Ready [Applause] e E color Party by the left slow March Guys 5 minut Go Master gu left and right turn the r of Theal All [Applause] GL you For [Applause] [Applause] all Glor oh he said GL GL for we are Master guides go to serve the Lord and we are here to take us and leading everyone to Christ that is the master plan getting ready for his glorious return as we pledge to do his will master guid master gu ready to serve BL guides Master guides to Serve to all people to EMP leaders through effective World Minri P Colors good morning church family and happy Sabbath to you we welcome you today to this Ontario conference wide Master guide day and we pray that you receive a blessing good morning happy Sabbath again Toronto Central Family my name is nanaka and how is everyone doing that’s good hope you had all had a
Wonderful week and to all our online visitors we welcome you as well and we pray that you receive a blessing and we would like you to do two things for us first of all if you haven’t subscribed to our Channel we ask that you subscribe us now I watched
Um our subscription go up and up especially the last 2 and 1 half months the subscription had went up to over th000 um new subscribers so please remember to subscribe to our Channel like the page and click on that notification Bell and if you have not shared the link this morning please do
So right now sharing the link might save a friend so please share the link and click up the click on the thumbs up button to like our page the more likes the more um prominent the page is and more people can be able to access it so
Please do so like subscribe and share our page as much as possible yes we hope you enjoy your service here at Toronto Central and we are asking you to also our theme for today actually is I will go so today um the sermon will be around I will will go
So wherever Jesus send you we’re saying we will go so amen and not just Master guys will be going today but today we have a baptism so one person is saying I will go to the Lord so congratulation to that individual who have made that decision to go all the way with Christ
Church let me hear you say an amen amen okay before we take our seat please stand up let us pray Eternal Father in heaven we give you thanks and praise for yet another wonderful Sabbath day where we could come and refresh rejuvenate in you we
Ask for your blessing as we go forth on this day we ask that you may bless each and every member listening or sitting in the very pews dear Lord and we pray that you may hasten the footsteps of those who on their way we give you thanks and
Praise for the past six days of Toil and labor father it’s a joy and a privilege to come in your presence right now so we ask that you may continue to send your spirit within us and prepare our hearts to receive the message that you have in
Store for us we pray with Thanksgiving in Jesus’s name amen so we hope you enjoy the service here at Central and like our model says Jesus is C well Jesus is Central and people care about people thank you Amen happy birthday to all the birthday celebrants from December the 2nd through to the eth or the 9th I want you to know that we would have entered this month the second best month of the year praise the Lord hallelujah we all know that November the month we
Ended on Thursday was the best month of the year and so we have entered the second best month of the year Ander rroy told me today that the best month of the year is December because he he he was born in December you see why is the second best month of
The year my wife was born in December and I was married in December the 26th of December will be our 30th wedding anniversary and so it is the second best month of the year best month of the year year is November and so happy birthday to all the birthday celebrants for this week
And for the coming week I greet you this morning in the mighty name of Jesus or soon coming King and of course I extend a special welcome to everyone the host would have welcome you earlier but I just want to extend a special welcome to my my two daughters
They are home from University from Oakwood and so all five of us are together for the last week amen aalia my firstborn and of course the name mean could you stand please she’s wav the name mean Jehovah is strong and Allison Joy Allison the the the the the the little one
And Andrew came after and so welcome this morning I want to extend also a special welcome you know that I am Jamaican first you know that and you know that I’m Grenadian second you know that you didn’t know that no well you see I have a brother from another mother who is from
Grenada and he’s in town today with his wife sister Pascal I want to ask them to stand see my brother from another mother Albert Pascal is his name Sister Jenny call him Willis I told her I would surprise her right and sister Pascal is with us she
Is my former church treasurer and she’s also a master guide and a era coordinator amen praise the Lord welcome my brother welcome my sister sister Fai welcome to Toronto Central um many grenadians are here but they did know that you’re family We Are Family you’re my brother and my sister and you’re in
Town today they are the ones who took very good care of us while we were in Montreal and the friendship and Brotherhood and Sisterhood continues until this day he is here this weekend because his sister who is also a 7th Day Adventist praise the Lord and the former principal of our
School in Hamilton she’s not doing well she’s sick she’s in the Bramton hospital and so the he has come over to look for his sister along with his wife and so we are we’ll be lifting our lifting her up in prayer this this morning amen cuz we
Serve a God who can do able is able yes our God is able for those who would have celebrated a wedding anniversary during the course of this week or for the coming week happy anniversary we continue to lift up our sick and shutting members we continue to pray for
Sister Ashton sister Joyce Sister griam Sister West sister Taylor sister Davis sister Cromwell sister Thompson we continue to pray for brother Graham and brother Phillips and we are mourning the passing of Brother Thompson last Sabbath Pastor darus announced that the Thanksgiving service would be on the 11th Monday the 11th of December there
Is another change of date and time it will now be on Sunday December the 10th at 10: a.m. right here at our church so I am soliciting the support of all our brothers and sisters to come out and to support the family members of Brother Thompson his two
Daughters and other family members we continue also to mourn and pray with the coffee Family Sister coffee her cousin died and we continue to support the Tucker Family Sister Tucker grandson died also we lift them up in purr and we also lift up the church at large in
Purr also we want to remind all our deacons and elders and deaconesses also of our upcoming communion re ersal that will be next Sabbath at the end of service not the Divine or service but end of church service in the afternoon or in the evening and so all deacons deaconesses
And Elders please be present for our upcoming communion practice and of course our communion service will be on the 16th Sabbath the 16th during the Divine or service and we’re asking those of us who are planning to visit brother smart another church not to visit when it is communion time amen you don’t
Visit when it is communion time you visit before communion or after communion but not when it is communion and I want you to look around and if you see your brother or sister who we consider to be missing members Sister Jenny Willis is here Willis wave to Sister
Jenny I want you to invite all your all your members call them up and invite them remind them that communion will be on the 16th of December also or Wednesday evening per meeting or Wednesday evening per meeting will continue this coming Wednesday evening at 7:15 we have 81 last Wednesday evening
We continue to have a good number showing on the zoom platform and when I say 81 we are talking about 81 devices because we are talking about househ household in some instances and so I know that one time we were over 100 on Wednesday evening amen and I’ve seen up
To 96 devices on our Wednesday evening platform Brethren let us continue much pray much po little pray little power let us continue to join our Wednesday night pray meeting and let us receive a special blessing also be reminded those who have not yet um contacted brother Noel regarding the
Basketball team age between 13 and 25 please do so it is important Bible class this afternoon at 4: bible class at 4: and the topic for this afternoon is the truth about hell Elder rroy will be leading out in Bible class this afternoon and next Bible class next week
On the 9th of December or Bible class topic will be friendship evangelism what friendship evangelism and I’m inviting the entire church to come out for this special Bible class friendship evangelism I need you to come out everyone and to participate in our Bible class this evening also at 5:30 the onar
Bible bow will be right here at 5:30 please come back for Bible class and for ay and a matter of fact many many of us will be eating here amen right sister Daniels we will be eating here and so take your lunch start coming back let us
Get back to the whole time amen praise the Lord hallelujah also the music department would like to meet with all the musicians next Sabbath afternoon at 3: so if you can sing and you’re a part of the music team you’re invited if you play instruments I
Can’t play any you should be there if you are a corer you should be there all the music fraternity of the Toronto Central Church you’re invited to this very important meeting and also the Children’s Ministries the end of your concert will be on the 30th and the children’s minist
Department they asking the parents to sign up your children or your child to participate on December the 30th all right that’s all Pastor that’s all thumbs up apart from those who will be playing volleyball how did the volleyball match went last week did we win what okay we forfeited the match
Oh yes yes oh sister Oh Sister s today’s first Sabbath and we are talking about sitting at the feet of Jesus praise the Lord so immediately after the Divine hor service we will be sitting at the feet of Jesus for an extra hour for those who are fasting and praying amen please be
Reminded that the Lord is in in this place please be reminded that God the father is in this place please be reminded that God the holy spirit is in this place let us be reverent let us reverence ourselves before God as we worship today in spirit
And in truth I wish for you a Sabbath day blessing Am Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord all you lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know that the Lord he is God it is he who has made us and not we ourselves we are are his people and the Sheep of his pasture
Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his course with praise be thankful to him and bless his name for the Lord is good his Mercy is Everlasting and his truth endures to all generations this is our call to Worship fill this place fill this place Lord let your holy presence fil this place and we’re crying feel this place f this place Lord let your holy presence let your holy presence Let Your holyy Presence build this place there is nothing we can do until the SP and
Boov there is nothing we can do until the spirit moves there is nothing we can do until the spirit moves there is nothing we can do until the spirit mov F this place this place Lord let your holy presence let your holy presence let your holy presence fill this place Our heavenly father we have come from the East and from the West we have come today from the north and from the south invited to join with Jesus as guest and to dwell in our Father’s House Holy Spirit condescend and rest upon each worshiper now we pray in Jesus name
Amen please remain remain standing for the opening Hymn it may not be on the mountain height or over the stor be SE it may not be at the batt my Lord will have need of me but if by a still small fory call to pass that I do not know I’ll answer dear Lord with my hand in the I’ll where you want me to go I’ll go where you want me to go dear Lord over mountain or plain or sea to Lord I’ll be what you want me to be last stand up there surely where ay place in us heartest feel so wi where I may live through
Short day for Jesus the crucified so trusting My All toight Care and know if thou lovest me I’ll do the I will with the heart in I’ll be what you want me to be I’ll go where you want me to go dear Lord over mountain or PL or
See I’ll say what you want me to sa Lord I be what you want me to be you may be seated good morning boys and girls good morning can you guys please come to the front for children’s story all the boys and girls please come to the front for children’s story We’re going to do it a little bit different we want you guys to sit facing this way so we’re going to ask you to sit over here in front of the Pews It’s working I just used it are We There’s so much going on in the world right now I know I don’t know why all of this is happening but I think we’ll get back to normal soon did you hear what happened in Thailand yes I did I think that it’s very sad my prayers are with
Them all there’s also a lot going on in Cameroon yeah a lot of people are suffering the things that are happening in these countries are like the signs of Jesus Second Coming um I don’t know if that has anything to do with what’s going on right now yeah I think
Everything is just on the Rocks because of the aftermath of covid-19 yeah I agree with you Maya but in Revelations 8 to14 talks about the signs of Jesus second coming and it is also spoken in other parts of the Bible um I don’t believe that I just I
Think we’re going to go back to normal soon anyways it’s time to go I’ll see you guys later bye bye hey kiddo hi Mom you look like you have something on your mind are you okay I’m doing okay I was just having a conversation with my friends at school
About all the things going on in the world and I I told them that the things that are happening are like the signs of jesus’ second coming at first I was a little scared to tell them my thoughts but then I thought that it would be best
If I told them I’m very proud of you for choosing to share the message with your friends even though you might have been scared that was a good decision anyways I sort of didn’t get a good reaction from them they said how they didn’t believe it had anything to
Do with jesus’ second coming and how they think that the world was going back to the way it was this reminds me of the story of Noah he was a leader and he spoke what he believed even if he was alone in Genesis 6 he had to stand alone
When telling the people that the flood was coming he stood in faith even though those around him didn’t believe continue to stand in faith Emma thanks Mom who wants to pray can we have two people to pray for oh oh sorry so that’s the end of our story
Boys and girls um what did you guys learn from this story today we should share God’s word with everybody yeah we should share God’s word with everybody um anything else how many of you guys know the story of Noah so what can you learn about the story of Noah
Like in the story of Noah no one believed him so like even if No One Believes you you still know that you’re telling the truth yeah to trust God Amen all right okay now who wants to pray can we have two people to pray for us
Please who wants to pray I see some of my adventurers here so I might just pick you you guys um okay I’m going to pick two people I’m going to pick jusan and Amelia can pray with you dear heavenly father thank you for this stay thank you for the privilege
That all of us could wake up this morning and come to church CH and praise you please help us have a good day please help us to always love you please help us to learn please help us to learn something from Every Good Deed you do
Please help us to follow and trust you and love you in Jesus name amen amen de Jesus Jesus say dear Jesus dear Jesus thank you for this day thank you for this day please help us please help us to have a good day to have a good day and to learn
Something and to learn something from the sermon from the sermon in Jesus name in Jesus name amen amen okay you can go back to your seats They are weak but he is strong yes Jesus me yes Jesus Lov me yes Jesus the Bible tells me So good morning church good morning this is a great privilege God is helping me he helping me to improve and I want to give him thanks this morning because he’s been so good to me I’ve been practicing going up and down steps as a matter of fact I practice to go without
My cane sometimes it’s not easy but thank God this morning I would like to song sing a song that that tells us something that God needs of us [Applause] Every day they pass me by I can see it in their eyes empty people fil with care headed who knows where on they go through private pain living Fear To Fear laughter hides their Silent Cries only Jesus he people need the Lord people need the Lord At the end of Broken Dreams he’s the open door people need the Lord people need the Lord when will we realize people need the [Applause] Lord we are called to take his life To a world where wrong seems right what could be too great a cost for sharing light with one who’s lost through his love our heart can feel all the grief they bear they must hear the words of Life only we can share people need the Lord people need the
Lord at the end of Broken Dreams he’s the opend people need the Lord people need Lord when will we realize that we must give our lives for people need the Lord people [Applause] need the Lord be on the right Side Am [Applause] [Applause] prise good morning everyone good morning happy Sabbath and to to you all and um on who are watching online as I’m about to petition the throne of grace I’m asking all one come one come all all were ever Laden and needs closer walk with God come to the altar whoever would like
To come and meet with our Lord and SA here sorry I won’t be able to kneel now dear Lord as we pray take our heart and mind all away from the bre of the world all around to your throne where Grace does abound may all be transformed by your
Love may our SCE be refresh from above at this moment let people everywhere join us now as we come to you in pray let us kneel where possible in the name of Jesus thank you so much father to bring us together one more time thank you for a trying week
And we come closer to you at the end of the week you thank you for giving us grace and mercy that we can meet with you you at this time father in the name of Jesus thank you one more time for giving us life you give us Health you
Give us strength you help us Lord to be with you at this time thank you thank you Jesus I thank you one more time be with those who are sick and who are suffering Lord you know the pain they bear you know the sorrow they share we
Ask you Lord please let your will be done in their lives those who are belied I ask you Lord to comfort them help them Lord that they stay strong and keep their eyes on you no matter what those who are sick I ask you Lord to touch
Them let your will be done heal them from head to toe as you see them fit those who are in the hospital I ask you Lord to surround their bedside send your angels to comfort them and to help them to not to turn from you even though they
Are going through trial trying times our Master guide today today I ask you Lord to be with us as Leaders help us to set example for our young people help us to go out and spread your your love to everyone we meet around us and as far
Away lands we pray those the pastor who’s going to present us the the service of today the I ask you Lord please cover him from head to toe please Jesus be with him and his family be with each family presented here today grant us now a blessing remember those who are
Online Lord you know them please be there for them and help us Lord not to turn away help us Lord to keep strong keep looking up for your Comming is very near thank you Lord we can’t wait we hope that soon you will come thank you for hearing and answering our prayers in
Jesus name Amen happy sa happy Sabbath church and happy Pat Masai day you know the privilege is mine to to be here with to be here with with you today in this capacity to make an appeal to each one of us uh my appeal going to be very
Simple most of us we already know the need of the church and it cannot be done without your support every one of us have to contribute every one of us has to play our part and truly God has been good to us there is not one of us here this
Morning can testify that God has been unkind God has not been good even through your most difficult days God has been good you know we have one precious Soul this morning that going to get baptized praise God but that is a result of the Holy
Spirit and I am I’m going to appeal to each one of us to follow the holy spirit this morning as I make a petition uh to you to to help and to contribute toward all the activities that we are having at at our church most
Most of you if not all of you aware that we are doing a renovation on the my right your left over there the fellowship hall we are doing a a massive renovation over there I truly believe that we should never forsake the Assembly of one another that is not just for worship but
Also for Fellowship so that we can sit and eat and Dy with each other and so I’m going to appeal to to you to make a contribution this morning now I know that there’s a container going to come around and I know you can put your loose offering in that
Container but I’m going to appeal don’t do that now I’m not saying you’re to keep the money but I’m going to say I’m going uh there are envelopes that are provided that call the possibility uh envelope and I’m going to appeal to every one of us I don’t want no offering
In the in the play but in this envelope okay I know that you’re going to obey the Holy Spirit today I know you’re going to do what God tells you to do and God has blessed you in in abundance so I need you to give a portion of that this morning not just
That I know you have to return your tithe but I’m talking about the offering but also I’m also going to make an appeal to you about the the clubs that we have here we have The Adventurous club we have the Pathfinder club and we also have the master guide club and Believe
It or Not each of the club need your support as well not just to send your children or to enroll them in the clubs but also to support the club financially now you’re going to put offering in this envelope for the possibility for the renovation over
There but I know a tide envelope there are space there that you you can also designate your offering for the the three clubs that we have at our church truly I’m asking you to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you this morning you see the clubs the the
Purpose but it’s not limited to it it is to train the young people to serve here and the world to come and therefore we got to we got to train them well so that they can get the necessary skills in order to carry out God’s Mission but it is also to help uh
Leaders to be Christ centered and Christlike and final last but not least but it is to help individuals members and leaders to be rooted and grounded in the word of God let me open trust by God’s grace as you are receiving the envelopes that you
Will take one but let me also make an appeal to my online friends that the information will be will be on the on the website of uh that will be provided both on the website and online I’m going to appeal to every one of you you this morning that to make a
Contribution as well every one of us can play our part listen I have $10 here with me this might seems very small but at least I’m going to ask every one of us to contribute at least $10 this morning and I hope and trust by God God’s
Grace that we will play our part and to show our Gratitude to God this morning and contribute to his cause I invite you all now to stand with me and let us pray let us pray our loving and most righteous God the one who breathe into us the Breath of Life the one who has been watching over us and providing for
Us we are so grateful to you but first and foremost we are going to give ourselves to you yes Lord and that which you have blessed us with we are going to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us this morning to give according to your blessing and so I pray for the
Collecting of the the offering and the tithe and all the contribution this morning will be for your glory and your honor and as willing members and children of yours we are going to do as your Holy Spirit lead lead us this morning in Jesus name I pray Amen Oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good yes he is good oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good yes he is good for he is worthy worthy for he is good yes he is good for he is worthy worthy for he is good yes he is
Good oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good yes he is good oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good yes he is good for he is worthy Worthy for he is good yes he is good for he is worthy worthy for he is good yes he is Good let us stand Praise God e good afternoon church family happy Sabbath we have two infants to be dedicated this afternoon parents and Guardians when your name are called please come up facing the congregation Z J zier nemiah Doon was born on July 29th 2023 at the St Joseph Hospital weighing
6 to answers to parents Janessa and Daniel dorton Amen you could come up now spiritual Guardians Brianna Armstrong Josiah zavon roacher was born on March 3rd 2023 at the hambur River Hospital weighing Β£7 3 o to parent Shay and Roa and JN iar spiritual Guardians Sarah Gordon and
Seia Gorden and family and friends who are here to support you could come up as Well just asking all ordained Elders to come to the front all ordained Elders Send you upon time you Need Amen praise the Lord hallelujah at this time I’m in I’m inviting the congregation to Bow your heads with me reverently as Elder green will pray the opening prayer Our loving Heavenly Father we are so delighted to be in this place place of worship for all people yes this is a
Very special moment Lord and to you we give all the glory yes as we are about Lord to dedicate these babies we pray that thy Spirit May cover them with your blood and with your strength May everything be done decent and in order so at the end your name will be
Glorified and the parents and Guardians will receive a rich blessing from your Bountiful hands we pray for jesus’ sake amen the scripture reading is taken from the book of Psalms Psalms chap um 127 Psalms 127:3 that says behold children are a Heritage from the Lord children are a
Heritage from the Lord the fruit of the womb is a reward this is the reading of God’s word am amen amen amen praise the Lord H Allelujah wellknown passage of scripture a matter of fact some people can repeat it from verse one through to verse three it says except the Lord
Build the house they labor in vain that build it except the Lord keep the city The Watchman watch but in vain it is vain for you to rise up early to sit up late to eat the bread of Sorrows for so he gives his beloved sleep then it says lo children are the
Heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward first verse says unless the Lord bill the house we labor but in vain which is to say for every home the foundation should be Jesus Jesus should be the foundation of every home and if we build on the
Precepts and Commandments of God we will have a wonderful home we’ll have a spiritual home and we will have a God-fearing home then we jump to verse three the Bible says that children are the heritage of the Lord meaning that for every child that is born it is not by
Accident it is through the permissive will of God and the word heritage means Possession you you you you you you know when you when your parents die often times they leave property and we inherit those property they become our possession right what the Bible is here saying that with every child n and what is his name again Josiah and Josiah Josiah
That for every child that is born your son your son there are God’s possession they are owned by God and they come to us children as gifts from God precious gifts and how do I know the text says that the fruit of the womb is his reward or it is his gift
When you are able to come together and to produce an individual that is owned by God therefore if your son your son is God’s Heritage it means that you should train him up in the way of the Lord so that when when he is old he will not
Depart from it and for you to train up your son in the way of the Lord it means that you must seek to know God’s will for your life both mother and father and as the Lord reveal his will for you and you ask him also to reveal his will for your son
Surely the Lord will reveal his will for your son therefore in living for Jesus as the house is established on the S the the sure Foundation of Jesus in living your life you should live in precept and example so that in imitating you as you imitate Christ they will grow
Up to love Christ the family will be blessed by God and when he comes the family will be privileged to live with God eternally where there will be no separation I invite the congregation to stand with us reverently as our elders at this time will take Nehemiah and
Jazia and we will be lifting up these boys shall we kneel Elders Come a Little Closer elders and let us rest our hands upon them Eternal God and our heavenly father we’re thankful for these Godly parents who have decided to take their sons to be dedicated today in this modern
Society there are many parents today who don’t believe in Christian dedication but we’re happy that these parents do believe and upon their trust in you they have come to dedicate their Sons pray a special blessing upon these boys Lord protect them from all Danger from all arm and from all evil and from
The diseases of this world pray Lord that they will grow up healthy and strong and they will be able to play with other little boys and girls I pray Lord that they will not be sent to church by their parents but they will be accompanied to church with their
Parents do you Reveal Your Will for their parents your will will be fulfilled in their lives oh Lord I pray that they will receive a Christian education and at the appropriate age oh heavenly father when they can decide between wrong and right and take a stand between the world and Jesus that
They will surrender all to Jesus they will be baptized they will be a blessing to their parents a blessing to society but above all they will be a blessing to you bless the fathers oh Lord protect them I pray thee provide a job for them
That they may be able to work hard and honestly to support the family and of these two men oh heavenly father I pray that it will be said of them as it was said of Abraham that they are able to command your household after righteousness bless the mothers the
First teachers at home oh Lord give them wisdom knowledge and understanding divide guidance and as they trained up these boys they will grow up to love you and I pray Lord that the adjectives Us in the Book of Proverbs to describe a virtuous woman will be able to apply to these
Women oh Lord bless the family and finally oh Lord when you shall come on Christian dedication on this Earth will be over pray Lord that these boys along with their parents relatives and friends and all of us who will remain true and faithful to you to the end we’ll have
The Glorious opportunity to live with you where we will never part again is our prayer in Jesus name amen amen See that’s Know Happy Sabbath everyone I invite you guys to stand as we sing for praise and Worship Come we that love the Lord and let our Joys be known join in a song with sweet Accord join in a song with sweet a cord and th around the throne and th suround the throne we’re marching to Zion beautiful beautiful Z we’re Maring upward to the beautiful city of
God let those refuse to sing Who Never never knew our God but children of the Heavenly King but children of the Heavenly King may speak their Joys ofro may speak their joys of run we’re marching to Zion beautiful beautiful Z we’re marching upward today the beautiful city of God the hills of
Zion a thousand Sac sweets before we reach the Heavenly Fields before we reach the Heavenly fields or walk the golden trees are walk the golden streets where’re Maring to Zion beautiful beautiful Z we’re Maring upward to Heaven am the beautiful city of God let all songs around and every tear be
D we’re marching through Emmanuel’s ground we’re marching through Emmanuel’s ground to Fair worlds on high to Fair World on highing to Zion beautiful beautiful Z we’re Maring upward to Heaven I am the beautiful city of God we’re Maring to Zion beautiful beautiful am we’re marching upward to Heaven am the beautiful city of
God our next song is to God be the glory great things he have Done to God be the glory great things he has done so Lov he the world that he gave us his son who yielded his life and Adon for sin and open and the life P that all may go praise the Lord praise the Lord let the Earth hear his voice praise the Lord
Praise the Lord let the people rej oh come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the glory great things he has done oh perfect Redemption the purchase of blood to every belie the promise of God the vess offender who truly believes that M it from Jesus aart and
Rece praise the Lord praise the Lord let the Earth he his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people rej oh come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the glory great things he has done great things he has taugh us
Great things he had done and great are rejoicing through Jesus the son but pure and higher and greater will be our Wonder our transformed when Jesus we s praise the Lord praise the Lord let the Earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord let the people
Rej oh come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the glory GL great things he has done our next Song is You Are God Alone You are not a God created by human hand you are not a god dependent on any mortal man you are not a God in need of anything we can give by your plan that’s just the way it is that you are not a God you are not a god
Created by human hands you are not a god dependent on any mortal man you are not a God in need of anything we can give by your plan that’s just the way it is You Are God Alone from before time you are on your throne You Are God Alone
And right now in the good times and you are on your throne You Are God Alone you’re the only God who power none can contend you’re the only God who prais and this will never R you’re the only God who’s worthy of everything we can get if you are God
That’s just the way it is You Are God Alone from Before Time began you are on your throne You Are God Alone and right now in the good times and you are on your thr You Are God Alone You Are God Alone from Before Time
Began you are on your throne You Are God Alone and right now in the good times you are on your throne You Are God Alone you are unchangeable unchangeable Unsinkable unshakeable unstable unstable you are that’s who you are unchangeable unchangeable unshakeable unshakeable unstoppable unst that’s who you are Al from Before Time
Began you are on your throne You Are God Alone and right now in the good times and man you are on your throne you are God Alone you’re unchangeable unchangeable unshakeable unshakeable unstable unstable who you are that’s who you are unchangeable unchangeable unshakeable unshakeable unstable unable you are that’s who you are unchangeable
Unchangeable unshakeable unshakeable I un that’s who you are that’s who you are unchangeable unchangeable unable unshakeable unstable unable you are that’s who you are You Are God Alone from Before Time began you are on your throne You Are God Alone and right now in the good time get
You are on your throne You Are God Alone You Are God Alone from Before Time began you are on your throne You Are God Alone and right now in the good times and B you are on your throne You Are God Alone Standing for the scripture reading good morning church our scripture this morning is taken from Acts 3 7 no 27 verse 39-44 I will read in your Hearing and when it was day they knew not the land but they discovered a certain Creek with a Shore into the which they were minded if it were possible to thrust in the ship and when they had taken up the anchors they committed themselves onto sea and loosed
The rudder bands and hoisted up the main sail to the wind and made toward Shore and falling into a place where two Seas met they ran the ship around ground and the four part stuck fast and remained unmovable but the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves and the
Solders counsel was to kill the prison ERS lest any of them should swim out and Escape but the Centurion willing to save Paul kept them from their purpose and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea and get to land and the rest some on
Boards and some on broken pieces of the ship and so it came to pass that they escaped all safe to land here ends God’s Word Happy Sabbath church Happy [Applause] [Applause] La [Applause] The [Applause] Oh [Laughter] oh [Applause] Oh Oh Oh Oh [Applause] [Applause] a God amen amen thank you sister renie that Beautiful instrumental music I was blessed and I’m happy for the songs today brother Tom we need Jesus Amen sister Renee and I know that my wife’s heart was glad when two hymns were Sung during the praise and worship and and that is it with music some will enjoy the whole hyms of Zion while the younger people will enjoy the more contemporary songs cuz they’re not hyms you see HS are different from from songs and songs carry verses but HS carry
Stanza amen you know so it is different I try to balance between contemporary and the old hymns of Zion and the old school because of the three children Elder green that my wife and I were gifted with the two young ladies and the young man who because of various
Generations you have to adopt somewhat but music is powerful and I announce every where I go that I cannot sing and my send off I did a little duet with Sister Moore but nobody heard me they saw the the mouth moving the lips moving but I believe on the other side
Of Jordan the Bible tells us that we will sing the songs of Moses and the lamb I will be in that number yes so I know that I will be be singing God I will be singing pastor darus and I will leave this afternoon after lunch to get some sleep because although Elder
Green and Elder Blake they have abandoned us this trip to Oak pastor dyus and I were making the trip without them amen so we leave this evening or tonight and we will return on Thursday morning because after the after p the Pastoral evangelism Council ends on Wednesday at about 1200 we will leave
Out about 2 p.m. in the afternoon and we will be back so I will not be in the office on Tuesday and for the coming to Services Department pastor dyus and I we will not join you on Monday so but we will be back praise the
Lord if you see my wife today she’s happy because her her daughters are here amen because often times she would say to me did you call your your daughters today and I said Elder Ron Roy no because I don’t call them often or every day or sometime a week will pass
Or two but she will call them every day for me they must grow without me because you have to teach them to swim sister Edwards if they don’t learn to swim then we are in trouble praise the Lord hallelujah sister Jenny you’re happy your friend is getting baptized today
Am and brother Willis is in church today amen the lord has laid upon my heart with the theme I will go to preach and teach today from the 27th division of the book that was written by Luke the Apostle acts the 27th division reading verses 39 through to verse 44 I’ve entitled the
Message with the theme in mind I will go un broken pieces un broken pieces let us pray our heavenly father somewhere between sitting down and rising up in this Pulpit there is a special outflow of the holy spirit that you grant to your servants it is desired right
Now so Captivate me oh Lord and speak through me your words of Hope and consolation to your people and may we be mindful at the end of our worship experience today to give you all the praise the honor and the glory that is due to your name and your name alone is our
Prayer in Jesus name amen amen from Acts chapter 27 and verse 39 through to verse 44 now when it was day they did not recognize the land but they observed a bay with a beach onto which they planned to run the ship if possible and they let go the anchors and
Left them in the sea meanwhile loosing the r ropes and they hoisted the main sail to the wind and made for sure but striking a place where two Seas met they ran the ship a ground and the prow struck fast and remain unmovable but the stern was being broken
Up by the violence of the waves and the soldiers PL and was to kill the prisoners lest any of them should swim away and Escape but the Centurion wanting to save Paul kept them from their purpose and commanded that those who could swim should jump overboard first
And get to landine and the rest some on boards and some on broke broken pieces of the ship and so it was that they all escaped safely to land on broken pieces this was Paul’s last missionary journey from Jerusalem to Italy to appear before Caesar from the day Christ met
Saul on the road as he traveled to Damascus to preach was not his aim to kill was his purpose but after he was arrested by God and he was asked Saul Saul why are you kicking against the PRI and he asked the question who art thou Lord which means that he knew
God from then forth Paul became a missionary for the Gospel of Jesus Christ a matter of fact when the Lord asks who will go Paul says I will go here am I Lord use me he was on his last missionary journey to appear before Caesar Paul was arrested for his faith
He was falsely accused of preaching against Jewish customs and institution and defile defiling the temple by bringing in Gentiles into its courts it is record recorded in Acts 21: 22 through to verse 29 the report of this alleged Temple desecration spread rapidly attracting a great crowd to the sacred
Precence Paul was then seized and dragged from the temple by an angry Mo who intended to kill him the military Tri trib in command of the Roman GS saw the Uproar and went over to quell the noise seeing that it was centered on Paul the commander arrested him and had
Him placed in prison he was then brought before the sedran council to be try he was only before the sedran council for a few minutes when it became apparent that he was not to have a fear trial he was then escorted the es escorted the next day to cesaria to stand
Trial it was there that Paul appeared before Felix on this occasion Paul reasoned with Felix unrighteousness self-control and judgment to come in the intention of Felix conscience would have been changed but evidently only temporarily Disturbed Felix was afraid and said go away for now when I have a convenient
Time I will call for you there is no record in scriptures or historical material where that convenient time came Paul was kept in prison the man who declared that he would go on God’s errand he was kept in prison for two years until Felix was replaced by F
Festas as soon as Festus took office the Jews request re requested that he sent Paul to Jerusalem for trial Festus inquired if Paul would be willing to stand trial in Jerusalem knowing the stocks were against him Paul decided to invoke his rights as a Roman citizen and
Appear before Nero in Rome the decision was made by was made to send Paul to Rome with other prisoners scheduled for the same Journey he was placed in the custody of a centurion named julus he came assume he sorry we can assume that at least two other Christian Travelers
Were with Paul on his last missionary journey Luke identify himself as one of them Luke Luke’s Luke the the the the disciple or the Apostle he wrote frequently using the pronoun we listen to you to L’s statement as he traveled and he wrote the book of Acts
And he wrote this episode about the Apostle Paul statement like we had put to see from there verse 4 in Acts chapter 27 we had sailed slowly many days verse 7 in Acts chapter 27 passing it was with difficulty we came to a place called fear he he Heavens in Luke
In verse 8 so Luke was a part of this journey who wrote the book of Acts he was eyewitness to this episode and he wrote frequently using the pronoun we after setting sail to Rome from cesaria everything seems okay for the first few days but after a few days on
The Seas the Apostle Paul um perceived that the journey would be a dangerous one one of hurt and much damage not only of the landing and ship but also of lives just like Jonah God revealed to Paul that the journey would be a dangerous one the Bible says now when much time
Had been spent and sailing was now dangerous because the the the fast was already over Paul advised them saying men I perceive that this journey will end in disaster and much loss not only of the cargo and ship but also of Our Lives Paul’s perception of the threatened danger was not necessary by
Supernatural Insight but from his own observation and judgment as an experience traveler upon the waters you have heard often times young people that the older folks will tell you that experience teaches wisdom amen Paul knew it because of his frequent travel upon the Seas Paul profile as a
Seaman is recorded in 2 Corinthians 11:25 through to verse 26 he said he says three times I was beaten with rods once I was stol three times I was Shipwrecked a night and a day he says I have been in the deep in Journey often in Perils of water in Perils of robbers
In Perils of my own countrymen in Perils of the Gentiles in perils in the city in perils in the wilderness in perils in the sea these events that Paul described happened for his last journey from Jerusalem to Italy to Rome to stand before Caesar he was an experienced traveler but the
Centurion julus was persuaded to believe the master of the navigation the chief Navigator and owner of the vessel Julius naturally preferred the Judgment of an ex expert navigator to that of an itinerant Jewish preacher called Paul you see those of us who are children of God we have more
Wisdom than those of the world Paul had the knowledge and wisdom that danger was a was ahead but the experience Navigator said no we can continue on this journey and so Paul’s warning was ignored not long after ignoring Paul’s warning they were met by a tempestous wind called the
Uron the name comes from two words the first part being Greek and the latter part being Latin meaning East Wind or Great Wave or Rough Waters or tempestuous wind that produces Great Waves that c that CAU the ship praise the Lord hallelujah so what happened as Paul had said would come to
Pass listen to what happened when the ship was caught in the Monstrous waves the ship was tossed violently about about underwater the waves beating against the ship with exceeding great force as if to break it into small pieces it was impossible for them to control the ship or to steer it to
Safety Luke then say fright and panic sets in as death approaches knocking at their at their door they started to lighten the ship the next day according to acts chap 27 and verse 18 Paul tells us in Hebrews chap 12 and verse one therefore we also since we are
Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside he said every weight and sin that so easily and SN and snears up and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us for them to S to be saved on the ship they had to
Lighten the ship first and so they started to to cast overboard things that were not needed for the journey and Jesus is saying to you and me that we on this journey from Earth to heaven we need to lay aside every sin that so easily beset us we need to lighten our
Burden we need to lighten the away we need to get rid of some of the stuff off our ship as we journey to the promised land we need to get rid of the weight of guilt of guiltlessness we need to get rid of the weight of sadness we need to
Get rid of the weight of laziness we need to get rid of the of the weight of unfriendliness we need to get rid of the weight of coitous we need to get rid of the weight of ungodliness we need to get rid of the weight of ungratefulness we
Need to get rid of the weight of unselfishness Amen as a church we need to lay aside Paul says the weight or the sins that so easily beset us oh the sin of ungodliness we need to lay aside the sin of ungodliness is breaking God’s law of which we are
Guilty praise the Lord hallelujah total desperation for what was happening on the ship all hope was lost and when the Bible tells us that neither Sun nor star for many days appear and no small Tempest lay on us the scripture tells us that the men say all hope that we might
Be saved was finally gone in Acts chap 27 and verse 20 my brothers and sisters in Christ to lose hope is to lose the will to live hopelessness has caused undue pain hopelessness has caused suffering and hopelessness has caused death and hopelessness can lead to depression are you hearing me yes we
Can’t lose hope no matter what we are going through if we’re going through the storms of life we need to hold on to Jesus who is indeed the author and the finisher of of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising it shame can’t lose
Hope but at times we are tempted to lose hope John the Baptist was tempted to lose hope after he was cast in prison and he sat there contemplated contemp PL in his journey after declaring that I would go for Jesus he was the itinerant preacher the desert bread brown skin fire baptized
Preacher who preached in the desert and souls left the city to hear John the Baptist preaching in the desert sat in prison and he was wondering if his cousin Jesus would have stopped by to give him a visit and to pray with him but Jesus did
Not stop by and as he sat in prison contemplating his ministry he had come to the end of his life because shortly thereafter he would have been beheaded he called two of his disciples to him and said to them go ask Jesus recorded in Matthew 11 and: 3 go call go and call
Jesus and say to Jesus are you the Messiah or should we look for another this man who saw Jesus coming at the River Jordan decare Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world this man who was privileged to baptize the the the Savior the Redeemer
Of man’s Soul he was now asking are you the Messiah or should we look for another he was losing hope what was the message that the Lord sent back to John Jesus said to John’s disciples go tell John what you have seen you have seen the blind receive their
Sight you have seen some dead people got a new leas on life you have seen the dumb speak and the de here go tell Jesus this is my Ministry this was what I came for when the message reached John John could die in peace hope came back it was
Not only John but the great Elijah on Mount car the Bible tells us that he confronted 450 prophets of be and 400 prophets of AAR 950 prophets 850 prophets and the Bible says on that day he ask the people those who are on the Lord’s Side should step aside
And on that day the Lord demonstrated that he was Elijah’s God in so much so that the Bible tells us that fire came down from heaven and and and the fire consumed the sacrifice consumed the alter consume the stones consume the water 800 and pro and 50 prophets of
Bill and asteros were killed that day the Bible tells us that in First Kings chapter 19 and verse 2 that a little woman called Jezebel said well I’ve heard what happened on Mount Caramel and I am going to kill Elijah just as I have killed the prophets before
Him when Elijah heard this in First Kings chapter 19 and verse4 Elijah run away and in desperation and depression he asks the Lord to take his life he lost hope which led to depression and he now beg that his life would be taken from him but when he got
To the cave the Lord asked him the question what doest thou here Elijah Elijah said Lord I am left the Lord the Lord said no Elijah you have over 7,000 still in Israel who have not bowed the knees to be don’t lose hope get up
The work is not yet done go forward and do the work of the Lord don’t you believe that you are alone in this St cuz sometimes we believe that we are alone going through this trying times that we are alone affected by cancer that we are alone who can’t pay our
Bills sometimes we think that we are alone but the Lord is saying no you are not alone there are others and they are holding true to me so you can also hold true to me hallelujah amen don’t believe that you’re alone in the situation that you face that you’re faced with others
Are going through similar situation oh yes beloved we should never ever lose hope as people of God where there is a will there is always a way out of the Cry of desperation and distress came a faint Cry of assurance from the man of God at first Paul said it would not be
Business as usual they ignore they ignore they ignore the Apostle Paul but now out of the Cry of desperation and distress came a cry of assurance from the man of God who stood in the midst of them and said men you should have listened how often that comes back to bite us you
Should have listened young people you should have listened older people you should have listened how often we ignore go forward and then this word comes back to bite us you should have listened you should have listened to me and not have sail from CRE and inure in incure incure This
Disaster and lost and now I urge you to be of good cheer how can you be of good cheer no sunlight or Moonlight for days Darkness they did not know where they were on the sea the Violent Waves they were tossed in the boat to and fr but the man of God
Says in your storm be of good cheer for there shall be no lust of any man’s life among you but of the ship no one will die just listen to me but of the ship which is simple words do not panic stay on board and wait for Deliverance and I say to you today as I bring this message to a close shortly stay on board not time there’s not yet time to jump off the shape still on board even what in spite of what was happening around them Paul said stay on board they might critici they might they
Might criticize you here stay on board some may step on your toes Sister Jenny but stay on board oh yes you may be overlooked for an office sister Daniel stay on board but stay on board amen stay on board stay on board therefore take heart men
For I believe God that it will be just as it was told to me however we must run a ground on a certain Island stean board don’t jump yet not time to leave the church we are living in the in the last days of Earth’s history soon and
Very soon we are are going to see the king stay on board not time to leave the ship yet take heart men for I believe God that it will be just as it was told to me however we must run a crowd on a certain Island and so in Acts chapter 27 and
Verse 27 Paul gives the the Luke gives the final account of this epic drama it came after two weeks two weeks two weeks during this time they had drifted helplessly knowing nothing of their position at Sea during this time they covered a distance of approximately 4755 miles at about 86 miles per day
After drifting for 14 days at midnight they sensed that land was near and so they tested the waters and found it to be 20 fathoms about 120 ft and so they contined to drift after a while they tested the waters again and found it to be about 15 faom
The Bible says that is about 90 ft dropping anchor at about 90 ft so they dropped anchor the Bible say and the same ERS were about to jump overboard and head to line but Paul warned them not to flee but to stay on board if they did
Not stay on board they would all die was not time for them to get off the ship stay on board mothers what is happening in the church stay on board though it maybe Rocky stand board not the time to jump overboard no yet not yet stay on board if you jump you will
All die this time they were ready to listen to Paul’s counsel at the beginning they were not ready but this time they were ready and at day break the Bible tells us because in the night the night sometimes look like there is no hope but the Bible tells us that
Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning day break at Daybreak in the morning Paul then told the 276 passenger to eat and to nourish the body because they are going to need this strength as they approach Shore they should lighten the ship a second time
The ship was then run a ground the solders plot was to kill the prisoners because even in circumstances like this in Rome if one prisoner should escape a soldier or a Roman Centurion then he would have to give his life for that prisoner so instead of allowing one
Prisoner to escape they rather kill all the prisoners so that they could preserve their own lives but the centu he had great respect for Paul and his traveling Companions and he realize also that all on board who were alive that they owed their lives to Paul had it not been Paul on
Board they would have died do you know that sometimes you’re traveling on on an aircraft and it is because you on board why the aircraft did not crash you did didn’t know that sometimes you may be traveling on a bus and it is because you you are on board while disaster is
Averted do you know that yes because you are on board you may be traveling in a passenger vehicle and it is because you are on board because Paul was on board Luke was on board the Bible tells us that the sailors owed their lives to Paul and so all escaped the Bible says
Some on board some unbroken pieces a vivid description of escape from a sinking ship of the survival seizing pieces of the ship as it broke into pieces by the waves some on board some on broken pieces what is your broken peace your broken peace is that thing
That you will hold on to and it will help you to be saved in God’s kingdom when the ship was broken up the Bible says that some were holding on on boards and whatever was on the water floating some people got a hold of it and they held on to it with their
Lives never to let go until they got to the shore oh praise the Lord what is your broken piece that you’re holding on to to help you to be saved in God’s kingdom some of us will be saved by holding on to the broken piece of singing keep on
Singing for Jesus some of us will be saved by holding on to the broken piece of preaching continue to preach for Jesus some of us will hold on to the broken peace of friendship within the church hold on to your broken peace and believe it or not
Some of us will hold on to the broken piece of the office that we have in church keep holding on to that broken piece yes some of us will be saved by holding on to the broken piece of witnessing to somebody continue to witness for Jesus some of us will hold
On to the BR broken piece of visitation continue to visit for Jesus what is your broken piece that you’re holding on that drives you apart from Jesus to come to church Paul tells us that his broken peace that he hold on to was to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Wherever he was sent by Jesus he was willing to go and no matter but Paul went true Paul was willing to hold on to Jesus and so Paul asks the question who shall separate us from the love of Christ he say shall tribulation and the answer is no he say shall distress and
The answer is no shall persecution and the answer is no shall famine and the answer is no shall nakedness and the answer is no shall Peril and the answer is no Paul said for we are killed all day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter but he said yet in all
These things in all these things we are more he said we are more we are more than conquerors to Christ who strength me no matter what I am going through Paul says I will hold on to my broken be he says for I am persuaded that neither
Death he said nor life he says nor angel he say no principality no powers he says no things present no things to come no right he say or death or created thing will be able to separate me from the love of God which is T in Christ Jesus
Hold on to your broken peace and let nothing separate you from the love of God God bless [Applause] you hold on hold on my child O On Let the church say amen amen brothers and sisters we have one individual who has decided to go all the way to Jesus I should hear an amen amen amen Amen about a week ago Sister Jenny Burke gave me a call and said to me that her cousin has decided that she wants to make a commitment to the Lord and I gave her a call or cousin and she was so excited praise the Lord and I know angels in heaven are
Rejoicing at this time sister Roxy Fortune has decided that she wants to make the ultimate sacrifice and that is to give herself to the Lord so sister Roxy at this time I’m going to read baptismal vows to you and for each one you just raise your hand in
Acceptance and as I reach each one you raise your right hand And then um we’ll go from there I’m reading the 22 reading the long version here the vows after each one you can raise your right hand okay do you believe there is one God Father Son and Holy Spirit a Unity of three co-eternal persons amen do you accept the death of Jesus
Christ on Calvary as the atoning sacrifice for your sins and believe that by God’s grace through faith his shed blood you are saved from sin and its penalty do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and personal savior believing that God in Christ has forgiven your
Sins and given you a new heart and do you renounce the sinful ways of the world Amen do you accept by faith the righteousness of Christ your intercessor in the Heavenly sanctuary and accept his promise of transforming Grace and power to live a loving Christ centered life in
Your home and before the world Amen do you believe that the Bible is God’s inspired world the Only Rule of faith and practice for the Christian du Covenant to spend time regularly in prayer and bible study do you accept the Ten Commandments as a transcript of the character of God
And a revelation of his will is it your purpose by the power of the indwelling Christ to keep this law including the fourth Commandment which requires the observance of the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath of the Lord and the memorial of creation do you look forward to the soon
Coming of Jesus and the Blessed hope when this Mortal shall put on immortality as you prepare to meet the Lord with your witness to his loving salvation by your talents and personal Soul winning Endeavors to help others to help to be ready for his glorious appearing do you accept the biblical
Teachings of spiritual gifts and believe that the gift of Prophecy is one of the identifying marks of the remnant church amen do you believe in church organization is it your purpose to worship God and to support the church through your tithes and offering and by your personal e efforts and
Influence do you believe that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and will you honor God by caring for it avoiding the use of that which is harmful and abstaining from all unclean foods from the use of manufacturer or sale of alcoholic beverages from the use
Manufacture or sale of tobacco in any of its forms for human consumption and from the misuse or trafficking in Narcotics or drugs do you know do you know and understand the Fundamental Bible principles as taught by the 7-Day Adventist Church do you purpose by the grace of God to fulfill his will by
Ordering your life in harmony with these principles do you accept the New Testament teaching of baptism by immersion and desire to be B so baptized as a public expression of faith in Christ and his forgiveness of your sins and theas do you accept and believe that the 7day Adventist Church is a
Remnant Church of Bible prophecy and that people of every nation race and language are invited and accepted into Fellowship do you desire to be a member of this local Congregation of the World Church all right at this time I’m going to ask you to turn around and face the
Congregation church you have heard sister Roxy and her commitment at this time I would like if someone can make a motion that we accept sister Roxy into the Fellowship of the 7-Day Adventist Church specifically Toronto Central subject to baptism is there such a motion is it second all in favor raise your right
Hand amen those against I shouldn’t see any against same sign it is carried amen sister Roxy if you just turn around I’m just going to say a prayer for you father we know angels in heaven are rejoicing at this time as Roxy has decided to go all the way for you
Lord we can do so much stuff in this world but the greatest thing is to give our lives to you amen amen as sister Roxy decides to go all the way I ask you oh father as this time to send your Holy Spirit to cover her oh
Father Lord as she Journeys through this life oh Father help her to know that you will be there each step of the way amen even though there might be challenges oh Father help her not to turn to the left or turn to the right but just to look above and trust in
You father we ask you oh father that we as members and Friends of Roxy oh Father will be there as brothers and sisters to help her along like Journey but father because we know you are coming very soon so God I ask you oh God to give her
That strength oh father that she will continue to hold on to you and that everyone she meets oh Father will see you in her so continue to bless her bless her children bless her family bless all her friends bless everybody who she comes in contact and most of all
Bless her is my prayer in your name amen the water is trouble my friend set right God’s Almighty power is moving every hour no longer stand all Tri and the water is trou my friend step right in the water is trouble my friend step right in God’s Almighty power is moving
Every hour no longer stand all Tri land the water is trou my friend St as she’s preparing to enter the pool we’ll have special Music Ch Jesus I surrender all to him I freely I will ever love and trust him in his presence daily I surrender all I surrender I surrender all heart to be my best and I Surrender standing in the water is Sister Roxy she has come to the kingdom at such a time as this she saying the World Behind Me across CR before me no turning back praise the Lord no turning back now s sister Roxy Fortune because you love the Lord with all your
Heart and your desire is to live with Jesus in the earth made new and upon the profession of your faith in Jesus Christ and your authority vested in us as Ministers of the Gospel we now baptize in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit Let the
Church say Amen to Jesus I Surrender At His Feet I bow wory of foren shall We Stand Jesus take me now I Surrender I Surrender sister roxia surrender all to I Surrender I Surrender shall surrender all to Jesus in baptis saor I Surrender this world is coming to an end all to Jes very soon Jesus will come
Surr and Christ is claiming sinners from sin and he’s calling them to righteousness today truly know that thou mine is there surren one in the congregation you have not yet surrendered to Jesus surrend what you want to say Pastor the spirit of God is speaking to
Me and the spirit is saying to me right now at this very moment that I need to make a decision for Jesus not yet baptized but you want to say Pastor pray for me pray for me that I will surrender to Jesus before that is what I am interested in someone
Who have not yet surrendered to Jesus and you want to say pray for me sister Roxy she surrendered to Jesus for those of us who have been baptized who have surrendered to Jesus what about you surr is there one in our midst today not yet surrendered to Jesus in baptism
Surrender you want to say Pastor pray for Me Myor I Surrender just raise your hand I want to pray with you not yet surrender young or old and you want to say Pastor pray for me that I will surrender to Jesus in baptism before it is too late you can’t surrender when you’re dead and sometimes we tend to believe that we
Have enough time to surrender to Jesus but there were some who went to bed last night didn’t wake up this morning and some who will leave for work and will not reach home not make it back home you do not know when Your time will come but if you have an opportunity to surrender to Jesus now while you are alive because there is no repentance in the grave it has appointed unto man once to die but after death Jud you will meet your maker in the Judgment what will you
Say Lord I was waiting to buy a house to get a better job I was waiting to buy a car or to get married now is the acceptable time of Salvation the Bible says today if you hear my voice Harden not your heart I want to pray with someone just raise
Your hand uh we are not going to baptize you today but we want to pray for you we know that you’re struggling and are some issues that you need to put behind you and we will help you through that through Bible study is there one today not yet surrendered and you just
Want to raise your hand where you’re standing said pastor pray for me pray for me we are ready here at Toronto Central to work with you and to pray with you and for you is the one is the one is is there one not yet baptized is there one is there
One is there one we want to close this service is there one per team pray is there one is there one just raise your hand where you’re standing I can see that hand from here where ra just raise your hand just raise your hand the Apostle Paul met the
Lord and meeting the Lord transformed his Life and meeting the Lord will make a difference in your life as it did to Paul as it did to all of us and as it did to Sister Roxy is there one in our midst I want to close this service is there one Young old not yet
Baptized the Bible tells us that even a child shall lead them am Oh Come stand right here next to Pastor is there another is there another is there another even a child shall lead them is there one more shall we pray our heavenly father we give thee thanks for sister Rock
Pray that you will bless her with her walk with you thank you Lord for my little friend who in her small consciousness of what Jesus is all about she has decided to walk to the altar bless this commitment oh Lord guide her until she surrender fully to you
You I pray for those who did not raise their hands but were standing convicted by your holy spirit that they need to do something about their lives oh Lord I pray that through your Holy Spirit you will visit them you will give them no rest day or night until they surrender
All to you thank you Lord for those of us who have surrendered to you we pray oh Lord that we will continue to look full in your wonderful face so that the things of this world will continue to go strangely dim in the light of your glory
And grace finally Lord save us when you shall come is our prayer in Jesus name amen all right bless It Please stand for our closing hymn Onward Christian soers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on before Christ the royal master leads against the forward into battle SE B Onward Christian soul just marching as to war with the cross of Jesus goinging on before ay Army who the Church of God Christians we are
Tring where the states have TR we are not divided all our body we one in Hope and do one in charity Onward Christian soers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on Last [Laughter] Stand join our happy Dr when with God ofes in the Triumph glory god and
H on to Christ the King this through countless ages men and Angels Sing Onward Christian soers marching as to war with the cross of Jesus going on before Onward Christian soers Mar has to walk with the cross of Jesus going on before may the Lord bless you and keep
You may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you now may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace both now and forever more amen amen Amen you may be seated hang On okay good good okay we thank you for joining with us today and we just pray that you have re receed the blessing that God intend for you we are not going to match out however we’re going to transition into our prayer and fasting so those who are
Leaving please do so quietly and reverently as we transition into the next segment of our worship service thank you Okay