What’s going on y’all it’s AK nukes in the building we got our annual mcop Alpha side pageant going on we about to take over the show right now beautiful ladies got a show for you too let’s do [Applause] It come on yeah [Applause] [Applause] Night you me 323 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yo Yoo you can get it now in the my home is going on we see that we M get it 2 no hey move you say it’s a sh you take w [Applause] You [ย __ย ] with me girl I like it when you white nasty thought I got you with me finally now if we don’t deny me in front of your friends gone you can tell them that I’m your man soon enough we’ll make our own F my brother make you tell me
You bro I had to make iten she want [ย __ย ] with she’s a dream she’s a model she’s a caption baby Coming mommy Bang by L B Me by L