Live right got the count oh you already live okay just wanted to countdown it’s all good all right sign Christ right like share subscribe Shalom yah bahash yashi R to the brothers shalom to the sisters I’m preaching officer yanas New York and this is the Israelite school this is the Israelite School a
University school Practical knowledge start off in one West 125th Street under command jinia Yana and since 1969 we’ve been teaching the so-called blacks Hispanics and the American Indians they had the chosen people you know what I’m saying of the Bible let’s clap it up for the Lord and this is Tuesday day Brotherhood
Sisterhood class let’s clap it up let’s clap up brother you know what I’m saying I’m going to go straight in you know what I’m saying the teach you know what I’m saying since since 1969 the isk under Commander Jin was teaching so-called black suspense and they American Indians
You know I’m saying they are God’s chosen people also teaching them you know I’m saying how to be a brother how to be a sister according to the Bible according to the Bible not according to you know what I’m saying I was slave master not according to white jesus
Doctrine slave master Doctrine no not according to according to the Bible because we are God’s chosen people you know what I’m saying we can’t we can’t go along to get along you know what I’m saying we can’t you know we can’t do the things that we want to do if we want to
Do anything that we want to do you look at you know I’m saying look at the things you know what I’m saying look at the things that we’re doing right now according to the slave master we following you know what I’m saying all the disgusting things with our slave
Master do you know I mean according to to what’s going on in our head according to what’s going on in our situations now you know I’m saying I shk the Israelite School Universal practice CL understand what so-called blacks and Spanish and Americans is going through
Because we are in hell we are in hell and we underneath the booill of another Nation so we see you know what I’m saying what they what they say you know what I’m saying um whatever the Romans do let’s do what the Romans do oh whatever the Romans do let’s do what
The Romans do you know what I’m saying whatever you know what I’m saying what they say in Vegas what go down in Vegas it stay in Vegas that mean that you was a deving bastard that’s what it means you know what I’m saying we were selfish
And we want to do all the all the perverted things that our slave master taught us cuz you can’t put this out in you know what I’m saying you you w’t want this for your daughter nor you don’t want this for your son but this what happens for black suspenders and the American
Indians the reason why you know what I’m saying we go along to get along because a bunch of us this you know what I’m saying a bunch of us is celebrating Christmas what moral compass that Christmas every BR blacks his Spanish and American Indians what moral compass
Did you know what I’m saying did the so-called blacks Spanish American did ever came up with this concept that called Christmas H did we ever did it what Mor you know what I’m saying what morality come out of Christmas what morality right white jesus Doctrine white jesus do say God love
Everybody I was depressed I’m not depressed no more because you know what I’m saying because my father bought gifts I’m not depressed no more because my mother bought a Christmas tree I’m not depressed no more because you know what I’m saying I see I see lights
Outside this is you know what I’m saying this is a diabolical and genius that slave master Doctrine is white jesus Doctrine is then you think you’re doing something good then you’re doing something good I got over my oppression because I see lights outside I see a I see a Christmas tree
Out outs side I got gift underneath my tree I see my father out there buying gifts I see my family over here buying a Christmas ham this is what white J is doing it it is it you know what I’m saying we suffers peacefully you know what I’m saying
That’s what Michael me said you know what mean we you know what I’m saying the Negro in America you know what I’m saying hasped in America suffer peacefully don’t stop suffering you suffer peacefully you know what I’m saying we got to shout we got to shout a
C sir we got to shout a c and why you know what I’m saying why the um why the dentist pulling our teeth out we just sit there but he’s pulling with a wren but we don’t feel the pain cuz why we colding up we don’t we don’t feel the
Pain so we suffer peacefully we ain’t fighting back go ahe we say again or we oh you know I going to go into that cuz you in you know what I’m saying you are in the truth you’re in the spirit you know what I mean we suffer peacefully don’t stop suffering suffer
Peacefully you know what I mean oh you can’t you can um deal with that trauma that you had oh smoke some weed you know what I mean smoke smoke some we smoke all the way you want you know what I’m going to so-call legalize
It and I’m going to put a smoke shop you know what I’m saying right around matter of fact the smoke shop going to be your neighbor and I’m going to to have you go downstairs you know what I’m saying cuz I want you to go through you know I’m
Saying I want you to go through um all all the couches that’s in your house I want you to go through all the pockets you know what I’m saying that’s you know what I’m saying that’s in your house to look for those chains that you don’t got
So you could suffer PE so you get all your nickel and dimes and go downstairs to your neighbor to buy you know what I’m saying to buy some weed to buy some weed because you don’t know how to talk to anybody CU we don’t know how to go to
Anybody that’s trying to help us I don’t have a problem I don’t have no problem I could deal with this I could deal with this meanwhile we get in high you know what I’m saying 7 in the morning 12 in the afternoon 3 o’ in the afternoon 6 o’clock in the afternoon you
Know what I’m saying eight o’clock at night just before you know what I’m saying just before I eat um just before I eat dinner after I ate dinner even after I kiss my wife I gotta smoke I gotta I gotta smoke a little something after when I kiss my
Wife then I gotta I gotta hit it I got then I gotta hit hit a blunt again because I gotta go to sleep because my mind is racing our mind is racing this is this is what we do we do we put all this energy in you know I’m
Saying in our in our slave master in white jesus Doctrine you know what I’m saying in Christmas and all these perverted holidays that don’t have no moral compass no moral compass but then again we don’t know how to treat our brothers and sisters we don’t I love you brother I love you
Sister this is you know what I’m saying because we giving gifts we giving gifts so what happened um two days later we just go back into doing the things that we’ve been doing all year we didn’t forgive her we just go along as what you know what I’m saying
As the Romans do as I as Joe Biden said for us to do as the Christian Church said for us to do just follow white jesus Doctrine so and let me get it y let me get that first scripture that that you going to Matthews 5 and um 23 going to
Matthews 5 and 23 because this is the Brotherhood class this is a Sisterhood class you know what I’m saying we want to pick up all the all the um um all the gifts you know I’m saying um um celebrate all these holidays but we don’t do this read that Matthew chapter 5 verse
23 therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar go on and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee verse 24 no no say that again therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar therefore th bring thaty gift to the altar we have you know what I’m saying
We done trespass against our brother we done trespass against our sister our sister done trespass against us thy brother done trespass against us well we’re going to sweep it underneath the carpet that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to sweep underneath the carpet and act like nothing happened no nothing didn’t happen
Nothing didn’t happen at all read that from the top verse 23 therefore if thou bring thy gift to The Altar and there remembrance that thy brother there remembrance that thy brother read on has have ought against the have what have ought against thee oh man we have something against our brother but we
Want to bring something to the alar we want to we want to front like you know what I’m saying just because I’m bringing something to the altar all everything is all you know say everything is all tab everything is all gravy everything is all good in
Yonkers you know what I’m saying I’m you know I’m saying I’m doing all this you know all this shaking and bacon but meanwhile I didn’t you know what I’m saying I didn’t I didn’t p still with my brother read on on come verse 24 go on leave there thy gift say that again
Leave there thy gift oh man I want to bring everything to the altar I want to front like everything is all good with my brother and sister I want to front like everything was good with my mother I want to front I want to act like you know what I mean that’s what’s
Going on in my head you know what I’m saying I you know what I’m saying out of sight out of mind if she don’t bring it up I’m not going to bring it up but there’s no differences you know what I’m saying got iron out there’s nothing got iron out then nothing got
Resolved there’s nothing so you could so we could start off from aresh and forgive each other we didn’t do that we swept it underneath the rug and we went to the altar come on we’re doing that now this was back then this is in the
Bible if a brother go to the altar you know what I’m saying what he going to the altar for he’s asking for forgiveness he’s bringing a sacrifice he bringing a gift to the altar cuz you know what I’m saying cuz the shy things that we did but guess what’s on his mind he
Didn’t pieace he never pieced it up with his brother or sister he ain’t piece up with his brother or sister start it from the top start that from the top I want come verse 24 no 23 started from 23 kind want verse 23 mhm therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar
Therefore that you bring thy gift to the altar go on and there rememberest that thy brother that you remember your brother after when you bought the gift and everything but you bringing it to the altar in fronting at the altar you fronting you frontting in your head in
Our head we frontting like everything is all good everything is all to if I bring this gift you know what I’m saying I I will forget it I will forget it you know what I’m saying out of sight out of mind out of sight out of mind go
On have ought against thee have what have ought against thee have ought against you have a trespass against thee have something that was wrongdoing to you or to that person but you want to bring a you know I’m saying but we want to bring a gift
To the altar to the most high God we want to front to the most high God we want to front to our brothers and sisters we want to front at the school at the school like everything is all good read on on verse 24 leave there thy gift say that again
Leave there thy oh excuse me go ahead leave there thy gift he said leave there thy gift if you bring a gift to the altar you know what I’m saying the altar was you know what I’m saying something that you that you did wrong or you you
Know I’m saying you you um you repenting for something or you acknowledge something that was wrongdoing it said first if you have a all with your brother if you have a disagreement with your brother then you’re done trespass against your sister or your father or your family or
Somebody in Israel because blacks and Spanish and name American indans are God’s chosen people this is the you know what I’m saying this is what I’m talking about I’m talking about my brotherhood I’m talking my Sisterhood that’s all I’m talking about we can’t let this you know
What I’m saying we can’t let this slide anymore we can’t let this slide anymore we got to leave our gift at the altar read on before the Altar and go thy way and go what and go thy way go thaty way go on first be reconciled to thy brother
Wait wait say that again first be reconciled to thy brother no no say that say that say that slow so we could so we could taste those words first be what first be reconciled to thy brother first be reconciled to thy brother soall blacks and span and American
Indians young man Anthony what did I do first what did I do first you went to the altar huh you went to the altar not only I went to The Altar and and and what did I have a gift I had a gift right there that’s the first thing I
Did but what do what do it say in 24 first be reconciled to thy brother what the first thing that I supposed to do did forgive your brother I for I supposed to forgive my I to reconcile the differences with my brother first before I even step before I even
Remember I’m going to the altar dirty unclean hypocrite that’s why I’m going to the order I’m going to the altar as a goddamn hypocrite the first thing I supposed to do is what first be reconcile to thy brother I’m supposed to reconcile the differences with my brother but I’m fronting like I’m
Clean I’m fronting we fronting it’s in the Bible for blacks Spanish and Native American Indians that’s Brotherhood sir the definition for reconcile also oh oh go go ahead sir it says restore friendly relations well say that again sir restore friendly relations that’s what that’s what reconcile is restore friendly
Relations restore friendly relations if you restore the friendly relations guess what you could do you starting off from and you’re reinforcing the relationship you’re reinforcing it on a good note on a good note that’s the first thing that we supposed to do it said you know what I’m saying it
Said it even even Christ taught us that if a brother trespass um gets you you go to him and him alone first come on the Bible the Bible only talking about you know what I’m saying it always you know what I’m saying it always repeat you know what I’m saying
What the Israelite was doing wrong that’s what the Bible doing know what I’m saying when it comes to the Old Testament or the new test it’s the same thing look he told you if you have you know I’m saying if your brother trespass against you go to him and alone and reconcile that
Difference this what Christ taught the 12 this is in the book of Matthews right there read that from um 24 KH verse 24 leave there thy gift say that again leave there thy gift so how dare you bring the gift and you a reconcile you know what I’m saying you reconcile no
Differences with your brother you didn’t reinforce the friendship with your brother you better leave that gift there and go to your brother knock on the door call him up before you even go before you even go to the school you listen to the council this is the council right here
The council going to always tell you you go to your brother and talk to your brother that’s what the council going to say go to your brother and talk to your brother you want to go back to the council or back to the school and say yo I called them
Up I text him I emailed him you know what I’m saying to let him know that I want to talk to them so we can reconcile our differences so we could be brothers again so if I if I did trespass I will pay for that trespass I repent for that for that
Trespass I would do that this is what I’ve been leaving messages for that’s it that’s what you want to tell your counsel that’s what you want to tell your counsel so oh all right cool so you ain’t gonna be filthy no more you know what I mean you ain’t
Gonna be filthy no more you ain’t going to come through you know what I’m saying come through with a gift gift ain’t no good that gift is is not no good but you had to try to reconcile all differences so-called black sup and Native American Indians God’s chosen
People the 12 tribes of Israel that’s what it says in the Bible what scripture is that you me TR Matthew chapter 5 verse 24 Oh chapter 5 verse 23 and 24 it’s in the Bible we ain’t got no choice this is what we supposed to do this is the guidelines when we got
Counsel from this is where we supposed to do who Tau us not to do it no more huh who you know what I’m saying how do we know how you know what I’m saying how to do this how do we know it read on Kwan Khan first be reconciled to thy
Brother first be reconcil with thy brother go on and then come and offer thy gift then what and then come and offer thy gifts no first you know what I’m saying be reconciled first you know I’m saying piece up all differences first you know what I’m saying read you
Know what I’m saying first forgive and reinforce the friendship you do that first before you even step into the goddamn before you even come to the altars locking where you come to that altar that’s it that’s that that that’s right there that’s Brotherhood that’s Sisterhood if your brother don’t want to
Hear you hey at least you did it at least you tried then you go to the Altar and and give the gift but at least you try man who said that you know what I’m saying who said that we don’t you know what I’m saying that we don’t have the ability to
Try we have to try and then you know I’m saying if your brother don’t want to listen so let it be they ain’t got nothing to do with you you was trying to piece it up you was trying to let them know I’m not sweeping this underneath the carpet anymore I’m
Not doing that anymore I’m going to reconcile our differences together and I’m going to choose peace over war with you brother that’s it right there you could drop that you can drop that and this is the stuff that we have to know blacks and span and americ is in
The Bible you got we have to understand these are the things that our slave masters say no to especially for blacks Spanish and American Indians you’re not allowed to we allowed to follow all the doctrines that our slave master say to follow this is just and we and um since
1969 the Israelite School of universal practical knowledge is teaching our brother before you even do anything better peace it up with your brother peace it up with your brother if you have the opportunity to piece it up with your brother piece it up with your brother call
Him email him this is the information age everybody texts I’m not a texter I’m not a texter I grew up in you know what I’m saying I grew up in the era when there was no phones you had to call that person or see that person in their
Face I’m part of that I’m I’m that guy I’m literally that guy I don’t text I call cuz it wasn’t no such thing as tax was no such thing we just call you and let you know what’s up or go knock on your door and let you know what’s
Up that’s the reason why you know what I’m saying I know how to talk to women because I had to talk to women face to face not online not through text none of that stuff I don’t you know what I’m saying if a woman text me or whatever it better
Be important or whatever and I can’t get to the phone I’m going to say why you didn’t call me I don’t get down like that just call me for a 30 second yo can you do this no okay hang up with the conversation that’s it I guess that’s yeah like I said sir
That’s the reason why I know how to talk to women because I’ve been talking to women all my life face to face right you know what I’m saying you know you don’t realize I’m a I’m a bear I’m a bear catcher I always say that I’m a bear
Catch it I’m a bear you know what I’m saying you think you know what I’m saying you think for me to grab the honey you think those Beast things going to hurt me more I’ve been getting things since I was 13 I don’t feel the things
No more it’s worth the honey I don’t feel them things no more I don’t you know I mean I got my vest on what you gonna say to me no heard that since I was 12 I’m in my 30s now I got my best on oh man down got shut down no
Doubt you know what I’m saying it’s about quantity not quality you know what I’m saying you know you you push up on 10 you get a hard three you already know what I’m talking about oh so ain’t go up in that era I ain’t go up in that era they still
Look at me funny if I take out a pen in a notebook and say yo write your numbers down right here they still look at me funny about that I was like that but more to the story what I’m saying is we you know what I’m saying we can
Take on the trace of our slave masters you know I’m saying white jesus Doctrine what’s going on you know what I’m saying what’s going on right now you know I’m saying this this season this for season that’s telling you you you know what I’m saying you cheerful you you know what
I’m saying you giv you giv but it’s the type of give that you know what I’m saying that benefits your slave master that’s what it is it benefit your slave master you know what I mean so you think that you living good we think that we living good we think that we been
Cherful and helping out our people guess what it help out you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying um at the end it helped out the slave master it don’t help us out that’s right because we a learn this scripture right here during Christmas you you think all right this
Is Christmas right here this is Christmas Christmas is this scripture imagine that Christmas is this scripture so anybody who bought a gift you know what I’m saying and got a grudge against their father their mother their son you know what I’m saying their homeboy their cousin their nephew their Uncle their aunt their
Niece the gift don’t mean anything until you go to that person and read you know what I’m saying and Rec and reconcile with that person Christ think about it think about it but everybody love you know what I’m saying everybody love white jesus Doctrine white jesus doctor don’t teach you this
H like Jesus doctor say it doesn’t matter how the kid act give them give them toys anyway why Jesus do just say yo give you know I’m saying get them get the the person that was violating you give them gift anyway the people who don’t deserve anything give them anyway because yo
Those lights outside oh we that’s compelling that’s witchcraft sir that’s you know what I’m saying that is the what you know what I’m saying what type of let me see here what word I’m looking for if you see the lights if you see the sweaters if you see you know what I’m
Saying you see um you see the ree you see you know what I’m saying you watch you watch Rudolph r no reindeer you know I’m saying the Snowman on TV on channel five oh wait I remember those days channel two man love that right there you know what I’m saying baby New Year’s
If you watch all of that right there you see the commercials and all the discounts what type of spirit I mean oh man I gave it to you that’s the spirit that’s their spirit that is the Christmas spirit that is the Christmas spirit you know what I’m saying to be
Um Bliss um in the Bliss of ignorance ignorance is bliss everybody know that you know what that mean ignorance is bliss oh man why you told me that I would I just rather be in ignorance so because I was so happy now I got to acknowledge you know what I’m
Saying the brother that I was you know what I’m saying the brother the brother that I was trying to talk to his his wife I gotta talk to him now I don’t like that I don’t like that I want to be ignorant in my bliss all right drop that go to um 1
Corinthians 12:6 I mean chapter 12 verse 26 we got to go to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 26 because this is for blacks and men and their American Indians and you know I’m say I’mma do I’m I’mma do um CZ because the Christian Church the Catholic Church the Muslim they so they
So perverted and deviant and all they all they pull is you know what I’m saying is these um so um so-call New Testament scriptures but they don’t know anything about the scripture they don’t know we you have that TR 1 Corinthians 12 verse 26 on and whether one member suffer say that again
And whether one member suffer on all the members suffer oh stop on the top on verse 26 and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it when one member suffer we all suffer what if one member suffer we all suffer the Christian Church flip this
Stuff right here I’m I’m letting you know they are watching our channels they are watching you know what I’m saying Israelite school univers schol practic that’s watching the Israelites because for years we’ve been challenging them on this stuff years now they decided to pick up the
Bible sir and read the Bible and try to and try to reinforce that white jesus Doctrine put the yeah put the T that’s what they did they put the T ring down because you know why because we got on them about the Tanger you know what I
Mean and when they realized that you know what I’m saying that was moist and tender they decided to put it down they decided to put it down because you know what I’m saying because we sh masculinity we sh you know I’m saying the Lord statute Commandments according
To the most high God so they started reading this book sir so they’re going to rein Force white jesus Doctrine they’re going to reinforce it you know what I mean they’re reading these scriptures now you know what I’m saying they look kep whooping up and down all
The time up up and down all the time up and down all the time because they can talk about it but they’re not being about it they only could they only could talk you know what I’m saying they could only talking but that’s not who they are
That’s the reason why they’re going to get cut on the long run you got people who talking about you know what I’m saying who try to who try to be scholars in you know what I’m saying scholars in you know what I’m saying in this Bible scholars you know
What I’m saying they they could quote this script they can quote this script they could do this they could do that they could do this do this according to the Bible but guess what they they bunch of sinful bastards that’s on top of that sir they sinful
Bast but they SC they can quote it they go H H but they sinful they disgust they perverted bullies you understand what I’m saying that’s who they are then you call them out on it go ahead it’s not it’s not what we saying with with the them being sinful that’s not a
Slander no not a they gonna defend their right to sin yeah yeah they’re going to defend their right that’s the word I’m looking for the water sir they’re G to defend their right to sin because guess what remember we was going hard body one West on them about enan park right right
You know what I mean they was eating pork you know what I’m saying they was doing sinful things yo what you mean I can’t eat pork you know what I’m saying you know then you pull the scripture of Matthew was at 15 and um 5 and 17 you
Know I’m saying um Christ um what what is what is that scripture if I’m not mistaken uh you gonna come to me yeah 5 and 17 5 and 17 so we’re going to pull that scripture on and trust me it was working for decades it was working for decades you
Know what I’m saying true but if you got that scripture P pull that scripture this is what we was pulling on them you know what I’m saying on them when they was eating pork this is what we said read that Matthew 5 verse1 17 think not that I am come to destroy
The law say that again think not that I come to destroy the Lord wait wait hold on hold on the Lord Has Done away with say that again think not that like I am come to destroy the law yo I only follow the ten commandments which are in the
Old Testament but say that again think not that I am come to destroy the law y who what color is those words right there red sir Oh that’s yahawashi oh we love Jesus we love Jesus we love Jesus this you know because you know what I’m saying the most high know you
Know what I’m saying yahwah sh know because we was doing it back then you know I mean because brother say yo do we got to do the law again you know what I’m saying you got to be the Messiah you know I’m saying I love you know I’m saying um sleeping with these
Other nations I love that you know what I’m saying I love try to make money on the Sabbath I love it I love it you know what I’m saying I love you know what I’m saying the Romans over here well we poin in that work with the Romans I got a good
Position you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying yo exen and Park is it’s delicious on the law on the law you see I’m saying yahawashi was watching you know I’m saying um ha you know what I’m saying hating my brother in thy heart yo man yo
I can’t get over that he did me wrong he did me wrong but what yahawashi said read that verse 17 mhm think not that I am come to destroy the law yo this is for your Christian Church your Catholic Church all your churches you know what
I’m saying all you know I’m saying your local churches you know what I’m saying that that um that’s celebrating this filthy holiday you know it’s wrong they know it sir they know this they know this stuff is wrong they know yahawashi wasn’t you know what I’m saying his
Birthday his birthday wasn’t in December they know it they know it they know this they know it read that think not that I am come to destroy the law yo the Lords has done away with what yahawashi says think not that I am come to destroy the law no no the Christian
Church said the law is done away with what what um Jesus says think not that I am come to destroy the law y go on or the prophets or the what or the prophets y man I don’t care what I don’t care the Mosaic you the Mosaic that’s what they
Always say that’s the Moses law what you mean the Moses law that’s God’s law right Moses is the one who was trying to beat it into us that’s God’s law what Moses Moses law yeah but who gave it to Moses the most high that’s right that’s what Christ is remember there wasn’t no
New Testament it was the Old Testament he read it he read those laws and he said it off the top they not I’m come to destroy the Lord all the prophets cuz guess what the pro was doing you know what I’m saying speaking to the hardheaded black Supan americ or
Talking of us guess what he was doing we was hardheaded the pro was saying the same thing we were saying the same thing because we look over there them heathens say yo that look good over there that look good you know what I’m saying that look you know what I’m
Saying I could do that over there you know I mean we want to go we want to go along with their sin but yahawashi said what think not that I am come to destroy the law he said think not I come to destroy the law go on or the prophets or
The what or the prophets oh man Ezekiel Isaiah you know what I’m saying Nehemiah he you know he was gring people about a bear he wasn’t he was he was dead serious and you with some heathens it was trouble it was some it was some trouble it was read read the book of
Nehemiah let him know let’s get the precept yeah come come come so read on I am not come to destroy he what I am not come to destroy no no who told you that the Lords is done away with but um Jesus Christ said what I am not come to
Destroy he a come to destroy but but to fulfill but to do what but to fulfill now this is the catch and then this is with the Christianity we got we got to dust off the Christianity because you already know they’re gonna go on but he fulfilled what did he fulfilled that’s
Right that’s what we got to find out what exactly did he fulfill now they’re going to say he fulfilled the law what do you mean that he fulfilled the law what do you mean because they’re G sometime they’re gonna say that he was the example that we could do the law he was
The example he come to fulfill what you go I mean go on Verse 18 yeah you read the verse 18 going I don’t want to come for verily I say unto you for verily I say to you is verily mean truly for truly I said to my brothers and sisters because I’m only
Talking to the blacks Spanish and the American IND I’m only talking to the 12 tribes of Israel cuz you’re coming up into me telling me yo the Lord Has Done away with I can do all this other other stuff going on that’s the weak mind that’s the weak mind we
On from truly I said to you till Heaven and Earth pass truly I said to you until Heaven the Earth pass read on one jot say that again one jot one jot go on or one t it said one cross the te one dot to eye one little
Thing not one jot or one one title one little thing read on shall in no wise pass for in no wise pass go on from the law from the what from the law from the what from the law oh man I can eat pork but no you know what I’m saying no small
Things would not on no wise will pass what from the law from the law from the law read on till all be fulfilled till what till all be fulfilled no no no yahawashi is raining on Earth right now say that again till all be fulfilled no
No I saw Jesus Christ come down on the earth and he’s reigning right now say that again again shall all be fulfilled wait wait no no no no no we are in the Kingdom you know what I’m saying we are in the Kingdom right now you know what
I’m saying oh I can’t you know what I got Wings on but I just can’t see it I just can’t see my wings that’s what they say huh that’s what they say you know that’s what they think with um what Heaven Is Right think the wings I got we
You know that we all got Wings we just can’t see we just can’t see our wings you already know and no wise what until what till all be fulfilled no all to all be fulfilled and know why until Heaven and Earth pass we’re standing on the earth now we can look in the
Sky until all be fulfilled that’s it until all be fulfilled now what is the all you know what I’m saying yahawashi on the earth reigning reigning till everybody you know what I’m saying all knes shall bow Christian Church don’t want all these Sur out they don’t want that in their
Mind they think America going to last forever America is the you know what I’m saying is the heaven it’s white jesus Heaven that’s what America that’s what is in our hedge right now that’s the reason why we celebrating Christmas Thanksgiving Halloween white jesus strawberry and marshmallows and
Ginger ale if your stomach is jammed up this is what’s going on oppress depression I could get out of depression once I celebrate once I celebrate Christmas you know that get me out of depression right sir once I could buy gifts and celebrate Christmas I’m out of my depression
That’s now you know what I’m saying now I could go you know I’m saying now I can go along to get along with white jesus Doctrine because I got a couple of dollars to buy some presents this is what’s going on and this is the most depressive you know season of the
Year this season right here is you know what I’m saying this um when it com to the law statute of Commandments every year you have to become a better person every year you have to follow these you know what I’m saying all the time you have to be you
Know what I’m saying a mindful person a considerate man and woman that’s what Christ was teaching us that’s what I pulled the first you know what I’m saying the first scripture in Matthews you know what I’m saying if you have a gift to go to the altar you
Better drop that and go talk to your brothers and sister and reconcile that differences it said in um in um in Corinthians you know what I’m saying 12 um 12 and 26 you know I’m saying with the one um um one member suffer you know what I’m saying with one member suffer
We all all members suffer but what what it says pull put in read that scripture 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 26 and whether one member suffer all the members suffer or we all of us suffer stop acting I’m saying you got you know me you think it’s you think um so-called
Blacks and SP and American Indians is all toah it’s all gravy because JayZ a goddamn Entertainer Opa Winfrey a person who just making movies I guess we all good huh we all gravy we we I guess we not underneath the booill of this slave master the one who gave her
The opportunity to you know what I’m saying to to um um flourish in this Kingdom Come on come on I guess we all good now huh the heroin epidemic didn’t happen I guess that ain’t happen I guess that ain’t happen 100 Year 100 Years of lynching I guess
It didn’t happen either huh slavery didn’t happen you know it didn’t happen sir it was migration you know it was job opportunity you know what I’m saying it was a trade it was a trade Union for so-call blacks and Spanish americ Indians I don’t let me talk about Puerto
Rico huh you know people don’t know Puerto Rico is um 51st state I know people don’t know that you know that’s part in America that’s the 51st state huh we forgot about that but Puerto Rico is bankrupt Puerto you know what I’m saying Puerto Rico is where everybody go over
There to do their dirt huh talk to me this is what happens this is our slave master right here this is our slave master the we go along to get along whatever the Romans do we going to do so if the Romans pose naked we going to pose
Naked if the RO you know what I’m saying if the Romans say homosexuality is all gravy we gonna say it’s okay we gonna say it’s okay yeah that’s what we’re GNA do you know me because we want to follow them but not the most high God we want
To follow you know what I’m saying we want to follow who they are but not Who We Are blacks his Spanish and na American Indians is underneath the booill of another Nation period but they want us to forget about it they want us to forget about read that from the
Top 1 Corinthians 12: 26 and whether one member suffer where one member suffer going all the members suffer with it all the what all the members suffer with it all the members suffer with it come on you think it’s you know what I’m saying you think it’s
By accident it was nothing but blacks Hispanics and American Indians you know what I’m saying in the heroin epidemic in the crack epidemic I was there in the in the crack heroin in um in the dope epidemic dop came back in the 90s dop came back in the 90s I know
It’s a lot of money in that do oh wait it’s a lot of money lot of money in that dop I remember that that in the mid90s this is when weed started to blow up all the different strands you know what I’m saying hyro everybody oh y that
Wasn’t there that day Hydro you know what I’m saying the skunk the sticky icky I remember that but it was still crack and dope there but you know who I know was still there my Mexican brother he was there with me my Dominican brother he was there
With me my Puerto Rican brother was there was there with me my Peru my Peruvian brother yo that was rare but I’m like you know mean you sure you ain’t Dominican you know I mean but this is what you know saying but we was making jokes about from
Peru I a see no blanos there they the one who was selling us the stuffff but this is what I saw in my hood I saw all this stuff in my hood so when it’s one member suffer we all suffered we all have to feel some type
Of you know what I’m saying we all have to feel some some some consideration for our brothers and sister cuz you know what I’m saying we we normalize that this you know what I’m saying our brothers and sister supposed to be beaten down supposed to be I thought our people
Supposed to be like that I supposed to sell drugs you know what I’m saying to my sisters I supposed to I supposed to unive my brother if they trust me I’m supposed to do that there’s no forgiving I don’t know how to forgive nobody taught me how to
Forgive you know what they taught us how to sweep it underneath the rug that’s what I learned how I learn how to sweep everything underneath the rug same thing with my brothers and sisters that’s what we do did so we learn helplessness we learn it we normalize
You know what I’m saying we normalize people stealing from us we normalize that we normalize it so with one member suffer we all suffer read on on or one member be honored say that again or one member be honored or one member be honored now I’mma let you know
It’s very hard to get raised up and you know what I’m saying in Israelite School Universal practical knowledge who we it is very hard very hard to get raised up but if if a brother get honored and raised up if one member get honored one member be honored read
Don’t all the members Rejoice with it wait say that again all the members Rejoice with it yo if one brother get raised up in the a should became what happens all the members Rejoice with it that’s what we do all the brothers rejoicing ain’t no you know what I’m
Saying Ain nobody’s jealous everybody’s like yo that’s what I’m talking about man ain’t no haters over here yo yo you know what you deserve it you deserve it and the Brotherhood is you know what I’m saying the Brotherhood is so hard body one West according to the LA statute
Commandments you got raised up over a brother who raised you up now you over that brother and guess what that brother says you you deserve it you deserve that even though you know what I’m saying even though that’s the brother who pulled you in and raised you
Up they will pull you to the side and say yo man that’s what’s up that’s what I’m talking about man I’m proud of you most you know what I’m saying most yah yo that’s what I’m talking about man but meanwhile you over him now he’s calling you a don’t one
He rejoice in your honor because you deserve the honor because that’s where the most high want to put you and he understand that and he a righteous man according to the Bible that’s what is right here what happened to that it won’t be no such
Thing as haters how you be ha I don’t understand that concept I don’t whoever you know what I’m saying if they’re not in the I sh all of them is haters or I don’t I don’t understand it how you go why you even create some other group
Why why why you see us and then go somewhere else that’s that’s weird yeah that’s crazy I don’t I don’t see it I I I don’t see I don’t understand it you know what it is over here you try to say you couldn’t we we we could never pull you know what I’m
Saying we could never pull Matthews 5:23 we couldn’t we couldn’t pull that that day huh you know say we come pull you know I’m saying um 1 Corinthians 12 and you know what I’m saying 12 12 and 26 that could be pulled and we we couldn’t get the spirit of that scripture
Huh that’s how going down so you want so oh that’s that’s what you want you don’t want to rejoice in in another man’s honor we don’t want to rejoice in that because you thought you know what I’m saying you supposed to get that honor but meanwhile when you did
Get that honor a year ago everybody rejoiced now it’s time for you know I’m saying somebody else to get the honor you upset you upset so you want the whole school you know what I’m saying you want the you know what I’m saying you want the whole
School on you know what I’m saying on the left hand side to suffer cuz you know what I’m saying because you decided to try to bring your nasty gift to The Altar and you never iron out your differences with your brother that’s what you trying to
Do that’s what we’re trying to do and we do that all day every day because I slay Master toward us this why Jesus Doctrine taught us this this is what this is what happen all the time you know what I’m saying you um drop that get um first First John 3 and18 Huh oh you want to get the last 20 minutes oh come come I set it up yeah I set it up oh I see okay it’s 13 okay I got you go this is for blacks Hispanic and American Indians we can’t you know what I’m saying we can’t like I always say we
Can’t go along to get along we how long that we going to do this troa hold that scripture young man get um Proverbs 3 and 31 how long we going to do this black suspend his name amican Indians Read that read that you own when you have
It 1 John chapter 3 verse 18 go on my little children say that again my little children you already know my you know what I’m saying this is what this is our brother right here talking my little children go on let us not love in word
Let us what let us not love in word let let us not love in words we do it do it all the time now this is this is what’s up because you know saying we’re talking about the Bible we ain’t talking about the world we’re not talking about the world we’re
Talking about the Bible you know what I’m saying love in the Bible is the action word you know what I’m saying you cannot let talk you know what I’m saying we can notot talk about love if it’s not action everything is action action in the Bible is what you do we looking at
Your fruits we seeing how you move you know what I mean we see how you move and we know you know what I’m saying in the priest in the priest and the prophet and the a Know What Love Means know what love means we know it love means so read that from the
Top vers 18 my little children go on let us not love in words let us not love in words why know lot of brothers is talking about this what why not loving words read on neither in tongue neither what neither in tongue neither in different languages that’s why you know
What I’m saying that’s why your Christian Church you know I just spoke Tong I just spoke Tong I did I just did yo can I get interpreted over here y Ain understand what I just said I just spoke tongues a unknown language you know that’s what they say
Sir neither in other language that you talking about you know what I’m saying got you know come on man any language you’re talking about uh what is that you but anyway this is you know what mean in any language in any tongue that’s what tongue mean tongue just mean a different
Language so you know what I’m saying not just not um little children um don’t love not um not in just in in words or in tongues read on on but indeed and in truth what what say that again but indeed but indeed mean in action close attention to
But indeed and in what and in truth and in truth we ain’t talking about my truth Your Truth yo you got to live your truth no we talking about talking about the truth of the Bible that’s what we talking about read that from the top KH Verse 18 my little children let
Us not love in word neither in tongue but in deed and in truth but in what indeed and in truth but in truth we can’t talking about that we love the most high God love one another but we don’t know what love is love is an action word love is an action
Word you know what I’m saying for the people that’s on Facebook you know what I’m saying any Christian Church Catholic Church Muslim out there you don’t know how to love we don’t know how to love not according to the Bible we don’t we don’t
Know how to love at all drop that get um 2 John u 1 and6 read read that if you have young man proverb 3:31 this is what we love to do go on Envy though not the oppressor say that again Envy though not the oppressor it says Envy not not the
Oppressor we love to Envy this oppressor oh we oh man Christmas was so you know what I’m saying tingly tingly listen you know mean why are we Envy the you know what I’m saying white jesus Doctrine why are we every slave master Doctrine that’s their that’s their thing
Let them do their thing let them do that why are we celebrating Christmas for what it don’t have no moral compass it just you know what I’m saying just trauma that we push underneath the streets of America all the trauma that white jesus Doctrine did to us we sweep
It underneath the concrete of America that’s what we did now you know what I’m saying now we Envy our oppressor but the you know what I’m saying in in the law natural Commandments in Proverbs it say what Envy though not the oppressor it said Envy not the oppressor the oppressor we
Already know who the oppressor is Right Jesus Doctrine slave master Doctrine Jo Biden Doctrine you know what I’m saying that’s their Doctrine you know what I’m saying the the Christian church doctrine TD Jake Doctrine you know what I’m saying the um Pope um um Pope what his name Francis
Doctrine that’s what it is go ahead Greek mythology huh Greek mythology yeah it’s Greek mythology and it’s Roman mythology CU remember anybody any other group you know what I’m saying you would see their nature come out when it come to the scripture you can see how they
Twist it because that’s how they get down you’re going to see their mannerisms come out their fruits the pope was always part of the alternative lifestyle he was always that you know why because he was he was part of the pastes he was part of the um being um
How can I say this what they used to do in um Roman Greek and Roman um used to be their Apprentice used to be a old man with a young boy but the boy was his lover and Tau him philosophy taught him how to read the Bible but that was his
Lover this is wrong y it’s the Roman Catholic Church it’s it’s in you know mean they didn’t they didn’t like not like that lie sir was like yo we from Rome you see you don’t you don’t see these statues in Le again you don’t you don’t see these
Babies on the wall you don’t you know he just in you’re in straight denial about about these naked babies that’s on the wall y they don’t see none of that stuff you see that we don’t and we don’t see it because you know why we normalize the trauma we normalize the trauma
Read that again Proverbs 3:31 Envy though not the oppressor it says it right there we a supposed to envy our oppressor there’s no reason for us to celebrate none of these holidays it don’t have no moral compass it only have moral compass for our oppressor but
It don’t have no moral compass for us it don’t we don’t and choose none of his his ways and say that again and choose none of his ways oh we a supposed to choose none of his ways cuz it don’t have nothing to do with us it only have
Something to do with him not us not for black suspenders and American Indians not for the 12 Tri of Israel that’s why it’s in the Bible so we can get reminded of what’s going on right that’s why it’s there because we guess what because the most
High God know that he was gonna go off we always do it we always do it even your house came on the scene to remind them think not come to destroy the law or the prophets don’t think that at all don’t think it you know what I’m saying I’m still
Beating Wicked Brothers out there you know what I’m saying out the centuary I’m I’m still be down because the way that they doing you know what I mean this is what’s going on don’t think that I’m I’m soft don’t think that I’m soft you know what I mean don’t think that I’m
Soft but that’s what you know what I’m saying but guess who’s guess who’s soft and tender and moist you you know what I’m saying part of the alternative lifestyle guess guess guess who was T Mo the Roman Catholic Church that’s the reason why they always had white jesus
Doctrine and soak yes sir um I have I have a um I just want to pull up this little video right here real quick it’s like a 10-c video I got it on um what’s it says um it said I got I think I got it up as
Um why Jesus you want to get on the computer yeah go go yeah com comic I think he’s up should say white jesus up there right on the top the email right yeah on the email this is 2000 we in 2023 going in 24 it’s the same old
Twostep even though I always say Christians is reading the Bible a lot of but this is still going on this is right Jesus Doctrine don’t get it twisted this is the Catholic Church the Christian Church even the Muslim MOS this is how they get [Applause] Down can pause it and read it and see um it says it right here uh let me see here scripture was made using information from um from the Shroud it says right here of T yeah the sh of torent then it said this is this is the image of yahawashi Jesus Christ
You can pull that back pull that back because have more on that yeah yeah Just all it will say will go down in history of [Applause] Jesus right there life size of the statue of Jesus of Jesus white jesus this is whiteus look at him look at him look at him look at him see the people just this white cloes and everything
Just that’s Joe Biden right there that’s Joe Biden that’s that’s all you know what I’m saying that’s come on that’s think about that’s your slave master right there that’s Christmas that’s Christmas that’s Christmas you don’t think people is collapsing right in front of this statue our people’s collapsing right in
Front of the statue go ahead sir so the uh the shroud of Turan which is that cloth that supposedly has the image of him on it that’s another one of their hopes yeah that’s the one of their hopes that’s this is how they get but remember right Jesus Doctrine is so strong that
It’s on automatic pilot now I don’t got to beat it into you you know what I’m saying I doctrinate you then I have you read the Bible the Doctrine have to match the Bible you know what I mean and anything that you know I’m saying anything that was um anything that give
You conflict on that I will have you justifi the BS that’s the reason why there’s no color in the Bible this is this is crazy too because you know black and Latino people we see all these well-dressed well to white people we be like it must be true this this is real these
Israelites Lying by black he right that’s how we get down I saw on TV you know I saw on TV documentary I mean is there anything in scripture uh about the Shroud up Duck or shroud up turn heard yeah you never heard I never heard but we but we could talk about
About skin tone you know I mean we can talk about the skin tone you already know it’s in Revelations 1:3 you know what I mean and plenty of scriptures or what it is Yo they still thought you remember white jesus Doctrine you got to understand about white jesus Doctrine
Let me see it okay the last 20 minutes white jesus Doctrine just remember hamites is white hamit is white yeah don’t on you remember hamites is right hamites just remember hamites is white hamites that’s who they are they ain’t Africans they white hamites is white um also um Canaanites they
White they white Canaanites is white you know mean we got um Phil U what is it the Palestinians which are Philistines they are white they are white whatever you see now that’s who they are that’s who they are you got to realize American Indians are white they are white that’s who they
Are they are white South Africans are white um what is it what is the um the um the other country um Australia Australia is white they are indigenous to that land and they are white they are Europeans that’s who they are that’s white jesus doctrine that is white jesus
Do it’s on automatic pilot it’s literally on automatic pilot that’s the reason why they think the people that’s in Egypt now are you know what I’m saying are from from Antiquity they literally think those are the people from Antiquity they literally think it y I saw a white woman on the documentary
Yeah yeah you saw it what’s her name Joan something Joan Joan something Jo Taylor she went to Egypt and was looking at um was it nefo one of them cleopetra and she was like this is my great great grandmother or something like that and I’m like they whitewash the statue
Everybody know that it’s black and she’s a white woman talking about she was the Pharaohs that’s insane but you see now hence this hence this right right that’s an Irish man laying down on the table that’s a goddamn Irish man laying down on the table with a cloth over him a couple
Bruises this is you you got to see how strong you know what I mean how doctrinated that black suspenders are cuz you remember it don’t take overnight to get doctrin you know what I mean you got this is hundreds and hundreds of years then guess what then later on when
Nobody try to you know what I’m saying wash that all that dirt off our brains we normalize it you know what I’m saying not only we normalize it we make doctrines about it we make doctrines about it trust me I I see it I see it
All the time that’s the reason why I could cut in you know what I’m saying I can cut them because I always go back when do you realize that Jesus wasn’t White you see what I’m saying what what day what day when you would when did you
When did your church realize that not to cele you know I’m saying you’re not allowed to celebrate Christmas and CH you know what I’m saying ch um Christmas is a pagan holiday what day did you realize that that wasn’t cool when when the ’90s the late 90s the early 2000s when when
When did you started doing this I remember white jesus you know what I’m saying in all the churches from the 80s and 90s and the I remember that all the time all through my childhood on TV I remember all that when did that stop when you you know what I’m saying
When did you realize it wasn’t that that’s that’s it right there and that’s why Jesus Doctrine that’s the doctrine and we are automatic hence we’re going to celebrate Christmas Even though even though you know I’m say and I’m going prophesy this you know well um the priest and the prophet is should
Became we gonna prophesy this because we always pull what was it um Jeremiah 10 is is in the Bible it’s in the guess what they start to they start to debate the Jeremiah Jeremiah 10 doct you know what I mean we let them know that you know
What I’m saying that that there will be a tree and you’re going to decorate with silver and gold this is the other doctrine that they fighting now this is the other doctrine that they fighting now they’re gonna be in denial for the past for for the past five years
Then they’re going to read it then it won’t be no Christmas tree in they um in their living room trust me in 20 2029 it won’t be no Christmas tree in their living room the Christian church that you know what I’m saying you know I’m saying your brothers
Your sister you know what I’m saying you you know what I’m saying you’ve been telling them for like two years you pull to Jeremiah they know about it now yeah but they still going to be Christians they still going to celebrate you know me they still G to try to
Implement they won’t do the tree but they’re going to do some white jesus Doctrine type thing because they on automatic pil because they don’t you know I’m saying the pride is so strong you know what I mean in the in the the conviction is so strong that I can’t do it I can’t
Do it you know what I’m saying the um the continent dissonance is so strong they say this is not Christmas this is not Christmas yes we’re doing this for a day to get together this is not Thanksgiving this is just family get together day yeah that’s what they did
To Thanksgiving that’s what they did to Thanksgiving it’s the family it’s the you know what I’m saying it’s the love for all of us to come together on this day they completely justify the doctrine but guess what but but but guess what you still you still um serve your slave master you still
Serve we still slave I mean um serve our slave master because guess why we still celebrating that day on that day right because he said so cuz he said so that’s how indoctrinated that we are doesn’t matter M how you change it or whatever we still doing what he
Said right quick that same the same thing when they try to say it’s not it’s not Christmas that’s why it started in the beginning remember that joint was nimrod’s birthday something like that and people start saying this is not nimrod’s birthday this is Jesus Christ’s birthday we’re not doing it for Nimrod we’re
Doing it for Jesus Christ and then you know what I mean doing it all over again this is not Christmas we know Christmas is wrong we know you listen to Israelites this is not Christmas this is a day we get together same thing over again this is
When Grandma passed away this is when Grandma passed away this is you know mean we we we going out we’re going ahead um oh wait hold on what is what is that scripture I’m looking for oh man I got what is that scripture right here I just had it
So um the heart the heart is deceitful Jeremiah 179 oh Jeremiah 17 just had it that got Jeremiah Jem 17 things on you have Jeremiah 17:9 on the heart is deceitful Above All Things say that again the heart is deceitful Above All Things the heart is deceitful above all things but Jesus loveed my heart you know my heart you know what I’m saying you know it’s not for me it’s for the
Babies you know my heart you know what I’m saying yes yes yes yes I smoke a little weed but Jesus know my heart yeah yeah you know what I’m saying I’m I’m selling drugs but Jesus know my heart you know what I mean oh I I celebrate Christmas
Thanksgiving Halloween but Jesus know my heart say that again verse n the heart is deceitful Above All Things the heart is deceitful above all things now what they mean they’re talking about the heart when the Bible bring up heart what exactly that is talking about TR the mind the mind the mind is
Deceitful above all things above all things if it wasn’t you know what I’m saying like like Paul said I’m going to paraphrase salak here you know saying if it wasn’t for the Lord I want to know know say I would be you know what I’m saying it’s not um the Lord tells me
That I’m sinning in my in my head I thought I was right in my head I thought I was right but it says what the heart is deceitful Above All Things the heart is deceitful above all things your minds are deceitful Above All Things remember it
Make me feel good so I’m going going to do it I’m going to do it because it make me feel good it make me feel right that’s my mind that’s my that’s what my heart says you know saying my heart says I want to make love to a whole bunch of
Women and don’t have no responsibility that’s what my heart says my heart says you know what I’m saying I got you know what I’m saying I gotta I gotta do dirt to live clean that’s what my heart says my heart say yo go out and make that
Money any means necessary that’s what my heart says my heart says that read on and desperately wicked and Des say that again and desperately wicked and desperately wicked that desperately wicked becomes not only deceitful you know what I’m saying now you know what I’m saying now is becoming now we
Becoming normally you know what I mean we normalize that we normalize that hence this is the family day on Thanksgiving right right this is Christmas this is oh this ain’t Christmas no more this ain’t you know what I’m saying this ain’t I know about um um Jesus Christ he wasn’t born on he
Wasn’t born on December 25th I know it but this is for the babies that’s the heart right you know that’s the heart that that literally is the heart not saying no to the heart no I’m not going to do that action I’m not going to do that that’s the deceitfulness when it comes
Down to the heart and that’s what our slave master knows about that our slave master knows about that and that’s what so-called blacks and spend and American Indians that’s why they fight against us because of that situation because we let them know about their heart we let you know I’m saying
We let them know about the if you know I’m saying when did you you know I’m saying when um what was what was the time when um um the most high God Jesus Christ became got on your side what is the things that you did to put Jesus on your
Side what did you do H celebrating Thanksgiving celebrating Christmas what did you do to talk to you I’m saying to let yahawashi I’m down with him you didn’t do nothing you did what the slave master said to do you did this right here the shoud that’s what you follow the shoud I
Pronounce it correct shr you know what I mean and um and Tom and Tom Hanks on that little on that little um on that little table that’s Tom Hanks on the table everybody know that right that’s Tom Hanks Tom Hanks is on the table bruised up that’s Tom
Hanks that’s that’s that demon that’s inside of us that’s the reason why you know I’m saying when we watch when we see a cop coming down coming coming um coming down the street he’s scared we scared of that that’s what that’s what that is that’s our God right there that’s our
God who don’t look like us who’s not around you know what I’m saying even you saw his friends right around the table that was all his homeboy don’t look like us they you know what I’m saying they wasn’t in our situation we wearing their names we’re another nation of people wearing their
Names this is what happens let me get um let me get this last scripture give me uh all right give me um Isaiah chapter 30 verse um verse verse one and we g go one to two that’s it blacks and Spanish and na American Indians since 1969 a have been teaching about
Brotherhood and Sisterhood how you know what I’m saying according to the according to the most high God according to the Bible our constitution that’s our constitution our constitution has Brotherhood and sister how to treat one another in our constitution in our constitution it’s only dealing with the
Israelites that’s it can you get that read that B on is 30 verse1 go ahead woe to the rebellious children say that again woe to the rebellious children yo we don’t want we don’t want this to happen but this is what you know what I’m saying this is
What um yahawashi was talking about the prophets this is Isaiah Isaiah he said woe to the rebellious children because that’s what we always act we always act out in rebellious to the most high God read on sayth the most high that take counsel but not of me oh man we want to
Hear what I’m saying we not taking counsel of the most high God we not following his law statute Commandments we’re not treating each other you know what I’m saying with dignity and respect and love we’re not doing it and we’re not taking counsel of the most high God say wo destruction you
Know what I’m saying wo to the um say woe to the Rebellion children saith you know what I’m saying sayith the most high that what that take counsel but not of me we I’m saying we take counsel but not of him we take counsel of white jesus right
Here that’s what we do we take C that’s our counselor we don’t and that cover with a covering wait say that again and that cover with a covering that’s right we cover the covering in the counsel of these other nations read on but not of my spirit not of what but
Not of my spirit oh man we don’t take on the spirit of the most high God we don’t take on the spirit of the Lord statute Commandments we don’t even take on the spirit of the you know what I’m saying of the 12 tribes of Israel we take on the spirit of
Christmas that’s what the spirit that we taking on we taking on the spirit of Christmas now the most high God a Christmas that ain’t got nothing to do with yahawashi no you know what I’m saying no you know what I’m saying nor the Bible nothing to do it the Bible telling
You not to do it you know that they may add sin to sin they may what that they may add sin to sin I’m going to celebrate not only I’m going you know saying not only I’m going to celebrate the slaughter of my you know I’m saying of of of the
Gadites as the reubenites on November I’m going to you know what I’m saying I’m going to eat you know I’m saying eat a meal you know I’m saying on the slaughter of my brothers and sisters of the gites of the Israelites I’m going to send I’m going
To send in November and say that again saying what that they may add sin to sin then I’m going to add another sin to celebrate Christmas and say um Jesus Christ was born on 25th December 25th I know that’s a lie but I’m going I’m going to I’m going to go along with
That lie come on we’re doing exactly the same thing that we did back then we are the Israelites we are the Israelites that’s who we are we are the Israelites we are rebellion and hardheaded that’s who we are you see what happened you know what I’m saying
When the the curly fries is on the side with the beanie on you see what they did when they grabbed that book you saw what happened right you saw what happened they got they got damn near the whole Brooklyn they got the Diamond District they even got a goddamn country out of it
Weapons billions of dollars they follows it another Nation Brad by Constitution like oh man oh man what they don’t want it oh we gonna take this we GNA rock and roll with it they going rock and roll look what it they been rocking and rolling with it see what
Happened now now you know what I’m saying now all of them you know what I’m saying now the whole world think that’s what Jesus look like and that’s what you know what I’m saying and it’s ironic because that person you know what I’m saying that that little statue on the on
The table look exactly like where I’m looking for Leon colon the producer you know who he is right I got to feed my family you know what I’m saying I’m gonna I’m G to sign off on all the uning all you know what I’m saying all making whes out of
So-call black suspenders and the America Indians armed women because I gotta feed my family Theon call is so-call Jew he’s the one who’s producing all those records he the one that said it right there and I quote I got Fe my family yes I know it’s destructive yes I
Know that is wrong there’s a negative image on the so-called black suspenders in their American but I gotta Fe my family you know he’s reading his Bible right he’s reading his Bible That’s who he is read on verse two that walk to go down into Egypt say that again that walk to go
Down into Egypt oh of course we want to go down to Egypt oh we want to go back into captivity we love it you know what I mean we love it you know what you mean I gotta um I gotta forgive my brother I a have to forgive my brother in
Egypt what you mean you know what I’m saying what you mean um you know what I’m saying um I gotta treat my I gotta treat my sister with dignity and respect and I got to marry her what you mean sex is marriage when I was in I get to knock down all the
Chicks this is what’s going on we don’t on come and have not asked at my mouth say that again and have not asked at my mouth oh man we ask permission with the most high God to go to go back to slavery come come we ask the most high
To go back to slavery but then again we want to go back to slavery read on to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh say that again to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh oh man we’re going to strengthen ourselves in the strength of Pharaoh oh man we
Gonna we’re gonna join the Pharaoh’s Army we gonna join the Americans Army you know what I’m saying we’re gonna get this we’re gonna get this um this stifen you know what I’m saying they gonna pay for our school you know I’m saying our school out of college you know what I’m
Saying in college we gonna do all that we gonna become good slave we gonna go back into slavery underneath the boo Hill of this oppressor any more on that I don’t want to call and to trust in the shadow of Egypt and say that again and
To trust in the shadow of Egypt oh we’re going to trust in the shadow of America we love it that’s what we fought All American Wars all of them all of them you know I’m saying revolution war they fighting for slav they was they fighting to not being slave meanwhile they have
Slaves how that how that sound then the Civil War same same old twep this is what we do you know and with that I’m you know what I’m saying this is pring officer parar I’mma pass class over to priest and office of 5,000 haaha clap it up all
Want to run some things quickly by us so you all understand about how pertinent it is for brothers to come together if I could quickly get a Ecclesiastes 4 and8 all right 4 and8 we New York City we know how people in New York City Live
Selfish all right that is the enemy of any people coming together selfishness all right so all the notes you have from per are very important you want to keep those with you you want to look at those again read them over again and you want to indoctrinate yourself with Christ you
See what I’m saying with the truth you know I mean you got it okay let Anthony get there with you I know he’s he’s looking for it right Ecclesiastes all right it should be after Proverbs right before Solomon right good all right okay go go ahead um
Um Ecclesiastes 4:8 we’re going to read all the way down to 12 quickly there is one alone so there’s one man alone read and there is not a second and this one man he does not have a partner read yay he have neither child nor brother all right this is this is
How people live in New York y some of them go in their apartment and they live on their own and they lonely read yet is there no end of all his labor if he’s going to do anything he got to do it all on his own right he think he think that’s the
Best way he think he get to keep all the money to himself he don’t want to owe nobody $5 keep reading neither is his eye satisfied with riches and if he if he gets rich and he gets apartment an apartment down on a millionaire Road billionaire Road
Right the money all the money he has does not satisfy for all these brw talking out here they’re just trying to get to the bag they don’t want no man you lying because God that that that ain’t the way how God made the mind that is not how
God made the body of mankind read neither saith he for whom do I labor who do I work for read and beve my soul of good and b b b means to be sad right good reading this is all vanity this is Vanity this is a waste of time
This is nothing the life that we live in New York it’s a complete waste of time you living for nothing but for for the day you die and everybody forget that you even existed you see what I’m saying the life we live in is Vanity Vanity means nothing all right keep
Reading yay it is a sore travail and it is painful the way you live read verse n there are are better than one say it again Salia two are better than one two brothers together are better than one that’s what God Said right ain’t about leaving for yourself and I gota look out
For me doggy dog out here you know I mean yeah we go we go we going to roll up on that cat the cat was your homeboy he was your friend up until today he he thought he could get extra $5 out of you you know what I mean this is painful the
Way we live you see what I’m saying keep reading I because they have a good reward for their labor Two Brothers come together they make more money than you could ever do with one two minds are powerful than one four hands are better than than one brother just going to
Explain why keep reading on verse 10 for if they fall the one will lift up his fellow there you go that’s why we need the upk but all the people out there living selfish guess what they have families too they cousin and friends but like our
Pro have been pumping in your mind all day why Jesus Doctrine be selfish what they say they say live Young die young they say live young live free young young PR and free they living for themselves what the Christians say I’m too blessed to be stressed good
Night right and and and you went they they your family who brought you to church to be too blessed to be stress than the other brother beside you you know I mean and that’s and that’s how the oppressor get up and win over you because them oppressors they come
Together they come together and take down the place that nobody thought they could Capital Hill man they ran they ran up on Capital Hill and Capital Hill be like hey we outnumbered you see what I’m saying because they United they strength and unity I mean but nobody don’t want to be
Unified how do you become UniFi hold that uh ephes Ephesians 4 and3 iians 4 and3 this how you become unified right quick or you can the scripture okay okay you want to press share this tab instead right right yeah there you go my thing right there yeah Ephesians 4
And3 ready it’s it’s in the New Testament right after after math Mark Luke John after all that after you know after Romans after acts right ephesia was an island right ephesia galatia kosia these are all islands where where we are people was taken to in captivity it’s
Like it’s like saying today it’s like saying Jamaica America Trinidad you know it’s like saying that it’s places where we was took into captivity all right you got it Ephesians 4:3 I don’t want to don’t lose Ecclesiastes now we going back there got it all no no go ahead
Chapter 4 verse3 uhhuh and in to keep the unity of the spirit endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit the spirit is our Vibe right the Holy Spirit the thing that brings us together all right the spirit the Lord put in us all right keep reading in the bond of peace and
The bond of Peace that’s what we supposed to have in Harlem in Bronx in Brooklyn but we don’t have that because of all the things that pro has talked about read verse four uh-huh there is one body there is one body Black and Latino people we supposed to be one body
But now but now we’re now now now we got upk and then we got all of the other Israelite groups that wanted to be us or pretend to be us or copy us and then we got all the Christian bodies then we got all the Muslim bodies then we got all
The rest the farian bodies then we got all of the atheist bodies what else what else we got the the the Nate but the brother that got the t two the three and the zero whatever that is now we got the the the Brad that want to be the the
Crystals the crystals and the good energy the bad energy that was me that was that was you oh good nice good the naian body the KET body now now you see why we a Miss we we like we like eight different races by religion now you see
What I’m saying um got the pan africanist and um rbgs yeah and then we got the brothers say we we we we we we came from no s at all we we just Aboriginal Brothers we we uh you know we not we not even together with the Latinos the
Latinos is another body that they saying that’s what they do you what I mean you know you know we all messed up and you wonder why we lose to a people who’s not United right keep read it and one spirit and one Spirit keep reading even as ye are called in one
Hope of your calling yeah there you go keep reading verse five one Lord one Lord that’s yahawashi meaning if yahawashi Say Something by a race we’re all supposed to obey that man read one Faith one faith meaning the faith is action meaning what I do as the
What I what we do as properly taught by the law another man does it’s not that I I don’t sell we but he does that you a United you I mean it’s not that I I I don’t do Christmas but he does why why why does me doing Christmas bother you
Because Christ said that it would divide us we will we will be enemies you Muslim and you you Christians you are going to be enemies read one baptism one baptism meaning the one there’s only one way to get clean that’s right you see what I’m saying
Baptism means to cleanse you from how it was before you can’t go to different many places and get clean the same way there’s one place to get clean what that what the Bible is saying and I’m G say that’s the ispk keep reading verse six uhhuh one God one God
Read we all got to read from the same Bible if I worship the most high whose name is yahwah you worship Allah we’re not going to be united we going to fight right when it comes down to serious issues I’m G pull the Bible you gonna pull the Quran and guess what I’mma
Do well I want to be innocent because we believe in selfdefense you going to shoot me we got to shoot you back and kill you on live live keep read it and father of all who is above all that’s right and through all and in you
All okay that was Ephesians 4 that was Ephesians chapter four right chapter 4 3 through six okay good let’s get back to Ecclesiastes and in order of that you have to say the same thing not faith if in in your faith like how we say you can’t do
Christmas we got to go to the Passover if we not all saying the same thing we’re not United that’s right right you find out you’re an Israelite one joins the isk another one joins other groups because America wants us divided America creates other groups and then all of a sudden you wonder why
Nobody can come together why why is there so much division in Israel because it all started here but someone had a bright idea to say you know what in our group we’re going to smoke weed in our group we’re going to have Thanksgiving and call it yahawashi
Day I don’t if you seen that video some cats online made a video they said today is not Thanksgiving today’s yahawashi day and they served up the pork talking about bahasham yahawashi insane and you want and you want and then and then we supposed to be what
Together with you we how how are we gonna have peace when you doing that that’s insane it’s insane right go ahead PR made the same same things going along you know that um um all of them start off um where we at right here and um Israelite school univers Practical
Knowledge and they had that bright ey there that’s what that Bri you know saying that Schism came about that Schism like oh no um we want to start wearing you know what I’m saying little tassel on our shirts you know to to divide to you know what I’m saying to
Keep us separated from the original that doesn’t do it that you so we can so we can make something of our own on this side un brotherly well he saying it’s heavy on on that I want Joshua 23 and 12 what he said was you see the brothers
That wear the tassel the curtain things on on the bottom of his shirts that came from the Jewish man the reason why brother say shalawam out there in the world to tell a brother today the reason why where other Israelite groups they say shalawam today is because they they
Learn in the oh let’s get the book hold on hold on over here get it going take too long there five more minutes you got it oh you want to one of these brothers read right let me get the page right go right right there right yeah there
You go Anthony right okay my name is all right uh where where this book that you reading right just go to go to the front of the page and say what the book is Biblical Hebrew Biblical Hebrew a text and workbook a text and workbook right
Skip skip a page over and let them know where this book is coming from what does it say language serious so this is a book from Yale University right the best education America can afford right if you this to get this book right here you need you need Drug Money
You need drug money you need slave money you need you need heavy investment money you need AIG money come on now State Farm money right what it say from the top here the Hebrew alphabet is the oldest in the world still in use today number one the Hebrew alphabet is the
Oldest writing is what yo said so so how how’s another brother come going to come say see you Israelites are wrong KET see Egypt Ethiopia Africa was first with the first right and come on don’t be silly right we got to go by real education right keep reading our own alphabet is a
Descendant of it by Circuit circuitous route right that’s talking about the English right keep reading the text of the Hebrew Bible we use today reflects several periods of development keep reading originally only the consonant originally meaning in the beginning in the origin read only the consonant were
Used only the consonants were used used in Hebrew there was no vows good we can close that now I know we up on the time right mean meaning what the L from quades that all of the fake Israelite groups I don’t know if you ever heard other isite groups they look at our
Ladash the Hebrew that we say here and they say our our is made up they say we made it up you know why because you know we can’t afford Yale education we can’t afford to go to Yale or H if we can if we could afford to go to Yen Harvard we
Would look up and like oh snap the Jewish the um the small hats Hebrew is not the real Hebrew you got to take out the vow sounds it’s only the consonants were used all the way down to right and then so now Brothers apply that knowledge and then they go downtown
To the Jewish store and on the door it says Shalom and in the Hebrew it says sh because the Jewish man writes the letter O as a w he adds it in there that goes in this book he goes down in the next paragraph too yeah yeah we bringing
Out all the time and then you know what they say because they respect the oppressor they say see the upk was wrong we’re going to take off these garments these silly stuff and we we going to put on the T-shirt with tassels and we’re not going to say shalam no more we’re
Going to say shalawam a that’s where that came from and and then you see why we can’t get together cuz then we we meet we we meet and then they G to argue you’re supposed to say shalawam I got to go put out the books I
I’m saying you sure about that you sure about that we got to put out a concordance and say you not saying peace you saying recompense recp well shalawam give me because shalawam means to pay you back to create peace why in the Hebrew in the
Middle of a word in the middle of a word w means it’s like it’s like saying I so Barak means blessed Barak blessing right one other one Shamar watch Shar watching Shalom peace shalawam peacing how do you peace in somebody you must like what prar said you got to
Reconcile with your brother that’s pacing somebody reconciling the recompense to create the peace but it’s not a greeting now and if we ain’t saying these same things now we see why we divided because somebody wants Jeremiah Joshua was that Joshua 23 and 12 23 and 12 yeah please Joshua you
Don’t got to read let me get these Troopers and young men here right go go on go on click on the corner right here right the three dots and press um The Zo the zoom out button zoom out this one this this one right here other one yeah the minus sign there
We go there we go keep going there we go all right oh too much refresh the page cuz it seem like there’s something going over the page there oh no I blew it up so I can read it oh okay okay okay do okay get down get down go go um one you
Want to read okay my fault my fault brother yeah go ahead Joshua chapter 23 verse2 first of all number give me verse 10 right quick Joshua 23:10 uhhuh one man of you [Β __Β ] verse n verse n this is this chap this is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible right here
Joshua 23:9 uhhuh for the Lord have driven out from before youuh great Nations hold up number one the Lord is saying blacks and Latinos we get together are we are together and the Lord is with us we can drive away great Nations R nation in the Bible means
Race you can drive away the oppressor if the Lord is with you but being a Christian you you’re not going to believe that you going to believe that you got to just make do with what you got here and just not get shot in the street as a matter of fact
Young black girl don’t get a black boy you going to live a terrible life get you a white man have you ever heard of a Christian woman tell her to a young black girl before they say these things you see what I’m saying because they don’t believe that you can drive away
The oppressor have a good life without the oppressor number one the Lord said you can drive away the oppressor with the by power of the most high keep reading and strong strong uhuh America is strong I think they I think I think when they ready they unive you in the middle of the
Street stop in Frisk you got anything that that can p me as a matter of fact you go on South you’ll be hanging by a tree what did what did that cop say to the uh the brother that was in the military in in the car pulling M I’m
About the strike with lightning boy in Virginia you know what I mean you know what I’m talking about keep reading but as for you no man have been able to stand before you onto this day and and this is history this is this is Negro history that we don’t even know is
Related to us growing up in the New York City boorder of Ed we don’t even know that this is even our book and you’re wondering why Y young black kids they don’t got no Integrity you know they don’t got no morals they shallow you know they they they they think they have
Status they need Jordans because we don’t got nothing to to say that you know we were great at the time that’s what the Lord is saying right here nobody could stand before us as Puerto Ricans Joshua was a Puerto Rican you a Puerto Rican then then Joshua was your was your blood relative
According to what we reading right here man he was a eat forite right she read now who who who who even say that now what church can you go and hear these things that these are your racial relatives right here they gonna tell you that you got to go back to Africa while
Being Christian dumb this is dumb keep reading verse 10 one man of you shall chase a thousand one man of you can chase a thousand God is saying it is possible meanwhile you thinking you’re a small a small insignificant black thing in the Brooklyn where you from Bronx you
From the Bronx in the Bronx come on man you know cops come you run I see cat I see I see cats in the Bronx jump from off the train tracks running away from the cops come on man read for the Lord your God he is it that fight for you he is
The one that fights for us now now that’s our key note we’re goingon to come back there in a second give me verse 12 verse 12 oh verse 11 verse 11 SL take good heed therefore unto yourselves that ye love the Lord your God that you love the the Lord your God
Now what is love I was talking about this earlier what is love in the Bible what does God call love keeping the Commandments keeping his Commandments see what I’m saying the same Commandments that we don’t want to keep keep reading verse 12 else if ye do
In any wise go back else if ye go he say he saying yay Kan Kanye say yay you know mean just say ye all right if ye do if ye do any wise go back if you go anywhere if you in any wise go back to
How you were before you found the truth meaning you go what do you do before the truth falling whatever white the oppressor says whatever he says is life you go by that you I mean keep reading and cing onto the women of these nations and you clean
Onto Jewish culture talking about you an Israelite keep reading even these that remain among you even these that remain around you in cry height Brooklyn in East trear in all them Italians in the Bronx all all them around here in Harlem right if you if you C they’re around you
And God is going to say why they’re around you read and shall make marriages with them and you make marriages with them mean you take you you look at their girl look at them as beautiful you going to get something exotic you going to get you going you gonna get the NBA you’re
Gonna get the deal you going you gonna get the NFL you’re gonna get the contract or you gonna sell drugs and you gonna get something exotic come on and go in unto them and they to you keep keep reading now for a certainty no for certainty that the Lord
Your God would no more dve will drive out any of these nations from before you now when you go on to these people and you take on their IDE ideology their religion their way of life like yours the Lord says he would no more drive them out from before you
That’s why you live the life you do in New York City that is why that is why your life is sad and all your fames in ATT State stormfield somewhere and you hold your homeboy on reich’s island because you know you like the way of the other he the
Heathens the other races of people which is what nature means read and they shall snar and traps onto you and they shall be what um snares and traps onto you they shall be what snares and traps on snares snares and traps let’s name some snares and
Traps weed that’s a snare and a trap you smoke weed you don’t care about nothing you’re not even oppress no more you you just High I did I didn’t want to go to school because I got you didn’t go to work you didn’t go to college he ain’t do nothing what’s
Name again Afro man yeah man you know what I mean that was a trap a trap to make sure that you never build Black Wall Street again in New York right you see what I’m saying to make sure that you was oppressed and you down and you don’t got no good relationships no
Marriages no no strong black families all all that all that what’s what do you call it we you got to buy black black businesses y waste of time if you getting high you can’t stay focused on nothing other than getting high go go press up Qui so so um
Thanksgiving is coming around I can’t you know what I mean I got to stop this revolution part right here yeah and celebrate Thanksgiving well God loves all a lot God loves all people God God loves all so we gotta love all people guess who you guess who you forget to
Love your own that’s right busy loving all people Priti your now now we in a jam now we got all these snares credit cards snare snare What’s what else is a snare your rent it’s a snare you just jammed up you see what I’m saying gentrification that’s because
Your rent your rent going your rent is too high for you in your own neighborhood you know what I mean the Chinese store is another snare you buy his fried chicken and not your own Fried Chicken as a matter of fact you’re never allowed to sell Fried Chicken as a
Matter of fact you never out to set up a store on the side of the street Africans going to have that now you never allowed to do that no one ain’t going to buy your food you going buy Hal food see what I’m saying all these are
Trips like they they’re there to take your money because your money can’t go nowhere else except them some other people that’s never to you these are traps keep reading and scores in your s and scores in your side mean these things hurt you and matter of fact you g
You g you gonna work for FedEx and you PS and you gonna get your back what what it you going to get a herniation you going to get a scorge on your side your hips going to be messed up come on man lifting all them boxes but these jobs
Are tracks to you you know why you know why you got to get a job because you just you didn’t invest in yourself you a’t look out for your own economy so you got to go support someone else’s economy for money you know what I mean you you want
You complain about minimum wage he go he go report uh the quarter what they call it the quarter every quarter they got quarterly earnings and he saids this company made a billion dollars and here you getting $20 now and you know you thought yeah we’re
Going to go to North forget job it was a trap it was a trap you see what I’m saying keep reading and thorns in your eyes it’s going to hurt you to see these things read until ye perish until you until you what until ye perish until you perish
Until you die until you oh go you can’t say that right until you are pass away yeah pass until you pass away that’s all you living for you living to passway all right off the what off this good land off this what off this good land land is good the land
Can grow some fruit and some orange the land can feed some chicken you can do good with this land you can grow trees on this land you can have your own economy but you know you’re in trap though it’s rough out here you in all
These traps as a matter of fact we just did we just did we just did uh Christmas yesterday right you know our people just did Christmas so you know they fell into the Trap here the chat judges give me somebody give me Judges 3 and uh 12 and
Then we going we going to wrap it up right and then we’re going to rope it back into the scripture we’re supposed to hold in the beginning um Ecclesiastes right Ecclesiastes core and was the last 10 right so Judges 3 and 12 it’s near the beginning all right Judges 3 and 12
Judges 3:12 uhhuh and the children of Israel they evil against that’s that’s our history right there and and here the thing here the thing we’re supposed to read this and know that this is our history right like you you you learn from history they say they say you don’t know you don’t know
Where you’re going if you don’t know where you’re coming from well we don’t know where we coming from we talking about we Nigerians and all kind of weird stuff we we Egyptians we we we we Egyptian pharaohs we just Kings we just Kings no no all of us there no servant
We we just is all Kings you know I mean you know come on this is our book right here we were the people that did evil in the sight of the Lord read it read it and the children of Israel did Evil again in the sight of
The lord we did Evil again inside of the Lord meaning what we got punished for it we learned better and then we went after another generation the kids was bad again keep reading and the Lord strengthened Egon and because and because we did eat evil again because we
Did Christmas yesterday the Lord did what shengen Egon who was Egon read the king of Moab the Lord strengthen whatever oppress is around you that’s how the Lord works you want to sin is it ain’t all about you you sin or he sins or your mom’s sin
Or your cousin sin the your oppressor get strong the MTA gets to raise up that price on that 275 once more again he gets to he get to talk about inflation he get to rise the gas prices you go up in taxes we got inflation you know he gets stronger off of
You you see no ain’t no rich man down in Wall Street complaining about no inflation you don’t care about none of that you see it hurts you he he gets more money out of you keep read it read it again and the Lord strengthen egong and the Lord strengthen the more to the
Chinese here this is so who knows if the China war got built this time who knows Mo this Moes talking about but today the Lord strengthened Joe Biden today he strengthened Donald Trump today Donald Trump about to get back in from prison he gonna go to jail and he go he going
To be there in a the presidential seal you know in in you know he GNA have a dor with bed around it okay the person he gonna have you gonna have what you call it Club Fed Club Fed you G have Club Fed but he gonna be locked up you
Know what I mean you know he going to be the president from jail prison and the Lord going strengthen him against you he going to say what he going to say from prison oh man you a say a devil in prison a devil in prison going rain out
Hell on you he gonna be like yo just P out all the shanks on them that’s right he GNA say you saying before he talking about the cops make the handcuffs tight up he G to tell the cops yo stra up pull out the shake I’ll give you presidential
Paron that’s what you that’s what you gonna say you don’t know what kind of animal we dealing with here the Lord going to strengthen him he gonna make this people gonna make the stocks go back up you know what I mean you know come on now we we our people got to
Learn to fight this sin World War II started World War I got to keep on going that’s right we don’t want no peace in the Middle East that’s not that’s not what we want you know peace in the Middle East means the Lord strengthen our op presses again they G to have
Peace they gonna be together and we going to lose that’s right you see what I’m saying all your sons gonna be gay you see what I’m saying all your daughters going to be terrible mothers women wives all of that and we going and we going to go to jail and we going to
Be on crack fenal whatever you see what I’m saying unless of people you know hear the truth from upk yeah still want to continue the most bigot alternative lifestyle parade on the Holy Land in the Holy in the yeah they they every time they rap them
Israeli Flags they they they wave a gay flag with a to that’s a strange thing and he’s walking around with your identity you know I mean yeah we got to talk about we the real Jews and all oh these people the people these these people right here with the wearing the men
Wearing underwear come on now mean sh shaming the name of Israel our reputation they walk with these imposters you see what I’m saying any more there come the king of Moab against Israel M because they had done evil in the sight of the Lord because we
Christmas in the sight of the Lord right we ate pork in the sight of the lord we smoke weed in sight of the Lord you see what I’m saying we we did not forgive our brother in the S of the lord we did not look to make right without our
Brothers in the side of the Lord okay any more there give me verse 13 and we go back to Ecclesiastes right we got to get out of here we open the time right verse 13 and he gathered unto him the children of Ammon and AMC and he
Gathered to and and and and the Lord gathered onto the children oh sluy read it again and the children of Ammon and AMC and the Lord gathered onto US Japanese people AMC is the real Jewish man this AMC right here this is them they they the one who who own all
Of your rap artist contracts that’s right you know I mean yeah the Lord strengthened them against them you get you get rich and you and he like you know like Ecclesiastes said you’re not going to be satisfied in your riches let’s go back to eccl
Was that verse 9 yeah ver verse 9 verse n yeah read read that part again with the riches CU that was that was this part right here you you wonder why little Lil Wayne Lil Wayne get rich and he GNA say well he still don’t feel good you got to just
Get high now because he’s not satisfied with the riches you in part right neither is his what neither is his eye verse eight verse there there is one alone and there is not a second yay he have neither child nor brother uhhuh yet is there no
End of all um his labor that’s why Kanye West ran away because they get him a contract that makes you basically said you got to stay in the studio forever you going to pay top dollar though you going to get you going be a billionaire but you going to work in this studio
Forever he ran away he like he’s like you going to fall on these people you know I mean because he’s not satisfied with his riches you see I’m saying being all by himself in the house with who a sister no a Kardashian some enemy he married to an enemy keep reading oh God
Neither is his eyes satisfied with fre they looking at Kanye like yo why yo yay yay why you why you not okay you rich you the you a black billionaire why you not why are you just not satisfied Ain this what you want it to be is this what
All black people want to be don’t you just want to be a millionaire a billionaire Rich you’re not goingon to be satisfied with those riches you GNA run away you mean you going you going you gonna look like a lunatic all over town to please an oppressor you gonna wear
You gonna be outside barefoot in France that’s what that’s what he’s doing that’s what he’s doing do kind we stuff keep reading come come NE next verse next verse next verse verse n two are better than one two are better than one you know that read because they have
A good reward for their labor you already know that keep reading come verse 10 for if they fall the one will lift up his fellow Kane W don’t got that that’s right kany W I heard he put on apology yesterday what yeah he put an apology in Jewish language I’m going to
Say Hebrew CU I a’t know HEB right in in the in the yish dialect of writing of the assian Hebrew he made an apology you know me because he you know he wants his riches back because he think that’s going to make him happy n
You gonna be sad again you gonna be sad again that’s right that’s what’s gonna happen you know I mean you know and yahawashi said this you know it’s hard for a rich man to get into the truth it’s easier for a donkey to go through
The needle of an ey that that would have been the time for him to fight us and he Tau the Captain Des too he told the captain you know what I mean but you know you can’t have these brothers come together now you I mean you know so you
Know you if he if he came into school now you know what I mean you know there’s other ways to make a billion dollars you know I mean you just bring back just I tell you all the time man just if we if we what what do black
People eat name of food that black people eat right quick black people like to eat huh oxil oxtails okay well man okay we Judah heavy oxil now too yeah you what else Fried Chicken Fried Chicken Chicken what all the kids eat ketchup like if you saw if you saw
Ketchup and you were the one brother in all of New York the one man that’s in all of New York that’s saw ketchup would you be poor no okay then you know you know then you know what we talking about here if you were the only man to sell chicken in
New York let’s not say New York let’s just say the Bronx you the only man to sell chicken in the bro you would the soul supplier would you be poor wow then why then why why are we so ashamed to have actual businesses everybody got to still
Crack and weed thinking that’s the way to get money no we got to start looking out for what our people need you do that then you know then we’re not going to be poor no more you see what I’m saying you go you we go pull our money together from chicken rice
Potatoes you know whatever that we will begin to develop hot sauce whatever right you know you talking about one business for every man that’s another that’s another rich man for every single thing light bulbs uh tires TVs you know then then you can pull money together
And have your own power plants your own black power plant right here buzzing in Harlem right here but we don’t think like that we say nah we just going to live off the oppresses ones and I’m going s crack I’m a s fent to know that’s right I’m I’m sell fake credit
Cards I mean being you know we living like a bunch of losers you see what I’m saying we got we got to start waking up from this mess man you know what I mean come on now any more then say but woe to him that is alone
When he fth that’s that’s JZ that’s Jay-Z right there Jay-Z don’t got nobody he done been an aole to everybody he don’t got nobody no more you see what I’m saying he only got people who who who love him for his Rich ecclesiasticus my God chap six let’s
Finish this one first and I know we got to go we got to go he fall for he have not another to help him off give me verse 12 come verse 12 and if one Prevail against him right so you if you by yourself the oppressor can push you over he can
Prevail against you he can win against it keep reading to prevail against him uhhuh two shall withstand him right but if you are two men ain’t ain’t no person can just push you over keep reading and a threefold cord is not quickly broken and that’s what we need ink we need many
Three-fold chords that’s what we need many many many three-fold chords see that’s that’s what the Lord is doing bringing our people together you see what I’m saying ecclesiasticus 6 6 and 6 all right ecclesiast ecclesiasticus 6 verse 6 so Anthony this this is the Apocrypha right you got that
Yeah okay okay okay go ahead be in peace with many be in peace with many be in peace with many Israelites keep reading nevertheless nevertheless read have but one counselor of a thousand have but one counselor from a thousand you don’t watch every single Israelite group out
There and what they say I’m eating the meat and spit out the bones you can’t tell the meat from the Bones from a liar you see what I’m saying when you crush it all up together you don’t you can’t tell which one is the bone the meat in
Where where’s the meat and the bone in the burger where’s where’s the where’s the bone in the burger in the cheeseburger there’s a bone in here you know what I mean you can’t tell it you just swallow it see what I’m saying Christ said you only learn from
One and all of us should only learn from one but we don’t do that now now now we got this group and that group and that group listen to all kind of stuff listen to GMS listen to Alex Jones right Nathaniel listening to Christianity one
Woman one wife you know I mean you can name all of them shalawam is from the Jewish man somebody listen to the Jewish man the Moos the Moos are listening to um the Chinese man they believe they moabites talking about some Sovereign all kind of stuff still get shot by the
Cop but they don’t put that on video though who else who else you name every single one of them going back to the heathen like Joshua said falling into all these snars and traps keep reading verse seven uhhuh if thou wouldest get a friend if you get a
Friend what prove him first we and we could look in the news and prove some other people read we can we can is is tdj really a nice guy is he really is he is he is he a man of the Lord I heard I heard he was a power
Bot he’s a power B say is he a man of God you you ain’t prove that man you ain’t prove that man now now now the churches is led by a whole a whole flaming homosexual flaming keep read it and be not Hasty to credit him that’s
Right verse eight for some man is a friend for his own occasion and will not abide in the day of thy trouble verse n and there is a friend who being turn to enmity and strife will discover thy reproach right that’s what happens when you don’t go to counsel
Like what prot be saying all day when you don’t go to him and him alone now friends got to be enemies because they wasn’t really friends and that’s the life you live in New York too you you were the high school and middle school and college or industry or on your job
And you’ve been around a whole bunch of fake friends who just don’t last time you see what I’m saying because that’s what the world provides you got to upk and learn to not be like that you know I mean both both the good the brother that was sincere and the fake
Friend you got to learn to come in here and be sincere as a friend don’t know what a friend is we don’t know what friends are who told us how to be friends Pro all the time can’t he told he tell the sisters outside you told
About you want to love a man who told you to love who told you to have a marriage who told you how to be a wife brothers who told you had to be a husband were you freestyling this thing you wonder why you know you are freestyle you going run some
Hiccups you know I mean you don’t know your way on the GPS you get lost that’s right come on man that’s what we need Youk give me give me down to uh um I know we for the time preses right def with that I pass the class to PR
Officer PR all right clap it [Applause] up