Hello and welcome to the new video if you have any questions leave a comment below so this is my custom crate that was sing my previous video after trading for a full day and selling a lot of um items on some kind of um Discord Channel
I was able to like um spend like a full day um trying to snipe some cheaper items uh from for the build I’m actually using the new high speed of splitting and I would say like overall for for clearing any kind of maps is absolutely fantastic it
Is so good that it clears any kind of map cuz there is some kind of interaction with the skill I’m going to go into the more details in the gear section when I’m going to be describing my chest so go go over there if you want
To learn more about the the new ice P but I would say like this the clearing any map even like a cus cryp map that’s very close there’s a lot of doors it’s super easy like the super super easy no matter what it has a great clearing potential clearing blights and any
Content even Legions is absolutely fantastic I would say it’s super super super great I’m having a lot of fun with this um the with this new edition of ice spear unfortunately if I compare um this ice spear to the old one like a basic one basic one or stock one however you
Want to call it on a boss scenario is still outperforms the splitting one so you’re going to see me sometimes on the on the clips when I’m going to be swapping the gems and I’m going to be going back to the old version or like basic version of
Ice spear cuz it provides far more damage in the bossing scenario but again swapping is not going to be that uh difficult I will go in the details in the the gear section so please listen very carefully and instead of me highlighting all of the bosses all of
Invitation I don’t think that’s very important for this video As Ice spear is a very old um build even on this channel I cover the ice spear every like second or third league so you can just go back and see how the ice spear performs obviously um the old ice is going to
Perform a little bit better du with the losing the enchantment but in my opinion for this leag it’s far more important to focus on mapping as the Wisps uh make the the RS especially the Reds way more tankier some of the RS are so tanky that
I would say they are um the power with on the difficult level like he will be fighting a guardian T6 t60 Guardian Like a Phoenix or a Hydra or would even say say in some cases some cases you can kill a guardian much faster the tanky
Rare that going to have two or three influence of the Wisps so I’m I’m going to give you a couple Clips I was able to gather for when I was live streaming but this Focus going to be primarily or highlighting to you the mapping scenario
And you’re going to see I’m I did some um haress I’m going to do some lights I’m clicking the alar so you can see how uh the build performs while mapping because did say this a second ago mapping for this leag is I think is very important that your build is able to
Handle different situations cuz there are some altas that are very good such as like you know there’s going to be 25% chance to duplicate your currency but you’re going to always going to get crit so that’s like a very very massive downside and I’m actually managing um to
Get that downside uh of the the crits that you you’re getting 100% uh to like you know negating it not entirely but most of the crits won’t be like affecting the build somewhere on the video at the end I’m going to leave you a small time stamp cuz I was able to
Test out uh multiple different skills since this build is a very generic battle mage um custom crit build and you can swap around very easily the skills I tested out a couple of them like the to new version of uh Firestorm to new version of Arc I did some more lightning
And there’s going to be a time stamp when I’m going to be show you how easy even for this build is just to swap them around if even if you don’t like the ice spear there going to be like you know a time stamp when you can just swap the
Ice spear let’s say for a firestorm maybe you don’t like Firestorm and you don’t like the ice spear I will show you the version that you can do the new arc maybe you don’t KN you don’t like the arc I will show you something different obviously I’m not able to test out all
Of the new skills cuz there’s way too many of them they are way too hard to buy um from the trade cuz sometimes people just won’t respond and I’m going to be you know spamming to the people and I’m you know I rather play the game instead of just sitting on the trade
Trying to buy some gems and you know some of the gems I don’t even know which one should I be testing out uh for the build so you can experiment yourself the the new gems I have so here’s I encounter when I’m doing blinds generally when in previous
When I was playing ice spear absolutely doing the blights was miserable experience and I have to use the new Keystone for the Casia right I think that’s how it’s called and that was somehow manageable on the ice spear for now with the new ice spear I’m like a
Freaking God I I can clear the whole life just by holding holding my Cy going like way we go and on topic of of the cycl oh you’re going to learn something new cuz the new Cyclone not the stock one is absolutely great for any custom
CR build and if you’re going to be using a ay cyclone and a standard one and you’re using a custom cred build ah you’re not doing a good job and this is like a very important uh step if if you decide to recreate the build pretty much
There is no flexible item items in this build you just going to have to swallow the price and you’re going to have to buy all of the items no matter what maybe every now and then I will try to tell you like know we can buy some kind of cheaper version but unfortunately
You’re going to have to stick with the items that I I have cuz there’s a huge Synergy between all of them for now you can just enjoy uh the rest of the map and I will see you soon with the time stamps um when I’m going to be talking
About items and you can enjoy some boss fights that I was able to gather on my live stream flare another feel your life drain away another Challenger life is so GR next time a contest of whs and power wonderful take this Vitality Boom the protects it ch take this
Vit the V protects it children and fight on the veil of Safety and Security on the struggle or strangle with your death this nightmare fight fin a cont of well no your pain will T te goup of the infinite the void protects its children te such a for the bandis we choosing to
Help AO here’s the pan in Cho we’re going to be sort of arali because we need the chaos resistance cuz we are not chaos capped and it’s way too hard to get the chaos cap so we need to use soil of arakali and we’re going to be using
Soil of abarat just simply for the Bing ground cuz buring ground especially where while Amo ruing the red altars is very annoying for any es builds all the minor goats can be swap around whatever you choose ascendency point you go normal crew merciless Eternal so here’s the overview of the secondary ascendancy
Class or the flavor of this Le and I I don’t know how to pronounce them like you know what’s like the proper terminology ology for for this thing it is so you’re going for the charm slot and what I’m using is you cannot take the reflect damage and gain power
Charges you could skip that cannot take reflect damage but simply you’re just going to lose a small quality of life whenever you whenever you see um Elemental reflect map you cannot run it but the power charge absolutely you need to have it cuz you’re going to ruin into
The troubles with the with getting yourself the crit cap the second charm what I’m using is is I’m using off The Inquisitor off cuz I need the stats absolutely do not skip on that you’re going to need the stats and then I’m getting some flat critical uh chance on
The maximum power charges and I only have three power charges and so I’m getting like a little bit crit damage this crit damage is kind of low uh because I bought it really cheaply so you can get a bit higher if if you want and the last one is Again The Inquisitor
For the stats and I’m getting some um crit multi for the power charges even if I have only three power charges and the crit multi on this jewel is not the best I still get nine crit multi still great but it can be always better so you can
Improve on the charms if you choose To Right so you did just watch a overview of the passive tree so there’s not much happening if that’s what you’re thinking but you would be very wrong but there’s a lot of things that you might Overlook the first of all is whenever you’re going to be playing what is that castom
The castom crate gem has to be on level three because of the the new interaction where is that with the Cyclone right so even if you buy a level one there’s still a nice trick that you can do to get it to level four in the Mastery so
You’re going to be respecting where is that over here you’re going to be respecting the critical damage against the unique enemies and you’re going to be using that plus three to all critical support gems since the cast CR a support gem you’re going to get three plus three
Levels so even if you buy a level one it’s going to be level four so you’re going to be on that level when you need the bare minimal entry of awaken castom crit level three with just simply a Mastery and once you get to level three you will just respect that level three
Mastery to get some more critical multi over here another trick that you’re going to be doing since my Watcher size uh is quite expensive and I have a non channeling on it and a discipline mode I’m going to say this if you cannot afford the same watches as I did because
Mine was very expensive I paid 15 divines I don’t think you can buy something similar but let me just say like this the discipline mode is top priority number one the CH the non- channeling on the clarity is number two and the Flash charge gun is the last one
So you can skip some currency on this watch site by simply going with the discipline mode but what’s going to happen you’re going to lose minus 7 um manacles from the clarity and that’s very important cuz if you just skip it and which up doing any steps that I’m
Going to tell you right now you’re going to ruin into the Mana issue and you’re probably going to leave a comment cuz you didn’t you didn’t listen to the video what what you have to do you have to make up two points on your passive tree somehow
So let me just say like this you would respect one point from the col of the arms and one point from zelot hold that’s the two point and you have to spend those two points over here for the Mana reduction those two points will
Make up uh for the minus 7 um Mana that I have my on my Watcher side so this will give you a temporary a um a thing that you can just skip some currency on the on The Watcher side and instead of having on the left click enduring cry like I have you’re
Just going to go go with a very common thing like a steel skin the next Jewel that I’m using is the newly add DE Gem and you can have bunch of different ascendancy classes points um you know I’m using mainly for the cooling stride and for the that’s I think that’s a
Guardian passive there when you gain maximum Mana as a energy Shield it’s always nice to have a cooling strike but I would say you can skip on this Jewel you’re just going to lose some energy Shi let me take it out yeah you’re just going to
Lose a little bit of energy shield and you’re going to lose a cooling strike I would say this is not that important this Jewel I will buy this as a last one unless you can snipe it on a trade for much cheaper let’s just say just a
Cooling strike for couple C I don’t know whatever price then yeah should go for it cooling Str is a nice quality but it’s not mandatory this gem I paid for it about 100 C so you know I found it on on a live search so you know I would say if you
Don’t have the currency skip it if you have why not the next thing what you’re going to be buying is this brutal restraint and you have to buy a captain that’s called the babala because it’s going to give you a passive the traitor what straighter does for every empty
Every empty flask that we have I have two flask I’m going to be guiding four charges every 5 Seconds that’s how I’m maintaining my free flask over here um I’m not able to maintain permanently a flask at some point I will run out what I mean by this if I would
Stand in The Hideout for about I I don’t know 45 seconds or whatever the time is I would Rune out of the charges but in normal mapping scenario you’re not going to run out of like out of the flask cuz you’re going to be guiding the flask
While killing the monsters even if you runin um a map mode with reduced charges as long as you’re going to be constantly killing the monsters you won’t have any problems so yeah that’s that’s why you’re going to be using this um Timeless Jewel over here and there’s
Some couple notes that you can do um what I’m what I was trying to get I was trying to get myself an alchem is genius whenever you use a flask this this bu is going to be applied automatically since the flask like over here Alchemist genius is popped cuz the flask are being
Used automatically for me the only thing that I have to do with the flask I have to press one two three on the start of the map and after that you know the flask being re apply thems and you can get couple you know other notes I have like cold resist over
Here have some increased demon non damaging elements over here duration and this is my Alchemist genus well generally do you need Alchemy gen I would say no it’s nice to have it but you don’t need it as long as you have the traitor over here that’s good
Enough for you so the flask in this build are very important and they’re going to go like this the first one is very easy cuz a unique FL corus skating Elixir and you’re going to be using the enchantment reuse at end of the flask effect and while mapping what you’re
Going to be doing you’re just going to be pressing one two three and the flask going to be reapply the one thing that you have to remember whenever you go to The Hideout for this to do some kind of trade and you’re going to go back to the
Map you still have to press one two three that’s something that you have to remember otherwise you’re going to die for some random chaos damage and you’re going to be wondering okay why I’m dying it’s cuz you didn’t apply the flask so remember that another one that you’re
Going to be using you’re going to be using a topas flask and a sapphire flask and both of those flask going to have reduced charge use on both of them and there’s two break points that you want to hit first of all first break point that you want to hit is 21 reduced
Charge you want to have this as a minimum on your flask um up to 27 right cuz what happened is but at 21 uh the flas just going to consume 15 charges but at 27 and 28 you’re going to it’s going to be consuming 14 so you’re getting one
Charge less so even if you get something like 23 or 22 like me it doesn’t really matter as long as you get a 21 that’s good enough and another option that you’re going to be crafting one one of the flask is reduce effect of cures as
High as you can cuz for me personally curses are very annoying especially like temporal chains and so on and another flask is you’re going to be crafting yourself from a bench if you have or maybe your guild have or you can get it on some kind of Discord Channel reduce
Mana cost of skills during the flash effect if for some reason you cannot get this um mod to work and and you’re struggling to get the craft while I mean if I’m going to be live streaming on my YouTube channel you can pop up to chat
And ask me for the craft cuz I do have this craft on my flask the only thing that you have to do is you have to bring me six bubbles glass blowers I think that’s how they call properly and let me find I need to get get me a flask that
Just have reduced ch charge used and I’m going to charge you a small fee of free C for the craft and you can get yourself the flask right unfortunately before we go to the gearing section there’s not much of a flexibility with the items that you’re going to have to buy them as
It is if you want you will run into the troubles I I guarantee you that as there’s a lot of synergy with the items so the first item that you’re going to be buying is called it Viv insect ring it’s this is a great ring for a Templar because it gives you plus
Five level socketed auras so you’re going to be socketing your Val discipline over here and then he gives you to all attributes and you can get a un Veil mod for the strength and the in that’s you that’s what you want to do get on the ring and then
You’re going to be applying the 20 quality uh the Catalyst for the attributes and this will make the ring giving you a lot of stats and that’s what you need on on Inquisitor and there’s another very important line if you see on the bottom minus two total
Mana cost for skills for each corrupted item and that’s very important cuz you’re going to be corrupting your items as much as possible and as safely as possible I will go into the details for with this um how we going to be doing this for each individual item so moving
On this is my Lorry Lantern for my minor build uh I think in that video I was saying that I’m going to be reusing some of the items and one of the one of these items is actually the Lowry Lantern this is a great item since you’re on low life
Cuz you have one life so you get Bunch OFA chaos resistance you you’re getting some resistance you cannot be the bleeding cannot be inflicted on you that’s a corruption in place it and the most important damage that’s going to be hitting you on low life it’s unlucky
That’s a great defense ring so could you replace this ring sure you could get yourself some kind of rare with the chaos resistance and some stats and you could replace this um ring but I think this is a great cheap ring and if you get if you can get the
Bleeding cannot be inflicting a new implicit uh for the corruption that’s great because not only that shouldn’t be too expensive unless the prices go up then you you’re solving your problem of corrupting the items cuz you’re already getting a corrupted item unfortunately you cannot apply the Catalyst unless you
Can use the new one the corruption ones I didn’t play around with that because you know I don’t want to break my ring or I don’t know what’s going to happen with my ring but I would say get yourself the Lori Lantern this is a great
Ring right so moving on to the helmet so what I would do with the helmet I would actually buy myself already a prec corrupted one just look for the sockets maybe you can get some kind of implicit like I have with the maximum life they are not that expensive but I
Would say buy yourself a prec corrupted one can you and the best in place will be something probably like plus one power charge but that’s going to cost you way too much I would say that’s unnecessary if you can just use buy yourself a corrupted one with the
Sockets maybe not with the quality you have the tainted currency that you can apply the quality that’s going to be good and the gems that you’re going to be keeping in your helmet is Precision purity of elements Clarity level one only that you’re going to keep the
Clarity level one if you have the watch side with the clarity mode like I If you don’t have the clarity mode this this socket is just free for you it’s unnecessary to like reserve your Mana if you don’t have the Watcher sign and the next one is Defiance
Banner right so moving on to gloves gloves should be corrupted there are like just couple seos cuz that’s like a very common drop from shaper and people generally going to be selling them corrup pre corrupted for you for like very dear to cheap so buy yourself already pre-c corrupted one get yourself
The sockets you don’t have to get the quality again there’s tainted currency to get yourself the the quality well you know I would get yourself and you can and you can get yourself some kind of implicit I have increased maximum and energy Shield this is not that important
As this gives me a little bit energy Shield I would say as long as you can get yourself in corrupted ones cuz they have to be corrupted one remember on the start I told you with the Viv insect we’re trying to get as much as corrupted
Items as we can and the sockets that you’re going to be keeping in your gloves is a snipers Mark Mark on hit inspiration very important you need the inspiration and frost Bak that’s fro pink is generally the best movement skill in my opinion for any
Build and there we go one of my favorite items stamped yes I do really like those boots uh if you never played with the stamped let me just quickly tell you this if you want to put the stamped on your boots um having any kind of movement speed additional movement speed
Makes no sense that the last line on on the on those boots says something like this your movement speed is Cap at 150% of Base value so no matter what do you do what kind of cyclone do you use what kind of slowing I don’t know other
Skills that might slow you down will those wood will keep you going no matter what and they have other stats such as like cool down reduction for travel skills that’s great for the frost blink cuz as I do like the frost bling and uh in my opinion the value of those boots
For this leag should increase because what does the boots provid now that you can apply additional anointment so I have a additional crit multi on the boots and the sockets that I’m keeping in my boots are this energy blade link with enhance and you should only have a
Two link over here and then we have her ofice enduring cry if you skip while I was saying in the passive three if you did Skip on the Watcher’s eye and you so you don’t have the minus 7 non channeling or more and and you have
To respect out of the Call to Arms and zeelot hold I would remove the enduring crry and so at yourself a steel skin over here so that’s what you would keep on your left Mouse but if you have uh the Call to Arms and zelot hold I will
Keep the enduring cry in my opinion enduring cry is far better that steel Skin So now probably going to be wondering how do we corrupt safely the stamp Peds and so what you want to do is this you want to buy yourself a decent pair of stamp Peds you want to do the
Sockets um such as like a tooling and you have want to have four sockets for all of your gems and you want to apply the quality and on this step do not apply any um anointments just corrupt the boots and see what happen if they
Fail and they break and they become a a yellow pair I mean like a rare pair of boots just go buy a new one and repeat the steps such as quality socket tooling corrupt if you have a corrupted one which have anointment uh then you’re pretty much almost done cuz then what
You have to do is just get the right volum for the hard Seeker or you could actually use a different uh anointment this this is this is the only flexibility that pretty much you’re going to get with the anointment and then you want to buy yourself a tainted oil they are not that
Expensive but they’re going to allow you to apply um the anointment uh on your boat and your on your armet uh on the corrupted items so I’m using a unique belt cyclop pin coil um I think this is the only item that you can replace uh for a rare item
CU if I’m not um too wrong about it you can get yourself a rare bad with the hunter influence and has and he still has about 15 maybe a bit more increase attributes uh and you could get yourself some chaos R and other stuff so you might be better off if you craft
Yourself some kind of influence boat I’m not sure about yet but at some point when I get a little bit more currency I would investig I would do some kind of crafting maybe I would just see if I can get some kind of belt on the trade and
Might might even upgrade this belt if it if I can get some kind of rare belt better that this but generally that’s what I’m going to be using and I did apply 20 Catalyst for the attributes to increase increase my increased attributes from 15 to 18 look astrom
Mantis gives me a lot of stats what do you want me to say Inquisitor loves stats cuz you get a lot of crit chance from it so and you getting bunch of other synergizing um things from the from the stats if you hover over on the shaper start so this is
Absolutely one of the best amulets that you can get and probably later on the leag is going to just go cheaper and cheaper so you know I would just go for it uh I got myself a perfect stat I I you know I just love it I’m not going to
Be replacing it and you as usual you’re just going to be applying 20 Catalyst for the attributes to get the attributes a bit higher and you’re going to be this is very important applying anointment Essence sa cuz you need some kind of Mana Le to sustain um the side you know
The the ice Spear and know or otherwise you will run into the Mana issue if you won’t have this right the main weapon so what you’re going to be doing this is might be tricky if you never played an energy PL you’re just going to get
Yourself any kind of rare item like any item as long as he has um I think it’s what it is uh a suffix has a Bas socket and that’s only thing that you want on this weapon you cannot apply scarabs I mean in the incubators on on the on the
Weapon because as soon as you you put the energy blade on the the incubator disappear you cannot apply any any enchantment uh From the Bench from the Harvest station because that disappears as well the only meaningful thing on your weapon is two sockets and a Bas
Jewel cuz as soon as I play I use my energy blade all of the stats are gone and you have a energy blade in your hand so that’s why you need a tool link cuz you’re going to be keeping faster attack will blade and you have a abas socket in
Here and with the abas socket what you mainly looking for is the corrupted blood and I have like maximum mana and energy Shield so whatever you can get the maximum Mana is not going to be affecting you too much cuz it’s only give me five five more Mana the energy
Shield is nice to have the blind is like you know I don’t think even it works cuz it’s like 4% so maybe I do get some value from it but you could get yourself some kind of crit multi and other stuff well primarily what we’re looking for is
Corrupted BL load now we are moving on to prism Guardian for the prism Guardian you should buy it prec corrupted you can you can repl you can buy some kind of cheaper one let’s say plus two some kind of gems or whatever cuz you’re not necessarily need the resistance from the
Pris guardian as you have a lot of resistance with your flasks so you don’t necessarily need the 12 to all resistance but you pris Guardian should be corrupted right away and uh and the gems that you’re going to be keeping in your prism Guardian is frat determination
Zealotry if if you’re trying to socket all the all those free gems and you cannot most likely you didn’t copy the properly the passive tree let me explain you need to have those three points over here this one this one and this one and the Mastery for the life reservation
Those three points plus the Mastery reservation will give you the choice to apply free auras like brat determination and zealotry you can swap for example purity of elements over here and theot over here it doesn’t doesn’t really matter cuz you can have three big auras
In your PR Garden as long as you have those three notes and the master this note is just additional thing this is not necessary D free and the master is necessary to have so for your body armor you’re going to be using ghost Bri I don’t know if you I’m pronouncing that
Properly but this is the best chest that you’re going to be using cuz what does this chest dos is convert half of your life since I’m almost almost 4K life over here and will convert half of it to your energy sh so you got going to see
What’s going to happen with my energy Shield bam goes to above a little B little above 7K that’s why this is armor is great and the links that you’re going to be keeping in in your cycl is this in chest sorry you’re going to be using Cyclone awaken castom crit either you
Have to get yourself a level three custom crate gem or you can buy yourself a level one and you have to respect the mastery over here and get yourself plus three to all critical sport gems cuz you need the level three Uh custom crit cuz you need the golden reduction from this
Gem then you’re going to be using hyp hypothermia uh of this is like not the best um what I would say not the best gem cuz if I had a white socket over here I would be using a CR gem but since I have a green gem cuz I need for
You know for the swapping on the bosses if I want to do then that’s why I’m using the hyperia cuz that’s the only green gem that can get a little bit more damage and then I have a two option I’m using a ice spear if I’m bossing then I
Would replace the hyperemia for the GMP and I would have a basic version of the ice spear inspiration and Spell blade those two cannot be replaced just like them two you’re only going to be replacing them too so this will be the single Target uh like bossing single
Target when you just want to Simply clap some kind of Phoenix like quickly that you know what I’m rolling into you with my Cyclone 5 seconds later you Di and I’m going back to my mapping that that’s your setup but if you want to have like
A good quality while mapping what I do I replace the ice spear with the ice Spear of splitting replace place the GMP cuz it’s unnecessary it’s Overkill you you have so much projectiles I would say it’s Overkill if you like it sure why not you can keep it w why I’m supposed
To stoping you if you want more projectiles on your screen go for it it might be fun for you but since I only have a green socket over here I can only use hyperemia if I had a white socket over here I be using crit damage cuz crit damage is better that’s
Hyperemia but on forg I only have a green socket so I have to use this so if you’re playing even a different custom crit build you’re going to be recreating my build and if I if you’re going to be using a basic version of the Cyclone
Like you know the one that you get from the LED this is actually bad really bad for this build for this build this gem should be in the cycle B like that should be nonexisting cuz that cycl gives you more movement speed since I’m using the S um the stamp ped that
Movement speed does not exist for me and has no bonuses at all so not only that this cycl is bad and you shouldn’t be using that if I socket it over here he has a very small AOE cuz if you read the AOE increased by
Um 0.5 M for the strike range and the strike weapon range on the energy blade is 1.1 so you have a very small cyclone and this is actually bad that’s the first bad thing the second bad thing is your speed is set it up at 5.32 that’s another bad thing so not
Only you’re not getting the quality cuz it’s bad you you’re getting small a and you’re getting just a average attack speed so that’s why this Cyclone is bad and you should use the alternative quality or whatever you want to call them the ones from the Labyrinth this
One is far better it has six stages he has great AOE and the most important he gives us more attack speed per stage the only downside of this Cyclone is the Cy this cyclon stouch at much slower attack speed well as soon as you hold it it
Just ramps up ramps up and it goes to 7 to 7.09 and we have a nice huge AOE so this Cyclone is absolutely great and you should be using that on your custom crit build cuz it’s giving you a lot of free attack speed and you if you ever played
Any custom crit you know that that getting the right am amount of numbers on the attack speed and the cool down and more sometimes might be a headache this solves the problem cuz you just get yourself the Cyclone you get the awaken custom crit level three and Bam there
You go you don’t have to stack any more attack speed Jewels any clusters you still can do that to increase it much higher but this just streams line the process of the custom Crate by simply socketing two gems and you you good to go so like I said this cycle goes to the
Recycle bin and you just destroy it oh probably another question that I’m going to see the comments what’s the price of the build and if I going to give you the price of the build you’re never going to make the same uh build for the price that I did there’s no way possibility
That you’re going to do cuz most of the item that I bought was on the live search and most of the time I bought them about 20 to 40 to even 55% cheaper that you see on the trade for example when I was buying my belt the belt
Costed a Divine I got it for 55c and that time a buing Divine was 144 C or something like that so I bought most of the items like my belt my amulet my ring my chest way way cheaper so for me the build before I bought myself The
Watcher size this Watcher size was about 12 divines but the watch SI costed me about 15 but if you would try to recreate the build which of the Watchers side you would just go the discipline mode and you will just go and buy you know the items first from the trade you
You’re probably looking something like 25 divines or more so I would advise to you start farming and start slow lowly buying all of the items on the life s and try to snipe some kind of good deals so let’s just check for example the astrom Mantis right it cost two divines
So what I would do I would try to snipe something for like a one and a half divines it might take a while before you buy get one but I would be very patient cuz if you save up let’s just say a half a Divine over here then you can spend it
On your ring then if you save up some currency on your belt then you can buy yourself a gloves and this way you can buy the build much cheaper instead of just going and buying the amulet for two 2.1 Divine and you’re just losing some currency so if you’re running Mana
Problems and you’re going to be using your cyclone and you’re running out of Mana um it most likely means that you didn’t listen properly to the for to a full video so I’m going to make a I’m try to compact as much of information in
Just in know one time stop first of all your cycl and your I spear where my ice spear here should be supported by the inspiration right that’s that’s step one your snipers Mark should be supported by inspiration that’s another thing the Viv insect it gives you minus two total Mana
Cost per corrupted item so you should be corrupting as many item as you can I have one 2 3 four five five corrupted items right so that’s why I’m I’m getting huge chunk of Mana cost reduction from the Viv insect another thing I have a watchi with the non- channeling skills if you
Skip that non- channeling skills like I was saying in the passive tree you have to find out two points the quickly the C quickest way to get your two points is to respect call of the arms zot hold and you have to go over here that those two
Notes over here will solve the problem of the Mana cost that that I have in the water side pretty much the minus 7 is equal to those two points over here and last but not least you need the SN sub anointment on your Amulet the essence sub is located over here let me
Alt so you can see the oil is still Violet black so like I was saying the in the the beginning of the video you can change the combination cuz this build is a generic spell castle battle mage custom crit build so what does that mean
Is that if you don’t like the ice spear you can just simply ignore the ice Spear and you can socket other gems obviously that’s going to require you to re coral a little bit of the on your chest unless you get couple white sockets that will
Be fantastic and I’m going to plan to do that as well so you have a couple options first of all you can use any of the new ARS I play around them a little bit and from you know this that those new gems are still not integrated in the
PO so I cannot give you any numbers you cannot check them how they perform and so on so I can only give you my my opinion after playing around with them so this one mainly I would say it’s design around boss it resembles as closest as you can say to like a
Standard Arc I think he has has a bit more more damage per chain remaining but it’s still great for even for mapping embossing and overall it still feel absolutely great this one is a little bit weird cuz he it just since one beam and that beam
Splits and should have some kind of nice clearing after doing couple maps with it uh I found is not actually that good compared to this one this one is actually great it’s great on clearing and good on bosses so overall this Arc is far better than this one and this
One’s supposed to be massively great for clearing just like with the ice Spear of splitting is great for clear clearing not that great for bosses right but if you don’t like the ark this so you could do like Arc and crit chain and the crate chain always going to be over here
You’re just going to be swapping this this gem over here and you’re going to be swapping your cures cuz you you don’t need the projectile one cuz Arc is not a projectile so you would remove the snipers Mark and you would just use assassin Mark that’s why I have a two pair of
Gloves another combination that you can do is firestorms the first one if you if we look on the more numbers and you know more more damage with hits but after like you know fighting a boss I can quickly get those free firestorms and there’s like a slight delay I would say between getting
The damage you know I’m obviously I’m not sure yet about how does it looks cuz you know it’s hard to test out the damage but this one feels way better cuz he cuz this one what happen you only put those big meteorites on on the enemies
Where you can spam them like way a lot since you’re custom crate and you triggering so many of them so for so so if this one feels a bit bit well I mean a bit way better than this one even if this one has like a know huge more multiplier
And this one only has like a huge amount of flat damage so you know obviously you can play around with with them yourself and this Firestorm is like a a vanilla one uh like you know I can show you that let me just undo that take this
Take this out this is like a classic Firestorm and you just place it in the on the ground and you have a duration when you you know spawns those like flamy things you can still play around as a custom crit with this um fire storm but there’s a bit of delay before you
Start doing the damage cuz you’re going to be stacking some firestorms and when the enemies go into that rain cuz there’s going to be multiple of them they’re going to be you know dying very quickly but that’s you know I wouldn’t say that’s like good for the fast
Mapping and there’s couple more skills that I would like to test St such as like blazing Salvo eye of winter but for now uh those three combination like the ice spear the ark and the and the Firestorm that’s why already tested and I can tell you there are solid builds
Just if you swap free gems such as assassin Mark for the snipers Mark you change your Firestorm over here and a cred Gem and then you have like a literally a firestone build or if you don’t want to have have a firestone build you just do crit damage and an arc
And you have like a more like a clearing or like a AR bit whatever you want to call it but you can just swap around three gems of like you know two over here and the mark and you can test out bunch of other
Gems you know so just go for it test out as much as you can cuz I’m going to be doing that as well for the next next couple days while I’m recording the video the new gems for the cyclone and the ice spear they still do not exist in
The PO so why I did I went to the configuration over here and there’s a custom modifier over here I added about 34% more attack speed to simulate the the new Cyclone but this might be a little bit off or maybe a little too too little cuz it’s hard to calculate
Exactly how much more um the Cyclone gives but I would say roughly that should be more or less good but once you get the new Cyclone gem inside the PO and you can have it which of me using the custom modifier please remove the custom modifier otherwise your damage
Going to be either your trigger rate is going to be way too high or literally might break down so just please remember remove this once the gems are in the PO if you don’t know if you don’t know how to find a proper brutal restrain uh Jewel to get yourself
Some nice nodes um I will show you because there’s a feature in po over here find a Timeless Jewel you click on it then you you take brutal restrain right that’s the base that you that you want to have you’re looking for babala the traitor that’s what you have and you
Have to click this this is going to only apply the nodes that you have already SP on your tree right and then you have desirable notes and we want to get Alchemist genius so it’s going to be flask so it’s flask effect and then what
You want to do you want to add bunch of fback notes that are interesting to your build if you pop of if you press over here not sorry not this one over here there’s a lot of you know mod modes that you can get on the passive notes and you
Look what’s interesting chanceo being Stone not not necessarily interesting non damaging elements why not right so that’s one increase hour why not blind you know cold resist why not Elemental damage why not you know let’s go for it what else flash CH charge that’s great as well Alem starts to wonder that would
Do you want to get those Friendzy charges no cuz you’re going to have too probably too much attack speed crit chance why not right so you go to the list life why not it’s still a good mode minions no minions no movement speed we don’t need it because of the boots
Onslaught we don’t want to Onslaught dexterity H why not fist not necessary interesting poison nope projectile damage why not and increase attack speed yeah sure once you have that you s you’re going to press search then you then you you press over here copy and
This will not take you to the browser of the of the I mean you’re going to copy this into your browser once you copy the link that’s what you’re going to get you get bunch of jewels and the cheapest one is for the two divines let’s see what
We’re going to get for the two divines well you want to press this plus over here that’s going to copy the Jewel and you can press it in the PO let me just find the p p there we go P we add to the build take this we move to the right
Socket over here and let’s see what happens we get in the traitor so I’m getting flash charge G that’s great I’m getting increased Elemental damage great cult resistance not so bad and damaging elements not so bad so for the two divines this is actually not so
Bad I would really appreciate if you can hit the like button and subscribe Button as this will really help me out growing the channel thank you for watching and I will see you later in my next video