What’s going on everybody it’s Ron Brown LMT the people’s Fitness professional alongside my co-host Mikey fever and this is a New Yorkers perspective back with the brother shareif Anil Bay we got also Chic 7 Islam L on today to talk about masonry now um since share has
Made this video of you know pertaining to masony It’s been a lot he’s been getting a lot of flak online and um which I really don’t understand but hey people of people they have their opinions it’s the rock anyway uh so I want to go into it um I’m gonna
Just explain I I like to explain myself a lot so people can understand where I’m coming from I like to be totally transparent so I enter the LOD enter to The Apprentice back in the days 2007 or whenever I went in the LOD and I figured
At that point it wasn’t for me and I just didn’t follow through with it no doubt you know I didn’t follow through with it so I have a lot to learn about masonry and why Masons are so controversial when when I went into the LOD there was nothing controversial about it
Whatsoever what it was for me it from my experience what I gathered was it would they first of all Masons help out the community they’re active in the community secondly it it was a it’s a Brotherhood from what I gathered it’s a Brotherhood it’s it’s brothers are real
Tight close knit with one another so I don’t I don’t understand what’s the issue um I understand Muslim and Muslim sons and the lessons and they uh Masons being regarded as tenters who who hold Secrets but from what I saw I don’t understand what the secret was there’s
Really no secret uh from what I gathered also all human beings have secrets that’s a fact that’s a fact me and Mikey behind the scenes doing this podcast we have secrets together n YP that other people are not privy to that’s right so are we considered tenters because we have secrets that the
Public doesn’t know about spookism don’t say that because they’re gonna go around saying oh my God they ride goats yo let me let me tell I want to touch on it real brief first AR giving praise to Allah honors Prophet noi honors to the morci temp of America honors to my
Leadership of the R Jones Bay honors to all those you know you know all all those that seek after and and and are seeking to attain the title of faithful and I want to give honors to the host I want to give honors to NY New York perspective podcast right
Give honors to my brother Sheik s Islam Hill so real quick let’s just I just wanted to talk real real brief about this whole thing about keeping a secret right so it has you know there is a purpose you know you know some people keep secrets to oppress other people we
Get that especially our people right we’ve been otherized outside of so many aspect aspects of society that you know we understand what it means to feel powerless we get it right but then there’s the responsible side of having a secret the responsible side right see people think nowadays especially the
So-called woke thing nowadays this is the age of Aquarius this is the age of I know this is no longer the age of Secrets wrong that’s not what that means Age of Aquarius means that now if you choose you can seek answers but you got to seek them doesn’t
Mean it’s it’s there there doesn’t mean things are going to be just handed to you you got to put the work in right that’s what that means you got to put the work in and if you’re not ready for it you’re not gonna get it it’s just
That simple I don’t care who it is right if you’re not ready for it you’re not g to get it the prophet jali taught us that the gifts of the understanding are the treasures of Allah not you and not me see the treasures of Allah so you qualify yourself to obtain
Things it ain’t up to me just to give you something go ahead bro I’m sor sorry pardon me paron me I want to ask this so it’s clear you’re a Mason yeah right absolutely is there anything the prophet wrote or in the literature anywhere where it says Masons
Or Moors can’t be Masons no absolutely not no first foremost allow me to allow me to rise I give all thanks and perfect Praises unto Allah highest honors to his holy prophet Noble J Ali honors to the forun Marcus Mah G honors to the mo Science Temple of America honors to all
Officials all members and all caring the spirit of the Prophet praise the Lord Islam um I we have oral statements in the mo Science Temple of America that’s right and um these are statements that have been attributed or reported to The Prophet by particular individuals who are supposedly to been
In this particular space with the prophet when he spoke these words correct one of the oral statements says and I’m paraphrasing at this point and brother share you can straighten me if I’m in error yes sir it says that the prophet has reported to say that the Masons and the preachers would
Be the last ones to come in they will fight him too and there now okay let me so let me jump in there it doesn’t so so the or statement you’re speaking about it doesn’t even mention Masons says the last ones that’ll be coming in will be the so it says one day
You’re GNA see asiatics running he said they’ll be running so fast you can shoot dice on their coils he said they’re gonna be running to get into the temple it’s going to take and he said the last ones in the door will be the will be the Christian preachers and the Europeans
Will be beating them over the head driving them in wow that’s what he said right so but but you know brother Sheik s is correct you know you know there are points there are areas where the Prophet is reported to have spoken on Freemasonry and the Masons but it was
Never negative it was and again it’s reported so that’s like our Hadith all statements are like our Hadith so it’s like secondhand some more reliable than others right that said one of the one of them is this the prophet said hold your meetings on the second floor like the Masons that’s one of
Them see and these this is in the oral statements oral statements now there’s another oral statement that people use they say where the Prophet said I took the cover off all the secret organizations I can agree with that and I think that that’s a reliable one but people take it out of
Context they think because he says he he took the cover of secret organizations that he was a whistleblower nowhere in our literature is he whistle all right Mo I just want to put this out there now Moors if you base anything on the mo on the moral on the oral
Statements that’s where the argument can come in correct so I want to try to avoid that and get to what was written in the circle 7 101’s the uh Constitution and bylaws because we know for a fact right that the prophet ordained this to be the main
Literature for the um that’s fact for the for the for the teachings so nowhere in the literature whatsoever says anything about Moors should avoid the LOD nowhere I haven’t seen it nowhere now what now here’s the here’s one of the misconceptions right here’s one of and this is a very ignorant misconception
And I’m not using the word ignorant as a slander some people many people are just innocently ignorant they just don’t know that being said one the institution I have to be very specific the institution of Freemasonry as opposed to freemasonic knowledge as opposed to you get it the
Institution of Freemasonry is not a secret organization it’s an organization with Secrets big difference it was a secret organization you wouldn’t know the name right facts facts yeah it’s an organization with Secrets it’s not a secret organization it’s an organization with secrets and and what a lot of people people think are the
Secrets are things that you have to know to gain entrance in a LOD exactly that’s what people are calling Secrets brother she Sheik s Islam L you wanted to say something um one thing I was going to say is that and Light of the I call it spookism it is
Best because here we are here we are with a a a organization that’s in the public that’s in the public but yet is secret is he oh no he’s not freezing God I I I’ve been I’ve I’ve I’ve been pondering because see allow me to say
This it say A wise man died a thoughts and change his mind correct a foolish op and knows everything but his own ignorance right correct so I never stand in a place where I can’t be taught or I can’t change my mind that’s right so therefore I Ponder things of this particular nature
Right because think about this think about this one thing that a lot of people who criticize Masonic organizations do not understand that all Mas Masonic organizations do not necessarily have the same narrative or are going in the same direction that’s fact right that’s fact that’s right that’s right brother
While we begin to point fingers and throw everybody into one box and in one Circle see I was I mean I have experienced and I’m G say that and I’m G say it again I have experienced because a lot of people talk a lot of people read I mean I’m an Avid
Reader I’ve read a lot right but can I say I have experience 90% of the things that I’ve read question to me however experience means that when you enter that Lodge and you go through an initiation you know and we’re not talking about someone just talking right we’re talking about an
Initiation and in the processing of any initiation an experience is experienced if that makes any sense right exactly now you you nailed it right and in that experience certain wisdom certain things are transmitted and for those who have not gone through that experience that’s why we can’t
Talk we can’t talk about the same experience right because you haven’t experienced it right so at that point what is is there to talk about really how about that perfectly said how about that how about that perfectly how about that I want to jump in on that really quick too
So first of all I agree 100% right another thing I want to say really quick about about Freemasonry the institution Freemasonry one like I said before it’s not a secret organization it’s an organization with secrets that’s one two it’s not a Christian organization it’s another big huge gigantic misconception
It’s not a Christian organization so there is no conflict of interest between being a mlim and a student of profet noble JY and a member of the mor science of America and being a member of a lodge that being said I joined the mor science symbol of America Incorporated in
2012 I was initiated past and raised in blue Lodge in 1997 so people G people going to be upset with me or or or or or or look look look down on me because I was in the lodge before I was in the temple then I mean I
Don’t know what to tell you right you part of illuminati yeah you know what you I don’t know what to tell you you know I’m saying know I know what they would tell us what’s that we infiltrators well watch this right now let’s talk about the the this brings me
To the other point let’s talk about what is in Freemasonry what are you know what’s in there that everybody has issues about or they’re scared of or they’re have a phobia with or they’re spooked out about how about we turn to chapter five of the Holy Quran of the mor science temp of
America see because here’s the real issue people here’s the real issue with many people in the organization that want to demonize somebody like myself or brother Sheik 7 is they think because I’ve been in the lodge that I hold that over the prophet’s teaching that I value that
Over the prophet’s teaching that’s a presumption and a very ignorant presumption right but right in chapter five the holy crown of the mor Science Temple of America see here’s the thing we can call you can call it what you want to call it what it is is what it is okay okay
So chapter 5 instruction 12 through 19 if you ask a member of a of a lodge what that is he’s gonna tell you oh those are the working tools of my profession that’s say drop that drop that drop that can we hear that can we
Hear that you know but but if you ask a member of the mstfa they’re gonna say oh this is Mor science all right it is what it is regardless of what you want to call it and then we’ll say there then we’ll say they are tools right of the workshop of the Mind
There you go it here here we go right Jesus says what these tools remind me what tools he had physical Tools in his hand a Cass square and an axe he said these tools remind me of the tools we use in the workshop of mind with things
Are made of thought and we build up character rough to me y yo what do we say what what do Freemason say about the craft when asked about what it is a beautiful system of what morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols come on come on so people can get spooked out
About whatever right there’s ‘s only one way to tell the truth one now we may use different language we may use different wording but the truth is the truth truth is but one that being said the prophet Noble J Ali said the morish Science Temple of
America is part of the Great program to uplift Fallen Humanity part of doesn’t have a monopoly on the great program it is part of the great program so that so we have to make the presumption that there’s other there’s others a part of the program doing the same thing
Absolutely so you went you went into the LOD at 1997 yes sir uh can you share what lodge oh yeah yeah yeah I I would I went through um Scottish right I mean that was the jurisdiction Scott St for it huh yeah not Prince hle right and then later and then later and
Then later became involved with the grand Orient of France Egyptian right Freemasonry which is 96 degrees and the particular Branch I belong to a very peculiar branch of Egyptian right okay that Branch Blends craft masonry with ecclesiastical empowerments can we add one thing Sharie yes I just want to say this to anyone
That’s listening yes sir if you don’t understand something you would have fear for it that’s that’s where that comes from those who know those within the craft and those and shout out to the Moors and other school of thoughts that know the history would know that this is our craft us mated
People so-called black African whatever you want to call it this is our craft that has been perverted by by wicked wicked people in high places brother Mikey you understand you just threw out a powerful point so follow me those those who claim a part of the prophet’s
Work I’ll put it that way who claim they’re a part of the proph work who identifies morsh Americans that have this crazy fobia about Freemasonry they’re carrying the same IR or the same illogical phobia about people who say that the prophet plagiarize this the potcorn and kettle black so
It’s it’s the same illogic right people say oh he plagiarized this from the Aquarian gospel no first of all he didn’t say author he said divinely prepared number one divin pred okay right and two for argument sake let’s say he did plagiarize it who does it belong to
Anyway it’s fun belong anyway it belongs to us anyway the India Egypt and Palestine had these secrets and kept them back from the outside world and when the time was appointed by Allah law they loosen the keys and free the secrets you see what I’m saying but they’re not reading though that’s the
Difference correct when it said divinely prepared how did you you’re missing it you’re missing you’re overlooking things I don’t know why maybe you need to slow down a little bit so when I can read in page five I mean chapter five about the working tools that are free that something that is very
Familiar to a Freemason and I could read about it in the prophet’s literature and read about you know we use the square to measure our lines you know to straighten out the uh the Crooked place of the way to make the corners of our conduct Square we
Used the come to draw circles around our passions and desires and keep within the bounds of righteousness come on man about sub doing your passions don’t don’t they you know how about that there you go so what does that allow us to do it allows us to build Rel relationships
With people that have influence how do you think the prophet got influence how do you think he was able to work on our behalf in public and in private but now you would that would be insinuating that he was a Mason and that’s what I’m gonna
Share with you what I’m gonna share with you did are you saying he was a Mason yes what I’m gonna share with you call me paron me Mo you realize what you just said you said was a mason now do you have proof of that here we go evidence to the fact
Or evidence to the point the last living surviving member of Canaanite Temple back in the 80s 1981 his name was Robert Walker I’m gonna I’m gonna Supply this as a gift to New York perspective podcast and anybody that wants it can get it from you bring it on
Man I I we possess Ali’s men possesses the full interview that the late Grand Chic of Temple number 10 new New Jersey name was brother CS Hill brother CLS Hill interviewed Robert Walker in the 80s and in that interview in the beginning of the interview he says when you f when you
Met the prophet you met him where he goes we would meet at the barber shop at Dixon’s barber shop at 181 Warren Street he said’ was that the first time that you saw him Robert Walker said no we knew each other from the Odd Fellows and Freemasons okay can you repeat that one
More time brother Robert Walker who was the last at the time the last surviving member of Canaanite Temple told Brother CIS Hill in 1981 that he knew the prophet from the Odd Fellows and the Freemasons now let’s take it a step further some people will say that uh Abdul Hamid Suliman or Dr
Solomon Muhammad was taught the prophet no we disagree the earliest we could play suon and I’m I’m bringing this to a point the earliest we could play suon in nework New Jersey is 1921 as per the interview with Robert Walker we placed the prophet in New Jersey as early as 19
13 1921 Abdul Hamid sulan who was a high ranking Egyptian right Freemason he made contact with Canaanite temple in other words the members that the prophet had organized he made contact with Canaanite Temple listen close he offered them to this is the wording when I I said Mikey’s going to know and brother
Sheik s is going to know exactly what it means he offered to heal them over to his jurisdiction of Egyptian right masonry he offered to heal them over under one condition or they wanted what he had but they did not want to abide by his one condition and that
Condition was you have to give up Christianity and become Muslims they said nope now interestingly enough that is what caused the prophet to disassociate himself with Canaanite Temple as well because his partner James Dixon who owned the barber shop was helping the prophet but James Dixon didn’t agree that we were
Moslims and many of the members sided with James Dixon over the prophet so Abdul hamidan runs into the same issue but from a messiah perspective now Mikey knows what this means she s Islam knows what this means to heal over means what tell them Mikey usually in French we say us use it
To affiliate to bring a brother in which mean right or in this case heal over go ahead brother she s in order to be healed over and you teaching me something right now I there something I history I never been privy to yes sir um to heal in Masonic language to heal
Somebody over means that first and foremost in order to be healed you must already be M A already you’re already a master already be a member of The Craft to be healed so it’s no healing without already already previously being associated with the masan craft so what
Does that tell you about all of the members of Canaanite Temple Travelers so all right I just want to real real quick as the last uh we did a we did a podcast with the God be original Allah and he mentioned Robert Walker yes a lot of the plus degrees
Come from Robert Walker I’m assuming that’s the same Robert Walker I don’t I I don’t think so I don’t think Robert Walker this Robert Walker by the 80s was early 80s was an elderly man and so let me give a little more background what had happened was that brother CS ‘s
One of his officials a sister in his Temple right they used to every year they used to do like this little bus trip where they would go around to key areas during the early stages of the Prophet doing his work in new New Jersey and there was always this one old man
That was always on the bus trip but he never spoke to anybody and so the sister told Brother C that old man wants to talk to you he’s in the hospital he has terminal cancer he wants to talk to you he said he knew our Prophet so of course
Brother cail jumps right to it like oh let me go meet this guy you see what I’m saying he goes to meet the man and sure enough you know the man was like I was to go on the trips because I was there I was at 12 and Ruckers when we moved from
The barber shop to the Second Story spot over the saloon at 12 and ruus you see what I’m saying so that’s the background of that whole thing the man had terminal cancer he wanted to give his story about he about the fact that he knew the
Prophet you see but so I don’t think that that’s the same Robert Walker okay okay I don’t think so I mean unless this the Robert Walker that you’re referring to wrote a lot of unless he did I to say it’s not true I don’t know yeah I don’t know but yeah
This Robert Walker you know like I said he kept the low profile and it wasn’t until he knew he was dying that he reached out to brother csil to give him the interview all right and like I said before I’m gonna provide that interview to to to to to New York
Perspective uh podcast and anybody that wants it can get it from you oh boy why you do that question now I’m gonna get a lot of inboxes ask for this stuff listen we get it we got it that’s it I have a question now it’s the secret when we got
It don’t do that I have a question though aesthetically that photo of noble jali sitting down right and his his feet is positioned a certain way and I believe the floors are correct me if I’m wrong checkered W w’t they assume that aesthetically that presents as some kind of form well
Here’s the thing you know if you know you know you don’t you don’t so now which brings up another point which brings up another point right you have to be trained to know what you’re looking at somebody’s got to tell you I don’t care how talented you are I don’t care
How brilliant naturally you are some things you have to be told and that’s that some things you have to be told like brother Mikey you and brother Sheik s and brother Ron right know the significance of the fact that the wording in the Holy Quran of the mo
Science sybol of America starts on page three there’s a significance to that but you know the significance don’t you when we say in our questionnaire what is the nationality of Ruth answer Ruth is a moabitas Ruth was a moabitas what is the modern name for moabites Moroccans where is the Moroccan
Empire Northwest of Mexico see that means something to somebody who’s trained to recognize it and that’s the truth roof you know what I’m saying right so know we know that the the the the phrase that Des that that that that Freemasons in the craft describe themselves as sons of the Widow
Widow we know that Freemasonry the institution borrowed that from Ruth the moabitas why because Ruth’s husband Boaz dies shortly after consummation of the marriage so all of her children all of her progyny are called what sons of the Widow that is why it’s significant when he said what is the nationality of Ruth
Ruth was a what moabit what is the modern name for moabites Moroccans go back to question 14 why are we morish Americans because we are descendants of Moroccans and born in America so who is the real symbolic hyam abith the fall Asiatic Sons and Daughters of North America there’s a
Reason why the prophet put that in the questionnaire where was Harum miff’s body buried the northwest corner of the yeah so why is all this stuff there let’s go back to what the prophet said about taking the cover off the secret organizations he wasn’t a whistleblower
What he was doing was did through what he gave us his students he gave us the ability to be the walking talking secret quick question yes sir I just to give a give the public H your history um I think it’s necessary for people to know your history a little bit
So they could understand how vast your knowledge is and they’re not just talking to a regular you know what I’m saying I mean they’re talking to a man of course right that’s yes yes well well studied man so if you’re talking or listening to this brother and you’re
Confused it’s probably because you don’t know something because you haven’t studied you haven’t studied as much or as long so um I want to start off with your history um because you could just you could quote 120 off like like like water so so so I began I’m glad you
Thank you brother I my start was at age s when I went back to live with my mother in California she was a member of the Nation of Islam that was first resurrection so I did first and second grade in muhamed’s University of Islam Mar
27 so Supreme wisdom was it was part for the course man that’s what we did every morning we prayed Close Quarter drill recite actual facts and and and and student enrollment and then went to class then foi class on Saturday mornings you see what I’m saying so that’s what that’s
What I did when I was young and then later back yes sir and then later years later back with my father in New York I run right back into it in the streets with the 5% demonstration so it was like a coming home for me you see what I’m saying yeah
It was like a coming home and then of course you know of course um studying Supreme mathematics and supreme alphabet come on you already know where that naturally leads you people if you’re doing any if you’re doing any real study you’re looking for things that may be familiar right what do we
Find I find cabala like oh the attribution of numbers and letters an alpha numeric system that allows come on bro toine deeper meanings to things boom so where does that lead me that leads me that that led me to a number of places it led me to to to um
And again I wasn’t officially a Roser crucian but I studied with Roser crucian work studied Max hindle’s work right um then you know later became a member of The Craft right but I was a long longtime student of craft material long before I ever joined but again now this is what Proud
To Me and this something that that brother Sheik s was saying earlier I remember having a visit by a particular lodes investigative team po up at my apartment right and they’re looking at my books and they’re like why do you have this and you
Shouldn’t have that and da d d d da I’m going up one side of them and down the other I know their craft better than most of them now the head of the investigative team the elderly brother was just sitting there smiling the whole time and then he fin says listen y’all
Leave him alone then he said this brother Sharie you know quite a bit about the craft and of course I’m feeling myself like yeah but then he’s looking around in My Shabby apartment he’s looking around in my poor living conditions and you know what he said he
Said it seems like you got a bag full of tools but you don’t really know the use of them I said whoa and it hit me at that moment I got all these books and I’m playing around I’m running around the pool I need to jump
In see can can I ask you can I ask you a question yes sir what did Master father Muhammad say when he said you when you have Islam you would have what after learning mathematics which is Islam and Islam is mathematics it stands true you can prove it in no limited time
Now you must learn to use it and secure wealth for yourself while you are living that is money good homes friendships and all walks of life sit yourself in heaven at once this is the greatest desire of your brother and teachers but that goes perfectly in with the prophet’s teaching the prophet
Teaches what the prophet teaches that heaven Earth and hell are not above around below but within so that’s why more science Sy of America Civic engagement is a part of our religious obligation why because our Heaven Is Right Here Right Now see that’s why Civic engagement is part of our religious
Obligation see on Earth as it is in heaven see and that goes again back to this whole thing of people thinking oh oh you’re in the lodge or you were in a lodge or blah blah blah blah blah that that means you know you value that more
Than the temp more than the prophet teachings if I valued it more than the pr te I wouldn’t be in the temple right and once again there’s a reason that there’s a reason why these connections are baked into the prophet’s teaching people don’t even realize when you’re reading chapter
17 of the Holy Quran of the mor Science Temple of America in chapter 17 instructions 34 through 41 on page 27 you’re reading about stuff that’s that that that that that that you’re reading in the plainest language stuff that high level Masons learn at later stages that’s what you’re reading in
Flesh of man there’s the essence of the resurrection of the Dead this Essence quickened by the holy breath or rais the subs of the body to higher tone and make it like the subance of the bodies of the Plains above which human eyes cannot behold there’s a holy Ministry and death
The essence of the body cannot be quickened by the holy breath until the fixed is solved the body must disintegrated and this is death what does that mean here we go the fixed is solved right in some of the higher degrees there’s a Latin phrase the Latin phrase is solve e
Coagula what does solve at coagula mean it means to make plant what is fixed to solve what is fixed that is the calling card of ancient Alchemists that’s what it is this is beautiful I’m just I’m just vibing out listening like yeah but there’s a reason why this stuff is baked into the
Teaching for us to whistle blow no to be the walking talking secret that’s fow and to gain assistance from those who are trained to recognize the sign the past the token of the past and the perfect points of the entrance they’re trained to see it so they’re trained to Aid and assist so
Quick question what’s the difference between a Mason and a Shriner Shrine is not a freemasonic organization it’s an organization for Freemason big difference yes sir so when when when the lessons speak on Muslim Sons for what I’m I’m gathering it’s a Shriner yes now some people would take
It more generally and say a Muslim son is also a Freemason yeah could be too could be too but those people as you already know are counted as what civilized people counted as what part of the 5% like I said with the prophet’s teaching he said that the more science
Symbol of America is part of the Great program part of the Great program to uplift Fallen Humanity mean that’s why he said this is an everlasting movement why because the progress of humanity is planned and organized it’s not haphazard it’s part of a great plan who made Holy
Quran a Bible how long ago and will you tell us why does this renew history every 25,000 years how did the prophet say we measure Time by psycho ages in the gate to every age we did a milestone in the Journey of the race we who’s the we the illumined the enlightened that’s
Who the profane the ignorant see time in a straight line that’s peace what that mean people get the Elixir sagala will tell you I’m just saying try to put that plug appreciate it appreciate it what you said about the the mus the prophet gave us the prophet gave us the ability
To practice what others practice in secret in the open as our religious practice our religious do so they may say a Freemason May Sayo I can’t talk about that with you because you’re right and that’s okay but then you’re talking to somebody who’s never been in a lodge like my assistant
Gr never been in a lodge but guess what he could do he can converse freely with Freemasons because he knows chapter 5 and chapter 17 he knows chapter 7even in chapter 11 so he can converse freely and they recognize him as an equal cuz I mean you
Can’t un ring the bell if I know that this that the compass is used to cir to draw circles around my passions and the desires and keep within the bounds of righteousness Mikey if you didn’t know me from a can of paint and you but you
Knew I wasn’t in a lodge but I said that what would you think automatically I would have threw some signs at you like what’s up automatically you you would Rec You’ begin to recognize me as a brother and as an equal and then guess what we can do have a conversation and
Build a relationship yep I want to ask a question um let’s still guge you before going further absolutely so the question the question I’d like to ask is what’s the difference between a fez and what a Shriner or a Mason would wear oh that’s easy here we
Go a shrine the you know a member of the shrine is a member of a fraternity it’s a frat fraternity the mor science C of America is not a fraternity Mor science C of America among other things is a religious organization but it’s not just religious because remember what is the Everlasting
Gospel it is a saving power that comes from Allah but through our ancient fathers so a part of the saving power is cultural appropriation cultural practice cultural heritage is a part of the saving power so for me this is not fraternal this is religious and cultural that’s the
Difference so whose idea was it if you don’t if you know um to implement the Fez as one of the Customs oh because it’s appropriation of culture that’s all it’s appropriation now on one end on one I’m talking about the shrine on one end it gives honor to the
Culture but some of us also know on the other end it ridicules the culture because the shrine is also sometimes called the playground of Freemasonry right so you know it’s honoring the culture right and then there’s the part of it where they kind of you know some
People kind of look down on the culture and ridicule it why here we go you ready the prophet Noble dra said the European is behind me why not you it’s your problem right why do they ridicule the culture because they know the people the culture came
From and they look at us in our current state today what’s our current state people dead so they honor the culture right but look down on the people you get it or have pity however you want to look at it on the people that the C that birthe the culture
So now it’s on us to bring honor to the culture by living the culture The Fez represents a number of things but one of the things it represents is what refinement culture and refinement to be be cultured and refined is a Hallmark of high civilization so if you’re wearing
Affairs but you’re tearing down your brother what are you doing masquerading masquerading that’s what’s happening see so what’s the issue with you I don’t I don’t know if you looked at any of the post I I rarely look at what people talk about online right um I just see oh
They’re talking about somebody and I just kind of like throw it to the side so I don’t know exactly what people are saying about you or the prophet said like this to listen to their impertinence with patience and pity their absurdity that’s about it listen to their impertinence with patience and pity their
Absurdity case in point brother Mikey can speak to this brother Ron you could speak to this Sheik s can speak to this does Freemasonry favor any religion no no does Freemasonry require you to be religious no no it only requires a belief in deity I was actually brought to the lodge by
Moore yeah oh my god [Laughter] really me too let me stop messing around but honestly people I used to be one of those people back then I used to buy those DVDs and those books reading too too much too many David ik books and all these other
Conspiracy books and saying this is what they saying but it goes back to what I said earlier some Wicked European and this is not being Prejudice with a bigoted heart took our craft perverted it and try to Rebrand it and give it back to us no doubt I don’t see it that
Way I see it that um they took they took the knowledge and they use it for themselves and their nation and people that best suited themselves that’s true because we got because number one we got to realize how they received it how about that us that’s that’s why I’m saying they
Perverted it we gave it to them yeah but it’s like this when the world when the world Embraces Islam right amongst moish Americans it looks a particular way amongst Chinese people it looks a particular way amongst the Russians it looks a particular way y you see what
I’m saying so so it’s like when you disseminate cuz see it gets me back to the point of signs and symbols yes because see the symbol is one thing but it points to a unseen reality uh oh come on let’s go so now that we the symbol is not the
Thing it just points to the thing the question is can you see the thing come on Brother come on brother and and that’s the problem in a these conversations when we have oh you know Mason’s this and Mason that you know what I’m saying it’s the fact that you see a
Thing but don’t see what’s behind the thing or what’s within the thing which was called the essence of a thing or the source of a thing so you do not know what it is Islam so now to your point what does the compass in the square and
The g in the middle uh represent let’s talk about it the tools are used to build dwellings for the sons of men now we’re not talking about physical edifices like a house or building we’re talking about character for the spirit exactly they call that Temple not built
With hands right without the sound of a hammer or a nail I was gonna say your body is the temp of the Lord the most high now follow me right we’re talking about building up character okay the tools are used to build the character look at that
Symbol okay look at that symbol what do you got you got a circle circle what draws circles accompass that circle is quadrated at right angles what tool draws right angles Square what is the seventh letter of the alphabet the g g what are we looking at here you’re
Looking at the result of what the tools build nowed man the Temple of perfected man looking at the result Islam what does the spaces in between up down left and right represent that could be a number of things that could be the four elements of the univers could be that guess what else
Could be it could be thinking willing reasoning understanding it could be the four functions of the Soul guess what else it could be it could be the Four Angels at four Gates protecting the holy city that’s who if you go he say four Gates we could go even further if you
Know about the cabala you know we could we could start with the letter A you know the word that’s right third letter is L and one is a that’s right brother that’s a fact so so so in question 38 here we go what is an angel answer Angels
Thought of Allah manifesting human flesh what are angels used for carry messages to the four corners of the world to All Nations news see see so people here’s the thing people can call it they could say oh that’s masony yeah okay I I just that that came out of our
Questionnaire so do is the prophet teaching Mason no he teing more SS okay whatever call it what you want to call it it’s just tools they all there only one way to tell the truth and if somebody and no and here’s the other part nobody has a monopoly on
Truth boom nobody has a monopoly on it but people act like they do though people act like they got all the truth in they back pocket and then when we look at more in the Holy Quran of the more signed Temple of America we know the thoughts of Allah cannot be
Circumscribed right thank you and we know that truth is Art right that’s right hold on let’s talk about something else too in this thing that number seven so the so the circle symbol of perfect man why because man is not the body of The Soul Man is Spirit
Exactly sir that’s but then the seven why the seven we measure time and cycle AES and the gate to every ageemma milestone in the Journey of the race we measure your time in cycle ages the last three questions in our questionnaire how many days are in the
Circle seven how many days are in a creation seven according to science how many days are in a year seven so that’s the seven of time people exactly could that be b seven counting that’s right that’s right still break it still goes back to mathematics it still
Brother it sure does hold on let’s take it a step further I throw I throw something else out there for you guys right that circle is quadrated into four arcs right okay that’s four arcs right you got the four chapter one of the Holy Quran of the mo Sil America
Talks about the spirits of earth water air and Fire elements not not the earth water and fire but the spirits of meaning they got life people meaning they could think and in their power and in their in their measure have the power to choose right so watch this you’ve got you’ve got
Four right you’ve got the triun you got you got you’ve got the three major plan Spirit Soul Plane of manifest there’s your blue Lodge man himself is Spirit soul and flesh man is the walking talking blue Lodge right and you got the four elements three plus four is
What okay let’s take it a step further four time seven is what 2 28 is the number of days in a lunar month yeah about to go that to the the moon governs physicality every cell in your body its lifespan is 28 days I have another one too add yes sir
Within the the the four quadrants right it speaks of the elements of the universe right correct but within the element within the elements of the universe when we going through cycle you also go through zudikas also known as the Zodiac you know what I’m saying they
Don’t you know that’s why I say it’s so deep and then and then and then when you say that it makes me make me want to ask you what’s the dimensions of a l come on brother we go east west north come on we go we go that come on Brother
Come on man you already know you see so so so what do we even like let’s that 28 days how many now this is for my brothers in the Sufi order yeah I belong to a Sufi order too me God yeah order Al the order alash the oby Tara that’s that’s it so
Those that want to look it up anyway right we have the moon Mansions how many letters in the Arabic in Arabic language 28 28 now those letters are called alar meaning Jewels these letters are just like Pythagorean mathematics what Pythagoras learned in Egypt right the math the the
The the numbers and the letters are not just quantitative they’re qualitative meaning each one has a personality has a character so these 28 letters are literally the raw building blocks of all of manifestation when we say Kum that’s literally how manifestation came to be it was spoken those 28
Jewels seven in each of the four corners so it’s there you go it’s seven in each of the four corners or watch this four for each of the seven Elohim so you see how you said that the truth in any no matter what language it comes in will be the truth you said
That’s the word they used for the beginning right yes sir we also say in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God come on brother we travel we go by the book of joh brother the word right now the Elohim the Elohim would that be the
Planets the planets are representative and I’m glad you brought that up the planets are representative there’s seven planets that are representative of the Elohim if you want to look at it from the higher spiritual perspective those planets are lenses of energy from the Realms down to three
Dimensions that’s where we get the term seven Rays from and are we talking about also and also seven inhabitable planets so so okay when we were talking when we’re talk Islam you hear me yep he hear us now when we’re talking about this the Elohim are we talking about uh the
Planets that represent the Elohim are we’re talking about uh the moon um Mars uh Mercury Jupiter Venus uh Saturn and then the sun and the Sun and the sun that’s right in that order that’s you got the order right now now I know a little bit are we talking
About the physical planets let’s see see the our Prophet gave us secrets in the planet language but it’s so PL that we Overlook them training is necessary are we talking about the physical planets the prophet said this chapter 7 taught us this in chapter 7 falsehood is that which seems to
Be anything that is true must be permanent what do we mean by permanent has no beginning or ending so that’s the only thing that’s true is things that pass away that which is yes that Eternal is what’s true that which is temporary is falsehood so that means anything you
Could touch taste smell hear or feel is an illusion so we’re not talking about the physical planets the physical planets are three-dimensional Shadows of higher realities just like your physical body is a three-dimensional shadow of a higher reality see those things are simple things but there’re well they’re simply
Stated they’re not simple they’re very deep sequence so simple and plain that they fly over our heads so are you saying body is a sign and symbol too thank you brother we come to Allah how through ceremonies and forms that’s what our Prophet taught us right yes sir
The body and the soul is a ceremony and a form didn’t he say what thou raise th thoughts Infinite Wisdom what thou observe omnipotence displayed before thee cont plate thy frame look at your body it’s a sign of the higher thing the the the the physical planets are a sign
Of the higher reality so with our forefathers when they attributed the seven habitable planets to the seven Elohim they knew better they weren’t worshiping no physical Planet they weren’t talking about the physical Planet they understood that those planets are three-dimensional Shadows of a higher reality guess who made public
In the west jet propulsion laboratory scientist Richard hogland when he did in the 90s when he did an address to the United Nations about what they found on Mars in the Sedonia region he literally said those words he said that we now have solid proof that at least one of the planets
In our solar system exists in multip multiple Dimensions simultaneous but our forefathers knew knew this thousands and thousands of years ago people see our Prophet brought us not what not necessarily what to think about he brought us how to think how so when I look at brother
Ron I see his physical face I know that’s the illusion because Allah speaks from within that I want to get to know the Allah within see our Prophet said if you would serve Allah serve those who are your kin and then those who of no kin The
Stranger at your gate the foe who seeks to do you harm the foe who seeks to do me harm yeah him why because Allah is in him too how about that Allah is in him too see there’s people I want to knock their head clean off the
Shoulders but if I act on that I’m not using my compass in my Square am I right if I act on that I’m not being a mlim am I right I’m not being a mason or a Muslim how about that see what do I have to strive to do
I gotta strive to serve that person even though I want to knock passs yes sir and subdue those passions subdue the passions yeah to do the P that’s how we bro that’s how you want to know a true student of prophet Noble j a true morish American
You watch how they act not what they know you watch how they treat people that’s how you know because we fell not because we lost knowledge of ourselves we knew exactly who we were when we fell we fell because we stopped being MOS we stopped using that compass in that
Square that that’s how we felt so I don’t care what people say they know I don’t care I let me say that again I don’t care what the brother Sheik s Islam ill and I have developed a beautiful friendship and Brotherhood you know how because we got to know each
Other we got to know each other and guess what I see in that brother I see I see the same or very similar sincerity that I have fact that’s why I tell that brother I said I love you brother you’re my brother love you too brother and that is how humanity is
Uplifted that’s how that’s how we go from a dead horizontal to a living perpendicular on the Square that’s how