Brucei what’s going on bro man what’s good what’s good what’s good happy Monday man yo it’s yo it’s Monday man and I already feel like I got a bunch of stuff done but then I got a bunch of stuff to do man so I’m gonna be up
Tonight yeah doing some work doing some grading yeah man oh you teaching the class yes sir where oh at RT r y yeah I forgot to teach that class yeah yeah yeah I had a lot I had a lot to do today too man but um got it done so God for
That yeah yeah man it’s all what’s going on man how’s everything man with you you know family is good uh Khloe and KJ had a game this past weekend KJ won his game with his team and then Khloe won both her games last week so okay yeah they doing their thing man you
Know like I’ve been saying for uh KJ this his first year playing organized basketball so for him this is a learning year man so I you know I’m really expecting him to have fun but I’m also expecting him to learn how to play the game so this year just let him play you
Know we we do some stuff on on on our own but in the summertime we gonna get after it okay yeah so I want him to have fun I don’t want to get so point I’m pushing them pushing them pushing him and then he don’t want to do it so I’m G
Let him do his thing have fun with his friends and then summertime it’s time to get busy yeah yeah yeah my daughter’s the same thing she huh also for Chloe if they have summer summer games oh yeah let her let her partake in them man I’m putting her
In it bro like I’m gonna pay the money we’re gonna pay the money get her in because she’s got talent man and that talent’s got to be you know that talent’s got to be molded yeah she G she GNA travel too and it’s okay for her to
Travel yeah why her why her coaches are responsible people F you know what I’m saying yeah yeah I really like her coaches for this team that she’s right now man like real you know you know I gotta check people out but got bro gota gota yeah but know what I’m saying
They good people though man they good they they’re good and then plus it’s a it’s two male coaches one of the coaches actually uh coached at Brockport when we were there he was one of the he was the one of the men’s coaches oh yeah yeah
One of your assistant I don’t know why his name’s escaping me right now but he was on the team with uh both Brandon so Brandon that we know my age my yeah than the other Brandon yeah yeah you know that was there so shout out to them
Dudes U Brock por eagles they having a good season too You’ been watching no stuff on Instagram oh okay yeah man they having a real good season this year oh yeah yeah so we’ll see they might make a run but you know they play the same teams within the league yeah but that’s
How that’s how that’s how um D3 um basketball is yeah type of people that they play they played them twice yeah and they gotta go back um I know I know Courtland won for football yeah man yeah they beat Brockport pretty good too I watched that game online yeah
Yeah it was Brockport and them went to the championship nah they played Brockport maybe like a few games before the season was over but that loss I think either the loss to courland or the loss to like another team is the reason why they didn’t make it into the
Tournament I think it was because of courland because courtland’s in their league yeah that’s cool man I mean doing thing I appreciate you know yeah I’m very happy about what what they doing with the sports yeah you know I just wish this is only a wish man I just
I was looking like behind or you know just looking in the background and the videos man and I didn’t see a lot of people you know at the games and I’m and I guess it was the same way when we were there man but I’m like man the football
Games no uh shoot foot football is okay depending on who they’re playing but basketball yeah not lot of people ah man man so I don’t know what that’s about but I’m I’m like man they’ve been winning though they’ve been winning yeah my errow from my errow to your errow
Totally different my arrow wasn’t winning oh a couple games but we still go in there and re represented yeah um when your era came Brandon’s come and the um and Sean and uh they had one they had a few casts on there from the one
Sean and um the kid from um Shan brother what’s Sean brother name again man ni oh talking about um shat yeah they was winning so I used to go to those games yeah Shan shad and Brandon was there I used to go to go games and the other Brandon the point
Guard Brandon I go to those games yeah when I left I heard they had a pretty good squad too um my brother F used to tell me they had some pretty good oh Fe yeah yeah so yeah yeah they had a real good squad man like and I guess the girls
Team is is pretty good too this year the women’s team yeah I know historically you know the women’s team is okay well they all right but they’re not stand up like they are this year okay well that’s a good thing man you know somebody doing something right yeah
Some good coaching good recruitment yeah facilities you know all that you know we have a good facility though for D3 Team all D3 oh man we we they have a better facility than Buie State man you what I’m say yeah man our facility is amazing yeah you would know you know
What I’m saying so it’s just like you know that makes a difference though man difference recuit they bringing recruits you they need to see a facility they need to see look at look at look at them in Colorado man you br recruit have you seen the Marines uh working out working
Them boys out did I ever oh my gosh I’ll see part one I didn’t I didn’t know if they have a part two I think they’re gonna have a part two they had to carry it you know yeah yeah it was wild know try to switch it up a
Little bit yeah he lost he lost one of his coaches though that I thought that was gonna be there oh one of the white guys no the black guy black guy yeah the one that got like a rust voice you know heard he was like a he was a he was a
Recruiter too I heard he was nice in the recruiting game oh okay I don’t know what happened to him because I haven’t seen him around probably got a good deal man I I I wouldn’t imagine these guys leaving and going somewhere ler going to a lesser position I don’t think
So okay you know I don’t think so Ike what up man what’s good man how y’all feeling we all right man likees uh n I am tired so uh I I just woke up for a nap about eight and a half minutes ago okay yeah so I came home and uh sitting
At the table with the family and um on my phone playing one of those mindless games and I just next thing I know like my eyes are closed and I’m like oh it’s time to go lay down so I went and sat on the couch for a minute man and uh next
Thing I knew I uh a message saying where y’all at bro you sound like you 63 years old talking about some yeah man I was just sitting on the cou listen man listen I uh it’s been it was a long night yesterday so I had some work I had to
Finish up and I get get to sleep till till late or early whatever you want to call it so yeah uh yeah I’m I’m reaping a benefits of that yeah man you want to be grown so I guess everybody wants to be grown until they get there you know
What I mean yeah you already know it be like that sometime it do man but but all in all I’m I’m good man blessed everything everything is good what they say everything crisp everything crisp Regin everything everything Cy oh it’s every it’s everything it’s not everything everything yeah yeah start
Growing out my hair man I gotta change I see man I see know look like Bob Marley One of Bob Marley kids man yeah one one of them one of many don’t he got a movie coming out now yeah on Netflix or is in the theaters theaters yeah that should be tough man
That should be pretty good hey man listen man Bob gross Bob gross at least 15 to 15 to10 million a year you know what I’m saying oh from estate his estate alone bro he just gross that that’s what he gross like you know take
Home man like 15 mil man a year or more with his uh with all all his you know his t-shirts and everything else and this kid you all all of them is paid you know yeah it is it is so they you know it is everything is under control man so
They could definitely put a movie in the in the um in the theaters man you know them boys they they they they’re not flashy they got they not flashy at all I mean the sun the sun was saying something like you know people been trying to approach them for a minute to
Make a movie oh yeah it’s been like that they always wait they always wait till they get the best deal you know they don’t just just take any deal they can afford to wait of course of course you know they I forgot somebody tried to buy the um all of Bob
Um um rights to his music and I think they was giving him like10 million back then had just when he had just passed too so you know they when he had just passed okay yeah like they needed some bread yeah and they like somebody wanted to give them give them like $10 million
They was like no some of the people was like Y what you mean no was like give to me no I was like no that’s not supposed to say though they already knew man I mean oh that’s the best thing they ever did bro yeah I mean
He’s a martyr I mean he didn’t die from somebody else’s hands from what they told us but I mean he’s basically he started a revolution man yeah yeah you know like I did watch the one they did was that I just saying Timeless classic you know I mean oh man Timeless man
Whenever I whenever I get in that mood man I just put some Bob on and just I want I want you to listen to Lucky duay too I’m G try to tell you I think I ask me man in lucky lucky du South Africa okay um listen to that listen to that
Brother brother too man no that’s that’s he got killed by some Nigerians he got set up and plus they killed him in front of his kids too that was that was wrong yeah um the politics man politics in South Africa bro he was getting too big he was bigger than life
He’s just a simp dude that drops his kids off at school so they C him they find him on the roadside man yeah this Benz so they killed him but uh I was supposed to see him when I went to Ghana for a concert one year yeah but they kill him earlier dang
Yeah appreciate you bro for putting that up there too I see you in the chat appreciate you bro yeah he’s a he’s he’s amazing bro that’s a that’s that’s that’s Africa Bob Marley I fig same same same same energy man same energy yeah like du you gonna come back BL your
Brw yeah he got some he got he got some things with him too bro he got some you know he got some there A lot of times listen to the words of his songs too would would you would you say he what am I trying to say here man I
Lost my thought about um lucky but was he connected with like Nelson Mandela and and I think he was from back in the day oh he was okay yeah I I just watched this movie it’s called the I think the Singleton Siege or something like that it was about like in back in
The 70s in South Africa where the party you know was was going on and these group of you know South Africans native you know what I mean to the South Africa was like yo we need to have a Revolution and so they tried to like burn down a
Plant or something like that they was doing like act like terrorist acts but really what they were doing is they were trying to um you know get the government you know basically shut down so there would be uh no stability and then they would be able to take the country back
Over but they end up going into a bank and then the movie is around like what happens at the bank and it wasn’t a bank robbery it was just they were in the bank and they were using that as like their last stand you know before you
Know the end of the movie but y should check it out it’s on Netflix I think it’s called Singleton seeg but if anybody’s watching and you know the name of that movie go ahead and put that in the chat also too I didn’t even get a chance to welcome everybody Welcome to
Bro talk this is our podcast we’re on every Monday 900 PM uh here just talk about Brotherhood fatherhood and manhood you see here with me we got Ike we got brew and then we got our infamously um person that likes to get on the call when he feel like it by love
So we’ll see him in a minute when he get done with his haircut at the end of the showy hey hey hey Kareem looky do we got a song called back to my roots okay I want you to check that one out um another one is said remember
Me and another one is the way way it is and one of my favorite is not easy yeah and thing have one about colored people too yeah tough got it you got a Arsenal bro you might check it out man I just wrote those titles down might check them
Out check them out so uh I know you know I want I was trying to wait for balel because he’s a fan but 49ers 49ers I couldn’t believe it man I thought it was a dub for them and I thought the Lions was gonna win man they
Was up 24 to7 at halftime man and then they decided not to play no more defense man it’s crazy they they came out roaring like a lion man and and then they met Daniel because yeah that that man what happened they let him go for like like what 20
Points straight 21 points straight or something like that before they scored again so yeah it was too late by that time by the time they scored man it was too late I mean they they just played man they they gave up they G the whole the
First half they didn’t do much so they came out they was confident enough like listen man we make these dudes we can’t make these dudes come up you know do what they got to do I didn’t even see it till after man I watch the highlights I
Was like wow you tell me 49ers were down yeah but something told me they was going to come back though because it was only halftime I was like it’s still early yeah 49ers got a good squad yeah i’ be surprised if they let him all it takes is one good drive right
You get a good drive and you get a stop on that next Drive man you got the momentum back so you know if you down you know you down two touchdowns that’s not a that’s not a ton in the NFL right you can score I mean we know it’s
Definitely not anything in college because you know people throw up 100 points in college easy but you know if you got a decent Squad and you’re in the playoffs right there’s a reason that you’re in the playoffs because you got an explosive team and you know you can
Make some things happen so yeah I had a feeling and and I was gonna throw a quick bet in after they got down um on the uh on the app real quick but I was cutting my nephew’s hair at the time so
I get a chance to but I I knew I had I I didn’t I can’t say I knew but I had a good feeling that they was about to make come back yeah I’m just glad Baltimore lost how H how why you mad how you glad Baltimore lost the fans down here is
Arrogant come on man there’s American fans down here man so DMV so I know I’m glad I’m not that booty that booty right now out been celebrating yo q q is the only Baltimore fan I know shut up Q yeah he’s definitely a fan y oh I mean it look like nobody nobody
Can beat moms man like only Tom Brady he’s he’s he’s staying alive Mahomes on fire man yeah lightskinn like or is it um or is it Taylor so there’s a conspiracy now right saying basically that now that Taylor’s on the scene that uh Kansas City Chiefs was gonna win anyway yeah
Right y man listen Kansas defense is tough now that’s the truth the def against defense is tough secondary is tough too them boys is all right and and and and that defensive coordinator need to stay defensive coordinator because he was a head coach once and he didn’t do
Well it didn’t work out for him he was he was he was ik he was at ik’s Team Oh you mean you mean on Ike in my team I think he was was he the he was the defensive coordinator spags spags he was he was a defensive coordinator for
Right I I don’t even know recently couple years ago not recently yeah it’s possible sprag spag knows spag I trick talk about something like that for for the Giants yeah I don’t know if you ain’t a head coach I I probably don’t know you if you’re a head coach I probably don’t know
You found you somewhere yeah CU he was a deep he was a deep coordinator somewhere a matter of fact I think he was a defensive coordinator for the Giants when the Giants was winning and then he took the head coaching job somewhere else that’s a that’s a minute ago yeah you
Sawry yeah because the Giants haven’t been winning for a while so oh okay okay okay okay long while like like what they haven’t won since since what 2011 what 13 years now it’s been a while but not as not as long as umal bills the Lions
Cboys love I I hate Cowboy fans but I love Cowboy fans in the playoffs man hey man I love I love somebody say right now um the doc Prescott man love that Baltimore loss because what name the quarterback is getting some of the heat took some of the heat off doc right
Now I heard that today I was on the floor today man I was like yeah you know what that’s true that’s true man you know who else was getting a lot of heat though was your boy from the Eagles man he was getting a lot of heat quarterback yeah
Hurz yeah hurz Jaylen hurz they didn’t have enough but I guess they didn’t like his response I guess he was like Hey it happens what Y what y’all want him to say oh all in all in God’s timing he’s right it’s all in God’s Tim he’s he’s absolutely right he’s
Absolutely right it’s like it’s like when you’re in a relationship with your girl and y’all having an argument and you don’t react well you be like all right cool and then she going and so she gonna keep going until she get a reaction out of you be like yeah you
Right you got it so that’s kind of like what they wanted they wanted to try to get some reaction out of them but that dude didn’t give him nothing d man so yeah the NFL they they be looking for sound bites man just like how they keep rigging all these
Games listen I I I’m really not a conspiracy theorist when it comes to this type of stuff but you it’s hard not it’s hard to not believe that these games ain’t rigged man you got people fumbling at the one yard line multiple playoff games Buffalo and the Ravens now
You know what I mean come on like this is R it’s a little ridiculous you know I mean 49ers coming back in the second half 24 to7 Hey listen n we did it last week he mad little garbage Giants you you salty because your little garbage
Giants not let this guy not in equation no you we can’t be mad now because the Giants like they’ve been out of the playoffs since week three we not mad mad but k Kare Kareem mad that he Ain he don’t know how he ain’t get he doesn’t get
Taught how to lock doors so because he don’t know how to lock doors you saw my message that’s problem I locked the door that’s the thing you clearly didn’t lock the door if somebody was able to walk in bro he was supposed to knock on the door
Man how was they supposed to knock on the door people supposed to knock on the door no not in the public restroom you shouldn’t be you should you should be w a Warner if you got if you got a war so you mean to tell me you just you
Just open the door and just walk Inc if if the door is unlocked yet ain’t that blocked door was closed door wasn’t open Kar Kar I feel like this is deja vu man yeah I like Brock did this in albony Yo and that’s what he Sal that’s what
He’s salty about he you know what I’m saying he should be waiting till he get home to handle that business I had to pee like I wasn’t taking a dump I had to pee okay so so if that’s the case if if
If you in if you in a Winer if you in a wi at a at a at a public place and you don’t lock the door because most of those doors will say vacant or occupied on the outside nope didn’t have that they didn’t have that
Okay so you was in a low door I pushed the button yeah you didn’t push the button because if you would have pushed the button when I didn’t push the button hard enough see okay okay Listen the principle is the principle is before like you go to the restroom and the door is closed it’s courtesy to knock on the door anybody in there if nobody’s in there walk in because there there’s times when the door was locked and all you hear is this just’s people jiggling
On the door just trying to open it bro somebody in here like knock on the door that’s all I’m saying have decency to knock on the door like nobody’s been taught that as a kid no in a public in a public place if you go to the restroom
In the door is you know what I’m saying if like let’s say in most public in most public facilities like that the the restroom door is closed in general so you reach for the handle and you and you go to see if it’s open I mean unlocked if it’s
Unlocked then that means you you wanted somebody to come in there while you was handling your business you missing a key Point knock on the door no no no it be like hey anybody in there that’s that’s part that’s still missing in this conversation knock you can’t you can’t
Have you can’t project that as an expectation in a public facility yo shout out to Roslin she just sent me a message on the side asking how y’all end up going from talking about bathrooms or from football to talking about bathrooms brought it up no cause Kareem
Is mad he he mad about it so so now he I’m not mad about it like I talked to somebody about it right after I mean I laughed about it but please believe I did say something to the dude like yo you should knock on the door yo
Man yo what did you tell him Kareem hold on what did you tell him I said yo you should knock on the door next next time that’s while I was standing up using the bathroom knock door next time that’s what I said and and I said
And you should learn how to lock the door that’s what he said and I said I understand but you still should knock on the door Le I would have just turned around nah n learn how to lock the door we we listen we would had just been fighting in the bathroom because I’m
Like yo knocking the door that’s all it come I see a sword F God wrong like that’s that’s that’s a real that’s a real uh n no that c going down why you down here cause he a knock on the door all right so let’s get back to what
We was talking about so n don’t no if your team not in the playoffs still then you know what I’m saying I oh oh that’s what we doing I mean ain’t nobody in the playoffs anymore that’s what we doing yeah over 49er fans boy they they get
Real cocky boy I tell you no I just said I don’t want to hear no negativity if your team not in it that that’s all I just listen what there’s nothing to be negative about they not our that’s not my team none of them are so I’m watch
Matter of fact the timeout let’s go back a second yo when you start watching NFL football again when my actually true story it was after my dad passed um what I because my son my son is a my son is a big fan of of NFL and so is my dad
And after my dad passed I was like man you know what on principle I’ve missed a lot of time I missed a lot of time like my dad would be watching games and I’m like yo I’m not watching and I missed and I and I look back on it I like man
Those was those was that was time I could have been spending with my dad not knowing you know that time is precious man we don’t got a lot of it so because my son is a real big fan of football and college and NFL football I’m like man you know standing on
Principal man you know is is great but you know you know I mean we don’t get time back I I respect it man I respect it so yeah I respect it so is it is it too early to start um predicting who’s going to win the Super bowl next year
I mean I think I think the Giants got a good chance as anybody they do that’s what I was gonna say that’s actually what I was gonna say yo Giants about to win it all next year let fans know get ready get your tickets ready I mean here’s the cool part about
Here’s the cool part about now is you can get you can get tickets for real cheap right now you know what I mean so go get your tickets while they cheap y you know get get all early y yeah it’ be interesting to see what type of moves
People make in this uh in the draft so Giants we gotta what pick like a number five six pick or something like that winning them games at the end of the season man which they shouldn’t have did I don’t know what the heck they just went ahead and put the second stringers
In N I’ll be honest I’ll be honest nobody wants the number one picking this year’s draft it’s it’s there’s no lock at number one like Caleb Williams is you know at best um I feel like he’s he’s number one on a lot of people’s boards
But you know I’ve watched him a lot and again I I’m no Mel Kyper nobody but uh Notre Dame Notre Dame had a field day with him you know what I mean they they they they exposed him if you ask me um and that wasn’t the only team though man
It if you watched if you watched this season it was more uh Colorado I think picked him off twice like he he got exposed he got exposed and and it’s there it’s a difference when you’re throwing to receivers the caliber of like a Jerry a Brendan rice who’s the
Son of Jerry Rice um and they’re wide open wide open in college versus wide open in the pros is is is a lot different opening college and opening Pros is very different and what’s the last Heisman Trophy winner that’s actually really I mean was Lamar Jackson high been trophy I can’t remember sure
Was okay so he’s the last one that’s like but a lot of them joints that come out like a lot of them guys that come out man they don’t be starting anyway I mean Daniel Jones he started Andy Jones came from what Duke yeah nobody no quarterbacks get
Drafted from duke nah except for the the Giants they’ll pick one though Danny dimes had a good AG or the giant they could have picked him like he he he found his footing with the uh with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers so but I think it’s hard that when you come
Number one and you go to the bum as team and then they expect you to come in and do work like I don’t that that don’t make sense to me I wouldn’t want to be number one I mean yes it’s highest paid but is it even really worth it yeah I
Mean and that’s and it’s and it’s also the situation you’re going into as well like um you know again there’s a there’s a lot there’s a lot of issues you know I mean you know and some of those teams that are picking real high in the draft
Um you know I I’ll be honest like I follow the Giants somewhat but just the fact that you know if I was from the outside looking in and I’m like yo they got a lot of issues they need to work out um they you know they do they don’t
Know what they gonna do with saquin you got again you got Danny dimes that you just paid all this money to so even if you had a number one pick you can’t draft the quarterback because that would be outrages yeah because because of all the
Money you got tied up in Danny dimes I mean it’s gonna be outrageous if they play Danny dimes listen if I’m even if I don’t like you when I’m paying you 40 million you about to get out there and figure it out you got detriment at the detriment
Your team and then you putting him out there means you’re not going to have a job as a coach Hey listen n you got to put him out there you paid all that money that that’s an expectation yeah so you all this money on this player that ain’t
Gonna produce right and that that’s your job right that’s definitely gonna get Skate goed because the real because the GM is the one who who says yeah we gonna pay you 40 million and I don’t think uh D ball is is the GM he’s the head coach but I don’t think
He’s you know got dual uh dual power in that in his position so you know but he’s GNA make Daniel Jones look like Eli Manning and they’ve been trying to do that since they drafted him and it’s just not that’s the problem they we don’t need another Eli Manning we just
Need hey hey watch your mouth Eli got you two rings oh I I I understand but why I gotta be like the next man though like Danny go he gotta carve his own I don’t know I feel like straight straight hand trash wait who’s wait what’s trash Eli trash well Eli not
Trash he’s not his brother he’s not Payton the defense got the defense Giants defense got y two rings defense I agree defense got y two rings I won’t say I won’t say Eli trash but Eli is not a Eli I’m like that dude on YouTube trash I can’t even say the way he
Said trash Bubba n Eli not trash I Eli I can’t I can’t I can’t give you I can’t give you trash on Eli I’m you know what I mean I he’s brother but to the same extent you can say uh pton pton was a regular season Phenom and a postseason and
Like but the numbers that he put in a regular season are are crazy yeah but but but what do those numbers matter if you get to the bow season and and if the truth be told that ring that uh that your boy Payton got in Denver that was a
Defensive ring you know as evidenced by the fact that uh Von Miller was the MVP of that Super Bowl and then when he the the Super Bowl they beat Chicago for if you go back and watch that game he was not the MVP that’s the one eracer was still
Playing yeah eracer was playing yeah he got Rings though again so does Eli that’s what I’m saying that’s the argument we making like but Eli wasn’t better than pton though and and somehow we still ended up with two rings the same amount of rings as his brother yeah the the the defense
We just we just talked about it I’m and and again I’m so I’m not really making a comparison of the the two of them right I’m just saying here’s the crazy part though he Eli’s got two Super Bowl MVPs his brother only got one why yeah that
One against um the patriots man where they should have lost should have went to David Tyree for making that catch I don’t care if he that was the only Ty like that it should have went to him that’s one where he caught it like this right on the top of his head yeah
Yeah but that was not that was that wasn’t a good throw ball at all but but you know too like so what you go he was scrambling and he he made exactly he had to break he broke a whole he was he was he was it should in any
Other circumstance that would have been a sack under any other situation that would him in a sack he breaks the tackle gets free and and and delivers a strike down the field you know I mean it’s not a strike bro come on y don’t let me take
Some of your credit away it’s not a strike he he had he throw the ball up and the dude just went got it he still had to put it in his catch radius yeah but it’s not it’s not a strike bro strike it’s like
Huh no it was a do n definitely wasn’t a dot it wasn’t a dot but you gotta under that kind of pressure to get the ball down feeli like that would did it I can’t believe we’re talking about this thing that throw me he got he got caught he got you know
Throw it up and somebody caught it yeah bro it was a lot of gambling going on man you know a lot of gambling yo who do they beat that Super Bowl too Tom Brady TB Brady Mr Seven say that yeah Tom could have eight eight what eight eight R how
Many people can say that it only you know the only people who can say it only person that can say it is is Eli right think about this for all of P Mahomes greatness he can’t even say it man to the Giants defense can say that it’s true like it wasn’t a high
Scoring game you know what I mean yeah so so so you can win you blowing people out did the defense score any did the def did the defense have any points produced like in that game like a pick six or any or fumble for it return for
Test down anything like that I can’t even remember exact no they didn’t I remember the catch exact so you know what I mean so if your if your defense doesn’t put points on the board then you definitely needed the offense to score points yeah yeah I mean you always need
The offense to score points that’s that that’s a given right I mean you always need the offense to score that’s their job that’s what they’re supposed to do right but you also need the defense to make sure that the other team isn’t running the score up because the Giants
Weren’t putting up numbers that year right the Giants the the two years that we won a Super Bowl the most two recent years we won a Super Bowl they won like in pretty much low-scoring games and they walk and they kind of trickle their way into the playoffs right they beat
Everybody to get to that that Championship so I mean you know also at the at the end of the day man you got to give credit to you got to give credit to the defense for you know keeping I don’t I’m not I’m not discrediting them but I you
Know I mean if you know it all it also doesn’t you know I mean mean that Eli didn’t do it didn’t deliver like Eli no no no Kudo kudos to Eli like you know in in the playoffs and when it counts he he did what he had to do he was never
Clutch at any point in time the Giants never had a dominant I don’t think we had a dominant season when when he was playing but when we got into the playoffs those years like you kind of knew turned it they were about to run run through when they beat Green Bay
It’s like yeah they yeah that was that was a crazy game so um so yeah I mean that was a you know I enjoyed watching watching those teams because it was always interesting at that point what about y quarterback now a a a a ain’t the reason why they pick
Him because Eli they say he’s a good quarterback I thought I I think they picked him because they thought he was going to be the next Eli that’s the only reason that’s the only reason I think you picked Daniel Jones like the dude didn’t have any Buzz around him like it
Was it was the New York Giants that wanted basketball they probably could have picked him in the second round but they but they SP fourth round they spent their first pick on this dude man if he does not come in this year like because he’s hurt now right but if
He don’t come back next year and win the first seven games nah this I’m sure there’s a clause in nobody gonna have faith in this dude man I’m sure a you know what my dad used to say about underperforming players he used like man they should they should go to now now of
Course everybody has direct deposit now but he used to say man they should go to the bank with with a with a bag on their face to cash that check man like yeah man C you know you you cheating people out man chea people out there buddy4 million
Like think about it when you making $40 million in the season and you don’t it’s not like they don’t stretch it out over the 12 months n it’s it’s your G so over the course of the 17 games man what kind what absurd number does that does that calculate out to
When you talking about 17 games in the season cast talking about getting like 300 Grand a game like 100 the 400 Grand a game you gotta figure 17 games that’s like two that’s that’s more than two million a game oh yeah you’re right 40 million a
Game is more than two million a game so he on the bench hurt getting too but he’s probably not getting the full because he gotta be playing right I’m sure there’s like stuff that says if you hurt you get this amount there there there’s a there’s a there’s an amount
That you get I don’t know if it’s that 4 million but there’s an amount that’s guaranteed right guaranteed amount playoffs and all that too you bonus his his base salary excluding incentives forget incentives his base salary is like 40 million a year I believe that’s stupid
Oh man I’m about that’s wild yo Danny watch your fans some of their money back n they could have just took that money and split it between Tyrod and um what’s his name you running back whatever the dude’s name is what about the running back man did they pay
Him back n they a pay saquan they franchised him last I believe this season he got franchised yeah can’t do that next year though that man about be out yeah yo his basee dang okay hold on his base salary is 35 dang oh you right by love God
Thought I told you his base Sal is $35.5 million base yeah his signing bonus was n million his workout bonus the restructure was 21 2.1 million yo yo he’s got family in the front office man there there’s no other justification for it like the dude ain’t worth
It like he he’s one of those players like he’s one of the players that I would have been like like like like the bills get right the bills get these dope running backs or these dope receivers right and they don’t do anything when they in Buffalo and the second that they
Leave they go and they start showing out he can be that for another team I’m I’m fine with that you yo he gets 92 million that man go somewhere and and and live his best life but he do that here he ain’t gonna got2 million guaranteed so 92 million so he get so
Basically two years is guaranteed so at 2025 they can get rid of him or get rid of his contract that’s too long man he only 26 years old in 25 days that boy G be he could hold he could hold a clipboard bro but at the end of the day he’s still
G to make more money than even probably the starting quarterback for the next team man listen 35 million to hold the clipboard man he got a yo he got a great agent though I need that Agent Man whoever me the direction of that clipboard n he he married he married
Somebody’s Daughter in the front office man like that that’s that’s what’s happening like there’s no other no other prob married a he married a Ry that’s insane man that doesn’t even make any sense hey Danny D man go ahead and get your money bro go ahead and get your
Money even if you hold the clip boy get your M he ain’t he ain’t bro he ain’t broke at all matter of fact matter of fact shoot so yo I don’t know if y’all saw the uh message I put on messenger talking about wealth and since
We talking about money man I think it’s a good transition did y’all see the uh the guy that was on there talking about how uh for like mortgages he was saying that you know in Black communities a lot of times like people go in and try to
Buy the house themselves and they’ll end up not getting the mortgage or qualifying because they don’t have enough money to meet the 46% um or or whatnot and then he was saying you know how other cultures man you got Mom and Grandma and daughter all getting under mortgage together
You know to qualify for the mortgages but I just want to get y’all thought on this man because you know my my dad and I you know we did that you know for the house you know they live in now is that we came together and um you know got
Qualified for a mortgage and got a home or whatnot but what are some thoughts about that man because I I heard what he was saying and he was right I think he was right but sometimes man having the conversation out loud men might help me to think about a little bit differently
I think that’s what people should be doing like if you have people in the house people that that are close that you know have income coming in y’all want to get a nice you know crib to house everybody why not do that I would say rather than going on going in on on
The mortgage um let’s say let’s say like the four of us using the four of us right um if you if if if one of us found a house and said okay hey you know this is what um with just my income what I can get approved for you know what I
Mean but we all split the mortgage four ways now we all get the chance to BU build generational wealth and and replic and replicate the process right I think the problem with going in on the mortgage is with with somebody else is you is you limit yourself from being
Able to replicate the process that allows you to you know I mean extend the generational wealth um one of the things you know that somebody shared with me that you know mean I was like man it was profound but it was after the fact is it’s you know if for African-Americans
Especially over 30 um you know black for the bipac community if you are buying your first house and you’re and it’s after the age of 30 um their recommendation and I and I and it makes a lot of sense especially we talking generational wealth building is to uh
Buy your first your first house your first property to not be a single family um uh dwelling because yeah yourself to one you start start the generational wealth building you you the replace you I mean like you can essentially replace what you would spend on a mortgage and then leverage that to ultimately
Position you to buy another you know I mean another another property you know I mean where you could potentially then you know buy another income property or just start to make your money work for you you you know what I mean and I so I
Think um when it comes to uh you know leveraging the the the folks around us in terms of being able to support uh you know support income and whatnot Absol absolutely um let’s let’s go go in on it together from a standpoint of splitting the bills you know but but on the
Mortgage let that be one person so that way it frees up the others to uh to to you know be able to replicate the process so let me ask a question about that particularly so let’s just say we do that and let’s say I get a house and
Only thing I can afford is like a you know 1,200 square foot house so we all pile into that 1,200 foot house essentially pay the mortgage off in a short period of time and then go and buy another go buy another 1,200 or try to get the two family three family
From one person and then do the same thing and then try to go get another one is that what you’re saying so maybe more for like multif family homes to do that strategy so I know I know that is a strategy that that some people use and
Some people you know will tell you to do that right so instead of like a married couple going and buying a house a mortgage together um you know what they’ll do is one person put the initial property in their name right uh whether it be a single family or a duplex or
However however you plan it out um and then that that you know at that point you might be your first-time home buyer right right so then three to five years you go you’re paying that off you you know you’re working together to pay that off you now can have your your spouse go
And do the same thing right as a first time home buyer purchase purchase a house right and then I believe after a certain amount of time right that you’re not on a mortgage or after a certain amount of time you can become a firsttime home buyer again right so the
First person I wouldn’t bought it to go purchase another property and go through that process again and get a lot of those perks as well um so that is one way to think about it um the other part of that for me though like depending on
Who it is um you know I don’t I don’t mind going into business with certain people with people but going into debt with people is different right so that right so let’s talk about that because that yeah that’s a different thing right so like Okay so let’s say Isaac and I we
Like yo we’re gonna go and get this four Plex or whatever so that can be in Rochester depending on where you at I don’t know 300,000 so now we both owe that debt back to the bank and we got to figure out you know we got to get tenants in
There but not only that we got to like have money for the upkeep we got to have money for you know just incidentals in general got have money to have a property manager come in and do the work because I’m not gonna be the one changing toilets or and you gotta have
Money to pay off that property right right and so that’s what I’m thinking like if so I going into business and going in Deb are two different things going into business would be there’s a house that cost $50,000 right between the two of us we have $100,000 in the
Bank right right there’s an agreement that’s set in place if you know we Finance this property if something happens that um you know if something happens in that process or if the the partnership ends then these dollars that we have set aside are going to go to pay
Off that property yeah and then it split 5050 or one person takes it whatever whatever that agreement is right that’s that’s one thing right but if you’re talking about financing a 20 plus year mortgage with somebody right and Anything could happen within that amount of time right we we know relationships
And you know um Partnerships you know end right not having that clear-cut understanding of how you know this continues to get paid or gets paid off you know can get a little tricky so I think you know just having that clear understanding of who it is that you’re
Going in into business with um understanding that if it’s a spouse yeah I get it like you know and then you know you know people break up right you know yeah he talked about that too in the video yeah yeah all that could ha all that could happen as well too
But do you have a plan or do you have you know it was did you go into that situation with a plan on looking at this as an investment and not just like some place you know for us for us to live yeah you know so I think it just has to be
Very clear going into that that partnership and that situation on what the end goal is and what the um um what parameters are you putting in place in case something goes wrong what contingencies do you have in place yeah I agree which is kind of why you know in
In my thought process and I I think you’re kind of more so responding to what the guy said in the video in my thought process I lean more towards what you kind of the first scenario you laid out like you know what I mean um whether it’s a spouse significant or
Spouse significant other type of relationship or dynamic or if his friend saying like listen we about you know I mean we we G you know Kareem yo you you know I mean hey you go if you want to be the one the first one to grab the house
You know what I’m saying whether again we get a single single dwelling or a multi multi you know I mean you know dwelling um unit dwelling then however that whatever that looks like the goal is that for all of us you know I mean we’re all splitting the ca even though
We’re not all NE all on the the uh the deed the mortgage and all that because what we want to do is be able to do uh what Isaac was sharing was we all want to take take advantage of the firsttime home buyer kind of you know uh benefits
And perks that are that are available you know so let’s let’s replicate that process you know what I mean and then now once we again once we all have amassed or generated a certain amount of wealth you know what I mean let let’s let’s make it you know what I’m saying
Now let’s yo we now we in business now we have something to go into business with where where’re you know what I mean we’re not you know we got we have assets to to to work from you hi hi how you do you showing your teeth yep those teeth are coming
In they are coming in that’s okay hi zo what’s up Eli what’s up buckets what’s up buckets Eli’s been sick so oh he been out of commission for a day got a chance to stay home oh look at that he trying to try see there he is he feeling better now oh
Yeah that’s that’s Isaac Jr yeah man yeah he’s trying to get this hair gr he trying to grow his hair out but I’m about to cut it off because he don’t like me combing it so oh running around here looking like a little po listen trust me I’m dealing I got the
Same man that’s the same struggle over here man yeah they like the hair but don’t want to uh don’t want to get it combed or they hurt like listen yeah what we not going to do is just yeah like Cur the grung look that’s why they like
The brush man because all they got to do is just and be done use that like you supposed to yeah yeah I had to cut mine off man I ain’t I ain’t feel like coming it myself so I was like man I’m gonna cut this off
Do it again let see yeah you like this kid nah man y gonna do me like that see I hope I hope my wife watching man because I just told her I was like yo I’m just gonna go B she goes why no no no no I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t say go
There yet don’t go there yet I mean just get a part like right here just get a part right there you know mean just grow it out just grow it out and however it grows just let I did grow it out nah n don’t don’t yeah don’t n don’t do that don’t
Ter that this is this is a nice this a nice look on you this a nice look man this is a nice look yo dog you see how try to do you on here man yo he let it go took a picture of that dude man a Sharpie yo check
Out oh man y I gonna get me the fiber though the Little Fibers does that work don’t go don’t go don’t go enhancements man don’t go enh yo I’ll let you borrow some of mine man like don’t do that though all right I mean you know your’ hairlines is
Good man you know mine you know it’s it’s it’s talking back to me so yeah that’s what happened with Suburban people man oh whoa who what they I do anything I’m saying yeah it’s the water man it’s the water water it’s good water man nah god dude you need to go get that
City water man n man that City water that be that City water man we don’t have we don’t have no problems right you know y y’ bless in that Arena that’s City water baby City water man that Garden H water yeah right yo man I drank out of a
Garden hose before yeah that Suburban water like one time came got that Gates water baby so thirsty I drunk out of a water hose yeah he wanted to be able to come back at the time he wanted to come back to the birs to be able to say tell his
Friend like yo guess what I did this weekend man I out of a water garden hole is that like saying like I got I got a friend that’s black is that the same thing pretty much it’s not the same but it’s they’re cousins the cousins okay it’s
Close oh man well we at the hour hopefully folks that’s listening and watching hopefully I enjoyed the conversation I’m still hold on to what I said earlier knock on the door first um but I’m say the door like lock the door first but bro even if the door is locked
People still try to get in like they need to knock on the door no matter what but guess what Kareem but guess what they don’t get in though exactly exactly even y’all Y y’all supposed to be on my side on this man listen I was on your side until until you said
That yeah y’all like I agree I I’ll be the minority I’mma change the culture should knocked but uh lock the door but if you want if you don’t want nobody to come in lock lock the door yeah like yo I’m about to go in here use the bathroom hey
Hey call me me what did you call me and tell me about you know you didn’t lock the door what happened yo ass Brock man hey hey at least Brock said something at least he was like oh nah don’t don’t ask Brock call whhe ask Jorge oh ask Jorge
Yeah oh man yo Jorge was a wild dude yo man I’m so proud of Jorge man yo he is doing his thing as as an attorney down in the city man yeah man went down to the city last year man and got the got a chance to hang out
With him in Harlem man yeah yeah man that’s that is my guy right there man yeah man that’s that dude right there Ro man shout out to ro Sig yes sir yes sir I miss my S Devin every day man yeah man yeah solid Brothers man from Sunni albony man for sure solid
Brothers over there all right so who we shouting out for today who who do we see on the um that was on the chat or was viewing and liking I I wasn’t able to get on and kind of you know I I jumped on late cuz
I was uh finishing up a cut so um I’m not I didn’t really get a chance to look at the chat but man for me send that shout out man to all the chapters in Upstate New York shout out to a Zeta down here in the DMV you know um de um Pi
Pie Rose Sig M Sigma um AO Soo and uh what’s Syracuse again DZ DZ shout out to all those guys man nothing but love if I forget somebody I’m sorry yo shout out to Mandela shout out to Alicia Betha shout out to Alicia fellow Brockport Alum what’s up
Tony shout out shout out to Clarence the new Papa on the scene shout out to you bro I’m trying to see who else we got on here miss Rosy or Miss Rosie y’all know who that is Roslin rosin shout out to Roslin shout out to
Uh to Sis Satya I saw was on here earlier that’s all I can see oh um shout out to my man a RIT was on the IG I’m trying to see who else shout out to Calvin Butler shout out to my S on here trying to see yeah shout out to all the
Folks check this out today bro oh you already shoted people out man by who you got bro um yo yo so man just all the January babies man birthdays man we got Brew on here man um in my family man I got goddaughter niece my father-in-law uh aunts and um my
Birthday is January um my little sister niece nephews um matter of fact my my niece just had a baby on the 15th man so you know shout out to manise C Asia and and her her new little man a Zai man yo 11 lb 2 O this boy 22 and a half inches
Bro wow that brother is solid solid yeah so so yeah so we got we got uh my little sister’s birthday is the 14th my my great nephew’s now the 15th my nephew’s so my sister who’s birthday the 14th her son’s on the 16th mine is the 17th so it’s just like we got
Birthdays all over we got your birthday’s the 17th birthday 17 yes sir I love a lot of people on the 17 man um jiah mother is a 17 U one my my Dean one of my little sister 17 my first my first gotta keep them straight bro you gotta keep
Straight in your head man huh you got to keep them straight in your head man yeah my first wife no 17 y man yo we we it’s some it’s some good people we ain’t we all you know some of us got some issues but by and large the
17th we got some good folks out there you a lot of people man shout out shout out to one of my best childhood friends man Dwight John Jun his birthday’s in January June man yep birthday and then and then man uh my nephew my nephew Lil Wallace man super
Proud of that dude his birthday is the 23rd just uh he just turned 25 wow yeah uh my cousin Kelly she’s the 22nd I’m just so many so many birthdays so many January birthdays and but but the one that I I I mean just you know special most special is my
Mom um so you know happy birthday to my mom you know happy birthday M yeah I put out a post about her man that you know that Mama yeah girl oh uh I think everybody knows him on here but Dan BR him and his wife had the baby yeah okay Cong Carter James
Yeah congrats d shout out to him man I saw him post some pictures on Facebook yeah you know uh I think it was the TW hold on CU he got it right here January 20th yeah when Capricorn stop Capricorn stopped around the 20th right the 9 yeah but he
A Capricorn 20th yeah yeah he make he make the cut off made cut off he good money okay okay here in a baby oh it’s my turn yeah so shout out to um my sister her birthday was on the 16th which one uh dearra see look January babies look the manager in
January look at that look at that shout out to Ava her birthday Eva look man look at all this J in January as well to on the on the 15th right January 3rd man so shout out to her um zo birthday is coming up Kia was the third
Too cace Kia was the fifth the fifth yeah it’s got correction what what day was Candace the 10th like mine Candace is the 10th that’s right yeah so y’all sh her birthday yeah and then uh Zoe her birthday’s coming up um on the 7th so next
Week like yo we need a break man we need a break help me yo help n you you needed a break you needed a break break we’ve been on a break for for six years now so you got help with that break though you got help you cheated listen I a’t
Get help like like I I I initiated I created that breako I said it’s about to happen yo let me I got a I got a shout out uh my wife she she cooked yesterday it was I mean and they destroyed the food man we had um we celebrated all the
January birthdays yesterday at my house while we watched uh my 49ers you know what I mean ball for four quarters and uh and send send Cinderella back home you know I mean from the ball for two quarters you I mean Hey listen 60 minutes that’s
Why the game 60 Minutes you know what I mean you you can’t go to the Bowl after one half so you got to play all four quarters we play We we played all four quarters yeah y’ was there the president for the first two y was pres for the
First two you know you in class and teachers say Hey by they say hey pres teach I’m here so that’s what they did for the first quarter first two quarters bro hey we showed up with it County did man yeah that’s matter shout up my big brother Eminem man congrats on the win
Too know B was a Niner fan I didn’t know he like football how is he a Niner fan I just want to know please could somebody yes yes I mean s San Francisco Alabama man bro I’m shout out to to M and I think B
Hey we won I said we Winston C’s a he’s a 49er fan yeah he he been down he been down he been down for a minute talking about them for a while oh really okay yeah okay shout out to all the black people doing dope black stuff man one of the
Dopest black people I know my wife Ezra she’s always holding this down man so just want to make sure I highlight her you know doing the runs picking these kids up you know this one you know dealing with her her emotions deal with her personality dealing with aa’s many manyy to
Show right making them multiple trips out to Hilton all the time man staying home with Eli and his sick behind so shout holding this down hey it’s my baby back there yeah man listen I wantan I want to shout out Brandy before King dud wow that’s foul that’s fou
Hey shout out my number man hey number we miss you over here man Contin doing great things yo bad love yo listen man this a family show man yo my Bros ain’t is sometimes man CA yo they they they be trying to make [Laughter] they yo shout out to my wife Brandy
Hayes yes sir out to you baby too late I already got it got you Brandon you got you man yo your bro shouted you out first just remember that just remember that right oh y’all love to see me in the dog house boy y’all like it no sir y
Treat me like I’m a cute I I know it was going to give me that kind of Joy inside see that’s your sense of humor again that’s your sense of humor wow it’s dark and twisted yo maybe we should end this show with a prayer man yo be over there crying though I’m
Sorry Heavenly Father we pray that uh Kareem makes it into his bed safely tonight watch over him as he walks down the stairs oh man amen amen oh my goodness all right y’all good night peace peace out byebye