Hi you guys welcome back to the one thing about it podcast you’re here with your host Amani talks and we have a very special guest in the building Mr I asked him I was like do people call you Jonathan he say yeah Mr Jonathan Mr Jonathan nobody ever calls
Me that though um rich and unemployed himself finesser finesser okay okay that is I yes what do you what’s your brand I see that you’re like trying of are you transitioning from podcasting to focus on your coaching like what’s the deal with that no they go hand in hand uh the
Podcast is just like the funnel it gives me the traffic um but uh I’m focusing more on the men’s group just because I already have the podcast it’s already like it’s doing what it do yeah so what’s the deal with this men’s group what are you teaching these men to be
Narcissist okay yeah sounds about right I thought you were teaching him about self-esteem no I’m I’m just going so um I’m basically helping men um just level up uh it’s it’s a it’s a fellowship it’s a Brotherhood um we don’t talk about women at all um it’s I do help guys with
Confidence uh we have a therapy session every Thursday um it’s just an outlet for guys just to just get out whatever they’re going through um but I think it’s a really great program for anybody that’s just looking for like some type of um like fraternity A brotherhood like
Uh I have a bunch of guys in there that are rich that that can give guidance I have guys in there that don’t have anything um that need guidance so if you’re a guy watching this and you need it join the program join the program y’all cuz a lot
Of guys do need uh guidance a lot of men need more confidence more self-esteem so so I applaud that a lot of people don’t have their fathers in the home especially black men and that’s where you get your confidence from um and that kind of goes hand in hand with what I
Want to talk about today because we see it firsthand what happens when men don’t have confidence right we see what’s going on with Tiana Taylor and thean Shumpert divorce first of all I hate to see a black family split up I’m sad about that period I’m all about Black
Love black marriages and sticking together for the kids I mean we see so many black kids not grow up with their fathers we don’t want to keep seeing it over and over again so I feel really bad that their marriage could not work out but for good reason I mean she kind of
SP At first she was trying to make it seem like you know it’s amicable everything’s okay don’t come for Iman but you know she she spilled the tea about a week ago about what was really going on so let’s get into the topic today okay one thing about it there’s
Always one thing about it one thing about it men think that they want the 10 out of 10 woman but really their egos cannot handle having the woman that everyone wants the good example of this that we see is the Tiana Taylor and Iman Shumpert thing because she was saying
That she just could not handle him trying to compete with her basically like being jealous that she’s a bigger celebrity than he is what do you think about that um well I think their situation uh maybe for mine like you know he he was in the spotlight and now that he’s not
In the spotlight nobody’s even paying attention to him and that his girl has all the spotlight maybe it kind of gets to him like okay damn like this his ego is crushed and um I never been in a situation like that where I’ve been with
A woman and she has a spotlight and I don’t want her to shine but I could I understand where he coming from though like you know women for an example like God saved women out the strip club and once once you get with them you don’t
Want them to strip no more all you’re done you know what I’m saying only because I don’t want men to look at you I don’t want people to see you naked let’s let’s keep let’s keep keep you out that environment so I can keep you to
Myself and I don’t that’s not an ego thing that’s just me wanting my woman to be you know secure in my relationship because outside influences can um mess up relationships to be honest like women are are easily persuaded um especially like when the light is on them like I’m I’m not the
First guy IM is not the first guy that probably try to holl at her I’m not saying this for their situation but for a situation like that um I think just women are easily persuaded and guys know that so I want to keep you out of the light and to
Myself see I don’t that’s that sounds correct you know I don’t I’m not arguing with that but my thing to kind of you know be on the opposite side is if you are dating Tiana Taylor right she’s singing she’s dancing she’s a you know she’s been a celebrity for a long
Time and that’s how you met her you can’t date her and marry her and then try to change and be like I don’t want you to take this acting job I don’t want you to be on the red carpet without me that’s how you met her so men really
Have to understand that whatever position the woman is in when you meet her you can try to level her up but you can’t try to change what she’s doing if you don’t accept everything that she’s doing in the Moment Like Dancing like being a celebrity like being a sex
Symbol if you can’t handle that in the relationship don’t date that girl a lot of men just can’t handle that and that’s okay but don’t go after that girl that’s doing that and then want her to be half of what she was doing or being before
Well as a man like you run the relationship so if I say you quit and quit listen I’m not arguing that men run a relationship or that they lead their relationship that’s that’s hunky dory that’s a okay but you should also lead the relationship not with you trying to
Um like she was saying she thought that she had to dim her light to have any type of Peace in their relationship like Iman really wanted her to minimize herself and it’s different from being like okay like listen I’m going to lead our relationship and being a man that
Your eag hurt like your girl’s getting more attention than you so now you acting like no I want you to to be a little less than those are two different things he probably knows something that we don’t know she probably ain’t loyal women ain’t that loyal especially when
The light is on them and they got money and then they could be easily influenced so he’s probably like yo listen he’s trying to save his relationship yep okay he was trying to save his relationship when he was cheating yep okay yep I need to cheat so
I can be the person I need to be with shut up shut up and here’s the thing too I don’t understand why you we already know that men are very ego driven if their egos get hurt they are very emotional people how you know cuz we see
Examples of it all the time a man that has a hurt ego becomes a very abusive man we see examples of it okay I could agree yeah I could agree and I’m just like where does that come from like why why are men just like it’s there like
Y’all egos really be your whole personality like if you embarrass a man in public you make him feel a little less than [ __ ] you’re getting the worst of him he fighting you yes because ego is all we have is ego all y’all have yes
Well no let me not say that not all we have but it’s a it’s a major part of us like we need that ego to be strok we need to know that we that that people look at us in a certain way so if um if you’re disrespecting me of course you
Know like I have women disrespect me in public and I didn’t I didn’t react I just waited till we got alone but um a lot of people can’t handle that a lot of people can’t handle a woman calling them a [ __ ] in front of people and taking
That without you know hitting them or cursing back at them um you really got to be a confident person when it comes to situations like but I waited till we got a loan and I let her have it not physically but definitely verbally do you think that men have such low
Confidence these days because they grow up without their dads uh I don’t think it’s because of their dads I think it’s that could be a part of it um it’s just not knowing self um I’m trying to think of time where I wasn’t confident back when I was like 8 9 10 11
Very young 12 I was still trying to figure myself out um and then I started I don’t know paying attention to myself and started working on myself slowly but for surely but after like 16 17 I was fully confident yeah but my dad wasn’t
In my life yeah he left well my mom left him at like when I was seven yeah which confused me I I could understand how it confuses people because you need someone to look up to so you can you know like um so you know what to uh uh what to
Aspire to be yes and without that figure in your life you’re kind of lost and well I guess yeah without a father but that’s not the only Factor though I mean I think it starts there and then I think it kind of goes goes hand in hand with like um I think it
Starts with your father not being there I think it um gets worse as you get older and you think that your life is going to be one thing you think you’re you’re going to make all this money and you know the average man doesn’t make a
Lot of money um and then when you see social media or you just you know go through life and women require things and you don’t have the things that women require I think that beats on your self-confidence too and then you just become angry mhm women play a big part of too
Um just outside factors like seeing other people shine and you having less than and you thinking that okay well if I don’t have this then people don’t like me people don’t want me women don’t want me so um it’s really about self assurance like you have to know yourself
You have to know like a lot of people don’t know themselves I never like you said you were like when was I not confident when I was like8 n I’m telling you like there was not a time in my life that I felt like I wasn’t confident
Never but I swear like I grew up in dance so I was always like on a public platform I studied ballet for years so I was always like performing in front of people um and then even after that I had a YouTube channel I was like
Talking to people and now I’m on I don’t know I just be like how are people how are you not I I get it but I’m just like I feel bad for people that aren’t confident like when a woman isn’t confident you know she might have low
Self worth might you know be a little you know here or there or whatever you know a longer whole phase than needed but when men are confident like they’re kind of dangerous mhm uh Tiana was saying that uh Iman was like emotionally abusing her and that’s where it starts
Physical abuse and domestic violence very rarely starts with somebody hitting you it starts off with the control no you’re not going to take that job and then now you abusing me like you making me feel bad about myself and [ __ ] like I’m glad that she we don’t know the
Whole story but I’m glad that she got out when she did I never been that person I never been that type of person just to like uh take out my my my low self-esteem on other people you know what I mean like never even in relationship so I don’t
Know I can’t really relate to it you know like I always been really really confident even like in all my relationships I let women be free as possible I’m not trying to like contain you I’m not trying to force you to do anything if if you feel like you want to
Be the star then by all means go if you feel like you want to go out all the time then go do it but if I feel like it’s not for me then I’m I’m skating I’m going get up out of there yeah like why being situation where you got to control
Somebody to stay or be you know what I mean I ain’t with all that no seriously it’s not even worth the hassle like if you got to control somebody are the like is the relationship even even real like the control factor is so boggling to me because it’s just like you want somebody
You got to control like that sounds crazy as [ __ ] but even going back to what we were saying before do you agree or disagree that the average man wants the woman that everyone wants the 10 out of 10 but really can’t handle being with that type of woman even if she’s not out
Here doing things that embarrass you even if her just being herself and she is attractive people want her do you think that the average man can handle a woman like that no no I I even know my place you know like it’s some women that I just don’t approach it just ain’t time
For it you know like when I see like really really beautiful women and I seen they on their [ __ ] you know I stay away even like not just cuz I’m not ready not ready financially that’s not the problem I’m talking about like I can look at a woman and tell what she wants
And I cannot get that to her and I’m not going to even step to her I Ain going to waste your time but men like it’s the ego thing like y I feel like I got to get her you know what I’m saying I need
I need to boost myself up I need other people to know that I can get these type of women so I’m going just I’mma waste this time I’mma waste their time anyway and it be on some [ __ ] like that like I never like I know my place I know when
It’s time I know when it’s not you know I sorry um yeah I just I be trying to preach to guys like y listen like just cuz she fine don’t mean you got to holl at her you know I mean just CZ just because you got a dick don’t mean you
Got to [ __ ] every [ __ ] you know I mean like just chill like it’s and it’s about knowing yourself worth too like you don’t have to like if you know yourself I know that I’m that [ __ ] for sure you know what I mean like in my eyes you think I’m that
[ __ ] so stupid um I know that in my eyes like I know I’m him right I I don’t have to prove myself by getting a bunch of women and just having a ple women just in my Arsenal just to [ __ ] and just to say that I have yeah a lot of men
Overcompensate for their shortcomings by trying to be with every woman that they can get their hands on they say that a lot of times they overcompensate because they don’t even really like women sometimes they just like men and they will just dog every woman that they’re
With and be overly promiscuous and be a hoe and never find their soulmate because their soulmate is a man you never heard that before no it’s a thing it’s even even G so you saying men are gay but hide it and [ __ ] a bunch of [ __ ] and yes and this isn’t even
Coming from women I have um I’ll be on Tik Tok a lot you know I’ll be on Tik Tok and I saw like a couple gay guys say that a number one um indicator that a man might be DL is when he’s just having all like these women having sex back to
Back like he can’t find his his soulmate um he’s doging women he’s out every single night he always got to have sex with this woman this woman he is hiding the fact that he is he can’t find a soulmate cuz his soulmate is a man he
Got to run through all these women and dog him because he doesn’t really like he doesn’t know he’s gay um he know he gay he’s DL he’s D well if if he’s gay and [ __ ] men then I don’t know but I can it’s a like when I have guys around me and that
They’re they’re overly like uh misc guy and they always got to talk about women they always got to be like yeah [ __ ] this girl this oh yeah [ __ ] oh I just had this that’s like a clear indicator like you trying to hide some [ __ ] like
100% why do you talk about women all day 24/7 like you’re trying to hide something and I could see that [ __ ] you don’t talk about nothing else but [ __ ] women the next women the last women and this and this and trying to show you’re hiding something you’re gay
Because my thing is having sex with multiple people all the time cannot be that fun I’m sorry that it don’t look fun to me it’s fun I’m telling you that [ __ ] don’t look fun it’s it’s The Recoil that’s not fun like [ __ ] them and then the aftermath
That’s not fun like trying to keep up because I could smash you know one night stand and be done but trying to keep them on the team that’s the that’s what’s not fun well no not even that I’m talking about just literal you know one time and you probably never even see him
Again you know that doesn’t even seem fun to me like why like why how long you going to do this like sir you’re in your 30 well at a certain age yeah you got to chill but it is fun it’s fun I don’t know it’s a lot of fun it’s a thrill is
It a thrill it’s a thrill it’s a thrill in it’s the whole process not even just [ __ ] it’s it’s um the chase the actual capture and then the release but you know why I feel like a lot of men have that mentality too of they’re
Always just like on to the next girl on to the next girl a lot of men don’t have what it requires to even be a family man a lot of men are not financially set up for it emotionally set up for it they don’t even have the morality or even
What it takes to be like I’m going to be a one-woman man because really being a onew woman man is probably a little bit more expensive taxing and requires more from you than having a new sex partner every week I mean you can have sex that’s easy that’s free but really
Committing yourself to one situation that takes a lot from you and a lot of these guys don’t have it it’s free to be a [ __ ] boy boy it’s expensive to actually be a man I can agree well I mean it does cost to juggle multiple women but it does cost not just
Financially um to be in a relationship like you have to really become a man and that’s when you really find out like yeah I am not him you know like you really be running from yourself when you got a bunch of women because once you’re with the person that’s when you realize
Who you are because this other person is seeing you every day and seeing because you could talk this [ __ ] all day on social media act like but this person that you with get to see this [ __ ] every day and you you can’t fake that and
That’s why a lot of men don’t come in relationships because don’t be in relationships because they be hid and [ __ ] they don’t they not really that guy in real life they can’t they can’t handle being with the person um emotionally financially um they just can’t no they
Can’t their maturity isn’t set up for it yet I’ve been I way too like I I avoided relationships not because um not because I wasn’t financially ready I just wasn’t ready to support another person financially I don’t I didn’t want to I I don’t want to have to
Express myself I don’t want to I don’t want you to express yourself I don’t want to hear it yeah I don’t want have to be consistent um I don’t want have to you know have a child and then have to be there consistently have to raise a child like it’s it’s commitment it’s
Effort yeah but it’s so easy to just [ __ ] around 100% do you have kids no not yet okay good for you well either way good for you I don’t I don’t really care but why don’t you care cuz I you know I support people having kids but I also
Support them not having kids you know I feel like too often we expect kids from people but it’s just like you shouldn’t really expect that any especially not anymore not in today’s economy having a kid 50 years ago was way different from having a kid now how you know cuz I know
The economy like what do you mean he wasn’t here 50 years ago but my grandparents were they had all these kids because they could could kind of support them now it’s very hard to support a kid because everything is skyrocketed yeah because it’s expensive mhm it’s expensive and I know
Broke [ __ ] is having kids year after year yeah but they’re not dads though they having kids but they’re not dads and a lot of people think that it’s either you being a complete dead beat and never seeing your kid or like being father of the year and living in the
House with your kid and being married there’s a lot of in between cuz I know a lot of guys that I would consider a beat but because they see their kid once every other week for 3 hours they think they’re not a dead beat and I’m just
Like no that’s that’s that’s a deadbeat like you don’t even have a room in your house for your kid like they come over to spend the night and you have no accommodations for them like you haven’t factored your kid into your life that’s that’s a dead beat when you going to
Have kids I don’t know I’m not focused on it kids are not a prize they’re not a what a prize no no they’re a liability they are but it’s also a blessing okay okay yeah I’m not going to argue that they’re a blessing for some people
But um you know what it is too I’m the oldest of like eight siblings and I’m the oldest girl it’s different from being the oldest girl and being the oldest guy I’m the oldest girl out of like eight siblings I grew up like babysitting my siblings you’re like a mother
I mean they be like you can’t tell me what to do you know my mom but whatever um but I really like damn near like I was babysitting these [ __ ] for years so now that I’m like free I don’t want to do that [ __ ] no more I think that
People that are either like a middle child or you the youngest or you’re an only child you’ll be like yeah I want to have kids because you want that family but when you’re the oldest you already had that family I’m good I’m good I see what my friends can’t do when they have
Their kids and I’ll be like nah that ain’t for me I can’t can’t wake up at 6:00 a.m. kids be waking up early as [ __ ] I’ll be like what the [ __ ] is you doing [ __ ] eating cereal at 6:00 a.m. like come on like y’all can’t sleep in
For a day y’all [ __ ] can’t sleep in like I would be pissed off if my kid woke me up at theum on a Saturday [ __ ] I would lose my mind how old are you like 28 29 29 mhm I would lose my absolute mind so maybe in the
Future within you know within marriage I’m a middle child and I feel like I I’m a middle child and I feel like I do want that family I want I want a very very big family like maybe 10 15 kids yeah I bet you do cuz you ain’t having them mhm
Yeah it’s real easy for you but I got to be there though mean I got to be there no you got to be there and support them that’s hard too but you ain’t birthing them damn 15 kids ain’t nobody gonna give you that ain’t nobody gonna give
You five I think you’ll do good with three at the most I can get one a piece come on you don’t want to be a baby father no no no no no I didn’t say that what you mean one a piece wives yeah why do you want more than one wife um why
Not okay why not I mean for real like who who said that had to have one wife somebody came up with that [ __ ] somebody did somebody okay I mean I guess it’s whatever is with it within whatever you know religion you subscribe to you know Christians don’t believe that you can
Have more than one wife but there are other religions that you know wife is okay I don’t have a religion okay that explains it smart ass well yeah wow that’s that’s really nuts um what I was going to say when I was talking about like having
Kids um a lot of times too um we are too willy-nilly with not only who we choose to have kids with but having kids outside of wedlock I think that’s really the number one problem in the black community I don’t think so I think it is wock everything
Stems from that well yeah but I mean how many marriages are really lasting I think people just need to have an agreement and understand what the hell happening but uh just because I get married now we got to have kids and then a lot of them are failing and
It’s why even have to get married just to have kids for one day possibly it’s a very high percentage that we might not even make it just look at that Iman Shepherd and her like you would have thought like that was a happy growing you know like they was their
Daughters are so they look great on camera you know like they look good like damn that was like hope for like a black community and look at this [ __ ] now like it’s it’s it’s showing you that this [ __ ] ain’t stable for real isn’t it crazy how we view marriages crumble like
Just 10 years ago [ __ ] would have been like oh I want that Will and Jada [ __ ] Ain’t saying that no more like it’s really crazy like seeing like marriages that you look up to like crumble in real life see the thing is with Will and Jada you know like it’s in
The media you really don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes like but that’s that’s a true marriage right there oh yeah that’s a true marriage they not leaving each other you know what I’m saying they’re to the death and whatever we go through like you’re my
Life partner for real this that’s what I want I don’t want to marry somebody out of love I want to marry somebody CU this is my friend this my life partner we G to stick through this [ __ ] whatever you know what I’m saying whatever these Outsiders got to say [ __ ] them they
Don’t know what’s going on this is between me and you and our family but people have the wrong idea of marriage they do and % if you think that a successful marriage is them not breaking up like not getting a divorce then yeah they do have a successful marriage but
Other people would be like no like their marriage is a sham like but I agree with you I think a successful marriage is not getting a divorce um because will has not spoken up and said anything against Jay like for all we know he’s agreeing with everything that she says it might
Be a money play for them it definitely was a money play like this last few weeks like she just been on the podcast ront podcast after podcast to S her book and just to draw more controversy towards their relationship he on the [ __ ] boat laying out like I don’t care because the outsiders
Shouldn’t matter like we let Outsiders dictate our relationship we let [ __ ] like when I get in relationships I don’t post that [ __ ] I don’t I don’t let people know what’s going on because people are waiting on your downfall they’re they’re waiting you know what I’m saying I don’t put that [ __ ] out
There that [ __ ] is not for public the public eye it’s it’s really not um for real for real I saw a video the other day this guy was saying how men are stupid when they get a girlfriend and then all these girls are suddenly in their DMS out of nowhere these girls was
Never nowhere when you were single but now you got a girl and they in your DMs not because they really want you though a lot of times a girl will see how you treat your girl or they see what she getting or they even want to be her or
They really want to one up her so it’s never really about them wanting you as the man they just want what she has and they would try to ruin the relationship just being like yeah I you know um I’m I’m a I’mma get that [ __ ] you know like
You’re really trying to one up her and these [ __ ] be so stupid they be like oh yeah like they all on me now [ __ ] they don’t want you they just want what she has and that’s exactly what he was saying and I was just like that’s so
True people just want what they can’t have I get the most [ __ ] when I’m in a relationship you take it though sometimes yeah Yep this are my past relationship this is not like now not this new version of me but like my past life the
New not the new Jonathan no not the new Jonathan but my my past um soon as I get this posting and [ __ ] like that they just come out of nowhere they just come out of nowhere and they know they know what’s going on and they accept it and
Then they try to break y’all up not even try they just try to be the that number one you know they just try to stick around to see if like what’s going to happen and so but why would the thing is with women if I just cheated on my
Girlfriend for you you think I’m going to be with you and be faithful no I’m going to [ __ ] off too you not I’m not even going to be with you cuz for what I’m going to give me something new that’s how we think like women just it’s
Just a natural thing women just want what they can’t have and how you get them is how you lose them most of the time any way I mean there’s outliers where it really does work out and the mistress becomes a new wife but that’s rare you know you
Holding out for Hope and he’s never leaving his situation his wife whatever it is and you looking stupid you looking stupid cuz you was really just going after something that you a really want from the beginning you just wanted what somebody else had I told guys I made a
Post like yo listen you want some you want some more [ __ ] you want some more girls just act like you got a girlfriend just fake it and it’s so true and [ __ ] know that like yo just post like you got a girlfriend just post like you buying [ __ ] flowers and just doing
[ __ ] they’re coming flooding DMS you just act like it and then now you ain’t got to be in a relationship because cuz they think you’re in a relationship that’s really sad and a lot of women will also accept that situation because they think that they can get in and like
Change your mind like they be like oh like um I can get in and do better and he’s going to choose me but it’s like if he didn’t choose her he didn’t choose her why you think he going to choose you it’s the same thing with like summer
Walker and her baby father like why would you sign up to be somebody’s fourth baby mother thinking that they’re finally going to choose you he went through three women that he didn’t choose and had a baby with them too so why are you different she could have
Been the one no you ever been a side chick no never never never I’ve first of all I don’t even be wanting these [ __ ] it’s hard to even want a [ __ ] to begin with it’s hard to want a [ __ ] it’s hard to even want a [ __ ] to begin with a
Free [ __ ] and I’m about to take a taking [ __ ] no y’all not y’all not that uh in the man for me yeah taking [ __ ] the best bet that’s your best bet cuz you ain’t got to worry about it you already know where he at you already know it’s not
Mine so what do I care why none of these [ __ ] is yours none of these [ __ ] you could people do get married though y’all be trying to make it seem like everybody be for everybody people do have committed relationships and they do get married yeah yeah yeah it’s like it’s
Like 0.5 out of 10 what in Atlanta or just anywhere in America yeah I don’t know I think that people have an idea that relationships are kind of generally doomed and I I I get where that’s coming from but I still have faith in relationships I still feel
Like people still fall in love and they still have these actual relationships that’s not based off anything besides wanting a life partner people like that still do exist I think this is what the world should do we should just have a clean slate let’s let’s take the idea of
Like whatever they put in our mind to what a relationship is let’s clear that and and you come up with your own idea of what a relationship between a person is that’s what people should do not let’s not go with what Society thinks that we should do oh well we have to be
In a relationship relationships already just [ __ ] weird in itself like I got to be with this person right we we not even guaranteed to be with each other I got to be with this person for x amount of time and I have to solely commit to this person we got to share lives
Together and then we get mad and [ __ ] whatever and we break up now it’s like let me go find me another one it’s like we going from one person to the next like what type of who the [ __ ] came up with this girlfriend boyfriend [ __ ] that’s the first start the girlfriend
Boy that’s life and life try different things until you get your thing like like yes it is life like you might start a business and be like no I ain’t like that [ __ ] and then you start another business you might have a job and you be
Like nah I don’t like this job you get another job that’s life trial and error trial and error that’s life you can’t be mad that’s how relationships go oh okay immature people be like I got hurt one time so I’m I’m giving up I’m just like
Come on now like you can’t that’s not going to be the if you’re following that pattern you got to look at yourself and be like maybe it’s me maybe I’m the drama it’s not always everybody else so what about back in the day when they had
The like uh um um um uh what’s the marriage it’s called when um your dad an arranged marriage arranged marriage you know like there was no trial and error look that that girl was a [ __ ] virgin and and her dad brought me to to me and
This is my wife and that’s it and you know what stat show that arranged marriages are more successful than a love marriage H but get it though because you know why love marriages in America and our society don’t work out you date somebody for two years right probably live with them y’all
Having sex y’all y’all pretty much already married before you get married right you’re doing all this stuff and maybe your partner isn’t exactly what you want them to be yet but you’re like oh marriage is going to change that I’ve been with this person two years is it’s
Not quite where it needs to be but we going to get married it’s going to get better so they have these expectations for what they want their partner to be whole time what you got this last two years is what you’re going to get in marriage nobody is changing after
Marriage if anything [ __ ] getting more lazy after marriage because you’re married now it’s going to go downhill so people have these expectations of oh marriage is going to make everything better we’re going to be better that’s not going to happen but when you have an arranged marriage and you don’t have any
Expectations because you don’t know this person you’re learning them and you’re just dealing with you’re just like well this who they are we married this is what it is so that’s why aranged marriages really I honestly if I don’t get married in the next two years I’m
Telling my mom to arrange me a marriage you should arrange marriage I’m done Marry Me Marry You yeah what qualifies you to be a husband well in arranged marriages you don’t you don’t get to ask that question the parents ask that question for you the parents vet them and that’s how you
Get the arranged marriage I think they already just see what’s going on with the family like we got money we’re doing good uh our family name yeah you want to you want to get married into this family so my last name is dupon but you okay
You want to have like four wives though I’m good you could be the first no I’m good I don’t want to have no sister wife situation where you got a favorite just know just know you going to be a sister wife anyway that’s not true all that’s not necessarily true it ain’t necess
Everybody don’t cheat Jonathan everybody don’t cheat he don’t I don’t that’s it oh my God that’s that’s as far as it goes right there I I don’t know um I’m not going to say everybody cheats let me not say that everybody doesn’t cheat but men will step outside of that we we
We have that urge too you know like we fight the urge to not like we think about this constantly like we just we’re just made to populate like we’re made to stick our dicks and [ __ ] like we we always going to have that feeling so some men just suppress it you know like
When they have their wives and sometimes we just fall victim to our urges and we step out but we come back and you know we fall back in line but some men you know me like I’m not fighting no urges this is just who I am some people just
Got to accept them so you got I accept me for who I am I know what I want and that’s what I’m going for so do you think that marriages should end because of cheating no for what why would you leave this man cuz he cheated we’re here
To build a family and a legacy what is cheating I’m committed to you what if she cheats is that different it is very different but I’m not saying that you should divorce her because she cheated it depends on how she cheats and how frequently she cheats maybe she [ __ ]
Up one time but um I don’t I wouldn’t disqualify a woman um or leave her just CU well let not say that you would I don’t think women should cheat it’s not even a it’s not even in women to want to do that [ __ ] it’s so if a girl told you
Like yeah when I was in college I cheated on my college boyfriend that disqualifies her for you like You’ be like no I’m good on you he was a lame so that doesn’t disqualify her then no you a cheat on me okay [ __ ] no but if you
Cheat on me while we’re in a relationship or I can’t even think about somebody entering my my woman and then you probably sucked this dick and then you know we all we always want to say this like you know women cheat off of like they have sex off
Emotions and guys don’t but it is is true and to and now and in the day in the the day that we’re in now women can um have sex with less emotion they could just [ __ ] CU a lot of women are just having two or three [ __ ] at a time and rotating having
[ __ ] in rotation women can do that now and it’s like you you like kind of like suppressing like your femininity that’s not even feminine to do [ __ ] like that that’s like some masculine [ __ ] just to have a [ __ ] circle of [ __ ] and be [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you looking like
That for I’m just thinking oh okay um but it’s it’s not normal for a woman to want to have multiple guys and I’m not going to say that I think all people should be [ __ ] free let me just say that people should just be free as [ __ ] possible [ __ ] that
But me I just don’t want that there’s certain things that I just don’t want in my life and I don’t want that do you think that a man that makes under a certain amount of money shouldn’t get married cuz I feel like a lot of times
When we talk about an into man and a man that can’t handle a 10 out of 10 you know his ego hurt it’s really it really be about your money y’ money be [ __ ] up and you kind of feel like damn like she’s doing better than me she’s doing
More than me she really don’t need me do you feel like a lot of that comes from the money well I would say this marriage is a a business transaction uh that’s how I started off it started off a business not love whoever came up with the [ __ ] was was for business
Um so look looking at it that way if you don’t have any money if you ain’t got [ __ ] going on then no you shouldn’t be thinking about another person you can’t even how can you even focus on self how can you even level yourself up if you
Know you have to worry about another person out granted if the right person come your life they can help you get to a certain level you can always help each other but I’ve always believed that men that are financially struggling don’t deserve marriage just like I feel like people
Who are financially struggling don’t deserve children well what about the woman though if I’m if I’m financially stable what does the woman have to bring the woman doesn’t bring money that’s not her place I’m just asking what does she bring she brings whatever you want her
To bring but it’s it’s not going to be money you know why you married her you probably married her for her looks you married her because you want children so she only married me because of my money probably you just said it’s a a business transaction it is yeah so that’s you
Know that’s what it that’s what I think but how you think you think it’s a business transaction um I think it’s transactional I wouldn’t say business business transaction but um I do know that you know like you said it did start off as you know whoever could take care
Of me and my family or you know they used to marry their daughters off to for peace treaties and [ __ ] like that so yeah it it was always a business transaction I think it’s still transactional but I wouldn’t say it’s so much business because people marry for
Love now could you marry someone that that wasn’t financially stable no I don’t think that you should even be dating when you’re not financially stable yet you know you got to focus on yourself first get yourself what are you marrying For Love or being stable I’m
Marrying for love but it got to make sense if he was a bread winner living isn’t free if he was a bread winner and he wasn’t would you still yeah I’m most likely going to marry somebody that makes less money than me because the podcast is going to go off soon so I’m
Most likely going to be making more money than my husband I need a life partner I need life Partners mhm Partners you said partners this time I said I need life partner oh good for you look at you leveling up the last 30 minutes no no no I didn’t that’s not
What I meant I I said partner in that moment okay okay well you know too bad for Tiana and Iman too bad for Kiki and Darius who too Kiki and her baby father Kiki Kiki Palmer Kiki yeah I don’t know much about that story either I just know about Usher and
You know it’s actually a really similar story um she’s a bigger celebrity than he is he felt emasculated and he took it out on her she tried him you don’t know that we’ seen it yeah but that was by then he was already putting his hands on her
Though by then so before she before she did that he was beating her up yeah well that’s her fault why is she with a man that’s beating her I mean why is she with a man that’s below her period but that’s not her fault that he is a child but you
Know what too and I’m going to say this when you date a man you need to vet not only who you see in front of you but vet his history too cuz one thing I would never do is date a man who saw his mom get physically abused the rates for a
Man to repeat that cycle when they see their mom getting physically abused is so much higher Chris Brown saw his mom getting abused Darius Jackson saw is it Darius Jackson I think it’s Jackson Darius saw his mom getting abused we know the rates to repeat that cycle when
You see abuse is so much higher I’m not putting myself at risk like that how do you know this you’re going to start asking question your mom got beat up well yeah I’m going be like you know what are your parents together no oh okay why I want to know about your
Childhood did you have a good childhood I don’t think anyone’s going to mention yeah my mom just got ass beat so I’m telling you one thing that men love to do is trauma dump I met a [ __ ] just yesterday that was telling me all this stuff about how his mom abused him I’m
Just like yo I don’t want to know that I don’t even know you like that men love to trauma dump people love to trauma dump they love to have people they love to talk you know people don’t get therapy they just trauma dump on people like I don’t want to know about your
Childhood but if I’m dating you I do CU I want to know what you saw what you grew up seeing what you’re going to repeat in the future you got to vet people’s parents cuz you’re not just mirroring the person you’re mirroring their family their whole family history I definitely look
At people family I definitely look at women and like their sisters their their mom how their mom act how they can their mom cook how their mom treated them all type of [ __ ] and if I don’t like they they their family Dynamic then I’m out I’m good I don’t
Want to have to start a new family I want us to bring our families together now we’re just growing this family but if you got a family that’s already dysfunctional I don’t want to be a part of that [ __ ] no definitely because I remember when I was in high school when
I was um seeing this guy and I met his mom and his mom was a [ __ ] Hood R I was like there’s no [ __ ] way I’m still see you and I had the potential of myid or my kids having a rat for a grandmother absolutely fuing not she was
In a street child I was like hey I never saw nobody mom act like that I was like thank God my mom is my mom cuz some people really grw up with [ __ ] hood rats for parents and I’ll be like Oh I’m disgusted please I was like no I can’t I
Can’t so 100% you got to look at their mom they dad I want to know if your dad was in your life I want to know I want to know all that [ __ ] that goes into how you’re going to parent that goes into how you going to treat our children when
Was your last relationship I’m in a relationship yeah yeah oh that’s why you curvy me like that you you you swerve so okay swerve swiftly how long how long you’all been in a relationship um we uh so we were dating for 9 months and we broke up for
A little while and then we’ve been dating again for like the past 5 months okay so I don’t know so 9 months 5 months what is that over a year Al together yeah but you know sometimes you got to take that break to like appreciate somebody and come back and
Being like yeah ain’t nothing else out here M cuz you know when I was dating other people after him I might have dated people that women thought were better in terms of money or whatever but [ __ ] with money be or money be lame for real for real like they be they be
New money and they be excited about that [ __ ] they can’t wait to tell you how much they made they can’t wait like and I just be like oh my if every time I talk to you you talking about your money I’m good you’re boring you’re boring as
[ __ ] and that happens a lot [ __ ] be new money and can’t shut the [ __ ] up about it nah like I’m good you too excited about this [ __ ] you can’t even believe that you got the money now like you’re trying to convince yourself still no I’m good on that but no you realize
Nothing else out there for you especially in Atlanta and you be like n what I had was actually a pretty good deal what I had was actually pretty good well thank you Jonathan Mr rich and unemployed go ahead and Shout out your brand well it’s rich and unemployed
Network um it started off as a podcast when I was in network um also Vanessa’s only Club so uh check me out on YouTube check me out on Instagram I’m kind of known as Mr viral so that talk [ __ ] yeah I talk my [ __ ] I didn’t talk too much
[ __ ] here I just kind of relaxed yeah you were relaxed today I appreciate it I appreciate seeing the other side this is who I am for real yeah like when I get on this camera sometimes I just I be lashing out when you were at the show
When I was at City Winery and you were like um women aren’t their C because they be wearing makeup or something I was just like who is this [ __ ] that is true I think we was talking about um something about like people lying or like they was talking about men oh men
Acting like whatever not being their true self which was the same thing I was just wanted to example I wanted to hear how what people had to say about it but it’s the same thing like I meet this woman and she looks like this aesthetically but soon as like we get to
Get comfortable with each other and you take up all this makeup and now I get to see your body with all this BBL and these scars and like now you’re not this confident person it’s like damn I just got Bamboozled you you Capp you lied to me Jonathan you hell that’s not true
That not true I don’t maybe it is true for men I’m not in that position I don’t I don’t Bamboozled I’ve never been bamboozled so I don’t know your boyfriend got hair yeah he got hair just just imagine you’ve been with this [ __ ] for five months and then he don’t and he
Just said you know what I want to tell you the truth just want to tell you the truth man you know what I’m saying like this this this a lie the car that’s not mine it’s a lie you’re being lied to and I just want women to just to realize
That like just be truthful like be honest like the makeer I want to see who you are I’m I got attracted to this and then people be looking like a totally different person without it and then you expect a man to stay you expect a man to
To act the same how can I act the same if you’re not even the same person I met we go through a lot of [ __ ] when it comes to relationships and dealing with women but we we we look over because we want some [ __ ] that’s your’ fault y’all don’t got
Good judgment or discernment y’ just taking anything y’all can get well I mean some of them yeah I got great discernment I got great discernment thank you for coming on the Pod we appreciate it one thing about it y’all you’re here with the Monty talks see you next time bye peace