All right all right all right what’s up folks man let’s get into this one man doing a quick live on this one man but uh this [ __ ] coming from Earl man this is some real embarrassing [ __ ] and like the title State man uh question um here
Based on this title and then this one I asked is earol Spence is earol Spence looking like a clown with all these excuses that’s coming up from these injuries that he’s just pulling out of his ass um as of late as he you know went on this hide
Away from showing his face on Instagram and then now when he comes back to show showing himself and feeling comfortable of coming back out into the public here you got all this goddamn excuse [ __ ] which nobody needed to hear none of this [ __ ] none of this surgical
[ __ ] that [ __ ] could have been done and over with without having fans to have to get an ear of any of that [ __ ] and all it looks like when you when you start pulling that [ __ ] out into the [ __ ] Universe what you expect fans to come
Out and say what the [ __ ] do you expect the fans to come out and say and to come out and think man this [ __ ] looks like some straight up clown [ __ ] and almost puts it to the point to where people just GNA write you off man it’s just
Like give it up and none of this [ __ ] takes away any of the any of the credit away from Terence Crawford you can’t take nothing away from Terence Crawford you went in there and got your goddamn ass whoop you came in there seeking to destroy this dude and this dude came out
Here here and beat your goddamn ass um I mean what’s the next move that we gonna get from earol Spence is Errol Spence gonna go and get back surgery and some [ __ ] and say this is why he couldn’t couldn’t uh uh pivot and do all this
Other [ __ ] to to get the angle to get his shots off that’s why his jab was ineffective he had a nerve ending uh uh being pinched in his back and [ __ ] now he need to now he need to go up there and get a triple bypass spinal surgery
And [ __ ] I mean ear cut this [ __ ] out this [ __ ] is just becoming ridiculous man salute Jimmy Bernard he says what’s good says salute to the chat I rib weight drain and weight drain that’s the other [ __ ] says what’s the uh says what’s uh next says what’s next
He’s going to say he gotta say he need a whole back replacement he need back and hip replacement surgery salute to the OG retro boxing documentaries man great documentary too and he says too many too many damn excuses too many damn excuses when people thinking he’s getting back
On this [ __ ] to get ready to announce uh the rematch and the fight is number [ __ ] excuses and damn medical [ __ ] I mean this fool didn’t became a medical journal for [ __ ] avoiding [ __ ] man you think you gonna get an announcement people coming out with their fake ass
Information and Source news the fight gonna happen before December they were wrong like I always stated like I always stated the fight wasn’t going to happen people try to challenge that [ __ ] the [ __ ] ain’t happening now your boy going out there to get a laser beamed on his
Eye and [ __ ] this [ __ ] ain’t happening man and then to think that you’re gonna put this [ __ ] out here for the Looney ass uhuh overbore fans to come out there and use as an excuse like oh this is why Terrence beat him it doesn’t diminish
Any of Terence uh work that he put in on this dude he happened to just be a better gu and there was no issues except maybe I can’t even give like an injury excuses with no injury excuse could he been drained or some [ __ ] looking tired possibly but even from the get-go when
He had even a burst of whatever energy or whatnot he just it just showed he wasn’t gonna be anything uh that was a threat to Terence Crawford and I think Terence Crawford moving up in Terence Crawford is already strong at 147 Terence Crawford going up to 154 even
Becomes a more dangerous and stronger fighter and [ __ ] and he knows how prepare himself for this one he’s going to be strong and it’s just going to probably be a worse or ass whooping going up into that weight even without Earl having to be drained and Jimmy
Bernard says he’s probably going to say boxing ring was too big the entrance walk was too long better man won right I got tired on the Walking [ __ ] I should have wore masks during the [ __ ] I should have wore costume during my ring walk retro boxing doc MIT
Says we didn’t know says we didn’t need to know about his surgery Plus we don’t know if it’s cataracts is because we don’t have his medical record say I think it’s Terence Crawford I think it’s Terence Crawford that did uh did that to his eye yeah I think Terence
Whipping them [ __ ] head with them hard ass Jabs like I said that was some of the best jab work i’t seen in a long time man outside of some lenux Lewis Larry Holmes type [ __ ] that [ __ ] was a hella ofy W and Errol Spence couldn’t even compete
With that [ __ ] nothing can do from that there’s certain things that he has limited himself as far as certain type of skill and attribute that’s brought into a lot of these fights a lot of these fights he just walks at guys try to walk through him there’s nothing he
Can do in here uh I didn’t see anything looking wrong with his ribs because some people even running with the rib injury [ __ ] yeah I knew it was the rib injury that’s why I couldn’t man he ain’t show no signs of even if you sat back to
Rewatch that fight that look like there was anything going on with a rib and many people say man yeah the rib makes hard to breathe you wouldn’t go [ __ ] all those rounds that he was going if you had that type of injury as well neither and at Lisa Bell’s in the
Building salute to Lisa Bells Lisa Bell says salute to myself in the chat saying salute to Retro boxing documentary says salute little bro Lisa Bell’s Jim Bernard saying salute and Berto saying salute to Lisa Bell salute big sister fex says these Spence fans are miserable
Say at The Bu whoop Spence and then some of them even trying to use the excuse making uh as reason like we’re going to get our revenge going into the second fight like when I first start seeing Earl get on the [ __ ] Instagram and posting it’s like man oh it’s get back
Season get back to the doctor this what season it is getting back to the [ __ ] doctor like the hell everybody gonna pay for it I didn’t took notes and this and that you didn’t took medical notes you didn’t took all the notes the doctor told you how to rehab
During all this damn [ __ ] they got you going through like come on Spence man I can’t believe it it turned out this way but the one thing I do like is the fact that he’s come out and stated with a lot of people stated and even myself uh his
Lifestyle has been [ __ ] up not living the Box’s lifestyle he owned up that he had that ass whooping coming uh coming to him and just happy to hear words like that but the surgery [ __ ] broken rib [ __ ] I don’t even know if he come up with the rib [ __ ] but I’ve seen people
Putting that post out there about some rib [ __ ] it’s like come on homie don’t go out like that man do not go out like that with this kind of excuse making if you had a injur rib Terrence broke that [ __ ] fotex says these Spence fans are miserable at the bug whoops uh Spence
Yeah they sound stupid and then they even sound some of them transition to becoming extreme Devin fans and they sound about as dumb as [ __ ] from listening to to them talk now with how much they [ __ ] on on on Devin Haney nut sex it’s just crazy man and then to
See the same crop of people people that run with these same narratives and they kind of bird feed each other man just chew up the worm and pass it along and [ __ ] it’s chewing and P that’s what they do with the worms these fools be [ __ ] mama mama and baby bird feeding each
Other with the same kind of fanboyism and [ __ ] Jim Bernard Lisa bell saying salute fex saying what’s good L Lisa and the fex saying what up the blood and Lisa Bell’s a fa Tex Jan the Bild salute bro says salute and then uh Trey Trey in the building says uh says testimony or
What is that supposed to be T Fimo with dog walk man T Fimo ain’t fighting none of these dudes and these dudes like tiimo the [ __ ] they do with skipping over the divisions to call out other guys to where if they lose it’ll just be like well we were trying to be great
Where these Champions don’t want to fight each other it’s like nobody the Champions wonder why they’re not big-time Stars they cry about the money they’re not making it’s because you’re not giving [ __ ] of value to the damn Sports you’re not bringing of anything value to any of the titles that you hold
These dudes accomplish some [ __ ] and want to throw it in the face each other well I’m a two-time this I don’t want of this I’m the youngest guy to ever be a champion but then when it’s other guys that you know you should be fighting you’re not fighting them when
These guys get the titles they’re not fighting them then you get that little Looney fans that even defend them from fighting guys who are challenges and the guys who are good and challenging them become ha and all that other [ __ ] well fighter should be a [ __ ] hater how
You going to fight out of love man fighting is all about [ __ ] hate so labeling a fighter as a [ __ ] hater like they do with Shakur and [ __ ] is the perfect [ __ ] thing to make up a match it’s the perfect thing to be a [ __ ] hater someone you don’t like you go
Fight him but you see with a lot of these guys in this 140 [ __ ] how they all just so conveniently ignore the [ __ ] out of sabr Matias and I even been hearing people say that sabril hasn’t shown anything he hasn’t proved nothing yet it’s just like wait where the [ __ ] y’all
Get that [ __ ] from you seen everything he’s been doing people of a certain level he’s way above that [ __ ] he didn’t capture one of these trash ass things called the title and Devon and them have one but they all skipping hopping skipping and jumping away from the
Danger and they even jump hop ski and jump away from the danger within themselves Within amongst themselves but let alone none of them want to fight sabr but it’s convenient how people talk boxing and claim they want to see the best fighting each other but they avoid
Talking about that guy to take on challenges against people in the higher class they know probably knocked them the [ __ ] out and Tio definitely doesn’t want to fight um a Terence Crawford because if when he was getting Bank bank shot by [ __ ] lomachenko when he starts swinging at him uh that power was
Was affecting Tio Tio ain’t the the the most resistant guy to a punch and if he was dropped by [ __ ] kosas he’s going to sleep against uh Terence Crawford who is showing what he truly is because he’s stopping every [ __ ] at 147 pounds he’s probably gonna go to
154 and do it as well the [ __ ] is a strong ass dude everything ain’t based on the height what a person weighed and all that [ __ ] that doesn’t Define strength especially the strength of a person’s ability to punch the strength in punching ain’t based on how
Much you can brinch press and all that other stupid ass [ __ ] and then uh treyman says tfield well dog walk Bud we’ll have to see that uh but they need to dog walk sabril Mattias first Lisa Bell says Jan he says salute Jim Bernard says I like EJ says he’s a great fighter
Says probably Hall of Famer uh probably Hall of Famer says those excuses are killing him watering down the fight man absolutely it’s like man they killing off from a network even putting this stupid ass [ __ ] on on like you you coming up with all this other [ __ ] and
You already got a uh uh you know injuries that have compounded themselves like fool you’ve been tossed from a [ __ ] land jet like what the [ __ ] are you coming up with this other [ __ ] and Lisa Bell says Trey Monty and then retro saying the uh faex says salute
Mastermind 96 saying send the link all here y’all go with this link [ __ ] let me finish my talking point I’ll let y’all jump on because y’all be talking about the Miami alien and all that other [ __ ] but I I’ll drop the link in a minute let me get through the comments tray Monti
Says spense uh suspense is done bread homie D bread ain’t that somebody oh black fight fan used to use that [ __ ] Texas cat D bread and try Monte says this a uh Lisa Bell salute Lisa Bell says get them thumbs up and y’all [ __ ] can hit the thumbs down
Too man I’ll give them the option hit the Thumbs Up Hit the thumbs down everybody got to like my [ __ ] and Lisa bell saying subscribe thumbs up and share yes yes indeed y’all see that black thumb yeah hit that thumb up and then uh uh Mr P in the building says big
Up Salute my brother Lisa Bells I mean Mr pass of Lisa bell saying salute Mr P says OG blood and then fex says most Spence fans turn boots SL Haney fans yeah now I’m hearing them pushing that the boot [ __ ] on on on but like these
Fools is these fools is some crazy fools man with this fake fan [ __ ] that’s the thing why I be clown these because I can’t stand to talk sports amongst fake ass fans of it and [ __ ] I can’t stand that [ __ ] like all of a sudden when things go wrong with them
Now they become some fans and they push the same kind of Idiocracy onto new Fighters and [ __ ] and then they water down these Fighters and then you get some of these Fighters delusional enough uh who who need some type of companionship and and and Vibe with with
The wrong type of fans that that they surround themselves with and then Fighters will eventually find themselves crashing and burning going down in flames amongst male fan girls and [ __ ] with uh pom pom uh uh pom pom skirts that they wear to the fights and [ __ ]
And wear on their platforms when they do live streams to to uh uh burn the incense and sha rub shea butter on them and burn [ __ ] sage and all that [ __ ] throwing out prayers for these [ __ ] and then uh Kitty Porter’s right hand says salute says salute to
The chat Jan says salute to the queen Lisa bells and then uh retro boxing documentary to Mr pass saying salute Jan says he’s trolling laugh out loud oh uh Mastermind now Mastermind uh probably want me to drop the link you know I hopefully he ain’t gonna talk no crazy
[ __ ] because I’ll be listening to shows where people be having a topic on something and people start talking about this other [ __ ] oh hey Jan I was tripping off of that that one D I remember I was doing the show about that that one fo got caught up in that
Situation where he got his side chick he tried to get her to get the abortion or some [ __ ] that Anthony Edwards or some [ __ ] and but I never watched him play but I was watching uh Trevor Reza interview where he did with uh Shannon sharp and [ __ ] and because I was
Listening I wanted to listen to him talk about Kobe but really to talk about what was going on with him when they play LeBron because the first time I ever seen LeBron when he played uh Trevor Reza in him in high school remember reason him was the number one high
School in the nation at Westchester and [ __ ] and when LeBron that [ __ ] was on ESPN and all that [ __ ] LeBron came to that [ __ ] Westchester and I think he out scored the whole team and [ __ ] so I went to see that but then they was asking who was his favorite player
And they was bringing up other great players cat kept saying Leon I mean no not Leon Edwards but uh what’s that fool name Anthony Edwards he kept bringing up Anthony Edwards and I watched this fool highlights I did not know this [ __ ] was that damn good that fool was sick man but he
Better develop a jump shot and stop trying to dunk on people all the time that [ __ ] game is sick man but his [ __ ] remind me of that other fool who used to bounce like that at uh had game like that that played in Chicago that uh Rose fool yeah Anthony Edwards
Is cold blooded and then uh Sam Griz says trayman says TF feo the champion and then uh Mr P says did you hear Ohara Davies excuse losing he said he was uh kept awake said because there was extra because there was extra oxygen pumped into the hotel casino which
Was what the [ __ ] is wrong with O’Hara Davies because I remember years ago O’Hara Davies was coming up with some weird [ __ ] when he was begging Floyd maywe to sign him or some [ __ ] or to fight a Floyd fight because I think Eddie and them cut him or some [ __ ] when
He lost the fight so this fool better not had said that [ __ ] they need to drug test his ass for making that [ __ ] statement and suspend him if he passed the drug test because he somehow he didn’t found a chemical put in his body to uh uh beat the damn test he
Definitely on dop he said he was kept awake says because it was extra oxygen popped into the hotel casino which was then vented into his hotel room so he could sleep so he couldn’t sleep that [ __ ] is [ __ ] as [ __ ] man because he’s afraid that he’ll never get
A fight again because Eddie done already screwed him once in his career after he took a took a loss and he was trying to beg Floyd or something but yeah Ohara dav’s mad because that old man knocked in the [ __ ] out he just took the old man
Lightly man he stepped in the wrong area to be in range of that old man’s power and he tested that old man got to test his strength on his ass and knocked him out Mr passes Big Ups to JB and he might says says blood boxing says say blood
Boxing was too busy denying his uh oh too busy dying his uh beard earlier on that other video I was lost on that other video it was a voice over or some [ __ ] that you was doing on it because I was like I was like wait you don’t look
Like you saying what I’m hearing and then King AIA says the uh takeover says trying to take over 147 man he go I hope T do make that stupid ass move in in an attempt to avoid uh sabril Matias go up to 147 and get his ass beat the [ __ ] out
The frame and a railroad everything in their [ __ ] career because the other thing with these guys avoiding sabril is that these guys probably can [ __ ] beat him they can probably [ __ ] they can probably [ __ ] beat him from Devin to [ __ ] Tio all of them but the thing about it you better
Move movement is the key to be that [ __ ] you seen what that other fool who sabril just come off of be his ass out the frame that [ __ ] sat on that stool and told the coach uh is this tag team wrestling because you can go in there and take rounds five through
12 goddamn it because I ain’t going back in that [ __ ] but that [ __ ] dude was trying to throw big [ __ ] at sabril matter of fact I thought sabril was about to lose that [ __ ] sabril turned a better beef on that last [ __ ] so hit the key to
Beating sabril is not to stand there and these guys too Devin they all can [ __ ] move and it’ll be key for them to move facing him like I say sabril looks dangerous whooping everybody El but they can probably beat him and we’ll never know because all these [ __ ] are
Avoiding him they want to go fight this guy they want to go up to this damn weight challenging these dudes and you begin to see why these titles get hung up and then why these Fighters ain’t fighting nobody a lot of people like to blame a lot of the promoters especially
The quiet promoters of keeping fighters on the Shelf in this that these Fighters don’t want to fight people they get belts and then don’t want to fight other Champions it’s a sad thing and the only time they’re challenging other Champion is when they think they can beat him
Because a loss to these guys affect them pockets and that’s really the reason why people don’t want ‘s to go Sam gri to Trey says treyman says r t tiimo cambos say sorry Lopez uh keep forgetting his name and then uh is that b is that Steve brenley unbiased Bri Reaper says the
Selling of the REM match is upon us the Spence excuse train is in full effect yeah the Spence excuse train is really in full effect and I think you know not the Fanboys but true Spence fans they have to be extremely disappointed and hearing Earl uh Earl released these type
Of [ __ ] ass information like nobody believes none of that [ __ ] nobody believes it did he need the ey surgeon [ __ ] probably so because his his body is [ __ ] up his a Ed himself he’s had drinking problems young through partying that [ __ ] up accident that could have been down there fatal [ __ ]
Them up detach other [ __ ] he get into a major fight that was gonna be lucrative and a torch passing fight against [ __ ] uh uh uh Manny Pacquiao and like within two weeks of the fight he gets replaced because of that retina [ __ ] which is this accent that fool ain’t got
No teeth in this [ __ ] this [ __ ] is bad and kg in the bill says salute to myself in the chat Lisa Bell’s Mr pass retro boxing documentary says treyman says no sir says it ain’t my time to uh to gray bro oh that’s what you was uh uh dying
That [ __ ] and then uh Lisa Bell says uh Lisa to Steve brenley says kg peace and then Sam G says uh says what’s up to myself in the OG into the chat Mr pass says now that Tim zooo versus Luben got cancelled they was giving Luben Luben
The the wait didn’t Tim Zoo whoop Luben ass or Tim Zoo whooped somebody ass recently he been fighting no Tim Zoo supposed to be fighting Jamal Charlo if Jamal Charlo ain’t gonna fight [ __ ] Terence Crawford Jamal Charlo need to give timzo his opportunity and Tim zoo is another guy that many guys
Overlook but he looks like a an extreme threat he’s look like a super threat says wonder what uh what possible other fights could open up for tou says could be some interesting ones says if not uh says if not rescheduling like why is ericon Luben getting the Tim Zoo
Opportunity it’s like Tim zoo is supposed to be fighting for one of these titles for quite some time it’s like [ __ ] up for him to be overlooked and they throwing uh lubben his way and then Kenny Po’s right hand says what up Lisa Bell because I think timzo let let the
Charlo fights go like twice to take on other fights to keep them active because he he’s really W in that Charlo fight as well as Terence Crawford Charlo got options though we gonna see what Charlo got going Lisa Bell’s Kenny Porter’s right hand and then retro boxing
Documentary says Sam gri salute and then Kenny Porter’s right hand says no Mastermind says be tripping says he is says he is more random and crazier than Philip Bates yeah I remember his ass on here the last time with all that crazy [ __ ] and then King asiia math in the
Building says salute salute my brother King asiia math is that Steve step Brimley says by Bri Reaper Lisa Bell says hey love and then Presidential Jafar or president Jafar says they said Earl was Superman he became oh says he came back from the accident and stronger than ever now Earl got all these
Injuries after he got his ass whooped by bud bud must be Kryptonite say my neck my back my neck and my back goddamn it [ __ ] yeah bud must be Kryptonite and [ __ ] yeah because all that Superman [ __ ] went right out the window window man this why I listen to C these certain
Guys who claim to be fans of boxing I laugh at them man a lot of these dudes just laughable people treym says Spence was eating that Pome meat says before the fight says and it messed up his reflexes s g the Retro boxing documentary says looking forward to your
Uh challenge this Sunday oh yeah y’all check out the OG on on the uh challenge show and then Texas rattles snake says team Spence says team Texas forever man team Texas never Texas Best hope is uh uh Mexican OT man Mexican OT y best hope out of Texas y’all go check out
Mexican OT and then uh King AJ mat says Spence wants bud at 154 man it’s gonna be worse at 154 you got you coming off these injuries and these surgeries that help fix your eyes and [ __ ] because the hand to eye coordination was all the way off and
[ __ ] this dude Buzz about to be stronger like Buzz’s already strong as [ __ ] man he’s proven it ain’t no fluke as to what he has done at 147 but a never went to a scorecard at this weight Division and I don’t think he’s lost a round at this
[ __ ] weight division this [ __ ] is getting tragic for [ __ ] this dude moves up and wait it’s tragic and then a retro boxing documentary says uh says yeah please says no aliens tonight man yeah that’s what they you drop the link and then some people jump on they be on that
Alien [ __ ] when you trying to talk boxing hey I like that other [ __ ] with Karissa and Alicia bumgardner man Karissa man I’m beginning to think that Alicia Bumgarner [ __ ] Karissa Shields up I’m really starting to believe that [ __ ] Karissa look Shook on that airplane is bum Garner bum Garner on her [ __ ]
Head they didn’t R teach other that the cowboy [ __ ] they didn’t Ry teach other on a [ __ ] airplane and acting like them crazy [ __ ] be on Spirit Airlines they ready to fight ready to set that [ __ ] off Carissa whole approach and now if Alicia bongard been uh Keith Thurman uh uh Carissa shi’s
Been all up in his damn face but now that it’s a woman who can fight and with that [ __ ] karissa’s Mighty Ted and [ __ ] mighty mighty tame tame like the [ __ ] Colorado River and then uh Mastermind 96 says Devon hany is the best fighter at 140 we don’t know that
We don’t know if Devon’s the best fighter at 140 we don’t even know if Devon’s the best fighter at 135 just because you touched all those belts don’t mean two bits of [ __ ] these belts mean nothing especially in this day and age to where these guys aren’t aren’t
Showcasing none of that [ __ ] they touch all the belts they become Superstars when there’s other guys in line that will you know uh uh threaten them with in with defeat and they touch these belts and they think they’re above everybody they don’t want to fight them
Then they move to the next division then they fight in these divisions get get a good fight get a good win and then they see other challenges that they should take up there that’s supposed to be so-called Legacy uh challenges and now they don’t want to do it they want to go
For the popularity fights all these dudes want the popularity fights and nothing’s wrong with that but it used to be that the popularity fights used to be uh where you’re fighting another top-notch guy now you you’re you’re battling to where a person is popular based on what hood they’re from what
Type of tiny bopping [ __ ] they got going on some social media platform and then now they’re supposed to be great A lot of these dudes are nothing but ex amateur uh uh competitors and former in the gym sparring competitors that’s that’s about all you got in this [ __ ]
And then uh and then uh Brandon Watson says is that crybaby Brimley and then Mrs P says Brandon shalom and then Lisa Bells Texas R snakes saying salute Brandon Washington says salute Mr Pass Texas R snake Lisa bells and then is that Stephen brenley unbiased BR reap to
Brandon washingon says you couldn’t say that too much bro says you should or he says you shouldn’t say that too much bro says move around and B uh he’s going back they going back and forth so I ain’t gonna keep reading them going back and forth but they going out in the chat
They going out in the chat they turned up Frederick fight on the spot hethon says Reggie is ducking my fade says that boy scary man man you know I be running man I be avoiding everybody fade man I may talk a lot of [ __ ] but I’mma run
From the real [ __ ] I’m G run from the real [ __ ] man I come I come and joke not smoke I get the [ __ ] up out of there Stinger from Ab says what up says what up red salute to my brother Stinger from above and then Mr Minds 96 says Devon
Would never get credit says no matter what he does says they still got LMA uh nuts in they uh says nuts in they fight man Dev get get credit you get these [ __ ] fake ass report from a lot of these uh ldbc begging Beggars of tickets from Bill Haney ass dudes and that’s
Really all you’re getting you’re getting these beggars in hopes of free tickets from Bill Haney ass dudes that trying to push this villain [ __ ] with Dev the most hated guy of Dev and dev’s really not the most hated guy none of that [ __ ] he gets equally uh uh an equal balance of
People who are not for him to win as an equal balance of people who are for him to win and view him as being one of the top-notch guys in the sport so these dudes are just trying to push this villain type narrative to do the same
[ __ ] that made Floyd a financial success in the sport as a push that all everybody hate him and this and that [ __ ] and it’s not working like that he gota go out there the thing that worked with Floyd is Floyd went in there and kept whooping on some of these guys
Favorite Fighters especially guys of other race from other countries and all that [ __ ] go in there and kept whooping their favorite Fighters simple as that not listening to a bunch of people fake like he’s so hated and this and that when it’s not the case and and then Bill
Haney likes that [ __ ] so he don’t he don’t want all this praise 100% as much as they want to act like it because it works for him even Bill Haney gets out there and go to fights he runs with the same [ __ ] we’re gonna play the bad guy
We’re gonna be the villain so these fools these fools just doing that is it’s tactics and uh a smart [ __ ] like me see through it because none of it’s true that dev’s the most hated guy in boxing it’s far from the [ __ ] truth and then is is that Stephen
Brenley says Brandon says oh Yan they going back and forth so I’m glad y’all tagging each other that y’all know I know y’all talking to each other so I can bypass it but I’ll put it on the screen so people can be entertained by y’all going it back and forth kingat
Says she’s cotton says top high school oh High School baller wait who she cotton or is that supposed to be Shay coton from back in the day at at uh um modern day out there in California is that who you typing Shay coton is that brle says Charlo has uh legal issues and
Will probably let go oh should probably let go of his last two belts says and move up to 160 wait what last two belt he gave up belts Charlo gave up uh his belts and [ __ ] but [ __ ] them belts they can still fight and then Brandon back to
Brenley and then Don Z in the bill says salute kg says I never want to see charot fight again why cuz he tried to go up there and fight uh Canelo and got his ass whoop and that’s same thing all these other Fighters trying to do all
These other Fighters are trying to do with what Jamal Charlo did they want to move up and wait talk big [ __ ] like they gonna beat up some Premier boxer up in another division get they ass beat the [ __ ] up because they want to avoid the people who are threats in the division
That they really in who they should be fighting to skip past them get beat the [ __ ] up and then they’ll go back down to their way and then they’ll lose and then it’ll be it’ll be less uh mentally damning to them and [ __ ] but it’ll still
Hurt it’ll still hurt to lose and it’s gonna hurt when sabril whoop they ass because losing sabril is not some easy [ __ ] to recover because that fool be hurting [ __ ] and then Brandon Watson say Brimley says you should oh that’s the Brimley let me see and then
Jan says my my bro Miss pass salute long time no see hope all is well the brenley says to zoo says has the uh WBO already and has complete complete flexibility says to make whatever fight he wants says he is looking at all uh at all promo companies for networks to cover
His fight and then Mr pass says likewise the JB Brandon Wason laughing at a comment up above and then brenley says also Virgil Ortiz is looking for atim Zoo fight say as well man that fool need another [ __ ] fight 154 has plenty of Fighters unlike 147 man Ortiz cannot get
No Tim Zoo fight he’ll be stupid as [ __ ] after that last performance and what happened in that [ __ ] if he don’t go out there and get another stay busy fight keep Tony Weeks out the [ __ ] ring and get some rounds in before he try to make
A move like that and get his ass beat the [ __ ] out the frame timzo will smash uh Virgil Ortiz Virgil Ortiz needs about two more fights uh serious fights to where they’re not being stopped and then Jimmy Bernard says both Charlos disappoint me it’s yeah it’s just like
Them dudes are all coming an end it’s all coming to an end and there’s guard changing through all the divisions of the sport uh heavyweights about to go through a guard change um the what’s that the light heavyweights about to go through a guard change middle weights uh going through
That [ __ ] the 168 middleweights are what’s that super middleweights they going through a guard change 160s going through a dormant period that that division is about to be dead it’s goingon to be dormant for a minute 54 is aging I think Tim Zoo if he can get the
Titles he’ll re over for a while with weaker opposition that is aged out to what’s that beneath that 147 is gonna be flat boots a’t gonna have a good run at 147 uh it’s about to be flat who else is at 147 there’s nobody there Devin and
Them not ready to move up there uh uh naturally they [ __ ] running out ofuh 40 smoke uh it’s just going to be flat a lot of these division is going to be flat uh monster anyway can start making his runs doing what he’s doing that [ __ ] already getting back in the
Ring the one thing I don’t like with the the anyway going into that fight is that how is this shortcut half ass [ __ ] Luis ner back in the spot of of getting the title shot so is that division that damn week uh with competition that Luis ner uh always
Missing weight ass person is getting a [ __ ] shot I hope I I us like Luis ner to he showed a lot of uh uh undisciplined habits with uh with himself he’s going to go in this fight and get knocked the [ __ ] out but he can fight though it’s probably gonna be a
Tough fight for anyway but anyway may may be like a Terence Crawford dude with the uh strength in his punches and then Bley oh this to Brandon Watson from brenley and then uh president Jafar says BM Gard says once that smok says for real Carissa acin scare yeah Carissa Ain
Shook of uh of of Alicia bum Garner then I watched her live and [ __ ] was live I thought she going to be on that live kind of talking [ __ ] and she really wasn’t Alicia Alicia they must know each other from childhood and maybe Alicia done did some big dog stump out on her
Ass when they were young and you know sometimes you get a person where where person you know you you you you beat up a [ __ ] when you all younger and this and that that sometimes psychologically you still have that dominance over a [ __ ] they can probably whoop your ass but
Psychologically they so scarred and and view you in such high you know High status and the hierarchy their brains won’t allow them to to unleash you know the full potential of their skills and I think that’s what’s up with Karissa Karissa is shook of Alicia bomb Garner
She really looking scary out here all that tough [ __ ] she used to talk that [ __ ] looking flat now and then Jim Bernard says they were say they were going at it in the plan says not the only place to go at it say airplanes have been uh getting headlines week yeah
Man airplanes the [ __ ] passengers fight more than these damn Champions and [ __ ] you get a man get you a spirit ticket and [ __ ] man that [ __ ] something about that Spirit [ __ ] like O’Hara Davy said they was pumping oxygen this hotel and he couldn’t sleep they must be pumping
Crack cocaine and spirit Spirit uh uh the airplane of a spirit I mean the cockpit or the fuselage of a of a uh of a Spirit Airline plane and may they gotta whip for some of that [ __ ] at least you’re ready to take off on her ass and record that [ __ ]
And then de time says be du he laughing his ass off says never forget president Jafar says Carissa wanted Thurman smoke at 147 says but she telling Alicia bun Gardner come up to 160 to fight scary [ __ ] man yeah that’s what I heard I was watching some a show and somebody did
Make a great point of that [ __ ] because before I was thinking like damn Karissa can’t do that [ __ ] she find at these higher weights but Karissa ain’t been moving up taking weight she been moving down taking these these titles from people but she was going to fight
Keith Thurman at 147 now all of a sudden that Alicia Bumgarner is there she can’t make 147 no more and now she going over to MMA and [ __ ] and now she making a movie for herself and [ __ ] nah something at least should have done something Kissa when they were younger and [ __ ]
Lisa Bell says absolutely she said 100 and and the DI Newman says what up going says what’s up says going on brother Chosen Few gang salute and the Brandon back on Brimley head and [ __ ] Brimley avoid him and then um and then uh uh Steph brenley says uh bomb Oh that’s
Supp Bond Gardner Shields was a fake beef says that started as them looking out for each other to deflect from their negative press and turned into us as and turned into a real one yeah they they they it’s it’s you know Bumgarner has this thing about her man
To where she a real fighting ass chick man and now that this opportunity of this drug [ __ ] and kind of railroad or some [ __ ] she’s looking to get back in there and she’s really looking like I ain’t friends with none of these [ __ ] out here give me my
Opportunities and she really want the opportunities because now with them kind of not doing that the thing they’re supposed to uh uh Amanda Serranos taking up all the money Amanda done align with [ __ ] Jake Paul and she really making topnotch money in this [ __ ] [ __ ] why they sitting
There stuck with they Talent they sitting they’re stuck and a lot of the arrogance of Karissa is going to [ __ ] kind of shorten her uh growth in this [ __ ] and her financial growth is what she could have potentially made by not aligning herself uh by being kind of under the wing of a
A top level male fighter she didn’t do that [ __ ] she need to do like Christy Martin would do at one point fighting under them Mike Tyson undercards and [ __ ] and then try to Spring forth from that and she didn’t she just thought she was the big [ __ ] and now Manis Serrano
Run this [ __ ] de says uh I mean Brandon Watson and de says facts bro Lisa bell saying peace to Deuce kg says Mastermind says a Haney fanatic says according to him Haney is uh Jackson says Jack that Jack Johnson the modern day boxing Jack Johnson Brandon Washington laughing at
Lisa bills and B text Ralph snake in there rolling say he dead King Max says Tick Tock eror says just like the ringtone rap ER it says or Mumble Raper yeah that the these this young young Champion [ __ ] ain’t [ __ ] man these dudes doing all type of weird [ __ ] in it and
Then uh Kenny Po’s right hand says no bone Gardner says just trying to uh put distance between herself and that positive steroid test says by bringing up a fight says with Karissa says I see through it that could be a possibility too that because I’m kind of lost on I
Yeah she gota be suspended but yeah she is uh calling that sh but Carissa ain’t responding the way that Carissa responds to [ __ ] Karissa snap at Laya Ali she’ll snap at all these other chicks she she’ be snapping that chicks but for Alicia she ain’t got [ __ ] to say back to her
And they was in the airplane together walking by each other in the aisle and then [ __ ] bum Garner saying that [ __ ] to her man Chris should have jumped on top of her head with that suitcase and and caught the next flight after they kicked her off and Diamond
Newman says did uh says did you work out says did you work out your difference says with the other brother that you uh had a disagreement with wait who you talking you go diamond with this [ __ ] D be saying that [ __ ] try to uh annoy me with that
[ __ ] you might be writing somebody in the chat I ain’t got no disagreement with nobody on here these are all my [ __ ] Brothers man they my brothers man all these black Brothers they may be [ __ ] Ed Brothers but they still my brothers and the kg says Floyd
Had Oscar Marquez Cotto Etc says dudes that can sell facts kg these dudes have these dudes if they fight each other can be the Oscar Marquez Cod arti [ __ ] but they refuse to fight each other they refuse to fight each other and then sometimes they selectively want Legacy then selective selectively they caught
Up on popularity and [ __ ] they all they all hung up on the pay-per-view sales and that got the Devin fans going in Rage he’s popular he’s more popular he sold more than that like man that [ __ ] don’t even mean [ __ ] the only PE only only people that [ __ ] mean to is the
Business people if he didn’t sell that [ __ ] they ain’t satisfied with it Bill and Dev know that [ __ ] and if they sold more than that then Bill Dev and Executives know they sold more I’m here jumping and [ __ ] having the the shakes and [ __ ] Brandon Wasson says the Brimley oh
That’s the Brimley and then Mastermind uh 96 says if says if he oh says if he not hated why the [ __ ] did he get booed says in his hometown says against lomachenko when he was introduced wait who Dev was Dev got booed I thought this was de
First fight this recent one he fought in Vegas but I don’t think he’s booed like that like who gives a hell about being booed just because in your hometown who’s showing up to the fights Maybe more European people showed up to the fight maybe the promotion was and the
Other thing is about promotion who did you promote the fight out to what was the target audience it was probably more of lomachenko Ukrainian ass people versus a black audience uh uh black audience base uh uh how do you reach the black audience base and top rank ain’t
Great at doing that [ __ ] at least they like to act like they ain’t great at promoting a Black Fighter because they’re really not reaching black audiences and that’s simply what it is and then uh because they can fill stadiums for black Fighters and black arenas for black Fighters if they target
The [ __ ] audience just like they you target they probably speaking Ukrainian to Target the uh lomachenko [ __ ] audience coming to fight and then s GRE says uh says s GRE says I think Earl post these excuses to keep his fans hopeful as well as to keep people talking it’s unnecessary for
Spence to go on social media and show his eyes uh his eyes [ __ ] his ribs [ __ ] says no other reason yeah that [ __ ] was dumb to to even put that [ __ ] out there and the surf F player when Weeden Weeden been what eight months removed from the
Damn assassination of Earl in the ring and then him to release this [ __ ] eight months after the fact sirou play in the building salute and then uh I know box in the building says salute kg says Charlo fought uh fought for a check I think F Charlo really fought thinking he
Can beat canel I don’t think it was just for the check a lot of these dudes kind of sized people up they Siz people up I think a lot of these guys you know kind of denied what Canelo was who Canelo is and they he got in the ring with
Canelo Charlo got in the ring with Canelo and that [ __ ] was much different than what he analyzed for himself and trying to size Canelo up and when Canelo got throwing punches at him and then when he hit Canelo and realized his punches ain’t doing to Canelo what has done to other opponents Canelo
Wasn’t Jason Rosario Canelo wasn’t castano Canelo was a [ __ ] brick wall in that [ __ ] and then Canelo start throwing [ __ ] rocks from the wall back at charot Char didn’t want none of that [ __ ] it just he he he bit off more than he can choose just like a
Lot of these guys and the small divisions talking about what they can do to Bud and Bud been knocking every [ __ ] thing out in this [ __ ] division like no I ain’t gonna say Charlo Fought For a Check Charlo it was it’s a big check but Charlo thought he
Can do something Canelo was just that dude because even fans don’t give Canelo full credit as being as skilled and dangerous and gifted as he is it’s just like people throwing the benitz at Canelo I think Benz can beat Canelo but there’s a possibility benid going there
And can’t do [ __ ] to Canelo and Canelo beats the breaks off of benitz there’s always that possibility a lot of people looking at Canelo as food underestimating him because a lot of people like people crying about de the most hated they’re the most hated Canelo get [ __ ] hate too and I don’t think
Nobody Canelo don’t give a [ __ ] about the hate you don’t got his fans crying why y’all hating Canelo Canelo hating why they hate because it’s part of life but Canelo I think deals with more hate than Dev and all these other [ __ ] more than tank more than Earl more than teren
People hate Canelo as well too some people will spend their money in the uh thoughts of seeing Canelo lose uh seen the younger fighter whoop his ass and [ __ ] like that but no I don’t think Charlo just fought for a check I think after the Charlo guy in the ring and
Canelo start swinging at him it became more about the check and not getting knocked the [ __ ] out because he’s like I got a lower division go defend and I don’t need to be getting [ __ ] up in here and then brenley says uh says Chara was stri of the WBO says the night of
The Canelo fight says and had three year says and had a three-year Mando for the uh ibf says and it’s now vacant so he now uh so also and now he only has two belts now he should just drop all the belts like he’s still the dude and just
Go fight these other guys [ __ ] them belts man belts don’t mean too bit of [ __ ] no more Lisa Bell says I know boxing says salute and then brenley says Ortiz says need more says need more rounds say before atim zo fight absolutely do says it’s uh says it’s uh
Sorry sorry it’s a closer fight says then you think uh which one is a closer Fight The Virgil Ortiz nah that fight ain’t close I think Tim Zoo whoop virge Ortiz [ __ ] ass and then jaquin in the building say salute salute my brother jaquin and Lisa Bell
Says get the thumbs up please yes indeed brenley says any way says wants to oh says in uh damn y’all can’t write for [ __ ] to giv ner payback says for for he did to his fellow Japanese bro say the only reason he is getting the fight says
Also you says anyway trying to get uh payback payback for a Japanese fighter that ner B says the only reason he’s getting the fight says he just wants to beat him down says MJ is next says and that will probably be ins saly yeah I like anyway man a lot of these the
Falsified fans who really don’t watch the sport can’t you know they seem to not want to give any ways credit and the dude is badass but I think a lot of these dudes who don’t give any ways credit they don’t give it to them because at the time they were sitting
There try to rate their pound-for-pound list by thinking to be black is to throw a bunch of black people on it and they were mad when they were seeing the sports riters out of nowhere start putting this Japanese fighter on there that nobody in America watch fight and
They didn’t want to give you know that credit to it’s just the guy they just trying to force on the list and he ain’t that good and then he start being showcased early in the morning to American audiences but first in that tournament he whooping ass in the
Tournament he got Donaire in there whoop Donaire ass and Don’s popular on a lot of the channels here lot lot and the black a lot of black channels everybody’s Channel he’s popular on but he got on Donaire whooped his ass then he start showcasing these other fights
As knocking guys out where he’s like well he ain’t fought the Black Fighter yet he ain’t fought the best Black Fighter he whooped St fton ass like I said he probably was I ain’t know he’s going to do it that damn easy he whooped [ __ ] Fon goddamn ass and now people
Get credit then he fought this other dude whooped his ass dud felt that power on the top of his forehead and said this some different [ __ ] like [ __ ] that these fools got me in fighting a Samurai and [ __ ] he quit and then uh Brimley says
Anyway says has uh say a eight fig offer to fighting Sai says I wish the USA was like in says was like Ina says more fights and less Twitter fights yeah you get that with these guys outside the country that’s why I’m like a lot of our Champions and this other [ __ ] where
These dudes so caught up in how they look they so caught up in what girls caught up into how they dress like dudes who talk about Swag and [ __ ] that’s girl [ __ ] a lot of dudes have adopted a lot of [ __ ] that girls be on caught up on
How they dress the needing the chain and Shine That’s girl [ __ ] man man what the [ __ ] y’all doing but you get these foreign dudes who are the top of their game they don’t worry about all that [ __ ] the better bees and they don’t worry about none of that [ __ ]
[ __ ] anyway don’t worry about that [ __ ] I guarantee you this any way them because better be probably want to marry cats he on that relationship but anyway get more [ __ ] than all these dudes guarantee you that [ __ ] and [ __ ] ain’t got to be caught up on all this other [ __ ] saying dumb [ __ ]
Doing dumb [ __ ] on Twitter you seen American fighters American fighters get a piece of [ __ ] and fall in love with the [ __ ] and they marry the [ __ ] and the [ __ ] like I’m I’m for the streets and then divorce they ass take all their money and they lose their [ __ ] minds
And [ __ ] these fools crazy and then uh kg says salute says salute says the uh oh that a saying salute says Reggie says the streets are uh are fing for another stump out or what’s that Fang I can’t even pronounce the word is a street are Fang for
Another stump out oh wait wait I need more as long as these fools keep releasing stupid content man like I say they the gift that keep on giving the more stupid [ __ ] they whine about the more stupid [ __ ] they speak is the more gift they keep on giving for a stomp out
Video oh man I be enjoying that [ __ ] and I enjoy listen them cry I listen to him cry the other day but I was watching uh uh uh uh what’s that Monty Brown and everything boxing that was going in on bftb and box I forgot the name he’s calling box
He’s call [ __ ] what’s them [ __ ] girls putting in their head uh uh [ __ ] uh whatever them little lace front and [ __ ] man sh be D that he want in the bftb in his in his record man his record with the underage girls and [ __ ] like I say
Man fools is a gift that keep on getting then I some is telling me bftb is trying to go off but that tone didn’t change for a lot of these dudes man they content suck because they follow each other they they always try to be in unison man it’s nothing worse than
People who feel like they need to be in in groups to think like that’s why I was talking to Oat earlier about like how people would do [ __ ] people are weird as [ __ ] like to some people go through hazing to be part of a group you going through people humiliating you and
Treating you like [ __ ] to be a associate with a group that just shows you of the weird standards that people will go through just to be accepted and [ __ ] ain’t no [ __ ] way a about you making people eat [ __ ] and walk through this [ __ ] and do idiotic
[ __ ] in front of the public just to be part of your group your fraternity and these dumb [ __ ] give they [ __ ] lives to be part of something like [ __ ] all of that [ __ ] that’s why I couldn’t rock with [ __ ] like ain’t no way I’m about to go through
Humiliation rituals and [ __ ] to be part of your group or brotherhood like [ __ ] is gone and then Brian C says Karissa dealt says dealt with her correctly says if you ask me says how can she uh make a fight with uh what AB says if she suspended and Karissa is the
Aside so AB says don’t set ter don’t set no terms she ain’t trying to sit ter she just want to fight says she gotta go to 154 says she want to fight now Carissa should have checked her ass Carissa ain’t saying none of that hot [ __ ] and
Brimley the uh kenp is right here and then the Monty Ric says the real clown says the real clowns Love Money the real clown loves money A lot of them clowns love money and [ __ ] and then you get a lot of these clowns talking about these damn fools is oppressed and [ __ ] and
They richer than every they richer than damn every race of fighter out here these fake ass revolutionaries on here be playing like black Fighters going through some [ __ ] and the of boxing don’t want to see the black man up and the system of of boxing is doing this to the black
Man then the black [ __ ] get right on the jet say yeah they oppressing me man Gaston went up [ __ ] look what they doing to black man the Gaston went up on my [ __ ] and justan in there rolling and then brenley says oh that’s to Brian C Mastermind says why
Y’all acting like Devin ain’t hat it says when you don’t even like him says you don’t disrespect tank Shakur and Canelo like you do uh do him like who be hating on dev I don’t be hating on dev I’m actually a fan of devs but I’m not
An overboard fan Dev ain’t one of my favorite Fighters uh uh tank ain’t one of my favorite Fighters I don’t do videos on tank Ryan ain’t one of my favorite Fighters I don’t do videos on o I don’t do videos on tiimo I think he’s done more work than uh his counterparts
Which include those fours I think amongst those in that in that group of who can fight each other I like sabril Matias over all of them but can they beat sabril absolutely they can because I think they have a style that they can beat him you don’t got to go in there
And and and fight in sabril style you don’t got to bang with sabril that’ be a mistake and and so it’s it’s not to say that they won’t went beat him I’m not like the rest of y’all with sports and no Sports why I don’t watch sports for
People I don’t go people houses to watch sports because people watch sports like complete idiots and then I like sports I like sports I don’t like being too overboard of a fan of any one particular athlete or any one particular team uh uh president Jafar says buz says the new rib and eye
Collective man ain’t that the karma boxing is crazy as [ __ ] where Earl’s the eye collector and then Buck takes his eye from him Marco Chaz says Earl probably has some uh Vision losses after the accident says he uh says he’s done yeah his his vision is really [ __ ] up
You doing cataract surgery as a young dude is not a good sign bro and it and and even even as easy as a procedure it is it’s not a good sign to be young getting that [ __ ] and it because cataracts is really really a disease that affects you due to age and [ __ ]
He’s getting it for a young age and he’s had all the symptoms of what what what caused a young person to had that [ __ ] outside of not being diabetic and that’s having an eye injury alcohol ISM all that other [ __ ] and then Steve Bley says directed to me says f j says Jamal
Fought to survive says all that Lions only [ __ ] is dead man as he should have [ __ ] he says gazelle only so you would have went in there to get knocked out by Canelo when you realize you done got into the ring with a [ __ ] you can’t do nothing too it’s easy to sit
Back and watch that [ __ ] and say he should have walked out and try to knock Canelo out he realized after feeling them punches and then getting understanding about why they put people in these weight classes um I think he realized he [ __ ] up oh he didn’t fight at 160 it was one
Was that 160 or 168 they W to what way was that they realize he [ __ ] up and then D Newman says is any says is any way you and bftb Drew Titan says I am tr will says can come to an understanding here go this fool says for Chosen Few
Gang says playing uh says pays me to the bottom of my heart to see you guys going at it say I’m crying over this yeah Diamond new be doing that [ __ ] to annoy me man I ain’t paying attention to your ass I know now i’ figured you out and
Then president Jafar says bu says bud and debunk Aros uh arol Clans or says arol you man Eros claims say the nebug Eros claims he says Fighters get uh get their eyes tested says before the fight says how did he get to fight with catara eyes right ear just making up [ __ ]
Excuses because one he’s going through that to where a fighter doesn’t want to accept what what what what the reality of of the event is reality of result the reality of the performance is that you in good shape went there against another guy in top- knot shape and he made you
Look easier than anybody has ever fought in his [ __ ] career and I think that’s bothers Earls this has been your arch nemesis for a long time uh the [ __ ] y’all talked about was going to happen he’s too light the ass he’s too little uh when he was stopping everybody was
Like he ain’t fighting the elites uh we don’t know who the elites really are because guys ain’t fighting and then uh Marco Chaz says can says Canelo would hurt uh Bud says real bad if they if they had a real fight yeah bud better stay away from Canelo uh
I don’t I don’t even try to entertain that [ __ ] as great as bud is uh I realize that I may like Crawford more than Canelo as a fighter but even when Earl they was talking about Earl going to fight Canelo I like man Canelo will beat
Earl the [ __ ] up and the same thing holds true for Jamal Charlo it’s nothing they can do to Canelo canelo’s a big strong ass [ __ ] dude he beat them up he’ll beat them up bad then Kenny pour his right hand says brenley says two thing says two things can be true says
She never cleared her name says from uh the steroids says from the steroids though says if I was Carissa says I would hold says I would have told her to get off the steroids so just to uh to play the social media games yeah chissa should have fired back some real insults
At her and [ __ ] clowner and then Stinger from above says your assessment of Canelo is spot on bro yes indeed bro and then Brian C says even if Carissa agreed to fight AB at and you say AB that’s Adrien Broner name Alicia bomgar is fine
Enough to say her whole name says at 147 says the fight still ain’t happened uh Alicia bone Garner says suspended and I know she I know she’s not or she’s not jumping from 130 to 147 all at us is all at once anyway and bringley the King P
His right hand Mastermind says send the link champ says Canelo ain’t uh says Canelo ain’t hated at all yeah right says you on here praising him after he got his ass with against bivel no I think I clown Canelo too says ain’t fought no real competition since three
Fights canelo’s resume is better than every fighter Canelo resume and opposition is better than every [ __ ] fighter you can ever think to name currently in boxing bro so stop that [ __ ] mother and therefore you prove my point Canelo is hated none of the fighters that you praise or think
Are the best guys out here have a better resume than Canelo do Canelo pick and choose or move through here canelo’s resume and names on his record are better than the fighters you can think about so I mean you can just stop it [ __ ] and
Fought Floyd oh do he need to win oh he fought Shane Mosley I mean come on uh uh what other names he needs to fight he fought kovalev stopped him that questionable fight and fought Triple G like come on canelo’s record is better than any fighter you can currently name in
Boxing and then uh Bley says uh says BM Gardner says about to be about to be able to fight says in two months Max says watch Brian C and then kg says uh says the dislike button says the dislike button says like you in here shut uh
Yeah hit the dislike button man I don’t be one of y’all to like my [ __ ] and then uh Kenny Po’s right hand says I can’t do nothing but respect anyway says you never heard about him complaining about a bside says about oh say complaining about uh complaining about aside bside
[ __ ] r money says all you hear about him is him whooping somebody’s ass and announcing another real [ __ ] that’s why I [ __ ] with anyway without ever knowing who he really was and it’s seeing that fool fight it’s like this [ __ ] got style this fool skills is off the hook
And he punching and he ain’t trying to knock people out he doing the [ __ ] he’s supposed to do and he’s stinking in that [ __ ] and then kg says anyway says look like K-pop Star yeah he do look like one of them K-pop people and [ __ ] and then Kenny P’s right hand says
The Brimley oh he right that’s the Stephen brenley and then brenley to kg and then me see let me skip through some of that and then 9913 boxer saying salute salute and then Bley says is to me says read those responses to the uh to the other gentleman says it was the
Uh Topic in in uh boxing so oh okay okay I thought y’all talking [ __ ] to each other and stuff and he says okay BR says I thought you were talking about okay I can skip that one Bley says well Mel should have never talked all that [ __ ] to about how he
Could beat Canelo says then Bud would never uh would never go out like that and then uh masterm said let me send the link because I seen masterm ask for the link again let’s see what crazy [ __ ] he gonna talk about so let’s put the link in
Here let me drop that there you go and then uh oh says Canelo says Canelo only fights opponents he had has severe advantages over Canelo only fights man I think all these [ __ ] fight people they got extreme advantages over Canelo ain’t had advantages [ __ ] that moved
Canelo if Canelo did he moved all the way up and got his ass whoop by bivel [ __ ] went to fight bivel and couldn’t do nothing against bivel but kept but kept trying to fight him and [ __ ] go ahead bro what’s up Mastermind hey what’s up man great show
Show yeah I had to I had to get you on this Canelo this boy got his ass whooping ain’t fought nobody in three fights he fought GGG ryer and Charlo and you still prais him you now it’s time to call him a coward now like oh you scared
You that scared of damn you gota fight a dude below you so I don’t know when you get you talking about Mo you talking about 10 years ago and and Dev Haney like you said he fought witho he fought Cambo and he fought um went up his first
First fight and won the championship and he getting disrespected at at 25 he’s still a kid he’s still growing he ain’t up there y’all talk about him like he’s already St no he’s still mature he’s still getting up there y’all putting pressure on him like he is the
Faceing dam let the man get up there Canelo is the face and he ducking so why praise the dude that’s supposed to be the face I if you don’t criticize anybody criticize the Mexican redhead because he the one fight go ahead Bley what’s up what’s up Reggie
My man M him out I love him because he be talking some good [ __ ] sometime but sometimes his Troll game be on 1,000 now here’s the deal Haney does get hate Mastermind but I think you’re overstating it to some degree and then this whole thing about Canelo duck and
Benitas here’s the issue that I have with that now I’ve expressed this in multiple forms and Fashions he is one fight and a three-fight deal with the PBC what makes you think the PBC didn’t sit down with Canelo and go over the option of what’s best to be able to
Generate the most money and set up the position for the biggest fights and if if he was ducking Ben a so heavily when he was at the Zone here’s the issue Samson lipen witz whatever his last name is cut out you can’t hear me can you
Hear me yep I can hear you okay cool Samsung clearly stated when Canelo was at the zone that he would not send Benitas to fight him at the zone and then he’s been mandatory for two years two years plus now if he was so hellbent on having a fight with Canelo they would
Have petitioned earlier to get the fight but the reason why he didn’t petition is because the powers that b atbc told him not to because then it goes to a purse bed if it goes to a purse bed and they lose the purse bid then they don’t have the rights to the fight
So again we can judge Canelo based on what he does in May and September I prefer him to fight Benz in May but if he doesn’t fight him by September then it’s a fullblown all the way duck it’s a partial duck if he doesn’t fight him in
May it’s a full-blown duck if he doesn’t fight him by September what would that do to his legacy what would that do to his legacy if be honest with you it wouldn’t hurt it that bad because benitz doesn’t have anything to offer other than what we ex other than the so he
Duck so he make sure youe the way you defend Canelo the way you defending him I don’t I don’t even I don’t even bash Deon Haney anything about anything the only thing that Haney has done is with in unison with his dad and playing the politic game of boxing and that’s just because
That’s how the nature of it is I don’t have anything to B about say Haney Haney is one of the few people that’s moving like I would want anyway let finish this point then we gotta get Brandon in here yeah I we get yeah Brandon’s G listen if Brandon come
In here talking nonsense I’m just gonna be mute I I’ll be here but I’m here to talk nonsense talk GNA turn that [ __ ] into y’all I’m here to talk boxing I’m not here to talk goofy stuff that ain’t got nothing to do with reality and nothing okay so just to finish that off
Though with your Mastermind in regards to Canelo we only can judge based on what he has with this PBC deal now he has a three-fight deal if benitz is not one of those three fights then we can go in and say yo why the hell you ducking
Ben viidz but the truth of the matter is Ben vidz has no title he doesn’t offer anything on the grander scale because Ben viidz we are inflating him to some degree because we want to have the competition which is nothing wrong with doing that but we got to have a
Realistic perspective here if if Canelo retired today 20 years from now nobody’s going to really go crazy about him not fighting bidas because Benitas is not his contemporary of the generation it’s not but do I does do Benitas deserve the fight do we want to see the fight
Absolutely so I no no you got no qums with me in regards to that but I think it’s premature to jump out the window he’s ducking he’s scared of benitz when he has a three-fight deal going on before that’s said and done and just really quickly with Haney here’s the
Deal there’s other Fighters that get way more hate than Haney but here’s the the reason why Haney does get some hate is because the the political games but there are some things they have done that I can say I can criticize like the whole Shakur Stevenson offer that was
That was a play that was just a place just a save face before he move up because he can’t because unfortunately in boxing you can’t always just be straightfor right and honest all the time especially in America he the truth of the matter is he couldn’t hold on to
135 no more he had to go to 140 that was it the offer was just it it wasn’t realistic it wasn’t a real real offer because who was putting the money behind the offer no one that was he expected him to not take that offer and then say
So look I gave you offer you didn’t want to go to the fight now I’m going to 140 because if he if Shakur was ducking him Shakur wouldn’t have petitioned for the fight and he wouldn’t have a belt right now if he duck Haney but I’m not goingon
To bash Haney for it I just realize what he did and I understand the Dynamics and then the whole thing with sabero mortius they didn’t offer Matias anything Matias didn’t say anything about them saying they needed to get a certain amount of money there was some cap in that but
That’s the boxing game so I can I can I can criticize that let get in too oh yeah no that I’m a fall back it’s not big it’s not a big enough deal for me to go awall but that’s expected with fans though that’s expect it all right I said my peace yeah
Go ahead masteron oh you on you on mute masterm I’m sorry I’m sorry if anybody deserve to hate it’s Shakur because what he did was a clown ass [ __ ] you get up there on the mic and say oh lomachenko really won then the next day you get on on there oh
My bad I’ll watch it again I thought it was a draw because you trying to you trying to ride dick ride folks to to get get get they fans then you’re not calling out lko why lko ain’t a [ __ ] for ducky you call Deon hany all kind of
[ __ ] why tank Davis ain’t a [ __ ] for duck so now he the only B that’s why I’m saying he’s hated if if it was eal if he was calling tank a [ __ ] and he was calling lenko a [ __ ] I respect him but you ain’t LMA duck the hell out of
Shakur why he why people ain’t calling him out and if Deon Haney ain’t hated why Lomo ain’t getting called out for ducking Shakur Stevenson because they de ain’t duck ain’t duck [ __ ] he get getting called out for it so why y’all not calling out U Shakur
Stevenson he he Lomo duck him and tank ain’t fighting why you ain’t begging to fight tank he the man he the money man is is he scared of tank so takur got [ __ ] in he showed [ __ ] when he talk and you see what happens when when
He calls out you bully with but then you all that’s what I’m saying don’t man you gotta get out there with that [ __ ] if you with that [ __ ] man don’t be I hear you but I think I think that the issue that you have for Shakur is the the
Wrong cut off I’m sorry apologize no no I just I’m just saying I think that people act like like he’s trying to oh look white people I support y’all but then when you get behind closed doors with the blacks now you oh I watched it again and it’s a drop the
Next [ __ ] day you just watched it at the fight so we you’re not you’re not telling your two whatever you saw in is what’s got judges only get the judge at one time so don’t you can’t change it I never say oh I watched it then I watch
It again no the judge only watches it one time just like you so you was Dick rid talk about lomachenko just won and then they gave lomachenko your spot so all this Uncle Tom all this Co trying to kiss ass don’t work because the white
Folks put you in your place and puto in his place while you was kissing his ass so he the one should be hating and like I said explain to me why he didn’t call tank a [ __ ] and lko a [ __ ] okay I’ll go and give you a
Response to that because I think your your your issue with Shakur I have a big issue with Shakur but I think it’s it’s based on something completely different the thing is LMA clearly stated that he was gonna take the rest of the year off do I think he duck duck duck the Shakur
Fight yeah but he’s fought a lot of hard fights I think he’s entitled to take a break but at the end of the day it’s still a duck I don’t cut you off you said LMA fought a lot of hard fights yeah I mean he think about his last
Three or four fights they were quality opponents he’s been fighting quality opponents every fight is gonna be a makeer fight you know no because I was I was counting that that he had the only 14 fights but you’re absolutely right sorry and plus he said he wanted to go
Back home and deal with the situation that’s in Ukraine so that’s why you ain’t G just jump out the window and say oh you a [ __ ] and all that they got a person that’s personal as well between them two now tank I can give you that he
Is definitely kind of Co telling tank a little bit but my issue with Shakur is deeper than all of that my issue is with Shakur is he went out and had a fight and had a bad performance he won but both guys stunk it up it was the worst
Fight of the year and then he turns around and says if you don’t want to watch my fights then you know don’t don’t these are the people that pay your salary you can easily be making 3,000 instead of three million a fight now so that’s what pissed me off with Shakur
Because I had him going into the fight having a breakout performance and then you you have a stinker and then you talk [ __ ] to the people when you just just say Hey listen I didn’t have a good performance I’m GNA be better next time that’s it that’s all you had to say and
Just go fight I didn’t like that [ __ ] that he was kicking that’s what got me so pissed with Shakur that’s my issue with Shakur is that you you you you shouldn’t on the very people that pay your salary and you had a bad performance bro you might have got the
Belt you might have won but you lost stature you lost some of your prestige and that fight because I don’t if if Shakur’s on a pay-per-view I don’t think I’m gonna pay for it right now unless it’s the right opponent because he looked like trash he wasted my Thursday
Night for me I’m working so I’m cool but it’s plenty other people who are at home and watch that fight there was plenty of people that came to that fight and spent their money and he didn’t do [ __ ] he had he had great defense but nothing else
Poot here and there nothing but defense it was trash that’s my issue with your cor so it’s about the actual fighting I’m tired of the Twitter Talk Amongst these guys just fight make the [ __ ] fights that’s what my issue with Shakur it’s much deeper than that that that
Twitter game [ __ ] you know what I mean that’s why you get into these foreign Fighters man they don’t be on all that [ __ ] but go go Mastermind y because like you said Shakur he he he uh what is it 135 he he not calling out um I just want
People to be fair if you okay when I watch Boxing conversation this is the show where you listen to the people that he had criticized people di ride T I mean Deon Haney and I want to hear like talk about [ __ ] that dick ride Canelo because he got the biggest dick riders
Of them all you just heard what they saying they saying if he never fights him it won’t do nothing to his legacy so he you know he don’t have to fight so so listen to that if he never fights him so who has he beat now jum he beat a 40y
Old Mosley the best fighter he beat was Triple G he beat him twice and then who is triple GB if you if you break him down come on now you you avoiding the best one so and when you look and all that you gon say who the biggest fights
You beat who who the biggest ones you beat Triple G you ain’t all that buddy you got you need Benz too for real boxing fans push back with you Mastermind you know they still talk about Ray Leonard Aaron Pryor they still talk about that to the day but but at the end
Of the day he’s considered one of the alltime greats am I right or wrong yeah but he not nobody’s nobody’s holding that over his head on in regards his leg we might talk about it in passing we’re not diminishing his legacy because of that we’re not we’re not
Diminishing over prior [ __ ] up doing money talk and he [ __ ] that F hey boxing conversation right on that but the only thing is sugaray got much more Victory he got way better victories than Canelo like I said Canelo ain’t got enough Victory he only got Triple G
Here’s my push back to you master the thing you saying that but benitz has been in that division multiple multiple years Canelo beat every champion and did it in a year so for me to sit here and say oh he hadn’t fought nobody bro Ben
Aidz is just now really at the table bro he just got to the table for real for real this year I mean this last year so for to say he hasn’t fought anybody to me is kind of like seriously benitz didn’t do what Canelo did he was in the division F four times
Longer yeah but you never fought nobody as dangerous as David Ben is you waited till my boy Triple G was what 34 now we know now we know why you waiting because you ducking a 27 year old you waiting for him to get you keep on saying
Ducking but he’s one fight and a three-fight deal bro you the thing is you can’t say okay here’s the deal you saying he’s ducking but you won’t acknowledge the fact that when he was at the zone and it was any conversation with Benz fight Canelo that his Benz Camp clearly said
We would not send him to the zone to fight but remember canelo’s the aside and we talk about this aside bside [ __ ] all the time and then on top of that they could have he he’s been the mandatory for two plus years he could have pushed for the fight he could have
Mandated but they told him not to do that because they didn’t want to lose the purse bed and not have the rights to the fight so I can’t sit here and say oh Canelo you ducking Ben aidz from [ __ ] from a year and a half ago when I know
That benitz had no intentions to go fight Canelo at on the Zone based on canelo’s terms so now that canelo’s at PBC and he has a three-fight deal if he doesn’t fight Benitas within these three fights then everything that you say is legit but until then it’s all con it’s
It’s all specul speculative because again he has one fight in the deal and how do we don’t know if he didn’t sit down with Alam and they determined that benitz be best to be the third fight to help promote and make the fight bigger we don’t know what’s going on behind the
Scenes in boardrooms of what they talking about when they set up these fights no I acknowledge that but I agree but all I say is if he doesn’t fight benitz his career is over we might as well judge him from what he’s already done to this day now but you already
Saying it is though but you B on how you saying you saying it’s already already said done he’s already ducked him and he still got two fights left no no that’s what I’m saying I’m saying for your standards I’m I’m saying they never going to fight I bet money they never
Fight but I’m saying with your standards I gotta wait till September just to prove to you to be like okay I told you one fight okay so if that so if he doesn’t fight he you gotta judge him about what he’s done what he’s accomplished now he is great but he
Can’t [ __ ] he can’t [ __ ] with it’s a lot of cats he can’t mess with no he’s not in the top 10 he’s more in the top 25 top 30 at best bro I mean that’s just being honest but he has the he has the the range to be the ever they they be
Right there at the C of being the greatest all you got to do is you knock out Benz you knock out a better be you up there man you gonna be top top 10 top five all you gotta do knock out B knock out better be you will get credit for knocking out
Ben just like tank ain’t really beat nobody but if you think you ain’t gonna get credit for being the first gu a knockout tank that’s what Benz gonna hold for you I’m the one that showed you how to be VZ Canelo Alvarez he ain’t
That good as good as y’all say he is he ain’t good enough to show us to teach he’s not good enough to teach benitz how to lose because Canelo know how to lose we seen him lose a couple times and we seen a draw but we ain’t Benz barely in the
Close fight I see why you don’t want to fight it makes sense because of everything you said his legacy is already sealed so he looking at it like a loss would set him backe a knockout loss that’s why you will fight better be you won’t fight I mean you will fight
Bibble and you won’t fight better be because you’ll rather lose the Bibble who ain’t gonna knock your ass out yeah you ain’t gonna fight Ben because he knock your ass out and he don’t mind losing in boxing matches that’s why maywe a fight but he’s not fighting the
Tough guy he’s not fighting the toughest competition that’s what I’m saying it’s people out there that fight the best Sean Porter he fought the best out there Crawford he fighting the best but but does but does benovitz have to sit there and only chase after Canelo because he
Is big for that Division and they smoke at 175 hey that’s a great point he he can’t sit on there he can’t unless he gonna retire so he had so that’s that question that question makes really makes no sense because he has to there no nowhere
To go he can’t wait because he know he not I’m talking about for Ben aidz Ben if canelo’s not gonna fight him he’s big for 168 division he can easily move to 175 where there’s two rushan guys who he can make a great fights with why he
Moving up no that’s what I’m telling you that’s what’s gonna happen right now we going through the Canelo phase but like you said after that happen there’s nowhere to go but better be Bible That’s what I’m saying he’s G Canelo gonna make him fight them guys like you you just
Said it so of course he’s not gonna wait what else what else is it gonna be to do at 168 if it ain’t Canelo what do he got so he gonna have to go to 17 that’s my point it Canelo making that happen but if Canelo fight him then we can say who
The best at 168 but because Canelo the Ducker is saying no you go up there one of them gonna whoop your ass and I ain’t gotta worry about you no more you gotta think smart they waiting for somebody else to whoop his ass because he don’t
Want he don’t feel he can do it but yeah he feel bble might could beat him he feel better be could beat him but he don’t think he could beat him that’s more that’s more dirt on his name right there that’s my that’s what he making him do he gonna
Make a fight harder fight Canelo is easier fight than bble and better be and y’all both know this for be there they hit too and B is way too toxical now if you better be if you better be there who stylistically who is a tougher fight out of those three
Canelo better be B they can all be challenging for better be the toughest one bet but then again better be’s getting old we G to see what he looked like tomorrow or uh or or Saturday uh we got to see what he look like on Saturday
Because he he can be showing signs of agent but but Canelo is is is probably not as easy of a walkth through that people think it’s gonna be no if him and Ben aidz was the fight it I mean we look at it I think outside
More with benitz but I ain’t about to put nothing past Canelo being able to stop his ass right now I want to you what do you what do you think GNA happen if if if Canelo doesn’t give him the fight what do you think Benz future gonna look like your opinion boxing
Conversation I mean life ain’t over if he think that his career is only dictated by a Canelo fight then he might as well just walk away from the you what do you think he gonna do if if he doesn’t get the fight what is he gonna
What do you think he’s GNA he need to go to 175 [ __ ] he’s a big dude he’s young he’s big and he’s going to continue to grow he fight he he struggles to to cut the weight to get the 168 he’s about to grow out of that [ __ ] he’s a he’s young
Like Devon in him and is as they get older they become too big for those small divisions they was in the same thing for benovitz he’s gonna have to go up by the time he goes up he can age these other guys out so bitter bitter
Beef possibly he going to be marked off but bivel still there and bivel may have to challenge each other right right now that’s the point that’s the question you just said you asked me when you said what is he going to do that’s exactly what he has to do there’s no other no
Other option because Canelo not gonna fight you so it ain’t no way and he’s gonna like you said grow out of the division so that’s what I’m saying that’s why Canelo got to be held accountable it ain’t Benz it’s Canelo of course I’m trying to fight you oh so if
You ain’t trying to fight me oh you want me to go up there I see I see what’s going on because like you said once he start fighting this that’s that’s G ready for the end because them dudes going end each other career be they gonna hurt each other better
Be be hey Mastermind y you know what you told me when it come to people hating on Haney to keep it even and all that now I gotta ask you to do same thing and this is the reason why I’m G say this to you you said how Canelo is ducking betb of
And you know he f b but he’s ducking Pia but here is the dynamic that gets me about your disdain in regards to Canelo benav viidz has clearly stated I can beat baval right also in the same token he was when he missed weight at 168 they
Offered him number one status to be the main guy to contend against BBF he said no thank you I’m staying at 168 so he had an opportunity to get the smoke with BB didn’t want it he talked about how he could beat baval but baval didn’t have a
Fight for the entire year he didn’t run out there to go fight baval so if you going put Canelo under that same fire even though Canelo actually fought baval and he said he could beat him and but he never fought neither one of these guys
Right so how can we how can we be bashing Canelo for that but then benitz gets a pass by going the opposite direction when the opportunities were already there in front of him to be a to do that and also you talking about how with canelo’s he hadn’t fought most of
Ben’s fights outside of plant it’s guys from 154 that got brought up Andre 154 the only other person he fought there’s a decent power puncher was a power puncher at 154 which was lemu so this is why I think when benas fights Canelo Canelo going to whoop his ass because
The same thing that happened with boooo Andre is gonna happen to benitz benitz whoop boooo Andre’s ass is because B boooo has never been in any type of heat any fire it’s mental and physical pressure in that ring and the moment he faces that mental pressure he’s going to
Wilt and fold that’s exactly what happened I C it to the te with Benitas has never been in a position where he has to go to his plan B and a plan C Canelo is going to force that out of him why because benitz has all that
Reach and he doesn’t use that reach because he’s a mid to inside fighter and throws volume punches volume punches results either in you Landing or your opportunities for counters are going to be there so if if Canelo doesn’t do it then benovitz can clean beat his butt because there’s a chance that benas
Clearly can win I got it as like a 6040 fight it’s a close fight to me but Benz with all that volume all the volume he’s throwing there’s going to be opportunities for counter and if Canelo cracks him and hurts him Ben viidz has never been in that position for he’s not
Gonna know what how to handle it and that’s why he’s gonna lose the fight right right now you made a great point in I heard the whole thing but the beginning remember you said about him ding them guys at the top at light heavyweight right yeah they offered it they offered
Him number one status of 175 to be be bbia Mando okay that’s the the point I’m talking about right there I’m say you you David Ben manager if I’m his manager like you said I’m that’s too I’m not sending against no better be or bble to
Lose when we got this super fight down here let’s try I’m trying to get the Canelo fight I’m saying that’s too risky but I you saying cash out and win that fight and then come back and fight Cano that’s fair Master that’s fair that’s fair I I would admit to ducking too I’m
Saying you could admit to ducking but saying don’t say don’t make excuses for duck yeah that’s a duck but I see I I see why you I see why Canelo duck and Ben but you keep on saying he’s ducking benitz with two fights left on the deal
Bro it’s not set in stone yet that stuff right there is already set in stone bro this is not set in stone and then to add more and so to injury my brother when we look at benev viidz in regards to the plant fight that fight should have happened three years
Before it happened they both had a tit at the time and and you talking about his manager his manager moved him wrong his manager tried to over marinade a plant fight and that PL plant fight should have shouldn’t have been pay-per-view in the first place right
Yeah granted it did like 130 140,000 but that wasn’t worth them holding that fight out for three years when they should have fought each other way back then so they they his management delayed benz’s growth by not put them in the right fights at the right time they over
Marinating which is part of PBC overall problem is because they over marinated fights okay now what how much of a danger do you think either one Canelo and benitz say they do fight in September how much danger are those two guys of losing before they fight you talking about benitz and Canelo yeah
That’s what Ming up the fight you see what happened with wilder we just lost that fight yeah but Wilder don’t have skills though bro I mean that’s easy that’s easy that’s something that’s a little bit different in a in a way because Wilder never had actual skills
So if anything if if he doesn’t land that right hand he loses he had multiple fights that he was able to get away with those guys didn’t have the patience to see it all the way through like Ortiz who did Ortiz beat Nobody Hold on let me say the skills mean nothing because
Canelo got all the skills in the world and he lost so I’m saying yeah he lost to a person that was skilled and bigger than him so wa you saying skills don’t matter you crazy as hell crazy skill hold on y’all talking over let me explain why skills don’t he just said
Wilder ain’t got no skill Canelo got all the skills in the real and he lost so Wilder ain’t got no skills and Canelo got so I’m saying it don’t mean nothing because you still can lose with skills or without skills and you can still win
Without skills as wild I show you so yes anybody can land one p can change everything but if you going in there lacking in skills and you going against some high level gu you gonna get your ass whooped yeah but you got all the in
Canelo and you still got your ass but he somebody El never got his ass with by un person he ain’t never got beat by unskilled person he’s lost the people with with high level skills hold on no you trying I said he got all the skills and he
Still lost and and Wilder got and Wilder got got no skills and he still lost so it’s the same outcome bro bro no that [ __ ] is not man that you your comparisons of Canelo losses to ignoring it you just IGN didn’t win a single round against Parker bro Canelo lost to
A person that was a natural 175 that’s phenomenally skilled so what did his skills mean against against bivel what did it mean nothing because he was fighting that skill person that was bigger than him know how to utilize his length yeah go ahead Bley you got
It somebody that was was high bval is high skilled know how to utilize the reach advantage that he had and kept him at the end of the stick and he whooped his you can’t remember Canelo started at 147 pounds bro he’s fighting naturally bigger guys all the time Benz is not
Fighting naturally bigger guys all the time he’s the naturally bigger guy now listen how y’all ain’t making sense Joseph Parker had four fights Wilder ain’t had no fight Wilder’s fault don’t give him a pass that’s his fault told should have fought somebody it’s it’s it’s Canelo fa for getting in
There with a big d i no no it’s just that you for to comp that time br br let let him get his points out I I told everybody crazy as hell go ahead go ahead I love let let me go let me go all
I’m saying is a loss is a okay one fighter lost because he was up and weight against equally skilled Fighter the other fight fighter lost because he went against an equally a better skilled fighter but he had was very active four fights against zero fights 18 months so
That it a he didn’t just lose just because he didn’t have skills he lost because he was inactive too and a for one round so you got if you gonna make excuses for Canelo losing you gonna have to make the same excuses for Wilder that’s why I don’t make no excuses y’all
Making excuses not me a loss is a loss I’m not saying oh he lost because he went up in nah Charlo went up in there he got his ass whoop Cano went up there he got it n Wilder went in there he got his ass don’t make no oh he went in
There against a big D y’all making excuses not me so if you want to make excuses make excuses for both Fighters don’t just make excuses for the Mexican guy damn you make excuses for the black guy too then [ __ ] you black do you think you black you ow them Mexicans well
Canelo he work for greatness well Wilder ain’t got no skills man y’all sound crazy man did you look at how Wilder lost Wilder lost that fight showcasing his is lacking of skills he didn’t showcase ring rust and none of that other [ __ ] he showcased that there were
Certain things he did not know how to do certain things he didn’t know how to defend against he didn’t even know how to throw a jab anymore don’t ever compare Wilder losses to canelo’s losses Canelo ain’t never lost never lost to some low grade [ __ ] fighter like stop it man you
Crazy as hell now you hold on hold on listen what you doing you putting a brother down and uplifting the mexan on loss a loss is a loss why you speaking boxing bro iin we talking about wins and losses why is you hyping up a loss you lost as a
Loss he didn’t get let let me say this let me say mm let’s let’s let’s uh uh for for the sake of conversation canelo’s a black guy it’s still canelo’s skill set was much greater than what was displayed than Wilder even in a loss even when he’s over match against a
Opponent he didn’t go in there looking like he was a deare a deer in some damn headlights Wilder in his defeats look like that bro and he’s lacking a lot skills only a blind man will defend Wilder as only a blind man would defend Canelo because you’re not listening to
He was inactive for almost what 18 months with one round so you saying you didn’t see no ring rust in him are you gonna lie and say that are you g to say he didn’t look like he ain’t fought in a year and a half are you going to say
That he didn’t look like the old Wilder he look like he ain’t fall wild bro you ain’t seen the old Wilder since the [ __ ] second Tyson Fury fight that [ __ ] was over with did you give him credit for that or over since then bro that’s what I’m saying why is you so
Hard on be the same way like you said Crawford he gets respect he ain’t lost but Canelo I’m not GNA give you no credit for no [ __ ] losses what the [ __ ] but you go oh Wilder ain’t [ __ ] he P box that’s I don’t understand y’all that no he went he didn’t get knocked
Out [ __ ] got knocked out one round two rounds you ain’t even give him credit for going to H he could have got knocked out against Joseph part at least give him that bro you don’t even hear his coach giving him props on saying you
Did a great job la la la you don’t hear none of that [ __ ] you hear them saying he didn’t do any of this [ __ ] we tried to get him the DU he didn’t it wasn’t on us it’s all on him and even Wilder came out and said that he didn’t let nothing
Go this dude’s a 6′ s dude who could easily use the tools that a tall fire is supposed to use and that’s the jab he didn’t do none of that [ __ ] he’s backing up his balance ain’t there his legs look very weak and if he with with the way
His legs look that right hand ain’t gonna bail him out he hit Joseph Parker Square with that [ __ ] it had nothing it had no effect on Joseph Parker like he’s not the same fighter bro that [ __ ] is is a dream to a lot of y’all what happen so
Canelo active fire he’s in there with b w his punches didn’t have no effect and he’s active at least Deontay Wilder inactive fighting a high a high level Joseph Parker is not no lowlevel fighter that’s a 5050 fight going in anyway bro Joseph Parker is like a a second tier
Heavyweight bro he’s on his way phasing out he can’t compete amongst the top guys and a that Wilder that’s that’s equal with wilder is right compete against the top guys no more bro neither can Joseph Parker hey you see how they did when they put up that’s what I’m saying so
Canelo can’t NE that that’s what I’m saying if he you see what he did if he can’t beat bble what you think he gonna do with a young Benz we gonna see when they fight I’m saying what you think gonna happen who you think gonna
Win man hey I told y’all this fool crazy man yeah no you the one crazy you up here you up here defending this dude for nothing he ain’t [ __ ] I’m saying it’s so easy for you to say Wilder ain’t [ __ ] it’s easy for me to Sayo ain’t [ __ ] what
The [ __ ] I’m like what the [ __ ] wrong with you that [ __ ] y act like gota Kiss Mexican people like oh I’m in California I gotta let Mexicans know I’m cool with FBC what the [ __ ] that you y’all base y’all [ __ ] on like oh they like no that’s the difference with me I
Criticize all the [ __ ] you you got your favorite Canelo your favorite so I’m saying if you going to talk [ __ ] about the Black Fighter talks the same [ __ ] about a Mexican figh I you see I talked about secur I ain’t no ldbc I talk about all of them y’all got
Your favorites so even the audience to see you you can’t have your favorit Canelo you defending his LW [ __ ] it Mayweather ain’t never lost because he that good a’t no you can’t find nobody to be you can find somebody to be Canelo and he won’t find yeah that’s the difference
Man this [ __ ] ain’t got nothing to do with no black no Mexican no white to do with it if it didn’t you wouldn’t be criticizing you would be criticizing Mexican Fighters the same way listen to your channel you need to watch your Chann when do you criticize Mexican you
Criticize all black Fighters what is you talking about need need to listen to some of my shows because I I definitely criticize Canelo in the same way when I started this [ __ ] criticizing Luis ner I think he Mexican right like what are you talking about
Oh you give them credit for they L too H man I think I think you see me make a video clown the [ __ ] out of Leo Santa Cruz when he got knocked out like stop this black white [ __ ] that y’all stuck on that’s why y’all be stuck in the same
Spot I’m sorry it seems like you you it seems like this what it seems like it seem like you just watch the ldbc and you counter them like you said you got to be in the middle like LC be saying stupid ass [ __ ] yeah that’s what I’m saying but I’m saying I know
Your crazy ass is crazy now you might think the [ __ ] they saying is some righteous [ __ ] don’t they say stupid ass [ __ ] Y and that’s what I’m trying to dumb [ __ ] on but the other side say dumb the Camelo dick say dumb ass [ __ ] too it ain’t done no different you just
You just you just concentrate on what the L you don’t say how how the Mexican fans how they do the same [ __ ] they both say dumb [ __ ] on either side who are the Mexican channels to be honest I don’t even see Mexican channels do boxing like that the more popular YouTube channels
That do boxing be the black ones that always drum up a lot of the crazy [ __ ] I don’t see too many I know D styling them out there but I don’t hear too many other uh Mexican stations and and Canelo gets a lot of criticism from his Mexican
People so I don’t know where you getting this kind of stuff from I don’t hear no Mexicans criticized all I hear is a bunch of De they be mad at me criticize name those Mexican channels who are they I’m talking about Mexican uh what’s his name um um punch drunk boxing yeah who
Else let me see I don’t know no I should be talking to the folks on on the you just said that it’s a lot of Mexican people that that defend Canelo and you just name one person now you don’t know the I’m talk about no no listen I’m talking about
They get on here like your boy got on Mexicans get on here and defend when I be on channel it be Mexican now you right it don’t be a Mexican Channel like I get on R and I’ll be talking to mexan ain’t none of them against Cameo they love his
Ass and some some Mexican fans if you talk boxing with him they delusional as [ __ ] too because a lot of them will base their opinions on I’m going for the Mexican fighter well they can do that but that don’t mean you’re figh is going to win and a lot of them find themselves
Being delusional and making that the method to pick in I ain’t going to counter and try to copy them like I’m a choose every Black Fighter because I’m a black man that no I’mma pick the [ __ ] if I like boxing I’mma pick the [ __ ] based on how I see it
If a black fighter is prepared and he takes the sport serious he lives a lifestyle that’s serious I’m G always rock with him but it’s a lot these black Fighters it’s a lot of the black fighters in this Mo era that don’t live that [ __ ] and they ain’t [ __ ] about to
Pick no it’s different it’s it okay look if you just riding with him but you got to go with okay I’m rooting you might be rooting for Errol Spence but you might think Terence Crawford gonna win that could be the same thing with black black vers Mex you might if you Mexican you
Rooting for Canelo but you know Mayweather gon whoop his ass you know what I mean yeah your heart is with your your heritage the Mexican fan Bas is with Canelo but they brain know that he can’t beat them so we’ll be the same same way like Wilder against Fury we
Know we rooting for Wilder but Fury is a much much better fighter so I’m hoping Wilder win but I never was talking about oh he gonna beat the [ __ ] out Fury I was like I hope he beat Fury but I didn’t see I didn’t know how you could beat
Either one of them when why you but why you didn’t think he can beat fury because um man that size man that 300 pound 7 foot with the jab and the movement I I I don’t know I don’t think he ever gonna lose it’s too much you got the move you
Got but doesn’t Wilder have skills why you thought Syria beat Wilder huh no no no I thought it was 5050 but I didn’t see how anybody could beat Fury he just looked like unbeatable even now I don’t think you would look unbeatable to somebody that doesn’t have
The skills know I’m talk about us got skills and I think fur gonna beat him because he beat him is gonna wash him he has no more legs his legs are d see who’s right we don’t know now but I’m saying what I think I think Fury’s going
To win you know what I mean but I don’t know until they get in there just like Wilder and fury I’m grouting for Wilder but I know he’s make in my mind I said you should fight Joshua first Joshua is an easier fight because Fury boxing IQ
Is high and he’s big as hell who can beat him D the person that can beat him now you saying us he the only one you think beat him or you think a few guys can beat he beat Klitschko you seen what he did I got I got Fury whooping on well no
I don’t know I think Fury gonna win it but I ain’t about to underestimate I ain’t about to underestimate Youk at all okay and another another one y’all know when Tyson Fury fought Francis right and then Devon Haney fought lenko you see how outr the media now this the media look
At the oh my God bigest robbery in boxing Tyson Fury lose to uh Francis oh man well uh and he got knocked down you don’t where’s the same outrage if it wasn’t about black and white you would have heard the same outrage because that’s actually a bigger fight Francis
And Tyson it should be more out but you heard more about Devon Haney who ain’t nowhere on Tyson Fury level so imagine if Tyson Fury was black and Devon Haney was white it would be the same way people would be mad at him so what y’all think about that nobody’s mad at Tyson
Fury for getting that gift decision against because he’s the white boy getting it against the black but when Deon Haney get the oh you get a brother getting the ring LMA really won that fight hey white people hey LMA really won please tell me I’m wrong so you saying race plays a
Factor did did it you tell me did I prove it or not what did you think I’m saying you got a brain too what did you think when you saw it you watch more fights race race plays a factor so Dev can go to a white country fight his
White Undisputed Champion twice and win would Dev paint his face white and then Dev can fight lomachenko here and you was in the in the chat talking about how how lo uh Devon got booed in his own country but Devon Still beat this praise uh uh former white Champion who’s
Looking to uh you know retain his titles and de get Che as a Black Fighter so what happened with that yeah that that’s my point no no your point was about this no you just on my point knock they went to the scorecard so over because you don’t want the point
I said what was the media outrage when you got from Devon Haney lomachenko why you didn’t get the same media outrage when Tyson Fury gotta get decis against France why why wasn’t it the same if if you say race don’t play no part explain I think a lot of people in media was
Saying Francis exposed Fury that Francis was robbed so I don’t know what you talk about what network yie I fell back for a let me come back on this one Fury got it worse than Haney Fury got it worse than Haney his legacy took a major hit because of that fight
You understand how how much of a tangent that we went on Dogg and fury out because how he looked against in Nano way worse than Haney lko way worse I thought I thought L won the fight but I left it at that because Haney was respectable in his performance I thought
He lost but he was respectable in his performance and he did things I didn’t expect him to do in the fight which gave me he got his respect from me that you gonna have some people that’s gonna hate no matter what regards to certain Fighters but the overall sentiment when
You look at with Fury Fury is got thrashed and Trashed by the MMA Community the boxing Community why because he turned turned around from a Undisputed fight to fight a guy that has never fought a boxing match before that is other [ __ ] and he got his ass
Exposed and he looked like trash and I had it a draw as a fight I don’t think he won the damn fight but they gave it to him and let me tell you something that man ever since the second water fight his legs are gone guys the one
Thing that would keep him in the fight with usyk is because he had ability and he could move and he had legs he has no more legs y’all fur usk is going to be the Box around the ring in circles around Fury Fury is washed and fury and
Wilder are both going to be when time looks we’re gonna be like man we had these guys all the way up here but they were really down here they both were overrated Fury’s name he carried his name off of a Wilder fight his name was remade off of water fight because he was
In the dungeons he was he was he was in the dumps Wilder is responsible for the nonsense that we’re getting from Fury yep yep he he resurrected him he resurrected him from the grave Wilder deserve all the credit for making that man the face of boxing he’s not no face of boxing that’s
The face of boxing is Canelo and the story one of the faces No he it ain’t no end of the story he wanted the face of the boxing for sure let me tell you something you want to know why he’s not the face of boxing I’mma tell you why
Fury think about the two fights that Fury did in between the Wilder fights no one gave a flying [ __ ] when he fought AO W when he did that fight that fight wasn’t going to be on Pay-per-view it wasn’t going to be moving no damn needle Canelo can fight a ham sandwich and do
400k pay-per-view Fury needs a dance partner like most good or excellent Fighters but he fight for Undisputed I’m saying Wilder deserve credit for putting that man back in position but I so B conversation you agree with him that that Tyson Fury got just as much um hate
As Deon Haney from the media he got absolutely he did he took a lot of ridicule for for that uh inano performances along with the judges because people thought inana won the damn fight so he took a lot of flag de Devon’s Flack wasn’t wasn’t really much
Hate it was just people contesting what they saw in the score and it was a lot of it wasn’t just from a racial standpoint there was even black folks who said they thought he won it wasn’t just Shakur many people took flat took slight with Shakur because Shakur is a
Guy who may possibly challenge Deon for that’s his contemporary yeah that’s his contemporary a lot of people issue with that some black folks thought d l one and some white folks thought Haney it was mixed you got three white judges thought Hy L point it ain’t just black
And white bro y’all be applying this [ __ ] yeah I don’t apply race based [ __ ] to boxing I’m not going to subscribe to what these other people do I watch Boxing for boxing I don’t care what skin pigment you are I love a new way I love I love ter
All of them different denominations but he say Ray don’t play a factor but all I’m saying dealing with race in this [ __ ] like Wilder got fans pushing that belief in his head when he got a number of white folks helping him to achieve the type of money he done made
In his life like building him statues and coaching him black people he can stop that [ __ ] man our grandparents in them live that [ __ ] these new people my age and even people little no people my from my age on down ain’t experienced none of this racial [ __ ] you watch all these
Privileg this it’s these other black fighters who are in position that don’t get that don’t put other black fighters in position they stay away from them and avoid them maywe no no oppression you got de going over to a European country winning titles fighting uh probably the last popular foreign white fighter
Winning and defending his title against him like y’all go overboard with this make believe racial [ __ ] that y’all don’t see y’all just dream because y’all want to live through slavery or some [ __ ] no you don’t see it no that’s when I deal with racism [ __ ] let
Me say this when I deal with racial [ __ ] or know I’m dealing with a racist person I check them I don’t let that [ __ ] I check them on spot and and I I don’t have to do that much there’s racist people in the world yeah but everybody ain’t a [ __ ]
Racist bro and everything is not gonna everything is not a racial component listen there is racism real absolutely but listen the generations before us is rolling in our their grave because if they was in the position that we are in right now today they would be thriving because what they went through is
Nothing compared it’s it’s it’s Paramount compared to what we have they did all that sacrificing for us to sit here and [ __ ] when we have the opportunity no personal decision personal decisions is what you have you can make there there are certain things that is in line that is inherently
Racist we understand that but if you as an individual you have the ability to do things that Our Generations fought for and wasn’t able to so I’m not going to sit here and and cry and cap about [ __ ] when my when people w before us didn’t have those opportunities and they didn’t
Cry and cap about [ __ ] I got a great I got a great Point Don King Bob Barum Eddie Hearn who’s the most hated why is Don King like a damn they act like he is a demon he the worst promoter of all time if you let the media say the media
Portrayed him as an evil person because he was black it wasn’t because it because he was black or was it because Mike Tyson said he robbed him because Mike said if Mike tyon never said he robbed that way Don King he was doing fou and salous [ __ ] Bro hold is he
The best promoter of all time or not who the best promoter is Don King Don King so what promoter doesn’t rob their Fighters name one that hasn’t robbed their fighter that F right right but that’s the game you can’t get into the boxing game and think
You ain’t gonna be corrupt you in a corrupt sport that’s why I hate when people be like oh boxon corrupt you know what’s corrupt what you watching it for if you don’t like you shouldn’t be watching boxing he got no no we don’t like the business is
Corrupt the sport itself and its natural nature is beautiful no the oh yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right yeah yeah so they’re not mutually exclusive my my brother just because I know just because I know there’s corruption does not mean I’m just going to completely not watch it because I
Know that these things in because I can’t change the wild w West nature of these four sanction embodies I can’t control that but what I can control is watching the fighters that I want to watch or the fights that I want to watch and when I watch them I’m not watching
Them based on what color they are I’m watching them based on their skill set and what me enjoying them as and their pilis abilities but I just want you to know that Don King was hated not because because Mike Tyson said he robbed him if Mike Tyson never said he robbed him we
Wouldn’t have this feeling about Don King overall and Chavez he robbed all these [ __ ] let finish my let me finish my fence please Don King they Rivals right this is what they do if you’re a promoter this is part of the game he’s the best
He did it the best so he got the most hate but Bob you see what he did to RI you see did with Crawford you see what he’s doing with Shakur Stevenson so so like you said they they pieces of [ __ ] all of Eddie Hearn a piece of [ __ ] for
What he did to kale Brook putting him in there with Triple G because if it was my fighter I wouldn’t sacrificed his career because I’m looking at my money I’m not gonna sacrifice kale Brook because I see greatness in kale Brook I think if you throwing him in there with Triple G you
Are just destroying that man career and you see what happened he was never the same after that Triple G fight so they all pieces of [ __ ] but the guy that does the best and he’s black now he is the Demonic guy I’m saying it would I wouldn’t bring up race if y’all talked
About Bob AR the same way y’all talked about Don King because they both is the same way ain’t no different he just Jewish and one black but y’all scared to talk about Jewish people [ __ ] him [ __ ] bob I’m not gonna be y’all just so comfortable to talk about black because
You black no I’m different I’m gonna talk about Jewish people the same way I’m G talk about my black boxing conversation you good you good at talking about your own but you ain’t talking about Bob andon robbing people why you ain’t talking about that Crawford got a lawsuit see these is
Facts you the one make yourself sound crazy because you acting like race don’t exist why the [ __ ] the media ain’t talking about Bob AR like oh he’s a piece of [ __ ] he’s a SC he’s the worst [ __ ] that’s what they did with a black
Man now you want to say oh it ain’t no racist why the [ __ ] boxing conversation they won’t even let you on the NFL team CU your because of your skin color talk about oh racism don’t exist no more yeah get a billion dollars and see if they
Let you in the good old boy network but but yeah you in California they [ __ ] your head up out there all that gang banging y’all hate each other that’s what that is yeah come on Bo conversation he put me on for a reason reason yep yep I can’t believe this man they
Find your crazy ass man yeah go talk about Bob AR Robin Fighters yeah talk about it yeah yeah compare Bob arams robbery of Fighters to [ __ ] Don Kings like come on man Don King [ __ ] is [ __ ] textbook [ __ ] against Don King Don King Don King [ __ ] getting caught up with with the the
The sanctioning bodies all that [ __ ] did Bob arum have [ __ ] yeah but Don King did some [ __ ] that was really [ __ ] ignorant and got [ __ ] over Y and and I’ll just say the reason why he gets criticized so heavily is because of people like you y’all more comfortable
Criticizing black people than he get criticized because he’s also out in the public he’s a [ __ ] that that grass for the spotlight and then you doing he’s out he’s still out there doing it he won now but when they was in their Prime D he couldn’t compete with
Don K why they robbing all uh uh BL blood boxing got a question for you says name 10 black Fighters Don King promoted name 10 okay uh fix Trinidad um I don’t think he talking about that kind of black but go ahead we’ll count him okay D King Muhammad Ali uh big George
Foreman Larry homes Iron Mike Tyson how many I’m at Evander Holyfield how many I’m at bust Douglas how many I’m at he all of them just named the generation of Fighters the 80s the only one he didn’t have was suaray Leonard wait can we do you count
Do you he ain’t promote Holyfield yes he did no holfi fought in a FY a FY promoter he wasn’t his promoter but go ahead yeah no no remember Don King had in the uh in the contct when you beat him then he was the promo he started
Promoting him after that wrong but blood blood boxing respond to that is that one right blood boxing Holyfield go ahead go ahead he going you have five remember he had in his contract if you knock off his number one guy he promoted you n you heard that in
Somebody saying that in the video I don’t think that was true with Holyfield King said no I seen it says the dois had aand so you wrong on that so keep going no no no he lied not not when he F not when he beat Mike Tyson that was not no
That was Don King no Don King had the rights to the rematch but he didn’t promote him but keep going okay I guarantee you if you put in have Don King promoted they G yes now y’all getting caught in lies now okay boxing says yes so all right so you’re
Right so keep going see I’m G y’all see that’s what y’all is y’all try to make [ __ ] sound crazy when y’all the crazy on are you right you right okay that’s six okay Dam he a never get Golden Boy what was that guy the guy Hopkins gave his undefeat he beat that Hopkins
Dude Hopkins beat got that Dude he said some more Black Fighter Mark breelan um what’s that dude name um damn the gold medalist 84 he was like Mark bre I for got him 84 Mar Marlon staring Dam he said name 10 why he say 10 name God damn I name 10 by now no okay but damn
Who else he got oh um um who is that dude Hawkins beat right before he beat in that in that super middleweight Championship when he fought um when he fought right before he fought Trinidad the champion and he said you was wrong on breeling says not breeling oh he he damn
What’s that I can’t think of his name you got it wrong cause you guessing no yeah because I went to that era you right Dan you’re right because like you said he got competition but [ __ ] I name about six seven of them you made you made a halfway mark of
The test because you you speaking on all this Blackness and hating on Donnie so he expect you to know the answers right right yeah I think yeah I got to go back man CU he been out the game so long man they push him about you know
Hawkins beat his ass his last part oh some somebody was asking where you was you from Cincinnati Ohio from Ohio and he said and then blood say you he didn’t uh promote Starling so no you at like five still W I would help you but I’m not going
To want hey no I can’t help you on this one you on your own the champion you talking about my guy from Arkansas Jermaine Taylor no no okay I just want to make sure that was l debella no I’m talking about the uh oh you talking about he beat I think that
Was what was the other black dude you talking about um Chad Dawson Chad Dawson from New Haven Connecticut I go to his gym every once in a while shout out to Chad Dawson man I gotta look it up man I gotta look it up why you looking that up I wanted to
Respond to something to you Mastermind and this is the thing that I I feel like people like to hang on to particular narratives you said how nobody criticize Bob arum right but see the thing is when we criticize him it ain’t since it ain’t a big enough deal to you you’ll you’ll
Disregard it because guess what I criticize Bob arum for the reason why B and Bal wasn’t made is because of Bob arum he was the first reason why that fight didn’t happen I was on Bob arum in top ranks ass because he threw cold water on that fight three and a half
Years ago and then then the WBC did that whole I’mma play politics game if you’re from Russia even though the other Fighters origin is from Russia as well you’re not you know you you’re not entitled to get the wcbc belt I was on Bob arum’s ass about that because it’s a
Fight I want but no but the thing is nobody’s gonna pay attention to that but when we talk about oh you’re you’re getting on the black promoters but you’re not talking about the white ones no you’re just ignoring what I’m talking about the when when somebody like myself
Talks about the [ __ ] that Bob arum does because every one of got [ __ ] with them like right now I don’t like what Eddie Hearn is doing to berb this man had a elevated level of testosterone but was tested before and after and all his levels was clean but they put that out
There to make it look like he might have been cheating I don’t like the fact that they did that I think that’s some [ __ ] I’ll criticize that but nobody pays attention to that unless it fits their particular narrative or whatever disposition that they have I have
Criticisms for all of them and I have Praises for all of them for for what they do not based on what color lines they are you feel me yeah Mastermind left on that one but yeah I told y’all Mastermind ass crazy man that’s why when he be like drop the
Link I’ll be like let me get through some of the comments before he this crazy ass I love Mastermind though because the thing is he does no boxing but he does play a trollish role sometimes like he’ll come on and be like oh yeah uh what’s name’s the greatest
Fighter of all time like that’s like me saying yo like right now I’m on a sugar baroso tour you know I’m saying 2024 is the year of baroso I want him to win every fight that he’s in because he got cheated and he came in and knocked out
O’Hara Davis I had a tough time rooting for either fighter because I was proud of both of them because I wanted them to get that Championship shot because Roy didn’t deserve it in the first place and then they robbed Baro so to give roley the title so I was rooting for both of
Them unfortunately O’Hara Davis is looking bad out here blaming it on cold cold air in his hotel room and [ __ ] why he might have got knocked out I’m like that’s rough bro I can’t even I can’t even roll with that bro I’m sorry you looking bad out here in these streets
You know but at the end of the day man when are you Mexican black white whatever in some cases people will base their opinions and no matter what you say about something else if it doesn’t fit that racial narrative they’ll ignore the things that you say that is on the
Opposite end of the spectrum just because they want to be a to keep that narrative so if somebody says oh you never criticize bar Baron but you always talk about PBC but then I turn around and tell you hey I was talking about B bman at Bal and bbia fight you’ll ignore
That because that goes directly against what you’re trying to say and the point that you’re trying to make yeah that makes any sense no people do that all day man they do it all the time that’s like even in like today’s like modern discussions on boxing like that racial [ __ ] doesn’t apply to
Everything and even just because and it’s hard to even do fights to where a person’s not not going to be of the same race as a black fighter and then people cry when two black Fighters challenge each other it’s like what the [ __ ] do y’all [ __ ] want you see
Another Black Fighter challenge another Black Fighter and then he becomes a hater uh uh he’s doing this for the other people he trying to sell out his brother he’s trying to peill the white folks like what the [ __ ] do y’all want so if he can’t fight his brother then
What’s left for him to fight just hold the belt just hold the belt do some Gary Russell ass [ __ ] with it’s just like discussions of what race applies the [ __ ] is just like pointless a lot of times it don’t exist do there is there racial undertones and maybe particular
Fights maybe that that particular fighter may may hold certain racial hatred yeah that’s a possibility there but to just throw it out there every chance you get because there’s a fighter of a non-black race and race got appli for is like the craziest [ __ ] man I
Think people use it as a convenience to I don’t know to to to perpetuate perpetuate a narrative to perpetuate a narrative there’s enough real racial [ __ ] that we have to deal with in life that where I don’t have to you know manufacture it there’s enough real [ __ ]
Out there in the world I I was a testament when I was fighting against the million dooll blocks of New York where they was arresting all black and brown people that’s real [ __ ] because Wilder got his whoop by a white guy is not a racial component and people saying
Oh water is this and water is this and Spence is this and Spence is this what I see right now is Wild is a guy that can’t take any accountability for his own losses and his own mistakes blames everybody else doesn’t take any accountability for his own [ __ ] and
Doesn’t have the boxing skills and didn’t dedicate himself to his boxing skills he got enamorate with his one punch and didn’t improve his capabilities and then they’ll say oh well he started late so did Joshua so did multiple other Fighters but what they did the difference between them and
Him is they kept on working on their craft I see Joshua as a better fighter than he was when he was Champion right now is he a great no he’s good he’s very good he’s not a great you know but people say oh you capping for Joshua no
I just think American fans are trash and American fans will bash Joshua and big up Wilder but if Joshua had Wilder’s resume they would just go to town with him and if water had Joshua’s resume oh he would he would he would be considered the greatest of all time people talking
About Fury people talking about Fury oh he could have beat Mike he could have beat oi give me a [ __ ] break no I don’t think so I don’t think so that hand speak but can I please say something about that Wilder racial thing I really please let me say now this the
Race did play a part in Tyson Fury because Wilder brought it in when he when he said to this day to this day like he he said he winning for all the black people is slavery and black history money so you brought the racial element into the black man right so when
He lost you got to stand on that so once you brought that in wellever was a draw but when he did lose I think that’s where all the excuses came in like you said I don’t take excuses from nobody Wilder my favorite fighter you think I’m gonna make excuse was nothing in the
Gloves I don’t give a [ __ ] it matter of fact I don’t care if it was something in the glove I don’t make excuses so I’m not gonna say oh he has something to glove because I don’t believe that if if he had something to glove why your team
Man T then I don’t like Wilder it’s about race again because you fired the black man did he fire the black man and he kept the white dude right and that hurt him in the long run because Mark breelan is a better trainer than Malik Scott so it is racial but
Some if you doing it like me you calling he he was he the one brought the [ __ ] in so that was fake he wasn’t for his people when he kept saying I’m fighting for no you’re not for your people because if you was for your people you
Would have fought AJ a black man AJ represent Nigeria so that’s what I’m saying I’m keeping it down the middle yeah I’m gonna call the race out but I’mma call my the black people out for being racist too Wilder brought the race in there so if you gonna bring race in
You better beat the white boy and if he don’t the wh say hey you can’t be mad at white people say yeah we beat that N word b because you brought that [ __ ] in it so how am I bias if I’m gonna call my own favorite fighter out for making
Excuses because he brought up some [ __ ] I don’t mind him bringing up race but you got to win fight you know what I mean so and then when you don’t win the fight you start making excuses that’s where you can’t ain’t no excuses Wilder lost straight up you know what I mean it
Was a good fight the second one he got blew out third one was another good fight that ain’t nothing to be ashamed of you start making these excuses then when the D get in your face you got to put the headphones on so how am I you
Saying black people no I’m calling races down the you doing the same [ __ ] Wilder talking about oh I’mma beat the white man for all my slaveries okay on it you can’t live on what you said that’s why he made them excuses because you said that and you was
Thinking did do you think him being white had something to do with him thinking he could beat his ass he’s like this white boy can’t beat me I think that’s what he was thinking like man that boy ain’t got he thought he didn’t have no punching power or
Nothing so so y’all got to give me credit I’m calling a black dude out for that you you know what I mean so you can’t say I’m just oh you just talk about Dom meican Fighters oh I talk about Wilder too I talk about tank I
Talk about all of them but I call them I hey I say what you duck that you duck them for 120 million uh AJ duck him for 50 million y’all ducked each other now Deontay Wilder duck now because you lost the fight against Joseph Parker it’s over so
He got to take the final blame Wilder you out you know what I mean all he had to do was win the fight against Joseph and we would have got the mega fight we’ve been waiting on this fool couldn’t win one [ __ ] fight they set him his ass
Up he ain’t smart enough to fight a lesser opponent he should have known Joseph Parker was better but he’s so dumb he thought he could win the fight know you gotta fight a bum when AJ next where y’all at yeah no I was coming back upstairs you know how crazy your ass is
I was listening to the whole thing that you criticized us when we gave criticism to to Wilder and other Fighters and you go off and just do the same [ __ ] that we didn’t done no no I said no I told you no I said I did it the same way I said I
Called it the same way if I see an individual I’m still GNA call him out I’m not going to just you was saying like I just take up a black no I said I call it down the middle that’s why I’m calling Canelo ain’t [ __ ] I’m saying I’m
Not g to say Wilder ain’t [ __ ] and Canelo a y’all both ain’t [ __ ] I’m not gonna hype him up he until you fight Benz I’m not putting you up on nothing because I see who you fought the last three fights now it’s gonna be four easy
Fight that I don’t even have to watch because it’s no suspense you know what I mean so like I said you talking about I’m crazy I’m keeping it real I said I said that Wilder he brought the racial into it so if I was if I was racist I
Wouldn’t say that I’d be like yeah Tyson Fury he cheated him i’ be like everybody else wouldn’t our boxing conversation like he cheated I’m not I don’t make excuses so I’m more pure than any boxing fan y’all was making excuses for Canelo losing the B not me a loss is
A loss is a l make up no excuses you just you just you just flipped around and said the same [ __ ] we’ve been saying so like you crazy no you out how am I saying listen I was saying the I’m telling you to criticize everybody equally like that’s what I’m
Doing you don’t do that you criticize like you say the brothers heavily then you do the you’re not on here deadly bashing no Mexican Fighters but you on here dead bashing black Fighters every day you got something to say about a black fighter you ain’t doing that the Mexicans know every
Day you got some so criticism has to be tit Fort for you yeah I’m talking about all around the board I’m not gonna criticize Don King I’m not gonna criticize B I’m G say they if you gonna call Don King robbing folk I’m G say Bob Aon Rob folks too
Same thing because I know the G I know the sport of boxing you got to be a dummy to think promoters don’t Rob boxers that’s why Don King got in the sport he seen how much they was robbing him why you playing stupid oh Don King
He’s evil no this is a sport that’s that’s like getting J oh you why you rob people you listen you’re a drug dealer you know prison go with drug that’s why I hate when drug dealers talk about snitches you know snitching come with the game stop playing oh man snitcher
You you don’t have no morals you don’t have no no Integrity [ __ ] you’re a criminal I’ve been I became a criminal because I didn’t want Integrity I didn’t want I didn’t want to go by rules criminals don’t go by rules and when you go by rules you get
Killed by somebody that don’t go by rules some people don’t kill women and kids some of them do but what you going to do when they when they smoke you or they hey that they gonna turn you into a woman and kid killer or you gonna keep them saying
Morals and principles once you get robbed you might turn into a robber boxing conversation just like look at Mayweather look how do you think he doing a good job at as a promoter I I never expected Mayweather to do good as a promoter [ __ ] what about what about Oscar De La
Hoya do you think he’s a good promoter I didn’t expect him I don’t expect fighters to do a good job man I think boxing has to be ran by business people bro boxing has to be ran by by business people you just can’t get a guy who most
People who think that they they’ve competed in the sport they’ve done this and that and they want to get into it a lot of times they don’t work out to be the best for the sport because they don’t have the business side they have the the the business savvy salute to
Johnny rice salute bro the one that impressed me the most impressive and promoter around today in my opinion is Eddie hun I like him I think he a good representative what you think man a good repes he no different than on you [ __ ] talking about ruining the Bob talks against his own fighters
You never heard Eddie he dog his own fighter R you watch you’ve watched Eddie turn on Fighters a lot you watch Eddie Shell’s Fighters you watch Eddie do nothing with certain Fighters careers bro Eddie ain’t been great to every fighter Edd’s been great to the fighters that are making money as any promoter
Would that’s some of the fighters faces is if they’re losing they’re not making money of course in the mind of business the way it goes they’re going to turn the Blind Eye to you so you can get back on there but it’s even for a fighter
Even if you lose it’s a way you got to climb your way back up to the top there’s other there’s other ways to make it but Eddie Eddie got Shady ways about him Eddie’s you know also known for trying to find ways for people with drug
Cheats to get back into the sport like he does shitty [ __ ] y but now I’m talking about far I like what he did with AJ career I like what at first I like I think he ruin kale Brook career but I think his promoting is good Bob
Barum is the worst promoter because I seen him he’s the only promoter I ever seen dog out his own prom own fighters I’ve never seen a promo how are you a promoter talking bad about your fighter like that’s something to die behind right there I’m paying you to dog me out
Or I didn’t lost a mans and uh trying to promote this guy Crawford you promote you got the best fighter in the world Crawford right there and you dogging you dogging them out because you a piece of [ __ ] you Don King would have never did because he’s a much better promoter he
Would have he would have been Don King would have told you how to do Crawford wood maybe he would have lost them for Rob why you think Mike Tyson lost left Them White Boys to go to Don King because Them White Boys was robbing the
[ __ ] out of Mike Tyson no Don King slide his way in on them dudes and that was probably the worst thing ever happened to Mike Tyson there you go now now I just told you the truth and you made up a lie I said those white guys was
Robbing the [ __ ] out of Mike Tyson he told him I can get you money that they can’t get he signed on ad dotted line Mike Tyson a mega star he was already on the metor road they made him a household name they created the [ __ ] they created the
[ __ ] blueprint to making him a star like they did robbing him hold on if they did all this why do you think he left them because they them right one of them [ __ ] died Don King sneaked his way in there yeah you’re right and and
How did he sneak in there with money he said look how much they paying boom if they can’t match this number come to me I match I give you this this m you reason why they couldn’t match that number because they was right they not paying Mike Ty and his work Don King
Start giving them more money what he was worth but you’re right he did Rob him out of that but he still got him because he wasn’t getting compensated right so you gotta give white people they credit for robbing too don’t just brush over the white people Rob oh white people
They they did everything for m man [ __ ] them look at you you brainwash about they made him a star no Mike heon made the streets made him a star you think the white people talk him my [ __ ] he he was him they discover him he didn’t discover white people you must have been
Whooped before by white people or some [ __ ] bro no you must have been whooped by them you the way you kiss their ass damn you scared to talk about them like they oh you act like we still in slavy time they we free now you can talk [ __ ] about ain’t nothing
Happen I just prove hold on when I hit you with facts a black man was able to get Mike Tyson and you so so involved with white you believe they story oh we did everything for we made him a star and this black devil came and just
Ruined them that’s what you saying you going with the white boy story you read the Whitey here go Blood box and say that they took Tyson money too thank you that’s what I’m saying you you two these people didn’t brainwashed you to thinking your people you thinking Don
King is the cook hold on how Don King is the crook bro let me get uh blood I want to hear that story on on them Robin Tyson blood if you got time you can jump on yeah go go keep cooking mimon yeah yeah I just want I just want
You to know that it’s on the same I think you just a little too hard if you was equal with it if you was saying black people made Tyson or don’t say no white people made they didn’t make him they discovered him they didn’t make him
You know what I mean he deserved credit for that but Don King hit him with how much is these guys paying you and when he heard he right at the horse’s mouth George foran that’s why he was able to get Alli forming in them he he was
Hitting with more money than they ever seen before so you gotta give him credit yeah he got him more money Larry Holmes look how rich Larry Holmes is that’s Don King he was promoted by Don King his whole damn career he one of the richest guys
Ever to for oh blood say he being sarcastic but that’s stasm yeah that’s why I said because I was like I never heard that story oh so y’all believe the white people was treating Mike Tyson just fine H yeah they wasn’t doing what Don King did to the [ __ ] like wasay like
Don King NE and Tyson was making big money they helped give him that video game Deal start bringing them the pay-per-view te all that [ __ ] was Big Time [ __ ] who got Mike Tyson $30 million a fight King The King they wasn’t getting him that that’s
Why he left him they told him they said we can’t get you this Mike he said well bye yeah you gotta get so that’s not that’s not the white people why they could have gave it to him they didn’t want to give it to him they wanted to
Rob they want they were just honest with they robbery Don King ain’t gonna tell you he gonna get you 30 and Rob you but they gonna rob you politely he just robbing you more he going to get you more money and robing they going to get
You just a nice set like too too getting Rob CC Lopez how he getting robbed by Bob yeah it’s not blatant but that’s why he turning down fights 1.5 million he letting you know this [ __ ] trying to ride he want me to fight Ryan for 1.5 million get the [ __ ] out my face
So he letting you know it’s the same game and it’s it’s a different person Rob AR look how he treating te that’s what who is blood boxing he a black dude too right yeah he he a story box and that’s he said he’s being sarcastic about them Robin Tyson Don King’s only
Tyson so so okay so how do why do you go to the Rober then explain that you go to the you go you go to the dude to get you $30 million a fight he because they the white fol so they was already robbing they taking out the top
How is they not robbing him if they weren robbing him you wouldn’t have been able to get him I can’t just sign Drake because Drake is in a good position but if he’s in the bad position then I can get him Mike Tyson was in a bad position
So he got him I can get you they robbing you Mike come over here you letting them white boys rob you let a [ __ ] rob you what you I think I think blood boxing and boxing convers y’all rather get robbed by the white folks than a black
Person and then y’all not get robbed by no [ __ ] give a [ __ ] what he is but you in the robing business you in boxing don’t don’t become in boxing if you ain’t you ain’t trying to get robbed you rob no you you in the business of if
You stupid as [ __ ] you get took that’s why Floyd had to had to wisen up with the way he he maneuvered his business to not being stupid it’s being young and and trying to make it desperate it’s not really being stupid you gotta learn you gotta BR when you
Get in the game you don’t you don’t you not the Superstar immediately you sign that record deal then you blow up then you renegotiate yeah I’m saying y’all just too comfortable criticizing Don King and not critizing the white folk I’m saying Ang bro you have Mike Tyson angel I’m saying the white folks
Ain’t No Angel that’s what I’m saying I know he ain’t No Angel but y’all you just said the white folks is ang they made my what they be [ __ ] Dam I don’t so you so caught up in black and white [ __ ] that you delusional about [ __ ] Mike Tyson career launching was
Launched by them [ __ ] white dudes bro like what are you talking about so and they was robbing him that’s what I’m telling what are you talking about that’s why Don King was able to get him they would not getting him his money he deserved he was putting a lot of Robin
Tyson like that that’s all I seen Blood come sarcastic hold on hold on this where I got you listen to Mike Tyson podcast he tell you black man that the white folks was robbing me too he the words I’m saying I got from Mike Tyson I’m not just saying this myself Mike
Tyson said yeah they talk he said the exact words I’m about to give you a quote that Mike Tyson said he said they talk about Don King like he big bad robber but them white folks is robbing me too D Mike Tyson said that BX your conversation ain’t got the heart to say
That because he kissed white folks ass Mike Tyson said that now what you got to say to that well I gotta say this well why was Mike Tyson beating up his old black Brother Don King ass in front of a bunch of white folks and one of and one
Of the most uh uh wealth privileged white areas inside of America you you tell me that the same the same reason he was whooping on them white people ass the same way he was beating on them white managers ass why Tyson couldn’t wait to beat Don
King up in front of some black folks he beat him up to beat him up against white I’m saying what’s the difference you stealing you gonna get your for if I disrespect you your wife or something you gonna beat my it don’t matter who around right that disrespect is
Disrespect stilling is stilling so so bro so listen my Mastermind look I was kind of following you bro and then you lost me so I did I I am aware that they was robbing him just like Don I don’t think that they was no there it’s business bro everybody especially the business of
Boxing they all [ __ ] Crooks you know what I mean so so I I know that they was Rob Mike too but you was saying that people would better be robbed by the white man than the black man that’s why you lost me here bro I’m with Reggie I’d
Rather not be robbed at all what the [ __ ] no I’m saying don’t I’m saying if you a drug dealer you know robbery and prison is part of it so don’t get in there crying about getting robbed or going to jail if you if you get in the
Box and it’s a corrupt sport it’s the most corrupt sport of them all so why do that’s why I don’t understand all I care about is even if you cheat if I put my money on the guy that cheated I’m good I’m just mad if I lost the
Money if I bet on the guy you cheat beat me but if if you cheat and help me win money I’m the same I’m no different than him I’m American it’s the American way we this is the American way Crooks but you real game of boxing is is
Learning how to [ __ ] read and be smart the reason so many these dudes get robbed because a lot of these [ __ ] are illiterate they ain’t intelligent they don’t take time to spend to ensure sure all the business is right you can just throw money at them
And they take it they’ll never read a contract that’s why they get robbed that’s all boxing is and same thing with music read your [ __ ] contract yeah but how about when you desperate you gotta think that you could take you could take something you would your desperation is on your ass
Nobody else and that’s all I’m saying so you I you can meet a talent talented person but they in a compromising position where like Dr Dre Dr Dre had to take that money he had kids to take care he was in a situation where he had to
Take the 75,000 ice CU wasn’t that press he had he he hold on let me take this to the lawyer got the Dre so desperate for money he signing damn easy little FK contract $5,000 Ice Cube like hold up hold up you owe me more than this Jack
Let me take this contract to the lawyer so sometime you can get a talented person because of they circumstances like you said that’s on them but like boxers they a lot of them are desperate because they in the streets I got a question for you bro would you rather would you rather
Give you got turn the YouTube down no I ain’t got nothing that ain’t me I ain’t got nothing playing yeah it’s on your mic I what what can you hear it let me see test test test you you on the computer no on the phone the might be
That stream we’ll work through it [ __ ] we Ain gonna complain go it oh oh matter of fact else that’s how you okay can you hear me now yeah yeah go ahead but when somebody else talk yeah now now what was the question I I forgot what the question was I I
Said would you rather be robbed by uh Fred than another white content creator is it okay because Fred black would I rather be no no you’re right ID rather not be robbed at all but yeah you’re right you’re right that’s what that that’s that’s how life goes
That’s how the boxing game go you’ll rather lose the bivel than lose the Benita but no I agree with you bro um Mike I just want boxing conversation know that he just they that’s the promoters Rob Fighters every day B and it ain’t just just cuz he’s the
Best you I just want to know his his reputation is like that because he’s the best of all time at promoting so he’s G they gonna always want to tarnish so they was a sleazy [ __ ] promoter which one of them ain’t sleazy name a name a promoter that’s not Eddie Hearn
Sley Bob AR sley which one ain’t sley L de bella sley all of them sley so so I think I think I think the the game suffered when Don King left he gave us some of the greatest fight cards that that boxing ever had I remember they asked Don King
One time he was they was doing that U protest on uh Wall Street and they asked Don King I said Don King why did you rob Mike Tyson and Ali he said because when they came to me they was poor and broke and I thought what a
Wonderful opportunity to make them a lot a lot of money so that I could Rob them of it he kept it real that was the realest I ever seen Don ke but like as far as like what he was the boxing like because you gotta remember boxing was mob controlled at one time
And when it was mob control like it was it it was similar to where Don King was running where they where they fixed fights and you know I mean made it was no ducking because everybody had to go through that one person so Don King bro
He he was good for the game and he was bad for the game at the same time but boxing fans can’t have it both ways because they complain about these Fighters sitting out trying to get these elaborate and if you was Don King fighter that wish that [ __ ] wasn’t gonna
Happen what’s up OG blood boxon hey what’s up Reggie I mean you know I mean Don King he he never robbed nobody man I mean he was good for Mike Tyson Don King um you know it wasn’t him who put Tim Witherspoon in the ghetto it wasn’t him
Who robbed from Mitch Green I mean Don King was great man he was excellent for um Mike Tyson you know it was Bill kton and Custom who stole all his money even though custado died before he became champion and made a million dollars he stole everything from Mike Tyson in fact
Um Bob arum I mean he robbed evil coneval I mean um can you name the black Fighters that Bob arum robbed I do know he Nam um um robbed evil coneval I think he was black right when evil conal Black don’tget by the way too that sister Robin given in Desiree was
They was real good Nubian queens to Mike Tyson you know I mean Robin given they say she robbed him but and they say Desiree Washington put him in in prison but I think it was a white girl man I think it was Demi Moore My [ __ ] Dem
Moore Amy Grant that’s who it was yeah demon Moore and Amy Grant they mixed Robin given up with demon Moore and they mixed desire R Washington up with Amy Grant is what happened man listen man Bob Bob arum that’s the devil right there that pcka wood right
There he robbed all kind of [ __ ] man even though I can’t name one he robbed but you know mean I mean I can’t really name one he did Rob evil coneval but RI Andale he robbed RI Andale name name me name me some more evil coneval rendale
He robbed Crawford Robb Crawford look at him Crawford was rich man I mean ain’t that a rich [ __ ] but no he ain’t you right though he he robbed got he said that Crawford robbed him you know yeah but I’m I agree with you though man you
Know was it was him who robbed Crawford even though he said that he could have built all kind of houses and [ __ ] like that but you know I mean I mean I Don King they say he robbed Mitch Green they say he robbed uh um what’s his name
Um Tim Witherspoon they say he robbed Mike Tyson and they say Mike Tyson slap Don King but I think it was really Dan duil that’s who I think it was yeah yeah it was Dan Dil that that really that Mike Tyson really SLA you know what I’m saying I
Mean you know I get it man you know what I’m saying I mean they white Devils bro and pcka woods and you know we don’t love pcka Woods over here we don’t love them white devils and the white snakes right bro tell them bro we don’t we
Don’t like them Devils do we hell no see devil was crying when remember the white devil was crying in the locker room when Dev Haney whooped him he was crying was he that white devil was s yeah man yeah that white devil man yeah he sure was because he got beat man um
Lomachenko they robbed they they robbed lomachenko and gave him the victory oh I forgot he lost oh um yeah that’s right U yeah but they robbed him though they still robbed um l though man Ain that right y but the American dream you know they gonna give it to the American dream
Haney every time right yeah man I feel you if you wanna be hany if you wanna be Haney gotta knock him out man bro they they live by the pcka wood agenda bro and and they you know they gave Haney that Victory bro you know how
Them wood do bro when they gave Haney that Victory you know how them pcka Woods snake they SN that Victory so they SN they snake that [ __ ] bro they gave that [ __ ] that D pecker woods man I can’t stand them pecker wood bro they did that to make
The white folks mad them white FK got mad as hell when they Robb no more didn’t they say damn I know y they robbed them they Robb they Robb their own people and us you can’t robko that man work hard got his ass whooped in Vegas start crying in the
Locker room because he got robbed don’t wor you gotta knock out the American dream Hy he the American dream he the American dream black man black black is the American dream bro that’s exact got a nose like L KRS black black is the American dream my brother Right facts on
That that mean Deon Henne is the oppressor exactly see he Robo he oppressed Lomo we ain’t seen Lomo since he got oppressed by De hey he gonna get some more victories like that too that’s why tank don’t want to fight him because he know they gonna get that
Decision to the American dream he gonna have to knock him out that’s that’s the only thing with Deon he gonna get all the decisions and that I think that’s gonna make the hatred draw more because if it it’s a close fight like you said lenko you thought L won most a lot of
People thought he won look at his skin complex wait wait a minute Mastermind you don’t think they’ll Rob him you don’t think the the white Devils will rob him no no because because what boxing conversation said he’s the oppressor now they thinking they I don’t think he gonna get
If he would have got Rob he would have got Rob against cambos he beat him twice in Australia you think Deon Haney the oppressor if he going hold on he went to Australia took that man title came here and and beat lenko and fight everybody thought L won how he not the oppressor
He oppressed he oppressed lenko and cambos Moes ain’t been the same since so that’s two now why Australia that just shows that he beat the cracken man agenda there it is Manny Pacquiao couldn’t even beat Australia over there he got his ass beat in Australia Deon hany go over there and
Get he said y’all bet not y’all better give me the decision that’s what I’m saying you can’t win a decision against Deon Haney now if you can knock him out you gonna get the victory I guarantee you him and tank fight it don’t matter if it go to them judge and score cards
The americ dream that every time you see Tito Trinidad got the decision over Oscar The Golden Boy in Vegas he came from Puerto Rico and got you think American Dream Haney can’t do the same thing he getting all the decision so bro see what they did is
They flipped the road man the cracker man agenda and the pcka wood agenda it got flipped they flipped the road my brother and then they pull a fast one on them you know what I’m saying my brother and then it worked out for the brother man instead of the other man
Right that’s why he changed the Muslim why you think K Davis went the Muslim once you go to that Allah they ain’t going against you y went sweep what was his name because he was under Allah’s guidance that led him to Victory there was no other way that he
Was going to get Victory unless he was under Allah’s guidance and that just proves that black man is God and God is the black man hey that’s why I be tripping off the Hades man because they go Muslim then they turn right back Hood like you said the Muslim is like you
Said it’s a protector when you get into that them trenches facts facts my brother facts you see only one what was his name Prince nine he used to get on the microphone but he’s not one of us though bro no he’s a half breed my brother he can’t be
One of us but he had better swag than [ __ ] these one us though bro that’s what I’m saying bro we don’t count them was one of us and that’s why the devil punished him in the end and he lost to that Mexican boy right you gotta understand
That c is thre in the genetics bro right he’s not one of us bro right he don’t have an afro he has straight Hill right he could never be one of us you know he went to prison too right who Prince nine yes sir manslaughter that’s why he got so fat he
Did about eight nine years he does have some of our Tendencies now right but he canot one of us that was a low blow that was a low blow right there that one hurt right there you have to view that one referee you had to say that I said yeah
You know went to jail yeah he got that was Cat Williams right there he went C Williams on me yeah he gotes yeah that was a knockout blow that hey man yo yo man my brother Mastermind though man hey do your thing brother you know do your thing brother
Hey this crazy CA look the first time he came on the show he was telling me he was rehabbing from smoking cracking some [ __ ] that’s how I knew this [ __ ] was crazy as [ __ ] and this showing listen them talk box this [ __ ] no it was a dog
Food it wasn’t crack it was a dog food wait oh wait you used to eat dog food oh they don’t call it dog food in California y’all what y’all call it out there smack oh yeah you was on the drugs yeah you I remember you said you was on
Drugs what y call it heroin man see we call dog heroin dog food out here yeah that’s what you was on yeah got railroad tracks all on my arm like tattoo it ain’t that now ain’t no tattoo that’s some damn what they call infected infected needles
Made it out though bro you don’t made it out bro you ain’t gonna never made it out for no in you know once you put them yeah you see what happened to the overdose remember they killed Bob Marley when he was 31 well we we glad you made it past your
Addiction though bro you hear it with us yeah man that’s what I’m talking about man if that’s true what you saying then I’m I’m glad that you a I mean but I take one drug at a time I don’t take all the drugs at like at the
Same time like okay I didn’t did heroin for 11 years now it’s time to move to cocaine you feel me damn you went from heroin to cocaine you feel me I know how to doy smack because John trola I seen him in this movie F fiction I like hell yeah
I can’t wait to grow up so I can do you followed that pcka wood man which one yeah you follow that oala bread pecka wood yes sir I be watching Jim I’ll be watching white Matthew MC man I’ll be watching but I watch Wesley SS and d and them too man Morgan Freeman
All that I watched him today he was in that damn U what’s that Redemption yes sir but Walter inspired you though with the pul fish though you just kidding about no that [ __ ] was racist as hell why they gonna have a black man get raped why they have Bruce Willis get raped they
Both tied up the bro why they gonna have the brother man instead of the other man get raped that’s some [ __ ] right there bro we don’t even get down like that that’s them peka Woods that get down like that we don’t get down like that that’s what
Them C Cat Williams was talking about that right the ones who brought that [ __ ] in man they brought it from from the caves my [ __ ] boxing conversation Bruce Willams was a man he said hey y’all ain’t shooting that scene with me you might as well ask somebody else v r said
I do it I do it Master Quinton Quinton need me to how you want me to put the ball in my mouth yeah that wasn’t racial though huh I bet y’all think Quint T Ain racist that he racist man all them crackers all crackers is racist but you
Watched this movie though M mik should have boycotted that [ __ ] no I don’t boycott racist [ __ ] I live in America everything so what bigd Donald’s racist you think I’m GNA stop eating Big Mac Burger King racist I want to wer [ __ ] I can’t go to w still go I don’t boycott
People because they racist and I was born in a racist country why would I boycott I watch the NFL they make a hamburger in your house you sound like you sound like the dumb boxer who can’t read his contract and get exploited no I’m talking about when you out and about
You out you out in the streets you ain’t got time to be at the house you out there gotam shaking and baking at work you gotta think man you you gotta think Quint Tarantino man them movies I like him because he’s honest about how white people really act when they ain’t around
You he he tell you how many times they really use the nword when they ain’t around [ __ ] he gonna use that N word every that’s one good thing I do respect about Quint Tarantino he’s honest about his racism ain’t nothing wrong with RAC honest he one of the good old
Boys respect good old boys because at least they honest about they [ __ ] the good old boys right Jerry Jones the NFL won’t let no black owners right if you black you played in NFL 20 years they ain’t G you own it right but if we still
We all watch the NFL you don’t boycott it because they racist do you I don’t watch that [ __ ] yeah I don’t watch you nether for one why you don’t watch it I’m watch it because a lot of that racist [ __ ] in it I may catch a game now
And then but I don’t [ __ ] with the NFL like that they gota they gotta Peck a with agenda bro you got to stop being brainwashed by them Devils my brother don’t let them brainwash you man right always know that a crack is a p of wood which is the
Devil I don’t watch that [ __ ] NE I’m gonna be honest with you Mastermind it Ain and I hate to sound like this man but it ain’t the same no more bro they like if you look at that class that that we grew up watching like the Payton
Manny the Tom break like bro just in that class alone the Hall of Famers the superstars de I remember being a kid put my head behind my head like Deion Sanders when I was scoring a touchdown bro they don’t got that [ __ ] no more they got cornerbacks with number zeros
And [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] is it zero used to ensure that you was never going that’s like the equipment manager numbers and [ __ ] like NFL just don’t went all the way down bro it’s my the quality in my opinion so that’s why I don’t watch that [ __ ] it ain’t even no
Moral reason basketball been sucking for a long time so I don’t [ __ ] with basketball neither man the NF to be honest and and how much people praise Tom Bray the NFL really went [ __ ] up when him and P Manny was coming into the league they started doing doing all this protecting the
Quarterbacks trying to extend to where they’re more high-scoring games Defenders can do certain [ __ ] they make everything a flag like it’s just a lot of weak [ __ ] for a lot of these immobile ass quarterbacks they start doing that [ __ ] with trying to prop up a lot of
These six foot five and taller pocket quarterbacks who can’t move for [ __ ] like what they doing is they’re protecting they’re protecting the black quarterback Reggie they’re looking out for the brother you know what I’m saying so now that they got more Brothers in the league now is the time to watch and
Support the NFL because there was no black quarterbacks except for Doug Williams once ago now that the brothers are getting the protection rather than the complexion now is not the time to turn your back on the brother man other man so how did y’all feel about Deon sers leaving HBCU and
Going [ __ ] that HBCU [ __ ] huh man he was cooning bro Dion was yeah think I don’t have a problem it’s all the [ __ ] he said before he make it seem like he was like he was doing that for black people like he was just going to come and bring like
Restore like he was G to bring uh drink clean drinking water to Flint Michigan that’s what that [ __ ] was campaigning ass and the first time he got an opportunity to lead the HBCU he left that’s cooning to me had he not said any of that [ __ ] I wouldn’t even I
Wouldn’t even the decision is a is a financial decision I never fought nobody for making a financial decision especially when we’re looking at them houses remember them houses we looking at RS oh yeah absolutely but I don’t think it was just off of off of the financial was Lot what
That what a lot of people complain with them HBCU it was what they wasn’t giving back they wasn’t doing a lot they wasn’t giving the program it’s like why would you sit there for that [ __ ] then he go to this he go to this white school and
[ __ ] man I wouldn’t even buy a house I live in the damn uh coach’s office like [ __ ] give you everything like a lot of the black schools the administration is what’s [ __ ] up at them look how they did a re a re before even could start dealt with that [ __ ]
Y I got a question from asind Mastermind if you if you at a if you at a college right if you at a college and you getting paid you know what I mean like decently you know what I mean you a big name like a Deion Sanders and you get
Offered a better job and they not treating you right as far as the school goes and you know it do you leave or do you stay and put up with the [ __ ] just because you’re Pro black man you gotta go listen if I’m I’m Pro black and
If I’m a Dion position I’m taking my ass straight to Colorado and I’mma go to Colorado and say I’m Pro black yep I left at HBCU I had I had to take you see how much they paying me I’m still gonna be Pro black but hey I’m I’m I gotta get
This green too that I don’t think it take away from his Blackness he just had to do it’s a personal decision it’s like that’s come on bro you talking about leaving the black college man you got to man I’m saying that’s Co for white folk
I mean it I mean hold on but I’m saying but he’s the only one the only people cooling is the people that roll with him with him not the the fans is the one [ __ ] and not him because he getting paid the people that went with him hold on
Hold on hold on let me say this all the celebrities that’s going to Colorado the people that’s not going to HBCU no more they the ones cooning now Dion getting paid he got to make make a decision for his family but you should still be
Saying hash HBCU as a fan so I don’t hold Deion Sanders respon I think he has to feed his family if they offer you 10 million and you get two million and it’s a no-brainer he got no choice I’m not F to stay and Rob myself now he robbing
Himself let me go to the white man he paying more byee H it’s So on the plantation and you was in the field you go to the W to the big house that’s what you saying he be Wasing Master feet if you on the plantation out picking cotton with us and master say come on in here BR I got another job for you and uh and
We got fans up in here we got all that good stuff you get to wear a nice college shirt every day you don’t have to work and pick Cott no more that’s what you’ll do is that what you saying my brother man I thought hold on I’m
About to tell you let me answer the question bro Jesus I told you I go to uh Colorado now this a whole different question here now this one I’mma work my way in the house because I’m plotting on on the murder gang now you talking about slavery you talking about murders rapes
It go down in that situation so you might have to you might have to manipul to get get close to him so you can kill him I mean you you know the slavery game is totally different depend like you said you don’t know what’s going on within that slavery you could got broke
But some people would get close to the master so they can murder and free everybody Nat Turner style so you know Nat Turner might have played the house Ro just to get close to kill everybody in the house he killed every all the white life babies included he killed
Babies hat that’s what you Mastermind my brother I can see it now now now I can see why they call you Mastermind yeah I was born dead like that no so how how you he said he said they call him Mastermind because he was born he was born dead that’s some dumb
[ __ ] I was bored have no post they had to uh with they re reassess whatever that [ __ ] when they bring you back that [ __ ] Wilder did to tyon Fury reset bring you back to life recess reate you yeah there it is there you know I a have no
Education you know but you know look brought that [ __ ] back to life and look I’m still here today 86 years later come on now man that’s why your ass slow and [ __ ] hey masterm you know they you know what they did masterm they they cheated they cheated Wilder bro which
One man he cheated he cheated on brother Wilder man I can’t go with that now he hey B conversation he going too far now D I can’t go with that [ __ ] you don’t think they cheated all brother man only fight I see got cheated was uh Z Judah against
K that’s the only time I see somebody man how you know how you couldn’t see that them gloves were loaded man them gloves was loaded bro see that no I don’t think they were loaded I really don’t gloves man you can see the picture man I don’t really think REM and they
Had egg weights bro so if they had egg weights in that mean Wilder team was in on it then because they check them gloves you better believe that I’m thinkz was in on that who Master JDS you think he was in on that I don’t think he got I don’t think
They did that I don’t believe that bro I don’t believe it’s it’s possible sounds kind trickery to me bro I mean I don’t know how you know [ __ ] that damn water too Hell House negro thing he one of them house Negroes you know no he not no he not that’s
Wilder that’s Wilder Mar bre real he a gold medalist talk he talk wild of that right hand man he didn’t get that [ __ ] by bre gave him that right hand bre used to knock telephone number bro because thing about us field Negroes we don’t give house Negroes a telephone number
Bro that one thing about us bre ain’t no house [ __ ] or rer is the he the one talking about I’mma beat tyon Fury for all the white for all my black ancestors what happened to what the [ __ ] you even say that [ __ ] BR now you know you gonna
Lose he got him a statue brother in Alabama bro yeah he deserved about that I think he deserve it you made that white man so much money you deserve a statue and I’m talking about tyur he made him a superstar that boy you telling me that devil ain’t cheat all
Brother where is you from you from you from the West Coast with regel or you from the south like me where’s you from hey Cincinnati and decada Georgia and I did time out there in California and compt and Carson way you can’t tell me you a see
That that devil cheated Wilder bro Tyson Fury man Wilder I doubt it I doubt that I don’t think he got no weights or that I don’t see what you think b g you think he had waist in the glove yeah I think the white man put them in there man hell
No no way black man Los to white man like that see that happened before that happened before up on us hold on I’m trying to think when did the white dude be the black dude yeah it don’t happen oh uh uh c b hoopers never he ain’t beat Andre
Ward sure did he lost twice and only reason Andre Ward got the decision because he the Son of God everybody see kovalev eded out the fight but when you the Son of God and James printed your manag manager you’re not losing no [ __ ] that’s what you got
That’s when you master boxing when you fighting a guy like Andre Ward de Haney know that you need a knockout you can’t leave it up to the judges because you will lose this is boxing they not gonna give you no decision against the Son of God that’s Jesus Christ the son how did
De Haney get one he’s the American dream Devin must be white no Devon is the American dream he’s black black you say Andre Ward the Son of God Andre Ward is s so Ward Son of God brother his dad was white man you know good and well that if
The if the man is white then the child is white right no no he’s a MTO bro he ain’t one of us no Andre W claimed that he was why he said the same thing when they start getting on his ass daddy his daddy is white his daddy is not black you got
Gota that’s what I’m saying I agree with you I’m saying more I’mma go by what he said he said I’m white when they when they got Onre Ward going against Wilder he said [ __ ] y’ my daddy white I’m white [ __ ] yall exactly that so how could he
Be the Son of God when God was a black man so did he lie what yes did he lie what my [ __ ] how how could he be the Son of God now if his daddy was was white God is a black man but no but but black men have white children look at
My but his daddy wait what the [ __ ] boxing conversation was ready for that one I thre that that was overhand right God damn oh you gotta understand bro you got if you’re gonna with us bro you gotta be all the way in can’t micone anybody better go ahead bro what you said is
Michael Jackson the greatest you ever seen out there do it oh man he tried to he went white on us he was born a so he ain’t can’t be one of does you can’t be born a black male and then die a white woman right and that’s what happened with Michael
Jackon so he’s not one of us he [ __ ] with his genetic code is what he did got rid of the big nose he can’t be one of us just listen to what Cat Williams said bro right you got to listen to the other brothers out there
The ones of what about what about his what about Michael what about his children ain’t none of his children look at them kids man them kids hold on you just said he died a white woman so those are Michael Jackson died a white woman those ain’t his kids unless he
Had he had his KS when he was white he didn’t have his kids when he was black you think that little boy blanket his kid come on man BL blanket is a white boy man well he’s a white man now Michael Jackson is a white lady so why wouldn’t he have white
Kids just not his kids man yeah right they they trying what they doing is they trying to pollute our minds brother right that’s not is a white do y’all believe them when they said Michael Jackson had hoes or you think they just be making that [ __ ] up
They like man Micha like Owen said that and Lisa Marie prent fake the kiss or something that you was saying that one time Reggie yeah yeah that’s why he saying will and his wife like Michael Jackson faking like he love the [ __ ] so what you think boxing conversation do
You think he had M hoes or you think they just be lying and [ __ ] man Michael ain’t have nothing with a [ __ ] between the legs you think he was like that he was on the L van had the game man you you see Michael [ __ ] I don’t he’s a a great
Musician but the fool was hella weird so you don’t think Prince had hoes neither hell no hell no so you think they just perfect they I think Prince had pretty ass chicks around him yeah yeah that’s all it was he wasn’t doing nothing with none of them oh you think he’s just for
The he ain’t one of us bro he’s not one of us bro Point play period he’s a bolatto bro the ddy was white you got to understand that now I know they said in purple ring the movie they had his daddy being a black guy but R white man Right now like you said Cat Williams He the greatest Bill Cosby we got so many greats R Kelly Michael Jacks we got greats you know what I mean Ray Lewis you know I mean Ray Karu we got great you know I mean OJ Simpson of them you name was was
Straight but not all of them OJ Simpson but some of them was polluted and and you know they they went the devil’s route man like o don’t forget OJ he killed white he took white people’s lives he the only one all y’all [ __ ] talk all that he
Went out there the white person two of them lies he the only one had the heart y’all talk all that black power [ __ ] he the only one kill white people is all OJ was a white man though no he was black he he just went he lik them he
Had jungle fever right yeah and he murdered the white he murdered his white people a white woman and a black and a white man he never killed no black turn program going in there there is he got he got that DNA he he more blacker than Jim Brown Jim Brown ain’t
Never kill no white folk he beat on black women yeah o you just dropped the gy on us right conversation a ready for that Jim Brown for that one we saw we saw him smooching with that white girl yeah and he didn’t kill none of them in return no Michel beat on white
Girl King he did beat the [ __ ] but know I mean he did beat the [ __ ] now you know Malcolm he got him but Reit when he met the honorable Elijah Muhammad right right that’s when he was rehabilitated and don’t forget The Honorable Elijah mam was smashing them young too don’t forget about them
Young he was getting pregnant The Honorable how honorable are you see he was the last one though he’s the prophet so his his his genetic code as the pro as being you know he was the prophet man so it was all right for Elijah Muhammad but it
Wasn’t right for some of these other [ __ ] who went around doing their [ __ ] gotta understand that my brother and girl before he saved Muhammad Ali Islam will save tank Davis Islam b k says you gotta let me rebut this is strong what he just said the Nation of Islam destroyed Muhammad Ali
Ain’t no way they the ones supposed to stop him from fighting boxing conversation I know you agree with me why is you sending this man out there with Parkinson diseas to get his ass whooped he’s shaking in the interview he’s shaking I I’m gonna be I’m gonna be Nation
Islamy brother my brother he left the Nation of Islam brother that’s the reason why that happened to him what year he lead the nation what after he man in the 90s not in no8 when he was fighting he had he had that disease since the 1970s my
Brother no he what year what year he caught that [ __ ] what about when he fought after for whatever year was he left the nation Islam is when it happened my brother that’s when the [ __ ] went down do your history you got to look at history brother
Right Islam is when he was stricken by that white man’s disease that’s one thing you never want to do that’s why Devin Hanan and tank Davis are now in a good place I hope the nation Ain poison man I hope the Nation of Islam did not poison I hope it was
The white people that poison that look bad on the nation already already kolm now you can’t kill Al too that’s the white people slipped in in there because he no longer had the protection of the Nation of Islam my brother that’s what you got to understand and then the white people
Gave him the evil serum bro that they give some of our brothers they gave it to arell they gave it Marley Bob Marley died at 31 brother now we talk 31 boxing conversation they didn’t gave this boy lung C at 31 for smoking weed it ain’t even like he smoke cigarettes how did
They give it to him they put it they gave it was a reporter in New York he he I mean was was a agent but he he was undercover as a reporter he gave him some Converse and he had a needle in the Converse that stuck him in the toe and
They gave he he confessed on his death bed yep that’s a true story true that’s exactly what happen that up right now on Google say put in CIA CIA agent CIA agent G because think about you got to think for yourself you can’t just read the news
And take it how do you die 31 from a damn lung cancer how does Easy E 31 from AIDS God Dam you that quick from AE and ain’t nobody died in 40 years since e e we ain’t all these rappers [ __ ] all these miss having all these Baby M ain’t
None of got why Ain nobody droing like EAS e but why would they kill e did he have some top secret [ __ ] he had ruthless records take the damn C he got millions of is who will Millions got a million doll company boxing conversation now you must ain’t
Got enough history you you don’t see a motive in killing him and he’s a millionaire you don’t see his business for ruthless records hold on but why you laughing how many times have we seen business partners kill their Partners so they can take the company have you seen that
Before or that that never happened in the history of life don’t that happen all the time so what they what what’s at bruus records today there nothing hey you you know what brother hey Mastermind you know they tried to do the Magic Johnson but see what happened
With Magic Johnson is he had to do something for white people he had to turn his son into his daughter that’s the only reason why he’s still alive my [ __ ] because you always have to do something it’s called a sacrifice man oh let’s get to it ended up happening was
They they did they injected him with that [ __ ] he had got it and then he had to turn his son into his daughter man Magic Johnson bro they I know this he talking about my expertise here magic and easy I studied them for four straight years 1998 to 20
Listen when mat Johnson got that girl okay he got married right you know when you get married you did that insurance policy the insurance policy uh you get tested pop Dirty Imagine pop dirty right when he pop dirty that [ __ ] uh wife we don’t know if she you know pop
Dirty or not you know that’s they business if she did pop dirty they probably wouldn’t tell nobody but remember she’s pregnant at the time that he found out he got HIV with that with that Bo youing so the medications that’s the side effects it has on baby it makes you gay as
Hell but see for him to for him to get the kill though he had to turn his his um son into his daughter man what conversation ain’t no cure it’s not it’s fact bro everything you said is fact bro straight up like M or not now you answer me was she
Taking that medication when she was pregnant with that boy yes or no I don’t know none of that [ __ ] I was that’s what I’m saying I was see you think I’m crazy because you so young you don’t even know no history don’t know man break the science down for us though
Master 1991 was the year he had just lost the match Michael Jordan in the championship Michael Jordan won his first championship 1990 cried like a baby the crying me Magic Johnson he coming back for another season he getting married to cookie when he get married he get that [ __ ] pregnant at
The same time they get the they get the test boom pop dirty you got that that killer killer gay disase it was a gay disease back then yeah up so they had to take preventive man measure he had to start taking those drugs and his wife had to start taking
Those drugs turned into Magie Johnson Jr the fruit booty Bandit but see for him to get them drugs he had to turn and they knew what they was putting out there because it had been tested on our people way back in the 1950s and 60s a lot of people don’t know about that
That’s why a lot of um certain people ended up kind of weird and stuff like that it’s because they was running testers on the in the [ __ ] Bro yep that’s why what’s name came out like that bill and flavor FL that was them test they mama was running back
Y they was test babies bro test babies coming from them crackers bro hey he ain’t never see BU bill came up show came up show they test to baby like he said man y’all La guys so lost out there man damn y’all been around the Mexican too long y’all gota get around
Your people they done brainwash to them white folks Mex and turn y this against they hey they against their own people I gota get around my people and it’s a bunch of them like you I’m G stay around these Mexicans no man the Mexicans man they
Just they they sand crackers bro is what they is now Mexicans they the best boxing fan and they stick together they they love each other way more than black people love each other together they do stick together now that I’m gonna give them some on that BR
Bro Mei on the back right now I promise you I would if I was in California I’ll be eating a Mexican chick from the back playing Nintendo because I play Old School D but why why is it that you switching out on the sisters though bro is that
Your way of paying them back or something no I listen boxing conversation out there in Cali he got all that [ __ ] he got the whole 31 flavor I’m in Cincinnati I got two PS white and black but why would you want to go with anything other than one of our Nubian
Queens my brother hold on boxing conversation you better tell them about them Latino s Latinas what they call themister now are they sisters or they not sisters what you just said that theyan women my bad they they they man they kind of nice man man hey you need
To go to California then you need to go to C see what I’m talking about when it come to women you ain’t discrimin you can’t hate on nobody for who they with you listen long why is it all right to to be with the devil though bro can you
Is that a way of tainting the genetic code is that what we do I’mma explain you right a sister is all good that’s cool but when it come to women you get to choose whatever woman man long as you ain’t messing with another dude cuz it’s
Too now you got dud Got The Magic Johnson [ __ ] gone viral love n x everybody tank Davis even kissing dudes tank Davis and Broner when they kissing come on now that definitely make right that definitely make it right I tell you what though and another thing I
Understand too is that the black man is God and because the black man is God we could turn anything black like you said earlier my brother it’s determined through the father you know what I’m saying so if the black man we could spread our genetic code to anybody even a devil ain’t that
Something yep I remember we did that [ __ ] you remember we did that [ __ ] with uh who we do that with uh who was that uh oh yeah OJ he has a mixed kids OJ has mixed kids I was just thinking the same guy you know what I’m saying OJ
OJ is a whole bunch of them now the ones who have the mixed kids where the daddy is white those ain’t are people those are crackers bro but don’t forget a cracker he’s a MTO you know he ain’t one of us he’s a half bre because through the dad right well let’s talk
About we just talk about the death of being black don’t nobody hate black people more than another than black hates black people more people think come from the pl trying to get good with yeah it come all way from that it come all way from that y yeah don’t
Nobody hate black F black people that’s why we kill Tupac and biggy so so why do you hate black folks I don’t hate black I love black people I don’t love him I mean I don’t need but went to jail you you you speaking about going to jail and each
Time you went to jail was because something you did to a black person I never went to jail doing nothing to a black person hell no I don’t hell no I’m not into that [ __ ] gang banging if I’m gonna get violent I ain’t getting violent with my people
Unless I’m so what you went to jail for what did I go to jail for oh narcotics you was using them or selling them yeah us and sell all that [ __ ] when you when you use it you got to sell it to make money so you can buy and who was
You selling them to yeah addict other girl your black folks no they white and black drug they should have been all white if you love your F out my brother yeah brother you kind of you you lost me their Mastermind yeah supposed to sell them all to white folk in Mexico that’s it
I didn’t know I listen it ain’t no excuse but I ain’t know man [ __ ] know now but I’m saying now you got to understand don’t nobody hate black people more than black people that’s why we killed the best of our best we killed we killed Malcolm X we killed uh Tupac and
Baby and then we slapp the [ __ ] out of Chris Rock in front of everybody it was us will Fresh Prince would have never slapped no white man like that you think he would have did J sh like that hell no he only felt comfortable because he was little and
Black if he D he would went to prison I watch Eminem beef with Fred Durst who is Fred Durst exactly crack yes white and white crime at the MTV Awards how highly ranked do you got Eminem on your uh list L biscuit you don’t know who LM biscuit is man yeah I
Know L biscuit yeah you watch Eminem and them beef man so hey tell me where y’all got Eminem on y pound for pound L all time rap list he ain’t there bro he a he a he a even onist BR put him in the top 10 commentary he ain’t in the top he
Ain’t in the top 100 exactly damn I was looking at billboard they had him number four all time no number five all time number five Eminem Eminem had a great air he had a dope time like he he for like what was it one
Or two years he was the top dude but he ain’t got the he ain’t got the catalog to to sit at the list with all these other dudes that come before him now if it was a white rapper list he probably on the top of that [ __ ]
Yep he number one he the best like you said he’s the best but it’s no shame in being the best white rapper they act like you got to be the greatest of all time if you white but it’s a channel like it’s uh they say Eminem is the greatest just because he
White and it’s a black dude doing it you know what I mean you no he ain’t he ain’t the greatest memin ain’t about [ __ ] man black folks taught him everything he know that’s why he love us so much Eminem love black people more than they love
Him that’s why he gave it to 50 Cent he like man I ain’t gonna keep doing them like that man I I’m just now Drake who the hell gonna take Drake out off the number one position this [ __ ] been ta 17 straight years he didn’t took boxing
From America and took it to uh Canada and y’all ain’t getting it back who gonna take out the lightskinn Assassin he been Champion he like Joe Lewis in this hip-hop [ __ ] man facts boxing conversation Drake took over the whole rap game and ain’t nothing none of y’all black people gonna
Do about it it’s light skin forever Ste Steph Curry no I mean Drake a great artist music wise but he ain’t going to fit in the in the top top of of like great dopest rappers of all time he he a dope ass artist I’m G give him that he’s
Number one rapper of all nobody could last look look at all the classify him as just a rapper he be doing so much that’s what makes him dynamic as hell but he just make Dope music I’mma give him that [ __ ] but he’s not black my brother breake is not black
Bro he’s a MTO bro he’s bro he not one of the brothers man which one of which one of these young kids gonna take the crime he just G only reason the other guys couldn’t last like him because they had other aspirations Ice Cube gotta get in the movies uh Luda
Gotta get in the movies Tupac gota get in the movie that Drake said the hell with the movie I started off with the movie I’m about to get this music money him and Nicki make so much money the machine worked with him bro he a you know he had to do all
That he consistent did you think the barge was a brother Drake is the same thing as the barge bro he one of them yeah he a different than my [ __ ] yeah but the bar Ain had no run like who gonna take him out you and you
Can’t kill him you want they want to kill Drake but they can’t he got too much to care that’s a they can give Drake some converse with a needle in it just he too life for that now they ain’t gonna do that they don’t want him
Dead had a white Mama too what a white daddy so I mean it’s no different no but the complexion he still was light like Drake Drake is high yellow they could let him right could I you right though I think if V Marley would have lived he
Probably would have lasted as long as Drake he probably would have dominated like that but Drake show you if you don’t die what you could accomplish imagine what Tupac and biggy would accomplish they wasn’t murdered at 25 24 Bob Mar Dy wasn’t really white that’s what they made up they didn’t really
Know for sure they made that up to because he was so talented they had to claim him but they had no proof on that though his dadd I’m telling you now brother his daddy W white bro they made that up man man you talk about the greatest ever
Do with Drake then JayZ JayZ probably number two you know I mean he’s straight now ice ice cube don’t get his credit but one of the great that ever do it want to get MC h no credit 30 million Alum sold in one day that [ __ ] sound
Like Shannon sh man MC Hammer is not an all time great man oh my we got dancer he’s a great dancer now I gotta give him that now all come on now come on now you know Hammer Time could dancing them pants now conversation if he wasn’t all time great
You wouldn’t even know who he is I bet you you was born born after he was famous I I was born when his career was starting [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying so you that’s how you know he all time great if you was born right when he
Started and they still talking about him today he got to be no I was I was a kid listening to his music when he started and I listen to everybody in the neighborhood talking about how corny he was so younger a younger audience listened to him the older cat thought he
Was corny y they and only Cube Cube was talking about he was corny but he was a hypocrite CU I was just jealous because he was corporate he knew how to sell advertisement on TV y’all was trying to be so street that you was jealous of of
The corporate guy but MC ham a more gangster than all of them anyway you know what I mean but he he was smart see smile he said oh you dance for chicken he said no I dance for money boy that yeah Tupac that’s just how he said it too I
Dance for money boy that’s just how he said it yes I heard I heard yeah Tupac say yeah MC I’m out there dancing but he out there shucking and ding for them people but he came back he had to apologize like a real man because he know he
Was the Trump and pumps in the rum I mean right y that was death row that was death row when he was with hammer with death row yep that’s pump in but I need boxing conversation to know this he don’t know this I don’t be understand how y’all living Callan don’t be knowing
This [ __ ] but Cube and pop was was beefing right before his death that’s why Cube always be acting funny when you when they ask him about pop he he don’t like that [ __ ] because they they was beefing that last year because of that West West Connection Tupac thought he
Stole that [ __ ] he like oh now you so that’s that’s what but he has much [ __ ] going on with the East Coast it ain’t never get there but that’s why Cube always look funny when they ask him about that [ __ ] wait wait wait PE peep this real quick some
[ __ ] from Terence Crawford from 10 minutes ago what he say he wrote he wrote uh says uh says done H it alls it’s okay let me see says this uh let me go back says uh says uh I didn’t heard it all now earol Spence says it’s okay it’s okay though
Says because all in all I’m glad it’s over and done with say I wish you well my brother so is he saying it’s over or is he saying that fight over with maybe something popped off with with Earl maybe he didn’t heard some [ __ ] I’m pretty sure we’ll hear about
2530 variations of that [ __ ] tomorrow what what’s your interpretation to that EXC go ahead brother what that mean look another another great fighter has been lowered to excuses now you’re making excuses so once you make an excuse I just want to know what’s what’s your excuse gonna be
For the next fight you lose so when he beat you again are you gonna use the same excuses or you gonna come up with new excuses what even rematch was going to retire though I heard I heard that he said that he was thinking about retirement because I think that contract
Unless they got out of that contract some kind of way and I doubt that I don’t think there’s no way they could do that but he could always retire yeah that’s what I’m thinking this the whole thing Reggie and I know that’s what you originally came here for
Um to talk about um zero Spence making himself look like clown hell yeah he’s making himself look like a clown with all these excuses and this is me being serious now right he’s making himself look like a clown with all these um damn well excuses man it’s ridiculous and
Terence Crawford went on record and pretty much said that you know um it’s a bunch of [ __ ] what he’s saying I think he said yesterday no comment and we all know what no comment means no comment means that you talking a bunch of [ __ ] is what it means and um then
There was some rumor today earlier that he was going to think about retirement and things like that I don’t know man I’m it’s just like it’s like he’s kind of um he’s really got Terence Crawford in between a rock and a hard place because they got that contract right so Terence
Crawford can’t even go out there and make no money right now while Errol Spence is um screwing around and who doing who knows what man the fight was supposed to happen at the end of the year is what they told us when they had that fight you remember they were saying
That Reggie they were saying the fight is going to happen at the end of the year they’re gonna fight again in December you know um and we don’t even have that a date on that fight at this time that’s crazy bro personally I really wish that Terence Crawford would
Just go ahead and call it a day I think he did enough he’s in the Hall of Fame he’s first ballot two time yeah no say that again he’s a two-time Undisputed multi-division Champion he beat beat the hell out of his so-called rival the one that wasn’t
Even on his level and all that would happen is if he just waits around he’s going to beat up Errol Spence again and all those excuses I personally I think he should stick around just to give Errol Spence an ass whooping and then probably hang him up after
That go give him an ass whoop and put his ass out for good and [ __ ] his eye up for good yeah I’m thinking something that just came out man maybe maybe that surgery went bad for Earl maybe something happened in this surgery and he [ __ ] up maybe maybe bud
Just got a call because you gotta think how late it is has he ever Errol Spence is pulling out of the fight it was just possible that Errol Spence might decide to move on now if that’s that would be good news for me because then Terence
Crawford could go fight Tim zoo or boot sis or somebody like that and have him a few more fights and then go in and call it a day man yeah yeah absolutely absolutely damn this is crazy right here this crazy but like I like
You said man he can move on and and go do other [ __ ] because it’s no use to sitting back and letting Earl have to hold hold the the game up you no use for doing that [ __ ] and I think maybe something went bad with that [ __ ] eye that’s something for he’s saying
There I’m reading it on your post here it says I done heard it all now Spence it’s okay because all in all I’m glad it’s over and done is there anything else that’s that’s I’m leading up to that stuff right there or all that they
Got yeah this is all that that they got with this one let me see what other people commented uh let me go back because the other comment was 19 hours ago and then he put this now it’s only been 15 minutes ago which is crazy that he on there this
Late so I think he must have just got got some news let me see what Earl May have said or something see no Earl ain’t tweeted on right now that Twitter uhhuh okay yeah that’s on Twitter yeah that’s crazy something he done got word of something something is
Something just went down let me see if he replied to somebody comment in there so somebody making a Crawford and inis posting yeah I think I think they just terminated that contract or some [ __ ] I mean there’s no use in Errol Spence taking another ass whooping like
That any way yeah not at all but I think his pride you know of how much [ __ ] he talked and he gonna walk through him he too light in the ass and all that [ __ ] I think that [ __ ] is what really bothers him and then then the only thing that’s
Left is when he watched that video of how embarrassing that ass whooping was now he coming out with all these damn damn rib and eye eye excuses and [ __ ] hydration excuses like running the mountain uh uh seven days before the fight excuses like and I think that reality set says
That he thinks EJ said the surgery went bad man so maybe Errol Spence is the one who’s who’s retiring it’s yeah that’s what I’m thinking I’m thinking that I didn’t didn’t didn’t heal up cuz when he was in that video the lady was talking about something about leaking and
[ __ ] yeah he never typed this late you got M it’s late as [ __ ] right now man that’s some that’s some breaking news right here on the show I’m up here messing around with Mastermind and I wasn’t being serious too by the way I I know you didn’t think I was being
Serious did you Reggie no no I can tell you was uh uh being sarcastic I was just having some fun with him that’s all he was a fun guy to hang out with though master that crazy as [ __ ] I didn’t believe nothing that I said I’ll put it
That way I believe n nothing I said I was I was I was believing my damn self no Mastermind nutc case that’s why when he says drop the link I was like man let me read through all these damn comments first because like I said he’d be
Talking about the Miami alien and all that [ __ ] like that F CRA brother though that’s you know I’ve heard him talk on your show before yeah I have heard him talk before I didn’t realize that was the same brother but yeah man this is crazy um this this news is crazy man
Like I don’t know exactly where it’s coming from and what what it’s all about why Terence Crawford would say that I’m that’s what I’m trying that’s what I mean I’m not sure why Terence Crawford would say that so it’s hard to interpret that when just that message is out there
You know what I’m saying um it could mean that like you said Errol Spence something bad happened maybe he received some news that you know um eye surgery didn’t go will maybe he’s retiring maybe Terence Crawford’s retiring I I have no idea what’s going on if he got out of
That contract though I don’t mind because me personally I don’t really want I’m not really gun ho to see that fight again bro yeah yeah I’m not too excited anymore for it neither man because it’s gonna be the same result and I think it’s gonna be worse going going up I
Think the result gonna probably be worse going up in weight like this dude just gonna get stronger he done knocked everybody out at 147 it’s gonna be worse when we go to 54 let me ask you something though who would you like to see Terence Crawford fight timzo or um
What’s his name Don boots who would you like to see him fight Jam Char fight Charlo yeah I want to see him fight Charlo so he can complete the uh the campaign of knocking these guys off because he got real issues with uh with Jamal I’d definitely like to see him go
After that favor him against um Jamal Charo man Jamal tough I’m 50-50 on that one I I ain’t going to Discount Jamal from you know his his whack ass performance against uh Canelo I think down here he he’ll he’ll have he’ll be inspired to have to go after it and Bug
Gonna Be Inspired to kick his ass I think I think that’s gonna be a fireworks ass fight you know one thing that I would be happy about though if this is true I’m I’m tired of all the click baiting Errol Spence stories and stuff and I’m tired
Of his stupid fan base so if he’s coming out the gate that’s just an end to another dumb fan base for me so I don’t have to hear all this stupid Errol Spence stuff no more so I I don’t really care man I don’t care if he if if they’re not gonna
Fight that’s good news for me then I can stop hearing all this stupid clickbait stor showing up in my damn um timeline and stuff and the recommended yeah on the real but I can’t wait till they get this news what how they gonna flip it and what kind of C oh
They’re gonna flip it it’s going to be flipped a million different ways tomorrow they’re going to flip it all kind of ways and then and then when they embarrass themselves and they’re not right they’re they’re gonna act like they never said it and all that kind of
Stuff that’s why that’s I’m just gonna play it safe because I really don’t know what’s going on really because that could mean a lot of different things what he said right there could mean a lot of different things bro right right it’s all about the interpretation and then what’s the truth
Yeah yeah that’s that’s crazy but there something something had to be on his mind to drop that statement right there and [ __ ] but like like like how we saying like looking at the [ __ ] Earl doing is like butd is like man what the [ __ ] you doing all this [ __ ]
For like best of luck to you homie yeah but I think there gonna be some there’s GNA be some people who’s gonna say Bud duck them and all kind of and stuff like that and it depends on who you listen to tomorrow that’s all it is depends can’t wait I can’t wait to
Hear what they got to say it may give me some material to to clown they ass I’m I’m G try to eliminate I’m eliminate I’m eliminate all dumb talking boxes it’s time to eliminate this [ __ ] yeah you be honest bro you definitely be H
It man re I’m gonna go ahead it’s 5 AM where I’m at so yeah I’mma call it day too man it’s been a good one man yeah man I app I appreciate it coming on man I had fun talking with Master M I was just joking
Around with him you know but it was it was still fun you know it gave me something to do but I’m out man I I’ll talk to you soon bro yes sir yes sir you doing the show tomorrow oh n Pro well now with this news coming out I might I don’t Know you know people I might do one man yeah they want your opinion on it so you definitely got to get on this one I I probably will I probably will yes sir all right okay peace yes sir yes sir all right y’all man that’s all we got man
And salute to wait who dropped that I think it was fex or kg that put that in there let me see who put that in there about this breaking news hold on give credit to our brother fex Al fex put that out there so salute to fex man
Says BR just confirmed the rematch is off says that I’m not joking it’s on Twitter so salute the fex for dropping that on us and kg say who I got win the Super Bowl I hope Baltimore makes it to that [ __ ] and Win It want to see Lamar
Get his Super Bowl trophy as well as uh uh uh what’s his name javien Clowny I want to see him get one but yeah enjoy the show but I told y’all that fool Mastermind is crazy as [ __ ] man fool crazy but uh folks it’s all I got man I
Can’t wait to hear with the way that this is interpreted so I’m going clip this into a video of what we just talked about briefly on here so I already got it clipped up y’all be seeing me uploaded but y’all been here so y’all ain’t even got to watch it but that’s
All I got folks peace peace