Debbie Allen is an author, business mentor, brand strategist, and the number one authority on expert positioning. Debbie runs a mentoring program for experts where she leverages her decades of entrepreneurial wisdom and business building experience to successfully mentor a diverse group of small business owners, entrepreneurs and franchise owners.
Today, Debbie and Jonathan talk about mutually beneficial mentor-mentee relationships, the importance of mindset and personal development and why success is so contingent on being a lifelong learner.
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Key Takeaways
01:07 – Debbie Allen shares her scrappy entrepreneurial origin story and talks about how mentors were vital to her success
09:35 – Debbie defines both what a mentor is and what a mentor does
11:59 – What to look for in a good mentor-mentee relationship
13:52 – Debbie speaks to the diverse range of clients she works with
20:44 – Personal development and the importance of mindset
28:55 – Shameless self-promotion
33:28 – Learning via Summits and other video platforms
37:34 – Debbie expounds on the work she’s doing with her mentoring program for experts
43:13 – Debbie talks about her latest book, Success Is Easy
48:55 – The last thing Debbie changed her mind about and one thing she wishes people knew about her
51:14 – Jonathan thanks Debbie for joining the show and lets listeners know where they can follow her
Tweetable Quotes
“You can sell a very successful business and give it to the right people. But, again, if they don’t have that drive to want to learn or a mentor to follow, it’s really hard. Solo entrepreneurship isn’t solo. You have to have a mentor all the time to be successful.” (09:19)
“It doesn’t matter, your age. It doesn’t matter if you know how to do it. Ever business I started I didn’t know how. You find people to help you. That passion and excitement just keeps you moving forward.” (17:34)
“It’s crazy to think you’re gonna start a business on a shoestring budget. You just can’t. It’s gonna take you so much longer to be successful.” (23:52)
“You promote yourself in the service of others. So, if you’re not talking about your programs, what you’re offering, how you help people, you’re not only robbing yourself of more income. You’re robbing them of the opportunity to work with you and make a difference.” (30:08)
“When you’re that true entrepreneur, you’re a lifelong learner. You’re always looking for that next thing.” (44:51)
“I’m here to help people. And so, when I’m not as motivated, or not feeling as confident, it isn’t about me anymore. It’s about the people that I help.” (51:05)
Guest Resources
Expert Positioning Success Website –
Debbie’s Website –
Debbie’s Facebook –
Debbie’s YouTube –
Debbie’s LinkedIn –
Debbie’s Books:
Success Is Easy –
The Highly Paid Expert –
Insider Secrets of International Speaking –
Skyrocketing Sales! –
Confessions of Shameless Self-Promoters –
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