Coming in at number five Rosemary’s Baby Roman pansy’s Masterpiece Rosemary’s Baby set the standard for many cultist horror movies particularly in the way it reveals the cult using a steady and slow build and paranoia confusing us as to what exactly is even happening this 1968 horror Stars Mia
Pharaoh and Chronicles the story of a pregnant woman who suspects that an evil cult wants to take her baby for use in their rituals however it is quickly revealed that her husband has made a deal with the devil for success in his acting career and the price is offering
Up his wife as a surrogate mother for something truly evil Satan’s son that’s right the cult uses Rosemary as a sacrificial lamb for Satan’s Grand return through his own offspring and it is truly terrifying the general sense of unease throughout the movie is why Rosemary’s Baby is an absolute classic
And perhaps one of the scarier movies in the horror genre the horrors depicted on and off the screen aided in the rumor that the film was actually cursed by the cult and summoned demons with many incidents occurring offscreen to the cast and crew including the slaying of
Roman pansy’s wife Sharon Tate at the hands of the Manon family coming in at number four VHS 2 Safe Haven Safe Haven is one of four sections in the 2013 Anthology found footage sequel vhs2 with the segment being directed by Teo janto and Gareth Hugh Evans and
Being the best section in the entirety of the movie The Plot follows a news crew composed of four members who infiltrate an Indonesian cult in the hopes of shooting a documentary about their mysterious activities inside the building they find the walls adorned in bizarre symbols school children in
Classrooms and women dressed in white garments one of the crew Malik then over hears that his fianceรฉ Lena is pregnant with another crew member’s child Adam things then descend into total Madness the deeper the crew go inside the building with Lena being abducted by several women with the cult hunting down
The crew members for sacrificial reasons now with only 29 minutes to play with Evans and Tanto don’t hold back not even for a second with the segment being insanely action-packed in GFI from start to finish not to mention it builds to an insane gors soaked climax that will
Shock the audience the cult are successful in their demon summoning with the beast making its Grand appearance towards the final moments of the movie and it does not disappoint number three the knight’s Templar now perhaps you know this next group best as the villains of the Assassin’s Creed
Franchise or depending on your personal philosophies the unspoken hero of the Assassin’s Creed franchise but that’s another story the Knights Templar were a medieval Christian military order formed in the 12th century to protect the pilgrims that were traveling to Jerusalem during the Crusades very very quickly the Templars grew in power
Wealth and influence and this band of Swordsmen quickly Rose to EST establish a network all across Europe now there have been a ton of conspiracies revolving around the Knights Templars over the years I’m sure partly because the Knights Templars is a very cool sounding name they also had a sudden and
Dramatic downfall didn’t have anything to do with any order of hay jumping Assassins but they did close their Gates pretty quickly in 1307 King Philip IV of France initiated a campaign against the Templars accusing them of many heinous crimes heresies idolatry corruption secret ceremonies now the order was
Officially disbanded after this and many of its members were arrested interrogated and executed and quick aside the Templars really did do a lot of these things and the Templars did unspeakable things during the Crusades and it’s not that far to say the Templars were a very very very malignant
Presence one prominent conspiracy theory suggests that the Templars possessed hidden knowledges or relics including the Holy Grail or Ark of the Covenant but believing these sacred artifacts bestowed them incredible power and influence some people also theorized that the Templars knew they were going to be disbanded and they concealed these
Treasures to pass them on to other secret societies this shows up very very prominently in Assassin’s Creed where the Templar order sort of splinters off into all these different little groups but holds on to these pieces of Eden these powerful relics that give them all these Powers but I got to stop talking
About Assassin’s Creed another theory links the Templars to Freemasonry suggesting that the orders traditions symbolism and rituals were passed down and sort of given to the Freemasons which is why the Freemasons the Knights Templar and the Illuminati are so connected in conspiracy circles some conspiracists proposed that the Templars
Survived their dissolution and the disbandment was just a cover story and they’re still operating their clinking swords together having secret meetings they went underground established new organizations and now they’re rebranding themselves some claiming that they played a role in shaping historical events such as the American Revolution or founding the these modern banking
Systems and eventually sort of snake their way into every other General controlling the world conspiracy theory pause number two the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn wow coming up next is going to be the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn which was a mystical 19th century order emerging in England
And one of the best names for a secret society like ever this sounds like the villains of a Final Fantasy game the order was famous for its esoteric tradition and practice of magic yep the order that sounds like it’s a bunch of wizards did practice magic the Golden
Dawn sought to explore the spiritual and occult aspects of the world through their rituals and symbolism now the order was founded by three key individuals that’s William Woodman William Westcott and Samuel little McGregor mothers who secretly resented the other two members for having a literate of w names and he felt deeply
Left out over the years the Golden Dawn would attract plenty of notable figures including notorious occultist Alistair Crowley who did also Inspire one of the best black savath songs in turn internally the Golden Dawn experienced a manner of conflict disagreement over leaderships initiation and the true nature of the ORD teachings and Mission
Were all things that caused Strife some people later on have suggested these internal conflicts were planned to maintain control and secrecy over the organization imagine that your organization is so secret you need to get rid of your own members keep them out of the loop they know too much
Conspiracists believe that the order’s Supernatural ties mean they are involved with some paranormal entities maybe we’re getting a little bit out there believing that they were able to manipulate and control individuals and situations they could control minds and influence summon demons of course it could also just be a giant load of Halo
And the Golden Dawn could have been nothing more than a bunch of old men role playing Wizards like a Dungeons and Dragons Club we’ll probably never know the truth though and number one we got the Illuminati proper they had to be the number one secret society right who else
Could it have been is there a more famous secret society there’s probably more secret societies but I wouldn’t know about them you certainly know the Illuminati as this shadowy organization of Puppet Masters pulling the strings and influencing the world behind their scenes using Jay-Z and Beyonce to
Further their goals somehow but what do you know of the group’s Origins to separate the fact through the fiction let me take you on a journey after a few minutes of Google searching the infamously secretive order’s Origins can actually be traced back kind of easy to a university Professor named Adam Weiss
In 1776 he taught natural law at a University in Bavaria and was orphaned at an early age he was then raised by his erudite Uncle who fostered a love of knowledge in the boy Adam loved knowledge and thought that consuming knowledge was life’s greatest Pursuit he was very frustrated by countries and
States that were dominated by religion like his Catholic homeland of Bavaria he was very anti-catholic Church a position that was not particularly looked upon with favor at the time now Adam had envisioned a tight group of people who could challenge the church’s strangle hold on information and he saw a formal
Group in mind focused on illumination rather than suppression there is definitely some irony in a group that’s so famous now for secrecy and mystery that its original intention was to illuminate people initially Weiss help sought out the order of Freemasons believing that the Freemasons were exactly the men he was looking for but
He was denied entry frustrated Adam chose to seek out his own people and dubbed his new group the order of the Illuminati but based his organization very strongly on the Freemasons he borrowed their hierarchy code names clandestine dealings a lot of their symbolism and this is largely why people
Sort of mistake the two groups and correlate them together lump them in with the same conspiracies Adam did also pluck several Freemasons from lodges to come join so undoubtedly there was crossover between both groups but they’re different things since then pretty much every single conspiracy theory imaginable has been connected to
The Illuminati governments Banks entertainment it’s all orchestrated by the Illuminati and we simply play out their script symbols such as the Eye of Providence are seen as proof you know it’s on the dollar bill or there’s symbology used in music videos and entertainment that’s proof of the group’s control anytime you see Jay-Z
Doing one of these that’s proof that he’s an Illuminati agent so there was a real Illuminati definitely and there were a bunch of Bavarian nerds but is there still an Illuminati pulling all the strings coming in at number five gather the daughters by Jenny meled Jenny melamed’s day novel gather the
Daughters transports readers to a post-apocalyptic Colony ruled by tyrannical men the futuristic Community is shaped by sexism censorship and government-mandated procreation the book has been compared to the handmaid’s tale due to its depiction of female servitude now as the novel’s heroins come of age they are confronted with depravity of
The colony’s traditions and thanks to specific occurrences a rebellion is sparked now unlike the handmaid’s tale we’re given very little information about life beyond the Island the cult is residing on with melamed keeping us in the dark and just as frustrated as her characters is a captivating novel that
Inspires but at times sickens but is mostly a meditation on the dangers of misogyny and fear in at number four underground the Tokyo gas attack and the Japanese psyche by Haruki murakami published between 1997 and 1998 underground as a book by Japanese novelist Haruki murakami about the 1995
AUM shrio sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway the attack was an act of domestic terrorism perpetrated on 20th of March 1995 by members of The Cult movement AUM Shin Rico in five coordinated attacks the cult members released sarin on three lines of the Tokyo Metro during rush
Hour killing 13 people severely injuring 50 and causing temporary vision problems for nearly 1,000 others the cult which was led by shoko asahara had already carried out several other assassinations and Terror attacks using sarin and it also produced several other nerve agents including VX and attempted to produce
Bolum toxin in the raid that followed the attack police arrested many senior members of The Cult with over 200 members being arrested to this day the attack Remains the deadliest terror attack in Japan now murakami’s novel is made up of a series of interviews with individuals who were affected by the
Attacks and the English translation also includes interviews with members of AUM the religious cult responsible for the attacks in the novel he attempts to make sense of the horrific attacks and in turn it’s a true Testament to the resilience of the human Spirit number three realism realism is the teaching
That Humanity was birthed by a hyper Advanced race of aliens called the Elohim who genetically engineered us as their children our most famous religious leaders over the years were Elohim human hybrids whose wondrous abilities and Powers were mislabeled as prophets it’s said that by 2035 if realism’s followers
Have achieved the tenants correctly and fulfilled the movement’s teaching by spreading its message and building an embassy to welcome its 39 prophets the group Rose to prominence in the 1970s when its leader Claude Von who called himself REO claims he had an experience with a UFO where a spacecraft flying
Overhead was full of beings who told him about Humanity’s future and past and handed him a Bible and told him it was his mission to build that Embassy now all of this sounds like pretty standard called Stuff worshipping aliens who are secret progenitors but where things get pretty interesting worthy of note is
That around 2002 a company called clone a with direct ties to realism claimed to have done the impossible and cloned a baby girl appropriately named Eve immediately it spurned all kind of controversy led to several investigations discussions about the ethics and morality of the situation but despite all this no actual evidence of
The Clone baby ever came up Eve isn’t the only alleged baby birth this way through clone a with several claims of clone a brand clones being produced produc since the original story in 2002 all with dubious claims including controversial rapper Kid Buu who claims to have been born there so either Eve is
Still hiding somewhere or maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration regardless clone a charges up to $200,000 for their services which might seem a bit expensive but hey you’re getting a great deal on a clone you’re going to make your money back on that so if anyone’s
Got a piggy bank just weighing them down please send me a message and then get back to me and introduce me to you and your clone number two the Church of Bible Understanding hey real quick for me what’s your favorite time Feld episode yeah I probably could have
Guessed it was the comeback or the contest and those are both great answers but what about the checks where George gets involved with that group of carpet cleaners who end up trying to recruit for a cult and and he’s all mad they want his boss but they don’t want him
That’s the kind of shenanigan that could only happen to castanza turns out that episode was based on a real group called The Church of Bible Understanding although at the time they were going by Christian Brothers carpet cleaners no doubt where the idea came from from this undertaking was one of the group’s many
Noble business ventures including a used van business and a New York chain of used antique stores like most Cults the group was led by a charismatic figurehead one Stuart Trail who maintained to his followers that only he was capable of understanding the word of God and understanding how to annoy
George castanza their leader was expelled from the Pentecostal church he worshiped at in the early 70s and after his expulsion refused to give up the dream and form his own church promising a communal lifestyle of Salvation And if reports from former members it to be believed hard work for below minimum
Wage members were isolated from their friends families and communities and encouraged to devote themselves wholly to the church besides a less than flattering appearance on Seinfeld the group most recently made headlines after an orphanage they built in Haiti had burned to the ground after several claims that orphanages the group had
Been producing in Haiti had been extremely substandard shoty overcrowded and dirty the leader Stuart tra passed away in 2018 current estimates suggested the group has dwindled down from thousands of members in its Heyday to just dozens now and there’s no word if Larry David was ever a member or
Associated number one the Nubian Nation Dwight York had a dream like many Americans he believed in simple things like amassing an army to help him fight Satan amongst the Stars let me back that up for you just a little bit and introduce you to the naian nation or the
N abian nation of Moors adding just a Twist of Christianity African rituals and a heavy dose of Egyptian mythology mixed with aliens Dwight York had a perfect recipe for a wild cult story The Nation believed that they needed to prepare themselves for an inevitable Duel of the Fates Among the Stars and
That the 144,000 chosen ones would accompany Dwight into outer space for the fate of the Galaxy zooming away on a flying City to Orion to fight Satan now I have no comment about any of that maybe it was the cult of personality maybe it was the promise that you could
Potentially get involved in a star war but this was a surprisingly popular movement around Ral Georgia where York built up a massive compound that looked a bit like a pavilion out of your favorite Egypt themed amusement park and bringing in members in droves as the numbers group The mythology group
Incorporating cloning racial Theory anti-government conspiracy and a whole lot more but the dreams of the star farer would be cut short when an investigation in 2002 revealed a horrifying truth that their leader Dwight York was involved in a massive human trafficking operation said to have been comprised of as many of a thousand
People on May 8 2002 the sheriff’s department of Georgia with the aid of the FBI shut the entire operation down York was arrested and sentenced to a life sentence where he’s still serving out his 135 years one Georgia Sheriff involved Sheriff Sills described the trafficking operation as the best kept
Secret in Georgia I’d seen in my 47 years as a police officer number number five the Bilderberg meeting starting us off today we are going to be talking about the Uber secretive Bilderberg meeting now this one is a little bit of a cheat because technically it’s not
Really a society but it refers to an annual Gathering that definitely happens without any of us knowing in secrecy and involves a lot of key profile VIPs so I’d say it qualifies the first Bilderberg meeting dates all the way back to 1954 and was held at the hotel
To Bilderberg in the Netherlands which is where the group has taken its name since convened by Prince burnhard the Gathering was a collection of powerful politicians from North America and Europe designed to Foster warmer relations between the two continents among fear of growing anti-American sentiment in Europe in layman’s terms
The Bilderberg meeting is an annual meeting where high ranking politicians agree to not start World War III just yet you know just not not just yet they’ll they’ll do it eventually but keep things cool for now now because of this the Bilderberg meeting has quite the guest list it’s a veritable who’s
Who Bill Clinton Margaret Thatcher Angela Merkel Tony Blair Henry Kissinger Pete Davidson to name a few now what happens in these meetings is anyone’s guess as they’re wrapped in complete and utter secrecy the minutes are never released and journalists are barred from reporting on it at all in fact I would
Not be surprised if this video was the first time you’ve ever even heard of this the secrecy definitely paves the way for rumors with the belief that the Bilderberg meeting is an extension of the Illuminati with the members being part of the New World Order conspiring to control the World Behind the scenes
Now the official website for the Bilderberg meeting maintains thanks to the private nature of the meeting the participants take part as individuals rather than in any official capacity and hence are not bound by the conventions of their office or by positions which definitely makes things more suspicious
We’ll get to the bottom of this I’m sure but if you’re looking for more conspiracies while top five scary has all of that and then some we’ve got loads of things on secret societies ghosts ghouls goblins aliens UFOs if it’s freaking you out we’ve got a video
Or two on it I promise you that so hit subscribe please do me a little favor and ring that little bell as well so you don’t miss a single one of our videos but do that at the end of this one cuz I got four more secret societies that I’d
Love to tell you all about number four the Knights of pus coming up next is going to be the very mythical sounding Knights of pus oh we love when a secret society is an order of knights a I love when something sounds like that you know
They sound like I got to go bring them an ancient Crystal the Knights of pus was founded by jusus H wrath bone a government employee in Washington DC in 1864 who historically has one of the coolest names I’ve ever heard jusus H wrath bone my God that just rolls off
The tongue he felt there was an absolute moral need for an organization that practiced brotherly love he loved Philadelphia City of Brotherly Love he was all about that around the same time the country was involved in a bit of a punch up bit of a brother against
Brother a bit of a a civil war you might call it so Brotherly Love was needed President Lincoln upon learning of this this group expressed his approval of its Mission and values and the Knights became the first fraternal organization in the states to be chartered through an
Act of Congress now the name is a reference to the Greek Legend of Damon and pyus the Pythagorean ideal of friendship which I I guess means that this secret society in Washington DC is the Knights of friendship that’s a that’s that’s adorable all of its founding members worked for the
Government and the Knights colors are blue yellow and red blue signifying friendship yellow charity and red benevolence the Knights of pth are still operating to this day and are a partner of the Boy Scouts of America that’s hilarious the second organization to receive its Charter from the US Congress
That’s the official hierarchy in America it’s Knights and then Boy Scouts those now interestingly the Knights of pyus despite their very very cool name may very well be one of the only secret societies no one is writing any conspiracy theories about I was looking I really was but the people in the
Tinfoil hats are not interested in the Knights of pus maybe it’s because unlike most other secret groups the knights really boldly announced that they’re just all about friendship and maybe people suspect they’re not hiding anything and maybe they’re just totally genuine and all about friendship that
Won’t do for me I think the whole friendship thing is a complete angle I think the Knights of pus are doing something subliminal something they’re hacking the air wav somehow we’ll look into that we’re going to get back to this number three on this list is the fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints you guys might be familiar with this one right now as it’s currently very popular Netflix just released a documentary about this cult so if you want a more in-depth summary of what went down definitely go check that out ranker says that this cult was an offshoot of Mormonism that’s
Constantly in the news for unsavory reasons flds openly Embraces polygamy which the mainstream LDS outlawed a century ago the group has anywhere from 6,000 to 10,000 members in rural Utah and Arizona with the group having almost total control of two small linked border towns in two states while Mormon
Splinter groups had been around long before the flds was incorporated in 1991 by a group of men who had been excommunicated by the church they went through a range of leaders who all declared themselves prophets until being taken over by rouan Jeffs in 2002 he passed shortly thereafter and his son
Warren took over it was under Warren Jeffs that the fds practices of child marriage bigamy inest racism abandonment of teenage boys all became public knowledge Jeffs was sent to prison in 2007 continues to be the de facto head of the church while his successors squabble for power this cult certainly
Isn’t as powerful as it once was and you have to imagine that as time goes on and more people are educated on what this cult did in the past that will continue on a downward trajectory but for now they still aren’t totally finished and if you wanted to then you could join
This group absolutely do not do that though because these people get up to some very weird and often illegal things like the leader was literally sent to jail and is still they rotting away I would not want to get myself into a situation where I’m anywhere close to
The people that support that guy number two on this list is the new Wan Nation this one is absolutely nuts guys so strap in ranker says formerly known as the United Newan nation of Moors this is a cult of personality based around founder Dwight York combining Christianity ancient Egyptian
Iconography African rituals and a belief that aliens are coming the nation believes that 144,000 chosen people will be taken away in a flying City spirited to oion to prepare for the final fight against Satan shockingly York’s mishmash of new age Concepts black power militancy and ancient Egyptian religion caught on in
Both the hipop community and in rural Georgia where York built a massive compound made with donated funds y York’s mythology grew incorporating cloning racial Theory cosmology and anti-government conspiracies and Linguistics even as the cult grew York was under investigation and he was finally detained in 2002 for running a massive human trafficking ring
Comprising as many as 1,000 individuals he was sent to prison for life and his compound was seized and demolished the group still exists though in much smaller numbers if we just ignore all of the human rights violations for a second which we shouldn’t by the way but let’s
Just do it anyways for one moment then at the best possible case scenario you join this cult and then dedicate your life preparing for a battle with Satan that you may not ever have because not only is that crazy but you might not even be in the 140,000 people who gets
Picked to have said battle with Satan like this just doesn’t make any sense at all guys then we add back on all of those human rights violations and all the other stuff that York was sent to jail for and you get one sick and twisted cocktail that is this cult
Number one on this list is church univ ival and triumphant yet another Cult of Personality in New Age clothes the cut was founded in 1975 as an offshoot of a different movement Summit Lighthouse founder Elizabeth Clare profit pitched herself and her husband as messengers of the ascended masters a set of
Spiritually awakened ancient beings Central to the theosophy belief system they also threw in elements of Christian Science the the I am movement and Mormon style doomsday prepping the prophets grew wealth enough to buy large spreads in the Santa Monica Mountains and Montana while members drove themselves into debt building Fallout shelters and
Paying huge sums of money to reserve a spot in the postnuclear conflict Society the church was also accused of making illicit straw purchases and of using sleep deprivation against members who attempted to leave in ill health the prophet retired in 1999 and passed 10 years later since then the church has
Gone through legal problems and success session squabbles but members still meet on a regular basis so yeah just join this cult if you want to potentially get tortured from sleep deprivation oh and while we’re torturing you we’re also going to take all your money and invest it into some underground bunker that
You’ll probably never use if that doesn’t sound like an excellent use of time and money to you which it probably shouldn’t then I really wouldn’t recommend joining this cult kicking off at number five we have the Church of Bible Understanding founded in 1971 won by Stuart Trail this communal
Organization was originally known as the forever family at its home location of allent town in Pennsylvania it gathered steam in the late ’70s after moving its headquarters to New York where it developed a controversial network of churches and communes and amassed over 100,000 members at its peak bizarrely
Enough Trail’s motive was to encourage members to break off contact with their families forcing them into their communial lifestyle and working essentially as free labor for a number number of businesses these included a carpet cleaning business and a used van Venture the group has been accused of
Being a cult on numerous occasions and it’s suspected that their leader Stuart Trail became a multi-millionaire from the exploitation of young vulnerable adults in later years after a string of controversies its members dwindle to a few hundred but recently in 2013 the church was accused of gross misconduct
At a number of their orphanages in Haiti despite claiming to spend $2.5 million on their upkeep annually next up at number four realism one of the most notorious Cults in modern history realism began in 1974 after a Frenchman named Claude Von claimed he’ had a vision of an alien spacecraft descending
Over southern France he said that the craft was filled with strange beings that told him humans were the only hope for the future of the universe and then handed him a Bible apparently he was there for over 6 days and the head alien coincidentally named Yahweh explained
That the Old Testament is actually a record of Humanity’s early days and that he needed to construct an embassy ready for the aliens when they would eventually return to inhabit Earth sounds pretty kooky right while for the next three decades his teachings amassed a following of over 20,000 people where
They essentially woried aliens opposed violence Champion science and participated in Mass ories whatever floats your boat I guess well things got even weirder in 2002 when the cult claimed to have done the impossible and cloned a human a baby girl named Eve of course everyone went nuts even the White
House got involved lawsuits were filed but the realists stuck to their guns and still to this very day claim to be still producing human clones and next at number three The Cult of Isis popping over to ancient Egypt the phrase death cult doesn’t get more death e than the
Cult of Isis incredibly popular with ancient Grecian and Roman society the Goddess Isis was Central in the the old Kingdom’s Osiris myth where her husband the Divine King Osiris was slain and resurrected by her hand the mysteries of Isis were strangely popular in the ancient world where initiates to the
Cult would undergo elaborate ritual purification before being brought into the innermost part of Isis Temple the catch though was that they had to pledge their mortal soul to the goddess of rebirth sounds innocent enough a but this often meant that somewhere someone along the line was getting ritualistically sacrificed never good
Swinging in at number two Asher is we’ve covered these guys quite regularly in our demon series but if you didn’t know Asher ism is pretty gnarly business known as the national Cult of the Assyrian people where the majority of ancient Assyria chose to worship athic religion with thousands of different
Gods similar to that of ancient Babylonia they shared many creation myths to that of Judaism and Christianity such as the great flood and the Tower of Babel but what separates Aeris is its fascination with demonism and their willingness to worship for example the tale of Lilith Adam’s first
Wife who went on to become the Demonic Queen of the succubi although you could argue that this is just in essence a collection of smaller Cults Asher ISM didn’t come into written fruition until after the fall of the Assyrian Empire where these Cults were contined to be
Worshiped in the surviving city of assur this became a Melting Pot for Asher ISM with the Cults of sin nikal Bell Nabu and tamuz being Twisted into a fervent blend of godhood and demonism mass ritualistic sacrifice stake burnings cannibalism it all went down here and it’s not good and finally at number one
The Knights Templar this wouldn’t be an ancient cult list without everybody’s favorite shadowy secret society the Knights Templar also known as the poor fellow Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon that’s a mouthful the Knights Templar were a Catholic military order recognized in 1139 by the papal
Bull of the Holy CA although records state that the Templar were active until about 1312 the order’s main functionality was prominence in Christian Finance they managed a large economic infrastructure throughout the Christian World developing Financial techniques that would later become an early form of banking in essence they were the world’s first multinational
Corporation which you know has led many people to believe that they’re still around to this very day just in another form Q conspiracy music their initiation rights are still shrouded in secrecy where Outsiders were discouraged from attending the ceremony over fear of its sensitive nature this led to the
Suspicion of medieval inquisitors and eventually the acquisition and execution of a 90% of the order’s members who were burned at the stake well what did they discover well no one really knows but it constituted a pretty harsh response from the church number five Scientology I figured it was the easiest to kick off
Today you know what the most obvious cult and personally for me the scariest Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices invented by the American author elron hubard who developed a series of ideas that he called diticom mode it went bankrupt and he lost the rights to his book in 1952 he
Then recharacterized his ideas as a religion for tax purposes and renamed them Scientology by 1954 he had regained the rights to Dianetics and founded the Church of Scientology which Remains the largest organization promoting Scientology today there are practitioners independent of the church in what is called the free zone and
Estimates put the number of scientologists at just under 40,000 people worldwide so you know not a lot of people at all just a small town Scientology beliefs include reincarnation and that traumatic events cause problematic ingrams in the mind they claim that an activity called auditing can remove the bad ingrams a
Fee is charged though for each session of auditing once an auditor deems an individual free of ingrams typically after several years they are given the status of clear after being deemed clear adherence can take part in further activities called operating feton levels which require further payments the operating feten texts are kept secret
For most followers and are revealed only after adherents have typically given hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Scientology organization if you don’t have ridiculous amounts of money to burn don’t worry they’re freely available online on sites such as Wikileaks and if you don’t want to waste your time these
Texts say past lives took place in extraterrestrial cultures look I don’t agree with Scientology but I do agree with aliens visiting Earth but these involv in an alien called zenu described as a planetary ruler that existed 70 million years ago who brought billions of aliens to Earth and and kill them
With thermonuclear weapons yeah I totally believe that despite being kept secret from most followers this forms the essential mythological framework of scientology’s crazy logic question mark from soon after the formation these groups have generated considerable opposition and controversy in several instances because of their illegal activities in 1967
Howard established a new Elite group The Sea organization or C Org the membership of which was drawn from the most committed members of the church by 1981 the 20 2-year-old David misovich who had been one of you know his closest AIDS in the SE org Rose to prominence H died at
His Ranch in Creston California on January 24th of 1986 and mkich succeeded hubard as the head of the church a position he holds till this day if you really want a mystery to solve try and find David’s wife in 2013 actress Leah reminy a former Scientologist and vocal
Critic of the organization filed a missing person’s Report with the Los Angeles Police Department concerned about her disappearance the LAPD allegedly contacted Shelly and closed the case with an hours despite assurances from church of Scientology spokespeople that Shelley misovich is Alive and Well many continue to express skepticism in 2022 after hearing about
An investigation into now retired LAPD Captain Cory paa about alerting others of confidential police investigations Remy revealed photographs of pela accepting a $20,000 check from Scientology for LAPD Charities and one of a Scientology information kiosk located in the LAPD Hollywood division while speaking with pela in his office
Remy noticed a letter of thanks to him from Scientology with an invitation to lunch at their celebrity center so bribery as of 2023 Shelley mich’s whereabouts remain unknown and who knows if we’ll ever know in the 1970s hubbert’s followers engaged in a program of criminal infiltration of the US government resulting in several
Executives of the organization being convicted and imprisoned for multiple offenses by a US federal court now Hubbert himself was convicted in absentia of fraud by a French Court in 1978 and sentenced to four years in prison and in 1992 a court here in Canada convicted the Scientology
Organization in Toronto of spying on law enforcement and government agencies and criminal breach of trust later upheld by the Ontario Court of Appeal the Church of Scientology was convicted of fraud by a French Court in 2009 a judgment upheld by the Supreme Court of cation in 2013 the Church of Scientology has been
Described by government inquiries International parliamentary bodies Scholars lawls and numerous Superior Court judgments as both a dangerous cult and a manipulative profit making business I could talk about them for hours and just how awful they are so let me know the comments of that you know something you’all would be interested in
Number four Family International initially called teens for Christ children of God or cogg it was founded in 1968 by Rogue preacher David Berg in Huntington Beach California attracting young runaways and hippies David preached a kind of worship that combined the ways of Jesus Christ with the free
Love movement of the 1960s group living zealous converting and isolated communes were all pillars of this church members who amounted to around 15,000 people across the world at its peak go to work or go to school and they also didn’t believe in the nuclear family so younglings were grouped together and
Lived separately from their parents in the late 1970s Cog became notorious for the sexual practices that one of the founders own daughters later described as religious sexual coercion David coined the term flirty fishing which was a sexual practice in which women would allegedly have sex with men to bring
Them into the cult and if that wasn’t scummy enough he also promoted and encouraged the sexualization of younglings within the Cog Community as David manipulated the cogg family with his sadistic practices members started leaving the community including the families of actors Wen Phoenix and Rose McGowen who both grew up in the communes
Former cogg members began coming forward in the early 1990s describing an environment that permitted and encouraged the physical and sexual taking advantage of younglings Ricky dup appeared on a talk show in 1993 and revealed that he’d been ordered by the group to forcibly fornicate with someone
Barely in the double digits of age Ricky later took his own life sadly like many other members of the group including the Founder’s son Ricky Rodriguez who was sexually taking advantage of throughout his life by his father and the group although David died in 1994 while under FBI investigation the cult continues to
Exist and now goes by the name Family International although the group claims that the horrific practices are a thing of the past why do I not believe them number three the independent order of Odd Fellows oh the independent order of Odd Fellows well finally a secret
Society that’s right for me how do I gain entrance to this well while I figure that out I’ll mull over the history with you it’s unknown when the independent order of Odd Fellows was founded for sure but the first reference of it ever written comes in 1812 and
References George IV before he was named Prince Regent of the United Kingdom George forth had been a member of the Freemasons for a while he wanted a member of his family to come join the Freemasons with him and was hoping that his Royal connections and purse strings
Would be able to bypass the lengthy complicated initiation process unfortunately no one is given such freedoms to bypass Masonic initiation rights come on you should have known that so George bitter by an order that wouldn’t have him splintered off to form a rival Club the independent order of
Odd Fellows love the name although the website for the order claims that it was started all the way back in 1066 although there aren’t as many sources to cite this much like the knights their guiding principles are the principles of friendship love and truth and its members strive to live by these
Principles in their daily lives the organization is non-political and non-sectarian welcoming individuals from all walks of life and Creeds are you also getting a bit disappointed that a lot of secret societies on this list have mainly said that they just do like charity work and like helping out around
Town and and getting people the help they deserve no come on where’s the secret soldiers where’s the the lizard people living under the White House I none of this is showing up yet the order of odd fellas places an emphasis on community service its members engage in various charitable activities they
Provide relief to the needy they assist the sick and disabled they offer scholarships and educational opportunities do you guys not conceal any martians or any UFOs or anything you just go around giving homes to the elderly and orphans gosh are there any secret societies that are trying to
Control the world still now regardless of how the order got its start the order is strong and still going today the club has counted several British prime ministers among its rank Winston Churchill and Stanley Baldwin to name a few number two the Patriotic order sons of America imagine a time when
Patriotism was at its peak and everyone wanted to celebrate their love for their country in a unique way how fitting that I’m filming this on the 4th of July by happy Joey Chestnut day Americans enter the Patriotic order sons of America the POA this organization founded in 1847
Aimed to promote American values apple pie American history and strengthen the bonds of Brotherhood among its members so it was kind of like the America fan club you know Americans love America by and large but these guys really loved America picnics parades all manner of social congregation so long as that
Social congregation was about celebrating Uncle Sam’s land of the free and Home of the Brave now I am making it sound like it’s a patriotic summer camp and it kind of is but it was also about education and the preservation of American culture they upheld the importance of American History by
Building historical societies museums and libraries to collect and document artifacts and stories from the past like a time machine to the days of old now like any other secret society obviously they have to have some rituals and ceremonies as far as we know nothing to outright Sinister mostly just initiation
Rights if you ask the organization they’ll tell you they’re one of the most Progressive patriotic institutions in the United States now how Progressive they actually are definitely up for a little bit of debate in the 1890s they were only open for white Americans today the order opens its membership to all
Native born or naturalized American male citizens who believe in their country so it’s not super Progressive but as far as secret societies go it seems like they’re pretty benevolent and do just want to celebrate the country and not rule it in secret or maybe they do I
Don’t know and number one the molly magui in the 1870s 24 foreman and supervisors in the coal mines of Pennsylvania were assassinated now who was behind the plot the leading suspect was the secret society the Molly magui now that’s a secret society name the Molly magui work an organization of
Irish militants who it’s thought got their names because they frequently used women’s clothing as a disguise while carrying out acts this sounds a lot more like it’s just a gang than it does the secret society I’m pretty sure these guys were the bad guys at Red Dead Redemption too operating primarily in
The mid 1860s to 1870s the group was named after a legendary folk tale of Molly Maguire an Irish nun who was evicted from her home as such the Maguire acted as a sort of Big Brother for Irish immigrants in America aiming to address harsh working conditions and mistreatment by whatever means necessary
Faced with low wages long hours and unsafe working conditions the Maguire sought to protect the rights and interests of their family through resistance sabotage and violence the organization operated covertly with members swearing Oaths of loyalty and secrecy their tactics included coercion intimidation and you better believe just a little bit of political assassination
They targeted mine operators foremen and individuals they perceived as oppressors within the mining industry bombs murders all of this stuff pretty Common Place the rise of the Molly MaGuire’s attracted attention from mining companies and the government the notorious Pinkerton detective agency the actual bad guys from Red Dead Redemption
2 was hired to infiltrate and gather evidence against the group high-profile trials followed resulting in the conviction and execution of several Molly maggu the trials were marked by controversy and allegations of false testimony leading to debates about the fairness of the proceedings but if you know anything about the Pinkerton said
They don’t really play fair today the mum AC chirs are still sort of a subject of historical interest serving as a reminder of the complex Dynamics between Labor Management and immigrant communities in the United States during the 19th century I don’t really have a
Joke to end that on I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t think that far ahead number five in this is Happy science kind of a fun name that they have there for sure but maybe not the funnest of Cults rankers says if you’re looking for a mashup of world religions New Age Hokum farri
Nationalism and infrastructure spending then Japanese cult happy science is for you it was founded in 1986 by rioo Okawa a former salary man who was enraptured by a group called The godlight Association he soon formed his own called of a personality called science of happiness and changed its name to
Happy science a few years later Okawa believes he is the human incarnation of a Supreme Being called eler who combines Christ Buddha Muhammad and every other prophetic deity to create a nine-dimensional heaven with him at the head he’s also created a massively complex mythology of new age nonsense while simultaneously founding a
Political Wing called the happiness realization party here’s where the strangeness goes into overdrive though as his party Advocates a vicious Japanese nationalism devoted to denying historical cruelties advocating conflict with China and North Korea and rebuilding Japan’s infrastructure the group claims to have 12 million members around the world has a multimedia arm
And enjoys tax exempt status in the US so basically if it was up to this group Japan would be invading China and North Korea and probably well on its way to starting World War II so yeah definitely not one that you want to be a part of
Cuz that could obviously get very bad very quickly not to mention you need to worship this dude who believes that he’s the human incarnation of all these cool people I mean if he actually is the human Reincarnation of all of those people then that’s freaking awesome but
Come on guys I think the likelihood that this dude is Jesus as well as Buddha is pretty low number four on this list is the Brethren yeah so joining this cult really would just be the worst guys you just need to give up so much to do it
Ranker says also known as body of Christ and garbage eaters the Brethren are an apocalyptic offshoot of the70s Jesus movement es sking worldly possessions and Earthly Pleasures to purify themselves for the coming end of the world Brethren members essentially live as vagrants doing a jobs to survive eating trash avoiding bathing and medic
Medical treatment and giving whatever money they do make to the group they also forbid dancing and laughing until the return of Jesus bar members from communicating with family and forbid contact between binary genders group founder Jim Roberts passed in December 2015 leaving the future of the secretive
Cult unclear you literally need to give up everything in your entire life to get ready for when Jesus returns I just don’t get this one guys like maybe it’s cuz I’m not part of this cult but I guess it isn’t clear to me why Jesus would be angry that you have Earthly
Possessions like what does he have against you having the occasional knick-knack you know also there’s the whole thing where you literally need to eat garbage I don’t think that they’re joking about that guys like you will be eating scraps if you join this cult never having a warm meal again that’s
About as terrifying as it can get coming in at three the shelter cycle by Peter Rock inspired by true events the shelter cycle written by Peter Rock tells a story of two children Francine and cville who grew up in the the church Universal and triumphant a religion that
Predicted the world would come to an end in the late 1980s while their parents built underground shelters to withstand the impending Soviet missile strike Francine and cville played in the Montana Wilderness where invisible Spirits watched over them however when the apocalypse does not occur the sex members are forced to resurface and grow
Up in a world they believed might no longer exist now the depiction of the cult is harrowing but what makes the book more unsettling is the depiction of someone who has survived it someone who having lost his Rudder might be capable of absolutely anything now as Outsiders
We believe that when people escape a cult they are safe right however Peter Rock turns this on its head and examines how Cults continue to live inside of us evolving and changing over time coming in to the girls by Emma kleene the girls is a 2016 debut novel by Emma Klein and
Is Loosely inspired by the Manson family and the murder of actress Sharon Tate the novel itself is set in 1969 and focuses on 14-year-old eie Boyd who feels isolated and unloved and ends up spending the majority of that summer with a group of teenage girls on a ranch
Who are all devoted to a man named Russell now the novel never explicitly states that it’s talking about the mans and murders but it’s obvious to almost everyone who reads it Klein also gives intimate insight into adolescent desire and the grotesque length some are willing to go in order to feel like they
Belong now for those who don’t know the Manson family was a desert commune and cult by Charles Manson that was active in California in the late 1960s and early ’70s the group consisted of 100 of his followers who lived an unconventional lifestyle with habitual use of hallucinogenic drugs now on the
Evening of August 8th 1969 four members of the Manson family invaded the home of actress Sharon Tate and movie director Roman palansky and murdered Tate who was almost 9 months pregnant at the time along with three friends who were visiting and an 18-year-old visitor who
Was slain as he was leaving the home the the Manson family were brutal and absolutely Habor so if you want to read a fictional depiction of the group check out the girls and finally coming in at number one Jonestown and other Madness by Pat Parker now backstory before we
Get into the meat of the book by Pat Parker on November 18th 1978 a total of nearly 918 people died in a settlement at the nearby air strip in Port Kuma and at a Temple Run building in Georgetown now the people’s Temple agricultural project better known by its informal name Jo
Town was a remote settlement established by The People’s Temple a cult under the leadership of Jim Jones in total around 909 individuals died in Jonestown all but two from apparent cyanide poisoning in an event that has been referred to as a revolutionary suicide by Jones and
Some of his cult now let’s track back Jones had founded what became the people’s temple in Indiana in 1950s then relocated his congregation to California in the’ 60s in the’ 70s however following negative media retention the preacher moved with around 1,000 of his followers to the guines Jungle where he
Promised a Utopian community that is not what they received because as AFF mentioned on the day of November 18th 1978 US Representative Leo Ryan who had gone to Jonestown to investigate claims of abuse was murdered along with four members of his delegation by Jonestown gunmen that very same day Jones ordered
His followers to ingest poison laced punch while armed guards watched on now in the book Jonestown another Madness by Pat Parker she examines the rise and fall of the charismatic turned murderous preacher Jim Jones as a celebrated lesbian feminist poet Pat Parker’s collection is a gripping reflection on
The way race class and gender played into Jim Jones’s sadistic Slaughter of his congregation throughout the book she challenges us to reflect on how easily we accept answers given to us in the wake of a tragedy I quote if 900 white people had gone to a country with a
Black Minister and committed suicide would we have accepted the answer we were given so easily the book is fantastic and Incredibly moving not just that but it’s also the perfect insight into one of the most notorious Cults and Infamous massacres number five the skull and bone Society now I’m going to be
Honest this video might be the one to get the channel taken down I’ve made a lot of Bold videos I’ve made some very very heretical claims against the Catholic church and I’ve said some wild things and claimed them as facts regarding the Megalodon but this might be the video to get the channel
Blacklisted as we start diving into and talking about some of the most secretive societies out there the skull and bone Society is one of the more well-known secret societies and yeah I guess that’s kind of an oxymoron it’s an undergraduate Society at Yale University founded in 1832 it’s renowned the world
Over for just how darn secretive it is and its practice of strange rituals and its secret membership partly why it’s so captivating to conspiracy theorists is it’s alumni or something to boast about many presidents have been members of the skull and bone Society both Bush senior and Junior speculation runs rampant when
It comes to the Skull and Bones suggesting that powerful Elites from within influence politics and finance now membership as one could expect is very limited to a select few senior students at Yale who are chosen through mysterious ways okay you need to work on a lot more than just your GPA I don’t
Even know how to get in or or what the criteria is but it’s not just anybody these initiates are referred to as bonesmen the society’s rituals are kept to the utmost secrecy even after their time in society after you leave you can’t go around telling everybody about
The skull and bone society and all the stuff you got up to and clearly no one’s doing that because it was not easy to find information for this some suggest the society acts as a breeding ground for Future Leaders wielding significant power in business politics and finance
While others believe they’re part of a larger cabal of conspiracies with hidden agendas tied to the Masons and the Illuminati now there is precious little information regarding the Skull and Bones out there we know it exists that much is true and many powerful people have claimed or have been claimed to be
The members but as far as actual cold hard facts about what happens behind closed doors we don’t know a lot I am but a humble YouTuber I never went to Yale uh if anyone wants to extend me an invite I think the toab five scary DMS
Are open but for now we know precious little about the infamous secret society now we may not know a lot about the skull and bones but we have lots of other secrets for you to unveil from everything from bigfoots ghosts conspiracies ghouls goblins pretty much anything scary or freaky Under the Sun
Or above it we’ve got a video or two on So hit subscribe to top five scary please ring that little little bitty little bell so you don’t miss a video but do that at the end of this video so I can tell you about all these other secret societies okay number four
Freemasonry our next entry is the Freemasons a group I am sure you’ve probably heard of before the Freemasons are a fraternal organization that traces its Origins back to the medieval Guild of stonemasons makes sense now while its early history is rooted in the craft of stone masonry or blue collar work the
Modern day Freemasons have evolved into a global fraternity that promotes Brotherhood personal development philanthropy and if you believe the stories might secretly be running the world from behind the Shadows Freemasonry has long been associated with conspiracies definitely because of its secretive nature its symbols and its historical prominence the group actually
Does have slight ties to the founding of the Illuminati with the group’s order serving as in inspiration for Adam Weiss’s Group which we will talk about more about at the end of the video Freemasons are sometimes spoken of like a synonym for the Illuminati like their interchangeable groups with the belief
That Freemasons are involved in clandestine activity to the theorists Freemasons control governments Banks using their influence and pointing out that throughout history many notable world leaders and key figures have been Freemasons or have had familial ties to Freemasonry there are some Wilder conspiracy theories out there too that
Suggest that Freemasonry is tied to Supernatural or occult practices claiming that Freemasons engage in esoteric rituals and possess hidden knowledge ancient Mysteries secret teachings H these beliefs make Freemasonry out to be a real secrety secret kind of cult organization now Freemasonry is real nobody’s doubting that nobody’s disproving that the
Chances are actually pretty good that there’s probably a Freemason Lodge very close to where you live the Freemasons boast Brotherhood fraternity philanthropy personal development and they’ve got all these lovely things on their website and I’m more than inclined to agree it really is just a place to
Hang out and rub elbows with other people or is that all just a very convenient cover story to cover over the truth number three the fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint known as flds for short time to focus on the fundamentalist sexs that split off when the core religion opted
To renounce a practice of polygamy technically speaking polygamy is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time and while I’m not judging multiple partners or open relationships when they’re consensual or of age there’s a lot of EG to unpack here it is estimated that
6,000 to 10,000 members reside within the congregate sister sites of hildale Utah Colorado City Arizona El Dorado Texas Westcliff Colorado Manos Colorado creson and bountiful British Columbia and Pringle South Dakota those who wish to continue the practice remained Mormon but on their own terms pamy remains you
Know illegal and in 1953 an entire flds Community was arrested in short Creek Arizona otherwise known as modern day Colorado City and most had their little ones taken from them for safety a compound in Texas was rated in 2008 after child protective services was made aware of allegations of poor living
Situations over 400 younglings were taken from the compound and placed in CPS custody so I remember hearing about the raid while watching the Oprah Winfrey Show with my mom of all things if my brain serves me right it was about 10 months after the raid when all of the
Young LS were returned to the yearning for Zion Ranch and it was such huge news that she was being granted access to this top secret compound leader of the flds Warren Jeffs remains in his position you know despite being in prison for life after acts against miners number two am shrio founded by
Shoko asahara in 1984 Amin Rio is a Japanese new religious movement and doomsday called who first made headlines in the late 80s amid accusations that asahara was forcing members to donate money to the group and holding them against their will pardon me I’ll backtrack for a moment although Al was
You know from the beginning considered controversial in Japan it was not initially associated with serious crimes Al’s public relations activities included publishing comics and animated cartoons that attempted to tie its religious ideas to popular anime and manga themes including space missions powerful weapons World conspiracies and the Quest for ultimate truth like many
Cult leaders asahara believed in an imminent doomsday this time it was caused by a World War started by the United States and of course you know according to him only his followers would survive in 1991 Al began using wiretapping to get NTT uniforms and equipment and created a manual for
Wiretapping in July of 199 3 cult members sprayed large amounts of liquid containing basilis anthracis spores from a cooling tower on the roof of omin Rio’s Tokyo headquarters however their plan to cause an anthro epidemic failed the attack resulted in a large number of complaints about bad ERS but no
Infections thank goodness but by the end of 1993 the cult started secretly manufacturing the nerve agent sarin and later VX Al tested at sarin on sheep at bahor station a remote pestol property in Western Australia killing 29 sheep so both s and VX were then used in several assassinations and attempts between 1994
To ’95 in 1995 the group executed a sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway which caused the deaths of 12 people and injured 50 more the group says that those who carried out attacks did so secretly without being known to other Executives and ordinary Believers after that attack Japanese authorities learned
That the group had also been responsible for the death of lawyer susumi Sakamoto who was working on a class action lawsuit against al Shin Rio at the time of his death oh uh almost forgot the group also killed his wife and descendant yes independent people on July 6th of 2018 after exhausting all
Appeals asahara and six followers on death row were executed as punishment for the 1995 attacks and other crimes so I’m glad that unlike you know some of the other folks I’ve discussed today some justice was actually served in the situation six additional followers were executed on the 26th of the same month
And at 12:10 a.m. on New Year’s Day of 2019 at least nine people were injured when a car was deliberately driven into crowds celebrating the new year on takash Street in Tokyo local police reported the arrest of kazuhiro kusakabe the suspected driver who allegedly admitted to intentionally ramming his
Vehicle into crowds to protest his opposition to the death penalty specifically in retaliation for the execution of the uh befor mentioned um cult members number one Good News International Church The Good News International Ministries GN IM for short or Good News International Church was founded by Paul McKenzie and his first
Wife in 2003 so this group attracted International attention in April of this year but it was revealed that Mackenzie had allegedly instructed members to starve themselves to meet Jesus before the end of the world which has resulted in the deaths of over 400 people and when you consider more than 600 people
Have been reported missing it’s just a yike situation about 65 rescued followers were charged with attempted self- ending of life after they refused to eat during their stay at a rescue center the Doom State cult is adamantly anti-western and with amenities such as Healthcare education and sports being
Dismissed as evils of Western life and with MacKenzie condemning the United States the United Nations and the cathol church as tools of Satan look I’m all for condemning the Catholic church but calling it a tool of Satan feels like an oxymoron the group devotes much of its
Teachings to the end times Argo have been dubbed a doomsday cult the definition of which is a cult that believes in apocalypsis and millennialism including both these you know that predict disasters and those that attempt to destroy the entire universe McKenzie founded the gnim in 2003 and accumulated a sizable following
Largely due to convincing his followers that he could speak directly with God beginning in the late 2010s McKenzie’s Church began to receive A Renewed wave of scrutiny regarding the internal practices of the organization particularly in 2017 when Mackenzie and his wife faced several charges relating to the church he was chastised for
Inciting students to abandon their education after denouncing it as ungodly as well as radicalizing and denying Medical Care to them afterwards several students died as a result and in 2017 93 students were rescued by government authorities from the group after another arrest in 2019 he departed mlindi and
Headed to the shakah hola Forest where the mass starvation occurred earlier this year now Mackenzie did not join his followers in the M starvation in fact a dietary menu was found on the wall in one of these special houses in the forest believed to be his resting room
He’s currently under police custody as the process of Exum the bodies continues police authorities claimed that some bodies were missing organs and believed they were being harvested and sold number five the Brethren do you feel like the modern world has got you down got you running around feeling
Overwhelmed perhaps you need a break from it all and you want to get away I want to go back to a simpler time well then perhaps the Brethren is the movement M you’ve been looking for founded by Jim T Roberts the movement seeks to shed all of the convenience and
Accommodations of modern living with its members instead choosing to live as vagrants drifting on the edge of society away from the prying eye of the modern world their leader believes that in order to be guaranteed a spot in heaven one must purify themselves and to the Brethren this means purifying themselves
Of just about every facet of modern living as part of their renouncement of all modern living brethren must forsake all of their family friends their jobs their livelihoods all in favor of their new brothers you aren’t allowed to partake in any material Goods of any kind sew your own clothing and eat what
You can scavenge this particularly Grizzly habit is what gave the cult thats enduring nickname of garbage eaters for their tendency to dumpster dive you’re not even allowed to laugh celebrate or play as all celebrations must be saved for the return of the Savior at the end of the world although
Giving those conditions I’m not sure what you’d have to laugh about it goes as far to as members being barred from receiving treatment or medicine even for common curable illnesses because members are forced to cut themselves off from their families often times members disappear without their family members
Ever even getting to know what happened as such groups have sprung up to try and reconnect Brethren to their families and hopefully get them a dinner that didn’t come out of a dumpster why not toss to subscribe our way and join our group here our teachings are scary videos
Every day and the only thing you have to give us is to subscribe and if you’re feeling really generous maybe like to let’s keep going number four happy science happy science formerly known as The Institute for research in human happiness is a Japanese New Age religion
That’s sort of a loot bag for as many religious Concepts as you can think of in happy science all gods that have been worshiped throughout history across various religions were actually all the same God named elcare roughly translating to the singer the group’s founder rioo Okawa just happens to be
The Incarnation of all these holy deities manifested as one man he also claims to have the energies of various celebrities inside him including Freddy Mercury and former US presidents the group preaches happiness obviously following the group’s Mantra in order to obtain happiness one must practice the principles of Happiness known as the
Four-fold path love that gives wisdom self-reflection and progress now happy science isn’t just some Fringe group in a tent in the Backwoods rough estimates suggests that the group pulls inwards of $25 million a year sounds like there’s some kind of profit happening here that’s a that’s a little pun for you
Happy science has a full-on media division producing several animated and liveaction films and Publishing books numbering close to the thousands mostly being transcriptions of okawa’s lectures about happiness spirituality and occasionally aliens as a major part of the group’s belief revolve around UFOs aliens and other Cosmic entities the group is fairly widespread boasting
Temples across the world in various continents the group statistics claim that there are 11 million members worldwide although more conservative estimates put it around 30,000 worldwide regardless happy science is something that’s clearly making a lot of people happy coming in at number three we have Children of the Corn children in horror
Movies are already creepy but put them in a cult a cult composed solely of children then you have a recipe for absolutely terrifying scares Children of the Corn based on the book of the same name by St King is a supernatural folk horror sing Linda Hamilton and Peter
Haunton and is set in a fictitious rural town of Gatlin Nebraska the film tells the story of a malevolent entity referred to as He Who Walks Behind The Rose which entices the town’s children to ritually murder all the town’s adults and a couple driving across the country
To ensure a successful Corn Harvest as the couple arrive in the small seemingly abandoned town they discover the congregation of children led by a girl named Rachel with them per performing a cultural birthday ritual for Amos by drinking his blood from a pentagram shaped cut on his body Amos has turned
19 therefore is considered old enough for his passing joining their God in the cornfield now while the movie as a whole was a little disappointing it does deliver on the horrors of Cults not to mention there were seven sequels with the first being far superior the cult
Movie in turn gained a cult following with it being hit among movie lovers coming in at number two we have hereditary one of two arasta movies on our list hereditary was a surprise horror movie with the reveal of its cult being kept a secret for much of the movie making it incredibly unexpected
When it begins to unfold released in 2018 hereditary is Arias’s directoral debut with it starring Tony Clair and Alex Wolf as a family haunted by mysterious presence after the death of their secretive grandmother however what begins as a sober family drama very quickly descends into a crazy supernatural horror what begins as a
Slow burn quickly catapult pulse into a disturbing horror after an incident involving the family’s son and daughter leaving viewers covering their mouths as a result the incident the mother Annie is forced to turn to a support group member Jones for support learning ways she can contact the realm of the
Supernatural however this has devastating consequences with her Awakening something that should never have been awoken viewers very quickly learn that a demon worshiping cult are the true causes of the family’s misery and pain where still arasta plants Easter eggs throughout the movie is a way of warning us of things to come
However saying that most of us may have missed these subliminal messages but what I can say is the war crawling demon was revealed long before the last 30 minutes of the movie with the cult being there all along watching the family and waiting for their moment the cult in
Hereditary are worshippers of payman one of Lucifer’s most obedient devotees who rules 200 Legions of angels and is connected to the tree of death hence why the treehouse in hereditary is so important the summoning and payment is gradual throughout the movie but when he finally arrives and seeks soless in the
Body of one of the characters well it’s enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine and finally coming in number one we have Midsummer there are a few things more terrifying than a cult in horror movies a group of people devoted to a dark high power who will do absolutely
Anything to appease the deity no movie displays this as effectively as aras’s Midsummer released in 2019 Midsummer is a folk horror film starring my Queen Florence pew and follows a group of friends who travel to Sweden for a festival that occurs once every 90 years only to find themselves in the clutches
Of a pagan cult now unlike Arias’s hereditary mitsuma lays out its intentions from the very start of the movie the movie kicks off with Danny discovering the death of both her sister and parents with the incident putting a strain on Danny’s relationship with her already distant boyfriend Christian not
Long after she learns that Christian has planned a trip to Sweden with his friends to attend a midsummer celebration at an ancestral commune so the group packs up and heads out things very quickly descend into madness with the group arriving and being met by a large group of white cult members in a
Very peculiar white outfit with Dany realizing that something isn’t quite right here however her concerns are proven correct when two commune Elders die by senicide via leaping from a clifftop when the male Elder survives the fall the cult mimics his whales of Agony and crushes his skull with a
Mallet yeah things aren’t fun in Sweden right now now without ruing much more for those who haven’t watched it yet the cult does what is necessary to summon the dark higher power that they worship with the American Tourist being used as a sacrifice for the demon now more
Interesting still while this movie isn’t entirely based on a real cult director ariasa does describe it as a stew of sorts I quote we’re drawing from actual Swedish Traditions we’re drawing from Swedish folklore we’re drawing from Norse mythology all in all Midsummer successfully draws on the disturbing conventions of cultist horror to
Generate a sense of dread and at knees making it my favorite folk horror movie and cult horror movie of all time kicking off at number five we have the Oracle of dely at the very center of the ancient Greek world is a strange hidden Chasm that has been thought as fuel for
The Nether world for thousands of years on the slopes of mount panassus underneath the Colossal Temple of Apollo the seeds of the delic mystery cult came into fruition in essence the Oracle of dely was a fortune teller The High Priestess of the temple known as the pythia which in ancient Greek transl as
The verb to rot in reference to the slain monstrous python at the center of their belief the pythia would sit above a huge CM deep in the bowels of the temple and breathe in a concoction from the depths below thought to give her hallucinogenic properties that would induce prophecy so accurate were her
Predictions though that the Pia was thought to be the most influential woman in the classical World whoever held the title would go on to influence the decisions of Alexander the Great cisus and King Leonidas just to name a few coming in at number four we have mithraism also known as the mithraic
Mysteries this ancient Roman cult was centered on the god mithis an ancient Persian God which is also tied to the Sanskrit Mitra a god of the sun now if we’re talking the stereotypical aspects of a cult then this is where it all started strange complex sets of initiations secret handshakes and
Bizarre ordained meetings in hidden underground temples you know the stuff a lot of them are still around today actually one of the best preserved being in London England of all places just a few steps away from the bank of England is London’s mithraeum where ancient Roman soldiers would meet in secrecy and
Whisper the name of their God but what’s so scary about that you know sounds harmless enough well these guys were totally obsessed with mithus slaying the bull and ritualistically reenacted it whenever they got the chance with live animals and the consumption of Flesh gradually this got a little bit out of
Hand and people became part of the menu yep cannibalism also a little bit scary but many people believe that the mithraic cult is still around today just lurking somewhere in the shadows probably London coming in at number three congregation for the light now the majority of this list are organizations
That are happily out in the open that try and amass as many members as they can get under their leadership well these guys like to do things a little bit differently strangely enough though they like to be out in the open avoiding the Backwater compound synonymous with many other Cults and instead having
Their headquarters deep in the heart of Manhattan they’re controlled by one all powerful leader Tom bear a 73 year-old Ohio native who denies that the light is a cult he preaches bizarre racial theories regarding Aryans and Atlantis preps his people for a doomsday event speaks about complex mythology involving
Owls and squirrels and has an all powerful grip on the relationships and love lives of its members the congregation of the light is an incredibly small cult having only roughly 200 members but the scary thing is how secluded the group are with the majority of them being born into the
Light bringing us in at number two happy science happy science well its name definitely doesn’t reflect the tone of its actual nature in fact as far as terrifying modern Cults Go Happy science is probably near the top of the list an absolute mish mash mashup of world
Religions from New Age Hocus Pocus to farri nationalism the leader of happy science a man named ryuo aawa claimed that he’s a supreme being called elant a combination of Jesus Christ the Buddha and the prophet Muhammad formed in 1986 by the former salary man aawa initially called the group The godl Association
His Pursuit is to create a nine-dimensional heaven whatever that may be with himself at the head of the whole Cult of Personality Shenanigans here’s the kicker though the group claims to have over 12 million members worldwide and have also founded their own polit itical Wing called the happiness realization party and here’s
The crazy part this group Advocates violent Japanese nationalism denying historical atrocities and advocating for war between China and North Korea let’s hope they stay just a cult right and finally at our number one spot Nexium if you’re wanting to find a modern cult that is incredibly recent then look no
Further the Nexium according to their website Nexium is a company whose mission is to raise human awareness Foster an ethical humanitarian civilization and celebrate what it means to be human well apparently that translates to being at best an abusive pyramid scheme and at its disgustingly worse a human trafficking operation and
Sex cult subsidized by expensive brainwashing Nexium and its owners have been indicted on several federal charges including sex trafficking and have been accused of being a recruiting platform for a cult operating within it variously known as dos or The Vow where women members in particular were forced into
Sexual slavery and physical abuse it’s a disgusting monm of the abuse of power demonstrated at the expense of vulnerable individuals the cult was found in 1998 by Keith Ranier who through several decades of deception managed to coerce over 177,000 under the organization’s influence this has included a huge amount of celebrities actors actresses
Models and other public figures the lid was fully blown open in March 2018 when Ranier was arrested and federally indicted shortly followed by other important figures in the cult well they go to trial in October 2018