EZEKIEL 6:3 AN IN-HOUSE DIRECTORY FOR CHRISTIANS ON SPIRITUAL WARFARE TO PULL DOWN THE ALTARS AND HIGH PLACES by Fritz Springmeier [Part 5 of 6] RITUAL DATES WITCHCRAFT CEREMONY CALENDAR ILLUMINATI RITUAL TIMES Not all members of the Illuminati participate in rituals regularly. Some attend only sporadically.
Few would attend every ritual listed below, In addition to the rituals listed below the Illuminati calls special meetings to open up new Temple sites, and other special meetings. There are coven level rituals and then hierarchy levels of rituals. As a child grows up at
Age 3, 9, 13, 16, and 19 he or she will face certain rituals that pertain to oaths, initiations, vows. The child must pass certain tests along the way. Failure may result in death. Birthdays are “celebrated” by what normal people describe as Satanic Abuse. [Vol. 2 on the Illuminati
Will cover deeper about Illuminati rituals.] In addition to what is below full moons and eclipses are causes for rituals. The Jewish sabbath from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday is observed. Every 28 ycars is a special communion year with Satan called the Feast of the Beast
(its been called other festival names too.) The major rituals are in caps. Before a major ritual occurs, Illuminati members may spend days in preparatory rituals. If your neighbor is in the Illuminati, chances are high he’ll be gone from home in the evening(s) around
Beltaine, Lammas, and All Hallow’s Eve. Those in the Illuminati who have Multiple Personalities will have different alters (personalities) for different rituals. Date Ceremony Name Comments January 1 New Year’s Day Druid feast day January 7 Saint Winebald Day Blood ritual, Male sacrificed
January 17 Satanic Revels Sex rituals, preparation for Grd. Clmx Mother of Darkness do this without men. January 20 Saint Agnes Eve Kidnapping, sacrifice preparation January 26 Grand Climax Human sacrifice, sex ritual, 5 wks 1 day since equinox. February 2 Imbolic (2 and 1) and Candlemas Sex ritual, Sabbat, female 7-17 sacrificed
February 25 Blood Host, Saint Walpurgis Blood sacrifice March 1 Saint Eichatadt Day Blood sacrifice March 20 Equinox Feast (orgy) Blood and sex rituals, Sabbat, held in forest ist Full Moon Good Fri, Holy Sat EASTER Human sacrifices often a Christian minister
After March 21 upside down on cross, followed by 3 days of chanting, and female and child sacrifices March 24 Bride of Satan Ritual 16 ycar olds married to Satan April 25 Grand Climax Female sacrificed, Sex and fertility rituals April 26-30 Holy days for Beltaine April 30 Walpurgis Night Blood ritual
May 1 BELTAINE, May Day, Walpurgis Hunts with people as prey, Fire festivals, blood rituals June 21 SOLSTICE Feast (orgy), Litha Blood sacrifice, Sex rituals June 23 Midsummer’s Eve Fire festival, “good time” for magick July 1 Demon Revels Blood rituals, sex with demons July 4 Birthday modern Illuminati organization France and U.S. national day
July 20-27 Preparation Kidnapping, sacrifice preparation July 25 Saint James Day July 27 Grand Climax Important human female sacrifice, sex rit. July 31 or August 1 LAMMAS or Harvest Festival Young female sacrificed, great Sabbat, August 3 Satanic Revels Sex Ritual August 24 Sl. Bartholomew Day Fire Festival, great Sabbat
September 7 Marriage to the Beast Sex and blood rituals, female under 21 September 20 Midnight Host Hands of glory and blood ritual September 22 EQUINOX Feast Day Sex ritual, held at the coast near water Sexually mature male sacrificed October 23-30 Preparation Kidnapping, getting sacrifice ready
October 29-31 ALL HALLOW’S EVE Blood sacrifices, fire festivals, great Sabbat, the dead are raised at night November 1 HALLOWEEN Sex rituals November 4 Satanic Revels Sex rituals December 16-23 Preparation Getting ready for rituals and sacrifices Dec, 21 Saint Thomas Day, Yule Fire festival, great Sabbat
December 22 SOLSTICE Feast Day Sex and burial rituals December 24 HIGH GRAND CLIMAX Blood Sacrifice, often of a baby in a manger PAGAN HOLIDAYS IN GENERAL The Illuminati is the continuation of the Mystery Religions. It embraces all types of mystical pagan traditions. However, the Illuminati is generational, only a few top occultists
Who are not generational are allowed into the lower levels, and then if they show promise their children may be intermarried into the Illuminati. There are many different traditions. Some covens are eclectic and some try to stay with one tradition. The position of the sun,
Moon and stars are important in determining the day and hour of many rituals. In the Anatolian tradition of Wicca, the nine distinct forms of the moon are divided up by the 3 goddess aspects of maiden, mother, and crone. Many pagans have Multiple Personality Disorder,
And their System of alters will have some ritual alters who are maidens, some mothers, and others crones. Triads of 3 alters will be set up, with each triad spinning on a pedestal. If the Anatolian system is Followed, the month will be divided up first, 3 days-Persephone,
2-3 days-Artemis, 3rd-Kore, 4th-maiden of Menarche, 5th-Hera, 6th-Demeter, 7th-Gaia, Sth-Hestia, 9th-Medusa, 10th- Hecate, and the last 3 days the invisible Masked Goddess. A witchcraft coven may also decide to follow the Celtic Tree calendar, or a Goddess calendar put out by the Fellowship of Isis, or some other calendar. As you will note, the pagans
Will worship anything but their true God, their Creator in Heaven. Each New Moon is worshipped by the Chinese, the Lithuanians, and other pagans. Each lunation is marked by pagan festivals all over the world. January 1 Kalends of Janus and Fortuna and Egypt. Day Offerings to Fortuna
January 2 Advent of Isis Goddess of Love January 3 Saint Genevieve, Istar Kalends of January dedicated to Genevieve. Istar (Inanna) Goddess of Underworld. January 4 Egyptian Day January 5 Nones of January, Kore’s worship and pray to Kore Epiphany of Kore Night ritual for Kore
Sekmet, Anc. Egypt. New Year’s Disting Moon, Justitia, Fasching Masked carnivals Geraint Carmentalia Saint Distaff, Compitalia Ides of January Carmentalia Concordia Felicitas Saint Agnes’ Eve Saint Agnes Day Saint Vincent Fire Festival celebrating nymphs, Mania the Mother of Ghosts appeased by effigies Sacrd
Day of Frigg, household gods worshiped Homage to apple trees, Midwinter’s offers Pastries shaped like m and f genitalia made worship goddess Concordia worship goddess of luck Felicitas divination by fire Apollo worship Start Goddess month of Bridhe Cornish Tinner’s and Scafarer’s Day Old Cornish “Labor Day” Burn’s Night, Saint Paul’s Festival of Peace
Worship Scand. gods, rembr Robert Burns worship goddess Pax, Jew. goddess Shekinah Valkyries Yggdrasil world tree, begin Imboic Imbolc Fire festival, Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries Candlemas and Groundhog Day Initiation of witches Blasius, Brigantia King Frost Day Saint Agatha Saint Apollonia Artemis Parentalia Saint Valentine Lupercalia Celebration of Victoria Fornacalia Tacita, Festival of Women Purification Festival
Feralia Concordia Terminalia Saint Walpurgis Matronalia Saint Chad, Festival of Vesta Saint Winnal Saint Martian, Cele.of Isis Purim, Junonalia Saint Hercules Martyrdam of Hypatia All-seeing eye, eye of Brigid displayed extinct Br. ritual divination and fortune telling Feast day for Apollo, the Sun God Worship Artemis and Diana
Festival of the Dead, ancestor worship Festival of Love and Sex, run labyrinths orship Faunus, an aspect of Pan worship goddess of Victory Festival of Bread, feast on pastries worship Tacita, honor all women Spirits of the dead were placated Appease ghosts by leaving food worship Concordia, settle disputes worship Terminalia, god of bounderies
Worship goddess Juno Lucina worship Ceadda, god of healing springs Morris dancing, Winnal, god of the sea god Mars worshpd with household gods Spring festival of Purim, goddess worship worship of Hercules, worship of strength “divine” pagan lady killed by “Christians” Festival of Veturius Mamurius Celebrates the art of armor
Ides of March, day of Cybele worship of Rhea, goddess of the earth April 27 April 30 May 11 May 14 May 18 May 20 May 23 Dionsysus Bacchus, Saint Patrick Festival of Astartc Athena, Minerva Vernal Equinox Spring Equinox Britannia Lady Day Saint Mark’s Eve Janus Eostara Luna Hudough Bacchic type partying
Feast for the triple key Astarte (Easter) original colored egg day. worship of Athena and Minerva Spring Festivals, craft fairs Major witch sabbat Day of godess Albion who protects Britian celebrate Return of the Goddess Roman sacrifice at the Tombs Festival of Janus
German gaddess of rebirth Eostara worship of Moon goddess in all her different forms and names Amer. Indian dance with free sex for all All Fools Day (also probably the actual birthdate of Christ) Begin Magna Mater for 7 days Celebrate Cybele Festival of Kwan Yin Passover Equinox of the Gods Faster Tellus
Parilia, Earth Day Festival of Ishtar Jupiter, Saint George Saint Mark, Cuckoo Day Floralia Beltaine, Walpurgis Night May Day Fire Festival, Elena Asian pagans use incense and po to shrines Drugs and orgies warship god of environment and environmentalists Fire rituals, remember Mother Earth Parades, festival of fertility Flowers used
Sex rituals, witches meet on mountaintops and dance, women mate with High Priests, the children of Walpurgis night are called “sons of Pan”, In Germany in 1990 on this night Brocken holy mtn, in Ger. was reclaimed by fem. witches. Sex rituals, May poles, trees decorated Goddess of the Holy Road Elena
Veneration of the Thorn Hawthorn Tree worshipped Enlightenment of the Budda Nones of May Lemuria Eisheilige (ice saints) Goddess Tithe Day Lemures are wandering spirits of the dead Lemuria was a day to make peace with the dead spirits who don’t like you German spirits of cold and wet weather worship Black-robed
Isis get 1 and 10 tithe Apollon Day, Feast of Pan Priest has wine, women and song to honor Pan Mjollnir, Ascension Day Ritual contests, trial by combat Kose Festival Rosalia May 24 June 14 June 17 June 20 June 21 June 24 July 3 July 7 July 10 July 17 July 18 July 22
July 23 July 25 July 26 August 1 August 4 August 6 August 12 August 13 August 15 August 24 August 25 September 1 September 7 September 8 sept 9 sept 13 September 14 Mother of Arles, Hermes French gypsy partying, Feast day of Hermes
Celebration of the Tao incense burned to the mother of the world Oak Apple Day wear oak leaves, walk around crops for favor Feast of the On of Heaven worship Frigg, brew Whitsun ales, light white candles Kalends of June Mather Earth Day Secand Festival of Peace Festival of Roses Vestalia, Purification by fire
Landisfarne Day Vesta Feast Day Feast of Epona-Celtic Goddess shaped like a horse transports witches into the magical realms of the spirits Vidar Day for modern Asatru Saint Botolph Eve of summer solstice Summer Solstice Stonehenge used, cares were written and burned, chanting Fortuna, Day of Luck bonfires lit on high points, or candles
Doe Days Feriae Ancillarum, Festival of Handmaids In Japan and Korea Tanabata occurs Worship for Holda, Hela, Skadi Skadi is represented by a scythe Festival of Amaterasu-o-Mi-Kami Japenese worship of Sun goddess Birthday of Sir John Dee, inventor of Enochian Magic Black Virgin Mary Magdalene celebrated in France
Feast of Sothis Apogee of Sirius, Чор might be sacrif. Furrinalia worship Furrina Sleipnir altered states of consciousness Lammas Rituals, festivals, Indian corn Festival Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Celtic Tan Hill Festival Holy Fire day Lights of Isis=Saint Clare’s Isis worship day Christinized to be Saint Clare’s Day
Feast of Prophet and Bride Crowley’s marriage to Rose Kelly celeb. Festival of Hecate and Diana — Yggdrassil Tree-symbol. change and chaos Assumption of Mary gaddess Mundus Cereris and Odin’s OrdealsOpen ritual pit of underworld and spirits Opeconsiva Ist holiday of goddess Ops, Feast of Ist Fruits, Radha’s Day Feast of Tahuti Homosexual sex magic
Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Horned dance Banquet of Venus, Ides of September sex Feasts of Lights Burn lights to tombs of dead, and gods September 16 Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year, cabalists celebrate September 19 Fast of Thoth Thoth honored September 20 Host of Midnight Hands cut off while alive, then rit. buried
September 21 Feast of the divine Trinity and Rites of Eleusis September 23 Autumn Equinox bathe in sea, carry torches, start of Mysteries September 29 Michaelmas Christian form of Nudd, Lord of the underworld and the faerie kingdom whose sacred mountain is Glastonbury Тог,
September 30 8th day of mysteries sometimes women cut off their hair October 1 Yom Kippur October 5 Greek day of holy spirit Sophia worshipped, gnostic holiday October 11-13 Thesmophoria, Festival of Women’s rights or Festival of Demeter magical fertility. October 12 Crowleymas Crowley’s birthday October 23 Winter Saturday Asatru festival
October 31 SAMHAIN, Halloween Parties. Trick or treating, vandalizg November 1 Mexican Festival of the Dead Picnics in cemetaries November 2 AII Souls Day November 3 Gaelic New Years Initiation of the soul November 5 Guy Fawkes Night Burn effigies and cares November 16 Witches’ Night of Hecate Prophecies, worship of Witch Queen
November 25 Persephone worship Wheel goddess of underworld November 29 Sons of Saturn, Saint Saturnius Satan’s sons“ Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto December 6 Thor, Saint Nicholas Gnostic holiday for Saint Nicholas (Thor) December 10 Lux Mundi worship of goddess Lux Mundi whose statue is called the Statue of Liberty, New York harbor
December 13 Saint Lucy’s Day Lucina, the Sun goddess worshipped Dес 17 Saturnalia (7 days) Carnivals around Europe December 21 Yule (means the Wheel), WINTER SOLSTICE December 24 Mother Night These are standard ritual dates, however during the year witches will carry out rituals to
Cast spells for specific purposes that are unique to that point in time. Spirits and demons will be conjured up all during the year. Magic, Yoga, meditation etcetera also go on during the year. There are a number of occultic fraternities,
Some of which are college fraternities, which have their own pecular special days. The KKK and the Neo-Nazis have their special days 100. For instance, it is a given that Hitler’s birthday will be celebrated by Neo-nazis. If you are dealing with a satanic group which
Admires Hitler, they may also celebrate his birthday. The list of Pagan holidays lumps everything together: however, when you are dealing with a group see if they are following Crowley, or Gardner, or American Indian traditions or whatever and learn the rituals that are
Unique to that group. I hope that this disgustingly long list of ritual dates will help Christians understand better whatever they may be confronted with as they encounter and deal with the world of witchcraft. SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 OCTOBER 30, 1995
Researching ritual sites and carrying out spiritual warfare are two jobs which are never finished. Within a month of petting my Ezekiel 6:3 In-house Directory together, I have additions that I would like to add throughout the entire structure, When Stephen, the first Christian martyr spoke to the Jews assembled to murder him, his talk
Was on the spiritual forces that had shaped their community, Each geographic area has its own spiritual milestones–either good or bad, which have had a cause and effect relationship upon the spiritual forces (such as the principalities) which sit over an area.
When proper prayer is offered up in worship to Yalrweh God, it has a cause and effect relationship upon His Kingdom and His will happening. This is why we are taught to pray “Your kingdom come, Your will he done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10. Earth
Is a mirror image of the reality of Heaven. Earth is not a perfect representation of Heaven, but some day the two will be the same and will be joined. God has placed the responsibility for His kingdom in the hands and hearts of His priesthood. Their prayers are important.
I’m not talking about prayer which verges more on superstition and witchcraft, which unfortunately characterizes so much “Christian” prayer today, I am talking about Holy Spirit breathed, anointed, procreative, supernatural prayer. An amazing thing happens when we decide to take an honest look at the spiritual forces
That are in our geographic region. Our hearing toward I AM God improves, and we understand better what He is trying to communicate ta us. When Christians have gone out in the trenches and fought spiritual forces, they have found
That theory doesn’t work, and they have realized that many of the accepted cures and methods just don’t work. They have begun to realize that they need Lo understand the spiritual forces which have the people in an area in bondage. There are definite geographic patterns to spiritual warfare. There are territorial strongholds
Such as secu in Dan. 10 with the Demonic Prince of Persia. There ure President, Knight, Count, and Congressmen demons. The world’s political systems were first spiritual, and then the patterns were taken from the dark spiritual side by the godless world.
Demons are attracted by the “scent” of people. We are made in the image of God, and we are attractive prey to those who hate God Almighty, Cities are magnets for demons. When demons target a person or people, a common tactic is to make trouble for the person.
When а person’s problems reach a crescendo, they will be in a state of mind to grab any solution that is passing by. People then make pacts with demonic forces. They sell their souls hoping for relief from their problems, All this is clear us a bell to the spiritually
Enlightened, by the demonic forces are able to dull the senses of their victims to the point they no longer have the slightest realization that they have sold their souls. People make a choice to accept the falsehood offered by the demons for their relief, rather than stick
With the truth which seems to hurt. The demonic lies may be that colds and flues are caused by evil spirits–when in reality they are caused by viruses and bacteria. Or the opposite type of lie may be given-Ihul demonic forces have no influence over disease, that only
Viruses and bacteria exist. In Africa, modern medicine is often viewed as White Man’s magic, because they fight disease with incantations which the demons taught them to cure their problems. Authority to demons is transferred to them by festivals, ceremonies and pilgrimages. Strong demonic manifestations usually occur around festivals, ceremonies, rituals and
Pilgrimages which are being done everyday around the world. These ceremonies and rituals are welcome mats for demonic forces giving them the right io rule. Every area has them. And often demonic signs and wonders occur at these rituals and ceremonies,
The power of a lie has to be preserved and fueled by tradition, which is manifested via rituals. Without tradition the power of the lic would die out. If the tradition is being rejected by а people, the demons often anpment it with “new” deceptions, First lie doesn’t
Stand a chance. The pre-existing bondages then are strengthen by new deceptions that seem more appropriate. IF I were to ask you now, “HOW DOES SATAN ENSLAVE PEOPLE?” you should know the answer because I just gave it to you.
The answer is Satan’s control is trauma-based. A trauma is applied to the lives of people. They reach out for some type of answer to the trauma, and the demons offer some type of answer–so many Hail Marys, or so many sacrificed cats, or pray to some idol which
Is a disguised demon. The lies are turned into myths which the people believe. The myths are a blurring of reality which the people on one level may know are false, but their minds can’t break loose of the power of the lie. The power of the myths are fueled by
Tradition and demonic manifestations and demonic attacks. Anyone who steps outside of the demonic lie is attacked. The people feel they are being personally attacked when their traditions are ignored. Because a people has willingly sacrificed the truth for the falsehood in
Their need for relief from their trauma, they have chosen to be deceived. This choice to be deceived has a great deal of spiritual power to it. They are no longer truth-lovers, It is not enough to come to these people with the truth. They have rejected the truth. They
Must at some point will to seek the truth again. These people can have all the proof shown to them about the truth, and they will continue to reject it. Their demonic bondage needs to be broken somehow. This bondage can be broken in a number of ways. Pointing out
The inadequacies of the lies is sometimes sufficient to break the demonic spell aver people. But after the lies are broken, they need to be followed by the truth-and the love of truth. The Monarch Mind Control programming is simply the sophisticated application of what has
Been done to humanity on a large scale being scaled down and applied to a single human body. Trauma and lies are used in the same way. The different alters sell their souls to the lies in return for their safety. A basic ingredient to the programming of a group
Of people (or a group of alters) is the same–trauma and fear. The Land of Oz was ruled bv a shadow-leader the Wizard of Oz. Most countries are ruled by unseen people and unseen powers. The Wizard of Oz story is so representative of how life
Is for Satan’s world. No wonder it is the programming base for some many Monarch mind-controlled slaves. The solution 10 Satan’s control, was that the disciples of Christ would be so united in love that the world would see the solution. “That they all may be onc.-tha( the world
May believe. For the Monarch slaves, the therapists have wanted integration. For the world, Christ wanted integration. But there are formidable spiritual strongholds which divide us. These spiritual strongholds are far stronger than most Christians can imagine. The heartbeat
Of the Hody of Christ is to bring all humanity to Christ. This can be done by breaking down all the lies and programming that separate the parts of the Body of Christ so that those of Christ are so well integrated in love and spirit that the world helieves on the power of Christ.
There are geographic patterns to spiritual warfare. Each area has its deities and spirits which rule the valleys, hames, and nations. These particular spirits exercise power over the local people. The evangelist is not going to progress, unless he understands the spirits that are ruling what he is trying to liberate people from.
The basic territorial spirits are the original ones. In the U.S. these are the Indian spirits. That is why the Illuminati pays such a strong interest in the Indians. The original principalities are the foundation, the bedrock upon which everything else is layered upon. This also
Is done in Monarch programming. A number of Monarch slaves have Indian shamans and spirits placed in their systems. Upon the foundation, the newer ideologies are layered in. In Russia, communism was simply layered on top of the original territorial spirits. In China, communism
Was simply layered on top of the original territorial spirits. This is one reason why Chinese communism and Russian communism were never alike. Traumas and crises will produce strongholds. Our understanding of our blind spots is often weak because we use others as our measuring stick rather than the divine word of God.
Blindspots and strongholds may take outside intervention in our lives to eliminate. How many of us see that Moroni on top of Mormon temples is a ruling demon? How many of us have realized that the rising sun on Japan’s Пар is the Sun goddess of who is a ruling
Spirit over Japan? If we go to Hawaii we will see the natives interested in Pele, the God of Fire. The volcanoes have been used by the demons to entrap the people to Pele, the God of Fire. One of the things that the book Ezekiel 6:3 shows is that many of the ritual sites
Have occult names. Devil’s Canyon may well be a canyon for devils. The names people give geographic areas are important. They show the types of pacts that people have been making, Paul under the Spirit’s inspiration wrote, “while we do not look at the things which
Are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Second Corinthians 4:18 The invisible things are more important that the visible. It we recognize this, the Word of God says that
This will help us keep from losing heart! “Therefore we do not lose heart, Even though our oulward mun is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. Second Corinthians 4:16 I was able to visit with a man who helped build a number of the secret underground installations
For the government, He had a very high security clearance. The man is a Monarch Mind-controlled slave. His system has a photographic mind, due to brain-stem scarring. Me is trying to expose the New World Order. He has provided a great deal of new information to me, since
He knows first hand about the underground bases. I have been able to significantly update and correct my information on underground installations. The corrections he made to my list have been made to those pages, and these pages are included.
I also discovered that I had left out the ritual sites of the Process Church (which w a satanic group developed from the ОТО.) That information will also be provided here in this supplement to update your information on the location of ritual sites.
Another addition to the information I had to share came from a woman who visited me from Bend. She had been talked into going over to the McKenzie Pass area to go some hot springs with acquaintances. It turned out that they were members of a satanic coven,
She was raped and then prepared for а Sabbat sacrifice. She managed tо escape the coven, but has been harassed greatly since then. She provided information about who is in the cult and the underground tunnel system that extends under Bend, Oregon and throughout
That area of Oregon. I told her that if her life is threatened that she should tell her satanic abusers that I will publish the names of the satanic coven which tried to sacrifice her. I also will expose other things she learned. I will provide some of the basics of what
I learned iu а map which is part of this supplement, When I went through and pulled together my information on ritual sites, I forgot that I had given ritual sites for the Process Church in an article on the Process Church. The Process Church is an offshoot of the ОТО.
The Ezekiel 6:3 also did not give any information about the OTO. The OTO will carry out many of their rituals at their designated temple sites around the country. The first place to look for rituals is at their OTO “temples”, and then the rest of the sites can only be
Learned from insiders or ex-insiders. Process Church Rituals Before each coven ritual mecting a virgin was raped, or a person or animal sacrificed. The rituals of the Process Church are similar to Aleister Crowley’s teachings and what the OTO does. Part of some of the groups’ rituals include drinking the cult Master’s (leader)
Urine. Each new member makes a Covenant or Pact with the group which is signed with their own blood. Each new recruit is required to bring pictures of their entire family and addresses. These items are kept by someone in the coven. (The person who keeps these
In the Illuminati is called The Keeper of the Seals.) These items are kept as tools of blackmail and coercion should anyone betray the group or break a vow. Rituals done by the Basque witches of Portugal and Spain were also studied and adopted. Members often get
Tatoos, sometimes beneath the upper lip, as а sign af who they belong to. RITUAL SITES The Process Church flourished around college campuses and military bases. It also flourished in large cities. In some of these places the Process Church, which is underground, is thriving in these
Areas. In some areas, 1 ат only able to give the city name and not the exact location of the rituals. CANADA Toronto CALIFORNIA Beverly Hills– Los Angeles, California–In March 1968, 30 members set up an outpost at а large house on 1882 South Cochrane Street Mill Valley, California–
O’Neill Lark, Santa Ana Mountains (so. of L.A.)-human sacrifices were done here Sun Francisco–407 Cole Street San Francisco, a headquarters building in 1967. Later they moved to Oak Street San Francisco North Beach Section San Anselmo, California–u house CONNECTICUT Most sites unknown Ridgefield, near the state border in a wooded area ILLINOIS Chicago
LOUISIANA New Orlcans MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge, Mass. Found Ridge, Mass–sa. of North Salem–a house off Salem Hd. in the Pound Ridge community NEW YORK Brooklyn, МУ–А Process building was set up on East 12th SL Rituals were done in a nice Brooklyn Heights home on Henry Street between Love Lane and Atlantic Ave. Another
Spot near Love Lane was also used for rituals. Bronx-White Plains Rd area of northeast Bronx Greenwich Village, New York–Process Church was established in 68 on Cornelia Street Lawrence, Long Island, New York– In a secluded woods behind the Woodmere Country Club, there
Was an abandoned root cellar, where an estate once been on the land, the cellar looks like a bunker. Shelter Island, Long Island, New York, Southhampton, МA–5се Roy Rodin below for details about his mansion where many satanic rituals were held.
Westchester County and Putnam County line–in the NE corner of Westchester Co. is an abandoned church which served us the eastern headquarters. This church near Brewster, Mass. was part of un estate owned by the Warhurgs and the Rothschilds. The mansion had burned-out, A witch lived on this Rothschild property for u number of years.
White Plains–an abandoned church near Central Ave. A small shed near the abandoned church was used to store ritual items. Yonkers, New York–The Carr house at 316 Warburton Ave. was a command center and Untermyer Park was a ritual site for the Yonker’s group. The spot in Untermyer’s Park was at an ald
Pump house called locally Devil’s Cave. The aqueduct in that area was called the gutters or sewers and that is where a satanic altar was placed. Another site near Devil’s Cave was at the old Stillwell Estate on North Broadway about
1 and 2 mile away from Untermyer Park, Untermyer Park is near the Hudson River in Yonkers. Several of the Satanic group that Berkowitz belonged to lived in the Pine Street and Wicker St. and Warburton Ave. area. An old 8′ wide aqueduct pipe that no longer carried water
Ran from that area underground for a couple miles and continued to the Untermyer Park where rituals for the group were carried out for a number of years. With Mashlights or candles it was possible to walk undetected to the ritual site. Further, at certain locations
Hidden forgotten maintenance portals gave people access to the tunnels too. Untermyer Park had a interesting осем history. The land belonged to Samuel Tilden, a U.S, presidential candidate in 1876. A lavish estate with Greek and Roman columns was built on the land. A
British Satanist named Samuel Untermyer bought the land from ‘Tilden in 1903. Untermyer then imported stone to embellish the landscaping. When Untermyer died in 1940, the city of Yonkers took over. Rituals included the Black Mass where a chalice with feces, urine, vomit and animal blood were poured into a chalice and consumed. Humans, dogs,
Esp. German shepherds and cats were sacrificed. The cult met at least once a month on the full moon, and also on the satanic holidays. They also esteemed Aleister Crowley’s birthday. The group also met in a mansion in Greenburgh, central Westchester which had been burned out.
NORTH DAKOTA The cult likes North Dakota because there are wide open spaces where policemen rarely if ever travel to. This gives them a free ticket to carry out whatever they want without exposure. In 1971, Process members dressed in black clerical garb with red collars rented a house in Bismarck and began recruiting.
Rituals were held in his house. Bismarck, ND–In a wooded area just below Mary College (a small college) in an old shed in the woods. Notable personages of Bismarck were and are part of this cult. Some of the professors at Mary College ave in the cull too. Dogs
Were ritually killed in a magic stone circle there. Access to the site was via Mary College. The cult also met at Hillside Cemetery, behind a Catholic Church, and at a Bismarck synagogue. Mandan, ND–a coffee shop was used far recruiting Minot, ND–Behind Falcon Nest Coffee Shop
Was a ritual site, the coven of about a dozen people also used an old farmhouse out of town. TEXAS Dallas Houston MEMBERS OF THE PROCESS CHURCH and BRANCHES–The Process Church had different levels of participation. Some members would be in leadership, sume would be regular members, and some would be
Occasional participants. The following people fit into one of these types of members, two asterisks mean that the person was part of David Rerkowitz’s Satanic coven, Stanley Baker-member Santa Cruz Process Church, carried fingers of his victims in a leather pouch. He was recruited on a Wyoming university campus, where he participated in blood drinking
Rituals. Bobby Beausole:.-San Francisco satanist, part of Manson’s Family, he starred in the film “Lucifer Rising” where he played the part of Lueiter, “David Berkowitz (с. 1953- )-from а Jewish family, joined the Sataniste іп 1967, showed an interest in Christianity while in Prison, was selected by the cull to take the blame
For all the cults murders. Because his guilt and insanity were all staged, Berkowitz found his arrest and trial amusing, because he was watching the police seem to believe all the deception. The truth is the police had the evidence that Berkowitz was not the one who
Did all the murders and that others helped them. Some of the heads of the police departments, who were the most informed of the evidence decided to ignore the evidence, and allow Berkowitz to be the fall guy. While in prison a serious attempt to kill him almost succeeded. Jerry Berg-in Minot, ND group
Donny Boone—in Minot, ND group “Cameo (approximate name]-Lt. of the head over Berkowitz’s group, he carried messages from the Boss. Whoever the Boss of Berkowitz’s group was, he in turn answered to someone. Dressed like an Indian with a headband. He introduced clients to call girls at the Auto
Pub restaurant in Manhattan’s General Motors Building, John Charles Carr (nickname Wheaties) (1946 1978}-He and his brother were the actual Son of Sam. They were both in the cult and their father’s name was Sam Carr. John Carr was associated with North Dakota (а member of the Minot group) and New York {а member of
The Westchester group). He dealt drugs in Minot, ND. John liked to rape young glris. John instructed the author Peter Haining in black magic at John’s house, Michael Vail Carr Ill (1952-1958]–On the staff of the Church of Scientology, went through
The religious retreat of the Church of Scientology called Flag Land Base іп Florida. where he completed their Executive Delegation and Supervision course. This I believe was near Gr at the Fort Harrison Hotel in Clearwater, Florida which is a major training center of the Church of Scientology, He was a member
In network of Process groups that Berkowitz was in. Michael participated in Satanic rituals in several states including the city of Bronx. Fred Crowen- serial killer in New Rochelle. New York Andrew Crispo-Millionaire, Cocaine dealer, had slaves, cult officer -Famous make-up artist
Friend of Crispo was also in the cult. Bruce Davis–LI. of Manson who spent time at the Procass Church’s London headquarters, he also worked at Cn. of Scientology’s НО in London. Danny De Carlo- Process church Santa Barbara, California Mickey De Vinka–Judy Garland’s husband at the time of her death, Roy Radin’s chief assistant Erickson—
Marianne Faithful–companion tc the Rolling Stones. in the Process Church for a while, was picture in one issue of Process magazine, as if dead and holding a rose. Phil Faicon–Amer. Indian from the Dakatas тап a coffee shop in Minot called Falcon’s
Nest before moving out west, appears to have had апу a short time association Howard Green-a satanist killed by the cult in ritual Boben Hirshmann (c. 1953-1978) cult name Brother Tor member New York area Patricia Krenwinkel–Manson family member Bernard LeGeros—son of U.N, executive, satanic slave
Manson 11 (occult name). his last name is believed ta be Frank—the Process Church officer who was Charlie Manson’s boss. Worked at the Process Church’s secret L.A. headquarters Charles Manson–Charlie was the highest level Scientologist-a Theta Clear, and was а Process leader. Early investigators suspected Manson’s Process membership, but were not able to pin
It down. It is has been determined though, Carol Магоп–а Process Satanist from Brooklyn killed by cult in ritual Terry Melcher-TV producer (not known it he was member-but worked with the Process Church), apparently a part-time participant. Terry was the son of Daris Day. Robert МсKеапе N- N businessman John Koqut–Satanic murderer, porn producer
Anita Pallenberg—girlfriend of Rolling Stones Keith Richards— Jonathan de Peyer (cult name Father Christian]- John Philligs–part of tha Mamas and Papas, a part-time participant, donated money to the Process Church Roy Alexander Radin (1950-Fri. May 13, 1883)- Process leader who was killed
Fri. 13 May after attending Adam Button’s (actor Ried Button’s son) bar mitzvah, Cull motivations to silence him, and difficult financial transactions converged and the cult executed this Process officer from Ocean Castle, Scuthampton, New Jersey. He was taken passed
Magic Mtn, and Pyramid Lake and shot in a remote site off Hungry Valley Road at the end of the Сорсо Canyon Service rd. in the Sen Fernando Valley. He had top level drug links to So. America and Hawaii. His mansion Ocean Castle on Dune Road, Scuthinampton,
Long Island was worth $3 million. He had become a millionaire somehow by Ihe age of 25. He would be seen in public wearing a devilish black cape and twirling a cane guarded by bodyguards. He threw expensive crug and sex and satanic parties гі his mansion. He mace
A series “snuff vicaos–that is when а person is murdered and sacrificed and it is filmed live. Two of the Son of Sam murders were videoed al Radin’e command. Radin ran à large call girl operation. Reeve Carl Rockman- Associated with New York and North Dakota Budy-member in the New York area
Alex Saunders–British “warlock” who initiated actress Sharon Tale into witchcraft Name unknown- was a Yonkers policeman Ranald Sisman–drag dealer friend of Роу Radin, Sisman wes in the process of giving snuff videos of the cult to police when he was killed (executed). Catherine (Сураlе) Share–
Anthony Varisco— killed in Putnam, New York “Howard Weiss: Jewish background, belonged to a police aux. fire unit, was a “peace officer’, worked for the Bronx Child Welfare Agency Mieter Wil ther Elyj–Leather goods manufacturer in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco. Dennis Wilson–Beach Hays drummer Wiz [cult namel n Minot, ND group STONE HENGE 2166
Pagans use Shu henge. Rhe Bend, Oregon Area. Areas restricted To Indians only are WARM SPRINGS dangerous for whites, Human sacrifices occur OMA ORAS on the barra Springs reservation Bend. This town at Balancing Rocks and Castle Rocks. SELECTED TOP SECRET UNDERGROUND INSTALLATIONS THAT THREATEN OUR LIBERTY
132 secret underground facilities have been built, many are underground small-cities. A number of these bases have been described 10 me by witnesses including NORAD, Dulce, Coos Вау, and Dreamland. Format is as Follows: Site name, site location, group and groups in control, size, activity ARIZONA Fort Huachuca- saucer base Santa Catalina Mountains – base
ARKANSAS Din the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village-installation purpose not known Pine Bluff, Ark.-saucer base CALIFORNIA 29 Palms Marine Base – saucer base southeast of Ludlow. This is a U.S. alien research and diagnostic facility and U F O base. Identified on military map as airspace area R-2501N. Deep Springs, California- saucer base
Fort Irwin, California- saucer base Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. and the sa. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground U F O bases. George Air Force Base, California – saucer base Helendale, Lockhead Underground Facility, technology for secret projects. There are
3 saucer bases here. Los Angeles, On Hwy 14 towards Edwards A.F.B. after Palmdale, one turns off and after taking several streets to 170th street, north on 170th Street to the Rosamond-1701h intersection, the second and lower and better maintained
Dirt road will take you west, and if you take a right going north at the power lines and up to the hilltop you will see the top of an underground NORTHOP facility. Technology for the elite’s secret projects. This area was very active in the 1970s.
Kern River, California the hollawed out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersficld- reported saucer base Norton Air Force Rase- saucer base Quincy, California–saucer base Near Palmdale (if one takes Palmdale Blvd. til 240th Street and goes to Ave R-8. One
The eastern limit of Ave. K-K is McDonnell-Douglas’s facility called the Llano Facility. One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills 10 the south of the facility. Santa Rasa, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Regional center for west coast, what the Federal Emergency Management Agency is doing is mostly kept secret
Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases. Tehachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in September 95. This is the “Unholy 6” base of the Orions. COLORADO Alamosa- reported saucer base Colorado Springs, NORAD –Canada and U.S., and Federal Emergency Management Agency, hundreds
Of people on staff, contains at least 4.5 cubic miles of underground caverns and 45 underground steel buildings. This complex tracks thousands of satellites, missiles, submarines, and U F O’s. NORAD also controls many Monarch slaves who have ALEX, JANUS, ALEXUS endtime callback programming. NORAD installation has 1278 miles of road
Underground. Fort Collins- base for Gray aliens Grand Mesa- Orion saucer base FLORIDA Massive base- reported saucer base Eglin Air Force Base- Orion saucer base since 1978 GEORGIA Thomasville, Federal Emergency Management Agency, regional center, Lhey train groups in Search and Destroy missions for when Martial Law is imposed. IDAHO
Lower Goose Lake area in the general area of Oakley, ID.–Wackenhut of the Hluminati run n “model prisun” for the NWO. The worst of the federal prisoners are placed in this underground prison which has 7, 100 cells which are filled with about 2, 700 federal inmates. A track runs through the middle of
The ceric underground facility. Foad and showers are on the tracks, and the men are allowed showers once a week. The minimum of lighting is used and the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all. It sits 500 feet underground. MARYLAND
Camp David–just north of the camp is an underground facility important to the intelligence agencies. below Fort Meade, of the National Security Agency, 10 acres of the most sophisticated supercomputers that can be built, very large complex, massive surveillance of all the world’s communications, including all
Transmissions in the U.S. and world of telephones, telegraph, Lelex, fax, radio. TV and microwave transmissions. Olney, actually the facility is between Olney and Laytonsville, on Riggs Road off of Route 108. Another underground facility may also exist in the area, Federal Emergency Management Agency and possibly NSA, the facility may be 10 levels deep,
Purpose unknown. Suitland, Maryland- Classified archives of U.S. government stored here in underground levels. Vaults have extensive amounts of documents which are not indexed. Restricted access with a coded security card. MASSACHUSETTS Maynard, Federal Emergency Management Agency, regional center, Wackenhut is here too. MICHIGAN Battle Creek, Federal Emergency Management Agency, regional center, activity secret (not
Validated) Gwynn, Michigan- near Gwynn is a large underground base which is а key base for sending signals. An Air Force Base is also nearby. Under Lake Superior is an alien base with roads 5000 feet deep. MISSOURI 12 miles south of Lebanon, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges- reported saucer
Base Olin the Bat and Dry and Dead Man and Howell cluster of caves- reported saucer base NEVADA Blue Diamond -reported saucer base Groom Lake, also known as Dreamland, Area 51. The Area, the Spot, Red Square, Sally Corridor, Watertown Strip. Run by the NWO along with demonic beings,
The C I A is there and Wackenhut Security. Two large underground facilities close to buf separate from Groom Lake hut controlled by the demonic beings are Papoose Range and Cockeyed Ridge (5-4) underground bases. Purpose їз the testing of various U F O’s and
Other secret aircraft like the Aurora and Stealth. Also biological work is done, including the biological raising of small greys. Many levels have been built at these three complexes, and a 7 mile long run way (which is
Actually 39 miles) has been built over Groom Lake, a dry lake. There is an 5-2, an 5-4, an 5-6, and an 5-66 underground installations. S-66 is the most secret and it has 29 levels and is 11, 300 deep. Quarizite Mountain SE of Tonapah- reported saucer base
Tonopah, Airforce, C I A? and 77, deals with secret aircraft NEW JERSEY Picatinny Arsenal- saucer base, 1 and 4 cubic mile large and very deep underground. NEW MEXICO Angel Peak- reported saucer base Carlsbad Cavern area (now destroyed) -ald relics of saucer base left
Dulce, N.M.–South of Dulcein the area of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation, another facility is east of the Dulce facility a number of miles. This is run directly by Illuminati with Army and Airforce help, C I A also conduct experiments at the center; the size of the installation is huge requiring small
Shuttle trains and has seven levels according to witnesses. Serves as a U F O base, biological experiments, production center for small- grey drones. Wackenhut provides some of the security on the ground. Manzano Min, near Albuquerque, known as the Kirtland Munitions Storage Complex, Airforce, 3000-acre base within the Kirtland Air Force Base and
Sandia National Labs complex, guarded by 4 lethal rings of fences, use unknown, suspected U F O base. A new 285000-square foot bunker is being built near Manzano Base, Bl Pic Town, in area near Pie Town, U F O Base. Sandia Mountains NE of Albuquerque -reported saucer base
To the north of Taos Pueblo – reported saucer base NEW YORK n Platisburgh (near Canada and Saint Albans) Air Force Base- two saucer bases in this area. OKLAHOMA Ada, underground saucer base, this base does human cloning, and it is the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s most sensitive base. Ashland Naval Ammunition Depot- reported saucer
Base OREGON Coos Bay area has had three separate but coordinating underground facilities built for U F O’s. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged.
Klamath Falls, Oregon–since September “95 this has been a base for a number of NWO groups including the Air National Guard, Federal Emergency Management Agency, C I A, F B I, Spetznaz, and MOSAP training base. An underground concentration camp exists here, PENNSLYVANIA
Blue Ridge Summit, near Fort Ritchie, known as “Raven Rock” or “Site K”, Army, major electronic nerve center, 650 ft. below surface with about 350 staff and over a 716 acre area, possibly connected via tunnel to Camp David. TEXAS Fort Hood. Texas, home of some Delta Mind-Controlled soldiers and a reported saucer base.
Denton. Texas – Federal Emergency Management Agency, regional center, activity sccret Red River Arsenal. Texas- reported saucer base VIRGINIA Bi Bluemont, Mount Weather base, Federal Prepardness Agency and Federal Emergency Management Agency, small-city underground, top-secret, staff of several hundred, does secret work for Federal
Emergency Management Agency and contains a complete secret government with the various agencies and cabinet-level ranking administrators that keep their positions for several administrations and help run the United States. Culpepper, about 2 miles east of Culpepper olf of Route 3, called Mount Pony, Illuminati–Fed.
Reserve, 140000 square feet, includes a facility for the storage for corpses, monitors all major financial transactions in the U.S. by means of the “Fed Wire”, a modern electronic system. Warrington Training Ctr.–two sites one on Route 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road,
On Viewtree Mountain. One is Station А the other Station B. Army and 22, purpose unknown WASHINGTON Bothell, Federal Emergency Management Agency, regional center, activity unknown WEST VIRGINIA Sugar Grove, the Navy’s Office of Naval Strategic Intelligence Services monitors U.S, microwave communications. There is also a sancer base here.
White Sulpher Springs, under the Greenbriar Hotel, a mini-city large enough for 800 people equipped with its own crematorium, if there are any other purposes other than listening to U.S. microwave communication