Construction and action masonry part of embracing by armor 2 philosophical Society 1928 by c f Dickinson m d dedicated to the Supreme Council of the 33rd and last degree ancient and accepted Scottish right of Freemasonry for the southern jurisdiction of the United States of America and to its representative in
Southern California U a Perry W wi the 33Β° of Los Angeles California this right holds within itself far greater Consciousness than it knows it is in spirit and in fact the nucleus of a liberty yet to be born a strength yet to be set in action under a law under which
All forms of government will someday bow in recognition as The Germ of their actions this in the centuries yet to come when another race other than the ones now known will place in action the highest conceptions of today the child of today to be the man of Tomorrow introduction the writer of this
Manuscript is a humble Mason having at no time in this life ever held or aspired to any office knows the ritual all too imperfectly seldom visits a lodge but attempts to adhere to its better teachings imperfectly in the eyes of some for he has been the recipient of as much abuse through misunderstanding
As anyone he believes in this world and that by some of his Masonic brother other S without ambition and without hope of reward and caring not for sensia as he is used to that he presents this short essay to any and all Masons who may care to read the reception will be
As evolvement is to those who will understand its veiled language it will be treasured but by those who do not many Expressions will be used he writes this as he writes and has written only to those who understand to all others he owes no debt we sign this with our
Signature seal with our seal deliver unto those of worth alone White Rose cross flame written by a member of the Mysteries Construction in action masonry masonry as the name is now used originated as a conception became a teaching then a form to set forth teachings then it became lower and was
Introduced into it obligations then a further lowering and penalties which were placed in action at times then their disregard in a physical way and now to the point where both penalties and obligation all too often disregarded such is one branch of ancient wisdom when it became necessary
For conception to be born a lowering had already taken place the spirit of involution had appeared the Mandate had gone forth to fall and in the process new worlds came into being this fall is symbolized by The Serpent and from it has come the line curved or straight
From it the serpent but as any line is but a continuation of a do so is the involving process a continuation of being or a beginning the falling conception created and is a creative so is one of the Gods for a God begins as conception and later action this
Conception and action brought forth universes which held within themselves construction for the creative is both constructive and destructive to uph a greater it is all so often necessary to destroy but the materials used are ever at hand for the use of the Builder conception having been placed in action
It was found to be impotent unless there was combined with it something else and this is and was teaching conception then became a teacher teaching it had to look not to higher but to a falling and in doing so implanted into it construction which is preservative of higher so
Destruction and conservation came into being the changing of lower into higher is ever in process the changing of lower opinions into higher ones which which preced action is the chemical art of the Ancients and they adapted such methods as would ensure their wishes to become realities the fall having taken place to
Such a degree there came into being form and used in such manner as the constructive principle wished so ceremony came into action but the races had fallen so far that wrapped in it lies the wisdom almost unseen and unknown except by those of insight and of the wisdom of the Ancients which gave
Forth as the Mysteries form having act the higher in its Embrace said I am poor and lonely and acknowledge my failings and deficiencies obligations were then introduced to impress and to impose such actions as thought and conceptions had been unable to accomplish their rigid adherance had been one of the crowns of
Masonry but as the races fell they became lack in action until penalties were necessary to impose and inforce but they too fell and they twoo are today but imperfectly used and adhered to so today masonry is not at its height but at its lowest St conceptions of mankind lowering Preparatory to the constructive
Being placed in action as as scent continues the lower parts now parts of masonry will have to be removed as they are but symbols of incompetence on the part of those of the order the triangle has also often changed form when it becomes equal in its every line then has
It become harmonious and equilibrium reestablished having traced masonry in its abstract let us for a few moments look at it in a more concrete form as masonry fell for masonry is but a conception its line of descent became a line of vision the silver cord cord of
Harmony having its birth in the sky the Abode of the Gods conception it has reached to lower Earth to us and has grounded itself as a ladder upon which all may pass to the sky as their efforts toward Redemption are masonry being Harmony it is taught in its degrees that
All should be harmonious and to this end it is decreed that None Shall enter if one objection is lodged but unable to trust each other the objection is made in secret this is one of the obstacles to be overcome for no real friendship or fraternity can be if there is distrust
As this great principle fell there came into use certain signs to be used for specific purposes this to make known each other wisdom had so far hidden that conceptions were no longer recognized so physical means alone to be the method of recognition a fall o my brothers and a
Mighty one symbols were used as introduced to visualize that which at one time would have been both a sacrilege and a horror to those of the ancient day the physical signs of recognition and all used are but imperfect reflections of their earlier form the ones now used symbolize the
Lower conception while those of more ancient days were those which gave to each aspirant a clue to past ages and elevated the soul in its effort to relieve the darkness of today in a more physical manner we again Trace some of the ramifications of masonry as it is
Now called when it began its fall it did so as a God for any God is but the very highest conception in the abstract it fell and in doing so many gods were formed and are being formed by each and everyone today as of old some of the
Conceptions gods were of such a height that they were placed aside from the downward stream this continued until a ladder was formed upon which and by which all must clamber to Heights once again having passed through the atmosphere into the dense masonry of today and of Legend was
Formed the Mysteries were and are the greater Mysteries are yet in existence the reservoir of all wisdom of Earth officially destroyed they yet live give unto all who may be worthy of themselves and guide the few into Heights unknown to the many this manuscript but one of
Its many and ever open to the many who may Aspire and given to All In accordance with their aspirations plus the worth for worth alone can open the gate of wisdom the figure 33 is but the gate symbolized in form but its parts are enjoined it symbolizes but is not
Understood the Mysteries had as its membership such as the Buddha the Christ and one Apostle of the Christ Thomas its Chief in wisdom but not its Chief in form during their time there existed two orders to which they each belonged the flame and serpents be ye as wise as serpents and
As bright as the flame these two orders branches of the Mysteries were the ones through which much was given to those of great evolvement when the Mysteries officially passed these two orders remained and the serpents today exist in India under cover of a sect who know not
But the name but a few are yet who fully understand and act under cover of a name and ignorance of the many the flame was of great advantage to those of Egypt after the passing of so called Atlantis it is today in the same secrecy as the mysteries in their
Greater aspects associated with masonry was the rosac crucian an order of great teachings Associated closely with masonry at one time but now disassociated with it but in their aims they are very close to each other and a tie far stronger than Masons ever know the rosac crucian is today far superior
To the Mason of today this does not mean in financial worth in political worth in standing among the ones of mankind but the worth of wisdom and of action rosac crucians are few in number seldom known and the words used are used in full knowledge of their effects on both Mason
And rosac crucian for they are very often both the tie between Masons and rosac crucians is so close that between them no object can be passed this applies only to the true ones and they are very few masonry and rosac crucians are both above form above Creed and are
Universal a high conception in action seldom known and as seldom mentioned we pass again unto others who constitute masonry those of lodges who fulfill their obligations as best they understand and according to their conceptions influenced by conditions these men are of value to any community in which they live giving forth to their
Kind Sentiments of Liberty equality and fraternity they constitute the backbone of worth in society make life happier for many with whom they are brought in contact these are Constructors in their line of endeavor and to them all are obligated to pass further into this phase of masonry is useless and had better be
Left unsaid some of the symbolism of masonry and rosac crucian consists of the Rose cross and others of form form conceals and ever reveals to any and all who truly seek he he who seeks the rose sees not its perfume but coming closer the perfume is recognized as something
Intangible giving forth love and sacrifice and beauty and Grandeur unto any and all who may care to exercise their higher the symbolism of the Rose appeals to all of Greater spirituality and as it does there comes the memory of long past ages and the past is seen as
The present and wisdom of them become as one and the soul is freed from the tramel of Earth and passes into Heights from which it descended as a sacrificial for the benefit of others the row of Love Freedom sacrifice Liberty instilling into all who have perception and conception that Liberty of restraint
Based on the perception of the great in all Realms the cross is as ancient as the rose uniting in ages past the two races which later became known as Atlantean governed and supervised by a race of the sun with its golden pervading and exercising that wisdom
Which made them in the ancient world the highest in action ever known except one this one entered into them making them in their highest the cross today and Rose today are symbols of masonry in their highest conceptions so two emblems of masonry and rosac crucian ISM blend
In Harmony in each and to those who understand comes the love of higher but it must be concealed from the many who not alone do not understand but misunderstand the circle of the two orders is seen in each and holding a place of eminence in each the rose
Describes a circle as does the cross and he who can see knows for meaning is concealed to all except to those who are ready and worthy for none are ready and less of worth Will masonry live will rosac crucian ISM live can they die as others have done they will live as long
As life of which they are Parts they will at times sink into such obscurity that they will seem as death but the life which animates is not subject to lower laws but rules the lower as lower fondly believes it rules form in neither denotes but a conception of whatever
Value it may assume to the ones of the time in which it is ceremony but the presentation of a thought so ceremony assumes value of some Worth to one and of none to another all according to conception and advancement of that one the sand of the desert is preservative
On its bosom it rears a race of mankind there you will find much in masonry and rosac crucian ISM in its best conceptions mystical actions in accord to the ones who seek is given all that can be imparted for remember that which limits is the limitations of the receptor where so called civilization
Abounds there also grows the AIT the noxious giving off its odor of death and strife and Blackness under the guise of beauty and love and honor this class all too often Dominate and control both masonry and others then comes the period of suspension in which the noxious dies
Then Springs forth the better and pure and Holier to rule again in a beneficent manner such oh reader is a conception of masonry and of that order is the writer in form and in ceremony and in hopes that he is also of something far superior to form and ceremony with
Sufficient understanding to understand what he has presented to those who may care to read this short essay is not for the many outside of masonry and rosac Cruis but for them alone and whatever your beliefs whatever your faiths whatever your thoughts remember that what is given is taken from a source far
Higher than physically recorded We rise and salute the coming we bow in reverence to the past present future as one recognize them in the fullness give to them their due vote to them as Superior to him and in reverence bow and salute the coming as part of the whole
May the rose and the cross Crown you in death May its light and glory be yours in eternity and when it is done eternity is yours through understanding in the Mythic Myst iies as they are now denominated there were many gates through which one must pass to enter
Into the Hall of wisdom through each gate was to open and each gate had hinges upon which to hang as each gate opened there was seen through the eye of evolvement the beauties of a long gone past each room entered each gate opened unfolded to all what had been and what
Was again to be through this gate all entered who passed through the long hall or Corridor leading to eternal life unmixed with love as each gate opened so did it close and as it closed it swung tight into its frame closing from all the past malignancies all the errors of such all
To be never again passed through and as another gate opened it presented to view the future brighter and holier than before the corridor was long and many of the gates through which all who entered and journeyed must pass and each gate held to view the figures 33 denoting
That all who had passed had done so through a lower unto a higher the higher the figures the lower the one and the path the two threes were the hinges of the gates denoting that there had come the figure three with its meaning but it was but one half of the figure eight
This in form and in meaning for from the two comes the three three is the lower offshoot of the two and as the journey continues the candidate passes from lower into higher leaving memory behind and taking not the lower memory but accepting with avidity the higher two
Which denotes a step nearer the source of all things known on Earth by Earth ones not the sacrifices the two threes represent the hinges upon all who pass into the corridors of time and evolvement which the gate hangs and swings the hinges are soul divided into two parts terrestrial and Celestial the
Lower Soul recognizes the higher soul and in that the ladder is ever in place to be given but in symbol oo here the serpent is great for it symbolizes not trodden and climbed to enter the higher Soul atmosphere again in the Egyptian Mysteries is found
The 33 not in numerals as now alone the fall but the Ascension in all construction lies destruction and the two are but one viewed in the finite are two the three sons joined together denotes the Ascension and fall and the way of travel as we journey from east to
West and from west to east we pass unto the setting and Rising as but one half is ever seen from terrestrial point of view so is today the three but an incomplete higher in this case Duality represented by the figure 2 2 when height is reached then the whole can be
Seen the incomplete three joins its brother and they then assume the form of serpent as depicted in Egypt to pass yet further in the Mysteries we will be presented by another and to another this presentation is to be short the circle joined together three times o assures
The point in an Infinity which limits by its imperfections the vision of love lower this circle repeated three times lacks head and tail lacks beginning and ending thus an incompleteness is to be made complete by an addition represented by the image of Truth which is the symbol of source the Triangular head of
The serpent is emblematic of source in its lesser so today masonry is not completeness but has in it the elements of constructiveness to the point of giving unto mankind for ages to come the lessons required not alone to learn but to practice then will the hinges be
Joined and the serpent of two links be made as today it is three the writer ring worn by him as a symbol of authority in an order unknown to but few there’s the three circles and the two circles with it the symbol of the sun zero and the Cobra at its three
Stations wisdom ever rules silence prevails in the East the echo is heard in the west it is repeated in the south and north where it is preserved for future ages we again sign with the seal and impress with the token and unto all who are worthy we salute in the sacred
Numbers the connection between the mythri attic and Book of the Dead Mysteries is very close from the same they came to the same they went and each presented to the viewer the same concept even as today masonry is not the same in form in all ways but the same in concept
And the same in Exposition each race had its own peculiarities and then those who set forth must obey the racial mandate in this man of the Mysteries were different but the Mysteries which gave birth to all changed not except as the ages P was more recorded the Mysteries are above
Form and Ceremony this short volume is so designed to be but at a later period much more will be placed in print and it taken from the mysteries of which the writer is with this we now take our final farewell I sat beneath the gloom and I pondered about the cause of sin
And I asked almighty God to tell me more than I knew I was answered can thou not see within thee without thee and in and around all I answered and said I cannot see nor can I know how can I then know of what I cannot sense I was told to
Look into the past and see if there was in it one ray of light for me and I answered I cannot see then thou must learn to see in the night as well as in the day and again I peered into that night so black and dark and still I
Could not see and again I said I cannot see thou must learn and I was taken into the night and I saw not there and I was taken into the day I could not see for the night had blinded me for the day and the day had blinded me for the night so
That I could not see it any time are the gods yours or mine I was asked and I answered and said they are not of me nor to me for I cannot see and a hand was passed over my eyes and I saw the Christ
For he had released me from the bonds of the blind I then was taken into the night and I could see then I was taken into the light and I could see and then I knew that I was in and on the way I
Said May the gods ever be be with me and it was so they are ever with me I now will tell you of the Gods and some of their ways first I saw a God who said art thou a Sojourner on the way I answered him not for I knew him not so
Little did he seemed to me who was then a Sojourner on the way and another said Where Art Thou and I knew him not too so proud was I of my way then I said I am on the way nay replied he Thou Art not on the way Thou Art struggling to get
There again I said I am on the way and again he said nay Thou Art but attempting to get there the way oh my brother is narrow and yet it is wide so narrow is it that you may Wander from it and yet so broad that ye may never be crowded
While in the way no matter how many there may be in that way I understood not and said if the way be both Broad and narrow how can it be that there are many never seen by others and yet so narrow that one may stray away and yet
Not know the way oh so jour is Broad in that it ever affords all the way and yet so narrow that any mistake may lead thee from its way in the way are many pitfalls and all may fall therein and be lost for many a day the ways also many
Oh Sojourner and the ways many and many there are who never see the way for countless ages they sometimes travel therein but in doing so they do not know and yet they sometime will know and the way is ever open and always there so oh Sojourner come with me and I will show
You some of the many ways see Yonder one toiling in the Sun and rain and in clemencies of the weather yay I see him and many more of him he is in and on the way but he sees and knows not see Yonder one in sin doing the acts of sin and
Crime he too is in and on the way but he knows it not see Yonder student he too is on the way and travels therein see Yonder se he sees and knows the way watch him oh Sojourner and perchance thou Wilt see him as the way for he
Gives freely and yet is not known as the way nor is he known of by many but the few see him and know him as the way to one he points with the finger of wisdom to the little things and to another to the great things and to others as they
Are evolved his are many teachings to all he gives something all according to their accomplishments does he give and sometime all are conscious of the way and some then follow that way so great and great land but more follow it not for it is too strong to be overcome
Easily and the weak and poorly say it is not worth the while and they go their way the way of many some few follow the way and take of it all they can then they too become the way and give to others as best they can all follow the
Way as best they can and all receive assistance but few ever know at any one time that they have received so the way as many as The Travelers now that ye have received of the way travel therein and thereon many manuscript scripts have been written by this author and many of
Varying degrees of evolution these represent the many ways and degrees of evolvement in the reading of these books It is Well to ever ponder over that which is therein contained that they vary is according to plan something for any and all the most Elementary contain far more than the
Average reader will understand masonry as before set forth in this little book is a conception conception varies as the evolvement is conception is high or low and of many grades but Construction in action is far removed from man’s conception so that it is ever in accord
With higher higher and lower are one and not two or more as is generally conceived lodges socalled today are but Gatherings or aggregations of people who are supposed to have a Harmony of view this makes them brothers but as all aggregations are discordant in so very much they are brothers in but little
This leads to differences and eventually to disruption of Harmony among themselves thus the creation of a lodge is ever far from being harmonious to any extent the personal equation being ever present there is ever the tendency to disruption thus it soon becomes apparent that laws rules regulations of
Government are necessary to keep within certain bounds and limitations those composing the body this principle applies to all Society of human origin and evolvements we now pass to another the Masonic Fraternity in particular for of it this small book is written when you enter into a lodge ye should perform
The following as ye pass in the west gate ye should be naked for naked I came into this world ye should pass naked from the West to the north and to the East and to the South and out again at the West the West is the entrance and
Exit the north aspiration and the East wisdom which is Spirit the South inspiration as ye should perform the circuit you have accomplished in receiving the light of wisdom from Earth’s Source when you have passed through the west gate you have attained light and as you receive you pass again
Into the darkness wherein you become a disseminator of light unto that Darkness to the extent of your giving forth to others ye have become a savior again ye enter as before but this time clad in AR reignment for no longer AR you naked and bed and divested of all but the light of
Wisdom is in ye and ye art partially clad again ye pass as before and again ye receive in greater amount for ye can receive the more and better again ye pass from the temple to erect one in the darkness again ye art a savior and greater than before again ye pass into
That light and receive as before and again to the darkness ye art assisting in transmuting into light and again ye art a savior as ye become impregnated with light ye become a God to that extent ye have within ye in making the circuit you have described a circle with
Four points of contact but as all of Earth cannot conform to the circle so must you then describe not a circle but an elliptical which is more nearly in accord with Earth life a line drawn from the greater extremities and one from the Lesser across is described with the
Crossing point as a point of contact and there is the Rose the sun and the source of much masonry at one time was in close opposition with others of a likee nature they were contained within the body of one which made them so close that between them nothing could be passed but
As The Descent began a cleavage came which separated them these orders are today serpents flame and Rose cross the serpent and Flame are as little known as are the mysteries of which they are Parts the rosecross ones are well known by name but seldom seen and as seldom
Known when seen they are few in number great in wisdom and retire from sight as often and as much as they can reflections of them do live and in the public eye this also applies to the true Mason of today a few are placed forward
To do but the great Chiefs of the order are not visible and they control whether ye believe or not this Wilt be combed by almost all but answer me this if you will and you cannot who rules you individually who forms masses of you who
Says do and you do ye wil say I rule myself and I do analyze thyself and ascertain if you art ruler or ruled if ye wil Place thyself under the microscope you will find that ye art microscopic and have no hand in placing th self there and no way of ascertaining
Thy true valuation try it oh reader and when thou Hast failed then ask thyself am I ruler or ruled and then rest in peace for thine answer he who rules self rules you oh reader and think not otherwise the Masonic fraternity today is ruled for a purpose which is high and
And Noble but all so often there are those within who understand not themselves nor the order of which they are Parts this order with its Companions of which they have no knowledge are but Parts in preparation for the coming age which will be far better and higher than
The present one this preparation is far from agreeable to some whoever strive to rather than to accelerate but in this way they too art but acting apart well for them to do the Betrayal of trust the breaking of obligation both in spirit and in fact but parts of the
Scheme of government standing against this order is another whose every attitude is antagonistic and rebellious of all things not to their liking they too but doing their share in the great plan of Futurity page 12 when an order looks onto their head as the determining factor in all things relating to them
And that one claims an infallibility of action in all things official in that order then has been shown a structural weakness in the organization of man which must be corrected a the coming greater race these are placed to one side as a camp unto themselves the
Bleeding form of era lies in full view attempting to be covered by ignorance then comes others of like nature who too are as immature and they from the better evolved and do as the acts of ignorance applied then the mixing of higher and lower with the result of confusion in
Action from which must come order in this condition are the races of the Earth today whether this short discourse will be pleasing or not to the ERS is a matter of no consequence to the recording hand this short essay is given free of any obligation to any receiving
Its Pages short full of substance for any to use as they deem best and fruitful unto themselves to the east we turn to the South to the north and to the West we pass in our exit and in our entrance may they each and all be yours sometime to understand and then comes
That like free of all things lesser to be yours throughout to better understanding as occasion requires this may have added to it the things of value unto those who seek unto those who seek not it Willl not be read but as things have their place so does this have its
Written this day and by one who is of the Mysteries whose life is progressing toward the Setting Sun whose finances are as not and whose hand yet retains its strength and whose life still is vigorous so does and Wilt this work be as one part of him to be criticized as
Is well unto each and all yours to do as you see fit his also to do as he sees fit farewell whence came ye oh traveler from Jerusalem I came and to subdue my passions I came then you must be my brother yay I am thy brother for I am so
Accepted by those of my craft I travel from Jerusalem the City of Brotherly Love Heavenly peace and Silent peace and it was there that I learned to subdue my passions and enabled to act as a brother to all of mine who who are all of Earth did you ever meet with resistance in
Your journey toward the East I did and overcame it through the word of which I knew not but my guide did know and gave it for me so I was admitted and while there I learned that there was a God who ruled all things and the way to that God
Was through prayer which is unselfish aspiration when I learned that I knew that there were friends ever near me and none could take from me my right and that to progress by degrees only so I came and knocked again and again and the obstruction were ever taken from me and
I accomplished until the time came for me to die then I was buried from sight and was found by brothers who said is this is grave and they marked it and those who came said it is his grave raise him from it but they could not so
One said I grasp his hand which is strength of Purity for having conquered he had strength and I was raised by that strength and I lived but not as man but as one saved and became a savior through that strength when I traveled in foreign
Lands I did so by my m Mark and by my strength my Mark was a white stone of Truth and I traveled among strangers but all knew me by my Mark and I said ye are friends and one said yay we are brothers for have we not traveled the same way I
Traveled in foreign lands that I might work and receive wages for work means progression and wages means that which I was entitled to by the gods who are but the higher in me for as I conquer I become a God to the extent of my Enlightenment Marky well the white stone
Of truth and the word spoken or uttered unto me made me a master and as I mastered I must then become a master to give unto others a I should not give I would rather have my throat cut and my vitals torn from me for so vile a wretch
Would I be if I ever concealed from all the gifts which higher gave me as it is my duty to give even as I receive once I took an obligation to do and not to do but Heir that there had come to earth a fall so mighty that it was not well to
Longer have faith in Mankind’s word so each took a vow to do and not to do but Heir that there was no obligation but a simple faith and knowledge that all was well but mankind cannot be trusted as then so he is made the object of fear and retribution is his mentor rather
Than the simple Faith as of old oh brother I no longer travel in peace as of old but in doubt so I asked do you believe and the answer was I do not believe I know then Thou Art of the old and I of the new but somehow and in some
Way I too must learn but that Earth reaches again a height these two parted but the Memory Remains that will call each and both to account before the bar of God’s actions and decrees then will they come and each and both be saved from all harm is it well to give thee
More oh reader is it well whatever thine answer may be more Wilt someday be given thee three were concealed among the debris of the temple and they saw approaching a one whom they had once called brother and they said let us kill and slay that one for he has a word we
Must have to travel and earn our wages these three represented a a word of power if those possessing knew how when and in which attitude to use it but if used otherwise it was of no value they killed the one possessing and took of it
But not knowing how and by or when all the attitude to assume they found it to be worthless they then became Wanderers of Earth’s plain and were lost in the Maze of ignorance these three Ruffians was Enlightenment sewing the seeds among the ignorant and were soon called
Ruffians and outcasts they SED the seeds which could not be understood by the unpr prepared and were outlawed by those in darkness soever the angel of Light weeps that she cannot make mankind understand is murdered daily in the name of High when she is that name and word
He who says Thou Art guilty needs first to learn what is guilt and what is crime the seeming Outlaw may be a Constructor the earthquake causes all to tremble and fear but that alone placed in the heart of mankind causes him at times to reach
Out and take the name of his maker in reverence when otherwise not known the angel of Light assumes many garbs a she takes from mankind his Birthright today ye travel from the City of Brotherly Love toward the setting son and as he approached that setting we can call and
Be heard for the brother love ever abides in all to some extent but all so often has to be quickened by some great catastrophe each is his brother’s keeper to the extent of understanding as ye abide in others so do they in ye an angel stood at the East Gate clad in
Radiance for such was he another stood at the North Gate clad in hilts of glory and another at the south gate who too was clad in the habit of Splendor and another at the west and that one also in Beauty and Glory these four constitute the parents of masonry construction in
Action by the many worlds were made by them all sustained and as you enter into that realm called Lodge in this manuscript you have passed from death and ignorance into light so great as to Blind blind ye art in need of a guide which is f fished each and all who are
Allowed to enter as ye Aspire so do you seek and as ye seek ye find Inspire and as ye have both aspiration and inspiration to do you become in touch with the wisdom of the ruling as ye have entered the west gate so must ye pass
Through its portals many times for as ye have received it is incumbent upon ye to also give in the same degree ye Hast received in when ye can enter and leave it will ye have so far progressed that ye art of them the LOD is not attained
Until ye have been so placed that reception and giving are the same in all the sun having Arisen the clouds are dispersed and seem no more Gods come into view pass as you change your conceptions gods are as finite as your conceptions are finite or infinite
Soever the pantheon must be to you your history on Earth and by it you can trace your Evolution through Untold ages the conception ye call masonry on Earth is as you are and the many you’re collecting in a body form to you your masonry and it is high or low according
To your own aggregated worth the key to unlock the Mysteries is placed in your hands to use and you do use as you are if you are wise the glory is seen for by the west gate you pass if unable to unlock you must wait a time in patience
Until you are worthy and well qualified in closing this it is well to give no more for some time for too much at one time confuses so to thee we say A Farewell for many years per chance but as ye know me the writer not no
Sorrow WIIL there be the west gate is as the Gate of entrance and of exit through it all pass and repass in their Journey to the East and to the master the master ever sits in the East for master and master are one he who sits in the west
Ever watches all who enter and without his and him none can pass or repass he who guards is but subservient to the master of the west gate between the masters of the East and West is an altar the place of sacrificial the place of divestment and of reception he who
Passes through the west gate and progresses and also seeks the master of the East between the East and the West lies a Channel of communication direct straightened even the cord of Harmony without a break or flaw he who places himself on the altar has then sacrificed
Self to the many who are his brothers he has laid on the altar his hopes Ambitions and successes he has given all he possessed and has asked for not such a sacrifice makes masonry and is masonry and none who do not a none not Masons but that reflection of such and are
Perverts of it and without understanding to conceive of and without eyes to see and without ears to hear such are the many who see not even form he who divested himself of all has sacrificed to the gods and all who offer sacrifice to them live and do not die he who
Raises aoft his left and receives and depresses with his right has sacrificed he who places over his heart the hand of righteousness and continues to receive has sacrificed himself again on the altar of sacrifice and purification he who lays on the altar all received in righteousness and gives
That all unto those who surround him is a sacrificial and he who so does has conquered and needs not to be again a sacrificial but is then a master who ever gives unto all even as they can receive in modern times the South looks into vacancy sees not for the altar of
Sacrifice in modern days is not four square with itself but lacks and as it peers into the north it sees but vacancy and that vacancy is ignorance the north is still occupied but the ones constituting the ones in Authority know not what is there and in
Vanity of egotism say it is not for in the north alone the moon shines but never the sun if he ask who is the sun and the moon no answer is given for they know not the gods of the four quarters neither do they know the gods of the
Altar sacrifice there was a time time in recent Masonic history when the lodge met by the moon’s phases but that too has passed soever the lowering continues to be in man’s ignorance increases and as it so does so does he consume in avarice and sensuality and beastiality
And as they are the Earth triangle they ever sit in supremacy of incompetence and inadequacy if you are to unmask the ignorance of Ages accumulated you must do so by tearing us under the veil causing the dead to arise and be seen strike the Temple of ignorance and
Render us under its Veil and feel the earthquake and reel and then see in all the giving of the ancient and if you can then accept and follow Earth has progressed further than it has so far done to you if masonry is construction you must be Constructors if you are of
It if unable to construct you must be not of it even if in it as Earth was expelled from a sun as being unsuited to its higher Evolution so are you as a clinker in the stove useless and must be cast aside and made to conform to such
Evolvement as you are suited to many today are ing masonry not of it to be saturated with all possible to use in some later Incarnation it is strength given you today to use tomorrow the laws of Earth masonry are Earth laws governing an earth class made to curb
The poorly evolved and who cannot curb themselves this is based on fear and reward and not on enlightenment when fear and reward rule you have a purely earth evolvement when Enlightenment rules you have a far above Earth law and its rule is the rule of Enlightenment this rule will someday predominate and
Then masonry to be its own in the more ancient times those who entered the portals of masonry were required to be of such valuation that in them was no hypocrisy or avarice to give unto those needing to receive was to give and to give was a duty which brought only the
High and fine to all receiving selfishness was to them unknown and the labor they expended they added to themselves but each addition was an increased strength with which to do the more this was masonry is it today we leave this to each to answer as he may see fit
To do masonry was then not bounded by form or ceremony was not swayed by it was not of any but the very very high for the time we close this to add as maybe best and when masonry used not symbols they are a later addition an aggregation of lower accumulating even
As a barnacle fastens itself on the bottom of a vessel in the water form is as foreign to masonry as evil is to good a shadow is ever ignorance and as Shadow becomes more dense so is ignorance increased and Enlightenment obscured but it is not destroyed neither is masonry
But will at some age become itself masonry today is a light from the Mysteries giving light to those lesser than itself it is doing a constructive labor disseminating much to the needy but as worth today is less than once was so is masonry being a conception in
Action masonry must be at the present time as its membership truth being of many is not a scene except as conception dictates so that truth to one may be far from it to another a light may be so intense as to cause complete blindness or it may be so attenuated that it seems
Darkness to each and all is given such as may be necessary for the times of this none can justly complain as all are treated without favor intense love of country May to another to be crime conception vary according to receptivity so is Judgment different reason being fallacious ever brings conflict in much
Intuition then enters and assists in the inversion and brings to light much otherwise overthrown masonry being a part of the whole becomes a Brotherhood to many a pebble thrown in the water causes a circle to become the central part is carried to the peripheral part but it also becomes lesser in might as
It continues as it becomes further from the center it ceases to carry its force and eventually becomes lost to sight masonry has grown aged in years of time has lost its Force apparently is not seen by the wouldbe adepts and is misunderstood but as force is not
Material it continues to be and will when ready to be received again be seen in its might and Purity masonry today is a shadow and it casts its shadow which is the more gross masonry attempts to redeem its lower even as it is being Redeemed by its higher Masonry attempts
To redeem by its actions those of it but too low to know it thus masonry is ever in conflict with much that is but a lower part of itself spiritual ignorance it ever attempts to combat and is often meshed in its own limitations thus it knows not its own redeemers and they are
Passed over in ignorance of their existence ignorance intolerance and fanaticism it ever attempts to combat and does much constructive work in its efforts but they are in it those of ignorance intolerance and fanaticism and they ever the actions of the better evolved for they are oftimes in Authority then comes passions
Aroused thus there is ever a conflict within and an opposition without this ever tends to strengthen the order as descent was slow so is Ascent the sunrise is welcomed by all of Earth and the sunset is also welcomed but they are but parts of a cycle ever recurring so
Is masonry as the sun shines in some way at all times Earth is as the IND idual Mason of many Evolutions many stages of the same so receives as it does as it can and passes through the many vicissitudes of life as it can lower lacking comprehension views as it can
Conceive and receive masonry being conception in action makes the mistakes of the lesser than its source experience is a teacher and by it advances maid so you who despair need not do so but do you e your part as you see it and as you advance yourself you have added to the whole
We see no reason why this book should be prolonged at this time so close and wait until it is well to again take our place and record as is well the Roman Catholic Church is against the order of masonry and for this reason ages ago a the church came into existence this church
Too became a falling in excess of the others fell further and faster it became in mesed in corruption and avarice which has since formed an order within a church destroying through inefficiency the church and its better parts corrupting all within its reach and perverting all to its own inefficiency
And lack of evolvement it is generally understood that the Roman Church is efficient this is true in much but false in more Rome falling air and being a part of the fallen clutched in her hands the worst of the Fallen this corrupts herself rendering the atmosphere in which she lives a contamination and
Poisoning herself by her own emanations diverting her energies to material things instead of spiritual she has suffered and will yet suffer greater disasters until her final retrieved through sufferings yet to be multiplied in its descent there follows the great retribution action against action until the final extinction of the order known
As a church then to be a flower where once there was not alone a weed but a putrifying mass of undigested material this so few of the Catholics themselves know and their priesthood less than any others they are as the blind attempting to lead the blind inefficient in all things higher and
Beneficial their strength today but the slowness of action in operation this slowness gives rise to the idea of efficiency when it is but one part of the plan of present to collect the debt due slowly rather than rapidly The Collection is being made in ratio of ability to pay the slow grinding process
The ever consuming passion generated through immature action is all but parts of the scheme of evolvement the two principles of Life are placed in opposition to each other but as neither are perfect perfect there is at times much in common between them this leads to confusion fighting its kind a traitor
In the ranks of masonry means a friend to the opponents this all so often happens this byplay is of no consequence in the Affairs but for the moment within the ranks of Catholicism there is also not a movement of traitors but a movement of Liberation so that it two is
More often disrupted and spreads chaos among its hierarchy this continual unrest ever acts as a softening meteor and brings nearer together the two contending principles for the moment this is enough of this and we pass into another consideration that of the effect of each on the other Whenever there is an
Upheaval there is ever disruption in much when the two principles severed their connection there was much the same condition as is found after a volcanic eruption chaotic mass of inert debris scattered among the already wreckage these parts became a mass or better many masses having within each much of a
Nature far from harmonious this to later become a menace to each principle in action thus there are traitors in the ranks of masonry and enters within the ranks of Catholicism a matter of great embarrassment to each and a source of Untold trouble to each having thus far
Explained somewhat we pass on to another that of coordination of extremes in each conservation and extravagance cannot be held together in a harmonious Mass so the church takes the stand that discipline must be rigorously enforced in which the natural impulses become subservient to the mass leaving enthusiasm killed a slow-going slow
Moving mass of inertia creeping along at a snail’s pace and being out distanced by all others it becomes a drag and a drug killing individual action this continual suppression causes death to so much that otherwise would mean progression that the church today is but one part of reaction and to live
Continually allies itself with such wherever found masonry on the contrary is prone to be too hasty in action and meets many rebuffs at its own hands so the imperfect is in each and the two will ever be at enmity as long as the two principles exist but when
Recognition comes there will be a mutual recognition of the part each has played this means co-ordination of action but then both orders will not exist as they are at present to say more would mean a multiplicity of action so we close and again bid you farewell masonry is
Construction in action and romanism is destruction in action romanism is the shadow of masonry its lower part unredeemed light and Shadow are ever close to each other and where one moves so does the other the tree stands and while the sun shines and the moon shines
And while there is light there is the shadow so the two principles are ever close and someday will be seen and known for what they are both were born in the higher but as they fell there were differences in the course and one became the symbol of prog aggression and the
Other of suppression of higher but all Shadow contains within some of the light so that shadow is light obscured and light is Shadow redeemed thus from romanism must pass the black and be transmuted into light but the transition at times to be accompanied by many struggles in this light must also be at
The same time agitated and the yet weak must suffer from that struggle but as all constructive becomes higher so does it ever gain strength the battle between mentality and spirituality is both long Vitter and decisive mentality is but the shadow of spirituality and as such it preserves itself for ages but as the
Light shines more strongly the battle is surely to be gained by the obliteration of shadow in strength we establish in weakness we pass what is strength to the lower is weakness to the higher so is Shadow weakness to light Shadow the immature light the mature it is now
Hoped that those who read will have learned somewhat and may this short dissertation be of value unto any who may read be they of life light or of Shadow when your God and my God are one then we see as one this completes this volume for long may it be an eternity to
Some for to read what is not to be received causes many misapprehensions to be you are ready for whatever you may be able to assimilate otherwise it is dross if not a poison Construction in action part three the Advent of anything new marks an Epoch of some variety the
Advent may be so circumscribed that it is never known outside of those participating it may have a circle of ever widening power it may be that the action is not known for an eternity after its Inception this latter applies to this book and its predecessors to be
Read but very little in the day in which it is written and to lay lost to sight for many centuries then to become resurrected after the lapse of five centuries then to relapse into Slumber once again and to be again resurrected after another five centuries of time
Then to be used more generously so whatever we record we do so in the full knowledge that whatever is now recorded is to be lost to sight for a long time then to come into its own memory of the recorder to be banished his personality
To be a matter of speculation and to be unknown to accept a very few and they of such character that it will matter not who he was where he lived or when to those of later ages we will set forth this much a physic my occupation of
Mature age schooled in the ways of many initiations of super value being in direct contact and communication with the higher of that and leaving Earth forever when so called Death Shall have called him he lives in a Christian era believing in all he records nonsectarian in belief according to all their own
Rights in belief and in action the age in which he lives and Records is the 20th century after Christ about 1,400 years after the muhammadan era’s beginning this is all sufficient for the ones of ancient day to know all that is needed is to what extent he
Has been filled with the higher and that will be awarded him by those who read the connection between the pyramids of Egypt and that of other countries and civilizations are very close the manner of construction in each is not exact in all cases the pyramids of Siam are quite
Different and conform unto that of the very early ones in Egypt in s you have the Bell shap stuper it is sometimes called and yet this conforms to the very early ones the civilization of Siam is derived from Egyptian civilization so long ago is it that but few remnants are in evidence the
Bell-shaped pyramids date back into an Antiquity so great that none can trace them in the tracing of any great in ages there are so many links left that but few remain to sight from Egypt came this shape to Siam and others it went carried with it as part of the influence this
Stateliness of originality following this form came the square base which was a fall in conception in China you have the square base tapering to a point conveying many another in it symbolical of many and much are these and they have also now lost much of their original form but
Sufficient remains to be seen of what it once was it may be asked in what respect did the old rosac crucian order conform to the surrounding architecture the rosac crucian order was then not an order but a teaching and a wisdom it needed not a form to conceal it from
View its wisdom was all sufficient in that respect it had in common all things wise and mystical it was but a part of all other wisdom of which it still is the Rose cross is not and never will be circumscribed by any form formula or ceremony of any description whatsoever
It is found only in the receptive heart the instructive tongue the faithful breast of all who are able to comprehend it cannot be given taken away and remains as long as evolvement lasts it is wisdom needs no teacher accepts no assistance and gives unto all
But as all are not able to comprehend it is only among the few those who can understand form ceremony display Jewels ornaments and all paraphernalia are but outer garments of no value unto any who arose cross ones The Binding Together of aggregations of ones is not rosecross
Ones but a sign of degeneracy among those who so do and who so act that form is seen and the spiritual enra in the midsts of ignorance there is however a form and a teaching held within form which is an offshoot of the Rose cross this all is
Not the mature original or Genuine but is a lower offshoot of it partaking in a limited manner of it acting in a name using its wisdom as a cloak to attract to it certain ones who will in time become of it become it and be it this is
A matter of conquest of Soul Enlightenment of soul Soul a submitting of it to higher and slowly but surely a recognition of the genuine by its shadow who then emerges into the real there is a body of many called rosac crucians these are the ones just described who
Are acting in such sentiments as they can toward the goal which is absorption into the genuine not an order but a teaching actuated by search for wisdom when this wisdom is attained you have then the rose and the cross joined but a then there has appeared a star to be
Added to the Rose and the cross then you have in truth the row cross ones the seeking of light leads to the acquisition of light but that brings into view light after having passed through others a its acquisition takes place light in its upward Trend becomes light light light light and light each
As written shows the expansion of lower into higher becoming in its eventual the whole until this lesson is mastered the rose cross teaching cannot be understood and when the star is added to its Crown you have a completeness far beyond the present knowledge of the order now in
Existence there are a few who are genuine Rose cross star ones but they are few indeed in the Assumption of the Rose cross wisdom there are many who act as teachers and Executives who are doing a constructive work performing in their way the best for the present but are not
The genuine until they have mastered the way leading to the Supreme Council of wisdom yet they are Rosy crusan but not rosecross ones if this lesson will be considered digested and assimilated there has then been introduced into them a wisdom well to have and to give unto any who may be
Able to consume this lesson also applies to masonry to a like degree the 33rd is high if understood in its symbolical meaning Lo if debased by any who so take without its full meaning being known the multiplicity of degrees in any order means more in concealment which soon
Covers with a mantle of ignorance and intolerance the fine and pure leaving only form and ceremony remaining the contribution of this short essay will be met with many senses some of hatred incredulity and Venom and some with an assistance being rendered to them the great secret societies of antiquity were
Built on the remains of a memory of an ancient past they endeavored to do for those who were able in much and capable in much they were once capable of assistance able to take much and to give much they received even as they gave not but what they received acted as a prop
For future ages even as today masonry is acting as such that which is instilled then even though in descent is now active as a constructive agent the rose cross is an agent of great capability doing for the many the things well to be done to give to many as much as they can
Receive and far more than most can this really great order a comparative statement of fact is doing for mankind a great service giving somewhat to the many more than they can assimilate or even receive in this a Constructor the order of the flame and the serpents are today in life and live
And are alive they are both Constructors and preservers the few who are of them are not of any order in the large sense but preserve all their wisdom are of their wisdom and retain it under all conditions they are giving through various forms of teachings much the
Serpents are as silent as a serpent acting at all times and in various ways the flame lights up all surrounding conditions with its torch giving unto the many the flame and serpent today are the lights of the earth through them acts Lucifer and Lucifer is Christ and
Christ is the guardian of Earth system the consummation of all things terrestrial lies in them is them of them and responds to all stimuli according to the needs of those who are sufficiently receptive to receive any having placed in a silent manner this much it is now necessary to place before you another
Condition the condition placed before you is now in silence in that you read and understand but little silence is but a form of spirituality very high the following is also to be very high but of such a height that it is also beyond all processes of reason and as it cannot
Function you can grasp only such Parts as are within your own cable toe the process of reasoning reaches but to a very short height thus reason is a fallibility which is also often taken as an infallible it is and has been worshipped by many during many ages when secret orders became Vogue the
Civilization had become to the point of many being excluded and the fewer included this became a process of elimination by non acceptance into them there been many PLS of civilization in any one civilization rituals came into use to satisfy the many strata the higher and better excluded all below
Them the lower orders were ever willing and anxious to accept accept the higher ones after many ages these fell into disuse in the major part masonry has flourished where Liberty was most esteemed its opposite wherever was least esteemed but from the heart of mankind it has never been completely estranged
Thus in the most degraded and non- Liberty loving there has ever been a light although dim after many ages the orders underwent many changes some into degradations of great depth and others to a height well to emulate the highest have seldom been publicly known thus masonry has been seldom really seen and
As seldom known it is so today for the real masonry today is an almost unknown to the membership at large this will meet with Savage Denial on the part of men in eminent positions who will say there are but 33 degrees in masonry of a certain right there are so many in a
Certain right Etc to those let me say you are right but have you ever seen or known of all the rights in masonry do you know that you are the only and none other than yourselves from what did you derive your order and your ritual when where and how promulgated you are as
Silent as the tomb if you are wise for your best and oldest cannot Trace in any but in a nebulous manner but a very few centuries you can catch glimpses of it in many an age but you cannot Trace in any consecutive manner any part but a
Very few centuries and then there are many breaks in America and other countries there are rival claims as to who is right and legitimate there is no court who can say this is right and this is wrong your rituals are the same in the main your Authority from whom derived is
Not the same but who has the power to say this is and this is not cannot be so stated from the broken fragments you have at times taken some at times more and at times less there are no other orders of the same nature who can even aspire to any
Antiquity Beyond you and your present form are others of Masonic origin and are Masonic Masonic means Universal construction this great conception is not confined to any order of a physical nature its Inception lay in the Universal lives in it thrives in it and holds Dominion in it through it and is
It the true Mason sees in the flower perfume sees in the weed perfume hears in the wind order hears in the song of a bird order lives in the obligation of consideration and receptivity and sense to all joining him in all if they are worthy and well qualified but knows that
None who are not cannot become Masons they can join an order leading by graded steps of understanding up to it but cannot become it unless proven to be worthy qualified and qualified means the being it in all ways and things if this is your own conception you have advanced
By one regular step your feet forming an Avenue by which and through which you will pass unto and into the house of the Temple Le made by your brothers who have gone before as you progress you have again entered Upon A Way which is Guided by prayer and again you pass by steps
Until you have attained the mastership unknown to any of Earth and by those only who have gone the way before for mastership means Mastery over countless steps then alone have you become a Mason of the masterful variety and all less are but Seekers who have not attained
Mastership is now confined to a very few who use it for such purposes as may be decided upon by those of yet higher authority Master ship applies only to those who have overcome and who have accomplished the master of a modern Lodge is no master he occupies a seat in
The East but knows not the East nor does he Fill A Seat but does occupy a chair of authority in the order of which he is to place this matter in a still further light before the ones of today it is required that there be further light on
The subject light as you have been given is of degrees corresponding to the advancement of of the one progressing he who would pass from lower to higher must first conform to the essentials of advancement after this has been done he must again submit to the eliminating process as well as transmuting ones
After having first knocked he is bidden wait a time in patience until his request has been considered this period of waiting is as should be the curbing of the unruly if this is accomplished he is then sufficiently well qualified to advance as he enters he is not shown for
As he is yet blind he cannot see does not know that there is any variety of light whatsoever he is helpless and alone and in company with only his past who of necessity is his guide this guide passes him along the way where as he Journeys he becomes conscious and to the
Extent of such he is able to see somewhat but not very much Consciousness having been stirred he is able to hear and in doing so the master’s voice is recognized as a friend who would assist in his becoming an initiate in this this manner he follows a course which he has
No control over he travels his way the way of the governing for he is not sufficiently well advaned to do ought himself being both blind and deaf he is helpless having faith in his guide he passes along the way and finally comes to the point wherein and whereon he is
Able to function sufficiently well to begin to understand then he is asked to pray if he so desires for prayer is ever the aspiration of those seeking prayer he performs in such sincerity as he pleases to make and all according to his needs of the time as he prays he becomes
That prayer so if he is able to ask unselfishly he receives in proportion to the asking unselfishness is prayer blindness has caused him to ask for light and he receives in proportion to his ability to continue to pray thus prayer is the gate opening to the way
Pray and the gods pray with you pray not and you are alone having been placed in the way he now walked alone but in Shadow not in light for light he cannot stand after any exertion then must come reaction and rest is as necessary and to
The rest he is taken and bidden reappear when he has learned his lesson sufficiently well to pass when he has passed his test he reappears again blind but as he is also conscious he does not want in so much is not so fully dependent upon the still
Unseen again he appears again he enters the portals again he is asked what he seeks and again he is unable to answer for himself and again he feels his dependency on those who are his teachers as he first sought and asked so again he asks and must continue to ask but as
Shadow becomes light he is able to become more conscious of surroundings in this he is becoming an advancing one a conscious Seeker as he passes from unconscious aspiration he passes into conscious aspiration then to unconscious inspiration to conscious inspiration he has gone out and entered into Master ship but has but little idea
Of its greatness so continues to wander under the guidance of another at last he is told that he may now seek consciously so he himself must now pray unto whatever God he is but a part of that prayer consciously uttered is his guide in future ages when he appears before
The master he also sees hears and begins to know he then considers himself a master but he is not and may never be for all his faults and folies strengths and weaknesses must be taken from him and he must stands naked before his God and yours he he can assume the position
Of a master he must suffer death burial and Resurrection he must be raised on the points of Faith humility honor sacrifice and wisdom then he becomes a master and until that he is not although many fondly believe that they are he then goes among his brothers greets them as
He is not as they are but greets them in such sincerity as he himself has if he has become he is a master but if he has not he is not a master and is not recognized as such by those who are Assumption of power unless qualified is
A danger not alone unto the one assuming but unto all those who are associated with him assume something not to you and not for you and you are among the lost but as Redemption is ever ready to do you are but an estray to take you yet
Further in this is not required at this time although much could yet be given and to you oh reader we bid a farewell for a time in this but others to come for your instruction prayer said I am Arisen and unto you I appear know ye me as you once prayed I
Am now about to seek you have you prayed in sincerity or in hypocrisy I am you in all your beauty and hideousness accept me or reject me as you will I am yours I am your prayer then but as you have journeyed toward the setting or Rising
Sun I am to appear unto you in all the guises you then formed look at us yourselves study us as you are us we are you greet us as you will and as you act in sincerity toward us so will you learn I am the pantheon you have erected
During the ages study us and you will greet us as you will you cannot change at this time what we are and we are you wander along the hall contemplate meditate and learn as you advance we of lower disappear and are no more as you approach your God we become that God and
High may he be the dawning of a better is thus in you cultivate it and when it has been so cultivated that it is so cultivated that it Springs into life then have you accomplished and you are no more the past but you are all the ages past present and future then you
Are a master and will instruct as is best you then use a body for a purpose and the body uses you not a mighty difference the hand must again be stilled that you who read May learn but again at the sound of the gavl in the East he will resume his labor farewell
The history of antiqui is shrouded in the past immutable to almost all it stands out with a distinctness well to contemplate to those who have the vision to see and to understand its mightiness in setting before the reader this much as so far given the veil has
Been lifted from an order now in existence a bold and daring thing to do for those of no conception will ask many questions if answered would be still in darkness for to see there must be some light and that is so greatly lacking to almost all that to give is to sacrif I
Very much Madame blatsky has given to some more of masonry than but few can understand for she too knew very much and gave of the law of herself in plentiful amounts but much she gave only to those near unto her her return to Earth will mark an Epoch making a glory
Surround the Earth as a veil of grandeur from her we turn again unto that order whose descendant it is of a far mightier once again he has crossed the threshold of advancement once again he has given and once again he has received elevated Beyond his former comprehension he yet
Essays the ways of ignorance somewhat for it takes time to suspend and to change very much standing before an altar with Bode head and heart he keeps Aloft the banner of selfishness for into him has not been given the renovation which leads to Conquest in its completeness to it is pointed the finger
Of Enlightenment with this silic Thou Art the enemy of many kinds to you there is attached the many from you passes the poverty of imagin Nation give unto all you have in highest and you will be made whole I am the mightiest of Earth I am ignorant seen heard and known for wisdom
When I speak all listen when I pass all feel that wisdom has been near I Am Lord of all Lords of Earth bow unto me in homage of superiority for I am supreme among men and all kinds of Earth their approaches are one little known unseen
Among the D and noise of Earth it is Enlightenment you who ask to be obeyed have but to ask and it is Enlightenment you who ask to be obeyed have but to ask and it is so I am Enlightenment and in my way all must conform unto sooner or
Later and you oh ignorance will also bow unto me as you make others bow unto you into the Mysteries you have attempted to pass but could not do into all others you have passed and governed and now that the Supreme hour has arrived you stretch forth your hand and take of what
Your own acts and accountable must you be for them they are from now want to be you and yours you oh ignorance must now work as you have caused others to do to do this the Lesser became for the Lesser is but ignorance is schooling Place led
By greater it passes through the many and eventually reaches the heights through its own acts assisted by high all those particular and specific things called by many names are but Parts seen of the greater and as they act they do so in Conformity with their betterment
This short book is again closed and this time to await a somewhat distant day a it is completed Construction in action part four sweet with beauty strong with love compassionate with nobility pure in Holiness stood a one at the garden’s gate stood and looked saw and dreamed of
What she had wandered far had traveled with had seen the doors close at her approach she had wept that it was so but could she in all her might take unto those who repelled could she say I love thee Oh sinning one I care for thee and
Yet thou dust repulse me night was falling the sun was setting Twilight had passed the Sable Robes of Darkness had been assumed and Earth slept per chance dreamed but were they conscious of sleeping and dreaming a stranger approached with Bode head with faltering steps broken mean but with a countenance
Of nobility and praise the faltering steps were soon to cease death was near and as she who had mused uplifted the falling one life life sprang into being from apparent deaths Springs life full of beauty and of glory and dominance ages ago I implanted into the rac’s
Death so now I implant into them life give me I pray thee Oh Beauty and love and grandure that I may live it was done even as asked hand inand life and death approach and the one of nobility and beauty and Grandeur who was unknown looks and sees those of her approach in
Many garbs and all unknown they approach one under many guises and are accepted as seen but not known so today we give unto you this small volume give you as an unknown and an unseen and ask you not to accept nor to reject for you oh
Reader cannot do either it is done for you we approach a beauty of form health and joyousness of life but we approach her as poverty in rags and in sorrow give unto me oh beautious one give unto me a poverty-stricken one who has failed give unto me I pray you a smile of
Derision curls that lip a look of horror at the bent and ragged form a look and action of disgust and as she turns away she says begun for I know you not had she wisdom she would have seen and known that God’s approach is all in some Garb
The garbs are many but all are tests all are but feeling the way for the soul to progress in this case let us for a moment look and a chance see she of talents had repelled the apparent weak and unfort she had passed over the depths seeing only The Superficial had she visioned
She would have known but not having she must be placed in that position where she will learn look to her in Futurity and see herself boded in grief and in sorrow that she may see the beauties of life and feel the Grandeur of approaching motherhood which is the
Birth of higher Soul where Vision becomes clarified where sight is born and then comes sympathy and such actions as may be required to be as is just and well with this preface we now take thee and thine into Realms of Conquest for thou Hast been prepared found worthy and
Well qualified and as such ye art gods to the extent of your accomplishments we enter the cavern of Earth life through the portals of physical birth we pass into such as it is through the many ways we pass from it through another portal and as we pass
And repass the master says be ye well qualified and if worthy ye shalt approach The Altar and their bwing humility of Worth and be found well and advanced by a step in your course toward it eternity of Life ye have so long sought art thou ready art thou well
Qualified the candidate cannot answer for his tongue is clefted his heart throbs not so freely and his intelligence at a prison’s door he is helpless and alone he looks and sees not strains his ears that he may hear and hears not asks unto what he has never
Before known his unseen and he to for unknown God am I worthy am I well qualified are you here oh my unknown God in his helplessness he has learned to lean on what he has never before known it is the beginning illumination he now has his own light to guide him it
Attracts those of lesser and he becomes a master giving light and as he sacrifices he becomes a savior such oh reader ye too may become save and as you do so you are added to your light becomes stronger your glow the greater and your life becomes a beacon
Attracting others and soon there appears the sort for adding to you and yours if you would live give if you would die give not it is law that is unbending unswerving and just as ye Grant Mercy ye grow as ye withhold Mercy ye shrink and die ye become as the rotting weed must
Disintegrate and be reformed the source of much we now look to the rotting weed see its course look to its future evolvement it lies lifeless trotten on by all who pass that way turned under the ground as a rotting decomposing object of little value its every fiber passes from sight its component parts
Pass to their place in the economy of many forms of life some into the beautiful flowers some into the weeds some into the fowls and animals and into man and into minerals and some into the air to be appropriated as may be at different times and in different ways oh
Reader you too in your acts and thoughts are also decomposed even as that weed you pass into many and each serves its place and function even as did the weed your soul decomposes at the will of the master is a portion that his will and
Not yours as ye have used so art thou used think it over oh reader and if you are wise do as the flowers of gods give unto the needy many are the ways of giving this book is being written under the urge of a letter which says I have
To acknowledge the receipt of another brochure which I assure you are intensely interesting a kindly word of appreciation does as much as the gift of many dollars each has its way whatever Merit this little book may have whatever its usefulness lay not to the door of the writer but to
That of he who gave encouragement for the writer May reproduce at any time much and many but he cannot give so freely when turned from his path of giving your giving means others receiving a word of sympathy to a fallen gives more strength than the gift of
Many dollars a smile of recognition on the part of the Great is of more value than the gift of thousands to an already corpulent institution a word of assistance to the struggling gives to that one opportunity as you give so do you receive it is law law must and is
Obeyed but it may take many lives to demonstrate it the dog follows its Master accepts its guidance loves that Master as it loves its life and oftimes laying down its life for his tell thou me oh wise one wherein Thou Art as good and as Noble as that dog wouldst thou do
For it as it for you per chance that dog has in it a nobility far beyond your Ken to mankind alone is not granted all things Celestial to all kinds is granted the celestial but Celestial is not as pictured as so many believe the soul of
The tree has its recompense as yours has the life of a rock has its place even as yours tell me skeptic wherein they differ tell me ye Bound by Creed if it is true or not ye cannot for ye art far removed from the celestial for it is accomplishment until ye accomplish ye
Cannot know but as one might it is accomplished you know to that extent if the lesson is learned it is well and if not it also is well for learn all will and must the sun’s beams illuminate all things terrestrial Vigor comes unto all who feel and the sadness departs as the
Sun shines it his glory depart not oh son Sunshine depart not for in you I am he who say thus has learned there sits one who in his immutability knows and governs all whether they know or not they are governed if you oh reader would become a governor learn of him who
Governs when thou Hast learned thou Hast become him then art thou also a governor it is thy lesson the Rays of a Setting Sun illuminate they are soon to pass the pass has been given and the true to soon be the setting surrenders to the coming its Glory the coming receives that glow
And Revels in its Sheen even as it did air it set the circuit has been completed the cycle has been seen and known and another soon to be he who has completed one circuit is but ready for another that other the companion and the companion but a step in advance in its
Ascent toward the higher so all are exalted to the sky who seek but they must seek in and by steps the hands in attitude of supplication are raised asking for assistance which only the higher can give from the dead that one is raised and given life to then go
Forth as a master to give but if he who has receives does not give further he cannot receive and all given he must surrender unto others who can and will give even as they have received from the Himalaya Mountains comes the breath of sweetness its fragrance comes to the
Dying and to the living He who is buried There lives in the hearts of his associates and exalted on the wings of Knighthood learns of the truth which makes you free such is a lesson some of you oh readers have learned and many who have taken but have not learned we pause
Air we proceed for another we must present unto you a flower bloomed in Paradise its scent and perfume reached the Oasis and it was found to be a b to the Thirsty it gave strength to do and to abide in those who received said it
Is perfume of gods that we sent it is we who are returning it is a sign that all is well and that he who governs has not lost us to sight those of the desert heard and saw heard with eyes invisible heard with ears invisible and sensed
With senses unseen by lesser they saw the rose in the desert blooming they saw the lily bloom and shed its fragrance and color unto all they tasted the Waters of life and drank from the Fountain of Eternal youth they became the prepared to do in ages Yet to Come
Saviors unto many Heralds to many and lights to many more the seed planted today Bears its product ages to come no seed sprouts and grows until the time of its action is then comes light and might to do with plant ye the seed and come in
Due time to use that seed planted by yourselves ages ago others come and others go but the stream reaches from source to Earth and again the flow continues until Earth is redeemed then comes the home of youthfulness and all is a glow have we given o reader or not
None is given you unless you can so you understand none can give unto any who cannot receive the bark sailing the Seas is but a vehicle with which to carry its Freight whether it be of one or many varieties thus the bark that carries the soul of one kind also carries The Souls
Of other kinds in that bark they are brothers and companions seek ye its meaning Master ye its teachings control ye themselves and then ye can say I have conquered with this we say farewell it is our time to go as it was our time to
Go so is it our time to come we come in obedience to the same law that caused our going as we come so do we live love and become a ship is seen coming our way it is propelled by what no motive power is seen and nknown in what does it
Differ from life on Earth we are here and are gone what the Motive Power and what the cause answer thou me if you can oh writer answer thou me what causes life in and and on Earth the cause of life on Earth is the cause of life
Elsewhere life is the product of action conforms to its rules is governed by its status as one part of a higher know that higher and you know the cause of life you answer oh reader but think not that the answer is any more clear to you than
Your own question was to you for you have asked and cannot understand a truthful and complete answer cease your questioning and listen to truth when it is given you to listen and not talk is of greater value to you than all the sermons you can preach you rest in the
Shadow of Gods Not in their light it would blind you rest in Shadow and live in their light you would die live sympathy overcame a God and all Earth rested grief overcame a God and all Earth wept mildness came unto a God and all Earth shed tears of joy
Enlightenment was a Gods but Earth could not understand and went to its shadow to be able to live there you abide today and tomorrow a god dreamed and Earth was convulsed with joy a god smiled and Earth said how can we understand such happiness Earth is but a faint reflex of
Higher hidden in Shadow that it may live and not die a wct universal said I am no more and its parts gathered together for Readjustment and lived as many it was one no more Earth is but an infinitesimal part of a greater you oh reader are an infinitesimal part of
Earth and not all of Earth at that for you are Earth and also a stranger here learn and be at rest it is yours to be and to do Shadows are many and it is good that it is so else there would be a sensation of life on Earth for earth
Needs Shadow and not light Shadow to Earth is light in light she cannot abide when in the Abode of the Gods one God said there are many worlds and many gods when can we take from each some part make another world the worlds have many
They cannot do with such Parts as are no longer in activity should be given an opportunity to do for themselves and become active another said my brother hath spoken truth let us take of each of us and create a new it was done and Another Universe was formed that
Universe was endowed with the attributes of each God in some part this universe formed of gods became exceedingly great and gave of itself freely and graciously and all it did was so constructive that it saw fit to place itself in others for their benefit but each part was to
Retain its connection with the higher universe and it with the creative gods in this manner atands were a formed and at no time or place were they ever in a body and are not so today this was the source of atlan and is the source of
Atlan there are no higher from these and from the sprang Construction in action from them came the rose and the cross and the star you now have the origin of many and at one time one only a rose lay on the table and one of the Gods said it
Is a flower of such beauty that none can surpass it in Beauty its fragrance sends to all something of its own another said I hold in my hand a cross it too symbolizes many lights let us join these two symbols and send them unto that which we have created but another said
Hold one moment a thou dust so do for I to have a star which is a part of our guidance to all who spring from us the cross and Rose and star us came to Earth as guiding ones for all who know the cross holds within its form the square
And Compass they circumscribe and delineate the way for mankind to follow from all this sprang masonry but not the masonry of form and pomp but of construction in action the Rose said much has fallen so I too must place myself separately before some to follow
Me into to the abodes of future so the rose cross was formed the star said I too must do my part as a separate one and the stars of heaven will born to light the cross and Rose on Earth these two orders are near Akin and each does
Its work but the origin the same the general course the same and when one suffers Eclipse due to faultiness of man’s comprehension they both sink from sight and always will the creative Gods said on Earth there are many the dregs cannot understand light so a Creed was
Formed the drgs ever muddy the waters and create Strife so the churches of form and Creed and hate were born these fight the cross and Rose and star but they cannot Prevail the dregs live in the dark the others are emerging from Shadow into light the reptile in the
Dark strikes all it sees in the light but it sees only Shadow so strikes and Strikes and makes its noise and Discord but do what it can it cannot do but to hire thou Hast had the sun rise in thy sight thou Hast seen it pass above and
Wilt thou follow its setting thou Hast had placed before thee Construction in action learn of it as written and someday when thou art ready more Wilt be given thee but today thou Hast far more than thou canst understand so we close and ask thee to wait a time in patience
Until Thou Art called then thou mayest wrap at the door and await a time in patience until thine answer is returned unto thee fairwell thou Hast been told of these the ones of GOI the ones of old the ancient Creed of order and of progression now we turn onto some that
Are not of the story as yet they once lived in a microscopic a life full of order and of progression from that germ came many others of it and yet independent of it for birth gives forth but does not at all times and ways dictate a boded head and a humbled heart
Gives as much as wisdom in action from this microscopic comes order of another variety gives of itself as each is given birth to it two gives birth unto others so a long line is formed reaching from parent into Infinity each given forth as well as the originating our order and
Are governed by orders decrees a minute is given forth is taken from its parent and is placed under law it thrives and becomes strong and fine it governs as it is governed from that microscopic are formed masses and continents and other large bodies are formed and still that
Single cell governs and controls in much but as masses are formed there also Springs into view the law governing masses and the minute goes its way and the mass goes its way the struggle for independent existence passes onward its way the way of law in each minua are
Countless others and all obeying the law of equality whichever rules in all ways and things Construction in action everywhere and this masonry is the basis of much in so-called mankind life the order of masonry is as old as time as immutable as order and creation upon this Foundation there came into existence
First a conception of such high value that it has and does yet sustain a physical order this conception became lowered as the conditions forming a race came into play as this race fell the conception became a l one this however was yet far in Supremacy to those who
Followed as best they could in the final analysis up to the present date There lives an order which is stronger than the civilization of which it is a part but a Superior part as conception of the races become diminished the apparent fall of conception seems to be but as
The most beautiful is seen only with the eyes of the seeing so is masonry as it is viewed by its so-called deves Radiance is seen today by Earth kind as white but its Sheen is not seen its glory unperceived and its being a savior unknown so is masonry in the same
Category associated with it are others most notably the rose cross and star but the star is lost to sight only the rose and cross being yet in View and they each debased in conception of those who attempt to follow and to teach its Mysteries the flame is seen no more and
The serpents are degradation with but few who know and they of necessity silent in almost all we take thee back into an age when masonry is now called and the rose and cross separated masonry became the vehicle of art architecture and beauty it became the order of the
High it grew in worth and in silence disappeared countless times from view for there were few who could comprehend its Mysteries never did it die but from sight it passed many times and revived as often as the races fell as comprehension became obscured it fell to
The level that it could be of service to those who loved it for itself thus it has at times been degraded by its misuse and not being understood and misunderstood this is today the the condition of an institution strong and powerful and yet as has ever been and
Will ever be a guide to many an inspiration to many and a crutch to Falling conditions as epochs and sub epochs come and go so does the form come and go but the spiritual ever remains and works in its way as all high ever do opposed to this order in its every
Aspect stands another who has ever marked its way by a trail of ignorance and infamy who has ever imprisoned freedom of speech act and who ATT attempts to control all things terrestrial and Celestial bending all to its limitations and officially recognizing only its own acts and designs repudiating pretensions of one
Period to soften the coming storm of Retribution this mental and spiritual slavery ever grows ever attempts to hold in leash all who are progressive and by its actions brings back into view its greater opponent and makes it mandatory that it shall live and never never die around masonry and its Banner ever comes
The ones searching for light ever those who attempt to follow light and whoever Place themselves in opposition to tyranny and The Binding of soul in a vice then comes the flame to brighten the sky then comes its wisdom of old to direct and those few of it know and do
And once again the light of civilization comes and the old Order of Chaos is dissipated and the glory is again as the light appears then comes the serpents carrying in them with them the light held aoft in wisdom’s hand and a new epoch is entered into we speak again of the Rose cross
Ones they were of the original stock of light when masonary was born to do its separate work then two was born the rose cross ones equally old equally venerable and equally strong stands those Resolute ones they too have prepared to do and do act in construction in action for they
Too are such they in company with their brother enter into those rich in worth but they appeal to the more mystical appeal to the more silent appeal to the more ethereal so the rosecross ones are more elusive than their brothers the brothers enter into each
Are held by a common tie live as one in much and separate in much the rosecross ones are as elusive to their opponents as is their composition but think not that the rosecross ones are of necessity a physical order many claim to be but few are so is it with masonry many who
Have ever seen the inside of a logar of each conception is the order of each and both remove it and you have a formula without meaning and without value understand conception and you have not alone an order but a principle which cannot be destroyed by any or all
Combined opposition these live and they are both men and women and others the Brotherhood of understanding is not confined to these two classes of man and humankind but to higher and to lower for the principle of order is as universal as life the light has broken through the
Clouds of error its Sheen and its Glory pervades all space a new ear is born and those of it see and grasp in its fullness their own they then pass unto others such of it as can be held in their hands and a new government is born
That flag of Eternity your flag and mine may it wave in stress and in storm but may it wave born of equality in law it waves in the sight of God and man it is followed by the great in Soul everywhere and at all times but when those who see
See it not hear not its lessons then comes that flag down and masonry and rose and cross pass from view except in the hearts of the faithful the white Banner illuminated by the rose and cross are the symbols of Resurrection continuation and perpetuity it waves it lives it dies not
And will not such oh reader is the teaching of this short book the storm has ceased peace and plenty are Harmony has again Arisen on the wings of light Beauty rains and Order seemingly decomposed is again invisible ascendant as the sun breaks through the clouds so
Is its light appreciated by a new era the present the making of a new era during this time of rearrangement there is of necessity a breaking up of the old this old has in it the germ of reconstruction this reconstruction makes it mandatory that the old shall be no
More the dying apparently of certain races The Mixing of others now unmixed to any great extent but symptoms of a coming era and a changed condition leading to another higher and better evolved this new race to be the amalgamation of the ones now in existence both on Earth and elsewhere
This will meet with Savage contradiction in some quarters for the mixing of the races assumes to a limited point of view a condition bad to the last degree and so it is in its immediate effects but if taken at a Long Range View it is not so
Count centuries is taken in the process of making during that era of construction there are many Salient points to be seen and in their immediate effects are seen as detrimental to the races taking part this is noticeably so in the mixing of the white and black races creating a mongral condition very
Bad in its immediate effects when any dilution takes place there is a struggle for dominancy this leads to both physical and mental contention spiritually you must remember in the final analysis is the one dominating and directing power which presides over all it is uniring in its direction and wisdom it may be said
There are Throwbacks for an incalculable space of time and in this the writer agrees and knows how embarrassing such things are but in this way also races are formed when in sufficient number the order for construction went forth many ages ago there was first a one which divided into many these many intermixed
At certain epochs for a purpose and they are so today there are today no races in their purity all are mixtures as there has been many races will there be many more and from the remains of the older the newer are formed even as the Potter changes his clay so are many created
This process of construction in action is ever in progress so do not look down on some of today as being inferior but rather look up and say I am thankful that I am in a position to know the law in action this point reached you have passed a crucial examination and you
Have mounted higher in the way of evolvement many races have been many more to be many Creations bind through struggles of each for Domination but remember that the soul disintegrates combines many ways and times and you are but one part of a universal soul and as such contribute to its action in some
Degree the banner of constructiveness ever waves illuminated by the star and rose and cross construct in action contemplate weave and growing in mysticism and you have solved the problem of Eternity then and then alone are you a Mason and a rose cross star one a mighty plan you are part of a
Mighty effort to do and be done with then Hast thy God and my God become one where there is constructive change springing from a destructive process there is friction this leads to pain and sorrow and trouble during the process of tearing down in society of Earth this means revolution and many disasters of
Many Natures the disintegration of anything large is ever a process of mangling tearing us under the old that the newer may live and Thrive during this process there is construction going on but seldom seen this is the present state or sub AG of the new this condition will take many centuries to
Determine its final result it takes time to disintegrate time to build and time in the transition during this time construction is in process for the torn must have placed in its strength Harmony in such amounts that it can become constructive this construction is masonry the parts and elements entering into the finer
Determining is rose and cross and above them all the star the renewal of faith can only be through the mystical this mystical acts through masonry construction combined as they other components are not seen and are unknown sometimes called by one name and at others by other names generally not
By any name as they are both Unknown by but few so we today end this small book but to add to it later very much for this book is to grow and become as a growing tree stretching its branches to all who care to seek shelter therein Construction in action part five when
The rose cross and star United in one Bond then came into being another formed of them this has been denominated as flame flame is the union of that super Excellence with which when in action carries to all who can comprehend the Elegance of assumption based on wisdom
And of such magnitude that it carries in itself the reproductive of another era upon this faint Shadow degrees have been formed and worked in lodges without one jot of intelligence or knowledge of their origin the rights used in contravention of any knowledge whatsoever if the present day lodge
Worker knew the barest rudiments of his order he would stand in or instead of smiling in an assumed superiority over those not of it from far away India comes some of his work but so aged in time that he knows not of its origin sees not its Mighty history and knows
Not of anything related to it in the reproduction of many degrees many are of no value whatsoever but are crude Innovations to obscure a ignorance inexcusable in him inexcusable in that he should not pretend wisdom when he has none excusable when he knows his own lack of information and the
Impossibility of gaining such this volume small as it is and will remain such is the first that has been placed in the hands of the reader to know somewhat long ages ago a the fall was so complete there existed The Lodge of the Saints these were Saints in this they
Knew and knowing gave of themselves freely the sanctity of wisdom is only so to those who can understand to the disbeliever there is no sanctity to the scoffer of Truth there is no sanctity the ignoramus who cannot understand there is not sanctity but to the one who can comprehend the beauties of wisdom
The spirituality of what has been taught there is sanctity to a dying one who sees with eyes of Futurity there is sanctity of belief such a belief is itself sacred in sincerity of faith and of action it is Construction in action construct as you will the edifice you
Build is yours live in it you must in the spirit of giving we record for you some of the lessons which this long past gives unto you reserving only such things as are not of value unto you at this period and they are many the Seeker
Of higher ever praise unto his God for guidance in all things he who seeks in truth receives in truth which makes you free but binds you to higher Ever After when a soul in bondage is seen then he of Truth seeks that soul in bondage and
Gives unto it freely all it can receive that Soul receiving and that giving are each of each other even as the lesson has been able to receive in the Silence Of Night Comes the message in that silence born of Hope and Faith it is received the child of that reception is
As any child born of Love and Hope and sincerity when he who has received has become the receiver then has he become a parent to give forth even as he received when such parts of your and my God have joined there is wedlock if there is not
Reception there can be no children born of them illegitimacy is the false actions based on false perceptions placed in action illegitimacy is The Offspring of a United two or more giving forth Discord in action which is destructive unto all it comes in contact with construction in action is
Legitimacy the destructive in action is illegitimacy when it impinges on weaker and gives unto it the falsity of itself tearing it from what might at some near time be its progenitor and parent in fact murder is when the weak and immature has been taken from a comparative place or condition of
Improvement and sent unto the lower Realms of night illegitimacy and murder are near Akin Construction in action relieves the burden of ignorance and gives it the strength of understanding destruction in action ravages the weak and immature takes from the weak its defense and governs it as it does all
Subject to its sway it is typified by the destructive on Earth in societies and orders especially religious ones whose domination is as the breath of a heated furnace when masonry comes and fails then comes the milder Less in evidence stronger in its mildness the rose and cross to do in
The kindly way its brother could not do in its more forcibly one mysticism fails only in the unprepared masonry oftimes succeeds where the one is not ready by giving support the two act in different lines succeed in the same and different fields The Silence of death is as strong
As the sound of strife when in heated action strength of construction in action lies in its ability to do for the advancing placing into the lowering that strength which in time will Elevate the lowering unto the heights instilled into it this is the secret code of all which
Advances it is read by those passing into the Realms of light Silence with its power of discrimination with its greatness of compassion sees all this and says give of yourselves higher unto those who need all given and added strength he who looks from the gate says
I have seen I have seen and what I have seen is the sheen the glory and the faith of an advancing to Heights Make Way for that one Make Way for him for he is ours forever more the gate swings open he who enters as I am of you may I
Remain until I again hear the call then to pass into that state where I can do for all the sacrificial is ever near unto all ready to do of such are the Kingdom of Heaven as little children they give their all seek only the high and listen unto such as call enter ye
All into the kingdom of celestial the Mason is the one who builds who gives unto all who says as ye need so do I give accept ye as I give in the spirit of truth I give receive death has closed the eyes of that one but what is death
Is it a sleeping or is it an Awakening these are questions of great import death is a sleeping an Awakening an active and a passive death the shr in which you are to be with its mantle it covers conceals and reveals it is change in many ways constructs through many
Agencies destroys through change and not through Annihilation and yet Annihilation and change are closely related the Mason is the one who sees all this takes his place and part in it all and when the times comes to give an account he shows a structure erected unto that conception he calls his God
The Mason carves embellishes illustrates and gives symmetry unto all hears the voice obeys it and does in all things he is an architect and you oh reader art also a mason in some degree for all cut carve stamp stain and indite in some way
Although you may say it is not so I do not but if you did not you would not and could not construct through this you have left your mark received your wages and have done the very things you say you will not do for Earth is an
Inversion and you inverted and had you your way you would sink and not rise but instruction in action causes you to do the things you would not do and you advance thus does the high reach downward and you for you in opposition to your boasted will power the moon sha
One night and said oh Earth why am I alone hast thou no heart for me the Earth replied Thou Art me in much for from the same we came but I am and you are not I am I am that I am while you
Art not but the moon said oh Earth am I an inverted as Thou Art the light of earth is heat that of the Moon Cold were they the same Earth would have more of the cold within it for the Moon is not so much inversion as is Earth a mighty
Difference for each must pass through their own evolvement although from end of the same the moon in its coldness attracts much of Earth while the Earth exerts Less on the moon astronomers take this lesson to heart and mind it will serve you well when Earth gives up to
The Moon changes occur in its composition it’s tension is relieved and you have changes in Seasons changes in tides in the waters both on its surface and in its depths those of scientific attainments may also take note of what is here recorded Construction in action once again the Mason is he who
Constructs a fabric whether it be large and great or small and ignoble for whatever he does he constructs for in all change there is some construction so all are masons to some degree and point point to one jot within thy memory of anything and say in truthfulness there
Is not in him that is good in all are some things ever constructing in an ascending scale it is said that the Moon is an offshoot of the earth and such it may be but look more deeply and you will find them from a common source but into
Each entered a different evolvement we will seek no more just yet in this but present unto you others from which you will learn more and more of yourselves for construction in action is great and Grand in its various actions before the bar of judgment stood
Two Souls one of man and one of animal kind they looked at each other at their judge who said why art thou and who art thou that DST disturb my meditations by your unseeingly intrusions the soul of man said I am here at thy bequest and
The animal Soul said I to him here at thy summons we have heard your voice and have come in response to that call we obey as law says to obey we are here the judge said if ye art here what DST thou wish Mercy said the soul of man and
Mercy said the soul of animal why dust wish Mercy hast thou extended it oh mankind to the animal beside thee hast thou withheld the foot from treading on it hast thou withheld the destruction in thy hand and heart and mind hast thou oh animal withheld the impulse to kill and
To steal from thy neighbor who is man hast thou performed the acts of mercy and Justice unto thy opposite kind as well as thine own kind we oh judge must plead guilty of all thou Hast asked our minds clouded our souls unseeing have done all the things ye have asked by
What Dost thou ask and expect to receive if Thou Art guilty of many crimes by the token thou gavest us when thou did send us from the ages and ages ago through that token we ask not for justice but for Mercy it is the birthright he gave
Us when leaving Thee the judge replied as thou Hast asked wil ye so give when you pass again unto Earth it cannot be oh judge it cannot be for when we return unto Earth we know not when we return here we know that thou art us and all
The judge replied it is so ye art accountable even as Thou Art evolved and Earth is immaturity so unto Earth must I extend my mercy and instruct them in the ways of higher life the soul of all kind are from the same Source this makes
Brothers of all the money you use in the counting houses of you use it as is best as thou DST send it forth it returns unto ye giving an account even as you sent it the woman of ill Fame says I weep that I am so the one of virtue says
I am glad that I am so between them a great Gulf so they think but wherein are they different in this oh reader in this they have been cast in a different mold the Potter could have made them the same a touch here and there makes them the
Same or different from him they came unto him they return each his and he loves them just the same for each has done what is best it is even so he who constructs knows the Potter is a Master Mason you an Entered Apprentice and will sometime become a Master Mason look to
The east for light wisdom and guidance to the West for wisdom light and guidance to the north and south for the same it is ever surrounding you Earth said I am lonely and grieve that I am so low send thou me oh my maker thy Master
Mason to do for me the Master Mason came and said Earth Thou Art poorly evolved I must reshape thee in much he looked and saw the moon who smiled at him saying oh Master Mason use me as I can give much unto my brother who is in trouble the
Master Mason said reach unto Earth thy brother and give unto him change his soon took place the waters were made too eban to flow the waters above and below change according to the will of that Master Mason’s wish currents in Earth become active or latent at his will
Great Earth movements take place and changes are made that give unto all a different aspect Seasons bring change well for it to have the Master Mason said all is well continue each yourselves as I have given to do the Master Mason carves Cuts stains writes indicts at his will and all receive
Their Mark at his will and as he Wills is done still ye have not the word which governs all things well may ye have it it will be given in the Stillness of Silence with form erect with conscience at rest and when it is given ye art
Creator and a master of Masons once again we bid thee farewell the word hath been given it is thine do with it thou dust please but remember oh reader the word once given is never divulged to any except they be well qualified worthy and of good repute the word is yours and
Belongs to others even as it is the word once possessed is valueless unless you know its meaning it’s method of use and the attitude in which you place yourself in its use otherwise it as valous as anything of unknown use to use this word has been used in many ages by many
Peoples who are as brothers at all times those who possess the word are of value unto many they are masters of masonry they are Constructors and creators thou mayest call the word by many names many pronouncements by many ages and peoples but the word ever means
The same is ever used alike by all is never divulged unto any not ready to use and yet if you knew it of what Avail would it be unto you unless you are qualified we use not the word in this manuscript and yet it will be used many
Times and maybe you will find it and use it and will find it as valous to you as any to any unknowing those of GOI used it in reverence those of Egypt used it in humbleness those of India used it in meekness and the atands used it in
Radiance hidden from view the word is as widely known as any and yet those who use in such humility of wisdom that it is efficacious those who used the word were of many degrees of proficiency some used it in intercourse with those of lower and some with those of higher but
It ever marked all as being initiates of some degree has the Masonic fraternity today the word some branches have it but not all have it those who have known not its pronouncement it is as useless as any not understood word if thou did know it in its every part but one then it
Would continue to be worthless unto ye thou must have humility thou must have its correct pronunciation it must be used in the highest thou Hast it cannot be transmitted to any unless they be of you and of they with humble soul with understanding with wisdom and in all
Sincerity must thou be Heir thou Hast it it cannot be stolen cannot be taken and given it must be earned and none can earn unless they are worthy it is valuable only to those who are worthy the word is a reflection of an unspoken its prototype was in the Ethereal long
Long air its spoken came into use that which later became a spoken was used by a hierarchy of nobility never known on Earth the Ethereal claimed and possessed it after countless ages it became a spoken then it became a written but has never been used by any except those who
Are worthy none other can so use it it is safe from corruption we pass from the word with this at parting the word is useless as any to any misunderstanding being Incorruptible it is ethereal in its use and meaning we pass unto others the vocalization of thoughts
This process came into being after the body was formed at first it became an audible thought uttered by those of semi- ethereal nature its completeness was not until crystallization became effective and the body is now formed completed this has been countless ages but as etherealization begins again to
Mount unto its source The Sounds will become less Audible and less harsh this a matter of Untold ages a it is completed this vocalization came from high to lower to act in conjunction with others of a materializing nature The Voice carries in it a construction embodying many evolvements it is a
Reflex of higher parts of the makeup of mankind this vocalization continuing becomes the gauge by which there are many systems brought into use these systems are intimately connected with the outward display of forces seldom known one is the word which is closely related to the fourth dimension which is
Perception in action an abstraction the fourth dimension is ever an abstraction but to perceive there must be an evolvement equal to the things perceived if anything is gauged it is completeness but as all things ethereal are not so gauged there is of necessity an imperfectly understood condition perception and the fourth dimension
Being of the same are in general Palance synonymous the things of Earth are seen imperfectly the wisdom by which the Unseen are seen is perception and it is the fourth dimension this is valueless from the earth point of view but as it comes into action there appears another
World other than Earth one it is a vehicle within which something passes from lower to higher the fourth dimension is perception perceived it is your and my God seen as one Construction in action part five many the words of expression used during the ages but one concept at all times words of meaning
Words of expression and of beauty showing the frailties of humanity and lesser these words are the product of evolvement when they came into use they were first but a thought then an uttered in expression of that thought by gradual degrees they came into being given unto all who understood withheld from those
Who could not gradually as the fall continued classes were formed and the words were used only by those who were in possession of them eventually the word became so circumscribed that that it was lost to almost all and is so today so to the word you must bow in
Humility as something high and Grand and Noble and so it is as we look across the Divide where there is separated the high and the low we see those of evolvement possessing the many that those of lesser do not then it becomes incumbent on those of lesser to ask and to seek of
The greater that which they possess those who possess give unto all who seek and give in abundance at your call I will answer is ever the key note of all who are Advanced those of lower degree have but to ask this seeking is to be done in sincerity but if sought in
Hypocrisy or in insincerity all will also be given but as none can receive except those who are worthy no harm is done except unto those so seeking it then becomes as a hot iron searing and burning through lack of ability and sincerity it soon becomes a curse and in
Its action it brings reflection after the rage is over then comes the soothing effects and Healing Begins then indeed is the one ready for some of what it sought in lack of sincerity this oh reader is a mighty lesson if you will but take it to yourself we leave this as
We have left many others to touch again and again as seems best to do from many sources we pass from and unto and as we do so there comes unto us the effects of many sources the piece of understanding the wisdom of such lies ever in the faithful
Heart the instructive tongue gives and the attentive ear receives as is best to all who behold the grander Believers is best and to all who seek come unto that masonry which ever constructs in the things of higher the structure of anything is as its ingredients are the
Structure of masonry is composed of the word its ramifications in a descending line reaching to Earth in its course downward it reaches into order and into chaos it is composed of the many entering into Order and Chaos and from it comes Construction in the many fields reaching Earth it exerts on it such
Powers as Earth can accept in its evolvement the receiving Earth and the giving Construction in action compose what is denominated as masonry something far beyond an order formed on Earth to control actions circumscribe passions and to direct souls in so far as Earth can unto a goal far superior to Earth
Itself through an order this principle runs carrying to each such a message as the particular one is capable of receiving the system of Earth is as capable of absorption as its structure permits Earth being non-homogeneous it stands to reason that it receives differently at times and unequally at
All times this causes many obstacles to be overcome many objects receiving in its inequality differently the result must at times be far from equality under such conditions we pass fully aware that all to be written will be received as evolvement is one person being inequality there can be but one thing
Sure and that is the inequalities of reception the differences make many contradictory conditions to exist in that one so we see the Apparently high and low associated in one leading bewilderment on the part of the observation without knowledge of the make up means further bewildered action and this leads to many conditions well
To avoid is possible Earth being a medly and Mankind part of Earth and part parasitic there then comes into view how can this condition be obviated if not corrected in Fall if all in influences were alike there would be a Harmony of some grade being different the low holds
Back the high and gives it strength to do according to the object to be overcome the high carrying onward the low impresses it with a higher stamp than otherwise could be this makes each an object of importance to each other a mutual assistance in much this creates an understanding well to have when
Attempting anything the many systems in anyone are thus harmonized to an extent with this knowledge placed before you there is then one more step to be taken and that is the making of such steps in progress a any step is taken there must first be an equity of rights based on
Former lives to the extent of understanding each life is influenced the Constructor takes of each and places together and says of each and many are you made there are many elements here some alike but many so unlike that they are valueless at present those alike may
Be placed near unto each other and used in accordance with what they may assimilate Alik this produces many nuclei these are starting points which serve to make all parts of a coming conscious whole as this increases the Constructor is able to make a fabric strong and enduring that which on Earth
Is immature is of a more mature as the ascent continues there is ever a reaching down and an uplifting so in time there comes a consummation and you oh candidate are the expression of that consummation when you have one or more constructive elements in your makeup
Apply them to that of another of like and soon a growth comes that means Construction in action when understanding begins and is ready to cease its efforts there comes the intuitional and then follows the mystical and they unite forming something finer and more ethereal and less material so another is formed which
Directs the lower to an increasing degree making the lower higher and the higher stronger in this manner there is a mutual interdependence which makes a strong and better and more worthy of coming Master ship when Master ship is attained there then comes the elements of construction in greater amount than
Before transmuting ever into higher the lower the erection of such a fabric many ages are consumed but the structure continues to grow and to assume greater proportions than before this means an increased power of grandeur until a finished Monument is produced in memory of a long since past you have made a
House for your occupancy with with such a house it then becomes incumbent on you to occupy and furnish it becomingly this you must do we leave you now for a little while and then place before the reader some of the things which this house is furnished a
Mighty task in itself but as you become more and more of beauty the beauty of this home is as it’s every part all parts being harmonious Beauty Reigns Supreme one look into the interior and you will find all in complete harmony with its part this in itself creates Beauty whose
Design is proportional to every part within this Mansion are many homes and all within and parts of its every part so that the within is as the without to reign supreme there must be no floor so this mansion with its many within has in each that which is harmonious with all
Other parts for the parts constitute the whole this Mansion is Beauty and Beauty has within and composing it Harmony love peace Grandeur and these are but parts of con Construction in action now that you have seen something of this Mansion we will once again pass from it and view
Again some other part of construction in action for it is composed of many this construction for it constructs in many and very many it is common to so many that if all were enumerated mathematicians would work and never tire and then would be aged in ages and the
Ones then not enumerated the Constructor said I have finished with this my duty and my pleasure I must now go unto another and that other is to erect another to the most high God to produce a mansion for his to live in and never be away from their home which is my home
And yours also oh reader the Master Mason said I see everywhere the elements of that which is to be my home but I must gather them in I gather them in I must place them in a mold that they can and will conform unto my mold and then I
Have gathered them in I must sweep from them the many they now have and I must take of them and give unto them each and all some part that each may have that which is to gather them in the Potter says of this I take and mold it in this
Wise and this I to take and mold it as this is to be part of the first and he takes of much and many and when the image is made it to is beautiful and the every part is molded and Graven and made into an image for then said the Potter I
Have gathered them in I have gathered them in and they are one who were many the Potter lays aside his tools that he has worked with so long and says I have used you oh tools I have used you must pass into Oblivion who have acted for me
Thou Hast gathered them in for me so I take of you and you two must be gathered in and he did and they too became parts of that mansion and all were gathered in those of many mansions said are we all alike and the Potter replied you are not
All alike but I have made each Mansion alike for all therein used are alike so I have gathered you all in but as you are different Mansions so must you too each and all know each other and become them each other he mixed the clay again
And this time he took from each some some part and joined them again and again until all were homogeneous then they became one and the Potter gathered them in no more as he laid aside his tools he said I have gathered them in I have gathered them in they are now of me
And I must rest and refreshen myself and the Master Mason said Rest Ye here for until I give the sound of the gavl in the East ye art at rest then come unto the Mansion I have prepared for ye thus do Masters work that theirs May travel
In foreign lands that they may support those depend on them for spirituality ever travels and works and supports their families who are lesser evolved and need that support which only Masters can do have ye oh readers learned that construction in action means that all must travel that all must earn the wages
Of a Master Mason and give of it as is well we close this little book and ask only that you read with your best and not with your least and that when you close this book is so far written that ye wil say I have read and learned then
Have ye gathered them in the master architect had rested and as he viewed his work he said there are many to make and unmake and form and reform until all are homogeneus then he said this is most beautiful but this beauty must be placed in some other that
It may redeem the Lesser so the beautiful was broken and an apart taken and given unto the Lesser in Beauty the beautiful became a sacrifice and it labors as any do whoever give those who give most ask least so the beautiful gave and when the labor was fully
Performed looked and saw edifice worthy of her beauty and love this oh reader is not all for above the master architect there stood another who said as ye have answered well the gavl when it sounded in the East so must you too again do but this time your labors are far more High
Than before for you have become a superm and an intendant of many buildings you before knew not and that one labored in the realm of many lights and gave unto them and sometime came he too became the heights unscaled before must we leave thee Oh reader or must we pass ever
Onward our answer to our prayer is rest it is rest for you have labored long and been faithful unto all we enter once again into the subject which has for a short time consumed some of our time Construction in action is as various as the uni Construction in action is as
Great and as Noble as the ones who act their work is the construction the building the placing in action themselves whatever is seen is of them is them and as you are one more parts of the universe so are you of them in proportion to your Consciousness When
The Dawn salutes the sun which is its Forerunner you have in action of something which has been on numberless occasions been seen in mankind preceding a great one sent to Earth for its benefit the redeemers were Constructors they were ones in action they were Masons of some degree they gave and
Asked not their reception as the evolvement as their Auditors were the Redemptive action is as much a Constructor as any who build in a more tangible manner we close this volume now and perhaps never again add to it its reception to be as variable as the evolutions of the readers are dated this
Era of Earth sealed this with the Seal of an order unknown the year of the profane 1928 written by a member of the Mysteries the Mysteries are supposed to be no more they live have not at any time passed or died but are as strong today as then as public as they ever
Were for what was known and seen in old time was but an exterior no power of man can kill this order its life was decreed by a higher and from it came its life and to it will go its life the few who are members are seldom seen unknown at
All times even if seen and associated with this order is the parent of masonry today but far removed at the present time the order of rosec cross ones are are also its children for now you know one order on Earth has it all many its ramifications many its actions and each
Fitted for some purpose this will not be in accord with the beliefs and pretensions of some but this writer writes not to please any but to give truth as his best and to take the consequences whatever they may be this is not conducive to popularity popularity is not spirituality but of
Times the reverse Construction in action part seven after the lapse of time necessary a new and enlarged addition is well to be placed before those who care for such literature as we approach the sanctum sanctorum we do with a humility worthy of emulation by those of less
Information to enter this place you have to divest your hearts and souls of malice Gile and bitterness placing there in your best and receiving while their truth appreciation and ability that you may see hear and know prayer is this San um it is the sanctum sanctorum it is the
Appeal to a god through which it functions prayer is that emulation of Higher by lower and lowering prayer brings the discordant into reach and play and enlightens the Darkness you should pray and in its Divinity reach to higher it is within the reach of all as prayer guides it assists to Heights with
This set forth for your guidance you have sufficient to control your actions this should be sufficient and if you were wise no further elucidation would be necessary but as you are not wise this book will be added too that which has been written is all sufficient for
Guidance of mankind being not wise but unwise many books are required and they insufficient for the purpose the greatness of action means Construction in action wherever an edifice is erected unto a god there dwells that God there are many edifices and as many gods the
God of the musician the god of the many vocations are as different as conception and any conception is but a God to be placed at some time in action when you pass into your sanctorum you pass through an opened door through a gate ever opened unto you the price of prayer
Its understanding its conception is the price all must sometime pay it means failure in an Earth’s sense it means sacrifice it means the leaving of dross behind and it means the ostracization by many who cannot see or cannot know the price is leaving Earth but body to remain with its concomitant Parts
Retaining such as mind and others of a Redemptive process this body house is not a functioning entity but acts as any Graven tool an instrument to do with and to be done by the Avenue of prayer is ever open but prayer is pure aspiration in action if you can use the channel you
Are indeed well often rich in wealthiness when entering the sanctum sanctorum you have entered into that State well to conserve in all its purity of love and whiteness of endeavor He Who was Master entered into that sanctorum air he died his death but a beginning of another life he had severed with Earth
His connections he had given all he had unto others and that he might receive wages his due air he passed from one unto another pray and the gods pray with you pray not and they grieve for you as you understand their tears and yours mingle freely in the Sunset you have a
Departing in its Rising you have a coming as you have prayed so do you have returned unto you so pray but think a you pray construction is prayer in action erector God conception which ever grows and never dwarfs the master said I have left uncompleted my work but others
There are who are learning and they too shall become Masters but those immature said we must learn not by sacrifice but by other and they slew that master so it is said and buried him in the rubbish of the temple the weak the mature ever kill and slay the higher within them they
Ever seek but they do not find they bury deep within the rubbish the fine and the good but comes there a time when the resurrection must come then they uncover their acts and theirs and exposed to light their actions when they find that which they killed in past they then pay
The penalty which is death of that which did Kill and slay then comes the resurrection but they have not that which they killed and slew but have a substitute the of which they use until they can learn and become Masters in fact prayer is the Avenue which leads to
Resurrection and Recovery to become a master you must renounce give up the Ambitions of Earth life and partake of the feast drink of the waters and live a life of apparently and yet live the life of the real those who wish can do but it may take ages to prepare yourselves are
You duly and truly prepared worthy and well qualified questions you must answer yourselves for none have the right to do so for you Solomon means wisdom it was that wisdom which said and did but there entered into that one not alone wisdom but wisdom’s Shadow who took unto
Himself many wives they corrupted that which did contain and wisdom placed aside stepped to one side and said I watch and wait the wives were many they each sought and they each were given and they each took and Solomon the wise died the wives said I ask Grant thou unto us
All we seek it was done and Solomon who erected a temple unto wisdom found the temple polluted it could not be occupied by Solomon any longer and was destroyed where was Solomon the wise the temple gone the race in captivity and in slavery the wise gave forth many
Children and they too propagated a race of slaves came into being and Construction in action said it is well we must Again Begin to act wives oh skeptical reader and also immature were but the thoughts and acts attached unto wisdom to learn and to learn as is best unto all these Learners
Were many all seeking something but so immature that they corrupted by an overlying so that wisdom was lost but those who overlaid did learn but as they learned they also forgot and when they forgot they passed into slavery a place wherein they were made to do involuntarily in this condition of
Servitude they were forced to do the thing things well to be done for their own activity in a higher way than forly in the shadow they live to enact all they cared for in their greater aspirations of past From Slavery they passed through the actions of a savior
Who restored unto them their Temple and again they sought the high but failed and it too destroyed seek ye the Temple of the most high God wait at the gate if ye will but seek the temple not made by or with hands Eternal in the heavens the
High priest of the the temple was once high and priest but when the pseudo came he corrupted it by his presence and the temple was again destroyed have ye sufficient lessons for the day or are ye able to stand the more the graves gave up their dead the past had returned with
All its ugliness of sight but as you laid away so must you receive again and again the Egyptians embed their dead that they might retain in memory their best but others laid them away to become the Forgotten and unseen but the Resurrection comes placing before the actors of a forgotten their own
Selves acknowledged or not remembered or not matters not at present but that past governs and consumes or destroys and acts as is best the temple is destroyed the races who worshiped there in are gone scattered throughout the lands the Jewish race is the race of persecuted Jew o reader means a Wanderer an
Unredeemed part an outcast but as he moves toward the Throne of David he attains that Independence which means resurrection and consummation thus today the Masonic order is founded on them an unredeemed but whoever wanders nearer and nearer unto their house of David or Redemption this present order is but a fragment of
Another and immature based on memory in part of its greater this greater has been placed before you Jerusalem Heavenly peace silent peace City of Brotherly Love are some of its meanings from that city has been sent forth streams of spirituality but the Jerusalem we speak of is not on Earth
But far above that City ye must seek if ye ever expect to attain there are there no priests to corrupt and the dead are cared for and given life memory revived and made whole sickness is made into Health then comes the Millennium wherein there is a rest but coming from it again
Passes action have you not the days and night of Brahm can you not see the universality of all all the soul needs rest and activity and receives it as his best we part from thee for a little while oh reader we part from thee but we
Come again and again as the gavel sounds in the East we come in compliance with the voice of the master who sits in the east from labor to refreshment and from refreshment to labor again and again we pass in the different states the master ever watches and presides Jerusalem
Means the Abode of the Gods and as such looks down on the ones below Jerusalem is the exalted one and in that City rests the Blessed the Blessed from that Abode of the Gods Goes Forth that stream of Life called by some the River Jordan
It flows and flows from a source unto an end in it was said to have been baptized the Christ a Mason a Constructor both in flesh and in Soul and in spiritual he was bathed in the River of Life bathed others in it and gave unto all that life
He so well knew the Roman Governor now called Pontius Pilate also was there with his Roman Legions and he to a Constructor of very much and is soon to be again in an Earthly Tabernacle to accomplish as president of the United States of America the things he could
Not do when governor of the Jewish land many great of old time are coming to this land America to construct as they once did of old time some will say this is not known unto you oh reader perchance so the writer will not contradict you but your limitations will
Not restrict the writer be assured of that past exalted made whole by the reception of the word he who hath the word hath courage to combat ignorance he who hath it not cannot accomplish as he who hath the path which leads to the Middle Chamber is a puzzle unto those
Who use the Expression in full ignorance of its meaning the Middle Chamber has reference to the pyramid now in existence deep beneath the pyramid it is a well soall almost directly above it a chamber leading to it by a Stairway the Middle Chamber has referen to this place
And condition but the Masons of today are fully ignorant of its meaning and use above this chamber is another built-in memory unknown to any who see with the eyes of physical this Middle Chamber leads to an unknown as today memory seeking its lost and not found it
Is placed in the fellow craft degree and is rightly so placed its illusion ritualistically is sufficient for the present day evolvement of masonry and construction more of it later as is our wish now expressed when engaging in any undertaking prayer is invoked and its blessings anxiously sought thus prayer
Has been at anded in all ages recognized as a beneficent this is in accord with Harmony Harmony being at one era Universal there then arises its shadow Ever After and giving unto to all who seek its mightiness this universality is seen at the present time and eras being
In some way part of all this makes the most Divergent Brothers to the extent of each’s possession this means much in approach this is instanced in masonry and romanism today the two are widely Divergent but at times there comes to each a mutual approach which soon turns
Into hatred as the likes revolve in their Cycles approximating at intervals then in the circular course become far apart thus you have a mutual hatred which at times is intense and at others a comparative inertia in planetary conditions the same exists what is by some assigned to planetary influences
All more often are the cycles in their revolutions The Constructor says do as I bid ye but the constructed says in reply why should I do am I not of the great age as you are the constructed is not as wise as the Constructor who is the
Architect so that measures are taken to do for the Lesser even if received unwillingly this condition is reflected downward to Earth and Earth then Grans in her labors it is now necessary to digress somewhat in our construction to pass into what is now known as carage by
The present day ones this race was dark in color smaller than the Romans their greatest opponents the carthaginians were governed by those of a higher race who had been in contact with the Lesser for so long a time that they were considered as one these were of the blue
Race who were left over in comparative numbers when the Mediterranean Sea was formed being of such superiority they govern well and wisely but as diminishing numbers came into play the lower assumed the greater relative importance in the Affairs of the nation and race their life was comparatively
Long and in its later aspects in conflict with the Roman race the high of the carthaginians were ever in secret sympathy with the Romans who they respected as distant kins men but the more numerous and lesser evolved were in opposition to the Roman race and government the great carthaginian
Warrior and Statesman was a mixture of native carag genian and the higher blue race he was a man of superb bearing tall and stately in form and presence he commanded the friendship and confidence of both classes he held within himself the dislike of the Romans as he had
Inherited from the lower class he held the intellectual and high from blue forbears a combination which made him a superb man until his death as field Marshall kitner he served his country well and Faithfully to his end The Architects said here we have a one who
Will do as bidden by us the Romans and carthaginians were but porns in the act two races different in Civilization different in mentalities could not live and leave each other alone they fought and one Past in the Warfare but the vanquished said I be unto you oh Romans
My hatred of you and in Rome passed a civil war of long duration and frequent the vanquished had their Revenge even though no more a nation and few of race after the impinging Cycles had passed their way they have not again impinged accepted times and then not forcibly
With this exception in a major sense the Germans represent at the present time some of Rome in a military way the Italians that have Carthage L its greatness of intellectual of the blue these two today stand in opposition and will until the cycle of impingement has passed the architect of the universe
Says I’m old here and I’m old there it is necessary to place much together for the benefit of those who are to be taken care of Nations and races and civilizations are as individuals the same laws govern an aggregate as well as in individuals religion has caused more
Distress than any other one element in the cosmogony of the races of mankind religion affects the more fluid the easier to stress and the easier to impress so it is taken as one by and with which to act and to act on the carthaginians were of a religious system
Black in much they were Black magicians in their religious system and to Rome they bequeathed their black magic and their process of action they originally attempted to Foster on Rome her religious system and it was this which brought the two races and Nations into conflict when Carthage had fallen the
Black system was taken unconsciously by Rome too late the effects were discovered it caused Rome’s fall or entered into it very strongly this black has been bequeathed to Italy by and through a religious system who is air to as much as she can absorb at the present
Day Hannibal knew all this was to be and in Grim determination he saw its future workings in Rome but he grieved that he was an instrument in its dissemination his sympathies were in much ran but influenced by the majority he cast his lot with those of the lower class and
Lead them to the end in an able and unworthy cause this seeming digression is not such and its place be seen as well as its importance as we pass further into the subject of construction The Constructor reaches into all forms and non forms he is the Potter who shapes
The clay to construct is to evolve from many into many from one into many from many into One races individuals all play A Part sometimes in masses and sometimes in fragments and sometimes as individuals who have been separated into more than one The Constructor must be
Able to take and to choose as his best construction in action is this masonry it is denominated and justly so then comes a faint reflection of that on Earth with all its possibilities of advancement and those who belong to its folds know not its importance they see
Not so are blind but as sight slowly returns and a new race comes into action made from the older and dissolving ones there comes the greater light by which mankind may see from many races comes the new a new alignment and a new angle of approach is made many races mixing
And dying bring forth the new having with it the many who composed it the Negro Race So despised too will play its part then no longer black no longer thick lips and lack of intelligence but made through many retorts into another but beneath having some of the
Characteristics of it well hidden to be brought forth when the right time comes the yellow and the white two play their parts in the mixture and none to know except the few that such a mixture has taken place it has been so and will be again the white races today are but
Mixtures of many races and there may be a recrudescence at any time in some one person which causes grief and trouble and heartaches to the ones affected but all are approaches of law unto those in life today in the forming of any there is ever trouble to some extent
Heartaches and humiliations are the result but when taken in the larger view there are seen others and the Lesser must then be placed where they belong agents along the way philosophically this is well but when the concrete is placed in your own family it is not so easily reflected on construction in
Action places here and there as as well accept the result as you will it is law the black magic bequeathed to Rome by dying Carthage did for Rome as the defeated could have done had she been Victorious so in Triumph reflect Triumph may be but defeat in Disguise this black
Magic has done Italy more harm than all the wars of ancient and modern time it yet lives in an adulterated form it yet acts as it can under the present conditions brings forth such as the old Roman debores seen again in the present day in musolini of Italy a forceful
Brutal man principle to him is opportunism defying today and subservient tomorrow a man of the day in this taking opportunity of a condition and bending it to his own means of light less light a Reincarnation of a more ancient day when he fought and killed as he today kills all opposed to him
Butchering Humanity that they may not oppose him such today is a Reincarnation of one of a number of centuries ago an old Roman Propet imbued with the black magic of action without the spirituality to make it effective brutality of an emperor of the Rome of now passed let us leave the
Individual as he is of short life and but a passing event too small to attract the recorder of General history but for a moment Imperial Rome in her greater is in the U sa a her most daring Ambitions are in the U A her greatest Ambitions
Nationally are here her great s are all have been domiciled in this nation her greatest Ambitions of civil greatness are and have been here her Splendor of building is being placed in erection her magnitude of riches are here and will be in greater amount yet to be her armies
Have now trodden much of the world of Earth today she is assuming that command of seas and land making her mistress in some manner of most of the earth her diplomacy is placing her in an almost impregnable position ancient and higher Rome is America of the North today she
Again is constructing and again the carthaginian black magic has come to her to disrup and later destroy her civilization centuries to come again will she appear and work out other phases of Destiny the Roman Catholic church today is but the advanced guard of Destruction in Action a small part
But an advancing part which will recede and become less but she is planting the seed and it will grow to eradicate this planted is impossible so there must come to America of the north another capable of combating this force it is and will be the Temple of Concord and of Peace as
Shown before in ancient Persia this has been taken up in another volume written by this same Authority who in an earlier date lived and built and made it possible that those of the day might live and prosper in its shade today he again sounds the warning and shows the
Way to pursue to combat an evil and hated objective masonry is the constructive princip principle and the Roman Catholicism the opponent adhere to whichever you are suited to we pause again a we give for yet mightier lessons are to be placed before you if you are
Not ready for them close this small book it is not for all but for the few who think consider and reflect well a they say it is right or wrong to such class is it given to read and we hope that none other will ever see its printed
Pages hybrid races are those in whom there has taken place the the destruction in its uttermost these races are about at their ending they are to be no more as such but to merge into others and their identity to be lost in its completeness few there are but they find
Their level as all do and no more affect races or groups of any degree numerically when the summons Goes Forth there is but little to do but to obey and as all obey La so do you obey all that is we close for Good this short
Part to open again in another degree and for your your instruction again at the sound of the gavl in the East we assemble and await the Master’s pleasure the master speaks I have opened this Lodge of fellow crafts for the purpose of instruction all who are here assembled are informed that this Lodge
Is now opened you will all conduct yourselves with propriety and decorum worthy of yourselves and your order and beliefs you are here assembled under conditions you have not before encountered they are persecution at the hands of a common eny enemy tyranny is abroad it rages and is encountered
Everywhere treachery in our ranks and suspicion everywhere you are admonished to remember your Oaths your friendships and your obligation in all measure as you so do you are to act in strict accordance with each and every part you are admonished to lay aside your animosities of whatever nature and to
Sink all things into the common good thus spake the master of his lodge having been called from the first to the second degree those in attendance said we are here at your command the master said all is well as long as Harmony Reigns Hut when it does not and Discord
Enters then must all be lost the pentious principle of Discord has entered our midst and named by a common name you all know so well this veiled and able opponent is in our midst detect him if you can and will the search soon disclosed an enemy in the midst who upon
Being admonished to talk said I am sent by those who to rule me to go into your midst to do the acts and to direct acts toward your evil welfare I am here in obedience to that mandate do with me as you will those who were in harmony with
The higher said let him go he can do no harm let him go it was so done and the discordant passed from sight and died as he had been discovered let us reverse the scene and the discordant had not been discovered and recognized it would have grown not due to the discordant but
To the lack of Harmony within let those oh master and lodges be your answer to all opposition be Harmony yourselves and Discord will not enter and effect a lodgment in your midst The Lodge of fellow crafts was closed and opened in the Master’s Degree the master said all
Is here Harmony cannot disturb our meditations there was no answer by the Brethren and all knew that Discord had been banished by Concord Harmony being Universal all knew the law knowing the law all revered it and in reverence kept its precepts which are humility nobility Harmony and sincerity in all things and
Ways this affected none could enter not duly and truly prepared worthy and well qualified such o reader is a master’s Lodge the ye of it if ye Wilt it is yours the Constructor said of me thou art of me thou Wilt be enter into thy home thy Mansion for where Harmony is
There is law recognized in this spirit all must enter the lodge of Harmony and of equity the gavl in the East calls to order rules and regulates and never s Harmony means effacement of all conditions not of it as masters of lodges you are masters of high and never
One sits in the East except he who is master this our lesson unto you this time if you truly know you need not ask assistance of any below ye but if ye know not then ask and receive it is Law and law will prevail when the distress
Is made manifest the word is used upon its being heard those hearing rush to the rescue this word is the recognition of inability to do longer for self it is an admission of inability a plea for Mercy to be extended to the suffering it is answered according to audition all
Cannot give nor all hear and receive hence it is law in action and law in action is Construction in action give thou the word give thou it in humility and add to it the expression thy utmost in sincerity if those who see or hear are Constructors they will answer at the
Cost of life itself if they be not Masters the expression and word are lost in the Maze of confusion recognition depends on reception recognize not thou canst not receive but into thee can be instilled that which leads to recognition and reception this is the first step in advancement by regular steps thou DST
Advance and then thou Hast formed the Trinity leading to the square thou Hast mastered and the word should be thine and Wilt be if Thou Art right in all things but as Humanity are fallible it is postponed until mastership is attained through initiation in higher now that we have given and made
Ourselves known as sufferers and our inability to do for ourselves then it becomes incumbent on those who have been found worthy and well qualified and proficient in much to do for us the first step in any Ascent is the recognition of limitations and then the prayer asking for strength to overcome
This causes the first step to be taken this attained then comes the next step recognition plus strength attained and confidence due to having overcome the Second Step having been attained then comes the path leading to the east the sanctuary of wisdom yet to be attained prayer emanating from self- Advanced is
Now in order for if you have not learned to pray you are not an initiate if you yet have selfishness pride and egotism remaining you are not and cannot be more than you are prayer in itself divests self of selfishness and pride and egotism first learn to pray then comes
The current of higher into you and as it is received then is it you and you are it having laid all on the altar having divested yourself of all you are naked and unclad and then you are in the hands of Brothers Brotherhood is like unto your self Brotherhood of many degrees as
Brotherhood is attained you have but to reach out and partake of Greater degree of it but to do so you must renounce many things which before was not required so your Advance depends of renunciation renunciation means the divesting as each garment is laid aside a finer and less material is disclosed
Those of you can see the new garment but those not of you cannot visualize ought ye art ever concealed thus you ever conceal seal and never reveal except to those of you when you have trodden Beneath Your Feet the image and symbol of tyranny you have then placed yourself
In the position of one who must take that which is supposed to replace as you have trodden under your feet the gross and immature so must you uphold the banner of light freedom and liberty unless you can do this you have taken and have not given this alone discloses
To you your inability to act and to further receive every step means respons responsibilities and any responsibility unmet means that you are unworthy and unqualified and should be and must be cast back into the cauldron and reshaped to meet the needs and end to be finally
Attained he who advances can only do so through regular steps and he who seems to advances but a pseudo and not a real he meets and recognizes fails in all things attempted and usually sees not what he meets qualifications up to a certain point means not qualifications
For higher points he who fails in attaining master ship is not and cannot be a fully attained Entered Apprentice for the master sees in what is lower much that is higher a one stood in a Counting house he saw surrounding him much that grieved him much that hurt him
But Bound by limitations he served as best he could but this he learned the limitations of himself and in that attainment he served well and worthily sympathy and inability to do caused him to advance it made him more humble more dependent on higher for Aid and counsel and marked him as one
Advancing under Prosperity he grew another failed and became hardened under the same conditions as you have mastered in the little things so have you Advanced by one regular step your feet Guided by a high advancing toward the altar of sacrifice you are instructed to ask youra for Aid anything asked for
Insincerity will ever be granted but not of necessity at the moment oh Lord my God must I sacrifice to advance must I renounce all that I possess must I give back unto lower the things I have attained must I say I return unto ye that which I took from ye the answer is
To attain sacrifice to continue return unto lower what you have taken from it but in returning see that you have given good measure and that measure means the returning in a higher state than when receiving thus have you given in good measure it is law of advancement as you
Gave so will you receive loss you have none sacrifice means the giving and its compensation is the receiving in the ratio in which you give many are the gods you serve many are you to be and all are sacrifices every step is a God who attained every conception a God so
In your many lives you have a Pantheon of service rendered we return unto the one in the counting house a noble man fair and honorable full of sympathy and ever extend sending a helping hand the many and as many as he can he grows in statue in fullness of an increasing and
May He recognize in this himself as seen by the writer we pass again and as the sign is given and acknowledged so we Pass and Pass unto the true the true raises the dead heals the inanimate into the animate takes from death and gives unto it life dust thou oh man and Mason
Understand if thou DST understand what the writer convey thou Hast an education many have asked and wished for and have not attained if this little book is for you you have then learned lessons far beyond expression but as you Journey onward ever remember that life is a part
Of you and you are it as you acknowledge it to be so again has a part been finished and again will we resume some of the things well to be known Solomon wisdom once walked in his garden and there saw the flowers blooming their perfume rising to greet the dawning of a
New day and he prayed unto his God the god of wisdom that he toight be as the flower bloom and give forth sweet scent Solomon grew and became wise in many ways and he prospered in that he gave unto those who needed but as age Advanced he lost his wisdom and grieved
That he had so done let us for one moment look into this wise one whose presence did for many is his wisdom increased he trod the shores of the ocean of space he inhaled the perfume of the Gods he accepted as all I should do
But in his wisdom he forgot to give he sought not the ones who were weary and needed rest he forgot that his got to be given by him he soon forgot and then ceased to know and Solomon no longer Solomon but one who had failed as Solomon built a temple unto his
Conception God he did so in wisdom’s Embrace but as he forgot so did his building become lost to sight wisdom came again with others and the temple was rebuilt should Solomon come again the temple would be rebuilt and in its rebuilding the Lost would be restored
Solomon once said on the brink of the Grave I stand Grant thou unto me oh God that I live and die as one Brave and true and strong he prayed unto his God who answered on the brink of the Grave you stand forget not forget not forget
Not Solomon mistook the answer not as a warning and a promise but as a promise alone he lost sight of the responsibilities attending advancement and failed Solomon’s failure was his savior the warning given him has made him once again wisdom and from the heights he sends this to you and saying
Take of me and mine as I failed so may you so do accept the gods but remember that humility and not Pride save and give and make you a receiver and a giver it is my message to you if wisdom is in you accept if not reject or refrain from
Thought as you will oh reader as you will the sun had risen its Rays penetrated the atmosphere of Earth it had diffused its light unto those who need each Ray gave unto those who needed whatever it needed but it gave in many ways to the sick Health to The Sorrowing
Peace to the needy rment to protect itself to earth and its kind sustenance to the aspiring opportunity to learn hence this little book to fill a need and I hope hope or want he this one had traveled far he was weary and in want and need of rest I will rest a i
Progress and he laid himself in the shade of a tree in that tree Birds rested and sang their songs they sought the cooling shade of that tree and he who had rested said I Advance again and laid hold of it to enable himself to rise but it failed him and it excited
His suspicions that it should give way so easily and he hailed his brothers and said I have rested in the shade of the tree and it gave me rest and peace but can such a tree give way so easily something must be wrong let us investigate and they found that it
Marked a newly made grave the resting place of one whom they knew not so they said we go and Report what we have found for perchance a murder has been made and we ourselves may be doubted they went before the officers and said we have found a newly made grave and suspect
That therein lies one of our brothers send with us we pray some of one of you who has authority to do and it was done as asked and in the gra was found a master of the East and of the West and of the north and of the South the jewel
He wore denoted that assembled around the grave were several and as they saw the master in his grave they said save us oh Lord save us oh Lord save us oh Lord and it was answered ye art saved ye art saved ye art saved the dead shall
Arise within ye the grave the resting place of nobility and greatness the repository of the spirituality to be given unto those worthy and qualified the tree with its roots reaching toward the spirituality seeking that spirituality and receiving from it the sustenance which makes the leaves grow and mature and the blossom bloom and
Give forth perfume that the birds May rest in its Soul he who found the grave a seeker and the officer to whom he appealed the one who ever watches over all who construct if ye be Masons Constructors ye must ever watch and be ready to uplift those who have fallen
Give sustenance to those needing to hear and answer every call and hush the whale of the Weak by giving of self for the benefit of the needy as ye construct ye grow we have but little more to say of the present subject but as the subject
Grows so do we answer that need and give us is best but our volume is shortly to be finished and laid away for a time a it is taken again and finally completed the Stars looked down from their Abode in the heavens and said where oh Earth
Have you been hiding yourself the Earth said I am small and you oh my brothers are large and great I seek oh my brothers even as do you but I am small and immature then replied his brothers we need you and as we need so do we do
Take of ourselves and be renewed and it was so Earth now no longer passes its way from its Brothers but seeks them so we send forth this small book with the full knowledge that the writer needs as much as do you and asks all who can to
Do for him even as he has tried to do for the many the triple band encircled the finger of a man who stood High among those with whom he Associated he had worn that band long and in answer to the question what significance has it said I
Do not know then said another I am not of yet I know it speak replied the one wearing and give unto me and you what you know even if not of it nor it long ages ago there stood a sign in the skies a symbol some believe that Earth shall
Not be destroyed by water this symbol is also the ring worn by Scottish R Masons of the 33rd degree another Mark is the band worn as an Earth symbol elevated from Earth to the Ethereal and found in the cable to warn by Brams the zener it is sometimes called where threads are
Woven together in threes the bark of a tree is found to be in threes the outer fiber it’s next and finally the layer lying close to the main stem which carries part of the circulation fluid this triple band is as the scen so is the symbol and it
Symbolizes the scene covering the Unseen this unseen is as follows When Death takes place you have an apparent inertia function suspended or permanently prevented this death is but a cessation of the seen functions for the Unseen follow in Rapid sequence the seen are suspension of the function of breathing circulation of
Fluids and the cessation of digestion these three are supplemented by the organic changes within without the cellular elements and their disappearance and recombination with others in another world apparently the three Bands then symbolize change visually the Unseen changes and the reorganization along other lines you have then the material seen and
Recognized the Unseen and unrecognized and the resultant other again let us examine the band it is homogeneous in character to that of mankind this ring made of gold denotes wisdom wisdom divided into three denotes conception action and reaction wisdom constructs through many wisdom destroys through many changes Construction in action thus
The Mason who is a Constructor lives in through as many in construction destruction and reorganization you have changed knows it and becomes a part of it he who wears the triple band is if entitled to wear a conscious Constructor having power over life death and Resurrection are you oh warer of the
Physical band such or are you a counterfeit to be seen and yet unknowing making pretensions of worth if you would follow the gods you must be of them become them and be them this band denotes passions viewed hopes attained and service rendered a consummation such are some of the
Meanings of the band or ring worn by the ones in Authority how many are entitled to wear such an emblem is another matter into which we have no right to enter into when Earth was in process of formation there appeared in the heavens an object which later condensed into
What we term Earth which is but a small part of a greater this solidifying material soon became inhabited by many forms of creation which mankind later became a part man is principally prominent in his form being neither ready for air or tree life it is held to the ground being endowed with certain
Characteristics he soon became the enemy of all kinds of creation except that of his own and being quarrelsome he soon divided into bands and groups and while such has ever fought and quarreled with his kind it is so today and will be so tomorrow in this condition he assumes a superiority over all
Kinds this superiority is sometimes combed by many other objects in so-called nature animals have combed him and in some cases he has had to flee before them but in the greater number of cases he has won in the contest when he comes to the finer in physical such as
The microorganisms he has been badly worsted and is today in a death grip with them and vanquishing many of them who before has ever been in Supremacy disease being due to many causes he combats all the causes he can find up to the present time he has been
The vanquished in much and death has ever done so with him being a Constructor to but a limited amount he can see but a few things while the many he has no vision of it any time or in any way thus mankind is far from being infallible not withstanding the
Pretentions of some of the races egotism is the greatest outstanding development of mankind assuming Authority he exerts it much to his detriment rather than be in harmony with the many forces he vainly attempts to conquer them and fails the greatest failure has been his inability to conquer himself in the Arts and
Sciences he has dismally failed he has not reproduced the music of many other forms of life while vainly endeavoring to do so in his efforts to advance in many things he has to go to the insect life to find some counterpart of what he knows somewhere to exist the
Radio is seen in many insects and animals the airplane in Birds the phonograph is an imperfect duplication of the throat of many forms of life this might be passed on to many in numberous forms of life but the outstanding fact is he seeks the things he despises as
Being unequal to enable him to advance in the many Arts and Sciences Construction in action is not manifested alone in the race of mankind it is seen in many forms and all forms of life all others are as much Masonic as man’s conceptions among all kinds are Master workmen and the laws
Are as just and as Equitable as those of mankind and in many instances more so masonry is as universal as work ship is universal masonry is order wherever found it is Construction in all parts and places as such masonry is an exaltation bows only to its creator the
Grandmas architect and to him we all bow in humbleness of our might being creatures we are creations of a higher than we those who are illuminated readily understand this and bow unto it in all humility of Enlightenment with this premise fully set forth we advance against Again by one regular step and
This time in unison with that Harmony based on understanding this step advances us to the foot of the throne there sits the grandm of Masons who says as ye have served Faithfully ye may enter and become as me who has been brought to the evolvement of Grandmaster the place occupied by me is
Not one of arbitrary Authority but of such evolvement that any can and will be as I am when ready to pay the penalty of greatness as Grandmaster I know all ye are and are to be Heir ye become me as Grandmaster I have assumed this place as
An advanced part of yourselves as ye Advan ye become me then have ye attained as all our gods in miniature and in the making so do you carry that which redeems and as Redemption takes place ye are me in the end for this reason Masters have been sent to Earth to Ender
Ye so acceptable that all who listen and learn can become me each part learning becomes me and also becomes a teacher such are and have been saviors on Earth some known and more unknown in this sense all saviors have been Masons and Masters all two have belonged to the
Order as known today as the order on Earth has changed in many of its forms so have these taken the degrees while on Earth but they were in reality the creators of it bowing to the limitations of mankind they assume the customs of mankind in no other manner can they
Labor and create among mankind as you love the Creator so do you know him love is ever based on recognition it may be unconscious to the mentality but mentality is low this book appeals not so much to mentality as to Soul here in it is strong and as Soul rules and
Regulates mentality mind must bow in homage if those of the Masonic order on Earth could but understand their Birthright they would sore and not remain on the ground and be Earthly this part has been short and designedly so for to prolong this part is not to be we
Pass into another greater than yet placed before you and in doing this we do so for your benefit solely for to the writer it matters not that ought is recorded for He Who records and makes a record is given that you oh reader know
Is not to him ought but that he gives is much in many ways He Who records and transcribes and gives this has not on Earth ever held or aspired to any office in a masonic lodge feels that he is incapable of holding such gives freely his every effort in the order’s behalf
As being all too small he believes in masonry is good and Grand and Noble but does not feel that all who are members are good or grand or Noble to him masonry is but the membership is not so in all cases Isis a name used for an
Egyptian deity as the feminine of Osiris which should be spelled isiris the parts not feminine denotes into tangible form the masculine separating and ruling the feminine in a measure as the feminine rules the masculine in its way this is the Keystone of the arch and is the basis of capitular masonry although they
Do not know it these two men and women and we use the plural designedly were of the blue race who were not destroyed by the sinking of lands now known as Mediterranean Sea they gave to Egypt their inheritance of greatness after that catastrophe these twoo were many
Within the memory of a long and exceedingly past was recorded they gave to aace their best in all things possible to be received they were saviors and regenerators they laid a foundation strong and enduring they were Atlantean of them and were them for atlan was far above form and ceremony and they never
Functioned in a body but without it to say that God’s function is true but more often that which is seen is a function these were given to Lowa for Redemption purposes and they did as best the legend of them is almost completely legendary in every sense some reality involved but
Races cannot endure very much light Shadow then laid as an enveloping but those of sight can Pierce the Veil and read and know this book small as it is is an exposition of what was once fully known but so much is lost and is yet to be found wisdom ever threads its way
Through the mass of ignorance shedding light here and there and everywhere but it is seen in fragments only we pass from these two divinities to others not at all known but equally important historical ones but now unknown a flame appeared and a birth took place and a
Form was used but not inhabited a monarch of great ability had come to Earth to do for the needy that one came as a ruler at which is denominated Egypt but not then so he was of the race of blue but had in him others all were
Supremely high he saw with the sight of a God for such he was heed assumed control and gave according to law this ruler said my predecessors have done all that could be received at the time but the age in which they labored had its limitations to them all honor but my
Time has also come and I must do for of them I am a shadow fell on Earth and on Egypt for that shadow was birth to Earth of this great entity seemingly the light of that birth so obscured Mankind’s eyes and sight that it created a blindness
And that blindness was shadow he saw before him all that was he sought those from which he came and addressed them in obedience to sacrificial law I am here in the seeming G of mankind but you of my brothers know who I am and art of you
I am the assembly bowed their heads and hearts in humility for they tune you this savior as a ruler passed unto the populous laws of such height that they have stood and yet stand in a desecrated manner to this day one law was in and on
The statute books right God is thine own conception in its highest adore it as all good until line conception changes unto higher than adore thine past as a God and place it away that it may be seen by those not of such height this one law rule for ages then came a
Lowering and it could not be known then was placed its shadow in execution which was lowering having taken place adore the memory of departed gods and give reverence unto them this memory to be your aspiration in future this law was preserved for long ages and kept all who
Read in obedience to law or Construction in Action a third law became necessary the law of compensation as ye have digressed from law so have ye obeyed a lowering mandate memories being obliterated so you must obey this law all falling contract and accumulate the result of former actions preserve these in
Unconscious memory that ye may Ascend this unconscious memory is today Redeeming the fallen and giving its strength as Consciousness is being regained the races are progressing these three laws are the basis of all action in and on many PLS of Life attend thou them saviors have been many will be more
And yet more are needed and as need as there will be this is law the Assyrian Dynasty lasted many millenniums of time did for Egypt all that its population could receive and gave freely to ages Yet to Come the laws placed in action by this dynasty were few but as each
Understood laws in multiplicity were not necessary all later laws were based on these three enumerated that they have been perverted is true but take any one of the three and you have the basis of all Justice in action these laws are the constructors in action today the
Conceptions held in these laws are yet basic in all ways in the administration of justice to all when these laws were lost to site the few knew them and used them and followed them in such ways as they could Egypt became synonymous with Justice and honor and this was carried
Out for ages then sank and rejuvenated by such rulers as the one called amim hat III and also others before his time later there came some who attempted to do but they failed in that the populace had sunk to far to be redeemed this the priesthood contributed to as much as
They could this same class today thwart all they can in good government for they now as then care only for themselves and that in a very shortsighted manner to take you into further history of Egypt would be taking the time of the reader to such an extent that we consider it
Unjustifiable as our little book nears a completion we feel as a parent feels toward an offspring a feeling of responsibility assumed in Parenthood means an obligation never completed for what we have created is ours for all eternity its course and eventual ending must rest to an extent on the progenitor
But it serves a useful purpose is our prayer that it does no harm is also our prayer with this as our wish we will do as we best can await a time in patience until your answer is returned this ends for this time this small book and if it
Grows at some future time it will be in response to another call on the part of those who wish to advance toward the mysteries of which this book is but a part written by and with the authority of Masters assembled given by them for the purpose of reproduction s sacam
Signed Sealed Delivered the construction of the soul is as complex as all the ingredients entering into its composition the ingredients are as far reaching as the function of the soul is place in opposition the countless parts then understand each part then the countless combinations and you have the
Soul laid before you the multiplicity of the soul is shown by its functions this places before you oh reader some of the many to be mastered a you become a master a master in the East must know these else he is not a master the soul of Earth the soul of countless others
But parts of Soul the universe of which Earth is but a faint spot is as any Soul finite the master builder said I see around and about me countless Souls some are imperfect and others far more advanced I must make another Soul so large and so infinite that it will
Comprehend all I see around me each and every part of the each Soul was taken sorted and arranged according to law the arrangement made the master architect said I have arranged sorted and made into one those who were many and so saying he took that made and placed it
Where it would and could function this he did as Master architect of the East a builder in wisdom such is the parent of soul the soul of man but an infinitesimal part of that the soul being multiple means that it functions on as many planes of existence as it has
Parts then comes the combinations which in turn function according to the combination and when it is taken into consideration that the different combinations are made different by the addition or subtraction of a might you have an endless procession of Soul actions the architect is indeed the great architect of the universe this
Builder is Construction in action and is a Master Mason of what value it may be asked if all said is true you oh Mason on Earth Earth are not a builder but more often a destroyer it does not mean that you are any part of this Constructor the question is one which
May be asked in sincerity or in hypocrisy in either case it is logical the answer is firstly that The Inquirer is not one who can comprehend what he has read else the question would not be asked secondly each part of the universe is a part of the building the Temple not
Made by hands Eternal in the heavens if you are but an infinitesimal part of this tremble you are part of it if you are a part of it you are essential and being such you are a part of the Great architect loss there cannot be and
Without you there would be a loss and the temple incomplete the soul is an intangible as anything not understood and misunderstood as anything must be if not understood when a temple is incomplete it then becomes necessary to see for that which was lost the Lost found it is
Restored the temple is said to be complete when all is ready but when incomplete the lacking must be sought for and this is so in master ship of the subvariety there are many Masters who are incomplete this is shown in every Walk of Life the master presiding over
And sitting in the East is incomplete if he says there are all present for this is not so in Earth plain of existence and is shown in the ritualistic work the Lost word is not found a substitute therefore is given and the true sort and
Not found in the Master’s work if it is ever found he knows not neither do you but he who is higher does know whether it is found or not this finding or UNF finding is the searched for a soul says from Earth I have come take of me oh
Higher but that one replies are you in search of the lost or have you found I am in search of the lost and have not found then ye seek only by what right hast thou to knock at the door of our deliberations and ask for admittance by the right of search the
That is given me by the master in the East and I demand that it be granted by you and yours the right of search may be yours but the right of demand is not to be granted by us what the master of the symbolic says is not binding on that
Which is higher depart and leave us alone with our deliberations for universes are now under consideration while you are but a speck in the sky he who was denied said I have forgotten the law which said hold in reverence that which I no more understand I have
Forgotten I have fallen far and am now forgetting I have lost the word and cannot find soon forgetting becomes absolute and all is no more then comes ones at different periods and seeks and gives unto those who would seek if they were prepared to do so this book is one
Method of giving unto many that which they have lost memory of past as memory Returns the Forgotten lost is found and when found then comes the past in its Grandeur and gods appear where before was but blank and Barren Place seek and find it is yours if he seek diligently
But as you do so much will have to be disposed of ignorance that coating must be disposed of gradually in its place taken by Enlightenment this is your lesson for the time but as the sun sinks from sight so does it reappear in all its Glory so will memory reappear unto
You the soul is the temple it it is immature or mature according to the thing to be sought for if maturity is in ascendant then is soul free from the tramel of lesser but if soul is yet immature then must it seek the Lost many temples are there to be erected and many
Torn down at last there is erected a temple complete is so far as soul is capable of building for now you soul is not completeness it is incompleteness thus there is lost to Soul its source and this it seeks even as Lowa seeks its own the temple built
With hands was erected in memory which Solomon knew was to lose temporarily the temple built without hands Eternal in the heavens is the Temple of Soul Earth Soul The Temple at Jerusalem was erected as a shadow of the more eternal Temple the Temple of the above is the temple or
Abode of the Gods the Temple of Earth a temple erected to that fading memory which has now gone in its completeness and this revival one act toward the erection of another the New Jerusalem or new city of God the struggle of attainment now now going on is the
Stimulus which will at some remote time mean the erection of a Temple of Peace or Concord the Waring factions of the soul will find that peace which marches toward the final goal a temple was once formed and given to mankind he was told
To live in it and to be and as the Abode was so was the one inhabiting mankind soon became lost in that Temple and it was not long a he knew not that there was a temple then he said there is no Temple and those of old were staken he
Saw not that which he was in and knew not what he was and it is so today mankind has forgotten or rather never knew for mankind became such and is forgetfulness were there memory conscious he would not be mankind but humankind mankind is ruled largely by
Mind while humankind by Soul it is this difference which makes the master for the Masters function almost completely in Soul as their lowest while mankind functions almost completely in mind mind a low and lower influence with this set before you it is to be hoped that all who read
Intelligently may find a higher air they cease to consider we pass from the consideration of the temple to that of other as all temples are built by hands seen or unseen so must there be materials used in construction the materials form character whether this of
One or many Natures it is so an image formed of homogeneous material seldom advanced but remains at rest when change is to be made there is added or subtracted some one or more this creates not Discord but an inequality this favors change and change greater involvements this may be in one or more
Directions the refractive element changed you have another picture this applies in principle to spirituality we pause to allow you to consider what has been given in the last few sentences a we proceed this pause is rest a constructive in itself a building process the gods of old were conceptions
To those who were then the gods of today are such to those who now live when all are equal the gods are one yours and mine rest is the placing of all into a one and that one is Omni always ever present this Unity denotes rest and
Refreshment the working tools are not in use in an active sense yet they govern them as if in action the gavl which sounds is ever active and ever resting activity is rest rest is activity accelerated rest is Nana when the Buddha returned to Nirvana he rested gave more than when in activity
Intensity of action is slow rest all formative is rest all manifestation is activity activity is illusion all rest is reality reality is the parent of Illusion Father and Son gods are manif manifestations they are creatures and created they are illusionary create your God and see its finiteness attempt to create a God and
You see it is illusionary these are basic and unless understood there can be no reality the architect is an abstract one he creates in rest manifests in activity activity is slowness rest is beyond expression in the earth’s scale death is rest while life is activity death is formative life is manifestation
And unequal to the tasks the flower is not equal to the perfume the flower is perfume condensed the flower is perfume manifested the flower is seen while the perfume is not seen But sensed color is manifestation the child of perfume heat is lowered rate of radiation of cold
Heat is manifestation of cold cold concentrated heat cold is preservative while heat is disruptive heat manifests what cold conceives mankind is manifestation clothed in a garment of materiality man is corrupting and corruptible human is the progenitor of man also his goal Soul created mind and will redeem it the parent owes to The
Offspring sustenance it cannot be avoided responsibility ever is until the union of all then they are equals Union cannot take place until there is harmony approximation may take place under many conditions Junction and Union are different proceed if you can show whether you have learned your lesson we
Close that you may do so the resumption of any subject needs not necessarily be the placing of the subject in regular rotation this has been avoided in this and other works by this hand it is a design tra placed on the Trestle board and will be adhered to a cross appeared
To Earth its form was copied in a physical manner by mankind who corrupted its use into many a Master Mason architect Builder was hung on that image physically he died a manifacture as many had gone before him that cross is said to have been the death place of kristna
And the Christ there were others he them in the physical the cross with its embracing form typifies at its Junction of horizontal and perpendicular Parts the concentration or Union of all that it was their CED itself alone even as the horizontal is raised or lowered their centers that evolvement and shows
The condition of the kind at that time and place the architect had said be ye in all things as ye art civilization conformed unto its mandate the Roman world at that time preponderated in a political sense it held forth a civilization and a Justice seldom equaled by large large bodies under this
Regime came the master architect to make a change in the thought of Earth his sphere was limited in action but not in thought or higher he drew from the East much gave what had been known to others and gave liberally he cut carved hewed and stamped and lettered and stained as
All who gone that way before he placed in language and architecture which has lasted nearly 2,000 years it will yet last but it is now so mutilated that his teachings are almost unknown it is time that others come in some way and teach they are doing so now as the
Architecture given by him crumbles those who truly know stand in respect of him as one of the architects who has given well and freely before him another outstanding form the Buddha he too gave as his successor gave in the language of the time in the manner best suited to
The kind he was among he taught the same truths in his way as did his own own self centuries later as the Christ for they were one and not two many centuries before him another kristna and he too but the parent of the latter too he gave
As the others have not given gave unto a world of more that they might too be architects in a later age he gave us atlan Atlantis gave and knew all too well he gave and created the age we are now in he too hued and cuts did his successors and he gave us
The Times best needed the these three Master Architects have with the assistance of others who have come and gone unnoticed and Unknown by name we pass them by but pay tribute to their memory by calling to your attention that they did once live the masonry of
Mankind today is the result of them they created and you of today follow them in ignorance of them but as your ignorance of them is deeply laid you follow imperfectly so you are recreant to your masonry today through ignorance of what it is the present era in its limitations
Is poorly equipped to meet the present day is use as Can Be Imagined so civilization is changing to pass through an era of materiality but of lessened spirituality as it is but a sube it will be passed through in a few centuries and a better and higher arise until then is
It not better to leave this work undone this little book to serve a purpose and to be later more popularized if it will serve a purpose it too has become an architect the extent of its creation as the writer is unknown so does he wish to
Be forgotten as he will soon be for any unknown has not to overcome in the way of forgetfulness we dedicate this book to those who think and believe asking not we bow unto that Supreme light the father mother of all that some parts may be the better understood this postcript
Is given there were three Masters it is said at the building of wisdom’s Temple they were Solomon king of Israel Solomon was Christner the Great Master now known as a Hindu but was in fact an atlantian Master he was wisdom Israel is in meaning and enlightened so Solomon was
Wisdom enlightening the Earth ham was a Widow’s son the successor of the Atlantean kristna hamabe was the last Buddha and was humility in action hyam king of Ty was the Christ and represented faith in its wisdom these three grand Masters yet stand out in strong relief to all ignorance
These three grand Masters are the progenitors of the present day masonry The Grandmaster Krishna was endowed with all the wisdom of Atlantis of the warrior and philosophical casts he it was who said I am light and Truth believe in me and be saved later the Buddha said the same and let later the
Christ said the same this Trinity of spirituality yet gives in all and to all the Temple of wisdom was wrought by them later a temple made with hands was erected by men of the time but the allegory as set forth is not to be taken literally by the Masonic order but it is
An allegory of great strength and spirituality and is to be so understood this is written long after the body of the book for the purpose of elucidating the text somewhat for it has been discovered that much that should be revealed yet remains concealed much of necessity must remain concealed but this
Much added to as an explanation to those who read the three bands of gold encircling the finger is but a symbol and a memory lost to those who wear it that there was once a known Trinity on Earth the three grand Masters Krishna Buddha and Christ these three or such as
These have given to masonry its spirituality now almost lost it hath been said take thy wisdom unto others that they may read and per chance some may know it is in compliance with this that we once again record the record stands as it is and is to be written
Those who read to understand as they are evolved further than that none can ask to be the record Seth that there was one God and that one manifested in many ways one of the many ways was through construction so we take of this way and record as is well thy God being
Different from the one God there came into being many gods they The Offspring of the one God through this thread of gold ran many in one nodulated was that thread line of gold with the Pearls of Wisdom and spirituality forming a rosary this rosary formed of the cord of gold
Holding the pearls of gold has formed one which is as unknown as almost all things seen and unsensed this cord of gold holding upon it and being it is the creation of wisdom placed before you to see if you can to know if you can and to be at all
Times this rosary is strung along the life of time and has each be is told counted a prayer should arise in unison with the almighty wisdom their dis displayed each bead a pearl of Untold price and as each bead is yours to be as you wish the rosary is of Untold
Antiquity and is the symbol of that wisdom of creativeness the chord cord is as elective as is creation to the rosary we must now compose ourselves and give of it in its many ways some will be far from it but remember that creation is so embracing that mind cannot Encompass it
So that which may seem far from it is in reality but some part of it it a woman sat at her harp and sang a song of greatness of elevation of soul and that music reacted with the rosary and it too began to vibrate with that which was in
Attune with it the beads vibrated with its own and those who felt the warmth of Love knew not that a one had set in motion a force as far reaching as construction itself another took the same instrument and used but the rosary did not respond to the vibrations and
Nothing of grandeur was in tune with it but the low and sorted did vibrate with it it we pass unto that low and lowest wisdom said it cannot be that one once so high has become so low Harmony has been lost but to redeem there must be
Something higher than it but low enough to respond to it there must be sympathy between it and its Redeemer so that one was created and it became a god unto lower earth was formed and in its ugliness and lack it vibrates in tune with the creative through many a lesser
One Beat forming the rosary has been given you in part that Redemptive God is yours and that which is yours is also a god assisting in the forming the rosary as there are countless creations and one Creator so must there be many channels to reach that one the Stars Suns and all
You see and all unseen are but pearls beads of that rosary and the Constructor gives unto each part something so fine that it redeems every lower part and as Redemption takes place then comes the Rosary in its brightness nobility and humility of wisdom into its own every
Bead redeemed every Pearl saved is but one returning unto its origin merging into it and being it in all things and ways Earth too must be redeemed it too must become and in time its mightiness become wisdom in conscious action then has masonry become known unto itself and
Has become that from which it sprung if you would become the rosary live thy life as near it as thou canst then indeed Hast the rosary sung unto you the song of life and that song is love understood from the Rosary is sometimes suspended the cross the Cross of Christ
Buddha and Krishna and countless others in the long life of the sun Sunshine forms that cross its Rays Crossing and recrossing makes that image which so many fondly believe is Theirs to the exclusion of all others the cross the jewel the Flaming emblem of higher than
Itself and yet part of it the cross Embraces takes in all that its arms seems to feel and becomes the emblem of light and universality of higher action the cross raises its form unto that God from which it sprang Embraces all the universal raises the lower and sustains
The lowering it is the universal emblem of light sustained by action and the Redemptive throughout all creations it is seen in the heavens lives in all light and spreads its shadow over all and at all times and in all ways in its shadow all bow kneel in
Homage to that unseen the star that emblazened form from which the cross rang the cross the shadow of the star and the star one offshoot of the bead of the Rosary the heavens but pearls strung along the cord of creativeness and as there are many Heavens so each but one
Bead DST thou love me said the Christ yay I do was ye reply but he to whom had been spoken said in words alone for comprehension was not his had he known he would have said not for he stood in the presence of a bead of the Rosary he
Would have seen that light which would have blinded him but being in darkness he replied at the time as he later was soon to be proven Unworthy of the master today that beat permeates all and those who wander in darkness are of him and he
Does for them as he does for all as the bands of the rainbow span and encircle so does the ring with its three bands encircle the finger of the wearer as the rainbow symbolizes so does the ring symbolize but oh weer do you understand its significance the rainbow in a visual
Manner symbolizes the strands of the cord along its path there are many and in the promise there seen lies the Redeemer through faith yet to be attained for mankind sees but believes only that which the senses assume to be correct so he wanders in the Midnight’s
Gloom to cause him to see this has in part been written and is to be further written as one looked at a beam of light and said I see in that which came from a source and one that does for many if not all kinds could I but Mount its surface
And and be taken unto its origin the sense in which he asked was one of elevation could he have had his wish granted he would have seen countless evolvements in that one beam he would have seen color so rare that the senses of mankind cannot see nor sense nor even
See nor sense nor understand what it sees in its limitations he would have asked his God to give him greater comprehension that he might see and know he would have passed into Realms of grandeur so great that Spirit alone could stand and with stand the impulses everywhere he would
Have seen the many elements creating and dissolving the created that it would be as a mighty retor ever in action he would have have constant and continual separation recombining in some way all that is with the ever widening and Contracting action he would have seen Soul formed and reformed and destroyed
Forever he would have seen the blotting out of all creations and done in Majesty the one would have seen far above and beyond and more numerous others than the one he would have seen countless limitations expand into the Limitless and they change and rushon at the call
Of the master in the East all this and far more he would have seen and known for to see he must also comprehend it is Rule and law a pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow it is said and true it is for the gold is wisdom and where wisdom
Is there are few indeed a one said I enter this path to travel and enrich myself I must travel far and long and many the degrees there must a i accomplish that one traveled in foreign lands worked and received wages the better that he might support himself and
Family he traveled in foreign lands and there saw the many things he knew not of before he ascended the heights to that point wherein lay many lands of Unknown Origin to him when he had reached the Zenith he said I must return and he passed on and came to the end of the
Rainbow but he soon found that he had passed through death’s St and had traveled in that land land he knew not of before and a he reached the end of the rainbow he had passed again into the same helplessness as when he had entered and was born again to Earth he had
Traveled the circuit and had accomplished but the memory of what he had seen and learned he had soon to find had gone through this he must again and again pass air he learns to the extent that memory will ever be his as he had departed Earth life through the West the
Setting Sun so again must he enter by the same and again and again travel toward the East someday he will not have to return except as a sacrifice for others good then he will travel in wisdom and Consciousness then he becomes a master in the East he who had crossed the river
Said I have accomplished and can see in a visual manner what I could not do before I have crossed the river those who waited him on the shore said we too have crossed the river and we too have come to enjoy the cooling shade of the
Tree those who had been there before and knew said come unto us us and we will give you life of the tree but many said I need it not and went their way the way of return those who partook of it remained except their return as a
Sacrifice to Earth the fruit of that tree is forbidden only unto them who know not but unto those who know it is as food and life and light and joy they live in its shade give to all who come and who can partake but those who see
Not cannot receive and know so it is forbidden unto some those who are not ready it is Earth return but to those who already it is life in wisdom the fruit of that tree is death for those who are to return or to go to Earth and
Those who eat are banished or made whole as may be the serpent is wisdom ever offering to all and giving to all what they need the serpent is that wisdom Supreme who knows and does all things well he is a tempter but a magnanimous one free from all taint and is wisdom
Unknown unto all by his selective action he guides and directs all your friend and mine curse him not but bow unto him in reverence as one supreme it is ever known by those who know no more just now we record for gone is the inspiration we
Hold so high in esteem yet that which seems inspiration is but a faint spark of he who writes and Who records They are one and yet are as many as manifestation do ye now know you know not when told who the writer is nor will you ever know it is far best
As we survey the land lost to sight GOI of ancient time we see there too a construction so very great that it puzzles the viewer and dwarfs all of today by its magnitude of Supremacy their greatest magnitude is and was their wisdom of creation they those of
The higher casts stood and saw in future the drifting sand covering them they saw treachery against them they saw their death to Earth and their Resurrection in higher this their greatest and grandest Glory the magnificence of it all stood boldly outlined to those who witnessed their demise to Earth kinds across the
Fields of water stood another those of atlan Atlantis standing too in the infinitude of wisdom they watched their ending the ending of a civilization Beyond Compare they too saw their passing from sight and smiled at the coming catastrophe so great as to wreck the earth’s best and grandest these two were Constructors
They built that all might be again as then they have left a model to be followed in the coming ages and from that will be carved in letters so bright and light that Gods will seem dwarfed by the sight of it these two great civilizations stand in humility of
Greatness and count the beads of the Rosary as a faithful guide would look to the skies for guidance today we bid you again A Farewell not to be too prolonged but to be a final one in some sense as light Fades so does memory fade in the glare of light prolonged unto Infinity
There seems to fall that Radiance hid hidden from View and in it you must pass a you can accomplish the master ship of what has been written we hail that Radiance knowing full well that it brings to the reader if an understanding one the means of a consummation a we
Proceed we ask in the name word that any who read will for a moment close the eyes and as if in sleep pass into that silence not to be overcome it means death to much life to much and the renewal of Forces high enough to pass into the Silence of regeneration
Those who construct do so In Their Own Strength we bow unto it with all our evolvement and ask not but that we may give unto any who need in this comes the faint response which says do ye for others and forget thyself in this Spirit we proceed to give counting ourself as
Ones of some Merit in that we can do for others this book but one indication that Merit yet lives and sways much not known to many a do approaches its light is shed unto all those who see and understand bask in its Radiance it overcomes night dissipates darkness and
Gives unto all the sweetness of progression well to have the great architect says be ye one and all that which the creative God made ye follow ye thy paths and as ye progress ye are saved to those of Earth today let it be known that Master ship in the East is as
Essential to progression as great as it ever was few are indeed so evolved that they can sit in the East few who stand the glare of its brilliancy to those who are blinded by it there is but one thing to do retire into the Shadow and there
Live until they are fitted to stand and withstand the light those who can stand the light are those who for ages have been fitted to do and to them their lies the responsibilities of Master ship they to be Constructors in their fullness we bid the A Farewell and at the sound of
The gavel in the East we again take up our duties and pass into that to the great unknown when entering entering into the unknown it is always in order to ask for strength and wisdom to see and to hear and to understand thus we bow our heads open our understanding ask
In this wise oh Supreme Grant unto us thy followers in all we can that we may understand and do when such a prayer is said in all sincerity there is sure to come unto the asking that which has been asked for but if not in sincerity there
Is to be withheld that which has not been asked for form and lack of sincerity you used prayer opens more gates removes more obstacles than you can conceive of prayer is the light of Ages winging to its origin returning to its home the fallen and giving unto the
Supplicant the things he needs to accomplish with prayer oh reader is your god and mine it was ever thus and ever will be so it has been said in a ritual that no great undertaking should be undertaken without the benefit of prayer a truism well not to attempt to combat
Around us at all times are doors wide open and yet we in our ignorance do not enter although they ever invite but the Unseen is as a closed door today we open some doors for you some are ready to enter some are not this door we now push
Aside and say unto you enter therein as you step Across the Threshold you are as unconscious of the act as you are unconscious of the presence of the door you enter and pass along a long aisle or corridor this Corridor has on either side of it other doors which lead to
Many this Corridor forms the Middle Chamber of this Temple erected to God and dedicated to the holy ones who have gone this way before from this Middle Chamber are many doors opening into the many and therein are found the precious jewels which are spirituality in its
Many aspects the doors are open to you but remember you are the Middle Chamber and the doors are but openings that you may receive you become both an outgoing and an incoming remember this the form is not you but you at this state use a form with which to do you being the
Middle Chamber reach out and the reaching out is identical with the open doors for as you receive so must you give thus you become both aspiring and inspiring one alone you cannot be place from your minds all ideas of form being ought for at this stage you cannot use
Form you are above it and am not it in any manner the middle chamber typifies receptivity and meditation and giving these give and receive you then become a master Workman and in the quaries you labor you shape into beauty that which seem formless you create a thing of
Beauty where before there was nativeness from the mass of inert you raise into action and from it flows the creative and the grand to be a Master Mason you are to dig delve and accomplish then have you the right to travel in foreign lands work and receive wages your due
Little does the reader understand the Majesty of Labor little does he know the beauty of architecture little does he know and understand the Grandeur of accomplishment he places away the rubbish of the Temple of the most high and says it is not but in the night there comes and buries in that rubbish
The secrets of a master ship of the Master Mason and knows not that he has preserved for future age is the right of accomplishment the castoff the cast away is the Keystone it is the key which unlocks the destiny of Ages to come on those who have being the key is the
Creative it solves the Mysteries and he who takes from the lion’s mouth the key has received strength of wisdom and can unlock much and many the Middle Chamber is the so understanding itself as it so does it reaches out and allows the inflow of Greater as it receives it
Grows and becomes so that soon Soul ceases to be through growth it’s every part is so changed that to look for soul you would seek for the unknown for it has become annihilated through the TR transmuting process thus is Annihilation accomplished something denied by many it matters not for denial is but
Affirmation on a lower plane or scale of action having passed from Soul for a time we enter into another chamber which is today an Undiscovered prototype in the Great Pyramid still standing in Ruins but the ruin not sufficiently extensive to show the fall interior construction this chamber will be
Revealed to the sight of man in the Great Pyramid of Egypt in due time but we deal with the abstract and not concrete near the apex of the pyramid Soul we find therein contained another chamber within that chamber there lies the regenerative part which leads unto
That house not built by hands Eternal in the heavens that chamber not yet explored governs and rules slowly even as mind governs and rules much in the actions of mankind the comparison is poor but is as well as can be given in Words which ever conceal by the incapacity of
Expression The Guiding of soul is higher than Soul it is a sacrifice sent to lower for its Redemption it has sacrificed that it might redeem it is redemption in action it is Construction in action it is masonry if you are a Mason a Master Mason you are in the
Temple the temple is the resurrection expressed in the abstract that those who are Templars May seek within its Sanctuary the Peace of higher the sustenance of nourishment and the abiding of the master AR architect have ye oh reader found the word have ye received the cross have you borne it in
Humility and not in Pride have ye answer ye each unto your own self not unto mankind if true unto yourself ye soon become true unto others then has there been regeneration when thou Hast become true thou Hast become truth and truth is a light lighting and enlightening the
Path once again the hand is stilled once again we lay aside this manuscript asking of higher that we may in the fullness of time again record and give unto mankind that they may too grow and give even as has been given them in sincerity has this been given in such
May it be received and as light is shed you too show your Splendor unto others unconsciously it may be we bow in reverence unto that Supreme architect who has so shaped the temple that all may abide therein those of wisdom see and know those not of it also abide
Within but cannot see or know the beauties of it a flower grew beside the way and it said to a passer by why do you not approach me some of you who are handsome and fine I offer myself for sale unto you but none of you except me
Or mine one replied to take of you means The Taking of something far beyond our Ken and as our view is limited we know not you oh reader you cannot accept the fine and high and pure unless you can see and know so the flowers of high are
Ever not rejected but not known un to but few and the few ever seek the flowers and accept them when found so with this book many will pass it over as being worthless and to them it is so but to others it will be accepted with an avidity worthy of themselves an Indian
Legend said that they came from an open window in the sky those who so gave unto later generations recorded as best they could that record it is as capable of expansion as any other for beneath the seeming childishness of it lies a truth for from on high all came the temple
Built not by hands is the Temple of memory and that Temple is the imperishable record or walls of memory which is but the soul in its Evolutions the Great Master architect who built the soul is the builder of the temple know that architect and you know
The soul as the architect planned so did there come construction and as construction began to be seen by those of low so did that edifice appear unto each a different Temple and today upon that understanding there are erected many temples which are are as their conception of what they see here and
Sense the insect has erected unto self a temple according to receptivity and others in many scales have so done the temple erected by a high is different from that erected by a low so any Temple is conception and as you are a master or a fellowcraft or an Entered Apprentice
So do you build by degrees do you erect and construct when you become a master architect you have then but begun to learn and as you advance you must give unto these who are lesser than yourselves the great architect said I know but the many do not so to teach he
Made worlds and each world he taught as his best from a mass he carved this and that and gave unto each such as needed be given and each part he teaches and when they have become Masters he will bring them together and then they will be one with him the ones who become
Proficient pass and repass and go to the ones needed by them for teachers they become and givers they have received eventually when all is learned and then they will gather together and seek a place of rest to be reapportioned according to their evolvements and need elsewhere this means at times many
Sacrifices by many who will come from Heights incalculable to depths incalculable the threat of sacrifice and Redemption ever reaches from the highest to the lowest and upon that thread all must climb the thread of the Rosary and the beads are but groups Associated together that they may give relief and
Assistance to those of lesser evolvement wisdom guiding each and all makes the final accomplishment certain absorption and assimilation by the higher but highers are many so there are many degrees in the progression of the advancing on the thread of the Rosary are all and as you pass from one unto
Another so do you learn of them all the master has selected you oh reader to do as you will even as he has selected all to do as they will but as his will is supreme you do his and not yours we close again for a moment and seek may
You also seek seek and may you also find and when so accomplished give all you can unto any who can receive it is Law and must be accomplished an Egyptian once said unto two we bow unto a corrupted Egyptian word which should read unto which means the one invisible
Super god unto this they bowed in Integrity of wisdom this a god they knew but all did not know for at all times there have been grades it was so then and is now this super God was not a construction of any Earth conception but was above all gods
Then and now a superc conception of such Merit that it is now and was then to almost all a superpower of such magnitude that it was inconceivable this great Constructor made and remade passed and repass he it was who manifested many planets and Heavenly Bodies now called universes he was a supermaster
Architect in a nebulous way today there is super excellent degree which is is all a faint reflection of something now unknown if you will study Masonic ritualism intelligently you will yet find a faint reflection of a higher in it but Masons of today are destroying as fast as possible all its Antiquity and
This due to ignorance and the corrupting hand of romanism now in it an apparent Misfortune the thread of wisdom has been so covered and obscured that it is lost to sight but it remains and will be brought forward when the right time arrives Darkness cannot destroy light
But can obscure it in the vision of those unacquainted with its action there are many things yet to be elucidated unto you and if your patience is sufficient they will be but patience is a virtue too few understand this one and no more you have been given strength by
The reading of this manuscript you have developed patience in its perusal you have added to your statue in the studying of it and if you have profited consciously you have been benefited beyond measure these are but a part of the subject matter to be placed before you when Atlantis fell Egypt
Deteriorated when Egypt deteriorated civilization became lessened and progressively so this book small in compass is but a reiving of what was once known to an atlan Atlantean of the higher cast it would be Elementary to an atlanto Egyptian equally so but to a modern it will not be believed through lack of
Comprehension whether this book will be expanded again then is a matter of speculation at this time enough has been given to cause thought in any one reading and is sufficient to last the duration of their lives more can be given and may be given but a deluge is
Oftimes devastating it may be so with this if more is added but there may be some who will seek further if any there are they can seek in other volumes written by the same hand we bid you farewell it may be forever it may be for
A short time but whatever the future you have sufficient for the age in which you live and far more than the immediate coming age this is taken from the halls of memory from the soul written by a Constructor in Action a Mason the beauties of construction in action are
As the Beauties in the Panorama laid before you in the garden of the Sun the Sunshine’s beauty is as the beauty of the golden the gorgeous tints of a setting physical Sun the faint reflection of another sun which never sets the light of the physical sun in
Its action on the carve figures and recesses of the Grand Canyon of Arizona are seen with physical eyes and sensed with physical senses the soul is brought into play in such cases physical conditions cannot understand and the mental is dwarfed by its inability to grasp then comes a higher to do and to
React to such stimuli as it may respond to Soul seeing and viewing from a higher Place sees and understands while mind in its completeness is circumscribed the soul plays its pranks with the lower and urges it to UNT actions which react on it being low in its actions it strains
In leash and finally in Rebellion sinks into its proper place and there abides it is law law you obey law of Earth is pseudo law and has but little authority Construction in action is law in action that you obey close to a running stream
Sack two a man and a woman and each both were of the sun she said as we are the same each from the Sun why do we thus sit and wonder at its physical which we see as only a refraction of the real luminary the crossing of rays forms this
Sun we sit and see and we know that we are of the Sun and not Its Reflection the reply was while we know Earth has called us to assist it and while we know Earth has weighed us down so that will is no longer free but is somewhat
Fettered while the lower which we use is feted we in our externals must conform unto it this external manifestation is the cause of mankind and is mankind the light we see is not the Sun’s light but is sunlight as seen on and by Earth the luminary scene by physical eyes does its
Work freely and truly as it should but it does not perform the work set aside for its progenitor were there no Constructor there would be no order hence there is order in the universe as should be and the degree of each in each further than that in this book we take
The not the degree of construction carried on is as the effect to be gained we have taken thee into many Realms oh reader and can take thee into many others but our time approaches the final ending of this work now far more prolonged than first intended by order
Of this Authority I now close this Universal Lodge and consign to each their proper place in all things until the Master’s Voice in the East is heard I admonish all to proceed in all decorum remembering the lessons taught and as learned by you with this admonition on
On my part we prepare to leave and meet wherever order May decree in ending the manuscript entitled Construction in action masonry it behoves the writer to seek in another climb the secrets of Master ship and when found to record not for self but for others he has sought
Long and Faithfully has searched in books in nature in many climbs and eventually found in the allall some of the secrets he so long asked for now after having achieved he finds it well to place before such readers as Maybe well some of the many he has found and
Matured in years experience he sets forth for any to read who may care for them but in doing so also he knows that none who are not ready can understand any part except the part or parts they are ready for trusting in the guidance of those who have ever been faithful
Unto him in his Endeavors he asks again their protection and cooperation and with their assistance and guidance he records and from the Mysteries he once again dips into with the certitude of correct guidance item one the veil of many ages is once again torn from its hangings and
Before you is placed his inscription the sun’s Dawn is as the sun’s setting each equally achieved each devoted to the same effect item two the receptivity of those viewing approach that Suns Dawn and setting as they are evolved item three that which is seen by the ey is as
Real as real in the viewer item four all items are but reflections of a greater so are real or unreal as the viewer is real or unreal item five this is but one part of construction in action un to it you must turn many times to master this to
Reproduce anything there must first be taken into account the receptivity of the reader and this can be best accomplished by first knowing the subject and the ability of the reader to absorb and better to assimilate with this in view we will take of the record and give in modern language as best we
Can at times dropping into an archaic method of speaking speech and lature the record is set forth in imperishable says he who is to come and give is an earth failure he has not means with which to publish what he has recorded he is unable to attempt to do
For self but ever does much for others he is a sacrificial victim doing for others as his best and leaving to a kindly fate his future which will be very fine with this set forth he now further records for you who read and asking not from you not even respectful
Attention the mystery is but a record of past ages the custodians of past ages and the moment gone is past the Mysteries the faithful recording of all things the Egyptian deity was depicted as a recording one taking down in minua all happening in and on all Plains to
Enter into such a record takes ages of forming spirituality and few indeed who so can record even when the book is laid open to them the song of the bird is recorded the sound of the insect is recorded the Cry of pain is recorded and into the book is all placed from this
Book we take some things but to record all and give you would be the work of as many ages as it took to originally record if it is the wish of the reader to know all he must so conform to wisdom that he becomes it then alone must he
Become that wisdom and then he will record as that wisdom dictates the record tells not alone of Earth in all its many phases but all others seen and unseen by the eye of mankind the most beautiful poem may be translated into modern language in many ways and each
Way giving something different to each and each time reproduced Construction in action in its varying actions has placed its seal in and on many the Rocks tell the geologist very much the fossilized form tells another phase of life’s story and so on through the sciences and the
Poet catches a gleam here and there and gives in his way the various readings as he sees them the Mystic approaches from from his angle and gives as he reads but in giving he gives if qualified as set forth in the Book of Records in the halls of memory or learning from the
Last angle we record and give as is best for the purpose to be the Egyptian God who recorded all things was represented at a later date as a man with the head of an Ibis the Ibis was a killer of snakes wisdom being represented by a serpent the Ibis the killer indicated
That when wisdom had been overlaid by Mankind’s form wisdom had become destroyed or rather lost to sight in effect wisdom had been killed the rendering of the many inscriptions now found are both prophetic and indicating the length of time the past had been in operation the different forms of
Pyramids used from the earliest to the latest shows that they knew the origin of Earth and Heavens but this became lost when the atands were killed after the sinking of so-called Atlantis the earliest form of pyramid was the Obelisk with a top conforming to the the sun’s
Rays from this all were made it the model it is recorded in the book of mysteries recorded in the halls of memory from this book came the halls of Concord or Temple of Peace later used in Persia in its greatest to achieve peace there must first be an understanding of
The laws of Harmony Harmony being constructive there is so evolved many attributes of Harmony and all acting according to law of impulse which takes unto all the parts the many all can absorb entering further into the Mysteries let us look at time in its passage time is an offshoot of
Spirituality it is a teacher such as is found nowhere else except its own it sooes the brow of care causes forgetfulness of many things revives memory at the right time and leaves the soul able to accept and to cause action time is a Constructor time is an agent
And a companion of the Mysteries the Mysteries are seen visually on Earth but a reflection of the real this reflection and the real we take into consideration in this book The Mysteries as known to man consisted of many degrees and each degree presided over by an officer sufficiently High to explain the degree
Taken soon degrees became no longer of worth then came teachings far beyond measure of mankind we have other works given much of the Mysteries in which there was and is no mystery the only mystery is the thing we are unable to understand with this set forth as it has
Been in other volumes we pass again into the Mysteries giving such Parts as are applicable Earth in its formative periods absorbed certain impulses which gave birth to what is has been and will be this impulse or impulses are the ones creative in design and action they represent a grandm and Trestle board H
As you may there is a presiding over all who directs and causes execution it is this that governs all things and conditions it makes a one successful in the earth’s sense and a one poverty stricken in another the successes of Earth are but poverties in the higher an Egyptian once said thou
Who art well balanced in all things can see but you cannot in all cases achieve in the material things and they are the ones which count on Earth your life on Earth is a portioned according to need of yourself and what you sacrifice for this makes you a high evolvement of
Failure here and as you are such you are a success in the Realms above your Viewpoint cannot be conceived of here so you pass your way as a one of no consequence although you are doing for the successful ones and they are incapable of gratitude because they do
Not know let them once become conscious of what you are and what you are doing they then themselves avoid their present fears and become as you are this is truth and one who said knew and was a failure but as he was also a great and powerful Noble he was was listened to
For he was none other than the writer in ages long long ago he is now again giving to you of today what he then knew a mighty lesson to be given you in this apparent Incarnation he is now and has been a failure in the material sense but
Again he is to be powerful as then for a noble he is to be within a few years this condition is to AB for as he now is he cannot accomplish the mission for which he has been returned to Earth it is necessary that he change environments and associations within a
Few years to enable him to carry out his functions this means an increased wealth in material things without stain on him materially he is not as this oldtime Egyptian of atlanto Egyptian stock he must record as his best of the Mysteries in their highest sense was he then so is
He now long ago air form was created there were then in existence Warriors of a cast exceedingly high this Warrior cast was associated with another of the philosophical or another ruling cast each in close touch with the other and in Amity in all things and ways these
Two casts were atlan in origin and based on the concept that all were not created alike or equal but that each was a support unto the other and in it no rivalry in ought being created for high purposes they labored together in the same and with the common object in view
Egypt then a dependency of atlan atlan means light of it was taken to Egypt as a torch to lighten and Enlighten that land the native growth was high but not so high as aten’s growth they the atlans were welcomed by them as brothers of higher degree but never as rivals or
Strangers or conquerors in all they were welcomed as friends and advisers and brothers in all these atands being Supreme in wisdom they imparted to the Egyptians all they had to give reserving only such as could not be received a new race grew in in Egypt which was atlanto
Egyptian having all the finess of each and the greatness of each combined the production was a very high and Grand nobility of worth and spiritualism this race understood perfectly both races and each in all their renderings spoke the same language and in perfect freedom of Purity they were truly atlanto Egyptian
The language of the atlanto Egyptian was a mixture of both languages and very rich in expression carrying in it and with all the beauty Grandeur of expression they were high indeed in all things and their perfectness of courtesy was so agreeable that none could resist them in social intercourse politically
They were marvels of expression and reached such a high state that they were Supreme this was their condition when atlan fell through seismic disturbances then came a reaction against their priesthood by those of lorth and they killed this race of priests through rage and inability to understand their
Elevated wisdom this however did not reach or apply to the nobility of the secular nature this has been taken up in detail in volume 3 and will not be again passed on the atlantian world having fallen at its source the race soon passed from sight and became lost to
View although some few yet are live the teachings of this race of atlanto Egyptians were in essence that of atlan alone favored by creation these great ones said Earth civilization must continue to fall this is essential that low ones may dominate for a few millenniums yet to come this is seen
Today for material conditions are far less in evidence than then for the late inventions in mechanical methods far less than then spirituality almost lost but slowly being revived by a few who keep the lights trimmed and burning as the Subterranean is lost to sight so is
The basis of very much unknown when the basic is lost there can be no super structure erected that will last in the subterranean iiz the greatness of the more superficial we ask you each and all who read to followers into the interior of Earth and while they see some of the
Working of so called nature first we cease to be Mankind and instead of using mind a pentious agent use Soul a much higher agent if you can divest yourselves of all mentality for it is worthless here but is of distinct detriment to you assuming that you have
Been able to do this we pass you into this structure beneath the waves beneath the moisture beneath the every impulse felt on the surface you now are free and freed of the materiality of Earth’s surface you are now standing in the presence of a laboratory which supplies
The surface with all it has and reaches out in communication with the higher than Earth and receives from them as it gives here you have Spirit unsullied here are all that creates Earth the laboratory of creation is here in part the laboratory of creation is as strong
As strength as rich as wisdom here are generated the forces which communicate with higher from this laboratory we now emerge toward the surface still keeping ourselves free of Earth’s surface as we advance we see acting the events Preparatory to being enacted in an imperfect manner in the more
Superficial here we see the growth of mankind here we see all vegetative conditions here we see all that is known so imperfectly the surface for instance we take the growth of a character whether it mankind or whether it be animal kind or insect kind no matter
What it may be sprouting from a source we see a tiny Chute of energy acting upon a mass appropriating to itself the ingredients necessary to its propagation and forming environments suitable to its functions this energy invisible to sight of mankind grows and is directed by masterful ones in the path it is to
Function passing through through the process of seeking the surface it bestows on all needing as it wends its way surface Ward happily there is not alone one but many who are taking their way in the same direction so we have certain eras grouped and at other times
Certain others and between a wide Gap apparently as we watch this Force passing ever giving off to those who need while on the journey there has been made a comradeship of Association this Association becomes friendship when it reaches certain stages fully mature Ed or not it reaches the surface of Earth
And while there is met by others of the more ethereal in so far as appearances are concerned atmosphere plays its part in this growth teaching all that there is a close connection between the many evolvements both within and without there comes another acting on the parts
Now formed and in process of such by the time a concerted action has taken place in the way of form there appears what on Earth is termed life the body is formed and functions being a mixture of many within and without the interior there are many laws to conform to and each
Attempts to conform to its particular law this soon brings Discord into view and all its peculiarities are from this Source in principle when the dissolution of the form becomes necessary you have socalled death taking place the chemical elements are dissolved the other elements not physical also dissolve
Leaving many to pass and repass at the command of the master architect these May combine in many ways and with others so that there comes into action a more wonderful Association than before for all parts were closely related in the interior they became associated in many ways on the exterior when these elements
Are accommodated in their fullness they sink from sight then is a race or a civilization blotted out each part then goes again into the interior of Earth for further Arrangement and again another form is in evidence both in form and in maturity of life and action the
Same ingredients may be utilized but put together differently they seem different it is this manner ages are created and their peculiarities seen and experienced the countless repetition becomes the Mysteries when certain parts are no longer needed in this laboratory they are passed on to another evolvement differing from Earth One those who are
Humble receive and give those who are Pride give not nor can they receive those who lived as superlative ones then are such now their continual advancement makes them great and Noble in this spirit this book is being written the nobility of form nobility of honor and all that is
Creative strengthens the ones who ever given and Dawn if ever ask a one said I Stood Beside the grave a new made grade and in it rested beautiful and good her grace is far above the den and strife of Earth her body form laid there its
Resting place and the gods were her paor bearers she is a among them now that form harbored not a spiritual that was far removed and in her winding sheet she laid an image to do with and to be done by that physical image had it been the
Home of one or many entities would have not been the sacrifice but acting only as a visible agent that give a bad do and not do it became but the vehicle of action in a visual manner the sacrificial was that which directed it may be here asked in Death of a form is
It best to bury or to cremate by reducing ing the body by fire the answer is cremation reduces in a few moments of time what material nature may take ages to accomplish sometimes an entity or its Essence hovers around it for ages seeking ever seeking and not finding as
The writer fall knows and so well reduced by fire and the body form dissolved the physical ceases to be in a tangible form then is that which might become Earthbound freed of its tramel its Earthly tenament and it passes into a far better State than if burial is performed cremation is far preferable
Than the later Egyptian method of preserving the body for all ages to come this digression is well and full well is it the basic idea beneath all and the cause of mummification by the later Egyptians was to commemorate the past ages to preserve intact a race they knew
Was soon to be extinct and this in memory of those who had pass these superlative ones are buried in great rooms as well preserved as when in perfect health their bodies and facial expression as when in life these have not as yet been found but will be the
Later Egyptians knew these to be and endeavored to emulate them in ways possible their failure to do so is so far beyond anything yet known that they are considered as Marvels when the atlans and atlanto Egyptians and Hebrews wended their way across the now desert they did so in full acknowledgement of
That decree they understood so well then the desert was a well-favored land blooming in all things beautiful and Grand they passed from Egypt knowing that they must be the last to pass from Earth and to hold a race in its Purity for thousands of years until there came
A one who would be them in the physical body to record of them an American by birth an atlan and atlanto Egyptian by descent an atlan and Egyptian in wisdom and a modern in form and appearance but not a modern in all else this book is written and to be written from the
Standpoint of an ancient when this and more than race entered the field of their present day Abode they left behind them the memory to be forgotten by the succeeding races the desert became such after the sinking and Wrecking of atlan this race in its Purity and in its
Scarcity are alive prosperous and happy in their seclusion the American who is their representative in modern form knows them sees them and is them soon the Pure Stock of atlan will pass and be no more in physical the few Egyptians of the stock of atlan born and bred and
Living in Egypt will also soon pass but the Hebrew will last longer and also in his Purity will he remain these races are alive and have given of themselves and others through their medium and will continue to give for some years to come the pure atlan race are but very few and
In number can be counted on the fingers of one hand they will soon pass the Egyptian of atlan stock are few also and will soon pass but the Hebrew has yet a function to perform and will last longer the Hebrew is a cousin of the atlans and the
Egyptian this race has been written of extensively in volume 2 to take the reader again into this race and its subdivision is to be the duty and pleasure of the writer repeating as little as possible he will continue his way the Hebrew as has been set forth lived as atlans atlanteans where now
British Isles are but since the time they have been sunk and reappeared the British are not Hebrews when this race passed into now India they took with them at one time or part of their wanderings the now Jewish race or races taking a cast of God the Jews have
Received from him such as they were entitled to the Hebrew disappearing from them left alone the few who were placed beyond the desert they now occupy a valley interspersed with hills and there have erected a temple not to form but to house certain inanimate forms now passed
These are buried in their places with their National habit as in life they are as perfect today features as when laid in their caskets with them a history of their life death and many things of great historical value to this place the writer has been studied been shown and
As he has lived there even though seemingly here he knows whereof he writes this will seem strange Phantom Le and flighty to almost all who read but remember he records of races conditions now unknown being of them subject to their laws even though apparently another he must do is bidden by such
Laws and in the doing subjects himself to criticism and at times an igny not pleasant to be subjected to keeping his identity as well concealed as he can he yet is known to such a degree that he is subjected to criticism in an unjust way for those who criticize know him not but
See the visible and criticize the invisible to them this penalty he pays daily and will continue to pay as long as physical life lasts but also as he is a reflection he will pass when the mirror is turned then he passes back into the source of him thankful when
That day comes this set forth it now devolves on us to point out certain things to be taken into consideration you are first the reader judge and not the Executioner you are a seen known and fragmentary part of but very little in comparison such being the condition of
Judging it matters but little what the verdict is to be this race of Hebrews have recorded all that happened before the wrecking of atlan the dispersal of them remaining in the history of ancient race is now not known or known of within their records and they are accurate as
To action and causation they have preserved all of Earth’s magnitude the secret laws they have set forth in plain and easily read language they wait a time in patience when they may pass unto others such Parts as may be applicable this is already seen in the radio and
Other instruments of precision and are enlightening many in such ways they see the coming night and darkness and have guarded well all necessary to lift it when it is best they are the saviors of civilization as well as its historians they see by means accurately Every Act of Nations and races the instruments
Such as recording words and sounds and sight they have given freely of and will give more freely yet those receptive to such laws of registration are those made into modern men and then used for such purposes as may be needed and often times they are completely unconscious to
That impulse which causes them to do and not to do they obey laws consciously and unconsciously the reader knows not of nor imagines the writer of this book and of others is a conscious one knowing his origin us and final ending on earth a sacrificial victim in countless ways to
That law he so eagerly acques in and making the sacrifices hard at times to be physically and mentally and above all the harshness of Injustice Meed out to him by many who do not know and cannot the hardships of life in a financial way have been great and were it not for a
Few devoted friends his life would be far worse and harder to bear his later life to be far more kindly that the physical May yet do the things unable to do under present conditions this Hebrew race now acts in a subordinate way to the pure atan yet alive as soon as the
Atlan ceases to be on earth in a physical way then steps in the Hebrew in his fullness and takes charge of the means now in the hands of the atlan of direct descent the atlanto Egyptians soon to pass and about the same time as the pure atlan they are closer to each
Other than the Hebrew to either of them allthough of the same race between Egypt as now known and this land there is the desert sand preserving much and some time to disclose very much now undreamed except as recorded in this and other volumes by this hand books with are
Fragments of manuscripts are now being returned by the Congressional Library Washington D C which should be retained by them but as they are ignorant of that law which they should be cognizant of they are doing acts that will keep Back The Day of Discovery for many centuries the very simple principle of
Preservation of these books would mean much to investigators at a later date Mankind in his limitations ever retains the AIT and distrusts much he does not understand that which is preserved is oftimes worthless and that cast away is as often of such value that it cannot be reproduced for countless ages when the
Atlanto Egyptian Hebrew migration began it was fully known to them and those In the Flesh and out of it that atlan was to perish the migration began and continued until such parts were cared for and all necessary records were preserved in a safe and carefully prepared place for the inspection of
Ages then to come the time is not ripe when such be placed before the World At Large for inspection when such a time comes there will be found a dictionary conveying the meaning of almost all words used and it will be in the atlan and Egyptian tongue the hieroglyphics used are about 3,000
Characters combined in many ways forming a complex language which is entirely distinct from any of the modern ones so that the rules now in Vogue will be valous to the learner almost all of the characters are from different parts of so-called nature for instance bugs Beatles and such others as may be needed
To convey meanings to decipher intelligently it will be necessary to know the habits of the different things depicted if this is used soon will come the true meaning there are other inanimate images to be dealt with such as implements but in doing so look not at The Superficial but
At the hidden language and you will reap a plentiful harvest the atlan language was as full and rich as any language could be expected to convey meanings written language entirely different from the Egyptian their language as written consisted of Curves and lines all implying an architectural embellishment many architectural
Embellishment many today are seen in the architecture of Yucatan so far they have been overlooked but will be found in time Metals lighter than water which will float and yet so strong that it will be almost entirely beyond the strength to break them for their malleability is very great this likeness
And strength would be of greatest value today for the use of aircraft this but some of the very many things then known and utilized in a physical manner their method of locomotion was so Swift that any known means today but slowness itself when compared it may be stated
That they used ships and such propelled by sails at the time of the subsidence this is true but remember this there was another civilization in their midst which was not atlan this population was intellectual beyond the present by very far they had to be kept in subjection else the higher would be exterminated
This alone and there were other reasons which compelled the higher or real and true atands to disregard the better and more able means this they did in a general Way for their own preservation the mass of population was divided into a number of casts of varying intellectuality some very intellectual
And ignoble others varying from them to the lowest that can be imagined leg this cast near of the atands in intelligence were Black magicians of great strength and sordidness they used every means imaginable at this time to create a condition which they could use to an advantage against the true atands
Failing in this they began to create a condition which in the relative fewness of the real atlan made it imperative for the safety of them that certain ones must leave and create and preserve a civilization in a distant Land This was done as has been set forth the few
Remaining atlans prayed unto their highest that the land might be submerged that all memory for centuries should be abolished and later resurrected this was done but few of the atands fell in comparison to their total population those who fell beneath the waters did so consciously and willingly those in Egypt
Who remained were later killed to a great extent by the lower priesthood of the Egyptians there were not many however who were in Egypt as their number had been diminishing for many ages of time if you will place this much in addition to what we have already recorded you
Will have a fairly welldeveloped history of the races in atlan the rescue of the inhabitants of atlan was a matter of impossibility to any extent the islands composing this land were limited in number and in geographical distribution but about 30 Million Lives went down in the flood of overwhelming
Waters the black magic which the Lesser evolved knew was of such proportions that had not the atland out of the body they could not have survived the attack of them as it was the body at times suffered greatly from their attacks this was becoming more and more noticeable as
Time went on the whole civilization had become unfitted for the then present and had to become abolished the high who were the real ones escaped and lived for centuries but it was best that they pass between Egypt and their present place of Abode the land was fertile and well
Ordered in all ways but when the land passed which was at and the sand became so greatly amassed that the country soon became a desert waterways were filled and all things necessary to continued population became an impossibility in this way the great population became extinct in a very short time so this
Great number of humanity of the highest type lost its life due to Changing Times and changing currents in the interior of the Earth this was all and fully known to them for many centuries a its consummation the number who lost their lives on the Island was not many except
Those of the lower class which to the atland amounted to not the atlan population in its almost entirety had passed from the islands now considered their home these had with their progeny settled in the now desert land when the catastrophe took place they were numerous enough to take care of
Themselves against all cers but the hand of Fate had marked them for death this they knew and bowed unto it in all wisdom and humility the currents having changed in the Earth made it easy of depopulation and quickly so the catastrophe there was far greater than
That of the island home this took place within a few years of the sinking of the island which had become of lesser value in all things the manner of this catastrophe was as follows sand becoming so great that the cultivation became decreased greatly water drying made it impossible of continuation of
Cultivation a sudden and Humane pestilence swept the land depopulating it all almost entirely then they passed to the present land where the few yet survive you have now been given almost all the subject matter of this great and Noble race Beyond Acceptance Now for so
Great were they that no one in the flesh can understand their greatness they died as they had lived faithful in all things this ends for this time this history but far more will be given before long the Hebrews were of this race and their home near unto it and in perfect Amity they
Died in m Es as did the atland their near of kin and at the same period the Egyptians fared better in that their land was lesser affected of them soon very much and then again to atlan and the Hebrews the last part of the manuscript which has just been completed
For you is not complete as we wish to make it therefore we pass onward in our course and give you such as may be required for the time and place that part of the desert lying between Egypt and the farther part of Africa is the land inhabited by the races We have
Dealt with some have supposed that the Egyptians were Jews they were not such at any time the atlanto Egyptian was related to the Hebrew who were one with the atlans part and parcel of the race of Atlantis spreading over much of the Earth this race in its modifications
Controlled Earth largely and well did they do so and in its best interests with the exception of the black race they were the highest exponents of highest during the time of their life on Earth this has been sufficiently well cared for however in another manuscript of which this may yet
Become a part the races of atlan spreading over land and sea were not so numerous as some others but they were predominant in all things high and Grand they were coincident with the other races of many grades of advancement these were ever in accord in things possible but never compromised
Principle for gain they were above all sorted now Southern Europe felt their presence but not in great numbers they were preeminent as teachers rulers and directors of mankind as well as other kinds what is now known as the Arabic desert received them in all their greatness and welcomed them as its
Guests who ever bore light unto all this section is yet to be dealt with and there is much to do in this section so little known the matter of races is one of ever increasing importance to any who investigate to begin with all that is so
Far known is but little of the subject matter in Egypt there were many races during the long ages of its physical being millions of Ages is its life and during that long period many races have come and gone all these were descended from an original Source but divided into
Many and Amalgamated in many ways and degrees at different times the continual Crossing and recrossing of the Rays of the central sun has caused many races and modifications of races and this combined with local Earth conditions have further made many more changes so many things to be taken into
Consideration that it is almost endless in its action keeping ever in mind that from a common source all descends and in its course all mix and intermix in many ways you will have a guide well worth your attention and also a director of yourself in many ways this being
Established to your satisfaction if it it is so we pass and repass to many some of which have been placed before you in some place of the writer recording the catastrophe which sunk the island known to modern ones as Atlantis also influenced much not Atlantean there were
Not alone races of mankind but races of many and countless other kind these were also as greatly influenced as they themselves were ancestors to others between Mankind in form and the kinds in form there is a correspondence which at times is very close while at others very
Far apart the insect world has its laws regulations and the code as high in the scale of justice as man’s this connection is as close as law permits and as Loose as law permits brought together severed and hindered and Scattered the relation of created to Creator is ever in evidence this
Brotherhood of all created is as close as Divergence from Source the original Obelisk was a sharp pointed erect object with an expanding base the later Obelisk was also this but the point became pyramidal through the interposition of of a son having been bornn the passing of a ray of light through a double
Convex lens is thus shown when this took place a change had become this change made the present Earth condition through a change in refraction of that beam of Light which resulted in creation of another which split parted and disrupted Earth but one very small part as the
Relation of every part Bears its ratio to all others so does each part affect all others including itself this proposition once agreed to it stands that there is a line of law using and being used by all severed parts and this means order all things being of order
There can be no loss but change at all times and in many ways as order is understood then comes recognition and that eventually leads to the source wherein all become one the continual reaction of one to another means the ingratiating of each part to all other parts this brings Harmony into view
Again the continual harmonizing of discordant Parts eventually brings Discord into Concord then you have the perfect square or the fourth dimension perception is the fourth dimension perception and Harmony are one for he who is able to perceive will soon conceive and that soon becomes harmonious so you have a trinity of
Forces falling within Square which leads to a far higher the Triangular is but the imperfect quadrangular this is evidenced in the construction of the pyramid when you have passed from the threes to the fours you have but in evidence the twos The Duality is but an offspring of
The one or the erect the base of the Great Pyramid denoted that four epochs are to be and have been thus Earth is divided into twos and the constant use of them makes it plain that from them in descent are others but to conform there must be the two predominating and this
Is found in many ways throughout so-called nature the constant copulative Act of nature is seen in reproduction of species flowers and plant life are in such jux a position that there is seen The Duality of them for purposes of reproduction this is carried into higher Realms and is further seen in mankind as
Well as other kinds coming under their View and Province this too constantly reminds us that therein is a Creative Design of great magnitude and power two erect bodies coming into action cause no longer the slenderer line but a line of increased width this increased line makes it mandatory that a change has
Taken place in something and in some manner this perception leads to investigation this further leads to conception as to cause and effect this in turn leads to a Harmony of appreciation of what is and has been this is the Square’s fourth dimension placed in graphic form to see a square
There must be vision from above it cannot be visualized From Below or at a level thus the fourth dimension is from above Harmony being the dimension you have that creative placed in you for your reaction and appropriation The Duality being thus far mastered then comes the unity or Oneness one is
Generally considered to be an erect figure all angulation must come from a line all circles from a line bent to the degree of attainment the continual bending of a line ever equidistant from the center means a circle formed you then have another form of the fourth dimension in action any square is finite
Any circle is finite that which is bounded is finite perception is finite conception is finite investigation is finite Harmony is finite so the fourth dimension is finite that which is finite cannot be the source in the sense the reader may take it any source is infinite to its offsprings so you have a
Finite and an infinite merged together this merging of calculable and incalculable is the origin of Soul the fourth dimension and soul are one one as the parent of one cannot be visualized by any process of Soul there must necessarily be another with that we have dealt in other volumes and not here at
This time it is well to hear pass from this abstraction onto others less abstract as seen by the reader but in all things set forth in this and other volumes by this hand the abstract is ever in evidence the great Arabic desert has been but faintly dealt with and then
Hardly a glance directed unto it a waste of sand it is true with sufficient vertue left to be of some benefit in passing unto this land we do so in all humility of endeavor and will present unto you some of its greatness of it there can be but little said in way of
Premise but be it admitted that it was once very different than now that it was once a home of others and that its change came from and through some unknown source and manner this much admitted we have sufficient to present unto you to create in you a spirit of
Investigation and later of belief in much like brother the great wastes of land in Northern Africa it bides its time in patience until the sound of the gavl in the East when that is heard then will come that wisdom in action which will throw light on the field and
Illuminate The Horizon of its Mighty past this land was once the home of greatness and Grandeur it too was well favored in all material and very much in spiritual it too had a population abundant and well satisfied as a mass this desert became such from its former fruitful condition due to changes in
Atmosphere and interior Earth conditions as did its brother desert land at the same time it may be asked nay not then but later in time and much more gradually its population decreased slowly gradually so that there came no drought or anything such rapid and radical nature as did the other lands
The spectacle of a tempest of epidemic or Sudden Change did not cause its change but the more slow and orderly change which gave to civil ization no effort to rearrange itself as did the change due to atlan demise this condition being sufficiently well set forth we now pass onto another
Phase of its action and result the Gul for C separating it from others became such from seismic movement which caused a sinking of land and the converting it into a water this process was not so rapid that it dislocated very much in an economic manner or a social one the
Completion of this movement spread over many centuries of time the process of more gradual sinking became so that adjustment ever took place when the process had been completed the land and atmosphere had become far more Barren and sterile than before population became lessened in numbers and in Civilization for where produces lesson
There is very apt to be a cessation of higher civilization where before there was a fertile field of Agriculture and its products the gradual manner of change made its passage easy and economical its population slowly dissolved through lack of reproduction and due to Natural sterility of its
Producers rather than to any effort to curb human production its cities were of such Grandeur and of such construction that they slowly became efe and passed through Decay rather than due to violence built of many materials they lasted as they were built those of wooden clay soon past leaving in many
Instances no trace of their ever having been other of more durable construction yet remain but covered by sand and other debris of the now past the waste of sand and other became so through the infiltration from lower depths and by the attrition constantly enforced by and through Earth movements chemical changes
Are ever in process and this has played its part changes in atmosphere has too performed its part in the many changes water courses sinking to lower levels soon made it apparent that there was to be a desert where once there was moisture the races inhabiting it in the
Higher classes soon saw the coming condition and made ready to face its ultimate the lower classes were able to cope with the physical condition more in accordance with its every part than the higher they lasted longer the elements held in leash for a long time finally
Broke with some Fury and time and soil has buried and obliterated from sight the civilization of old truly a Monumental task but to Nature in her actions a one of ease and all L was it done with Injustice to none and favor To None like any land it had borne on its
Bosom many civilizations representing many races and to look to them all would mean the recording of so many that time and space would be taxed and become tiresome to all who attempted to read of one just now we take today this racism would be unknown so we make our bow to
You a later civilization and give unto you something of our nature and greatness and deficiency in doing this we plead ignorance an to much poverty to much but also Enlightenment to very much you of today will never reach as any now living race in saying this we do so in all
Humility and constantly being reminded of the man who once said believe me if you will disbelieve me if you will but I tell truths you will consider falsehoods and if I tell you falsehoods you will not know the difference but as we are to record the truth you may consider it
Such in all sincerity a false recording is as base as any other base action and this you have today in a prominent part of your Christian religious system which is as pernicious as the hell they constantly keep others in fear of we have the race about to be described and elucidated
Were of the green race we were coeval with the blue and others written of and not written off as yet our race dates back to the earlier ones of great Purity we were not perfect but when compared to the moderns we were truly Gods on Earth the sinking of what is now termed
Mediterranean Sea affected us somewhat but not to the extent it affects Ed the blue races our greatness lay deeply concealed and as deeply revealed our color was very highly green of such a shade that artists have not discovered it a transparency of color that there seemed to be many shades of the same
Green and in fact such there was as the coursing fluids could at times be seen adding to the Grandeur and simplicity of ourselves in many ways our hair was greenish black very fine in texture long and wavy we had in us the black referred to in other volumes this black was at
All times so superlative that all bowed unto them who were able to visualize at all this made us greater than if of purely unmixed blood we use here the word blood in the ordinarily accepted sense of today for we will show you later that blood today is not as once
Was something for physiologists to think about we were tall exceedingly well proportioned fond of family true to ourselves and others who associated with us we mixed but little in marriage with others not of ourselves but did somewhat with the blue and black and red but the
Mixture was for a purpose and not for the purpose of propagation of sexual Delight as you of today do your flesh and ours were not the same nor were our dispositions yours of today we tilled the soil or rather others did for us for we were not laborers in any physical
Sense others did for us even as Horses and Machinery do for you today to take you further just now into this is not well so we pass unto others of our kind and day and give of them scholarship to you today understand we knew not for we
Were wisdom in action in and on a high plane of action schools were to us visible but to you the invisible we live to you in the invisible but to us visible and real we are very ancient for your Viewpoint and as we are such for we
Yet live we give unto you some of the many things well for the reader to know our teachers were were ever of such height that we too looked up and knock down we faced the sun lived in its light this you do not oh reader and this much
Would not be given were it to be made public to any extent but this book not to be very extensively read at any known age it will sink into calm and depth and be seen but little for the next thousand years and then only at times then to
Pass again into such obscurity that it will be lost except in a traditional manner that such a book lived and yet lives search for it will be useless but at appointed times it will be resurrected and its contents used extensively then again into rest until the time and era comes for its more
Universal reproduction a mighty scheme and too far-reaching to make much of an impression on some who read our teachers were to us as far in advance of us as we are to you we were of sufficient height to ask and to receive consciously this only a few today can do thus we learned
And learned and ever sought higher wisdom you of Earth plain today seek not wisdom but knowledge and a mighty difference to place our wisdom on paper would mean that a new nomenclature would be invented a new language used and a new era introduced which is not yet to
Be but in preparation is it all even now this book the leader of that coming new age to you companionship of Kings were ours we were monarchs we controlled things to you at this day and era things unknown and undreamed off your highest so low as to be unnoticed by us as no
Part of us or of ours death as you know it a non-existent life as you view it would have been worse than horror to us the body to us as you know it worse than your death to you we were ethereal as were the blue races but we as they had a
Lower in which we functioned later and they are the ones known to you as blue black Etc the writer uses the visible formers then for he is one of us and can lus record of Ages long ago and far more when it suits his will to do so we take
The visible the Ethereal and use it and call it the green race as it is more intelligible to you who read this an ethereal form formless settled in crystallization and it became a visible it was not form as now understood but a form nevertheless and it gave as we give
Unto you in sincerity of endeavor to do for you when giving this to you we also include in much the blue and others who we shall introduce to you in the desert of Arabia there are many PLS of existence then and now with all the nobility of the green race with all its
Grandeur there were also at that time others far removed from such these were the Black magicians that principle of an involving nature so great in evolvement that today it would be taken for an evolution supremely high and to whom almost all would bow in humility of reverence these were the great ones
Preparing for future ages they were the destructiveness in action and on a plane so high that it is now Beyond Comprehension of Earth ones this black magic entered into the forming Earth changing Earth and the laws controlling change this Blackness so ethereal that it cannot be seen today it is this
Principle in action that later caused so much trouble to the many saviors who have visited Earth for its uplifting few of these have understood as much as you have been given in the few lines just written that they knew is true but the fullness of it some did and many not so
Purity falling absorbed what was placed in it this black magic or what is now termed such struck deeply into it became it apparently gave it weakness in order that the fall might be consummated as brought forth so much in the frictional world of thought and many other agencies
Of which mine today is its Chief exponent and use as the hardening process continued crystallization became apparent and earth was formed this continuing became such in its many forms of life as expressed in and on Earth today this process is diminishing and the Earth has again been placed in an
Ascending scale as the reconstructive is being placed in Action a softening has begun and is in process of operation the forces which made the crystallization are now endeavoring to undo their past actions and are now being made into reconstruction and the black magic disappearing black magic is its reverse
In action today it seems destructive and tomorrow constructive but as all are but following a planet is ever Construction in action few however see it as such it is the green and others saw all this and knew the process in action and when their time had come to pass their past
As others had done and will yet do and are doing today some fragments of the green yet live the reconstructive Parts in humanity Redeeming the lower sacrifices they are and these are Ones high in the scale of Life assisting ever giving in the many ways and always receiving from themselves and as ever
Giving these great races and more than such mixing have formed many high and Noble races to revert to the Black magicians for a few lines in their highest they are ones constructing through destroying in their later they are sometimes high in mentality and sometimes low but nearly always acting
Within their own plane of action as set forth in other books by this hand they are pernicious in action but remember remember this they too act under law if they seem to be low gross and destructive there must be Justice to them as to all the time they have lost
In their plane is compensated by almost immediate recovery when released from the action they are caused to do in the case of the wandering jew has set forth in another volume by this hand when Deliverance did come it was so rapid in its action that a few years sufficed to
Recover all seemingly lost the rapidity of gain was so great that no time was lost and no lessening of evolvement in all Departments of life and all else there is at no time any Injustice this is a law complete and no Exceptions there to the destructive agencies are as
Many as the labor to be performed Earth being an aversion an inversion all seen by mankind is the inverted reverse a picture and you have more in reality than if viewed from the standpoint of everyday contact the many conditions seen are but a few points revealed and
To the early formative races and other agencies all are today indebted whether it is for wheel or wo it is Law and law is ever just and above all merciful with this for our premise we again pass into others not as yet elucidated and ask only your consideration in time being
Given to peruse but not asking you to believe or here recorded for the information of any and all in the perusing of this book belief is not requisite but an open mind is well to have otherwise your time will be poorly applied the purple race is one to which
An illusion has been made but no explanations nor any reference further than a simple illusion to become fully aware of certain races not in the sense used in now modern times it is required to bear in mind that Earth conditions now and long ago are far from similar
Trusting in the guidance of the writer we will proceed on our journey and give unto you some of the things well to become acquainted with the race of purple were ones of such that their very existence is unknown they were Primary in this they existed so long ago that
Their very existence is no longer known they were Primary in that they were so far removed and Beyond the existence of the green that they must be regarded as unmixed ones in reality they were of such Purity that none was of them this race not an Earth One lived in its way
Far beyond the formation of the Earth in its most nebulous formation taking you back into it we find the foll going to have been then beyond orality were they Beyond conception were they they were origin of Earth from them proceeded all that is in the formation of the universe
Is now known as in any manner related to Earth conditions and universes this principle called Purple proceeded to act from it sprang the countless universes to it all must return relieved of all its burdens this race as we call it is none other than Thomas written of before in another
Volume enough has been written of this at this time and but little at any time you have now had traced for you in several different ways the origin of much Earth being but an infinitesimal part of the whole of the system to which it belongs you have had it placed in its
Correct place and its functions defined in much to ascertain all written it will be necessary for you to read several volumes by this hand but as you will not be able to find them there can be no completeness of the recording found these book books few in number have been
Distributed and to the writer lost sight of to do their work according to that law whichever guides all the writer has given but it is not to him to further distribute this oh reader is to you and if you search you may find but if not
Remember that any one life is short and many are there to live in closing this for this day we do so with the full knowledge that we will return to you and give us his best to pass from the present study onto another is our wish
And it is respected so we give you once again of many another and in hopes that the digression will not be a Miss Easter the Ascension of the star is as the Ascension of hope faith and humility hope faith and humility are as love kindness and trust this double Trinity
Passes all who care for them in Sublimity of endeavor and finally accomplishment of spiritual as Dawn comes unto those in darkness so does Dawn foreshadow light in its brilliancy brilliancy The Foreigner of the Gods of creation creation said be ye and it was the creative also said be ye again and
It was so to you a master says be ye and it is so he who acts on the lower kind is as much a savior as he who acts on higher kind the humblest of all created acts performs in their respective ways as do the others each a Creator and each
As high as height and as low as depth if ye would be Gods be ye them if ye would be Devils be ye them but as you advance ye will find that they are also creative and are good so to Easter we send our greetings as it is part of us
So are we all parts of a whole the word hath been spoken light spreads its mantle over land and sea its creative asks of none but does surround with its hallow tints the truth and it shall make you free Freedom attained you become Lords and then ye give light in its
Plenitude with sadness it is recorded with sorrow it is given birth with remorse it is printed so that the many May read suen lives error Sullen lives hate Sullen lives greed and sullenly they pass into a better error is the companion of each of them Enlightenment the opponent of each of them
Enlightenment says Come Ye all unto me for I wil give you light to lighten thy path but error says sullenly come unto me and I will give you pleasure with which to satiate your every part I will give you all have Enlightenment says come unto me for I have to give unto ye
In fullness thereof era says come unto me and I will give you wealth that you may buy and sell and trade but Enlightenment says I will give you all I have but it oftimes brings to thine eyes tears of regret and sorrow for past actions but I give you light by which
You may see and learn the more era says come unto me and I will give you happiness with which to do and to say unto all come with me for I give you forgetfulness of all things of sorrow and regret and bring unto the smiles and not tears come unto me Enlightenment
Says unto each of you I give and what I give is yours for all eternity it clears the way to Greater and grander and old loves and hates come into view as they are and illusion is gone come unto me and I will give you even you all I
Possess era says if ye come unto me I give you all I have a cloud passed over these two and it became dark and gloomy the way and those of era saw not but Enlightenment had made the way plain and clean to those of herself those of era
Saw not the way and stumbled and fell and called on era to do for them era said I have given he should know but Enlightenment said I have given and they have profited seek ye further the way those who sought through Enlightenment saw and knew and loved and gave those of
Era saw not could not give and grieved that it was so but then came Enlightenment and said seek ye me one said y I seek ye then come unto me and he did and was saved from further error and led many into the fold of Enlightenment faith hope and humility
Are ones from a yet higher they are also ones advancing so in life they meet those who are advancing and receding toward the ends of their respective purposes that which Falls is seeking its highest it may be long and Securus but it reaches as does the ones who Advance
By the more direct route the faith to do to perform to bear under and to uplift are also parts of Hope and when he humility comes you have not alone Faith and Hope but you have the wisdom gained through them and many many more it is
This Trinity that seems to be too many and yet so few comprehend them Faith to do hope to attain and humility to meet the different aspects of many lives humility The Offspring of gods the element which displays Love In Action greatness in contemplation and nobility under adverse circumstances with bod
Head and humbled heart humility leads the the Earth is shunned by many trodden on by many sneered at by many and yet all to attain must be humble and air it can be attained the lower must be passed the humility of wisdom is boundless it sinks into insignificance when pride is
Assembled when pomp is displayed when egotism is in ascendant but when trouble wreathes the brow when the heart is bold in sorrow when friends forsake then humility comes into play and as she does there shines the glory nobility and the greatness of soul then indeed is humility Advanced over all others of
Lesser light in humbleness of wisdom this book we record it is ours to the extent that we are humble all written that is not humble is not us for we record only at the dictates of humility a one stood before the great and said you are great while I am humble you are
Lords of all you seek I seek only that which seems good to me I seek not the things of materiality and I seek only wherein dwells soul in its many manifestations what do you oh Lords seek we seek the great that which is powerful and uses you oh humble as a foot stol
Upon it we rest our feet we spurn you and yours this makes us great and you oh humble are ours to use and you to do as we say we are great and you are poor humility bowed her head and said you seek as you do according to your light
And I seek according to mine in your pride I do for you and you use me as you do egotism said it is true be gone and be with us no more humility replied I do as you say I am begone unto you Pride said where is the humble I see her no
More no more can I abuse and use her for she is gone humility stood AAR off and saw all heard all and said I use you oh pride and you use me not in your pride you fall and gain by your fall but me you know not so fair well unto you but
We meet again ages came and went time had flown many and many away and again Pride met humility and said I seem to know you oh pride in humility where have I seen you before humility replied saying we have met before once I was
Alone and you spurned me so now I am in you can you spurn me now I asked of you then my portion and you gave me not now I am in you and demand and you give unto me and you know not me but as you have
Grown you absorbed somewhat of me what I have learned has made me humble replied egotism and as I have learned I have placed in me that which has redeemed me in part thou Hast said replied humility thou Hast said Pride battled and was torn and the torn and seemingly
Destroyed had become humble through wisdom attained the God is born in all as they learn it is this that reconstructs us all who are on the path and all are at some time and way when the path is departed from then comes the teacher in many ways to tell that the
Path is no more trodden Easter is that day of Ascension considered by some sects as being of them particularly Easter is the day of Ascension and that day is yours whatever the calendar May say Easter arose that God which per chance you may have had for ages that
God understood and liberated itself from the sacrifice it made for you that God gave place to another and that new God conception then sacrificed to you and for you to ascend as you learned of that one so Ascension is progression but it may too be a downward act an act leading
To a lowered conception then the god of sacrifice is replaced by a lower God a lower conception as the god conception lowers there is not Ascension to you but a lowering condition which makes you fall yet further until a point is reached wherein there can be no further
Falling then comes another God to uplift you the the gods of Ascension or declination are one acting under different degree of Illusion Easter may be yours at any time so in humility pay for it and seek it and embrace it at all times the Lily in its purity of
Symbolism in Christianity is the emblem of Easter other flowers of God seek other emblems but as any emblem is but a visual so seek the invisible and you will find rest peace and Glory your final attainment throughout the years symbols visualize much add much to the concrete in spirituality Joseph’s coat
Was found by his brothers and given to their father that he might know that his son was no more on Earth the coat of many colors it is said Joseph symbolizes many ages in his making each color a contribution to his character each color but one in the long process of the
Making of Joseph each color made of many incarnations many ages in the process and many more forming the color many evolvements were there and the many colors but made up of the many now not known to but extremely few Joseph’s coat the coat we have written of before in an
Earlier manuscript covered with blood but an addition by innovators who knew not nor do yet that part which relates to yet further is but an enigma to almost all if they attempt to Fathom but as the coat alone is of any particular significance we will pay but slight
Attention to it from now on the coat is as astronomical as the Stars themselves which are but ornaments on it as we have denominated this small part Easter so do we deal with Ascension almost completely Ascension is also Redemption and is typified in the material by incense Ascension liberates is the symbol
Liberation that which is freed from the material ascends but it also descends that which has fallen needs as well as that which has risen the gods below need to do as well as the gods above all need but a God does not want want is a negative while need is a positive one
The needs of man are far greater than wants but his wants are so closely impressed on his mentality that they take precedence above all others it is this manner that wants Dominate and mentality ever pulls down with the attempting to S and yet mankind worships mind and mental things to the exclusion
Of much that is far better to attain the known to mankind but a faint reflection of the unknown the known are worshiped yet the nebulous is as the ascendant the god of materiality is worshiped while the God of spirituality is as unknown as the cause and action of the Gods of
Known the blindness of sight makes all appear as real when it is but a very poorly evolved illusion in the accomplishment of anything there should be given thanks unto higher for now ye that all given is of higher and man but the instrument made use of for his own
Benefit in this Spirit we do how our heads and Hearts unto that Sublimity ever above us all asking in the name of him whoever is when the heart is bowed in humbleness when the intellect is cured then is the soul freed of much and it SES unto its progenitor and learns
But if pride and ignorance rule then is the soul held to Earth and lower and it Grieves that it is so then to free itself death must come to a body that the string cord cord may be severed then indeed is the Golden Bowl at the fountain broken and the silver cord
Broken and the wheel at the system no more in use for mankind then has seen in its better and the sustaining power made into others for its own use and promotion gold and silver Have I None but such as I have freely give it unto ye is a quotation sometimes made he who
Possesses wisdom gives of it such as ye may have give of it and from your acts and thoughts comes that gold wisdom which enlightens the way in this sentiment we pass onward and as you perceive you must become when the grain is winnowed when the seed
Is swn then comes a period of rest that all given and done May develop so as you have perused this and other books by this hand if you have learned or you have had periods of rest and activity given you the period of rest is about completed so today we speak from that
Long silence unbroken for countless ages of time we speak unto thee in all of its worth of all its age and ask you only to pay regard to what is given you your lack of belief is immaterial your lack of credence is as you are we ask only
Your attention and that you divest yourselves of as much doubt and Credence as you can with an open comprehension we ask you to peruse many ages have come and gone many more will be as you today learn so are you tomorrow there are now on the way to Earth many ages now gone
They are coming to prepare you and yours at a cost and sacrifice to themselves they to do for you and you to do for yourselves and not for them there is to come unto you the grandest this Earth has seen for ages but how few will understand and know ought of it this
Document to be a Herald but not the only one for a Herald will come in many guises and if you are wise you will see some of them when atlan was young there were many who then lived as the age saw was right those today are coming winning
Their way to you to instruct you to implant in you that germ which is to mature in ages yet to come as you receive that germ so will you be then when what is termed man at this time shall have changed form then that germ will Sprout and yield fruit this
Will be countless centuries and ages yet to come but all that is but a Moment In Time air that consummation this Earth will have changed in countless ways and you oh mankind will be but one among so many that you will sink into that insignificance that you so well deserve
The races then will not be in form as now known you will then be considered so infinitesimal that all your egotism now would then not even excite a smile of derision the antics of the now unseen to you will be great as then compared to you and yours we have dealt with America
As it was air the present America arose that has been Untold ages and greater ages will be in past countless times a what we are to write of will be Earth will then be of two as it was once the hard and material and the ethereal of such fluidity that atmosphere of the
Present day will be harsh and dense as compared the sun will not shine then but in its place that which gave it birth for the sun shall yet suffer such an eclipse that there will be no more light as now understood around the dense will be this super ethereal the two shall be
As separate and yet in the dense and inert shall be the living it in it the Suns shine and it shall be the germ resting around it the active every in motion ever in action ever in process of completion when the rest is completed then again comes the many to be done for
And they to do as is appointed to do and for them to do with this set forth we forecast for you in a few sentences such as is well to be known mankind then will not exist the Ethereal to light the more material to heavy etherial will rise
Between them then is evolved the many the stratas condense next to Earth rendering Earth more ethereal and its wrapping less so during this process many come into life’s action and soul and mentality and countless others are born they all come and are formed to evolve the lowest of Earth and all are
Sacrifices to that end as it has been so will it be again and again until all are no more Earth but ethereal then has Annihilation taken place to proceed further we pass into others not of Earth but of its many progenitors one pro genitor is the sun another of the many
Planets seen by the eye and of the telescope much not seen by either eye or instrument as there seems to be vacant spaces between the planets so there seems to be a void but that too is full of living as the scene and somewhat known Earth is the child of all seen and
Much unseen Earth is the outcast being redeemed Earth is the refug of those seen and unseen Earth is being sacrificed for by those who are its parents Earth being crew there must be placed in it a Redeeming the kind called mankind is but a parasite on Earth
Living on it and not being it partaking of its sustenance it is governed by its laws a might attached to a man is a parasite carried wither and thither by its host living on it must conform to much of the ways but in fact is not it
Except as it imbibes from its host mankind is that parasite mankind is Earth kind in that it lives in and on it iding much of Earth mankind is Earth kind and other kind each and both Al low kind inferior to many it shuns as of no Consequence the many flowers give forth
More perfume than most of mankind gives good acts the kindliest act of mankind is not superior to the perfume and beauty of many beautiful and fragrant flowers having thus placed somewhat before you we pass onward to others for each must be passed upon somewhat air we
End this short chapter in the history of mankind and of Earth it will not be long a we pass from materiality entirely and deal with the things not Material nobility is as character is nobility without character of high is impossibility nobility and High character are one made in the same mold
Cast in the same become synonymous and act in all things High such are the ones of Futurity when The Mists have been dispelled a great light emits Sparks which are as much a part of the great light as the light itself unfortunately those who compose an organization do not
Understand this and persecute of times that spark as having no connection with the great light they should be considered as children who are as yet immature and nurtured as such winning their love and respect and esteem and not hatred during the Unseen light from the greater these Sparks keep alive the
Memory of the past from sight and are doing as much in construction as those who come later and fulfill a greater mission in their time this unfortunately is not always conceded by the ones in authority and the epoch made less by the lack of wisdom this today is being
Enacted in a world to itself in the so-called Mystic realm place in Authority one who does not understand the Mystic and you have an unfortunate condition to face which means the marring of the principle which should be well understood this is written not in a spirit of criticism but in one of
Instruction to any who care to heed it the writer is not of any of these so can see much that those in the battle cannot there is in the Rose cross and star so very much not seen by its devotes that there must be confusion and this result
Of not having at its head in an invisible manner to the membership someone capable of seeing and directing without being in the conflict when such is affected there will be a clarification of much which will mean the healing of many things now far from healed in masonry there is is much also
To be done in the way of clearing an atmosphere already tainted by egotism and hypocrisy and downright treachery to the principles of the order the silent Force ever in action against these ERS are very prone to do and never fail to corrupt by innuendo suspicion and every
Other means known to those who ever do in a constructive manner to pass further into this condition will be of some value unto any who seeking honesty of purpose for the Old Black Magic still exists on Earth but in a lessened degree those who seek say we will do as is best
And Trust in higher to direct but those of the opposition say we have with us and in us and whom we trust as our chief of one who is infallible he to us is as God on earth trust him and he will do to surmount intelligence intelligence is
Wounded and replaced by faith with this as a starting point you have an undermining which soon brings into play credulity trust and later hypocrisy to exed this reinforced by many who teach that these are necessary to Sal ation to place these in Greater degree of Vantage some are offered position of iments
Places of power and authority sapping away their strength thus a power is built which opposes all that is constructing soon a hierarchy is built which Awards benefits to its followers while enslaving its devotes unable to corrupt all it then uses Force when it can destroying all things opposed to it
But while thus engaged there is also creeping into it something destructive unto itself and this same black black element soon corrupts its own atmosphere so that it is no longer efficient in a destructive manner as before but the public is so emaciated that it does not function then the high withdraws itself
From view leaving Sparks to do in its limited way what cannot be done by the greater at the time these Sparks are as worthy as those of the sun of which they are but emanations these Sparks last after the sun has arisen but are oftimes mistaken and given no credit for their former
Actions these then are denominated as and other epithets which are harmful the destructive power is as necessary as the constructive the destructive destroys through many agencies light which lasts too long kills by its Splendor darkness by its Blackness kills when too long placed in action thus it is seen that
Alternate rest and action are but obeying a law Supreme viewed at a short distance and with narrowed sight they are one thing and each differing from the other but viewed at longer range and broaden sight they are but one in action all great battles are avoidable if
Viewed as the conditions really are but shortness of sight brings on conflict which renss and tears and kills passing from this unto others we see great continents rise and fall the continent of which we have written the American before the present one had come and gone
And has risen again it now plays its part in the game as any other living it holds within itself the dying the flush of Victory on the face of the Conqueror soon turns to whiteness of death for as age advances it is seen that all Conquest is but a fragment of something
Else the greatest Master on Earth or has ever been is but some small part of a greater and it too but some part of another yet greater the wisdom which can perceive this makes that one humble but the one who cannot is made proud and
Suffers for his pride it is so with all now that our digression has come to an end we can proceed with the subject matter which will occupy us for a Time the time and place is the subject of much speculation on the part of mankind time is the appointed era or such part
Of it as may be decreed the time of any happening is that part of a god which is required to accomplish a man who says I can accomplish is one if he truly knows bows in humility of belief and sincerity of action to that higher who rules then
Time and place are not his but his to act in accordance with law just and hon hble place is the location of action to be he who bows in reverence to all higher and acts in accordance with them is truly one of the elect to do and to
Be there must be first a complete submergence of egotism and false Pride this entails countless time in its consummation when this is accomplished there comes into action others which relieve the monotony of events and pressage the coming of a better continued concentration on any one subject is not best but but where
Variation is there is relief and later strength to overcome this conditions is dealt with in this and all other writings by this hand a constant digression is best and has been and will be adhered to will you ever think of me when I am dead and gone will you ever
Think of me when the roses are no more will you ever think of me when I am far away oh will you ever think of me when I am no more the Roses Are In Bloom and your love is fresh and pure but will you
Think of me when I am no more will you ever think of me when life is no more when breezes blow away the love of your will you ever think of me when I am no more when the snow falls in its beauty and when the sun shines in its glow will
You ever think of me when I am no more when the birds are nesting and the flowers are in bloom then you will think of me even when I am no more when the Roses Are In Bloom and perfume sense the air then you will think of me even when
I I am no more when the winds send your love to me and I am no more than you will think of me when the flowers are in death when the air is full of snow then you will think of me when I am no more when winter in its barrenness and the
Roses bloom no more then you will think of me as one no more then I will Mount the skies and see you dear as before when you think of me no more I mounted the skies which man calls light and I mounted the skies which man calls life
And I mounted the skies eyes which man calls love and I gathered them in unto me I called for light and I found life and I called for life and I found love I called for love and I found gods and I called no more I sought for peace and I
Found patience and I sought for friends and I found care and I gathered them in and I found my life’s lights love I asked for food and they gave none I asked for arms and they gave a stone I asked for all and I received none and
Then I asked to be left alone and I found all I sought for power and I found care and I asked for strength and I found weakness and I asked for might and I found none then I asked again to be left alone and I found peace free from
Care and strength to do and all alone I asked in prayer to be found and the answer came seek and find I sought on Earth and I found that I was all alone I sought in the skies and found none then I asked in prayer to be all alone and I
Found the light of the Sun and Moon then I knew that I sought all alone I asked for prayer and I found that prayer was my own but I asked in love to be let alone and I found that I was alone I found that gods were alone and those who
Sought found not in company but all alone they must seek and find all alone all alone I need thee every hour all alone I need thee every day all alone I need thee oh my soul all alone I need thee I need thee Oh Egyptian maid all
Alone I need thee oh love of mine all alone I need thee Oh Egyptian maid I need thee every day she stood before the way of Ages and Egyptian maid I need thee every way I need thee Oh Egyptian maid in her hair the ringlets of age in
Her hand the history of man and I need thee every way oh Egyptian maid her breast was covered with the ages of man and as I need thee every way oh Egyptian made come unto me oh Egyptian made I greet the every way and oh Egyptian maid
I leave thee Oh Egyptian maid I love every way the Silent Lips said oh Wanderer in life’s way I love thee as my own the smile of Love wafted to me the sents of Ages gone the history of mankinds struggles against fate and she the Egyptian maid said I give thee in
Every way in my hand I hold thee and thine and I give unto thee my smile and my love to guide thee in every way I the Egyptian made cover thee with my mantle and in my wisdom I give thee Oh mankind myself that you may be as I am the
Egyptian made so am I the wisdom of Egypt and to thee I give myself I come from the ages I come from the life’s history so long gone that I need you oh mankind to give to and to teach so I am yours the Egyptian maid above me floats
The sky below me the waters and between them the land and above them all the inhabitants thereof below them the sun in and on its way I need thee Oh I need thee Oh Egyptian maid I need thee every way I see the way of wisdom looking
Towards me and below me the feather looking up to me to receive the wisdom of me and mine I see the Sun and in its Meridian supported by the beatle of the universes stability supported by the wisdom in its circuit I see thee again oh Egyptian maid again as wisdom looking
From me but beneath me the two links indicating that I have gone to be redeemed again for I am to pass into the sun in its setting and be seen again as a lesser Sun giving light to dwall above the Horizon below the sun the star in
Its boat in its circuit for the sun has become the star again and again and below it the plow giving forth the light shed unto all I have given the meaning of the Ring worn on the finger of the writer and now as the Egyptian made I
Bid Thee fairwell the sun had set in its beauty the Earth had been seen and found deficient and unto it had been given the Lesser son and Sons indicated by the two and three links joined together I as the Egyptian maid have told thee this and
Again have I given thee of the Ring worn by the writer and on his hand the emblem of him and his mission to Earth the creative light said I have but the receiving said I cannot receive so was given the lyns in the image of the sun
Indicating that the Sun’s light was too bright so the Lesser son was given and I as the Egyptian made say unto you I receive for the Earth the light it so needs another ring to encircle his finger airong the ring of Greater Authority than the one he now wears the Ring of
Rings his ring and not mine I as the Egyptian made now leave thee and give unto ye the hand of guidance known unto him alone she with the Stars in one hand the staff in the other and the star upon her forehead she is unseen and unknown
But unto him is she seen and known his guide and protector throughout all life and lives the Egyptian made is gone and I stand before you oh blind and selfish Earth I stand before the Aged and the dying I stand in fullness of myself and
None see or know me I am alone and you need me all the time the feeble pray not unto me the weak pray not unto me and only him who knows me prays unto me ye need me every way and I give unto ye every hour I have greeted the man and
Maid I have given them and as I give they need me in every way now that you have seen me and seen me not now that you know me and know me not I leave thee alone all alone you greet me all alone ye need me and all alone ye I leave thee
And am with thee when ye art all alone ye art with me when all alone ye need me and all alone have me I pass unto thee the benefits of righteousness and I pass from Thee the might of wisdom and as I do so the love of me consumes ye and ye
Art all alone for when thou art all alone ye art part of me I need ye every hour oh mankind I need you every hour and every way I cross the wide expanse of sky and its parents and all alone I come unto ye and oh Egyptian
Maid thou Hast given of me and unto those who art not alone and oh Egyptian maid I greet thee in every way the cluster of stars are the bright lights to come the staff surmounted by a star the way to be shown the star on my
Forehead the light to be followed and as I lead ye I need ye every hour I stand by the side of all whether they be universes in forming or in Decay or in disruption or in harmony or in Discord to me they are my children and as I lead
Them they say I need ye in every way I cross my arms and I pray unto him my guide and as I pray I receive and give such as I can unto ye but as ye art blind I cannot show the light nor the light nor the light nor the way yet I
Give unto ye in every way the Egyptian maid has been sent unto thee to show you the way and to give thee from me the many lights leading unto me so oh Egyptian maid give for me and I will sustain thee in every way the maid is
Gone from thee for a moment of time in her hair is woven the net of fatuity and all that constitutes time she is the one who detects and you oh so Journey on the way at but mine I cross the threshold many times and I give unto ye the
Brilliancy of the sons son and I give the the softness of the stars stars and I give unto ye the sweetness of all to the Egyptian maid ye must ever bow in that reverence which makes all kind Brothers for the difference between classes of creation is but the
Difference in sight I close the lips that night speak and I close the eyes that might see and I close the ears that might hear and as I do so I place in action that which leads to sight hearing and speech and as I do so I teach the
Unknowing and all through the Egyptian maid she is your teacher guide and companion in all things you know not so again comes the maid to give as his best and then to retire and come again and again at the call the Panorama of past Rises
Before me to place before you in some if its displays I see the future which is but a past I see the past which is but the future I see in them the things undone and yet to be done and as I accomplish for your own benefit when all
Is accomplished then is wiped out past and future Earth but a grain of dust floating in the mighty mass of material and you oh reader less than it in the cosmos Earth but a grain invisible and you but an infinitesimal part of that grain your evolvement great unto you is as not unto
The mass of Earth but without you there can be no completion you are as essential as the most highly evolved part and as you are and as others are you must Play Your Part the mighty fabric ever is woven ever the loom is busy ever the mment is woven to suit and
Ever there passes and repasses the strength of wisdom to do and the beauty to Fascinate the beholder every thread but a strand Binding Together every part and that thread lost chaos becomes every strand must be accounted for and used in this mighty cause yet all given is but
One slight item in the whole as we approach the sanctum of sanctums we pause and look and see if there is perception within us if there be such we pass into that University and they learn thereof if there be not conception then we must pause air we may later conceive
The steps are many the way wide and manner dubious for without conception none can achieve this University is a place of learning of comprehending of sustenance and as we learn and comprehend and are sustained so do we master and the master lies in his own and becomes a Workman in the temple that
Temple not made by hands Eternal a god walked in in that Temple a God said oh complaining lower must I die that you may learn must I pass forever from this to sustain you in your ignorance or must I remain and see you in your infamy and ignorance are lost and unredeemed he
Paused and looked and saw and heard and knew he passed into the temple to give his adoration to his and to you unknown God The Trestle board was not inscribed and in his musings passed beyond the precincts of the temple yard and was killed by assassins who w waited without
He was buried and lay in the ignorance of Earth’s ignominy for ages then came workers from the temple from the quaries and found that form Supreme and gave it burial and resuscitation then had a god returned to Earth and gave unto it it had been given ages ago the masterful
Had come as a sacrifice to do for mankind to do for all kind and yet they crucify him Supreme and nail him onto a cross Masters before him had come and Masters before him will yet come until Earth in her drenched and mutilated form is Born Again into that sustenance and
Perception and conception she has lost he who was a God had not descended but had cast before him an illusion that illusion has come many times and in many guises and has done for Earth and will do many times again today there lives on Earth Illusions in many forms doing for
Earth as much as the masters of old the temple is not completed and will not be until the final consummation and Earth as such is no more then will the grand Masters be again one and not more Abba Our Father Abit Our Father’s son Solomon wisdom’s son hyam our master’s son thus
The three are one the temple plans the spirituality of high the Workman the ignorance of the unevolved and between the Masters in charge and the Workman the many degrees to be unfolded and mastered so you are all workmen in some degree and as work you master the
Secrets of Master ship the degrees of proficiency we must close for a time and await The Master’s Call from the East comes the call and from the West it must pass and repass at the call of the master in the East that call must be answered from the west south and north
Then has the circuit been made then have the lessons been learned and then the final closing been made and the Temple completed but not yet not yet is it to be or can it be we pass along the highway lead leading to the temple erected to him and as the ascent is made
We see before us the mightiness have passed in all its Grandeur and as we comprehend we see Invision the temple that structure invisible upon the height is that erected upon that height it lives and breathes its spirituality unto all on the plain many the steps to approach and
Many the fall many the burials and many the beacons to be attained and pass and above all learned I am the Egyptian maid and as I give unto all know that I am a made above me are many who know more than I do and yet I serve the Masters as
I ask you to serve me I see into your hearts and I perceive so much that holds you and ever holds you in a thr so strong that you cannot strive as the Egyptian made I beguile you into many paths and you follow and soon you learn
For when I teach you through Burns you shrink and quail and fear to repeat and then you learn somewhat when I teach you through doubts then you see and soon become no longer such but you you learned to trust that infinitude to you I teach you in many ways and in all I
Sometimes appear as malicious I am ever your guide and hope and yet you know it not she who holds the cluster of stars in her hand has given this to me to write and he who writes is me and I am him and she who dictates to me and to
Him is as self to self the illusionary is as the real that shadow of real is real and know you oh reader that there are many mysteries in a few simple words and expressions so far beyond the Ken of mankind that it is overlooked in the mass of verbiage written and spoken the
Uncompleted Temple Towers high above all its outlines seen by some its Perfection marveled at by some and as a god resigns though will it be completed this our lesson to you today the temple is not alone the soul but is also far beyond such the temple is made on Earth of
Races Creeds and dogmas and many others of little worth the temple in Earth is terrestrial material and incomplete it houses deceit hypocrisy and many other of like the temple composed of races is as its composition fallible material and Unworthy of much in this and in former manuscripts we have given of races and
Many others for to know the Earthly Temple you must also know the construction of it this Temple is as its features entering into it every part is composed of elements differing from some part this makes a harmonious Temple impossible the Temple of higher is built without sound of any Implement in its
Making the Temple of Earth was so made and yet there are elements which enter into its being which make no sound the Temple of Earth made of races civilizations have all gone to their reward they have passed without sound or or that can establish their having been
Except the parts brought forth by the Sea thus there are many temples the one at Jerusalem of purely earth materials such as Stone and Timber is as any other purely material thing may be the temple not made by hands is the image from which it was wrought the Temple of
Higher not made by hands is as any of its kind ethereal and not Material it has the architect’s drawing yet an abstraction in visual image but not materialized the Temple of yet higher is as the thought which animated a drawing and yet other temples are there the The
Temple at Jerusalem was made of many ingredients Jerusalem means Heavenly peace silent peace City of Brotherly Love and Concord this Temple was erected it is said by Solomon wisdom and was wrought into form by three grand Masters and by them made into an image symbolical of much this Temple was material and was
Destroyed rebuilt and destroyed again this Temple was a replica of an older in another land its Brazen bowls its candlesticks and many other things of symbolical interest were but adaptations and modifications of older buildings the Jews were not Architects nor were they Builders nor are they so
Today nor will they ever become so it is not their evolution to be such we pause again air we produce and this time pass unto others well to consider again the made of Egypt Egypt means reflected light from atlan her source of almost all I have come unto you from whom I
Have never been separated I come in love of you for of Egypt I am and will continue to be as Egypt once ruled very much in higher so do I yet and will continue to rule in higher I have searched for thee in every heart and
Have found thee in all I have been and will continue to be but so few know me or ever will it is best when Earth was but a mass of highest ethereal material I then existed and I gave unto it the the things well to reproduce it is said
That today Earth is going back to savagery Back To Nature it is also called this is true in this subtitle in this sub AG there is a degeneracy well to Mark and to take into account this era of rearrangement is very strong and wields a strong power in all things this
Age is the age of appearances it has in its composition much of strength and more of appearances it is as unromantic as marble which is not used in construction the lasting is not apparent but will give way to something very high and fine and Noble this age the age of
Mixing race is mixing and in the process of reforming and the greatest Crucible at present is the North America region the many races mingling in social and political and marriage all show to The Observer an attempt to mix the many races and bloods into a one the process
Is long strong and compelling the the races of yellow black and brown and white are mingling forming a new race in its final results thus is an edifice being erected and as strong as the component parts forming in this process is the mingling of some antagonistic such as the Negro
And whites the yellow races with others especially the whites this means much in attrition much in humiliation and much in sorrow and grief but mix they will and mixing they are out of this heterogeneous Mass must olve another sharing in all the many peculiar characteristics of each and by Union
Forming another race such as it may be it has been done before and will be again for from the wreckage of past the present and future is as each Temple is erected it has in each some strength and some weakness when sufficient Throwbacks are inaugurated there comes into being a
Race which has been lost this is the secret of races informations this in the physical sense for races are considered more from color than from characteristics Solomon’s Temple was built of wood and of metal and it was destroyed its composition was such that it must succumb to fire it was Unworthy
Of long life Egyptian architecture was of non-combustible in many cases and they have lasted unto today and then only through the vandalic hand of ignorance have they failed to continue their lives the constructive in Egypt was so strong that it lasted until ignorance C caused its fall left alone
To the elements such as fire and erosion Egypt today would live in her monuments of past ages she constructed well strong and Lasting all others have passed into forgetfulness they lived their lives shorter than Egypts races entered into the building races entered into it as a strong and enduring Factor as the races
Were formed of homogeneous factors they were and became strong in much but if composed of heterogeneous factors they were weak in much if strong in harmony they lasted long but if discordant in much they were shorter lived and left less than others to show their having been the American race in its greater
Purity have given unto the Earth ones the highest code of laws greater Statesmen than any race alive today they have heralded freedom to all have lived it in their everyday lives until sapped by low forces unable to mix and to measure up to standards the race is not
Falling but dying leaving a lesser to live in a name alone this has happened in other lands and times and will again the temple erected today may not be of value to the ones of tomorrow but its memory is not lost and its shadow lives
To show many the way in other climes and ages those of height see the temple and attempt to reproduce it on Earth again and again and in doing so erect many forms of government for its reproduction not is lost in any attempt however poorly it may be used the flag of
Eternity waves and will ever wave your flag and mine and as it floats on high it raises to its Heights the lower and above all Creed and race its followers become temples are reared and as many fall none on Earth reain very long their workmen come and go and disappear from
Earth they are forgotten forgotten even as the temple now being reared to civilization of the present time when the present day Temple is gone few will inquire what it was and who reared it but those who do will see to find why it passed and in doing so the archaeologist
Is Born the scientist and historian cames into view why remain longer on this subject its written language is now part of this and preceding volumes in death we seek life during the summer we know that fall and winter will come the change is as seasons of Earth but the
Change is also as evolvement changes and it is this which builds and destroys the tireless activity of time compels action its greatness compels the seeking and in some the finding change is as frequent as necessity dictates the passing of anything is strictly in accordance with law the
Birth of anything as the passing birth and death are alike they conform to law birth at one place is death at another the constant shifting of events mean the evolvement of the changing carrying with it countless evolvements all of which are but guides showing the way as
Changes occur in regularity so do the writings of this hand change and under the same law the soul changes according to law within it the same changes that are seen in things visible and yet uncontrollable the master who writes must be but some part of the change and
Conform unto it in all wisdom of understanding he too is any other but knows and Bows unto decrees the average knows nothing of into your hands has been consigned the record of of much given unto you to do with as you please that you create from its perusal an
Edifice for yourself is to you the materials have been given you use them or not as as you are to be an architect or a common laborer in the quaries this volume is again closed p s into your hands has been placed a book far from voluminous but yet sufficiently so to
Create in you the action of your best if you understand all written you are fortunate and need not this book but if you understand but part of it you are then in the position to seek within its Pages the remaining after another pause we proceed to complete some part of this
Volume which is slowly growing into the volume best it should assume the law governing this production is very simple a record must be made for future ages to show the condition of today this book will cover some part of the plan when this plan is completed in this part then
Will the book be placed in its final form form the composition of this book may be regarded as one peculiar to the times in which it is to function and not for the present this supposition is correct the book to be placed and lay away for many centuries of time then to
Be released by those who have conserved until that time to be read but little but at times coming into the hands of someone for a specific purpose we now again place before you some of the many things well to record the age in which this is recorded and placed before those
Who care to read is not a profound one the age of superficiality in thought but of wide Import in mechanical progression the bringing into play The Air Service whereby Long extents of land and sea may be covered reveals that distance is of little value and can be overcome the
Transference of language in printed and audible form is another to be highly developed which will prove to many doubters that which is recorded has existed before its present record recording this in itself will be in advance in very much the record from which this is taken will not be found by
Scientists but sufficient will be demonstrated to make assurity that such must somewhere be at the command of those who know by a system of Reflections the image will be projected so that there seems a life like before the viewer even though many thousands of miles away these physical demonstrations
Will restore faith in many and stimulate others to do the acts which will lead from materiality to that of spirituality to take you no further in this is the intent of the writer when all the surface of Earth has been explored between the poles of Earth then will come the deeper investigation of
The interior and adjoining parts to understand the interior the exterior must also be investigated this will bring a flood of light to the assistance of the investigators which will be shared with many who seek the placing together of so much involves many items now totally unknown to mankind but what
Is a secret today is widely disseminated tomorrow but in all this few will be brought into close opposition toau higher this is the condition of a materialistic age to look no further just now into this phase let us continue to record the things which will bring
Light to bear on the past and future events to happen what is today is the result of yesterday what is today has been in a modified form the events to happen have been in some form and the constant duplication of events gradually work out a line of evolvement well to
Have information relate there to when Earth was in its formative state it is so today there entered into the forming Mass many impulses these were stored away for use when the time of their appearance was due the time of their being due was and is the time when in
Its Cycles it returns to view someone point the points are as many as the original scheme of creation decreed the geological ages have been many and it has been demonstrated that the many are of times but duplication of others these duplications are never in exactness but closely so in many instances there being
Many impulses created within earth there are to be as many as Creations plans reaching certain points they lie in dorcy until the era is created for its action action once there Comes A Time of rest and Repose then comes into play others to be treated as others the
Contin action and resting makes Cycles becomes part of them so that they are indistinguishable Earth being such it holds that every part is subject to such and must respond in all its parts the present day science knows nothing about interior conditions but only exterior and almost not about atmospheric conditions theories promulgated are
Overthrown when subjected to any test they constitute knowledge but not else wisdom being hidden is seldom searched for when searched for it is found reaching down the atmosphere passes into all things less ethereal the material cannot reach but lies prone prostrate and inert inertia to be overcome must be
First stimulated into action then overcome by more atheria this constitutes impregnation and later birth takes place in the form of lessened materiality the newborn carries within it and with it more than the surface seems to hold this action is instruction and if any are to know they must first
Conform unto what they see and know the higher being in the for in of ethereal reaches down constructs and evolves you then have Construction in action this ever is in action and you then have Gods being relieved of their burden and as they become lessened in weight they also
Give them more freely in mythology gods were seen as individuals with instincts as mankind clothed them but the real meaning is that they were being freed by means of cons destruction of the weights they had borne for lower kind the Masonic Creed is to do for others to
Follow the golden rule in all things but as civilizations EB and flow so do masons feel and fall or rise and Achieve according to the same laws this involves much and to you this is given in consideration that this book must soon see the light of print and be circulated
In a constricted number to some who will feel appreciative that they possess something above the commonality with this we cease to record and placing our trust in higher ask that it be given unto some who will read and meditate upon that which is given them
We close this book in the year of our Lord and Master seeking from him wisdom to do and to overcome with to be sustained by and to give as we have received a truly Masonic concept and one if followed will place the Bound free the blind with sight and the deaf with
Hearing and all to be as you oh reader wish when in the course of evolutions and revolutions there comes into view to the many there comes also accompanying laws these laws are as high as the objects to be governed this law ever postulates this that as every law is a
Governor so must the governed be less in involvement thus law is ever above the governed when the Govern becomes equal to the governor then there is emergence creating inequality this is the object of all things governed and governing to this end this book has been written with
The express wish that those who read will understand but it has become apparent that it is not understood so it is well to further elucidate or confuse as the case may be to the readers in placing before any the ancient and past and to be it is fully acknowledged that
There are many who must acques through inability to grasp others caring not for disputation and others yet who are indifferent and others who may grasp the different groups are each and all collectively and individually entitled to their own Viewpoint and to differ with all written or such part part as
They may elect perhaps one of the most tragical of things is the effort and failure to grasp what is known as truth but being unable to comprehend the reader stands afar and gazes at the promised land knowing its being but unable to enter into it this very fact
Is as a visible sign of an advancing one those who believe are those who know unconsciously if they cannot comprehend and yet others who see not in it and they also are as equally important in the scale of progression upon all are the m is built this book given forth at
Different times but some part of the Mysteries that it is reached out into the domain of very high is as is best those who fear or are unable to S are in bonds but those who attempt and fail are in Freedom’s domain this domain is wide and large contains much and capable of
Greater expansion this book is but some part of another of equal importance and is not subsidiary to it but an accompaniment of it volume two and this volume six are parts of each other and are component parts and important ones of the Mysteries they are recorded and
Accurately SE this book and others by this hand are taken from the records of the Mysteries and are to be seen and known and understood by any who may wish to qualify for entrance but few there are who are able to stand and withstand the light but those few are as able to
Enter and read as the author of this book there is no Monopoly no favoritism shown only that worth demonstrated time and time again this condition continues into such Heights that there is no such thing as measurement it has been many years since the writer was taken into them given instruction in its meanings
And meanings for each sentence as many meanings so this book has as many meanings as the reader has comprehension with this set forth that none may fail to do the writer the justice of a just comprehension we pass into some of the many things that should be placed in
Manuscript a the final printing of the volume this volume has been expanded at different times and always at the behest of the writer’s wish to enlarge an already ponderous book ponderous in this its multiplicity of thought and setting forth the things that are in preceding Parts there has been set forth Creation
In a measure and now the final result to date of that action when the first was placed in action there appeared a tiny nuclei which expanded under law to the point of the present Earth which is but an infinitees part of it this fragment underwent countless changes all of which
Are as important as truth itself each fragment of any part acted its part unconsciously to itself and this includes mankind also after the parts had so become engaged that they were no longer alone each part became in some degree conscious that there were also others who needed this brought them into
A closer relation with the sensation of likes and dislikes and this soon caused attractions and repulsions which today is seen in war Warfare of many kinds this Warfare continues in their blindness and will until the parts see and understand not alone self but others the parts yet unconscious are yet in
Ignorance of each other and are at peace with each other yet they are reacting in many ways with each other thus the living and the dead must continue to act in their respective spheres and will continue until each are ready for the Embrace giving forth the higher and the
Lower passing through many events into its higher and becoming Father and Son as one the smallest conceivable today is called electron and the name will be altered many times according to understanding and theature this most minute may be such that only in imagination it exists
Yet it plays its part as any other does there is in all order and order is construction and that implies an impelling force equal to the object to be attained this is life in action and that means much more than the words indicate as the most ethereal has
Accomplished its object it passes into a higher as its domain in which to work the domains are becoming greater as the auality becomes greater and more widely disseminated this leaving of the finer creates a grosser and to redeem what his left saviors are produced in action in
Such numbers as are most beneficial so the masonry of life is as the object to be attained the sacrifice to be made as the inertia to be overcome or the perversions to be corrected to produce required results there are as many ways of doing as there are objects to be
Acted on and the result to be attained among the many ways and objects to be attained orders of mankind are produced they are merely Cooperative agencies working to a common end the end being beneficial unto all in some degree this soon brings into being selfishness which
Plays its part as any traitor does to the mass out of it all comes a stability although many failures are to be recorded but at one period there must be resistance built and that is obtained in part by defalcations by some Harmony being the basis of much there are others
Who sacrifice much to the end of betterment of the whole many agencies are invoked and if viewed in a short and untimely perspective you have much that is confusional thus there are created many fragments among and in the mass as the fragments must tend to gravitation
Or repulsion so must there be peace or War but the final consummation is order this premise is now fully set before you but as no argument is conclusive each must apply that which he has gained or lost to the solution of any question which may appear before him to solve any
Question there must be faith that it can be solved this brings into play much of a constructive nature Faith brings into action another and that is Hope of attainment this battles with doubt and finally succeeds faith and hope attained you have many others which follow or accompany eventually there is built an
Order of greatest value the orders on Earth are but reflections of what has been placed before you they are all fallible all subject to change and Decay but the principle upon which they are founded is as Eternal as time and Justice Earth orders as fallible as the ingredients of the ingredients of which
They are made the principle which actuates ever remains but the adhesion to principle is as evasive as thought and fleeting as mentality the hand of Decay places all in such a condition that its erosive action is felt in many ways the higher evolved see with sorrow and grief the passing of their ideals
The lower see only the falling of something they knew not those of such foresight that they can see and measure see but the mental and higher grieve that they cannot help that which is to be and yet in their grief they acques in that mandate that they know is just and
Right Construction in action is as various as its composition in action many gods are created in the process and these Gods disappear as the process of advancement continues Gods being conceptions they are absorbed and become no more as advancement continues there are fewer gods and they ever approaching
A one into which they at some time become absorbed thus do gods die after being born masonry comprehends all construction and destruction the master builder must be Master over all else the workmen become confused Harmony being the basis defection causes confusion and must be sought and corrected in the
Temples of Earth the many workmen were differentiated by the dress they wore so the apron became the symbol of much being white and easily stained it assumed the color of Purity being white it reflected The Many Colors making it a disseminator of light the Lamb’s skin apron became the symbol of innocence and
Purity may it ever remain such those of now ancient times fully understood that the soul was not Purity and adopted the leopard’s skin as the symbol it was worn by the priests of more than one race and nation and is today so worn in Africa by some of the races in unconscious memory
Of past ages thus the past governs the present and those of you who bow do so in almost all instances to that past without one iot of why should this book continue or not has more than once come to the mind of the writer and as often
Does he close and begin again it is a law to which he bows in reverence that it shall be as designed it is best and is well the principle which ever actuates the recording hand is the principle of understanding anything recorded is as useful as its reception
And no more the elucidation of any subject is also of value unto the reader in the ratio of his receptivity and no more that it is a value in itself is true but to the reader it is as valuable as his understanding the book placed
Before you is soon to be printed this to be the beginning of another addition this coming Edition to deal with other matters than the ones already dealt with to begin with construction in action is as great as Creation with which it deals and is as valuable as the understanding
Of the reader your own mental gauge can be understood by the reception you give this volume after the fragment had broken from the greater mass it became an independent entity in a sense it had its own soul its own peculiarity and its own laws to govern by and to be governed
By this does not mean that it had become so mighty that it could say I am alone and none of me but it did mean that there was to be many things peculiar to its own evolvement being an independent one now it created for itself many laws
By which to govern it’s different and in many instances differing Parts each part became a small law unto itself the many cells made the mass but when it came to to making a law for the mass it was found that it could not be done self cannot rule self then it became
Impossible for self-government to be instituted in its completeness this made it imperative that there be exercised another higher in evolvement this became such and Earth today is ruled by a higher to whom it looks to as a child unto its parent when it recognized its dependency on a higher
It became an advancing as it continues to advance it will become more in tune with higher and become less material the recognition of anything is an advance its non-recognition is also a deficiency which must be repaired and become a living we now revert to Earth’s system as it is practiced today in everyday
Life in passing from the very high it is an effort that is made to do so but there are many who live only in the strict material plane and to them we now address ourselves in the Western World there are but two systems of any numerical importance
They are the two sects of the Christian Church namely Protestants and Roman Catholics the Greek and others are now considered part of protestantism the system of thought and action best suiting the Roman branch is the system of force based on Ignorance by the followers they are headed by priests of
Various degrees of authority in the church and aspire to temporal power Supreme to attain that power they subvert all things necessary to the end regardless of method SU aining their action by the doctrine of expediency that any means will justify the needs the Protestant Branch pass into their
Efforts by and through a greater degree of Enlightenment so the two forces are ever battling with many results none of which are very high but of the two the protesting is the better between the two there lies a great mass of indifference and skepticism caring not for either
This class develops the greater number of thinkers and actors of Greater worth than the other two the battle between the two causes many battles of greater or lesser value strewing the Earth with bitterness and suspicion and evolving a hate in many instances hard to conceive
Of when the battle is over for a time and peace Reigns for the moment those who fall in the fight do so with the many sentiments they fell defending or maintaining as best they could and all for what all too often the political supremacy of some few who have not for
Any then friend and Fa meat to share The Spoils of battle contributed to by the many from from this eternal battle there comes the laws governing attrition placing together the ground Mass into a better and thus founding in the course of Ages other races built up on the
Remains of strife in an earlier era thus does Construction in action ever reach out and takes of all the many elements and weaves them into another race and they pass on and into their field of Labor according to the materials of which they are made truly an endless succession of many varieties this
Continual attrition the ever continuing succession of events finally make for the Redemption of the whole but long is the way and heavy and weary the heart upon priestcraft rests the burden of Destruction they build but little in a constructive way and Destroy in much ever sweeping the ground of all its
Advantages while they may but each one pays the penalty of actions for they must view their former actions and attempt to rebuild the Temple they have assisted in the destruction of if you will Trace as best you can you find throughout the ages that priestcraft has destroyed more has built less has
Perverted and seldom places the waters in the channel than any other one agent priestcraft is built upon black magic applied to whatever and whenever it can to the extent of their own understanding and ability to do plus the receptivity of the ones to be blasted this applies to priestcraft wherever found when
Priests became necessary to come into being civilization had fallen for when it is allowed anyone to think for another you have destruction in action those then of neither systems but despising each then pass into action and all so often Revolution comes and for a Time clarifies the atmosphere thus is the Earthly Temple
Reared in degradation ignorance and persecution and among it walks fraternalism high and Grand to be at many times corrupted by those who ever practice destruction and among all sects and Creeds re in the atmosphere of Church of the Protestant Branch the writer has fought for what he has ever
Considered right long in learning the truth of each he has been opposed in much to all and has suffered at the hands of the Priestly class until experience and reading and observation has taught him truth with it he has H irrespective of creed many a blow with
Telling effect but the temple on Earth is reared in strife and ever Falls for it has no permanent foundation and never will until that higher Temple is understood then there is fraternity the understanding and unity of righteousness an impossibility at the present era masonry at times doin dominating and sometimes dominated
Sometimes free from Priestly influence and Corruption and sometimes killed by it in places carries on in its way the way of many influences but ever returning from its mistakes into the Broad Channel of fraternity and care and love of Truth the conquest of governments by the Priestly class has
Often been will again be and will ever be until there appears the true teacher who can only teach among the highly enlightened many have come and done much but as they have but few who are able to follow they too fail in much but each prepares somewhat and someday again will
Come the Prototype of the older and higher races forming again races who can and will understand then you have races in their purity then you have Construction in action on and in the higher aspects of life then you have understanding and Enlightenment guiding much beneath themselves but they too
Pass as the more ancient have done we must now pass from the material Temple made with hands fallible in and on Earth and for falling due to ignorance this Temple to be touched on but little again but a higher to be seen in its magnitude and variety the elaboration of any
Principle is a mighty task burdened by the effects of lack of Sympathy by those to whom assistance would be given burdened by doubt and misunderstanding the ones clearing the ground must struggle in want poverty and many and inclemency but that Spirit as dauntless as light and as Fearless as death ever
Controls in the final ending of any system or Creed or any Department of nature the mighty shout of Triumph at the hands of a mob causes no fear no trembling but with ey a fire passes onward irrespective of criticism or want and paves the way for Futurity to travel
These are the ones who are Earth Heroes and Heaven’s elect they lead to the ultimate accomplishment of Truth and sincerity on Earth and prepare for others The House of the temple in the New Jerusalem Heavenly peace and Harmony then you have Construction in action accomplished Solomon prayed with
Uplifted hand that he might have greater wisdom but into him entered the serpent of descent and he lost what he had and became common place losing his place among the truly wise he had opened himself to influences that wrought their effects he had surrendered to the priests and had given them political
Supremacy and this the cause of the Jewish downfall in very very much again when the great Pharaoh died there followed him priestcraft which cast downward a great nation and race and by the hands of priestcraft the invol ing principle of life when hell was formed it was in the mind forces which then
Governed races it became the Citadel of priestcraft then as now and from the hearts of mankind was banished love and into it fear became the dominant Force love and confidence gone with hate and fear dominant death took on its most terrible aspect when before it had been regarded as benevolent force and friend
This fear became the greatest asset for priests to dwell on and soon became so powerful under its sway that they too became victims of their own making and it is so today and will be for ages to come the wheel in its revolution kills and slays its makers retribution in
Action and Men sometimes call it retribution and conscience the temple not made by hands reaches down and into the corrupt places there are something well to have for their Redemption the great salvator of mankind today is the aroused sense of past the receiving of higher impulses giving forth the
Elevating and resurrecting the lower by its magnitude of sacrifice this is accomplished by those who investigate both in the physical and spiritual they give and as they do so there opens up an Avenue closed for ages then comes the higher of past to do for those of today thus science in its
Different aspects lifts the veil in much and does for all even as is best the books which have been placed in the manuscript form our agents of enlightenment giving the past in much of its highest they disseminate light and learning to any who may read this book but one there are several more
Redemption comes through the taking from the many some placing them aside and eventually making of them aace this process is ever in operation reducing the mass to smaller Dimensions increasing them to Greater proportions as individuals and eventually redeeming all through the process of time then has the temple been completed each Workman
Received his pay then peace Reigns through understanding and love is supreme you then have completed a temple not made by hands its Mighty proportions its purity of symmetry shedding light unto all and being the mighty power influencing the many on Lower to advance through its shadow when its light would
Blind this Temple Redemption placed in the New Jerusalem City of Brotherly Love Peace and Harmony is then the goal of all it’s light spreading unto all and enveloping them it is God descending to Earth and is seen in the seal ring worn by the writer a priestcraft killed
President Harding of the u s a a priestcraft has killed more in Liberty than any other Force throughout the land of many races and ages its decomposing Mass purifies the atmosphere with its emanations by its fness it scatters light into darkness and darkest recesses unwittingly it scatters by its destructiveness
In pity the gods see from above and say poor deluded mankind let us make its greatest enemy the means of scattering light to the unenlightened then is placed Construction in action and destruction in action and where the lowest is there light appears to lead the poverty stricken to light and peace from the
Rotting and decomposing comes and springs the flowers of high the decomposing mass of crime sometime becomes the fertilizing ground so that flowers spring and Bloom in happiness and content M as the Shadows Fall as the light disappears the Twilight comes into its own those overcome with too much
Light lie in its soothing effects the gentleness of Peace overcomes the weary and warn it’s overstimulated comes into strength and The Sun Shines again and the wayf farer passes along the way refreshed and ready for the toil before him with this we pass from this unto another equally important the way of
Peace and Concord through action action is as strength those immature cannot withstand those mature can withstand and progress the further for every step in advancement is as the strength to withstand there are many steps in the way to Concord and many the teachers and many are the ones to hold in highest a
They are ready for consummation Concord is as that which has been overcome in the ascent while Discord is as its reverse Discord is the easy way but in its wake follows misery Untold while Concord ever keeps the soul free and the burden lighter those who shed light
Concord is as the enlightened there ever shines the stars and where they shine there is light and from it is detached the light that controls it is in this light that we must for a Time walk whenever there arises in the course of events a problem to be solved it is ever
Well to invoke prayer this invocation liberates much binds none and confines none it liberates from prison releases from bonds but remember that prayer is unselfish aspiration prayer unmixed with ought lower than itself ever Rises and is answered according to the asking to ask for the things impossible for the prayer
One who pays to accomplish or to receive is not prayer but an incoherent action prayer is ever unselfish is ever fine and ever Grand and Noble it elevates and never depresses few ever Pray when in the atmosphere of that Which is higher there ever seems to the recipient that
There shall be much to be reached for when in fact it is not reached for but is placed in the one about to ask and this is what prompts the asking in olden days there came unto a seeker of light the light about to be asked for
Unknowing that it was present the Seeker was prompted by it to ask with the result of almost immediate reception those seeking are ever in the presence of the sort this lightning like responses of Great Value in the economy of the advancing to pass into the realm
Of realism a hard thing to do and yet harder to place in print so that it can be communicated to any but we will attempt The Impossible and give you as best we can to begin with the real is an abstraction to you to in any manner understand there must be much overcome
The lower than real must be placed beneath the feet of the viewer the real is that which is divested seen in its every part for instance the coat of a man is placed aside is no more worn it is a garment to see and know the real you must be
Able to see in that garment something that is indispensable in some way a hard thing to do we admit it fully but you must see in all something indispensable to the whole this first must be mastered then you have in some degree Master ship attained you have then another to master
The relation of the cast off to the thing covered then you have the cover grip of some part of masonry why should a lower be indispensable to the higher from the higher went the lower it is as much a part of the higher as the higher
Is part of the lower Shadow is as much part of light as light is part of shadow shadow must then be known in its further debasements as a material and concrete something thus Shadow may be ethereal and Elusive and again it may be as firm and hard as a rock thus everything May
At the order of law become many and yet be real in all things when you step on an insect remember that you may be taking from vision something very high and yet you know it not in any way the killing of an ant at its work is but
Some reflection of a higher something is there for it to do and something to be done by something it behoves any and all to ever do as is right in the eyes of the performer the limitations of the actor will suffice the acts to be accomplished it may be said that in the
Learning that much in the way of harm is done this too is true but what is an apparent negation of compensation is oftimes compensation the killing of an ant is apparently as little in the scale of life as any act can be that ant belonged to and was a
Member of an organized life on Earth it had its functions uses and merits as well as the reverse in all things its limitations made it an ant to carry out some specific function in life’s way your taking that wantonly has taken from you and yours in the proportion to what
Was to be accomplished by that agent in life you alone have been injured injured by your act for between you and that insect is a bond you have not recognized you must first recognize that Bond and then act in compliance with your Enlightenment in the matter the ant
Itself has not suffered but change that ant is also learning even as you are learning between you the bond is unrecognized but the bond is present and you each must at some time and manner learn what it is and why this brings you into the real and as you advance in it
You understand by divesting yourself of all minerals and metals you are to understand that you are leaving behind all material things but not as valueless but as knowing the value of the divested the ring warn on the finger of the writer has its use and a prominent one
Although but a piece of gold engraved as it is should that be cast aside as valueless it would mean the lessening of his comprehension the casting it aside with the full knowledge of what it is means no recourse to karmic action as acts are recorded each must face every act
Performed and as the lessons are learned many acts pass from the record but this does mean that every Act is fully understood and mastered then it passes again into the great reservoir for such use as may be decided upon if you have fully mastered this lesson you have much
More to be accomplished but if not mastered you also have much to overcome but the way is ever strewn with wrecks many the pitfalls ever present many the obstacles to be overcome and many the false lights to follow to overcome all this is the use of Master ship and to
Become such you have to overcome countless obstacles of countless kinds none should ever presume to preside over others unless they are superior to them this is leadership but never dictatorship he who is a master asks only that the candidate receives as given when the candidate can receive
Then has he become a master to the extent of reception the phases of construction in action are as many as there are things to overcome and to learn masonry is that science that causes all to be overcome it is the temple not made by hands shall we
Continue or shall we cease to record and cease to give this question is old with the writer it has been answered in many ways in some the continuation of the record and in others the cessation of the recording this book has been carried into a far greater number of pages than
First contemplated but the writer and author he takes pleasure in giving if the reader seeks In The Same Spirit as the writer does there is to be no cessation until death overtakes the frame some will say too much has been written and some not enough so we take a
Farewell again and Trust in all that is good for future guidance in this as in all others the days and nights are as the labor to be performed for at night there is reconstruction ever at Labor so rest is but a relative word we take thee
Into the domain of rest and see some of its actions rest is a mighty word concealing within its folds the constructive in a powerful degree rest on Earth is suspension of activities but rest in higher is a mightier activity than during so-called activity here it is that rest in its action is passing
From into the mighty forces ever at work here they pause not to become inactive but to pass into greater the ever continuing action of the Blessed here they see all things and know so silently that no sound is heard no action in motion so noiseless is this Mighty process here the smoothness of
Efficiency applied and never the strength released except to do and to further gain here the great laboratory the great Crucible testing all things and correcting all arranging all and placing each in its place and doing for all as is best such is rest from rest is sent activity to place in action all
That has been performed by rest then returned and reestablished as is best ever steady ever true never making a mistake ever doing according to law rest continues and does forever as it should if we have given sufficient it is well and if not you as all others must take
The lessons you need and many others reserved these reservations are given unto all when they are needed but need and want are not always one as you need you receive as you want it is often withheld a good thing in almost all instances ever the mighty process is in
Operation ever it continues and as it does so the fate of very much is decided by need and by want need is the positive and want the negative of the same need creates want to place before you all the conditions of life would be beyond the capability of anyone and the power of
Language to transmit so only part of anything can be recorded this book a record of much but to record more would be far from best so for a time we close and Trust unto a god high and inscrutable do we take the and you can see and hear and know if you
Will but follow ever follow on in the steps of those who have gone this way before the gods are as many and yet the gods are one what is seen is but an illusionary this illusionary but your own ignorance were your sight clarified you would see and know and then No
Illusion then would be the higher in all his majesty this you will someday see and be the communications mankind sometimes receive from the entities above and beyond Earth but your own evolvement the seeming surrounding are in fact such but as your evolvement continues what seemed entities to you are no more such but
Your own self and selves if you care to so Express you are surrounded by your own self you are evolved not homogeneously but quite the reverse so you function on many planes of existence as you ascend you do so in many ways always being able to reach to
The lowest and to a continual higher when the time comes you are able to correlate all parts and then you leave the lower almost entirely except to assist them in their advancement by doing this you make your lower and lowest and ever advancing and ever delivering lower than themselves as your
Lower is evolved into higher you become a savior to that extent the continual telescopic action sooner or later causes a consciousness of Great Value the higher continues until absorption and this continuing the a complete is redeemed into Al ity this is being placed on paper and printed for limited
Circulation for some to read and many who do so will completely fail to grasp its significance that is not the fault of anyone but is yours to do or not to do as your lower is surrounded by your higher you are placed on the wings of advancing and lifted into Realms where
You are received as you are understanding you are given and ever given and will continue to be given this continual advancement and continual absorption bring brings unto you that peace profound the mistakes of lower are but necessary steps in the approach of the Gods in this atmosphere you serenely
Live the body on Earth but an instrument do with and to be done by the body on Earth Harbors many it does its workers do all parts each part performing a function according to the ends to be attained thus mentality which mankind so often worships is but one of many bodies
And holds no special advantage in any manner the high reflects downward the many influences necessary to Salvation of lower parts this continual withdrawal brings to an end the whole at some time this perfect absorption brings into view others absorption and projection continue until a completeness is then comes other processes of yet higher
Value in the scale of ascent to enter into this phase is not the idea of the writer author and recorder sufficient has been given of this for the present and then in another another volume to be given much more as it has already been given in others the veil of reality is
Found in the approximation of the advancing and the higher this Veil is fair and fine in all things and ways its language is the language of understanding and comprehension based on all things learned and assimilated when you have reached this state you will find the many gods to you
Have ever been your highest conception naturally there have been many gods to you during the course of your for advancement now oh reader it is possible that this book will be no longer enlarged but the things to be recorded to be placed in another volume which you
May sometimes see and read or it may be never be seen nor read by you but as you have been given Construction in action to an extent we feel that our duty to you has been performed this book has been written primarily for the Masonic order whether it will be received in the
Spirit it has been written in is no business of the writers he has given freely and fully in much and wishes you each and all whoever you may be the happiness of better and truer the writer has oftimes been betrayed and by those to whom he has given much has been the
Recipient of much in misjudgment of himself has been defamed and abused by some who should in charity seal their lips and curb their tongue but this is to him but a few marks along the way may you each and all friend and foe if you read receive something from this book
Which will advance you toward the New Jerusalem the new city of peace and Concord and enlightenment