Okay hey you got a tree I don’t have a tree up yet what what are you doing what are you doing yo Christmas is like next week bro I know bro I gotta I’m gonna bring the tree down today miss you should you’re supposed to have you’re supposed to have your tree
Up as soon as the day after Halloween you supposed to how youg it bro I went to Home Depot and I was like I want that display I don’t want it in a box I took it out of my truck and I put it right
There oh yeah I almost had to do the same thing because uh the location that we went to to get the tree um they didn’t have the tree that Liam picked out um the first time and so they were like well you can take the the bottle
Itself but I was like I don’t want to do that cuz I’m going mess it up yeah I’m bringing down the tonight Diego says that and then he gonna bring down the tree Like Sunday Morning Christmas the night before hey you know now you gotta leave it till next year oh
Yeah you gotta make up time one thing that I never never miss is we all buy an ornament every Christmas every year is a different own we each get one so like we’re gonna go buy one toight so so do y’all only just put those few ornaments
On the tree or is there other ornaments there’s other ornaments but then I have then they put the ones uh that they have so my kids have there were babies like their first ornament all the way until every year they get one and then they
Put it and then they have their own box where they where they case it so that way when they grow up and they get married they already have all the set of orn so they can decorate their tree already oh that’s dope yeah it’s a pretty cool tradition yeah hey yeah I
Thought you were say three decades three decades that’s GNA be one full ass tree yeah bro your Tre no uh no Greenery on it it’s gonna be all ornaments that’s a safety hazard yeah yeah so um I forgot I was gonna say but hey let me go ahead and say um I know
We’ve been talking but welcome to the fatherhood exclusive podcast uh I’m your host with the most your man 50 Grand J Berke joined By Angelo PPA what’s up brother yo yo what up man how’s it going it’s going it’s going well all right and then we got Diego pantz online what’s up
Brother what’s going on gentlemen Another Day in Paradise yeah Absolut how’s ble cry gear doing man you out of the boot now or what uh no I’m still in the boot I’m still in the boot uh but uh I uh I threw my cres away and I’m uh I’m uh hobbling
Around probably should have this recording because I’m supposed to be off my foot but anyways whatever it is what it is yeah you gotta do we’re in Alibi man you got Alibi we’re good but about to be a recorded thing all over the place yeah but it’s been it’s been good
Good um machine is broke but yeah I’m waiting on a part oh no so how long is that gonna take uh I should be here within next couple days um I’ve been I’ve been breaking a lot of needles lately so um they messed up one of the
The casings so now I had to reorder it again so I should be back in business pretty soon but yeah so for those of y’all listening um he’s not talking about shooting himself up um he’s breaking needles by like so tell them what you do Diego tell him about B cry embroidery embroidery
Needles yes I am there’s people that are listening to this and not watching it on Via YouTube or whatever so they’re like breaking e he’s juicing they can’t see the machine in the background yeah so no wonder you don’t need that boot no more yeah um Angelo how you doing brother I’m
Doing great man uh I know it’s been a took we took a little bit of a Hiatus as a group you know yeah uh went to Arizona after my Tennessee trip for my dad’s 50th birthday uh it was pretty much 75 80 degrees the whole time there we rode
Dirt bikes in the desert I got to see my little sister she’s down there um that’s cool got to meet my mom’s sister who we’ve never met we found out she was down there so that was crazy yeah yeah my aunt it was it was little we but
She’s cool I’m about to say y’all all adults you never no because my mom my mom’s dad no my mom’s dad passed when I was like two and he had like another kid with somebody else before he met my grandma that lives with me so it was a
Cool kind of confusing situation no she was really cool um she banters back and forth we went up to breakfast and she was like Hey you look like you can drink and I was like try me so we got a couple flights of mimosas and yeah it was uh
Pretty solid but riding dirt bikes in the desert down there was a trip it was crazy I bet yeah yeah or uh our instructor dude he was from up here from Washington big imagine like the biggest Stoner Surfer guy but in charge of a dirt bike and like riding thing it was
Cool he was just chill he didn’t give a [Â __Â ] what the very interesting yeah it was it was pretty nice though I hated coming back I’ll tell you that man it’s always like that every time we go we went down to uh to North Carolina to
Check out you know the the L the and stuff because y’all know we moving um in like seven days driving across country moving so um D where was I going with that oh not want to come back yeah you go somewhere it’s like you get comfortable and you
Just like man do I really got to go back and I swear if we didn’t have this like apartment here we wouldn’t have came back it was just all night I don’t know if I told y’all but this is the first time yeah we moving literally the morning after Christmas we’re leaving
That’s what I’m saying hey hey you want to get some brunch before I leave no wow man we got we got to link up say goodbye before you freaking head out bro oh yeah absolutely absolutely you know just we also got I can give you your
Apparel too yeah oh yeah that too that too you let me when that is i s by too yeah for sure yeah yeah so um but you can’t cry Jay all right I don’t want to see it I cry all the time I cry all the
Time I’m not even playing I cry all the time be like it be the little things that make me like tear up and get emotional which is a lot of little things you know what I’m saying so it’s like sometimes like I look at um I look
At like when Adonis and Junior hug each other like wow that’s that’s dope that they got their Brotherly Love they’re not just doing it just because I’m watch they’re doing it because they’re gen love each other I’ll watch zla do something cute and I just like break out CRI like dang these are
Really my kids I be C all the time yeah I be having these PR moments I’m no shame in my game I got let it that I I promise you I used to be a dude that didn’t believe and sharing my emotions or showing my emotions or even
Having emotions I was like this freaking Stone Cold face dude I was like you know what I’m saying to myself so I’ve grown and I’ve learned to actually express my emotion in the moment of the emot and not hold it back because first of all I don’t care if anybody watching me
I don’t care where I’m at like you know I don’t care if the kids see it whatever they need to know that you know Daddy does have emotions and daddy you know um is a human being you know 100% we’re superheroes in their eyes but we’re also
Just you know human beings as well and I think it’s good for them to see especially these days it’s good to see a man um especially the man in the house be able to express his emotions so I’m glad they get to see that cuz I be well
Well most of those Stone Cold guys you know they’re screaming on the inside you know they don’t feel they feel like they’re going to get attacked and that’s what that’s kind of that’s how I used to be that’s how I used to be yeah so
Um dang I forgot where I was going with that I be I stay doing that anyways so today right y’all excuse me oh man oh my gosh all right so hey today um for those listening man we we’re going to talk about something that we feel like is very important um just
For fathers to be able to to think about you know on a daily basis um and that is like things that you can do and um for yourself and for your children to put them in the best position to be successful think about that for a second
Like what are some key things or principles or values whatever at least that you can instill in them what are some things that you can do for your kids to put them in position to succeed and then you being able to put yourself in position to succeed to lead the
Family what do you think about that Diego man um I love this topic um so it all depends right so uh what I’ve done is obviously everybody’s going to going to raise their kids uh B depending on their values right and those are very important because your
Values are going to be different than mine right um and uh and as long as as long as you are raising them to have that that core uh family uh values uh I think kids kids will grow up to be good people right unless you’re you know straight up
A dirt bag and that’s what you’re G to teach your kids and then I mean you’re going to get a dirt back back right but for the most part we all want we all want our kids to be respectful we want our kids to be honest we want our kids
To be hard workers right and today’s society is kind of hard to do that so you almost feel like you’re going against the grain but as long as you stay strong um I think that’s that’s the kids will will follow suit right but that’s just one piece when you’re
Talking about setting them up for Success you know I mean um setting them up setting your kids up for Success takes a lot of work um and I’ll tell you I’m guilty of of sometimes procrastinating or or not wanting to do it just because you’re tired you know
You got work and stuff but like one thing that I have on my um that I do with my my kids is um I ensure that their their school stuff is vetted by me before they even move to the next my kids are in high school they’re in
The age where that they can pick whatever courses they can they can want and you know what I mean yeah and it’s are going to be kids and they’re going to try to pick the easy ones they’re G to get gy and they’re G to get drawing right absolutely absolutely but I want
Them to be set up to have options right not I now I know that not all of them are going to go to college right if they don’t want to go to college that’s fine then we’re going to set you up to where you’re gonna have options to pick
College the college route or pick the blue collar right there’s nothing wrong with blue blue color as long as you’re a hard worker [Â __Â ] man that’s it it some blue collor jobs you know what I mean um so it’s about making sure that you’re you don’t go
When you grow up you’re not a bum and you’re actually a productive member to society not just sitting there collecting on on on on the chat from the government right um and nothing there there’s nothing wrong with that if you need the help right so this is for the people that do
It on purpose um yeah but so I do that and I also you know I do a lot of research when it comes down to like education and what helps them develop like one thing is music right so my kids they all play instruments I got a
Violinist I got a a saxophone player and then I got a cello player right that is an option that they don’t hell yeah man dude they don’t pay they want to get out of it and I’m like dude when you turn 18 that’s when you get out of Music you’re
Going to play music because it is proven that learning how to play an instrument learning how to read music helps you develop and be good at school and guess what it’s proven because all my kids are straight A students right um so and I tell them but as kids they’re like oh
That is that is not true that’s fine you know I mean uh they all play sports not only want because I want them to be fit but they also want them to learn how to do uh be work as a team right when you put them against all
The kids they learn team cohesion they let they learn how to have pride like right now my son is in wrestling right even though it’s a single sport he’s got teammates right so they take that Pride at school they take that Pride on like winning they want to
Strive that’s the thing that we’ve kind of Forgotten lately and everybody just wants to kind of like do their own thing and it’s like that is where you have I think you start we start uh having issues with uh kids not wanting to have like goals and ambition is
Because we kind of yeah secluded them to like stay in your room or you know and that that is our fault that’s not the kids’s fault that is ours and I think because we live in a in a society that’s so busy and and so fast that we forgotten that to be like
Parents and there’s times believe me that I’m like man I should just let my kid just take a break this season but then I’m like no I already told them that we don’t get break they G Miss they’re gonna miss the value out of it yeah exactly so that’s some of the
Things that I do for for suc say now you can talk Financial stuff and then you know then you can go into more into depth like why how you get get them set up and I learned all this stuff from like my P my mom doing her best to try
To set me up for success and then the stuff that she was not able to do it then I’m like all right I was not able to get this opportunity when I was growing up uh like example college right I wasn’t able to afford it I went to
College I picked I decided to pick up private school and within a year I was in debt like 30 Grand in the hole and I was like all right Army can you uh sign me up and pay my college pay for school even though I
Never wanted to be in a UNC Sam give me some help yeah yeah so now I I want my kids to have that opportunity to start setting them up like I buy already I already buy college credits for my kids uh so that way they have some some kind
Of college already set up so when they when they go to college they’ll have at least a year paid out that helps them out instead of getting them loans you know I mean yeah exactly yeah so some of this stuff uh that I do personally but
It all depends on on I think it all depends on on on a parent and being able to make time I know we all we are all busy and it’s said and done but we have to make the time if we want our kids to be successful and have the things that
We didn’t have and I and I and I mean it in in a sense of like responsibility and and learnings versus like material accountability yeah yeah stuff doesn’t matter you know what I mean so that’s if we go back to uh I want to say
Was the it was either the first of the second episode right we talked about um how each of us always does like what do we call the teachable moments right in in everything that we do so whether we’re at the playground whether we’re you know in the house
Doing something we always take advantage of those teachable moments to be able to teach our kids something that’s one of the main things that I think everybody should be focused on like it’s not always the the big the hurah right it’s sometimes those little those little
Moments that you take the time out to go talk to your son or daughter or both or whatever about something so simple but brings you a life lessons um I think a lot of people don’t pay attention to that they’re paying attention to the the the big world problems well no it we
Always say the world is yours cool however your world is sitting right in front of you right in that kid so you have to take the time to invest into them and be like okay this is something I could teach them you know even running
In the house and stub your toe oh well that’s why we don’t run in the house because that can happen right that’s what teach yeah it seems it’s something so small but it’s still a teachable moment we got to take the time out to invest that time in our kids um also Diego
Touch in ear or he U mentioned it earlier finances thing especially for your older kids you know when we have older kids you know uh that are teenagers and stuff think about all the stuff that we didn’t learn when we were younger like there there are parents out
Here and you know I’ve been guilty of aump um that don’t invest the time into teaching them things like uh what’s credit What’s um you know how do you you know what what’s the credit score all about how do we pay taxes what is tax taxes why do we pay
Taxes when we have teenagers I I believe that you know we should be invested some time into you know teaching them those type of things to set them up even though they’re not working jobs yet and they’re not you know whatever but they need to know this stuff ahead of time
Before they I swear I didn’t know how taxes work um I didn’t know what credit was until I was already an adult and that’s too late yeah and we we went through the trial and error of having to deal with that what if our parents or our you know great grandparents or
Whatever would have taken a time out to teach the bloodline you know ahead of time hey you know this is blah blah blah blah that can set your kids up for success and wealth if they know how to play the game you know what I’m saying ahead of time
Yeah what do you got Angela what are some things that you think you know um will help us better set our kids up for Success uh my thing is is like as a parent leniency equals laziness right why when my kids wake up first thing that other do is you make your bed
Because if you start your day doing something productive as easy as making your bed then you’re already better than than doing absolutely nothing straight off the cuff right absolutely and one of my big things so my kids are only eight six and three so they’re not learning
About the credit and stuff yet but the the value of a dollar right I’ve mentioned my my yes days that’s how I teach my kids their value of a dollar right they want to go here they want to go here they want to go here but your
Your $50 limit for the day is going to contribute towards the gas to get there you know obviously the food on me I’m not going to sit there make them pay for their own meal on their guest day I’m not a crazy person but like you want to
Drive all the way to Seattle to go to the zoo okay we’re going to go to the zoo it’s going to cost you money to get there you’re going to pay for your entry fee you got no money for the gift shop you know and they have they have no idea
Well they might have an idea but they typically have no idea that that’s that’s the the value being taught to them through these simple things but keep going just like no no you’re good and and another thing too is parents don’t give their kids chores anymore you
Know I’m sure you guys have your kids on chores you know it may come from the military background but like you know when my kids hit five they started chores and every Sunday they got five bucks five bucks to a kid is $100 you know they they don’t know you know but
Then they want to go to the store and they see how expensive all these toys are and they’re like Dad what can they get for $5 I’m like you can get a stuffed animal they’re like that’s it I’m like that’s the whole point you work harder you’ll make more you know and a
Lot of things too that I set my kids up with is uh how do you say it mannerisms right yeah y politeness politeness you know know how many compliments I get when I take my kids to restaurants or grocery stores and they’re saying excuse me or yes sir
Yes ma’am or just just a proper way to insert those mannerisms a lot of kids don’t do that right so you I’ll see my 8-year-old Aya they’ll be somebody who walk you know people squeeze through people in a grocery store and it I don’t say anything I used to say excuse you
Because I would be like I want them to let them know I don’t say it anymore my daughter will say it for me she’ll be like excuse you and the adult will turn like you heard her you like learn manners my 8-year-old can do it why can’t you and they’re like sometimes it
Gets a little like they want to say something back but we’ll just walk away I’m not going to do anything in front of my kids but the fact that my daughter can identify you know she’ll hold a door for somebody you know or something like that teaching those small
Mannerisms and and just the simplest value of a dollar is how I’m setting up my kids for a success and then also putting them in sports like Diego said I coach my daughters I just sign up to coach her soccer team for the second year in a row
We are so hyped for this year and and she’s she’s in so her middle sister she wants to do Sports too now so it’s just it’s just that Snowball Effect you know you get the oldest one set up the middle child wants to be like the old and then
So on and so forth so that’s how I’m slowly setting up my kids for Success yeah and there there’s tons of ways and tons of things that we can do just to make sure our kids are in position excuse me are in position to win in every aspect of life whether it be
Financially like we talked about whether it be emotionally whether it be with their health and fitness like we talked about and then just just being a good person you know what I’m saying and and not uh you know conforming to other ideals all the time you know just just
Being a solid person no matter what’s going on around you and um you know those are just a few like I said of many many things we could be doing but that’s something that as fathers we need to be thinking about on a daily basis like
What what can I what can I do today to put my kid in a better position maybe a better position than I was put in maybe you want to train them to be better than you at the at the mileston that you hit as an adult you want to
Make sure that they’re hitting those years before you did yep I think he I think like andelo said right um consistency right consistency uh sometimes we want to be lenient because it’s our there there are kids and we don’t want to be tough on them but it’s okay to have a little bit
Of tough love you know I mean it’s okay our kids struggle and and not and not have everything in life right um you know Christmas is Gonna Come Around Yeah Christmas Is Gonna Come Around and they’re gonna get their gifts right but if they don’t get what they
Want it’s okay it’s okay because it it teaches them to appreciate what they have right I think as long as you stay consistent right you you learn to teach and raise kids that are humble my kids and I obviously I’m I’m going to be super biased because they’re my kids
Right but my kids are very very humble kids they’re not materialistic I got a I got two teenagers they’re in high school and these kids are not about the brands they don’t care if you buy them a Walmart pair of shoes or you buy them the Michael Jordan
Shoes you right and I was just talking to my son right now when I was dropping him off at at wrestling and I was like hey buddy uh uh what what are you going to want for Christmas right and he was like anything is fine d and D that that
Right there I told him 10 times over you for doing that stuff because it puts it takes that pressure out off of as a parent because they’re like how about my son wants the the new Xbox and you can’t buy it right you feel you feel like a
Crappy parent because your son is like oh you didn’t give me this right but when your kids are humble they learn to appreciate the little stuff that you buy them they love it is that it can be a piece of Canyon they’ll be very thankful
For it you know I mean and that is that is only Built if you stay consistent if you teach those good core values to your to your kids from the beginning up um but the minute you lay off the minute you become lenient is the minute that
That you you give room for other outside uh sources to start getting in Temptations exactly yeah they’re sponges right they’re absorbing they’re G to have friends they got the the the cool stuff or they do the the crazy stuff and they’re G to want to copy but if you
Stay consistent you stay vigilant on what they do they’re not going to go anywhere those kids are going to be going to be good good uh uh members of society good humans overall you know um it’s just I wanted to say uh not to cut you off but I I say
Grounded it’s like you know um when you have something that’s so what’s the word I want to use I’m trying to give like a u you know don’t be electrocuted reference you know what I’m saying by grounding have a grounding wire to keep them um keep them uh you know what I’m trying
To say yeah you wna keep the the kids uh you want to keep the kids grounded to like what’s going on with life right like levelheaded rightel great mindset yeah yeah you know you are that ground you are that ground right because if you you don’t your kids
Are going to just wander off right if by example if you if you are a person like I want to say something like you know how we said we want our kids to be better than us right and that’s good that’s Dandy right but why not be an
Example to your kids by you wantan to be better than what you are right now if your kids see that you’re always get it and busting and all stuff they’re gonna be like man my dad buses his butt every day you know what I want to grow up to
Be like him and they’re going to be they’re going to want to work every day they because they see that all the time but if you stay stagnant and you say you know what I am I am fine where I’m at that is where they’re going to your kids
Are going to reach to that level where they’re like oh my dad is at this we’re okay it’s okay to be it’s okay to be uh at at this at this level right you want him to be hungry you gotta be hungry you know I mean so that’s that’s what I
Teach good for you that’s a that’s a proud dad moment for you too man saying your your son’s like anything’s anything’s great dad like that’s that’s that’s got to hit the heart and the highest point there because I asked I asked my oldest a said I said what do you want for like
Christmas tree like what do you want this year and she was like you know what Dad all I have is my family and that’s all I need and I was like hell yeah like that’s that’s exactly right and I was like you know what sweet like that you
Know what you made my Christmas already for a saying absolutely it’s there’s nothing better than to listen kids say that stuff you know I mean because there’s so much stuff the kids can ask for you know I mean and when you hear them so humble and they’re like I don’t
Care about Brands I was like my son told me like I don’t even understand Brands and they’re exposed to everything I mean my kids are not B they go to schools and they see all their friends right and I was like man that is awesome that is
Awesome I told him like thank you for being that thank you for being like that and uh you know it’s it’s it’s super cool to to to raise kids that’re like levelheaded they’re humble they’re on they have honor on themselves they they they want to stri for to be the best you
Know I mean but it takes work it takes a lot of work unfortunately and we have to be we can’t be selfish we cannot be selfish sometimes we say like oh you know what I want to work on myself right and I want to do this for myself yeah
But you already got kids that’s after the kids are gone it’s after the kids are gone you do you when they’re not there no more your time was to do you as before they came right now is you gotta do you plus them you know what I mean you can’t stop
Teaching yourself compound interest yeah exactly compound interest exactly that’s what it is hey what do what do you do what do you do to set your kids up for Success man um like like I said those teachable moments um take full advantage of the teachable moments I think um you know
Like Diego said with the music because you know all my kids are in some type of uh art form you know what I mean I think that that gives them um it it allows them to fire more neurons than other people you know what I’m saying having that artistic ability
Having that that uh that Vision that you know some people don’t get that creativity that some people don’t get I feel like it gives them a oneup on um other people you know I thought that’s a com ition but you know life competition man yeah but it’s more so a competition
With yourself like how big how how good of a person can you be how um how much can you contribute to you know your family and the people around you you know be a blessing if you will so I just I teach them stuff like that
And you know I try to make sure that I’m doing things on my end to make sure we’re financially secure to make sure that um I teach them teamwork by being able to see how me and Katie work you know what I’m saying whether it be around the
House whatever we’re always like tag teaming you know what I’m saying like I’ll wake up she’s already doing the dishes boom I’m cooking boom we doing and then they’re like why y oh we’re a team so I teach them stuff like that by being able to or we both te some stuff
Like that you know what I’m saying by being able to see us do it um again that teach that sets them off the success when it comes to how to communicate how to um deal with other people how to um contribute to your neighbor or your
Spouse or you know your friend or your family member whatever it is you know so different little things like that um and then I make sure I just I just talk with him I just talk with them you know sit down and talk to them get to understand
Their emotions get to understand you know who they are individually because every kid literally has a different uh personality different goals different Vision um and so being able to sit down and talk to them and really you know get to grasp of who they really are on the
Inside and then being able to use that to kind of like I don’t want to say be a GPS for them but kind of use that to and be able to influence them and direct them onto a good path you know what I mean yeah youology yeah yeah yeah absolutely so
Yeah those are a few things you said what what you say Compass oh yeah there it is comp I was trying to think of the word I promise you I wanted to say this though before we get out of here um you mentioned uh Angela mentioned uh being
Able to still like give your kids chores because a lot of a lot of parents don’t you know enforce chores or whatever and it’s not necessarily about having them do stuff it’s about being able to learn responsibility it’s about being able to learn um you know not to be a pig not to
Live like a pig these are things that you do um because one day you’re going to be living on your own or with the spouse or whatever but you need to be able to learn how to clean how to you know take care of what’s yours you know
What I mean so when you said that I immediately thought of of uh my little twin my little uh best friend over here Adonis Adonis I thought about him because when we clean up he likes to like use the broom likes to use the vacuum hey kids love the broom man they
Yeah and they love the vacuum you know they chase after it when they’re real young and then they start wanting to use it and so we made that like kind of one of his things he do when we get out the vacuum you know he he usually takes a
Turn or whatever or sweep we give him the bloom for a few minutes let him sweep um um and then he throws out his own dirty diapers like make sure he goes to the trash can because that’s his diaper like yeah yeah so and you know
You don’t think about it as chores but when you said it I thought about like these are little things that he’s learning oh I should be back in the carpet if it’s dirty even as he’s one years old almost two but you know he’s a one year old boy and he’s learning these
Things whether he knows or not so Christmas came early in my household and and uh we got him his own Santa yeah Santa got him his own um vacum so now he’s the carpet but but he might get mad because it’s like this thing ain’t
Picking nothing up oh no it only pick up the little disc that come with it so he might that’s cotion though what I wanted to mention about my chores though but the days that my kids do their chores and they cop an attitude or they complain while doing it
It I subtract 50 cents here and there so when it comes to Payday they’re like Dad why why do I only have you know 775 I’m like you complained you complained during this and in the real world when you complain you’ll get fired to let go so be lucky you’re still getting
Paid yeah yeah because because you know they’re like oh yeah wait for my 10 bucks you know and I’m like I’m like what’s this I’m like you know why’d you cop an attitud when I asked you to sweep it should be a yes sir right away and
They’re like so then the next few weeks are pretty good and then the kid you know they’re girls whatever they have attitudes but they they learn that way that’s what I tell the waiters or the waitresses at the restaurants when they ask me or they they look at me crazy
When they a get a tip tell the same thing because remember you ain’t do this remember you ain’t do that remember you complain about this remember you rolled your eyes when I don’t get me wrong don’t get me wrong the service the industry is hard as hell
They deal with they deal with crap customers but don’t bring the person you served over there’s attitude to me treat with nothing about respect I I’ll tell you what man the most I’ve ever tipped somebody was my meal was I think $2 like $25 I tipped them 275 was an even 500
Because they were it was the best service I’ve ever had took all of our orders um I paid for for breakfast for my platoon one time right it was my last day in my platoon I was like I’m going to buy everybody breakfast she took all
20 she no was a JBLM JBLM um she took all of our orders drinks and all at Denny’s without writing a single thing down 23 people that’s didn’t get one order wrong and I was like that is tip yeah wow I made her cry I mean we she you
Know she ended up like taking my number I you I’ll go wait her over there but you got to admit right you taken an order 23 people not writing a single thing down and not messing up not messing up a drink I was like she was
All hyped for us to be there I was like ma’ awesome you and she probably learned it when she was a kid from someone exactly and she you know she was crying she was crying she said you know what I’m able to make my my my bills this
Month without having to ask you know and I was like you know what it’s cuz you earned it keep this up and I you know I’ll come back and and I haven’t seen her at that Denny in a long time but yeah that was is that work ethic you
Know those mannerisms work ethic and they learn that from home man they learn that from home so start early fellas start early um yeah this has been another edition of the fatherhood exclusive podcast we thank you truly for listening in make sure you share this with your friends your family your loved
Ones you dig also um my uh 10-year-old Liam he’s starting his own YouTube channel just a Shameless plug you know what I’m saying for the babies so uh he’s starting his own YouTube channel called Douglas um Douglas’s Place yeah yeah Douglas’s middle name um so okay be be
On the lookout for that coming real real soon we gonna support him and um his Endeavors being a content creator and you know if Ryan or whatever is Ryan’s world can be making you know $2 million a year so can my kid uh Ryan world makes
Like two million a month that’s what I said anyways y appreciate y’all we’ll see y’all next week peace peace