So welcome everybody this is pragit and Julian from the Stargate experience and we’re so excited to be with our friend Michelle Karen we’re going to be doing a workshop together on February the 3 yeah so we’re going to be exploring the astrology of 2024 and um we’re really excited then
We’re going to be doing a Stargate meditation where we’re actually going to feel the energy of some of these planets and some of the pulse of the astrological influences so welcome Michelle oh thank you so much pagi thank you so much Julian I’m so excited to be here because
2024 is a year like we have never ever seen before and what is so significant this year is that Pluto is going to enter Aquarius twice so we had a little taste of that in 2023 for just two months and a half and then it went back
Into Capricorn where it had been since 2008 and this year on the 20th of January it shifted to Aquarius it will stay there until the 1st of September then it will go back for one last time into Capricorn and then it will re really enter uh Aquarius
On the 19th of November 2024 and it will be there for until 2043 so this is going to be a very longlasting significant uh cycle that is going to bring power to the people and um you know during Pluto in the Capricorn we saw a lot of the old structures
Collapsing we saw a lot of the corruption emerging we saw you know a lot of we became more and more conscious of what had been happening behind the scenes and with Pluto and Aquarius it’s really going to be power to the people and we are really entering the age of
Taking full responsibility for ourselves and not necessarily waiting for somebody to save us or somebody to lead us or somebody to tell us what to do or or how to do it so we are really going to be the ones we have been waiting for all
This time and this is going to be a huge jump in the evolution of humanity in the sense of becoming accountable for everything we have created and knowing that we can create something different and what is also very significant is that we are entering this year the Year
Of of the wood dragon in Chinese astrology and which is usually more a year of Peace it’s a year where there’s a lot of negotiations there’s a lot of wanting uh peace and cooperation communicating more negotiating more understanding each other better and Jupiter is also going to enter Gemini
This year and that’s another important cycle because that has to do with communication that has to do with understanding that has to do with tolerance and seeing different points of you and it’s not I’m right you’re wrong it’s like let’s work together and let’s try to find a solution that works for
Everybody so and then we have four eclipses this year uh and the two first ones in April and May are going to be I mean I’ve never seen anything like that it’s like um it’s like absolutely A New Beginning it’s like there was before and there’s after and
And it’s like a re reset restarting you know really understanding with all the wisdom that we have acquired in the past years and all the difficulties we have encountered and all the restrictions the frustrations now it’s like okay we know enough we don’t want to repeat the past
We want to move forward in a positive way constru actively how can we do that all together because Pluto in Aquarius has to do with fraternity Brotherhood Sisterhood we are in this together and we saw that during covid it was not one country one people it was the whole
World experience the same thing all at once so everybody was in the same boat and we had to find Solutions and now 2024 is an absolute Turning Point here and we’re probably going to see leaders who are younger we are going to have um there could be in the next 20
Years um issues with artificial intelligence because that’s going to become probably coming to the Forefront more there’s also going to be questions with um extraterrestrial activity because that’s also very connected to Aquarius um but but basically Aquarius if you look at the Zodiac there’s only three signs that are represented by
Humans there’s the Geminis you know the two twins there is Virgo the Virgin and there is Aquarius the grown man who is pouring the water of knowledge unto the Earth and uh so it’s really the time now to embrace the noble men the the big man you know the our our true Humanity
Invested um you know um that our Divinity is investing that the aing talks about that all the sacred texts talk about so this is our time of maturity as as humans and owning our Divinity in a beautiful way powerful way yeah what you’re saying is very much in
Alignment what I’ve heard our guide alkazar and cryon talk about is really time for change for stepping up and alkazar also said it’s going to be a a chaotic year as well so it’s going to be highs and lows and I’m really looking forward to when you share in more detail
How it’s going to affect us on a more personal level so that we can all really tune in and what I found when you know that something is about to happen then when it happens you oh great this is happening whether it’s a high or a low you feel like okay
We’re in the flow this is all right and you know I think it’s going to be chaotic for those people who are just waking up now you know and who really have not been prepared to the big Consciousness shift that is occurring but for those of us which I believe is
Pretty much everybody here uh we we we have been prepared for decades already we have done the work we are the lightbearers and actually a lot of people are going to turn to us for guidance and comfort and and you know Solace because they won’t fully understand what’s happening but we can
Help them navigate those changes in an elegant way and in a in a way where we are not so immersed in the ups and downs that we can flow with things harmoniously and come out the other way the other side stronger better more mature more responsible more
Aware yeah one of the things alkazar has been stressing for this last year is community supporting each other connecting communicating yeah absolutely and Comm yeah communication is going to be very high on the list this year because both with Pluto and Aquarius Aquarius has to do with the internet
Also everything having to do with technology and how we can know in one side of the earth what’s happening in the other side of the earth uh and also uh PL uh Jupiter in Gemini that has to do also very much with communication Jupiter is the planet of philosophy
Sacred text religion organized relig but Gemini is about curiosity connecting little information and you put that together then we are going to want to infuse our daily life and the Curiosity we have with also a higher Consciousness a higher understanding and of course um you know
The wood the dragon which also has to do with communication and negotiations so I think it’s going to be a very exciting year because it’s going to be a year of novelty it’s going to be a year of creativity of uh finding Solutions and unheard of solutions to
Situations um and we the sky will be the limit basically you know we are going to create our own future starting this year and that’s exciting I think I think it’s exciting it’s um resonance with what a lot of us has have sensed is where
Humanity needs to go in order to have an abundance on all levels a freedom and like the ability to create for all people it’s like this this pulse of the power returning to the people I think it’s like absolutely yeah yeah and also super cool I never heard Jupiter I’ve never heard Jupiter
Described in that way and for me like I was born with J um Gemini sorry Jupiter and Gemini so very exting year oh that’s an exciting year because when you have in a year your Jupiter return that’s a year where you can re completely reinvent yourself but
Create new abundance in your life so it can be a year that closes doors and opens completely new new doors but better doors more exciting doors because Jupiter is about abundance and about positive energy and about feeling we’re in a candy store and if we feel we’re in
A candy store people are going to come and give us candy that’s how it [Laughter] works so this is just a little taste of um what Michelle Ken is going to be bringing to us in terms of understanding the astrology of 202 for some of the influences that are going to be
Happening in the live stream that we do on February 3rd you’re going to get a full hour presentation about this so we’ll really dive deep and then pit and I will be guiding uh meditation and essentially exploring these themes through the quantum field and if you’re new to the
Stargate what we do with this sacred geometrical structure behind us is it’s an anchor for for a higher dimensional Consciousness which emanates a high vibrational energy field that people can feel all over the world simultaneously when we guide meditations with and it it makes it so that anyone like 95 to 99%
Of people can actually feel subtle energies yeah it’s a higher dimensional Consciousness and we will be using it to actually connect to the consciousness of the different planets that Michelle is going to be talking about that might seem a little strange for some people but the Earth Gaia Gaia is the
Consciousness of the earth and all the planets have a different unique being or Consciousness within them and it’s their energies that are radiating to us that create all these changes that Michelle is going to be diving deep into so we look forward to sharing you having a taste of the
Vibration of each of these beautiful energies so I love that I love that because to me planets are living beings you know when I read a chart I’m they they speak they are they are they are people they are beings you not people people but beings and so I’m really
Excited about your meditations that’s going to be so fun to do and really fascinating okay so thank you for this little taster Michelle yeah and I’m just remembering cryon said that you’re the first ever Quantum astrologer on the planet so it makes sense that the planets are are
Speaking to you in that way through the quantum field so it’s going to be so fun to dive in and co-create this I’m so excited I think it’s going to be a very unique event and um and it’s just going to be magic pure magic which is exactly
What we need right now we need to remember our magic we need to remember our capacity to create realities uh that are better and uh because we can’t keep repeating the old and that’s old you know and it’s it’s collapsing everything is collapsing and it should collapse you know the old
Needs to collapse in order for the new to be born out of the rebels and this is what we’re creating this year yay okay so thank you so much we invite everyone to come join us and we look forward to a lot more thank you thank you thank you
So much thank you bye bye