Many people have asked me to talk about the origins of the boulay why would you use the term boulay black boulay why y’all saying that and why a lot of y’all who’s making content is against them who are they how do they get started why are
They a problem to the black community so let’s talk about the black boulee and why they have been a problem we’re going to go through some things so the black boulet itself and we’ll put this up on the screen here it will start in 1904. now the first black Greek secret society
Was formed in Philadelphia by Dr Henry Minton and his five colleagues okay now you see them on the screen the boulay is an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi and it was formed to bring together a select group of educated black men and women fashioned after Yale Skull and Bones
Right now the Skull and Bones is another secret society you many you know about that now the boulee historically takes pride in having providing leadership and service to Black Americans during the Great Depression World War one and two in the Civil Rights Movement so many people say what could the bullet
Offer America’s blacks in the 21st century so during the exclusive secret society offered advancement in perks to the select blacks in return for loyalty to its objectives now they believe in The Talented tenth now any of you know about The Talented 10th that belief is the best and brightest of Black America
Which is 10 should be running to 90 percent it’s a very elitist mindset it’s wrong just because you went to a school don’t mean you smart because in this day and time a master’s degree don’t guarantee you a job you got a lot of debt and if you’re not smart with the
Right degree you’re gonna have a piece of paper debt you know and still gonna be broke right but this is the process so to say while the majority of ordinary blacks were disenfranchised you know the boulay members you know they were doing good this is historically okay understand that bullet members live a
Good life in America they benefit off the system of racism and white supremacy and they benefit off of your oppression and my oppression they benefit from that understand all these ones Jack and Jill in the links and all these little societies like that they all tied in understand
That notice that all the ones they all know each other to hang with each other they don’t like the other black people you see the problem that the boulee have with people like us and uh Tariq and Yvette and tone and Jason black and you know Professor black truth and anybody
Else is speaking out right now against this is that we’re not part of the boulay we’re not part of the class and they look at us as a threat to destroy them because right now they don’t really have much use anymore because with The Talented 10th and mentality it says You
Must control the 90 and they lost control of the 90 this is why you have Roland Martin and I gotta mention him because he is a bullet member he told me at his own mouth on Twitter that he’s part of the boulee that’s why you see him wearing all this African Garb all
The time he’s trying to convince you he’s black but we’re gonna get to that part later um why they do that okay so they said that the archons which is the male boulet members and then wise with 112 chapters make up the wealthiest group of black men and women on the
Planet now artan means demon but yet that’s what they want to be a part of and he like to keep that hidden and say but who does the boulee really serve well you know they don’t serve the black community now it serves racism and white supremacy and as long as the black
Boulay member conform to the rules the riches will be in abundance if not come down the hatchet and they state that blackmail is also part of the deal now the Masonic secret society has a pyramid style like all the rest you know about the Masons in that situation they say
Lower ranks are kept from knowing with the upper ranks no now the early 20th century was a period of reconstruction we put this up on the screen and you can see this is um the boulay uh members right but I want you to notice on the screen you have two white
People and it’s supposed to be part of the black boulay that’s intentional while they’re on there now Marcus Garvey the great Marcus Garvey the greatest of all time the father of modern and past Pine africanism he laid down the blueprint okay so he had his back to
Africa movement and it was in full swing and Garvey represented it genuine black leadership in other words Marcus Garvey represented that 90 he represented the streets he represented the Grassroots now W.E.B DuBois the founding member of the New York chapter of the boulay he stated that the bullet was created to
Keep the black professional away from Marcus Garvey she understand any person is trying to take black people out of racism white supremacy in the freedom that is a threat to the Black Bullet understand that the joy reads and I’m not saying she’s in the black boulay but usually when you see it in
Professionals they in the or they kicked in somewhere with it right now they say the remaking of the house negro was necessary to Institute a group of blacks who had a vested interest in protecting the elite white system and it says shortly after founding of the boulee was also Marcus garvey’s time
Of back to Africa movement when reached a million plus people without television or radio do you understand how significant and how popular Marcus Garvey was in that time period he had no TV no radio and yet he was popular and he had no Twitter no Facebook no Instagram no YouTube no nothing no
Messenger anything and yet he was that popular now Dubois emphasized according to Steve Coakley the importance to steal the black profession away from Garvey because an afro-centric organization that articulated and captured the black professional would give white people no Safe Haven in the black community so the boulay the remaking of the house
Negro was necessary to build up a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white system and produced by whites having stole this land this is post reconstruction now taking away the articulate negro now designed to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self-improvement so we
Find in the same period as the founding of the boulee the founding of the four male Alpha Phi Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi Omega Psi Phi and Phi Beta Sigma and the four female Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha I’m sorry Delta Sigma Theta zeta phi beta and sigma gamma rho college-based
Fraternities and sororities we’ve also find them at the NAACP and Urban League now I know some people on this page may be part of that organization and he may say man I’m not no boulay I just joined the fraternity I’m not part of any of that you may not be part of
The boulee you may not be not to say that you are but I’m telling you what was created why I was created and why all these fraternities have ties to the boulee not to say that you are you may be in it you may not be tied in like that you may not
Be willing to do the things that they willing to do to sell out black people to be in it so I don’t want to just indict everybody just in case you in a fraternity because you know some of y’all these attorneys y’all get real you know bothered like
You’re talking about your kids when you mentioning fraternities I’m just saying so they’re saying now Dubois one of the strongest opponents of Marcus Garvey and he was an instrumental tool in stopping one of the strongest Grassroots movements in the century what was garvey’s plan right we all know this his
Plan was to take as many Africans from America and start a settlement in the nation of Liberia and then help the new nation produce and control their own rubber crops and other Industries in natural resources okay so Marcus Garvey he stated that if the oil of Africa is good for rockefeller’s
Interest if iron is good for Carnegie interest then these minerals are good for us why should we allow Wall Street in the capitalist group of America and other countries export our country when they refuse to give us a fair chance in the countries of our adoption
That’s the same thing I talk about today it said you got China in Africa United States won’t get out Russia want to be in there everybody want to be in Africa getting all the resources well what about Black Americans why aren’t we there even making any kind of business
I’ve talked about this so many times Marcus Garvey continue to say why should not Africa give to the world is black Rockefeller Rothschild and Henry Ford he’s right Marcus Garvey understood that we cannot be a people without any kind of power wealth brings power and the wealth is in
Africa here you’re going to be sabotaged look at all the black men that get money what happens to them in the end a lot of times it don’t end well then Eddie Griffin say on Vlad TV that they always got to have an asterisk by your name
Because they either gotta dirt you up or destroy you on any little thing that’s why when you black men get certain amounts of money you need to already have your escape plan out of this country because eventually they may come for you and you even get wind up you can
Say man I’m out I’m not going to put up with these people now they said the two house Negroes made a bet that whites will come out on top and give a certain percentage of these greedy Negroes named boulay members the wealth they stole from Africa right so they say what’s
Deep is that they didn’t believe in African self-reliance and prefers to have whites give them table scraps instead of making the whole pie now you have to understand the boulee represents the weakest element of black people understand that they are the Stephen of Django Unchained you understand
That’s them they will protect the master they will do everything they can they’ll fight with other black people and also deceive other black people now as Steve Coakley put it he said it took a certain type of well he said inward to form an organization like this
He said I mean we just got our you know what kicked during Reconstruction Africa was divided before our very eyes of the Berlin Conference most of you who know about that and he said and this is 50 years before Rosa Parks now they say the question is why were these black devils
Like this that’s what he said he said the answer May lie in the fact that the boulay is a Greek organization and I said that on Twitter they got mad at me I said why you got black people joining the Greek organizations you can’t make an African organization or even a black
American organization because Greek that’s you know for white folks what’s up with that oh they get they say oh he’s super woke oh what what they was mad at me when I made that comment on Twitter so continue you say it was about selling out brothers and sisters for power and
Money yes that’s what the boulee is about they do not want to see us come up see all this talk about [Β __Β ] and and black folks uh breaking away from the Democratic party oh no that’s bothering the boulay because they are the house Negroes every last one of them now say
The majority are black lawyers doctors engineers and accountants we’re members of The Secret club now I’m not saying all black lawyers and accountants is part of the bully not saying that but they said traditionally the people that’s in it is a tie to that okay and I
Say the boole is another arm of Nefarious secret society is their recruit indoctrinate and coal for the dark Forces now you know for me dark force is the devil Satan and there’s a lot of Satan in America you don’t believe me go to Vacation outside this
Country I just talked to uh it was on I was a live stream nyla’s in Mexico and her and Taz is in Mexico right now and you know where they make content they in Mexico and she said she finally understand what I meant last year is
That when I got out of America I felt that weight off my shoulders I feel like at peace I feel happy because it’s a strong demonic Spirit Over America and until you get out that’s the only time you really feel what I’m talking about so they said there are perks Galore
Power and notoriety online and wait for the easily compromised soul so these people not only sold out the black community but they’re selling their soul to white supremacy understand and that is the worst part out of it all okay so in the Greek system the boulay was the lower House of the parliament
Charged with organizing the Affairs of the city of the king so let so think about that for a minute right now this is an ancient story is it a new world order is the old world order the elite blacks of the boulet are coloring controlling their own for a slice of the
Elite white man’s pie that’s what it is they want table scraps from white supremacy let’s talk about that they want those CNN jobs see what happened Roland got out of pocket talking about the gay community understand on CNN that’s why he’s out of there he broke the rules you can’t talk
About LGBT oh no no no because most of them are tied in with that so he broke the rule and ever since then he’d be trying to get in good graces to get back in you should see him he is sad so they say the takeaway folks is that black
Society is modeled on White in most political business and cultural leaders are chosen on the basis of their membership in a satanic secret society we all have been betrayed by the most egregious fashion a lot of them and it’s a secret society uh members have you know such Idols that they have touching
Our aspects of daily lives of black folks including children is a absolutely mind-blowing staggering and continues to grow is estimated 70 to 75 percent of all black male lawyers are members of the secret society Sigma Pi five virtually every black mayor Congressman Banker or millionaire in America are members of
The secret society of boulay now that has been traditionally how it is do I believe all of them are part of it no but then after I was doing research I saw Cedric the Entertainer as I’ll put in boulet on Twitter and he was talking
About oh look he said we had the boulee 68th annual uh convention and this and I said oh okay and he was all excited and of course he’s an entertainer right so Steve Coakley the ultimate source on the information of boulay he said his persistent theme is that the Jewish
Financial lead has put a phony black leadership class in position of wealth and influence okay this was Steve Cokey said he said their roles to protect sponsors and perpetuate the hegemony all right so genuine leaders like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King who’ve got their place are eliminated you know so people who
Fought for the 90 like Martin Luther King Malcolm X um mega Evers anybody who fought for the people they always been a threat and they ought to try to take you out now I say ironically Steve was hospitalized back in 2012 when he expressed the fears
That they would kill him in the hospital and he said this appears that’s taking place he was married had three children let’s say the late conspiracy theorists that’s what they call him at the time Steve Coakley had this to say anywhere they are a prominent professional blacks
Chances already in a Blue Lake okay now I’ve heard this before I’m saying that’s what I’ve heard he’s saying that he then Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson have been bullied members among many of the hard profiles successful and money black such as Barack Obama Bill Cosby Al Sharpton and Thurgood Marshall
But remember Martin Luther King could have been in it but he broke the rules so he was taken out understand he fought for 90 percent maybe when he was in the beginning younger he could have been but he see that wasn’t the right he fought for his
People he did everything he could and lost his life you know for it right now Malcolm X of course he had nothing to do with that you know the nation Islam and Elijah Muhammad you already know they don’t get down nothing like that so they said the boulay this is something else
You need to think the members of the boulee pose as Freedom Fighters or civil rights activists on the surface hence I keep bringing a rolling because he prones himself like that he says he fights for the people he’s standing up he talks about racism Etc right but at the end of the day
Roland don’t be talking about anything that affecting folks he’s not going to offend them anything look at Roland’s YouTube channel let’s mention that he don’t get views he don’t he don’t get super chats yet Roland leads TV One he gets a whole nice Studio set up trust
Me I know the cause to that so where the money come from out of thin air rolling out a millionaire like that he hasn’t been on network TV in a long time I never TV can pay you a good money if you like the Don Lemons or
Um you know who else Anderson Coopers or uh Rachel maddows or you know the main host uh Laura Ingram on Fox they’re making money but Roland isn’t there so who’s supporting him right so they said in truth the elite members of the operating uh for personal gain The
Boulay Works in concert with their masters and maintain a group of Illuminati or white so I’ll call white supremacy that’s all it is just double minute white supremacy on their people so the boulay is another armor in the Pharisees Society recruiting doctrinate and as we talked about before and now
They said that as continuing also the boulay and they talked about this too because they said we talk about this here like other secret societies encourages lgbtq practices okay they say this must be done to join the ranks like the higher ranks now remember Tupac remember Tupac he had talked about Quincy Jones
Had wanted him to do an lgbtq act on him and he was like hell no you know how Tupac was and you know they said that that’s the things they they would want done to move up in these ranks in Hollywood uh the music industry especially them two industry I know many
Of y’all heard that remember Pimp C when he’s before he died he said he was about he was about to out everybody that was it was all you know doing that behind the scenes and then all of a sudden Pimp C all of a sudden he’s drinking lean
Inside of a hotel and he isn’t here anymore okay he’s about to out whoever he’s about to out I don’t know he was about to out because he was talking about certain rappers you think that’s you know straight they’re not all right so he said that continuing these perversions are then cataloged and
Stored on record later if needed these abuses may be used as bargain tools in the ultimate game so they say what is the ultimate game capturing human Souls the enemy may appear to have a white face but it goes much deeper than that you got to think
About when it comes back to Marcus Garvey they had made it bet their whites would come out on top and give a certain percentage you know to the boulay members right and then they said from the wealth they stole of Africa so anytime you’re talking about pan-africanism or even if you talk about
[Β __Β ] are you talking about you know uh going against these black members of the CBC you all messing with their checks because you know in the boulade they got to perform and if they do not perform by being that talented 10th controlling 90 percent white supremacy gonna get rid of them
They say look you are no early good why would you even why would you even be around us like this why you have no use to us in this Society okay so they also talked about boulet membership with some very interesting names out of the list they mentioned Dr
Daniel Hill Williams he performed the first open heart surgery Ralph Bunch he’s the former U.N Ambassador Arthur Ashe you remember him the great tennis player Urban League president at the time Whitney Young uh they mentioned Martin Luther King at the time Benjamin Mays Carter G Woodson John H Johnson
Maynard Jackson the ex-mayor of Atlanta okay all who died never speaking of the boulee and therefore taking the secrets of white supremacy with them they talked about Hank Aaron Tom Bradley Dennis Archer the former mayor of Detroit Elvin Big E Hayes and Mr Bill Cosby Jesse Jackson Earl Graves Douglas Wilder
Lynn Swann and David Dinkins ex-mayor of New York City mostly members of the successful group asked Coakley put it yes boulay is in your town anywhere they’re a prominent professional blacks chances are there in the boulet and the great thing about today is we see it it’s not like it’s hidden like it
Used to be understand that so you look at the logo that they have they say most say it’s a sphinx right they said but most associated Sphinx with a tail a solid block stature about our ancestors built in Kemet but it said because we have been conditioned except without
Question we never thought of looking up the worst things means right so looking in the dictionary will tell you that the Sphinx is a third part woman one part Eagle one-third lion as they notice of breast and wings so when you think of the tall statue and Kim it doesn’t look
Like a woman well the breasts what about the wings original African name is hurricane hit if I’m saying it right make sure I’m saying that right is it which means huru of the Horizon and has the face of a builder okay when we look at the definition of sphinx it means to
Strangle guard gatekeeper or protect you know all these black politicians especially them these black people in media they’re Gatekeepers all of them are Gatekeepers and we have to Brand every single one of them as Gatekeepers because they’re preventing black people from being free and when we talk about this we have to
Push that message that all of them are Gatekeepers just as much as Al Green is a gatekeeper Sheila Jackson Lee is a gatekeeper Elijah Cummins all of them are Gatekeepers right so according to the Greeks they said this Beast was the guardian of the city
Of Thieves so she sat on the cliff on the path leading to the city so anyone they want to enter thieves had to First confront the Sphinx the Sphinx would ask one civil riddle if you didn’t know the answer she would devour you tearing you to pieces Okay so
They say the king Creon was upset that many people weren’t able to enter his City he consulted a homosexual named Oedipus known as homosexuality was a norm in Grecian culture that’s true if you study that you know that all the things they did with boys and all that
And that was their culture that wasn’t African culture that was European culture so they said King off of his crowned his daughter if he could kill the Sphinx so he bounced to where she was and she asked him the riddle what has one voice and goes out on four feet
On two feet and on three where the more feet it goes on the weird be older persons responded man who crossed on all fours as a baby then walks into his adult and walks on the cane or age after answering the riddle correctly his face committed suicide by jumping off the
Cliff and Oedipus would claimed the King of Thieves for outsparting the Beast okay so he was talking about uh he history Etc now they said the statue faced to the east because our ancestors knew the pineal gland is the seed of the African soul and when the Sun rises in the East
It hits the forehead pineal Grand suppressing obesity nature of man okay that’s just kind of like what the uh belief system is black leaders and you always talk about somebody as a leader right that comes from White America they give you your leaders and they say the black leaders like America
Gave us right actually had an allegiance to white supremacy we know this this is why you don’t want to be branded as a leader you know as we say I ain’t a leader because they always trying to label black person a leader oh you’re a leader she’s a leader no no
No nobody no leader we all part of one Community right so back in the 1900s when we weren’t even 40 years out of slavery this house negro feel negro mentality uh was still in existence most Africans at that time had gone through so much self-denial the Oakley save you
Black get back if your brown stick around if you’re yellow you’re mellow and if you’re white you’re all right those rampant and most of our ancestors lost themselves from bleaching their skin cooking their hair and speaking civilized in order to be seen different than the field negro so yes you know
Bleaching of the skin was going on way back then you have to understand that so they say you also have to realize that most of our co-founders of the black organizations were mulattos are very light-skinned and say these house Negroes also felt that they were better than dark-skinned blacks colorism right
And we know about that a lot of quote-unquote mulattos at that time period was definitely trying to make sure they in the legions of racism white supremacy and so they went on their way to prove to whites they were different because we were now free white still
Need to keep an eye on us they needed an overseer this is why at the same time as the founding of the boulay we find that the founding of the NAACP in Urban League these black organizations were co-founded by you know Jewish spies who use the boys as a scapegoat one of the
Co-founders of the NAACP um he was also very influential and found in the boulee his name was Joel spingarm okay and a lot of us didn’t know about these organizations we thought they fought for the people but a lot of them was tied in look at the
NAACP today what do they do the NAACP don’t do anything the Urban League don’t do anything they say they fight for black people they want to make sure to put someone extremely light-skinned in the leadership have you noticed that no different than this here today I’m just
Making sure I point that out to you so they say that they see that the inter-based speed doesn’t even own the building of the national headquarters are located at they say with all the NAACP gets annually they still have to pay rent to a building that’s because
They have to answer to someone which is the white supremacy system um who’s the major fundraiser they say while we’re being Lynch raped and say we thought these organizations would help fight for justice later to find out our leaders answers to the very one with the blood on their hands
That’s why a lot of people say Al Sharpton and all them other ones like how is it that they still get to run around and yet Al Sharpton got a job you know if nothing told you anything when Al Sharpton got a job at MSNBC how you fight against racist and white supremacy
But they could offer you a job MSNBC what’s up with that right so they said if you look at the boulee closely you find a confusion of values let’s say black men who felt their advancement was aged upon positive relationship with wealthy influence to white people and at the same time they
Have an inverse adverse impact on our Revolution okay also stated Boule means advisor to the king you gotta remember that now the boulay to wrap up have taken a sworn oath to maintain the state of white supremacy and to never let you know that whites rule the world but now
The cats are back we know about racism white supremacy they can’t do that anymore but they have a house negro mentality and they want to make sure that white supremacy maintains in the Earth this is why if you look at the Haitian revolution back in 1804 the Haitians dealt with the house negro
First that’s what they didn’t go after the French they dealt with them first because they know if we didn’t deal with them they’re going to come back and they’re going to destroy what we’re trying to do is get free okay so the Bullet these black leaders all that they must
Be highly rejected this talented 10th negro mentality must be highly rejected we must be suspect of any of them that’s part of a Greek organization we must be suspect until you prove to us that you’re not part of anything as I stated before we getting deep into where white
Supremacy works and some of y’all join fraternities I know to say Well it it you join fraternities to maybe have a sense of belonging you you feel your kind of person need to be a part of a club or you know it may be certain advantages but think about it why is it
An advantage to draw a fraternity why you got to join a fraternity instead of just joining with your people why can’t you do that why have you separated yourself into some Greek organization to do something I’m saying just think about it a little bit why is it that you’re
Getting Advantage versus the other black college students that didn’t getting part of this organization I’m just saying think about this a little bit think about what I’m saying here this is not a condemnation to nobody that’s in a fraternity I’m just saying think about a little bit the motivations as to why you
Join right so the boulay itself you know did they get the high pay salaries they can get their own businesses you know they are allowed to to be successful in America I mean you know and and at the end of the day the businesses get swallowed up by
White people think about that when you part of this boulay as long as they keep tabs on black people as long as they prevent black progress and they come to us act like oh yeah we fight Against Racism that’s racist and listen the white liberals say other white people are racist
But where they change the system of inequality when it changed the system of you being murdered in the street for anything no they won’t change the system and neither will the boulee Negroes change that at all the bullaid Negro must be rejected and he must have or she must have no
Voice Kamala Harris is a boulee Negro trust me did you see the current um article talking about she’s gonna go uh with her sorority sisters that’s boulay because she feel like I need now I need to lean on a boole to help me out in my campaign but see it’s not enough
Bullet members to help Kamala Harris see you got to deal with the 90 that that talented 10th is not numerous enough for you to win no election and you have no influence anymore boulay you don’t you are I’m about to repeat Trump you are enemy of black people you are enemy of
The people the black boulay Everlast one of y’all is the enemy of the people and that’s how we also got a brand you as well your Gatekeepers and your enemy to Black America because you in hind step with racism and white supremacy you don’t want us free
Whatsoever and we gotta call you out every chance we get so you know ladies and gentlemen I know this is kind of like a longer video we had to talk about the bootleg because the boulay is extremely dangerous and they only in it for themselves they get little negro
Trinkets while the rest of us get bullets the rest of us get gentrified the rest of us getting a bunch of race soldiers while they living very very good how is it they live so good and the kids live so good in a system and nothing happens to them but yeah they
Talk how is it they talk about racism but white people don’t hate them think about that for a minute because usually white folks start hating you and you start speaking the truth but you could talk about racism all day and you don’t have no hate you had all these little events you
Speaking here speaking there how do you get access to all that how could you part of the Blue Lake but the time of the black boulay is over it is over and thank God it’s over you have no relevance in Black America you don’t control Black America anymore we are
Global now we’re connecting you know with our brothers and sisters now and yes some of you even allow black immigrants into the boulee as well but they telling themselves a little bit faster than maybe you do okay because they don’t come from here so they don’t
Know how to fake it as well and blend into Black America but the boulay is done and we’re going to make sure to call you bully members out every chance we get so when you hear me in the commentary it’s talking about this person’s boulee this person’s a gatekeeper this person is an
Enemy to Black America trust me they really are because they don’t want to see us free in any way shape or form