them probably black and they’ve never seen where it was reversed where a young white girl had to strip down and come out of her shirt so I know they were mortified like this only
Happens to us so this is my whole thing if I the family I’m me toing the teacher CU you unforce made her come out of her shirt and that was very prevalent in the me too era So Not only would this teacher get arrested for racism but also
For stripping this young girl out of her shirt that’s terrible and shame on you and for all the young black kids who saw that yes it can happen to others well let’s look at this comment before we move on because Arkansas is trying to keep it going she trying she
Trying to keep it up right now Arkansas trying to keep this conversation going I just got a link from a website to places that sell their branded stuff in my area and I can purchase some right now ah what the [ย __ย ] apparently making a dollar is a lot
More important than loyalty that’s all I’mma say you just said a mouthful and bad Gemini since you went again I’m got I gotta do it real quick I promise it’s gonna be brief you want to talk about appropriation I think we need to focus more so on what’s
Appropriate and anybody that deems it’s necessary to take a shirt off of a eight-year-old child because of their loyalties to a sorority needs to take Mr te’s advice and seek God he had to bring it back one more time oh gosh Mr okay we’re done wasting
Your time we serious now you sure yeah yeah I’m definitely sure back in my day when I walked around Family Campus those R return to they operated much more like gangs they fought like gangs they they actually accosted people like gangs and they live wildly like gangs as well and even when
They went through their initiation and follow and followed by wildy loyal during their duration fast forward out of college those frats kind of slow down but those sororities as we see their Calamity tends to increase so here’s to you the ladies that practice your deviant misguided your your deviant
Misguided loyalty you [ย __ย ] packo wild hyenas stay rogish boy we getting banned in so many streets right now the hate mail is coming in I love it at all can I make one more statement can I make one more statement oh God one more I want make we make it
In the next segment we at least move to the next segment and drop it but go ahead Jesus Christ wear one of those Vietnam hats wear a police officer uniform wear anything from like um a special unit in the armed forces and just wear it casually and let one of those people who went through that stuff see you wearing it and see what happened to you difference is difference is they
Actually went through something they actually went through something they they did a play you can’t compare they went all right all right let’s get to the second half of this show Welcome to mansplanation network where we figure is Out hosted by Mr life co-starring bad Gemini darring Amari where we struggle streaming all over the YouTubes the Facebooks all over the internets hell we even struggle streaming on MySpace The most Shadow band of the Shadow band top shows in their history of being Shadow Band time for your main event let’s figure this Out welcome back to the second half of n Network figuring ISS out where we don’t claim to know everything about all things but we just trying to figure out some things about most things and this is our Thursday night man study where we study the word of man how man acts and
How man cares himself and I am your host Mr life Mr life is what it is so I suggest you go be what it is and don’t be what it ain’t and let’s bring the guys back up so we can get into it we have the panelist tonight they are firey
Fiery tonight we have Mr T Mr T how was that first segment sir I loved it you love it even though you lost I love I’m pretty sure the people inside the chat to tell you who lost that one but but and we have bad Gemini
How you doing sir you know he means it both ways right when he’s talking about you lost that segment and you just lost you is yeah you right I need God right I need to see God I need to see God CV Smith sir spirited spirited the spirited
Debate tonight that we had going on I absolutely love it hope the second one brings up brings the same thing but before we get into that let’s get to BG and the drink review then we’ll come back with one commercial from our show sponsor then we’ll jump into the show
The second half of the show let’s get to it yeah so you know when we ask what we busting down what we like to sip on this here is delicious right here here this is Penelope right and so you see this beautiful PE well let me see if we can
Get it and I think I mentioned this before I’m not pushing P Penelope right so when it comes to this bottle what’s key about it is it’s a four grain bourbon right and so when people think about the grains what are they you know it’s like okay you know they’re using
Wheat barley right also you know it has to be at least 51% corn but some you can use two or three um grains but no they use four grains just to have it a more natural earthier taste and it’s sweeter um cuz when you press certain grains
They have it now this here will run you about 35 bucks and you can look at it it’s 80 proof nothing too heavy hitting like some of the better Bourbons they’re coming in at about you know 90 proof and higher but this is still a nice smooth
Drink right this has corn Ry wheat and malted barley so those four look I made my whole camera dark out those for um come together and create this rich nice taste as mentioned 35 bucks you can get in any your local liquor stores penelopy and there are four T three tiers of it
Try all of them all right all right we are back again we are back again it’s time to get into the think of things but before we do that let’s get to this commercial by Josh Lee arti and once again he makes beautiful art that I think that you all
Should all go out and purchase if you cannot to afford to buy his beautiful art you can actually buy this nice mug this mug is about $25 and let me talk to the high value women out there to all you high value women that trying to get
A man or have a man a good wife put whiskey in her husband’s mug I just want to put that out there so once again go buy your husband one of these or your man one of these and he would definitely enjoy that so once again let’s get to
The commercial and then we will come back and jump right back into the thick of the final segment this is Malcolm X’s life and art Thanks for watching check out my YouTube channel for the full video All right so we are back we are back at it let’s get into the thick of this show uh BG I’m going need you to take over for about two seconds you already know what I forgot to do when I had to fall off I
Lost the video so let me fall off again and upload it sir yo yo yo so you already know what time it is let me get my cam back working yeah so um yeah that last segment um yeah we we did go off the Rockers a little bit but I will say
Um we know what’s right the thing is we don’t have to always add race it just comes to a matter of what’s right and what’s wrong and um we all know that Mr T was wrong to come on here without dying the middle of his head but anyway
That’s um Charlie lman let me kick it to you man Mr life go ahead I bought you some time we back all right so Mr T man you better stop checking your fantasy leag right now I’m writing down my my final thought for the uh for the next
For the next day all right all right let’s get let’s get to it we need to talk is a popular YouTube channel do you all hear the music I want to make sure you got the music up yeah you’re good we need to talk is a popular YouTube
Channel during during and during one of his podcast he had some things to say about love the love that’s given between man and woman and who loves more this has been a old AG debate that will probably truly never be answered but we will take our shot at it tonight so
Let’s watch what he had to say and let’s come back and figure is out love more authentically than huh oh this is what I mean by that you you said say it again I said I think men Love More authentically than women and this is why I can agree
But go ahead women are in love with love yes and because of that I think you guys are wired to stick anybody in that spot you can you can make him fit you guys are socialized from little girls to fall in love with the process the pageantry
Of love the the according phase and the dates and the you know what I’m saying he put his hand on my thigh and we walked down the A and all that stuff on the flip side when a man figures out that realizes he’s in love that’s it’s
Not a happy experience he like God damn because that is oh wow a responsibility he’s telling the truth now because again our two jobs are provide and protect I love her means that I’m willing to die for her that’s not part of your responsibility right right so we’re not going to be as
Flippant or as generous with that love plus we’re not socialized to fall in love with the whole process and [ย __ย ] like that so question to the panel tonight when we think about what he just said about love do you do do you agree and what’s the impact on men and how and
And how men approach love itself um I I I agree I would I would I do agree that we love U more um intently simply because um of what goes in it for a man um if you fall in love with the wrong person you take a chance at your
Heart um being broken um and when a man hurt um we’re always looked at as if it’s something that we did wrong it’s something we did to cause the breakup in the relationship or something like that we’re always looked at that but then when a if if it’s the if if it’s the
Woman that calls it still people will look at the woman like the man did something but then they come to her rescue they come to her support um you know she can go out and wear that hurt on her shoulder as in men right now if
We go out and show that we’re hurt from a breakup or some from a divorce or whatever then we’re looked at as if we’re weak or something like that you allowed this to happen to you so when a man fall in love it’s a risk it’s a risk
For a man when he falls in love so are you saying risk is only one-sided cuz we don’t need this to be like that first segment uh when you made it all one-sided are you try you saying women don’t take that risk too no I’m not
Saying that but the question is who TR they both taking the risk right cuz they’re trying to make a deal yeah they are the both take both take a risk right but a woman can easily more easily um pull herself out of a situation and when a man is really for
To pull out situation he put a lot more I ain’t going to say well he put a lot that last one love strong they more forgiving so you can’t say that because they more forgiving they going to have that’s what I’m saying that a man when a
Man when a man fall in love with a woman it’s a more of a risk for him because a woman expected to fall in love but a man not really but when we do fall in love it’s more of a risk for us to to to face more criticism if something goes wrong
Uh more hurt because we this is our they take we take on that that person is a part of our love stronger in your opinion that person is a part of our identity now do they love stronger in your opinion to the panel do do you
Believe who loves stronger is is there I think a man loves stronger because I think a man love is unconditional once he fall once a man really really falls in love his love is unconditional even though we may say you may say oh man if
He she mess around yeah you may let her go right but you gonna really feel it whatever I just can’t go on that notion of one sex L and stronger than the other cuz you know uh you can show love differently but the stronger thing I won’t go that different showing yeah
But go ahead Mr life you look I got to deal I want to deal with the comment that he said men love unconditionally there’s I said when he really fall go don’t get words don’t t words when he really Falls in UNC matter your words don’t matter at this point in
Time I’m just simply saying from what I’m about to say your words don’t matter to me right now because you always talking wild you talking Reckless you talking crazy you talk like a Christian and and and sometime Christians have a jaded sense of reality and I’m not going I’m
Just not going to say Christians I’m going say highly spiritual people yeah highly religious and spiritual people once again all love is conditional when it’s given through man because I can guarantee you if they hurt you enough you you would that that love will turn into hate and if it was unconditional no
Matter what they do that the word unconditional mean that there is no conditions that can be met to change whatever that needs to be changed unconditional love doesn’t exist inside us cuz I can guarantee you if my wife go out and do something super duper wrong
To me I would probably hate her guts as well and I love my wife to death but you can push a person or a person could drive themselves not to love you because we as humans are not designed to love unconditionally unconditionally unless it’s our offsprings everybody else is
Just a offshoot that can be sacrificed now some people even hate their kids and some people even hate their kids now to deal with do men love better than women I think each gender lovees different I see men’s love as a duty and a call I’ll get into that later so men
Typically think that our love is better because it’s more actionable women typically think that their love is better because it’s a lot more emotional they give you emotional support emotional value it’s the intrinsic things that they do for you that tells them that they love that they
Love better than you do but it’s a ying and yang approach we both need each other to love each other so that we don’t get so that we don’t overcompensate in one way I think it’s a different thing I don’t think that one loves more than the other you can love a
Person more than they love you though I can definitely say that but do women love men better not really do men love women better not really because like can guarantee you at the end of the day if they hurt you the dogs will come out and we all have done it Smith um so for me I think that men love differently as you said but I do agree with the fact that we love deeper and the reason why I agree that we love deeper is because of what you said men love with a sense of Duty with a sense of
Obligation and with the sense of responsibility women their love goes when the fing does oh you know what waset yeah he has it he has it I’m not knocking it but you know what hey Mr life sorry uh we missed on this earlier it was her her Nexon when she asked what
Is a hyena you brought that up so that mean the girls got to come out and I’m sorry for not getting to your question earlier Arkansas’s but definitely um the girls are coming oh yeah let’s get to the girls we’ll get to the girls then we’ll come
Back so where are the oh she went for the we needed two more dollars from her right yeah she yeah we did so where are are the girls that we need hey did you remove the girls man I didn’t touch the girls the girls should be right in there we go Okay No no no no thanks for your offering [ย __ย ] I I admire her at the end she’s still try to do the like she T I did it and then immediately started sliding down I come in her she’s like does this look right like this it was terrible anyhow yeah shout out you know
To Arkansas and all that we just having added acting a fool but you had questions you were asking Mr life oh I forgot now so we you know when the girls come out I oh the girls do it to all of us I’m totally gone by the time we get
To the girls but we was we’re talking about the love the stronger and all that and I know um CB Smith mik dropped on it uh Mr T you know he was doing his usual um democratic Christians um but anyways uh we going to and then you were doing your usual um
Drunk uncle um and F everybody kids because they ain’t mine right and so you know I like all the energy y’all displayed but I would say when it comes to loving stronger um no I mean you could love equally in terms of just effort right but everybody effort looks
Different so that’s all I think sometime people if they look at somebody not doing what they would do in that situation they treat it as this person doesn’t um love right because they’re thinking about the it from their own shoes so love is a universal thing so
When we get into these gender Wars about this I will say one thing that will always give the man the the trump card on y’all like like he said we willing to die and protect y’all till we get more women doing that instead of twerking on top of vehicles going down the highway
Then we he we lost so that was funny if anything y’all put us in more Danger anything that’s another thing y’all talking about this is how you know we got to be crazy to say we love you go to a little bar lines with you you sh out
Cussing out and like baby get him I’m like get what what we getting like we getting out of here you can’t be signing me up for danger and a real man ain’t gonna do that to his woman so you know what um I’m list do do do do you all think that we
Love different and how would we Define that that that difference if you think men and women actually love each other different how does that look based off what we willing to do we both won’t we’re not willing to do the same things but now the Modern Woman has changed
That the Modern Woman has changed that so saying that how does the Modern Woman show Love by doing household duties that a man Nally would you know women are out here getting it like hey they’re not waiting for you to change the oil you know they’ll take your car to get the
Oil changed like baby I saw it low I went and took your car and get this oil change so they’re they’re um they’re taking off the shackles of gender role where only the man has to throw out the trash only the woman is cooking only the
Woman is vacuum now is universal in the task so that that’s a big change so do men actually value uh when women perform duties or acts for them or do or do men in general look for affection and sex and as long as you give me affection sex
And comfort is that what we need is that the loyalty is that what me he can answer that he can answer that but I can I say this real quick I’ll take both all right go ahead Mr G I take both coach but no go ahead how you feel about it
You don’t think women and the man just like when you talking about in the nature of these duties like does a guy is a guy okay with duties in this modern setting or does he still want the love and affection that feminite woman you
Know and so me I said I’ll take both but with you what is your assessment like do you want that soft sweet woman or you want a woman who doesn’t mind getting it grindy a little bit throwing out the trash washing your car for you like what what do you
Like I take both too um what I I see um in my job I see you know I I work for um Bridgestone so um I see a lot more women and I hear men in the background which is forign to me asking them to ask us
Questions like why would you do that you know take it on yourself you the one need the answer to these questions won’t you call an a you’re rather than having your wife or your girlfriend do it so a lot more women I will give you the
Reason for that I could give you the reason for that because I can guarantee you this is tested by me and my wife Whenever I send my wife to that mechanic shop she usually get a better deal than I do they always give her a discount until tell her put on the
Nicest Dr she have go put on a nice sundress and and B you go in there and you get that oil change for $29.99 if I walk in there with that car that’s a $69 oil change and he’s not going to budge on it I look I see my wife all the
Time because why men because men are shiftless so you have to play on it yeah that is true you can’t get a nice discount you get a nice discount I told you about the Bourbon One time I I sent my wife inside the liquor store told her
To ask the black dude did he have any special Bourbons behind the bar literally soon as she asked he was like oh yeah I got this and he ran back and got it and then he was bright as like he was like real bright and happy until he
Saw me and then his kind of face just went gloomy he’s like man I thought I had something like Noah bro I just played you I do it all the time bro so staying on task with what we talking about in in just the shiftless and [ย __ย ] ways that Mr life say he’s
Willing to operate while showing love um my thing is if if you were to gauge women’s opinion of Love do do you think they view it as there’s a double standard based on what we expect from them because I just want to know like they they tend to say we expect a lot
From them even more than what we are willing to offer and so they feel like hey I keep the home secure is that a double standard for them to feel the way they do in certain instances should they feel like you should love me stronger based off what I
Do for you as a wife a girlfriend whatever it may be no because men can do those same things men has men can take care of themselves too men can cook men can clean men can do whatever the same thing men can do the same thing what
Women can do ins is it the same doing it by yourself or doing with a companion it’s different doing with a companion of course okay so you going to make concessions if you got a companion so my whole thing is when you rocking with a woman like that what like what
Are you doing like are are you looking at her and and treating her differently based on how she act with you because this whole love thing sometimes people like I need you to love me stronger but if you to tell somebody that what does that mean people can’t quantify
That Mr life can you turn the music down just a t b like what would you Quant ify that as somebody trying to love you like baby I need you to love me stronger like if you felt like you were lacking love in a relationship that’s the question I
Need to be asking how would you communicate that to your significant other if you felt you were lacking love in them we should have a open communication in the relationship first of all to that the point where if I feel like I’m lacking in a area I can come to
You and talk to you about it without having to show signs I can tell you straight up what’s going on in the relationship that’s the kind of relationship that you should have with your partner if you don’t have that and I don’t think you got nothing so F
That’s first of all so at the end of the day that’s the way I believe that if I’m liking something in my relationship I tell my partner hey this is what I need this is what I feel that needs to happen and if that and if she said I can’t do
That then I got two things either I deal with it or I leave so we we talking about this from uh from a perspective and let’s get personal here we’ve all been in broken relationships how if you can look at if you can look at it from a love aspect how did the
Lack of Love or the differences in Love Languages or or or how you love her or how she loved you how did that impact your former relationships in how you all broke up Love Languages I believe plays a very vital part in relationships because if you’re with someone who speaks your love language
It’s so much easier for that relationship to to prosper or to to flow because you’re naturally doing something that’s easy for you to do and the other person is receiving that on the other receiving that end and it’s not costing you anything but if if their main love
Language is like say receiving gifts and your main love language is touch and you know the only way you going to get touch if you got to give a gift and you don’t like giving gifts then that’s going to be kind of hard that’s going to
Be kind of hard but you if you really love that person you’ll find a way to make that you’ll find a way to make sure that you’re always being engaged and keeping engaged and making that person feel loved the way that they want to feel loved because for the most part we
Love the way we want to be loved well yeah and I think it goes down to with me and my wife I try to make sure that I communicate the biggest thing you got to lead right and teach you got to lead and teach and I tell men
This all the time if you don’t have a woman that’s going to be she has to be malleable if she’s not malleable it’s going to be hard because if she’s not willing to listen to you and understand what you need as a man it’s going to be
Very hard and for the same thing you got to be willing to give her what she wants from you as well and I think that’s where the like you all said that disconnects come from because a lot of people want to be loved the same way that they show love
And they don’t get that the other person wants it in a totally different way and I even I find that hard because I’m a very affectionate guy and my wife isn’t right my wife is not affectionate but she had to be malleable inside that sense because I cherish get my head Rob
I want to lay down at night lay in your lap get my head rubed and fall asleep that’s all I go to sleep and and so for she had to actually pick up on that and learn that I had to learn her love language is act of service and doing
Little small things so when it comes to all that when we talking about breaking up from do you actually think people break up because they fall out of love or they fell out of why do you think people break up you fall out of cuz let me let’s be honest that
Me because this is the reality people can stay in a relationship and not have love and still call it a successful relationship they do it in many Industries especially the elite of the elite but if you talking about nor people you know there may be still points in your relationship right and
You can fall out of love but the thing is can you maintain companionship that’s what I that’s how I look at it because that companion is that ride or die like you’re my friend first but how do you do that but how do you yeah how do you
Maintain being a a a companion to that person how do you Main main that connection a long keeping enough see what some people do they say they companions but then 30 years we might not do the same things we used to do together but we don’t find
New things to do together so what happens you start want to do things on your own you go on your girls I’m going my guys we chilling we may do a little stuff here and there but it’s keeping that interaction because a 7-Day period is depare you dominate your
Relationships within those seven days before you get to the next week and you got to capitalize that with whatever work you’re doing all these industries you may be a part of in other uh networking you got because you got family you got to check on friends but within that relationship you have to
Have checkpoints throughout each week and I think that’s what keeps the companionship because with me and my wife recently we realized like dang we ain’t hitting these date nights up as much you know um on during the week not just even the weekend you know what I’m
Saying and so we like okay well we know baby girl is going to be you know with our peoples during the day so hey so now we meet up for lunch back regular what we can’t do is a dinner date now has been substituted with a lunch date but
Rather than forfeit on the whole thing and so we went through a whole chunk of time where we forfeited on everything right but I’m like no I was like we got to maintain these checkpoints with our relationship and sometimes life happens and then people don’t reestablish those
Connections so my thing is like Mr T you know like what do you do you know what do you schedule with your wife what kind of things do you have that you know is a foundation in your relationship that you do on a regular one one of the things
That um that we discuss and one of the things that I have to make sure I do is I let my job know once when I’m off I’m off I and one of her thing one of her biggest things is me coming straight home from work if she got dinner done us
Sitting down and eating dinner together that’s one of the that’s one of the the the things that she put in there from the get-go that that’s one of the things that needs to happen that we need to eat dinner together what have you established inside the relationship to
Grow that Bond huh what have you established inside your relationship to so that you all can keep that connection and bond I make sure that I keep those things um what have I established um I establish um the the communication part I make because sometime it’s kind
Of hard for some you know for for women to really Express themselves but for the most part um she expressed herself very well but I make sure I go above and beyond to be open with her about everything so there is no secrets there are no all that other stuff going on no
Because the last thing I want is us to start having Secrets I’ve been in a relationship like that where Secrets happen and that don’t feel good as a man it doesn’t feel good man what you going to do Mr T if your woman wake up tomorrow and says she still want to be
With you but she don’t love you anymore does she have to love you to be in a relationship with you let’s ask the real question cuz love might not I I’m let you answer that’s a great question L that’s a good one um well speaking from all right now I’m
Going to get a little Christian standpoint on you oh he going to ruin it just that quick go here gosh dog from a Christian standpoint is um sometime you don’t love sometime you you feel like you don’t love the person but that doesn’t give you um the right to just
Say I’m done with it I’m leaving because I don’t love the person no you stay there and you figure it out and you figure out because you made um a vow you made um you made a promise to a person that you’re going to be there through
The thick and the thin so you stick it out and you now now if a per if your life is in danger that’s one thing but if ain’t nothing really going on if you just feel like man this is just coming monotonous or whatever do something to
Fix it fix the problem fix what’s going on fix the way you feel you know say she need that face Rodeo four days out the week you going then you you make a way you make a way that you take her to the fa and you make sure you you put the
Rodeo down or whatever you talking about you make sure that happens well I gave he said he said he said take it to the fair he take it to the fair I ain’t going but for me personally man but for me personally what I had to do is like I
I established protocols up front with my wife like whenever I’m leaving I give her three kisses uh I give her three kisses I Incorporated we sit down at the dinner table and eat most of the time like most of the time we always sit down
At the table and eat and as a man I found out you have to be very intentional and very active in maintaining your relationship because you always got to maintain a woman let’s be honest and especially with these modern women you got to maintain them a lot more than their predecessors because
Their predecessors had duties that they had to actually fulfill and like Mr T said if you go back well like he was going to where I thought he was going to marriage wasn’t always about love marriage was about Duty and loyalty and so a lot of times the women didn’t love
You so when I think about that my wife came to me and said I really don’t love you no more but I still want to be with you we got to have a conversation about how that looks right so now we having a conversation well if you don’t love me
That means that you’re not passionate about me passionate towards me so does that change our sexual uh does that change our sex life that’s valid yeah right right right so does that change our sex life because if you want me to be loyal and you don’t love me something
Something got to heal my question to you is would that immediately impact your love you feel you will lose your love instantly or like how do you you got to be emotion and Scar right yeah you yeah you got to be emotion and scarred at that point of
Time right yeah so that’s a difficult time when you’re like oh I don’t love you anymore like wait what or because you had to think about it right you’ve been putting in all these years and all this time and building this Bond and connection with this person and for that
Person just to come and tell you they don’t love you anymore after you thought you put in all this work now it would be different if I thought that I wasn’t putting in work but I put in work now I get Mr T now yeah I get Mr T
If Mr T girl told him that he’ll be like all right let’s see let’s see what we can work on because Mr T don’t put it in on work says you can love with no passion too which is correct cuz some people they call that friends right yeah like
Yeah that friendship she tell me to call them friends but that’s why it’s like finding that that in between between like being in a a full relationship having a friendship a companionship a confidant you know all the roles not where it’s just cuz when people hear
Wife and husband uh and people don’t go to the subcategories you do yourself a disservice cuz right because let’s be honest when you grow up all you know is like yeah my best friend that’s my homie we say that but then there’s that reality in relationship where you could
Say it casually but then your spouse almost like if I’m not your best friend then what am I right because by default we we riding with one another and everything we doing we growing with with one another and so like that there are so many um subcategories under the
Relationship and so it’s fulfilling them all and so cuz my question to you Mr life if you were to describe your life right she’s your wife but what adjectives would you have to represent what she means to you in other ways than oh she’s my
Wife all right it’s been a long time so I don’t know what the adjective is you got to explain those versus the adverb friendly beautiful did we hear a CB Smith sting yeah cuz he you know he likes words adjetives up Reading Rainbow adjectives we didn’t know if you were
Still here or not we just left you up we was like I was like I’m sure he might be gone somewhere but I’ve been here man y’all need y’all need to stop acting y’all need stop indiff uh pergatory and different I got to use just multi syllable words for him
That’d be waking him up uous disingenuous friend Confidant lover so y’all want to talk about men and how we love right and our love is deeper right and so I have to ask the question to uh Mr T and even even Mr life right cuz I don’t think necessarily bad
Gemini may have to contend with that right now but give it time it may be coming but when we’re talking about commitment devotion making her a priority and helping her to understand that she is your choice for life right so my question is when you’re talking about being you know romantic and giving
Her all the things that really turn her on and stimulate her and ex and excite her when she’s laying there you know women have this thing where they love to be massaged right they just love to be massaged and and Men we understand that we know that if we massage her then
There’s a chance that we might get what it is that we looking for so when when she’s looking for that special attention but yet at the same time you recognize that she hasn’t done what’s necessary and so her back has gotten wide and she hasn’t committed herself to unwi her back are
You still G to massage the fat rolls are you still gonna get up inside them crinkles and them wrinkles are you gonna are you gonna prioritize Duty and responsibility even though the booty ain’t responsible no more right and somebody help he about to get banned his
Future wife ain’t never let me give you a Telltale way to get a woman to lose weight since since since since the word Smith put it that way okay you find one of them rolls and you go get that baby oil and you Lube that or and you Lube
That roll up right then you whip out your dick and then you start and then you start strugging on that you a fool man I guarantee you she going to jump up get mad but the next day I guarantee you she she be trying to lose
Weight that’s a a man I thought you you grab the baby oil and forget about her and do it by yourself we went from PG13 to R La real fast anyway I if if you come in that role she’s gonna have some she gonna be really pissed off at you but
She but she will go go ahead and start making some Chang up two relationships cuz of that Mr life two relationships would would no longer be what they were after that segment but you will get results so my question is to you guys all right what is the Love That Will
Smith has for J the reason why he would continue to put himself through this embarrassment through this um through this stuff in the media and all this stuff like that so what kind of love will a woman do this let me tell you this I tell you what’s stronger than
Love because it’s held to a different standard even though you know we we take our vows when you talk think about marriage but some people have like legitimate vows right that they go to the Grave with and whatnot and it’s funny because it seems like it’s a evil
Game of Chess between will and J where it’s like said Evil game of chess yeah evil one like I vow to her like I would never leave her like you know and he seemed like one of those guys like I told you 20 years but I’m never leaving
You like that’s that I don’t care what you do so she doing everything somebody gonna have to lose she either gonna do something so greous like you know what hey I tap out I’m breaking that V I’m out Jay or she knows it and puts the strangle hole on them cuz when you
Admittedly say there’s no love a man don’t want to hear that in private but now when the world knows that when he’s like oh I’m surprised you would tell me that you love me I’m like come on man that that’s the that’s the disconnect we talking about earlier and it just all
Crumbles after that point cuz now you got to reassess it like you said we obviously don’t have the best you know uh sexual whatever things going on and we had odds in the public and we got to raise these kids so in that instance I don’t know what kind of love that is
Mr T that’s during the insanity we point of love man I heard bgs um Bishop BG is talk about talk about a a I forgot the term but it’s when you see a person and you instantly connect like there’s a connection like right there and there
Like it’s that frantic it it’s all this energy that’s going between you two and it’s almost like you are universally connected I think the unfortunate part about Will Smith and Jaya picket I think Will Smith met his soulmate but Tupac was yeah but Tupac was was her soulmate and if you hear
People talk about soulmates which I technically don’t believe in you don’t just have one soulmate there could be multiple people out there and unfortunately I think Will Smith ran into the lowest tier of his soulmate and didn’t know how to react to it because well well let me phrase that she
Ran into her lowest tier of her soulmate yeah yeah and and and he was her and she was His Highest tier because he’s he’s connected to her man when you see it you still see the love there you see him crying you see him going through it you
Know he wants to be with her no matter what he does and women and women and side not women connect love and sex together which men do not so men can have sex and be totally void of of love and but when a woman actually had sex with another man
Men see as a spiritual tie or a soul bonding and breaking and I think I this is what we see what’s going on with Will Smith right now CB Smith what you have to actually say about that I think I think that Will Smith is the perfect
Example of of how man a man’s love is deeper than a woman’s love because uh a woman ain’t going to stay around and tolerate all of that why because as long as she got that box she got more options outside of the box see I got to give you a push back on
That cuz women I’ve seen it time and time whether it’s a uncle whether it’s a friend the streets whoever it could be me myself in real life use me example when it come to women they are way we can use you they always going to tolerate more they
Always going like this is when we talking about a woman that truly loves they going to go through the ring hole fooling with you and they going to take men snap easily it don’t even take much oh you hug this person the wrong way oh
Who this is oh and this phone woman like man it just capping and jaw jacking but they like dang but I love them right and they don’t go nowhere so hey n man women go harder I can’t even lie on that I seen it too many times they go harder
Than we I can’t say they go hard violated I can’t say they go harder but when they have kids they definitely go go hard if they have kids for that guy they do tend to go a lot harder then at that point in time I think or
What or or if he laying the pipe down some women lose it yeah and men are very similar because last last I checked it’s very few it’s very few women that are losing their life and their freedom over the relationship it’s typic it’s typically men why because they’re so
Invested right that they can’t see life at that point outside of that relationship Dynamic I think some as the inate aspect of a man that I’m going to Serve and Protect anyhow because it’s within me so if it’s the woman I’m with or if I’m out
With friends at lunch or whatever it may be right you just have that energy like if things go down I’m here for it it doesn’t always have to be the woman you’re rocking with it’s just some things or uh INE quality within a man
That resides in hey it go down I got a man up right and so that’s all that is so that’s just a different component though with a man doing that right because men do it with society when you think about um law enforc the military right and they thinking about a whole
Country rather than just a my my girl who’s at home or my homeboy so when I look at this distinction between that I think that component is different because we do view it as a duty but it comes to the core of Love regardless of service I see a stronger a stronger
Bonding from a woman because hey man stop theck man say what you say m Jack stop ja jacket man no no love than a man that is prepared to lay down his life last said was no greater love than a man that was prepared to lay down his life man you
Took my final thought yeah read it all you want first off you can read it all you want to read that’s true you know why cuz we talking about the ultimate guy but now if you talking about regular guys out here and stuff y’all making it like a man love
More what happened if a woman’s ready to lay down her life just shut it up manit hold on hold on time out out right now you going act like a woman lay down her life you shut your face up man women lay down their life every day for they
Man y’all just going to be seeing we got CB Smith on camera for the first time ever where he didn’t hit the button first time ever I was about to say he hit the button he trying to get he was in the closet with Robert Kelly that boy lotion yeah
Boy he had a prison light bulb too it was a 4×4 closet with a microphone in it in the prison light bulb a I think he had a hole in his sock his feet wasn’t even on the camera I ain’t never seen nothing like that like
I know he got holes of his feet standing in oh God all right go ahead he looked like he was trying to rob himself I ain’t never seen that he did a whole hold up in the closet and he was the only one in there talking about how much money you
Got I don’t know you me like how much money your pockets I don’t know let’s count together we the same person never like that he robed his own self in a f by F closet but back again now he look like he just bonded out and
He had a whole but go ahead what’s up I did that I did that I did that just I did that just for you bad Gemini oh God so you that was hilarious that man on the second floor of days in I need to see him again come back man
Don’t be hid hey all right so I I want to bring got one point though one point that we are missing that can kind of Drive the point home that me loves a little bit harder uh one point that we neglecting to talk about is the marriage statistic um in the marriage statistic
In the divorce more women divorce way quicker than men so that tells me that men stay around and deal with the bull crra longer than women would would simply because like I said your preach preacher preach preach preach preacher this is personal experience right now talk to us
Because at the end of the day your um your that person takes on that it becomes a part of you that person that that you love becomes a part of you it becomes a part of who you are and uh you feel like you got to protect it at all
Cost and they don’t know no better sometime straight up sometime you feel like they don’t know no better so you got to you put up with more bull crap than what you never ever should have and that’s what a lot of that’s what a lot
Of men that’s what happened to a lot of men I listened to some I listened to a podcast yesterday where they’re talking about how these women cheat on men and and everything like that and um the the the um common denominated between all the relationships were men the woman basically grew
To a point where she felt like she can have something better and when a woman feel like she can have something better nine times out of 10 she would feel like I need to move on and and go to find something better because I’m wasting my time with them and then they start
Making up all kind of excuses as to why other than the real reason why why they left so women leave way quicker than men so that tells me let me tell why they can leave quicker cuz they can get to the bag quicker I’ll let you I’ll let
You get an extra 30 seconds of cap action to convince me but one thing I know is it’s easy for them to divorce at a higher rate when they know I’m going more likely get this child support or some alimon depending on the state you’re in so who’s not going to take
That Advantage they not losing for filing because in many instances they like I’m the one who’s going to get the payout the bigger payout so like yes I’m going to file it get to the bad quicker now what because a lot of them stay there longer too and tolerate all that
For a long time so hey when I look at the statistics hey I don’t care if they’re filing quicker cuz if that that don’t stop them from getting that bad you know what I’m saying and they and they going to do it through the courthouse man so my question to you Mr
Life is if how you if you didn’t love your wife if you no longer loved your wife do you think you you could tell her actually tell her or you you were hide it and just do all the things you you normally used to doing in the relationship
See I don’t think me personally and I hope I’m not jinxing myself here even though I don’t believe no you good you locked in you good I do believe love is an action so I practice my actions so I intentionally love my wife my love isn’t something isn’t a a menal emotion that
Just fly by night it’s not something that I wear on my sleeve or anything like that my love is intentional it’s on purpose and it’s driven about what we are here to do and I think what men miss when they talk about the love for their wife they put too much
Superficial Duty and love on actually loving their wife instead of loving their purpose and I said this one time before when I stopped focusing on my wife and started focus on our vision purpose and plan is when our lives begin to change and I’m going to say this
Right here because I I got this from a Florida a Florida State player by the name of K by the name of K mccorvy he said the problem that runs the problem that couples run into is when they start to look at each other they begin to bang
Heads and they and they start to get inside friction but then he said when their love turn into a tri angle and they they start Focus focusing into a a higher purpose they they begin to start to reach God so he said Your Love need to be a triangle instead of being a
Straight line so you need to start looking up and forward instead of look instead of you looking at the looking at the other person and I think that’s what love about love is about you as a man designing a vision purpose and plan for your family and your wife you begin to
Speak that to your wife and you look forward and you grab her hand you all walk together that’s what love is about love is us taking each step step by step walking walking through the fire walking over glass running running through the deserts running through the the the
Forest running through the trees all type of conditions and all type of seasons and but we still hold hands when we fall down we still hold hands when we get up we still hold hands and we continue to push forwarding a lot of Disney movies like I’m hearing all of that going through
For running trees he don’t watch everything like he fulfill every print in every Disney movie every man all of them have D Prince all Legacy the difference between the the the Disney they do it before they get to the girl I’m talking about while I’m with the girl see that’s a
Whole different thing right the prince got to go slay the dragon first I’m not talking about no she my wife going to help my wife going to help me slay the dragon I think that’s what a lot of men get it wrong they’re like no you stand behind me I’m
Like no here’s a sword you better than one get tired baby I need you but that’s the reality right there’s a component or area each man’s life or woman right but specifically man we’re talking where you get tired and you like look even if it’s just a little bit of
Help if you fill that Gap we can make it work just I just need that all right let me say this uh to beans is live podcast we see that you are a podcast so if you want to come up make sure you have your camera on come up talk about
Talk about the topic a Aaron promote your live your podcast as well so I don’t want you to think that I was ignoring you I I don’t want to make sure we get to that before we jump into the final thoughts here so put inide the
Chat and let me know yes sir so I was talking to uh my homeboy Hector and I kind of want to uh piggy back on what Mr life said I was talking to my homeboy Hector he’s been on the show before right and uh Hector was talking to me
And he was sharing that now that I’m working out all the time and now that I’m training in jiujitsu you know and I’m doing my personal development work I’m going through therapy and I’m doing all of these different things he says you know I really noticed a difference once I started working
Out he said yeah I was you know the personal development was great but when I started doing jiujitsu which is a workout and when I started going to the gym which is a workout I noticed that I was getting additional attention from the ladies and I told Hector I said
Hector it’s not about you working out it’s about you working on right and I said what you’re what you’re experiencing is is women that can sense the PO uh the the magnetism and the polarity of you working on yourself on all these different levels you’re working on your purpose and trying to
Manifest and materialize that that purpose and that’s what women are drawn towards women are drawn towards a man that is working on because if they find a man that is working on they can find a place where they can work within right and so the problem is is that all too
Often women are looking for themselves in a man as opposed to seeing thems elv in a man so if you want to ask me what the difference is is a woman that’s looking for herself in a man is a woman who’s looking for the things that that
She wants but she’s looking for those in a man as opposed to looking for who she is and how she fits into his uh into his purpose and into his process right and so a woman needs to be looking not necessarily for herself but she needs to be looking to
See herself and and how she fits into his purpose how she fits into his plan and how she can help expedite things and Charli Charlie llama yo Charlie llama I agree with you and let me tell you why the reason I agree with you and I’m just
Going to use a couple of words too cuz I I I heard what you displayed so I’m going to go go in and on right when we talking about in and on so I do agree with you with your terminology because one thing I know as a man is how I make
You feel when I’m in you is going to determine how often I’m gonna be on you so hey what I do when I’m in is going to determine how how often I’m on and so that’s all you got to know is a God the better you can get
In the more often you going to be on oh God what is this guy doing what is happening there what is happening there hey finally his hair looks dyed all right man let’s get into the final thoughts let’s get into the final thoughts fellas you all gave me a great
Show tonight I really do appreciate it all right who’s up first who who’s up first I went first last time I ain’t got a final thought man I can go to I Go Again go ahead oh God all right in my final thought um the question was um who truly loves better that’s
What that’s the ni topic was who truly loves better and like I’ve been saying all show I believe men love more deeper and some of those reasons are with a man pride is tied up into it our identity is tied up into it and our resistant to failure is tied up into
That relationship so we want to make sure that at the end of the day because we’ve put out there to the to the world that this is my partner for life and when that partner is no longer your partner you feel feel a sense of failure a lot of
Times so a lot of time men will put up with more stuff in the relationship than women would and that’s what my reasons say that men love better God I’ll go ahead I’ll go ahead let’s go let’s run it yeah so you always hear when it comes
To the genders who loves more men or women well one thing I do know is when I think about the large scale of this whole thought I know that love handles a lot of things so you always got to handle it right with love love is strong
Love handles but the problem is when you start having too many love handles I can’t handle loving you the way I used to because it’s going to be hard because everything else on you is soft so hey love can handle a lot but you handle
Your love handles so we can go and put a handle on this relationship what the [ย __ย ] oh so y’all really want me to follow that up all right so here we go so when you want to talk about love handles and handling everything is hard because everything on you is soft when
Everything on you is soft everything on me is soft and so it’s hard for me to get hard when everything on you is soft because I didn’t sign up for you you wide back [ย __ย ] I didn’t sign up for your I didn’t sign up for your Flappy
Jelly arms all right I signed up for something thick I signed up for something sexy I didn’t sign up I didn’t sign up for the thick neck I didn’t sign up for the wide back I didn’t sign up for your nasty ass attitude I sign up for your entitlement listen here if you
Want me to love you like like you feel like you deserve to be loved then love me like I deserve to be loved give me something fit give me something friendly and give me some give me something uh feminine and if you ain’t fit feminine and friendly then [ย __ย ] [Laughter]
You how you expect for me to follow that up he walks off he dropped the mic and walks off he dropped look look at m t he trying to process everything all all right let me give you all what’s going to happen here I’m going to give my final thoughts then
We’re going to close out the show with a quick salute and then we’re going to come back for the uh the happy hour happy hour where we go over The Good the Bad and the Ugly so all right let’s get to it and we’ll come back with get man y’all been tripping tonight
Boy love all right man let me get to it there is no greater love than a man than a man willing to lay down his life for his friends there’s no greater love than no one has for this that a man is that that is a man with his friends a
[ย __ย ] I got to start over I’m just wing it there’s no greater love than a man that’s willing to lay down his life for his friends this is where the problem comes in for women women typically are not willing to lay down their lives for No One throughout history when the Marauders
And the Raiders came to the camps and The Villages and the men and the sons get Slaughter they grabbed the women and the women freely went went with those men and started new families they did it out of survival that we fully understand but but in today’s Modern Life women have choices
Women have options to actually be with the man because they want to but not because they have to so a lot of women have decided to step away from Marriage for a long time a lot of women have decided they would rather have kids than
A husband so I want to give a salute to you you shiftless and [ย __ย ] women who decided that you don’t want a husband or to be with a man but you just want all the benefits of a man America says he’s he’s coming for a change toodles and [ย __ย ]
You what say go we have gone Rogue the last 45 minutes to the like like where do all this come From thanks for watching explanations Network where we struggle streaming all over the YouTubes and good night [ย __ย ] all right all right we are back live for the happy hour BG can you take over and let everybody know what’s going on sure this is the happy hour featuring
The segment The Good the Bad and the Ugly you know we all love it some things were ugly tonight some things were good some things were both and some things are confusing but right now I’m not going to acknowledge any of those so with this being The Good the Bad and the
Ugly why you looking like that man what the going on trying to ignore all of it he just he acting a fool tonight hey y’all told me to cam up and then y’all want to act foolish when I do no you acting foolish when you do good night [ย __ย ] what is going
On all right BG BG please please please tell us what’s going on man please tell us what’s going on okay this is The Good the Bad and the Ugly we talk about what went well on the show what could have gone better what we hope to do in the
Future this is a back street back all access pause except to other things but you get a back street access to what we do here we let you know our mistakes on the show we let you know who was talking Reckless on the show we let you know who
Even went off script on the show this is the Good Bad and the Ugly not many shows do this where we give you a great show everything is in order but then at the end we blast each other we might even blast y’all as our fans but we love
Y’all so this is The Good the Bad and the Ugly Mr life first of all Miss Arkansas let us know when beers and cheers starting up because I’m gonna probably try to go over there for about a good 10 to 20 minutes I feel foolish tonight so let’s
Start with The Good the Bad and the Ugly let’s kick it to Mr T I really enjoyed the show tonight um we had um a lot of laughs man I I really enjoy getting on here on Thursday and laughing with you guys get on here thirstday oh okay my bad you
Said Thursday I had to confirm get on here on Thursday yeah yeah we got and laughing up with you guys man just kicking out some knowledge and just just having a good time so that’s the good part the bad part I don’t really see a lot of bad parts other than the the
First um segment when toy lost I I mean when Mr life lost you know the debate that’s the he came with some fake statistics trying to what you saying you come with real life huh you killed them you know and then ugly they’re straight up ugly when
Charlie Lama got on that camera he was looking the way he was looking that was ugly done yeah stay the dark bro take that wait you got me last week when he asked me what happened when my I traded in my vagina or some junk you got him that’s a good
Retaliation that man say stay in the dark on you goodness now we were glad that that’s part of the good the good was that Mr uh that Charlie llama cammed up that was good because you know you he’s not a bot he’s a real person he’s out here Charlie llama cammed up finally
There you go he’s back and um there was no ugly tonight um I like the the sneak disses people had I like the um powerful content uh everybody was thoughtful um they dove into their introspect uh regarding certain conversations so it was real good we kept it being like Bros
We really rocked um the chemistry is solid there were a couple of dry points uh spots I would say that was the bad where everybody’s trying to figure out who’s going to respond first or do something like that but you know that’s stuff you just clean up over time um but
Ultimately that’s my good bad and ugly I’m over here I’m over here at MaMa Duke’s crib on the patio trying to take care of her while she’s dealing with what she’s dealing with you know uh she hurt herself really badly and so you know it’s my responsibility and my duty
As a man as the Elder son to make sure Mama’s good um so I decided to go ahead and and and and cam up for the first time ever um but with that being said you know I I look at Mr T and his background and I realize his background is actually a
Blackground right but but with the blackr still his beard and his dog on head still ain’t black so the only thing black about you is your defense of black people and they bad damn Behavior right so so when you want to when you want to talk
About when you want to talk about ugly and staying off camera stay off camera until you do something about that dog on head of yours cuz you know what Dark and Lovely is what’s required in this moment but right now you ain’t the only thing you got is Darkness but you ain’t
Looking very lovely my brother hey Mr T no I’m defending you can’t do Mr T like that he he didn’t do anything to deserve this now backstage I did hear him mention that your head looks like a crack eggshell like I don’t know what that means but then I visualized it and
Then I was like well that is some of the Yol coming out at the top and I just left it alone at that but that’s not my words that’s what I heard alleged I appre I appreciate your position on that no no no no no no no that’s not you
That’s Mr T cuz he has the spot in the hair right there EG Hey listen I appreciate your position on that but I just want to call attention to the fact that he zipped up the shirt or the sweater or whatever that is that says
Chest asses and what he needs to do is replace it with something that says heads asist because all I see is just a bunch of forehead right and so you need a you need a shirt that says ha is this what you say do I got say what you
Say man just this whole side over here I got a whole thumb knuckle like hey me right and mohad exactly exactly crazy I love y’all boys let me give it to you I love y’all boys let me give it to you real quick good bad and ugly the
Good as always man listen we just take on all these different topics we take them on fearlessly we deal with the difference in opinions and outlooks and I think that we do a great job of really expanding and expounding on some tough topics so that’s the
Good the bad is you know uh Mr life and not getting everything queued up so that we can segue seem seamlessly but you know what we G to give him Grace he been doing this for a long time man and I Know It places a demand on him the ugly well it’s y’all
[ย __ย ] I tell you at least one of y’all gonna say that every so often and you know what I’m I’m going I’m going back to the old me where I’m going to be thoughtful and considerate and try to be poignant and insightful and be Christlike in my
Offerings I I all I I allow for myself to get out of character for a moment and and that’s it for me I’m going back to the old me because I need so I I need to do like I need to do like Mr T say and seek
God his stag now it ain’t even Mr tore he don’t use twice as much you on this show it ain’t even yours anymore it’s Charlie llas dang life how you feel man you know the good the bad the ugly sir bro um I’m super excited I was recharged the day by
Our shorts have been taking off again YouTube finally allowed me to show her back doing some form of running asss again so I’m happy about did you challenge them cuz we kept getting Shadow Bann did we break the shadow ban no man I called and cursed him out I
Called him and cursed him out okay I’m glad he called I called and they hung up the phone with me because I was cursing that dude out so bad man that dude just got tired of me just hung up I’m like dang but I’m not sure what’s going on
But we are in that vein so we’re going to work it as much as we can we’re going to push push push push so I want to thank you all for giving me the content that I need to get out the next because it usually last for about about two to
Three months so it I’mma take I’m going be constantly pushing it out shorts two to three times a day from here on out I’m already burned out but I notice the time that we in so we just bump the burnout go for it Full Speed
Ahead and yeah man we going to just push so the good and bad and ugly the good is the first segment was amazing you all me Mr T going back and forth bad Gemini helping out Mr T CB Smith chiming in with the onew falling out that was
Amazing that’s going to be its own segment on his own cuz that was just good conversation the second conversation started off kind of slow but we finally got into it right at the end so so that’s the Bad and the Ugly is that YouTube man it is what it is but
We’re going to keep on pushing we’re going to push to you give us these checks that’s what we here for yes sir I want to send I want to send a special shout out to everybody who come in because that that does give another identity to the show of his own you know
Everybody who come in it and stay keeping us engaged and you know keeping us on point and giving us different op um angles to to look at also so even though sometime I don’t agree with all that junk but shout out to them everybody especially Arkansas tonight
For the cash app shout out to you Arkansas appreciate you and let’s appreciate you Arkansas We Appreciate You Arkansas and you know far be it from me to be disrespectful and not pay her the consideration that she deserves and and and to not read her last comment
That was directed towards me she says I think you look good and I’m glad you cammed up thank you Arkansas that’s my dog or I’m trying to show it to BG and I want to give a special shout out to our chatbot that we have in the
Background now to do all the like And subscribe um and oh that’s the ugly I forgot to do a like and a like And subscribe all night so I’m going need y’all guys help you got to remind me to do that or somebody else chime in we got
To get in at least three to four of those a show we got to do it uh but the chat bot is in the background trying to help out as much as possible so I want to thank my chat boot that I just got so thank you for that and everybody let’s let’s
Toast it on out hold on before you do I want I want to throw one last thing in there all right don’t be like the guy on I95 panhandling with the shirt on the shirt again said I eat ass just just go a few inches in the other
Direction and it will be much more acceptable we we listen we ain’t eating Booty like groceries we too grown for that there’s other stuff there’s other thing listen go get you a nice go get go get you a nice uh go get you a nice steak
Tartar you know get you a nice Med medium rare steak you know go get you a nice a beautiful uh a beautiful yeah you yeah you need to go and put yourself in time out right now CB Smith yes he feeling good ahead and give us
The benediction Mr uh Mr life let’s go to being a man is good all the time and all the time being a man is good and we are out