Welcome to another episode of the corporate Cowboys podcast my name is Alex as always your host for the next 30 minutes you’ve got me for free consultation as it relates to Career Development we’re in the business of business we’re corporate Cowboys developing other corporate Cowboys to become leaders within corporate amongst corporate let’s
Navigate makes that make that next move whether it’s up laterally whether you got to get down to business you know today’s question is coming from our slash career guidance and this question is peculiar I think because uh well we’re no longer wearing masks so a little proof of life if you don’t
Know it’s Friday June 2. 2023 and this question is asking I mean it’s flared for advice and it’s asking so they found out I only got my position because of my appearance should how should I react to this how should you react to it you got a job
I might be worried if I weren’t qualified right because being uh soft in the eyes being attractive can help and can hurt you see it can help you get that job but it could also hamstring you if that’s all you’re good for if you’re just good for looking at and that could
Be why you got hired on maybe they need someone who looks good who will just sit there and be pretty but that is all dependent on the position you got hired for the compensation for it what’s your duties and obligations will be for them while you are there
And see if you’re actually required to do work then you’re expected to know how to perform otherwise you’re a waste of space and if they’re professionals that is the individuals who hired you if they themselves are professionals they’ll let you go without second guessing their decision because what
They need are professionals who work not just people who look good [Laughter] I’ve had the fortune I’ve been blessed to work with people of all ages legally capable to work shapes sizes colors frames And I thank God that I don’t discriminate solely using my eyes right because well I mean I I did mention that there are positions there are times when you need someone on your team who looks good who looks the part especially if it’s a team environment
And you need somebody who is easy on the eyes who can um inspire confidence who can Inspire attraction who can Inspire interest in participation by clients or other associates in the field see there might be times where you yourself like like me I won’t toot my own horn I won’t try to assert
That I’m some type of model figure right but if I’ve got a bright idea if I’ve got say an initiative that I’m spearheading but I’m I know I’m not a looker foreign and it’s possible that I go recruit someone who is a looker to help me run this ball right
We’re gonna share it otherwise I can just hand it off to them and have them sign the contract and they’re still doing it for the team I think sometimes people believe that a lot rides on physical appearance and that is not always the case there are instances where being capable can be seen
Being capable is is demonstrable like you could you can create evidence of being capable and people can see that that in itself is another Factor another element of attraction that might not be what people see first they’ll see your face they’ll see how you dress they’ll see your figure
You’ll see your height your weight your hair color your skin color your eye color but you got facial hair piercings tattoos right they’ll process you visually mentally first before they process you logically and now you can be unappealing or unattractive and [Â __Â ] I might fit in this category but
If how I talk how I present myself and I do mean introduce myself into a situation if that outweighs how I look I’m getting the job every time and I’m getting the job over somebody who looks good and can’t execute I’m just rambling so the title for this
One let me just read the body the body is short so you might as I’ll give you a little monologue up front before we read into this hypothetical clients facts right because from there we can pull additional inferences we can come up with added uh inquiries and questions that we might pose
To the hypothetical clients if we had them in front of us otherwise we could give a general opinion on WWE CCD what would corporate Cowboys do so the body for this one reads the title kind of says it all okay but to give context that’s what we want
I just found out after working at my current position as an in-store technician that I was hired solely solely really that’s it just solely solely because the boss and her daughter thought I was easy on the eyes the same goes for my co-workers as well
And that was also the reason I was never hired even interviewed I was never I misread that the same goes for my co-workers as well and that was also the reason I was never even interviewed despite having zero experience when I was hired I mean I guess some argument could be made that
The boss and her daughter negligently hired you without first verifying that you know how to do the job does it matter not so much in your case you got the job and you are doing the job apparently because you haven’t been fired for it yet despite learning that the only reason you got
The job is because of your good looks laughs on the one hand they write on the one hand I’m flattered on the other hand this feels wildly unfair as I found out when a prospect was turned down primarily for their appearance and weight why is that bad maybe you work at a
At Ambercrombie and Fitch and they need models there they need models with waist lines [Laughter] why is that bad you gotta dress for the job that you want but you have to dress up for the job that you want you have to show up show up and show out if you’re not qualified
Physically mentally you’re not capable right because that the appearance the Discrimination by appearance you won’t see coming right it’ll be happening inside of somebody’s mind which is why it’s always it’s it’s imperative it’s imperative that you learn how to present yourself verbally how to present yourself non-verbally symbolically
So that when folks do see you and they’re processing how you look even if you’re not traditionally attractive your face not symmetrical your your shoulders not broad your chest not big not developed you got no ass you got no back you got no biceps I don’t [Â __Â ] know what
Some people look for it might be a personal preference a personal taste but if it’s their personal business then it’s their business and business is always personal but if they’re looking for someone that fits a description to work for them they’re well within their right to do that you in order to overcome
That filter that physical that apparent discrimination you ought to work on looking capable where regardless of the fact that you’re not pretty regardless of the fact that you’re not handsome regardless of the fact that you’re not a beauty you can deliver you can deliver and I’m going to say eight times out of
Ten eight times out of ten you will get hired over someone who just looks better and can’t perform on the job I’m going to say the eighth time and the ninth time you’re gonna get beat out because those individuals who rely on their looks it’s just their luck
But then those individuals who know they look [Â __Â ] good and on top of our corporate Cowboys have developed themselves into being capable professionals into being consummate professionals and know how to present themselves for such an opportunity where luck meets fate meets opportunity meets Talent meets skill
Yeah they got you beat fam they got you beat 20 of the time every time you meet them every [Â __Â ] time you meet them so don’t feel bad don’t feel bad feel bad when they fire you after three months because I don’t know they’ve like you’ve exhausted your use that they’ve
Exhausted their use of just looking at you and just gawking at you with their eyeballs and found out that you can’t do the job or you weren’t performing the job correctly and I mean they don’t need somebody who’s just pretty and not doing the work anymore
Oh so you run with a team of good looking people nothing to be ashamed of I mean the shame comes later when you can’t hold on to the job but that’s because of your own fault yeah your looks got you when but you’re [Â __Â ] stupidity and ignorance might be what gets you clipped
I started my first job my first official let’s say official job on the payroll declaring an income I worked for a very very popular hamburger company on the west coast a lot of folks are Fanatics I’m sure you know which one I’m already alluding to the one with the scripture on all
Their merch the scripture on all of their uh containers um and at the interview I mean I was a young cat I was a young cat so this will let you know right this was at least at least 10 years ago and I was a young cat but at the interview it
Told me straight up we hire smiles and we train you to do the rest so should give you an idea of how good looking I am at least my smile I had seen some [Â __Â ] already I mean I’ve done some [Â __Â ] already and I could still smile through I don’t
Know if that gives you a peek into my psychology but it should tell you that I’m capable because a lot of the work that I came in to the company doing I already knew how to do I had experience the work was easy the work was fun I had
Fun and what they were looking for are people who could smile and have fun working that is what they were discriminating on they weren’t discriminating on anything else they were looking for fit people they weren’t looking for tall muscular people then we’re looking for anybody of a particular color or race
The team I started with just had that energy about them that they enjoyed being there that they could smile of course we did at least I encountered some individuals whose smiled turned out to be fake and just because they could get past the interviewer doesn’t mean that they could hack it
But then they would get filtered out and they ended up leaving again your looks your appearance might get you through the door but your ineptitude is what will get you cut remember that remember that so are you hopeless are you lost no no you can work on your appearance you can work
On your appearance and that depends on where you’re applying to what what your target audience is say say nowadays I go to court if I have to represent someone what you think I’m going to show up in in a t-shirt or a polo some and some slacks
I’d say just a little button up just chilling out at all you’re gonna show up wearing something appropriate dressing appropriate a proper attire it’s the Quorum because you’re going to court your audience expects certain mannerisms a demeanor when you appear they expect it to appear like a professional who is familiar
With the courtroom this I mean that is if you expect to be respected just off RIP just off top and that’s still just the Baseline you could dip below that but I’m telling you I’m telling you you communicate it first through somebody’s eyeballs before they can evaluate you logically
And that is at least in court you don’t have too many options to be talking and and demonstrate just how capable you are right you talk when you’re talking to you speak when you’re spoken to and you argue you make your argument you advocate when you have when you’re when you’re presented when
You’re given the opportunity you can’t just walk in and finesse I mean that that all happens outside of the courtroom that all happens outside the presence of of a judge even if it is with the judge themselves happens outside the Tribunal all that to say is that appearance matters
Appearance don’t sell yourself shorts don’t think that because you’re overweight now that you’ll never land a job that you’ll you’ll never land the job you want don’t think that because you don’t have the the facial hair you want that you’ll never get the job that is that all might be a lack
Of Competency not a lack of confidence because there’s a ton of confident [Â __Â ] out there who deserve who who require who ought to be humbled but being competent in whatever state you are in and and obviously always improving but being competent being capable in the state that you are in now in the
Condition that you are in now in the position the situation that you were in now speaks a lot more than just oh Alex Alex is nice on the eyes oh Alex is I don’t know Alex has got nice hair oh Alex’s eyes are so piercing I’m just making [Â __Â ] up
But if Alex is a [Â __Â ] [Â __Â ] which would think I’m a Hiram unless I need only a poster boy if I only need a post if I only need Alex’s face in the room and I’ll hire him just for his [Â __Â ] face I’ll pay him a per diem just to
Stand in the back of the room or or occupy a seat at the conference table and keep his [Â __Â ] mouth shut see that’s insulting but hey Different Strokes for different folks maybe it’s enough for you to eat maybe it’s enough for you to pay rent Different Strokes for different folks
But if I found myself in that position I would want something more I’d want to prove myself that I am capable that I’m competent unless unless that the job wasn’t as demanding obviously it’s got to be for some righteous purpose some honorable purpose if I and if it were just treated like a
Regular job if my presence actually contributed to productivity I mean I’m not bound to them it’s not involuntary you you accept what you submit to you accept what you subject yourself to so if I’m just showing up Folks are doing righteous work right I’m putting in my eight ten hours just looking pretty that’s just my job I just go from meeting to meeting I’m just got my mouth shut and then at the end of my work day I clock out I go home
And it depends what kind of hobbies you got you got a family you got side projects you got little initiatives that you want to spearhead on your own but that again that requires a higher level thinking you can’t just be a good looking [Â __Â ] and not have a good head on your shoulders
If you if you are without a brain you’re just a brainless drone you just you’re just another body just a [Â __Â ] silhouette in a room if you’re not capable at all you come across [Â __Â ] like me who are passing and looks and Excel and logic intact dog
I got you covered as soon as I walk in the room [Laughter] and that is some corporate Cowboy [Â __Â ] right because you won’t you won’t even be looking on my face say it was masked up right you won’t even you won’t even see how good looking
I am if I’m just blaming everybody in the room but not some that’s in corporate Cowboy [Â __Â ] let’s take a look at one or two of these comments here I got a I got a little bit of time while I think of something else because I feel like I addressed just about every
Angle of that where where yeah if it’s reality if you were hired based on your looks it’s something you have to come to grips with you have to come to terms with I mean does your boss have an ulterior motive what they want to set you up with the daughter
Like are we talking are we talking a personal professional strategy what kind of moves are you making what kind of moves are you making and this is go this goes beyond whatever biographical questions we would ask of the hypothetical clients where they work at what their experience is
What their education is in what what other skills or talents abilities they might have what other qualifications do they have that they could leverage that they could create some purchase within this organization that will allow them to move up later on unless unless this is like their first
Job or unless this is a a job where they were in a dire position and they just need to eat right they’re just showing up for Check to Check and they’re gonna move on to the next one be grateful for the job you have now learn it the layout scope it out
The operations the policies break it down like you would any other job what you you let your appearance get to your head because they told you that you were hired based on your appearance dog plenty of people look bad and end up being good plenty of people
Look good and end up turning bad and this isn’t just about attractiveness there’s some bad [Â __Â ] out there who are doing good things then there are some people who look good and they are doing just atrocious things the first comment here says tell them you want to raise and see how good
Looking you really are well I mean this is Reddit what can you expect if you’re gonna ride on your looks if you’re going to ride on your looks right if if you don’t give a [Â __Â ] about the job if you really think you can Flex on mom
And daughter I mean that’s kind of depraved it’s kind of degenerate but it’s Reddit right what the [Â __Â ] do we expect maybe you can’t push your luck but to see how good looking you actually are I mean push your luck when the review day rolls around
But you’ve got to be a capable a competent [Â __Â ] and secure in your ability to put in the work what if you did want a promotion what if you did want a raise and all you got to bank on is the fact that you look decent the [Â __Â ] out of here
The [Â __Â ] out of here if you’re not contributing in any productive or positive way the [Â __Â ] are you needed for other than some type of visual relief laughs the second comment here writes appearance is 70 of everything bam talk about numbers talk about numbers you see I said 80 percent of the time
You might be able to win out the only reason I’m confident in Eighty percent is because the moment you start doing work you’re already above average you’re already above average the below average person is not working and the average person is barely treading water but you put in the work to improve
The work to develop professionally the work to attain that consummate professionalism that’s becoming of a corporate cowboy I’m telling you man that’ll put you at least in that 70 category because you’ll have the appearances and if you move like a corporate Cowboy you’re beating them out eight out of ten times
Eight out of ten times the only people you’re not beating out are like again model figures who are going to get let go in like three months time unless they they’re needed for a specific job like I need this person to be the face I and that’s all I need is this vase
I need this person to look good that’s it or a corporate Cowboy of your caliber of your uh average appearance not average but like of your relative physical attractiveness in your caliber I mean if you guys are moving in sync moving together that then becomes I mean technically your
Competition but if you’re both corporate Cowboys then you know what the [Â __Â ] deal is you you know what the deal is I mean corporate is a no man’s land and the only allegiances that are being forged the only alliances being forged are the ones that are productive to business
That are righteous and that are honorable otherwise I mean this business [Â __Â ] it’s War it’s War it’s never ending it’s just constant churn it’s a [Â __Â ] meat grinder and it does not discriminate I’ll catch y’all next time that’s 30 minutes on the spot catch us on IG
That’s at corporate Cowboys with a Z on patreon you can subscribe to any number of tiers um you can donate to us write to us if you want we love hearing from you that’s a PO Box 3372 Rancho Cordova California 95741 that’s on the West Coast All right peace