You seriously cannot make this stuff up all right what’s up family we’re gonna have some fun tonight um but before I get into that I just need to make sure that we’re streaming live from Facebook speaking of which if you do not follow me on Facebook I have
A new Facebook business page please check me out there um so I’m gonna make sure I share that on Facebook but y’all let me know what’s going on in the live chat tell me if y’all can hear me if everything sounds good if everything’s looking good and
Also tell me what y’all have for dinner because I know I’m going pretty late tonight but okay I got some more um warm news for you guys I saw this story go live on it wasn’t this past weekend it was about two weekends ago two weekends ago interesting story
Interesting footage some of you already probably have seen it if you have seen it um let me know in the live chat oh no it looks like we’re having some problem streaming on Facebook oh that’s all that’s all right that’s all right so if y’all trying to watch me on Facebook
Looks like you’re gonna have to join the YouTube channel okay anyway you guys Grace and peace Grace and peace okay let me see who’s in the live chat I see Nate I see Tyler I see warrior woman what’s up yo what’s up what’s up okay okay okay okay all right so
I got a few videos for y’all tonight y’all know I’ve been doing a series on Greek life now that has lasted for maybe three years at this point in time it’s not because I haven’t asked to grind with individuals in Greek life but because I see it as an organization all
Nine of them I see it as an organization that really is a hindrance to the gospel um and so that’s why I’m doing these videos not because I like picking on y’all but I really think some people really do not understand the issue with these organizations so
We’re going to talk about some of that tonight and um we’re going to start off by checking out some videos that again went viral about two weekends ago okay what’s up Gabriel Phillips what’s up Wawa what’s up Ty what’s up Holly oh thank you so much Holly Chavis my
Brother Joseph what’s up you guys okay all right so if you saw the thumbnail you saw that it says AKA takes woman’s clothes and I have a word on there that says perk for any of you who don’t know what a purpose a purpose when someone is in a
Fraternity or excuse me someone who is not in a fraternity or sorority wears their paraphernalia you are not supposed to do that I don’t think like you can go to jail for anything like that but there are some legal issues there so I wouldn’t try it if I were you like just
Be honest okay but let’s see what happened when this young lady decided that she was gonna wear some AKA paraphernalia foreign Thank you All right so I had to change the music on the video because I’m not trying to get flagged by YouTube tonight um so shout out to Justin Martyr for that beat Justin Martyr regenerate and his wife HR gonna be on my channel this coming weekend so y’all make sure you tune into
That they’re going to talk about their new album that dropped and is dope as fire Christian hip-hop or whatever so shout out to them for this beat however so what happened in that video is you see the girl in the white T-shirt and the black short she’s wearing like some
AKA socks and AKA t-shirt and they politely one girl booted her on out the way I’m sure y’all saw that we can we can show that again real quick let’s see it one more time see she’s she’s back there not really sure what she’s doing and whoops
Gone gone in a second right okay so that happened and then you see this girl in the brown skirt escorting her away and um I’ll show another video that kind of goes into what happened there but so that’s one angle there’s another angle to the footer so let’s check this one out Today foreign I don’t know about y’all let me get rid of that I don’t know about y’all but I would have been so embarrassed if something like that happened to me however to be fair I never would have tried when their right mind would do something that crazy right like it kind of makes
You think does this person have a wish to not be on the earth very long because any of y’all who know about Greek life black Greek life like that’s not that’s not the kind of thing that you should be doing if you want to have a long life
Okay y’all know what I’m saying let me see what’s going on in the chat oh Michelle I’m so glad that you were able to catch one of the lives too Chavis says I had no idea how serious it how serious it was until then and if I
Didn’t have that music playing in the background y’all would have heard um the lady on the intercom or speaker or whatever she’s saying if you don’t know the stroll get out the line so I don’t know why in the world this person would get in the line and try to
Do this if you know that you don’t know it and you know you’re not a part of the organization it’s you know what a few a few years ago maybe this was like two years ago a situation that I’ll talk about here in a second but Issa Rae from
The show insecure on HBO I’ve never watched it but she posted this because they had their own issue with the paraphernalia being worn by people who aren’t part of organization y’all check this out because this reminds me of exactly what we just saw in the last videos ah ladies out
What do you think you’re doing how dare you this is a game you think being a gamma ray is fun I had thought it was an open audition nobody asked me what you see what you thought now sit your five dollars down before I make change
Now this was what two two or three years ago they used to write posted that she said ain’t nothing changed apparently nothing still has changed but moving right along sorry y’all I thought that was hilarious let’s get rid of that all right so we’re still we’re building on
The story okay there’s more to tell all right so check this out for contacts from the girl in the skirt that she was walking with right before she got caught perfect here we go so I was like um I don’t think that’s correct I think that’s made it Alpha chapter because she
Said no like Florida State University So I was like you know what come over here and meet the rest of us come eat you know the rest of my sorority sisters and that’s when the video starts of her walking away with her and those texts that our Neo was showing was our Neo
Asking beta Alpha because she knows one of them if they knew her and they said we don’t know who that girl is so that’s another way we knew I was there when the changing of the shirt happened so while she went to my car to go get another shirt we walked
Over with her to more of a secluded part of the area and she was just talking she started going on about how she’s an honorary member and other things that were very out of pocket so it was just escalating we just said hey we have a shirt for you we just need
Our stuff back you can’t wear letters this is not what you should be doing we are being very nice and she did eventually take everything off and that’s where you see her with the black shirt on because one of my profits gave her that shirt we were very nice about the whole situation
They said they were very nice about it so if y’all remember she was walking away with a girl wearing a brown skirt so the girl with the ponytail on top her head was allegedly the same one that walked her way here’s my thing y’all I
Got a couple of things but how do you nicely take someone else’s stuff that’s number one number two is do you even have the legal right to take some someone else’s stuff even if they aren’t in your organization because it still feels like stealing to me okay still feels like stealing y’all didn’t
Pay for that maybe she doesn’t have the right to do that um this is probably going to get her forever banned from that sorority but I think it’s crazy for them to take our stuff because they didn’t pay for it right I’m I’m afraid for people who do
This kind of thing that one day they’re gonna run into the wrong type of perk you know what I’m saying like I get that you have respect for your organizations but it’s not your stuff I mean is it really worth it I don’t think so but things got real okay and fraternities
And sororities all these people had plenty of things to say over the Internet over the weekend or excuse me two weekends ago and some of it was pretty mean um so yeah so here’s one example here’s one reason that I think I’m not sure what sorority this
Girl’s part of but she was like yeah they should have took it and here’s why not pretended to be Anything I do not condone bullying um I do not condone people disrespecting people or embarrassing people however it’s one thing to impersonate it’s another thing to get out there and embarrass yourself you weren’t even the impersonator that practiced why would you jump in line and you don’t know
Strong like I’m talking about you got out there confidently and not only did you jump in line you jumped in someone else’s line you don’t have on the same Millions then so they know you’re not a part of a line but you’re not even a part of the organization and you didn’t
Put yourself out there and if you are in a D9 organization you understand that would had to happen had happened now from people that were there and in person said they wasn’t rude or didn’t just outright embarrass her but the nail you had to be taken if I’m not a part of
Something I’m not going to go get a shirt that says it I’m not going to throw myself out there and pretend to be a part of something that I’m not a part of but it’s the people passion sororities in the comments because I don’t understand what’s going on let me
Put a little context in it for you matter of fact I’m not gonna give you contact I’m gonna give you perspective if you was a part of the game and you went around pretending that she was a part of that game you got all their colors and they shirts and stuff and
They find out that you’re not a part of that game they’ve been taking a t-shirt is the last thing you got to worry about that’s like claiming a job you talking about you work for a company then you come up against somebody who actually worked for the company and they question
You about working for the company they’re gonna check you no you shouldn’t be wearing something with symbols that you don’t even understand or can’t explain or can defend or even stand on and if she really wanted to be a woman of afterward Incorporated she would have never did that because everything that
We stand for everything that we were founded on is against fraudulent activity whereabouts service and Mankind we’re about Paving the way B9 organizations were literally created to have a space for black people to navigate through a world that told us we weren’t good enough to organize they
Tried to tell us that we weren’t smart enough to achieve things as groups and here some of y’all come in the comments proving that no they did exactly what they were supposed to do hey sis look we understand you don’t already embarrassed yourself but don’t do it anymore because
You don’t need to be wearing something that you don’t know about let’s stop you from impersonating and looking like a fool and let’s go ahead and relieve you of your duty some people work really hard to get this shirt and no I don’t mean getting beat up you’re not in the
Denial organization you don’t know what we do you don’t know what happened behind closed door every single person’s process is different and it’s really weird that people would condone her being a fraud and impersonating instead of encouraging her to be herself if you’re not in a sorority that’s all
Right if you want to be in the sorority do what you got to do to join being in a sorority not being in sorority doesn’t make you any less or better than anybody but it is something that’s hard earned and a lot of us have legacies family
Members that have been a part of this for years it means something to a lot of us so we’re sorry if we defend something that we care about the girl got a shirt taken off because she’s not in a sorority and she can’t tell you nothing
About it she got it taken off because she weird the whole site was weird the the way she was thrown on the pinky was weird the stroll that she attempted to try to make up was weird she had no e the outfit was weird I would have pulled
Her off alone just off the fact that you’re wearing nelia with some short shorts and some long ass socks in the middle of summer it was weird and before y’all try to take it and run with it no I’m not comparing the sorority to a game
But what I am comparing it to is organization and when you are not a part of something and you go against that organization you get booted out you get your shirt taken but furthermore while y’all in the comments angry spewing towards people who are ending on fraternities and sororities you need to
Be asking Shawty is she okay with her own identity because for people you know because we don’t have identity but it’s acceptable for her impersonate one weird it was weird all of it was weird but I just don’t see taking her stuff as the solution first of all because she could
Go buy another shirt but I just wonder like if she called the cops and she said hey they took my shirt like is y’all willing to go to jail for AKA I because I just think that’s ridiculous all right what y’all saying in the live chat Miss e says they should
Be worried about their souls instead of worrying about someone doing their steps amen Sheamus says keep your demonic knife because it’s not Divine I read the praise dance in front of the Lord instead of stomping yard amen bro and then miss e says again they don’t have
An identity they all follow each other you know what’s sad because like I remember being in college and wanting so badly to be a part of one of these sororities I even did a whole video on it you know so if you guys haven’t had a
Chance to check that out yet maybe you subscribed after I made that video I’ll talk about um trying to get out y’all want to be an AKA so bad I wanted to be I wanted to be in AKA so bad um didn’t quite work out and honestly I think that was um
I think what that was a blessing from the Lord for more than one reason but you know a lot of these college students will just be so mean to one another just to say that they are part of this organization and I really I honestly don’t think it’s worth it and once
You’ve been out of school for a minute and you get into the real world I’m not saying it doesn’t matter at all or it won’t affect your life but the world is so much bigger than black Greek organizations seriously like things will be just fine if you don’t make it you
Know what I’m saying so anyway another thing I wanted to do tonight really was just kind of focus on some scriptures that came to mind when I saw this story because I do think there’s faults on both ends as Christians we shouldn’t lie now I don’t know if this girl is a
Christian but we should be telling the truth because really she she did honestly put herself in danger because some of these Greeks will hurt you if they catch you wearing their stuff and you not part of the organization and here’s some proof our way or try to perp our way into a
Sorority or fraternity because you’re just gonna get blacklisted blackballed beat the F up probably some more and some more like just don’t do it okay bye I think we can all agree all the nine members that if you’re not a part of any D9 why are you wearing D9
If you’re not a Kappa if you’re not old maid why the [Β __Β ] you ran why are you purping because if you if you get found out that show what’s upon perfect dude just go to alumni chapter and you can become wherever you want to become so why the [Β __Β ] are you purping see
They gonna see you can lie but somebody gonna catch you and you’re going to get up and you’re gonna be in a trick bag so stop trying to perp some of your night you didn’t go through the process none of that stop wearing it for somebody get you
There we go there we go And see these are people who say we’re in organizations that are about racial uplift and service for mankind but it’s like if mankind wears your shirt whether they got it from Goodwill or whether they ordered it off the internet you would literally fight them for it how is
That service for mankind I mean shouldn’t that be across the board shouldn’t you love people even if they are doing something wrong shouldn’t shouldn’t have focused more so be on the human being and not and not the shirt y’all get what I’m saying give me an
Amen in the chat if I’m making any sense at all or maybe I don’t agree with me but one of the things that I noticed is that they’ll say things like you know if you really want to be in the organization then just join it as if you
Can just join everybody’s not going to get in that that’s why they’re exclusive groups most people aren’t going to get in and I found this video and because I recognize these are young women these videos from several years ago okay I blurred out their faces because I’m not
Trying to embarrass anybody or you know make anybody seem to be like this horrible person when they’re probably just you know young students who really don’t understand what they’re saying or maybe they do understand what they’re saying but haven’t really thought about it but okay so can you just you know if
It doesn’t work out at the school that you’re at maybe you can just go to another school or maybe you can do grad chapter maybe but here’s what they have to say if you have came to another University and you transferred let’s just put it at that you transferred from
University to the next and you want to apply you know you do the same things that we just told you here but one thing that a lot of people tend to get confused is that okay the girls here I may not mess with them so much or I may
Have done some things and these girls in this chapter have seen it and I don’t know if I necessarily make the cut so I’m gonna go ahead and transfer back to somewhere else to try to get away from that and start over fresh no you’re wrong you are wrong because the
Beautiful thing about being in these organizations is that we network with something even though we’re in Florida we have sorority sisters in New York in California in Texas in Minnesota and Seattle where you could go down to cities states countries WE Network with each other so just because you think you’re going to
Another school to try to start a new page because you maybe doesn’t don’t have the best look at one campus don’t think that you’re gonna be slick and do that it’s not gonna work it’s not gonna work because somebody’s gonna find out because we care a lot about the
Organization you’re in so we will not we will not let it happen just to be honest and playing after that don’t put yourself in situations that give you a bad look if you know you’re really interested in a specific organization don’t be at the frat house take a k yeah
I see you right don’t do that you know before you do things think about what you’re doing you think about how it looks because once you are in your organization you not only represent yourself but you represent that organization which means that you do something you’re not going to go that
Girl no that AKA is so it’s all about let’s not make the organization look bad I guess we could see similar things in Christianity but the purpose is different right so you know the the fraternities and sororities will say you don’t we don’t want you to make us look bad because our
Organizations give us pride and we need to respect them and the Legacy and all that within Christianity is like be blameless not just because you don’t want to look bad but because our actions as Christ followers um Can deter someone from becoming a Christian or it can give someone a false
Idea of what Biblical Christianity is so people can think oh well I can be a Christian and live a life that is totally anti-christ anti-god and God is still going to accept me it’s like no like you have to submit yourself to the Lord right so
There’s just a bit of a difference there anyway those girls um definitely was like if you try it if you want to you you can’t escape us blackballing you try to go to another school and we’re still gonna tell you no I’m like um I don’t think that’s quite
Right but maybe they’ve grown and matured since then hey if any of y’all are watching this video let me know if your ideas have changed in the last few years but I thought that was interesting and I also think it’s like you know don’t don’t be at The Keg but when
You’re in college you know a lot of these Greeks party hard right so before you become a member of a D9 organization you should be on your best behavior you know keep your reputation up to par but after then it’s like well I’m in it now so I can do whatever I
Want is super judgmental you know they they talk about Christians being judgmental and all you can’t judge me because I’m in a Greek organization I mean but y’all be judging all these like freshmen and sophomores who don’t even know what they like these are kids you know and there’s no forgiveness
Right like if you make a mistake I talk about this in my own experience um somebody said certain such and such said this so if you make a mistake like that’s it there ain’t no Second Chances and unfortunately in life sometimes there aren’t Second Chances but in God there are Second Chances thank
God he gave us a second chance right amen amen but um this AKA perp is not the only one who’s done something like this and there’s been a lot of celebrities who have gotten this some hot water for doing the same or similar here’s one of them the great Doctor Martin Luther King
And it’s big bro and I know yeah that’s right y’all know this little Boosie that’s Lil Boosie the funny thing is he did this after I’m pretty sure this is after the campus had already got on him for wearing a campus sweater and he’s not an alpha noise here Kappa but
Y’all like Boosie Boosie was wildling and they ate him up okay Holly says yes I’ve seen these shirts at Goodwill literally anyone can buy the paraphernalia I wouldn’t wear it again I wouldn’t wear it if you’re not in the organization because some of these folks are crazy and will literally fight you
If they catch you but just leave it alone not even worth it um who else who else it is oh that’s right okay so all right we had a situation with Lucy so I already showed y’all Boosie in the Alpha Shirt Boosie had on this Kappa
Shirt at a basketball game then on the left you got Whoopi Goldberg she’s on The View right she was on The View in a Prince Hall Masonic sweater and the internet ate her alive she did apologize I tried to find the clip on YouTube couldn’t find it I think they snatched
That thing because I was like nah boo like Prince Prince Hall Freemasonry is not the same technically as a Greek organization but similar right then on the right you have Amanda seals she played a character now this is not even her wearing it in real life she was
Playing a character on the show insecure whom was an AKA and so the aka’s lashed out at her it was pretty bad like there’s just there’s many examples of this type of thing going on and you know for those of us who are on the outside like especially again after you done got
Out of school and stuff it’s like y’all this is kind of silly this is kind of ridiculous right again I get it this stuff is trademarked so legally I can see from from their standpoint in the the insecure show legally you don’t have a right to wear our stuff without getting our permission
First and I don’t think if I’m if I’m not mistaken don’t quote me on this but I believe Nationals was like we did not give Issa Ray provision to use our emblem so no yeah definitely get your legal rights to do that but just like
Any old person on the side of the street who really cares what like why does this matter so much well we got an explanation from I don’t know if any of y’all watch the Grio every once in a while catch it but here’s kind of an extended explanation from a professional Kappa as
To why people should stop doing this to a little bit of trouble she appeared on The View wearing a sweater that she apparently bought off the internet one sweater was a Masonic symbol it had to compensated square and it was a Prince Hall Freemason sweater after the show
People went crazy on Facebook on Twitter they were sending investors saying how dare you wear that you’re not a number of this organization this is disrespectful et cetera et cetera and so the next day of course we’ll be apologized and she said I didn’t know I
Wanted online I’m sorry I don’t know why I should be wearing it but I’m sorry I did no Shadow would be she had no limit I’m sure she said this is her apology was sincere so I appreciate that but the fact that she doesn’t know why she
Shouldn’t wear it speaks to a bigger problem within our culture and broader Society what was that the first person to do this a couple days earlier Jonathan Park on his new Sunday show which I should watch uh give a shout out to vice president Kamala Harris he mentioned Howard University and he also
Mentioned that uh my president Harris was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority Incorporated and in doing so Jonathan part with full miyaka he didn’t just shout out to sorority he let out a ski we there to joined Alpha Kappa Alpha ski week now first of all he kind of petty for
Calling this man a miyaka I don’t know if y’all are familiar with the miyaka story but a few years ago I want to say it was in Atlanta there was a group of guys who had started an AKA chapter for men and they started calling themselves miyakas kind of strange but I digress
You shouldn’t wear it why is it important to protect this stuff well why did this off to get into these organizations they make sacrifices Blood Sweat tears money Time treasure time all that stuff to get into organizations so you got to respect that the other thing is that these are traditions of hours
These aren’t just fraternal organizations these aren’t just clubs these organizations who created in 1784 by Prince Hall of a Boston a black abolitionist who was playing organizational platform because they were denied access to the white lodges both here and back in London despite the fact that the division in our history so
He created something for us that’s a rich history you know aka’s and of course the race Fraternity Incorporated who created a black folk trying to create Community trying to highlight achievement every field of human endeavor in the midst of Jim Crow in the midst of black socialism stuff or out of
Struggle so we can’t take that stuff lightly this is about middle class positions I understand that could be a potential a critique of this kind of life but that’s not what it’s about for me it might not be about that for you but it is about that for a lot of people
Y’all I’m reading this book called our kind of people talking about the Black Elite the black Bourgeois like first of all when you look into D9 according to I can’t remember they got the author of that book but he said really out of the nine organizations Old Guard D9 people
Only consider five of them to be legit so omegas kappas and alphas and then akas and Deltas so everyone else in these other organizations they really don’t even count them as like you know the the prestigious orgs right and it talks about how you know normally back then anyway to
Become an AKA like your dad was a judge or you know or a lawyer or a doctor or something like that like you had to come for money and like a specific type of black person and it kind of did the same thing that the white organizations did
To them like you’re not gonna get in here unless you have wealth or status or something like that so sorry I I gotta disagree with this dude but what about what about like freshmen and sophomores who have never been on a college campus before don’t have Greek people in their family to
Tell them the rules because like y’all again if you’ve been to a school where they have these organizations there’s all types of rules like the red tape is ridiculous and if you mess up they don’t care if you were ignorant of the mess up it can follow you for the remainder of
Your college career even though it’s like who would they like why would you know that why would you know that off top if I see a shirt hey if I’m at somebody else family reunion and they selling T-shirts I might grab me one I
Said what I said now I do think in some instances it is a terrible idea to impersonate someone else say you know impersonating a cop that’s kind of a big deal don’t impersonate a cop or a doctor or something like that that could be life or death but Greek letters come on
Y’all I told you I pledge the uh business fraternity when I was in college I don’t still participate in it but I remember my brother um decided to wear my shirt one day and I was like you can’t wear that and he was like girl bye
He was like girl bye and you know at the end of the day like who cares who really cares okay all right uh hmm what is a cap of donut do I even want to know all right let’s see if he has anything else enlightening to share with us
Every other piece of Black Culture in this country they make theirs until it’s worth nothing we can’t let that happen tradition protect your culture and if you enjoyed it if you want to remember don’t shout out but the the weird thing is though like um let me get rid of that the weird
Thing he says we don’t want white people to get it but y’all y’all fraternities came like a hundred years after white fraternities and sororities so when the outfit started they were pretty much getting cues from White fraternities now I know we could go back and say well okay so
What’s the timeline so Alphas came after the white fraternities but wife fraternities are getting a lot of their stuff for Freemasonry and you can see some of the secret initiation uh types of organizations like in Egypt um forget what you call them y’all know what word I’m looking for what’s up Cactus Jackson
You you put your name back to your other name nice enough and are you in a fraternity let me know are you a captain just curious um uh what do you call those those groups initiation it’s not an initiation group but anyway so okay maybe it could go
Back to Africa we really really want to go back that far but if we’re talking about here in America like technically white people had that first so how are you saying we don’t want them to steal it didn’t y’all kind of steal it from them for reasons that you said was wrong
But then you still doing the same thing to other people anyway anyway whatever whatever it’s ridiculous but um sorry guys did not mean to replay that meant to get rid of it but yeah it’s it’s kind of ridiculous so what does the word have to say about things like this
I think the best person to ask is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we also take a few cues from Paul here and there so these are some of my favorite parables in the Bible I do hope that some um D9 people are hanging around
Again I’m not trying to pick on y’all I’m just trying to show you what the scriptures really because my fear is that a lot of folks again have never really heard the gospel they think the gospel is thou shall not judge I’m sorry y’all the Bible has 66
Books and that is one verse out of a very large collection of books so the Bible is not just about not judging okay all right so what we got here first Philippians 3 17 it says Brothers join and imitating me and keep your eyes on those who walk
According to the example you have in us for many of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears walk as enemies of the Cross of Christ their end is destruction their God is their Veil their belly and their glory and their shame with mindset on Earthly things so
What does the scripture say is it in Romans or it’s like be not conform to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind um there’s a scripture that talks about um how what we can see is temporary what we can’t see is eternal so we should be
Thinking on things above right and here is a snippet from Kirk Kirk Craig keener’s commentary on the New Testament specifically about this passage she says Greco-Roman philosophers and non-palestinian Jewish writers repeatedly railed against those ruled by their passions often remarking that they were ruled by their belly or their
Sexual or culinary appetite disdaining their neglect of Eternal things gluttony especially became part of Roman culture and it’s practiced by the aristocracy was a frequent but of satiris humor but being ruled by one’s belly meant more than gluttony it was used to mean any fleshly Indulgence or
Bodily desires and if you know like I know Greek fraternities and sororities have a reputation for being very raunchy debaucherous you know just practicing things that are ungodly they’ll do it at step shows probates parties not to say that everybody who’s in an organization is is wilding out but
That is a very like common thing that you’ll see so the Bible says that you should not be someone that’s ruled by your belly like there’s something that’s going to happen to those people and it’s not going to be good so keep that in mind all right moving right along
All right this is Luke 18 9 okay so these are the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen amen okay he also told this Parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and treated others with contempt let me stop right there first of all let me stop
I’m bringing that up because one of the things that you’ll hear Greek say is you know I’m a Christian I do community service we’ve done blase blase blase blase for the community that’s great but doing good works is not what saves you you can’t use that as like your ticket
Into eternal life okay all right let’s get that back on the screen where is it oh I don’t need to be there I need to be there okay all right so we told this Parable to some interesting and sells that they were righteous and treated others with contempts not be
Able to treat others with contempt right two men went up into the temple to pray one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector the Pharisees standing by himself prayed thus God I thank you that I am not like other men extortioners unjust adulterers or even like this tax collector
I fast twice a week I give ties of all that I get but the tax collector standing far off would not even lift up his eyes to heaven but beat his breath saying God be merciful to me a sinner I tell you this man went down to his house
Justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled but the one who humbles himself will be exalted have y’all noticed that in Greek life especially at these probates you’ll see it it’s all about how great I am how great my organization is like I’m the prettiest I’m the best
I’m the smartest we got the the best GPA you know we’ll take your man what’s all other kind of stuff to say like all these things that feed pride and arrogance things that aren’t really um fruit of the spirit you know what I’m saying not really compatible with the
Mind of Christ this these are the issues that I have in Greek life again not because I think the people are awful but I do believe these organizations treat you how to teach you how to mistreat people okay all right go back to the word um chances they are still holding on to
All that tradition and all that history they just let it go away and forget about it Cactus you remember Boosie wearing all the Greek gear okay okay okay all right next Passage bye Cactus okay Luke 14 7 through 11. sorry y’all it’s good to read the word
Of God sometimes right okay okay okay okay now he told a parable Jesus still talking here now he told a parable to those who were invited oh yeah when he noticed how they chose the places of Honor saying to them when you are invited by someone to a
Wedding Feast Do not sit down in a place of honor let someone more distinguished than you be invited by him and he who invited you both will come and say to you give your place to this person and then you’ll begin with shame to take the
Lowest place but when you are invited go and sit in the lowest place so that when your host comes he may say to you friend move up higher then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you for everyone who exalts himself
Will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted y’all hear that God loves humility not Pride I mean some things are you know it’s okay to be proud about certain things when something good happens to you or to someone you love it’s okay to celebrate those things but when you get
Prideful to the to the point where you’re willing to fight someone because they’re wearing clothes that they purchased something is wrong with that like we’re completely missing the whole point like Humanity brotherly love right okay oh that’s too small all right Matthew 22. we went back in good time
A little pride the Thunder scorpion I thought you were the same person as Cactus Jackson Maybe not maybe not Rachel says I’m sure there’s so much peer pressure to do things that lead into so many issues that are damaging long-term even past when University is over yeah people have regrets about some
Of the stuff I mean some people don’t even make it out of their pledge process alive some people end up in jail because they have unalive certain people um some people get kicked out of the organization because they got caught like all these types of things that just
Aren’t worth it not to mention um the S assaults I’m not going to say the word on on here but the the assaults are a real thing I did a presentation on that that’s also on my channel so it’s not like we just picking on these folks
Like there’s a long history of hazing and abuse and all types of things so yeah we can say there’s a long history of community service but it’s not just a long history of community service there’s a long history of a lot of bad things okay all right Matthew 22
One through seven and again Jesus spoke to them in Parable saying the Kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a King who gave a wedding Feast for his son and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feasts but they wouldn’t come all right so y’all
Following already the king invited some people to a wedding feast and they’re like nah we ain’t coming again he sent other servants saying tell those who are invited see I have prepared my dinner my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered and everything is ready come
To the wedding Feast but they paid no attention and went off one to his farm another to his business while the rest seized his servants treated them shamefully and killed them the King was angry and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned the city that’s awful it’s like can you
Imagine of course this is like a a comparison to like God is the King right can you imagine God being like come to my wedding feast and people be like I ain’t got time for you I got to take care of this I got to take care of that
Like my cow sick my dog got coveted or something like that oh I hope they don’t flag me for saying the c word man okay anyway but can you imagine the king saying something like that and be like I’m busy so yeah the king is upset rightfully so
Let’s keep reading uh Matthew 22 8-14 then he said to his servants the wedding Feast is ready but those invited were not worthy and everything always goes back to the Hebrew Israelite thing right I think in context like Jesus is talking about the Jewish people because the
Bible says what Jesus came to his own but his own acceptance accepted him not but to all who did accept him he gave the right to become sons of God so why we all never hear a Hebrew Israelites quote that verse well certain types my bad the one West persuasion
Hebrew Israelites aren’t going to quote that verse but even the ones who aren’t one with like I don’t really hear them emphasize scriptures like that but I digress okay the wedding piece is ready but those invited were not worthy go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding
Feast as many as you find so anybody can come like just go get people and those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found both bad and good what does this say about the character of God God was like you know what the people who’s supposed to be
Here didn’t show up so I want everybody to come the good the bad like I I literally don’t care I just want people to be in my company so God is so loving he loves people from all backgrounds and all like social statuses those things aren’t important to him okay so the
Wedding hall was filled with this but when the king came in to look at the guests he saw there a man who had no wedding garment uh-oh uh-oh and he said to him friend how did you get in here without a wedding garment he was speechless then the king said to
The attendants bind him hand and foot and cast him into outer Darkness ooh okay so we went from we’ll take anybody good or bad so this man that got on the right clothes don’t just kind of sound like what just happened to the AKA girl like girl we know you got on you
Something’s not quite right about you like you’re wearing the right thing but you don’t fit the part you’re not playing this role good enough for us to really believe that you’re with us right all right okay so the king said to attend his body in the hand and foot
Cast him into the outer darkness in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are called but few are chosen you know what’s funny is that a lot of the fraternities um will you they use that line many are called few are chosen I think that’s an
Omega style five line but you see they’ll take stuff from the Bible and use it for their own uses or whatever but um they they’ve been taking these scriptures out of context and really they use this they use the Bible to fit their purpose which to me is you’re butchering the scriptures doesn’t
The Bible say both in the Old Testament and the New Testament stop messing with the scriptures don’t be taking it out of context to do with it what you want to do with it that’s not the purpose okay okay what’s going on what’s up Berean babes who else is in here
Um I also see a lot of pride in organizations yep Rachel says to God be the glory oh okay you talking to Nate okay yeah Rachel it is good to see you girl I haven’t seen you in a while all right um Thunder says was the other girl of
Care was she actually a perp which other girl um because the girl at the beginning of the video was absolutely a perfect as far as we know and word on the street is this wasn’t the first time that she did that I don’t know I also wonder too is
It possible that this person is dealing with some psychological issues this is pure speculation on my part but for you to try something like that it’s just like it’s kind of obsessive if it’s the first time you not knowing any of the dances like why didn’t she think they’re gonna
Figure this out you stick out like a sore thumb I and I think this was an all Greek picnic or something it just that’s crazy it’s like why would you jump in the fire she should have like going to Kmart in a in an AKA shirt that’s one
Thing who’s really gonna question you on that but then for you to also walk away with them girls and answer their questions when nah fam I I’m wondering if something deeper is going on there but I digress okay many are called few are chosen all right so
I wanted to also pull up some scriptures about like what eternity looks like what salvation looks like what the life of a Believer should look like because it’s not all this health wealth Prosperity God wants you to have every single thing you’ve ever wanted in your entire life
That is not Christianity Christianity is not also about making people become slaves and all this kind of stuff like here’s the Sermon on the Mount okay Jesus in Matthew 5 2. all right so what’s Jesus say he says and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed
Are the porn spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied let’s stop right there if you
Want to Greek return to your sorority do you hunger and thirst for righteousness I don’t know you well I don’t know most of you I do know some Greeks and some of my best friends are Greeks I’ve said that a million times we laugh about this kind of stuff
Some of them are Christians some are some of them be like yeah I mean yeah you’re right this organization is kind of a little bit dark a little bit some stuff I probably shouldn’t have said and did but I still love my orc okay whatever that’s between y’all and God
I’m just saying it’s a no for me okay but do you Hunker and thirst for righteousness when you say that you’re a Christian right what what is this episode about this episode for me tonight is about a girl who is pretending to be in an organization and she got caught
How many of you are in Greek organizations and you think you’re Christians but you’re not and you think that God is not going to catch you you’re already caught already caught red-handed now I’m hoping that by the end of this episode maybe somebody will come to Christ give their
Heart to the Lord go ask your your pastor at church some questions you know what I’m saying seek the scriptures like get up Matthew 7 is not the only chapter in the Bible okay again 66 books read it read through the New Testament right because y’all really need to know like
What it means to have eternal life okay let’s get back two the Beatitudes okay blessed are those two hundred and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied blessed are the merciful for they shall receive Mercy does your Greek organization show Mercy I mean did y’all see what they did today
Girl after it went the way they booted her out I mean but to be fair to be fair I said this at the beginning of the thing they did say like if you don’t know the stroll get out the line some things just aren’t appropriate it was giving little mama hopping on stage
With Jay-Z and Alicia Keys it was awkward it was weird it was she shouldn’t have done it but you didn’t see Alicia Keys bump her out the way I mean when she y’all remember this I hate I still hate that for little mama the cringiest video on the internet
But it is what it is it’s also one of the most funniest videos on the internet sorry little mama God bless you but it’s giving where where was I going with that I don’t even know let’s get back let’s get back to the Beatitudes blessed are merciful for they shall
Receive Mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven are you being persecuted for righteousness sake
I mean we live most of us who are watching me right now are probably living in the west so it’s semi comfy cozy to be a Christian as of right now don’t know what it’s going to look like tomorrow or 10 years from now but you
Know we live in a free Society currently praying that it stays that way there’s other parts of the world where it’s not so pretty but still even if you’re living in the west and it’s relatively easy to be a Christian if you’ve been a Christian for a minute probably at least
Five minutes you’ve received some type of persecution when you’ve really said God I’m gonna give my life to you I’m gonna submit to your will do things your way people aren’t gonna like that they’re not supposed to like that well the scriptures say like uh be careful
When men speak good of you not that there’s anything wrong with people respecting you or liking you but if you only hear good things about yourself all the time then something may be wrong because as a Christian like we don’t expect the world to agree with us we
Have to go out and try to convince the world persuade the world of the goodness of God and the goodness and the beauty of the Gospel that takes work which is why I’m doing apologetics and a lot of other people watching me right now doing apologetics it’s not easy preaching the
Gospel okay all right move right along John 17 3 what is eternal life how do you obtain eternal life Jesus said this is eternal life that they know you the only true God in Jesus Christ whom you have sent so a lot of people will say I
Have a relationship with God what they really mean is I believe in God but I’m also doing life on my terms let me tell you that’s not a good relationship you know again God is not full God knows the purpose from the the True Believers he’s separating the wheat from the tears I
Wish I had that verse on here but I don’t have it unfortunately anyway eternal life you have to know God and the way you get to know God is through reading his word prayer being discipled by Believers I know a lot of people don’t want to go to
Church nowadays I get it Church hurt is real people have been hurt by the church but if we’re being honest people have been hurt outside the church too the world is a really dark place so find you a good church sit up under some good sound Biblical teaching learn
What Christianity is and then examine yourself and find out whether or not you really are into Faith okay I think this is my last one no I got one after this okay John 3 3 Jesus said Jesus answered him this is when he was talking to Nicodemus truly
Truly I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of heaven so this is this is more than just going to the altar one Sundance and I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I mean yeah Romans 10 and I if
You confess with your mouth and believe in your heart believe in your heart that God raising from the dead you will be saved so if you really want once you are really uh regenerated reconciled to God then you should be exhibiting the fruit of the spirit you know love joy peace
Patience kindness goodness Faith gentleness self-control those things sanctification which is a lifelong process we are not talking about people who are thin list what they say I’m not sinless I just sin less when I become a Christian these things that are like so cliche but we are made perfect because
We put on the righteousness of God we put on Christ’s righteousness he exchanges our debt for his righteousness has that happened to you have you been born again if you don’t know whether or not you’ve been born again it could be that you’re not born again but if you’re
Listening to me that means you have time to be born again okay okay the last one the last one is revelation 22 14-15 these are scriptures some people they don’t they don’t like to hear these pastors don’t like to preach these but it’s better to know on this side of Eternity
What happens to those who don’t know God then to find out on the other side like can you imagine living your life thinking that you know Jesus when you don’t know him like what’s the scariest scripture in the Bible many will say to me on that day Lord
Lord didn’t we do X in your name Z in your name blase blase and he’s going to say turn away from me you worker of iniquity I never knew you that’s scary that’s gonna happen to pastors that’s going to happen to all different types of people like who you would think oh
Yeah they’re a Christian you know some of the people that I know who are in fraternities and sororities nicest people you will ever meet would literally give you the shirt off their back like I don’t wanna and say they’re all evil they’re all mean I mean I’ve met some pretty nasty
Ones especially if you look at my comments anytime I talk about Greek life the comments be they be showing like how much y’all really love God right but there’s there’s still some really really nice ones who are trying to earn their way they think well I’m in this organization my
Pastor’s in it he says it’s fine so it’s fine what if your pastor’s not a Believer you know there’s plenty of pastors out there who are headed to hell headed for hell plenty of people sitting in churches on Sundays who are headed for hell so you got like you got to be
Born again you need to know what that means okay so I wanted to close out I know that I should never say that because I probably just lost 10 people I posted a video to tick tock I think I put this out like a year ago and then I posted it on here
And it got some um it got some traction a little bit so I’m gonna play it again because there’s just some questions on here that I think all professing Christians should be able to answer pretty easily most of them if if you’re a new believer you know you might still
Be learning Doctrine and all these kind of things but a lot of a lot of Greeks will tell me I grew up in the church like I’ve been in church my whole life I know I’m a Christian okay well if you know you’re a Christian and you should be able to answer simple
Simple questions on theology if you’re as much of an expert as you claim to be right so let’s check this out videos for everybody who’s in a Greek letter organization and also claims to be a Christian so if you say you love Jesus and your letters this is for you now I
Don’t doubt for a second that there are true Christians who are in fraternities and sororities and if you are legitimately saved and you’re in these organizations you know as well as I know that a lot of y’all ls’s and your lbs are lost and by loss I mean that they’re
Not saved when I say they’re not saved I mean if they were unalive today they would not go to heaven and when I said it wouldn’t go to heaven I mean if you don’t go to heaven where else you going I’m not Catholic so Purgatory is not an
Option here Greeks talk a lot of trash about people who are t-shirt wearers which are people who pretty much just join so that they can take all the social benefits that come along with Greek life but contribute little to nothing to all the hard work and actual community service that y’all signed up
For and then there’s people out there who wear Greek paraphernalia when they’re not even affiliated with the Greek organization invasion they call them perps it’s real easy to look the part and wear the letters until somebody who really is in the order calls you out well the same thing happens in church
World a lot of people attend church on Sundays but they’re not true believers in the same way that wearing an Alpha Shirt don’t make you an alpha or wearing pink and green don’t make you an AKA going to church or singing on the choir don’t make you a Christian so if you
Greek and you think you’re an expert on Christianity I got a quiz for you now this quiz ain’t for me this is for y’all okay you don’t have to prove your salvation to me just like y’all can tell that I’m wearing a filter right now God
Can tell if you’re a false convert my goal is that y’all do some self-examination and reflecting to determine whether or not you are truly in the faith because if you can’t answer these basic questions I’m about to ask you it could be the Lord trying to get your attention Okay question number one
Is Jamal Bryant your favorite Pastor if so you have already failed this test joking sort of okay but for real though question number one seriously if Jamal passed if Jamal Bryant is your pastor run find you another church quickly because he is no biblical pastor but I digress doctrinally speaking how is Christianity
Different from every other world religion question number two okay so I’ll try to give a brief answer for some of these as we go along how is Christianity different you know Ephesians 2 we’re saved by grace through faith so that no one can burst you know
The verse so that no one can boast you know Grace is something that we receive as a gift so in a lot of religions maybe not all I research every single religion but a lot of them are Works based so you have to prove that you are worthy to be
Accepted by God through good works okay Christianity is different because Jesus Christ gives us his righteousness and he did that on the cross for our sins because he loved us amen would y’all believe that all religions don’t have a God that loves them yeah that’s that’s kind of a Christian thing
What is the gospel and provide a supporting scripture where is the gospel in the scriptures hmm I think we we just talked about some right um this is eternal life to know God and his son um is it first or second Corinthians I can never remember exactly it’s either
First or second Corinthians I want to say chapter 15. we’re talking about the gospel is the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ you know good news Jesus Christ came died Rose and he’s coming back again amen Define justification we’re justified by Grace right justified by grace through faith
So again it’s free gift nothing that we’ve done Define sanctification what’s a good definition for sanctification like you are becoming your God gives us his Holiness So eventually like our lifestyle should reflect a life of Holiness doesn’t happen overnight again this is a lifelong process but if you are saved
You should at some point start to get better right right okay what is the Great Commission what is the Great Commission go out into all the world and preach the gospel to Every Nation Every Nation Hebrew Israelites Every Nation Every Nation that’s the Great Commission all of us have the responsibility and
The duty to go preach the gospel like if you had a great fraternity when’s the last time you talked to somebody about Jesus no somebody are Christians I do believe that there are people who are Greek and they are Christians if you Christian amen a lot
Of y’all ain’t Christians keep it a buck because how are y’all doing all this nasty stuff at these parties eating whipped cream off of each other and it don’t even phase you at all if you can eat whipped cream off of a young lady that you are not married to and it
Bothers you none I got concerns player I’m not saying you awful like you might be on the Dean’s List might be a nice guy you know but are you born again okay what commandment fulfills the whole of the law what commandment fulfills the whole of the law love your neighbor as
You love yourself I think it’s that one or is it love God with all your heart soul Minds it’s one of them maybe it’s both of them oh really dark what’s up Willie dog you for the Super Chat what you doing still up Miss Ty keep being both crisis lands playing these sacred
Cows thank you brother Willie yeah you know I saw this I wanted to talk about it you know it’s back to school a lot of these kids gonna go to school and think I want to be Greek and I want to do this and I want to do that y’all keep your
Money you know what you can join that’s actually worth it I wish they had this when I was in college ratio ratio Christie is a Christian organization that focuses on apologetics like professors get involved students get involved it’s an organization that helps college students and even high schoolers learn
Apologetics so there’s that and then there’s a crew campus Crusade I didn’t even know about that when the parent that one been around for decades I’m sure a lot of y’all know about campus Crusade but Join one of those organizations I’m sure it’s way cheaper because y’all pan two three four five
That I don’t even know how much it is now to become a D9 member I know it’s expensive and I know these white organizations is even more expensive oh looks like my Wi-Fi might be might be pretty bad right now so if I’m frozen my bad but
It’s expensive and y’all to where you can you don’t got to be a hey to wear pink and green some of them might try to tell you that but you ain’t got to you ain’t got to do that and ratio Chris and all these other orgs they they’re
Probably not gonna Haze you you know they’re probably not gonna hate you they want to teach you about Jesus they ain’t trying to beat up on you okay look up ratio Christy that’s that’s a great place to start okay Thunder scorpion I am not going there
With you I’m not even gonna I’m not gonna satisfy you with putting that vile dude comment on the screen how do we know that Jesus is God In the Flesh provide supporting scriptures how do we know Jesus is God John 1. is it John one in the beginning was the word and the
Word was God and the Word was with God yeah see that that’s a side note because this is an excellent path can y’all hear me let me know if my internet is like slowing down cause this wi-fi signal is giving me concern um the trinity in John 1. so if you look
At the predicate nominative construction now I don’t have a degree okay I haven’t gone to Seminary so I don’t know coin a Greek but I have read a book by James White called The Forgotten training he explains how like if you look at the predic predicate nominative construction of descendants it both
Signifies that Jesus is God and that God the father is God but Jesus is not God the father and God the father is not Jesus and yet both are distinctly God oh yeah that’s one for the Trinity fam Trinity is all through the New Testament even though the word’s not there but I
Digress let us make man okay Monique says let us make man that’s in Genesis right now if any of y’all are familiar with um Dr Michael heiser’s work oh I miss Dr Mike Kaiser he passed away a few months ago he would argue that Genesis 1 is not referring just
To the Triune God that it could be the Divine Council there’s there’s different Christians that you know people debate on that but that is definitely a possibility but y’all definitely read um what’s the name of that book Supernatural no uh unseen realm he goes deep dive into that yeah it was pretty dope
Um oh y’all can hear me cool praise the Lord okay yes Rachel you have to pay in addition to pledging girl thousands thousands of dollars and I know about y’all who got money in college unless you rich you can see how the elite can get in these organizations but you got college
Students who don’t have two nickels to rub together talking about mama I want to be in this organization I just need to borrow three thousand dollars from you like y’all y’all this is to me it’s like a scam because even if you pay that money it’s not gonna
Guarantee that you get popular not gonna guarantee that you get friends because a lot of these people they’re getting these orgs and it’d be still be a lot of drama I have some of my friends again who are either they’ll be like girl it was it was a hot mess
Hot mess so yeah can’t pay for friends okay are we still don’t even answer the last but who is Jesus praying to Jesus was praying to God the Father did I even ask it if Jesus Is God In the Flesh then who was he praying to him on the cross
Exactly Trinity again so you could be like so are you saying if Jesus is if the Trinity is true then isn’t Jesus praying to himself no no Christian let me Christians do not believe that Jesus was praying to himself Jesus was praying to God the father because Jesus is distinct from God the
Father okay that is all what’s the significance of the parable of the solar fill in the blank God is blank in person oh parable of the sower I love that one I don’t have it pulled up but you know it talks about how the sower puts seed on the
Ground some of it fell on good ground some of it fell on background there’s like four different scenarios three out of the four ended up you know being bad Bad Seed so these are people who do not inherit the kingdom of God for a different reasons some of them like as
Soon as they get the word it snatched away some of them because life is hard they walk away from the faith we’ve seen a lot of that nowadays with the deconstruction movement so out of one only one instance where it fell on good ground so y’all on one hand obtaining eternal
Life is easy because Jesus has done the work for us but then you have other scriptures that illustrate that the road to eternal life is straight and narrow only a few people find it the road that leads to destruction is Broad many people are going down that Broad Road Okay so yeah
Okay God is blank in person and blank and being Trinity again God is three persons so the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit but God is one being each person is God distinctly right each person of the Trinity is God but they are not
Each other but it’s just still one God okay I know sometimes the treaty can be hard to like grasp but scriptures do illustrate that okay yes a money maker willing totally is a money maker law says Abraham and the visitors headed to destroy Sodom I
Would have to look that one up but you might be right we’re still talking about like examples of the Trinity maybe in the Old Testament okay um and then Willie says keep praying for those in these orgs and secret societies that they can see the deception being
Played on them amen that’s right that’s good stuff okay and blank in being Jesus is the blank of the law without Jesus is the Fulfillment of the law Hebrew Israelites all these other law keeping um religions and Cults and stuff gotta keep the Sabbath can’t eat pork you
Gotta keep the 600 some odd 13 Mosaic no you don’t Jesus fulfilled the law we already talked about how the law is fulfilled in the Commandment to love your neighbor as you love yourself that takes care of it see Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath
The blank of blank there is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood there’s no forgiveness of sins and again remember you guys have you been able to answer these questions now I know I’ve been answering them pretty quickly after pausing the video but if I didn’t answer them would you know
What you know because again this this is something like this is like Christianity 101. if you go to a church and you ain’t never heard none of this stuff before find you a different Church fam find you a new church because if they’re not talking about actual Theology and
Doctrine what are they talking about Jesus is blank percent man and blank percent God all right so when I made this I wasn’t really thinking about like how percentages probably really aren’t good when we’re talking about the deity of Christ but y’all know what I mean y’all
Know what I meant okay so how much of Jesus is a human being and how much of Jesus is God The answer is Jesus is fully man and fully God I’ll take 100 man at 100 God but if you talk to certain Christians who are like real picky they’re probably like that ain’t right okay so my bad I shouldn’t have worded it like that but y’all know
What I meant by blank are you saved through blank should every Christian should notice you’re saved by blank through blank saved by grace through faith Say by grace through faith now don’t cheat now but tell me how you did in the comments and if you failed it don’t mean
That you’re not a Christian but it might mean that you’re not a Christian the fact is some of y’all know less Bible than Hebrew Israelites and that’s a problem period it is a problem because Hebrews Hebrew Israelites okay but um yeah like I had people in the comments say you
Don’t have to answer questions to know that you’re a Christian even though I said it don’t necessarily mean that you’re not a Christian because I haven’t always been like you know I couldn’t always answer these questions takes time that’s fine but if you legit are saying
I’ve been a Christian for 30 years and you didn’t know the answer to none of those I have concerns I have concerned are you reading your Bible do you have a desire to read your Bible it would be hard for me to reconcile a Christian who has zero desire to read
The Bible ever it’s just like I can read one verse a day and that’s fine do y’all know how silly that can you imagine going to college and your professor being like read this book and be like all right I’ma take out a sentence a day you you put out that
Class you don’t know how long you had we none of us know how long we have on this Earth so take the time to read the scriptures first of all while it’s available certain parts of the world the Bible is completely off limits is there are Christians in some of these
Underground churches who would just leap at the chance to even hold one page of the Bible and we have the Bible here and a lot a lot of us just do not take advantage of it we don’t read it enough I myself am guilty of that you know
There’s certain seasons of my life I’m like I could read this every single day and there’s other season I’ll be like oh man I can’t remember the last time I read my Bible it happens but you should at least have the desire to read your Bible red flag if you don’t okay
All right Tai Tai this is this is a lot I think you were trying to leave me a comment and I kept like I don’t know getting caught up in the discussion or whatever so my bad um if you can type out one more time something about some books something about that
Oh did I forget Tyler uh without the shedding of blood there’s no remission of sins did I even answer that question my bad y’all maybe I was talking a little bit too fast but okay that’s really all I have for you guys I be born again be born again
Know the father know the son learn the essential doctrines of the faith you know one reason why people don’t recognize that they’re an occult whether it’s Greek life yes I consider fraternities and sororities Cults specifically this this brand I’m not saying there can be an organization that’s like got Greek letters and may
Not be a cult but I consider them College Cults that just don’t want to acknowledge that they’re cults that’s that’s how I feel about it and I will do more videos on this but uh ultimately I okay let me read this before I forget you referenced five books arguing
Against the D9 I need the most succinct one from your destroying your lives Greek 101 Hayes American fraternities and sororities and Greek letter organizations okay uh black Greek 101. that’s a really good history um African-American fraternities and sororities that book is huge I have the ebook version
But I can tell like if you order it I think the book’s like 400 pages but that has a large chunk of information I’m that probably has the most information so if you’re going to pick one I would go with that one I do like black Haze because
Um it talks about like the religious um the the religiosity of their rituals and initiation ceremonies like they’re not just doing this just because oh this is just some fun thing to instill brotherhood like no this this is these are religious organizations okay so yeah I would go with African-American
Fraternities and sororities or black Haze but you can’t go wrong with any of them I would say learn about Greek life is um it’s very interesting okay Rachel says the Bible it’s the only book that won’t pass it won’t fade away like every other book Bible will be in heaven
That’s right that’s right y’all I I’m so glad that you guys hung out with me tonight if anyone has I can stick around for maybe five minutes or so and just kind of interact with any other questions y’all might have it don’t necessarily have to be about Greek life I suppose
So yeah what you got okay Monique says I feel like one for not need a book to see how demonic it is but if one must it would be useful to learn the history hmm I can’t I can’t tell what that comment is in response to y’all can’t eat swine and shellfish yes
We can Thunder scorpion because you’ll read an ex Peter talked about that Paul was like if y’all don’t go ahead and eat this pork seriously though like Jesus is the Fulfillment of the law the Gentiles were eating all types of food and um Peter’s vision although technically I
Don’t think it’s about food but still like still saying like anybody can eat you can eat whatever you want Adam and Eve was eating whatever crawled on the ground if I’m not mistaken so the Mosaic law came after a lot of people had already lived right right so yeah you
Can eat pork if you want to I’m not saying pork is good for you I’m just saying it’s not a sin to eat it I just had ham and cheese I hope you prayed over it Vince Scott okay was talking about the books on Colts sororities and Friends okay
Somebody just had a sausage earlier um okay thank you Miss Titus you are so welcome sister I’m so sorry that I missed your message I’ve been getting a lot of messages all over social media and all that but yeah okay I don’t see any other questions popping up but y’all please please if
You’re still around please give this video a like subscribe to my Channel 53 people are watching me on YouTube right now if you want to see me continue to go live on a regular basis I need your help getting this this channel like out there in the
Algorithm and y’all helped me do that by leaving me a comment if you could just leave me a comment with an emoji I don’t care what it is if you hate this video and you and you hope that um I don’t know my computer like falls off my desk
And cracks I don’t care leave me leave me a comment y’all please don’t be praying that my computer breaks we already had that happen earlier this year and that was pretty tragic okay um is there anything else okay thank oh Ashley thank you so much yes you guys please
Like subscribe and leave a comment not just in the live chat but actually when the video is over leave me a comment in the comment section okay a question from Willie which of these messages gets the most smoke The Beehive D9 or Progressive gospel artist ooh not gonna lie okay so last year
What caused my channel to like get over like the 10 000 K 10K hump subscribers I had a video about Beyonce that went viral because she put out that church girl song and I was like what the what Beyonce so anyway um beehive was pretty mean they were pretty mean
Um D9 is also pretty mean I haven’t had any of the Beyonce people make a video on me but it denies was like oh absolutely not oh another one I’ll do it maybe I’ll do a video on this next week maybe I’ll go live on this
Next week I did a video about Fantasia barino Fantasia is a beautiful person I think if I met her in real life I probably want to hug her because she seems that nice but I made a video about Fantasia because y’all know she likes to kind of prance around and do these
Worship sessions on stage when she’s wearing skimpy clothes and so I did a video on that that today I think that’s my most viewed YouTube video it’s a short got almost a million views but man oh man those folks were upset with me and I get it because Fantasia is just so
Likable it’s like how can you say anything bad about Fantasia I’m like I mean I don’t have no smoke with Fantasia but I do think it’s a bad look to be having a worship session in lingerie right right I mean y’all y’all let me know y’all tell me if I’m wrong oh Wawa
I love you too sister Nate you are pretty mean I’m the prettiest me Nate always be booing me in the comments section but low-key Nate be helping me out so I appreciate that said she’s on a social media break but I’m the exception okay thank you girl I appreciate you being around
Isn’t she a Hebrew Israelite is Fantasia in Hebrew Israelite at one point she was claiming it I’m not sure if she really understands what that means in totality it sounds like her husband kind of got her into it so she was claiming to be a Hebrew is your life but then she was
Performing at the was it woman evolve thing she recently got she now she’s a member of Sigma gamma rho so Fantasia got a lot going on y’all be praying for her like for real you know some people they just they have not really been exposed to the true gospel and they need
Somebody to help them understand that and so hopefully she does come to Christ if she isn’t already but I do think she’s a bit confused Miss Titus why not have a membership oh y’all because I’m intimidated by technology and haven’t really quite figured out how to set that up yet but I
I need one y’all let me know in the comments um if I set up a membership who would who would sign up for the membership that would be awesome but in the meantime if we talking about we’re talking about coin cash happy girl Miss Titus can’t shop your girl
All right okay appreciate it um is there anything else oh she said she knows the gospel she’s flirting with other things Um you might be right I’m not sure about that oh yeah Erica Campbell is an AKA as well I actually did a Instagram reel about that so if y’all don’t follow me on Instagram check your girl out on Instagram too so I have three Pro three
Platforms that I do content on Tick Tock Instagram and YouTube I’m trying to get back into regularly putting out YouTube content but there’s some stuff that goes on YouTube that will never be on Instagram or Tick Tock and vice versa so follow me on everything you never know
What you’re gonna get from Miss Titus cash out Miss Titus please help assist out all right so y’all be on D9 for views Thunder scorpion we explained at the beginning of the live stream while we’re doing this views are cool but really we’re doing this because D9 is a hindrance
From for a lot of college students they D9 misrepresents Christianity do you not pretty much tell students you can have a sinful life and have Jesus y’all know how many times I went to school went to church on Sundays I’m not saying I was perfect in College college is a hot mess
For a lot of people my goodness don’t always make the best decisions in college I’m not saying you know you can’t make a mistake and not go to church oh but what I am saying is that it seemed like there was a trend you know even some of these people are like in
Ministry at church but living wild lives didn’t seem to have a care in the world I’m just do whatever I want to do and I can have my little bit of religion on Sundays and that’ll be fine so we’re doing this because I want to help college students understand that just
Because you call yourself a Christian doesn’t mean that you’re a Christian and these organizations do a lot of things that misrepresent Christianity okay okay Yolanda Adams is also an AKA Yolanda Adams got a lot she got bigger problems than AKA Yolanda Adams seems to now be
Um LG TV as Ruslan would say LG TV affirming and uh hyper hyper Progressive right and what else she’s into a lot of weird stuff I just the Yolanda from the 90s seems to be far far gone okay uh was you a part of aksi professional business fraternity because I am I can
Either affirm nor deny all right okay y’all thank you guys for hanging out with me tonight give the video a like thumbs up and a comment y’all be blessed this was fun and I’m out Good