Yeah good afternoon i’ like to welcome all of you to the December 7th 2023 organizational meeting of the fory County Board of Commissioners we do this once a year have an organizational meeting but we’re going to begin our meeting today with an invocation from Pastor Ben Marsh First Alliance Church
And it will be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by commissioner Bessie I’d like to please ask you to join to stand me if you are able stand father God we thank you for this season of Advent in which we are meeting today and Lord this first Sunday that we
Have celebrated of hope that we would be a people a community that is filled with hope Lord God we pray for wisdom for all of our elected leaders and public servants who are gathered here today to do the business set before them we ask that they would lean upon you for all
Clarity and unity and understanding and that you would give that to them as you are the good Giver of gifts God we do pray especially for the Atkins and the Winston Salem State University communities Lord as their gathering tomorrow to celebrate the lives of Kaylee and Alex we pray for them to have
Hope even in the midst of a very difficult season and Lord we pray for the safety of all of our students gathered in our schol schools as we near this Christmas and holiday season Lord we recognize today as the beginning of Hanukkah Lord would we be a community that is not marked by
Anti-Semitism Lord but instead by unity and by hope and by love and above all by peace grant us your peace and your hope even today in your holy name we pray amen amen of the United States of America to the Republic for which ex one nation inde and justice
For thank you Pastor Marsh appreciate you being here the first item on the agenda is the year end uh review um and actually I will do that and I want to thank our County Manager Dudley Watts um for kind of collecting a few things that have happened through the year and I must
Admit that I was really struck by the number of events and things that have occurred this year activities and and and of course going to read it is this is obviously the board acted on a lot of these things but the the heavy lifting and the planning was done by staff so I
Want to take this time to begin this review by complimenting and thinking the staff of the county from management senior level to all those others who have worked to implement all these things this year it has been quite a busy year and I think you will agree
With me um you know once you hear it um it was busy year but productive in addition to our regular meetings for 2023 the board had several planning and information sessions and we had a winter planning session we had one every year in February and it focused on economic development particularly business and
Industry recruit efforts and the provision of water and sewer to potential development sites and I will say we were very fortunate to receive an appropriation from the general assembly for $20 million to support sewer expansion in the Southeastern portion of the county um during the year the board
Also had three morning sessions um held in April August and October we actually have another one this month focusing on education Public Health Economic Development the use of drone and video surveillance by law enforcement and Capital Construction these special sessions augmented the opportunity for information and discussion that led to a
Lot of the things we dealt with this year um 2023 was continueed to be shaped by the challenges imposed during covid and efforts to return to a new normal um parent partner organizations that the county works with our County departments experien many challenges that spurred in important policy decisions for the
County Commissioners and the first one want to mention is that after a protracted negotiation with the ver Humane Society the county decided to reassume management of the animal shelter services and on February 20th we hired Christen Briggs to be the new animal services director and the animal shelter reopened under County Management
On April 1st this change has been well received by the community and operates at a lower cost than what was previously demanded by The Humane Society in January the board authorized the purchase of property on Liberty Street adjacent to the lynville center right across the street and slightly down a
Little bit from the airport um this acquisition made it possible to share vehicle storage space with the school system expand the Smith Reynolds airport footprint and clean up an area that had become pretty blighted over the years with absentee ownership the Demolition and improvements to this area are almost
Complete I drove by the other day it’s a huge change in March the board approved the Fleet Services garage Edition which to it will provide space to service Winston s precise County vehicles that are not yellow school buses this project will be completed in the spring allowing the expansion of the gardener Foods
Facility into the area forly housing the Winston St ver SC school systems maintenance garage in September the board approved expanding the successful Behavior old health program and the law enforcement Detention Center to include a women’s unit throughout the year the board worked with Sheriff Kimbro to address the Staffing and operational
Issues at the Detention Center including a midyear compensation adjustment and enhanced night shift differential as well as a return to permanent shifts the board provided funding in anticipation of Medicaid expansion this allowed the Department of Social Services to hire and train staff to be ready in the general assembly if the general assembly
Did approve the change which they did in late November and receive state approval and then it actually was implemented last Friday um other operational changes implemented during the year included moving risk management functions on the director direction of human resources and then shifting our internal audit function to report to the board’s audit
Committee due to the board’s efforts to build support for local initiatives the North Carolina lawm our North Carolina lawmaker in the state budget once again included significant support for County projects in addition to the $20 million appropriation for sewer expansion I mentioned earlier the county received $5 million for the agricultur park in
Northern fory County it’s actually in just outside Tobaccoville 4 million to support the Tanglewood Clubhouse $250,000 to support cadium and a million to support Senior Services cross-generational Wellness Center we’re thankful to our entire local delegation and really appreciate the leadership that representative Lambeth and Senator C kraic have provided um in the
Leadership positions they have held and all of us certainly wish this week’s announcement from Senator kic that she will retire and we wish her well two historic Financial opportunities that generate significant policy attention this year included the approval of contracts for the American Rescue plan act varpa projects about 30 a bunch of
Money about 50 million and developing spending plans for the 36 million in opioid settlement funds that will ACR over the next 18 years in February the board decided to bridge the long-term needs of the winon County schools by Pro providing an additional 77 million to the school board um for the capital
Needs and maximizing the our board’s authorization from the 26 Bond referendum and our program 23s Bond issuances over the last 12 months there have been unique opportunities to strengthen the local economy the county supported several Economic Development and issues in February uh Z laeg broke ground on a new $100 million production
Facilities and company headquarters in March the board provided incentives to Tex Tech engineered composits LLC to expand the manufacturing in fory County Crea an additional tax base of 42 million 59 new jobs in August the board approved incentives for the John Deere electrical power train project consisting of 87 new jobs and capital
Investment of almost 70 million September the board approved incentives support the expansion of purple Crow Investments LLC creating 199 new jobs and more than 50 million in capital investment Smith Reynolds airport has been the focus of economic policy for the board in 2023 and those efforts have included completion of construct and the
Actual construction and completion of two new large corporate hanger fac facilities in June the board awarded the contract for the terminal renovation and work is underway in November the board received notice that grant funding was approved by the state for the Brushy Fork Creek drainage improvements and the board approved inter local agreement
With the City of Winston Salem for financial participation in that project throughout the year the board supported legislative efforts to make Smith Rentals more competitive by mitigating the Dual tax burden city and county for airplanes and other special properties parked at the airplanes particularly parked there and the state budget
Included a provision for the property tax exclusion that reduces the valuation by 50% for certain airport property in April the board amended the Udo our univi development ordinance standards for pesticide fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing explosives and pyrotechnics manufacturing capital projects for the county consumed a large share of the
Board’s policy focus in 2023 spurred by the infusion of State funds grant opportunities and other restricted funds such as the opio settlement funds the board celebrated the move into the new courthouse next door in October in February the board authorized the purchase of property on Dale Drive for the agriculture park facility in
Tobaccoville improving the entrance to the facility that is currently under design in May the board celebrated a groundbreaking on the BL on Blues Lake prop Park 216 Acres of Shoreline made possible by three M $3 million in state funding in June the board approved the design services for the Highland Avenue
Park project in August pickle ball Courts at joany Mitchell Park were opened to an enthusiastic crowd and they have been used pretty much every daylight hour since then in November the board awarded a contract for the 16 bed Behavioral Health crisis treatment facility sponsored by the state on Highland Avenue and finally construction
Began on the upfit of the public safety building to collocate for County and City of Winston Salem 911 centers and provide additional space for Emergency Management um other important events tragically in September the community mourned the loss of Deputy Austin Smith rutal Huber who was mortally injured in
A vehicle crash and in May the board recognized the accomplishments of the late EMS medical director Dr Lou Stringer and just this week I’m going to conclude as a kind of an important event it was in the P newspaper today um you know both Winston Salem and fory County
Received you know word from Senator Tillis office um that we will actually for Scythe will be included in a rail there seven rail passenger studies that are going on um part of the U um the infrastructure act that was passed a couple years ago and commissioner Bes
Has been pretty involved in that and I thought I just might ask him to just highlight that that particular rail study that’s coming up thank you Mr chairman that’s one of the items that’s so late breaking that U didn’t uh we didn’t have time to include it in the
Regular formal report but um as chair Martin said um uh we have gotten word through Senator Tillis office which I anticipate is going to be officially confirmed uh by the North Carolina Department of Transportation tomorrow that uh went s them for Scythe have been selected for one of the uh
Seven passenger rail service expansion studies that are each being funded by a half million doll Grant from the US Department of Transportation uh this is um uh a an application that the state had put in uh on behalf of uh the U communities around the state who are
Looking to restore or improve passenger service to their Community uh back in February and March this board and other local uh governing boards were involved in endorsing uh the application uh for restoration of Passenger rail service to Winston Salem and foresy County uh to the Raleigh uh
Destination uh and that would be the first um passenger rail service once it is restored will be the first passenger rail service that we have seen in our community since 1970 uh increasingly um the availability of Passenger rail service to a community is something that that National companies
Look for when they’re deciding where to locate or expand operations we haven’t had it uh the fact of this detailed planning uh study Grant um coming to uh our area uh through the North Carolina Department of transportations work Keeps Us in the hunt for that expansion uh and
The the word that we get is getting one of the planning grants is an excellent um Pro indication of a strong Prospect for eventually getting some operational funding at the same time Governor tillis’s office announced the seven planning grants uh totaling $3 million uh he also announced that um North North
Carolina had received a$1 billion grant for actual implementation of uh a high-speed rail connection between Raleigh and uh mid Virginia uh aiming toward ultimately Richmond so there is real money involved in actually uh you putting these projects on the ground um I’d like to uh to also thank staff Kyle Haney um and
People in his office in including Andrea sheets were instrumental in gathering the information and putting together the the letters of support uh and as always the commission couldn’t do its work without the support of Staff thank you good thank you commissioner Bessie and and again I’ll thank our County Manager
For compiling a lot of putting that together for the year and report and I’d like to ask if there’s any other as as he mentioned to me there were a whole lot of things he left out they were little he try to be kind of selective
And I know that sound like a long list and surely there couldn’t be anything left out but if there’s any commissioner that would like to add or make any kind of comment um that I’d be appropriate to do at this time if anyone else would like to just say
Anything okay we’re good um it’s my pleasure now for the turn the meeting over to the county manager for the election of chair all right thank you Mr chairman um so the floor is open for the nominations of the person to serve as your chairman for the ensuing
Year Mr manager I’d like to make a motion to elect uh commissioner Martin uh for chair and we do so by acclamation all right very good um so uh could we accept that as closing nominations and make that appointment by clation right very good is there a second second second all in
Favor signify by saying I I like sign opposed all right congratulations Mr chairman I’m sorry go ahead oh I said oppose you said opposed okay so only 61 vote um you will serve as our chair um you want me to go ahead and handle the
Vice chair as well um well I or you can I’d be happy to do that part I mean that’d be good um I certainly like to appreciate that and it’s now time to entertain a motions for vice chair and I’d like to make that first motion um I’ve actually known Gloria wizen hunt
Commissioner wizen hunt since she was on the school board when I I actually met her before I came here as superintendent schools in 1994 so we’re getting ready to come up on 30 years of actually working together in official capacities for 30 years so it’s been a it’s been a
Great opportunity to do that and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed serving with her this year so I’m happy to make a motion to for Gloria wiut to be Vice chair is and is there a second I’ll second second um are there any other nominations all in favor please say I I all righty motion carries
Unanimously all right next item of the agenda is a resolution adopting the precise County Board of commissioner’s meeting schedule for 2024 um I want to thank our clerk Ashley Sloop for putting that together it’s basically follows our same format um the only thing that’s uh any different about
It is that actually the the uh the the meeting breaks are actually work better than normal uh so thank you very much for that I’m move approval is there a second please second um all in favor please say I I I do have you didn’t ask for any question or
Discuss excuse me any discussion yes sir thank you chair Martin I would like to um first thank the hard work of our clerk um Ashley for putting together um our skure for 2024 um I do still continue to ask the Commissioners to be considerate of those
Of us who work at this time and also that serve as as Commissioners but also those of us who work in this community um that cannot attend our meetings I think that it would be ideal for there to be some consideration around the um the the actual ability for most of us as
Citizens to attend our meeting and as those of us who work as Commissioners to not have to have the stress of trying to figure out our work schedule to um come at um this time at 2: PM so I hope that um we can continue to work with staff to
Figure out a schedule that is truly representative of the majority of the citizens of fory County thank you um any other discussion yeah I i’ just like to note that um I think it’s well taken that 2: P p.m. in the afternoon is not convenient for all
Citizens but I’d like to thank the commission for uh undertaking uh a number of evening uh input sessions this year uh and anticipate that U it will be worthwhile continuing that in uh 2024 any other discussion yes I’d like to Echo those sentiments as well um I
Think that we talked about I’ve been on this board for about 5 years now and we talked about at least quarterly having some afternoon meeting so again um I’m repeating the same thing over if we can give some consideration I would be grateful thank you so as far as our Motion in second
For the regular meeting schedule I’ll just make that the regular meeting schedule any further discussion all in favor please say I I those opposed no one and oppose motion carries six to one all right um the next item is a public hearing on the petition to close a
Portion of Mars Street and Walkertown Shaye Bowen excuse me Shaye Bowen a geographic information officer is going to give us a brief overview of the request and then we’ll conduct the public hearing afternoon I think we are going to to the bow on this one today so this
Be the last time we have to talk about it um again this is a petition to close just a portion of Morris Street it was actually the partial owner red pill Partners LLC that petition for this to be closed um as we spoke in previous meetings I part of this is located in
Forsight county and a portion is located in Walkertown uh City Limits assuming that the board votes to um have this closed we will notify Walker town of this so that they can close their portion as well um the signs have been posted since November 6th and their um
The requests to close came because of a development Harper’s Landing we spoke last time about there being tow houses that will be built in this location obviously the public hearing date is today here is just an overview showing that red pill Partners um owns both land both Parcels on either side of mois
Street here is the portion roughly about 450 ft that are within for County um and then here is actually where that is laid out in their plan um City County Planning Department had no objections to this being closed and um everything has been done up to
This point that we’re aware of so with that are there any questions any questions or Shaye thank you thank you this is a public hearing and speakers will have up to 15 minutes in total to speak in favor of this request up to 15 minutes total to speak in opposition is there anyone
Wishing to speak in favor of this petition is there anyone wishing to speak in opposition to the petition I declare the public hearing closed and be happy to entertain a motion so move have a motion by commissioner Vice chair Wiz hun is there second second second by commissioner
Lynville any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously next item on the agenda is a public hearing on the zoning Petition of Braxton and Charles LLC from rs9 Excuse me yes rs9 DS to AG zoning docket F1 1633 Kirk Ericson from Planning
Development Services going to give a brief overview of the request good afternoon chairman Martin and County Commissioners uh this is a request for 3.4 Acres located on the north side of Ogden School Road West of Davis Ridge Road in southeast fory County it’s a general use request from rs9 s to a
Agriculture this is the County’s Legacy growth management map uh the black dot towards the bottom right corner of the screen indicates this is in the Suburban neighborhoods growth Management Area this is a location map showing where the property is in relation to surrounding context uh as you can see it
Is surrounded by a lot of AG zoning which is the requested District this is an aerial image showing that the current uh nature of the area large lot residential with some Suburban development patterns mixed in this is a view of the subject property uh with Ogden School Road looking towards the
East this image shows a subject property and Ogden School Road looking to the Northwest this is the subject property from Ogden School Road looking directly north this is the property uh across Ogden School Road due south and this shows a single family Suburban residential development that’s currently under
Construction and this map shows the area plan recommendations uh in the surrounding area the highlighted site is shown for single family residential development a as is the majority of the area the magenta colored area represents the Welden mixed use residential development within the town of kernersville’s jurisdiction and in summary the subject
Property surrounding context is predominantly rural with some Urban characteristics the request is generally consistent with the legacy plan and the southeast for County area Plan update and the proposed district is compatible with adjacent zoning and the request constitutes a down zoning of the property the planning board did hold a
Hearing uh on this item at their October 12th meeting there were no speakers in opposition and following the hearing the board did unanimously recommend this to the Commissioners I’m glad to answer any questions at this time any questions for Eric thank you thank you um this is a
Public hearing and again speakers will have up to 15 minutes total to speak in favor request and up to 15 minutes total to speak in opposition is there anyone wishing to speak in favor of the petition good afternoon chairman Martin members of the board my name is Greg
Garrett I was before you guys about 18 months a go with this project and um got it zoned to the rs9 that it’s currently in through that process I got to know some of the adjacent Property Owners out there and the reason the real purpose behind this down zoning of what I just
Did 18 months ago is uh we’ve worked out a land Swap and he wanted it to go back to agricultural um and the land swap is going to facilitate us having connectivity over to the Welden South develop development which just is going to make a much better overall project
With that connectivity happening so uh that’s the purpose for this request and appreciate your uh favorable recommendation on this thank you Mr Garrett before you leave do you mind stating your name and address for the record uh it’s uh Greg Garrett 6420 Hampton null Road Clemens 27012 thank you thank you anyone else
Wishing to speak in favor of the request is there any anyone wishing to speak uh in opposition to the request I declare the public hearing closed and are we ready for a motion Mr chairman I move that zoning map Amendment F1 1633 be approved on the basis of the following the proposed
General use zoning map Amendment as petitioned by Braxton Charles LLC to reone a 3.4 acre piece of property from rs9 special use uh to AG agriculture 40,000 square foot minimum foot lot is inconsistent with the recommendations of the Legacy comprehensive plan but is reasonable and in the public interest
Because number one the subject Pro property consists of undeveloped land located at 146 Ogden Ogden School Road and is surrounded by land zoned AG rs1 15s rs9 s with uses being single family homes and undeveloped land number two AG zoning is primarily intended to accommodate uses of an agriculture
Nature and nonfarm single family detached dwellings on large lots and is intended for application in growth Management areas four and five number three the subject property is located in growth Management Area 3 has access to public water but not public sewer and the proposed AG zoning would be similar
To uses and Zoning of some of the adjacent properties number four the proposed AG zoning would be inconsistent with the Legacy comprehensive plan which would call for more intense zoning in a suburban area but the proposed resoning is the same as some of the adjacent properties would be consistent with the
Use of such adjacent properties and the the subject property was zoned AG until last year and number five the propose the approval is deemed an amendment to the Legacy comprehensive plan and that is a motion second by commissioner Bessie um any discussion um all in favor please say I
I any opposed motion carries unanimously um the next item on the agenda is a resolution designating new review officers to review and certify maps and plats for fory County in accordance with North Carolina General statute 47-30 two um Eric can give us a briefing on that please all right thank you Mr
Chairman uh again we briefed this item the last couple of weeks but as we do once or twice every year in keeping with the North Carolina General statutes you all are required to adopt resolutions designating who the authorized uh officers who are able to sign plats on the counties behalf for the subdivision
Of land uh that’s again something that we have to change periodically as staff members retire or folks get promoted into new roles and this simply tidies that list up with uh the folks who are currently in all those Municipal positions any questions for are is there a motion motion approved by commissioner
Bessie second second by Vice chair wizen hunt any discussion all in favor please say I I I any opposed motion carries unanimously next item on the agenda is a proclamation recognizing the 100th anniversary of Delta Sigma chapter of five Beta Sigma fraternity and we have look like a front row filled with h
Members fraternity members Delta Sigma chapter um and Daniel crup who is the president is here to receive the proclamation and commissioner bdaniel will read it and I’d be happy to invite you know all of you to come stand behind her all of you can come president next
He can receive it and uh and then we’ll have an opportunity to take a picture when we’re finished so commissioner McDaniel thank you chairman and Commissioners for allowing me to share in the proclamation recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Delta Sigma chapter of f Beta Sigma fraternity whereas F Beta Sigma fraternity was
Founded on January the 9th 1914 at Howard University in Washington DC by three students a linkston Taylor Leonard F Morris and Charles I brown who sought to organize a black Greek letter fraternity to exemplify the ideals of Brotherhood scholarship and service whereas Winston Salem’s Delta Sigma chapter of f Beta Sigma fraternity was
Charted on December the 10th 1923 by five professional men Dr William H Bruce Dr Ashley L Cromwell Dr Rufus s hariston and Dr John R Henry and Dr Cisco Neely who after completion of the of such pre prestigious schools as Howard University School of D Dentistry maheri Medical
College and lard medical sorry School of Shaw University started their practices in Columbia Heights section of the city whereas the me whereas the members of the de Sigma chapter of five Beta Sigma fraternity have worked to exhibit the fraternity’s motto of culture for service and service for Humanity by awarding scholarships conducting
Cultural programming sharing Resources with Community residents holding events to support minority businesses and more whereas F Beta Sigma Incorporated counts amongst its members outstanding men of significant accomplishments involved in academics business medicine law politics Athletics and other professions whereas during its 109 years of existence fight F Beta Sigma fraternity has focused on
Improving the global Community through an Innovative problem solving and Visionary service whereas on Saturday December the 9th 2023 the Delta Sigma chapter of f Beta Sigma fraternity Incorporated will host its Centennial Gaya at the Benton Convention Center in downtown Winston Salem and whereas led by local president and North Carolina
State director elect Daniel cther the Delta Sigma chapter will welcome it’s the fraternity’s international president The Honorable Chris V Ray JD Southeast sou eastern regional um Regional director Richard EL boom and North Carolina director Kelly d Woodley along with other Regional and state officers and members across the
Country and guest now therefore be it proclaimed that the forside County Board of Commissioners does hereby congratulate members of the Delta syum chapter of f Beta Sigma fraternity for over 100 years up uplifting Brotherhood scholarship and service in for County and be it further proclaimed that the for County Board of Commissioners
Commends the Delta Sigma chapter and all members of f Beta Sigma fraternity for their contributions and achievements and we wish all the s Centennial Gaya attendees an uplifting and memorable celebration proclaimed this 7th day of December 2023 thank you chairman I’ll second that motion all favor please say i i b
Carries unanimously I would like to um just say um chair Martin that on behalf of our community um I want to thank you for your service um of Brotherhood in our community which now celebrates a legacy of over 100 or right at 100 years and the pillars of your um fraternity are
Exceptional and the model of of course Brotherhood scholarship and service um and if you don’t mind me saying that your um outstanding jackets of royal blue and white are um exceptionally pleasing to the eye and as I was able to travel to South Carolina um Charleston
Um last week I learned a little history about the um Indigo um plant that gives us blue no one leaves their house without wearing blue in Charleston South Carolina and the gagi community because it Wars off evil and it is a way to protect you so congratulations again thank you if you
Guys can turn around for a picture Todd luck be about to capture that [Applause] by the way uh commissioner Bessie would also like to make a particular comment to you all gent I just wanted to personally congratulate you on your Centennial thank you for your good work
And service in our community uh thank you for extending uh invitation to um members of this commission and other boards to uh to your centennial celebration I regret that I will not personally be able to be there myself but I hope that you’ll have an opportunity to extend uh my welcome to
Mayor Ray uh when he comes to uh to sharing your celebration and I wish you a wonderful celebration of your Centennial thank you here here thank you next item of the agenda is approval of the minutes for the meeting of November 16th 2023 is there a motion so
Move so move by U um Vice chair wizen Hut is there second second second by commissioner McDaniel any discussion all in favor please say I I motion carries unanimously Mr County Manager bring the agenda for you to present please oh actually I guess we have I’m missing we also have our Communications
To the board I’m public session public session where is that never mind it’s on here it’s great is opportunity for anyone from the public who would like to come forward um we also just all we ask is that you uh introduce yourself and give us your name and address and uh you
Have three minutes in which to speak and I do have a timer to keep up with that um and do we have any cards Mr chairman we do not have any calls or cards okay all righty very good then now we’re ready very for me all right very good uh thank
You Mr chairman good afternoon U board members staff and guest we do have uh some business items for consideration this afternoon we have reviewed these in briefing sessions and hopefully have answered all the questions that are out there I have a number of Grant items to
Kick it off item 11 is a resolution authorizing an amendment to an agreement with the National Association of County and City Health officials that supports overdose prevention strategy you’ve got an Associated uh Amendment to the budget ordinance that appropriates $35,000 these additional funds really are above the amount in the original agreement
That y’all approved on 10 3122 very good there a motion move approval approved by Vice chair Wiz is there a second second second by commissioner McDaniel any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously agenda item 12 is a resolution authorizing execution
Of necessary documents to apply for and accept if awarded an adolescent parenting program Grant from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services women infant and Community Wellness uh section and this will essentially fund evidence-based programs to prevent adal adolescent pregnancies to at risk clients is there a
Motion have approval motion we have C motions from Vice chair wizen hunt and commissioner McDaniel is there a second second second by commissioner Bessie any discussion all in favor please say I I he oppos motion carries unanimously very item 13 is a resolution authorizing submission of an application to the
National Park Service to apply for and accept if awarded a grant for the renovation of the administration billing his Memorial industrial school campus amount of the grant the amount of the Grant application is $750,000 is there a motion V to approve motion approved by commissioner McDaniel I’m happy to second that um any
Discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously agenda item 14 is a resolution authorizing acceptance of a grant from the Winston Salem Foundation Incorporated awarded to fory County North Carina Cooperative Extension for improvements to the Arbor at Tanglewood Park they plan to use this $99,500 to
Hire certified Arbor to take care of some of the trees there motion approved by commissioner Bessie second second by commissioner lynville any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously have several budget and finance items item 15 is a resolution approving a revision to the
2023 2024 jenal crime prevention Council funding plan uh this is um this actually provides that rever or prevents from reversions and so there are releases of 93,471 and I think that funded a number of programs and you see them listed on the chart in the agenda item that’s good I
Appreciate the U chart being sent out earlier during the week that was very helpful made it perfectly clear any uh a motion mo’ approval motion approved by Vice chair wizen hunt second second by commissioner McDaniel any further discussion all in favor please say I I any oos osed motion carries unanimously
Okay item 16 is a very um involved I think it has items I 16a uh through 16j um and they are um essentially um changes to Capital improve the the kind of the structure Capital Improvement project funds really with the goal to identify project savings interest and
Then align the allowable uses across all these projects and so it was a fairly big uh process around making sure that um uh all those projects uh are sort of maximized the opportunity to the community and so the upshot of it is there are sign ENT significant funds and
Suitable funds for to finish the ledc lock project the Tanglewood Clubhouse and at the end of it essentially it provides um some inflationary reserve of about $3.3 million and so um and obviously that would in order to use use those dollars that would come back to the
Board do we have a motion I Mo approval Mo approved by Vice chair Wiz hunts there second be happy to second that any discussion briefly yes um I I did have questions about this at our second briefing last week staff did have answers for the questions um uh and at
This stage I wouldn’t want to uh stick in an order that would uh you know inadvertently Direct the whole project so I I’ll votee for the motion but I would strongly encourage um let’s look for opportunities to Value engineer uh earlier uh in the process on on future projects I’m uh concerned
About you know big projects eating up so much of our our available pgo funds that we run out before we run out of urgent you project needs thank you any other comments um uh all those in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously and while that sets aside
Dollars for the project AV obviously to move forward with the projects take separate board action so we do have a number of contractual matters the first two are those projects that I mentioned that would uh be possible with the action that you just took item 17 is a resolution awarding a contract for
Maximum security detention locks for theth County Detention Center to Cornerstone detention Products Incorporated in the amount of a million 94 94,95 111 that was competitively bid we did we are recommended the lower bidder it was a limited field of um of folks who who submitted bids for that I think
We had six or seven that attended the pre bid so we thought we were going to get uh a few more bids than that um there was a question that came in from the community and um we uh Darren Redfield actually responded to that um and so we actually submitted and
Actually responded back to the citizen that U that that that that provided that it was a good observation the truth is we really do like to see bids come more bids come in and you want to see them real close and and so when you’ve got a
Couple in there outliers that’s a little bit of a concern but it was within the estimate that we had gotten on the engineer estimate so I feel like the Project’s doable with that amount of money and I don’t know if you got any questions about that Daman do you have
Any additional information can of yeah I felt like the fact that number one and two were close right and daren’s here Darren you want to come and you can kind of outline what you saw in that thanks dadley commissioner Martin Board of Commissioners uh yeah what we saw here was a substantial labor
Increase by cook and Boardman the local bidder um we had a difference of the low bidder 755,000 in labor and the local bidder 1.8.5 million in labor and we believe that’s because they’re hiring a subcontractor to come in and do the locks because they’re primarily a hardware supplier so they’re supplying
The materials bringing in a sub to do the work I that’s helpful um is there a motion approval motion approved by Vice chair wiut is there a second second by commissioner McDaniel any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed carries unanimously thank you we
Are eager to get that project moved forward obviously for obvious reasons so item 18 is resolution authorizing execution of amendment to the contract with samit Corporation the guaranteed maximum price for the Tanglewood Clubhouse project uh the GMP is1 14, 845,000 for a construction contingency move approval we have a motion to approve by
Vice chair wisut second we have a second by commissioner McDaniel any discussion does this item uh uh move the club F forward yes it would this would accept this would allow us to go ahead and enter contract with s and so we would this is really noticed to proceed on this
Project what say the last line you said yeah so this if if yall approve this this is notice to proceed uh with samit construction for this project so construction would get underway pretty dog on soon this is kind of the last this is this is it uh f um comments
There uh discussion there was a at least two meetings last week and the week before of uh questions particular about the uh well the cost and And I would just say uh I thought maybe we would try to figure out a way to see if we could um get the cost a little more in line with or less than what it is to do whatever we could to improve the uh cost
Is the current Clubhouse is it to be taken down or left it is Dam you want to you want to come up and talk a little bit about demolished and then the new building would go back in the location where the current facility is at well with that I
Don’t I don’t have any interest in whether you go forward or not of removing the old with the current uh building maybe I should have said something earlier but I thought we were going to have more uh discussions so I don’t have no interest in that so I will uh I’ll do this to uh see if we can give ourselves a little time to uh have a little more discussion and see if there’s anything any different that uh uh we might do I’ll make a substitute
Motion to continue this matter for two weeks to see if there’s anything that we can um find to improve the situ ation in regard to cost I I would SE second The Substitute motion with the with the intent to understand and and and I’ll have to
Admit my own um lack of diligence on on some of the checking on this on the the alternative of having the um um golf carts Park in a different location versus under it and I I probably shared all along some of the com the concerns that commissioner lynville said and I
Think I just I I I would appreciate the Indulgence to next week for example at our briefing to Simply look at that more carefully and for those who are able to attend the uh Department manager’s luncheon out there next Friday um literally could easily just go
Hands-On take a look at look at if we wanted to in addition to that so I I think it’s I certainly support the the two-e delay the money is available it’s worth a twoe delay to take a take a look at that and understand that better well
If it’s uh two weeks it’s not going to hurt anything as far as to see if uh the board wishes to consider anything else and if it does not then board can do what it will oh substitute motion do we have any discussion about that will um any
Concerns about that would you accept Richard commissioner lille’s well I I don’t intend to to vote for for Mr lille’s motion uh we’ve been talking about this for over three years um I’m I’m amazed um that folks right now have concerns when we’ve had so long to talk
About it and it’s a project that I feel very strongly that will be an asset to not only the Tanglewood Golf course but to all of veride County so I I will vote in opposition we’ll vote on the substitute motion um um any other discussion on the
Substitute motion just a question um is the intent of the motion uh to look for uh efficiencies that could be amended in on the 21st with the anticipation that we would have a final approval vote one way or another on that day if that’s what the board
Wishes to do yes okay thank you and and I think just a better understanding of the of the Alterna alternative that was actually vetted which is a probably about a I don’t remember the number but it seems like it’s about a million three or so less um which is a a different
Design decision you lose some space underneath the the the clubhouse takes the parking to a off-site location and that’s why part of that seeing it sort of helps you get a flavor of why would would would or would not work the recommendation was this was going to be operationally more difficult in the
Future um was the was the recommendation we received and I think it’s more we’ve had you ask a number of questions last week we’ve had some discussion this that’s three out of seven that have had some concerns and I think the understand it better and to understand exactly why the alternative
Of parking the golf carts in a separate location is probably worth that a further explanation of that and I agree with particular particularly with commissioner lyol nothing’s going to happen between now and the 21st so um any other discussion on the substitute motion on in favor please say I
I included I so we had four eyes of those oppose no Mr pler commissioner pler like to vote one way or the other we it’s passes with four to accept the substitute motion but would you like to be on record he said motion The Substitute motion passes 5
To2 and we’ll discuss it again at the briefing next week those it want to see it physically can see it next Friday and then we’ll reconsider again on the 21st okay so we’ll we will actually add it to next week’s agenda um and then we’ll make sure we have a very
Comprehensive uh presentation of really the history of the project I talked to Damon a little bit about it and we’ll we can give you a a lot of detailed about both the options um and then as I think to to your point um if you’re out there
If if we can take time on Friday to go out there and actually drive over there to look at it you can take a look at the current facility and some of the considerations there um and then I think one thing that we can make real clear is
We actually were not um we never planned the decision to move it to the location of the of to to basically raise the current building take it down and then put it there was really a financial decision so we can actually talk through why we landed on on taking that building
Down cuz obviously if you could have built it adjacent to it um you would we wouldn’t have the cost that’s associated with a temporary Clubhouse and so on and so forth but um you know we obviously want you to be feel really great about this project as we as we move forward so
Um very good agenda item 19s a resolution authorizing a lease agreement between the town of kernsville and fory County for the lease of property to operate a recycling Center this a 2 and a half year agreement and not to exceed $23,000 per year um I I’d like to make a
Um a different motion than what was recommended and um particularly there were actually two parts to this one was to deal with fiscal year 24 um which is actually just a remainder this year I’d be happy to support the recommendation we received because he had it was closed
For a period of time it’s a larger amount of money there was improvements made whatever the amount is for FY 24 I’m fine with that it’s listed however for the future after that beginning July 1 in 2024 I’d like to suggest that I that we pay the lease be $1,500 a month
Um which would be $18,000 a year which is less than the 23 that we were asked and and see if the town of kernsville would be willing to accept that alternative so it’s it’s really two parts one is to approve the recommended FY 24 contract which are two contracts
And the second would be I believe it’s a three-year contract um for the next three years at $1,500 a month so is that a motion yes I’m making that motion I second got a second from Vice chair Wiz Is there further discussion all in favor please say I I
Any opposed motion carries unanimously gend item 20 is a resolution to direct the expenditures of opioid settlement funds you’ve got an Associated uh budget ordinance amendment that appropriates 5932 $593,000 the mobile integrated healthc care is very important and um but I will make a motion to approve motion by Vice chair Wiz hun is there a second second second by commissioner Bessie any discussion all in favor please I do have um some some questions about um some of the agencies that
Submitted um proposals um and for instance the the rationale I guess or the column reads funding recommendation details for instance for the City of Winston Salem on what was requested and then what was recommended and then the the detail is Project request is similar to mi’s request peer support specialism
What is what is the justification um of no dollars based on what they’re asking I I couldn’t follow that rationale yep um thank you commissioner Woodberry so for that particular project um it is for the um City of Winston Salem’s um be team which is somewhat similar to the
Work that our mobile Integrated Health team does and so when we are looking at the opioid um settlement dollars and was reviewing their application our mobile Integrated Health was requesting four peer support Specialists and then the bear team was also um requesting for peer support specialist and so the evaluation commit
Um opted to support the County’s existing team in addition the City of Winston Salem also receives opioid settlement funds um that they could also utilize for um their program um so is was there any consideration around um both are necessary or at least um additional support on the city side in
Li of everywhere I turn it seems to be the effects of this opio piece in my community so I I agree that first we need to be mindful of what the county is um supporting as it relates to our resources but you know I I will admit
That I don’t have the direct data but just living in my community every day it seems like all hands on deck the more resources we have to support those in need due to um this infestation of um you know drug effect would be beneficial
So I I I guess my direct question is it didn’t seem to us that additional support with the city could help resolve some of these this drug effect going on in our community um I don’t disagree I think um the overall goal I’ve had lots of conversations with my counterpart at
The city on on how we can better work together with these teams um and so I think more conversations need to occur um I absolutely I think both teams are needed in terms of um what we are seeing with mental health and substance use in the community I think it’s a larger
Discussion that could not be hashed out in the amount of time that we need to make a funding decision for opioids but this will be um reopened in February time frame um so there’ll be more there is um more funding available on the county side um and then certainly
There’s also um funding on this the city Side the the other piece of um well I’ll I’ll stop there there’s more work to be done and I see our attorney wants to say something I was just going to add um to that um counties are primarily responsible for addressing sub substance
Abuse issues and um um Deputy manager Robinson and her team or or really starting up and ramping that up but of course we’ve had uh the MS folks involved for many years and a very successful program what we’ve seen across the state is a lot of cities have
Taken their opioid money and they’ve given it to the county because the counties already have these program so they’ve done that in Charlotte they’ve done that in krie and Raleigh Gastonia uh Winston Salem has not chosen to do that which they have every right to
Spend the money as they see fit so they are spending money on this beay program but as wuty manager said we we’ve had a strong program for a number of years and and and that part of the money has been used to support them could I could I ask this this is
Rel could I ask the question of is the city accepting grants the same kind of process that we’re utilizing no um this uh the city is using their funds primarily for the Bear Team it it is my understanding they are using their funds primarily for the Bear
Team I had reached out to the city because as the County Attorney stated um almost every other city that is receiving opioid funds is working with the county and they’ve pulled their money together I asked the city if they wanted to do that just so that we could
Really you know make Collective impact and um work together on the issue and they opted not to do that well and if that’s the only thing that they’re funding are you saying that they did not have sufficient funds to to to handle the request that they their their work
As well as the additional staff that they requested in their proposal to us they are saying they would like to expand their staff and need additional funds to do so do they have do they have they do not have sufficient funds from their opioid settlement allocation to cover the additional staff that they
Have asked us to cover they are saying they do not as public information I mean that’s kind of something that I guess oh look at I’d be interested to see the data on that one I guess I I’ll just point out that um the way the settlement was
Structured um the county each county is required to hold a community session and all municipalities are invited to participate the municipality that receives money such as Winston Salem is not required to hold a community session so Winston Salem to my knowledge has not held a community session and in fact
They don’t believe any of their representatives attended the community session that we held a couple months ago um and the last thing I will add is that their the bear team does mental health and substance use they’re primarily for mental health and the way that the opioid settlement dollars work they
Could not let’s say they had they could not fund their entire Fire Bear program even if they had enough funds with opioid settlement funds because it would not be in compliance with the opioid settlement memorandum of agreement because their primary purpose is on the mental health side so they are going to
Have to still expend some City dollars which they are for part of that program may I yes any further discussion um my recollection is that the city authorized creation of the bear team was it two years ago or was it it’s through arpa dollars they started in May of 2023 okay
Um are they proposing to um or are they in fact applying uh their settlement funding uh to support the team as a already staffed or are they proposing to use the funds to add staff to their team the county funds is to add four peer support Specialists to their team
Are they proposing to use their funds to support the bear team is already constituted and staffed it is my understanding they are already using all of their current funds for their current staff and they are also utilizing some City funds for their team all right so they they they have not added
Staff with their settlement opid settlement funding dollars to the bear team that they just started in May 2023 so it is the existing team I believe it is a team of seven don’t quote me on it it’s either six or seven but was it originally started with arpa dollars it
Is is funded by arpa dollars and opioid dollars yes but there keep in mind the city the way in which I’m not going to say this right but the way in which they utilized their arpa dollars they rolled it into their they they claimed Revenue loss so it’s Tech it’s was through arpa
But they’re using City dollars to do it but it is technically an arpa fund I’m probably not saying that right but it was they’re using they’re taking Revenue loss dollars that they have now discretion on and so they have used that discretion to fund part of the Bear Team
My understanding is they had when the numbers all played out they had enough Revenue loss to be able to not have to go through any of the Hoops around the arpa dollars themselves so they they they claimed Revenue loss on all of it which freed that money up to be used for
All kinds of programs that is my understanding of how they have funded this program with City dollars okay and I’ll just add that there is a a really nice uh dashboard of local spending plans for opioid settlement money and so that is updated Statewide when counties and cities
Report what their plans are how they’re spending the opoid money um it for scyth county is listed on there and it shows our strategies which you you of course are well aware of Winston Salem is not yet listed on there so it’s not officially listed how they’re spending
The money but um we have heard what Deputy manager Robinson has reported but I got it any further discussion particularly commissioner Woodberry I think I interrupted your train of thought are you no I had a few more questions based on the this list that I
See here go ahead thank you sir um I do um also agree with the sentiments of um our vice chair wizen hunt that I would like to see um you know ideally more dollars to support for scyth County EMS since they are on the front lines of a
Lot of um what’s happening um and I guess you know you all made the decision based on the um budget narrative that they sent and and apparently you felt like um a different um amount would would suffice based on their the budget narrative that they submit it to you but I I would
Think that more dollars should go there absolutely um the other agency I have question about um is Miracles Outreach International Inc and it seemed like that the number the main reason why there was no dollars um recommended it says project timeline exceeds the funding period is that the rationale
Behind why they were not recommended there was a lot of challenges with this particular application um our Behavioral Health Services director Denise Price will be reaching out to them to provide some technical assistance so that she would be better prepared to reapply when we repost in February oh okay so the um in
General feedback we’ll be giving to um the agencies that did not get a recommendation for dollars absolutely yes ma’am okay I would like to um kind of um get update on what that looks like I think because I can see um folk in the community calling and asking
Why didn’t we or that organization versus others blah blah blah then the um I guess the the last one or the last two that I have um the teal drops ink um I thought that um the bilingual component was very unique and seemed to me very proactive and relevant um to um
Accommodate all citizens in fory County um was there something just technically wrong with the application and you’re trying to provide additional I I guess support for them to resubmit yes ma’am so um our Behavioral Health Services director has had many conversations with um the executive director of teal drops we’re very
Supportive of the work that she does um we will be um Miss price will be facilit trying to facilitate a conversation with teal drops in the state um so that we can ensure her next application is very much in compliance with opioid settlement memorandum of agreement um so
Some challenges with the application um but hopefully she’ll be in a better position to resubmit in February in this back requires evidence based programs correct that is correct and the opioid settlement and I I’m familiar with teal drop it I I I don’t think they have the met the requirements of what a
Evidence-based program would be if I’m not mistaken she is working hard to try to prove that it is evidence-based um we certainly have some follow-up questions for that and need to connect with some technical assistance from the state as well like a research project to do that yes okay and
Maybe that um my last question was about the 20 Inc I know that we have partnered with them on some other community type projects and I I did not realize that they were interested in um you know uh submitting a proposal for this op yard I
Didn’t know they had the capacity um for that especially in light of evidencebased and when I look at your recommendation um as it relates to what’s going on with their um proposal it is um it indicates the project includes engaging with individuals scen in Atrium and Nova emergency departments
However Hospital collaboration is not noted and I didn’t know of that was because they just didn’t they were remissed in noting that or they just don’t have a partnership with Atrium and noon um they currently do not have a partnership with the hospital hospitals I will say it is my understanding they
Do not have a partnership with the hospitals um again they requested $5 million we had about a little over a million dollars to expend um their application also needed quite a bit of work to flesh out um lots of technical assistance is going to be required now
We have worked with the 20 quite a bit and have a great working relationship um and have utilized them with some of the work that we do um U especially in the health department it looks like they are trying to expand and doing something that they typically
Do not do and so we we need to have some conversations with them on what that looks like if this is the realm that they really um have the capacity to be in or if we need to just continue the Partnerships we already have which they do do a good job
In thank you and the um we will reopen applications February the 1st I don’t have the exact date yet but certainly we make sure you all are aware um when that occurs thank you any further discussion yes chairman I just wanted to uh revisit a conversation that I had with Denise um
On our last meeting relative to the behavior health dollars um because some of these organizations did not fit into that category that she was going to look into um Behavior Health and see how that she could assist them with that absolutely so when she reaches out to them to provide technical assistance we
Will be rolling out application process for our Behavioral Health dollars at the same time as our opioid settlement dollars and so we’re always kind of looking for those cross connections some of these organizations receive both some receive one or the other um It’s a combination and so what we will also do
The next time we present to you all we’ll try to have a a chart so that you also have a better idea of all of the funding streams from the these organizations so you’re seeing opioid settlement we could certainly add a column so you could see Behavioral
Health um if there was arpa dollars or some other um ways that we are partnering with these organizations thank You okay we’re I think we’re ready for a vote all in favor please say I I any oppose motion carries unanimously all right agenda item 21 is a resolution authorizing execution of agreement between fory County and medic Staffing Solutions LLC to provide Temporary Employment Services for clinical operations for scyth County Department
Of Public Health um this has tip positions which are physician assistants and nurse practitioners amount not to exceed $15,000 move approval approved by Vice chair wizen Hutt second second second by commissioner McDaniel any discussion I have to keep reminding myself uh that we’re talking about Medics here and not
Medics yes all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously agenda item 22 is resolution authorizing a contract with fory County Public Library and the online computer library center OCCC not to exceed $ 51,69256 motion carries unanimously item 23 is resolution authorizing exu from a contract PR map for scythe and near map us Inc for biannual vertical and annual oblique imagery an amount not to exceed $ 57,59 is a three-year contract is there motion motion approved by commissioner Bessie there
Second second second by Vice chair wizen hunt any discussion all in favor please say I I any oppos motion carries unanimously item 24 and perhaps take 25 they’re both um computer related item 24 is a resolution approving purchase of computing end points uh this is not to exceed uh $
7,185 36 which is basically the backend Computing uh computers uh and then item 25 which is a resolution approving renewal of multiactor authentication security subscription Services uh it was bid out um there’s it’s a three-year bid not to exceed 3437 $125 in total and that is the system that um is the
Security system which prompts you to to enter information that’s submitted to you and it’s pretty essential these days in uh the cloud-based environment we operate in um is there a motion for items 24 and 25 together so move a motion by Vice chair wizen Hunt is there a second second second by commissioner
McDaniel any discussion favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously item 26 is a resolution ratifying and authorizing exu from an inter local agreement between fory County and the City of Winston Salem regarding the shared use of North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety program Traffic Safety project Grant award for the continuation
For County DWI Joint Task Force uh County match is $687 75 motion move approval motion approved by Vice chair Wiz second second by commissioner lyel any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously item 27’s resolution approving refunds by the tax assessor and collector the amount of
$5,185 this is what bubbled up out of the North Carolina Vehicle tax system Mo approve motion approved by commissioner lyel second second second by Vice chair Wiz any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion carries unanimously and item 28 the human resources report for fiscal year 2022
2023 um and you will note that we are making some progress particular in the latter months at filling these positions it’s good news good Mo approval all right motion to accept the reports by Vice chair wisut second by commissioner Bessie any discussion all in favor please say I I any opposed motion
Carries unanimously that is it Mr chairman we are finished um we will adjourn and come back do we need how many minutes before our briefing yes sir we need a need take a little break we will adjourn and and we will reconvene in 10 minutes got a motion to
Adjourn make that motion commissioner wi it Vice chair second it we journ for good afternoon we are returning to this is a conduct a briefing session for December 7th but this is for the this the first briefing for a December 21st 2023 meeting and we have no discussion
Items for today um so we’re ready to talk about the items we’ll just highlight the items that we will brief completely next week on the um um the excuse me the uh 20 excuse me the um 14th and then we’ll have the meeting on the 21st very good County Manager here
We go all right very good thank you Mr chairman so you so um we’ve got a fairly lengthy agenda for this last meeting of the calendar year and so you know this will round out what we um uh what we take care of before we get it find
Ourselves in 2024 we do have a couple items that public hearing and as as is our practice we’ll go ahead and brief those in this first uh briefing the first one is the public hearing pursuant General statute listed there on a proposed ordinance granting a non-emergency ambulance franchise within
Fory County um I’ll ask Emergency Services director Joey Hunley to come up and talk to this this is the request that we um tabled some time ago um in really at a point where there were kind of we we were at a critical kind of Staffing place place kind of across the system
And so that has stabilized some we still have staffing issues and I think um but we have seen even the franchise agencies become a little more stable with that so I’ll turn it over to um to Mr Mr Hunley good afternoon chairman Commissioners um as Mr Watts mentioned this is a tabled
Um uh resolution from June uh we had a briefing in May 25th meeting and then uh this a discussion June 1st um where we brought forth franchise agreement for MedEx um and so we are will be doing the same thing presenting the medic still meets the submitted an application U
That application has been vetted and is completed uh and we will be pushing forth that application as required per county code um we you know expect that the needs are still there to justify the application um and so that will be presented to you uh for the next meeting
I’ll I’ll I’ll just stand by for any questions you may have any questions for Joey I’ll wait until next one all righty good thank you thanks thank you thank Joey all right um we do have one special resolution and I’ll just ask the County Attorney to review its resolution
Designating fory County official to make recommendations North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission on ABC permit application sir uh thank you Mr manager this this is a um an item which does not come before you very often um from time to time as you know the ABC Board will approve a
New permit uh for someone to have an ABC license and the county does have the ability to object if um the location or the person or business receiving the ABC license we believe would be objectionable for whatever reason um the statute which is 18 b-94 subsection F allows this board to
Appoint um uh for South County person or employee to be uh someone who is designated to testify if there’s a hearing about the suitability of a recipient of a potential ABC permit um in the past it has been uh the chief Deputy Rocky Joiner who um I’m told is going to
Retire in February and so this would just be to replace him uh with another member of the Sheriff’s Office office um Henry gray and um it doesn’t have to be a member of the sheriff’s office but that’s what it’s been recently so that’s that’s what’s before you
Okay any questions on that all right I did want to pull out one other item that we wanted to fully brief today um it was a subject of a morning session item that we had really around the axon taser contract if you remember that um Sheriff’s business officer Randy hunsucker um
Kind of reviewed uh that and there were questions at the time um met with a sheriff and and some of his key leadership they felt very strongly about the the desirability of moving this forward uh under an exception to the bidding laws because of the uniqueness of what taser provides and the their
Desire to kind of continue providing services that so if I will um it’s it’s item 15 it’s a resolution approving the purchase of law enforcement body War cameras in vehicle cameras and conducted energy weapons I think taser uh as well as other related equipment Material supplies license data stored sharing Etc
And services under an exception to the bidding laws and award this contract to axon Enterprise Incorporated want to go and brief it just because I knew there might be questions there were questions that morning Randy you coming up to introduce it or I’ll I’ll have him uh
Come up and he can sort of guide the discussion on this so good morning Mr chairman and board members um I’m going to let Captain Petty cord lead off and he let him introduce himself good afternoon chairman and Commissioners I’m Sammy P Court I’m captain with the forite county
Sheriff’s office um just want to do uh touch on some a few things about axon I know there’s some concerns about axon and and and I get that I totally understand it but the reality is there is no other company in this country that provides all three services or actually
Four with the evidence storage that axon provides um to throw in another statistic with them uh 17,000 out of 1 out of 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the country axon provides a product to 177,000 of those that’s almost 95% of the nation’s law enforcement that they service um all the
Surrounding agencies of course they use axon whether it’s body warn cameras the fleet vehicle cameras uh tasers uh we share all of our prosecution booklets um when we have felony packets that need to go to the DA’s office we shared that to them through that is a lot of
Man hours that saved due to detectives having to run you have like a homicide case you may have three ring binders you may have three or four of them of you know documents field notes reports and instead of having to run copies of that they can just upload at one time as they
Do their case send this all to the DA’s office electronically saves a lot of time if something needs to be shared to another agency we do that as well um the live streaming feature that we got to use for a short amount of time with the axon uh program that allows supervisors
To monitor things in real time a deputy goes out to a call supervisor needs to watch it to see maybe it’s a what we call like a hot call or a critical call they can watch that in real time see if they need to send more resources see if
Uh this is something that’s going to you know stem into a a long-term call where officer’s going to have to be out there Command Staff can look at it better deploy resources if needed um if it’s something that’s very critical and SWAT comes out he being the SWAT team
Commander I can look at this before I ever leave my house live stream it look and see what we have going on and start making a plan then before I’m ever on the scene and that saves a lot of time to be able to do that um canine when
They’re running a track for a suspect it’s a safety thing to be able to track them live um when they’re going on a track for a suspect um usually they try to take a deputy with them to help cover them to protect them but sometimes you know where they’re going through uh
Maybe the deputy can’t keep up with the uh with the Handler so that’s a safety thing um also with the automatic license plate readers notifies officers when um a stolen vehicle that has been reported and entered into ncic it can actually read across three lanes of travel
Simultaneously at 140 mph I mean that’s pretty Hightech system um but but we have had some successful hits on that where we have recovered stolen vehicles off of that I don’t have the numbers on it but but I know that we have had several um positive uh uh recoveries on
It uh Randy has all the figures on uh on the cost and I’m going to let him talk about that if nobody has any questions for me so on the cost um as a point of reference this year and we talked about this in October the current uh gross cost is
$95,000 axon has provided for us a a quote for 5 years uh so what we’re proposing is to terminate the contract early uh it expires in September of next year but we’re aware of that they’re going to raise the prices at January 1st and so what we’re attempting to do is
Since we have to re uh uh reup the contract any way we thought was best to propose to you guys to to do it early in in order to save what axon has told us will be $900,000 uh if we wait and so we thought it prudent to approach you guys
Before the end of the year uh the impact in next year’s budget is is actually uh zero it actually be a little bit of savings in next year’s fiscal year budget uh that it’ll go down a little bit uh in the fiscal year 25 26 so
That’s two years out it would increase a little over $300,000 gross some of that can be charged back to the municipalities in the school system uh $1.2 million but then it remains flat after that for the remaining of the uh term um I did learn uh recently uh
That a couple other uh jurisdictions uh law enforcement jurisdictions in North Carolina have done no bid contracts acts on recently uh those are Gaston County Sheriff’s Office Gastonia PD Wilmington Police Department faithful police Department New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Hickory PD and the cabis county sheriff’s office um we’ve also looked at
Piggybacking off some contracts uh we couldn’t find anything recent uh the most recent one uh is in Charlotte and we discussed that in October uh they did bid that out and awarded to con uh to axon uh all of the prices they have quoted us match or are less than
Charlottes um the second most recent is the UN in Nebraska um did an RFP in January 2022 which is also over 12 months old so we can’t piggy back off that but again um they awarded it to axon uh they did have digital Ally utility and Panasonic bid on that but
They awarded it to axon but we can’t piggy back off that either even though the price is up we’re quoting to you today are match or less than um and then there’s sourcewell uh which is the state of Minnesota uh they’re a service Cooperative axon was awarded that
Agreement in 2019 was when it was bit out and again uh the prices that we have here are less than or match what they have so we feel confident about the prices um so that’s of the main things I can um wanted to mention about the bundled solution as well um we clearly
Outlined in October there’s no cost savings to to switching to another provider uh in fact it would be cost cost more and would be highly disruptive um there are a lot of hidden costs associated with switching uh the time and cost to rra officers will how
To use a new platform the cost to manage four to five terabytes of data ourselves uh we provided information we think it’s a million dollars in a one-time cost uh to maintain it and manage it with new IT personnel uh finding a new solution for sharing data with the uh other agencies
And individual uals the captain mentioned um the cost to have a third party switch out all the incar vehicle cameras will take many months we think about six months uh which will result in having two concurrent contracts during that transition turnover uh there’s a cost of having to keep with axon anyway
Because we have tasers the tasers only provided by axon and the deser uh the taser data only resides on um axon also offers free Replacements if it’s lost stolen damaged uh none of the competitors do that uh and again and I’ll let the captain talk about is
Absolutely essential to have the cameras and tasers that have the ability to commun communicate with each other uh they can activate uh one another so to as to capture critical points of video data U I’ll let I probably mention that one but that’s the the criticalness of
Having a bundled solution they only Aon provides what Randy was speaking about if um officer responds to a call and need needs backup several other officers come with him if he has his body cam already activated as the officers are getting close it’s automatically going to activate their fleet vehicle system
And also their body cam they don’t have to remember to turn it on so that way if for some reason the Heat of the Moment they forget to activate it’s already activated for them so you’re getting a point of view of the entire incident and
If you think about it on this if it’s a serious use of force situation having all that is critical in an investigation to see if an officer is clear in his use of force or not and that’s a huge liability factor for the county and the Sheriff’s Office to have that data and
Show okay we we did our job and we did it properly entertain a couple questions um I’m sure that the actual price is all in like per unit you know it’s like per you know U body warn camera per vehicle camera per taser right and and I’m just
Looking at your cover sheet in pages I mean in in numbers the summary sheet on first page and I’m trying to get at I I I I understand the philosophy that every body warn camera with the people that you’ve designated I’m not I certainly don’t begin to know enough about all the
Particular staff but um and I can see whatever staff you think is got to have it’s got to have it might be might be able you might be able to I probably might argue with you on some you probably would argue the other way but the the part about vehicles and tasers
Because you don’t have 160 vehicles at use at any one time do you um I mean this must be on a lot of vehicles that are basically spares and are not in use uh these are all Frontline Vehicles what with the exception of probably the school system
There’s a few uh in vehicle cameras for there but otherwise they are uh used daily uh we do not have uh shared Vehicles so um every uh Deputy officer has their own assigned vehicle so these are 160 Vehicles they’re not they’re not out on the
Street at any given time uh but but that is uh they’re they’re mostly Frontline Vehicles there’s no there no spares there’s no uh there’s no spares wait a minute there are no cameras and cars I mean you clearly have a spare Fleet I mean you have spares you
Have spare Vehicles yes you have spare Vehicles there’s no cameras in there and there no cameras in spare Vehicles not one all right so back to my original question do you have 160 people cars that you say are used daily on a I don’t mean I don’t
Mean going from this point a to be and back and not I mean they’re actually on patrol or being used where that’s important at any given time no but it’s not practical to remove the camera they’re mounted in there permanently uh with the the uh the ADL system so they
Can’t be just moved out and put in another car well clearly the wiring is permanent but it would seem to me the cameras themselves could be you know you got a mount and you slide a camera in and out is that not not conducive to that just curious I don’t believe so
Because there’s charging issues uh and that the the camera is assigned to the officer as well if I’m not and and it’s wired in to to the vehicle as well to power yeah it’s a I know the power is I’m just talking about the mount the the mount gets everything’s fixed and you
Get camera plugs in and it locks in and then it kind of gets where you don’t have to have as many cameras because you can they’re interchangeable with whever if you’re assigned to a person to a person I’m just trying to kind of picture that and similarly I I
Do have I’m really curious about 360 tasers I’m sure you don’t have 360 people carrying a taser do you um there that’s uh the number of people who are certified to uh to use a Taser um the there’s a lot of spares there um and a lot of the spares where
Have uh sent to the Detention Center uh that’s been one of the changes we’ve made recently it’s not an increase we’re just using a lot more spares we had uh to have available for Detention officers now you see where I’m going with this you see where I’m going with this it’s a
Unit cost and if there’s a way to kind of you know belt tighten on on that and how they’re assigned and used I mean you end up save a little here you save a little long term with these with these contracts I mean this is a just a
Massive you know contract Dr Martin If I Could Touch on the camera of what you were saying about uh have being able to take it out I guess you’re picturing an officer being able to take it out and then you know and then the next officer
Get in that car and maybe minimize the numbers what happens with that is on the back end um those cameras are actually issued so somebody would have to go in every day and take that camera out to issue it to somebody else to reduce the cost does that does that make sense
Because it’s assigned to them and goes to their account when they upload it so like if I’m driving a patrol car and I have a fleet camera in it when I pull up to the uh Sheriff’s Office it will upload automatically wirelessly into I’ve went
In and I’ve classified all my recordings that are in there whether it’s vehicle stops or going to a domestic call what have you and it’s all under my ID so if another officer gets into my car somebody on the back end would have to go in an administrator has administrator
Rights to the system to change that specific camera to somebody else if if I think that may answer your question son yeah I hear you and to add on the tasers uh not everyone has a tasers that wants tasers we actually have a need for more tasers they’re only issue to Sergeant
Level and Below um so we do have an amount intense amount of pressure to add more tasers uh there are those internally think we do not do not have enough for Detention officers uh particularly for fully staff so we feel it’s very tight we only are increasing
It by I think a handful really um compared to what we have now same thing with the in vehicle cameras there’s an intense amount of pressure from some in in the agency to add more there as well u a good example is the school system uh
Uh we have 39 folks there and we only have like a a small handful of folks that have the in vehicle cameras they’re badly needed there but we tried to make this so it was uh sellable to you guys uh because we understand the fact you
Know most time they’re in the school not in the cars but they also do a lot of off duty stuff over time things as well uh if they see something uh in root to the school they don’t have if they make a stop on the way or leaving school and
You would need a camera for that so there there’s some justification for having them there but we’re not suggesting that here for you guys uh cuz we we were trying to be sensitive to the numbers here but they uh there are many in the agency think that these numbers
Are are are are really we need a lot more this may be an uneducated question which probably many of mine are in this Arena but is it accurate to say that sort of as the technology developed the first thing that happened was cameras in cars was probably first historically yes
Sir yes sir you’re and that was capturing wherever the car was and so forth then when body warn cameras entered the scene understand why you get you get all kinds of other obviously of value but does it make any sense in one think about it you got an officer in the car
You got two cameras working so I can make an argument that why is the car camera needed when you’re wearing a body warant camera good question sir so originally when we went to axon with the body cameras they were mounted either on a set of clear lens safety glasses
Mounted to the side or on a lapel so what we found is if officers got in a foot chase got in a tussle with a suspect trying to take him into custody those cameras were getting knocked off so axon doesn’t even uh make those anymore what they did with their newest
One they call the body warn three so it’s a box about this big that Clips on the center of the chest so that’s good being out but when you’re inside a vehicle vcle all you see is a steering wheel unfortunately if we still had the old ones that aren’t made anymore that
Were mounted here then you could do away with a fleet camera and be able to see what’s going on if you have a uh a person you’re stopping for suspicion of a DWI or if it’s a vehicle Chase and we’re wanting to see how the suspect was
Driving um if he threw anything out the window evidence of a crime um how the officer driving because we review all of our Pursuits uh based upon how the officers are driving to see if we need to change our training um policy and and what have you so you’re not going to
Capture that with a new body warn camera anymore because all you’re going to see is a steering wheel and a hand moving so so on the list the on your list you’ve got um two body warn cameras on a bunch a bunch of people what yes and and the reason is is
Because so the battery life may not last a whole shift so what the officer will do as they’re going through their shift they’re classifying each call and then and if the battery gets low they’ll go to the office they’ll dock that one get the other one put it on and then go back
Out without having to waste time upload and sit there for hours waiting for it to upload or to charge up um and also if it does last the shift they dock it they take the other one home with them and go as that one’s uploading and and charging
That’s that’s a a standard thing with axon yeah seems like Battery Technology get good enough that you you would you would think you would think just like with draw is there a way of of communicating back I mean you’re clo you know assuming you know my conversation with
The sheriff was and and this is true I mean this organization is as advanced technologically as any Sheriff’s Department state of North Carolina is that fair yes and that’s true I mean you add this kind of Technology on top of drone technology so from a policy perspective to the
Board that’s where we’ve been and this this action would kind of keep us there now I would hope and I think I think the sheriff and Randy and in Captain Petty Court what you would hope what I would have hoped happened because I hated this five years ago and five years ago there
Really wasn’t any competitor and it was just aggravating and and you saw um our cost of policing go up on me and you know it just it shot through the roof and what I was hoping is when we we get to this point that there actually would
Be a Marketplace we want a more robust Marketplace cuz sometimes whoever comes out after the the person who cuts The Edge on technology you know there’s a lot of people back fill that CU I do think they’re making excessive profits and so um I do think I think the trick
They’ve got now that’s that’s really been effective in bundling it really is the way they move data across all these devices and everything um so this action will will keep us as technologically advanced as any law enforcement agency in state of North Carolina I mean I
Think we need to go back to them and say listen if you’re going to be that I don’t why do I have to buy two I mean Battery Technology really has gotten better on some of this stuff and so that might be a way of we did discuss uh that um
And yeah it is it’s not are all of them docked or is there a way to um in car charge and stuff like that I mean that that I don’t know if there’s a way to endar charge it but you would look at a cost of putting an inar charger in every
Vehicle and that would probably drive up the cost to what you have so when you dock it it actually takes is it when’s the video transferred when you dock it or yes sir yes sir when you dock it at the sheriff’s office they have docking stations um on the uh um first floor
Back in the patrol area and they come in put them on there and go and then some of the um community policing offices they have theirs out there as well at Clemens they would go into Clemens office dock theirs there and it’ll upload as soon as they put it
In the idea you got to buy two of these to keep one running is doesn’t feel right exactly you’re exactly right sorry D than uh just to make sure I understand the use of the uh the vehicle mounted cameras um that remains on during a stop so if uh if the
Officer’s out of the car uh and is dealing with people in a vehic vcle uh in addition to their body cam footage of what the officer is seeing you also get a broader view of the whole transaction you’re exactly right sir right you’re get a wider View and then when the
Officer is up close to talking to somebody you’re going to get that that closer view of that one-on-one interaction that vehicle so is is there an an efficiency problem with simply swapping the cameras out to other vehic Vehicles U uh com compared to leaving the camera that is
In a vehicle in that vehicle at all times yes if if to be able to take it out and put it into another vehicle like if you had like a set number and we’re going to share them somebody would have to be on the back end every day that is
Switched as soon as they’re switched to change it from one officer to the other so somebody would have to be at home you know on you know the weekends doing it and and they would spend more time doing that than doing their regular job or you
Know uh enjoying a day off um it’s just it it’s it’s not practical at all to do that that was my good impression but I wanted to confirm thank you yes sir I guess I was just surprised that Clemens has yes they’ve um they’ve increased their that’s their that’s the community
Policing side of things they and they need more net yeah yeah that’s what they they have asked for that for if I’m not mistaken for several years to be able to get some extra Personnel yeah and they they will pay their portion of this contract
Through the but so so that 30 body one cameras and Clemens represents two per person yes oh this is that’s yeah that’s that’s what I this yeah this this yeah this issue a two is that is that standard operating procedure everywhere people buy have two
Cameras yes sir it sure is when in fact you’re just talking about a need to recharge and a battery I you’re getting the entire camera setup the Optics and everything go with that instead of just simply a a charging device you think about it um you go out on the scene and
Use it for several hours or or one major incident drains it off because it’s you know recording for three or four hours uh heals the battery well now that officer has nothing to be able to he may go to another call that he’s involved in something serious and because he don’t
Have a second one to put on it’s not going to get recorded and he’s outside of our policy and procedure uh but also doesn’t have recorded what could have been recorded and then the Public’s going to say well why didn’t he have a body cam on well the battery was dead
Well how many people’s likely going to understand that and believe that they’re going to think we’re hiding some so I hear you I just had to think about it I I apologize for asking to many questions but but but this kind the size of this okay just can’t get my arms around
It here we go understand be be back next Thursday so we’ll let you know what labor then I’ll just wait till you all come back next week but it’s better to be safe then sorry particularly around when you look at what happens nationally when there is no camera to justify what has
Happened so I I yes ma’am and I I think I will if I can just piggy back on that um and I don’t know another way to word it but it’s either pay out now or pay way more later so that’s I’ll probably get this when I
Read the read your the document but what you’re proposing by this canceling early and starting over understand the savings this does not include the streaming does it yes thank you uh it includes the automatic license plate reading system it includes the live streaming it does not include the new taser tin uh we
Decided to to pull that one so it does include the the alpr and it does include the live streaming so the live streaming cost how much uh it’s approximately Uh current year price is about 75,000 annual L for a year for both the alpr uh and 75,000 for the live streaming a year
May maybe when you come back distinguish between if we if you just went with the base extending the base level of service that we have and then because you did it when we did it in that morning session in my recollection was a couple hundred thousand you could explain part of the
Increase a couple $ hundred, but maybe when you come back to do that and and get back to taser and say you know I would be interested in what the new battery when you buy a new body warn camera unit what the what the battery expectations of those are um um sir we
Just switched over to the body War 3 the BWC 3 um I believe it was earlier in the year or the flat part of last year and that’s the newest one out so know that yeah I don’t know that battery technology has changed in in that length of
Time I’m stud that a little bit agencies to get the3 at least on the eastern part of the United States yeah well they may be improving the camera technology not the battery technology and well I guess the other question is are the are the batteries in those units uh proprietary
To taser do you got to buy the battery units from Tas it’s it’s no replacement battery it’s it’s an internal battery and that company has figured out how to lock you down better than anybody I have ever met in my life it is absolutely well they’re on to something if they got
95% of the market well that’s because there’s nothing else I mean that’s they’ve been very effective at that but and that works in the short term that is not a good long-term business strategy I don’t think CU somebody I’m sure will come along one day if they got enough
Money I am waiting for that day that’s a good day because I mean this is not rocket none of this is rocket science anymore this is all moving data rounds you know the cameras yeah it’s just anyway we’ll see you next week thank you very much all right thank
You I felt like that was the right thing to do to go ahead and get this one out there so I appreciate that a little bit of time with that I’ll just very quickly run through the other items that we’re working on trying to finalize for this
Agenda uh you’ve got the routine budget ordinance Amendment we do offer for scite Tech Community College you know we always don’t really finalize those um adjustments to the 30 some odd positions that are kind essentially locally funded at the community college for the maintenance type facility and so
Position so that’s the budget amendment to do that um you’ve got the uh an amendment to the schools Capital project ordinance for brunson’s elementary school replacement project we’ll make sure we have some folks from the schools there um that is a very expensive project that um will get a lot of
Scrutiny I would imagine and can they bring some details like how much they spent for Design Services for example you know how much they spent on the site you know development they’ve already spent um I’m kind of curious about all the pieces of what that not just the
Whatever it is three four million what does that break down into okay what’s been committed as of right environmental you know Consulting work etc what that all looks like and my understanding from our meeting this this week was that they’ve actually not bid it yet so they’re still their project budget is a
Engineer estimate or cost estimate for conru struction so they’re they they’re they’re not there yet even though a lot of work’s been done on that site obviously so are they at a place to where and they could sell this land and go somewhere else i’ probably defer to
The chairman he he heard it better than I did I don’t you know well I I don’t that’s why we didn’t have that we didn’t have what I just asked for the last time the county manager and I actually had a meeting with some School staff and
And that level of detail was not a a part of it and and that that particular question has not been entertained by the the school staff at this point and that’s kind of where I’m kind of driving at getting that okay I will say just um add um to Vice chair
Wizen Hut’s question um based on my time on the school board um there was a Relentless search for land for um Brunson and um darl and his team came back over and over just nothing available and then we went down the quote unquote Rabbit Hole of on
Patterson and it being a Brownfield site and um the staff at Brunson came and were strong Advocates of it going on that Brownfield s which is ultimately how we sort of reconcile where we would try to you know look at putting the school there if everything worked out
With um the discovery of the Brownfield site so that that’s my recollection of why we have not you know tried to find additional or another site because according to Daryl’s team there was just nothing available maybe that has changed now be helpful thank you and if you
Think of anything else we need to ask them just send me an email make I’ll make sure get that to then uh item six you’ve got a resolution around the um project contingency for the public safety center upfi we are close to finishing that project out um uh the
Sheriff uh wanted an an additional office he was willing to use some of his budgeted money to pay for and so that’s what this does but it’s a fairly small addition to that uh to that project couple of Grant matters we’ve for years been working on this for Scythe County
Architectural survey uh and so we’ve um got an update on the grant that was partly Grant funded that’s basically uh surveying um all historical properties out in the fory county proper area um the towns actually have participated in it and obviously the Winston Salem finished theirs a number of years ago so
We’re still working on that it’s a multi-year project you’ve got an application to the North Carolina Housing Finance agent Agency for Urgent repair funding uh to to move um some work in community and economic development forward under contracts she got right many contracts trying to get finished up you got an interlocal
Agreement um with North Carolina Department of Public Safety for Mutual Aid that’s actually the kind of the standard Mutual Aid Emergency Management Mutual Aid agreement uh you’ve got an agreement uh with the schools for medically fragile and special needs children that’s just pretty routine uh you’ve got an amendment to Vanguard
Professional staffing at DSS it’s a temp Staffing very kind of specific temp Staffing agreement uh you’ve got a resolution um between for scth County and the Resource company also for some temp staff and Department of Social Services uh you’ve got a an agreement uh to provide um additional software
License for the IR reception application there in Social Services uh you’ve got a truck that is a um that’s actually one of the fire um the 09 fire trucks uh that um uh that if you remember we um uh they try to push off a cost to
Increase to us I think this is the one coming back on that is’t that right Damon I think that’s right yeah I need to look at that again I I don’t know if that’s the same vehicle okay I thought I thought it was we’ll see um then we’ve got the axon agreement we
Just talked about uh you got three agreements for medic medic medication assisted treatment and jail Services um and so you’ll you’ll learn a little bit about that um but that’s for those uh Behavioral Health units in the Detention Center uh you’ve got a lease agreement between for sth County in a company
Called we a LLC as you know um uh Second Harvest Food Bank And the tried Community Kitchen operated the manor house for for a while they came back to us and said that they did not want to continue that we’ve actually done a lot of work and Chris wheel’s done a great
Job at kind of pushing that out and found a company that’s interested in picking up the manor house for us and uh so we’re we’re excited to bring that to you you got the roof uh for the bridges juvenile crisis and Assessment Center that’s that the old Youth Detention
Facility we leased to the state uh for a dollar to run a a a um an assessment center program there and we’re responsible for part of those facilities and so This Is Us honoring that lease agreement with the town of kernsville will likely come back and and actually
Predicted that and so she put that on here um you’ve got an award uh contract for an on-site Fleet related Inventory management Service uh Scott Angel and Kirby and Steve biner have been working on a a cost savings kind of approach around buying parts and so I think this
Is pretty Innovative and if the schools um kind of come into us with us they would also benefit from this uh you got a four Transit 350 van um it’s actually a specialized kind of van to move inmates around um it’s actually got separate um places where you could
Actually move women and men in one unit and do that which is actually a pretty significant cost savings kind of approach um you’ve got a contract with overdrive um for the library digital Consortium uh we did bid out um benefits and Consulting Services uh and so we’re
Going to bring you back a recommendation on that and then um what we the the system that you let us move into a number of years ago uh for agenda Management Services which really has proved a lifesaver I’m not sure we could uh do what we do today um uh that is our
External facing agenda as we publish and and all that um that contract is coming due you have a number of appointments that um that will be uh coming to you those probably close they close on Monday December 11th December 11th so take a look at those and if you know
Folks who would um would serve on that that would be great um we always take action to extend the 2024 tax listing period to mid February which is something we can do and that’s that’s important and then you’ve got the fuel a couple of reports but a lot of business
Items as we close out fy2 or calendar year 23 that’s it um we do have um I think um somebody from Senator tillis’s office is going to be coming in next around noon time next week and Ashley Perkinson yeah and so our our our legislative services staff person Ashley Perkinson she wanted
To come up here before year and and actually get to you to start thinking a little bit about legislative items for the short session and so be thinking about that but she’ll be here you know from 11: on into the meeting time and so um but she’d like to just sit down with
You a moment and just chat and and talk about any things that we need to to push through on that Ashley Perkinson pardon me it was you mentioned two things yeah two things theills and Ashley is Perkinson separate she’s our she’s our lobbyist and then yeah yeah
He’s a staffer for Senator tills he’s fairly new and he just wanted to meet you he is the regional staffer for our area I would like to take just a moment to say happy birthday to commissioner plow 85 years young that’s [Applause] right I hope you’re as enthusiastic 15
Years from now when I turn a 100 so B might not be [Laughter] around I am all right no further business stand ajour