Oh Make it way Keep we get way Way happy Monday everybody um backstage is full I do see some people trying to get in um maybe we do a a slight rotation um today to let some other people get in that may want to say something about it but um right now backstage is full and
We are interrupting our regular schedule program to talk about this Jonathan major verdict you know as far as we think we have come in this country it’s like we’re moving in slow motion forward and we’re moving in speeds backwards so in other words we’re getting nowhere fast um this verdict
Today to me a little shocking 100% tragic it’s like now you can’t just have a bad relationship this was a toxic relationship and let’s be clear let’s be clear if toxic relationships can put you up on a docket to have a trial and go to jail we all better get on the
Line how many of you had a toxic relationship I’m having phone calls with some friends and and all a lot of them was in the Uproar about oh he wanted her to be like Michelle Obama or what’s what’s what’s her name um ketta Scott King can you believe he said
That can we pass pause for one second cuz some of your men have said worse called you bees hoes all kind of stuff are they in jail this man simply said you need to be like Kett or Michelle Obama I I’m trying to figure out how what is going on right
Now we gonna talk tonight we gonna talk tonight yes we are and I want everybody leave your feelings off the train don’t bring your luggage on this train cuz tonight there is no luggage allowed on the train we uhuh we Ain Got No Room for the luggage no we do
Not take your luggage and go somewhere else we ain’t got no room for the luggage because we got to break this thing down in a serious matter this is sick this is sick what text messages that they was going back and forth enlighten me or
Send it to me via my email I add it to the conversation I saw a lot about this conversation but again I mean do the text M messages on warrant this man going to jail come on Sask run these streets for me Sask there will be no bashing disrespect
Of the owner of this channel nor others on the panel in this chat yes let’s have an adult um yes um have an adult opinion yes you can Sask I appreciate you run these streets for me tonight run them we got to talk people we got to
Talk yeah you can’t even get a carry on we do no carry on either uhuh no no luggage allowed tonight we got a whole video of a man running away and we still say he needs to get locked up losing everything all jobs everything yall got to be careful with these cell
Phones and I want to say this too y’all yes come on Special K agree to disagree respectfully I want to say this too I want to say this too when you find yourself uh in some trouble and you need a lawyer you better research that lawyer who represents you in that Court matters
Research get yourself a good lawyer we got to talk tonight people because see a lot of people are bringing some other things into this conversation that don’t belong I don’t care that this man was dating a white woman it’s not my business a’t my circus I don’t care date
Who you want to date he is not on trial for dating who he wants to date this ain’t the dating game y’all no Nur sure he had been on trial for some conversations that he had In the Heat of the Moment with with who is supposed to be his girlfriend his lady
Whatever how many of y’all will cringe if someone had a tape of what you were saying In the Heat of the Moment how many of you were cringe at your own words how many of you in the Heat of the Moment have lost it this man said be like ketta Sky King
Um Lala I hope I’m saying your name correctly they saying he probably won’t go to jail I don’t know about all of that you saying he it’s a misam meaning he probably won’t do any jail time yo the way they are trying to Railroad this man we don’t know what’s going to happen
On February 6 but we need to pray I need a what in this chat y’all I need a cho cho All Aboard everybody we are accepting no luggage no baggage no carryon if you catch feelings we got to kick you off the train cuz that’s how serious this conversation is tonight
When we have our conversation attack the conversation not another panelist we got to talk this is serious to all the black and brown Brothers out there I’m praying for y’all bad relation sh happen every single day every day does a bad relationship warrant you being on tral going to jail and
Scrutinize I’m about to board this train in my opinion how you doing hey Diva CH Cho thank you is y’all hearing a smoke detector I hope it maybe it’s in my house I’ll check my smoke detectors on the weekend all right um hey e Ola hey dwn what’s going on hey Felicia
Hey everybody hey Savannah hey Diva happy Monday happy Monday hey Leo Hello Diva happy Holidays happy holidays hey Emanuel hey hey Wayne one y and hey T hello everybody in the chat choo choo all right now listen guys I forgot to mention really quickly and I really want to mention this because it’s
Very important to me um and I and if I don’t get it right um D Don you step in and help me out but I am not I I never pledged um but I want to say you know thank you to all the great sororities and fraternities out there that are
Really um boots on the ground um putting in the work and doing the work in the communities in which they serve and a lot of them when I tell you a lot of them they are doing amazing things okay and so five Beta Sigma I hope I said
That right you did I thank you I appreciate you D Don um the New Jersey chapter um tonight they Grace my son who is in college okay with a very nice generous scholarship and um you know I was overwhelmed with gratefulness and I also want to say this because it connects to
The common we’re going to have who you have in your corner who you have in your life who you have that you can trust and have a conversation with to help you always do the right thing it matters and you know I because I didn’t ask a person permission ahead of time
But I’m going just mention this you know there’s someone I met via these YouTube streets that has been extremely good to me and that when I reach out to this person and I have a question about something going on in my life they don’t sugarcoated no they do not okay and they
Tell me to wake my butt up sometimes but they always give me amazing advice and the person know who they are and I want to say thank you and so I want to say thank you to this fraternity um and thank you to all the fraternities and sororities out there
That are doing amazing things um 2023 might have been you know torturous and bad for a lot of people and we’re going to do a different show about this but 2023 has been very good to me and I’m grateful and I’m grateful for all the amazing people in my life and I’m
Grateful that I have you know uh uh the the wherewith all to know when I got to shut up and listen Okay and understand that I don’t know everything and that God always sends me the right people to help me stay on track so I want to say thank you
Everybody and thank you you know from the bottom of my heart to Fay five say that for me D five Beta Sigma five b Sigma founded January 9th 1914 you better tell the people the information thank you the I appreciate you I I’m very grateful to
The New Jersey chapter and for what they did for my son tonight okay so my son is um taking his finals for his first semester um end his first semester very um on a good note and he is actually going to go meet the chapter on I went
Today on his behalf to pick it up but he’s going to go meet the chapter on Saturday when they’re doing a toy drive in the community so I just need to to get that out so um so to all of you out there you um the sororities and
Fraternities God bless y’ all all right so we got to get into this Jonathan major story and I I I fli from doing the recap of the Real Housewives of um pic tonight because this is a very important topic when we do these topics I want
Yall to not just think about the actual maybe celebrity that we are talking about understand how this is going to impact us all Impact us all on a very serious level there are a lot of uh uh lawyers out there law professionals that don’t even understand what happened with this
Case from beginning to end they’re baffled they’re saying it just don’t make no sense they wanted to make a an example out of him an example and this is a man’s life I’m going to play something we’re going to go around and talk just give me one
Second we’ve got some breaking news the jury and the Jonathan major domestic violence trial has found him guilty of one count of assault and one count of harassment but acquitted him of another count of assaulting his former girlfriend this comes after juror spent four or five hours deliberating over
Portions of several days and this is a case that has got a lot of attention Jonathan major is a major rising star and he he met you a crisis in this and the jury has now returned with its Verdi and there was a lot of talk about this
Uh trial impacting his future in the movie business Rising Star within the Marvel movies our legal contributor Brian buckmire has been following this from the very beginning as well so I guess let’s first of all talk about the charges here uh Brian your first reaction yeah I’m actually kind of
Scratching my head just because I’m looking at the different charges and let me break it down and explain there are two different assaults here one is intentional assault and one is reckless assault uh based on the number order that they’re telling us my guess and and please someone correct me if I’m wrong
Is they’re acquitting him of intentional assault but finding him guilty of Reckless assault meaning that he just did something he should have known U better and it caused the injury of Grace jaari then he’s found not guilty of aggravated assault which is to alarm annoy harass or threaten someone and
Subject them to physical violence uh but he’s not guilty of that but he is guilty of alarming and annoying uh Grace jbari to me this sounds like a we call it a King Solomon decision it’s they literally just split the baby and said half and half but some of the
Convictions and some of the acquittals don’t really make sense when you put them all together well Brian let me let me try to make a little sense I wonder I don’t know the ex back fact pattern since I wasn’t in the courtroom but couldn’t you say that in in the fury of
What is a domestic dispute he was reckless in his handling in his his physical handling of of uh Jabari and that was that was The Reckless assault and the harassment is he lost his temper rather than consciously went after went after her does that make sense no
Because it would make sense for The Reckless and then the aggravated harassment because the aggravated harassment is harassing someone through physical violence so whyfi him guilty of assaulting recklessly but not guilty of harassing someone through physical Force that’s that’s the part that I’m thinking someone just kind of said you know what
Will find them guilty for two but not guilty for these two but it it could work it the someone’s got to talk to the jury I guess let’s talk about the the evidence um because there was clearly clashing narrative from both sides uh we had video audio text photos do we have
That uh video okay this is um some of the photos that we had here of of the the bruises and the cuts this is the video that I’m talking about I mean this was probably one of the most powerful pieces of the evidence that they played
In court Brian absolutely and and I was in court watching some of this video being played to the jury and I think it was difficult for both the uh prosecution and the defense to really articulate this video in a way that really moved the jury and I think
Ultimately the jury kind of took this case into their own hands we saw out from the jury notes saying we want all of the evidence pretty much video testimony 91 calls and decided for thems for me is this Jonathan major assaulting his then girlfriend then running away or
Is this him trying to stop her from stealing or I guess raling his cell phone and getting away from her uh the the ju’s position of how this was presented to the jury I think is what caused uh the deliberation to take so long and there’s a is there’s a state of
Mind obviously that the that the prosecution would have to prove right and so here they are she has seen the the spark that triggered this fight was she saw what she thought was a message from another woman on his phone so she was trying to grab the phone he’s trying
To grab it back there probably at at the peak of emotions and anger and and mutual Conflict at that point and I is would the jury have factored that in in other words we’ve all been in fights with people we love and so it’s not the
Same as uh as a as a self as a more conscious Smiles he like so this this is the difficult part for me this is where I was getting in trouble at home when I try to break this down to my wife um what I didn’t like about this defense is
They didn’t focus on what is called penal law 3525 it’s the ability to use Force to stop a Larsen or theft or criminal mischief the damage your property and I always go back to this analogy that I’ve said multiple times in ABC if and I’ll use Kira use an example
If Kira’s walking down the street and someone takes her purse the law says you’re allowed to use Force to take your property back the law doesn’t say well your girlfriend’s allowed to take your cell phone because she’s allowed to check for infidelity the law doesn’t say
Well my wife’s allowed uh to or I’m allowed to take my wife’s property because I need to check it for this or that no to me this broke down to Grace Jabari stealing property and Jonathan major using Force now the question is is it appropriate Force to take back his
Property but that seemed to be an argument that was missed completely in this trial I’m not sure quite why uh for the most part they really focused on can you believe that these injuries actually occurred in that vehicle when Grace Jabari then went off drinking with these
New friends that she saw that she supposedly bumped into a wall supposedly bounced her head off of the DJ booth was smoking with a cigarette was her finger really broken was her ear really scratched that’s where this case really focused it didn’t focus on is any person
Justified of using Force to take back their property so Majors didn’t testify in his own defense right that’s correct he did not testify in this case so so do you think that helped or hurt him I hindsight’s always 2020 so you look at it now and you’re like maybe it hurt him
I I think the difficulty in him testifying was that the evidence that came in was so strong that for lack of a better term this was a toxic relationship this was a man who believed he was as his own words a great man and that he needed a great woman similar to
Like that of Michelle Obama or Keta Scott King and Through The prosecution’s Eyes or their lens was manipulating Grace Jabari to be um someone else through verbal and emotional abuse and that this Crescendo of verbal and emot emotional abuse led to the physical abuse that is this case
And if Jonathan major took the stand he would have had to answer for each and every one of those instances of verbal and emotional abuse and I think that would have been very damning for him not just in a criminal setting but also in a
In a PR setting because he’s got to have have a life after this so I think strategically it makes sense for him not to testify but I think on another sense him testifying to what happened in that vehicle saying I was just trying to get
My phone back this was not a form of manipulation this wasn’t a form of abuse this was someone took my property and I tried to take it back with as little force or little as harm as possible and she wasn’t injured when I left I think that could have been helpful as
Well all right let’s go to Erin kusu has been covering this for us thank you Brian our senior investigator reporter so uh Aaron this is a split verdict Brian’s just been slicing and dicing the law with us and and some of the evidence in the case what do you make of this
Verdict what’s the jury saying and what are the consequences for Jonathan Majors I think off the bat with two counts of conviction Jonathan major faces uh as as much as a year in in prison although hard pressed to find another case of misdemeanor domestic violence where a firsttime offender actually served time
But be that as it may May uh he does face the possibility of a year in prison on each of the two uh counts of of conviction Harry I think the verdict reflects a a signal from the jury that they did not believe Jonathan Major’s intentionally assaulted Grace Jabari in
The backseat of that SUV back in March but was Reckless when when he tried to to grab back his phone and and left her with a lacerated ear and a fractured finger uh because both counts that involved intentional conduct the jury acquitted him on the counts where it was
Just Reckless assault he was convicted and then the jury saw a video of the alleged harassment outside the SUV where where Majors is seen hoisting Jabari off the ground and shoving her back into the SUV uh that that was pretty cut and dry it seemed to the jury and so they
Convicted him on on the single misdemeanor count of harassment so what’s the the talk been Erin just about his future and his career and how that’s playing into all of this I mean the a lot of uh the coverage has been about how he was this Rising Star within
Marvel and that this case um could devastate his his future well he was a rising star within Marvel wasn’t he you know with roles in in Loki and Ant-Man on the WASP Quantum Mania which is he met Grace Jabari on set she was doing a dance instruction for some of the the
Cast members and and a lot of his projects have been put on hold pending the outcome of the case but regardless and you know he can try to fight the two counts of conviction U but regardless there were some things that came out during trial which were not a good look
For his reputation the jury heard and majors does not dispute that you know Majors was throwing things at Grace Jabari on several occasions through a candle at her head the the the candle container smashed the jury saw pictures of it uh there were clearly instances of of verbal and emotional abuse where he’s
Imploring her not to come home drunk because uh he’s a great man he needs a great woman to support him and and uh implores her to behave more like ketta Scott King or or Michelle Obama implicitly comparing himself to the husbands of of those two women uh and
And there were other instances where he tells her and the jury saw surveillance images of this to to button up her blouse he thought her her her blouse was unbuttoned too much as they were going out on the the night March 25th uh earlier this year when the the the
Assault occurred so there there were things that weren’t great for Majors that that came out now whether he can overcome that you know Kira Tera you guys know Hollywood sometimes has short memories well although since really the me too movement it is hard uh for someone to come back from these kinds of
Allegations without a great journey of reconciliation with all himself first perhaps and and Terry I think that what you just said seems to reflect a reason that the Manhattan district attorney decided to bring this case in the first place um because prosecutors seem to believe that you know it doesn’t have to
Just be Harvey Weinstein or or or conduct that reaches that level um and and in fact I think prosecutors are coming to to a belief that women are enduring all sorts of other kinds of domestic violence that don’t necessarily rise to felony conduct under the law uh
But may deserve a look from prosecutors nonetheless uh I can’t think of another misdemeanor assault case that’s ever gone to trial in in the last 20 years here Terry but but the Manhattan DA’s office was determined to bring the case knowing that it was an imperfect set of
Facts and and I think the split verdict uh reflects that but knowing it was an imperfect set of facts they moved ahead anyway because they they wanted to send I I think a bit of a message that that that conduct uh women often endure in relationships even if it isn’t as
Serious as something like a Harvey Weinstein nonetheless uh deserves a day in court it’s fascinating yeah Point well made overall uh not a real healthy relationship when you learned a lot of the facts and the back and forth and just the M manipulation and all of that
So ran Aon thank you both so much and sentencing for Jonathan Majors is currently Set for February 6 2024 now the caucacity of it all that part that part but let me let me just read this one comment to y’all and we gonna get into this this one right here I don’t know if it’s true or not but it don’t matter to me still makes sense I work in law enforcement
And this makes me absolutely sick he didn’t shove her in the car he gently sat her behind down in there ran away according to the witness who was the driver of the vehicle she was the aggressor not H if someone tries to take or steal your property you have the
Right to take it back she said he struck her head trying to get his phone back and he denies it so the witness Deni major struck her in the head which I would think is the tie breaker I believe Mages did everything in his power to get away from her and avoid the
Fight you better talk to the people he even called the police after he found a passed out from partying with her injuries I could agree based on on the little bit we know about their relationship that it was toxic and if he really did throw a candle at her head
That’s wrong but that’s not what they’re on tral for you better talk in this case he did the right thing and I command her for that he literally ran for his life and she was a track star chasing after him clearly she wasn’t afraid of him or behaved like someone who was just
Assaulted and so what if he told her he needs to be like this woman or that woman and called himself great woman say stuff like that all the time and it’s okay I’m a great woman talk sir talk I’m too good for this hello and for those
Who never argue a fight with their spouses or say stupid things that shouldn’t have stay um should shouldn’t have stay tuned because it’ll happen eventually if you’re human it’s a shame and no wonder people get turned off when they have to deal with the law the jury
Dropped the ball hair Big Time holler my brother holler I agree wholeheartedly 100% let me stop sharing the screen y know I always like the to lay a little platform and groundwork did you hear that brother on the news he said this is a mess I’m paraphrasing he said I feel like they
Just wanted to they just T the TOs it up in the ear okay that one and that one that’s what we going to chargeing with you heard the brother in the comment said who never had a toxic relationship who never said some things that they wish they could take back
And he said if you never did Hold Tight cuz if you’re human you might just say something you would regret and yes you hear woman say all the time I’m a good woman I’m not going to be dealing with you cheating on me back and forth in my opinion because I’m
Mad but I’mma calm down you it’s you up um well I’m at to Diva um and here’s the thing for me it’s the it’s the whole gaslighting of it all here this woman was she was texting somebody just two minutes before he got in the door and he
Was knocking on the door had to get somebody to let him in thought she had unived unived herself and called the paramedics trying to be nice to her then put a blanket over her so the people wouldn’t see her half dressed we see the videos of him running for his life and
Her chasing him okay and I still don’t understand how we get here she went out partying and have a good time good time of her life and and we just gonna convict this man if y’all okay with this then I I feel sorry for y’all young little boys that y’all bringing up
Because they gonna do the same thing to them and I’mma see if you still feel the same way thank you in my opinion e you’re up so the person in the comment you read Diva said that Jonathan did everything he could to get away from her and I
Don’t know how he did everything he could to get away from her he went to her country and brought her over here moved her in clothed her and fed her I wouldn’t call this a sad day for black and brown men I will call this a reality
Check for black and brown men uh some people have forgotten the country in which we live and got to be more careful uh I am aware that it makes people feel UNC comfortable when I began to talk about color so I’m giving you all the disclaimer now I’m going there
Uh they say be careful how you treat people on the way up because it’s a long way back down and when the news first broke earlier this year I remember his manager dropped him the pr uh firm dropped him at least one other woman he dated previously came forward and said
He abuse her several witnesses came out the list went on and on it was a it was a Snowball Effect uh a lot of people I watch their reactions on YouTube and I saw some people were outraged and a lot of people who I saw that were attached to this case they
Were fueled by the notion I have a black son I have a black father you know I have a black husband cousin nephew whatever yeah yeah yeah the key word is black and let me tell you what I have I have a black daughter I have a black
Mother a black grandmother sister Aunt niece cousin all that so when we talk about these stories and people look at this man as their son or husband and think what if that were my son or my husband you know on the flip side I just want people to take into consideration
You know I’m looking at it on the opposite you know what if this is my daughter what if this even though there’s no black woman involved in this just yet other than Megan good and his mom but I’m going to get to that I say
All that to say Diva you said at the beginning it’s important I oh I hope I get it right I think you said it’s important who you choose to have in your corner and who you have in your life and I I think that’s going to be my my
Message I’m G to stay in that lane because when you choose to leave your village and choose other and go to the other side make no mistake about it black women do not have to be your Saving Grace when the bull crap goes south you picked your side now you stay
Over there I never saw so many black women surrounding this black man until this trial started because his woman of choice is not black and when people say I don’t care who he dates I don’t see color I understand you don’t see color I understand you don’t care who he dates
But I need you all to understand whether you care or not it matters didn’t you all just hear the prosecution say or that man at the the news uh anchor say they interpreted those texts and those instructions of him telling this white woman to be a self-sacrificing black woman was
Considered verbal and emotional abuse he is trying to change her that’s what they said he is trying to make her something that she is not he wants her to button up her top and be conservative people can say all they want oh I don’t care
Who a black man days what color woman he that’s fine we don’t have to care but I know someone who cares a white male judge cares okay uh a white female juror cares black people drive me bananas saying oh I don’t care what color woman the black man they say I don’t care
Either just don’t don’t put me in it if that’s what people want to teach their sons you know more power to you everybody has Free Will and we all have to be accountable for our choices I’m not rejoicing in the verdict nor am I heartbroken I think the jury has spoken
And this should be a lesson to everybody thank you e um the Don you’re up what when I saw this verdict earlier today I was pissed the reason I was pissed is because here in 2023 the year of Our Lord where we have video evidence of a white woman chasing down a
Black man like he’s ran away from her slave compound and she’s trying to cut off his foot M he’s being found guilty come on I said to myself is this what the boy in Florida felt before he was UN alive because he was black with a hood on because the other person had
Power and he knew he was going to get away with it is this what the woman in New York City when she attacked the young boy in the hotel because she thought he took her phone you better remind remind the people come on uhhuh and she attacked
Him the reason why some of us feel this way is because we walk on eggshells literally tiptoe around some situations knowing that it doesn’t benefit us to engage and if we do engage we’re going to be held to a different standard we’re going to be held to a different level
And unfortunately there are people on this panel that has young black boys and if they decide to fall in love with someone that is not black we’re going to tell them don’t date them please don’t fall in love because something may happen to you and they’re not going to believe you it is
2023 that’s why I have emit in my picture come on they unived him because they didn’t believe the word of mouth of his Witnesses here we have video evidence of this man putting her back in the car her chasing him him calling the police to get this woman out of his
Place and he’s still being held accountable for it and we’re saying this is Justice come on now how how can we say this is Justice when we have all of this EV we just saw the black man on ABC get a short amount of time because he was telling the truth about the
Situation gosh and then when the white man came up and said what they wanted to hear uhuh he had a longer period of time to speak that narrative come on you better talk we got to get we got to get it together it and I I’m I’m I’m afraid
That if this would have happened in no I’m not afraid if if this would have happened in a black neighborhood maybe he would not have been found guilty but there are people on that um jury that heard the word abuse and they took it back to their own
Situation come on instead of looking at the evidence before them and not holding this man guilty they held him guilty of a charge because he was defending himself and they found him guilty come on the caucacity of it all you get to hit me scratch me take my
Cell phone because another woman text me and you get permission to put your hands on me but when I say no and put you back in the car I’m guilty okay keep your hands to yourself Keep Your Hands to Yourself did you not hear this man said his lawyers was fighting the wrong
Fight they should have fought the fact that you got a right to take your property back I’mma I’mma say because we hear it a lot with this whole what that’s what he get for dating outside his race see there’s also might have been I can’t say nothing for a fact some people
On the the jury that just was like you know what why is he dating our white sister I don’t make this stuff up people have these preconceived notions and they bring that mess with them when they’re supposed to be doing some justice for the law yeah right let
Me just show you this and then I’m moving on to the next person tonight A Local woman targeted because of who she married her photos and information were posted on a website shaming white women who have relationships with black men Channel 2’s Roseanne Aragon just spoke with that that woman who’s now fighting
To get the pictures removed from that site right Roseanne yes and KPRC wants to make it clear we are not naming or showing the name of the website because we don’t want to give it more publicity this is what it looks like behind me this couple says they are disgusted and they want
This to stop as a human being it’s just disgusting face after face I couldn’t believe it like you know I was just like this is crazy it’s like it’s so over the top messages with made them sick it was prettyy nasty it was pretty hateful and
There’s a lot of other people on there chenda Tyler and her husband Robert were devastated to see their love had been targeted she believes after she posted something public supporting the black community an individual I don’t know commented and um and and kind of laughed
At at what he called my black pride and uh said you know we all know about it and he posted the link a link to this website targeting white women who uh have black significant others that’s what they label as the traitors she says along with the labels were racist
Messages dozens of women’s photos were posted with direct links to their social media meant to shame it needs to be shut down it needs to be stopped but the site says it does nothing wrong it’s atrocious the couple says this won’t stop them from speaking out don’t give
Up fight and for those on the other side I want to say just just listen because these two-month-old newlyweds we’re best friends very madly in love very madly in love want better and it’s just heartbreaking but let that be a catalyst to you know motivate you and fighting
And standing up for making a change we have to change this is not the future our kids can have now the question is is this site legal we spoke with our legal analyst Brian Weiss who says no man matter how vile or vicious the speech may be it is
Protected by the First Amendment this couple says they will continue to speak out against the hate reporting live Roseanne Aragon KPRC I I I I I’ll never get and understand why we are so concerned about who dates who all right I’m coming to the next row
Give me a minute thank you so much for the Super Chat only legislation in this SL slavery Jim Crow is cure we have got to um we have to get politically active and um block vote our uh agenda please read the devil you know in the deficit
Um myth um thank you for that I appreciate you thank you for the super chat um Emanuel you’re up first of all thank you D.A for having this conversation because it needs to be had we need to have this conversation people so this is a mod day 21st century
Lynching I was very surpressed I was shocked but overall I was sickened I was sickened by this country sickened by the system and the systemic and deeply rooted racism that clearly we still have even 60 years after the Civil Rights Act I think it’s clear that this man was
Caught up in a toxic relationship like a lot of people have but because he’s a person of color and happens to be an actor it suddenly becomes an issue it suddenly becomes a legal issue I don’t know what in the world was going on in theur Minds except the obvious but this
Trope of the poor from the darkest times of this country I mean em till pervis pay the Central Park 5 I mean the list goes on and on it’s really interesting that not too long ago there was a similar case about another toxic relationship with a famous actor as well
Johnny Depp and even though this is not entirely the same he won his trial is that a coincidence I don’t think so but it’s very disheartening because he really didn’t do anything wrong or anything that would Grant him to be prosecuted she had no right grabbing his
Phone if that was the case then the overall majority of people in relationships would be guilty of something because they’ve you know it’s like come on now and again this is sickening it’s revolting only America can a man call the police run away from the aggressor and be found guilty and
His career is over I mean Marvel’s statement pretty much came at the same time as the verdict so it’s a lot um and then last thing listen the whole interracial um relationships should really not even be part of the conversation you know it’s about civil rights it’s about Justice it’s about
What’s fair uh and yeah I get sick all the time of hearing people attack um Patrick Mahomes or bronny James because they are they have white girlfriends that really shouldn’t matter but that’s all I appreciate you thank you so much um Leo you’re up uh thank you so much Diva U for the
Conversation you know um I I have often heard Victorian tears have led to the death of many many black and brown people and I’m just going to read a little bit yes from his uh his charge he was charged one misdemeanor assault charge and one harassment violation that’s what he was charged
With and according to NYC it could lead up to one year in jail and so my thing is is what I feel is though y’all remember when he said says you know I’m a great man and you need to be such and such and such and such I
Feel like people took offense to that in the jewelry and say oh no no no no you’re not getting ready to be a great man on our watch you black man we gonna make sure you get found guilty of something that’s gonna put you in your
Place and I’m gonna sit here and express my ignorance right because I expect that in the Carolina where I live I expect that in the South here in the Deep Florida Georgia Alabama Louisiana Mississippi y’all couldn’t have told me nothing if this case would have happened
Here I would have told y oh no he gonna get convicted I don’t care but the fact that it happened in the NYC I am not shocked but I am very surprised with all the footage that happened that they also put their foot on the gas to put this black man in
Place and I’mma just go ahead on and say it that’s what it was oh no you think you a great man oh no you’re not you that’s what they’ve always done that’s what they’ve always done oh you think you somebody Oh no you’re not you think
You on land you think you do this you the judicial system has always been used to put the black and brown in their place which they see is the Victorian tears in meaning this is a Karen she says this happened to her oh no we not gonna let you do any of
These things to our Kens this will not be allowed this is not accepted you’re G to get treated just like every other black and brown man that come through this court you ain’t got nothing we don’t care who you are and that’s how I see it I appreciate
You uhhuh I see the angle you’re coming from they like oh you’re a great man cuz they focus on that even the second commentator that spoke after the other man the black man on that thing he was like she he wanted her to be I think
It’s so damaging he wanted her to be like ketta Scott King he didn’t say he wanted her to be a [ย __ย ] I don’t I don’t understand what what what he said he’s a great man okay all right so what should he I this is crazy the people said not on their time
Not on they time you gonna be the same man y’all all y’all you all have always been yeah button up your shirt Savannah I think uh in my opinion uh said it so eloquently when we started this conversation how did we get here and um one thing I have been saying
Throughout this whole case is um it definitely reminded me of the Johnny Depp and Amber herd um and the the one thing that I that I um that I I pulled out from reading the transcripts of of this um the the incident in in the vehicle um was the
Defense of property and protection of property when uh Grace uh tried to retrieve his cell phone and defense of property is the right of a person to Pro of a person to protect one’s property with reasonable Force against another person who is threatening to infringe on one’s possessory interest in such
Property uh where where a defendant is on trial for criminal assault or battery he may argue in certain instances that he reasonably believed that his actions were necessary to defend his property from said victim with reasonable Force um and it’s proven that she suffered no injuries to to her fingers her hands her
Body her her persons um I said in the video where she went out to the club and there was um no uh scratches to her her head her ear or as as they said says in the transcripts I’ve been reading as we’ve been talking um so he was able to
Use defense uh protection of property um but as Leo um so stated us sir are know Johnny deth and that’s where they um they the system wanted to to drive that point to Jonathan major um and and his star was so steadily Rising they had just as you
Were Rising they wanted to make sure a it was going to crash and burn and that’s what um today uh was about uh they wanted to make sure he he fell and crash and burn just like um marble pulled out uh quickly and he did have
All those movies um that he did on I believe that he already filmed and um where set to come out in 2425 um I know johathan was also the uh the face of the Army’s um rebranding of the all you can be and they also pulled
Out because we had to go back and re uh Rebrand all our um marketing uh once the allegations came back out uh came out early this spring we had to go back and redo um our commercials all our marketing material that had Jonathan we
Went back and we did all that um so um he lost um and even if he had a victory he still lost so it’s unfortunate um and uh and I believe the the verdict will be uh given out in February I I still don’t think he’ll serve any time um
But I still regardless he he lost I it is just a loss um and and I I feel um I’m just disgusted tonight and and I’m I’m sicken and sad and and this is and I hate that the conversation has even turned into race uh I don’t think that this has
Anything to do with who you date who you love um I hate that we always go to a black and white issue or um it’s it’s just always about uh Injustice and how the system is isn’t set up for um to protect um our our our our black and
Brown men and that it’s just uh it’s sad and and it and it uh disgusts me tonight and so I’m sick about that tonight so yeah it’s it’s interesting to me how a lot of people are thinking first of all you already know how it feel I didn’t
Even think it should have been a trial on this I think it’s ridiculous but it’s interesting how many feel that although um they didn’t get the verdict right that all of a sudden they gonna get the sentence in right and not place this man in jail I I think they plan the railroad
Him and that’s right Diva I agree with you I still feel it’s 5050 he still may serve some time y’all they want a rear they want to break his soul yep they want to break his soul and you know I did give Megan Good a hard time initially but you know sometimes I
Have to sleep on things and it have to marinate in me and I’m going to say in this particular case I mean thank God she’s by his side I don’t even care the reason at this point many people want to say oh she’s being paid whatever I say
Thank God he’s by she’s by his side because it probably would have broke him even more they are literally they want to break his soul and listen we all agree nobody should be putting their hands on nobody but again like the dawn said we got video evidence and we still now we
Wanted the best that man could Circle back to in his commentary is the text messages the the the voice of him saying she should be like ketta and button up your shirt I had people I dated said that skirt is short me too what you got on the is too
Much come on come Leo can we tell are we gonna tell the truth are we GNA act like we never heard those conversations but you a black woman that’s the difference and you didn’t call the police I gotta get to Felicia I just want the people to knock it off to stop
Saying like what everything he said was so out of pocket get out of line and out of the box there are females out there where their man is calling them bees and hoes and tell them to shut the f up and none of this man you better
Preach Diva on now in none of this man conversation did I see where he had text where he was calling her out of pocket out of line you got all these buttons of button up button up some of them then okay y’all got to get me that y’all got to
Point me to the text then y got to point me to the text cuz everybody saying it was more in the text somebody please email me or point me to the text I want the really egregious parts of this text that I guess I didn’t see the text proed he physically abused
Are yall talking about The Throne of the candle they gotta talk to me I’m really serious talking about the Tex where he said he was going to you know unive his if she went to the no no no hold on I’m reading exactly what she said and my
Opinion the text prove he physically abused her what text I need to see him and if they saying the Throne of the candle don’t get me wrong y’all I’m not saying any of that is right those two were toxic together so my thing is if you could see a
Video of a chick running after the man y’all going to tell me they was in that house and she threw nothing Felicia you’re up well good evening everybody Grace and peace love and light thank you Diva for having this conversation thank you I got a couple of
Point as I’d like to bring around I’m I’m glad I’m on the end of this I’ve had an opportunity to read the chat the chat that’s full of lies and fraud all these fake perpetrators up here they have not followed this case they don’t know the
Facts they know what they heard and you know who you are in the chat you need to stop I called you out already oh no there were never any text uh where he she they them discussed any physical abuse the first time Grace testified to any alleged physical abuse
Was on March 25th go read the transcripts it’s also a fact that when uh she was in her condition let’s be clear she has a drinking problem she got a drug problem she got a money problem and now she got a man problem okay because she’s done a lot of
Damage to this man and the facts are he is facing a year in jail so to the other folks in the chat who say no he not going this thing should have never come to this and this is where we are you don’t have to care about him you don’t
Have to give nothing for him but please look towards Justice what is the truth what is honest now one of the things I want to talk about is your lawyer when I first heard who his lawyer was they went to school together I did a little background on Miss priia
Charre she wasn’t really the lawyer for this matter but some times we have friends in the business in the industry you know that friend you have that says they know how to fix this or fix that they can come over and do it for a little cheaper yeah that kind of
Friend they really weren’t trained they don’t have a license to do what you ask maybe you’ve got electrical socket needs to be replaced or you need something painted or whatever and you think hey there’s so much less than that other person I contacted so I’m going to go with them
And then the work that they do is unsatisfactory and you got issue and then you find out they weren’t bonded they weren’t licensed you have no claim but you are out x amount of money and your place is messed up well we’re talking about somebody’s Freedom here
And as we talk about freedom I I appreciate the dawn coming up and and Emmanuel coming up because I’m going to go into some facts about United States history in the United States fugitive slaves or quote runaway slaves and as D.A has pointed out Jonathan was doing a lot of that running
Away were terms used in the 18th and 19th centuries to to describe people who fled slavery the term also refers to the federal fugitive slave acts of 1793 and 1850 such people were also called freedom Seekers isn’t that interesting in response to the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act a number of northern
States passed quote personal Liberty laws which sought to protect their citizens from false arrest as quote runaway slaves so for those of you who say well what does black and white have to do with this well maybe you’re not from this country maybe you never took a
Black history class maybe you don’t know what this country was founded on or what the rage and the hurt and the disappointment of a people is about go to your internet and learn a little something in my opinion is absolutely correct what do we say to our sons now we can’t say run
Away because they’re gonna get you don’t stay in defend because the Lord doesn’t support you well according to e you went outside of your culture oh really I say one’s personal choice is not your personal rejection people have the right to love and date and be with who they want and
If they don’t want to be with you don’t take it personally now I agree with on the other end he shouldn’t have brought that trash into this country I hope to never see grace on the street cuz I’ll call her trash myself she’s a bigger disappointment she
Used her white skin and her white tears and her poor status to go after this man and his career and don’t miss the point about the remarks of our great Queens ketta Scott King and Michelle Obama maybe that’s not your standard but it’s certainly mine both of them Rose to
The top with such dignity and Grace with so much intelligence and foresight and they embodi love and compassion of their people and if Grace couldn’t reach that that’s too bad for her it’s tough for everybody on this panel to reach that standard and in this chat but I’m glad Jonathan had such high
Standards and I hope he continues to hold on to it and I disagree that he’s going to crash and burn because I believe in God and I believe in a greater Creator and a greater power and he’s going to come through this because he’s got a Praying Mother and I know
What a righteous mother can bring to the table so no I’m not assuming that he is not going to get a year in jail behind all of this because they have had it out for him from the very beginning vanity fear said oh the Manhattan DA’s office
Got a whole line of people coming in signing affidavit saying what he was and what he done we didn’t get any of that during this trial what happened here he didn’t choose the right attorney come on what happened here his defense sucked come on and what also happened here was that
Jury hated him come on I’m done I appreciate you so the text that everybody’s talking about I did read them I didn’t know y’all was referring to that text and you’re talking about the text where she said um and where he uh uh where he had threatened to allegedly take his own
Life um where she said that you know um you know something had happened and she said I ain’t going to the hospital cuz you know and he said please don’t go to the hospital whatever and I’m paraphrasing um because if you do they’re going to ask you questions she
Said but I lie he said they won’t believe you and Dr Dr Who yall talking about those sexs right okay so I’m going to address that so here’s the thing I I do believe and I can’t say it more than that I don’t know do you want
Me to break down how I’m defining toxic they had a toxic relationship where those two toor back and forth in my opinion toxic relationship and and and you know what toic and to me when you when you got to start recording your mate why are you there why are you
There you have the ability you have no connection with kids you’re not married and you got to start recording somebody I’m I’m done I’m out I’m out if I got to sleep on the street corner on my girlfriend’s couch on the floor I’m out you got to start recording
Someone you you seen from the Kiki and darus situation he knew he was recording her mom mama Sharon so when you know you recording somebody you you going to throw in some little bait there and they coming off sideways but because you know you recorded you ain’t really saying
Nothing why you doing this to me you baiting and you recording but that’s a whole another story in and of itself cuz in there she said right she said that um you know I I I I’m I’m not I would never give you in I stayed this long I want to be with
You if you stay this long and you want to be with him and you know the man don’t like drinking check in the AA but we we ignoring all the facts that are falling on her side and we just saying cuz he said be like ketta he’s the devil he said you got to stop all this drinking cuz what happens when she drinks like many people things got out of
Control so we don’t know how the situation went as to where those texts came about and what went down we don’t know if it was another night of partying and drinking and things went left but this time it was in the house and he couldn’t get out the house we don’t know
But you know what we don’t care yeah he mentioned he had a temper but can I tell you how many people got a temper what I’m trying to get y’all to is that because you rob 13 Banks and now today the bank ISS robbed should they just put it on
You you got a history of robing Bank should they just put it on you yeah they had a tumultous dirty nasty filthy relationship where she never said she was hell captive with each and every time she say she wanted to stay including the night of the incident that he is on trial
For we see him running for his life blocks and blocks we get another video of him walking by he didn’t come up in her face nah she ran after him yet again that gets annoyed and all we want to go back to is TX and not what our own eyes
Saw it’s crazy to me and again I’m not saying this man wasn’t aggressive I’m not saying that perhaps this that that and the other I’m saying let’s deal with the facts as to why this case is happening or happened it doesn’t make sense this man
Did not come back to his own house when he pay the mortgage y’all tell me if y’all want to keep it 100 you see Gabriel Union where that man told her this was my house and you know what she did she said we gota buy another house so I could be
50/50 Gabriel Union’s man told her her husband her husband said this my house you know how many men tell their their significant others it’s my house I pay the bills this man did not come back to his house that night she was in his house when he got back to his house he
Found her in the closet looking all past out and she has a history of drinking and passing out cuz he told her before knock it off please stop coming to my house drunk he finds in the closet he calls 911 and now his life is over this is messy when you’re
Up are you there Wayne did I lose everybody yeah no I’m here I’m here sorry first of all I want to say I would be curious as to the makeup of the jury uh second Felicia answered my question because I was going to ask I wonder if he had the best
Money you to buy you know you could buy to get a lawyer I mean because this case seemed just so frivolous like it said it shouldn’t even gone this far and I’m sure with a compet uh a competent lawyer this this could have been settled and definitely in his in his favor
Second of all the this is what you call even though you don’t have a a record or whatever we gonna make an example out of you okay this is a case where he could have walked away with a like most people a slap on the hand maybe
Some uh you know hours to you know work help people whatever but no they going to take it all the way out and I was I was I was hoping the same thing they want to make an example of him so bad that you could
Walk but the law says we can give you a year okay and what better example to make then to make it with somebody who has money not so much as money but somebody who’s well known to use them as an example to get the message out there oh well we don’t
Play and the other part I don’t have a problem with him dating a white woman my daughter-in-law is white my grandkids is biracial I have a problem with him dating this white woman you could have done some vetting you couldn’t have done something if if I want a cores guy king
Or Michelle Obama believe me I’m going to be looking at some resumรฉs and I know what he meant by that and I think that’s great you know you want somebody some qualities you know you a Uprising Uprising star you don’t want no trash on your arms I mean he
Still got that you know with you but I understand what he’s saying okay but none of that comes to play to put this this man in the jail but this is where they G they want to make an example and they want to make example of
A known person and I’m with felici on this I don’t think this is going to mess his career up he’s good we saw through it if the panel sees through it like this the Public’s going to see through it as well so I don’t think I think he’s
Going to bounce back and he should bounce back I’m finished I appreciate you Wayne um I have to sit this one out and think about that Marvel was waiting to drop him and the only reason why they waited is because they didn’t want the public to be in the
Uproar uh they already said I think Creed 4 is coming out he’s not on the docket for that he got movies that are already done that they’re ready to scrap and of course I do not want this to be the outcome but I I have to I have to see I
I think Leo hit the nail on the head this man talking about he a great man our little princes right here well we gonna show him Emanuel what was you wanted to say something before I go to T yeah I was gonna say I mean deep down I
Would hope that his career wouldn’t be over but think it is because think about it if they were to release a movie with him the feminist and all the women rights movements would be like how dare they put this abuser on movies and stuff
So I find it really hard for him to come back from this one unfortunately shut down Hollywood honey you’ve been following these cases the place is full of pedophiles and molesters and real abuses they’re out here on the street right now they probably live on the YouTube streets
Yeah yeah no you you are correct and I’m having a problem with that too we lost somebody um T your up I agree what Wayne said I got no problem uh you know people d right Diva and that Diva you know what they said Diva keep youry keep your friends
Close but keep your Emy close sir that’s all I had to say Diva I appreciate you thank you for your comment on this um yeah it it’s a it’s a very um it’s sad it’s all I can say it’s really really sad and of course um no
One wants um hold on one second hey Denzel what did you want to say hey Diva everybody how y’all doing good excuse me um I feel bad for him and this is they shouldn’t have had this for you know had this as a TR this is really ridiculous and that
Footage that they know that he was not in the wrong for that he was not in the wrong of that she was chasing after him okay and then and then the crazy thing is is that um can you hear me yes okay I’ll just make it and then the
Crazy thing is is I was you know I saw you know some comments on the on the blogs and some people were saying like well well you know well leave those well leave those people alone meaning they were saying leave those white people alone and it’s like well all you know
All white people ain’t like that you know all white people ain’t like that and this is the thing you can love you love who you love and it should it shouldn’t it shouldn’t matter you know love who you love and that that that’s that’s all that matter and then and his career is
Going to be it his career is already affected by this which it shouldn’t which it shouldn’t now if he I’mma Be I’mma Be honest on Diva now if this was if this was a white man if this was a white man you know everybody knows that it would been
Totally different but because he’s a black man they they say okay we got you even though they know even though they know that he was innocent of this that in their mind they will say okay we we we got him we we we going to U we got him
And we going to get his u career um you knowen away which is messed up and he don’t deser he don’t deserve this and that woman she’s trash she’s trash and that’s all I want to say Diva but that it’s it’s crazy we got to stay
Prayed up it’s sad yeah it is sad so um um is this tamantha said this man was begging her not to go to the hospital and threaten to un alive himself to manipulate her yes not for this case but another time proven a pattern everybody wants to talk about
The proven this pattern piece I I I think we all already know the relationship was toxic but if you talk to The Experts they’ll tell you that a majority of relationships are toxic hey Diva can I say something you know how many patterns I can prove with people going through cell phones mad
That they uh found a text message and you a woman going upside a man’s head because she didn’t found the text message in his cell phone that’s a pattern come on or her scratching his back or clawing at him because he doesn’t want to give her the password that’s a pattern we SE
Movies after that come on now those are patterns that’s a pattern we saw in this so we’re going to talk about the patterns let’s talk about all of them keep your hands to yourself that was his phone keep and that’s to everybody in the chat if you can’t trust your partner
With their cell phone why you with them why you with them why you with them I’m not going through nobody’s phone I’m not if I’m there it’s a wrap it’s over I already know I’m not I don’t need it I don’t need to go through your phone God will drop it in
My lap I don’t need it come on now listen I’m not going through your phone I’m not calling the other chick I’m not going to get in my car and follow you I’m not going to put no tracker on you if you want the streets I’mma release you to the
Streets and listen just cuz I said I’m going to release you to the streets that don’t mean I ain’t going to be hurt that don’t mean I’m not going to be crying but there’s no way I’m about to put myself out there risk myself following you for
What going through your cell phone for what you when you doing all of that you already know it’s you already know a right you got it already you got it already I’m not doing that come on you got it already absolutely and you going to lower your self-esteem even more
A chick will never hear my voice over no man like never that’s what he want if anything I’mma speak to him and when I’m done speaking that’s it I’mma make my decision not chasing after you I’m not looking in your phone I’m not getting in the car beating you up who texting you
What’s going on what’s this what’s that what’s the other silence is golden make my moves and do what I got to do because look at where this got you look at where this got him and you got people seeing it with their own eyes imagine if there was no
Footage he probably would have got found guilty on all four accounts if there was no footage CU if they did this with footage what would they have done with zero footage put the brother in his place and get him 20 years come on now for nothing you better preach on
Leo it’s it just don’t make any sense and oh you thinking now she’s going to do a civil suit he better lawyer up with some different probably will and he better get him a excellent lawyer because look she coming after the coins later I believe that as
Well and what’s the movie said he met her on they coming for me I’ll be suing that movie Set if it wasn’t for y’all and this ridiculous movement coach I would have never met her galaxy of the Guardians come on now I would I’ll be
Suing him I’m sorry now we all going to go down in the gutter I’m about to do me some lawsuits too would have never met this woman you right Diva that’s very smart absolutely no I would be going down to the gustu did you hear this man
How did his lawyer not go after that basic fact that that man said right he had the right to fight for his phone right right I be dragging all the people I’ll be dragging everybody for Filth do you hear me for Filth I’mma just say this is a sad day in
History I honestly and truly feel that and believe that and I don’t want anybody to make any mistake I’m not sitting here being naive like he’s so innocent but I’m just saying when you do a case that’s the problem with so many of these cases they want to bring out
All of these side facts and this this that that and trying to make two equal 10 I promise you if he was running after her that would have been another slam dunk for them they would have locked him up forever and they would have been playing out on the news over and over
And over again how this man was running after her I seen on no news footage really them showing over and over again that she was running after him they ignoring that piece and they twisting it up and they focusing everything back on him he had a
Reasonable thing to not to do that he’s trying to put her back in the car I can’t I can’t even go anymore is anybody else before I show my other story my Feelgood story any last comments on this Jonathan maj’s case everybody’s good all right so I’m going to go ahead and
Um present this last story it’s the holiday season y’all and when they see these stories I mean this one I cried I ain’t going to lie us that what really matters at Christmas isn’t the getting but the giving the red caps were the only clue the only hint that something Christmas
Was a foot here we go something that would soon strike straight to the heart are you guys serious seriously the kids responsible for these moments of overwhelming Joy are all students and forers students of Derek Brown lights pleas a phoenix elementary teacher who uses my stories to teach kindness and character a perennial
Favorite secret Santa that wealthy businessman who every year gives out hundreds of hundred bills to random strangers this impossible this is impossible it is possible it’s true watching secret Santa do his thing I see made a huge impression on the kids I was like shocked because well who does that
I’ve never seen anyone like give just give money away like that could you imagine that someday would be you no not ever and so with guy from Mr Brown I sent everybody an itinerary the kids started a secret santa club and began fundraising calling friends family and businesses they raised
$8,000 without any help from their school or District just so they could turn around and give it all away it’s okay to people like Rosemarie Hernandez Rosemarie had been out of work for a week you will give me a lot of relief thank you thank you thank you
Oh my God they also gave money to D Dre Taylor oh my God D Dre had just gotten diagnosed with cancer and was down to her last $20 you guys are amazing the children spent the day changing dozens of lives and along the way they noticed something remarkable
That the more they gave the more they got I’m so happy right now you get so so many feelings in your body that just makes you like want to do it again their Joy that’s the gift to you their Joy that’s the gift to you exactly the realization Mr Brown was hoping
For I want this memory to be so strong that it now drives them every day in everything they do did today change you definitely I never felt this way in my life so this was really a life Cher for me whoever said money can’t buy happiness obviously never gave it
Away thank you so much bless God bless you too we gotta guys you know soften up just a little bit me we got to sometimes put our feelings to decide in things and and try to you know think a little rational no matter how you feel about any person
That may be on trial for something whether you like them or not just say to yourself here are the facts and although they may be the devil in one situation does that warrant them going to jail for this situation that they on trial for I have a minute I want to go
Around really quickly in my opinion um how do you feel about this feel good story are you there did I lose you in my opinion all right e the Feelgood story oh those kids were so cute you know I love when um little mama I can’t
I don’t even um the one with the mold cuz I have a little mole in a similar place so cute and I thought it was so endearing when she said you know I’m just so happy right now I could tell that she was really full and I think
More kids who get to experience that level of Joy just by giving back rather than receiving I think that is so beautiful and I can’t wait to see how that’s going to manifest itself as she gets older as well as the other kids cuz um I know that there were guys here as
Well very very good well to do children I was very happy to see that thank you e the da kids are inherently good until their circumstances change them oh um and I just think that we need more kids like this keep keep kids kids as long as possible teach them good
Things they’re and they’ll do good things I like that um and I think that’s what these kids are doing they they’ve been taught well I like that and God bless this teacher God bless this teacher um Wayne I was G to say it was it was glad to see a
Teacher think outside the box you know showing them the videos and I was really grateful to see such young children experience the kind of feelings they were explaining that you know that they felt and those emotions and things like that you know the feel them at a young age and like um
E was saying and see how that manifests in their life as they grow so just it was just amazing that they had a teacher you know who took the time to do that a teacher who really wants to teach yeah Emanuel great story good story God bless
The teacher God bless all the kids uh great conversation overall and good good night everyone good night man you thank you Leo it was an awesome story about giving and I’m with the dawn kids don’t even care like so it was just it made me reflect back on my upbringing in in the
Community that I was in that was Mo I was the only black person that was in my school but at this when I was coming up and so it was I can say giving changes who you are one of the keys of H one of the keys
Of happiness because happiness is not a place where you get to it is a state so in meaning there are times in your life where happiness you feel and the key to being happy is giving and to set this this um precedent for these young people is a
Greatness had that has been given on to the world I’m trying not to be choked up when you set up the precedent of giving Which my mom is a great Giver that taught me that giving is the best thing you can do not just for the world but
For your own state of happiness and children are a great blessing to the world because they Now understand giving I like that and you see how that they she the one girl said I I felt feelings I never even know I could feel her have just that’s right and she was
Giving St away it’s not like somebody gave to her G it was given to her indirectly she didn’t even know it that’s right a state that has been given to the world and meaning these children will reach out and give it’s great well I D I’m coming to you Felicia
You know I I didn’t I didn’t say the name earlier but I’m GNA say it now you know I would I really want to say thank you Felicia oh my because listen I’m leave it you’re welcome Diva oh my God all right go ahead talk thank you for another great show
And thank you for a beautiful clothes I love kids I love when they give I love when they understand what love will look like and feel like and enjoy and um good night everybody all right good night a about the Feelgood story I want to say do you thaty got me
In a little tears right there we need that Diva this world because this world is is crazy we need that Diva we sure do that’s all my that’s my dog right there thank you Tay you’re welcome all right um Delle yeah that was a blessing to see
Those children um give that that was a blessing um so God bless bless the God bless the children God bless the the teacher and God bless their their parents for raising respectful respectful um kids and you know we need more kindness in this world we need to
See more of that and uh that that’s in that’s all and y’all have a great night all right y’all good night we’re going to our our week is a little backed up tomorrow I will recap The Real Housewives of pic and then on Wednesday I will
Recap um mared to medicine but I thank you’all for being here thank you for having this Jonathan Major’s conversation with me and um I’m really praying I’m really praying that you know things turn around for him and I’m also watching on February 6 to make sure um
That they do not put this Man Behind Bars because this is crazy it does not deserve him going behind any bars it didn’t even deserve him being found guilty in my opinion but definitely not behind bars I’ll see you next time good night and goodbye good night everybody ch ch Cho