Yo what’s cracking what’s cracking what’s cracking it’s your boy it’s your man 50 Grand J Berg here this is another edition of the fatherhood exclusive podcast I got the brothers on the line I got Dez man what’s good brother what’s good man how you doing doing well doing
Well pom fici is on the line what’s good Angelo what up man no I’m just chilling man just got back from my two we vacation oh yeah oh yeah absolutely we gonna talk about that in a minute for sure Diego what’s up brother not much not much genten just another day in
Paradise yeah absolutely absolutely man um I’m tired y I don’t know about y’all but I’m tired it’s been a long day um it’s crazy like I was just talk because we just got home maybe like 15 minutes ago or so and I was I was posting a story on my Instagram and
Um it kind of shifted like my my spirit shifted in the middle of what I was saying and so at first I was like y’all I’m tired I’m tired I’m beat I’m tired and then I my spirit shifted and I was like it’s a blessing to be tired you
Know what I’m saying because and then I thought about how there’s so many people out here that are um just you know wasting their life away I want to say wasting their life away but they just being lazy you know what I’m saying you can say wasting their white their life away
Yeah they’re like like they’re not getting after it or whatever they got these desires or whatever but they’re just you know I could be the type of person that’s just sitting at home on the couch or whatever and just not doing nothing with my life but the fact that
I’m tired is kind of a blessing because I’m in a position where I can still grind I’m in a position where I’m still got the desire and the hunger to achieve more and so for some people it’s like oh that sucks but for me it’s like you know
I’m glad that I’m tired like I’m glad that um I’m not just like I said wasting my life away you know just doing nothing with my life like and then even you know Katie as well like school and all this other stuff we’re doing then the big
Family it’s like yo I could be complaining about how life is and not doing nothing about it but I’m out here grinding so it’s kind of a blessing to be tired good man I always see you guys hustling yeah it sucks sometimes but it’ll pay off you know what I’m saying
Um so it is what it is you got you got to go through the suck another day in paradise like Diego said ain’t nothing ain’t nothing worth anything if it ain’t hard work big facts it can become easy work because you become wiser and you and you by repetitions yeah competitions
You know it could it’s GNA become easy at some point but then if you a real Creator you’re gonna always be thinking of something to create further than what youve already so once you come to one thing you gonna be like oh well like when I had never basic popping back when
It first came out I was like oh oh I could do you know start athletic work oh okay cool all right boom conquer that okay so oh you know what I’m add Urban Wear oh boom conquer that then is like okay now let me sit back and let me do
I’m probably gonna go like casual fancy now like you know up type stuff so you’re never gonna be like satisfied but now I know how to get the material now I know what to order now I know so all that stuff that I had to figure out it’s
It’s it was repetition so now we good but the I feel you on that tire stuff boy yeah absolutely how was y’all Thanksgiving man Angela how was your Thanksgiving I I see you came back from a lengthy nice vacation with the free yeah man it was uh it was a blessing and
A curse at the same time because I started work because you know I took that month and a half off after I stole my house yeah and then I went to work for two days started working with my Dad we do like interior finish work doors
You know trim stuff like that and then I went on this two week vacation that was just you know their their Ranch is just an oasis you know you pull in they got three Lakes going up to their house and it’s like it’s a it’s everyone’s dream
House I would say and kudos to them man they’re all they’re all doing real good um Thanksgiving was great the rest of the family got to meet my girlfriend and her son nice nice everything everything went good everything was you know solid and went back to work today it was kind
Of dragging ass a little bit but uh hey I got to feed my kids so got to pay the bills yeah life don’t wait for nobody no no it was all good man it was good I shot myself a buck when I was down there I saw that yeah I was able to
Bring back on the plane 55 pounds of deer meat I know that’s awesome I was like damn I didn’t know you do that yeah it was uh it was great man I started on their property um and uh did you did you find that out before you went out there
To hunt like hey how much can I bring back come on I mean you could bring back as much as you’re allowed as your heaviest uh check-in bag you know as long as the cooler all taped up you know you got okay yeah yeah yeah yeah F okay
Yeah so yeah I asked a couple Hunting Buddies what they did when they shot [Â __Â ] up here and then brought it back down to Arizona or wherever they’re from but yeah it was real good we all got matching tattoos so saw dope dope Des man how was your Thanksgiving brother a blessing
Um had a lot of family since I’m back in Texas a lot I hadn’t seen so it was all good very nice big Mills on Wheels Diego how was yours brother pretty good uh I hope the the machines wasn’t too loud so I just put it to
Pause so have to have to put production on on hold because I think it was too loud I don’t know I don’t want to mess up the couldn’t even hear it yeah you’re good oh you no you get I wonder though once we start recording when you go over there to uh
Edit and it’ll be like that’s exactly what gonna happen to big facts yeah that’s good man um my my Thanksgiving was good I mean obviously you guys know I got my I’m in in a one-legged uh status right now because of my surgery but um you know I’m uh I’m a
Very uh I don’t know if I want to say stupid or stubborn but uh I’m supposed to be at uh you know no uh no uh what is it called um when you can’t walk on it what’s called You’re supposed to put no weight no weight bearing no weight
Bearing for 21 days and um yeah after two weeks I’ve already walking on that [Â __Â ] so I like to use the term Savage personally what we’ll go you know I I just got tired of the freaking the crutches man oh yeah hopping around I can’t do nothing and then they gave
Me yeah my all my armers were all bruised so then they gave me a scooter and then that scooter freaking doesn’t fold right the button was all rusty so I couldn’t put it in my car so I was like you know what I stood up one day out of
My couch and I was like I put pressure on it because I have a plate and for screws on my foot so I’m like I stepped on it I was like all right I can I can hop on this thing and then I gotta go get the stitches out next week but I
Hopefully I didn’t [Â __Â ] nothing up because uh on while I was messing around like that I tripped because it’s big old plastic boot that I’m wearing I tripped down the stairs and uh oh man it [Â __Â ] hurt a lot so I hope I didn’t up the screws or anything like
That but besides that Thanksgiving was awesome I’m freaking grinding I’m healthy I look like [Â __Â ] right now because you know I’m shaved but I go back to work tomorrow so I got to put the uniform on so this nice gorgeous beer is gonna be out you to that [Â __Â ] up go edge it
Up I I didn’t want to do that I fall in love with the beard again so I like you know what I’m just gonna stay stupid but I’m telling you I I never thought I would say this but like right now I’m like literally one foot in one foot out
I’m ready to freaking just sign my D 214 like I love ride but you know 24 years already in is like it’s it’s too much I’m I’m I’m ready to get out so I can’t three years can’t move can go fast enough I’m like ah Santa Claus beer I saw my brother
After like three four months and this dude had this massive Al-Qaeda beer man like this thing he we he wears this [Â __Â ] beanie all rolled up and I was like dude don’t be going to post like that man they gonna [Â __Â ] Sho your ass big like oh man I wish I had I
Wish I could grow that beard but no it’s been good man it’s good good I feel you on the crutches man like imagine being in a European country right getting injured right on a deployment and then having to go on crutches for a number of months and then it hits winter and it’s
Ice all on the ground and you got a crutch everywhere to the D You’ be Scooby dooing all over the place I I didn’t leave my room I was like I’m not leaving the building because I’m not FNA slip on the ice on the crutches well bruising my freaking armpits I did I
Freaking uh I was doing some screens right I was getting getting getting my print on and uh so I have to use water and I spray the screen and then I was taking it out to wash it out well it dripped on it right and I went to
Freaking use my crutch and I freaking plastic slipped dude yeah it almost F like I did the splits and I ate [Â __Â ] dude J man yeah it’s almost like you got an extra set of legs you can break because of the crutches yeah my Thanksgiving what’s
Good y’all um we didn’t really like go all out you know what I’m saying like most you know um I mean I used to do it back in the day but I’m I’m real simplistic nowadays because first of all the kids don’t eat most of it anyway
Then I gonna eat all like all extrating and stuff but um we just had like some steak um some butter chicken some um what else do we have some mac and cheese and then some um roasted broccoli and that was it we just kept it real
Simple still kind of on play a little bit and um just chill with it you know what I’m saying just Good Vibes I think we play like board games most of the day anyway yeah you know just good good time to you know appreciate time with the
Family and and that’s what it should be about anyway um other than all the political crap and you know whatever else you know what I’m saying so we just took the time to appreciate each other you know or every year Thanksgiving just keeps getting smaller and smaller when back in
You’re a kid you go like whenever you 15 20 people and you gotta meet like all these people and stuff you gotta go over there shake like 30 people’s hands and [Â __Â ] and now Thanksgiving is like you and your kids and you have yeah tradition man if you
If you can’t hold it up it it it slips out really easily but I got a question what’s y’all’s favorite dish on Thanksgiving Jay what about you my yeah dude I don’t do turkey I can’t do the turkey thing I’m with you on that but I can’t
Do the ham either haven’t done like so this what I had for Thanksgiving I we had ham uh stuffing and mac and cheese it’s weird but the little the little bun breads or whatever oh yeah yeah the rolls dinner rolls the rolls what is that he said the bun he talk about booty
Cuz the bun bread casserole I think mine will have to be uh I think mine would still have to be macaroni and cheese like that’s that’s kind of the state like I feel like if you’re going to have a Thanksgiving special dinner you can’t really do it
Without the mac and cheese cuz so many people making and so different types of ways um even myself like I think every year almost making in a different type of way so it’s like you know it’s one of those staple dishes that I think you can
You can recreate and and then you got the you can do the seafood mac you can do it’s so much stuff you can do with it so about you Des um I [Â __Â ] I love it man now let me see um it greens um and like I make the S
Potatoes like a Creo thing I make a s potatoes I always do that or like um it’s just a lot of dishes that we eat [Â __Â ] be banging like I don’t never will eat probably ever in life I mean till that time come around so that’s why I
Like Thanksgiving so much because it g me an opportunity to really kind of like step out my norm and like eat the stuff that I grew up on when I know but you know your Cult of food is your culture food man you know saying not always be
The best thing for you know so growing up you don’t you ain’t got no choices like that so now that I’m adult I don’t make the decision no more but Thanksgiving come around I know I’m GNA get now nothing wrong with greens but nobody just cook greens at randomly you know
Especially like fresh you know what I’m saying like I’m talking about SM turkey wings turkey leg in there you know what I’m saying know anyway so I’m really and my wife she make him so good bro so like you know I just I think it’s a lot of a lot
Of dishes but greens would be the number one thing I make a real nice protein shake I swear like everything’s getting no I’m playing oh you know what the funny part is I’m get off of it then we can go man this the last thing I’m G say why is it
That I no it’s not just me why is it that everybody always think they can cook the best this or that and they every time somebody say that nine times out of 10 it is not good they [Â __Â ] the bed oh my God I had so much of that this Thanksgiving
Yeah to eat that much because it was depressing I was like for real because then it get your hope up you’re like oh T it and you like ain’t this a [Â __Â ] I waited a whole year for this and then you gotta fake it too oh yeah it’s
Pretty good no absolutely fou what’s up what’s your what’s your favorite desert uh Angelo mine’s green bean Casto man oh everybody my M me my she makes me my own tub and I got something left I’ll eat plates of that [Â __Â ] yeah it’s good when it’s
Good yeah yeah now but um hey so today um man we gonna talk about something since we getting into the holidays um you know I had a few thoughts I think it was maybe a couple days ago or last week I can’t remember but had a conversation with Katie we were talking about
Um you know kids imaginations right you know what I’m saying because as we get into the holiday season um well really every holiday you know they have these figures that I don’t want to say they worship but they have the these figures that they have ideas of like you know
You got the Santa Claus you got the Easter Bunny you got the tooth fairy and which is not really a holiday thing but you know they got this imaginary culture where it’s like Tooth Fairy uh Easter Bunny Santa Claus uh Grinch all these other characters which is cool even
Though it’s for like mainly for people to buy stuff right but yeah you know you get to a point where it’s just like okay when do I press that real world button and let them know that these aren’t like real things or and I’m trying to whisper
That because you know we got Junior in other room but or do I just let them flow because at the same time even though we might want to do that sometimes we also I feel like personally we also have a responsibility as fathers to kind of push them to a creativity you know
What I’m saying push them through that imaginative stage um because some kids have no imagination whatsoever and they turn to be they turn out to be really I don’t want to say dull but I kind of want to say dull you know what imaginative bone in their body and
I I feel like that can go into a longterm effect when it comes to being less creative less um less of a dreamer type of thing but you know I’m I’m kind of here and there because at the same time it’s like why do they need
To believe in you know this things that doesn’t really exist just to cultivate the atmosphere of you know um you need to go buy this need to go support this and blah blah blah you know so it’s kind of touchy and it’s controversial so I want to talk
About it because yeah yeah at the end of the day whatever your household is is it is what you whatever you lead you know what I’m saying so what are your thoughts on that Dez let’s start with you yeah uh so let me start off by
Saying I don’t think there is a right answer for this one it’s just whatever Avenue you gonna go down so tonight I feel like we gonna get a lot of um a lot of good stories yeah at the end of at the end of the night or end of the day
No answer is wrong and you’re just going to have to just go the route is good but let me so man with me it’s a little mix of how I think so much about how I was raised and how I had so because you know for me it wasn’t even imaginary I
Thought it was really real I thought it was really real for real like you know what I’m saying so I think my mom told me probably around like eight she didn’t even tell me I just caught her like you know everything in the car that’s how I was like oh you
Know I still put two and two together so she never just ever came out and told me um you know and and and I’m talking about the main things I’m talking about she never told me about Santa Claus she never told me whether he was real or not
I found them all um still didn’t tell me nothing about no Easter rabbit I’m still thinking he dropping EGS hey what a do with the candy and the eggs at can eggs year round I’m trying to find St I kind of figured that out young
Too and then the two fairy you know I caught her again my mom suck at like trying she was really she was trying her hard and so it was funny but okay so now what I do so because of that I do allow my kids to make it till about eight no I
Ain’t gonna lie I’m GNA make it to about six and then I told I told my youngest boy I told all my kids about six years old like hey did I say six months six years no you said six years okay smoke get it I get it y’all messing with
Me BR hey hey kid come right out the boom and Cl I can’t with y’all fny a it was n Christian was seven I never forget that he start crying but I didn’t expect him to cry I thought he was GNA be like oh yeah I kind of knew that already and I told him he it was no
Santa Claus he was crushed crying and I was like oh that really affected like that yeah yes I cannot believe I was like man my bad I thought you was ready thought you was ready but you know he got over but man he it really affected him I thought he
He was so you know mature and grown acting that I was just like oh he’ll be ready for it no problems I told him like he too grown he already know He already know now he start crying so if it was me if I had another baby
Coming I wouldn’t tell tell her until she was probably 10 see I feel like yeah but 10 okay I quit 10 I feel like you know that that’s a part of why you know this is such a controversal topic is because at the end of the day you know
First of all they gonna find out eventually but also kids really like they pour their heart and soul into you know um what they believe you know what I’m saying like the mind is a great thing as a child you know what I’m saying it’s it’s one of those things where it’s like
Um it’s like the mind of a child has so many different aspects and they’re still beginning and trying to understand life and so these things of these figures that they hold on to they hold on to it dearly so you know it’s it’s kind of touchy some kids are okay some kids are
Not some kids like you ruin their life you know what I’m saying like I feel like for me so I find out I ain’t going to lie me and it was kind of like de me and my sister um hid under the couch because we heard the door closed
We didn’t we didn’t check and see if my mom was in bed or not but we hid under the couch because we was trying to catch Santa Claus coming in because we was gonna ask him for more stuff you know what I’m saying so Ambush it was a rough
Year you know what I’m saying hey we was gonna Jack this fool so immediate naughty list but hey so um you know we hit under the couch and then when we saw mom coming through with the you know with the gift we were just like wow like first of all we were like
So you lied to us all these time you kept this lie up for this long second of all we were like you know um it sucks that something we believed so hard in you know um was fictional and it took us some time to like overcome that
Because to us where we grew up like you know Santa was the dude you know what I’m saying like that’s that one time a year where you get to experience quote unquote peace and happiness you know what I’m saying or you know that holiday spirit type of
Feel so it was it was a very serious thing for us especially like I said coming from where we come from it was like you know we don’t get gifts throughout the years we don’t we didn’t even get gifts for our birthdays you know what I’m saying times was hard mom
Was a single mom you know so it was like getting gifts on Christmas was a serious thing and for Santa to be the dude that brought it to us was like oh he’s the man you know what I’m saying he’s the one dude that got us you know what I’m
Saying and so when we found out what was real we was like dang like what do we even believe in no more if he was fake you know what I’m saying yeah so that’s what I mean like some kids like their imagination goes south and then it’s
Like well we don’t want to believe anything anymore more or we don’t want to you know um like we didn’t even want to be like artistic we didn’t want to draw nothing none of this stuff we saw on TV was like nope it’s fake it’s all fake damn Coco melon’s fake all even
Though Coco melon went out back then but everything’s fake so you know what I’m saying that was the vibe and that’s why like I’m kind of like trying to figure out I don’t think I told any of my kids they just find out naturally yeah saying
On their own on their own time but I make sure that I tell the older kids hey don’t ruin it for the younger kids because they still like the the excitement that they get they enjoy life you know what I’m saying when they think
A old fat dude can’t first of all why is it okay this has nothing to do with the topic I’mma go I’m g go off on a branch it’s cool why is it okay for a fat old dude to come down your chimney unannounced break through your alarm
System to leave gifts you don’t know what it is I feel like that’s a red flag but anyways it’s the magic behind it bro yeah go ahead Angel um so my kids dude I I got their imaginations going wild left and right they so I I’m in construction right I
Come back with scratches sometimes I have like you know just blood on me just I always bump into [Â __Â ] or get cut on something like that so I come to I come home and my kids are always like Dad what happened I was like oh I fought a
Herd of ninjas at work today and they’re like what they’re like that’s insane I’m like yeah so then then the next day I’ll be like a bunch of pirates jump me at work and I’m like then they’re like oh did you get them I was like one got me
Right here my oldest is like Dad you’re a badass I’m like thanks sweetheart you know and what what ruins it for the kids I think she’s like I’m never going to work ever yeah but but so what’s crazy too cuz kids sometimes they think I’m Spider-Man because I got a I got an
Authentic like movie style costume so when I’m gone for a couple days and they were like Dad what are we doing I was like I was I was play I was being Spider-Man for the day and they’re like that’s crazy I think the imagination for their kids helps their development in in
So many different ways AB but what ruins it is the other kids at school when their parents tell them you know like this this and that so you just got to be like you know what they’re on the naughty list their parents don’t even like them very much you know
Yeah but the hardest one to keep going is the damn tooth fairy man because kids be dropping teeth like crackhead sometimes and you got to be sneaking in there and and you gotta just you gotta be like ninjas about it it’s whenever whenever I tell my kids good
Night I have the money in my hands you know and I’m like slide underneath the pillow and I’m and I slide out I’m like if you check nothing will be there in the morning you know so I test them and they’re they’re like then they wake up
And they forget about it like could you check underneath your pillow like oh [Â __Â ] I got $5 for my tooth I’m like oh that’s crazy you know but uh ghilly suit dud you got to pull out the sniper and just Hey low crawl low craw no but it’s
Like uh what was I gonna say um no the kids imagination man it’s it it’s it just goes crazy like I had a break to my daughter she asked me straight up two weeks ago my oldest Aya she’s eight she goes they a mermaid’s real be real with
Me and I was like okay I was like no they are not she lost it cuz she thinks she’s part mermaid she said d That’s my culture I don’t know why you would tell me that like you just asked me you don’t put me on the spot like that and then blame me
For it so she legit thought she was mermaid and I was like you know what Dad stopped believing in mermaids a long time ago so dad hasn’t seen one if you seen them then that’s probably because you still believe in them but once you stop believing you stop
Seeing yeah so that’s when I tell them you know and then the kids will figure out I thought Santa Claus was real until I was like 11 years old my parents my uncle used to climb on the roof and stomp and he’d shoot fireworks off of
The roof and like Santa slay was going off I was I got the whole experience as a kid he was robbing the neighbors low key he was robbing the neighbors that’s just what they told you no but like yeah I got the whole experience till one day I
Heard we would sneak downstairs and he was like oh oh I was like man that sounds like my uncle Charlie so I asked my parents the next day and they’re like yeah that’s your uncle Charlie and I was like all right cool so I found out when
I was like 11 M but yeah my kids imagination is just wild because I I keep it exciting for them because it also kind of it’s fun for me too I get to make stories every day I come home yeah see that’s the thing is like I feel
Like that’s so dope to have especially like when kids are I don’t know man it’s it’s definitely touchy and I feel like you know they think about things outside of the norm and it expands it expands their you uh what’s that movie called um the Santa Claus right classic Christmas
Movie or whatever great and the the elf on there was talking to the dude Scott Calvin she was like you gotta twist it she’s um paraphrasing obviously she was like you gotta twist it um seeing is not believing believing is seeing and so when I think about that
Especially you know I always go here but especially from an entrepreneurial standpoint and from you know a leader of the household standpoint it’s like okay you got to believe where you’re going in order to be able to be successful and getting there you know what I’m saying
So when I think when I think imagination or when I think um you know long-term effects on kids not being able to believe in certain things I think okay well that’s in some way stopping them from reaching for the stars in a way you know what I
Mean maybe depending on the kid right but again that’s why it’s so controversial Diego what are your thoughts oh man um I I want to touch a couple things um you mentioned that uh holidays nowadays are are very focused on trying to make you you know um spend money
Right yeah I would say yeah now um but back in the day I mean I don’t think it was so much about by trying to make you spend it was actually the tradition right so like when I grew up you know Santa Claus was was a dude like you said
You know I mean I remember I used to try to stay up as late as possible just to try to see if the if the if Santa Claus will fly above my house and and you know if I can catch it right um and and just having that uh that that childhood
Experience was was awesome I eventually I probably I probably figured out you know super late like maybe like 11 or 12 when when I was okay there’s there is no Santa Claus right but my mom never never told me that I know that doesn’t exist or anything like that they they kept it
Going the entire time um yeah we would go to bed uh and then I think it I think you naturally once you naturally get to that age where you’re like oh you know you’re kind of like your your your childhood mentality just kind of goes away you know what I mean and you’re
Like yeah you and you figure it out on your own you know I mean so I think I think um like like de said there’s no there’s no right or wrong but I do like to keep my kids innocence and intact um because it’s it’s super cool
To just see them be happy believe about something right because they’re kids especially now we live in a world of technology where all our kids are getting desensitized so quickly that they try to keep the the that childhood intact that innocence intact is now a
Job you know what I mean uh D they can get on they can get on on YouTube right away and they can figure it out whether Santa Claus is is is true or not right so it’s up to you as a parent to kind of kind of keep that keep them in that
Believe right because it’s it’s just letting them beat kids um my uh my son finally figure out my son just turned 12 he figured out uh last year that the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist uh because he kind of has some doubts but he wanted to be sure right and uh like Angelo said
Like you gota be a ninja right so fre he lost a tooth he put underneath the pillow and then dude I freaking forgot oh no he’s like Dad I don’t think that thing that tooth pair exists he didn’t give me no money and I
Was like dude I was like that was a big tooth I was like he probably went and got some more tooth fairies to freaking come and get it I bet you it’s gonna be you’re gonna get a lot of money this time dud I can guarantee you I don’t
Know about this and I was like put it watch you I’m telling you usually that’s what happens it happened to me when I was a kid right it’s like so I fed him this thing right and then I was like tonight I’m staying up late I’m going to
Make up for it right so I went and got like $6 of the silver the the gold dollars right out of the bank extra special right I’m gonna make him gold and he’s gonna know that this is this is this is why because it was a
Big tooth right yeah bro he did not go to bed I thought he was passed out and then here I am freaking sneaking change and I have my hand in there and the coins in my hand and I put my hand inside inside the freaking uh pillow and
I leave the coins and I pull the tooth out bro he wakes up and says what are you doing Dad and dude my first impression was grab the tooth and put it in my freaking underwear you were in your tonies no I was in my pajamas and I just
Grabbed it I just threw it in there and uh he was like you got my tooth you lie to me and I was like all right you got me buddy and then we just sit down and kind laugh about it right and but he kind of figured out on his own and and
But he’s still uh he just lost the believe in the toothpick right but he still believed in the in the elf right so when they go to school uh I would move the elf around and do all this crazy stuff and then you know and and I
Think probably this year will be the the year that he doesn’t fig that he actually stops Believing on it because my oldest ones already know that doesn’t that that that’s not that we do that stuff and I talked to them and I was like hey dude like you guys figured that
Out already don’t kill it for your little brother CU he’s excited about Santa letters and all the you know and I always make a present of you know this one is from Mom and Dad and this one’s from Santa right and I tried
To and I one one thing that I did is I tried to get a not so expensive gift from Santa so that way he understands that like Santa’s not going to get you the the new stuff it’s like it’s it’s your parents that actually you know work
Hard to get you the freaking Xbox 360 or whatever right but Santa brought you a you know a nice Lego box or whatever right so just to keep that SP you wanted to also be uh you know conscious right like about you know if even though your
Kids are going to be good and all of a sudden he says you know uh I’ve been good all year and know I want a Xbox 360 but you don’t have the means to afford one then then he’s actually going to figure it out like oh you know I good
Old and Santa didn’t bring me the Xbox right so I kind of try to keep it um you know within that range whatever so my my oldest one’s already figured out but my little one I think I think this year will be the one where he just turned 12
And I think he’s already got it figure out but I never said anything though I never had that talk um if he figur it out he fig out his Zone um and I think I don’t know if it’s just like me I I just got to an age where like it just
Happened nobody told me anything did it on my own and I think I think that is it’s it’s cool to do that and to leave it up you know some parents like to do it differently my sister told my nephews Santa doesn’t exist I buy all that stuff
All the time you know what I mean kind of killed it because like they it was it was not a nice way to say it it was kind of more like not at all she wanted she wanted the kids to be appreciative of of her hard work but I was like yeah but
You kind of kill that you kind of made him grow too fast you know what I mean so I don’t know a kid once you find out it’s your parents you know you’re like damn my parents put in all that work that’s when you get appreciated about it
You know you don’t take all the glory like that shame on her but you know I think overall I think imagination you know all you guys said is it’s good for kids it’s good it’s it lets them beat children let let keep that innocent alive um get
Taking that away from them it it’s what causes kids to go into you know bad friendships and you know start looking at at you know bad habits and all stuff because they no longer have that that that uh innocence you know what I mean so yeah like Jay said they grow up and
Be kind of dull you know not happy about thingsa people be like man he never knew who Santa was you know yeah I think Middle School I think them going into Middle School I think that’s like that’s a solid age because then then then they’re yeah you can’t yeah you can’t
Let your son go to high school be like I’m getting this from from Santa this you know I mean I put Middle School you know 11 yeah yeah go back my kid after six months after he’s born y but I’m good with it hey if if my oldest son my oldest
Son’s 14 if he still you know believed in Santa Claus and he went to school he’s in I think 10th grade if he went to school be like hey I’m waiting on my gift from Santa I be like if anybody say anything different punch him in the
Mouth yeah hey you know what I mean that’s his that’s his thing you know what I mean you gota punch imagination back into those kids D face is like whoa they they got real dark no you just go you’re gonna be find a whole bunch of
People I was I was thinking I was gonna go a whole different way yeah that’s why I said no but y’all just you know um for all the fathers that’s out there watching and for the parents in general you got to think about um you know what’s what’s really best
For your kid in the moment you know what I’m saying what’s really best because some kids like kids have it rough nowadays you know what I’m saying like we had I feel like we had a rougher back then but you you know kids still have their fair share of challenges and
Sometimes they need that little bit of Something to Believe In sometimes they need that little bit of holiday magic um sometimes they need that little bit of you know inspiration to do better because you know I tell my like I think I’m working backwards like because I
Never really spoke about Santa but now I’m just like trying to like you know bring the kids you know hey hype them up good you got to be good because you know Santa’s watch even though that sound creepy but Santa’s watching he’s always watch now like this is our chance to be
Manipulative back towards our kids facts they make a great effort to you know what I’m saying to be good especially this time of year because they’re just like oh I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to you know for S to come I don’t want to get cold or whatever but
Um so now they’re just like oh dang it you like I messed up I’m sorry it’d be something simple they be like I’ve been mentioning Santa in like February March area I’m like hey you acting like a like a jerk right now saying gonna bring your
[Â __Â ] in December yeah well I mean hey first of all all year long if I’m if I’m working this hard to put up these decorations I’m keeping up I’m keeping them up until like at least March yep at least solid thanks I don’t care Dez I don’t care I’m leaving it up
March oh I’ll be using down it’s not it might go over to April H you ever noticed this is the last thing I’m GNA say but you ever notice like the the skyscraper buildings and stuff they never take their lives down hell no it’s a it’s
A it’s like a skyscraper though I mean it’s like yeah I know but I’m saying like we go through the same well maybe not as much effort but you know they got things in place to help them we just roughing it climbing on the roof and all
This other stuff I’m I’m G let y’all get some good holiday spirit for a couple months before I take that bad I SP hard money on those decorations not I didn’t take my down for two years I left them up I don’t give a [Â __Â ] y yep
That’s when you know you in Hispanic house because that dude put it up they got all the holidays all throughout the house miss your George the Christmas tree is still up no but these houses still got their h no they just took them down they had their
Halloween stuff up all the way to like like yesterday I mean I was like I just m Monday I just took out myself Monday dude okay hey dude I hate I hate decorating and then when I do decorate I’m making sure that I’m getting my money’s worth
Because I had to go to the attic and get boxes out like dude that’s sitting there at least two three months ask you a question how long your tree stay up your Christmas tree my tree don’t come down until like February time be like looks it’s gonna be a twig I forget it’s
Over there he said a twig he got a real trees so yeah that be a twig we ain’t doing no real trees in my house no we gota get the little fake nice oh we’re g cut our own down this year I had a I had a
Homeboy he had had a real tree and next you know that joint had like termites and stuff oh man cuz it was something in the tree when they cut it down but you know I was like no fam not doing that but anyways y’all hey thank y’all
For tuning in for this episode hey give shoot us an email the fatherhood exclusive gmail.com let us know what your thoughts is on this topic let us know what you think and what you do in your household like they said no answers wrong answer it’s well it’s not really
Answer no thought is a wrong thought about the topic um it’s just what you do what you choose to do to lead your household is what you choose to do however you should uh highly encourage your uh your children not to ruin it for other children if you do choose to you
Know expose them to you know uh the real deal so hey thank you for chopping in with us uh this’s another episode of the fatherhood exclusive podcast yeah you’re heard that I heard you know it is what it is it’s a it’s been a it been a long
Day you know what I’m saying so hey we love y’all we appreciate y’all we’ll see y’all next week peace peacey