Hi everybody Welcome to the channel um I amĀ Calypso Vibes this is Crea messages messengerĀ Ā messages same thing so um this year I have foundĀ myself to be shadowbanned for speaking the truthĀ Ā for speaking up about things that uh I guess IĀ might be predicting or speaking too much truthĀ Ā
But that that’s the point of this channel rightĀ I’m I am in faith with God I walk with SourceĀ Ā you know I I’m um I believe in God I believeĀ in the Divine Source I believe in the DivineĀ Ā
Mother I believe in the Divine father and I amĀ grateful for my gifts I am grateful for my lifeĀ Ā I am grateful for the Divine protection thatĀ covers me and my home and my family so in myĀ Ā
Eyes no weapon forged against me shall prosperĀ in 20 2024 and so forth all right um I’m notĀ Ā saying anything that people who have spiritualĀ gifts can’t see for themselves you know what I’mĀ Ā saying and I’m not saying anything you can’t seeĀ on Tik Tok YouTube all this stuff is out there ifĀ Ā
You dig and look you ain’t even got to dig deep toĀ find some of the stuff I say on my channel but I’mĀ Ā glad my channel is clearly resonating and to knowĀ that my gifts resonate at a high degree and itĀ Ā
Makes me so grateful to know that my videos and myĀ content is um I guess ruffling some feathers andĀ Ā maybe exposing things I don’t know I like again IĀ don’t even know what I’m exposing but clearly I’mĀ Ā
Exposing something that makes people upset andĀ it ain’t my problem I’m just reading what I seeĀ Ā I’m reading what I pull and I’m reading what theĀ Divine Source guides me to pull in see you knowĀ Ā
What I mean so with that being said I have foundĀ myself um I changed my channel names based on theĀ Ā frequency I am being guided to pay attention toĀ right so my other channel which is starc MessengerĀ Ā
That channel name is locked in I’m not changingĀ that this one changes like a gypsy because oneĀ Ā I find myself getting not getting the reach IĀ feel like I should get but spirit is telling meĀ Ā
Like no it’s intentional slow and steady cuz thenĀ when you explode out there you need to be readyĀ Ā for that right and I always say no I don’t wantĀ big explosion I like being behind the scenes andĀ Ā
Spirit is like well then why you getting mad thatĀ I haven’t pushed you out um like that why you madĀ Ā at your Shadow band why you mad they censoring youĀ and I’m like you know what you right Spirit you
Right I always say like that Fame [Ā __Ā ] isĀ overrated who the [Ā __Ā ] wants that right whoĀ Ā wants that and I guess it’s just that I want toĀ be able to take care of my family and pay my billsĀ Ā
And I think I just want to grow on YouTube in aĀ way where I grow a very organic Community you knowĀ Ā what I mean and um where I’m able to help peopleĀ whether that’s through my spiritual gifts hereĀ Ā
On the channel or in my store that I have where IĀ make a lot of handmade Goods handcrafted goods andĀ Ā where you know sell sessions healing sessions andĀ the my healing sessions will grow exponentially inĀ Ā 2024 as I’m being pushed and guided to know whatĀ direction of healing I’m supposed to be learningĀ Ā
And working on so with that being said happy 2024Ā everyone as we know the real New Year is not untilĀ Ā in the spring but for those who celebrate it nowĀ happy New Year Merry Christmas Mary Quanza happyĀ Ā
Hanukkah whatever it is you celebrate right I hopeĀ you had an amazing holiday and I hope you’re readyĀ Ā to start 2024 off right and I hope you are readyĀ to do it in a very abundant prosperous motivatedĀ Ā
Way okay and I hope you are taking your goals inĀ 2024 very very serious and I hope you are walkingĀ Ā in faith and devotion in the Divine Source inĀ God whatever God looks like to you visually andĀ Ā the Divine mother and the Divine father I hopeĀ you’re trusting your Spirit guides your angelsĀ Ā
And your guardian angels and your uh ancestorsĀ and these ascended masters and keepers of lightĀ Ā who are here to help usher in the era of theĀ light we’ve been in the dark era for a veryĀ Ā
Long time we’ve been in the chaos area for era forĀ a very long time the age of light I almost feelĀ Ā emotional saying that it’s crazy it’s like I gotĀ Feel The Purge of the Earth the era of the darkĀ Ā
Era is coming coming to an end and and it justĀ it’s the way it is and I almost feel emotionalĀ Ā saying that like oh my God like my spirit and myĀ ancestors have been waiting for this [Ā __Ā ] forĀ Ā
So long it’s crazy like I want to cry for themĀ it’s so bizarre like I feel waves of emotions like it’s so bizarre I swear as I said that IĀ almost felt like I wanted to cry I had to catchĀ Ā
Myself that’s crazy like it came out of nowhereĀ as I said that I think we have many ancestorsĀ Ā who have waited a very long time for us to wakeĀ up for us to walk in our faith for us to do ourĀ Ā
Healing for our Bloodlines to do the healing onĀ ourselves to speak truth Delight to not be afraidĀ Ā to be Fearless to trust God to trust source toĀ trust our gifts our spiritual gifts trust whatĀ Ā we’re see seeing trust what we’re feeling trustĀ our hearts trust what we’re hearing trust youĀ Ā
Know trust what we’re feeling you know what I’mĀ saying all your all your gifts right what we’reĀ Ā tasting all of it so with that being said I loveĀ you guys and if you haven’t been told today IĀ Ā
Love you and I appreciate you and I thank you soĀ much for all the likes the shares the subscribesĀ Ā everyone who’s turned on the notification BellĀ who’s left a comment down below who watches myĀ Ā videos all the way through because that’s what’sĀ needed to continue to push me out on YouTube soĀ Ā
We can gain more subscribers so that we canĀ find more of our Earth Angel Collective orĀ Ā Star seeds impath Crystal Childs Indigo ChildsĀ dolphin babies whatever you resonate Earth seedsĀ Ā chosen ones whatever you resonate as as a labelĀ how about just Soul family Earth you know what IĀ Ā
Mean Earth star Soul family all right so we canĀ find more of our our Collective who is ready toĀ Ā heal who are healing who are doing the workĀ who are doing the shadow work um I hope I’mĀ Ā
Creating a safe space for you and I thank you soĀ much so please make sure if this video has foundĀ Ā you has found you intentionally that you watchĀ this video all the way through please give itĀ Ā
A big old like because it is free it is freeĀ support it’s a trade of energy you watch youĀ Ā get nourished your Spirit feels better you findĀ a likeminded tribe so please give it a thumbs upĀ Ā and make sure you subscribe subscribe subscribeĀ and please turn on that little notification BellĀ Ā
So you can be here when my videos go live inĀ Premiere and so you can leave comments to helpĀ Ā push me out you can leave a heart you can tellĀ me where you’re from you can tell me how thisĀ Ā
Reading resonated how you found me Etc rightĀ with that being said um I am going to shake upĀ Ā the Shaker so we can shake out and stagnantĀ energy in my space and in your space while watching Shake something
[Music] you all right so my little spiritualĀ Shaker so y’all can see Sun and the Moon you knowĀ Ā love it connect to the ancestors and the SpiritĀ guides and the ascended masters and our guardianĀ Ā angels and the keepers of light and our soulĀ family I want to say these video readings are allĀ Ā
Alleged for entertainment purposes as I have toĀ say that for a safety of warning because I am notĀ Ā a therapist I am not a shrink I am not a doctorĀ doctor so if you are suffering with mental healthĀ Ā
Issues I advise you please talk to a therapist umĀ these videos are all to just bring awareness umĀ Ā feed your spirit feed your soul guide you you knowĀ however you feel Guided by them again take whatĀ Ā resonates leave what doesn’t if this video doesn’tĀ resonate with you then I have plenty of otherĀ Ā
Videos you can check out I promise you found myĀ channel for a reason find the video that resonatesĀ Ā there may even just be parts that resonate notĀ everything is meant to resonate because theseĀ Ā are collective readings that the Earth CollectiveĀ is supposed to hear but I know that anyone thatĀ Ā
Finds this channel is absolutely on my vibrationĀ on my frequency I am a high vibrational high highĀ Ā frequency person so I’ve asked Spirit to sendĀ me to those who are ready to see me and thoseĀ Ā
Who are on the parts of the journey where I canĀ help them all right so make sure you are subĀ Ā subscribing and with that being said um yeah takeĀ what resonates leave the rest don’t get offendedĀ Ā
Don’t take anything personal um I will never scamĀ you I will never message you so please don’t getĀ Ā scammed by anyone I will never message you YouTubeĀ is my only channel so if you’re getting messagesĀ Ā from anywhere else you’re being scammed andĀ robbed um also uh yeah that’s pretty much itĀ Ā
Let’s jump into it all right I’ve done the ShakerĀ I’ve already pulled the sacred site as y’all knowĀ Ā I do everything different here that you can’t findĀ anywhere else on anyone’s Channel because this isĀ Ā
My way of doing things but at the base Spirit theĀ base energy we have it is Capricorn season happyĀ Ā birthday to fellow Capricorns I am a CapricornĀ son myself so happy birthday we have ambitiousĀ Ā serious shrew practical resourceful to hardworkingĀ time cautious enduring patient be disciplined planĀ Ā
But be wise right um it it’s a Earth element soĀ we got a lot of Earth Energy in the air stabilityĀ Ā the physical world right the 3D world like youĀ know uh uh the material world right um what weĀ Ā can see and touch right stability the physicalĀ world nature practicality solid foundationsĀ Ā
Be patient being root this is all about beingĀ ground and connecting the mother nature peopleĀ Ā don’t understand the winter time is very much toĀ hibernate to rest to ground there’s a reason whyĀ Ā the animals Retreat during these Seasons right andĀ they rest and you sleep more that’s intentionalĀ Ā
But it also means when the sun is out you need toĀ be intentional about getting up going outside withĀ Ā your feet in the ground getting Sun for at leastĀ 15 minutes every day and letting the sun kiss youĀ Ā
So you can get downloads from source so that theĀ sun can kiss your skin all of these good thingsĀ Ā you can get vitamin D all the nutrients you needĀ everything there’s so many things we aren’t toldĀ Ā
About what that sun does to us but the first thingĀ it does is open up your third eye it decalcifiesĀ Ā your penal gland so you tap into your spiritualĀ gifts and you get down loads on your crown chakraĀ Ā
Right so being rooted and grounded and you connectĀ with Mother Earth Mother Gaia mother Kai okay thenĀ Ā we have Saturn so it’s very saturnal energy in theĀ air right and we o are in the Mercury retrogradeĀ Ā I think there’s a few other retrogrades happeningĀ as well we have discipline right slow and steadyĀ Ā
Delays so things are going to be delayed a lot ofĀ things this slow and steady wins the race so it’sĀ Ā about patience test spiritual test happen duringĀ this season you have to be practical you need toĀ Ā save you need to be resourceful you need to beĀ mature because it’s about maturity self-controlĀ Ā
It’s about self-control not splurging not spendingĀ crazy um not being destructive um using yourĀ Ā resources wisely limits so being Limited in yourĀ resources and you know going out doing what youĀ Ā you know usually want to do it’s endurance soĀ again long and steady slow and steady keepingĀ Ā
Pace right um it’s about structure looking at theĀ structures you have in place how can you betterĀ Ā build a system around yourself that is um howĀ can you get structure in your life how can youĀ Ā get disciplined right creating new systems duringĀ this season and following them whether that’s wakeĀ Ā
Up yoga meditate go outside ground go running walkĀ the dog eat fruit right brush teeth right I showerĀ Ā in the evenings um sat a guru and a a few otherĀ beautiful Spirits um I don’t know I can’t sayĀ Ā
Beautiful Spirits because I don’t know um there’sĀ a lot of people that are on these websites and IĀ Ā keep hearing um some people don’t have the agendaĀ that their face says it does or their mouth saysĀ Ā
It does so I just want to say like he has goodĀ wisdom of certain things and I think all of themĀ Ā have certain good wisdom but I don’t I don’tĀ worship or follow anyone’s teachings but thereĀ Ā
Was one thing he did say is showering at night wasĀ better and I totally agree I don’t shower when IĀ Ā first get up because I think when you shower atĀ night you wash the muck of the day away so I’mĀ Ā
A nighttime shower and um I just wash my faceĀ brush my teeth deodorant you know what I meanĀ Ā that stuff in the morning and um yeah you know andĀ I shower at night because it helps soothe me toĀ Ā
Sleep and you do it in lukewarm water best thingĀ you do lukewarm I kick it up hot when um when IĀ Ā first get in and then I go luk lukewarm beforeĀ I get out right so um yeah it’s better I sleepĀ Ā
Better sleep solid um helps you rest helps youĀ decompress the day away like I said it’s reallyĀ Ā about more of a spiritual washing the day awayĀ and that’s really important right and we don’tĀ Ā think of it from a spiritual standpoint but evenĀ showering and taking baths was always meant toĀ Ā
Be a spiritual ritual and it’s a luxury many youĀ know what I mean um people there’s people who areĀ Ā not able to shower every day or every other dayĀ whatever you shower right so make sure you makeĀ Ā
It a ritual of gratitude when you’re in the showerĀ pray everything you are grateful for when you areĀ Ā in the shower give God thanks give thanks to lifeĀ give thanks to everything while you are showeringĀ Ā
All right or taking a bath and I implore y’allĀ to start taking weekly baths if you’re like ohĀ Ā I don’t have a bath I implore you my love atĀ your next house build a bath buy a house withĀ Ā
A bathtub I need the public in the collectiveĀ to start asking for bathtubs again we’re likeĀ Ā oh but it’s not convenient listen the life we haveĀ come to condition ourselves about this convenienceĀ Ā has become toxic and detrimental to our health andĀ our spiritual health it is why we don’t take careĀ Ā
Of ourselves it is why we are always on a go goĀ go go go go some real Go Ninja Go Ninja rap likeĀ Ā bro we got to chill out we got to decompress weĀ got to you know we aren’t our parents we aren’tĀ Ā
Our grandparents you know what I mean and I don’tĀ mean that in a disrespectful way I’m just sayingĀ Ā they worked 10 times harder than we did right andĀ they didn’t have half the luxuries we have rightĀ Ā
And they don’t understand why we are in suchĀ a rap race and don’t know how to and then yetĀ Ā don’t want to spoil ourselves like it’s crazy howĀ many people like oh I don’t want to wash my hairĀ Ā
That takes too long what I don’t want to takeĀ a bath that takes too long in the cleaning procĀ Ā like what happened when did we get so disconnectedĀ with taking care of ourselves that cleaning afterĀ Ā
Ourselves is like oh my God I can’t stand it youĀ know what I mean in the sense of like take theĀ Ā bath if you got kids make them kids clean afterĀ your bath be like this is Mommy bath time go inĀ Ā
There you know tell them go sprinkle your littleĀ flowers in there show them how important ritualĀ Ā is do you understand what I’m saying make them aĀ part of your ritual all right it’s just like theĀ Ā
Mother I cook y’all clean you know what I’m sayingĀ it’s it’s this it’s this give and take right youĀ Ā understand what I’m saying I don’t know how toĀ describe it I do dishes too don’t get me wrongĀ Ā
Right but but I do make them do major my childrenĀ do majority of the dishes as they’ve been treatedĀ Ā and given this love dish that I made you knowĀ what I mean so we need to just stop cheatingĀ Ā
Ourselves and not feeling like we aren’t worthyĀ we aren’t deserving of [Ā __Ā ] a bath y’all damnĀ Ā and cleaning up after ourselves or doing ourĀ hair washing our own hair braiding our own hairĀ Ā whatever the long rituals are those long ritualsĀ exist for a reason to stay connected to ourselvesĀ Ā
We are so disconnected from ourselves it’s whyĀ there’s so much disharmony in the world and thereĀ Ā so much codependency and attaching to other peopleĀ what sorry when everything we need is right thereĀ Ā within ourselves if we want to tap into it and areĀ willing to tap into what’s right there it’s rightĀ Ā
There for us literally if we willing to do theĀ work all we got to do is do the work on ourselvesĀ Ā and know that we are worthy you are worthy ofĀ that bath you are worthy of the pampering youĀ Ā
Are worthy of the spa day you are worthy of thatĀ massage you are worthy of a day off all rightĀ Ā love you love on you something need to compeledĀ to say that all right so the is [Music] Anu ohĀ Ā
Lord anurada pora anur anura Dara yeah I’m GNAĀ stop trying to think I’m bougie anorada anorada pora there you go all rightĀ let’s see what Anor pora gets us give me one second y’all I’m looking inĀ the book not really familiar with this oneĀ Ā
This might be the first I’m in a while that I’veĀ gotten this one why am I not seeing anorada poro all right y’all this thing startingĀ to get on my nerves I’m not findingĀ Ā it there it is it’s in Sri Lanka there weĀ go I’m sorry y’all that took a minute I
Apologize yeah 152 all righty so the energyĀ focus is Transcendence with the elephantsĀ Ā it is in Sri Lanka North Central Province SriĀ Lanka where a b [Ā __Ā ] that come for Sri LankaĀ Ā makes me think I’m sorry call sorry I thoughtĀ of Nicki Minaj all right my bad good help usĀ Ā
Sing it now first it’s in I’m a monster sorryĀ but yeah there’s shanka and the energy focusĀ Ā is Transcendence LGH held desires and frustrationsĀ are distorting your view of the present negativelyĀ Ā affecting your self-esteem o onor poro willĀ help you to change all this and awaken youĀ Ā
To a different story imagine stepping upon theĀ Moonstone shown at the bottom of this card mhmĀ Ā right these ancient carved slabs were placedĀ at the entrance entrance to Buddhist templesĀ Ā uh-huh see the swans revered for their abilityĀ to separate the good from the bad you too needĀ Ā
To distinguish what has been beneficial inĀ your past from what was destructive a band ofĀ Ā four sacred animals a elephant a horse a lionĀ and a bull symbolizes the inevitabilities ofĀ Ā birth old age disease and death while a ringĀ of flames acknowledges the Pains of passionĀ Ā
And The NeverEnding spiritual life in theĀ past have you been LED in unhappiness byĀ Ā your desire for Earthly gains you are called toĀ begin to transcend these Cravings by focusingĀ Ā on the spiritual life start with a small dailyĀ Act of service such as chatting to an elderly
Neighbor there you go TranscendenceĀ it’s about changing our habits ourĀ Ā Outlook stop being driven byĀ the money and the power and the fame acts of kindness acts of service humilityĀ are you troubled by uncontrollable thoughts orĀ Ā emotions do you often react without considerationĀ your thoughts have great power as they becomeĀ Ā
Words and deeds mastering them is vital if you areĀ to change your life for the better and transcendĀ Ā your previous difficulties anorada pora isĀ the home of the beautiful stupa stupa runanĀ Ā Ron ranwell seya the largest of its kind in theĀ world which was was built c140 BCE and is said toĀ Ā
House relics of the Buddha oh it’s Buddha BuddhaĀ what up Buddha it is shown here surrounded on allĀ Ā sides as is base by elephants which symbolizeĀ mental strength you need to tame your mind andĀ Ā direct its power positively saying control yourĀ thoughts what y’all watching what you eating whatĀ Ā
You thinking all will create create the future youĀ want this new world a daily practice of meditationĀ Ā can help you with this the power symbol on thisĀ card is a sword wielding Lion King of the Beast anĀ Ā emblem of royalty associated with courage in SriĀ Lanka the lion also represents the native SinhaĀ Ā
What is it salies whose name means lion people theĀ elephant and lion symbols on this card show youĀ Ā that you you have the wisdom courage and strengthĀ to take ownership over your thoughts and actionsĀ Ā now in a manner befitting your highest good rightĀ flanked up by two elephants the Buddha greets youĀ Ā
Know that you have the potential to become aĀ booty yourself to awaken and see things as theyĀ Ā really are the life of the prince who gave up hisĀ Earthly power to pursue his spiritual Quest andĀ Ā who became the Buddhist shows that EnlightenmentĀ can be achieved in this world you can be free fromĀ Ā
Faults and mental obstructions by owning up toĀ your actions and learning from them EnlightenmentĀ Ā is not about reaching a destination but aboutĀ taking responsibility for your life now and inĀ Ā so doing discovering a way a better way to liveĀ dang so it says a prayer to sh what is it Shaka
Yamuni right so there’s there’s that I don’tĀ I don’t like invoking goddesses or Gods I’mĀ Ā unfamiliar with I try to be more responsibleĀ with that now you know what I mean I’m notĀ Ā saying that any of these gods and goddessesĀ aren’t beautiful and light beings but I likeĀ Ā
To do my homework first before I have y’allĀ invoking gods or deities I’ve never heard ofĀ Ā you know that’s just being spiritually smartĀ but we thank you Buddha I know you BuddhaĀ Ā so we got Lord Buddha on the map all rightĀ coming through we thank you Lord Buddha allĀ Ā
Right uh let’s get into it let’s get y’all someĀ locations actually I’m going to do the oppositeĀ Ā today I’m actually going to go straightĀ into our keepers of light and our ascended masters there’s the ascended masters where here’s the keepers of
Light sorry y’all I’m over here burpingĀ which is natural where is the keepers of light bro my thing is getting on my nerves really y’all I have so many decks overĀ here if you can see you know you know and it canĀ Ā
Be frustrating sometimes let’s go with theseĀ and we’re going use these cuz I haven’t usedĀ Ā these on the channel yet I guess those I don’tĀ know where my keep there’s the keepers Al lightĀ Ā right and the keepers Al light all rightĀ y’all I got my decks for us to use quite aĀ Ā
Bit all right long reading maybe not I’ll pullĀ I’ll keep them short I hope you been well hopeĀ Ā you being safe thank you so much for watchingĀ thank you for all the likees shares subscribesĀ Ā
If you are new to the channel welcome welcome IĀ appreciate you and I see your support I read theĀ Ā comments I’m actually one of those channelsĀ that replies back to your comments so if youĀ Ā drop a comment your girl’s going to respondĀ back now if I had like 50,000 comments orĀ Ā
10,000 comments something like that I can’tĀ respond like that everybody but just know IĀ Ā love y’all and I appreciate y’all so much andĀ I appreciate everybody who shared my videos out all right ancestors is sitting on the bot bottom andĀ Archangel regel reg regel he is letting us knowĀ Ā
Justice Harmony and solutions so some of y’allĀ are getting some Divine Justice things comingĀ Ā back into balance for you the number 36 could beĀ of significance could be 36 years old 28 birthdayĀ Ā could be on the 28th or you could be 28 years oldĀ ancestors historical connections and purposes soĀ Ā
You got Justice Harmony and solutions I thinkĀ your an ancestors are bringing you justice outĀ Ā the gate just got to say historical connectionsĀ and purposes some of y’all ancestors is bringingĀ Ā y’all Justice bringing y’all um Cosmic JusticeĀ and some things and some harmonies into yourĀ Ā
Life what else do you want the collective toĀ know spirit for good of all and Har I pray toĀ Ā the Divine mother I pray to Divine father what itĀ that you want the collective to know please guideĀ Ā
My hand with love like and protection I pray toĀ God I pray to Divine Source please cover Me withĀ Ā Your Divine Light and protection what is it thatĀ you want to Collective to know I thank you God IĀ Ā
Thank you divine Source I thank you divineĀ mother I thank you divine father for yourĀ Ā guidance your loving your protection I pray thatĀ anyone watching me may they be covered with loveĀ Ā laid and protection we’re humble we’re gratefulĀ we’re thankful God thank you amen so it is so beĀ Ā
It I pray that if there’s any negative or evilĀ being sent to this video may it be sent backĀ Ā tfold I pray that anyone watching this may theyĀ be divinely protected and I pray may I continueĀ Ā to be divinely protected and guided may my homeĀ continue to be divinely and protected and mayĀ Ā
My family and loved ones continue to be divinelyĀ guided and protected and so it is we have wisdomĀ Ā of the Magi five mental Clarity five could be aĀ significant could be a life path five birthdayĀ Ā
Could be on the 5th could have a 5-year-old fiveĀ could just be of significance but we have wisdomĀ Ā of the Magi so some of y’all are a magician someĀ of y’all might be witches don’t take that like ohĀ Ā
Witch please don’t start some of y’all mightĀ be spellcasters you know what I mean ShamanĀ Ā but mental Clarity some of y’all might do scryingĀ some of y’all may have psychic ability of divineĀ Ā sight you can see things maybe even see into theĀ future but you have mental Clarity 37 could be ofĀ Ā
Significance could be 37 years old creation SoulĀ expression something new something new is on the horizon animal totems animal energy and powerĀ some of y’all have this is why I say ShamanĀ Ā look at that confirmation birthday couldĀ be on the 27th could be 27 years old mhmĀ Ā
Some of y’all got deep connection to animalsĀ you have animal likee energy and Powers veryĀ Ā powerful coming through like an animalĀ Whisperer we got Journey guy number 22Ā Ā Master number birthday could be on the 22ndĀ could be 22 years old but we have a masterĀ Ā
Number showing itself um could be a life pathĀ 22 travel changing location some of y’all areĀ Ā about to be traveling some of y’all are about toĀ be changing some of y’all are getting a new um aĀ Ā new spirit guide and they’re a journey guideĀ they’re like a world traveler I think yeahĀ Ā
Or you’re going to be a journey guide somethingĀ like that you’re going to be inspiring people to travel nine the heart The Healing Heart sorryĀ nine could be of significance birth they couldĀ Ā be on the ninth could be a life path nine loveĀ acceptance and romance some of y’all are gettingĀ Ā
New love some of y’all’s current relationshipsĀ are blooming it’s also about loving yourselfĀ Ā accepting others up from the depths releasingĀ difficulty some of y’all are rising up out ofĀ Ā the depths of difficulty you look you leavingĀ all that smog all that confusion all that unseenĀ Ā
Unknown the Hidden World you know what I meanĀ anybody keeping secrets from you it’s goingĀ Ā to come out have the number six here couldĀ be a life path six birthday could be on theĀ Ā six but up from the depths Rising Up From theĀ Ashes reborn rebirth some of y’all been goingĀ Ā
Through spirit spiritual rebirths sensitivity andĀ strength number three could be a life path threeĀ Ā birth they be on the third hopefully I could justĀ say the numbers and y’all get it sensitivity andĀ Ā strength tapping the forces within so you’re youĀ see the angel feather some of y’all are workingĀ Ā
With your angel guides some of y’all are EarthĀ Angels but you’re tapping forces within someĀ Ā of y’all might had a past life where you wereĀ like a blacksmith or some of y’all might workĀ Ā with your hands like your Crafters or craftingĀ something but you’re tapping into your spiritualĀ Ā
Gifts and your and your powers within 40 ascendedĀ masters devoted Spirits with specific intentionsĀ Ā you could be 40 years old devoted Spirits withĀ specific intentional some of y’all are workingĀ Ā with ascended masters and ascended masters areĀ working with you guided with you they’re devotedĀ Ā
Spirits with specific intentions that help youĀ in different parts of your life you can find findĀ Ā out what ascended masters are working with you weĀ have Archangel hanel Joy blessing intuition so weĀ Ā got two angels on the M we got Archangel regelĀ and we got Archangel hanel number 15 could beĀ Ā
Of significance for somebody Joy blessings andĀ intuition so it’s saying um use your intuitionĀ Ā in this picture I also see a chick being bornĀ so somebody might be giving birth to somethingĀ Ā um new projects new job that’s why they travelĀ some of y might be traveling changing houses cuzĀ Ā
And cuz you might be changing for a job travelingĀ um new love might be long distance some of y’allĀ Ā might be traveling for your partner because yourĀ partner might be long distance overseas somewhereĀ Ā um it’s saying use your intuitions but you gotĀ joy and blessings coming to your way lot of goodĀ Ā
News here y’all some of y’all are finding loveĀ some of y’all are getting Clarity in your purposeĀ Ā your spiritual gifts what you want to do you’reĀ coming out of the difficulty you’re plantingĀ Ā seeds hence why we got creation right somethingĀ new giving birth to something new watering thoseĀ Ā
Those ideas you got animals guiding you a lotĀ of y’all got spiritual animals trying to guide you yeah definitely we got y’all some of y’all gotĀ the Stag the fox the leopard the owl and the HulkĀ Ā so we got 29 connections partnership contractĀ commitment so yeah you got partnership contractĀ Ā
And commitment coming through number 29 couldĀ be of significance to you that’s that’s aboutĀ Ā Connections that you’re making PartnershipsĀ that you’re making contracts I told y’all someĀ Ā of y’all getting new jobs y’all are going toĀ be signing contracts making commitments someĀ Ā
Of y’all are going to get new PartnershipsĀ some of y’all are getting married mhm thisĀ Ā is all that y’all going to be moving abroad butĀ 29 making new friendship some of y’all going toĀ Ā be meeting new Soul tribes new frames that’sĀ going to have you traveling internationallyĀ Ā
Awesome I love this I love this I love thisĀ for you I love this for me I love this forĀ Ā us cuz this is the collective and I am theĀ collective too I don’t think I’m above y’allĀ Ā
By any means this is a this is a the soul tribeĀ all right Spirit what else do you want us to know all right tell me down below some of theĀ places y’all have wanted to travel to some placesĀ Ā
You’ve wanted to move to we have Spirit guidesĀ yep your Spirit guides is coming through um numberĀ Ā 30 could be of significance could be 30 yearsĀ old looking for signs philosophical discussionĀ Ā superv Vision so this is about your vision yourĀ Peno I’m telling you your third eye opening upĀ Ā
Being able to see things we have the yin andĀ yang here also it’s about balancing yourselfĀ Ā some of y’all are coming in balance with yourselfĀ but yeah you got your Spirit guides sending signsĀ Ā they saying looking for the signs pay attentionĀ to the signs and synchronicities they’re sendingĀ Ā
But your Spirit guides are with you then weĀ have the top light activation evolution ofĀ Ā spirit actioning of plans uh-huh TranscendenceĀ confirmation on that Transcendence with BuddhaĀ Ā look this is Buddha coming through again butĀ yeah it’s telling y’all to meditate open upĀ Ā
Your chakras get some chakra cleansing done someĀ chakra healing done on your body mhm listen toĀ Ā S listen to chakra cleansing bows every dayĀ to cleanse your chakras keep them balanced doĀ Ā some outdoor grounding as well you can evenĀ get a grounding mat if you can’t go outsideĀ Ā
Because it’s winter time invest be like ohĀ they expensive I don’t want to hear that IĀ Ā don’t want to hear that I will give y’all aĀ website once my stuff come in and once I seeĀ Ā
How it works I just spent um like $2 $300 onĀ a grounding mat and stuff like that so whileĀ Ā I’m doing these readings I can keep my feet onĀ the ground so definitely pay attention to thatĀ Ā y’all but we got evolution of spirit actioningĀ of plans Transcendence get yourself a grounding
Mat connect with Source what is itĀ that you want to collect the know Spirit we got Temple Secrets mhm that’s thatĀ what’s that what I say What’s Done in the DarkĀ Ā coming into the light didn’t I that’s too manyĀ Spirit we got by the way we got 19 on that soĀ Ā
We got 30 and 19 then we got language of lightĀ Temple secret Soul family some of y’all findingĀ Ā your soul tribe so also could speak of umĀ somebody possibly being in a temple and theyĀ Ā secrets in your temple by the way there’sĀ things you’re not seeing being told the
Truth uh-huh some of y’all are oracles weĀ got inner Oracle showing up you got the I’mĀ Ā telling y’all some of y’all got the gift of divineĀ sight your Sears psychic clear Clairvoyant clearĀ Ā audience some of y’all can um at what is it whatĀ is it called where you could travel like meditateĀ Ā
Like that in um remote view there you go some ofĀ y’all know how to do remote viewing if you don’tĀ Ā know this stuff find out what your spiritual giftsĀ are definitely get a reading done on that if youĀ Ā
Know how to find out and talk to your spirit guideĀ yourself do that that too sorry I didn’t realizeĀ Ā my thing has been rubbing the bottom of this thingĀ this whole time maybe this is all spirit I have toĀ Ā
Say there we go all right I think that is enoughĀ I said I didn’t want to walk with each past lifeĀ Ā so yes confirmation excuse me y’all need to getĀ a past life reading number 24 I’m seeing theĀ Ā
Peacock as well but it says a culture experienceĀ it’s by behind you regression some of y’all haveĀ Ā past life issues coming to surface right now umĀ possibly having you regress deal with the traumaĀ Ā of your past life y’all 24 um spirit is sayingĀ it’s behind you live in the present let the pastĀ Ā
Stay in the past but some of y’all need to do someĀ past life healing and recover some of your pastĀ Ā life memories um recover your soul fragmentsĀ it’s called um Soul recovering Soul fragmentsĀ Ā recovering past life past life uh fragments EnergyĀ Medicine sensuality devotion Celestial fertilityĀ Ā
Deep rest spirit is telling you deep rest drinkingĀ teas taking care of yourself taking vitaminsĀ Ā supplementing grounding meditating listening toĀ high vibrational music um listening to CrystalĀ Ā sound bowls doing meditating grounding outsideĀ in nature is super important embracing yourĀ Ā
Sensuality and staying devoted to a re a regimenĀ getting getting structured disciplined to aĀ Ā healthy regimen every day cuz you are very fertileĀ right now Celestial fertile so you can easily getĀ Ā pregnant you may already get pregnant and ifĀ you’re pregnant you might be giving birth toĀ Ā
A new idea a new project a new business a new jobĀ light body number 20 Independence brings ComfortĀ Ā past restrictions ancestral healing so this is whyĀ your ancestors are here too in past life some ofĀ Ā y’all are healing your ancestral bloodline someĀ of y’all need to look into ancestral bloodlineĀ Ā
Healing that [Ā __Ā ] is so important y’all don’tĀ understand how much stuff from our past lives andĀ Ā from our ancestors affects the present karma fromĀ the past your ancestors Karma it is real and itĀ Ā
Is a thing and I implore you to start healing itĀ and looking up healing it I’m telling you if youĀ Ā need those Services email me my email is on theĀ front of my YouTube plate YouTube page I can’tĀ Ā
Even talk so if you need to message me you know goĀ to my email it’s in the description down below IĀ Ā will absolutely h hook you up with that serviceĀ that session whatever it is you are looking forĀ Ā
If you’re looking for reading that too I do allĀ that or I can guide you to my best friend whoĀ Ā does certain things that I don’t do 20 light bodyĀ Independence brings Comfort again this is about aĀ Ā light body opening up opening your channels toĀ the light past restrictions ancestral healingĀ Ā
It’s about past restrictions coming to surfaceĀ and you know you are tapping in into your lightĀ Ā body activating your Crystal Light body cuz yourĀ body is Crystal y’all it is a Crystal Light bodyĀ Ā and that’s even an activation you can getĀ by the way to activate your Crystal Light
Body then we have soul family uh-huh happy reunionĀ support order from chaos so is saying that SpiritĀ Ā your Spirit guides God Divine Source areĀ sending you um your soul family that youĀ Ā may have shared with past lives that you got aĀ lot of love for hell your lover that’s comingĀ Ā
Is someone you may have loved in previous pastĀ lives that’s what I’m getting but y’all aboutĀ Ā to get around your soul tribes and have happyĀ reunions you’re going to know them you’re goingĀ Ā to feel it and you’re going to be supported andĀ y’all going to build a beautiful support systemĀ Ā
Y’all might even create a business togetherĀ all of y’all see here’s the thing when youĀ Ā when you’re in your soul tribe and your soulĀ family there no ego there’s no scamming forĀ Ā money cuz y’all aren’t moving from a placeĀ of money so when the money comes in ain’t noĀ Ā
Fighting oh I want 40% I want my 30% you don’tĀ do that [Ā __Ā ] that ain’t that low vibrationalĀ Ā [Ā __Ā ] so I’m going tell y’all now if you ain’tĀ healed that kind of stuff you ain’t finding yourĀ Ā
Soul tribe Soul family this ain’t for you this PĀ this portion ain’t for you and you still itchingĀ Ā like man I ain’t giving nobody no 50% no thisĀ I ain’t get nobody no cut of my money you gotĀ Ā
A lot of healing still to do okay okay ain’tĀ nobody fighting with money when you with yourĀ Ā soul tribe all right Temple secrets I’m tellingĀ y’all some of y’all might be in Church’s templesĀ Ā does I mean no disrespect with this part takeĀ it how it resonates for who it resonates thereĀ Ā
Is Secrets not being told to you some of y’allĀ are discovering secrets in these fraternities orĀ Ā I don’t know order something that you in a templeĀ a church a organization secrecy isolation sayingĀ Ā spirit is telling you at this time observe andĀ listen and pay attention things are not as theyĀ Ā
Seem ritual magic there’s ritual magic in the airĀ going on so y’all be safe out here the number 32Ā Ā but there’s Temple secrets with ritual magic beingĀ done and it’s saying secrecy isolation observe and that look like a young person oh Lord I don’tĀ Ā
Like the vibe I just caught I’mma shutĀ up um we got the number 30 19 24 14 20 2832 Spirit Is Telling You observe investigateĀ listen to things pay really pay attention toĀ Ā what’s happening to you and the theĀ groups you around because not all ofĀ Ā
Y’all are around your soul family contrary toĀ maybe deceit maybe that’s the secret 17 innerĀ Ā Oracle it’s saying yeah spirit is telling youĀ use your inner Oracle use your intuition useĀ Ā your psychic gifts you are the channel DejaĀ Vu some of y’all are going through Deja VuĀ Ā
You watching me self-fulfilling prophecy seeĀ the balance some of y’all are scales there’sĀ Ā Justice being balanced B back in the world soĀ don’t be on the wrong side y’all I’m tellingĀ Ā you the scales are being balanced that’s whatĀ spirit is showing us so we’ve been sufferingĀ Ā
Cases of deja vu this is why spirit is puttingĀ things back into balance Cosmic balance andĀ Ā then we got language of light rediscovery soĀ it’s like rediscovering yourself right beingĀ Ā rebirthed being reborn humble Wanderer walking inĀ humility uh-huh communication with Source listenĀ Ā
To light language music y’all I’m telling youĀ start your day it’s it is such a good thing toĀ Ā start your day like that and like do dancingĀ just like meditate just do like dancing likeĀ Ā free flowing workout exercises whatever come toĀ your mind while listening to chakra Bowl cleansingĀ Ā
And playing light language language of lightĀ communication because you’re getting downloads all right if y’all want a light language personĀ Ā to listen to that I like JJ I think herĀ name is JJ it’s JJ activations look her up then we
Have number three so we got 187 32282 was onĀ the bottom shelf and number three now ArchangelĀ Ā Michael heart of a warrior Divine protectionĀ so y’all some of y’all are being protected byĀ Ā Archangel Michael so that’s the third Archangel weĀ got right he’s saying you got a heart of a warriorĀ Ā
Stay strong stand firm in your morals stand firmĀ in your values you are under Divine protectionĀ Ā pay attention to the signs and synchronicitiesĀ confirmation on that and at the top there wasĀ Ā light Seeker uhhuh some of y’all are going on aĀ light Quest Visionary confirmation on your eyesĀ Ā
Pay attention to your dreams pay attentionĀ to the download you’re getting while you’reĀ Ā on meditating you’re going to go on a light QuestĀ you’re going to be given a vision mental strengthĀ Ā resilience you’re being fortified made strongerĀ why does this like a baby Buddha number 21 lookĀ Ā
At all that Jade some of y’all need to startĀ start wearing Jade well that’s tiger’s eyeĀ Ā and Amethyst Jade start wearing Jade it’s aĀ very spiritual Crystal and Amethyst I implore you s go see what that noise is take Nala with
You the Miriam sacred Vision choose to forgiveĀ in order to heal see the Delight in all rememberĀ Ā that love has no boundaries what’s that sayĀ sacred Vision super pay attention to whatĀ Ā you’re seeing the Divine sight the downloads theĀ Visions you’re getting your dreams the mirum it’sĀ Ā
Also telling you to forgive choose to forgiveĀ in order to heal forgive yourself and forgiveĀ Ā others remember that love has no boundaries seeĀ the love and light in all telling y’all we gotĀ Ā super confirmation on Vision some of y’all goingĀ to be getting downloads y’all going to be seeingĀ Ā
Things with your eyes wide open at the bottomĀ we got Maha Avatar Babaji Soul expansion yourĀ Ā Consciousness is expanding you understand theĀ connections between all things some of y’all’sĀ Ā third Crown chakra and third eye is openingĀ and expanding you understand that we are allĀ Ā
Unity consciousness you understand that we’reĀ connected to everything and then under that weĀ Ā have son Kumar there’s that light again with lightĀ activation Shine Your Light your internal guidanceĀ Ā is coming through loud and clear son Kamar tellingĀ you to shine your light this is my light um and weĀ Ā
Got Elora Awakening presence the universe is withĀ you this is confirmation on your protection wearĀ Ā a cloak of protection and love El more is withĀ you as well see he’s wearing blue like MichaelĀ Ā right that robe got double Blues here thankĀ you eloria then we got lady Venus downloadsĀ Ā
And understanding then I say I don’t want toĀ brag or nothing right now but I’m saying didĀ Ā I not say pay attention to your visions and yourĀ downloads and your dreams truth is being revealedĀ Ā this means the Veil is coming down we’re goingĀ to be seeing exposures people getting exposedĀ Ā
Things getting exposed the end of an era truthĀ is being revealed deep insights are coming fromĀ Ā heaven heaven the Angelic realm and the astralĀ realm lady Venus coming through it’s an of ARAĀ Ā tell you thank you El Moria thank you mahavatarĀ Babaji thank you lady Venus thank you de MariamĀ Ā
Thank you Horus we got Horus showing up HorusĀ out here protecting some of y’all too with CosmicĀ Ā Gateway your thoughts are magnetic and PowerfulĀ this is confirmation just confirming what BuddhaĀ Ā was telling us to train your thoughts right yourĀ thoughts are magnetic and Powerful at this timeĀ Ā
Miraculous change miraculous changes miraculousĀ changes are occurring I feel like I couldn’t sayĀ Ā that didn’t sound right no matter how much IĀ said it holy spirit there’s sonat Kamar comingĀ Ā out for sure hi sonat think he’s the leaders ofĀ the keepers of the light Lord Ganesha mm HolyĀ Ā
Spirit El Moria hillon oh this too big we got theĀ Divine director quanan Paul the Venetian and holyĀ Ā amethyst and I tell youall to start wearingĀ amethyst that it’s very holy very spiritualĀ Ā Divine Alchemy move Beyond current challengesĀ focus on what you desire Paul the VenetianĀ Ā
Experiencing Grace share your gifts with GraceĀ waves of inspiration and love are coming to you the the Divine let me slow down the DivineĀ director divine intervention is occurring knowĀ Ā that you are being guided happiness is yourĀ purpose then with quanen care and compassionĀ Ā
Choose to be love this is about loving beingĀ loving and kind right choose to be loved doĀ Ā what is right for everyone involved offer aĀ helping hand I think I actually have enoughĀ Ā and I’ve read enough all right so we’re going toĀ take that and we got Lord ganes is let you knowĀ Ā
Infinite abundance obstacles are being removedĀ spiritual support and connections are increasingĀ Ā so your spiritual support and connection toĀ these Keepers Al light and ascended mastersĀ Ā and your Spirit guides is getting stronger it’sĀ increasing yep and you’re getting more spiritualĀ Ā
Support and obstacles are being removed infiniteĀ abundance is coming to you so it’s saying don’tĀ Ā worry about finances and resources it’s sayingĀ just focus on your purpose your life purposeĀ Ā Your Soul Purpose what p passs drive you doĀ some creative things some creative outlooksĀ Ā
And I’m saying this to myself as well the HolyĀ Spirit mhm this is this is the Divine SourceĀ Ā coming through Expect Miracles remember that onlyĀ love is real Miracles will occur naturally SpiritĀ Ā has your back saying God got your back I don’tĀ know what else y’all need to hear other thanĀ Ā
God right sitting right here in in this reading ElĀ Moria again Awakening presence of the universe isĀ Ā with you wear a cloak of protection and love soĀ not only do you got obstacles are being removedĀ Ā spiritual support and connections are increasedĀ and with Lord ganes then you got the Holy SpiritĀ Ā
Saying remember that love is real Miracles workĀ Ur Spirit has your back and then you have wearĀ Ā a cloak of protection and love the universe isĀ with you and has your back an Awakening presence then we have hillan or hillon hilarion DivineĀ Healing cuz his thing his cloak is green soĀ Ā
This is definitely the heart chakra honorĀ your sensitivity it’s saying honor yourĀ Ā spiritual sensitivity Retreat to wait RetreatĀ to recharge and heal that it’s okay if you areĀ Ā sleeping a lot at this time just make sure youĀ are hydrating and grounding and doing healthyĀ Ā
Habits your light can support others you can beĀ a beacon of light to others allow yourself timeĀ Ā off to heal y’all Divine Healing is at play soĀ if you need to take breaks more than often it’sĀ Ā okay do not mentally beat yourself up son KumarĀ light activation Shine Your Light your internalĀ Ā
Guidance is coming through loud and clear lightĀ activation is happening at this time with sonatĀ Ā kumara and then we have Horus showing up CosmicĀ Gateway your thoughts are magnetic and PowerfulĀ Ā miraculous changes are occurring uhhuh withĀ Cosmic Gateway some of y’all are opening up yourĀ Ā
Spiritual gifts your interdimensionally travelingĀ that’s what that tells me all that good stuff seeĀ Ā what else go one of these days I’mma get underĀ an hour a again it’s it’s sometimes I do but it’s rare I just saw a
Volcano take that hot that resonates at theĀ bottom we have mother the light attributesĀ Ā nurture nurturance patience unconditional loveĀ joy and giving birth to life I’m telling y’allĀ Ā some of y’all going to be giving birth the shadowĀ attribute whether that’s a project or a child theĀ Ā
Shadow is smothering or abandoning childrenĀ instilling guilt in children for becoming independent take that how thatĀ resonates Ates in your own life then we have student light attributesĀ humility and Devotion to knowledge openness toĀ Ā lifelong learning So you you’re open to beingĀ a student you’re open to learning somethingĀ Ā
New Shadow attributes arrogance and pursuitĀ of destructive knowledge oof unwillingnessĀ Ā to translate knowledge into action so someĀ of y’all ain’t putting that knowledge intoĀ Ā action and your arrogance in pursuit ofĀ destructive knowledge I don’t know aboutĀ Ā that but some of y’all might be lookingĀ into them darker arts and you need to be
Careful and then we have trickster yeahĀ that’s that Mercury retrograde that’sĀ Ā that Loki energy light attributeĀ Transcendence convention stuffinessĀ Ā and predictable Behavior and the shadow isĀ manipulating others through duplicity ooh soĀ Ā I don’t know who out here being duplicitĀ to stuff but that [Ā __Ā ] is saying likeĀ Ā
Somebody’s a magician somebody’s doing magicĀ somebody’s tricking people deceiving people Illusions to students people who are underĀ them maybe like mothering them coming off asĀ Ā like a mother to children or the younger studentsĀ but really are really a trickster and deceiving people uhhuh more child energy comingĀ through that’s a confirmation oo andĀ Ā
The children are magical got someĀ kind of magic gifts or magical energy we got Seeker companion and a prince ohĀ some of y’all got a prince coming for you and thenĀ Ā Avenger desire to balance the scales of JusticeĀ righteousness on behalf of society or oneself
Then we got Warrior all right cards is gettingĀ stiff and then we got poet all right so thenĀ Ā we got Prince light attribute romantic charm andĀ potential for power Shadow attribute using powerĀ Ā for self aggrandisement ooho y’all better beĀ careful out here Tiding I don’t know why theseĀ Ā
These cards ain’t giving me good vibes I’m feelingĀ like a lot of these cards is in the shadow sideĀ Ā somebody’s hiding something it’s like a magicĀ trick hiding the flowers behind the back butĀ Ā
For some of y’all some of y’all are finding loveĀ cuz that was here and going to be Charmed by a prince and some of y’all are being studiousĀ and studying esoteric astrology numerologyĀ Ā all that good stuff as you should wickingĀ you know aligning with the seasons andĀ Ā
All that good stuff but be carefulĀ not to be in the destructive stuff y’all that that arrogance in the pursuitĀ of destructive knowledge and then we gotĀ Ā poet light attribute this mean this is a goodĀ talker someone who’s a good talker philosophicalĀ Ā
Knowledgeable Express Soul insights in symbolicĀ language that’s a light attribute Shadow turns aĀ Ā lyric gift to negative or destructive effect thatĀ music that’s like uh music with hidden hiddenĀ Ā subliminal messages right or uh someone turningĀ their Gift of Gab to negative or destructiveĀ Ā
Effect you know it’s like negative spellcastingĀ right speaking death or negativity over someoneĀ Ā Avenger light attributes desire to balance theĀ scales of Justice righteousness on behalf ofĀ Ā society or oneself where it’s like a map on theirĀ back so this is like Global International this is
Big right like deceiving many right Resto uh butĀ also um some of y’all are doing righteous work forĀ Ā the world like you’re you’re here to help and healĀ the collective and you’re being a student studyingĀ Ā and learning right now nurturing yourself someĀ of y’all are giving birth to a prince who who’sĀ Ā
Who’s here to change the world right says restoreĀ but the shadow attribute is resorting to violenceĀ Ā in the name of a cause mhm that’s the shadowĀ side of an Avenger when you got to resort theĀ Ā
Violence for this cause of oh no this person isĀ the bad guy in the villain if you got to harm wishĀ Ā harm or harm someone to get what you need yourĀ cause ain’t as just as you want to Proclaim to
Be then we got Mystic light attribute re RevelsĀ an intimate Union with the Divine some of y’allĀ Ā are Mystics um or this Mystic trickster thatĀ I saw right the the trickster card right isĀ Ā a is a Mystic is a sear Etc Shadow attributeĀ delusional rapport with the Divine mhm lyingĀ Ā
Delusional but some of y’all have real intimateĀ Union with the Divine and you have the gifts ofĀ Ā a Mystic tapped in the source confirmation ifĀ you were needing it Gambler light attributeĀ Ā willingness to follow intuition even whenĀ others doubt you taking a gamble trustingĀ Ā
Yourself taking a risk the shadow attributeĀ relying on luck rather than hard work some ofĀ Ā y’all ain’t willing to do the work in hopingĀ to get lucky put the work in somebody’s alsoĀ Ā a gambler somebody might be addicted toĀ gambling I felt that like literal as well
Right um child Eternal Light attributesĀ determination to remain young in BodyĀ Ā Mind and Spirit ability to see things withĀ fresh eyes Shadow attributes inability toĀ Ā grow up and be responsible so you knowĀ this is people who aren’t willing toĀ Ā grow up and be responsible extremeĀ dependency on others for physical
Security meaning uh codependency looking forĀ other people to keep you safe and relying onĀ Ā other people’s opinions Seeker light attributeĀ it’s like Moses going on a journey it’s likeĀ Ā going on a spiritual Pig pilgrimage throughĀ the desert light attribute thirst for wisdomĀ Ā
And Truth wherever they are so that’s thatĀ student seeker and student right there inĀ Ā the light I feel many people are in the light ifĀ you found this channel but there are people inĀ Ā the shadow people looking seeking ForbiddenĀ Knowledge traveling lands that’s why I gotĀ Ā
That map on the back traveling many lands toĀ find hidden knowledge hidden secrets um usingĀ Ā taboo forbidden magic to harm others was whyĀ I saw that inability to commit to a path once found this is also about people not stayingĀ committed right relying on luck rather thanĀ Ā
Hard work and ability to commit to a path onceĀ found being codependent on others want otherĀ Ā people to take care of you you not willing toĀ grow up and be responsible and blaming everyoneĀ Ā else but yourself delusional rapport with theĀ Divine uh-huh restoring the violence in the nameĀ Ā
Of a cause uh-huh talking bad about people it’sĀ why the poet turns a lyric give to a negative orĀ Ā destructive trait a the prince using power forĀ self and self aggrandisement uhhuh arroganceĀ Ā in the pursuit of destructive knowledge andĀ willingness to translate knowledge and actionĀ Ā
Smothering or abandoning children instillingĀ guilt in children for becoming independent yep notĀ Ā wanting children to grow up not not taking care ofĀ your children not spending quality time with themĀ Ā r r Etc yep we have Warrior the light attributeĀ strength skill discipline and toughness of WillĀ Ā
And then there’s the flip side of people watchingĀ me called The Light Side that’s why I love thisĀ Ā take it how it resonates maybe someone you knowĀ strength skill discipline and toughness of willĀ Ā but we also need to hold ourselves accountableĀ and not be Del delusional and act like some ofĀ Ā
These traits aren’t us cuz some of these traitsĀ have been me and are me like there’s two I stillĀ Ā need to work on strength skill discipline andĀ toughness of will heroism sto ISM self-sacrificeĀ Ā and conquering the ego Shadow trading ethicalĀ principles for victory at any cost indifferenceĀ Ā
To the suffering inflicted on others o WarriorĀ Spirit some of y’all are out here fighting theĀ Ā good cause being in Avengers some some are lyingĀ that’s why we got that liar side too gamblingĀ Ā that people won’t find out the truth and won’tĀ be exposed companion light attributes loyaltyĀ Ā
Tenacity unselfishness Shadows side betrayal byĀ misusing confidences loss of personal identityĀ Ā oof compan some of y’all being betrayed by yourĀ partners by someone you love close friendshipĀ Ā close that really comes off as a lover betrayal byĀ a lover who was only using you for codependency oĀ Ā
That hit hard that resonated I felt that one and IĀ was even even shuffling like this sound like manyĀ Ā people are dealing with codependent people and I’mĀ not shocked codependency is a trauma response andĀ Ā you don’t want to go get therapy or counselingĀ even when people you love implore you to do
So where the hell was that card that don’t belongĀ in here where the hell they card at there it isĀ Ā where the hell how the hell this keeper a lightĀ card lady porsa well there we go there’s a hiddenĀ Ā
Extra gem lady porsa coming in with divine orderĀ but there will be order stored out of the chaosĀ Ā that’s why I felt like that was tucked somewhereĀ lady Porsha coming in with the divine orderĀ Ā saying do what you feel is right you’re beingĀ encouraged if this video is resonating heavilyĀ Ā
Do what you feel is right an important lessonĀ is UN folding the Divine Divine Source God isĀ Ā watching you your Spirit guides the ascendantĀ Masters the keepers Al light are watching youĀ Ā everything you do has a karmic choice and thereĀ will be balance restored and every debt you makeĀ Ā
In 2024 I’m telling y’all is more than it wouldĀ have been in any other time because spirit is itĀ Ā is the en of chaos it is the end of Darkness itĀ is the end of destructive energy on this on this
Earth it is the end of an era and eitherĀ you’re a part of the solution or you’re aĀ Ā part of the problem be on the right side ofĀ Justice in 2024 and do the right thing andĀ Ā
Speak up use your voice do not be afraid takeĀ a stand fight fight fight for what’s right cuzĀ Ā that’s what we’re being called to to do y’allĀ and seek knowledge in a positive way and shareĀ Ā it share what you’re seeing share what you’reĀ hearing whether that’s with your gifts or inĀ Ā
These temples whatever secret places you knowĀ secret speak up Shiva Karma release you hearĀ Ā this Karma release cuz spirit is cleansingĀ people of any negative Karma are doing theĀ Ā right thing y’all better take advantage ofĀ this the end of a cycle debts are paid chooseĀ Ā
Your destiny Shiva Lord Shiva coming throughĀ letting a letting us know we’re in a karmic release sincere bring me my card that justĀ fell not a confirmation at the bottom withĀ Ā with divine intervention at the bottom my back beĀ killing me I’m getting a better chair sweet divineĀ Ā
Intervention so look at this we got Karma releaseĀ right the end of a cycle debt to pay choose yourĀ Ā destiny and then right next to Shiva is MayĀ talking about way up your options choose theĀ Ā highest good cuz divine intervention is goingĀ to come at play y’all going to see God In theĀ Ā
Flesh and that and cuz that cuz divine orderĀ there will be order out of chaos divine orderĀ Ā is coming do what you feel is right an importantĀ lesson is happening and you are being observedĀ Ā uhhuh in the heart against the feather if you’reĀ unfamiliar about mayat it’s when you die and yourĀ Ā
Heart is weighed against the feather and yourĀ ass can spend time in purgatory right when theyĀ Ā when they when all the Karma’s racked up right andĀ you your heart is weighed on the feather and youĀ Ā
Sitting in front of God right and you know maybeĀ the ascended masters and they ask you why didn’tĀ Ā you do the right thing at the time right and youĀ like oh I didn’t know what to do I was scared andĀ Ā
So God will say to you did you not trust me didĀ you not believe in me did you not have faith inĀ Ā me did you think I would let harm come to youĀ for doing the right thing for speaking up forĀ Ā
Walking in faith for being a warrior you wereĀ afraid of dying who said that wasn’t meant to be sometimes some people have to die so manyĀ can live it’s called sacrifice but if you knowĀ Ā you come back you ain’t afraid of death so manyĀ people are afraid of death knowing you come backĀ Ā
Especially when you done good they absolutelyĀ abolutely want to birth the good back in hereĀ Ā some of y’all got to stop being afraid of doingĀ the right thing cuz you going to get taken outĀ Ā of what this hellacious place and be back amongstĀ your family for doing the right thing [Ā __Ā ] say
Less listen you are a child if you are a childĀ of God God ain’t letting [Ā __Ā ] happen to youĀ Ā on God’s watch know that that’s a big factĀ God got you believe that believe your SpiritĀ Ā guides got you believe your ancestors got youĀ believe your guardian angel got you MetatronĀ Ā
And sandal we got two angels powerful angelsĀ showing up talking about sacred connectionĀ Ā synchronicity Divine connection understandingĀ lessons it’s about a secret Union coming together and and meeting your soul familyĀ some of y’all going to miss out meeting onĀ Ā
Your soul family and your Divine counterpartĀ playing around Mary me not doing the rightĀ Ā thing and for those of you who are God blessĀ you I’m so happy so proud of you continue toĀ Ā speak up continue to do the right thingĀ continue to walk in the light continue toĀ Ā
Walk in your life purpose continue to healĀ continue to give a helping hand and be ofĀ Ā service to the world in any way you can it’s notĀ always about money that’s what this reading isĀ Ā about Mary Magdalene sacred vessel you areĀ the answer be guided to your purpose Mary
Magdalene somebody might be The ReincarnationĀ of Mary Magdalene I don’t know why I got that Vibe carapus Bay Paradigm Shift activation toĀ grow make the necessary change some of y’allĀ Ā need to make the necessary change we areĀ in a paradigm shift we are shifting thereĀ Ā
Is a shift happening on the earth it isĀ here we are being activated to grow makeĀ Ā the necessary change paradigm shift withĀ sarapis Bay as an ascended Master it’s theĀ Ā ascended Master’s deck by the way love itĀ is beautiful Ry mystical knowing breakingĀ Ā
Boundaries personal experience of God some ofĀ y’all are connected to God God is with you youĀ Ā are doing the work of God right now breakingĀ boundaries mystical knowing so you’re MysticĀ Ā see mystical knowing and a Mystic you are aĀ Mystic breaking boundaries personal experience of
God lady porsa overcoming limitations karmicĀ release let go of the need to be right soĀ Ā you are overcoming limitations it’s sayingĀ overcome let go of the need to be right youĀ Ā are releasing Karma at this time confirmationĀ on lady porsa with divine order do what youĀ Ā
Feel is right and import important lesson isĀ unfolding confirmation on lady Porsche being here then we have Quan confirmation on seeingĀ Quan enlightened action with the Lotus chooseĀ Ā compassion move forward with Grace so move withĀ compassion and empathy y’all move with the graceĀ Ā
And likess of the lotus the lorian ClairvoyanceĀ activated some of y’all’s Clairvoyance is beingĀ Ā activated psychic awareness sensitivity trustĀ your intuition lamoria is coming back and theĀ Ā lorans are here with you helping you guiding youĀ assisting you the blue ones you’re beautiful JoanĀ Ā
Of Ark sacred activist do not be afraid standĀ up for your beliefs be Joan of Ark be bold beĀ Ā remembered for something or fall for anythingĀ son kumara confirmation on that light activationĀ Ā Shine Your Light your internal guidance isĀ coming through loud and clear sonat KumarĀ Ā
Open Channel signs code downloads and sacredĀ information you are an open Channel you areĀ Ā getting these downloads pay attention to theĀ signs the synchronicities and your dreams andĀ Ā the Visions you have while meditating you’reĀ getting sacred information and while you’reĀ Ā
Meditating in the sun Ishtar inner learningsĀ follow your heart truth prevails the truthĀ Ā will set you free and the truth will always comeĀ out inner learn follow your heart and not JesusĀ Ā coming out as the last card bam love is chararĀ ISS that divine feminine sensual energy JesusĀ Ā
Acts of service when you serve the universeĀ serves you let me repeat that again Jesus isĀ Ā saying what you give out you will get back andĀ then some when you serve the UN ierse servesĀ Ā you Jesus acts of service do some communityĀ service y’all do some activism that’s whyĀ Ā
Sacred activist is here give the charity donateĀ clothes donate money donate time energy thenĀ Ā we have at the top Guru ramas or Guru Ram doĀ miraculous moment Harmony surround you expect miracles expect a miracle y’all Harmony andĀ positive energy is all around you get y’all aĀ Ā
Place real quick then we wrapping this up thisĀ [Ā __Ā ] one of my longer ones oh God was comingĀ Ā through hard living room comfortable spaceĀ something about the living room in a MysticĀ Ā Haven enchantment esoteric magic IntrigueĀ hidden wisdom uhhuh some of y’all are goingĀ Ā
To a Mystic Haven you traveling there inĀ your sleep probably it’s telling you toĀ Ā study esoteric y’all it’s enchantmentĀ uhhuh you going to get hidden wisdom downloads some of y’all need are going to go onĀ a spiritual pilgrimage to a Mystic Haven we gotĀ Ā
Tavern coming out could be of importanceĀ somebody’s living room is of importanceĀ Ā family gathering comfortable space andĀ we got art exhibition creative showcaseĀ Ā curated Gallery we got Tavern a bridges ofĀ significance San Francisco bridge or any Bridge connecting pathway overcoming divides it’sĀ like the Rainbow Bridge Bridge um this is talkingĀ Ā
About traveling between the Realms why you gotĀ Mystic Haven connecting Pathways but also aĀ Ā literal Bridge birthplace of durs I think this isĀ birthplace of Dreams pursuit of goals belief andĀ Ā possibility something about an airport travelingĀ cemetery and a hotel and an elevator could be of significance for
Somebody I’m not about to showĀ every card y’all I want to getĀ Ā y’all this information and then wrapĀ this up is that it Spirit anywhere else laboratory and amusement park so we got airportĀ travel Hub departure arrival airport lounge I’mĀ Ā
Going to show y’all anyway cuz I I do likeĀ transparency Cemetery resting place memorialĀ Ā stones which means pay attention to theseĀ places or they are significant for you orĀ Ā spirit is saying pay attention to these placesĀ Hotel Hospitality comfortable stay Travelers
Retreat sinere living room comfortable spaceĀ family gathering sorry if y’all hear my sonĀ Ā in there he’s playing a game and he’s like reallyĀ loud birthplace of Dreams pursuit of goals beliefĀ Ā and possibilities it’s the Divine spark spirit isĀ saying believe in your goals and dreams believeĀ Ā
Any is possible elevator transportate this isĀ like transport and I’m telling you confirmationĀ Ā on this transporting between Realms but somethingĀ in an elevator vertical transport Transit betweenĀ Ā floors accessible accessibility something aboutĀ an elevator of significance cuz I have pulledĀ Ā
This now twice in a row this week and CemetaryĀ oh I hope nobody ain’t dying in the elevatorĀ Ā like Prince did that’s crazy Mystic HavenĀ enchantment esoteric magic Intrigue hidden wisdom telling you I think some of y’all areĀ traveling to a Mystic Haven like this mysticalĀ Ā
Beautiful place amusement park thrillingĀ rides Carnival Fun festive atmosphere isĀ Ā of significance for someone I keep pulling thisĀ place too art exhibition creative showcase curated Gallery uhhuh there’s a few of them thatĀ that’s coming out that’s it’s some greatĀ Ā significance pay attention wind swepĀ region if you’ve been watching myĀ Ā
Videos you know you know Breezy gustĀ swirling winds Airy expanse dancing leaves Tavern drinks and beverages pup food Tavern Traditions laboratory scientific researchĀ experiments and analyst Innovation and invention laboratory Bridge connecting pathway overcomingĀ divides bridges of significance that one stoodĀ Ā
Out soon as I popped it too just likeĀ the elevator and that Mystic Haven andĀ Ā living room something in y’all livingĀ room pay attention to your living roomĀ Ā shopping mall and shopping Mall’sĀ variety of store shopping center
And wind set wind sweat regions let’s pull oneĀ more train subway Railway something of a trainĀ Ā subway Railway a lot of transportationĀ is in this card these cards with airportĀ Ā elevator Bridge train Hotel like you knowĀ Mystic Haven take it how it resonates windĀ Ā
Sweat region right like yeah buddy SubwayĀ Railway something about possibly public transportation I ain’t liking thisĀ frequency and the kitchen kitchen tools meal preparation is of significance to someone kitchen your kitchen inĀ your living room all this person a butcher ruthless cruelty Slaughter oh [Ā __Ā ] young uh Vitality Innovation potentialĀ Ā
Growth guide Navigator progress DirectionĀ so something about young the youth and a butcher oh this is too many all right wellĀ we’ll take it we got singer resonance movingĀ Ā Hearts Harmony emotion performance the foolĀ ignorance rashness impulsiveness engineerĀ Ā architect of solutions engineering practiceĀ Problem Solver complex Systems Technology aĀ Ā
Bartender master of liation small talkerĀ alleviator someone’s a genius bear of GĀ Ā bear of gifts extraordinary intellectĀ Innovative mind exceptional ability aĀ Ā gang Brotherhood of Shadows underworld uhhuhĀ transactions violence criminality that’s saidĀ Ā confirmation on this whole reading right thereĀ young uh Vitality Innovation potential growthĀ Ā
Guide Navigator progress Direction KnightĀ keep of Honor armor battle loyalty you seeĀ Ā that Joan of Arc the Knight and then youĀ got a aesthetic a right aesthetic uhhuhĀ Ā seeker of self-restraint abstinence purificationĀ discipline some of y’all might be absenting fromĀ Ā
Sex at this time purifying yourself healing beingĀ disciplined then we got butcher ruthless cruelty Slaughter and we got anywh else Spirit then we got spiritual Seeker devoteĀ of the Inner Path meditation Insight practiceĀ Ā dancer Weaver of Grace move M Harmony RhythmĀ passion painter depict sublimate abstractionĀ Ā
Form sensation that’s why we got art exhibitionĀ then we got clergy some spiritual Place clergyĀ Ā guardians of Faith religion moralityĀ compassion sacred Mission confirmationĀ Ā on that Soldier guardian of Nations honorĀ loyalty Integrity selfless service and ElderĀ Ā wisdom Bearer experience tradition kindnessĀ Health a chef culinary mro cooking CulinaryĀ Ā
Artistry seasoning proficiency a coach trainĀ nurture develop a plan encourage support andĀ Ā a learner seeker of knowledge inquisitive progressĀ a strength Explorer there’s a lot of confirmationĀ Ā coming through on those prior cards through theseĀ last two decks pay attention y’all pay attentionĀ Ā
If you got to come back to this reading whenĀ certain things come to to light in your life orĀ Ā in the world remember where you heard it firstĀ I love y’all thank y’all so much for watchingĀ Ā
I appreciate y’all watching let me get you anĀ angel number Spirit give us an angel number toĀ Ā end 77 I am brave it is time to move on from theĀ old patterns habits and fears now is the time toĀ Ā
Walk in the direction of your biggest desires andĀ ambitions now is the time to be bold and brave IĀ Ā I decree and I declare I am brave I decree andĀ I declare I am brave I decree and I declare IĀ Ā
Am brave 77 may be of significance for some ofĀ y’all but I am brave all right y’all there youĀ Ā go I’m Calypso Vibes thank you’all so much forĀ watching this is creative messenger I hope youĀ Ā guys um creative messages I hope y’all enjoyedĀ the video please go check out my other video myĀ Ā
Other Channel starc messenger go like share andĀ subscribe at that channel and if you enjoyed thisĀ Ā video make sure you please give this a big thumbsĀ up and the like it is nothing but free wisdom andĀ Ā knowledge and an informative video and guide makeĀ sure you like share subscribe subscribe subscribeĀ Ā
Please and turn on that notification Bell leaveĀ a comment down below how this reading resonatedĀ Ā um where you’re from what resonated you knowĀ what I mean which one of these stuck out forĀ Ā you and um turn on that notification so youĀ can be notified when I do these videos I loveĀ Ā
Y’all thank y’all so so much for all the loveĀ and the sh the the support let me tell y’allĀ Ā watch out for Chappelle oh [Ā __Ā ] allegedly forĀ entertainment purposes again this video is allĀ Ā alleged for entertainment purposes I thank y’allĀ so much for watching again I am CPS of Vibes checkĀ Ā
Out my um website vibing withp purpose.com vibingĀ withp purpose.com for all your spiritual needs orĀ Ā email me all in the description box and check outĀ my other channel again uh star SE messenger andĀ Ā I’ll catch you guys next time peace love and lightĀ y’all and I catch y’all on the flip side peace