Attorneys years day and I loud music work left do me and he did a little research on our own find out that neither one of these are true the paternal system sends following that to eat and incorporates elements of masonry things I major not to get too silly because I’m keep
Learning myself and then we’ll start the reckless recently was finding out that out loud he’s not the first black canary in fact it was another tutorial started in 1904 and Philadelphia call it will consume my part of our economy by buck so does anything I’m going to be
Learning disability and if you would please give a warm welcome for our speakers you start off its African tradition started everything off by giving honor and respect to EP eight and I’m going to finish with that I’m gonna start and finish with that tradition is
Called my base prayer as we know it has come out of my page and actually probably do anyone it’s brother here and I are involved in the rites of passage group that we deal with young boys from 17 to 18 you bring your demand which so something like that
Happen next to my side deployment folder them to you I’m going to use some some some terms that you may not be familiar with one is occasion which is the indigenous original name for Africa I may use a term commit which is the indigenous original name for Egypt and
Some of you may be familiar there so your head is not i’m also going you to turn about shade which means let it be all right when i say i said as black folks doing when i say you respond that’s called that’s called response to spot evocative coach so i’m going to do
A lot of asian is kind of serious and it’s something I want to show with you can something that you can actually involve your organization’s or yourselves it’s normally done with water sometimes has done the wine the Negro the version is using for mayor on corner but it goes back to occasional
Goes back to Africa we be doing that begins thousands of years but we took some liquid and reported into the ground the ground Mother Earth representing our community the liquid representing the knowledge from our ancestor the vessel that’s pouring the liquid representing the creative creative holds the knowledge of my ancestors because the
Creator gave our ancestors that knowledge that now just poured into our community and it helps us to grow back that’s the symbology behind libation that’s why we fought there are on for throwing it be is both of us didn’t know where it came from but now we do and
Hopefully with something you can do because if you recognize our ancestors gave us so much I mean none of this would be right here where we are today if somebody did die chest let it go through some hardship your break it struggled and beat upon of use we are
All here because our people with you that that’s the reason so if you want to bow your head you can keep your head high you can it doesn’t matter close to the 2nd gen give an honor respect to the Creator who is known by many names both genders
Different cultures all groups to get out of respect to view gives life that the mother form in the father form I said sure you get honor to our ancestors from the continent of cabling northern Africa to build great civilizations Kim no rubia push the tens mins the Ethiopians
All the great civilizations of art a villain in the traditional sense and the antiquity sentence you get respect and honor because that wisdom knowledge and understanding is the basis of what we learned today in our universities are universities I said sure we give honor to our ancestors particularly varies
From West Africa who was stolen from the grade my uncle the Holocaust of African slavery for taking the South America first who are taking the South America Central America what is known as Latin America now he went to Brazil we went to Peru Costa Rica poster porto rico went
To Honduras who went to Lima who eventually for take into what’s known as the United States of America who struggled to maintain life so that we can be where we are today you give those ancestors who are part of the creative great mistake I said I’m sure you give I
Don’t respect to those ancestors who made it through the middle passage into America who survived through the Reconstruction era who built America with the help of our Native American brethren who built America as you know I said I’m sure we give other ones go to our ancestors during the Jim Crow era during
The civil rights era and gave up their lives their money the jobs the families the livelihood the culture so that we could have a better life I said sure you give honor respect to our individual ancestors be they whatever coach Africa in Asian European we’re all a part of us
Right now you can honor respect to those ancestors would be good who made our lives easier because of them we can be the people we are today individually our fathers or mothers or grandmothers grandfathers uncles our extended family of ancestry I should I said you give honor and respect to ourselves because
We have the essence in the presence of the creative insiders and once we’re going to tap into that presence we can do great things we can be blessings to ourselves and to other ppl on ur ourselves because we know we have the spirit of creative headaches I said I
Should and last give honor and respect to the creative for being involved as i said earlier and all cultures all tums both genders given us life and preserving life after being that greater force that guides us and can be a guy if we allow ourselves to be me I say I say
I said yeah sure sure yes if you go to African continent if you step into a village now people will pour libation to wish you well to make sure that your journey in and their area is good Native American tribes for live nation to throw the surprise that have a
Large influx of African in as african-americans we have to recognize that we have majority African and a lot of Native American is what what some people don’t realize the live Native Americans have lesson a lot of them have us and them as well and it’s important
We know our true history our home is I do a presentation hopefully you get to see it monday or an African influences in Latin America because we we deal with American lacks North American black but then I’m so called Black History Month of african-american history member there
Trying to be making ma’am we don’t deal with our brethren and sisters who went to Latin America South America South America has the largest concentration of people of African descent outside of that in second place or other has the largest concentration of people of African descent is India we don’t study
Something that don’t like eating them those are people too folks are people too on the lid and that’s why we particularly if you look at their wedding so do I all except for those noses and protects you to hit and if you look at people of Asian descent this
Book is the bomb it’s by I avancer advocate presence and early ancient you know people flipping out inside the woods around this time but I have a lot of African way back in the day they were colonized by the Europeans and they were aged Asiatic people they know the first
Dynasty in china was African diamond chain dimes martial arts came out of that it went to an area in China and the person who actually bought marks walks in China was known to be dark flat nose big lift and curly hair if you look at the early pitches of Buddha who the hell
What he was a butta bug he had big look it’s big nose pz head we they know we just don’t know if this will read that’s on the topix night guess no video yes do someone else around bounced around a lot the top of them i’m here with tonight is
The African origins of fraternities sororities and i’m creeping on attentional amazing how many drinks you had it ok let’s good to see that we have a good balance of so-called Greeks and non so-called now these terms so-called greedy because back into to the 60s if you talk to the older brothers and
Sister they will say we play wii for some reason now drop the money carlos 03 do we have a real basis for calling out and I’m a brother go make yourself i’m attorney important do we have a real basis for calling ourselves through those of us who are you yes sir i think
That is really our members because history has taught suitable piggyback on with black black kids drop things so they don’t like see I think will be a racial background school background of our teaching resource para or any medicine statement I the weakest member is there anyone else wanna make happen what is their
Specific we can be multiplying right we call ourselves free fall down stairs every just being back once in because he said a lot right thing I’m available out loud return incorporated other thing that I’ve learned you can associate the group is as you learn but most of the
Night he said most of our history is still in back from African culture and your struggles that we had a nerve as absolutely absolutely nothing to do with the Greek cultures or you know right civilizations did you know right what’s this in addition well right off it ok
Well the Greek letters aren’t even greet ok so we got ourselves we little organizations because we have weak letters in the Greek letter actually Greek and relies to ourselves w how well however there is a curious thing called Black Creek and I’m going explain that curious thing called a
Black with the first civilized part of Greece was creeped crie te from Burnett right what an accretion stuff that’s the island is settled what do they come curious thing called a black grid now I got this information out the Encyclopedia Britannica headed my father party are just not was born it dates
Back to 68 so this is what folks been saying about us since six probably before the vitamin to the other of the no side BTW this is a curious thing called the blackberry and i’m going to be paraphrasing from the encyclopedia pretend until well the first floor
Should agreed to be civilized the screen and an important i’m quoting an important economic relationship existed between egypt and a GNC during the 27th dynasty of egypt which was actually the 25th dynasty because European scholars take off to nited states while we add two dynasties they don’t recognize
Technologies exist but during the 27 dynasty their thing Minoan ceramics were imported into Egypt until the reign of Tut Moses the third on these vases found in Egyptian tombs he pecked chrétien and Minoan dress bringing tribute to her gifts to Egypt so these pre shins and his vinolas we’re bringing gifts to eat
You why is a whole country where did some gifts to Egypt but the reason just passed April fifteenth he had to give our gifts to eat we had to pay taxes these vases depict the creases and the Minoans paying taxes to do easy okay on these bases found the Egyptian tombs to pick
Creation and vanilla dress bring some tortillas to Egypt these were found to date back to fit 1450 BC we know from the classic historian fault who is one 1879 diabetes any month that the committee’s Egyptians had conquered Greece in that area the committee is called the creep or Grecians kept
Affection which is a applicant or Egypt crossword and a place called greaseless called kenosis the last dateable object at Crete depicting the chromatic rule of the creatures in other words we use the rule creek which is the first civilized person of Greece to sing encyclopedia is in your history moves yes sir
Hottie we told it was wrong be missing no they got it wrong wrong wet and gross into the data i forgot the supposed to come but anyway it was saying that greece was originally in his early days it was an Egyptian god no but it was
Before Egypt let me get in Hector’s what the heaven I’m glad you come on it if you have any comments or questions raise your hand jump in ok ok in fact the last dateable object can creep depicting the kemetic pool of accretions this object is a plaque having a seal of Queen time
Now hopefully brothers passed out some information to if you look in that information i’m not sure what page it is you find a picture of Queen time but if you have a light secular if you can lift it goes up and that piece of paper down
The system in the bottom in the back des cling tightly get a full book toughed it out ok this object is a plaque having the seal a pretty tight another law resistance to say this is mine you put a seal on something that belongs to you or
Something else has credence to your name your ears burn as a single this plaque also depicts how appreciative civilization was destroyed around 1400 BC by a volcanic eruption so basically what happened was these creatures around 400 8pc a lot of them died because of all volcanic eruption now it also tells
You an encyclopedia Tampa the first Christians were immigrants and i’m going to read verbatim again these emigrants had highly had a highly developed civilization hide-a-bed surrounding it in Europe there are only two ways immigrants can migrate and that was from the East which is Italy and Europe and
As I said earlier the sentence earlier these civilizations were more highly developed in Europe Italy at this point the only other way could have come in as it was two ways was a south and that involved africa asia minor or both if you study age minor age might of those
Of the person i’m not virgin but some of the iranian here is another recibio so far muslims and actually included after if you look at the old mattress asia minor including the whole of North Africa okay in the east in Ferguson’s the Encyclopedia Britannica further says
In the East they were still in the cro-magnon appeared it was kromega hey man so we had highly developed civilizations and we had pavement so basically encyclopedic sanity telling us that we keep of African descent we whoo creek at one time we were the people and what happened is creek was ruled first
By the Ethiopians Ethiopia is the only country in Africa I was never taken over by European world Ethiopian is only country that was taking over by a Syrian asian room Ethiopia is a place for all this drama brothers assistant state now in the Bible who was clear when she what’s the
Story about King Solomon who lived in Asia Minor and queen sheba please shoot okay what else she had a question boom we’re not going to please his kid until everyone agree with that free my story okay he’s a little bit about not telling the whole thing Queen Sheba on
All of that area she was making the trip going picking up her taxes King Solomon was basically up she was getting my money she was like home give me my money Jill did much she was going around to life in a month she heard a lot that he
Was very wise and he always paid taxes on time it tells you this in Ethiopian and Egyptian texts those historical documents found video and Egypt that she was born around on that air at that time Egypt was still kind of small it’s known that she was getting much she was going
Getting people her tax money she’s like the IRS she went there and in the Texas and went to get her taxes and she asked him questions he has everyone who was managing her money questions to make sure they was stupid you guys stay on young employees if you are buddy you got
To make sure they know what they know and actually she was over he did tricky Salman was a neck he had many watts at that time could everyone existing Lee enough all his wives can’t believe you now if you want to be a wise man who do you surround yourself with wise wimp
Right wise one that’s not fun or what your brothers do whole bunch of stupid or a real involve yourselves with some women that more intelligent than you and what you become more intelligent yeah non what all of the tank and EPO EPO Ethiopia one one of the biggest temples
For women one of the biggest universities or the universities as weeks at University our University we learned about everything in universe he got these women who had studied and married Adam in his fourth no different than what if you look at it happen to think you know husband or wife does not
Own one but it was a little different back then if you look at wait applicants took on many wives many times the Queen wife will choose the otherwise and some of them never had sexual connections with dozen but that’s different than a way to be average did if you have big
Herrings and most of the men in America you want to have with big hammers business but that has had big course well he’s one will come out and they they had other consult some people even with the American but I was his manhood so King Solomon had all these women who
Made them intelligent a wise because I decision can do know he would step back consult with his room get the right answer his men and women think differently we see one half let me see the other head you put box has because you see a whole kitchen and he made wise
Decisions that way it’s in history it’s not in the Bible because the Bible only give the service family if you break down a problem deals one big fan it didn’t deal with everybody in the world then one we found I’m not damning about it lessons for bleeding’s in the Bible
No basic instructions before leaving earth I’m right down okay true so the creations were originally african-themed now we add asian in there since ancient Maya and what happened in Asia Minor is that’s what the applicants and the Europeans kind of mixed all right no one coming soon all the other
Cultures that were in that area if you look at people who are Arabian today that basically it makes people of Asian people laughing European people asian or white people yeah basically okay so pre this first rule by Ethiopia Ethiopia was a mother of Egypt Egypt came out of yoga
Or if our theories though tis me thank God turns me probably down in Africa 77 not tens tells me that we know now there’s no hotter there’s no hot but if you read the history of Egypt they write their own history I come from traveling
Up the night and it now runs about the beginning of slightly turns blue it goes up south to north actually goes north to south the world is going to subside now but if you look at it for your opinion Stanton who was here on the face and as
A center point and everything else is backwards outside that but it was a circle now we do that Christopher Columbus lead left and he had Moorish maps with them from the Moors I’m just kicked out of Spain in 1492 black black devil more people were like
He had more smash that’s why he says the earth is not flat with everyone around us and early sweat and I’m going to be okay okay the creases were first African if you look at three gods in the first drawings and the patience for the first thousand years but then they drew the
Greek gods what color were the Greek god blue black purple life is blackness executive African blood beautiful black if you read the Greek culture they tell you to mythology mythologically for two people that brought them language because they couldn’t speak or to Africa and they show them as having big breasts
Big lips and a big bow you’re being women can have that at that time now you like this liposuction and all this other runs an accident okay all right now hang on us I’m not a smart person I’m not a very intelligent persons ashley it’s very hard for me to learn I just
Read a whole lot of books so that’s why I have lucky and you can do the same thing it’s not all my book cover but Jordan information I’m coming from tonight to come out of these two books now about a civilization something to pick that up and this book which is extremely hard
Hit I like money i’ll touch practice or oh the African origins of real any more decisions I was on back order for this four year and a half once they finally got it in it called me i left work when he died by the time I got to the store
They hauled in five is a five came in this is last one in I don’t know why I don’t know why I so how you did unfortunately sometimes you don’t have the money to fire on to us you know it’s not a way to retail with something that’s really exciting you know
Something to focus our energies emotional so it’s not a best-seller so we might have to let him put into these types of goods sometimes you gotta give them on you can okay but the Greek guys are dark complected they have curly head now if we took the African first and we
Mix it with European purse what section of their here how did pay attention road it would be curl our hair is super curly it’s easy I mean when your hand backs up if they sleep curls up I heard he’s very curved the Greek guys didn’t have original didn’t have like escrow
I gotta be seeing later on may goes with God’s the hair guys loose escrow Terry girls in the hair that’s true one of the things you find any people never they accept God after a period of time that conception of God will look more and more like them as they become closer and
Closer trying to understand me so some of that may have some racist undertones but also that story okay so three guys lack of like they had curly hair and Zeus was called to APO this means Ethiopia and in whatever her to a sox famous the HFA stop was an Ethiopian
Slade was taking it in Greece and he didn’t feel like doing a whole lot of work so whenever these boss came around his master came around enormous case he was thought ton of jokes and entertaining he became very well known for being having an auditory gift our people have orator food tips whatever
You find out you’ll find that oratory becomes the basis of our culture hip-hop is based on oratory use original jazz music had a lot of color response and a lot of food and things like that editing as the oratorical get if you listen to live music which is completely African
Face and then go after class music has more African in the broccoli robucket founders but presentation o Zeus is recorded in Greek mythology as having he often had dinner and consulted with a POS faultless men in other words and Greek mythology Zeus used to go over the Ethiopian diabetes
Kings down with you blackman hood get wisdom and knowledge fullback squeaks he said madness is sitting there in about I will quote he often had dinner and consulted with egg yolks faultless men so basically we’re having in Crete was we went over there he took over he set
Up a civilization there was three earthquakes I mean volcanic eruptions no earthquakes persons of volcanic eruption met some of our people up that’s what EV joking mood if Egypt Egyptians went over there to go because that time Ethiopian turned into you Egyptians to go over after the first of all can’t open
Rupture they went over there we were over there far away and you mix with the Europeans who had no knowledge of themselves in the Civil caucus agents into limited caucus mountains of European Caucasian compensation they mix what I’ve started out of that it was volcanic I mean an earthquake some of
Them died then the last remaining people who are there we’re taking over by some of the European views and as proof of that if you look at people who are Grecian now they are light skinned might they have our noses others they have the southern examine the oldest country fit there
With darker hue very dark Chi as a matter of fact and giddily at one time but darker you work the more you’re regarded as having rich background as a matter of fact is my dear the original my piece of call themselves to order of the black hand there’s a lot of their
Peeps were off beeps if you look in Italian today hey I like that they loud 80 like this all the time and they want to be met another thing that connected with that is the Moroccans or the wars from where the turn of moreto which means like boring tuning which is a
Italian language means black we took over russia the more civil russia germany through her The Black rushing today okay there’s a Black Russian in this book you showed you the African origins of Russia that’s why they go they took over that area and interestingly enough there’s a disease
If you have a demanding called simple cell anemia be part of that right if you European gasps sickle cell anemia is called the Mediterranean Sea sickle cell anemia was the body’s natural way of protecting yourself against the black clay that happen in Europe when the Black Plague happened in Europe autumn
White folks random mix started dying the only people who didn’t die to a black playing with those who had us in and they have this problem blood cells make simple States simple shapes so there may be some other elite consoles my grief is the first greets
Work what but since many of them died in volcanic eruptions earthquakes I’m not so sure we can really tie ourselves ancestrally with it however the first Christians were illness they came from African in your life okay so Security’s think on a black Greek so for those of us who aren’t people in organizations
Next time somebody steps to us why don’t we let it you can tell me the first green to black and they don’t believe they can recreate history if you go to a Greek text you know it wouldn’t just kind of flows over Greece but if you go
To some lessons creeps ER e tem encyclopedia would give you that back so I’m not one of those calls myself you power because I understand a hole deeper sensor but some of us want to do that that’s fine but now we have a basis which to do so now this is the first
Part of my presentation and I’m kind of lower windows you can see so I’m going to try to break this down to make it a little shorter okay black grid so just talk about the black briefs Africa Egypt if you read touching this and Africa that big meets the bush people were
Small at Louis Vuitton didn’t they travel of the knife and he brought history knowledge and culture their religion was based on the environment all African people are descended on those things all Egyptians talk about that in an historical texts that Miss big means they did different groups them
Can be Ethiopians contention he was the first place to have pyramids in Tanzania and in Ethiopia when they had pyramids they were very no change in Egypt parents were not very sure we can lie to you about that the more time God internet so Egypt came out of African he
It was the zenith of awesome some people tell you all the different Egyptians were wider what time Oh the Egyptians were aged in the Persian of what’s up that’s all true well if you look on that information packet that the office passed out to you it shows you
Hopefully hope I put all that in there the dynasties Egypt so you can look at that at your leisure I gave the information to evangelise but it’s in it and that’s basically it until the $27 African diamonds in that European banks privacy but the African I’ve seen it was
Black mood and even with Persian Greece Rome and of the Arabs came and took over Egypt it was just like you and i’m going over taking over the White House alright we take over a white house that doesn’t mean everyone in the country is black it
Just lazy to go to the White House and that’s what happened it was person move in Rome and move and people are going to mix with other people man if you meant man looking up like I like episode we have sex and when you do that you want
To blend you’re going to blend colors that’s what happened Egypt but it did happen to a certain point in time and interesting lineup they had Egypt and in Tanzania Ethiopia least called mystery schools and he’s mystery smooth were people winning a place for like 40 years they went and studied information and
Learn how to develop himself took about 30 40 in depending on what track user you can still go to Egypt this study in these mysteries for you dr. Danny otakon just about seven years ago became a 300 60 degree Mason they tell us you going over 33 bucks right you can go 360
Though what you have to do an Asian Indian and then finalize your studies in Africa 300 360 degree Mason has to be brother but they won’t tell 40 30 20 30 degrees here in America status right later on the log information they got go back to that basically applique my
Fingers I mean I mean piggy people and internally Tanzania Ethiopia that was a big culture you know we had Kushites the Nubians lot of us say you me a system you know the winter hustle movie price of new wears them smudges said it yes what most blacks wasn’t whatever you
Know you sell everything yeah we’re using we are basically saying that we have a historical and cultural connection with our people in Africa will say it there’s not more with all right nothing wrong people if you are any city you find downtown where there’s a whole bunch of excitement there’s a
Lot of things going on there’s a lot of money there’s a lot of people who are highly educated then you don’t find you gather well people out of a movie tonight africa was a concert and that same things happen there were some areas where people are highly civilized and
Then there were some areas where basically because they will cut off in that it worked to that apex and understanding that african apex was knocked down the smack down by invaders so it’s slightly different but we have to keep that in mind whenever we call ourselves movie in racket it’s true we
Have connotes cultural relations yes but let’s understand with the sample using starters I still use my 11-7 hoping you go to now to to understand now Egypt became the apex of civilization one of the things that happen but each of you cover impacts of civilization is its location regards to
The rivers and the oceans there are certain currents if you go to Mexico and you put a float a floating boat in the water the current will take it too easy we rode the currents were able to travel all over the world because it is we met with other people aren’t information
House of another zero there’s an aspect come concept Egyptians Dublin number 29 they talk about it nothing beta users are zero as asking you we try to be got information he brought it back Mexico was once owned by the crazy Mexico was owned by the Queen of Sheba assistance
See this time so you became the apex of civilization in Egypt you find a lot of the symbols are Greek letter organizations use what are some of the symbols as you see the Greek letter organization’s name can be found in Egypt hey thanks you’re hearing voices elephants
It was ahead of the island called elephantine island and in his Island there were seven healthy arranging the circuit and in this it was it was island but basically was a waterfall he was something that was spout out and this something that had seven huge carved
Elements it was a delta region of acting vitamins don’t know that but that’s true i have another i can’t think of saying right now but he does a whole slide presentation on it and I was really trying to get him down get him back to
Show you next you can see it right exact but he can make it but i’ll make sure that if he him stood you’ll get that information but a lot of the apex type apex civilization type things happen in Egypt if you go to the Washington Monument in Washington DC who said watch
The news agenda okay he was amazing hectic he was raised okay then we ready to set up washington DC based on his studies of Egypt in Egypt defiant Oh bliss which is that all section that’s kind of funny shape what does that mean Thomas it’s a fallacy
Say that the god will be reborn washington DC was Egypt reborn he became the cabbage he became the apex European or lesion on the dollar bill has appeared where’s the pen let me tell you about fear and xeni what I’ve heard of name is lettin em hotep whose mo first
Of all time gene you made me wake up on the first of all time genius because that told you when you study the mystery temples and I’m going to go into that when people are late you study at a university we hear honor all the sciences he was mostly the greatest of
Those people who came out of the mistresses okay if you go on the grease you’re fine picture of em hotep who’s called ace caladiums any young people said in chemistry of algae oh ok you know the Hippocratic oath that’s the hope that doctors have to take before
They become definitely what I studying a catfish dizziness and then they say the Hippocratic oath because who was the so-called father vegetable i’m in a bunker tonight okay papi the Hippocratic oath says he gives praised out of the ACA lakings who is the Greek names but
Emily is he knew where his science came for me we did so him hotel came out the mistresses he was worshipped in early europe as the price peace and Prince of helium along and this was in person in church there early Christian church worship ace the lengthiest as the prince of peace and
He’ll interestingly enough if you look at some of the older Bibles they talk about Yahshua then had direct or jesus son of the pamphlet The Anointed One to Christ who went to Egypt and disappeared off the face of the earth for about 32 years then came on board members in some
Of those old enviable who tells you that he studied meeting in Denver see illumise soon they don’t say what happened we was easy but it says it works out putting their mistresses look to that University he came out and he was the advisor to the king people from
Sigma coming again aronia okay their national convention is called the blue light blue leggings about to contain it was up was the advisor to the king this is the interesting story the Pharaoh was followed the ring of red rain me he prayed and prayed and prayed that rain
Would come for his feet that was his main duty he had prayed and prayed a training conference p.e Jim had a funny situation going on it would have seven years a feast seven years of famine in those seven years of famine it was on that Pharaohs head to make sure he
Prayed if he didn’t frighten and what it didn’t come his head was telling they want to they was sipping it was real sick during one period of time there was supposed to be a seven-year peace and a water stuff Egypt has these water pools under these waterfalls of the areas of
Water seeks out and fills the oceans and the lakes and streams comes from under the ground if you study geology of attending buffer the water dried up to Egypt during the time we should have been fat I mean family feast so you know that was tripping he’s like yo what’s
Happening so he gets with his advisor and he tells the visor find out what’s happened they said the people up the dorsum investigations dadadada got his men find out report back emeralds up his MO tepid under some mathematical calculations have found out which was the major water tube feeding all over
That area they studied as water to a fan of those are big bolded like in the world whole bunch of rocks together black in the world interestingly enough the fowls having a problem because his brother his brother wanted to be Pharaoh and could be felt and he was trying to
Become Pharaoh what’s the reseller it was just our movies disney dis game with you the lion set wanted to be king set short / sick sorry and everyone became same game in heaven you know Satan was supposed to be the most knowledgeable of the angels and want to
Take over you got booted out down the hill good he was the most knowledgeable day it’s a whole story that’s what happened the Lions in Africa mensa African story the story of Osiris and Horus and if those those Egyptian stories is the same story some old actress Lee the brother wants to take
Another brother had so fair enough the other brother and his camping put all these rocks in black the water team so they cleared up the water table with water was flowing against the Pharaoh was saved and he was happy for the foul I mean it won’t suck anything Fallon
Said look this could happen again and maybe next time they’re not quick enough to get our roster before they take get help I want to devise something so we can have clean water is if they didn’t have a water coming during those thousand degrees penny they had a whole
Bunch of dirty water the pyramids were a water purification 10 they had way over the water is pumped in it was terrified if you look in how about the contributions it was describing how the water was clean and it was a deep process they had boils involved we had
These big mirror of type things the Sun would hit down and make such a heat and it will boil the water and water will be pumped out the silence and if you know it the simple Delta means in Latin or Greek means continuous and what moves the kid
Two things water the lectures reason water was continuously is because of like him so the water pump outside antenna he built a smaller now he used these symbol it was a step pyramid look the first theorem except cetera it was steps it’s not smooth it was steady he
Used that so that form because in Tanzania and in Ethiopia they had used that as burning James and every symbol that they use in Africa has three minutes in America who put pictures on a wall for the advice we give our babies names and they sound keep you know these
Things like that in African tradition there was three meanings for every summer physically a metal meaning and a third to me he loves the life physical mental spirit so I’m hotels new and they circle he go to give it stood for he used that as a water purification hi he
Later built the one that we see in Egypt that is nice and flat mom because that’s the one that he laid the first smaller ones recycler it was build exactly where he was stuck in that was the first fair make you go then he hadn’t built a
Second now of course em hotep died in the building of the second one but he already had his plans clean up they used to tell us that our people were buried in appearance you can’t barely a person let them DK anywhere you have water and purify so where were our people there on
The east where you find the valley of the kings and queens when you find a value Kings pleased with all the Africans Egyptian kings and queens were very then find any of them in appearance that’s why I keep looking at the pyramids they final king test only the value
Involuntary so Egypt Egypt or Kim it was the apex of civilization from that impacts we find that Egyptians travel all over the world like I said earlier Mexico used to be owned by a clinician Egyptians and the Ethiopians were connection with them get a lot of travel because the curves were taking various
Places if you look at me pyramids they show you pictures and symbols and plans for boats ships and de- liars and I say they had glider second eye on them but they have plans for it will try to something yes I’ve covered a book about the management end up and plant advisor
This is feasible that then making light material with the airborne well that they can take CBI is quite possible that they speak considered a not too much on the Seas or cattle a llamar that’s great to see I haven’t studied anywhere with food but I’ve seen the
Place figure the some west by a bird and it has on it it has means i can put your signature going with that it has a mean shake just like you see you mama dating power claims and they found this up it’s about giving me if they
Drew BP will fly something dog this is a month well with the bigger make that fly I’m quite sure that it would feel a lot of skill model do the same if we can make that work no little doubt so as you see Ethan Kanin apex traveled everywhere
If you go to India the first people who live in India crap they know that they’re called the Davidians now the untouchables okay who do you got who doesn’t texting Leonardo guarded was a life simpler put he got me touch next thing we have not been guarded was a
Life gambler and he had it good because he was a highly paid lawyer for the best clothes and yeah like step dad passes the first cash system wasn’t in the Hindu system of NASA’s dark keywords booty wurk totem pole light he were just hired more powerful and all the islands
This visit Egypt is African link to Hawaii the filipina and all of that happened during those time kids so even with a third what hap invades the long time to be able to fight invasion one thing that happened was the outsiders are not allowed to go through the mystery system to go to
University so even though these different groups that come over and taking over each US government for a while if they have knowledge of the culture that the priests or teaching you could hold it down to one if you notice the first early conquest didn’t last long I mean you can about a barbarian
Cannot control a civilized man we can go get an eighth from anywhere put it in the cage and they don’t statement may break out and put in a better change because it is uncivilized you can’t hit eight can do that your man you found a way up because and that’s why the
Conference never lasted until what they had another city for the tradition where a man would have a lot of wives from EPL ethiopian make sure he was surrounded by telling you burn that was a tradition to run a lot of the pharaohs and egyptian system was mental mental innit you
Couldn’t become the Pharaoh unless your mother was a queen month or you were connected by blood line to that Queen Mother so you can a strong as long as one is a male if you were not connected with that Queen Mother you could not become a fellow so a lot of people
Invading from Egypt there was as Libyan guy who was pushed into Egypt by some Greek mercenaries that’s why i support you can’t let in with mercenary motives into your decision these mercenaries push this Libyan guyanese of Libya and African descent he took for her life for easier yo with his tradition only
Thing I was different is instead of him getting from he took over bro he made his Greek boys the captains in the Army in Egypt and the whole army got peed off at so they left and what’s ethio that point on ethiopian like I said he’s
Never taken over by any other this guy’s Libyan marriage system had his reborn snow from Greece to be the captain arm army got left mad 2500 for me 25,000 men and to 25,000 on a left Egypt to put them their wives the children it was in a position where they couldn’t fight off
The babies so if you can’t fight too what do you do so make it real friend Victor look how to joke with people had people over some people are bugging probably this king this Pharaoh started allowing people through outside to go into Egypt and a study since the army
Had left there was nobody to protect the priests there was nobody to protect the mystery students it was nobody to stop if you going in now the mystery schools an f-18 and there was some in Greece them something wrong cuz they been elected they didn’t they let him in but
They hadn’t been because there was a conquest of Egypt me feel in Asia and India it talks about that in Mexico Aztec civilization maloney it has what half this one came from this Farrell let big reason these Greeks came in and study learning information because they had the
Priestly know pretty much of the night to the throat basically want teach me I’m a killer they learned that that’s how they got to the University the brothers overrun that’s the interesting part about his pit whether some other what is up but brothers in people in where they shouldn’t be bringing foreign
Objects in our community which destroyed like crack cocaine it seems to me quite but I mom never done done he say is it oh my god I can’t move down one because I mean I know that I have white girl if it’s of my family someone who’s well
Busy majority doesn’t ring that’s great that’s best that’s the American photographing they’re realizing you have a lot of Native Americans and you also some have some your penis so I can’t down began upon yourself you get down hope you picked up on myself sublime statement so anyway keep our men and
They learn they learn bigger everything but they learned in learned of lower levels the in that information package it tells you some of the things they learned in the process they had it open so the so called fathers of medicine mathematics Pythagorean philosophy they went to study now what’s interesting is
When these Europeans came and they studied and it came back to the native areas it will persecute for teaching what a foreign doctrine they weren’t teaching that the earth was flat LT senator his rent they weren’t teaching that the birth I mean the Sun involve money there would be so much crazy stuff
And it was Plato it was Socrates it was all these people who were saying no that’s not true that’s not what I learned Aristotle was persecuted for teaching a foreign doctor they said that he was teaching students of things under the earth and in the sky if he studied
Was something the earth what science is it you know challenge if you study was in the sky what science is that robot he was teaching geology and astronomy struggling with two of the things i will talk to mystery school he was killed for now if the Greeks were killing people
Was teaching that stuff how can they claim that that was the beginning of civilization in universities the University and philosophy when they killed their own people for teaching for us and they killed him for teaching a foreign doctrine another thing that was happening and if you listen to care and
Money talks about in running a song how Sparta was in constant conflict with the PERT with partisan and it will always fighting each other you cannot build and you can’t help educate people when your nation is under war it won’t happen that’s all I’ve got somebody being a red
Light bulb because we always fight each other where war would you get on with the environment and we can’t you can’t educate people in it ever those conditions and learn how to play but the funny thing about fighting is in reputation whoa you don’t just fight the enemy you start fighting everything
Around that’s what happens in Vietnam vets hell happens to any better reviews that’s what I have to take care of it that’s what happens two brothers in jail that’s why I can come back in front watch people on the street do they learn to fight and then pipe and tell anybody
Just go against and i’ve added the system anymore they take it out on everybody that’s the funny thing about friday that’s why we’ve studied martial arts like Apple web which is African much have you studied much luck if he just discipline first because if you only teach warfare then that’s all that
Person will know in ghettos we don’t teach this from these more that’s why people over a missionary so these Greeks these Romans they took over Egypt they learn the information Alexander degree we should not call him Alexander and grape if I came in your house and beat
You up beat your mama up smack everyone not to father are you gonna call me break okay alexander the great way to Egypt went in Africa smacked everyone up right the one go broke down the temple stove with men that’s quite a good coaching great from if any whether you
Have the best father you re coach that’s part of European culture that des is part of your thing folks since a lot of those do have Europeans way back me day that may explain how am I saying he does but Alexander degree did that stuff he wouldn’t rape the village and we call
Him Alexander the Great why because our European teachers and in European books and said so long and this was a great man then just tell us a lot more about your feelings family fun you know what go wash the dye suppose shivers what do you catch it but
I’m not sure it’s late in the race have you ever noticed an more black people the last name Washington and his wife George Washington was known to follow many models yeah but Washington was notorious interesting way enough white women what’s upper body as being some ever that they weren’t supposed to have
They want us to be sexual objects back in the day you know the second revolution now remember what it was all about any word didn’t and that’s it and when they made laws about blacks having intercourse of lights and how that was punishable by death may be punished away
Continue it clears the black man and a white women they didn’t want them to make and you’re not one of them me that was an American South America and Central American he had one drop of white blood in you consider way you can be in this instance complexion you can
See the white most hispanics women go back to the name country percentage point in American you have one drop of black blood you can see the glenn back to that um so they came in a mother and learn some of they went back a lot of the first people were killed with
Teaching for doctrines then the roman empire to go to Egypt world became the center of the world Roman soldiers or widening here this whole time he immerses some of my comments are kind of wrong became senator work on behalf of church but it I’ve done Roman soldiers
Who studied in Alexandria he was named after Alexander brief and played over was reported some written what thousand four thousand books in his lifetime complete books like everything you want to know about a shot he’s supposed to wrote a thousand of in different backgrounds of sciences they were riding
Back then here try to write complete but lady I use a whole bunch of words he supposedly wrote a thousand of these of course we all know you were studied and went out then we we took over he was clean charges for his Houston charge of taking over that libraries he took over
Library books we recorded everything plagiarism plagiarism is a Greek word hey lady x 7 20 minutes okay oh I’ll make it very speed and I’m holding these Roman soldiers started studying Egyptian information these Roman soldiers were building the cathedrals and Rome who bails things faces so these were
Bricklaying they were mason and a study what was called structuring mason and inward as they were building these things that were studying these things makes either because the first cathedrals were built based on to just nip so the buildings can feed yourself at the line the light come in and the
Break of garden state’s about 60 m and had to study the office injection stuff to do that they setting off the Egyptian science so when they built these cathedrals and you’re what they will do they have my slacker but in the pyramids in Mexico and avidly they break the
Thing is lit up so about 6pm litter so the study that to learn how to do that with their temples they studied Egyptian information they kept it amongst themselves you had to be a Mason tomorrow affirmation after that kings and queens who were ruling this learn this information since they were too
High time to start laying bricks they study the information and he called a speculative information out of this the lasons original out of speculative masonry they stop building things they were just studying they enrich you still had to get involved in the organization to be hard out amazingly and then some hopefully
That’s in that information I gave maintenance not Europeans learn all this information one of the biggest groups were the Druids druids walked around with capes on what hacks that had snakes on if you read the bible jesus said be wise and snip because it’s that he knew that symbology because he’d study vision
Be wise this thing tells you when uh you know he we don’t we take that state thing to the Romney it happens Genesis a thing that stinks an easy but then when Jesus says if you don’t know what to think about he ain’t say me you wisecracking speaking creeping you all
Phrases but Jesus was talking in parables and like if you’re out for this awesome amazing I said a whole bunch of stuff already if you kill you picked up you know we get talking something we can talk using phrases that a familiar movies all right Jesus did that if you
Notice in the Bible it never tells you what Jesus taught with the site he always seemed to them in a back room he was always teaching them in a hidden way because he was teaching on the disinformation um so these kings by misinformation Europe learn this information the Druids went
Around he can be interesting late love the Christians in 1492 and keep the boys out of Spain if you go into Spanish museums they have pictures of like your opinion women standing like this on him or black books because they keep them up later forty ninth inning second unit
Somebody sale don’t you use an air max the same thing happened with druids Christianity was growing up but a funny thing about this Yeti the kings and queens in Europe and their course study agnostic science which means true gymnastic no notice proposition supposed to know whole life fantastic science was
Meant to sons what do they give to the normal populace goodbye them so while the normal populace is reading the Bible which is filled with parables and symbolism and metaphor that lesson really training that you can’t take everything out you can be able to me yes
Sir um we have about 10 minutes look and I wanted to yeah um allow a question answer period so well let me get right to the heart of the matter okay okay i I’m sorry I know I was on this time constraints not do continue in the
Morning okay so he had Mason ma’am they came over to pull boss okay the Druids they talked to her matic son they went into Ireland and set up these Mississippi cheese again some pasture some Saint in Ireland following the via the authority of Roman Catholic Church was supposed to get rid of these
He’s her man eat he said the Hermetic sciences he would have killed on his name was patrick st. Patrick remember that story about him chasing the snakes out it works snakes if you study about saying he never in the mood rules they took on information news in the head who
Got the information the kings and queens in Europe those are the same people who had the problem we hear they didn’t want to get taxed anymore because now he knew as much as the Kings did they were having somebody father they saw the new colony which is America Lord Washington
And fredericksburg virginia he can’t erase George Washington did not employ anybody in his armies to be high ranking unless they studied Mason through the Naval Intelligence as an army that America’s set up and was coming from Europe is Freemasonry distinctive to basically passed on mac prince hall I
Like skin brother from the West Indies was it allowed to study Mason because I knew of his background Abraham Lincoln wasn’t allowed to study Mason because his mother’s blood it’s like toasted Kristen miss it press I mean preservation press all he went he got to other West Indians Oh new
Labor of African descent we were like right down there way they got information he got involved with them he became a Mason he didn’t wanted to charter a group of raisins in America they gave england dating to the chart why his england that time where his race
Conscience is my finger they gave him a charger he made his chartered African language as the first black mesa from the black masons we had a group of men who became educated in Philadelphia you know in on 19 / for it became signal fire fire charles wesley was a member
And woke the history of cinema haha so he was no i’m talking about he destroy him for alpha fraternity corporation many other Greek letter organizations to the Panhellenic Council artists every just is amazing a lot of the faculty advisors who helped you move several organizations more basis they took the
Information that got information and pass it down and to so-called Greek letter organizations I made a Catholic we started whole bunch of Mason’s because they wanted to have a group on campuses that would make sure that the government’s deeds were done wheatland organization started out to make sure
That the university’s groups where we teach them things at DIA kyle is equal with money we whatever infinity go to school once we started going to school he’s not going the same thing we saw our white peers don’t okay one of the founders of anybody was working in a white
His voice had to study group decided hey let’s start up time was dummies the brother who was working and up until you his knife you want to talk what yes my first time he said on hand to myself basically it’s in a book practice or I think it’s an information engaged he
Murdered traditions and symbolism from the whites and he worked for he was Jenny he got his information some of the other brother started out profile were African Studies major I had the Big O hot pie off the beacons and what are their grand meetings back in the day
When they first started they didn’t have this but they took that in once they say where African people we study this African history let’s make sure that something of apathy is an opportunity as a matter of fact when the gentleman who gave the first eight out and I don’t
Claims though what did the information is what it says in the book peacefully saying I was uncomfortable with using Greek letters until I asked my faculty advisor was amazing can you tell me of something of African that starts with an A and it’s faculty violet said a POV and
He gave me this year that he’ll heal it was spelled with an egg back to AE like the a stopped state and he has a cage same thing happened lady that originated I don’t know first in his head Ethel his love for the job the Honorable eponyms
Just anybody she worked for a white confessing and told her about sorority life she was close to some other people she took this information to help repay me you know she to get all the information because you know for a long time some of the rituals and some other things membership
Thing in one in place because white lady teller and it took a long time but then we get them settled in I alpha kappa alpha soda you know twenty sisters party and hey we ain’t got our stuff together let’s start this they had some idea one of the assistants who departed the one
Who’s leaving saying there’s nothing about Africa enemies she wanted to connect with African by using a purple the African violet as a simple and it also would show a special bottom of the members of homemade in South Africa they departed you know and so these groups
Started there is a big African mates to everything that you do is very little that we can you just read in Greek letters and hopefully that’s in the information he showed you from the Egyptian to do submit it to the information to the greek how those letters became anyone what is it first
So from African origins comes on so called we flooded the turkeys and sororities these rites and rituals that we do our african-based there’s a difference and this is what I wanted this whole your whole presentation is based on me I’m not saying we should change our image a man said that for
Music I said that please I’m not saying that that we should take from these African of Indian rituals that helped us become stronger because now we use these records just to get in and after beginning we may have some ritual every so often just to remind you but they’re
Not something that these rituals don’t empower us we need to study these information about rituals which you can find in this book you can find in this book the sister named Ilya van son to have a book or she has a book called of our Venus get that book talks a lot
About rituals your big rituals that helps strengthen black women and help them share some emotional stress get these rich we need to start or rituals our organizations I’m going to make it strong right now if you want some positives or whatever determines you invite for that position and you are
Leadership skills the wrong way by making mistakes in summertime we should be training everyone our organization please everyone in all organizations and go take over and start of this and employ it up I mean all the money you spent on counterclaims and step show we don’t have a school we don’t have
Costumes all the money you spend on someone else’s hotel and you will have our big parties we don’t have de cáncer another one that’s when we need to get back into it because these rituals we didn’t happen helped us with a communal sense of course I made his brothers and
We pledge you have to go for starvation you had to go through burning you had to go from torch you handle the pain has to go with information and going out sleep that’s part of rituals and make sure to throw the first but after the ritual is
Over a lot of to come while looks like you were before we play we need to keep doing that stuff so that we can create and build on our neighborhood such community and I think and that’s what we lack right now that’s where we left and
If we can pick up all these rituals and you can just go to a black history book on black boot soles and asking for a boat full of riches we will have stronger people but our organizations and that door hold on leading right now one more thing the strongest deep the
Bootleg Sigma Phi Phi advisor to me Kenny that’s Lena so then who tried to stop Marcus guard they tried to stop Marcus God and how about a pop up again I’m sorry but they tried to stop her if you study mother the Kings history and people at
Church like then you sit down and shut up and after my uncle saying how can we just race up attorney like these do they tried to stop it in distance himself from what about me neither this place where our lives we both great membership but little membership in music so we
Need to kind of reevaluate ourselves work life yes sir oh how many they are fully aware of it to about 80 here and what i can tell that baby in a blanket single David was but they didn’t study against which would be frightened ce o– pleasure and I realize I know the facts
About five minutes late forties and fifties week we have our talent we did not bounce pleasure what I’ve seen since I’ve seen us about vation it seems at the level of talent that was in returning to the world say in 1987 room in comparison to 1997 has dropped significantly how do you know
You see on sale problems for never giving organizations when they don’t know the information of the organization that the basic role the organization if you tell people you know why do you enjoy vision well that’s it can’t answer a question and he went over vision to a
Three year but my question is I’m a big phone as far a security theory cannot believe to exist and there’s so many too many times to tell me it doesn’t fit and I feel go back there’s an energy somewhere within country from that realized I fraternities of the word
Keeping things in black men and women that it will use it become successful and tired of people may have to manage to the people would like right but they were in counterfeit the most people in power in the black community can return and supporting so if you will get with a
Look at how we can end this and now per turn some sorority sister plan process and is abolished until you wish mess that up sexually ready look at things that things are turning these women want to eat before second revolution and look at what half an hour okay i’m at this
Point x drugs and we stop the feelings you know he stops going to hold on and that’s not just returning before that’s how people at home and like i said early sexual revolution what about us it went about us um there’s this lot of validity to that unfortunately though
In our organizations we allow to get girls making it pop course they will roughneck and much stronger they had this they had that and we lost the quality moon with building beat that man pinson faulty of any other color is very quick yeah at this time I like to open
The floor for any questions or comments that you may have this is more yes along with over backwards me I don’t worry but some of the things I was written you can go it’s an affirmative Humanx can go today sliced really deprived the things you have english horse we had a tool
That you were ready to pitch focus on information whatever these are big daddy’s want some artists information you can focus on running valley spring keys down now elusive understand now we’re just something knowing something exists all right you tell me something if I totally understand I really don’t understand I just have
Knowledge with you something wisdom is taking information I don’t exist and use it in my baby day life and who are using in my big thing like I get it understanding up then happen the first time that has his third and fifth time as to keep doing it over and over and
Over going to a place process helps you take the information and get some understanding one of the things they had to do and slope to the french fries another thing they had to do was they had to testify now we talked about people testifying the churches now and
Have no idea with it nothing if you really and you’re selling what the Egyptian’s jump on that theory they have been like this you grab the testes and if you did not information it will cover now you would study hard if you had a sense like that these people study hard
And as the testifying that’s why I keep looking at early churches and women to testify I know what they are talking about it now with different you know that’s why I’m just making it home safe yeah yeah back then you had to put your testes on the line if you look at the
Pyramids it shows you bits and pieces of the process if we that information I gave you business apiece and I wish I the left it makes this a lot more time they write the front of death when you can’t tell me but there are some books
And talk about some of the things and I’ve read lots of information dealing with um Yogi’s are becoming the yoga because becoming a yoga was one of the things they had to go and they had a lot of control their breathing because your emotions are basically breathing when
You get mad Reba jolla when you come you can reduce your breathe when you have a sec you have a certain freedom when you’re studying and you’re focusing on something you have a certain breathe in life the less you breathe the more focused or well as you try to hold
Out there 11 you gotta hold down a tree we had some more questions on here your hopes things the master their body faculties to make all those two no Frank additional responses condition when you take control your heartbeat you can control your pulse rate once we have
Control over your body start the game with ability we never use the term Mason it happened early but they had hair fiber if you want to learn the first and what apparently is a multiple go see at the front of it says no myself another that
Says eat drink and be merry for tomorrow my god we thought that was brief cites but they’re on here it also have pictures of people playing chess on the field and the Lord Rochester mistake they also got an imminent for that most people think you know they music indian
Boots of chess we’ve lost a lot of money any other questions it’s over here I got a I got a comment yes sir yes common question with the Greeks enter Egypt this is my comment when the Greeks ancient Egypt it wasn’t that they took it with our nature as black people to be
Loving and caring and to educate the uncivilized and in that kind of time to Greeks or one sister said earlier the freaks that there were homosexuals they were unstable I running with our duty to teach them so that’s how they enter the mystery schools and that’s how they start obtaining certain information
Dealing with the Masonic orders and the boule and that such a master building educating us about astronomy and the auditorium my question is then with the history to tune I just posted mission he said which is very very profound obviously that history has been lost when he came here because it was taken
Over by the Scottish who were first who are white and who took the information constituted a fashion due to their nature and attitude with certain things over Delta so uncivilized and those things were picked up from the black green this is not a disrespected into BlackBerry’s here but obviously the
Black breeze here I picked up those things from those white for turning the white Mason you know so therefore they got a misconception as well too so my question is why doesn’t just a black weeks we arranged the whole situation I didn’t order it around the white Mason
And around the White brulee or the pool day per se one they rearranged the whole picture and other corner cells briefs called a soda Gyptian want to change the whole the whole happens you know everything everything about let me address their first of two things Mason’s never work with black briefs
Because by that time they had all the volcanoes and earthquakes and so they put a mix people and in luck whatever you if you house burned down a lot of the information with London so they lost a lot of information and that’s one reason why it wasn’t grief I mean it
Wasn’t Egyptian or he filled with talent anymore because they lost all the connection okay secondly um with prince hall and I’m gonna be coming Mason’s Loney address your last question when opportunities were designed to set up all over America if you are black person
To speak Greek you would get a job in a white area it would say that blacks had big tons and could not pronounce Greek and lack so there was his big wave and my poor health and I’m hampton and the other colleges from normal agriculture learning no setup for our
People where we studied a whole lot of lack and study the whole lot of grief so there were two did I mean totally basically is being the supreme languages in a way to speak most of our faculty advisors at these colleges where our black wing organizations began and
Studied at his level black school during that time we’re learning Latin Greek was a big thing if you read up from slavery by better to Washington he talks about the necessity of him learning Greek and there was his woman that you know that she wouldn’t date a black guy because I
Couldn’t speak Greek when she got a black let me speak Greek she married it was that type of mentality because green for me white said he couldn’t learn Latin Greek and what I was did it we were just upheld in the world you know so if you can take that mentality about
People at that time and what these college students were aspiring to it was it was just an occult it was just an American culture in that time I mean it wasn’t his black everyone was reading lacking crazy and it just came in that area where everyone was freaking let
Everyone right now to some degree he’s been exposed to hip-hop okay at that point everyone who was somebody was trying to expose themselves with magnet agree and I was just the mentality of mistakes all right why don’t they change it now that’s something they could do
Some of them have I mean like I said I’m dig up on the cloud because they had this big meeting and I said we need to take when we started to you about Africa most of us for African Studies majors let’s do some African stuff in our
Attorney miss Pinkston I’m not going to give away their meeting up but it stinks is a body of a beast ahead of a man and a crown of God and it teaches that our natural senses is to be beastly when little kids grow up they still in each
Other they hit each other and quite an act like still nice civilized the more to use their heads to whether in front like men and women and they can control their instincts animals except your instinct if a dog seems of a piece of me you
Don’t care as long as he tries to go after unless you symbolize that door and so a beast is our basic nature and we will check ourselves we act like beasts man at Rugby sometimes we’re going to work addy sometimes we don’t check ourselves he act like animals once we
Use our products and become cuter and more we use our minds you can closely got here that’s the best I mean seven groups are taking in African things and you know taking groups I mean I Magus I’ve always had the biggest presence from for blacking organization that uranium hammer they’re doing some good
Things not enough I don’t think and I I was the first again I mean I don’t walk around really I got a brand I don’t walk around with reflex because I know this information to kind of robbers but if you look at from outside of me you won’t
Understand even telling you that these organizations will built up at the time here and so if you were to college you have another magnet group when your parents were not painted heroic out and I was like just add my personal feelings on that I can only speak for awful
Helpful but it’s Greek on the surface but it’s nuanced its tone is gesture the underlying foundation is african-based you know it’s only Greek on the surface we use this as a meat medium to you know Empire empower ourselves you know when elf elf was originally started it began
Well one of the reasons began because we couldn’t become part of kappa alpha or some of the other other organizations you know but as i said before we have a strong african foundation you know just like a clumsy Cullen used a Shakespearean rhyme scheme in order to articulate black thought you know he
Used of European methods you know I’m kind of like how rappers you know take English you know which is European which evolved from African african languages but it’s essentially european where they take in a twist it and they make it black and the same thing with with with black fraternities
And answers as well you know we take something European and in twisted and gibbets art give it on our own dynamics so nobody black books be invited back there anyway so general populace one there were very few it was like three or four books there will be a promise that
Think about and i wish i would use their i truly do some i’m very opposite we have some more question something um i think it was questioned domain writing process so lazy he talks about a lot of ER what would only mr. students about PR which is always fear they here’s what
I’m a robot project all that you’ve also intensify with the door girion Lord you can get it up all night yes sir yeah that’s the pony this to add another moment but another aspect to put other government saying about French word first of all I’d say and longer stay in
America you notice you could have warned Apple such as movements from going on but I like a bull riding back over crowd for moving back to our natural state we’re going too slow for moving back there with you more black symbols today w any ten years ago 50 years ago the
Wicket we’ve got in here like the farms because of the work of assimilation without access to information okay and what would after sentiment on and like my prep brother said here is only Greek on the surface a lot of people who would in fact agree that or they attack Bible
You we better go just like your brother said Greek letters are nothing more than or a derivative from the original African text and only thinking out there it has only been a breach about our fish are the three letter other than I can’t go into detail but that is and I know
That me it is brother his brother and several other ones we build amongst ourselves about H&F and most of the things we talked about a fraternity nation well let me take this to another level very quick a lot of if you see that information that gives you live in
Just let it hang back so possible to determine that we used on a massage parlor information used to fociless came from Baskervilles which one is home adopted by the Greeks which was an African Egyptian turn to somebody who is second to the family who laid I told you
Before is a return button on in sands for chemical free Minerva which is assisted vsts shield she is derived from a lot of different she’s wrong guy but she was based on a Greek goddess who was based on an Egyptian god so what happened is the degree said oh man that’s what you
See students but they use a different name to refer to her act and then in Romans used a different name to refer to her ass but it’s still a black one so even though it’s a Roman name is based on a Greek me it’s actually important to Africa limousine and that egg which
Comes from Athena Athena turned into alert okay the world which is nothing of mega sci-fi Jesus name for our quarterly magazine and Oracle is something like if you saw the lion king you start monkey throughout all those things and he read the leaves whenever you use nature to
Reveal to you something that’s happening but some information that’s called a world so those gypsy cars and those balls those are all portals but they relate those African tenets the Sphinx I just talked about that a theorem a period is deep for four columns resize physical spiritual mental four elements
In the earth fire air water air and it means constantly for whenever you have all four of those things you have constant motion whenever you have mental physical and spirit and working together we have somebody who’s live it’s constantly moving we have man woman and child you have a family that’s
Constantly move I mean this deep and I already did a thorough in my presentation and I really feel like I mean comes just answer a few more question but if you pick up the books and you read what I gave any if you stop of it go buy those books
You’ll find out more information but the big thing is we need to use our rituals more to make ourselves stronger organization undertaken your opinion on to determine dissimilar to the native African so a lot of things that the brothers and sisters do but what a symbol is that they had is applicant the
Right thing is it’s um i really don’t know a lot about the organization I don’t deal with it I mean people everybody is all cool wrong black that’s good no information about that but my thing is you have to sometime you have to unzip it I’m stead of twisting the
Concept and make me into advocate you have to go back and just make just like Europeans they go ahead and they accept things that a lot of times I see it as just being your people and accepting course we have our sections that’s good you can see that but African or the
African concepts is bringing back into your community and just like what you had said earlier those arms concepts that they had 10 principles or the dealing with the president is up but if you did you learn or you’re being initiated into you have to take that and
Bring your back we have um elementary school on our mofo our school is in a very area why aren’t the organization’s taking their African context the African theories and giving back to the community Young’s part we’ve been down the elementary school it doesn’t make any sense it’s right down the street
Persephone ready let’s go what I’m saying is to bring back the community even right here on this school to say you guys may do this stuff so these are things the Rio top siders do not see on daily finish you Stephanie about Ibiza mad at CVS I’ll be quite he said the
Same thing I said myself media hampton roads getting ready to start blaming the same thing I don’t see they need to be more involved and quickly okay see all agree with and so even if these other people had things to say what we’re doing is we’re doing that we all agree
With you you’re right I don’t want to get to this thing where you start proving ourselves right now ya feel it coming up right I’m going to any questions based on what i was talking about I’ll answer those if not then I’ll end if you want to talk okay what I’m
Going to do is this I’m going to quickly respond because I know that a lot of people were in your hand because they have objected what the sister was saying but the unfortunate part is that you know we people that are belong these organizations have a lot on their
Shoulders okay we’re full time students I know the brothers out well for many of us work full time okay but just to let not to try to just because you’re absolutely right this should be more it is not only just recently and i’ll put and put my organization out there it is
Not only till recently we don’t we got our stuff together to start having regular community service projects it was all about three weeks ago that we started mentoring and tutoring at the spartan academy for educating black males at the brambleton center and also to tutorials at that um brooker t
Washington and also Bowling Green the unfortunate part about is that we don’t we don’t brag about a community service we don’t let people know what doing so it’s a matter of perception you know and i will just just harken you it just because you don’t see it particularly you know doesn’t mean that
We’re not doing it what you should do is bring bring that to the attention of Greeks you know because we’re always trying to figure out well what can we do now you know we’ve done this what can we do bring it to our attention say look
These kids in young spark need help and you guys should go help them and we will go do that you know right well I was just I saw I’ve been decided echoing the sentiment but on the real we don’t have to depend on organizations because I leave yet okay you guys any other
Questions based on what I talked about I don’t want to go to my presentation I’m sorry maybe a later date I can get some more campuses this up I gotta beat them up there in the process of building something similar to our organizations and it is it’s going to be a great thing
I’m really looking forward to you impressing your hamper not playing or my wonderful greater we went with in the process of changing a lot of our symbols to African it’s a it’s a hard process any questions based a while I was talking about it knock on water don’t
You say one thing Oakland yes is about what he said earlier about honor by the green things he mentioned that on did you say I’d reaching the earlier why fraternities did not accept the black people you said something okay what I said was that when a powerful voice was
Established there there have been certain black men who are trying to get into white what returnees and because of the racism which is considering its kind of dick your nature because these maturities are based on Daphne principles we were able to take get into them see I build their own
System okay so my question is that if they do not want you when they had the Greek names why then develop your own and still use their names once again with that the salad I tell you about sister I’m going to sleep no PT Washington and read the diary are
Friendly doesn’t know she won’t mess themselves really booked up were slightly book see Washington diary Fredrick Douglas read on madam CJ walker her autobiography and we’ll see how it was like Greek and Latin crazy American he just beat just swept fool American University so they were kind of doing
One ticket I mean you have on the European clothes now because that’s what’s available tonight okay before you cut off it last night open it quick comment whistle evolve into the fountain akumal mexico city that was roughly 30 to 40 years move from reconstruction okay it had taken
Broking down from slavery and I’m starting to get themselves together so there’s nothing to do out proper to see in 1997 has a lot for the health of april six but it also different because a lot of the icons that review and assembly that we use we have further
Study with where the box or circle they have more relevant than meeting in a home invasion camp so the mentality they had mango six is differently than how we got bank no self but it’s the same for something free for last thing the book that talked about giving out of burnside
Is called tapping the power within I’m sorry tapping the power within pic they’re booked up scissors this time is really she talks a lot about Europe originals and study your business we can find out about your be people because they have a lot of rituals that in fact
Your biz in Cuba and in Puerto Rico of crazy there really is in study Santeria Santeria which is the afro-cuban or Apple quarter Rican the leases is realty it has a lot of religious and pledging rights and information in that to a lot of symbols and rituals and these are
Things that can help off your game so please do engage I’m a bigger balanced allow me to speak to that I want to big you up for coming out and thank the Lester one more one thing for you guys go we have another seminar tomorrow at the same time same
Place from its title you see the posters is not entitled african-american political prisoners of war and so it’s unfortunate that had to title it as such because what the seminar is about is the case with problem Lumia boo tomorrow and university with a wooden allowed does
Not want to move or musician that the move our organization which gives with friends when on this campus they didn’t want me even I said we’ll also talk about they didn’t even want me to talk about it or anyone else so what I had to do in essence is trip University he says
We have to educate by any means necessary so that would be in here tomorrow I is it where all people spread a little spread that word around okay also tomorrow on the organization of black unity is having a tsetse fly right here beside me summer at twelve-thirty grip
Very Brown Warhol I’ll be 189 right and I’m just from happy to see up until recently was until recently I realized you had a formulation black indigo you know and we don’t need to be attorneys over here and then organization black community you know you should shoot me
With one is also alpha week and we have an elite build events to outline today we’re having at twelve plus alpha f newly arts kitten and the NSU jazz band will be performing and the end of it African dance for this morning thursday we’re having a computer seminar of
Teaching basically puter skills aside style and fellowship everyone’s restaurant and also community service on saturday at the Arab community center and also car wash at mcdonalds understand and i can be i have seen in person thing that outputs even in graduate and your chapters we’re good one on scholarships paint group right
Wow so I know things are done when what I would like to see a month in any kind of organization but especially those on campus because I see a lot of time that the fraternities and sororities have somewhat influenced or certain sections of university campus people my age and
You know yummy oh I would like to see that influence spread out brothers the system not necessarily horn that no but he might it may not be I didn’t have the opportunity to go to college they would be the same emptiness you know either their influence in your yummy but you
Know so and one last thing for you guys go there’s a lot of your discussion here of cyclists and alone preciate personally one thing I want to see this evening is to get down to the nitty-gritty he had to give you a foundation but because of time hable
Gets out to meet agree she did have a mini good right there you know why we call ourselves Greek you know although that you know we realize now that would not be a different mentality you know how come certain stereotypes still exist you know and these are our questions
That still need the answer so we would be having someone are again next semester okay belongs down for my walks don’t be my joke Oh