For okay I speak a bit louder those the set not very good one you can hear okay using one more version of the guide to bisa way of life not the version you’re reading right now so no point seeing the version this version is much more concise it’s translated by one
Singapor okay his name is toi so very good so she translated the mid L the southern lamin so very um uh quite amazing lady she she got a PSC scholar ship to study in the University so when he come back she’s um what you call born with
The ministri of education so that was about the time the master program the first master program in Italy Lun Kapa Institute started so he checked with my teacher he check with my teacher he said that should I continue a go Italy so at
A TR of a mole you say it’s very good to go so the family were really supportive break the bond I think pay 400,000 that time every single thing must pay back and then she went ital and she study so she’s really hardore know she take BLC
Baths in India you know and then when she do she buy her own vegetable like a pot cabbage and extremely simple I think that one uh past life in must be really strong so I will sh share her this um got theh I have received this um got
Theh many times from his Hol the dalama so I felt that um now we got chapter eight and chapter nine so I want to complete the things so that you know that you got quite quite substantial amount of things that you are done so this morning I saw some of you already like
Um I saw B perspiring know so she w n round big one she want to do 100 round I tell you we look at you we all Rejoice so you you you can do the small one first as much as you can and then
You go exra then you do the big one I think that would be good to then you can hit the the 100 round um say in the St itself mean thing is to circum blate then to sit down read the heart or the king of prayer think about the
Buddhist sappa that means method and wisdom as much as you can so you think the place is too noisy the CH thing get a little cotton W or your plug put the thing I think that will help you concentrate the thing must be near the tree clear the the further away it seems
That maybe a little bit different uh where under the tree is where the energy is most concentrated is where the seed is so you try try to go there and I should I when I walk I should see all Singapore then we we close our eyes don’t move then people look at you
You so just spend as much time okay good okay maybe there some request people want to do shopping right um so it’s by the way as we later we go I tell you we shop things that probably um good enough for you to buy it’s all along the road
On the qualities are not very good so even you get the thing it’s nothing very special so the dependent Market is no longer they the thing maybe they they shift to another place that they not see it anymore this is no longer around already so whatever you want to buy there something called
T t t because they they all buy from TAA come here and sell you one so from t t that’s the best easy they send to your house on but you want to buy something as a svenia here um I only see the there’s a one shop they got a stoa like
Golden in color like the M sta they got a certain base so that one you can roll the four can out that one probably something is worth I can’t remember already so that one is worth I tell you to shop then the person will be very happy so last time I
Call my manager go and buy her right or the other way we call Shara send Shara there okay so little I prepar the Kata so everybody get one Kata as you leave the door everybody get one Kata K so as you see the Buddha again they offer Kata
Again I try to arrange for flowers in the morning they buy so as you go you get the flower you go inside so I think we we we do it this way a little bit um you realize that there many group doing chanting there um so they I saw the OU reading
The the B Sutra I’m like you see only M supposed to read very surprised very surprised how can they read the V very unusual so the V supposed to be only ordained people do so not sure maybe the teacher give permission or what you know but usually
A certain thing um for Le we do the Sutra Sutra uh that means the what the from the kangu those Sutra like heart Sutra profession wisom Sutra then we read those the v s them because it’s so that the Le don’t always look for of the vable the monks then they criticize then
Become negative for them I think that’s the point then you can see that so many people walking around so this morning we did well we exactly according to plan that’s really good so later after this I this one the you realize that I can’t send to you right now but the
Paragraphing the English that they use um sui have used very simple but very suene point she’s got this ability to really group The Point into one point and very bring it out so in the master program she did really well so she’s the assistant teacher so the G will teach
She will give tutorial to the grouping one so she so she uh so she focus on one thing I will I will do transl ation job so you do translation job so in your life right now you got a certain job that you do for your living but you
Should do what other thing lead a Pure Life lead a Pure Life lead a Pure Life imagine your milk you don’t protect it the gyms go inside cor right then got problem ready leave a Pure Life you have to protect it one it cannot be anyhow go
And expect it to be pure you have to protect it you have to put inside the fridge or cover it or everything if the generator not working must quickly on the the electricity not working it must on the generator or you have a UPS called you know UPS not United P service you
Know if you uninterrupted power supply that’s what I have in my house battery in Sarah many years ago they get maybe two three hours of electricity per day and usually in the nighttime one very very late at night because the they Supply the electricity to the business to do their thing then night
Time they then transfer the G because they don’t need to operate so they transfer the G become uh what call cheaper not chaper they can ab the band we for them to do the thing so lead a Pure Life a pure life so Buddha have left a Pure Life how
He live a Pure Life he lived a Pure Life by uh receiving the bow keeping the bow rejoicing every single day that I have pure bow Pure Life so when you have Pure Life it means that you do not so pure V means pure mind pure
Speech pure action so if you have a pure view of thing how you see thing pure means according to how the thing exists how the thing exists and then you understand it you act on the understanding so from Fe view you have pure thinking how you think of thing
When you think of thing correctly purely you speak purely act purely lifehood pure and then once you got some stability you say that I find so much joy up pure joy pure mindfulness pure concentration then you will have pure wisdom so pure can be also Loosely translated Perfection means a mind that
Got buddhic Budd is a quite simple work to understand the wish to become a Buddha and then bring everybody to become a Buddha then if I ask you how now it’s inside here chapter 1 to chapter 10 all the thing that you need to do is inside it’s not really that
Difficult but it’s difficult to bring to the Forefront I think of this person first think of this person first then you think of yourself so all y i realiz this is the only group that I I go that means whatever time your pretty puncture pry almost I there’s no issue
Everybody very Cal if I think this is a difference between when you go with Buddhist group people puncture and another group is like you go to you go toour before they also a pattern come out on is what time must be there then so this is really keep it up okay so we
Got to after this i w is relatively how many P let me see page 56 to 95 so 40 page I will take probably one over hour so before 6:00 we have the dinner so so after dinner we walk up to the coach again then we’ll drive there
Then we do the same sequence this time the clock is very good at the crop not so much crop last time we have uh we need the ladies need the queue all the way until you go out to the rck sh the auto there then a littleit further then
One by one set one it take forever then you kill there then you kill inside again one more time it take like half an hour to go in so now we go inside that it doesn’t take us a lot of time so uh generate a very strong motivation to
Live Pure Life rejoice in all those people who do their prayer CH very L whatever one rejoice in all the thing so I I I more prefer a quieter place to do the teaching so I think yall can concentrate better when you go there it’s it’s very holy but you can
Concentrate very well right then you cannot hear all the sound so this one you have to purely hear my sound because I can’t send to you right now how so after the whole thing I I will send it to you I will send it to you M okay PS okay we do a Mand say that if you got no time to study the entire book of the G buddhis way of life then you contate on chapter 6 and chapter8 chapter 6 and chapter 8 chapter six was the chapter on patient chapter eight is teaching on concentration how to develop mindfulness
And then the chapter on exchanging self for others this particular aspect so these two P was uh chapter is single out so when you go back I’ll send you the soft copy then try to focus on six and eight first then after that you can read
The rest of thing at your own Leisure the whole essence of May the precious body mind not yet born AR rise and grow May that Bond have no decline but increase forever more inside it encapsulate all the 10 chapter of the G buppa way of life I was with the
Author the recognition of the author Shanti DEA this life he reconned but we don’t have see able to see him in pure form Shanti Deva always showed the aspect of passing away at very young age so one of my teacher Shan my this life I see three recognition really
So this life this current one decided to Destro mared married so now in Switzerland got one daughter you think good daughter because of our Karma we can not see him in pure M’s form so he went and animal Liberation with him so only me
Him and one more person so uh he only he he only say one ch so he is saying this one he’s reciting the essence of of life may the precious body mind not your born arise and grow May the B no decline but increase forever more he keep reciting that then
At the end of the feeling then I do dedication as long as space remain as long as s being remain and I beg I will remain to fee the misery of the world then he look at me he like this nice it is quite amazing to have the
Author of the text in front of you in this form you know lay form got wife got baby like K but but he’s very unmistaken he’s definit shantia he got direct access to his Holiness every time he h say you come to me when come come must come must come more often
Because so to see a venerable in close proximity that uh is something not happen to mostly most of the time one especially those practicing in the cave right they will not ask you how what’s your real you don’t ask your member what’s your realization they don’t tell
You one they say even I tell you so don’t understand so and Al so uh difficult to explain to someone and the words that you create obstacle sure not you got this realization then create obstacle inside your practice itself okay good so now we We join PS our
Finish concept chapter 8 and chapter n have having developed chap um chapter 8 teaching on concentration having developed Joy effort in that way I should place my mind in meditative stabilization the man whose mind is directed DW between the fangs of Affliction through isolation of body and mind no destruction will occur therefore
I should abandon the world and completely discard conceptualization at a certain point of your practice is beginning you need to have concept to understand then at a certain point you’re so familiar with the concept you don’t need to think of the concept you can come to the conclusion this will become
Nonconception so right now you’re seeing things through a veil of glass like a glass panel not directly they still like glass then if they do non-conception means remove the glass panel then you see the thing directly so con so they say rely on the teaching not the teacher
Rely on the meaning not the just rely on the meaning not the teaching rely on the ultimate not the com rely on the timate not the conventional rely on the non-conception mind not the conceptual mind non-conceptual mind means directly seeing the thing one so this two means completely describe conceptualization
Means at the end you have to describe clinging so emptiness is an experience it’s not something you can describe to people so when someone tell you a empty that know the person haven’t got it yet because can not describe moving because to attachment and due to craving for material gain and
The life the world is not abandoned therefore I shall abandon this the skill analyze in this way having understood that Affliction are completely destroyed by the special insight and down we come abiding first of all I should search for come abiding forther this is ACH with the joy and who un through the
World without renunciation you can res develop kab biding without renunciation a mind a mind see there’s nothing wrong with enjoying cakes or whatever thing but that will distract you to place your mind 100% to have come abide him 100% focusing on the thing not not focusing
On any other thing anymore so to have that you need to have to have come AB that need you first you live in pure B have few once quite happy to eating whatever food is available that means you don’t have any attachment outside one then you decided I will put all my
Energy on this so this is how you then will progress moving on because the attachment of one impermanent thing has for the impermanent being he will not see a li one for, life not seeing them I will not be happy also my mind will not
Be set in equip even if I see them there will be no satisfaction thereby as before I will be tormented by craving true being attached to San Ming I will be completely obscure by the perfect reality my mind or disillusion will also be destroyed in the end I’ll be
Tormented by Sorrow by only thinking of them this life will pass without any meaning friends and relativ lacking permanence will even destroy the Everlasting Dharma if I behave in the same way I do equal to unfortune to the charges I will certainly proceed to the
Lower realm if I not let up to those unequal in Fortune what is the use of entrusting myself to the foolish one moment they are friend were in and in a war they become enemy since they become angry even at the source of Joy it’s difficult to please ordinary being here
Shanti Dev say you come please everyone so if you if at this moment now you want to please everybody you going to get yourself very disappointed so mentally you keep the energy to practice verbal and physically no need to meet them for the timing but
Mind you never give up them at all you pray for them they achieve alment for them they sfe if you take your energy and talk to them then you’ll not be able to accomplish the purpose of K abiding because they one need time and distraction awaited mind so you you
Can’t please them one because s being are deluded the more you give the more they take so the more and more after realize that there isn’t anything so I’m giving I so so I help the one of the mom to um he got an oranage he got old Fox home then he also
Fit to the then he told me again G me teacher remember never give your phone number to the Indian they will call you every minute until your phone crack don’t give you told me don’t give he like very serious don’t give you give you suffer you don’t know hand do that they
Will cry in the for they will do everything then you I compassion you know no at this current moment right now right you can give whatever you can able to give without distracted from your thing because once you right then that me is beyond you already he say don’t give your phone
Number so I okay okay okay I don’t give I say I don’t need give I’m going everything through you so you I’m not going to do so I usually do someone doing just support what everything so I think that’s the way how I do it moving
On they are uh sure they are EnV of superior competition be equal the prop towards inferior they consist when prayer and if anything unpleasant is said they get angry what’s the benefit obtained from the charish so the charish only want to hear the thing they want to
Hear the chares want to hear the thing they want to hear the charish means those self cherishing heart Pride ego they think they are always correct they know they know everything everything so for this and how to guide the people because they all full they can’t so
There was one time one person went to see a great teacher a Zen master you know so when you see the Z Master then he postrate say when come here I want to learn something so the Z Master Okay so first you have tea so the Z Master take
The cup then he take the teap he pour he keep on pouring and the tea keep overflow flowing know they say stop stop stop stop stop stop stop the thing overflow you say yeah your mind are so full right now how I going to put anything inside you when there’s no
Space you’re like the cup overflow with you know everything there’s nothing so you need to empty some cup so this show that uh there’s a lot of unlearning we need to do so it’s better in the very beginning we follow a very unmistaken teacher so that you no need to unlearn
You learn something very direct so the guy like saf way of like if a very unmistaken text or else you read some modern day uh religion they got one religion called creationalism I create one the me they can have all sort of things just to feel good for that moment but
It’s not back by philosophy in accordance to the truth so charish people so you have to make some Wise Choice mentally you never give up on them mentally but physically and verbally just keep that distance no need say bad thing no need but just verbally don’t talk so because you
Affect you you will affect you moving on to associate Char this non virtual will non virtue will certainly assure such as praising myself and breing others and discard the joy of cyc existence you start disc what this one good that one good there this so you get distracted
Others and I relying upon each other in this way will bring about nothing but rain they will not en my purpose and I too will not Ena their purpose I should free away from the charges people when they encounter I should please them joyfully I should behave well merely ordinarily without become greatly
Familiar in the same way a bee take honey from a flower I should merely I should take merely the purpose of Dharma and remain unfamiliar as I have never seen all of them before that means don’t describe you know the be don’t say beautiful flower I only want to take from beautiful flower
But the be one honey ugly flower red flower yellow flower the bee go there and do the job they don’t say oh this person I like I give more this person no the be very focused he only want to take honey as long the flower got honey I
Will extra it whether nice not nice beautiful not beautiful no I just go same thing when you have sent being correct you want to ex extract the essence from them by giving them don’t discriminate they high nor low nice looking not nice looking whatever no discrimination because the essence is
That they give you a chance to practice so they can accumulate virtue moving on I have many possession as well as honor and many people like me nurturing conit in this way I shall make terrified after death so toally confused Mind by the combination of whatever attachment
To these and that multiply into thousand suffering will ensure and arise hence the wi should not be attached fear is produced from attachment firmly understand well that is the nature of things to be discussed although I have many procession be famous and well spoken of I do not know where the
Collection of possession and we now will go if there is someone who derate me what is there for me to be happy about in being prayed and if there’s another who praise me what is there to be unhappy about about about in being derated so as there are people who
Praise you like you love you there also equal amount of people who do not like you so when you think of it these are things because there’s a high means there’s a low this is polarized so you say no P sing this one don’t make you
Too high this one don’t make you too low you say okay even you praise me it’s your pure view because everything’s labored from your own mind even even this person say you’re very bad you also this person come out to say he put the labor
I’m not nice why should I be so affected by their labor so this is really a practice if you understand the logic behind because whatever they say is nice or not nice is depending on your mind that moment that moment in time whether this food is delicious not delicious so
Lunch the Thai food was delicious correct not you try to eat every day you crave for Indian food food can eat Indian food so we eat about 10 days Indian food about limit ready you see the the rice and D you about here already in the monastery the monks eat for all their
Life rice and D whole life you know you think about food coming I know it’s rice and down so they add a little bit of chili powder or what everything just to finish the thing have S about then they go off so once in the while they collect
Enough money they going and buy some MOS to eat frat dumpling you know so that’s our most delicious food steam one or fried one okay moving on even if the Victor is unable to please the being of various inclination then what is there to mention about the
Negative person such as I therefore I should give up worldly thought even the Buddha got people criticize so people criticize you I’m not surprised you people criticize me in the Buddha say hey people also criticize me then you think like that then maybe you can agree okay Buddha also we like to be
In the same shoe the same shoe syndrome you know last time when you go school that you your mark then your friend show you his same all same H we all okay you feel very okay know because you compare you like to feel the same so when you cannot by
People then Buddha say don’t worry I also cannot criticize before you see would die one must understand this understanding the thing you hear from me you have to think if the situation Arise at that all impermanent there’s a rising moment the abiding moment of that experience and the ceasing moment of
Experience all impermanent things are in nature of suffering the more you Gras at it I want to hold on to it you will suffer the more you have aversion you push away you’ll suffer just aware for let it dissolve back to the mind again when you find the space there will be
The wisdom that know what to do on but you never give space you have to try for a while the first thing that arise that people talk you when you give yourself arising abiding seizing you realize that it’s actually not worth to qu the person you know not worth at all for your
Mental peace then for a while say I put myself so low to quarr and I not get anything anyway when when both people are quaring they could be next to one another but they shout at one another they so near but they shout is that you’re not listening to me but when
Someone you feel very close you whisper okay you understand why I say you feel very close so you whisper but quar that time there only you because I feel she was so far away from me even next to one another when you qu so when you talk to your girlfriend or husband
You okay you don’t do no you say you whisper when you feel someone close to you You 23 they Del read something where no possession they say bad things about those who do how nature but difficult to get along produce it been said by never befriend the charish because without their welfare this charish one will not be because without their welfare this
Chares one will not be happy when shall I come to deal with this like oh Birds free uh deal birds and trees in the forest and say nothing unpleasant when associated with them so here um Shan de is saying better go somewhere isolated right where the birds and tree you see
If those your mind uname you could angry with the birds you know you’re so angry one then the red everything so I went to the cave so they are one of bird that can talk they’re very L one they they extremely L one top of bir there they
Can say 4,900 M so they might have very good lungs so got there maybe three or four species one is a black bir Raven the big red color one this put very clever I put my fruit outside on the glass panel the apple right one day day he came here and
Know then he lock at my window then he look there I want your Apple it’s extreme clever I got video on my show y i i was you know you know at the window you know you know someone know I don’t know who this person is you
Know but the red I only got one red the name is called tennis ball selfelf uh gray color skin at the back white color belly round so I buy the multi grein bread Because by the time it go up there because of moisture everything after one day you will get a little bit
Mold so usually I put one loaf there that me heay I thought he eat many day no one night finish everything I so he take the thing he had he but to eat if I pure carrot skin I slice then one thing next day I come hey I thought
I pure carrot skin s like to eat carrot skin potato skin all those soft one thinner one easy to bite bread so th so I think I got feeling keep stash St like all you got stash in your luggage bag right your noodle or your cooky or whatever thing
Your comfort food your comfort food so also go so if you go with the animal the animal don’t call you not that’s why a lot people say agree you he say yeah it’s definitely easier but you don’t overcome your this this disability it never improve so you have to say when here you
Got Shing real shata that me to analysis then no one is a problem that means you can able to handle everybody 26 I shall dwell in cave in empty stri or at the feet of a tree at the feet of tree mean someone practice austerity that means I stay with no
Shelter G one of my teachers stay under the tree for 6 years in under apple tree let means you got two t more he’s able to burn ignite ignite here and bring the temperature up by 5 or 6ยฐ Centigrade on so he don’t feel because he mind is no
Longer focused outside he’s able to activate the Pure Energy inside the mind but right now if you just now have been resting for a while you realize that you’re more or less like your battery charge ready if just now is so hot we go and right walk around you’ll be quite
Tired you can’t focus anymore so there is that how to preserve it so that you use your energy in the most efficient manner there is that thought so all your adult definitely you need so as you become 50 coming to 60 then going 70 then you realize that you’re not as
Young as 20 like this 21 G quite Fast all the thing will start to you can so dealing with so most of us is not so much of we can deal with hardship but emotionally we cannot let go we got some pride you know why this person talk to me like this so if you don’t have any
Expectation from they must treat you anywhere it’s fine so if you don’t me too many people then usually is pretty fine you are quite cheer one but when you meet people then you know that how much progress have you cultivated you know then you know wow I thought so
No this is because you did not meditate well enough so it’s important moving on when shall I not look back at be without attachment When shall I come to D in place that’s not hell as mine which is by nature spacious and where I behave freely without attachment I remember
When I went up to the cave every night when I finish my session I would walk down to about 4,800 M about 1.5 km to there’s a lake there called omo so this particular lake is the lake of U they call trma so I walk there I see the
Thing there I walk back maybe this thing take about two hours I don’t lock I did not lock my cave because my cave the lock SPO I don’t carry any money it’s that no one around you just walk it’s a very very unusual feeling that you can’t that means you walk you
Know you will not meet anyone one you just walk the feeling of of freedom I think most of you didn’t have no have didn’t have this experience but it’s a very unique experience for the very time right you when you walk you hear your own breathing and you see your own footstep
Unless some animal come so the day the yeti came and also the snow leopard came snow leopard Lees for me to see one day I walk I going to see the thing because I walk quite often so I can see the snow leopard footprint is one two
Three big in front three big round one then behind two small one so got five I think their paws got five parts so and got one baby one so the they came to up to me they say oh the snow leopard one sh there this don’t look
Like dog dog don’t come here one I know I didn’t see dog so they only then he say there the snow leopard this one so big the foot can see one run so this person what he eat black color so then along the way I see like fur brown black color fur so
Why is this oh this is when the when the animal that’s no leopard eat the thing the F don’t digest they poop out all the fur come out oh so when you born animal become very difficult right you start to eat all the thing there’s onep animal
That look very cute one very like ity like that the eyes very thin then the Paw look like frog but this animal every night need to eat maybe 3 to 400 animal to like small little insect flies then come back so he need to eat one his weight or something
Like that every night you k you know look cute but killer look cute but it’s a killer so once you B in the animal realm it’s almost impossible you got a chance to come out because you don’t have someone here any Mantra it will not circum any holy object then all all will
Be in vain for a long time for everyone insect you cure and you enjoy yam yam then you create a cause to be reborn again in the lower realm so s being a beautiful have have compassion on them those who are pure will have compassion you start to
Think then you you generate kindness for them moving on when shall I come to leave without fear having things such as the bagging bow wearing clothes not wanted by all not even hiding this body having gone to the ch of me cemetry when shall I deduce
That this body of mine and the skeleton of others bear the property of IND distinguish so once you say that all about the same one day will die we start to be less attached we will start to become less attached to the look but we still have a I remember I
Saw K last time when Roger come hey you look fat quite funny you the door you come look F no not fat I like because there’s still that me there the the me when you say something about me I feel the need to defend I must defend
You so the guys please don’t tell the girl are fat it’s the most dumb thing you say from your mouth onion F please don’t say that please don’t say that they will get hurt you can say anything to me but don’t say I’m fat please don’t say I’m
Fat it was quite funny so one of my teacher they say come down from of them practice long time then come back then say you’re so fat then the mind the face become angry say I’m fat I thought you practice long time me few words never
Hit you H see the fat is some you got concept I cannot be fat concept cor f means what I really don’t know f means relative to something cor if you got no idea if you don’t have any concept I must hear something for anyone feeling group been praised being
Respected gaining something or having pleasure then nothing will affect you so the eight World D so the D do not affect you this must be your Primal practice always check your mind under this or not always check always check always check always check when with others watch your speech when
We alone watch your mind I rather you watch some YouTube or whatever thing that chill out a bit you can’t focus on the txt everything one you go Bonkers on that’s why I make your go and walk around walk around reset one to hey I understand so you try you walk
10 meaning come out you know one or you read the thing one day I never have this experience this word means this those people copy one will know they copy then this words last time never never have this meaning and suddenly the thing just pop up because you clear some coming obscuration moving
On this body of mine will also become so because of his order not even the fox will come close to body of mine there will come a time when this was happen although this body arose as a unit the bone and the flesh which was born will
Break and separate what need is there to mention other friend at Birth I was born alone at die at death I will die alone so just the people say this then go where my teacher say die simple process breef in breef out breef in breef out don’t breef in that’s the
Beginning of your death process already you say you should worry be thinking where are you going after that if the suffering Doom cannot be taken by others what is the use of hindering friend in the same way as those who embark on the road stay a own a place of
Stay likewise those who embark on the power of existence own an ABT of birth until the time come for it to be supported by the four poor barel from that while the W is completely sicken till then I shall retire to the forest now they will once someone carry you out
A p bar someone carry your body so in Tibet they take the body if you you if in you die in Tibet Lassa right they take the body they wrap it in Kat this then they put the thing they go Jang cumate three time after they Jang
Three time Jang inside here got the Jo Shak Buddha the 16y old how Buddha so when to bring bring over one so you cumate then either they go t near to s or Gand so there are people who professional one so they got a certain thing they cut your let me you
Can see your skin very loose one they take the skin they cut all the skin the flesh one thing then they check then the last one left your head then they’ll crack the thing then the last part they open up the brain then they take the brain then then dessert that’s the
Dessert for the voucher the voucher all stand there all stand there their voucher maybe 1.2 I saw the voucher before it’s actually pretty scary if you and India you cannot eat buffalo because Hinduism Hindu don’t eat cow one eat cow so when Buffalo die her you can see all
The voucher come so there was once this Yak fell down where I was doing retreat in the in dang in roaling so when he the cow die because of the day the Avalanche the cow die the yak die after a while you see all the voucher came you know it
Seems that they can smell death very far away so they start to eat then for two days they stand there because cannot fly really I asked why you know fat law F if you try to tell the the B your Bo because he cannot understand concept so
You human being making sound so he stand there for two days until the thing digest put a bit then they take off the vulture are really really big really really big so our body temporary is to be used for what we can use it to form
Amusement or you can do it for cuture life happiness for yourself and others if it keep on Hing the point you have to reinforce yourself so the PA Bearer Carri the body he say now maybe it’s time for me to go somewhere alone and PR practice you had
A feeling about when you go there it’s different Stor I should buy two packet left one packet I remember once I went up to Lao for practice so someone went Hong Kong Hong Kong got one uh uh TB shop called I can’t remember unoin or something like that so he buy me one packet of seaweed
Seaweed cracker so every day I only got one packet so the instant noodle I eat instant Noodle and see no no instant noodle every day I eat instant noodle with eggs and the vegetable they grow up there one well first day eat very delicious after you eat for 20 days
Inant noodle B so I see but I I cannot take Dy and Rise because a lot of wind I can I can take coffee I can no try they survive on the instant nood you know but after a while I realized was suffering from change so I
Just eat to eat l no choice no energy cannot practice no energy I say next time come back home I say one L one list of thing when I was uh 20 1986 22 years old 22 years old I attended one course called rer course rer course is 65 day of training every
Day we sleep about 3 4 hours so we are given one ration one third ration that means you go out for field training every day you give for two water bottle and you survive one packet of biscuit let me five piece then they give you all caned food they got
Brace pop they got sardine brace pop sardine and biged bean so um you always hungry but you have you you are always hungry and every day you sleep about 3 to 4 hours only you whatever time you sleep you wake up at 3:30 whatever time you sleep you st at
1:00 you wake up 2:30 at 2:00 you wake up 2:30 you at 12:00 but never before 12:00 midnight one they will make sure they had that you give us inside the that your your mind always earing you know for 65 Days so I realize that during the particular C itself we so hungry so we we write in the Our Sleeve you know once I book out CH point I want to eat this first Then followed by This Then followed by This Then followed by this
Then some no no no I think this one first we say I want to eat first you know but when you finish the course when you got all to eat suddenly you don’t I realize was desire it was absolutely desire absolute desire so water is very
Precious when you go out there so we want to we W for 1 2 km we so thirsty that’s so dry now because you got two water bottle only and the next we Supply come there got water so we had to every time water we pour into the cap we take one
SE we really so once my friend the sardin ju he pour inside he Shake then he Doink sard the water in flavor one people put s Juice inste drink the P one he drink one oh the C is really very hard C it must it really push us to the physical limit
So remember you cannot fall asleep during the lecture you fall asleep you got minus once you get three major minus you out cost three major minus your out cost so you cannot sleep so I remember people not to sleep literally a p of water you don’t take water water but you
Do that R your eyes it’s very pain one but the Goin Paul they sleep we are so tired we are so tired but we know we need to press on we cannot give up we cannot give up there was something inside the mind we shall
Not give up so you realize after a while 3 4:00 the person blow whistle we wake up so after we finish the C andone blow whistle literally man I got I got people the same col me we in 10 minutes we can take take shower kiwi boots do
Everything in 10 minutes you don’t believe right 10 minutes 60 people B 10 minutes can finish there are come colleagues of my here one p go inside that find take whatever so in the morning no need to take where wear anything wear same one because I’m so tired absolutely tired so
This is part where we have some PRI we go we go there as an officer those are NCO specialist we might have some pride even we are tired we don’t show we are tired body can be tired mind cannot be tired they say body can be sick mind cannot be
Sick so same as your body can be how difficult mind cannot be sick then this is from our training from our aspiration we see example of our Guru I said my cannot be sick M must always maintain that very high order of operational Readiness very high level of operational readiness
36 there will be no one around to harm me with the morning and th there may no one to distract me from a recollection of Buddha and the light okay so one t when someone pass away right you cannot go there and cry like M you cry like M
When the think right you distract the person the person will have attachment and then he’ll stay in samsara so what to do there reset home okay so at the time of inside the books if you got black cat black cats cannot go inside the thing if the black cat
Will go because black cat other Spirit can enter the thing they can disturb the meditation at their future rebirth black cat so I like so surprised when I see it in the scripture you know I like how come like this one because they black cat the spirit can enter and
Then can disturb the spirit in meditation take away some life force or maybe create obstacle for their good rebirth they get fear afraid you know fear afraid of the thing or create attachment mainly attachment moving on therefore I shall D alone happy and contented due to the insignificant difficulty in delightful Forest
Specifying all distraction they say insignificant difficulty because all the difficulty we find that no food a bit cold whatever thing is insignificant compare what you’re about to achieve so the price to pay is actually very little it’s actually not too difficult once you get used to it that means you are able
To is cannot go alone because there 5:00 means black black canot see anything on but for me I’m very happy because black color you on a little bit of red color like like photographic room that they say wow your room very cozy cozy for what sleeping yeah it like very very nice you
Know but you have Focus you go there to train your mind subdue your mind so we must be under the guidance of a teacher they able to say you go up there for what you want to go up there to do let’s I we to what one 100 round those are
Very strong what 100 big round those are middling okay maybe uh 10 big one 30 middling one and 50 small one but those are what think I think uh T So Okay I want one big round one middle one the rest I do small one
So up to us to do the thing but there are different level of practitioner different because of our imprint but our mind got no form is it possible to raise to the occasion or think you are so a little bit directly proportional to your physical strength right now if you are
Injured you got a lot of pain it’s very difficult to push yourself when you’re sick pufy to horizontal he got fever I never see him so for a while so to maybe one day or two days find some negative Karma so you see you see young
People 20 years old cannot be her at flu then because karma Ron Karma Ron so how much difficulty can you take is it possible my over matter right now I’m like to say your mind is relatively um you think you’re strong but actually not very strong it’s not very strong it’s strong
We say pack your food pack now we are going out we walk we walk to Super can super you know so many your mind must be able to do what so it’s much better to do whatever we are doing currently incremental constantly so Buddha saying not necessar must practice hard or intensely practice
Constantly so proud to remember the word consistency is more important than heart but only one day B strong for one day it’s better all the way through all the way through moving on in delightful for specifying all distraction 38 having giv all order thought with only one thought in me I
Shall try to order to set my mind in Bo in order to sub you it both in this way and the next desire give rise to Great Misfortune established in this one killing bondage fraying the hell and the light in the next As for the sake as
Their sake many request the first make through the mere and female messenger negativity and notor to are not Shan for their sake you even engage in fearful Deeds for them I even exhaust your well you greatly enjoy and completely embracing them if they are not nothing other than skeleton rather than being so
Desired and completely obsessed towards which neither under the control nor belongs to you why do you go to the state Beyond sorrow in the first in the first place making effort you leave her face and DW towards you however she bestly look down previously whatever anyone not look at or her face was
Covered with her but now why do you run away upon looking beholding this phase of Affliction as if have been removed by the voucher you completely got it even when other cast their eye upon it why Miser do you not got it why you are devouring it if they are devouring it
This moment is saying that well someone is alive that you see see their face very pretty but the person like die their face you don’t even want to take one look at them you don’t want don’t even want to take one look at them because this is actually the work of your mind
Exaggeration very very very pretty if it’s really from his own side you go to Universe contest judge one everybody this one Miss Universe but everybody this one nice number so it’s nothing from his it depending on the karma of the person that judge one so so the M this one nice say okay
Good karma she planted before clean water how to look pretty if you want to look come back here look pretty well please s your Al clean your Al make it very clean then next time come back face clean but a lot of pimpan I’m not so sure about that but Al
Table very L one confirm Che having given a thought with only one thought in me I shall try to set my mind in you know subd it both and the next desire giving except in one killing bondage and feeling and the hell life for the S many request make true the me
Negativity are not even engage even exhaust you great and completely embracing it there are nothing other than skeleton R so Des completely observ to which other your control or belongs why do you go to Beyond in the first day making effort you leave a face and D to
However B look down previously whether look anyone look her face of now you run away upon looking face being remov about you completely got it even when other C why do you not get why the Divine if you seen this ship of Flesh the vou and
Other it why do you make offering of flower Garland sandwood and ornament to the foot of others if you are frightened by the skeleton you see even though they do not move why are you not fighten but similar to a zombie which move around with a f intention you’re attached to it
Even when it’s cover why do you not desire it when it’s uncover if you have no need for it why do you embrace it when it’s cover if both excrement and saliva solely arise solely from food why do you not dislike this excre excrement and Jo
Saliva cotton too is soft to the touch but while you find no Delight in P you think it does not smell lustful one you are confused as what is unclean thinking I cannot copulate with this cotton although called is is soft to touch confused negative and loveful
People become angry towards it if you have no attachment to the unclean then why do you Cate with another this is a cage of bone tie with muscle Blaster over with mud of Flesh so Shanti DEA is trying to use a more poetic term our skeleton is called
Cage Master then plaster with some flesh so you trying to break it down for you if you yourself have many unclean thing that you conly have to utilize our Obsession for the unclean also in other backs of f why do you desire it 54 I Delight in this fles if is if
This is what you wish to touch and behold why do you not desire flesh in this natural shape divide of the Mind any mind that you may desire cannot be touched or beheld and whatever you are able to touch will not be Consciousness and what is the use of embracing the
Mainin it is so strange that you do not realize the body of other to be in the state of unclean state but it is inde this strange that you not realize you yourself to be just equally unclean do you know that inside our body nothing
Very very clean one if you take the skin away from all the people and everybody in the room you’ll be scared actually she is one is quite gross and quite scary on you see the burn victims is quite scary the inside the body tell me one which thing clean
Nothing and Le you don’t brush teeth for one month there there are some nuns I know from T he say I never brushed teeth for 80 years from the very beginning they know have bad breath so they always stay in no Nary so they always keep pure you cannot go
Impure one you always from Pure to Purity to Purity to Purity moving on 57 having forsaken the young lus flow unfold by beans of sunlight free from cloud why with a mind aaring to the angle do you take joy in the C of you since you not touch your back is Scarlet
By P why do you touch your body which is a rose if you’re not attached to the unclean why do you Cate others okay this read if you’re not attached to from prod by if no desire for the small dir dir me which come from P why
Do desire body which in nature of many impurity and also produce from fear not only do you not disp the unclean cell but Obsession of UNC you desire other even attractive things such as camper cooked rice and vegetable make the ground dirty and FY should be sped out
After being put into the mouth a those such and clean cleaniness is obvious but if I have D and should look at the unclean body they have been disposed at the CH ground although they understand that they will generate great fear from that which the skin is R open in any
Case they will again generate boy towards those themselves the sense of those Andor the body are sandalwood and the life not that of others why are you attached to others because of the sand also something else I got one video maybe I can share in the group I saw the
People do the Sky Barrier one I can dig that one out then you can see when they cut the body then you say your attachment on the body one day like that you see you still attach not you say different this one alive different but the mind is not in the
Body at all what so when you use logic you almost you cannot find the thing you know no they want alive the body fresh die already the body not freshh so you have to reason when you so this at this part of the thing at chapter 8 to devel
Concentration you have to renounce last desire so Shanti DEA is tell all the uncleanness of the body to slowly let you meditate and to give up attachment see it has a natural power okay okay since he had a natural power and good to be attached why isn’t it
Good to be attached to why who create for the Min thing of the world ad with pleasant smell however any PL is centerwood how can it arise in the body I attach to because of the cell or something else if the naked body Indonesia is very fighting new to the
Long hair and nails and yellowish flow smelling tea being quoted with a order of dir why do I clean it with effort with cleaning weapon that cause me harm hence this way is completely disturbed by Insanity due to the effort of those who are confused about themselves so
When holy being think of you they think you’re a little bit insaner these people are not very clever like insane insane so but when we look at them we say they are more insane but M look at us very beautiful but when you at M wow
Very prettyful say no because I have I have given up on whatever my trust in samsaric pleasure I have given up my trust in samsaric pleasure because they cannot be trusted if they can be trusted means every time when s go I take the thing I should be happy again no it
Don’t not work that way let’s say buy the most exensive job jacs and Company there this one this company do watch one they do bukari watch or whatever thing one watch cost maybe like a lot money on so he try someone SC down he can wear
The watch she happy no what so he cannot be trusted you can breathe temporary and you wear this watch go to the desert when no one say your watch nice you say nice enough it might be a too heavy man to wear so all the thing that we got
Trapped is our concept what is nice not nice what is good no good we got tra inside the concept here you see this concept is like a dream there’s nothing so big dear about a dream you see goals in the dream see Ni it’s still dream that’s only say initiation oh it’s a
Dream don’t get less attached with it Let It Go dream is over already you can hold on to Any Dream right now I got memory of dream but it’s over so we are conceptually holding on to cling cling on why the ego need to hold on to
Something to justify it existent so once you’re able to release there’s no ego so how I produce real inherent existent thought moving on when my mind responded in the CH having been held by skeleton what joy in the CH with the city feel removing skeleton in this way the anle is not
Found without paying a although accomplishing the purpose is exalted and will be hum in the hell theight a child is unable to increase it well so what will be un will be happy and he’s in the Primal life when life is sp due to e wealth and the light having Age and what
The you be sex be some l negative people wear them themselves by working all day and then return home their exalted body like prostrate like cops having had the suffering or Affliction of longdistance travel and being a far away although they long for woman they will not seen
Them for entire year those who wish for benefit out of confusion even sell for the sake that but they not attain what they are driven for by the winds or other action they lack purpose some sell their body and without power are exploited by other even when they white
G the children fall at the foot of tree and in isolated places food are dece by desire 77 wishing for the livelihood though afraid of losing the LI go to war thinking I shall make a living and become slave for the sake of prophit some lustful people even they
Have their body cut some are impeded on the point of s some are set with dagger others are burned such thing as they are seen due to the torment of collecting guarding and losing it I should understand wealth to be infinite PL those who are distracted by the
Attachment to we have no opportunity to attain Freedom From The Suffering of cyclic existence so if you attach to your money her there’s no Enlightenment on Shanti DEA say very clearly one so Mela after he achieved Enlightenment then uh he he he show Parana a place
Called Ting tingry so it was a place he supposed to be at tingri at place called Chua so um he did not left anybody because the D took his body M say I will not leave any body of here for you but I will go to the B land the pure I’ll wait
For you that I shall wait for you that then before he go he said that then his disciple you must leave something for us you know so everything okay um I’ll leave for you one L of sugar and a small knife this L of sugar wherever he
Say share with all the people you cut the sugar the sugar grow back again one so that one like blessing for people and another one he got one piece of not all the money I collected one is buried here didn’t students say wow M must be a lot of money
So they go to the exact open up there was a not you stupid idiot you think I got money go eat do you think I still got attachment funny me even pass away you sh that so those people who practice I got feeling they they got a s certain
Gen sense of Joy even how difficult they are because they know that these are like a dream you stupid idiot you think I got money going eat just is amazing then p i get the money what I going to do you know what M be any Monastery
Nothing he said if I shall go there by my practice I will show you how to get enlightened that is the sole purpose I am here absolutely very focused absolutely very focused absolutely very focused one so getting Enlightenment uh call for nothing short of absolute commitment nothing short of absolute commitment so
Right now obviously you pray can I have all the external conditions so now it’s like I quite confident you find your teacher you strongly got kic connection with you and you got the external condition of all the resources and also no war then like no pandemic no covid
You know covid changed the life of many people many toour Agency close shop no really the one that use to apply one close shop UTC some Kenny and Jan they all work there no moreo already so now they work part time better I say sometime so this
Point here say that you are still attached to money you can never get enlightened so is it we’re not saying that you need a lot of money but he said that the Buddha say k say may I give to the Mis you can be very rich H but you
Can still be misly you can be very poor you can be very generous you give everything you have it’s quite different so you can be poor but you can be generous you can be rich but you can still be made mly so thean devil say uh May the misy find wealth
Misy not the poor sometime you use the word but the meaning is misly that means attached to the wealth moving on due to the Thor of collecting guarding and losing understand well to be infinite problem those who attach to their attachment to well have no opportunity to attain free from the
Suffering of cyc existence Des people have many dis such as this and little benefit in the same way ox and on the light drawing courage e a few manful of grass even the ox even the ox and the light can achieve this those who are painful by the action destroy the
Perfect Leisure endowment so difficult to find for the sake of something little benefit that are not so rare what you have right now the perfect human reer is something very rare Freedom 10 endowment is definitely more precious than earning maybe $1 million you think they right but it can
Give you millions of good outcome in the F’s life if you invest the timing that you have properly so is to generate keep your bow generate bodh in live a Pure Life keep telling yourself I a pure life so actually you’re enjoying your pure life right now but you say no I
Must have this then I enjoy Pure Life no the mere fact you able to come here able to have a sleep in a very decent clean bait now no lies on you know what big butts or not welcome to India it just happened in D we are coming down with my Manager so the flight got delayed everybody take off my flight didn’t take off so we had to go back to to D say one night so they want to stay in the nearest one okay you say what before go inside there they got one lady go there
Sleep for a while don’t stay here the big box then you the box slowly back one two three they bite for my dad go out one this is called bit box oh welcome for us we find very difficult I must tell you we are not we are not used
To it so you see the monkey where they you know that because got lies or bucks inside the thing right like the dog inside here they cannot scratch their hair you know don’t very scratch your hair on sometime they like they try their best but you got something called
A pet got something rough they like r i remember the cow got thing then they put a rck pet while they enjoy their favorite toy going R better to have a r pet or better than no age definitely no age actually we desire is like having the each there
Already then rub best don’t have desire so you don’t need to rub anything no need to put any effort to it so you the worku I think that’s the only thing that we can do if you’re with people eat very simple after while you don’t think about
Food very much if you’re in a very far away place no one will resupply whatever you have is what you have you start to think of whatever I have is what I have I’ve just have to make do her right now make do so Mela at a certain point of
His practice he say every time I no food I have to go down back for food well I waste a lot of my time you know about to get eat then I go down and get distracted so he decided I will not go down and back for food I eat whatever
Around here can eat one so got Nets those green leaf so if you eat Nets one day the hunter come and see me know he say you there got F now he said yeah I got the green stuff you want he say yeah so he then the hunters you know make the
Green stuff or said you got s yeah now the green stuff for a so they put n you got any other spice yeah the green stuff you only got one flavor the hunter say like that how but they got no choice right because they nothing to eat the hunter cannot find
Anything so they add the thing and they went down so M say so he make strong determination that’s why in 12 years he achieve full Enlightenment because he was able to give up attachment to flavor actually it’s possible when I go up to the I no coffee
Her I didn’t drink her after a while I don’t miss it after a while maybe a one month depending on individual again but usually about 30 days you you will be able to cultivate a new habit new lifestyle it’s really possible one it’s really possible nothing cannot we
Possible no problem at all no problem at all 71 okay the object of Desire was certainly not 7182 the object of Desire was certainly discre as you fall into hell and light and the ex the hardship of exhaustion arise for the sake was not very great if buddhahood self ischi just
One million of their difficulty the desire have greater suffering than that than practition Enlightenment but there is no Enlightenment having contemplated the suffering of hell and the light for the dous one weapon poison fire ribbon and fo do not compare having this way of develop this illusion to the object
Desire desire I should generate joy for Solitude within pacified Forest devoid of dispute and affliction so pacified Forest you should not have War anyal if you got lions and tiger it’s a worry where the animal whatever come it’s quite difficult all the dog every night you say there then the wolf
Call again there the there the at roing they got wolf wolf call woo then they come in one pack one they can hear dog whoo whoo whoo whoo wolf is how very long one very long long how you can hear when so the wolf kill a lot of the Baby
Yu there so G want to put electric thing well in the first place you don’t keep y problem because last time no choice now you can really not necessarily must keep y my thinking when you don’t have this one B I got each you must put something
To do the thing you don’t keep don’t problem don’t have this problem moving on the fortunate one at the joyful mention of the fast flat stone cool by the center wood Moonlight and by the stringing peaceful forers please free from noise think of what is to benefit
Others and sto there 87 they dwell for along as they reach in empty house at the foot of trees and in C having abandoned the suffering or owning and guarding possession they are Carefree without concern utilizing feeding without attachment having no TI with anyone even lots of difficulty finding
That which is enjoyment of happy contentment having through such way of the though thought about the exteral isolation I should completely pacify conceptualization and meditate on first of all I should make effort to meditate upon the equality between self and others I should protect all as I to
Do myself because of equal happiness and suffering that although there are many different division and aspect such as the hand they are same in the being and protect likewise there different migrating being in the Happ and suff they are same wishing me to be happy so they say in
The example right if the right hand got cut right got Burn Right your left hand got thing but right now they are all join all one happiness you cannot say right hand thing hand settle because it’s join together join means the same motivation I must help this hand so you
You will help because got not you cannot say got no connection at all so since everybody have been kind to us everybody want happiness to one want suffering then it’s only very correct that we offer help Bing on 92 my suffering does not cause any harm to the body of other but
It is my suffering due to her hearing as I become unbearable likewise the suffering of others do not before me never that suffering of my du to arang to the eye will be harder to bear I should dispel the suffering of others because it is suffering it is like my
Own suffering and should benefit other because they are sentim being just like my body when both I and others are similar in wishing to be happy what’s the difference between me why should I only for my Happ okay 95 Market try to think about this and try to come to some
Conclusion why is somebody happiness got to do with your happiness because you don’t make someone happy you not be happy that’s why your happiness got something to do it other people be happy mean you give people happiness then you create a depending CA to be happy so
Must going and think about how you come to the conclusion 96 when both I and others are similar and not wishing to suffer why’s the difference between me other why do I protect myself and not others objection I do not protect them because they suffer do not come me
Respond they protect myself during suffering it caus me no harm the concept thinking that I shall experience that is wrong the person who T die T is one and reborn is another Whenever there suffering the is must protect from that the suffering of food is not that of the
Hand why should you protect from that so you say San is trying to say you got hurt in the food your hand must protect her since you reason that their suffering is their suffering my suffering is my suffering is quite different so the suffering of your hand
Then your other part of hand should not go in help because using that logic moving on that continum and collection are the fality such as Ros and army the processor of suffing does not exist who has control over it the owner of suffering being non-existent there is no
Dision at all because it is suffering I shall dispel it therefore what’s the point in that objection why should I observe the suffering at all respond there’s no ground for argument if I a it I shall I shall avert all if not I’m just like the sent beinging 104 objection since compassion will
Multiply severity greatly why should add Del develop respon if want to conf the suffering of migrating mean how should the suffering of compassion be more but if by one suffering much suffering should be destroyed kind people to produce it forsel and other Tas suah Chandra although aware of the harm the
King could cause him did not prevent his own did not prevent his own suffering because he could erate the suffering of many one who continue e falize in this way since he take the joint and pacify other suffering will enter even the IR just as the SW enter the pool just as
Not will not not the ocean of Joy if there have been a free satisfy me what is the you of design Liberation due to that the working for the welfare others there’s no deceit or amazing because of the joy in other welfare unequally there is no hope for ripening effect therefore
Just as I protect myself from unpleasant thing however small in the same way I should act towards other with a mind of protection and a compassionate mind although ough not my possession to famity I come to rec the drop of sper and blood other as I so actually you
Don’t own your body your body came from your parents but we say mine so same thing it’s not yours so same thing got nothing to do with you same thing also the other body someone is suffering is your help because so not their not yours
Also they got it’s not so you when you use the reason this person is not mine not me so they suffering not doing me so same thing should not care about yourself because this body of yours is not yours also it belongs to your parents so when you think and the logic
Then you say oh yeah so at this point this juncture Shanti DEA is trying to let you see your attachment to your this body create lot obstacle for concentration that’s why this chapter is about concentration 13 113 having understood myself to be 40 to be ocean exent with
Respect to others I shall cultivate complete discarding cherishing my and ordering others in the same way as a hand and so for are example as a limbs of body likewise why our embodied creature not exerted as limbs of migrating beings to formalization of my of I arise towards this body divide of
Self in similar way why should I not be produced towards other s to this familiarization so s say if you familiarize I and my are all same thing we want happiness to want suffering if we had to hold on to this point it make the whole thing very easy they same as
Me human being I only part of them I don’t know the cause if I help them I receive help I make them happy I will receive the cause of Happiness they all say same as me look no further than this point then become very easy for you even
The person who so difficult also one happens long even the one happy one also want more happiness do not want the slightly bit of suffering same as me then if I want to be happy I need to create a cause of Happiness then why not give to those people who are not as
Fortunate as me if you understand this logic it’s one point and you’re able to Gras the flavor you same as me if you go and meditate and uh think of all those people in the road as later we go up to the all those people who walk and some of
The B girls who came here in night time very cold one now they got a thin piece of cloth I how many years they more poor they only te piece of SAR they looking they sleep on the side edge of the road you know then some froze to death so Rec be
Miss State give blanket so he so once you Tang whatever 1,000 blanket or how many thousand blanket do you got share you rejoice so it’s like the group is like so you can tell people it’s very good you can put whatever amount there’s no stress in
The thing but because of that we slowly we can help a lot of people so I think this Merit creation group is very good so he he he will do everything he will do whatever thing he got people call you try to give some so you don’t need to
Look for lound you just go inside there your handphone got battery make sure you press and it moving on although I I Al others in then consider am not AR right this hoping for reason due to having fed myself therefore just I protect myself from unpleasant however in the same way as a
Mind of protection toward migrating with a compassionate mind hence out of his great compassionate one The Protector ofra even bless his name to dispel the fear of being some migrator so even you say because this name have been blessed many times and then this Mantra om all
The Buddha raise hand I will bless this Mantra all the Buddha raise hand I will bless this Mantra that’s why om so so blessed because all the Buddha bless this Mantra and all the Buddha say they will all contain all my compassion that’s why said one time can collect so
Much Merit because it’s been blessed by all the Buddha but you say special man more than only one only okay many PR amazing 119 do not I shall not turn away from a difficulty and by the power formalizing in that way I will become unhappy even
With someone when the name is H even fright me is not around can you imagine Chen say that name he say his name people get blessed people say your name oh this person then you go this person so you should not say this thing anymore understand you say this St thing
Then you you degrade yourself you become same level as them who that mean you want you know have the correct view this person you meet here all the thing because you’re Karma so you say oh bad dream today bad dream bad dream I got a mere bad dream
Wow bad dream how is it me bad dream but still affected by dream at least his dream not so real you one step nearer to be out show me where’s the point point point point here back side no you how you point you cannot find the people on
Then you say but really SI of people even you come to a conclusion moving on 1 120 whoever wishes to quickly protect himself and others to practice the holy secret the exchanging of self for others please mark [Laughter] 812 early trying to remember this vers that important because of attachment to my
Body if even the small object of fear frighten me why should I not harble as an enemy this body they gri right to fear wishing for a procedure to elevate the sickness of hunger thirst and the light of body I kill birds fish and beer and Ambush traveler to the road for the
Sake of profit and honor I kill even my father and mother and operate the property of the tree Jew tus I will burn in Relentless Tom what wise men could desire protect venerate this body and not scun it and regard this as an enemy if I give them what shall I enjoy and
Thinking of my person is the way of go if I enjoyment what shall I give to others such thinking other purpose the quality of God so the ordinary thing if I give to you what I have to enjoyment those who practice say if I use for
Myself what have I have to offer others it’s totally opposite ordinary being think if I give you then I eat what but but thing if I eat for myself what can I have to offer the person so they think of the person more important that’s on
Self 126 if for I cause harm to others I shall fall into the hell and and if for the sake of other I call something to myself I acquire all that is magnificent let me see if you because of your thinking others you sacrifice yourself go through some hardship you feel some
Pain people blame you but what you’re going to get is called Magnificent amazing result 127 Desiring imminence of oneself me Fame for oneself I shall become of unfortunate migration bad and stupid if it shift to others I should acquire honor in good migration is see Santi Dev keep on doing
The pros of the thing and the cons of one thing the advantage and the disadvantage you have to familiar we do well because we want to get Advantage one it’s not wrong to get Advantage with the correct purpose one so this is how we are wired we are wir if both goods
Are the same thing or same quality do you buy the most expensive one or buy the cheaper one buy the cheaper one her because it’s more cost effective whatever joy in the world come from design arst be happy wherever suffering in the world all Come From
Desire myself to be happy 1 129 please write down somewhere so you can remember this verse what need to say about the charish work for the purpose the M work for the purpose look at the difference between these two you get enlightened because you work for others the charish only work for
Oneself they continue to say in Sams 131 if I do not correctly exchange my happiness for the happiness of others I shall not accomplish the state of buddhahood and even in Cy existence and no happiness let alone what is beyond this world because of the servant are
Not doing work and because of the master not giving PID even the purpose of this life will not be fulfilled by rejecting the meod established foreseeable and unforeseeable happiness the happiness of success will be completely Cast Away and because of inflicting something on other the compus will take upon terrible
Suffering if whatever harm fear and suffering in the world all arise from grasing yourself then what’s the use of the great goals to me why you call great goals self cherishing is a great goal because it don’t exist there self don’t exist truly that’s why you call gal why
Call G because it from beginner life you be under the control of the self cherishing and self grafting of a inherent existent eye it’s that a ghost is not there but you Gras at it great because it’s from beginner’s life so you realize that once you understand this
Point then you can be truly free right now you are a little bit free but because of habituation you go back to your habit you go back to your habit go back to your habit so you must cultivate new habit now new habit take how long to cultivate 14 days if you do
For one month you’ll be pretty good at it you pretty quite decent youy quite good at it you know that drive car those people L time drive manual car how many lesson you go you go 30 lesson you qu you go for 10 lesson quite okay already you know the gear
One this one don’t know g g this automatic automatic they press a then they start driving on but those T you go then you the balance the then you go SL so to cultivate a habit Tak some time even learning a car quite big thing if you put effort the instructor pretty
Decent one I remember when I learn my driving my instructor to drink beer you give him two hours we go and drink beer for half an hour drink beer and drive or see Co you now I think and and and usual k k say you say okay okay but you say say
Since instruct her moving on by resing 133 by resing me establish for unpossible happiness the happiness of success will be completely Cast Away and because of inflating suffering other the confus take upon terrible suffering if whatever harm fear and suffering in the world arrive on chish what the use of
The Great Ghost to me if I do not complete forsake it I shall not be able to abandon suffering just as has been unable to up been burned if I not Cast Away fire if you hold on to fire it be burned if you don’t let go of the fire
You be continue burning so you must understand what caused you to be burned the fire why is the fire self cherishing shell grasping therefore in order to pry the harm implict upon me I shall pacify the suffering of others I shall give myself up to others I shall cherish them
As I do okay so at one Tre at your level now you have t l understand that you give all right mentally you give all you had to do appropriately one you have to use wisdom like people ask you for money and they’re going to take drugs and you’re
Not going to give the thing up you’re not going to do that you must understand the implication what you’re going to do so the me you definitely can offer prayer you do practice for them generate love and compassion for them they are in this particular state of our mind I and
Under the ownership of others of this mind you must certainly not accept for the purpose of sentiment you not think of anything else I should not accomplish my purpose with this ey and so for under the ownership order I should not do anything with the eyes and so forth for
The purpose that cont in them th sentiment should be taken as principle whatever I behold upon my body I should appropriate for others and for the benefit of others taking someone inferior and so forth to be himself and taking himself to be other bodh Safa should meditate upon envy compe and
Pride with a mind free of conceptualization he is honored but we are not we have not found possession as he had he is praised and we dispar he’s happy but we suffer we do the work while he AB in C he’s renowned and great in the world and we’re inferior go sounds
Like in off you do all the thing then someone get all the credit we have no good quality what to do all of us are end down with good quality there are those comparison to whom he inferior and there are those in comparison to whom we are Supreme the
Morality View and WS are not under our control but due to the force of Affliction he must heal Us in whatever way he’s able and willingly we must accept any harm involved however we are not his object of healing so why why does he little as and what as his good
Quality he has good quality with no compassion for migrating being who dwell in the M of poisoness of bad migration eternally he is proud and of his good quality and wish to harm the wise in order that we may surpass he who discard as equal to I shall definitely attain
Possession and honor for myself even through thisp by all means we shall make clear to the entire world the good quality we have and we shall not let anyone hear and and we shall not let anyone hear of any of his good quality and I shall out also we shall high our
We will be venerated not him we will find a great deal possession and we honor not like him for a long time I shall look for pleasure at been just mix simple he’ll become a laughing star of all M and of them it is say this Afflicted one is competing with us how
Can I be equal to us in hearing wisdom from class and weal upon hearing the good quality that we make known to all I shall toally Delight enjoy the Delight or excitement giving R to Goose pimple even to three possession if he’s working for us I give him just enough to live on
And by force will take the rest his comfort will Decline and shall involve him in the H for hundreds of lives and C he ca has caused harm to me mine because of design to enact your own purpose such as the W gone through overc on well ding only suffering therefore I shall
Definitely engage myself in the purpose of others since the words of the imun are infallible it it I Shall Behold is good quality in the future if in the past so at this point and here one verse 156 he talking about if you employ someone as your how
Uh helper right you must give them enough food you cannot torture them if you torture them for many many Ys you going to suffer the consequences of it so it’s very important to take care that means you must pay them appr properly through the thing I think those people
Come Singapore if they M I think may I think relative to their country they will not be able to earn any much money like he the opportunity so you go there you must um try to treat them like human being don’t treat them like first thing
They are human being like as got feeling one try to treat treat them as somebody to help to uh you in your house to do certain things so you wouldn’t be so tired and focused on other thing so must treat them properly so Shan say all the
Happiness that you have G because that your house got happy made your house will be happy also correct so it’s like that the helper if in the past you have practice this act a situation similar to the happiness of Buddha could not have been possible therefore just as I H as I this
Dr yeah this SPM and other likewise other having examp the purpose you shall steal whatever appears on the and use the benefit for other I’m delighted but others say I’m high but they are low I benefit other myself and not other why not jealous of myself I must separate
Myself from happiness and involve others from this suffing others why am I doing this at the time I should examine my fault although other may have something wrong I should perform fa why should I do something that’s slightly wrong I should open it admit to many people by
Further describing a Renown of other I shall make it out shine my own just like the lowest of servant I should employ myself for all purpose I’m naturally fought readen I should not praise myself for a portion of incidental good quality I shall never let a few people I shall
Never let even a few people know of the good quality no matter how in brief May the harm that you have caused for others for the sake descend upon me and for the sake of being I should not be aggressive acting in brutal way instead like a newly
Married bride I should stay bful timid and restrain task you should think and abide in this way and not act so if you the transgress being under the control you’ll be subjugated however although having been abide if your mind you do not act in such a manner and since all
Thoughts are based themselves in you you were only destined to subjugation that previously when you could not overcome is indifferent I see it and now wherever you go I shall destroy all your arrogance even now may I cast aside the intention thinking about my own welfare having so you to other without becoming
Descri me I offer sustenance if I become noncon I will not give you all the living beings and then it’s certain that you not delivered me to The Garden of the hell for ages you are delivering me like this whereby I have suffered LLY now recording all my Rees I shall ome
Your intention of self-purpose so this is like selft what caus the suffering is self-cherishing that cause all the harm that is talking to oneself so you must know where is the real cause of all your suffering 174 to whatever degree to take care of this body to that
Degree I shall fall into the state of extreme anxiety having fall in the way if I desire are unable to be fulfilled even by uh everything upon this Earth where El will be able to fulfill desire of that being I able to fulfill them and creating for object of Desire Affliction
And degeneration or attitude will arise one will not know the existing ex exhaustion of success and not depending on anything therefore I shall never allow an opportunity for the desire of the body to inrease not holding to the attractive is a good proection in the end it will it will
Turn to dust unable to move it Propel by another what should I hold on to this terrible unclean form of self even when is a Li better to be off dat what is the you of this machine to me how is it different from the cloud of Earth and
The light atas why do I not dispel this Pride having aate suffering for no purpose because of oring body why the you of attachment and anger for this thing is similar to the piece of w whether I’m sustaining my body in this way or whether it been eaten by vouchers
And the like if had no attachment or hatred why then am I attached to if it know no anger When de and no pleasure when pray for what purpose am I wearing myself out like this opinion anyone who desire this body and I are friends since
We desire our own body why not find join others therefore in order to benefit migrating I shall give away this body without any attachment although it have many fault I should hold it as a worker too so you should use your body just like something a tool to help you car
Out to get the job done where to get the job done get enlightened that’s the job 184 185 so enough of this charish Behavior I shall follow when when the Buddhist see us think you’re really charish you are trying to build all the sand castle is like in the dream collect
All the wealth like in the dream all the thing they not have for next life you totally got distracted so it’s like in a dream they call the charish means this they view this life thing most important then they got no Karma so the chish also called pitiful because they did not know
The thing they not created then is beholding beholding for us to generate compassion on them so enough of this charish be I will follow in the footstep of the skillful having recall the Abid concerning consensuous I shall turn away from sleep and lurgy that means do not sleep a lot
Let me spend your time practicing just like the compassion of the son of the Victor I shall the Rego what is appropriate if I not make a constant effort day and night when will my suffering ever come to an end therefore in order to dispel the obscuration I
Shall withdraw my mind from the wrong PA and constantly place it in equ voice upon the correct object of observation push chapter n the Perfection of wisdom the m t all the branches for the purpose of wisdom therefore those who desire to pacify suffering should generate this wisdom so
Chapter n this whole chapter is dedicated for the Perfection of wisdom so they say the first five perception is all towards wisdom so the teaching of the Buddha will directly tell you point toward wisdom converge at wisdom or they will lead you to the wisdom because wisdom realizing emptiness how the
Ultimate true how thing really exist will free oneself from suffering from his very root so without freeing oneself from suffering from the very root having the experience is impossible to free other people you can’t just that you don’t have you cannot give to people so right now we are sharing concept right
So we when he give this chapter he emphasized a couple of key key point in this chapter itself Shanti at the time how so some the things who is this and all the thing he say hey I don’t know about this thing I can’t comment so we
Skip well very good so he skip so those vers especially the middle way School view the pasaka madaka so this one you go through all the saaka the nikana school then the basika school then then all the different school will debate with him then he finally go up to the
Final School the pasan madaka school so a lot of the thing you read that I need to know all this well in right now we only need one the final view but to make the final view very comprehensive very complete and perfect you need to know from beginning why this view hold
Because you able to see the object of negation very clearly oh now I know why they are wrong oh now I know where this not complete because you can see the object neg very clearly when you got the view but let’s say I give you all the textbook
You read you cannot make any clue but Shanti DEA all the commentary by Lama Chapa they wrote the thing so we know the final view okay this is the correct one so he supposed to backtrack so now we backtrack it’s not so difficult as you want to move on forward 9.2 the cons
Convention ultimate are it to be the two truth ultimate is not object it is said to be a concealer with respect to them the people are seen to be of two yogis and the ordinary for amongst them the ordinary people are damaged by are damaged by the people who are Yogi even
Yogis due to the different mind are damaged by the successive Higher One because emptiness is established by means of analogy that is both exerted and for the sake of the result one engage without analysis people see entity and con them to be real not like illusion therefore she yogis and people
Debate although form and the so for established by a direct perceiver it is so Renown not by a valid cognizer they are false and just like unclean and so forth they Renown to be clean and so for for the sake of engaging Ming The Protector thought entity in tasness so
They are not momentary there is there is contradiction even conventionally there is not the F in Yogi conventionally that is seeing the tasner relative to mundan being otherwise the definite understanding of woman is unclean will be damaged by the mundane being married arise with respect to OSI uh Victor just with respect to
Other entity if the sentiment are like illusion then having died how are they going to rebond as long as those condition example as long as this delion will arise why should s me be truly existent due to merely too long to Long continuity with to killing a being who
Is illusion and the like there is no neity because there’s no mind with to illus mind Merit and negativity arise because the Mantra and so for lack the ability mind or Illusion does not occur the illusion that arise from the various condition are also very nowhere is there
A single condition that’s able to generate all if ultim is Nirvana and Sam is conventional in that since even the Buddha could be circling then who was use a buddhis Safa conduct if the condition are not Ser all the illusion are not over since the condition are s
There will be no occurrent even conventionally even if the mistaken condition does not exist then what have to be observed as the illusion if the illusion itself does not exist for you then what will be observed at a time they exist other than those those aspect
Of the Mind itself if the Mind itself an illusion what could be seen by at that time the protector of the world say thought to the Mind mind does not see mind just like the blade of sord does not uh does not cut itself mind is similar just like a butter lamb
Perfectly illuminated and ended is itself the butter lamb is not the object to be eliminated because Darkness obstructed by Darkness uh because darkness is not obstructed by Darkness there is blue in a crystal and the bless is not rely on something likewise some entity are seen in relies on something
Other there and some are seen without relying it’s not the case that the bless in which is blue is Mak itself in Nature by itself a Butter Land illuminated it say that the Consciousness know and it’s thrown to right that is called an awareness illuminate the nature of a
Mind is something can illuminate itself you only need a prior cause you cannot find a cause for the illumination it’s our nature it’s just that you say fire hot what is fire fire is hot mind clear and not knowing so is our nature from beginner’s time from beginner’s time so
The earlier 20 paragraph talk about how to establish this mind between the ordinary and the yogi what differ the yogi see things differently the ordinary see things differently the yogi don’t see things like see things like illusion the ordinary see things existing from his own side grasp and out the grasping they act
Based on the grasping they act then they suffer ignorant means grasping at a truly inherent thing out ignorant you produce samsara 21 about the L illuminate what say to conscious no what is no it say to awareness eluminate 22 if that is not seen by any we that
Eliminated or does not eliminate it’s like the greatness of the daughter of the baren woman is me even to express it so when you realize that you don’t exist it’s like a barren woman a daughter of barren woman this woman cannot give birth what are you talking about this
Barren woman daughter got this beauty and all thing no if you establish you don’t exist inherently how can whatever from your mind you experience experience ex exist inherently no there is isn’t that’s why in the sura they say first establish form is empty you The Emptiness of selflessness first then the
Emptiness of phenomenal because it’s very easy to Esta in the form you come find yourself in the feeling can’t find yourself in the Discrimination come find yourself in the compal factor you can’t find anything existing inherently in the Consciousness you can’t find Consciousness is empty emptiness is consciousness conscious not
Other than emptiness empty is also not other than Consciousness So when you say Consciousness is the abiding rising of that thought that flavor abiding seasoning for every moment you can break down into smaller arising abiding seasoning moment so you cannot pinpoint to something that exists from his own side under analysis without analysis
Obviously right now is 540 those stach very good one may tea break 4:00 never eat cake or just they show you give you cake they they give you cake it’s call you buy Cake one understand I remember when we do our training so we got those 24-hour operation so some sometimes they Ser
Night got first night snack second night snack any training pass at 11:00 p.m. we have second night snack then some of the people walk inside there I say today go Jack my Jack 22 it not seen by others the eluminate does not eluminate is it the gracious not daughter of bar it’s meaning is even hard so if you are able to you don’t exist truly then what you see canot exist truly because barren woman cannot give bir why talking about
The quality of all the rest of the thing so say you follow this train of thought you will have some flavor we are not saying you don’t we are saying it don’t exist truly the way you think now based on the ordinary mind not affected by tenants not
Affected by philosophy not affected by the teaching of the Buddha who Reve the final truth not affected one so you affected little bit okay what you say say because you you know no no no you don’t work that way faith alone will not bring you to the end you must analyze
Dream for theid don’t have one don’t have so all the quality you think the person have is like a like the CH but you cannot give her one quality don’t have so you able to establish oh now thinking so you supposed to do what you
Got less D in yourself you start to have less d a little bit less not say totally no less you say probably cor probably I can not first thing that you say your improvement probably I cannot establish now I will work hard to establish the
Thing at least I got the the you know you do ma question you go and look at the answer you work backwards so same thing now is that you got a answer ready you work backwards wow the answers like that they cannot be wrong one first you must believe they
They are not wrong but you say maybe I’m more clever than them that nagaj Juna Shanti DEA you know I’m all clever totally different thing but you think they are correct then you work backwards they say like that that means then I better follow then I’ll be guided so
First thing that I like to say you start to improve you say that some sign is like you like to your D is positive D than negative d i I don’t know but should have but I can’t establish by experience but in the book they did say
But this book even I say like that it’s quite cryptic correct s you sending to life 25 seeing hearing knowing and not not rep what is the cause of suffering the conceptu of This truly existent that is to be averted 925 last time news is 925 I don’t see
New I think this they got PR time slot to everybody will watch on so our Zoom is PR time slot 9:00 p.m. 9:26 illusion are not other than the mine they are yet considered to be not other if they are entity how could they not be other you say they are not other
They could not exist as entity 27 just as a illusion not truly existent but our object of viewing likewise are the viewer Cy existence has no support entity other than what it could be less like a space since non entity depend on entity how could they have function your
Mind could be alone without companion if the mind will free from apprehension what you be like is so what excellent would it be in considering M only even if you know them to be illusion how will be afflict to be a for averted even when the very Creator illusion when realizing
He could produce attachment the Creator have not abandoned the latency of the Affliction with respect to the No Object therefore when he see his latency of Tim are we to the cultivation of latency of emptiness the latency latency means impr the latency of entity will not be will
Be abandoned and to fiz with nothing whatsoever exist is later on two that two will be abandoned what two will be abandoned means conceptually even that concept you say will be abandoned will also be abandoned oh that everything real not there but the thing that don’t exist is
Real you hold on the thing that don’t exist is so real they put so this is important to understand this point moving on 9:35 when either entity non entity abide in the mind since there’s no other aspect of the time the object observation elaboration of outer PA just at wish
Fulfilling du a wish fing tree completely fulfill hope likewise through the training of the force of PR the exalted body of the Victor appear for example having accomplished the G shine he pass away yet it TR he passed away for a long time is still pacifi poison
In the light likewise The Shrine of the Victor is also accomplished in according to the de of Enlightenment andh Nana all w how will the possession or result come about by making offering to just one without mind because it’s an exper for Abiding and having attain Nirvana are
Similar neither conventionally and or in tness is is super does is a result as is taught in the scripture for example it is just as the result with respect to truly existent Buddha by seeing the truth one will be free what’s the you of see what’s the use of seeing emptiness
Is because he taught in the scripture that without this PA there’s no Enlightenment first you must have a conceptual understanding then you go beyond a concept earlier I used a example of a glass so you see me directly or you see the thing the truth directly without reasoning first you
Establish the thing with reasoning like a mountain someone tell you if you see smoke me got fire so you’re on the River Side of the Mountain but you see smoke you see a clear correct sign a clear correct determinative sign so you called a determinative no then say see sign
Correct sign means got fire but you didn’t see fire yet then you go to inferential that mean say if I see the thing thing this must be correct because I saw fire below at where I am it produce more then to have a direct perceiving conscious you see that means
You climb up the mountain and see wow fire so you establish for yourself without reasoning so that’s called called nonconception you directly see the fire already you only see through smoke to know there’s fire you directly see fire that is called non-conception you directly see the thing moving on either conventional or
Result is T for example there result with respect to the truly Exist by seeing the true one will free what the you see because he taught the scripture without the power there’s no Enlightenment if the Maya is not EST how could your own scripture EST because
These are esta for both of us in they are not esta for you your conviction due to whatever condition identical for the Mina is someone were du were true due to the accepting of other then the better and the rest will be true because the Mana is disb because is dis with
Regarding the scripture and between you you and I you to discard them it just like everybody got they say uh my God say then you say Buddha say if someone say means true cor that means it’s not valid you cannot argue that way one oh this one better because my teacher say
My teacher also say my better then you say so your teacher say become a cause for the thing to be true no what so you use logic way you understand cannot be someone say is true that’s why say don’t check why I tell you check the content inside there you establish it with
Reasoning then you arrive at something more substantial more stable that you can be analyzed because through analysis moving on while the root of the teaching is a fully ordained M even those even those fully ordained Ms and abide with difficulty the Mind together observation abide with also with difficulty if due
To having exalted abandoned Affliction they will be free if follow as soon as whatever happen they become po destroy adult to De of Affliction the POS actions are seen in though it definitely say that it is not just temporal or having no craving or pration it’s through craving although the craving is
Not Afflicted it’s through the confusion why would there be not The Afflicted and the unafflicted due to the condition of feeling that’s craving feeling exist even in then a mind that is together with observation abide in some having so you have a feeling without analysis there’s a nice feeling now we feeling a
Little bit warm there’s a feeling but you analyze feeling well you got feeling that whole body tell me which part you not establish we got analysis so under analysis but there’s a feeling that it’s a real feeling more real than what it’s supposed to be we add on what we add on
In Heavenly real real feeling promise promise you double the promise me promise again promise one more time you you promise yourself there a feeling no don’t have you SE if they got the T feeling you check where the more you find must find this SP here no the more you find you
Can’t find means your belief is not substantiated by reasoning your belief is not substantial by your belief is just emotional coming imprint habitual imprint it’s not substantial by reasoning so things that substantial by reasoning are more stable emotional you know you you going talk to people emotional when you sometime you
Is it the psychiatrist emotional psychiatrist believe everything they say is real no man I know how you feel because every minute they talk m one hour say Buddhas is the best psychology you must use the Buddha psychology they can work but you so all our emotion are
Because we did not able to hold on to the thing okay talk one more verse on that 950 we stop then you go for dinner ready having seeds in mind that separate from an they will produce one and in the case of absorption without discrimination therefore one should meditate on
Emptiness so now they talk about the reason must meditate on emptiness if any fish engage in the suer spoken Buddha whyer regarding most most man things are similar to sura if it’s due to not being realized all become for and due to one Su being similar where they’re not
Spoken by the Buddha okay we stop here I see got how many more of us 18 90 167 so I got 117 verse okay okay we stop here we do a short Manda to this Mar may as soon the 10l state of a guru Buddha they I be able to
Liberate all sing from all their suffering May the body mind now your B arise and grow when their B have no decline but increase forever more the topic of emptiness is something most difficult topic to understand so right now if you don’t understand what I say can’t remember it’s perfectly fine it’s
Perfectly correct I will say correct perfectly normal so if when you read 20 30 time right you will get some flavor for that okay good so now you go for your dinner 7:00 we shut outside the thing and you walk out to the bus itself okay