God has been so good to me I just can’t even tell it all he keeps on making a way for me I would never be able to tell it all come on God has been so good to me and I can’t tell it all I just can’t tell it all he keeps on Mak it
Away for me and I can tell it all sometimes when I feel all along all along he keeps on giving me strength to carry on he’s always there in my time of need protecting me yeah he so good so good and I can’t tell it all how he pick me up turn me
Around myet on silent ground come on has so good to me and I can’t tell it all can’t tell it all tell it All Hallelujah what’s going on Family all right all right let me shut this off cuz it’s about to get real up in h i see my baby bro Jeremy what’s going on Jeremy little JT that’s my sister Tina and I see my sister Tammy my sister Denita my sister Cynthia rigs glad y’all could tune in on
This blessed night as we waiting on uh Brother Stevie to come in very hot topic very hot topic very sensitive touchy subject uh me and Steve was on the phone earlier and this is going to make a lot of pastors mad a lot of musicians is mad a lot of
Your family member my family memb mad uh brother Hall good to see you brother glad things are going well brother and this is not a hatred live chat of course I get emails all the time I’m just doing a little talking for Steve get here because like I told Steve he
Gonna conduct this tonight I’m just gonna tag team with them but um I’ve been knowing for years uh older Masons who are pastors all the deacons who are masons Free Mason P you know on that high rank of Master Mason um many people have tried to get me to join and be a
Mason I don’t know how many times uh some of my closest ones um and of course I turn it down and I’m I’m trying to wait on my brother cuz I got some stuff I I want to let off too and a good way um because you have to go back to the
Origin of stuff to understand was it of the holy spirit that the Holy Spirit designed it or is we still following tradition and doing what mankind been doing for years this is also for the women too uh welcome on Chris Freeman I see uh Maya welcome on and like I say
This is not a hatred video I know I’m gonna get talked about bad once again for stuff like this um but I will answer this question before Steve come in when people ask me why didn’t I join or why do I keep turning it down it’s a easy easy answer for me
Because the holy spirit is all I need and we’re gonna get into some of the things what um most men I know why they get into it and when you listen to all the reasons um to me it ain’t nothing that the Bible can’t teach you how to
Be I don’t need a Brotherhood fraternity none of this s all this stuff I don’t need none of that all I need is the holy spirit we already we already have the body of the blood about Believers but you’ll find out how many how many people are offering this stuff that’s in church
Buildings um and that that video Brother Stevie that you sent me o we boy I’m not shocked I’m not shocked and I’m very well studded up on this stuff um you can go see my old videos I did years ago one of them is called freemasonary pastors
Um some of these pastors have um told me they came out of this stuff uh like you see a lot of people denouncing they they fraternity it’s a lot of that going on now because some people got off of stuff when they was young it really wasn’t
Studed up about it and then um you’ll notice a lot of people just want to be um a part of some um let me make sure everything all right with Stevie okay he says he’ll be in shortly gotcha okay Steve I’ll hold it down till
You get in and I’m G start it like this because first of all I’ve already prayed but I Want To Pray Again with us on screen um Heavenly Father we come now under the sound of my voice in the most humous way we know how father to just Fellowship once again father and
To expose a lot of what’s going on to show where it come from who it’s from and is it of you or is it of not of you father and we thank you for the healing on our brother brother hall right now thank you for bringing him in we lift
Him up to you more and more father his family bless him and father we just pray that more and more people that come out of these fraternities and these sorties and all this stuff and understand that you care nothing for people bowing down teach Holy Spirit make doing rituals teach Holy
Spirit it bothers me father because I know so many people I’ve into this stuff that continue to try to get me into it and I just see the way a lot of behavior have changed but I want I just want them to come back to you father and
Understand who and what you are and you is all we need and I pray for Brother Steve he as he come forward because this is a heavy topic that’s going to make a lot of people mad but it’s it’s also to bring understanding because so many people
Follow offer to so many things some of them are doing it ignorantly and some of them know better so we just ask these many many blessings right now father right now in yahusha was precious name as Steve will say thank you aha yah because you sit aha yah thank you holy
Spirit all right now as I’m still waiting on brother Steve y’all remember not too long ago I showed y’all this okay this one of the big blue uh my mom gave me this a while back but of course my mother see if I well this book is heavy look my my mother
Didn’t even know what this was the G geometry or some may say it stand for God in the Mason field and I talked a little bit about this I told you Stevie I was G I was gonna bring this in um and hold it up even went on the side if you could
See it and I told y’all um I gonna be a lot of Masons mad at this bless their heart before you get into any of the Holy scriptures you’ll see so much and even when they got in this Bible you see the color oh yeah yeah amen Jeremy Thomas good point
But as I stated I’m trying to hold this big old book up now let me put that down I don’t know if y’all can see it clear I’m trying to hold it up clear toward you guys just bear with me with this left hand cuz it’s still weak from this stroke
Okay just like in in Baptist churches and other churches when you become a deacon they um they’ll present you with a Bible and but you notice the first thing on that that left side of the page it says the building of Solomon Temple okay and the next page now there’s three different categor
Or three you can say three different types of these Masons if you ever studied on this if you ever heard of The Apprentice okay that’s the first and then the fellowcraft that’s the second and then of course the Master Mason okay I remember this stuff from
Years ago e stars all this stuff ties in together that’s why I say women uh listen up too and then you have to go through of course those rituals so you’ll look at this Bible and you got to throw Scottish right in there see some of y’all already familiar with
This but notice I’m reading all this out because it has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit and then the next thing you’ll see is your Mason this is this is what they call the holy word this is the H this is what they call the holy word okay it shows your
Presidents and of course who is that right there George Washington okay it shows you I should have brought my stand out here but it’s okay George Washington is number one okay what do this have to do with the holy word y y’all see where we going with this George Washington TJ Thomas
Jefferson of course James Madison James Monroe Andrew Jackson James poke James butman Andrew Johnson James carfield William mckenny of course theor Roosevelt let’s stop right there for a moment now notice you see you see these are presidents then you got William Howard of course Warren Harden and of course of course Franklin D
Roosevelt Harry Truman and Gerald Ford this is what’s in the Masonic Bible the blue Bible the reason I’m reading that because look at the Pres y’all Wonder somebody ask me the other day why y’all always talking about presidents are selected selected and not and not elected Roosevelt said
That who is who was a Freemason all this is tied in Christianity that’s why I say this is part two of what we talked about earlier to those who want the knowledge of this just walk with us while we go through this um because it’s really a whole lot
But we like me and Steve talked about on the phone we just gonna allow the Holy Spirit to just flow in US matter of fact Let me let me double check with Steve again to make sure he’s okay let me get him my phone okay that’s why he said he’ll be
In in a minute and one thing okay if you if you talk to a Mason preacher musician Deacon or whatever um oh let me cut this thing off I make sure I make sure I ain’t gonna get no distractions tonight okay give me one second y’all okay now if you
Notice because I’m trying not to get into the origin of it I’m gonna let Steve break that that point down I’m I’m just all this ties in together though that’s why I’m being led by the Holy Spirit y’all just bear with me but if you start looking up the reasons on why
Especially most men just catch this this this is very important to catch this because this is why most men become Masons okay if you start asking them if I don’t know if any of y’all ever talk to them or ask them why one of the number one things they’ll
Tell you just like my kid folks told me man I was looking for personal growth I want to better myself as a man I need self-improvement okay let’s stop right there brother H and brother amamos what are they going to do that the holy world excuse me holy
Word don’t the holy word teach you how to be a man teach you how to submit to the Most High teach you about the fruit of the spirit self-control if if they would realize what they saying is is is kind of crazy to me because who and what gonna make you
Be a better man than the Holy Spirit and I’mma y right there because I see Steve coming in it’s shom Shalom shalawam how’s everybody doing today on fire ready brother oh man right there I’m G save that for later because I was gonna get into the the the main reason why me join
So we’ll say that so you can break down this origin brother like like I told you let the Holy Spirit releas you and welcome all glad you can make it hey hey J I got you on sck here okay hear you amplify my cell phone here uh
We don’t have really have the best uh uh so I can hear you just fine here coming okay okay yeah it’s a little bit delay in the background but it’s not real noticeable so you good hold hold on for a minute let me see if I can fix something for you it’s
Not even that bad it’s really it’s not that noticeable all right all right I I got a sensitive headset on and it pick up real good so yeah go ahead brother okay got your way no no no listen that’s about not getting about this way this is about
Both of us come here and and um enlightening of the body of Christ and for many uh in this hour who are still lost for many who are still being swayed and considering uh joining this the secret society this Fraternal Order who may not know the in depth knowledge and
Information of of what they’re they’re joining you and I we talked but before I start here uh let me uh let me acknowledge uh the chat uh Shalom shalawam to the to the entire chat uh bless everybody bless your children bless your household uh brother Hall Shalom shalawam if you’re here
Tonight God bless you been praying for you been praying for all y’all and we inter seeding right now for for the sit uh the needy and just doing what we need to do and um you know we’re we’re we’re planing in this scene on everybody’s
Behalf right now um J you and I talked earlier and I know you said you were gonna you were gonna bring some some U some material and once again I do coming on late because I had to grab some some some pamplets uh because I’m gonna be
Doing some reading today um I plan on making this a very very long uh drawing out two three four hour thing that’s that’s not really the objective because what I want your listeners to understand is in order to do a lesson like this uh
It be te and split my main OB my main objective uh for the listeners and those on the outside in the cloud is to understand what Freemasonry really is and the origins now for me to really discuss the the origins uh some of you are familiar with uh uh The
Emerald Tablets of s okay and and for some of y’all who who don’t know what that is uh s is the ktic god of uh the Egyptian um who who they call ktic hamites or canones okay uh once again we’re talking about
Uh th uh t h o t h th the ancient god yeah of the fal Angel if you will of the god of the hamite ham had four Sons I believe I believe the four Sons were uh uh in fact I tell you what uh let me go
Grab a book here real quick just just give me a minute because I got the book right on over there hold on for a second right right okay and notice what Steve is doing he’s going back to Noah sons and if you’re familiar with shemites you should know who the
Shemites are and you should know who the hamites are but notice he said I you remember studying our old lesson about those IES Jesu bites go ahead brother you got forg you gotta forget me sorry so in order really to understand the origins of uh masonry or modern
Freemasonry uh blue Lodge White Lodge Scottish right yeah uh so much in depth uh information and it’s it’s so layered it’s a lot of lay ISM in this but but my job for me objectively for those that are considering once again uh getting into this uh fraternal Brotherhood uh I caution
You I caution you and I caution you because there’s a say that we like to you uh everything that good is is gold and with the glaring and the appearance of what prry is it could be very very deceptive based upon the camaraderie of of Brotherhood uh philosophy uh money right
Proc so what I like to do is explain the the origins in a nutshell uh you have hands now I mentioned before freemasonary was was was was the religion they call sence the religion of uh the Ked which really were Canaanites you have all these terminology all these terminologies to
Confuse uh uh modern Christians but those that are learned of of the Old World Knowledge and ancient knowledge they know very very well who these people were who they are today and how their bloodline is still in the earth now in Genesis Genesis the Bible goes into the to to the
Bloodline many of us CLA in the truth of many of us learn learning under GOC uh learning under this Camp uh perhaps some of you were already in uh uh secret sociey in the cult some of you have renounced repented so some of you know very very well what I’m speaking of
So we speaking to those who who are ignorant and don’t know this this knowledge go ahead JT I’m sorry no gonna say do me one favor if you can turn uh turn your volume down just to her so you won’t be so distorted because you know
Your voice carry and I don’t want to be distorted so they can really hear what you saying it’s kind of it’s kind of peing on my end okay how’s the time now brother say something again can you break it down a little more CA you know you got you got strong
Voice you don’t even need that much let let me cut it down for you just a little bit more yeah I don’t want okay there we go that’s a whole lot better go ahead now all right the so the of you have the kers you have the uh Miss SM you have
The F typ Kanan but I’m GNA give the name Kush M and Kanan of ham AIC blood Bloodlines who you would call uh back way back then African African African yes Brother come on kight Afric Canon all three of those Nam are the same people today come on no had what three
Now I have to touch upon this for some of you that are considering joining the ult which Ain nothing but techism luciferianism uh a counterfeit religion before you join them I want you to pay attention and I went through the names of those ancient terms of Africans because that really is the
Origin of that religion that fact M uh let me grab something for for some of y’all so y’all can see this yourself hold on for a second I told I told you I’m a tag team with you while you looking for that notice what you said religion right
Now while Steve looking at for that when you talk to them what they’ll tell you is that it don’t matter what religion you are in catch that just join up with us long as you are of some kind of faith and you must be 18 years or older
Go ahead brother I just wanted to point to that because you made a dynamic point right there no no so what I have here in front of me uh JT family and those on the outside chat okay now about a year and a half half ago I had a conversation
Uh on a on a brother who’s on YouTube here JT family his name was brother gck the Israelite okay okay now some of y’all may have have caught that uh that that live back then most of y’all probably didn’t uh either way I was on a I was on
I was on a uh I was on a show and uh we were discussing uh uh Isaiah 53 uh plyy uh oh yeah we was going and at that time what it is is the brother had his wiv on the show okay and I didn’t want to speak to his
Wife so he had his on the show me and gck we talking and he talking from the background so I told his wives I said listen bring your husband on the show because when men speak we speaking and we not speaking to no wise now they like that but he then came
On but what at that time we were talking about uh uh uh the Commandments uh Old Testament law statutes Commandments uh New Testament in terms of marriage and what he brought out was that time was he brought out uh that he wanted to bring to discussion and this record at the time
Was called the emal Tabet the book of s now at that time I deal with that because I was to focused on um bringing the truth of Christ in terms of how marriage is supposed to operate according to Titus uh and he didn’t agree with that
And and that just goes to show that uh just like you said brother JT uh we know we all Israel but not all Israel is Israel yeah and that’s what a lot of Christians that come on your channel right they may attack come come for coming with these records in these books
Right but they don’t understand those who are working and following Christ we believe in the doctrine of Christ I believe what right coming on YouTube talking a bunch of Madness about multiple wi ain’t having it I don’t care if I got a thousand subscribers I don’t care if I
Got a 100,000 plus subscribers I follow Christ and I don’t follow the the doctors of men nor am I following the laws of own what it pertains to that especially operate in this office excuse me right whole different conversation let me get to it so so what we have here is I have
Here for for your listeners I want to talk about uh and what this really is I’m going to Y and uh like I said it’s quite a bit of reading but I have to do that uh so so what I have here is once again I have
Uh a translation by dorel the everal tablet of that L and what I’m going to do is I’m going to read the preface and the preface states that the history of the tablet translated in the following pages is strange and Beyond the belief of modern Sciences their Antiquity is
Stupendous dated back from 36,000 Years BC the writer is s an atlantan priest king who founded a colony in ancient Egypt after the thinking of the mother country yeah he was the builder of the Great Pyramid of gizer ously attributed to CH in it he Incorporated his knowledge
Of the ancient wisdom and also SEC uh securely secreted records and instruments of ancient Atlantic for some 16,000 years he ruled the ancient race of Egypt from approximately 15 52,000 BC to 36,000 BC turn the year at that time the ancient Barbarian race among which he and his followers had settled had
Been raised to a high degree of civilization th was an immortal that is he had conquered death now you know that in egyptology they have the Book of the Dead we thought and all those chares all in there you have the r you have the pyramids you got all that M this guy
Here this guy here that that philosophy I of Comm egyptology what we know today as the cult uh uh uh PR missionary all right uh hold on for a second let me let me let me uh let me let me speed up was Immortal that is he had conquer
Death passing only when he and even then not through death his God’s wisdom made him ruler over the various ATL colonies including the on in South and Central America when the time came for him to leave Egypt he created the Great Pyramid over the entrance to to the Great Hall of
Amen placed in it his workers and appointed God for from among the highest of his people and lat times the descenders of these Gods became the pyramid by which th was deified as the god of wisdom yeah there you go by those in the age of darkness which F his passing and
Legend forgive me and Legend the H of am became the underworld yeah the of the God where the soul pass after death for judgment now that sounds familiar don’t where we heard that from now here it is I just y’all uh a s based upon egology communism a story that’s similar to another
Story you can where do yall think they came from go ahead put it in the chat they say you still signed this distorted Steve huh it’s uh the chat a lot of a few in the chat say you still s still sound distorted I know because your voice C
What what are you coming through a regular mic or a phone uh it’s I got it on um I got it on my my my speaker I got it on my my speaker this brother I can hear I can hear you better on this I hear you yeah
They they saying they they can’t say it’s not real clear on they end because you still distorted mind but and I know because you got a strong voice because you talk real loud and heavy so it’s it’s peing which is making it muffled up like
That leave it on M I have to turn mine down let me see let me see brother I apologize for that oh no problem we are we know how you get brother when you talk shoot no need to apologize apologize need say what are you speaking through Bluetooth speaker I tell
You oh you still there all right J how do I sound now okay it’s clear can you hear me uhhuh CH how this say real clear now I can’t hear you can’t hear me oh man I can hear you I can’t hear you I can hear you I can hear you though
I’m I’mma call you right quick oh I tell you Prince of the power of the earth sure not liking this but that was that was actually way clear right there I wait I wait for him to come back uh man this is f but what Steve was just
Talking about in The Book of th like he said t o t h what he just explained was sacred geography and you notice he said WIS the underworld he was talking about the the underworld wisdom Holy Spirit right now we stop and Pray Again cover this topic father and teach
As only you can touch brother Steve right now we pray right now father to get this right the way needed to be so we can teach is only you can teach through US father as we take Stu out of the way amen he was just explaining the
Underworld wisdom this is why you hear a lot of people talk about Marine Kingdom Water spirits and he also mentions if you just catch what he was saying he was talking about the temple rituals animal knowledge of course things that also that the Fallen Angels taught Mankind in
The Book of Enoch of course that’s not going to be in the book of uh in the King James version of the Bible but um this stuff goes way deeper than we think and once again for those I thank y’all for so much with the donations once again if
You don’t know Super Chat super sticker um all this stuff is a it’s it’s pretty much the rip off and that’s why I keep tell I know I sound like a broken record when I keep saying it because if you think I’m lying about it just Google it
And uh watch how much taxes they take out 30% on that so I don’t want you to be ripped off can you hear me now Steve oh yes sir oh you a whole lot clear now brother am I coming a little better for you that’s that’s it right there it’s
All the way go let let’s get let’s get a um check in the chat F before we move further because this sound real clear on my end now that Distortion is G okay okay y’all give us a thumb up if Steve sound good on y’all perfect on my end
Okay n said better let’s go but I was just um let them know what you where you had left off at because you named that underworld wisdom and sacred geography man come on so so so hey once again family sorry for the interruptions here um right
There that’s I had I had I was speaking on a Bluetooth speaker and uh for JT speaking it was coming through excellent it was very Amplified so I do apologize for the distortions and I hope you guys hear me clearly now so all glory and
Praise to the most high God in Christ ah bahash yaia Christ Jesus so family what I was doing was I was I was I was expounding on um the amots in the book of th in terms of what uh what what the origin of Freemasonry is and how far it goes back
Right it goes It goes back it goes back to the to the to the ancient world the old world yeah uh the the the anti- deluvian period if you will evil spirits Fallen ones fallen angels and the question that I was and the question that I was asking y’all
Was What story did that sound like in terms of the immortal th where where we heard that story from well we heard that story out the Book of Enoch exactly The Book of Enoch see you see why now you see why now the Roman Vatican Catholic Church
Removed all those records come on see see brothers and see brothers and sisters and family out there and those who are uh considering freemasonary uh th those that have have made the uh took the took the oath uh and Sil you don’t understand that what you’ve acclimatized yourself
With your spirit and soul is with Lucifer yalon theam man yeah Illuminati the reason why y’all the reason why there’s so so much exposure going on right now because aaya is exposing he’s lifting up the skirt he exposing these face yeah see now it’s not the hour because people they’re
Dying in this and him speak through you Steve come on the death spirit is is is is is rolling through this earth and the most high is putting things back in order yeah uh and Steve that the video yes sir I I watched it from the front when we
Got out the phone brother I sat down and eight and I watched it from the front to the end you told me to watch it so any question you want to ask me the to test me on it well that’s very disturbing brother very disturbing I didn’t want cut you off I
Just want to let you no no it’s okay that’s why I sent it to you yeah and and and if if you like you should probably uh go ahead and and post that so the families could the family could see exactly what’s happening right now and
How they’re trying to uh what are family is we JT and I we watched the video today of a masonic Pastor boy and he and and he was very very bold and repping uh the paternal order and he was trying to mix uh uh Christ in this message but he
Talked about the conscience yeah the majority of his message was about uh uh the conscience not Christ not salvation not repentance yeah but the conscience how to empower how to go ahead JT no I thought you was still go ahead how to empower oneself to make money now we’ve been seeing that now
Right out even hey even the M even the Masonic orders now they’re also in prosperity yeah but who do you see pushing Prosperity churches ran by what free pastors yeah it is did you hear the first thing he said we got to establish a belief
System yes and then he said I’m gon to show you scriptures to go with your rituals I yeah right there yeah scriptures go with rituals yeah go ahead and and and the thing and the thing about it is is what scriptures because that that big old book you had right
There was the one he was reading out of yes same one and you see what you see what it start off with in that Bible it give you all that stuff before it even touch scriptures yeah I have a book here in front of me and I showed you and and the
Listeners and the family and those on the outside the other day the other day uh this here yep I remember Illustrated Freemason re Illustrated written by Ezra cook yeah 1906 1906 so this book is over a 100 years old and in this book here I found this book I’m not going to
Divulge the place where I found it but I wasn’t supposed to Happ it I ain’t supposed to have this yeah either way I got my hands right on it because I knew there was going to come a point in time where we was going to be speaking on
This and the most high god of high found it fit to speak on this so what I would like to do is I want to read some more it’s GNA be quite a bit of reading it’s gonna be quite a bit of reading but it’s all right
Going to go to page uh 47 and once again uh Ezra a cook y’all can look it up online Ezra a cook you can look it up online right there now I’m going to go to page 47 all right and I’m going to give you what it states here what Freemasonry really
Is I’m sure your your listeners and those on the outside chat would like to hear well here here you go and this is what it states and this is Page 47 the question is asked what is masonry now H what is masonary now and the Bold statement that comes after this question
Is it is powerful it is powerful powerful powerful I don’t know if y’all can see that uh right here it is powerful power powerful it is powerful gotta powerful it compromises men of all ranks Here It Go JT family it compromises men of all ranks there you go wealth office and
Talent let me stop right there at the talent part oh my goodness here we go go JT we were talking about how some that coming to the the faternal Brotherhood and join as an initiate or a neoy a neoy the neight ne e o p h YT e
The neoy and the initiate it’s the same thing the neop the initiate one who is initiated by uh a sponsor what sponsor brother Steve Well hypothetically JT’s a a Mason right if he’s in a uh freem Mason and he sees brother Steve and he happens to know that brother Steve can
Uh can crunch numbers I got I got I got a gift of of of numbers and accounting and makeing money hey come on now well well brother J brother JT then takes me to what a group of men a group of brothers and he presents me in the hall yeah he vouches for
Me why because he notices a talent and he recognizes that the god-given talent that I have can be utilized for his secret organization that’s how it works so there it is the gifts and callings right we talk about the gifts and callings of the most high the most high get gifts and
Callings without repentance true repentance yeah true supposed to be used for his kingdom work there Steve that why he say all good gifts come from above all good good good gifts come from above come on I tell you come on the problem is is that the fact that we’ve been living in
A fallen world yeah evil and wicked all the stuff we always talk about Satan is had is what his ministers and angels of what chaos corruption confusion yeah they also recognize Talent come on and they happen to be operating in all facets of society let’s go let me finish reading this it says
Here it compromises men of all ranks wealth office and talent in now watch this family in power and out of power so when you leave office and you’re no more a public figure it doesn’t necessarily mean that you lose your ranking in terms of power and access right because if through
Masonry it’s what it’s it’s it’s it’s looked at as what the degrees Yeah the higher the degree what the more recognition and power regardless of what you have in regular Society come on come on let me finish and that in almost every place where power is of any
Importance and it composes among other classes of the community to the lowest and large numbers active men United together and capable of being directed by the efforts of others so as to have the force of submit through the Civilized World they are distributed to yeah with the means of knowing each
Other uh oh now the means of knowing each other now remember what I said earlier in this in this in this paragraph don’t matter how high you are Society or how low when you are a part of this thing here guess what you a part of it right and you have the same
Access this the uh uh the same ability to to receive ill gotten gains filthy Luca get out of jail car uh get out of uh jail free cars committing felonies and all you got to do what is do the shake do the symbol so don’t matter your
Societal uh social status if you a part of that you could be the garbage man or you could be the mega preacher you could be the politician or you could be the doctor you there it go there it go and let’s add this and why you on
That part Steve because a lot of people especially that I know they don’t understand why they give so much to the community you know where I’m going with it why they do so many good things like I always make a I make a joke about
It but I be real about like New Jack City even Nino Brown a dope dealer the same Community he was killing with the drugs he turned around and passed out free turkeys at Thanksgiving if you track down what a lot of Masons do they do give a lot to the community they do
Come on Scott is Right hospital I just want to put that right there brother and go ahead well you know bill bill bill go ahead they bu they build build they buil build build out of corruption and sorcery that’s what people don’t understand come on Usery
Usery see a lot of a lot of your initiates and your neop fites that going to that thing have no idea that they’re they’re uh also being used they don’t even understand the totality as they as they raise through the degrees what their what they’re really getting into and it’s the very
Very very top the very very very top yeah the very top yeah of that satanic society that are using the lower ranking members in degrees Yeah and they’re told what to do and you said something oh go ahead you remember the other day you was
On and you and we we didn’t get to go into it that’s why I knew we was going to get into this video but you remember when you made the statement and some people didn’t understand it you said even in some of our what you quote unquote called black
History and talked about W divorce and some of those a lot of people don’t understand they was off into this a lot of them a lot of them go ahead brother every year you where we in black history M black history right hey unfortunately I hate to uh be
The bear of bad news a lot of a lot of so-called African-Americans were part of yeah the cult yeah they were all they were all they were all puppets they were all being used yeah by the Zionist go ahead just want I’m just making a few points before you go into that reading
Because you you I tell you we gonna tag team this thing brother go ahead uh and I got a and and JT I got a list I got a a long list of those we used to write papers on in elementary school and high school and I got a long
List I got I listen I got a long list I got pictures all types of stuff uh right and and and like I say if time permits I present it if not we’ll save it for another day it’s okay uh let let me finish this here yeah go ahead continuation and Freemasonry Ezra
Cook and it composes among other classes of the community to the lowest in large numbers active men United together and capable of being directed by the efforts of others so as to have the force of cement through the Civilized world they are distributed to with the means of
Knowing each other and the means of keeping secret and the means of cooperating in the desk yeah in the legislative Hall on the bench and every Gathering of business and every party of [Applause] pleasure and every party of pleasure pleasure now uh oh what’s been exposed recently at what at what and whose
Parties huh P did it we talking about P didy yeah parties parties they all over the place freaky stuff going on man ungodly stuff but but the bishop had to be a part and go see what was going on we exposing all this Brother come on hey
Hey not now now forgive me this now this this the guy that said uh have you ever been SW as he PR back have you ever been Brown made a video doing it brother Brown version I mean Brother Hey listen Brother Hey Brother listen brother I take my glasses off Hey
Brother Hey Brother Hey Brother Hey JT listen come on Hey listen man he hey he said all that and he was in all red my man all all hey look man it it Disturbed me it was disturbing yeah but hey parties allegations yeah pictures yeah uh Pride yeah
Now imagine brother Steve e and brother JT now here it is we in the truth yeah we in the truth we are and all of a sudden you CS of the party with uh 50 Cent 50 Cent in there and some other known rappers right with Kurt Franklin and
Them how would y’all view us how would y’all view US now now JT I know you and you know me and with how we built and how we think we don’t want nothing to do with no none of them nothing and I’m sure not trying to be SW swall go
Ahead oh brother man oh my goodness man oh my goodness man oh my goodness I tell I tell people Steve even gangsters and Thugs and people that’s hard will tell you they won’t even go to a party like that Hey listen hey I’m trying to tell
You listen you know what man I’mma I’mma share this I’mma share this uh with with you and the family uh last year I ran into a homie I went to college with okay i r i don’t call him a homie but a guy that I went to college with and
Uh we chopping it up and he tells you know I’m like you know what’s going on this that and the other uh what you been up to you say he been he been traveling doing this and that I said oh traveling make a long story short he he said yeah he said he
Said big Steve he said man I know it’s been a while but he’s like man I’m I’m I’m living large right now man I’m living fat I just can’t I’m just coming back from New York partying with Diddy and I and I froze I froze I froze you know I’m like
Yeah he said man I’m partying with ddy I’m partying with Diddy so you partying with Diddy huh I was like okay okay I just okay now my mind I’m thinking you got turned out you got turned out now I’m not going to say it happened right but once again we know what
Happens at them them parties you’re getting clapped up make no mistake about it you partying with a predator a pedophile and a predator a homosexual a vicious one a woman beater and you proud and you proud of partying with that I could look at this guy no other
Way in my mind Hey Hey Big hey hey here it go here hey big Steve here you go here’s my car all right all right homie you stay up big dog I when he got on my side I took that carard I got I got rid of I hear you
Doc quick with yeah yeah quick with quick parties oh parties parties yeah and and another point we want to make for you get us back to the reading this is why the ones I know that’s in it they would never tell you what they went through with their rituals that’s where
They really get hushy and some wife don’t have a clue but then some married to Eastern Stars oh my goodness man I stop right there tell you gonna bring it out of me that’s why I want to follow you hey Hey listen hey hey hey that’s
Dang hey uh the Bible say uh defy not the marriage Bear right now if that top level if that top level if that Top If You A 33rd degree B if you a 33rd Bas Scottish right and you amongst other 33rd degree Scottish right yeah and all of now watch this now now
Now here now here go and all of a sudden you see a Mason from the you see they see a Mason from The Prince Hall Prince Hall it’s a rap it’s a r it’s a r yeah it’s a r yeah oh yeah uh your wife is
Nice yeah yeah yeah your wife is nice and and and we think uh we we would like to meet we like to meet her yeah yeah oh yeah and by and by the way you know that you know that opportunity you was talking about you know that that $2
Million contract we’re gonna take care of that for you but your wife your wife is beautiful your wife is nice and and and and the part we want to talk to her yeah and so there there go there go and now now now quiet this k your wife the wife is
Unaware of your secret dealings yeah your secret M Dealings uh uh so after after it go down hey now after it go down and you a had your what your wife tossed around by Tom Dick and Har John John and them Bill danan oh yeah Scottish because after the Scottish right get down with them they
Pass him to the prince har uh uh 33rd degree Masons they about to get them next they about to get him next yeah and that’s why you only see certain ons where at ring when you start talking about the Master Mason that’s why in this book this Bible that’s why I went through
Those little those little levels before you came on I wanted people to catch that go ahead brother hey uh there it is it’s not all that secretive no more if you think about it it’s open it’s not a secret we we ain’t secreted we a we ain’t no religion we ain’t bring your
Religion with you yeah and even in the third degree I remember studying a while back third degree they’ll teach you death to be reborn but what do we do with a higher we become born again see born again I’ll stop right there doc go ahead Bor again
I don’t want you to get lost I mean uh left out on your reading no brother it’s okay we being left by thead Holy Spirit this is edifying those yeah yeah this is edifying those because this is what they need here yeah see they’ll get somebody they’ll get somebody they’ll get
Somebody that’s smooth talking that’s smooth talking and uh know all have got all the right connections and will make them feel accepted feel good and and then guess what they start doing their signs yeah you know you know that you know they start putting it together they’re doing
It right in front of you right and then they saying come on handshakes yeah it happens that fast and now you enjoying the agulation and praise yeah now you enjoying the validation that you never received JT I heard you talking about that guy that friend of yours that friend of
Yours it’s like somebody it’s like somebody uh they from the hood uh they grow up in the hood they grow up in LA right they stay up in now here it is uh you made it out you made it out the hood you made it out of yeah
Uh they need for nothing right now here it is you get to be the age of 30 your homies are still in that lifestyle you you made a little something for yourself and now you come back talking about you want a gang Bang gang bang 30 something year old man talking about something he w a gang Bang this is the mentality this is what’s going on oh yeah oh yeah Sher we ain’t even got started talking about the way they do funerals go ahead Ste oh that gonna probably be a part five there part six part yeah yeah let me finish this right here uh
And I left off I left off at parties right and uh uh it says here uh and every Gathering of business and every party of pleasure and every Enterprise of government and every domestic Circle I hope y’all hearing that domestic Circle in peace and in War uh
Oh peace and in war peace and War when they what does the Bible talk about peace and safety huh oh see so for some of y’all that’s that’s looking to join this uh fraternity if you will you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into you have no idea you’re gonna curse your
Children you’re going to curse your children you’re you’re going to bring rot to the foundations of your house spiritually first because you’re going to have the manifestations of demons and evil entities and Spirits because of the Witchcraft and sorcery that they’re going to teach you God have
Mer you’re going to be afflicted day and night tormented I got you’re going to have to receive and get char arms you’re gonna have to have those charms you you’re gonna have to go see the susers in India yeah yeah some of y’all that got Francis Mason be taking
All them trips don’t they haven’t you under wonder why they take the trips it’s because they’re going to see their what soothsayers their Witch Doctors they’re getting with their what they’re Brethren and they’re going together and they’re still being taught everything that being taught in the HS oh it ain’t worth
It and I brother Steve did approach many times many times yeah many times yeah many times 20 years guess what 20 years ago I said hell no and I say hell to the hell to the no now I got the hly spirites bahash I got Christ that’s the only Brotherhood I
Knew with real true believers don’t need nothing else let’s do this right quick Steve yeah let’s look I already named one of them and I’mma throw it right back to you yeah I was named and a lot of reasons why men that I know like I say I
Know older Masons some of them passed on D some just new in it maybe a year maybe yeah personal growth and self-improvement I’m sorry brother I couldn’t hear you number one reason they’ll tell you because I need to I need personal growth self-improvement yeah and there go another thing I need Community
Involvement yeah here go the one that kills me I need friendship oh man you just stated Brotherhood then I need intellectual stimulation yeah then I need to know how to be a leader so they looking for leader development right right right personal development right and and you already
Know this I’m I’m just name this one I’mma shut up because I can name few but I need to leave a legacy behind Legacy that’s what they teach you yeah and i’ that video you sent me that’s the main thing he was getting at in that
Video yeah but what he was doing JT was he was teaching he was he was teaching and telling the the members in that coat how to operate in their Christ centered Consciousness yes yes their God Consciousness and you notice he said Peace I’mma teach you peace power and
Prosperity there you go I guess you don’t need Bible power Prosperity but this blue book this blue masonary book what does it say on the other page besides George Washington free masonary and The Holy Bible and The Holy Bible right right so this and and then he told him
I’m going to teach y’all how to be a a a masonic man yeah better one if he but I think like you say the ones that’s in there they haven’t they haven’t went through the initiation all the way right if correct if I’m wrong so yeah and I I
See well I see I see it brother go ahead he say he said he said I’m G teach you how to be a good Mason good one yeah a good one woo going to teach you hey going to teach you how to manipulate the uh the Earth uh magnetic field yeah how to
Channel how to levitate how to operate in uh how to operate in the material and the immaterial y’all know what that is yeah how to operate in the material physical and the immaterial celestial realm we call it Spirit real come on how how how to conjure yes how to conjure conjure the
Gods yeah conjure the spirits and he used a lot of things now we say what life and death and the power of the tongue that he was even using some of that yeah oh We we take your time doc let me go ahead let me go ahead and wrap wrap this part up here because U I want to go on to something else here um so they operate in the legislative Hall of the bench and every Gathering of business uh and every party of pleasure
And every Enterprise of government and every domestic Circle in peace and in war among enemies and friends in one place as well as in another so powerful once again indeed is it this time that it fears nothing for violence either public or private for it has every means
To learn in its season to counteract defeat and punish how do how do how do you think you could receive anything from from Satan’s kingdom and not have to deal and and I have to deal with the payback oh we ouch how do you think you could receive
Anything from any of these Fallen yeah demons fallen angels and now and I have to pay that back with blood blood blood so when them checks start coming in automatically yeah all that money you have all the new cars yes see for a lot of these a lot of
These young folks they becoming these Masons and they still in a hood living Hood Rich and getting taken out yeah and let’s point this out while you right there how many them are police officers lawyers judges I told you years ago I I had an old
Neighbor his name was Mr Kelton yeah Mr gon was call a black you brother St you remember Rosewood with yeah you remember that movie it was a white Mason right yeah and they were black Masons right right right notice when that rape went on right uh The Boy
The Boy was the boy was really just sleeping with old old boy’s wife and right and and but he went ran for help you notice what that brother said and he said but he a white Mason right black Mason right right right right right oh B didn’t really want to
Help them and look what happened and I’m saying that to say when you start talking about them different levels or that color uh I can’t think of the man name that that started uh you probably know the name when you start talking about the Blake the black
Masonary what’s his name man uh but but anyway that that’s something I stuck out to me even though that was a movie but my old neighbor was a old school he probably was 89 at the time he was he was up there getting up there yeah and I
Didn’t know nothing about that back then but I noticed the ring he was he was 33rd um hat license plates all you know all this stuff yeah and he was flying brother on the freeway in this old truck I’m I’m in the passenger side ride with him speed limit probably six Steve he
Doing about 90 yeah but he gets stopped we get stopped I’m in the P side who pulls us over Freemason police officer right and when he so I noticed my neighbor put his hand out the window making sure he see the ring right it just happened to be a
Freemasonary police officer there it is he did the handshake he kn his head and told him have a nice day now remind my neighbor have no license no insurance and he was speeding didn’t write him not one ticket that’s why my other home my younger homeboy he said that’s why I
Want to be a Mason also because that power right there it’s power I I can get in trouble and if I get the right judge the right lawyer I can buy myself out of this cuz Masons look out for each other but you notice in that movie like I said
When that man say it’s a but he a white Mason he said you think he would have done the same thing for us I right there brother right right I hey I remember that hey I remember seeing that part man I mean that had that that right there
When I like I said that was when when did Rosewood come out back in the uh mid 90s something like that it had to been the mid late 90s late 90s yeah and and yeah like I said that’s when you know what I’m saying we ain’t you know we
Ain’t really but I I thought about you know thinking about that you know looking at it looking at it now as you mentioned it yeah uh that in itself in terms of what I just read uh no because once again hey once again my my whole thing is is
This and and JT I have to go there because I have to say this take it brother the Negro bloodline and the bloodline is shim as Israelites yes yes and people wonder why the most high talking did what he did yeah oh we they don’t understand manetic
Shemites shic look how you just broke that down you talked about the hites a minute ago oh and have you ever ever wonder people always wonder ask me this question all the time Steve and I want you to answer it why is it so many people ask the question why doesn’t Africans like
Us what me say it again why is it so many people ask the question why Africans don’t like us or you may hear somebody say Africans and black people don’t get along right that’s that’s I mean it’s simple because they got a records they know who we are they know who we are
Ouch they know who we are do we know I had Hey listen Hey listen I I I I had I I had uh I had a uh I ran into a uh I ran into a a African sister I said Shalom shalawam and we talking and she’s from the East part of
Africa she said I don’t like Negroes and she’s like I know who you are she’s like I know who you are she’s like I don’t like any of you yeah and she was and she was straight and I couldn’t say nothing either because I was trying to make my bread you
Understand she just came out flat out she it was three of them but it was the older one she said I know who you are she’s like I don’t I don’t like none of you yeah I like none of you you remember that scene on sugar you
You you remember the old movie Sugar Hill W Snipes and old from the fire heartbeats you remember that scene when they was doing all that Big Time s and dope and they was about to do business with them Africans and what that African tell him I just I don’t do business with
You AATA and he kept saying what you know W say what is this AA he said you black Negroes yeah and now then all here broke they start fighting of course but it’s just true man you rarely find Africans who really like us with Dr yeah go ahead and
They not all like that but a lot of them is I work with some of like that yeah so hate y’all tell I hate I don’t like y’all but we can put a pen right there say here look at how how many of us don’t like us yeah
We’ve been divided brother go ahead yeah oh this is powerful man hey hey hey the other nations looking at how we treat one another come on there it is there it is in the nut there it is wow continue my brother brother JT I’m gonna I’m gonna go ahead and jump um
Okay I’m gonna jump to um I’m G to jump I’m going to jump here and jump forward some because I want to show uh once again those outside on the chat uh the god of the Masons they need to see that they gotta see it let’s go they gotta see
That here’s your God the Masons now you heard me say jabal see the triangle here I don’t know if y’all can see that yeah right there yeah J G yeah there you go yeah you have that you got uh you got this right here oh
Yeah this is the this this is the other uh Monica right here this it right here this is they guy right here you see that Checker floor look at that Checker Duality black and white good and evil look at that right there jalon a that a pretty guy that’s a
Pretty guy right that’s pretty see look like Santa Claw don’t you want to worship that don’t you want to worship that oh yeah see yeah that’s that’s that’s yeah that’s that’s who you praying to yeah that’s that’s the blessings the two million contracts why you got it going
Steve because you mentioned them earlier go ahead and pull up bath for mat that’s that’s what we call the music field of music oh yeah oh oh hey hey hey uh I got that too yeah I know come on oh they they they they they want to see that one
Too yeah yeah come on with B you you mentioned them earlier see they’re not gonna like that one but might might as well give it to them right because they gotta get themselves ready right get ready doc they they gotta get ready for it because that’s what they signing up
For right that’s what they they signing up for it right there come on come on Sig up they signing up they signing up for right there get ready he got the wings on them come on y’all get a good look at that one get ready those who don’t know I know it may
Be something that get ready for it some some may call it the goat God the go go there you go yeah good looking ass Steve yeah that’s that’s uh yeah you yeah you go into your closet and perform your rituals and you know clear your mind Hey start chanting hey uh start doing your R secution chant oh yeah you see when you’re praying or something like that you got to do your Rosa
Crucian chat yeah oh I think I knew about that huh oh yeah see they don’t tell you that oh yeah the spirit of initiation Spirit Masonic deception part two you see yeah they got a nice little they got a nice little Ruan chat oh yeah Ruan
Chat I’m not gonna even I’m not gonna even say what to say on this but I want y’all to see it the rosac crucian chant oh yeah I’ll send you a copy of this JT for your record ruian chance Ruan chat see get ready chanting boy sound like sorcery witchcraft Spirit of
Imitation you got to get ready for it that’s what they this is what they’re signing up for see yeah they don’t want to walk in the freedom of Christ they don’t want the Light of Christ they want the counterfeit they want the baffet ouch they want jalon the three-headed monster on a checkered
Floor oh yeah back and white see see that SP take over you initiate yourself in the cult and now your whole basement is Checker floor with with witch masks and all type of weird stuff on your walls and you talking to them and now your kids looking at you like what’s wrong with
Daddy yeah D he get off on the kids you just said it Dy talking to himself you cooking doc uh hold on for a minute brother so much to cover so much to cover so much to cover yeah take your time so much to cover you right Sher they are they so
Quick to join you right I got a cousin the same thing he didn’t even know he was getting off into he just said I want to be a part of something yeah you you got off something all right so when you decide to join and align yourself with the secret society satanic
RIS RCU Masonic order these are the things that you were going to learn symbolic implements the mystical meanings of how to operate fire self-communication self-awareness self-consciousness mental cesis rituals uh levitation astral projection uh what’s what’s that other uh what’s the other thing uh uh shaping uh changing yourself into a a wolf an
Animal what’s that one called trans transformation to um it’s it’s a certain word for it I could be wrong somebody in the chat I’m sure they got it yeah you got me on that one something they’re able to do on the left hand side the high up they go in degrees when they
Get to that 33rd degree and then all that stuff is just you know for for the Warlock you’re not talking about shap sh shape shifting there you go okay yeah thank you there you go shape shif oh yeah shap sh watch their eyes real close oh yeah we talked about that
Before go ahead doc Transportation okay thank you Steve other Steve all right all right now that while Steve we keep hearing about this gangstalking I’m sorry say I’m sorry why is that why we keep hearing so much about gangstalking you say is what about gang stalking what
Not is that why we keep hearing so much about gangstalking yeah yeah gang stalking the spiritual right before before man St the physical it’s start in the spiritual huh y’all y’all y’all see that movie Ghost oh y good point y’all saw that movie Ghost go back and look at that movie
Ghost we heyy Hey Hey listen if y’all want to understand why people are Tor tormented with demons think back to the end of the movie when that glass went to that guy’s stomach and then his spirit and soul lifted up out his body and when it came up what was
There the attack of the shadine right yeah the CH demons Spooks they was right there and before he knew it the things grabbed him and dragged his ass straight to hell it is brother JT uh we can do a part three to this like I told it’s enough because there’s so much more
There’s so much more they want to bring out not not going to compile everything at rush some of this some of this you got to take her time with this is just this is just uh basic you go a lot brother okay now yall understand why why
Ephesians talks about have no no have no un fruitful works with Darkness have no to Darkness and quit contacting these and Le these familiar spirits alone have no Fellowship I’m sorry no fellowship with dark forgive me yeah now y’all understand that Ephesians chapter 5 now y’all get
It yeah I told you you just like you like we say on the phone brother just be led by the Holy Spirit yeah yeah or you want to if we want to uh do it like that there like you say I don’t care how many parts we need
Brother we do it till you till you get through with it till we get through with it listen this this is for this this this is a lot of meat for a lot of people who knew nothing about it so I’m in agreement with you brother break it down in
Sections it started earlier today didn’t it huh it started earlier today in the it started early but but all glory and praise to the most high God bahash yai Wess Christ Jesus because JT I told you man uh like like like like you know you you you and uh you and brother Amos
And brother D Dana I think y all said something uh or maybe that was uh something a little early before I came on but you know sometimes sometimes uh you running you running yeah sometimes you know we we running and we ain’t going nowhere and if y’all want to look at a
Man of the most high in Christ we all get weak right some of us be ready to give up y’all be thinking just because we can talk and this and that and we know these books no we get weak sometimes man hey we get weak sometimes
You don’t think I get weak all the time yeah I want to say the hell with it I’m human I’m in this flesh that’s it but I Repent I I I got a job to do for the most high God in Christ I’m starving for the mark I’m striving every day that’s love
Man so all glory praise to a like I like I told you on the pH phone earlier I’m G say it like my old partner was say we may give out but we don’t give up you don’t give up and just that flesh man you know even the bible say
That that that Satan is weing out the Saints to overcome them so we are followers brother we getting woe out yeah oh but we ain’t lost brother so yeah and we have to remind each other they’re gonna be time when I call you say Steve I need you to
Pray for me brother I just yeah two week to pray for myself brother yeah like you say real man to tell you man I’m I’m burnt out yeah you brother you don’t you done had that conversation with me before yeah times I stepped off YouTube to just clear my mind my head because
Even y’ even savior tried to get away and just meditate on the father somebody always bothering him yeah go ahead well you know well the thing about it is the thing about it is man is is uh you know uh JT you know we and and family
Y’all uh Hey family check this out JT hey y’all y’all seen those documentaries and those World War II do mentes of the United States Marines going from uh in the Pacific in a Pacific Theater in a Pacific island theater how the Marines went from Island to Island
To Island to Island to Island to Island to Island to Island and every time they went from Island to Island to Island the battles increase and intensify And when you think about the amount of uh uh lives lost in the Pacific Theater during World War I yeah it was horrendous but you think about the human Ingenuity of strength to survive how those men went into war many of them in fear yeah
Scared and and a lot of them who were athans and agnostic they learned God and Jesus those moments a lot of them who have who have done these documentaries have told people I was an atheist before I went to war after war after War I came out of
Believer so what I’m saying what I’m saying family is spiritual warfare depending on your mantle just listen to me for a second I’m not this listen I’m not the smartest guy JT Ain just none of us is but we all got a Mana will you put your face out here on
Camera will you put your face out here on camera and and and go against the kingdom of darkness come on you suffer that’s it all the time you suffer you go through you go through things and it wears you out I had people tell me about they got
Families and this and that okay good that’s your Dynamic yeah that’s your Dynamic that ain’t my Dynamic that’s yours and how you a Believer and don’t go through [Â __Â ] excuse my language forgive me I’m not I’m not supposed to say it’s supposed to be tribulation all the time
What I’m saying man you you always everything is always good with you yes sir I’m not saying you’re not supposed to have happy days and I’m not all I’m just saying what seasons Seasons Seasons Seasons up way down way up way way way down back on up yeah oh you get worn
Out yes some sometimes you want to be hey sometimes you just want to be like yo aaya what’s up I love you man yes sh you already know what time it is with me and I and you and we talk we talk what’s up and sometimes you get tired yeah but
You don’t lose Faith so a lot of a lot of people that whoever was reaching out to you ask me where I’ve been Hey Brother Steve is here in the flesh my hands been on the plow working I ain’t been on no YouTube cab there was still work out here and
There’s work out there the work is still being done out there that’s how it started for me before any of y’all see me I was out there CH that’s why sometimes chist said go back to your first love Yeah and I don’t like what I see on here on this
YouTube uh platforms I don’t like Division I don’t like the hatred I mentioned earlier it my spirit I don’t like to attack for people that have that operating in their prophetic gifts and for all y’all out there attacking uh uh those that have the gift of
Prophecy I seen that don’t I seen y’all talking and I chase I rebuke all y’all because the book of Acts tell us that the Holy Spirit Will W cadesh will pour out on All Flesh and if the most high want to use a donkey and a Rock he’ll do it I’m
Talking for those in the truth yes sir and he’s not and these Christians that don’t understand prophecy so I’m talking to both sides uh JT yeah those of the Seed of Abraham and those are in the Christian church right who are waiting to be raptured out you attack the prophets the teachers
You always got something to say because it’s hard what Christ y’all serving out there what Christ they serving out there oh we I’m just trying to I’m trying to get it you want to call everybody false guess what I’m in these records too you calling me false you calling me a
Mason I’ve been call that before what y’all talk about out there yeah we talk about what we talk about what we some of us is forsaken all things and going through poverty and homelessness not once but twice money disrupted what y’all talking about out there what y’all see on these YouTube
Streets about uh God’s Gonna bless you with money and God’s gonna do this and you’re gonna have no we in the end time baby we in the end time baby and y’all saw what happened three years ago three and a half years ago what you think is coming next they’ve already planned
It already yeah y’all see what’s going on down there wars and rumors of wars what did Christ tell youj to the end the sa shall be saved man y’all talking about out there man you brother and I’m not in no Israelite Camp either yeah I know I’m a Jew by
Blood I’m an Israelite I’m Hebrew but I’m I serve and follow Christ and I love all my brothers and sisters in Christ and I’m G love my brothers and sisters that do the will of my father in Christ yes Jesus which one y’all want now what’s what’s the issue
Man all right man I ain’t got no more to say brother hey hey hey he hey you tell hey for the brothers and sisters out there for y’all that I’ve chopped it with over the past year and a half y’all know what time but a lot of y’all don’t
But but it’s all right I love y’all anyway because I already know they be hating I know it’s so much be to be coming JT a lot of hatred be coming our way man they don’t understand that we really love people see brother Steve talk about wine and barbecue that’s
Because I’m I’m a servant I wantan to hey I want to meet all y’all and listen JT probably think he barbecue better than me I tell JT I bar better than here and we go back and forth youa all the barbecue no more okay well whatever whatever
Whatever I feel you so there it is man but it’s like I like I told you on the phone earlier man I hate I hate when these weak water down preachers I just talked about this in another video I hate when they when they baptize people
They they they make it act like they not gonna go through nothing that’s the most that’s dangerous man cuz like like I said the day you give your life over it becomes the worst best day in your life yeah yeah and what I tell on the phone brother you don’t
Think Isaiah feel like we feel man when you read the Bible and get understanding you would you would really look like think believe believe some of them them prophets was about to give up yeah yeah because of what they didn’t understand and like you said earlier on the live
What they saw what they heard and what they saw what I tell that’s enough to make you want to commit suicide if you look at David like David really was suicidal in so many ways yeah I’m not calling you that of course because I know you not that but I’m with your
Point brother this stuff wears and tears you down yeah and you got family and your kids and with your son you know you had a tack with your son brother you know it I’m I’m GNA share some with your your your audience and some of y’all gonna
Understand because I know y’all went if if it was I the most high kept his promise to me in the midst of my absence of my children because I’m because because I’m a family man I’m a family man I love I’m a family man right I like see personally
Me personally I like the concept of a wife children a house uh what I’m saying is when I when I came in this work everything change I’m just saying I’m just saying I ain’t perfect I’m just saying everything change right what you just say different seasons just things change you just said
I’m just saying hey I’ve been blessed along this process too I I’ve had y’all been blessed me [Â __Â ] I would had come on man I still come on now it’s sitting right outside because of last year right because of y’all right Hallelujah and then and then the people right
Now so the most high said you do my work I’ll take care of you he said do my work I’ll take care of you I’ll send people along the way to help you and it don’t mean no damn million dollar no he says I’mma give you what you need what you
Need brother so I give you what you need Hallelujah brother Steve ain’t never came on here after no damn money oh hey send this send that send this no get out no never no you B you you bless a brother how you choose to bless whatever man pray for me bless me whatever
Whatever you got to do call whatever e whatever I whatever yeah you come Detroit hey come to you come to Detroit what you see on what you get I might be you know how people when you first meet they they trying to see if listen forget all that just sit your
Ass down in that chair get something to eat you know what I’m saying yeah yeah yeah yeah your ass down go on with that oh yeah you know how people oh look man look hey hey man just hey just just sit down man man go on with that cuz if I
Been if you come to my hood I’ve been to your hood yeah even if I never been same thing if you come to it don’t matter different place different face different environment all glory praise to bahash Christ Jesus in Christ that’s it man that’s why I’m bro that’s why I love you
Brother that’s why I right there you know say well go ahead and do my favorite brother my I gotta hear it man my wild the fire said what brother go get you know that prayer I love to hear you pray brother oh okay okay that though family we appreciate
Y’all and uh I’mma get with Steve and we we’ll let y’all know when the next part three four five 6 11 10 whatever you know uh I I’ll be waiting on Steve on that we’ll get together and see what I think it’s gonna work better at night
Like you said brother like this yes sir it’s really no distractions at night like this yes sir so y’all just stay tuned and appreciate y’all family love y’all all right hey love y’all we appreciate you thank you for an opportunity of coming u in front of you
It’s always an opportunity and as a blessing to come up here on this panel with you JT uh you’re truly honorable man of the most high God bahash Kadesh Christ Jesus beautiful family all every everything everything beautiful good thank you for being authentic being yourself I just got one Bond I need to
Pick with you yeah stop saying this is my page and my audience yeah uhuh you know I gonna get you on there I’ve been waiting on you to say it one more time it’s the most High’s it’s the most brother there you go the most It’s the Most High that the
Wrong way no it’s the most high that’s why I tell you what I call you what I tell you brother conduct it this this us brother any time you already know any time you want to come on here brother just you you got the link you you are you on the list
Brother on the list JT I feel a little green a little I feel a little green coming on this camera man you know it’s been a while so yeah you know I got I gotta polish up my uh you know I just gotta just polish myself back up and and
Get straight you know I just gotta get back in try have to immerse myself yeah slowly you on it brother you on it you ain’t lost nothing all right you ain’t lost nothing brother um Family B here um if if you will father God of thank you for another opportunity tonight to
Fellowship with the family in the name of your son yesi Christ Jesus father we pray for those who are sick who are hungry innocent those in war those Afflicted father we ask that you send out the the cadesh Holy Spirit or families or fathers mothers sons daughters
Heal the bodies Lord you know what I’m talking about father a lot of people have repented from the decision they made three and a half years ago I got to say it Lord Heal their bodies you say your arm is not short heal their bodies provide Mercy Mercy father Mercy on
People of my family have mercy father you said the prayers of the righteous Avil much so I’m asking you to have mercy on behalf of of the Saints here tonight have mercy for the families have mercy for the families father we know we we understand prophecy we understand we do and
Whatever is in your will is your will but you gave Hezekiah more time you gave Hezekiah More Time Lord so I’m asking for a h for many people out here so they can get to know you they can get to know your son how good you are this I ask and
Pray in yesi Christ Jesus mighty name our savior you the all power and we love you and not just with our words with our actions and we going to keep repenting we only flesh we only flesh and dust Lord yes and father thank you for giving me an opportunity to come
Here with my brother and the family tonight father because you know I was ready to run and quit father I was ready to punk out and I prayed for you to to to I prayed for my fire yeah Lord let me let me not lose my fire I was ready to
Walk I was ready to give up but you were faithful so I thank you I wante everything to you yes amen all right hey all right family may a wall of fire be around every single one of you your families your children yes and your households Hallelujah May the spirit of
Peace and rest go ahead of you as you travel to and thr this evil and wicked Earth in this hour and your shy Christ Jesus mighty name stay prayed up Saints this is Brother Steve within the work coming out the city of Detroit my brother JT out the city of
Dallas Two Brothers doing what we do yeah and we love yall Shalom shalawam God bless Shalom brother till the next time love you brother love you family brother stay up all right Brother [Applause] [Applause] Oh