Ofan different forms of justice social economical and political social Ecom and directive principles of State policy social and economic justice social economic and political Justice social and economic Justice directive principles of State policy social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens social justice equat it means absence of privileges being
Extended to any particular section of the society and Improvement in the conditions of backward classes and women Improvement in conditions of the backward classes equality of opportun soci non-discrimination between people on the basis of economic factors at the end of the day ECE it involves the elimination of glaring inequalities in wealth income
And property inquality for article 31 right to to redistribution forom a combination of social justice and economic Justice denotes what is known as distributive justice social justice distri jce political Justice political Justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights equal access to all political officers and equal voice in the government
Equal for freedom of speech and speeech and Expression speech and expression Oftice social economic and political Justice e social economic and political justice has been taken from the ristian Revolution and rest there is absence of restraints on the activities of individuals at the same time providing opportunities for the development of IND to freedom of spee government asop end of for freedom of spee and
Secures to all citizens of India Liberty of thought r faith and worship through their fundamental rights enforceable in court of law in case of violation to freedom of religion as elaborated in the pre is very essential for the successful functioning of indan system however Liberty does not mean license to do what one Likes and has to be enjoyed within the limitations mentioned in the Constitution itself limitation in the Liberty conceived by the prle or fundamental right is not absolute but qualified very important absolute Liberty qualified Li of Liberty equality and Fraternity in our Preamble have been taken from fren reu equality social eom and political
Justice ranu equality and fraternity soci economic and politic the term equality means the absence of special privileges to any section of the society and the provision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination equ cap different cap the pre secures to all citizens of India equality of status and OPP
Right to equality of opportunity this provision Embraces three dimensions of equality social eom Equity Equity prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion race C sex or place of birth Equity of opportunity in matters of public employment loal opportunity employ government employment abolition of untouchability untouchability for abolition of titles for Abol of
AB of titles there are two Provisions in the Constitution that seek to achieve political equality fundamental rights C equity right one no person is to be declared ineligible for inclusion in electoral Roes on the ground of religion 3 of The Constitution ensures to us that no person is to be declared ineligible
For inclusion in electoral RS on grounds of religion Equity elections to the and the state assemblies to be on the basis of adult suffer article 326 constitutional right fundamental right equality equ and woman equal right to an adequate means of livelihood and equal pay for equal work equal for equal means ofal rural
Employment en rural employment gu are alone not just but they are made into laws by the government they can be the laws are justi not the dpsp is my country all indans are my brothers and sisters frity means a sense of Brotherhood and thetion promotes his feeling of fraternity by the system of
Sing as a Cen I’m just the citizen of India also the fundamental Duty say that it shall be the duty of every C of India to promote Harmony and the spirit of common Brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious linguistic Regional or sectional diversities day Brotherhood Brotherhood Brotherhood Rel
Fundamental Duty part 4 a article 51y the Preamble declares that fraternity has to assure two things the Dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation of the IND and integrity of the nation and Amendment Amendment 42 Constitutional Amendment Act of 1976 mini constition social secularity sociality 42 Amendment of the individual signies that constitutional not only ensures material betterment and maintain a democratic setup but that it recognizes that personality of Every person this is highlighted through some of the provisions of the fundamental rights and directive principles of State policy which ensur the Dignity of IND against B labor of the fundamental duties also protect theity of woman stating that it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to
Renounce practices derogatory to the Dignity of woman and also makes the duty of every citizen of India to uphold and protect the sovereignty unity and integrity of India f of freedom of spech andg sorry the unity and integrity of the nation Embraces both the psychological and territorial dimensions of integration National integration Unity
Article one of the Constitution of India describes India as Union of states St to make it clear that the states have no right to suceed from the union implying the indestructible nature of the Indian Union indestructible indestructible it aims at overcoming hindrances to National integration like communism regionalism castism linguis div
PR embodies the basic philosophy and fundamental values political moral religious values on which the is based soci on the Constitution is based it contains the Grand and Noble vision of the constituent assembly and reflects the dreams and aspirations of theing fathers of sir Krishna one of the members of conent
Assembly the preamble to our constitution expresses what we had thought or so it is the horoscope of The Sovereign Democratic Republic the pream is the most precious part of the Constitution it is the soul of the con it is a key to the Constitution it is a jewel set in the
Constitution it is a proper yard stick with which one can measure the wor sir erest Barker a disting English politic scien he described the pr as the Keye to thetion he was so M that principles of Social and politic we the people of India solemnly resolved and former jce of
India it resembles the declaration of independence of the United States of America but it is more than a declar oftion which lays down the pattern of our political Society political Society it contains a Sol resolve which nothing but reolution alter force of of the one of the controversies about pre is
Asked whether it is a part of Constitution or not that shows the general purposes behind the several Provisions in the Constitution and is thus a key to the minds of makers of the Constitution further the terms used in any article are ambigous or capable of more than one meaning some assistance at
Interpretation may be from the objectives and despite this recognition despite this recognition conion EX rejected the earlier opinion and H that is a part of the Constitution conclusion Preamble is a part of the Constitution Preamble PR finally at the end of the day it is it observed that Preamble is
Of extreme importance and Constitution should be read and interpreted in the light of the Grand and no vision expressed in the pr part of thetion Preamble is an integral part of the Constitution like any other part of the Constitution the pre was also enacted by the the rest of the contition was already
Enacted for the reason for inserting the the reason for inserting the pream at the end of The Constitution was to ensure that it was in Conformity the contitution aded by the forward the Preamble for what the president of the con assembly said the question is that Preamble stands part of
The Constitution the motion was then adopted the current opinion by the Supreme Court that the Preamble is a part of the Constitution is in concern with the opinion of the fundament opinion of the founding fathers of the Constitution founding fathers of MERS conc however two things should be noted
Pram is neither a source of power to legislator nor prohibition upon the poers of is nonusable that it Provisions are not not enforceable in the courts of law very important they are not enforceable in the court of law they are non-justiciable amenability of the pre topic the question asked whether the
Preble can be amended under the article 362 of the sorry article 368 of the Constitution Aros for the first time in the history 1973 it was that PR cannot be amended as it is not a part of the theed that the amending power in article 368 cannot be used to destroy or
Damage the basic elements of the fundamental features which are enshrined in the Preamble fatures basur of the basic structure of the part of the the court stated that the opinion tended by in the in this regard was wrong and the Preamble cannot sorry Preamble can be amended subject to the
Condition that no amendment is done to the basic features basic basic structure basic a in other words Court held that the basic elements or the fundamental features of the contition as contained in the pream cannot be altered by an amendment under article6 the Preamble has been amended only once
So far in 1976 by the 42nd contition Amendment act which which has added three new words socialist secular integrity propert cre ini Maxim