Community for me is it’s multifaceted Community I feel is best described by this African proverb if you want to go fast go along but if you want to go far go together right so I feel that’s the best way to pin Community but like I said I think Community is want time
FC my name is Stefan the most important thing that people don’t want to talk about is sometimes people are just lazy in building Community your community is div ver U ility that you need to build ultimately the goal in that Spirit of community is to to look at each other
Like all right bet say no mo hey before we drop into this episode I want you guys to do me a favor make sure you guys subscribe like and comment down your thoughts on these topics that we’re having we want to continue these conversations down in the comments so
Make sure you comment and make sure you turn on that Bell so you can get our episodes every Thursday at 6: p.m. all right now enjoy the episode It be that’s it welcome to a. podcast I’m your host Caleb Knight the good guy I here to have no BS conversations man as you guys already know this is season three it’s all about connections as I believe that connections is what makes you you and now this episode today is
Very important and I need you guys to grab your notepad grab your pen because I have my guy here listen when I say y guy this my guy like yeah and we’re going to be focusing on community today so I hope you guys can fully pay attention because
Community is a big big big role in any and everybody lives so without further Ado man go ahead and actually no please can we get a round of applause for the one and only that boy step in the building man yes sir yes sir go ahead and introduce yourself to the people man
For sure for sure but but you know I know this is your podcast right I got to do this real quick cuz I did this offline I’m going do it on on on the episode as well my brother I want to give you your flowers thank obviously
You know like you know I I’m excited to be here right but you know I wanted to tell you that you know it’s been tremendous to see your growth see where you taking this and shout out to your team as well without further Ado my name is Stefan originally from canari Brooklyn
Born of Haitian parents uh went to Leman College uh studied political science by day I work in Treasury and trade solutions for City Group otherwise uh I’m a real estate investor entrepreneur uh Community organizer uh just just me man of many hats yeah man man of uh many
Hats come on now all right man so we gonna dive straight into it so the first question I got for you man what does community mean to you I feel like Community can’t be limited to a phrase so I’m going to give you a couple of examples and then we’re going to connect
It to a phrase after right let’s take that walk so for me community means right when so I grew up in the church uh I honestly don’t go to church as frequently uh and neither do my cousins so blame them but but growing up in the church
Was the first for me positive iteration of community taught me a lot of resp respect right so the same way that back in the day when I was going to church I would have saw you know sir L of course and I would have been like oh like hi
Mommy or whatever right it Tau me respect even though I don’t go to church today if I still see sh Lou in the you know keu parking lot I’m going to go and grab the bags for her or if I you know see her at check out and it doesn’t look
Like she has too many things I might you you know just like all right I got you m me right you feel me that’s Community for me right okay so I’m also on a fraternity I’m a member of alpha 5 Fraternity Incorporated you know my fat
Brothers I play Bas I play sports with them you know we work in the same industry right but in most cases especially in the industry that I’m in my fat Brothers helped me stay balanced in uh a world where I’m one of a few right that’s community so I’m putting
These together to really say that Community for me is it’s multifaceted uh but I feel like the most important thing if we were to if you if if if folks remember nothing else Community I feel is best described by this African proverb um if you want to
Go fast yeah go along yeah but if you want to go far go together right so I feel that’s the best way to pin Community yeah but like I said I think is multifaceted you see so many different versions and durations of it yeah I’m glad you went there CU
Community is a lot you of course have social media um communities like everybody’s trying to build a community you feel me and I feel like it’s a major importance in that but then you also said that she was a part of a the Frat you know what I’m saying yeah your
Peoples over there yeah I knew you was going to throw that up you have to repres baby hold on yeah yeah so so me personally right I’m just I’m going just keep it a buck yeah um I only know about frats from what they show in the movies of course
So so can you can you give a little bit more in depth on that like how how do you go about joining a frat cuz I believe I had asked a friend of mine where was a part of a frat too where they was like I only thought it was
Something you join only through college but I was told that you can also join if you’re not in college but it’s preferred that if you’re in college is best to join so can you go a little bit more about like how do you go by joining sure so I’ll answer that question two
Different ways I’ll talk about um you know the standard process right for at least to draw my my fraternity my illustrous oldest and CEST first of all we shall transcend all fraternity uh so so I mean look the in college at least it’s a pretty standard process
Where if there are Alphas on your yard or your yard is is really like your campus so if there are alphas on your yard pretty much look out for if they’re having an informational just for you to get famili familiar with the fraternity understand what we’re about
Uh how we were founded why we were founded and typically from that informational you would pretty much connect with the brothers on campus and they would pretty much guide you towards your application process and this steps needed to to go about that okay um so Alpha for Fraternity Incorporated is a
Uh black Greek lettered organization um I say that because there are also uh eight other black Greek letter organizations that we recognize a mixture of fraternities and sororities and I want to say that um all of them have what we called uh what we call graduate or alumni chapters right where
After one has graduated they can look for a chapter uh nearest to them with the organization they feel most aligned with and they can join that organization through that gradual or alumni chapter okay I feel so you mentioned something about like only doing it in you know
College or undergrad I think you know you joining any organization I feel is most dependent on where you feel you are in life yeah and where it is that you see yourself going so in my opinion I feel the Frat works better or just these organizations right they work better
Honestly for some folks postgrad than they do in college undergraduate I think because the context is different right like how you interact with the fraternity when you’re in college and when you graduate are two different things two different experiences okay yeah so I feel like it’s just like where
Where are you and what is it that you want to get out of it I feel like is the best way to determine which of the two to go for okay all right b um I know I know this been like a little a little a little touchy thing whenever I ask everybody
That’s been in aat working on me God all right we catching them I’m missing them I’m missing them but um the the that process right here right you said they take you through the application now nobody ever want to talk about you feel me and yo I’mma keep I
Know what about I know what you about to ask me you know what I’m I know what you about to ask me like oh my gosh now yeah yo so that process right like oh yall watch to many movies but that’s the thing though you said I watch too many movies last person
To ask this right and then he was like I was like so you can’t tell me about anything about the applicate she was like no I can’t tell you anything about it and then I’m like why I just can’t speak about it and I’m like okay um tell
Me this I’m like is it just like the movies and then she was like yeah it’s just like the movies so I don’t know listen I tell you that so I don’t know I tell you this I feel how you gonna say I can’t tell you
Anything but then you proceed to say oh it’s just like the movies but neither here or there right I’m already turned off um no I I I’ll say this I look I I uh I feel that you know for me I feel the process is is is
Online right you could take a look at the website on how to become a part of that organization especially for Alpha right and you can look at like okay what are the steps that you need to take um yeah I can’t speak to ah here we go here that government CIA [Â __Â ] man
I I can’t I can’t speak to what this person experienced um I respect that you I just I’ll just say that you know Ali Alp Fraternity Incorporated is a non hazing organization feel me um and I mean that wholeheartedly so you know we absolutely do not tolerate um or condone
Any of the behaviors that I feel like you know you’re suggesting from the because you talked about the movies right so we don’t tolerate we don’t condone um you know obviously you know we take the joining we take opportunity seriously across the Spectrum obviously right um and I think that in anything
That you you know decide to anything worthwhile in life yeah you’re going to absolutely have to do a lot of self-reflection you’re going to meet certain challenges because honestly especially within a you know fraternal context right like you’re going to always if you’re if you’re living fraternally you’re going to always give
More than you receive and I feel that that starts from even the moment you decide that you might want to join organization I respect that that’s clean that’s so I don’t know what they was talking about all right black people turns like all right don’t know what you’re talking
About so you mentioned briefly it was like the the Frat helps you keep it balanced St right so you go a little bit more about that like how is joining this actually help you become who you are right now so I’ll give you a quick story
So I was a sophomore in college and as a poly side major um knowing in my family that I had known at the time um Works in finance so here I am sophomore in college I hadn’t actually even joined the fraternity yet um and brother had said
Hey I have this career fair pull up M so listen man I I’ve been a I just been on my hustle since since a you know like a a jet Florida terms yeah since a li you know mean so when the the the the career
Was far from my career but I was like all right bet I’ll pull up so I went there and granted the fraternity was hosting the career fair and you had different companies there um and City Group was one of them yeah uh and honestly I can track where I am right
Now to having gone to that career because that brother invited me created a domino effect where I went the recruiter and I the recruiter I don’t know why but at the time just really caught a likening to me and took me under her Wing where she invited me to
City you know I went on an off day from school I checked the office out I spoke to some folks and the way he say even like put it together I was like sold after I spoke to him uh and even after speaking to them I went through an
Exploratory program I did the summer analyst uh you know role and all of that built up to me getting a full-time job even before I graduated college wow you know so like I knew what I was going to do before I graduated like I kind of had
That really solidified and I feel like all of that comes from just that brother saying like yo bro pull up right um so that’s from a professional standpoint okay from a personal development standpoint um you know some of I mean I talk to my fat Brothers every single day there is not
One day I don’t talk to one of these guys like it’s you know it’s crazy right and for me that helps because there are days where you know I might just be feeling very lost right um because I might because like even my commute to
Work when I get on the train it’s one world you know everybody looks way when I get off the train and I’m walking to the office it’s a completely different world that kind of like sometimes it mentally like you know do something to you yeah but when you have folks that
You know are doing well in their own respective careers that are experiencing the same things they become your outlet to talk to and you feel like okay I have a way to I have a community yeah to um tap into a community that can pour into me yeah so from a personal standpoint
Just having them as an outlet I say just really helps professionally I mean look bro like we run this yes respectfully like there’s not one listen I’m telling you right now don’t get me wrong you got to put in the work as an individual yeah that’s never going to be lost but
There’s not one industry that the alpha is not in right there’s not one industry that that’s like okay some somebody’s not there so like there’s not one play I one time I was watching a documentary it was like yo as long as there’s a college chapter or a college campus anywhere in
The world and I’ll even take it a step further as long as there’s a black Greek lettered organization anywhere in the world I’m good I’m good like I’m all right because it’s probably uh I’m G make it home you know and that is not only just a product of alpha that’s a
Product of you know having relationships with the the other uh Divine n organizations because we may as individuals choose to join these organizations for our particular you know reasons and what we feel like we align with but at the end of the day we’re a family we’re a unit
Right like we understand the plight of what it means to be an afroamerican um so that’s that’s clean I ain’t gonna lie because that’s that’s um that’s one of the things that made me want to join way back you feel me because I’m like yo every movie as long
As it’s anything black you know you going to find a frat brother in there bro and even even in um wasn’t it in power I believei yeah the best actor on the whole I mean I don’t I mean I don’t you know I’m just saying the
Facts he not missing out what do he want me to do he got to shout it out man he not missing it but n it’s that’s one thing I always seen it’s like yo as long as like you’re in a frat like you like you said you you good
Oh you you was in this yo fresh prin yeah the dad he was like no matter what as long as you was in the Frat we oh you part of this you know what yeah I’mma take you you you with me like that’s crazy I even say cuz
I don’t want this to become like oh this I’m G call it privilege right call it sp sp right um I don’t want it to be that this privilege is limited to fraternities I mean bro like honestly speaking it always jumps down to community why
Because same way if I see a Haitian as City group right now as an analyst or just like you know just at the company in general I’m more inclined to connect with them because I feel like we identify with something that would that connects us yeah right um it makes it
Easier when you’re in a fraternity because you know okay this like this fraternity attracts a type of person yeah so we could jump off on that foot but you know I tap into communities based of based off of the fact that I’m uh I have so many
Different things about me right like I can tap into a community CU you know I have a rental property feel me I can tap into a community because I love cars you feel me I could tap into a community because I went to cuni I could tap into
A community because I’m Haitian I tap into a community because I you know grew up 70 eventers you know I can tap into a community because you know my grandfather was a was a pastor I could tap into a community because you know one of my uncles is a you know like
Entrepreneur right owns restaurants all that other stuff I could tap into these things and these are ways for me to build community right I think the most important thing that people don’t want to talk about is sometimes people are just lazy in building Community like there’s an outlet always
And that’s the thing too for you to build the community you got to build yourself cuz it’s all about what who do you want to be and who do you want to be connected to you feel me so for you to get into a certain Community you have to
Actually know like you have to be self-aware with yourself first so that you can be able to be like okay so I could I could stay here but I could also build something there yeah you feel me so it’s like you said though you you basically broke it down cuz you said
You’re able to be in all these different commun because you yourself are all these other different different things you got tap into it I feel let’s park here for actually talk about like commun entrepreneurship and communities right and the two so let’s talk about something real quick one of things I
Don’t like is when people complain about people not supporting them or talk about it get I might to get passionate I don’t like that because it’s kind of like yo bro like wait so all right let’s put it in perspective let’s say you only know a thousand
People right and there are a billion people in the world you feel like your worth is only a thousand people that’s fact like why don’t you feel like you should have the power to expand as far as you can to that billion number but the thing is also we got to think about
It right with people we’re comfortable so with comfortability you don’t you don’t really think like okay I might be actually worth to go out there I remember what’s his name Neo David Neo David is he part of the the circle yeah the circle of Circle
Of so he said that dope man yo he’s he’s super dope so the thing with him he was like yo what he had to start doing was actually going to the car dealerships and sit in the cars and like okay so this is what this looks like going to
The million dollar homes Al so this is what this looks like the thing you the human brain he was like we the fact that we don’t know anything we don’t know what’s out there so that’s why once again you got to get uncomfortable so if you think like to yourself like you only
Know 1,00 people and those supports are going to come from those thousand people you ain’t going nowhere bro you Ain going I’m say something I shouldn’t probably say but it is what it is we here right we here with it come on no I said right on now like the moment I
Touched be careful the moment I experienced certain things I knew I had to hustle for a different quality of life cuz I’m not I was like I’m not going back to like yeah granted I’m very poor let’s get that out let’s get that out the way right he’s lying by the way
I’m just saying like it’s like we don’t that exposure yeah we’re not exposed that exposure is super important but let’s you know what let’s let’s rip the bandaid off okay so for instance right if you ever flew say like business class you’re not gonna you
You you’re not going to go on that trip again unless you going on business class again yeah all right give you some examples in July I went to Miami right and as I’m getting older now I’m able to travel more with like my older cousins and stuff like we know we do things
Whatever cool and I had been telling my cousin like yo you got to hit this AMX Lounge granted it’s like honestly you know getting a little bit like played out because like mad people have the Platinum car now yeah but I’m telling him like yo you got
To get this platinum and he’s like yo but the fee is x amount I’m like yo bro if you’re traveling a couple times a year and the other perks make sense for you yeah this fee is like you get you’re getting a return on investment yeah uh
No I’m like you know what let’s do this I’mma give you the itinerary for the the the travel right meaning like from the time we wake up to the time that we you know come back like this is what we doing yeah part of that itinerary is to
Be at the airport at a certain time I don’t personally like to go to the airport like early you know like I have clear I just be 30 minutes what I’m like this time we’re going to be here an hour and a half before we going to chle the
Ination right cool so he’s like all right bet he trusts me he’s like all right cool so no more my other cousins said the same thing cool now we get to the lounge we I he’s drinking you feel me he’s drinking so she’s chilling right and
He’s like I get it yeah right yeah watch this so now we you know later in the year organizing another trip right so let’s just consider that to be a VIP experience for the conversation right yeah now we’re organizing another trip and we go somewhere and I’m like yo
Honestly I just don’t see how this VIP ticket is going to give me a return on investment I’m cool right he’s complaining he’s like ever since we’ve done X Y and Z I can’t go back yo we on the line he’s like yo I can’t believe I’m waiting right now and
I’m just like that yeah but that exposure right is what I feel drove not just the conversation but more deeply that fuel yeah cuz guess what couple months later he got the card right like care about the fee matter fact I think he probably paid a little bit
More he didn’t care and that’s what I was going to go at and that’s one thing I had to start telling myself and that I’m going to start actually practicing is that moving forward anything that’s actually helping me to grow helping me to get better experience helping me to
Get more exposure yeah I’m no longer going to be scared to actually put that extra money in I’m not going to be scared to actually do that extra thing to get to that to get that exposure you know what I’m saying to get that experience anything that’s in that’s
Actually helping me I’m now seeing it as a way of an investment instead of like a a bill bro okay so two things I got that Enlightenment of that experience because one of my friends brought me through his his way his way and the MX and I was
Like oh no it’s over right cool but to your point um I was watching an interview with Michael Todd on The Breakfast Club and he was just talking about how like we are the only things ourselves that is priceless so why would we put a price on
When we like why would we put a price on how we’re investing in ourselves I like that so when you were saying that I’m like okay he gets it yeah it’s like it’s bro it’s it’s for my mental yeah you know like this thing is not a luxury
Actually it’s for me to keep saying because I got to go work right and if I don’t really feel like I’m working for something yeah then there’s no point what’s the point what would you say has been the thing that was the Catalyst that made
You say all right cool I’m going to I’m going to make the shift um I’mma keep it a buck it’s just how I look every day day like way before I got I had got big boy bills I used to be on top of everything I’m talking about haircuts every two
Weeks feel me I know we on the ground though feel me no you feel me so it’s like but the thing is the way I used to see it it’s like ah herec I didn’t point out I do it when I got special events
But I’m like yo no if I want to wake up and feel good every day if I want to wake up and be my best every day these things must be incorporated so yeah I might have that $35 for the you know what I’m saying for the light bill you
Feel me but I’m G I’m a musician so I’m like yo I could give that 35 but next month I’mma plan out a little bit better so that that 35 can go towards the cut right and now I like you know it’s to you yeah it’s to me to you cuz the cut
Is a vehicle yo like man y’all know already how it feels when you get a fresh cut come on baby come on come on baby hey mean yo you feel yeah marvelous marvelous feel me listen look look I’m not going to lie when I’m about to get a haircut
Yo bro this what I do right I I text Shorty I’m like yo I’m like yo I’m like yo look look look that’s what I do that’s I I text him like if she she’s any type of friction Warfare that she wants to say in that particular moment I
Say yo babe I’m about to go get a haircut you sure you want to do this right now do you really want to go to war right now you feel me cuz I’m good you feel me like you go crazy I’mma post to I’m Petty I’m going post a selfie on
Right you going to be mad but I’m on I’m the king I’m on top right now come on now you feel me my R is right now you feel me so it’s like I feel you man that’s why man so that’s why it’s like I can’t these these things like anything that’s like
Especially helping out with the mental you know what I’m saying anything that’s helping out with appearance like these are things that shouldn’t be secondary like bro you people put bills even me on two people put bills on top of themselves me like I get it you know you
Got to live you got to survive but it’s like are you working to live like like do you want to live your life or is it like you’re working for your bills you feel me so that’s one thing I’m just going to take into practice starting
Next year is just doing that extra thing like you said with the business class thing next trip I’m doing with my boys I’m gonna you know what I’m saying do it that one time you G Slide me the app nah yo look look look look look if
We in the import at the same time you good say last got to worry about it like you know this is not industry talk all right all I’m serious like we didn’t post time pull up we gonna leave him right here we can’t give too much feel me
Let’s get back to that Community talk though feel me um you said something you said um the African proverb if you want to go far I’m sorry if you want to go fast go Al if you want to go far go together that’s something that you don’t
Hear a lot especially in this generation especially the generation previous me nobody wants to be like oh I got help nobody wants to be like you know what I’m saying like I got this help from this person it’s all I made it on myself I made it by myself I’m self-owned
Everything like that how do you feel about that that saying being held up to the caliber that it way back even now I think the concept of being selfmade is a product of trauma right like you know you are associating self-made Success With that being the most honorable way to do it um
And I couldn’t disagree more with that I was in high school a junior and my mentor at the time was helping me with something and this was probably the first time a black man outside of my family um you know I can honestly say like was wow yeah that was probably the first
Time that a black man was actually changing my life okay Um and yeah it’s it’s a very rich thing for me because I was a junior high school and I remember he was helping me helping me with something as it pertained to getting into to to college and we were leaving school we I was
Walking him to his car I was about to go walk to the bus stop um and I was like you know telling him like yo thank you um thank you you know like I appreciate everything you’re doing like you know I don’t need a handout and he stopped me he was like
Yo this is not a hand out this is a hand up you know this is a hand up yeah that was the first time I had ever looked at somebody helping me in that way we’re I’m like you know it’s so funny how and the DNA of you know um our country’s
Value we always say lun F our F but we probably that could not be further from the truth when it comes to Haitians yeah um you know and how we look at Community don’t get me wrong we B together when needed yeah but for the most part you
Know division is just in our blood yeah and when my mentor told me that it was the first time I took the opportunity to walk against the notion of hand out and look more towards a hand up and ever since then I look at different communities and how I feel they manage a
Hand up and how that’s made them successful that’s true right and that trauma I feel we just need to get away from as a community yeah right like not going to lie me personally I’m always looking around you know like I’m always looking at okay I’ve built this Rolodex
Of a community I won’t even call it a network right I’ve built this roex of a community who can I call for what and I’m proud I can yeah I’m proud that people hit me all the time like yo do you know where to get this or who to
Talk to about that yeah cuz they a can feel that they can rely on me but I’m even prouder at the fact that I can call those people to say hey can you help this person yeah but I’m even more ecstatic that I can call those people to
Say hey can you help me yeah right yeah because at the end of the day like it takes a village and no you know it’s like the verse says in the Bible right and forgive me I say correctly but you know man should not live you know by bre alone and obviously
That verse is used for different iterations but I’m going to use it in this context to say that man should not live by one thing alone yeah right and your community is the versatility that you need to build right you know a house is not built by one
Thing it’s multiple things and it’s crazy that you say that as because like you said with the trauma it’s cuz we’ve been so wired that if you get a hand out from somebody yeah they’re expecting something in return yeah you know like for example my bro that want to start um
You know his own Instagram Fitness page next year I’m like yo bro um I know you still want to do this stuff like if do you need my help or anything and I’m like yo I just got um cuz I Chang my phone so I don’t use the lightning Port
Anymore I’m like yo I got a mic here if you need it to start that stuff let me know like I give it to you and he’s like yo bro you’re W mans you know and I’m like oh I’m like yeah bro of course you’re my mans he’s like so what’s what
Comes with this nice gesture of the rip he’s like what comes with this nice gesture I’m like uh just don’t sell making videos like start creating bro like start making stuff um my friend I wanted to start streaming for Christmas I remember I had got them mics he’s like
Yo like thank you but like do you want something I’m like n bro like I just want to see you win like I just want to see you push forward so I feel like that’s something we just got to break out of and I hope what you said actually
Makes them realize it like yo not everything is a hand out it’s a hand out what I want you to ask them though it’s like y bro okay cool like what exactly do you want me here for then yes like what are we doing here yeah that’s important one thing I actually don’t
Like is when people that I am telling you like yo you good family like my man 100 Grand or now you know what sis I got you I don’t like when I tell people that and they still move in timid shot that would make me stop speaking to you
Really yeah wow if I tell you I got you I like I don’t I I really don’t play about you know my word like if I tell you I got you I got you that’s facts and I think in my opinion what I’m hoping is that
You don’t ever put me in a position to disappoint you cuz that’s on you I feel as much as it is on me because if you’re not a millionaire I’m not gonna ask you for a million and then expect right and then when you can’t give it to me it’s
Like yo n see you my man I knew it it’s like this is why see Yo n you know what I’m never asking anybody for anything again fact no like no but if I know that you’re good um you know I’m working on C bro can you pull up and help me with
This real quick you know like so yeah when people start doing the whole like oh no I don’t want to nah yeah get out of here cuz I don’t have the time for that yeah N I fully agree man what I tell you I got you I got you
Like if I tell you my peoples my peoples Libra team come on now you know that come on now we ain’t going to talk too much we ain’t going to talk too much get you a Libra hello somebody hello yeah yeah he going crazy right now I know he trying to
Do respect respect you talk about go the community yourself man let’s talk about the community you’re out here building the community that the people should be paying attention to man tardy T yeah let’s do it oh that man labeled up on now merch merch on the way oh merch I
Merch on the way merch on the way baby Brick by Brick uh but what is out right now actually if you go to our website our signature wristbands we have three different colors on there uh what I’m wearing right now is the Rene pink but we also have the signature tardy green
We have the ginger orange uh just $3 a pop definitely go online support us grab them limited supplies so definitely get yours uh as soon as you see this come on now yeah so let’s talk about it [Â __Â ] T the community your building let’s talk
About it sure so um some of the folks have been on our Instagram um so far so they’re a bit familiar with us but for those that haven’t tar is an upand cominging uh company that is promoting diversity in the sport of golf specifically empowering diversity uh by
Swinging to success so what that means is uh when we think of the history of golf and how black folks have been marginalized uh especially at a professional level out of the sport um really up until I feel the 1990s right um we see that effect trickled down into
You know our everyday communities and [Â __Â ] T is looking to solutionize that by creating awareness around the lack of diversity but adding a fun spin to it through our event series called one swing at a time which is really a golf themed day party come out the hottest
Yeah baby hottest yeah hottest the biggest now you two for two ain’t G lie baby come on we we we we killing it uh and we going to keep killing it but but one swing at a time essentially a day party come in your your best golf outfit
CU we want to highlight the fashion of the sport I think it’s probably the most fashionable sport the most slept on fashionable the most s on fashion like golf outfits are actually even used outside of the sport right um we want to highlight the fashion we want to also
Give folks an opportunity to swing a golf club yeah but most importantly we want them to come and build a community right uh we’re at we’ve done two events so far and both events the feedback that we always get never really really comes back focusing primarily on golf it
Doesn’t primarily focus on outfits it doesn’t primarily focus on the DJ the food or the drinks it always goes back to the fact that wow I met a really cool person there so like for instance our last one on September 30th I had some folks from from work at the
Event and as a result of that event folks have actually came to me like yo I’m meeting with this person that person at the office because that started with the tardy T event wow right that’s good and that you know that feels good because especially one of the people
That approached me that that had that experience they’re relatively new in the company but because of TT now they’re meeting with senior you know folks in the company wow um that came to T but also are connecting them to their peers outside of you know um their peers in
City as well so look spark notes of it is that we’re promoting diversity and sport of golf we are bringing awareness to it through our uh event Series yeah um and you know our goal is to not only change uh how folks see see golf especially black folks in particular but
More so change how folks see black folks in golf right um and Community being at the center of that that’s true because golf is a white man well golf has always seem like a white man’s sport I like how you I like that right there I had to I
Had to catch myself I like that feel me um but you speaking to uh to a Advent Gore to the to the events you know what I’m saying it’s a Vibe you feel me matter of fact tell me walk me through right everything that you’ve you know
Feel like you’ve experienced when I went to the before you went like I need to think I need to hear about your emotions before you go there like the outfit picking and like the outfit picking was stressful I ain’t going to lie like there’s not much guy golf outfits like
It was really stressful like and it’s like I really was it it’s so bad like you know something isn’t search much if Tik Tok don’t got enough of that that was me promoting the I’m like yo what do I post y I went on Tik Tok I kid you not
I think I seen like six to eight Tik Tok videos on men gol fashion and the men golf fashion they were sh me or dad stuff you feel me the typical stuff not the cool stuff exactly and the cool stuff was um was Jordan of course um but
It’s like there wasn’t much to do that’s when I’m like so there’s an area there though cuz where there’s not much light at there’s something there for it to grow so then that’s why I’m like very excited for the next event cuz I’m putting that thing on I ain’t going to
Lie I’m putting that thing on cuz I Ain come I ain’t come how I’m supposed to be swinging last time you that was crazy that was really crazy I ain’t going to lie yo this guy that’s that’s three right this guy to St over here I’m on
Three three PS so far bet going crazy right now I Ain going to lie but n the the the event was amazing man I ain’t going to lie um I came a little late but like it was a Vibe all around feel me because I I was watching it on on the
Story and I’m like oh now this on way I’m on the way yeah me like I couple people have to pick up I’m like yo gota go feel me but um getting there was very welcoming you feel me um the vibe was already here he was listening to music
Got there went straight to the bar and there was people at the bar off the rip crazy you feel me and and not only were they at the bar but they wasn’t like at the bar and they just watching n they were at the bar and everybody was
Conversating you feel me then walking a little deeper off rip you got the Vibes it was like walking on on tarf you know what I’m saying like um the golf swings everywhere you feel me yeah so it was there already and the outdoor Vibes you went there to
People there conversating like one one of the main things I noticed when I went in the event is that everybody was talking to each other you you came in group it’s like everybody was talking and it’s like even the people that weren’t even there for your event was
Vibing too you feel me so like it was like an overall Vibe wow man that’s rich because honestly like putting this together the biggest thing I was nervous about was like how the energy would be in the different spaces within the venue cuz I know like just from going to parties right again
God is working on me guys sorry but just going to party you know going being outside they would call it right you know you go you go to like these different like you know clubs oh my gosh I’m sitting uh it’s like you go to these different clubs and like it’s so awkward
Yeah and the only thing that’s going for it is two things the drinks and and the music yeah you know and it’s like either the music is too loud so you can’t really talk to somebody so then it just forces you to put on a facade that is really more concerned
With the aesthetic than it is right like the purpose of being and gred there’s time and place for that yeah there times I just I want to go outside I just want to be fly I don’t want to talk to nobody I just want to be fly I just want yeah
Send that over mean like that’s that’s that there’s a time and place for that but if you have too much of that then there’s a lack of balance and you actually you know don’t really have the opportunity to you know experience fun outside of that and I feel like [Â __Â ] one
Swing at a time you know our goal is to continue to achieve that because what we actually are doing in those um you know uh micro uh interactions yeah is that we’re actually teaching folks how to network as well right you’re building like those those skills in those moments
Like because you kind of got to force yourself to speak to somebody if you you’re feeling comfortable and you feel at it right so because of that you’re like yo let me just ask him about this and then you carry that now to the spaces outside of that yeah party gives
You that confidence yeah cuz now you are getting the rep of just like talking to people so yeah I support it every single time it was really a good vibe like I got there late but the little three three to two hours I got it was like damn I should have came
Earlier yo shout out DJ say he was doing his thing man DJ bro shout out DJ NK DJ say say like these are my brothers like DJ n he’s also my fat brother so it’s like oh of course have to plug him man can’t forget different different
Different connection uh but you know say like I’m not going to call him his government on here but that’s my guy you know so um again Community yeah like what they differ for me that’s off of the strength of community like how they you know manage how we manage the
Business end of things that’s just off of the the community that is not like you can’t pay for that yeah you know I wanted to ask you something though real quick you said that tardy T is to diversify right on the field so why didn’t you make this a black only type
Of Club type of thing or black only you know what I mean listen man type of scene listen man I’mma tell you this I think so me I don’t agree with black own like I don’t agree with your whole world being black only right they can clip this up however
They want to you don’t like black people I don’t care I knew he’s an Uncle Ruckus yeah I don’t care right like you can make this a Michael Jordan investers in prisons moments like you you know like but go ahead talk about it why why you disagree with it I disagree with it
Because you know at the end of the day right we’re doing a disservice to our black babies when we are limiting them to um only seeing themselves right through the lens of themselves now in the forming years I think is absolutely pertinent to make sure that their identity is associated you know positive
Or posit they’re positively associating their identity with being black absolutely I think that is perent is a priority it should be top of the the list of things in you know that child’s indoctrination yeah as they grow older I do feel that in order for them to get a
Appreciation of just simply Global context they need to be able to interact and bring that Blackness outside of just a black community okay right that’s what you mean because look let’s let’s let’s let’s give an example right um you know I work for City Group City Group is city is a global uh
Organization it’s called an institution right like it is a global organization so just imagine if for instance I have you know my son that or my daughter sorry guys uh whichever of the two oh he sexist now like black people he’s sexist they can C this up however they want to right
Feel me I love women right like n now he treding to save himself we about to go viral n no no but just like so that example right like say my son or daughter you know decides to work for city um and they don’t understand you know the global context
Of the company I’m putting them much more behind yeah than their counterpart that understands the global context why because that Global you know that Global context is going to help them appreciate cultures outside of you know their Blackness yeah and then the reality of
The matter is if we want to think of how to operate on that Global you know within that Global context you need to appreciate culture outside you need to respect culture outside of your culture you need to be able to build with culture outside of your culture um you
Know because that that is the only way that you can actually bring more awareness to your culture yeah right like think about it even if you think about the movie wakanda right like yeah it was a thing where they’re like okay we don’t want the world to know because they want the
World to come sure but if one’s association with Blackness is only negative yeah cuz they are not black but whenever they’ve interacted with a black person it just has had a negative experience if that’s their only experience you can’t be mad at them when you try to interact with them and
They’re just negatively exper they’re negatively interacting with you yeah it is just ignorance yeah and you building that uh cache with them is also building awareness around you know your community and I feel like when you have black only when you have just a world of black
Only it’s scary because once you get out of there yeah you won’t know how to move you won’t know what to do how to move you don’t get that exposure too at that so that makes that makes sense feel me so yeah that makes sense cuz then it becomes very unrealistic because it’s
Like you said if all you know is Black Culture and all you know is how to appreciate black it’s like once you get somewhere else it’s like who they call it culture shock yo Mr Beast believe went to China or Japan I kid you not a kid came to him
And said oh my gosh right can I take a picture with you you’re American right he’s like can I take a picture with you he’s like yeah he took a picture of him he was like huh do do you know me he was like um you watch my videos the guy was
Like oh no the Kid K was like oh no I don’t I don’t know who you are but you’re just the first White American guy I’ve seen and he just ran off and that was crazy to me cuz it’s just like to think a guy that has over 200 million
Subs on YouTube you would think that he’s known everywhere or you would think that he’s somebody that right but then he goes to a whole another culture that doesn’t even know anything about him and he’s just like Oh no you’re just the first white guy I’ve ever seen that
Looks like that so in that aspect what you just said it actually makes sense so it would actually do you a disservice and put you more put you back even more and even with growing a community too cuz if you just make it strictly black own or black you know I’m saying then
It’s like you’re doing yourself as the tab as the top the service I also feel that black folks we have a superpower of being versatile true we need to tap into that versatility that’s true we fit everywh yeah I didn’t I didn’t want to he’s going crazy like that’s that’s
Five that’s four I got to keep count man that’s he has to be sto you know but yeah I’m saying like you know black folks we we’re uh we’re versatile that’s true uh we need to tap into that versatility and embrace it so to be clear I think black folks should
Absolutely spend time tapping into that Blackness let that form a large part of their Identity or at least the root of it yeah as you grow into that and you understand that as the most that you will understand it right because it’s you know can get complex
You go through the history of your people right you even take a pilgrimage you touch the you know the soil of the motherland right you know like you take the opportunity to see your Blackness positively you do all of that absolutely true but then you take that and you go
Out yeah get that exposure yeah I agree with it exactly I agree with it that’s nice so let me ask you this though so we spoke about you building your community we spoke about how to diversify your community now let’s talk about protecting your community yeah cuz that’s very important
You know we always build build but protecting it is very important so for you how would you go about protecting tardy te you know from those trying to bring it down because it’s a doggy dog world out here you know yeah I I don’t you know I leave some of that to my
Lawyer what a flex no I mean a flex it’s not even like it’s not even really a flex and Shout out my guy like you know he actually is one of my mentors and like you know like somebody that I consider like a positive black role model who just took me under
His wing it’s like I help you right so let me I’m not making it seem like yo like yeah I hired like I’m not the rapper that’s like yeah hire the Jewish lawyer to beat the case no no like you know uh I just have you know someone
Who’s a positive you know role model black black you know role model in in my life and he decided to take me under his wing and said yo I like I love what you’re doing I’m G to help you right so he just decided to be like yo this this
This is my legal leg Council right um so yeah I mean the protection piece a lot of that is just like with him like I’m talking to him about everything like yo what do you think about X Y and Z right so the protection piece I feel like
Comes from us doing our due diligence and making sure that we’re checking off the boxes right let’s not be ignorant here and live in a dulu right like let’s not do that um so yeah the legality aspect of it is definitely important uh I also feel like passion
Very important you know you can’t beat the passion right like how passionate you are about something that’s going to be reflected in the product and you know for me as it pertains to [Â __Â ] t as [Â __Â ] T grows God be wi witness the passion will
Not be lost yeah we see it or better yet I know the passion won’t be lost but you’ll see that the passion is not lost yeah on just the way that I’m doing things and what I’m doing and how I’m expanding and how I’m taking this to the
Next level now for sure I could I can hear every time we talk about [Â __Â ] T bro you go you go full mode like yeah like you could hear it and and see it you know what I’m saying like even with yeah like cuz you know I get a little glimpse
Of the behind the scenes you feel just a little bit of it and when ibody get I mean behind is a little bit crazy but we’ll let her I ain’t going to go chill I ain’t going to go there you feel I’m when things when things you could see
Like when things is when he gets hit with challenges or little roadblocks you can actually see like you know like it’s really bothering you when you actually get hit with those challenges and you’re like yo I’m staying up all night trying to get this C man he’s like yo I ain’t
Sleep like you feel me you can see like nobody goes for that for a side gig or just some you trying to start up this you get that kind of energy and that kind of passion when it’s something that you see collapse generations and generations you feel me so that’s that’s really
Dedication and my brother I tell you this right when you die your Tombstone or anything that is pretty much that marks your death or life if you will it’s going to have your birth year it’s going to have your death year yeah and then there’s going to be a dash in
Between and every single thing that you have done is going to be on that Dash yeah and I think about that every single day that’s crazy that’s a that’s a good way to think about it so everything you ever done goes on that in that middle Dash like
It’s like okay between X year and X year what did you do what did you do right like it’s easy to go to G it’s easy to go you know on certain platforms and talk that talk but you know we only really respect those that’s doing it yeah the fruits of
Your labor what are you doing like yeah like me I’m not trust me I am not living so that people can see what I do and be like oh my gosh this guy is the coolest guy ever I don’t care about that like I you know dress how I dress I do
What I do because it makes me feel good and it’s like it’s what I want to do right um so because of that I have to have a purpose my purpose is going to be fulfilled by the grace of God in that Dash yeah I agree and that’s that’s the
Thing that comes that’s the thing that comes with being a man bro cuz it’s like we’re literally we ain’t nothing without our purpose bro you would forever be lost if you don’t have that purpose and the thing is it’s like it’s a double thing because you’re nothing you you
Don’t have your purpose and then when you have your purpose until it’s fulfilled you don’t feel at ease at all you know it’s just a constant thing that’s just weighing on you like this got to get done and if it’s not being done or if I’m not living in it if I’m
Not on track yeah it’s just like damn do I am I back to being just lost and not having you know so it’s just like I get this and I got to get it done so it’s just a thing with just being a man bro like it’s just a forever forever burden
Yeah or well I would’t say a burden but it’s a forever blessing yeah you feel me finding your purpose but I suggest like every man to literally lock in and figure it out because if you don’t you’re going to be lost for a while like for a while purpose encourages
Preparation that pushes into power and all of that is really really best determined by process yeah you know so your purpose power process like I think those are the things that drives you know man or you know anyone anyone really yeah yeah yeah so that is
Amazing man Dash she Dash yo now that just put like that just got me a whole another thinking yeah year you’re born Dash yeah your death yeah what did you do do what did you do like that’s that’s kind of crazy to think about that was
Like also part of the reason why I wanted to become an alpha because it was like for me um I remember I was speaking to I mean well not one of my fraternity Brothers but at the time like a brother of the fraternity and he was just saying like
Yeah when he dies he wants Alpha to be on his Tombstone I thought that was rich you know look like the reality of the matter is you know we’re so like we see young black men dying and not really having the opportunity to have any real impact on on the world
Yeah so as long as I have breath and I have the opportunity and ability to drive impact yeah I’m Gonna Fill that Tombstone up yeah you know and even the things that don’t make it to the tombstone cuz maybe words can’t necessarily Describe the impact that’s
What we working on and this is this is like this is like like this is big man what are we doing what are we really doing yeah like that’s something you gota really sit down and think about though like that’s just everybody that’s the question to you like what are you
Really doing what are you really doing that can’t go between that Dash we got we got we got to talk about it what are you really doing like is the is so I’mma hit it where it hurts right you know like yo if your legacy is going to be popping
Bottles I mean you know you got to think about that like respectfully and I’m actually I’mma speak to my black kings come on now this is the message for y’all because at the end of the day let’s keep it a stack our black queens are doing better than us way better
Right they’re more educated come on and in certain spaces they’re more compensated so I’m going to speak to the black kings real quick right your legacy going to be popping bottles think about that right if your legacy is going to be what bz you had in whatever year before
Think about that right if your legacy is going to be cuz you had the you had the newest pair of Jordans up until a certain point think about that yeah right like this is tough love right and granted I’m not the person that you know
Is the guy to say oh I’m the standard follow me no I’m just going to hold you accountable in this clip so that one day whatever it is that this impacts positively you can hold me accountable cuz I need more black men that I feel can be peers
In certain spaces yeah you just got to call it spade and Spade and if you feel away you feel like this is too arrogant this is too cocky go look at the numbers go look at the stats and if that doesn’t hurt your heart enough to motivate you I don’t like to
Skip this skip the interview go do something else this isn’t for you but for the for the guys that really understand where I’m coming from and what I’m saying right now lock in that party’s always GNA be there that the girls are going to come as soon as you
Get what you got to get trust me they’re going to come right like everything is going to come but if you are not not putting in that pain you’re not connecting to your purpose yep that hustle that grind you’re doing you’re doing us all black K you’re doing us all a
Disservice feel me so you’re doing and you’re disserving your future self that’s waiting for you to get to where you need to be bro spooky out here listen I be having conversation like platonic conversations with wom about dating and what it’s like for them right scary out here bro it’s spooky scary
That dating fool is the pandemic is over get it together all right that’s all I gotta say no no let’s actually speak a little bit on that though man likeo it’s scary they going to hit me oh my God they’re never going to give me in person again
Cuz look the women are actually really yo um so this month is movember right so this month is when we pay attention to the Men’s Health and what’s going on with men in general you know what said that women live 5 years longer than men so it’s
Like the women are actually winning in life like they’re living five years older than us they’re getting yeah in in some categories and some careers more paycheck I’m saying the women are being more on top they being more educated fellas what the [Â __Â ] we we we went for me on top of the
Food chain to down barely bro the women are actually more you know what you know what’s crazy I’m cutting up a lot but this what I realize right everything that is here to help the men are more so filled up with more women than it is men here’s what I mean
By that all of the Good Men podcasters that are here of the Good Men um quote unquote role models are mostly followed by women when they have these podcast live episodes It’s almostly women interesting the women are taking the time to learn us Lear and listen the
Women are taking the time to figure us out so when you’re not actually taking the time to figure yourself out you won’t be able to do nothing to these women bro list yeah it it’s just crazy because if quotequote cuz it’s you know I’m not even going to fuel the men and
Women War but if the opposition is studying you you feel me and you not doing anything or you stay down to your same tricks or your same you know anything you won’t be able to win the war you feel me but the women are leveling up on us triple time you feel
Me and they’re not they’re no longer falling for the BS they’re no longer dealing with the BS so it’s like fellas like we’re on a downhill right now listen man I is my thoughts on this um first and foremost to my black queens I doing the
Damn thing I’m proud of you for sure I love you I am happy that you’re killing the game I’m actually excited at the fact that God that God willing I have a daughter that she will have you know role models that probably she can touch more easily than you know the women
Before her right to say oh I can do this because I know how hard it is for y’all so you know you know I’m proud of y’all Right facts to my brothers um you got to get it together man like the thing is the thing is for me
It’s like I don’t want to give you a pep talk right let’s be very honest I don’t want to give you a pep talk because I just feel like you should just be motivated like you should just wake up and just want to get to it just want to
Get it you just want to get to it yeah like you you just want to you should just want to get forget the Andrew listen nobody got Andrew tit oh yeah n forget the keep away me forget all no you should just be motivated off of the
Strength of the fact that you are a black man right you are connected to the creation of civilization come on now and this is why I said like you know earlier making that journey into identity because what it really is is an identity crisis yeah that’s what we really seeing in you know
Our community with our men like they are having a real identity crisis and a lot of it is connected to social media yeah right it is not it is no longer cool to be the nine and5 guy but this is what I’m going say to to the no longer cool
N9 and5 guy Theory look I’m G be honest I will be God willing you know married by the time what I’m about to explain is going to happen but you don’t want to be the N five God let me map out what the next 10 years could look like for you
Right you’re going to go risk your life you’re going to go do things to get the girl that you feel like is impossible to get otherwise right she’s going to take it she’s going to start her own last tech care business the legitimate one right she’s going to be so pushed by the
The glamour that you’re bringing to her lifestyle and you know everything around that business her business is going to grow it’s going to Boom in the process of all of that you’re risking your life your freedom your safety that are in jail let’s just say you I
Hope you don’t die so let’s just say you end up in jail right which I don’t hold for you either but call this SP SPID let’s say you end up in jail you know what’s gonna happen you’re G to do a bid she’s going to continue her legitimate
Business but now she needs to find a guy that can remotely sustain facts right and then she’s going to go for a guy like [Laughter] Me chill I’m be married at the time this n Go motivational man I don’t want to motiv I don’t want yo listen I don’t want to motivate you because it’s kind of like bro if this isn’t motivation enough I don’t know what to tell you no but all right so honestly
She’s goingon to go for um that N9 of5 guy right that you thought was corny that you thought was lame but has his freedom and honestly at that point is only grown in his career so the money that you probably were making and risking or life for is probably going to
Grow that I mean in particular Industries right that have good you know uh convers growth right like she’s going to end up with that guy and while you’re sitting down you’re doing that bid and you lose you know the connection to her right because at that point now she’s just getting older that
Clock is running out right it’s time for her to want to start a family like you got to really you’re going to have to sit there no actually you’re not going to have to you are going to sit there and think about like yo yeah was it all worth
It I probably I think I think wo right well you know T he probably say like yo it’s it’s not worth it right so the the the the biggest Point here is just that like look I get it you know fast money right uh or actually let’s just say this a non-sustainable
Lifestyle sometimes feels good it feels glamorous right um but we got to think more towards the long term yeah right and not the short term because honestly I’m not even excited the most about what I’m going to do in the short term man I can’t wait to see what I’m about to do
At 4050 yo you know y out Prime is 30 35 yeah bro honestly like 3035 like like that’s cool but I’m like yo like where am I going to be at 60 shees like where am I what if I’m doing this right now and God got because I know he got me
What I’m gonna be doing at 60 yeah all I got is time yeah so what I’m saying is it’s like y you you you you’re you feel you’re running against the clock and I hear you but again you’re going to have that conversation like it
Was worth it and then by the time you come home and now you trying to figure out life she done gave you know that guy you know like me right two kids we got two kids yeah you know we done grew our family and it’s like was
It all worth it you know so I look yeah I I think there’s definitely a identity crisis that in our community that you know again back to TT right like the goal of [Â __Â ] is to help cure that identity crisis because a sport of golf positively affects mental health right
It positively affects one’s confidence it positively affects one’s ability to build community right and and and exist in one that might be unfamiliar to them right so that’s a part of the work and the scope of which that we are operating within right right so and that’s that’s
Lovely that’s that’s lovely that that’s the way that you’re going through cuz that means the work is never done for you like work is never done Brother The Works is never done cuz now forever like you’re diversifying on the green so that means you got hair chers you know what
I’m saying forget the US you got you know what I’m saying overseas so it’s like Global man Global you know I listen man I I got to give credit where it’s due like you know by the time this episode comes out it’s probably would have been done already
But uh one of my fat Brothers Rush Mike uh started a a platform called poetry me please and I was just looking on his story the other day and he had put that he wanted to bring the event the company the platform right we don’t want to limit it to the Apollo W
And he’s bringing it to the Apollo wow and in a comment one of the comments he wrot like if I say it enough it’s going to happen uh I thought that was rich I thought that was inspiring you know cuz you know some of what I know of the
Story is that it started like he you know started it I think like right before the pandemic and then the pandemic happened and it put like a dent in it but now he’s he’s back and you know he’s having an event at the Apollo that’s huge like the AP like you
Mean we got to really acknowled yeah you know uh we got to acknowledge that and understand that okay I got something like that I find encouraging inspiring I’m like all right bet when I tell you y tar is gonna be globals because like like T I have a
Plan in my head I’m not going to say it here yeah but a tar will absolutely successfully be Global come on now what you say May the Lulu word word word uh yeah I be getting a text sometime from you know come on now uh shorty she
Be like may your dulu become chulu right I be like chill may do Lulu become chulu I I think that’s like whenever I get that I’m like yeah this is scary like what do you you know but I think uh make sure I got that on your
2024 vision board man word put the yeah the Lulu Lulu oh man crazy this good man this is great man listen I hope you guys actually took a couple of bit of information here for real like Community is very important you feel me and it it doesn’t even have to just confine to
Your family because usually people once you hear Community is off rip family and then that’s it you feel me so um Community is literally has to be around who you’re connected to it has to be around who you want to be and how you yourself you’re growing so don’t ever
Stop growing because the more you grow the more commun communities like he said you’ll be able to tap into and the more communities you tap into is the more exposure and the more experiences the more connections that you get to build and grow you feel me so that’s I
Appreciate you for coming through my God man listen my brother like I told you at the beginning of the episode um you know I consider you a part of that community of inspiration for me for sure appreciate that appreciate that I don’t have to say that so I want you to know
That’s definitely how I feel um you know as we are both on this journey um the times in which I’m like oh snap like it’s it’s tough right now you know what I’m saying you’re going to keep it going and I’mma look like all right bet let’s
Get back in the race and I hope that I can provide that same inspiration for you at some point whenever um but ultimately the goal in that Spirit of community is to to look at each other like all right bet say no more and I think that’s the only
Thing you need to say that’s why I like I don’t need to motivate you like I better say less like there’s enough like you should be able to look at your community and be like yeah that’s that’s that’s enough for me I look at my Comm
Listen man I got listen I got a community for my mental health I got a community you know for me going to therapy I got a community for you know playing sports I got a community for debauchery I got a community for after the debauchery I need to go repent I
Gotta like you know I’m just keeping it stack like that’s facts first top baby you know what I’m saying like during the week holy holy on the weekend you God is working on me son pray for me listen I was I was in club last week hey
Yeah n listen listen holy holy every day of the week sorry sorry sorry sorry um nah but you know to just again put a pin in in it all um as I said earlier if you want to go fast go alone you want to go far go together uh that is absolutely in
The DNA of not only tardy te but I honestly do feel that’s in the DNA of success that’s in the DNA of us as black folks it’s in the DNA of us in our relationship yeah I think it’s the you know virtually the DNA of this this convers around community that we’re
Having so thank you for having me um it’s been an absolute pleasure to talk to you bro I can come through again now and you know I look forward to everything that i. set will accomplish but more more importantly CK TV yes sir coming oh sh now check us out
Check us Instagram the [Â __Â ] um just a shout out a couple things yeah go ahead support is free project quity definitely go grab a hat PQ uh we got our Genesis collection that we just dropped go grab that I got me some Noma pants dripped up yeah one of my favorite
Brands uh T merch on feel me I I was supposed to have some clue clothing on feel me but um you know I didn’t get uh my pece and time but definitely definitely check out clue you know that’s the barriers like this is home team home team home team that
Boy came labeled up when I go to the closet it’s cool it’s Noma it’s barriers um that’s where I start and then I probably go to like the actual design and stuff after you know okay okay yeah and then you know some something like you feel me
Pressure but it’s like God is good all the time all the time and all the time come on now God hey it’s go come on hey come on now I’m saying like I Repent I knew we were P like m i be rep don’t get it twisted M don’t get it
Forgive me for my sins come on now if you see me outside just know I repented the morning before or I’m repent the morning after baby yo I got to St Yo n oh man what’s again bro thank you for coming through bro pleasure appreciate you always you already know what it is Libra fam all the time you feel me um definitely definitely definitely check them out his Instagram his everything will be in the description um definitely don’t forget
To like comment down below your thoughts on this topic as we will continue the conversation and don’t forget to subscribe with the Bell on so you can get this videos every single week when I drop if you feel me and uh thank you again for topping by and I’mma catch
Youall on the next one if that’s set thank you so much for watching this episode if you enjoyed it make sure you like and definitely comment your thoughts on these topics so we can continue these conversations down in the comments and definitely subscribe with the Bell on so you can get our videos
Every time we drop now if you haven’t already watch our previous episode on connections and I hope you can definitely enjoy it see you there Parenthood means taking on the responsibility of caring for your children it’s not enough to just birth children but you have to lead by example