Today is very auspicious day disappearance day of one dear disciple of Shila Bak Sant sarur named bakan pru prad gave him the title Jag Bandu last year we read from mikash sami’s book about that long u article this year I want to read from our shilai Maharaj Shar Shri jagat Bandu
Banan a disciple of Shakti Sant sarasti takur praat PA for the entire construction of Shri bagbazar gamat in Kolkata his contribution included the land the temple area the Kiran Hall and the rooms for Shila praat and his devotees uh in that article we heard last year that he was having some
Ink business and he was very rich but he became attracted to praat and became devote and then he felt that this is his sa uh he asked that kabaru and so he made and you know Shila praat himself observed this disappearance day uh like maybe two or three times because he disappeared before
Praat so every year there was a festival for this day praat was observing so you can see how praat saw him he’s his own disciple and also household devote but praat saw that he was fully surrendered to Guru Bap bagavan and he became pure devotees so he disappeared from this
World so in that sense also before we were singing that song aaro who is aaro one who knows the point of shastra that is Devotion to Krishna and he’s practicing himself the point of shastra and teaching others by his own example he may be in household life or he may be
In renounce and life but point is that full dedication to Krishna which is the point of shastra they are practicing and teaching by example following the completition of the M because before you know uh praa started in rented place that is in ultadanga Ro it was called Bak not asan
That was the first Gat now is got again that place and they renovated you can go to see so from there uh this happened following the completition of the m at bagbazar the ditties were brought on a chariot in a grand procession from the house Shila praat rented at one ultadanga
Road a one- month Festival of harata and Kiran which Shri jagat Bandu pru also sponsored in full was held to celebrate the M’s inauguration each evening various dignitaries were invited to speak one evening during the festival the invited speaker a judge mentioned in his address Shri jagat Bandu Babu is a generous
Donor the quite uneducated and illiterate Shri Jag Bandu pru who had never addressed an assembly before and who at first had no intention of doing so that day requested Shila prad the chairman of the assembly for permission to speak after Shila praat consented Shri jagat Bandu prau declared the respected J is most
Certainly incapable of speaking untruths still what he has said about me is incorrect and improper you see this is am man Mana mood which only pure devotes they have they will give respect and but still what he has said about me is incorrect and improper I can only assume that his
Actual motive behind praising me was to encourage me in my service to Shri Hari Guru and bnas in reality I can never be a donor a donor is one who gives that which one owns to another but what do do I possess that I can give to
Others who am I to give anything in reality I brought nothing with me when I came into this world and I cannot take anything with me when I leave it the only true donor in this world is bhagavan he has given me everything I have not only wealth and property but
Also this body which includes Eyes Ears a nose a mouth and so one Whatever Bhavan gives he gives so it can be utilized in his service those who neglect to engage everything they have in the service of bhagavan and instead use it for their own enjoyment are thieves
All I can say for myself is that I’m not a thief I am not a namak harami that is steer of um salt a person who is disloyal to those who maintain him this is the person who is disloyal to those who maintain him so he said
Uh the only thing is I’m not a thief I’m not uh misusing things given by bhagavan to me so I’m not a thief but at the same time I’m not a donor I simply Engage The Wealth I have in the service of he who has given me that
Wealth so you see what was his realization so he wanted to say that one who is fully surrendered to Krishna he’s a pure devot he knows Krishna is maintainer everything is his I am his eternal servant I should not think I I I have
Anything I a donor no but it is not good to be Thief to take another’s property and use it for your own selfish purposes no as a result of his association with elevated vnas who possessed a service Centric disposition Shri jagad Bandu pru who was otherwise completely uneducated received the intelligence and
Conviction that everything belongs to bhagavan and should be used only in his service I too hope to one they possess such intelligence Bar maharat says that is of course also humbleness but I I got that experience that bar Maharaj is speaking harata exclusively for krishna’s satisfaction and Krishna is
Pleased even with those who hear his harata what to speak with what to speak of being pleased with him if someone hears harik Maharaj Krishna is pleased with him Shila pra is great V Shila praat was greatly pleased with Shri jagad Bandu pru’s service and he therefore bestowed
His Mercy on him by awarding him the title sharesa Arya the word shta means best and the word Arya refers to a simple-hearted brahmana who uses his Simplicity in the service of bhagavan therefore the title Sharia is a special designation signifying the best of the brahmanas who serve bhagavan Shila pra has written
Simplicity is rism because a person cannot be a bnaa without being simple-hearted the title Shara indirectly refers to a great bnaa this was the title bestowed upon Shri jagat Bandu pru by Shila praat his gurup Padma who was profoundly pleased with him during the entire monthong inauguration
Festival of Shri bagbazar Goram mat a g lamp remained lit in a glass Lantern at top the temple Spire at the end of the festival the glass Lantern broke extinguishing the flame when Shila praat saw this he ordered the brahmacharis to check on Shri jagad Bandu pru in his
Home when they reached there they found that Shri jagad Bandu pru had left his body they returned to the m and reported back to Shila praat who explained jagat Bandu pru was supposed to leave his body one month ago but I kept him here until the completition of the festival
See that L and frat knew what is the meaning of that so there in that article also we came to know you can hear from last year or I think even before on YouTube I think that recording is there I read the whole article uh how he was day and night he
Was supervising the construction of that Temple and he wanted all the best materials and if something was wrong immediately they had to demolish and again he was very precise and with great care he was chanting on his japa mala all the time and supervising that whole construction
Whether he was sick or in any condition and he told to his family members that no one would will get anything no inheritance everything will be given to bhagavan so in this way he fully dedicated himself for the service of haruru bishna if you go now in Kolkata
Then bang Bazar Gat is still there uh and his one Statue is there uh this Jag Bandu bananu on the outside one wall you can find like a memorial so I I was there a few times that bbar gurat and one year there was some difficulty because
That Maharaj was not there and I had to wait and another like it was not fixed on which day I will go there so then ultimately one day was settled when all had time so I went there then I I came to know that on that that same day was this day
The Disappearance day of bakan pru who made that whole Temple very beautiful with marble All U very um beautiful now they also added something but that Maharaj who is now a area he showed me what what is originally that floor and the temple and what is original and what they later on they
Constructed so that that day also was Festival on this day so uh I’m remembering his statue there and Bo down to his Lotus feet and praying for his caess mercy and we are hearing upadesam yesterday we are now hearing 11th verse last verse commentary by Shila bakti
Sant sarami takur we heard that K Maharaj po that with different uh aant philosophies and practices and then chitana Maha pru feeling the suffering of the Jas he sent his own person that is shilak takur who made commentary to this shamita and who also is embodiment morti ofes Shamar means he
Example example is better than precept so we heard about go Goran naris then mayavadis and those who are uh doing like false devotion imitation devotion and yesterday we heard uh the K Maharaj also dressed uh accepted the dress of a servant of Gango and taught illusionism he made Souls reject
Devotion to Krishna and become Servants of Union that is sexual enjoyment he show them the shadow of divine Love’s GARP Shadow not real thing think sometimes he propagated the practices of the bows and sometimes he the conceptions of Goran naris Nas sahas and kabas he propagated the idea of material
Union everywhere this is sexual enjoyment man and woman which is the Hallmark of the ganga nagar’s Devotion to G they think this is devotion yesterday also I told that when you take SAS in B I cannot say s because s word is not so cheap s word does not mean group or sect
Or like this s means some where completely samak rup that pran that Divine knowledge wisdom is retained perfectly retained and given d d so s pra where the Divine in complete form Divine knowledge is retained and given so how I can say b s is impossible to say b
S that is bow group you can say so when you take SAS it you it is compulsory you have to bring that girl with you with whom you will practice that de body sad which includes also the sexual all these things so they’re doing Guru coming followers of Ki that is K
Maharaj some people claimed I myself am a for of Gango he has manifested an Incarnation this also I saw in my that kpal Maharaj he rented place in our M our G gave because by that he and his followers they will get some secr because they will engage that money for the service
Of Krishna so they had program there he was saying I am goang I Avatar and his followers I saw them they were running after him J goang go go and there behind in our Temple uh there is rakunda so on that that guest house he was staying and on the bank of
Rakunda uh they were doing his AR there as God as Gango and program harata and also difficult to say to say harata because that is not harat and Kiran they had there behind where now there is that um and now they are making samadi for gudep but little more that side so from
Parang Sam previous one if you look down then you could see there they had kitchen and uhat but organization was good many people and and they were cooking Distributing organization was good but uh Santa is not good and many of his followers who came there also came to our arang so they
Got and many they joined our Kon and many they also heard harata from shilav Maharaj that time he was speaking so they got some benefit and interestingly after this program in mayapur he came with helicopter and he landed in his conon because that helicopters there is a large space so helicopter landed there
And then with whole procession and everything they were in our M and everywhere there were was uh that posters so shortly after that program in mayapur he left body so it means he got Grace ofan Maha naam and because they made this secr of renting place and that
Money was used because G power our G told many times based on Shakur naad when Shankar came to naadi and he got Daran of Gango Maha pru then Maha pru said you are my servant you are Shiva you are my servant my devotee and on my order you are preaching this
Mayat uh to increase creation on my order but don’t do this here inava here my devotees are staying so don’t disturb this place you go other places Don’t Preach here so our our having full faith in Shakur he told us many times if you want to be rescued from mayat then you have
To go to naad so with that purpose in mind gurev also helped him this kpal mAh that yes you come to naadi and get the grace of naad dam real Chan Maha and you engage that man in the service of of gang mahu so soon after that maybe after
One month or so he left body I still saw him that time so and they they made like some uh much that you know like woman they put that powder uh that to make beautiful and uh like a makeup that I don’t know P how to say that and looking like
Golden of course that was artificial mahab is really golden complexion but he had like a makeup uh to look like golden Jaa is eternal servant of Krishna that can never change no one no ja can become Krishna so by chaitan mahu’s Grace we can be rescued from such
My so some those who are followers of Ki they say I am a form of Gango he has manifested an Incarnation others said I am Guru worship me I more I more valuable than woman and wealth so this is false Pride I’m Guru our gur told real Guru
Never thinks I’m Guru I’m servant of Krishna I’m serving him on his order I’m trying to bring Jas to him for his service so I’m not not any full Pride there false proprietorship like this and even when disciples they will worship their Guru Guru will never real
Guru will never think this is mine everything he will offer to his Guru his Guru and it is coming to Krishna Krishna is original Guru but if someone has this false Pride I’m Guru and he thinks in enjoying Spirit then that is follower of calling destroying Devotion to Gango Ki floated
His boat on the pretext of love for Gora as a par that is gorang gagar is there saying sakis and G bajas indulging in the Delights of the Mandan cheerfully became met with pleasure sakii yesterday I told there are those who are males but they dress like saki
Like female I saw some in India uh s and everything and they they think in this way they will get they can serve Krishna and yesterday I told that man he was doing this akaki he was thinking I am Lita he even isolated himself for woman menstrual period for 4 days no one
Could get his D at that time because he was separately because having menstrual period although men about dressing as a woman that time the SOI VII maybe now they are also um more if this still exists this AP then now they also have more more facilities in those
Like 100 years ago or 150 years ago it was not possible to get operation but nowadays if you go America and other places they can change your sex they will operate everything so maybe now they are utilizing this also for soak Becky practice but the point is you cannot become soaky by physical
Things you have to have the transcendental B through submission to Guru you can get not by changing your body so G Bas Saki and those who uh goang gangar the the girls or men they think they can enjoy goang mahu ASAS and this this also kaalu
Maharaj he was like ganga or any other Avatar also mainly like Gango or or Krishna mainly Gango and his surrounding those ladies who were there they were like his gopies so even by this you could see there is rasas he was playing the role as a
Gorang but those girls who were on the stage with him and they were also somewh old even that is strange the gopies of brindaban they are never old Krishna is also never old but he was old and those who are his long time this lady lady company one at least
One I remember she was old but dressed and they were calling I don’t know which name but some name and they were his um lovers so even this you can see it is aant M never had any girls a go is who will serve him in for so those who wanted mundane pleasure
They became very happy by seeing these offers by col Maharaj yes you can do this it is very goodish said worship Vishnu prya with your heart leave the path of the followers of Shri Rupa live the service of radak Krishna serve the aims of theosophy and follow the path of material enjoyment theosophy
Theosophy s said this Sanga taking materialism and Spirit Worship that is boot that ghosts and these Spirits taking materialism and Spirit Worship and combining them with here in in those Apostles love of Ganga means you combine together they fabricated a Gango of their own enjoyment they said we are making our
Own God the golden Lord of material enjoyment and you all will be his associates and companions so many things mixed also some mixed drugs I will take a LSD or ganja or alcohol and that will increase the biss of worshiping Gango so that is also not correct accept our
Goang with Vish Pria and learn this new form of worship brother runat and the followers of shupa have no connection with him this I say for certain so some they said like this I do not follow the conception of the Lord’s Associates I have no interest in that in service there is
Suffering but in Prestige pratia and Union s means sexual enjoyment there is pleasure so I worship G and narut Jag Chila Naran takur destroyed the misconceptions throughout the world and installed the of G and Vishnu Priya following the path of the great souls and always remembering rad and Krishna he wholeheartedly worship braa
So this is proper part Naran takur is the best of rupan nugas so he destroyed these misconceptions during his time what K Maharaj brought PR Krishna Bishi lak lakmi PRI nishna PR Debi is Lord naran’s conser who is the embodiment of loving devotion and R Reverend of rad and
Krishna Lakshmi prya is Lakshmi Dei and nilad Dei manifests her heart as the Lord’s AB these three energies serve Radha and Krishna you know first wife of chitan M is lakmi Priya second wife is Vishnu Priya every Vishnu tatawa in this when having these two wives gang Maha is G
Naran so every Vishnu tatwa has three potencies Shri Buu and Nila so Shri is lakmi prya buh is Vishnu prya and Nila is Dam naad dam they all gangu is a combined manifestation of Rak Krishna being subserviant to the gopies these three Energies serve radak Krishna and the golden Lord within their
Hearts now the devotees recognize the new conception of the Goran naris to be defiled by K and destructive to devotion so they they were thinking let me be like Vishnu prya and enjoy chitan M pru that is not possible they are all Vishnu Priya and lak PR they are pure devotees of mahaa
Not enjoyers and following in the footsteps of gopies because they are coming from the all concerts in bauna they are expansions of gopies so when Naran takur installed actual Vishnu prya and Gango and explained that worship then devotees could see that what Goran nagar is presented was all invention by K
Maharaj and destructive to devotion that will destroy devotion takur aotus at the feet of his Lord knowing himself to be a servant of gor meditating on the feet of Shir naram and understanding his duty installed duties of gari and Vishnu prya in mayapur that is in joap by his own proper conduct
Shakur showed the path revealed by shupa to The Souls of this world sheltered by Shila bakinot takur and filled with loving devotion the upadesam became their own so they were ready to followes those who areas SAS all those they are afraid ofes because the first verse say already
First vers is too much for them you have to control the sges they want to enjoy your have to control and then second verse also so they are afraid but those who are real devotees sheltered bakur they accept these instructions because they are meant to uh awaken Devotion to Krishna and so
That we can give up all other selfish MO bothies do not follow the deceptions of K Maharaj they consider them mundane and recognize the nectar of Shri rupa’s teachings to be non different from the nectar of Shri G’s teachings this op ofam is not different from mahu’s teaching he himself gave five verses of sham and also the
Shikasta so it is same and it is nectar they do not listen to any other teachings when shilak takur saw the world’s aversion to Shri and absence of love for and Krishna when he saw the world’s condition and mentality devoid of Devotion to Krishna he became silent on the pretext of
Rheumatism playing the Pastime of reumatism here you will see in the verse V VII that is disease of Vata in ayura Vata Paka so if those who have high V or if there is defect that V is Disturbed then this reumatism arries all these things are coming to those who are
Uh V DOA is some defec is there PA we heard PA that JIS comes the Kaa The Fat so in AA all diseases they have their cause in this doas aalami adopting a material condition repeatedly saying reach braa by giving up the Mandan and seeing the Earth devoid of
Devotion to Krishna he means bakur manifest infirmity and within his inner absorption happily serve the Lord so many a charos in their last days they place such Pastime our gep also played such pastime on the pretext of like brain stroke he he had no connection with outside only inside in
His spiritual Forum always happily serving Rak Krishna in and giving Grace to others on this pretext Lea only also show this he gave his last message you attain the service of radak Krishna in by giving up this all mundan things that was his last message and then he went internal
B happily serve the Lord fools do not understand the pride of false devotes and make offense at the feet of true devotees they want to see devotees from their own insignificant position and ultimately they offend them alas like that when brahmachari came to our M and he was observing
Parang and he was staying like maybe one or two years already in the ma then others they told him you have to accept initiation from G but he never wanted because he had his own conception how Guru should be so he could not recognize our Guru as true Guru our parang because
He thought he is going to Market he’s speaking to people all this he thought Guru must hold they chant Mah manra on Mala and that is the only thing but he could not understand that parang was engaged in the preaching uh on the order of personal associate of Maha pru so all these
Things are necessary but they are all meant for the service of Krishna they are not some something else and our parang during night time when whole day he was preaching when all all that was complete after Prat after 10: p.m. when everything is finished everyone going to
Sleep that time parang would chant whole night or not whole night up to his fixed number it sometimes took up to 2 a.m. or something but he he was chanting at that time so then that person got cheated by one another Guru whom he again observed only externally yes he’s always chanting
Then he realized his mistake so then he regretted but parang they blessed him there this that defect is there so you do sincerely bud and that will help your Guru also but the point is if we are fools if we are not surrendered we are not Desiring Eternal
Welfare then our own mind will cheat US will say yes the he a good devote but we will not be able to recognize who is a true devote so we’ll be we will cheat ourselves so tomorrow we will further hear uh this commentary by Prat it is still uh WR the Sun
Yes I think tomorrow we will be able to complete this commentary and then if you will want I don’t know there is also one discourse of shilak santur on rakun rakun Bank where he also explains something about the shamita with other topics we’ll see so tomorrow h