Hello everyone and welcome to it Cil on a special Dr King King Sing Sing celebrate day I am Cil wils and we are joined not only by our social justice contributor KY Malone but special guest George Wallace here for a special memory segment of no we’re not checking his
Memory we’re just wanting him to share some memories of of his days uh back during the the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Yolanda star white is joining us our producer extraordinaire how is everybody oh Yolanda Starks is with us that is so fantastic all right
George I’m serious it’s always good to be on with you I I haven’t talked to you you know not on air in Thousand Years but I’m with you today I’m great how you doing today I feel good all over I’m in cold Atlanta what is not really cold
It’s at yes I’m changing planes I miss my plane because of some storms and I’m going to makeshift sweet right now that’s why I don’t have light that’s why I’m not as light as you are today cuz you know I’m lightskin oh no no that’s not why you’re you’re you’re as light as
I am that’s not why and the Beautiful Coy hello hey how’s everybody doing today good thank you George you are traveling to uh far away lands well I’m on my way to sit St I’m going down under wow you know you guys love to travel too I’m talking
About travel more now than ever everybody’s getting into travel I got a cousin that’s done 60 cruises now she’s done 86 cruises another cousin done 86 cruises I don’t know whether I want do that many cruises but I love traveling yeah that’s that’s a bit much for me but
You know there are people now who have sold everything they sold their homes they sold their cars and and they are living on cruise ships you read about that and then some people were not allowed to get on the ship because the ship was full is that terrible yeah
They’re spending two years on this world round the world cruise I think that’s awesome c i I don’t know if I could do that I you know I I I I do well for maybe a week but uh I don’t know about you know every day and and getting off you know
Doing some some excursions and what have you but I don’t know yeah you’re allowed to get off and get back on and go out take another trip and go but two years is a long time to go around the world you’re right s you can’t do the time Jin
A Cru for seven days I can’t tell you the last time I did that I got about three days in me me too well you know me I’m you know you look for me one day on the cruise and they said where’s George he’s gone that’s right he he got off before we
Even hit land with this orange life jacket on he gone that’s the way I see it that’s the way it ought to be toy have you ever taken a cruise not yet I’m planning on it you are what did you say not yet I haven’t not yet you haven’t been on the
Cruise with the team yet no oh my God you have to you have to work up to that George but she’s Coy I know and that’s why I’m saying you gotta work up to that you think I’d have all these people that wanted to travel with me and for
Some reason um a lot of my traveling I ended up doing by my myself I would like for that to change this year that would be great you like traveling alone no I mean I don’t mind it it’s not what I prefer um but that’s just how
Circumstances have played out for me I think it meet say in the past because this year is gonna be different I think you meet more people if you travel a lone more people come over and say hello to you you go over and say hello to them
You meet more people in some cases uh two people is good three people is an argument three people is three people somebody’s gonna sign for somebody let’s go do this and you’re gonna think the other person talking about you and doing all kind of crazy so
Three is a crowd two is good George is always good for encouraging people to travel but we’re like okay well we’re ready to go let’s go uh I I can’t I I I’m going to Australia I I am going to Thailand I I am going like okay well let
Us know where we can all go I think he’s afraid that we’re all G to do like what we did in South Africa and Char eat food and charge it to his Rule and embarrass me but I might drop my pants again you never know yeah that would be
Embarrassing that would be embarrassing that was another embarrassment in South Africa I must say Coy if you ever get a chance to travel with all of us you will really enjoy it it’ll be something you can never forget we have nothing but fun laughter and fun I’m a great travel partner
I’m George is too he really is he’s a lot of fun and George has TR George I don’t know how many passports you’ve gone through through but you you’ve done your fair share haven’t you about five years ago I went to airport at the in Atlanta and some smart ass guy uh agent
My passport was was torn just a little bit nope you can’t go I had to spend a day in Atlanta and go back to the passport office and renew it wow wow wow I am so sorry they don’t know what they did to you huh oh they well they put me off the
Planes I was going to Brazil actually I got on the plane and got to Brazil and they turned me back that’s what it was they turned me I had to come back to Atlanta in Brazil they turned you away I kept they kept me in what the thing they keep
The people in the illegal people oh wow in that little room wow that’s crazy that is absolutely crazy well this is uh the day that we observe the The Life and Times of civil rights icon Dr Martin Luther King Jr and we have done that in our newsletter
We’re going to try to Endeavor to do that uh with more stories as the week goes but of course this is January 15th today would have been his 95th birthday and it is a national holiday on this third Monday in the month of January and
It just so happens that this year uh the birthday is the national holiday is on his birthday so um it’s it’s pretty cool and um and as we’re honoring this civil rights icon uh as I said a number of stories in the what you need newsletter
Are uh dealing with Dr King and are showing uh some different sides of Dr King or perhaps looking at some topics current topics that uh may have been a part of a conversation with Dr King had he lived Beyond his 39 years uh Coy tell
Us about a long ago speech given by Dr King at Arizona State University that was lost but has been found yes so Dr Martin Luther King delivered a speech at Arizona State University on June 3rd 1964 and it may have been forgotten but it still has relevance to today to to to
2024 um the speech was delivered in front of an audience of about 8,000 listeners and this was just weeks before the Civil Rights Act was passed um so what we’re what he’s talking about is basically one of the lines in there that very significant Dr King says is we must
All learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish together as fools and he was basically speaking on the state of the US how we were divided racially how everything was segregated and I feel like it still holds relevance to today because we’re still dealing
With a lot of different variations of segregation discrimination and racism in various different channels platform forms ways of life jobs housing is still going on so it kind of raises the question if we’ll ever learn to live together as brothers and sisters um however this tape of the original speech
Was lost for quite some time and it remained undiscovered until 2013 and was sent to the Arizona State University’s archival department for rest ation and transcription and then it resurfaced as a valuable part of both the civil rights movement and Arizona’s history so there was quite some time
That passed between the speech that was delivered and it being rediscovered in 2013 about 11 years ago yes do in Arizona isn’t this the state that the last state to declare Dr King a holiday I don’t know that they have but yeah they were the they were uh not very keen
On the idea of of making that a national holiday in Arizona Arizona I think this day is so important you mentioned that uh if Dr King were alive today I think he’d be disgusted and just as pissed and I think he’d be really pissed at the word Evangelical evangelicals what they
Think and how they are pushing Trump I think he’d be really disappointed if you were alive today um Cy do you know why or how this was lost and how it was found there was wasn’t a lot of information on that so I don’t understand how this tape
Was lost um I don’t want to speculate and say maybe that it was lost destroyed on purpose who knows um but it was rediscovered and restored in 2013 so that’s an interesting story to find out how did that happen because a lot of his speeches were either broadcasted on TV
They were broadcasted on radio or they were um printed in newspaper in print um I do know I remember when we were doing the old radio show and there was a discovery of a lot of King materials uh speeches and uh there were just you know events and and placards
And things like that that were found in an Associates basement by the uh the associate of Dr King’s uh child and adult child and so then there was some discussion about well who owns this and you know how are you going to give it back to the king family or to the King
Center or there was a lot of discussion I don’t know how they finally concluded that but um you know it might have been a case where you know whoever recorded the tape just took it home with them and then you know found it you know or somebody else found it because uh audio
People radio people television people um do have a habit of holding on to those things old tapes old sound checks old you know all of that kind of stuff and then before you know it you got a a basement full of crap and and people are
You know finally find and they say well we don’t even have like a real toore which is what this would have been recorded on right a real toore tape player and so you find one and then you start or you have it uh transferred to another uh form and and they’re like is
That Dr King so it could have been that kind of situation um but uh that’s just really interesting um before Dr King’s birthday was designated an official holiday in the ear early 1990s um there was a lot of discussion about uh making it a state holiday commemorating the Civil Rights icon leg
Legacy um and and a lot of places are closed in honor of the national holiday but as far as the state is concerned you know a lot of States early on held Clos things down as part of a state holiday I’m not sure about uh the State of Arizona and they’re they’re so
Interesting anyway that is one of those states that you know like people always talk about crazy people in Florida Arizona is one of those States obviously um coy so what does this make you think when you saw the speech did it did it uh evoke any kind of emotion in
You it just made me really think about our uh former presidents and a lot of the chaos yes that happened under his presidency and how there’s this almost Awakening or Reawakening of support for him how a lot of people are saying that we were doing a lot better under that
President and things will be better if we just go back to this President and I’m just like are you are you really kidding me right now right what have we learned what have we learned about each other thus far what was all of this for what did we fight for our civil rights
For and it almost seems like it’s it’s for nothing and so to see that this speech happened so many years ago and we’re in a position where I feel like the dream still hasn’t been realized and Dr Martin Luther King would be horribly upset to see how we’re living right now
That it was just we were given a couple little things here and there to be appeased like shut up here type of deal to me that’s what it feels like it might not be as as bad in some ways but in other ways it is yes totally wow especially talking about
I was talking about the the preachers evangelicals how they believe and wrong uh Dr King would have been very disappointed in that even Franklin gram and all of these leaders and he’s U it’s just terrible now in some ways it’s worse now Cory you’re right I think I
Know I live back I it back in bu I did all of that stuff George you were also the signing of the Declaration of Independence you rode in the back of the bus yes civil I’m from Atlanta I’m born in the 50s and you know I’m I rode on
The back of the bus in Atlanta before it was a um so so I know about the Birmingham bus boycott in 1955 1956 but in but in Atlanta did you all did you all protest that too we did but we never had a big problem in Atlanta our first
Remember our first riot in Atlanta was three years ago during kovic wow the George Floyd is that three years ago or two years ago yeah uh that was our first ride ever Atlanta has always been the city to visit hate so even when we had segregation we were so s um
But in independent we had our own black everything we didn’t need anybody right you’re the sweet Alburn Avenue and we had our own black doctors black lawyers black everything when I got to Ohio in college I never heard of people just uh just being more segregated what did Dr
King say about Chicago about the most the most segregated City you ever been to yes well it was very always been in the groove a city too busy to hate we’ve always had everything economically so in some ways we were better back then trust me yes she so George I have a question
For you seriously you know from somebody who did experience that time back then I I think that it is disingenuous to us as a people not to acknowledge some of the strides that we have made for us to say for me to say I think I don’t think it’s
Fair to my grandmother to say that I have had it as hard as she had it or that her mother had it I don’t I I don’t think that it’s fair for me for me to say that I know that my opportunities are a lot better than hers you can’t say
That you cannot say that because that’s what she saying girl you got it made nobody could ever say that you have no idea how tough but that’s what I’m saying but I’m saying that a lot of us are saying that a lot of us are saying
Even Dr King we can’t say that Dr King wouldn’t acknowledge some of the progress that we has that we have made now that does not negate how bad things are some of the bad and horrific things that are happening but I just don’t think that it’s fair and I think that we
Owe it to the people who came before us to acknowledge what they went through in comparison to what we’re going through you’re definitely right we made tons of progress we’ made so much progress but as Coy said sometimes living today some of the issues that we have is somewhat even
Worse than what we had back then I mean we didn’t have the we had the police brutality but it just wasn’t reported well yeah so does not reporting it make it not happen oh it happen right that’s what I’m saying yeah it’s just that’s what I’m saying we’ve made progress but some
Things today is just as bad because it’s being reported and we got the video and this thing I’m on right now on a cell phone this has made us so much better we see so much now what would we be I just wrot a bit yesterday about the cell
Phone is the greatest invention of all times would you like to share it with the class or you just want us to look forward to you you can just see what the phone does I mean it caught a lot of things that we’ve done the George Floyd
Situation we were there we were there when it actually happened but you know what it’s taken away from George it’s taken away from using the phone as an exclamation point when you get off the phone and you’re angry with somebody you just can’t you can you know just hitting the
Button that that you’re like okay that hitting the button is pretty funny though I do it with Jay ADM all the time does this sound like I’m hanging up on you you have to announce it does it sound like I’m hanging up on you boom
You know cause cause I am um uh some other things that we have in the newsletter um so you think you know Dr Martin Luther King Jr uh Time Magazine had 10 facts that you may or may not have known about Dr King we include that
Uh in our uh newsletter including uh do you know what his name was when he was born George Wallace Martin no he his father was Michael King senior he named his son Michael King Jr and when uh Dr King the father went on on a religious retreat he came back and
He decided to change his name to um in honor of Martin Luther and the calvinist and and I changed his son’s name to Martin Luther King Jr and I did read that in Georgia history you are so right I did read that many years ago yep yep
So uh that was I thought was very interesting and also there’s an initiative by the drum major Institute take a look at that uh working in concert with the national football league and um that’s George hanging up on us the National Football League in order to encourage young people
Especially to do acts of service and they are aiming for 100 million acts of service in in honor of Dr King within the next five years before his 100th uh anniversary of his birthday and so uh and his his son his daughter-in-law and the King’s only grandchild you Renee
King are all part of the drum major Institute and working to make this happen and uh I highly encourage folks to get involved with that so those are some of the things that we have in the what you need to know newsletter please take a look at it and as we go through
The week we will have other items up for discussion as well uh as we continue our salute and our tributes to Dr King throughout this week uh because really one day is is not necessarily enough and we can’t ever talk about him and the good works that he did and his wife and
And others in their organizations have done so let’s move to um what’s really going on and George I wanted you to come because you have this picture of uh the people going into the funeral of Dr King I believe right that you sent to us and
Chica if you can show us that okay so you see that uh red circle right there that is George Wallace what happened I went to the funeral I was at the University of aan think I was a freshman I come from Atlanta 1968 and I said uh oh my goodness because we lived
In Atlanta my aunt lived across the street from Dr King this was just major major oh my God Dr King is that we went crazy it was the same thing as when Kennedy died maybe even it shocked us we were we were I
Just had to get in the car and I took my entire family from aan Ohio drove down to Atlanta we got you to and I was explaining it to a friend of mine I was at the tun I said I was on a pole I couldn’t get on it the the
Utility pole was full so I just jumped on another little poll and I was there at the film and and then they took some pictures they said uh how about that I said no that’s that’s not fa I was I said I was on a little white pole and
Then they came back and showed me another picture and I started crying because they had the actual picture I had no idea they were taking photos from inside the church out that’s how they caught me on the PO and somebody found the photo and I cried
Like I feel it right now but it was amazing to be there at Dr King film and you see some of those that’s Nancy wils Sam Davis yeah Sydney potier come on now that’s pretty amazing and the white man is uh I forgot who he is
Getting out of the car but uh wow so George what were your feelings I mean you you felt compelled to drive I don’t know what the distance was from from akan Ohio from miles to to Georgia um and no sandwiches made or anything you you no we had the shoe box
In the back of the car shoe box my sister was with me my sister and her kids so Sheri and all of the young kids they were with us uh the the what you have the chicken and the and the and the pound cake all wrapped up nicely and the
Cheese all and so we drove down and it was so important to be there because living in Atlanta and eating at some of the restaurants like um uh uh the major restaurant where the blacks hung out and and being a kid you don’t realize history is being made you know at
Pascal’s restaurant where they hung out for breakfast and everything and once again Alan Avenue the waji ballroom the Royal peock all Avenue all of that the funeral home we were h a part of that and we that was part of our lives and and hearing Dr King speak every week and to
Be we had to go to the T that was part in that but Dr K had become such a an important man in America we had to be there everybody had to be it wasn’t only me people from all over the world FL in
As you can see so it was important to be there and we will be there today just think you would be there today yeah yeah uh just amazing funeral yes that’s amazing I’ll never forget that day I’ll never forget him in the cofin kind of
Paint a picture for us what kind of day was it it was April of 1968 what was the weather like what was was it a hot day was it a nice balmy day what kind of because it looked like it it looked like it was very sunny it was
A very sunny day I think we still had coats on but it was very not really because I’m in a short sleeve shirt so therefore the weather was very kind to us and the night before the funerals at the morehous they had a viewing at morehous College we walked to that and
Uh from Almond Avenue all the way to uh morouse college and walked up wow and that was amazing and then the next day we came back for the funeral and uh that was amazing and they put the body on the on the the mule and the yeah it was
Amazing just to be there and the crowds were tremendous uh hundreds of thousands so it was just uh just to be in the crowd just to be there I can’t even explain to you uh if I had to do it all over again I’d do it I’d be there and
Even at and and even at your age and your 30s now um you would you would walk that that path and you would do all of the events that you did we did amazing things back then yeah I think that must be five miles or something like that from U and you
Weren’t walking in you know just your your tennis shoes or or something with a real soul to it to kind of you know you those were those were some floor shines and things like that right from Tom M yes from Tom from Auburn Avenue when the Sho
Stores used to be together you know so everybody was dressed all of the ministers were dressed in their Sunday Best and the hard shoes you’re right so there’s lot a lot of ladies or I’m sure the ladies that went they remember now cuz y’all still want them small ass
Shoes too tight so back in the day you know they were too tight and right right it was amazing to do that and to be in Atlanta I bet every atlantan can tell you about that day and the weather did cooperate with us we walked in the
Funeral home uh he was in um you remember the funeral home every time you drive by the Hanley Brothers ha and Hanley Brothers handle his body and you walk by the coffin the coffin was one of the First cfin with a glass cover over the B oh right yeah and you would look
Down you see the doctor and you go like oh my goodness so wow people can say they were actually at the funeral you know that’s right what day was it on what was the day not the day of the week was it during the week I can’t remember say he was
Killed on a Thursday I don’t know why I don’t know why I want to say it was April 4th 1968 was a Thursday so might have been like the following week yeah it would had to be the following I think it it was on a a weekend day I’m
Not sure but we can look back and see what I mean but my my the reason why I asked I was school out you know did they not have school that day and no school that day everybody was out like John it was in Atlanta it was bigger than John
Kennedy that’s what yeah and uh and George what was the what was the the feeling before you left campus in Ohio did they understand why you had to go well let’s put it like this give me the date of uh he got shot again civils April 4th
1968 April 5 akan Ohio was on fire oh right yeah when I left wer when wer Avenue was on fire when I left and when I came back was a whole different city matter of fact I’m I’m sure you had some uh RI you had that in Chicago yeah
And Yogi are you from Dallas where you from Yogi I’m from Dallas Fort Worth so I’m sure you well I’m sure you must have had some riots there too uh no well I don’t know I wasn’t uh she she was barely out of the womb well every city New York every
Major city Detroit Chicago um Cleveland that’s when we burn our own cities we can’t do that anymore yeah the reason we burn our own City because we didn’t own anything it was the white people’s stores but we just had to do something at the time oh I so
Glad you explain that I’ve always wondered why we did that but that’s why we did that we were burning down their stuff yeah yeah but not realizing so angry at the time not realizing that I have no place to go tomorrow you know oh right right I don’t have no right yeah
You’re angry at the moment and um oh just to uh he had to retaliate somewh that’s the only thing I disagree with Dr King he was for nonviolence I was for nonviolence too but then um who was the other leader said uh malcol Malcolm X Malcolm X yeah I said and nothing back
In the day nothing would be accomplished until after a riot of fire then we got things done if we when we were nonviolent we’ll wait we’ll wait we’ll wait but I always said things do happen after a riot So Co let me ask you you live in Atlanta now when George talks about
These places and you you you seem to perk up when you heard some street names and things like that what does that make you feel I mean obviously this is long before you were born but just having George kind of retell Atlanta History was this also conversation that you
Might have had with your dad or other family members about things that happened in Atlanta such as the the assassination of the funeral I should say of Dr King yes I um talked with my dad a lot about this and his experience was a lot different in
Where he grew up he grew up about an hour south of Atlanta in uh spaling County and there was definitely a lot of racial tension there for for several years for a long time um and so he didn’t have the luxury of having like there were you know black businesses and
Things like that but there wasn’t a black street of businesses there wasn’t you know major associations that he could access then and there like just within Arms Reach or a walk or something like that there was a time where he told me about a protest that they were
Holding in spalon county and these white men got out in a pickup truck and they were just going down the line and hitting everybody they didn’t care if it was a a child man woman whoever all the way down the line came down to my dad to
He was a teenager um at the time I think he was in the Navy when Dr King was assassinated and so he was made to to go back to base he might have been in Tennessee at the time as well so he wasn’t too too far from the uh and
Tennessee was where he was assassinated in memph yes yeah so he was somewhere near there and so I don’t recall him telling me anything about the uh the funeral if he attended or not because I believe he was um still stationed on on active duty um but a lot of these places
Are still around the Royal peacock is still there um they’ve opened it and closed it several times the radio station where Dr King gave a lot of his first speeches yes WD they’re they turned it into a museum for a little bit of time I
Don’t know if it’s still open now or not um I am disappointed that the the his home is closed right now for for renovations supposed to be closed for like the next three years or so what what what is with that Co to renovate a little small home like that three years
When they can build an Empire State Building in three years right I’m not sure what that is to me that almost seems like they may be trying to rezone the area they may be um tearing down the homes around it because a lot of those homes are still the original homes yeah
My across the street is still there yeah I wonder what property is worth George oh that crazy some of it is worth a lot and some of it isn’t but when you go to that neighborhood you can look at it and and and see what I’m saying it
Shouldn’t just be Renovations for that home it should be for that entire area Auburn Avenue all that is is believe it or not those homes are worth 500,000 up yeah right it’s different in Atlanta and in every city it’s it’s gone crazy like my neighborhood I grow up my my
Parents paid maybe $20,000 for their home every home in my neighborhood where I grew up is 800 up now wow my God she used the phrase the reason her dad didn’t feel it you’ve heard the term the phrase uh we live in Atlanta they live in Georgia right that’s the difference
Right there Atlanta has always been the city to buit hate and at the time as I say the Jews and the blacks got along together so driveing Miss Daisy you saw the scenes in Atlanta then we were uh it was just such a great City to be in but
If you live outside of Atlanta yeah I wonder if people still watch that movie because it really was a delightful movie and it did show uh you know despite what was going on uh racially it did show uh how a black man and and and this old white Jewish white woman uh you
Know did form a a connection yeah and that we don’t talk about anymore yeah well Atlanta was like that I’m trying I can’t even tell you to Chicago too yeah um well Chicago in Atlanta had some of the national uh businesses you know uh yeah that was good good jobs yeah for
Black good jobs you know the General Motors plants were here uh everything was in Atlanta at the time and just like Chicago you had everything there what do you have uh businesses there right insurance companies oh yeah right but as far as factories everything my dad was a butcher based out of
Chicago Swifton company so and we don’t have the packing plants the way that they used to but yeah I understand that’s why my daddy worked at the at the slaughter house and and I you know uh one of my teachers was married to the Swift family the Swift uh meat package
That’s who my daddy that’s who my daddy worked for wow is that right wow wow so George as we wrap this up give us your last final impression that you want to leave with people here we are um 56 years ago uh 56 years ago in April since
Uh Dr King was murdered um just some thoughts about that you want to leave some Impressions you want to leave with people about that time or about Dr King whatever well it’s bitter and sweet about what was happening back in the day like I told you I was uh I I rode the
Back of the bus and the first uh uh they integrated the buses I sat in the middle of the bus an old white lady got on the bus and she said would you let me sit here and because the bus was full my punk ass got up and move back to the
Back of because I was the only black kid on the bus at that day right I wish I stood up but I I I did let the lady sit down and just but you were a gentleman that that was that was the other part of it your parents raised you to be a
Gentleman and if a lady is there and an old white lady or an old you know Colored Lady um you were the kind of kid that would stand up and and give your seat you don’t see that any anym that’s most important that we had back in the
Day respect maners manners I don’t know what they use sorry but I don’t I never hear manners anymore is there such thing as manners anymore so we had that and we respected everybody I said at the counter I said at the C at the Woolworth
Uh counter yeah at the W I sat next to white man he told me son don’t you ever buy a glass of lemonade again he says order your water get your lemon and you got freear you got free sugar right there that’s a white I never will forget that there’s
Your lemonade there’s your lemonade don’t you ever pay 15 cents for a nickel for a the 15 cents or a nickel and that and I’ve watched Anthony Brown do that for years and you never understood why right might as well you know but living in those days of time times are great back
Then and I was traveling when I was a kid with my parents we travel up to New York and and we got to New York my uncle had a apartment on 5B in New York he would come down to Georgia and flash all of his money and Flash all of his new
Cars and I used to think I want to be like Uncle Sydney never realizing that my dad out in Georgia own his house wow he wasn’t paying rent and everybody in our neighborhood everybody in our neighborhood owned the house so it’s about buying houses and that’s why
Atlanta is the city it is today that’s why so many blacks are here today it is the city for us it’s the mecca as often talk if you want to go to Africa I tell the people every night when I’m on stage if they ever want to go to Africa call
Delta and they’ll fly you to Atlanta you won’t know the difference the blacks here get along so well as I think it was um mayor bottoms at the time said we’ve never had this to happen before until the George Floyd situation those were the people that came in
Migrated from Chicago New York the Mad young black arrogant kids that set the city on fire we can understand it but today Atlanta’s still a great City I wish you could have live back then in Atlanta how we just we just owned everything you know just everywhere you
Could go from Hunter Street to pascals restaurant everybody know about pascals now but the churches we had it’s just a good time to live Geor thank you for sharing your memories I really appreciate that not as good as it is now it’s still a great City Atlanta
Is and Yeah Boy tell your dad to move into the city well she is moving uh into her dad’s home and and and making efforts to keep that Legacy alive too so that’s a great thing I know you’re on your way for vacation but as we move into
Trending topics do you have any comedy dates I know you had a great weekend last weekend with Marshall Warfield we were in akan Ohio thank all the people in akan and people from Cleveland actually drove down to akan they never do that it always aan can going up to
Cleveland for everything it was cold so was the first day of the real cold weather it was nine I think it’s lower than that W I think it’s like two in Chicago right now but that it bothered them in a way you know especially crowd they’re a little
Older and so they uh we had great crowds though it was wonderful in Chicago the younger people they put the coats on they go out no matter what so and Jay said the same thing he was in Indiana Indiana and uh the weather did not keep people home uh Janice eatman on Facebook
Said hey family I’m way late so good to see everyone rolled from the land to see Dr Wallace and Marsha Warfield and akan on Saturday and welcoming back home to Ohio I appreciate this living history being Shar yeah absolutely let make it perfectly clear we were at LeBron
James’s Club House 330 LeBron Jam is the most beautiful place it’s a museum also it’s right next door to his school I pr school right next door and the cemeter is next to it wow wow from the Cradle to the Grave wow history there so George how’s Marshall Warfield and please tell
Her when you talk to her I’m really loving seeing her on Night Court uh she’s her character RZ has been back and I just really enjoyed that she’s such a wonderful character wonderful person too and uh you come on here anytime we ask yeah that’s true that’s absolutely true
Yeah she’s been very generous with her time yeah yeah absolutely um so you’re going to go on vacation and then do you have anything longterm any uh dates you have coming up uh yeah I’m going to be all over Florida in February and uh good
Time yeah so going to be a lot of fun there and we got Dixon uh coming up in Austin Texas all over the place Detroit I’ll come back on and and promote them I’ll let you know I know you will I know you will um sat Friday night I went to see
Uh two funny mamas uh Kim Whitley and Sher Shepard were in yeah they were in Dallas performing uh and uh it was a great show it was a really great awesome yeah absolutely so if you get a chance to see them definitely because they they perform together they perform separately
And uh it’s it’s a great time and and if you are a subscriber to their podcast it’s a lot of that uh just the craziness between the two of them great story busy busy busy very very yeah absolutely um so George you mentioned the weather and
Uh Chicago has a big old goose egg right now it’s zero with uh the windchill it’s about6 degrees six degrees below zero with the windchill a massive wave of Arctic air sweeping down on the jet stream gripping a wide swap of the country today as temperatures plummeted
To 20 to 40ยฐ below normal that was fueled by the howling winds that placed almost half of all Americans under wind chill watches and warnings as a matter of fact some 150 million people are under weather alerts that’s 45% of the nation’s population under a wind chill warning or advisory for the dangerous
Cold and wind according to the National Weather Service uh and and George weather related delays flight delays and some cancellations brought Havoc to the Airlines and airports and that was starting uh last week as a matter of fact right um more than 9600 flights within into or out of the US have
Already been delayed or canceled by 5 o’clock this afternoon and more than 10,000 flights were disrupted each of the last two days the subzero temperatures and cold winds prevailed today as wind chills uh and through today and tomorrow as they as a dip 30 de below zero andus 50 in Montana and the
Dtas um it’s still the warmest winter on Earth because of the the the climate change that’s is it really that’s what they’re trying to tell us but I I I don’t know I do you believe that George climate change every Christmas don’t you see polar bears drinking Coca-Cola
Yoga yeah but let me let me say this do you ever sit back and re and realize and appreciate what heat is to us you can go into a warm a warm home yeah and enjoy it you can walk around in your underwear and your draws with the heat I appreciate little simple
Things like that yeah and and in and in uh Texas you know we have this this uh grid this electric grid it makes everybody scared to turn the heat up in their house because uh you know it was a couple of winters ago that power went
Out in Texas and people were without for S days at a time and so um everybody’s trying to you know stay under uh the grid and and the uh the extreme uh heat patterns and and what have you in your home um check this out a mix of sleep
Snow and freezing rain rolling through the Tennessee Valley into the Gul coast states all the way to Washington DC Philadelphia and New York New York City has already announced school closing ahead of tonight’s storm Chicago Public Schools the fourth largest in the country are closed tomorrow along with
School districts in Dallas and Dallas County and Arlington uh Independent School District canceled Tuesday classes because of the cold weather and uh they were already closed today in honor of the holiday but Metro Nashville Public School and dozens of other districts around that state of Tennessee and announced that they would be closed
Tuesday and many on Wednesday too and old Beal Street came to a close uh where that’s normally where a lot of people go for music and entertainment that everything was shut down there but you can still get some barbecue they got all the barbecue in the world is in Memphis Tennessee and
George you are going to a warm weather climate how’s the weather in Australia have you checked I I didn’t check yet I checked all of the cold places but uh I was trying to find my phone to check it oh how’s your phone George’s phone has
Been sick my phone has been sick and I missed your text have you ever lost messages on your phone uh no you text me today and I didn’t get it you sent me the link and I didn’t get it right but I was looking for my phone siil to find out what the
Weather is in New Zealand I was looking for the phone oh wait wait wait you’re on your way but you haven’t check the weather I know it’s summer uh uh young lady you know it’s summer down there but is it raining but but hold on I
Don’t really go by I don’t I don’t necessarily check the weather where I’m going either so that’s why I’m asking do you I really do that Yogi I always check the weather but I know it’s summer in Australia okay George right now City Airport the equator below the equator
Did you go to school in Texas also below the equator is okay but civil say Cil say it’s 70 what 75 degrees at the okay for some people that’s kind of cool so are you gonna take a jacket so you don’t think about all of that but you got so much
Money you can buy whatever you need wherever you go girl I can buy heat I can buy that’s how how rich yes buy no 75 is decent 75 is decent it might be 77 in Hulu which is always nice no matter what I can tell you that in a
Second too if you like um but yes she has two phones she has two phones because I’m I’m talking on my phone trying to find it I’m right now it’s 76 degrees okay Maui what but it’s nice in uh um in in Los Angeles now right it’s 64 in Palm
Springs I think it’s 76 in Miami 77 in Miami wow and it’s 22 degrees in Fort Worth Texas that’s cold for you right civil it’s a little chilly it’s a little chilly or 22 anything below but if feels like as George say right right right it feels like 17 and it’s in
Cabos so um a couple other things I do want to talk to you about uh thank goodness the Secretary of Defense uh Mr Austin General Austin is home he was released from the hospital and he’ll be working from the house for the next couple of days he was released from
Walter Reed National military Medical Center I he he continues to recover well and on the advice of doctors will recuperate perform his duties remotely from a period of time from the house before returning full-time to the Pentagon he has full access to the required secure communication capabilities and they said that uh he
Was fine after the surgery but developed an infection that took them a while to to fully uh disperse up so he’s been in the hospital for all this time since the first of the year yeah that’s a long time yeah um and and as you get
Yog he went in for a prostate problem don’t want people to know you don’t want people to know your right secrets you know and I think he was okay when he went in but he developed that envir infection yeah the infection that had nothing to do with
The prostate situation right when you go to the hospital you don’t know what’s gonna happen to you more infections in the hospital than anywhere else it’s kind I believe that kind like that’s the last place you wanted to go was to the doctor because that’s where the disease was yeah
Yeah well we wish him speedy recovery and tomorrow George uh wherever you are tune in and watch us we’re going to be talking with my friend Brian kuster uh who uh had prostate cancer many years ago when he was a much younger man and um unusually young uh from what I
Understand but he has made a great recovery and preaches the gospel of getting checked and doing what you can uh to take care of your body uh in the event of a case of prostate cancer so he’s going to be on with the guys talking about that tomorrow I’m look
Really looking forward to reconnecting with him tonight I will be watching so you don’t have to the Iowa caucuses uh this is uh the Republicans uh that are going and and the caucuses are completely unlike anything that we’re accustomed to you don’t just go in and
Put your vote you go in you tell them who you want and then you caucus and the the the um candidates will talk to you and ask for your vote you’ll place your vote then they take your vote they count it and then you it kind of go through a process
Before they finally come up with who’s going to get the most votes who’s going to get the second place and who’s going to get the third now what’s going to make a difference in all of this just so you’ll know uh and what to expect
Tomorrow I would say and this is just my unprofessional opinion don’t expect Donald Trump to get the numbers that he’s been getting in the polls over the last three months um because first of all people will tell posters anything and secondly Iowa is going through an absolutely horrific weather system uh
They have had inches of snow below zero uh temperatures and with the wind chill and you can and it’s not as if you can go during the day in a matter of minutes they’re going to open the doors for people to come inside that none of this
Starts until 700 p.m. central time and so it’s dark it’s cold and people be like they’ll be all right they don’t need my vote and where is Iowa is that next to Illinois yes it’s in the Midwest Marshall Warfield used to say why are there black people in Iowa 4% of
The population is black George in Iowa and my mom went to graduate school there and and met one of her husbands I don’t I that’s a whole another story I don’t one of those States I have no reason that’s a whole another story I wanted went to graduate
School in Iowa yeah yeah oh Cil I did not know that so I know more about you now and no well wasn’t my father it wasn’t my dad this was before before she met my dad this was husband I think it was husband number one or two I’m not
Sure but you should know that I I I don’t you should know which hband I’m it’s kind of it’s it’s nice I can’t imagine having parents that were uh College graduates I I I’m sorry I that my parents were the greatest parents in the world but had they gone to school just
Imagine George we wouldn’t even be able to talk to you right now my head would be so big right right be like a i g know everything I’ll be like Tavis Smiley oh my okay Tav Smiley let’s move to entertainment right quick George what okay
Rck no you were right the first time um so George the Green Bay Packers came in and walloped the Dallas Cowboys what do you think I saw that yesterday did I text you because I was so I’m G oh my God they’re killing them they killed
Them and and that’s all I wanted Dallas to do Dallas doesn’t have to do anything for me ever again if they had just beat the Green Bay Packers because the Packers were the sworn enemies everybody has those rivalries and Dallas and Chicago were were big rivals that’s all I wanted was
For love love did it love did it yeah yeah and he’s a Jordan love was also a hero on and off the field he stopped on his way to catch the plane to Dallas to help a a young woman whose car was stranded in a bank of snow in a snow
Bank and so uh yeah so he’s he’s quite the hero both on and off the field yeah remember we used to do do that help people the stuck and snow get out and push the car and do that y y we did it in the mud in Georgia you did it in the
Ice and snow right right and you try to keep kitty litter and pieces of cardboard in your car so that you could grasp and get a grip and kind of move your car out of all of that page yeah kitty litter yes she did say that yes I did yeah kitty litter and
Uh cardboard um George and Coy we’re continuing our uh tributes to Dr King and today uh Yolanda has provided the Yogi’s jewel is one of uh Dr King’s sayings Yolanda do you have it um yes um I think he said no the most urgent and no the most persistent and
Urgent question of the day is what service are you doing for others y that’s right it’s about the service it’s about the service that’s a day on I can’t imagine having this day off for as long as I have worked for Tom Joiner I’ve uh I’ve had a day on I’ve worked
For 30 years on Dr King’s birthday and um and it is about going out and doing for others and so think about that how are we going to perform service in Dr King’s name especially as we get involved with this project with the drum major initiative yes Yolanda can we say
Happy Founders Day to our friends at um for AKA yes the alpha Capa Alpha sorority Incorporated today is Founders Day uh we did our friends uh at Delta Sigma Theta the other day and um we continue and and especially to our friend Dr Glenda Glover who is Not only
Was the president of the akas but also the president and she is uh going to be leaving her post at Tennessee State and we just love and wonderful woman Dr Glover we appreciate you absolutely uh Coy are you Sora um I am but not a yes or no Co because nobody knows this
Organization it’s fair it’s fairly new it just became a Greek um recognized Greek So Divine are you part of the Divine now it’s it’s not the Divine are you are you G5 G no is that what it is okay okay well about YouTube what about
YouTube no I’m not I’m not uh I’m my mom was AKA nobody join us fraternity you didn’t you didn’t George I figured I know these people let me tell you I join it’s not a Divine ain’t nobody gonna whoop my ass to be their brother that’s the
Bottom because back in the day they would do that you know have a board they not call it a chakery board that’s the same Bo ass you’re right that’s what it looks like all right George Wallace assen but I will go to all of the fraternity frat parties I did everything
I went everywhere univers safe travels George Wallace we love you we thank you for the Memories today we appreciate you and everybody go out there and do something nice for someone else in in honor of Dr King thank you so much for joining us we’ll see you tomorrow aloha
Safe travels George nothing you can do