All right I’m back with another throwback video featuring again the late comedian Patrice O’Neal back on Fox News this time though he’s alongside Hannity and Colmes in addition to those three there was also Dr Mark Lamont Hill and a man by the name of Armstrong Williams
And all the men involved um had a sit down where they discussed and addressed uh the da Imus incident in which he himself said some racial or racialized comments in reference to the Ruckers University women’s basketball team so now we’re going to take a look here at what those comments were and how
Each and every party involved uh reacted [Â __Â ] my money our top story tonight the whole country is buzzing following Don imus’s comments on his radio show about the ruter University women’s basketball team that’s some rough girls some ruter man they got tattoos and some hardcore hoes that’s that’s a nappy headed H
There I must said apologize for the comments at length on his radio show this morning 11 I’m sorry I did that U I’m embarrassed that I did that I did a bad thing but I’m a good person and then this afternoon I was appeared on the Reverend Al Sharpton’s radio program to
Explain himself and made some more comments that some people say could be just as bad as the original one it’s like the old country song God May forgive you but I won’t Jesus may love you but I don’t I don’t I can’t get any place with you people but I can get
Some place with Jesus who is you people Mr you and this woman I’m talking to and just a short time ago CBS Radio announced that Imus has in fact been suspended from his radio show for two weeks also NBC News suspended their television simoc cast of imus’s program president of NBC Steve
Kappus released the following statement quote beginning Monday April 16th MSNBC will suspend simoc casting the syndicated Imus in the Morning radio program for two weeks now this comes after careful consideration in the days since his racist abhorent comments were made Don Don Imus has expressed profound regret and embarrassment and has made a
Commitment to listen to all of those who have raised legitimate expressions of outrage in addition his dedication in his words to change the discourse on his program moving forward has confirmed for us that this action is appropriate our future relationship with Imus is contingent on his ability to live up to
His word joining us now with more on this developing story is Dr Mark Lamont uh Hill of Temple University radio talk show host nationally syndicated Armstrong Williams and right here in our New York Studio comedian radio personality patri O’Neal all right what’s up how you doing welcome welcome back good to see
You did did the CBS and NBC do the right thing no what are they accomplishing after two weeks and what are they accomplishing what are y’all what are y’all trying to accomplish easy uh what they’re looking to accomplish uh with this whole you know Don IM
Situation uh back then is the same thing looking to accomplish uh today in which any and all comment that are vied as being racially uh insensitive or offensive homophobic transphobic misogynistic chauvinistic any and all of these Buzz terms that’s being thrown out rapidly by the farle is where people who say any of
Those things that in their minds um check off everything on the list they pretty much have to go on an apology tour like with Don Imus with a Kevin Hart right and other um celebrities or notable figures who have come under the fire in recent years
Right and that’s where we are right now to where you can’t uh say how you really feel you can’t express yourself and how you see fit and you just you just being who you are you’re being you that’s where you are and because of that um you pretty
Much have to play a character or a caricature of yourself right and you to where you pretty much you can’t live your life for you anymore you have to pretty much live your life uh for everyone else and by everyone else I’m referring into the woke mob the alphabet
Mafia and those associated with them like the likes of you know antifa black lives matter you name them and and here’s the kicker though none of these groups that I mentioned can ever be pleased appeased or happy and I say that because nine times out of 10 people
Like that wake up every morning looking and I do mean looking for something to be offended about and that’s not a way to live man it’s understandable that everyone um is offended by something all right but to keep constantly and continue looking for something to be
Upset about it’s just going to make your life worse right to the point you can’t never really um live life to the fullest you can’t you can never be happy you can never be uh peaceful you can never be content with way with your station in life with with the thing way things
Are right not to say there can ever be you know Improvement that you want in life but but there always always this basically be just unhappy like no man that’s not a way to live man cuz on top of that it’s downright exhausting is what that is definitely no way to
Live I don’t understand where this is going and so no seriously you don’t find anything wrong with those comments it’s something wrong with the comments but you act like like Don Imus and and Kramer are like malignant spots but the whole country you I’m I’m I didn’t even
Give you my opinion yet white people I know what your opinion is yes and that that whole thing you read was all like the abor out black is saying that that’s because they were that’s because those comments were boring and the and and the reason why we have to we have to defend
These young women is because no one else will the reason why we have to punish non Imus is because if we don’t stand out and speak stand up and speak out no one else will and comments like this will allow will be be continue to be main space what if this was your
Daughter well before they continue let me say um first off I can I can understand from from a perspective um to a degree of where Mark M man is coming from in which you know if someone keeps continually saying things that are viewed as offensive and nobody stands up and says anything about
It then it’s going to keep continuing and that is true but you have to understand uh to what degree should people be offended first off right I mean in regardless to nappy-headed whole comments or or any other um insensitive or offensive remarks I mean okay yeah people are going to people could take
Action but is everyone offended by this stuff or is it more so the very vocal uh portion particular with within uh the black community and again these other groups that I just that I mentioned previously that they’re associated with because it make us to where it seems as
Though they put themselves on a pedestal in which they think that they could speak for everyone else even when people out here fully functioning people um have their own minds all right it’s just that that it’s just that for the most part they don’t really
You know want to or have to deal with all that craziness they want to just go about living their lives as they should now in regards to this notion about um black women I’ve heard this before um particularly from you know some other content creators in which they themselves uh speak about the
Issue and we know for a fact that definitely um black women were definitely not protected in the 50s and the person who was talking talking about that was Malcolm X all right and that’s defin because in the 50s and some cases further back is when black women were not being
Protected all right especially when it came to uh certain Democratic or Li liberal policy such as the war on poverty or the Great Society by LBJ which made it to where black men who were husbands and fathers got kicked out the home and then the government stepped
In and became a new husband and father and you know gave financial assistance to the woman and that’s why with that to this day you have modern-day black women who are definitely protected not just by the government but other known entities such as the police force the judicial system
You know particularly when it comes to child support and Corporate America all right so the black woman is definitely being protected today with those entities in mind now as we as black men right or men in men period who are not being protected by any of those things because despite the fact that
As men you know quote unquote toxic masculinity which is really just masculinity uh assertiveness testosterone or manhood is being you know demonized especially when Any Man shows it whatsoever despite all that Society still wants us as men to perform our role you know our traditional role as
Being the leaders as being the providers for our El and for our families and you know which is definitely the case but come on you can’t have it both ways you can’t have your cake it either too which one do you want do you want us
To I mean do you want us to be man or not because a lot of this stuff is confusing man oh anyway utter who works so hard reached the championship and some Dopey radio host says something like that you you wouldn’t like it first of all have you had any of those girls
On what do you think they commented NBC in New York and they’re Furious course that ain’t that ain’t the real are their words that’s what what do you think they really said when they heard that they didn’t go oh that’s outrageous they went I know he didn’t call me no nappy-headed hoe
That’s what they said I know that Cracker didn’t say Nappy Headed hoe that’s what they said that was it wasn’t outraged yeah but but but we can’t we can’t we can’t base our indignation on those eight young women it’s quite possible because of the way black women
Are treat in America that they were used to hearing such things but it’s still inappropriate we cannot allow our own dignity to be assaulted in that way without a response and and my my my response doesn’t hinge upon those eight young women who were disrespected even
They H let me so where’s the thing well I can kind of see the point you’re making Mark but let’s be real um in regards to those eight young women you know that were allegedly victimized um how do we know for a fact that the way they felt was
How uh black women for the most part felt all right again this is what you could mean this what this is the kind of the trickery to a degree to where excuse me particularly on the left side right in which they tend to always try to put
Everybody into a specific box and think that people are supposed to operate off of group think right if somebody thinks a certain way and they think that cases like this happen and they they themselves feel like they’re outraged or offended that everybody else that looks like them supposed to be
Offended even though they themselves might have other perspectives and which normally they do and and and not to say that they don’t empathize but they see both sides of the story instead of just one right so had to be careful of that man answer this all right so he is he
Admits it was wrong outrageous these are his words not mine over the top he has apologized he’s promised to make good he’s now been suspended should he be are you saying you want him fired absolutely I think I I’m I’m happy that CBS stood up I’m happy that the network NBC has
Stood up and said look this is this is punishable and they’re giving him two weeks but two weeks is insufficient we cannot allow this type of thing to happen giving him two weeks only enables someone else to do the same thing all the attention he’s garnered all the
Promotion he’s going to get all the free publicity they say no no uh publicity is bad publicity he’s gonna have a job at the end of the day he should not get back to Pat Armstrong well before um Armstrong speaks I gotta say um first up Mark Mark stated that you
Know despite being you know dones being suspended for two weeks that he felt that he should get fired um are you sure about that bro okay because keep in mind um this happened way back in you know 2007 right keep in mind uh Mark Lamont Hill is the
Same man who 11 years later got fired for comments that he made in regards to Israel and there policies and practices against Palestinians in which he himself advocated for Palestinian self-determination and equal rights now if you’ve those who who seen the incident P read about it um what
Really got him fired were the six words that he said which were you know from The River To The Sea which was seen as both offensive and anti-Semitic so I say that to say this uh you have to be careful with some with with things that you say wanting to wish this stuff
On people because like Karma or like that metaphorical like Boomerang uh what you put out eventually is going to come back on you and then you’ll be the same one who’s complaining about unfairness and looking for justice and for the most part is going to fall in deaf ears
Well listen um what he said was disgusting it was a horror it was it was terrible it was it’s very offensive but but the sad news is is that this is what Don Imus does um he said things about Venus and Serena Williams he said things about Gwen Eiffel he said things about
Others he talked about bosses he’s talked about Jews he talks about everybody this is what he does I’m wel back you think I did not interrupt you I did not interrupt you may I finish thank you he talked about all these people they have allowed this to go on I don’t
Believe in censorship I believe in the ultimate freedom of speech I think the marketplace should decide certainly CBS radio and everyone else has a right to suspend him to send a message that after many warnings they will not tolerate this any longer but firing him and then the other thing we’re doing we’re
Setting another precedent Don armus is not the only shock jock who use this kind of terminology and these racist remarks there other the people that use it you you set a dangerous precedent when you say that someone like Don armas should be fired because there are a lot
Of people out there who have not to look like Don armas it’s easy to fire people like Don and Savage other we got to hold everybody to the same standard we must what is the let’s fire all of them hold on AR let me say uh I could definitely see you
Know between Armstrong and uh Mark Lamont Armstrong is definitely more of the balanced a little bit more nuanced of the two right because you know and you know in regards to Don Imus he’s kind of simar he’s similar to Donald Trump in which you know he talks about everybody so so so
That would make both of them you know equal opportunity offenders so if anybody can get it everyone can get it right so you know hey hey you want equality right so you know there you go but it’s going back down to patrice’s point when he asked the question okay
Like um what’s the plan you know in regards to um after Don gets far what’s the plan well again the plan overall is for anybody again who says something that could be seen as unsavory or unsettling that not only does people uh get quote unquote cancelled but for the
Most part they look to trck to get ostracized from society all together and that right there is that that’s the basic level of it we know what the true endgame is when it comes to uh people being ostracized for from society right but you know that’s that’s that’s that’s neither here or there
Right that that’s a conversation for another day all right but anyway I mean let’s go a and get back to what these men are saying let’s fire all of them then I have no problem and then what are you offended I’m not that because first of all no
Nobody except for me and and the good doctor’s under 60 and none of you know what funny is like a do the doctor was that was was it funny what I Nappy Headed itny is hilarious but in in in context of in context of a comic you
Should be able to explore any words you want to say he messed up would it be different if a black person said it of course I can say na beheaded ho all day but I want to be able to call white girls straighte Headed Hoes anytime I
Feel like anytime would you of course and would you should be should you be punished for it of course not right so Dr Hill are we exactly in other words hey hey that’s why there’s that old saying out there that it’s not always what you say but it’s how you say it
Right and that’s why again like I mentioned in the first patrice’s video that I did nuance and context are very very important because when you have those two taken away which they’re definitely looking to do right now if they haven’t already completely done it is make if pretty much you can’t really
Use this you can no long use discretion you can no long use discernment you can’t no long use critical thinking skills to decipher what someone says to see what they really meant by it as opposed to what what they just saying you know just for shock value that’s what I mean that’s that’s
That’s the end game right there in regards to Castle culture all right but what’s interesting is that a PE um regular people out here can’t really Express freedom of speech well not to the full not to the degree that they could before but you know the very
Ones who are looking to quot quot try to take away freedom of speech I’m pretty sure they themselves um are utilizing that same freedom and they they have yet to suffer the backlash that many of us are suffering you know particularly with you know especially those you
Know um be it who have you know who have their own YouTube channels or podcasts radio shows right and which what happens is that if if we put out content that can be you know deemed quote unquote controversial what happens is if it doesn’t get taken down automatically what happens is it gets
Demonitized all right which you might have to try to build shop somewhere else you know hey but that’s how it is though man what a world we live in overreacting here I mean look what he said was inappropriate it was wrong he’s apologized at what point do we say okay
How about a little forgiveness he’s you know been contrite he went on Reverend Sharpton show today he realizes keep punishing the guy he’s crying well first let me say I didn’t find him contrite on on Reverend charar I found him arrogant I found him I found him somewhat belligerant and his and and
His you people comment to me really really underscored the fact that he’s not all that apologetic and that deep beneath well again just a few minutes earlier into this video um when he made that comment about you people and he was asked by as you see here Reverend Al sharton and a woman
To uh his his left but on the screen here to his right uh Mr Imus specified was regarding to those two all right he wasn’t he wasn’t referring to all black people bro he wasn’t doing that so come on come on now eam is a severe character flaw it’s directly
Connected absolutely absolutely if your character flaws were uttered in such a way that they cause severe abuse to people in full public view on a daily basis which some may argue you know that anybody was anybody well it depends if you’re thin skinned if you’re soft brittle and just downright sensitive
Then yeah that can definitely be considered verbal abuse no doubt really abused here absolutely I think that’s where we need to look at black women in their particular position in America when they’re referred to as hoes when they referred to as the b word on a constant basis we need to challenge
That not just when it comes from Dynamics when it comes from any good hey okay good I can with that bro now that that’s a great point right there about you know the about the b word and the word h and stuff like that okay I you on Bard with
That but here’s the thing if you if you truly believe that then a lot of this rap music out here that promotes the usage of those words and even and even words that even worse than those two uh that music should be outlawed brother how about thate but listen if we start challenging
That word right and and we start to try to ban the word [Â __Â ] and and B where nappy-headed hoes right let me ask you how who’s going to suffer in the long run it ain’t going to be white people you don’t say nappy-headed hoe on a
Regular basis in the street I might I say ho maybe not nappy that’s something new something new for me is not but with everything going on in the world why are we fighting so vigorously to defend the right you know you know you know before reacting I saw in
The comments that um the comment that com just made about ho not being racial that was that was like like lowkey right there right that’s true I mean ho is definitely not racial because I mean let’s be real not just modern day black women but modern day white women
Modern day Latino women modern day Asian women hell even some modern day um Arab he job women out here right many of them like many them love being hoes man right so and and I don’t say it to be derogatory or disrespectful but I’m just saying it because that’s what’s very pervasive right
Now right and these are the same ones the these women are the very same ones who claim to be objectified right when for the most part they’re objectifying themselves especially in case like we see these rap music videos like in the 90s or pretty much music videos today all right with
The likes of cardi B Megan dallion right and you know list goes on man Kardashians hey you name it call our word or H we got a lot of ground to cover not the least of which is their double standard we’re going to delve into that when we get back we’ll
Pick up this why isn’t until the same kind of outrage let me ask you in the black community when when rappers and other people in the black community ath in the back community defame and demean black women I am call worse name than I ever did another clip there of donus
From his appearance on Al Sharpton’s radio show today we now continue with Dr Mark lemon hail Armstrong Williams works with my friends over there at WWL in New York and Patrice O’Neal Armstrong you know he apologized he’s contrite did he say the right things or was the apology
In your view worse than what he initially said as was suggested earlier here tonight well you know the guy’s in a State of Shock he did not expect this he’s done this for so long and then other thing about dnimas you know I can never forget during the time of
Hurricane Katrina that he was one of the few people who had a national audience in this country who spoke out and said what is wrong with America why are they singling out these people for this kind of treatment and this kind of neglect he said there’s only one conclusion that I
Can come to is the fact that they have black faces and this is not right this is not who America is and I got to tell you I can’t forget that you can be outraged with it and you should be outrage with him but you got to take his
The man’s life and balance he’s one of one of the few people who brought attention to the plot of those people in New Orleans and they happen to be black I mean so it’s easy to to make someone out to be a racist what he said was very
Racist was very bigoted but I look at the whole Dynam and and he’s done some good we should be outraged NBC and CBS did what they had to do Dr Hill shouldn’t we look at what in somebody’s heart and what their true intent is and truly what they’ve done he’s got a camp
He helps kids 10% of the kids in his Camp are black now honestly I don’t even know that part about Don Imus in regards to Hurricane Katrina and again that’s a great that’s a that’s a great thing he did so which is again which is similar
To some of the uh you know the great things that Donald Trump has done for you know for us in the black community right um unemployment at an all-time low um pardon part in Jack Johnson uh reducing sentences for a number of of 5,000 so black men within the prison
System right you know again like I said it before all those prison cist were done as a result of our current President Joe Biden right in regards to the hate crime um hate crime bill but yeah that’s where all came from Man black I mean do you want you want to
End the man’s career over this comment I don’t want to end his career I don’t want him on the street I simply don’t want him to have this particular job sure land on his feet what job can I that’s that that’s not my concern what I’m saying is that this particular post
That he has he he let me finish this point he made this point he used his job irresponsibly and he should be fired for it that’s all I’m saying I’m not saying he should never work again if someone wants to hire him that’s there pick the
Next guy that he works for the next person he works for Patrice I’m just saying I’m just saying I I I know funny and I know if he had to said Nappy Headed athletes nappy young women you why is no it’s not okay if he had have said that nappy-headed athlete would
Have been is he using um I’m sorry they pause it but um it was a 1994 crime Bill not not hate crime bill but but I mean in some case might if you want to call it a hate crime then yeah to it agree because you know that was in
Guards to like minor offenses that were happening with a number of those you know black men but that was like a Generations worth of black men who were locked up in prison because of that man so it just goes to show you when when you know when many of us claim that
You know this this whole system is rigged and it’s systemically racist and it’s systemically built to keep our people down yeah I can agree on one side I can agree with that but on the other uh you know instead of looking at those that we claim to be the enemy that being the
Republican side even though you know they’re not even though they might they have their definitely have their faults um you should we should more so start more and more looking at the very people who claim to be our friends right who claim to be our benefactors who claim to be all about
Brotherhood and Sisterhood right and and above all the very people who claim to know what’s best for you yes those are the people that we should keep more and more so pointing our fingers at I don’t get that but to say Navy headed hoe is so ridiculous you know he
Was trying to be funny you know it I mean you heard the tone of voice was laughing he didn’t intend to hurt and he realizes he was wrong Armstrong he knows he made a mistake and as you said earlier you know the free Marketplace can decide whether or not this helps
Them or hurts them just pulling them off the air what stop other people from Ever going over the line which anybody in broadcast can do any moment of any day when you’re in front of a live mic all the time but the problem is people cross the line every day anybody else other
Than people who have huge audiences and names could have said this and they could have been of a different Hue and nothing would have been said it would have not even made the radar screen it’s because of who what D IM res represents and he just happens to be a white man in
America and there’s just and there the there are the individuals in this country that cannot use racism in any form in any kind of way this just it’s a double I don’t want you my trying to defend Hill Dr Hill I want to ask you
You know what that right there is a big reason why um what they call uh black privilege is very uh presistent right now very prevalent you know it’s interesting too we talk a lot about white privilege but we we hard address black privilege right why is that that’s kind of a
Mystery I know the reason why because it goes against The Narrative of painting all black people as victims even though all of us are not and honestly in fact a number of us out here particularly the low right particularly uh the low lives and degenerates within the inner cities are
The are are the victimizers right those uh those branch right there of our people right but it ain’t just us every race of people have their low lives and the degenerates who are victimizers and when and the thing is they often those very victimizers oftentimes attack afflict and in some
Cases uh just flat out kill their own right that’s why there’s that notion of quote unquote what they call black onblack crime white onwhite crime even though it’s not really addressed publicly in the media but I’m sure that’s the case that it exists and you know and other and all
And other types of hate crimes that all Races have to deal with in regards to their own that’s the case another thing too um going back yeah the fact that Don Imus does represent you know Caucasian men who for the most part can’t use racism definitely and another point I want to
Bring out too is uh patrio knew I remember he there was an episode of what they call the Green Room that featured himself the late Bob Saget and the likes of what Roseanne Bar all right and there was another female comedian on there I can’t quite remember her
Name um I’m I tell you what after I do this video I’m look it up and I’m G put it in in the the comment description you know when I upload this video but Patrice basically said that four demographics of people um are are present when it comes
To saying what you can say what you really want to say at the top are black women number two is white women number three is us as black men and at the and number four at the bottom are white men especially if they’re straight Christian and conservative those are the branch
That they definitely can’t say anything let alone use any racism whatsoever or they’ll be deemed as yeah a racist and a bigot so this is this is definitely the condition of the battle right here man this is why and you wonder why um a lot of this
Stuff persists man it’s just uh it’s just tribal nature this question um you as you want you want them fired from this job absolutely all right we we know the history the two people that are leading the effort now against Don Imus are the Reverend Jackson and the Reverend Al
Sharpton now we know in the case of the Reverend Jackson we know his comments uh about Jews in New York we know his admission about the treatment of food of certain C customers when he used to you know work at a restaurant we know the white interloper comments of of Al
Sharpton we know Al Sharon said if the Jews want to get it on tell them to pin their yamakas back and come on over to my house have you ever asked for their fire [Laughter] fire oh you know to watching patri last make me laugh that’s that’s pretty good that’s a good
One from what when in 198 when Reverend Jackson made the comment about htown he paid dearly for it he also apologized I didn’t ask you that I sir sir wait saying fired fire for do you think they deserve to be on the national uh oh hey careful
BR you got your ass got your ass packed in the corner man and a few moments you’re gonna see Patrice step in and pretty much uh give that uh confirmation scene leading the effort against donus considering their background okay that’s a different question um absolutely absolutely this
Particular I think anyone you see what he’s trying to do that’s what they do he’s trying to make us Hypocrites that’s what I’m saying it’s not it’s not about hypocrisy it’s about it’s about challenging someone who clearly spoke out in racist and sexist fashion the issue here isn’t the issue here isn’t
Reverend Jackson nor isn’t Reverend Sharpton the person who should be under scrutiny here is D people leading the eff no no here’s the difference if you’re saying he should be fired why shouldn’t they be why shouldn’t they in their in your mind be in the same category if you can
Explain that to our audience I’m I’m all ears this the same category is what they they have both paid dearly for comments that they’ve made that they when they they still out there protesting they’re still in the media nothing happened to them there’s been no impact negatively on their careers that’s absolutely the
Same you want you want jump go ahead yeah because those men right there along others who you know who are associate with them have connections all right cuz again it should be um um it’s common knowledge now that both Al Shon and Jesse Jackson are 33 degree
Freemasons so right so even though based on the evidence that they definitely said RAC racist comments in the past uh they’re still going to be uh in the Forefront with that with the you know the the bullhorns right because again hey they have their benefactors right um
Um the sponsors and those who are you know overseeing them so like those particularly those in the Bole which both of them are definitely in the Boule right and of course they’re white Jewish overlords right because I see what you’re doing what am I doing because the
Seriousness of the doctor is what the down he’s he’s so it’s the the fact is let you’re saying the doctor hypoc not a hypocrite tricky but what I’m saying is you over here celebrating calling people hoes and thinking it’s funny to me that’s man stop it isue stop it you’re
Being too serious first of all when was Nappy Headed wait a minute when was Nappy Headed ho ever of term that was subjugating to black folks Nappy Headed ho when back in the 20s during slavery it is offensive hang on a second let me Patrice in all seriousness here if if
This is how Imus is going to be treated what about the people leading the charge is it fair you say well you’re trying to create this is there hypocrisy def fight and Conquer that’s why to to prevent it from being that let him say what he wants so I can say what want
Everybody to say everything you don’t care all right but that’s that’s you’re more you’re being you know real and honest but I’m saying there you go exactly honesty that’s what that’s what patri live for man to be honest all right hey freedom of speech for everybody
Right I mean you know you know it’s a shame that he had his untimely death right but uh but if he was still alive today I could I can only imagine what the world or America would be like if he was President oh that’s that’s definitely fun to think
About are they being hypocritical are they being hypocritical hang on a second there’s nothing hypocritical I’m asking Patrice look man if you tell somebody something how to say something and and you have made mistakes in your life that’s it’s I I can’t use hypocrite I got to go back to the black community
Sean we’re going to pick it up right there don’t we continue now with Dr Mark Lamont Hill Armstrong Williams and Patrice O’Neil all right Dr Hill I want to go back to this issue we were discussing earlier the two people leading the charge the Reverend Jackson and and the Reverend Al Sharpton and
They both have a history of saying outrageous things you know we I don’t know if I’d say outrageous I don’t you you don’t think you don’t think Haim Town’s outrageous uh I think it’s an unfortunate statement he apologized for he explain the contest it’s it’s it’s a problematic statement I I’m not trying
To to support the statement I’m saying he’s he’s apologized that was 19 years the term white interloper sir leading into that ascary event that took place on Freddy’s at 100 you know and also too um I mentioned that both um shton and Jackson are both um Boule members right they in his
Fraternities um um said Mark lamon Hill himself is in a fraternity too I think it’s Kappa Alphas right yeah one of those one of those fraternities definitely Kappa right so he definitely so he can’t really you know throw those two under the bus because even though they might be in different
Fractions they’re still a part of the fraternity nonetheless so he can’t just you know throw his own frat brothers under the bus so you know hey D his own 125 you don’t think white Interlopers offensive and racist it’s interesting that you’re saying that these people didn’t pay a
Penalty yet 19 years later we’re still talking about the comments clearly they are playing paying a public penalty that’s the same thing I I’m just trying to understand you want this guy fired but it’s acceptable for the people that have this history to lead this effort
Against this guy and I’ll tell you what I find it I find it look I Patrice and I were talking in the break either everybody’s wrong and every everybody gets condemned you’ll only condemn Dem Don Imus will you condemn the Reverend Sharpton and Reverend Jackson for their incendiary remarks over the years
Absolutely any any anyone who makes a hurtful or incendiary comment I said specifically Reverend Jackson and Al Sharpton will you condemn them tonight as you have I’m saying anyone and everyone yes I I think I think you’re having a hard time with this you really I think too disting I think you’re I
Think you’re having a hard time keeping the focus on you’re making the escape goat diversionary tactics I’m saying it’s instead of8 has no bearing what has no bearing on what Don did no I’m I’m saying it’s wrong but I’m also saying I think it’s hypocritical the guys that are leading
The way have a history of making equally offensive remarks but they seem to be getting a pass and now inic sense if Justin Jackson if Justin Jackson got a pass we wouldn’t be talking about it 19 years later oh but you you’re having a hard time saying that it’s appropriate for this guy
Iry there or any hypocrisy there well you know they going to be you’re going to be using OJ for the next 50 years to talk about you know to compare it to any other white guy who does you said something in the break though and I think you’re right either everybody’s
Wrong or everybody gets to say what they want either I you everybody says what because the word does not the word [Â __Â ] does not mean what it did in 1920 no matter what you when you say it but you and I had this debate once before that
Word is meant to hurt period could hurt but you just saying it doesn’t hurt me because that implies that you better than me what are you pointing at me for if I call you a cracker it never meant nothing to you it was like thank you I I
Have known you for that’s a very good point right there because you know whether in regards to the nword the word you know the word [Â __Â ] or Cracker or any other derogatory term some an important thing to keep in mind is well um it’s important depending on
Who you are is important to you know have thick skin because there definitely going to be times in our lives when you know like it could be it could be like random or out of the blue where we’re going to be hit with certain terms like
That even if even if we were even if we’re asking for it or not right and and again nobody can really offend you if you don’t um if you don’t give them permission to do so that’s a that’s a that’s a very important thing to
Remember for a lot of years for for for a short time now we we’ve debated but we’ve we’ve known each other you could basically say anything to me and I know everything you’re saying is meant in humor not everything but I I know how to
Me by the way that’s not true when I talk to him but let me ask you that but you don’t get to be the Arbiter of what’s funny how can you all be the Arbiter of what’s funny for black women I am but here here’s the main question
AR you said tonight I don’t find you the Arbiter either ARR yeah but you’re AR you’re being an Arbiter just for like they painting you into a corner you don’t even like realize that that your whole seriousness is make is put is messing you up and now you got you got
To commit to saying and and and jessing and soft Sho and talking about how this isn’t a serious this is where the problem is is a serious it’s it’s it’s now this is what they do who’s they they make us fight when he goes soft shoe that’s now that’s
More insulant to me than Nappy Headed ho it’s that’s when black people call each other words like that soft shoe house [Â __Â ] get out of here you know better than that doc W you know before reacting to this um at first um I didn’t know what that
Term soft shoe meant but I took the opportunity and I looked up that word on a site called um and I found that the definition of soft Sho is a large black genius That Conquers somebody who opposes them right that’s one definition and another definition is a potential cult
Leader and that’s very uh that’s ironic because you know um despite the fact that Patrice has been uh for the most part has been dead for 12 going on 13 years he has he definitely has cult-like status to where people are still uploading his videos um some cases regularly and other case
Is just out of the blue right so he definitely still has influence even to this day right so that now now for that first definition I can definitely understand how it could come off as being a offensive even even even if accurate but for the second definition this is more
So ironic as opposed to it just being you know hurtful sir the point the issue here for me tonight is Don imus’s comments and all we’ve done is divert the I think the issue Dr Hill is who decides what’s offensive what’s offensive is I mean and who is an offensive too who’s getting
Hurt and who the good question maybe the on who were claiming to being Arbiters of what’s offensive are the very ones who at one point in history um claimed that they had tolerance for everyone right but it’s now got to the point where they’ve pretty much performed a
180 if not a 360 on that whole premise right there of what offensive is why don’t we talk to the agreed people no asked that question when not offended you want to give back if they’re not offended when when Mel Gibs made his comments clearly Jewish people were offended and they
Should bill when Bill when Bill Mah lost his job with ABC responded because people were offended why thank you Patrice good to see you thanks all right so that’s for that video right there and uh I thought it was a pretty good sit down it was um um very interesting
Entertaining particularly on patrice’s part um honestly number some cases um embarrassing for the [Laughter] doctor right and and then definitely I can and I can appreciate the Nuance of uh Armstrong Williams right and and pretty much you know I saw this in the comments but out of all the people
Involved in this interview right uh Patrice was definitely by far the winner all right because he could he he could understood he understood how the anchors were trying to like you say try to call out Mark Lamont Hill for his his hypocrisy by not condemning Sharpton and Jackson like to do
Imus right particularly on that part and I can definitely I can definitely see how tried to um you know try to help try to help help Markel but you know his pride would let him right and of course he was you know of course he was trolling the man but
Still right so yeah man he could definitely um he was definitely sharp um quick witted um he was definitely uh he was definitely a hell of a social commentator among all things and amongst just being a comedian he was just he he was the whole package man and there are and there are
Definitely people saying that Patrice could be considered the greatest comedian of them all and hey hey I can’t get I can’t argue with that because he’s definitely up there with the likes of a Richard prior of a George Carlin of a Bernie Mack right of a Dave Chappelle today a Bill Burr Eddie
Griffin Eddie Murphy Chris Rock you know all the greats all of them Don Rickles right Rodney Dangerfield you name him the the Hest goes on him but anyway that’s it for that video again rest in rest in peace to Patrice O’Neal and and to what could have been so I’m out peace