So much Well it looks like we’ll have to start this test without Miss Hamilton this time wait we’re not going to wait for her we’ve got to get started in order to give you all enough time Nat but hey I am confident in your ability to do well
On this test you’ll be fine yeah no I’m going to be straight maybe next time we could study oh every so you really need to be your everything I trust you trust me all right [ __ ] let me uh go to the bathroom first I’ll be right back okay back the [ __ ]
Bri what did you do no it’s it’s na just hold on I’m going to get you some help just stay with me okay help somebody help please I need help stay with meih so what your Sal man who the [ __ ] you calling old have a check with me or sell already
Either pour it up or shut up you know I got places to be there it is that’s that’s the Henry I know so you say you got that NE again uh I I wanton it last week at the pokker room oh yeah what’s your game spades well Cher Cher this is
So pocket tables huh no no no hold hold on wait a minute Mona now I can explain where did you get it now Mona listen we’re family right you have to kill to get that necklace now I didn’t kill nobody now the [ __ ] was already dead I
Just took it off so you stole it no no come on now now you can just have it Mona just let me go can’t do that now you know too much you’re not the only one who has to with their addictions heavy we all have to drink
Something [ __ ] what in the [ __ ] are you talking about Okay now what’s the difference between legacies new Bloods only have one vampire parent and a True Blood True Bloods are the descendants of the first black vampire students that migrated from Transylvania to America after the founding of chaining University but back
Then it was known as The Institute for color youth it’s founded in what year 1837 okay think you ready freshman bet let’s do this I cannot that’s that’s your my sister Bri is damn near 12 come on you still have to do my makeup all right
Right I’m coming Bri today is not the day to be on CP time right you’ve been in our cupcaking for days we still need to practice Arro for the guys Rush party just give me one second T can you do my wings y’all know I only know how to do eyeliner on myself
Uh I can try but about the stroll I’m tired of doing n if few buuk we do it at every party I know girl me too let’s do some some old [ __ ] cuz we not going to have time to practice anything new I have to get
Ready come on I can be quick oh my God hey Ramona [ __ ] I know that [ __ ] didn’t just bite me crazy [ __ ] a dumb [ __ ] Jesus Jay God you scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah sorry to ruin y little session but we need to practice and you need to leave no you don’t Jaylen what
The [ __ ] is wrong with you we not showing up to another Rush party with the same moves just because you want your own program I’m not trying to heur my sister’s mouth I’m sorry about this I just told the girls that I was about to get ready yeah I’m going just head out
Thank you I’ll see you later though right of course just text me swing on my spot after a little party Madam President hurry practice starts in 10 damn got there’s two of y’all excuse me excused not that you need a reminder especially as a third year but non- aers are not allowed on a a property yeah I know that but now I don’t want to hear
It we’re all too relaxed at home for you to just be bringing anybody up in here and she or he or whatever they are could expose us just because you wants some play so either get with the program or get a new spot you feel me yeah but I
Feel like you this your last word Brianna don’t get kicked out trying to be all cute so when do I get my slugs when you cross so you like be using them and [ __ ] we only use fangs to feed you be drinking [ __ ] blood no not really
After the first week your pallette goes back to normal that first week is hell though all you crave is blood even your favorite foods spoiled nothing tastes right so how much blood did you drink the first week like how many people vampires don’t just go around biting
People all day [ __ ] this ain’t the movies I eat regular food just like you so what blood tastes like to [ __ ] chill out with all the questiones and [ __ ] all right don’t start tweaking now [ __ ] we’re here remember Legacy mind said it’s in your blood you deserve this [ __ ] all
Right yeah all right you good yeah I’m straight good don’t make me regret this [ __ ] it’s my ass on the line I ain’t going to lie though that [ __ ] going to hit you quick but it tastes like straight pennies so you should be out what you mean it
Hit it’s like a high but we don’t need it it’s almost like you just did a whole line but it’s also like you just got hit in the face with a B but look none of that [ __ ] important right now you need to be sober before
You start the test or else you’re just going to tap out I told you I don’t drink we don’t start [Applause] tonight y yo look who excided to show up what’s good y’all the dud that’s what look who it is Mr be himself hey I got you next
Week bro don’t even worry about it I brought you something up new Rush D I like what y’all did at orientation last month your name’s d right delay like these nuts [ __ ] beon what I say about that word yo CJ we at a 50th Rush party can you chill
You a shy Alpha Man cut that slave tra [ __ ] out your vocab all right all right man whatever night just started your ass tripping yall got any more red CS yo I got you so dad found you to school rightow thought he did his dad’s dad did I’m fourth
Generation BR D you made it hey I’m so glad you came in you know this freshman a good president knows all her student body come on let’s take a shot sorry I’m L baby do house drama all right babe we just about to start the test you know what it’s not even
Midnight yet you already met all the rushes yeah last guy came with Jamal Darius Demitri something like that Deontay you know no CJ but you do I don’t bro de Lewis like Trevor Lewis’s younger brother Trey like dead Trey the fresh keep your keep your voice down all right
[ __ ] [ __ ] man I knew that [ __ ] freshman familiar you think he knows doesn’t matter what he knows can’t do [ __ ] outside of this organization nobody will believe him what now I already told your mom he’s in for tonight well you can’t let him pledge you’ll Risk Everything I know it’s too late for
That he has to test I just won’t select him yeah all right where’s my sister what jayen where is she you said she was here already have you seen her I think I might have seen a girl upstairs I don’t upstairs with who CJ whoa I don’t know [ __ ] all right I’m not
Clocking your twin sister oh you can keep Taps on your [ __ ] but you can’t watch out for my 100 PB sister Who whoo watch it with that word Jazz all right shut the [ __ ] up CJ stop trying to be woke I’m so glad you came nobody ever drinks
The actual alcohol what why you need a party yeah well our livers don’t really work so we’re intolerant only way to get lit is off the bags see yeah they lit as [ __ ] blood drunk they drink like half a body at every Rush party half a body like a real one
No boy we’re not Killers CJ’s dad is our plug he got connects at Red Cross damn so why do y’all wear a Fang still well our fangs don’t really grow anymore you know Evolution and all so we just repping our bloodline [ __ ] well they are tough
Thanks you look good with some slugs oh what you think so I know so take a shot freshman I ain’t even going to cap I don’t really drink like that okay and what if I told you I don’t either you good yeah why you trying to
Get me [ __ ] up ain’t you supposed to be a role model Miss president I don’t know have let you take another shot and come find out y see my [Applause] sister late no we ain’t seen her but just drink with us come on [Applause] Here get out of my nigga’s room yeah yeah I know I’m leaving [ __ ] and I’ll deal with you later all right oh Jesus damn y’all [ __ ] can’t keep that [ __ ] quiet sound like y’all [ __ ] in here here She go y’all see my twin no you ain’t seeing us either y’all ain’t
Hiding [ __ ] damn near everybody at this party got their [ __ ] down by Q [ __ ] you hear that Q you the best G Man On Campus should have PL shha man that vampire [ __ ] for the birds I’m just lucky y’all don’t get H on your own Supply it ain’t
Too late [ __ ] chill Jamal Q damn near one of us yeah I should have been pledged oh now you can speak don’t start when you going to get me right when you run me my money jazz that’s five big dog five was four last semester price went up your ass lucky
Don’t tell CJ about this I can’t keep taking money off the house for your grills that’s your third pair you raising your prices on vampires tell me why I shouldn’t have CJ drain your ass a scared of your new [ __ ] Jazz you know you still love me oh I hate [ __ ] she that
[ __ ] so what’s your legacy I’m new my great-grandfather met my great-grandmother after the migration from Transylvania she turned him in the 1800s so we’re old blood of course but not exactly True Bloods so your parents must be happy if some involved that be you then they’d be more more happy if I
Found a vampire boy to marry and continue our lineage with you know like Jasmine did oh yeah CJ’s family is like royalty huh when did they start dating they started dating freshman year my sister says who’s Love at First s j i just call it gold dick gold not gold
No sorry sometimes I can barely talk with these things you’re good still trying to understand the history of the whole thing Mr White only talks about when he went here Mr White is obsessed with us white people I know [ __ ] culture vulture I know right too bad only knows
About black history and not black vampire history well if you must know okay so here’s the rundown there were almost 200 black vampires that settled in America although they were from Africa originally they were setting abroad in Transylvania and that’s where most of them got bitten once they got to America
About 50 of these black vampire students married each other and started families making their children True Bloods while the rest married non vampires making their children new Bloods somehow the born think they’re better than the bitten I say we all drink the same blood guess you are
Right I mean I like how you look at it that way M nobody’s better than anyone else right we’re all pretty much the same Jay I know you not [ __ ] with this freshman Jesus Jazz what are you on what am I on what are you on you’re tripping we’re literally just talking um
No as your older sister I’m de in this right now you’re older by 2 minutes and it was a C-section and you blood drunk you smell like a damn coin purse come on girl the rush is about to start good luck de I’ll see you down there yeah sure where we
Are grabbing a drink yeah start the B sh ala new sh Al new sh ala new hello everybody i’ would like to welcome you all to our semiannual bidding night Rai ala newai and our sisters aah ala newai we have the chance to meet and welcome our new rushia to the
Brotherhood I’m very honored to be continuing a tradition started by my father’s father’s father and I hope you understand the opportunity you’re being granted here in joining our fraternity we’re looking for men who are committed to success driven by excellence and are willing to put in the
Necessary hard work to make our species the best it can be people who uphold our values and are willing to make a positive impact on the unknowing world thank you all for being here tonight welcome to the rush [Applause] party all Rush’s front center to perfect this should be quick
The name of the game is wait I’m glad you can make it Deontay glad to be here CJ that’s big brother CJ to you glad to be here big brother CJ great now where was I before this freshy interrupted you who whoa whoa whoa who all right calm down guys let’s save it
For the event we all remember what happened last year all right what happened last year the game is simple freshman you’ll have to put your blood where your mouth is yo what you ain’t say [ __ ] about this is this human it wish so what is it Pig’s
Blood first person to finish in 60 seconds gets the bid everyone else gets the [ __ ] out let’s go wait he he’s already too drunk chill no CJ you’ll poison him in this dat it’s against the rules and you know it excuse me I know you’re not worried about the rules now
Please I can’t can’t what can’t get a grip can’t worry about your damn self can’t help yourself interrupting somebody else’s Rush night you really need to check yourself sis you’re way out of line I’m out of line you just let’s just go oh perfect you’re still
Here how about you stop talking to my man and worry about your fake one o [ __ ] you sh all right all right all right break it up don’t really don’t good [ __ ] you you wish and Brianna pack your [ __ ] you’re no longer an good luck de bye GRE had a girl got some come all the way down here now you don’t have no where did you get all this don’t worry about it just know that the things between us they’re about to change I can feel [Applause] it I’m [Applause] out 45 seconds count down everybody 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 nobody move if if you want the status of your college career to remain active then I suggest you all listen up this party is over this party never happened and I was never here go home now Sit down CJ no to my house you sh I run everything around here including the cover story that’s going to clean up this mess funny I thought your brother was a janitor oh God the [ __ ] CJ I’m getting complaints from the local police yeah so what so you have to stop
Antagonizing your neighbors with these damn parties especially since you’re trying to keep a low profile I can handle my own profile you can’t handle [ __ ] a blood Chu really you’re going to get somebody killed how many rushes this time three I only remember two who was the third doesn’t matter you
Didn’t pass who was the third who his brother his you let Trey’s younger brother take the rush test I asked him a stop it doesn’t matter his brother died at this fraternity at your hands CJ his will to seek revenge is much stronger than any one person telling him to
Quit so what now I’mma tell you what now now you’re going to accept him oh hell no oh hell no my ass you’re going to clean this mess up that you started otherwise it’s going to look as if you’re after the whole bloodline induct him he didn’t even pass the test
Are you sure about that big brother so what now you want me to turn him I don’t care what the [ __ ] you do I want to tell you something yeah what’s up do you want to be with me of course do you I want to be with you forever okay forever
Are you sure yeah I’m sure I want to be with you forever oh [ __ ] what what are you doing Rihanna stop not babe I’m so thirsty [ __ ] here here let me give you this what did you do to me what do you mean why did you do it because I love
You but I can still see myself in the mirror all of us can that no reflection and [ __ ] is fake why people just make that up to make us feel segregated outcasted but no we can all see ourselves it’s normal normal are you [ __ ] kidding me it’s like if you
Never see yourself in the mirror you never know how beautiful you are turn me back I can’t but it’s okay we’re going to be fine remember you said you wanted to be together forever what made you you think I wanted this well you said that you wanted I was
Drunk Briana I like you sure but this you knew I didn’t want this don’t touch me what you took advantage of me no I so you wouldn’t feel so alone so you could fill whatever void your ex left you with when he died you used me no I I you
Can’t change someone without written consent I heard them talking about it at the rush party last night Nat please don’t don’t what protect myself from you you’re a predator bana you took advantage of me no I I I didn’t can we just talk about it no I’m done talking
What get out not get the [ __ ] out now sh new back on the wall pledge better not spill a drop on my floor I made it silence pledge from now on you only speak when spoken to understood yes big brother CJ I said am I understood yes big brother
CJ congratulations leis I guess guess this marks the start of a new beginning for your family seems like every one of you that comes to Brooks never seems to make it out in one piece now that the both of you are conscious we may begin over the next 6 weeks you will
Have the chance to learn about our brothers our values and we’ll make shy forai Stand Out Above the Rest you will learn about our commitment to our community our dedication to the legacy of our black vampire lineage and our unwavering support for one another yeah and just remember you
[ __ ] are lucky to be here any word of our practices or our punishments and you will be drained he’s right our secret has been kept for nearly a 100 years and if you threaten to expose our brotherhood’s existence to the unknown world then we will be well within our forthcoming
Actions death do you have a question pledge no no what no big brother Kai I’m going to break you first Kai just like I did your brother enough learn this few are destined with no reflection repeat it few are DED ined with no reflection again few are destined with
No reflection you too few are destined with no reflection again few are destined with no reflection louder few are destined with no reflection you know what that means freshman you’re not special clean that [ __ ] up neither of you leave till it’s all done better be spotless too oh [Applause] for come
An hi dear Pier I heard that you wanted to speak with me sit down I’m I’m sorry why am I here you broke the rules Miss Hamilton a better question is why do you think you’re exempt from punishment that’s the question okay I I may have had someone
That I was dating in the adaah house but I am not the only one that does that all the girls do it and and Jasmine she just has it out for Nat because Nat is trans and I mean she’s with CJ at the Fang house every single weekend you cannot
Just punish me for this Banna you bit a student but I it was reported to me after a student took to social media this morning discussing the details of your misbehavior Witnesses have already confirmed your involvement what what if I apologize publicly for every action there is an
Equal and opposite reaction so what What’s My Punishment a life for a life sounds just I was just looking at how they used to do it in the old days no no no no I I um I can’t be kicked out of Brooks I can’t I I have no one I mean
Well you should have thought of that before you bit a student you jeopardized the existence of an entire species Miss Hamilton I didn’t mean to not intentional or not you are lucky to be having this conversation with me you know if the powers that be got word of
This you’ve been a sell by now I I know I’m just trying to I just want to fix it you’ve done enough pack your bags and get off of this campus immediately you will be restricted from Brooks University indefinitely and if you want to return you will have to get signed
Approval from me any I mean any other attempt will be deemed a stress passing and you will be arrested are we clear misson yes sir you are dismissed few Des reflection congratulations man you know this is why people call you creepy they call me everything under the sun don’t face me Sticks and
Stones I heard they calling you pledge now might as well go and throw that out can’t never get those things out well Thanks just don’t forget why you’re doing it how you know about that my brother been trying to cover that up almost a year now so if you know the truth why not report it I’ve been silenced besides nobody wants to listen to a janitor I’ve been discredited time and time
Again what makes you think they want to listen to me this time well then help me you got receipts I got credibility I’m a student here these people are all Fang legacies and be you alone all right that means the police chief the city counselor they’re all blood
Suckers they would do anything to prevent this fraternity from being EXP exposed so what can I do you’d have a better chance if you make it through them 6 weeks and become a vampire that’s the hard part sing Maybe this is Temporary priori Myve Wor so it walk like Doid gu I’m aie aim can you practice what you Preach iay I I I me my love replacing that with the drugs honestlyy keeping me up I T the hint of it every time I’m in your blood I’m so addicted that’s why I just can’t get enough take your body from body for body for body because I’ve been silently
Suffering and love I’ve been sear and I know where I belong since you love me forever and I Al Hur looking no home I know you me be my heart up in the worst un feelings I have only the best for you but when you way you took away my and me
Lost inside this world drowning ins my stress GPS my salvation is circling your address knowing is not an option why I no home only pretend rejection is pointing in my new direction for healing the fiction is bleeding out all of my perspective for living my mama’s trauma
Responses who the [ __ ] am I kid the woman that raised me is Raising all my in suspicions the confidence in my identity are came from conditions the no man with no land is trying to recreate my position with fear the cycle that’s lead me back into addiction with knowing
The convictions I live in the internal sickness The Thirst