[Applause] Oh Lord please he my pray the morning when I Rise your sa for Glory oh Lord my my Prayer oh Lord Please my pray keep me save within your Is [Applause] your for Glory Lord my my praise when my work on Earth is Done and you come to take me home To hear you say Well done done with Sin and Sorrow Mery Mery Amen Amen Oh amen oh Oh [Applause] Oh man w [Applause] H man food on my table cloths on my back in my right mind yes oh H man yes oh oh man H man Yes I’m man Hallelujah Yeah yes oh oh man oh man Yes W Amaz Good evening good evening good evening good evening good evening we’re up up to our welcome and opening prayer uh did you have someone assign for that sister uh Leia yes I can do it if you’d like thank you we just like to welcome everyone uh to our combined services with menen
Memorial and Philadelphia tonight we welcome those that are on YouTube as well as Zoom let us pray father God we just thank you Lord we thank you for this midweek service Lord we thank you for the opportunity Lord that we have to come together Lord to give you all the
Praise and honor that you so do deserve Lord be with each and every family that’s with us here tonight Lord a special blessing on our speaker as well Lord we pray for traveling mercies on the highways and byways for our pastor and first lady and Lord keep us and
Protect us is our prayer in Jesus name amen amen amen all right we’re going to go ahead and get started uh I’m going to share my screen as you all know last week we um talked about the Book of Proverbs being a family ministry plan or manual and it
Had so much advice in there for us as parents and for us as individuals and how we could just glean from there but tonight we’re going to talk about the power of influence this can be found in those chapters from uh chapter 25 all the way through proverbs 31 talking about
Influence so hold on my screen not Justin there we are so we’re going to start out just with the conversation what is an influencer this is a common term that you may hear uh in today’s age where people talk about there being influencers uh online on YouTube on
Instagram on Twitter all these things what is an influencer anyone they can move others to do things there someone that can move others to do things anyone else what is an influencer they persuade I like I said they you know they have that such an impact upon someone by their example
That you know people want to follow okay okay so question number two is who has had the greatest influence on your life anyone who has had the greatest influence on your life I was a human okay I heard two voices could you repeat my mother your mother my
Daddy mother said the daddy so in what way did has your mother influenced your life y always spoke about education and uh love one another and forgive people and uh to pray okay he all right all right you said your father so what in what way has
Your father influenced your life and not saying my mother my mother was a great influence but my dad like said you know he taught us uh how to work he taught us the value of work and not to be afraid to try things and so you know that’s why
I said I said my dad so okay about to be men there anyone else on the line who’s somewhat outside of your mother and father uh influence or had an influence on your life yes who Mr Leon Mr Jackson it was a lot of men you know my cousin Alex you know
Mrs Leon Mr James you know at one time in our life it was all men’s in the houses and we played with their kids so lots of influence and I’m glad to hear you even say men you know because today it’s kind of hard to find men that are playing an
Active role in their kids’ lives you know it’s hard to find men from the community who would taking up time with uh kids who may be fatherless or whose dads are absent or whose fathers may be even incarcerated you know it’s various circumstances reason why the men aren’t
There but you know I I was I’m glad to hear the fact that there were men present in your life to help influence over the years so I’mma ask this question are you an influencer yes or no yes okay and the thing is if if people
Did that for us then you know it was standard reason that we would try to do that for someone else as well I looked up the definition for influencer and it said a person or a thing that sways or impacts another it said also a person
Who has the ability to affect others in Ence it was exactly what you said in the marketing World they they use influences they hire people who have the ability to sway or affect potential buyers to reach a certain decision of a product and services by promoting or recommending
Those items on social media so influencers are real prevalent in today’s age in the social media world the marketing Industries what they tend to do they would get companies to research the target audience to determine you know their interest what are we interested in what are the people
You know interested in what are they uh uh investing time in and then they began to Target those things they will begin to ask questions such as uh you know what is it that people need and don’t even realize they need it right now they
May not have it yet but they really need this they just don’t know they need it they hire people to even convince us sometime that we need stuff that we’ve been doing without but nevertheless that influence sometimes uh steps in and we find ourselves investing in things that sometime gets put in storage
Unfortunately but that’s that power of persuasion that power of influence the uh the marketing in Industry also use what is called a SWAT analysis where they determine what are the strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats for the product that they’re um promoting or that they’re wanting
Promoted and they hire these individuals to talk it up well do y’all understand that we to are when we join the kingdom of God that we have enlist to become influencers we have been listed to become influencers now mind you on my screen I cannot see
Uh if you raise your hand or anything of that nature so I’mma ask LEF that if someone’s trying to chop in just pause me so that uh you know we can give them that time on the floor as well absolutely I will and we do have some social media comments where sister Linda
Foster says that her mom was the biggest influence on her life all right all right and that’s something about it even in our passage of scripture for today proverbs 31 there’s a mother that has an impact on the life someone’s life and uh the this if you would have turn uh but
It’s also here on your screen King lamu’s mother was an influencer in his life he opens that chapter of 31 by saying the words of King L the prophecy that his mother taught him and that’s the the thing of it don’t underestimate the value of talking to your children of
Teaching them instructing them of all these different things because it makes a difference this King remembered those words that his mother said Can anyone recall some of the uh things that she warned him about from The Book of Proverbs 31 yes go ahead he said Son of my wound son of my
VI give not th strength to a woman oh my oh my what you think she meant by that well you know you got a lot of guys they hpe but you know and then uh they allow their wife or they girlfriend just lead them around by their nose oh no oh
No yes so she was trying to warn him about women yes oh she she know not all women but he she was war them about the tricker of some women okay he was she was warning him about those that he need to beware of because there are those
That use their influence in a negative Manner and if we’re not careful we too can fall pray to that we we can become um victims men and women when we use that influence that God has given us his desire is that it would be used
For good that we would use it in such a manner that it would bring about people wanting to follow uh those children who say they are children of God but when we misuse or abuse those same influences that we have we find that there are those who
Unfortunately may even write off God for the rest of their lives all because of how we use our influence are there any other comments what is another something that uh she tried to warn her son about strong drinks strong drinks well what was wrong with the strong drinks
When you drink to the point where you’re no you’re not uh no longer able to uh think logical for yourself and to make you do things that you ordar wouldn’t do so she about uh stroll drinks putting things into his body that would pervert him into doing
Something that would hurt him in the end all right because if you were to look at it he told him he said she told he said that his mother told him it is not for Kings o l it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for Prin strong drink so why
Did she uh say those particular groups Kings and princes or Prince is it because we’re royal priesthood ourselves um that’s a thought that’s a thought anyone else why they’re leading out they’re leading Out and because you want to have a clear mind if you if you’re in a role of position of leading
Out so okay I saw someone else chiming in with that you sister Linda yeah just he said because they are leaders all right they are the leaders and so it it stands for reason that you would want a leader who is in sound mind leading because if he’s under the
Influence if if we can’t even drive under the influence don’t you know that it’s dangerous to try to uh lead Under the Influence as well yes if we can’t even walk straight while Under the Influence don’t we realize that the risk that it runs when in leadership position if we’re drunk
And the thing is you don’t have to just be drunk on wine sometime People Get Drunk on Power sometime people get drunk on you know just uh just the wrong things and so we have to always make sure that we are in uh sound mind when
We’re leading but she also told him that there was another risk let you drink and forget the law and pervert the judgments of any of The Afflicted now let me ask you this how many of Y all would want to show up in a courtroom where the judge is is
Drunk and and he’s the one that’s going to be ruling on your case for today how many would like that I would cuz you going to go you know you’re not there’s no um no righteousness in that he’s not you gonna go to death uh Valley all right so
In other words that judgment probably won’t come out in your favor necessarily because of how the mind itself has been influenced by that alcohol anyone else wanted to come in before we move along but as as I was stating she went on and she even admonished him as a king
And as a leader take a look at verses 8 and N they are provided for you on the screen but she began to tell him even more she said open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction what do you
Think she meant by that she’s talking to her son apparently preparing him for his leadership role as king but what did she mean open thy mouth for the dumb and the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction if you don’t know it’s just best to be
Quiet okay so if you don’t know it’s just best to be quiet anyone else also to to um advocate for the ones that can’t advocate for themselves because a lot of people in that day and then even into today’s time that know just the the the the laws or just how
The laws went or basically even their basic rights simply because of their way of living they were so um their their life was more revolved around just survival and just their living skills and so and they didn’t know the the law aspect the the law side of um of um the
I guess the the yes and and that and that’s uh you somewhat of what I was thinking as well just think about it if I went to court and the people that I’m going to court against came from a wealthy family and I wasn’t so much from a wealthy
Family it’s a there’s that risk that I may not get a fair judgment but this mother tried to encourage him to be mindful of those that end up standing before you that are appointed to destruction in other words they may find themselves in this predicament you know and and didn’t
Hadn’t for seen that they will be here but be one of the ones that would be willing to speak up and open your mouth for them she went on and she told him open thy mouth in verse 9 open thy mouth and judge righteously and plead the
Cause of the poor and needy the thing is sometimes as Leaders we don’t always speak up when we should speak up we don’t always say what we should say and sometimes you know we we may lead judgment to the wrong individual but here it was she was
Giving him words she was trying to influence how what type of leader he would become but if you were to also think about it on down versus 10 through 31 in that same chapter it talks about a virtuous woman and if you were to think about her role and her character she too
Was an influencer she was an influencer at home she was an influencer in the workplace she was a a influencer at the marketplace she was an influencer in her community she was an influencer with her kids and that’s the thing we are here as individuals because God has a work for
Us he wants us to make a positive influence a positive impact on the world so our next slide just simply reminds us that influence is at work sometime you may not want to be in a role that where you’re influencing someone and you you you may not choose that necessarily for
Yourself but influence is always at work but not all influence is created equal see there are factors that impact the strength of Any Given influence that it has upon us so in other words there are some influence that have a strong impact on us then there are some
Influences that may not have such a strong imp impact but there were three factors that determine what type of strength that influence has on you what were one of those things someone it’s on your screen proximity proximity so what does that really mean how does proximity influence us
Anyone Yes dear your the um area that is around you how much space that you have as far as um the people that you can in so much okay but this is the impact of that they’re having on you so how would proximity play A Part have y’all ever heard that saying about
A uh a a spa a rotten apple with SPO a whole bunch yes yeah we we we’ve heard that and what what does that simply mean to remove somebody you start acting like them at a point in a time in your life oh my oh my so people can end up having
An impact on us influencing us all by the fact that we hang out with them on a regular basis we’re in close proximity if you remember there was some verses in Proverbs that uh reminded us uh and was telling us I was intending to write it down but it was just warning us
About the company we keep sometimes have to be care careful if you make it said about you becoming a friend with an angry person it said that you will end up picking up those habits I saw you sister Lafia earlier trying to chime in did you have a
Comment it was basically what Elder said Okay okay so how would uh respect play a role into how we are being influenced how would respect play a role into how we ourselves are being influenced you respect they respect you go ahead I I was just thinking like
If you are you saying if you respect a person but they’re having a negative influence like they’re a negative influence yes okay okay so does that affect how does that affect you sometimes or does it well yeah it does because number one can you see the negative influence that it’s having on
You sometimes you can be so close and you do have respect for that person that you don’t see it oh my and then sometimes your loved ones who are not close to that person who don’t have respect for that person can see it clearly oh my oh my and it
Makes it more difficult when you respect someone despite their negative influence that they are exerting sometime it’s difficult for us to truly Break Free of that and and honestly say you know as much as I love them I have to limit my contact because I can feel myself being drawn into some something
Negative let me let me give you example often time gossip is kind of on that same line we get drawn into it sometimes like I say it it’s just various different aspects sometime it’s not that you set out to do it but because of the respect some time that
You have for an individual you don’t always um recognize it or you don’t always um find it easy to separate yourselves from that environment but the third thing was did anyone have a comment before we go to the third one I I was just gonna say to those that you
Um in a sense who have any type of lordship or leadership over you so it could even be uh government wise um but when you may respect it but sometime there’s something in it that’s wrong we can look at sororities or fraternities or different groups or any type of
Community there there are aspects of it that are good that are wholesome that you like but then there are other parts sometimes that you may say oh yeah no that’s that that be a deal breaker but it would be hard to it’s not impossible but it takes something to separate from
Groups if um and it could be family it could be a friend group that you’ve had for a while it’s just not the natural thing and people don’t like for you to leave them because in a sense it’s like it exposes something it’s like I’m not
Good enough or what’s wrong so no it’s that’s one of the hardest things um but if something is of negative impact and you have the the fortunate ability to recognize it um that is the most typical thing but it’s something that’s required because if not we back to that rotten
Apple and spoiling a bunch and you would have cooperated with some of your own demise if you stay around systems or circumstances or people that that can harm harm you amen and that was well said thank you sister precious and that’s the thing you know uh these things sometime we we’re not just
Influencing others but we’re allowing others to influence us and so proximity has played a part uh respect has played a part but that was a third thing it talked about it says repetition how does repetition play a part in it in us being influenced we keep hearing the same
Thing over and over that’s repetition now you keep doing it thing over and over all right you keep seeing the same thing over and over it can’t have an influence it can have an influence it’s all about the company we keep but let’s answer this question who’s watching you
There was an article written by Lis Stoner what’ you say Christ is amen all right but this said the article is entitled four characteristic of a Godly influence in the office in other words you know in leadership roles we need people who have a Godly influence
On the jaw we need people who have a Godly influence Proverbs kept mentioned about a A scoffer or or scorner in uh its passages if you paid attention throughout this month and it was just saying that a scorner was someone who in other words they always was speaking
Negative they were always talking bad about what was happening they were always in negative mode they were just some they were pessimistic individuals and it warned about you need to cast those type of people out because if you do he it said that you will find that Strife would
Cease in other words those troubles those problems that were being stirred up if you address the scner and get rid of him then it says that the whole atmosphere begins to change so when this article went on it was talking about if you’re on a staff
At a church you are an example to someone but it’s not just that church it’s on your job it’s on our uh you know when we are in the store the way we deal with those people who are waiting on us is when we’re on the phone phone call
With people who are supposed to be providing Us customer service and they may act like they don’t want to be at work today but still we have a role to play as influencer you may just think of yourself as a secretary or office worker but in reality you are more than
That just being on staff makes you an example and a leader you need to accept it and allow it to affect what you do do and how you Bel behave let me ask this go ahead was someone trying to say something okay let me ask this question how many find it difficult to
Be a leader are there any it’s very difficult to be a leader in in any sense okay well makes it difficult people that’s good answer so the people would make that leadership role the difficult part interacting with people different personalities it’s not easy at all oh my
Oh my but the thing is when placed in that role I like I remember when uh I was in nursing school and I don’t know how my name got on the ballot to be class uh president for our nursing class to to this day it still stunts me but
The thing was I didn’t I wasn’t I wasn’t one that would run for no position like that I didn’t want to be a leader but part of my reason for not wanting to be I didn’t want the responsibility that came along with it sometimes it’s not that you can’t
Lead but sometime you just we don’t want that responsibility that is attached to it the thing is you may ask who is watching me or to whom am I an example and that is always someone in your church who wishes that he or she had
Your job or wants to be just like you someday there are children and teens that are looking at how you are living this Christian Journey there are new Christians that are looking at you how you’re living this Christian journey and the question I you know want to ask is what are they
Seeing what are these individuals seeing when they are watching us when they are are looking at us is it a positive influence or is it one that could stand uh room for improvement these are things we have to consider but there are always someone who’s watching you and watching what you
Do so for an example are you a good example a Godly influencer is one who moves others on to God’s agenda before we can influence others toward godliness we ourselves must be under God’s influence seeking God’s Direction obeying his impulses and being where we we’re supposed to be so that God can use
Us if you’re moving toward God y’all see that last part someone is probably following you how does that make you feel if you are moving towards God then someone is probably following you how does that make you feel that’s beautiful that that makes feel wonderful it would but what
If it’s the opposite if you are moving away from God someone is probably following you it should make us mindful that the lives the choices the decisions that we make that either scattering or they Gathering and it should have an impact so let’s take a look at these four um
I’m trying to make sure I stick with time tonight let’s take a look at these four um different characteristics for being a Godly influencer someone read this first one what is it blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth
In the way of Sinners nor sth in the seat of the scorn but his Delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law do he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season
His leap also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper so this should be someone who’s encouraging others to go toward a closer walk with God this should be someone who’s encouraging others to make wise choices who encourage ladies to seek Godly counsel to love their husband to
Be faithful to the Lord in church but it’s vice versa it’s not just for ladies but it’s also wise counsel for men to love their wives as Christ loved the church and all these different aspects but they should also be one that encourage god with thinking they should be reminding
Others of God’s love have you ever noticed that sometimes we as Christians instead of us reminding people of God’s love we always telling them what they doing wrong we’re always magnifying The Faults that they may have or their shortcomings instead of saying you know what
Let’s go to God In Prayer about this he wants us to have the victory our influence can either help them know that God loves them or it can cause them to think that God is ready to strike them down in a moment’s notice but those who are Godly influencers they encourage others to
Weave Godly topics into their conversation sometime you you find yourself the conversation might be getting a little weary got to redirect it but you encourage them to seek counsel in the word of God to study their Bible and to pray and that’s one of the characteristics of being a
Influencer a Godly influencer number two is a what they do what anyone is a need filler okay it’s a need filler what does it mean by could you read the rest for us sure so on my phone let me turn it to the side okay so often we are guilty of
Not noticing instead we need to stop look and ask questions this is where love kicks in do you love enough to act or just have empathy or sympathy when you say you will pray for someone don’t fail to do it should I keep going yes okay influence grows when we show
Compassion we must model compassion like the Lord did in Luke 10:37 and he said he that showed Mercy on him then said Jesus unto him go and do thou likewise genuine compassion powerfully affects those who receive it those who give it and those who observe it you can offer
To babysit for a young mother or help in a financial way if you can or just a smile hug or note can communicate compassion all right so the thing is like say if we will practice sharing a little or showing a little more compassion and did you did y’all catch
That it says genuine compassion powerfully affects those who receive it have you ever been on the receiving end of compassion have you ever been on the receiving end of Grace have you ever been on the receiving end of Mercy yes when you find yourself having
Been on the receiving end of you find a new appreciation for the uh for compassion new appreciation for Grace uh it also said that those who uh when genuine compassion is it has a powerful effect on those who give it relationships are mended you know things are overcome someone was trying to come
In okay but the these are just some of the things you know it doesn’t take you breaking your bank to try to help someone but sometimes a smile could make all the difference in the world some sometimes just a note slipped to them in private could communicate compassion just to say I saw
You I saw you you know sometime people feel like they come to church and no one has even noticed they there and that no one would notice if they’re gone but just a little compassion the third um characteristic of a Godly influencer is what trustworthy someone who is trustworthy
Could you read this one for us yes confidence be careful about hearing news be careful not to gossip repeating fact can lead to gossip gossip habitually retelling behind the scenes information gossip Idol talk about others regard regardless of fact gossip saying something about someone that you
Know he or she wouldn’t want said it regardless of whether or not it is true be intensely loyal and always give others the benefit of the doubt so here here here is just encouraging us like I said in order to be a a good influencer people should be able to trust
You now just imagine the impact of of people that have hired this individual to be a social influencer for them and they’re telling them promoting this um promoting their thing and then they find out later that person don’t even use the product themselves do you think they will have
Any effect upon those individuals whether they trust this influence anymore yes it would and that’s the same uh that is true for us as Christians people want to know that they are people that are still here that are trustworthy and so we just want to be mindful that that’s one of the
Characteristics of being a Godly influencer uh also the fourth characteristic is to be a real example people are looking for real examples they can spot a fake almost a mile off there are some people who can spot like say I’m not one that um able to distinguish whether this is a fake
Gucci whether this is a real Gucci but there are people out there that can distinguish the difference they can tell when it’s genuine and they can tell when it’s not so we want to make it a habit to be a Godly influencer and be a real example
Starting in our words our words should build and not tear down Colossians 46 reminds us let your speech be always with Grace seasoned with salt that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man James 3 and2 says for in many things we offend all If any man offend not in
Word the same is a perfect man did y’all hear that and is able also the bright of the whole body this should be something we’re striving towards let no com uh communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good for the use of edifying that it
May Minister Grace unto the hearers so this individual a Godly influencer they’re a real example in word not just in word but in what in conversation this conversation is just the way they conduct their everyday lives their lifestyle Philippians 1:27 says only let your conversation be as it
Becometh the gospel of Christ that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your Affairs that ye stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel so imagine if we became true Godly influencers not just like I said
Um in name only but in our words in our conversation in our charity The Compassion that we show and it asks that question do you love enough to take action sometimes we we we we hear of certain situations but do we love enough to take action to help be part of the
Solution instead of part of the problem what type of influencer have we become part of that characteristic of being uh a real example we have to also be it in spirit our attitude y’all see this this first little bullet it says attitude is what contagious it is contagious have you
Ever uh been at a store and the the um Clerk or the store clerk that’s waiting on you there on the rud side it’s almost like you get into a bad mood too but it could be have just the opposite effect as well even though
They’re in a bad mood and you come up with a good mood have you ever thought of how that changes things that’s why uh in the Book of James it reminds us that a soft word turns away raft that if we just learn how to Def diffuse the situation instead of adding
Fuel to the situation but remember attitude is contagious whether it’s a good attitude or a bad one is this your attitude I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me so even in the sense of you know uh when you’re challenged with something that may be new to
You you’re not used to doing this do we approach it from a negative attitude I don’t know if I can do this I just I just I just don’t know you are are we of that mindset where we speak that faith we talked about uh last
Month we begin to speak Faith you know I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength but not only in spirit but in faith as well so then Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God but without faith it is impossible to
Please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him quick question is the world becoming more attracted to God because of our influence or is the world becoming more disillusioned with God because of our
Influence that’s just food for thought B on what I see uh we we don’t have any influence on the world as Christians we’re not loud enough we let them do things we don’t voice our opinion we don’t go to them with the Bible we just sit there and go along oh
My but lem’s mother told him say I need you to open your mouth I need you to open your mouth so that you can affect Justice in the world and do things justly but y’all we we’re the thing is we just need to uh take a moment step
Back and really examine what type of influence am I having on those around me are they being drawn to God or they being uh scattered away from him we need to do this even in our Purity finally Brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are
Pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things Philippians 4:8 so I just want to leave you all with this final little sentence which simply says let’s determine to be a positive
Friend a positive mentor and a positive influencer in our offices our churches our homes and our communities and that concludes our study are there any that have any comments it just brought to my mind that new sand that they got everybody’s out the closet except the Christians we need
Clet all right all right we need to come out the closet we need to come out the closet well at this time I think we’re up to the part of the service where I’m G stop sharing do anybody have any other comments about our study for tonight I
Just think we had a great lesson tonight and just something to you know everybody know they self and you know if you’re not on point it’s a it’s a time to repent and ask God to help us to be a better person to be a better Christian because something is wrong when people
People ask you to pray for them and then you scatter what you what you prayed about you know you know we need to look at every aspect of every nugget you talked about tonight and just ask ourself have I done that Lord if I did that forgive
Me and help me to not do that again amen amen well today was the 31st of the month which means it was the last uh division of Proverbs that we were studying and because it only had those 31 chapters but like said that was one of the things that I walk away from
Proverbs with just that encouragement to be able to receive correction that that that’s where wisdom comes in being able to even receive correction and you know I’m grateful for that so are sister we thank you yeah we thank you and we appreciate you and you
Were spot on and you gave a very good lesson thank you amen thank you thank you from what I understand Pastor will be back next week for prayer meeting time he just asked me to fill in for these couple of weeks but not to belabor hour are there any praise reports or
Prayer requests at this time there was a prayer request that I had put in earlier I’m not sure if it showed after you all got on this uh on here as well but it was a prayer request that uh we received early about uh prayer for sister Destiny Sanders are there any
Other prayer request the Mayweather family okay the Mayweather family yes any others I have prayer request to pray for my daughters and especially one of them I pray that she don’t be influenced by by uh an individual and their money specific yes that could be dangerous amen righty is are there any other
Prayer requests um prayer requests for the Thomas family as a whole okay and also prayers for the Freeman Family okay and prayer for the Dixon family especially my son yes sir and um thank you sister Foster for joining us online thank you for joining in our um prayer meeting this evening uh
Through YouTube and she has asked for special prayers for brother Thomas Bell okay all righty are there any others all right if not if you all will bow and we’ll close out in prayer Our Father Lord we just pause tonight because we want to say thank you
We want to thank you for your Holy Spirit teaching tonight Lord we want to thank you for those things that we were able to discuss and we’re just praying and asking Lord that anything that you have provided for us that we need to work on that you will give us the
Strength Lord Overcomers Lord we pray and ask that you will be with each individual that was placed on the prayer request tonight sister Sanders the Mayweather family the daughters uh the influence of those who have money Lord for the Dixon family and for the son and
You know each and every name the B the Thomas family all of these families Lord believe that you are able to hear our prayer requests they believe that you are able to answer and to meet their needs but Lord I’m praying and asking also that you would help us to be your
Hands here on Earth be your feet here on Earth to be your voice here on Earth for us to become influencers alignment with you so that we will carry out your will so that those individuals we come in contact with that we live with that they will
All see a change in us and if that change begins with us Lord may they be encouraged to follow so Lord we just pray and ask that we will follow your lead that we will follow your guidance we pray for this revival that is taking place in the Philippines Lord and we’re
Asking that you would continue to bring in those Souls Lord that you have already prepared those Souls that are part of your Harvest and help them to see you in a new light and may they begin this journey with you and be uh gain that strength strength that they
Need in order to maintain that relationship they’ve started so Lord we pray for our pastor and his wife as they there and those others who may be uh involved in this event as well we pray for our churches we pray for the members of Mena Mansville and of uh Philadelphia
Lord we just pray that your spirit will begin to be poured out in a greater fashion Upon Us Lord and that we will begin to manifest those fruits that are a true reflection of who you are and Lord we’ll be careful to give you all glory honor and all praise in Jesus name
We pray and ask it all amen and amen amen amen thank you Elder thank you each and everyone for joining us this evening don’t forget that prayer Mana will return once the pastor returns but we will have Friday night vper with Philadelphia 7:00 p.m. same zoom and
Same YouTube also we will have Sabbath School um Philadelphia and New Stern I’ll be leading out that lesson Memorial Sabbath Sabbath school starts at 10:00 a.m. Divine worship service we are still at 6:41 Rollins Street for Philadelphia services will begin at 12:30 p.m. Elder Burton will be our speaker new start
Services begin at 10:30 a.m. and Memorial Services begin at 11:30 a.m. also don’t forget for Philadelphia February the 10th is it February the 10th is our return to um our church at 3401 Greenwood Road so please remember to mark that on your calendars and um yeah febu February the 10th and um
Services Sabbath school will be at 11: and divine worship service will be at 1230 so good night everyone thank you all for joining us and um you all have a blessed week amen amen I just wanted to add another person to our prayer list if you would please uh pray for my sister
Patricia Bogan and my nieces uh Meredith and Shannon and her new husband keep those in names in your prayers as well okay Patricia Bogan your nieces meredi Meredith Canon and her new husband yes all right sure will thank you thank you