Hey everybody thank you for all the comments on the latter video you guys are amazing oh my God I seriously can’t even believe all of them I’m trying to get through them I don’t even think I’ve got a fourth of the way through and because you know I got to answer every
One of them big mouth me so I I did watch a care of Willis video you guys need to go watch that if you haven’t I would love your thoughts on it and what you think you’re hearing in that video because I’ve got other people telling me they hear different things
And which everybody’s going to right cuz it’s just just the way we are we’re humans you know we all hear something different and we all believe different things so which is this is good this is what makes the world go around you guys if we all believe the same thing we’d be
Up [Β __Β ] Crick I mean think about it if we all like the same Foods there wouldn’t be enough of it you know if we all like the same type of person holy God that would be horrible oh man there wouldn’t be n there wouldn’t be definitely enough
Around so I want you to I want to bring this up because this when she first when I first read this or she read it I was like what that is weird to me cuz I’ve only heard it in um cases of death and I never have heard it in this type of
Fashion before and my question is do they have him in their minds already dead before he even goes to trial or even I mean anything so um on November 25th 2022 MPD asked area law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for white Hyundai elantas in the area on November
29th 22 which is only 4 days later at approximately 12:28 a.m. Washington State University wuo Police Officer Daniel Tango queried white elantas registered at Wazoo as a result of that query he located 2015 white Elantra with the Pennsylvania plate license plate and it tells a flate the vehicle was registered
To Brian coburger Hereafter cobber residing at 1630 Northeast Valley Road Apartment 2011 pulman Washington so here’s my thing when I read it what they say is that after here after um coburger so they’re going to only refer to him as cerer after the fact right so now I’m
Curious for the rest of this part of this uh write up to see if that’s exactly how they refer to him so this is what this would mean so the vehicle was registered to Brian cerg Hereafter coburger meaning they’re not even giving him a first name any longer it’s just coburger Hereafter
Meaning every time you’re going to you’re going to hear about Brian anything about Brian hear after this this written here all you’re going to hear is cobber the last name he no longer has a first name he is no longer personalized he is just a last name and that is
It he does not have um he’s not a human anymore he’s just a last name just like a number like they give you right or an I scan or a fingerprint or DNA he no longer is personal to anyone in this in this in whoever’s writing this and we all
Know who wrote it so did they already have him six feet Under my question so that brings me to like I did U I looked up the word Hereafter and this is what I found what is the belief of Hereafter The Immortals immortalists generally believe after some afterlife Waits people when they die members of some generally non-theist theistic group theistic theistic religions believe in
And afterlife without reference to the D the seduces seduces were an ancient Jewish sect that generally believed that there was a God but no existence after death so basically what is the belief of the Hereafter so this right here that makes me think that they literally had him
Gone like they you know or maybe I’m reading this wrong maybe I am and that’s okay that’s why I want to put this out there want you guys to let me Know um is Hereafter or what is the opposite of Hereafter here to for not comparable formal temporal before now until now up to the present time from the beginning to this point synonyms anony anonyms quotations U synonyms here hither to but also the sorus hither to um antonyms Hereafter and
Henceforth so what is the opposite of Hereafter henceforth so here so that makes me think henceforth should have been in the in the in where they put Hereafter in there right does that make sense makes I mean when I first saw that I was just like wait a minute that is weird I
Almost thought that maybe Brian’s not alive anymore maybe that’s maybe that’s not even Brian in there maybe I mean in any case we’re only shown what they want us to see they’re going to make up whatever they want to make up in order to get their point
Across and I never notice this until this case I never noticed how crazy they can get with their um what they what what they’re forcing to us what they’re Force feeding us right we’ve been force fed man big time I mean this whole case is nothing but Force feeding you might as
Well open your mouth and shut the [Β __Β ] up because they’re going to feed you whatever they want to and You’ got and you there’s nothing you can do about it except for dig dig and dig diing potatoes man oh I had to put that song up oh my God there’s such a
Great song from um oh my god um oh oh it was from the hill Beverly Hillbillies and it was a song that grandma made up to show the hipsters what it was like to work oh my gosh I have got to find that clip oh my gosh I’m going to find that
Clip right now I’m laugh I’m I’m so laughing inside right Now now gather around young cuz I got a few things to say to you co cat Granny’s going to lay a few words on us whale oh you young and should be home doing chores what’ you say sh oh man that’s like your pet no the other word
Chores granny what’s chores fing toting digging ters digging Rudy bers what you say sh he’s too far out for me man that chick digs things I never heard of Granny clue Us in on this ters and Rudy bers bit yeah we want to dig up too yeah well that’s much better
How do you do it Ellie get up here and show them how to dictators dictators yeah chick we’ve never dug them well all right it’s real easy do it like this oh no Kelly you ain’t dug caters in so long you forgot how let me show you
How it’s done you got to put some swinging it like this in the Ground take the dirt tring it that’s what you call De T you see he’s getting It now you’re making them ters fly hey G this is the wildest hey what a beat this Chum’s the Watusi ready you are the queen chick of all time what this bir here here what’s that music for we are creation granny the Tater Digger why it cools the monkey frug and jerk put
Together wait a minute come on pick up the bee let’s fly oh I didn’t this ain’t no dance you ain’t supposed to feels pretty good don’t it it’s a major okay wasn’t that great you guys oh my gosh I could dig that I could dig that um I’m going to play you just
Something in here I’ve got several people who want to know what is being said right here in this what this girl is saying is it a name um what can if you guys can figure it out that would be awesome I’d love to hear all of your
Input on it so I’m going to play it a few different times and the screen might have the pause button and all that stuff on it but it’s really hard to like get that kind of stuff out of out of um your video when it’s just so close together
So bear with me on this one uh thanks Jeff H this is this I believe is on your video I’m going to do it on a couple other videos too because everybody’s video is different when it comes to this stuff um some have been like enhanced video like this one perhaps is enhanced
He’s a musician so he likes to like you know play around with the you know the settings a little bit which makes it better for some but not as good for others depending on what you’re listening for um it’s a great video I’m not not um saying it isn’t everybody’s
Just different that’s what I’m saying and they all sound a little bit different so I’m going to play you a few of them and so you can get an ear for every one of them and and someone might hear one another and something different in the next one like this like each one
Will be different you’ll hear something different this is what I want to know okay so I’m going to play this one few times first uh here we go away Way Hey you okay so after this I’m not going to play it on this one but I will make a video of it uh they’re out looking for Murphy and you can hear whoever’s standing over here grabs Murphy Murphy kind of Yelps and they put him in a vehicle and because after that
You can hear him scratching to get out and um and so this person is still looking for Murphy right and they’ve got Murphy in a vehicle over here this is so nut you guys I can’t even believe this poor Murphy what that freaking dog went through that night Uh these people are so Twisted that being in their heads makes me feel literally sick to my stomach all the Time take care of yourselves okay I’m going to play some more I’m going to go find some a couple different Videos okay this one is um U veritus um veritus sassy I don’t even know how to pronounce it I wish they would get on screen and like pronounce her name a few times so I can get it down but um theirs is really good
Too uh this is the first one I ever saw actually when they posted it and I know that powder Powderpuff or Powderpuff Girls powder girls or something like that they’re the ones that put it out to begin with but also um get a clue he’s got video
Footage that nobody else that I’ve seen has and also video of Linda Lane the dumpster side there’s video that no one else is seen like we’ve only seen like the car the one the white car in the beginning pull down right the one that’s just they you know they’re saying it’s a
BMW which there was uh X5 X6 I think they said and there was one stolen reported stolen on September I think it was 16th of 2022 wait wasn’t the 16th wait what what date was it yeah it was the 16th because um August 16th is when they had the first
Noise complaint that we saw on the cam right and then September 1st was the second one so August so that’s yeah it was September 16th someone reports a BMW X5 stolen but they didn’t notice it for a few months so they don’t know when it happened and the police just um un they
Listed it as a unfounded report now if you guys can find me another police report that says unfounded in it go for it I want to see it because I’ve not seen another one so why would they list it as unfounded and who has a BMW sitting
Around for and and doesn’t miss it for a couple of freaking months not only that but it was reported the call came from nomnom which is the grocery store convenience grocery store right by like down there where where everything that whole area that’s where the you know the
Identity apartments are that’s by The Grove it’s by the Cop Shop it’s by Sunset Mart it’s by the Mobile gas station where the carard DV it’s by um Steiner and white I mean the whole area is all nefarious right and that’s where where the report came from coincidence maybe H but I don’t
Think anything’s a coincidence in this freaking case not one Nope hey are you Okay Are Okay this one is uh JT’s podcast video and I I’ll link all these in the description hope I remember gosh anyway this one the last one I thought I heard her say Jack this one I definitely think I heard Jack um and I think you can see people
Or the whoever’s in this black that should be a little bit better you can see them moving a little bit better with this color this little filter on here and the filters you guys they only change like what your eyeballs like like I I’d say like people like that have
Like their vision gets um like they they don’t like lights and stuff bother their eyes like that’s why I like the pumpkin one cuz you can really see without you’re straining your eyes that’s why I use that one a lot this one I feel is a
Little like that too and and they don’t change anything that’s in the in the video it just changes the look The Light in it and it’s so anybody who thinks I’m altering any videos you know can go jump off a bridge well don’t please don’t do
That oh I should take that out of this video I don’t mean that I would never wish someone to do that unless they were having fun like it was a rope swing or something something and they were having a good time but this is I’m not changing
Anything trust me if you’ll know if I change something cuz it’s very blatant it’s very blatant obviously if you watched my videos So oh I definitely feel like I hear the the name Jack in this one okay I’m going to go look for another one hold on okay this one’s going to be Jeff H’s and it’s going to be in difference mode so it’s going to be a dark screen and
When in difference mode what happens is well I’ll just play this beginning of this so you guys can see how it works let me turn the sound down a little bit because it won’t get loud okay here we Go so in Adobe Premiere Pro there’s a cool thing called blend mode you can find this also in Photoshop and also after effects the blend mode I’m going to show you here is called difference mode here’s how it works if you take a still picture of a scene and
Then combine it with the moving picture of the scene and you put the still picture set to difference mode when you overlay them anything that’s moving or different between the two images is clearly visible as you can see here’s another example using a parking garage you can see that when
Combined in difference mode the only thing you see is the moving Cars I thought it would be interesting to apply this blend mode to the lindel Lane footage making it a little easier to see the moment anything moves in the frame here we Go Well I definitely feel like I heard the name Jack on that one for sure um I went and looked on on mine and I cannot believe I haven’t done one on this so I’m going to make up make my own um amongst all the other stuff my gosh I’ve
Got so much stuff you guys that I just can’t get it all out I mean I’m just this is literally my job and I’m not joking you this is my job I do nothing else but do this and um I mean I was doing eBay stuff and all that and I
Literally just set that aside I just got rid of pretty much everything except for a few things because this takes up so much of my time this is there’s sometimes you guys I spend you don’t even want to know so anyway um hopefully soon I’m getting my
Um my uh stuff set up for like the cash app and stuff like that cuz cuz my Channel’s not monetized I don’t know if you guys know that but it’s not monetized there have there’s some issues somewhere I don’t know where it’s at I’ve been trying to figure it out and I
And I’ve emailed them and you I only get back these certain answers and it doesn’t tell me anything so this from the beginning the only thing thing that they showing that they’re monetizing which is weird is my shorts and so there’s a glitch somewhere and I just cannot figure it out so they’re
Monetizing those shorts and let’s see how much money have I made well I can show you a screenshot of it but just just believe me um I think I’ve made $5 from since the beginning of November yeah not joking one little bit and I will add a
Screenshot if you guys want me to um I kind of don’t want my stuff put up you know that type of thing cuz it’s like behind the scenes type stuff on that but I guess it really wouldn’t matter maybe I will put a screenshot up but it’ll
Show you exactly I’m not I’m not I’m not lying to you seriously I’m not lying to you and I’m not begging for money please don’t don’t think that here’s the thing is that whatever your comments means so much to me your likes your shares your
Um just being kind means a lot to me oh my gosh more than you guys know uh with everything that’s going on on YouTube right now it’s all I can do to keep my brain focused on this when all that other stuff is going on because I’m not part
Of it people might want to bring me into it but I’m not part of that whole thing and um somehow I’ve just been yeah brought into it somehow here and there and little bits and pieces but I just feel like well I’m not going to
Go into it cuz I don’t want cuz I don’t want to be part of it I just don’t and um it’s not my style it’s not who I am who I am nor who I ever was or will be so with that said uh I just appreciate
You know you guys doing what you’re doing and and keeping this alive keeping this on the Forefront and keeping this people aware as best we can what’s going on there because if it wasn’t for us you guys I don’t know what would be going on in this case at this point I
Mean there’s I mean there’s people I’ve talked to that don’t even know about this case and it blows my mind whenever I meet someone like that because I just start wanting to tell them everything and then they look at me like I’m totally crazy which I get now I totally
Get it because I when I sitting there talking all of a sudden I realize what I’m saying I sound crazy so yeah the case is crazy period that’s it okay so let me see what else I’m going to do um on this video I think I’m going to leave
It at this so I can get it up there really quick I mean it’s already at 35 minutes and I haven’t even done hardly anything on here so this is what I’m talking about you guys I mean it’s just like it’s amazing how long things take
To make and I’m just going to put this up raw I’m going to slap this like this is on my phone is screen recording I’m going to slap it on cap cut I’m going to maybe make a beginning like a thumbnail and I’m going to do an ending and I’m
Going pretty much keep it exactly how it is I’m not going to take out um I’m going to well of course I’m going to add the links where this came from which takes a few little bit of time cuz I only do anything on my phone like I
Don’t have a computer to do this on I do everything for my phone so I have to have all the things I need to put up in the description available to me because if I put up if I get the cap cut and it’s it’s it’s it’s
Loaded onto the YouTube and I get the YouTube up and I you know I’m altering or putting in like the description and and the title and all that kind of stuff if I click out of it to go to go copy and paste like the links I have for the
For the videos I put in here it’ll totally take away when I go back to put it in there it deletes everything that I put in that description already so if I put in like the hash tags or putting anything in there it’s gone so this it’s
It’s taken me a long time to figure out how to do this somewhat sufficiently I mean it’s still it’s a pain in the ass but it is what it is so if there’s something that’s off on a video or if it’s you know like whatever it is just
Know I’m doing my best because I am I really truly am all right thank you guys for everything guys and girls CH hands my cat’s now laying in my lap I I can’t even move um man those comments on that last one I did that latter video is crazy you guys
Such good comments oh my gosh thank you so much um thank you so much you guys do just as much research I know you do and you know um I don’t know if any of you have a channel I’m sure some of you do and I periodically I’ll go into the
Names click on it and look so I can go back to previous comments because there’s some videos you guys I haven’t even seen one comment on I haven’t even gone there and some people will tell me don’t go there it’s pretty nasty over there and it could be like from the
Beginning you know when people didn’t know me or whatever even though I’ve been around in in commented in sections and people’s videos and stuff I don’t think they knew pretty much who I was right and so so I get it you know but still I’m periodically going back and kind of
Clicking on videos to see what’s in them and I am shocked oh my gosh I am so shocked at how many how much you guys know I mean I just I think it’s amazing so thank you so much for that you guys rock and you roll okay thanks so much all right I’m
Going to end this video now beloved Foods this is the potato guide I’m going to show you almost every way to make and cook one of the most beloved Foods potatoes this is our biggest everyway so far 43 total methods so let’s make this simple so they have 40 he’s got 43 total
Me methods of making potatoes well you know they are feeding us potatoes yeah and they’re flying at us right so here’s something I learned a long time ago when that happens and I’m going to do it a different type of scenario so this is a
Fun type thing you do so say you’ve got a neighbor who is an [Β __Β ] and they’re just constantly fling in stuff your way whether it be dirty looks whether it be talking to the other neighbors and say telling them that you’re doing something that you’re not doing or whatever it is
What you do is you take a mirror a regular mirror and you place it wherever you can that that it hangs solidly you don’t want it to move around you want it solidly hanging and you want it facing their home facing whatever Direction the stuff is flying from right so what happens
In is that they start doing this stuff right and when they’re doing it it’s mirroring so it bounces off that mirror and right back to them and and I’m going to tell you I’m going to mark my words this will stop them from doing what they’re doing it is so disconcerning to
Them you can watch their their body just twitch whenever they walk outside and they look in that direction where that mirror is and I did it to I did it one time to my neighbor and man it was so awesome and you know you know what he called it it was
The best thing ever because it it just ties in the hillbilly digging potatoes dancing everything he called it oh what did he call it he called it a um I think it was a hillbilly um surveillance camera no what do you call it oh it was
Something like that what was it yeah it was Hillbilly uh surveillance camera is what he called it oh my gosh I laughed so hard when I heard that and I I didn’t hear it from him my neighbor told me and they were laughing cuz they cuz this guy
Gave everybody crap and so I don’t know if they put one up or not but I mean I I can imagine all the neighbors just doing that the hillbilly surveillance camera it’s too funny anyway so there’s your tip for the day if you have a problem with your neighbor get your own
Hillbilly surveillance camera they’re really easy to get and really easy to do and really easy to mount and they work automatically no electrical wires to worry about nothing um here’s another little tip that I want to give you that I made a mistake of uh doing that I didn’t know about funu yet
But if you have an octagon mirror anywhere in your home get it out now do not have anything octagon a mirror you can have octagon things in there but do not have an octagon mirror because an octagon if you think about what it is it’s the shape of a stop
Sign so for years I had an octagon mirror inside my home hanging above my front door and I’m not going to go into what how what happened but it was incredible when I took that thing down you guys I just don’t I can’t even tell you how what the difference
Was just get that octagon mirror out of your house now I not didn’t didn’t look into this but quite quite you know it might be really a really good thing to have that octagon mirror facing the direction of no no no don’t do it just keep anything octagon miror mirror out of
Your home just don’t don’t do it okay or maybe no maybe that would be okay you think about octagon mirror facing their Direction so it makes them stop but also people for their walking in if they’re bad juju the Octagon mirror will reflect that and keep that off keep that away
From you so I’m I’m going to look that one up that might be actually a good thing okay so you got to take care bye