And being cool again with my music welcome everyone this is our inaugural Voyage or M Voyage would believe and I swimming in the ethers let me turn off this music it’s it’s one of my favorites because I think I’m cool to have it okay enough of
That done so have to comments I am so happy to be here and I uh I gotta tell you I there’s a little bit of housekeeping uh that I’ll do in a few minutes I’m gonna allow the people to come on in and uh come in with us now we
We are not sure how we’re going to do this but our objective is clear and that is we we are going to move through the week from Friday to Friday every Friday and I’m going to do numerology and cards she’s going to do astrology and other
And intuition and all of that stuff and we are going to be able to map out how a a certain day would land for you or what you might be able to expect now we are in a in the world of free choice right so if you’re faced with a conflict at any
Time the way you can move into peace is by being The Observer so it’s a it’s really a fine line also when you feel in Conflict you can ask yourself am I uh serving others or am I serving myself self so those two little things will help you give put distance between you
And whatever’s upsetting you and that’s when you can say oh Lite said that for Thursday oh Deborah said that you know it it gives you an idea to actually witness yourself become a a more I don’t know balanced person I gotta tell you ever since I put some of this in
Action I um I have felt a lot better and PE more peaceful in uh my life uh flat welcome I’m glad you’re here I think you’re here oh I’ve got your back let’s do this I have no idea that was an inside situation it’s heating up at the
Border yes it is I’m going to talk about that in a moment I want to remind everybody that um you can comment you have to be a subscriber so I’d appreciate it if you would subscri subscribe I had appreciated if you would um share and
Like and do all that stuff for me and I know you do I just want to say thank you Jennifer P here we go hi sweetheart how’s uh yes Canada is it cold it’s cold here and uh reverse images it’s uh it’s so nice to have you here so here we are we’re
Filling up a little bit and uh we’ll just get right to it and and let me just put a oh it’s like I haven’t done this before gosh I I don’t know I’d like to introduce my friend leite she’s an incredible astrologer and teacher and musician and and everything just fill in
The blank that’s her so uh she is going to explain specifically what she does but she I want to make sure I I don’t know if she’s going to be too shy to say this but she does take take um private clients and her her
Contact is going to be in the show notes and after you um after you uh get a taste of her work I bet you’re GNA enjoy it the beautiful Elite Jennifer says Jennifer P from Canada says the beautiful Lite so Lite I would like to
Hand the the mic over to you and you can tell us what you do H uh how you like people to contact you what your objective is for today okay let’s start with the objective for today the important thing I want to talk a little bit a few
Minutes at the start just to give my definition of the age of Aquarius and what we’re is happening to everyone on the planet today but we’ll just spend a few minutes on that just a few minutes but I want to have that clarified because there’s a lot of chatter about
That so that we’re we’re all thinking in the same way about that and then I have prepared a list of thing energies for the week and actually it’s a little more than a week because I think we are going to be doing a Regular Show on Fridays and we’re going to have the
Energies for the calendar week start starting Sunday through the next week so that leaves a couple of days like today and tomorrow without being covered so I have like nine days but many of them have the same stuff it’s not going to take too long one day at a time and I
Don’t know if you want to go back and forth from what you see with the numbers we’re we are we’re this is an act in progress now it’s not that Deborah and I haven’t thought of this before actually I think we’ve W wanting to do this for
Months and we just had a little meeting Tuesday and we said well heck let’s go for it and what’s the first day we can do it so here we are and we’re open to suggestions maybe you have ideas of how you’d like the directions to go but so
Far that’s what we got we’d like to talk about things that are general for everybody and inspirational ideas to keep you on your path and then show you day by day what your pitfalls or good times are and what to watch out for for the week I think in the future and I
Haven’t had a chance to say this to Deborah but as my I discovered last night my website is down I got to fix that but I was thinking I could put all these charts and everything written down that I say on a daily calendar on my
Website so if you didn’t if you want to review something you can go to my website but not today because it’s not working uh we’ll fix that that uh so I’m GNA hold up some papers today to get you through the week that you can see what’s
Happening every day to help help be your best you know as my favorite person you taught me this sentence for warned is forarms my favorite person being Deborah I’m look I’m pointing to my monitor over there monitor you’re so sweet so that’s what I’m thinking of okay what I’m thinking
Of is doing the very same thing but it’s a it’s it’s a it’s a fine line from what my stuff now the very first thing we have here in the comments uh that I saw was that you know the the borders being is heating up and we also had some interesting news
About uh some bombs that us is doing and that that’s the macro of the world right and there shows talk it shows it definitely shows we’ll talk about that so we got off in the world and also in your life yeah well we’ll manage the ones in your
Life see that’s my point the stuff in the world out there that we all because the people who come to our uh my channel are conscientious people who are educated in the world affairs and there the anxiety political anxiety is high but I want to remind you this is a
Little bit different I want to remind you that we don’t have any control over the macro we can vote we can put our money towards people we want to support and we can pray those are the things at the level of action that we can do did you
Think of another thing l no I’m just saying yes yes yes that’s true and I I want to punctuate what you said after you’re done yes well that’s that’s great that but that’s what makes this one different I’m going to be on with Valerie and we’re going to talk about in
General the upper octaves excuse me the upper octaves about how to move spiritually through the new Earth and this is how to move on the earth with uh with information on how to become a better person each day and then of course I have politics by the numbers
I have a jibber jabber I would like to get into a celebrity I am not one to even know celebrities I mean um but it’s kind of fun to kind of peek at that too and do the numbers I’ve done a little of that
Sort of fun so there we are Le it’s all on you now well one thing you said just set off a light bulb when you said we can do and the things we can do is pray I wanted to mention something that really just shot into my head when you
Say that there was an experiment done some years ago about the effect that it has on the world when a large when a group of people group of people meditates on peace on Earth and they did a they did a chart showing over long term showing the effects of when the
People were projecting peace on Earth a group of people was doing that and they charted it with the levels of bombing and unpleasant stuff that we’re all talking about and there was an enormous difference it was scientific could not have happened by accident and it was an
Amazing study I it just popped into my head so I don’t have the details but this was a very important thing that was done some years ago and it had remarkable you know it was a statistical analysis that was very uh clear so um that it’s so
Uh can I talk for a little bit about the age of Aquarius which which ties in with what’s happening the problems I have one more thing Connie B says oh my goodness are you L I am that’s me I want to make sure of the earth I’ve been trying to
Get back on and Deborah finally gave me that push so here I am and I’m so happy if I have any people that I know out there in YouTube land God bless you all and you’ve been in my heart all this time I’m back in the game this is the
Official launch of our our new little thing here and then our new big thing here and then I’ll be doing my channel too so I’m um forgive me I’m going to be playing with my little stuff down here there we are okay now I know so when H
Lite wants to show her um her visual aids I will be able to get out of the way so there you are why don’t you start out okay well just just a real brief thing about what’s generally going on in the world because you know this is a major transition everybody knows the
Great Awakening that we’ve all been anticipating and it’s something Aquarius when P Pluto entered in Aquarius the very last time was the year of the American Revolution and then the French Revolution so those models are a good indication of that really is for America we starts with we the people in the
French Revolution it was liberal and fr we have Liberty equality and Brotherhood now let’s emphasize the Brotherhood the humanitarian aspect and it’s not a so these big Cycles are not circles they’re spirals so we’re approaching it at a higher level because this is going to be little different
Different than before with the same flavor but those are those main elements are a good hook to remind you of what it is we’re working for Liberty fraternity and equality so it’s kind of a great level level or say instead of having 1% of the people with all the money wealth
Will be spread out instead of ruining the Earth and climate and pollution we’ll be working on Earth conscious activities and um Uranus the planet that rules Aquarius is a big Shaker so there’s going to be a lot of Earth changes and some sudden things and the kind of things you were just talking
About now with the bombing and the Border problems these are Uranus type issues and the problem with it is that it’s like the tower card in in Tarot where you you sometimes in order to get the change you need things kind of fall apart or get blown apart
And and there are some unpleasant things that need to happen to do away with things that are just things of the past and those these kind of changes are always difficult they’re always hard to go through changes but the it’s going to be worth it because on
The other side of this change we have wonderful Global Communications we have um not AC turn that turn on all the time I’m in Vegas on the AC still going on here let me turn it off I’m so sorry I forgot about that um it still goes on
Here anyway so you’re going to have things that are major in the Earth changes that are going to be worth it because there the the values that we all share of um know Progressive ideals toward health care and free energy and do away with pollution in the old kind
You know we’ll have energy sources the the Aquarian thinkers were Tesla Einstein Thomas Edison you know Tesla knew how to get energy out of the Earth free for everybody so it it we we do have technology coming along for that and it’ll be it’ll be worth it in the
End because there’s no need for famine or you know starvation around the earth diseases all of these things are going to be over a 30-year period really changed so that life in in for those years in the future is going to be so wonderful you will say wow it’s really
Improved a lot but it’s going to be a little hard getting there so we’ve all contracted to be here like it or not you say I didn’t want this I didn’t sign up for this well yes you did because you’re here or you wouldn’t be here and I saw
Something beautiful last night I was watching something about Edgar Casey and I said boy this is what I have to say tomorrow it was a message Edgar Casey said about this being alive on the planet at this time a big change where you’ve all signed up for it to come
Because we need the help of all the lightbearers all the people who have your vision for the future need to be here contributing and that’s why you’re here and Edgar Casey said be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time be glad you have the opportunity to
Be alive at this time we’ll have to put a thing a merch in your store deor that’s s the medle of Honor in your mer midle of Honor distinguished service I helped usher in the age of aquarious yes I was part of the gang as we’re saying God I didn’t sign up for
This but yes you did so we got it all part and uh Aquarius is an air sign we’re moving out of Pluto’s out of Capricorn Pentacles Earth and that’s slow moving energy Pluto is moving into in Aquarius now it’ll go back for a little bit but
We’re not going to talk about that it’s just a little minor blip on the screen and then it’s into Aquarius for the next 21 years so um the energy faster doesn’t it seem like everything is whoa speeding up yes it it’s not your imagination it
Really is and this is an epic that will last for 2,000 years but that will be in the age of Aquarius but remember it’s moving around in a spiral so we’re hitting it in a different place it won’t be exactly like last time and in addition there are some other major
Changes in all the outer planets which which have never happened in the history of mankind so stay tuned because we’ll talk about those in some future episode but these are big ones that have never happened and we’re going to be really living a new life on this
Planet meanwhile we have to get through some of the trauma and every time you get distressed about hearing about bombing and Border problems just know that it’s necessary to do away with the old things and that is not always easy so that’s my pitch about the age of Aquarius
Awesome the age of Aquarius I love it because we’ve been the same for so long same government the same things but everything speeding up and and so that and we also have the eight Universal years so we’re speeding up with our manifestation things are going to start
Coming to you faster so be careful what you wish for yeah uh oh yeah so I’m looking here oh your back Lily bless you both and everyone here present thank you so much very excited very excited so does anyone have a question or a comment on what’s going on I do have um
What was just said someone’s excited fle is excited about free El electric and you know I think all of this is going to come sooner than later and uh and AI is going to kind of go off the rail because everything that we indulge in we overdo and when that happens we course
Correct so don’t get nervous about anything but how do you want to do this how do you want to roll I’ll go ahead and do some numerology is that it awesome okay so you want to go day by day as you wish As You Wish Princess Bride I love that so starting
Today oh yesterday friend of mine where is this a friend of mine sent a list it was in her newsletter and I asked her if I could use it and uh it was all the important days of February and so she wrote February first which was yesterday was National dark
Chocolate day and I like dark chocolate as long as I have enough frosting to dip it in um and from February 1st at Sunday down to the second at Sundown which is right now it’s um called embolic Celtic celebration of the return towards Spring so that’s good drink a Guinness and do a
Jig for good February 3D is the midpoint of winter she says the exact halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox uh remember those spring and summer days I remember like I used to live in Seattle and I could never plan an outdoor event not even a picnic
Because it’ll be rained out most likely nonetheless um uh I think those days are coming back I’m in San Diego now so I I don’t have those days anymore and we are going to go through the ninth so I’ll read the ninth and the 10th uh so the
Ninth the ninth is the new moon you invite New Beginnings into your life a great day to manifest even more I’m going to rename that moon give me some of that that’s said give me some of that give me some of give me some of that because that’s
If we we we move into it I know we’re very stoic and peaceful and spiritual with the new moons and we have rituals and everything I’m just going to name it give give me some of that bring it in and then the 10th is the Chinese New Year celebrating the
Year of the dragon and then that’s about it for this week that’s coming up as far as the the big little the big little holidays but uh today is is is uh has the energy of a five now the five is a fractious kind of number it’s excitable
And today’s the day we launched I’m not g to get atics but I’m just saying today’s the day we launched that thing all that those bombs and um America is a five energy signature so it’s all that quick change now I’m not saying Biden took didn’t give it a lot of
Thought I’m not saying that but I’m just saying this is the energy of the five and uh for today now this is kind of retrospective because the day is over right today is over but this is just to try try it on it’s a pretty good day for
For Life Path one five and seven because they’re sort of up on that vibration of change and and uh and just looking at things a little positive now the shadow sides are the couple of Master numbers the the 11 and the 22 have a little trouble with this hey Lily you’re an
11 and you had the full effects of a five and so did I I had one thing after another today take longer than it should myb crashed yeah it’s like okay after I get this after I walk the dogs you know I will do
This other task I had a list so when I walked the dogs 90 people came out of their houses to say hi which I love but it took me longer everything was just kind of put in printer I had trouble with my printer I know you did too so the master numbers
This and of course the six life path and if you don’t know what your Life Path is um I will um I will give you a link to a in the chat about about how it’s a calculator and then I’m GNA get I’m going to do a a a video
On how you can do your own to make sure that you get the numbers right because some of the calculators if you’re a two four six or eight might hide your master number if you’re a master number but I I won’t get into that but I’ll put it in
Them so you can do your life PA number but but the sixth life PA number is about beauty Harmony rest well with the five it’s like living with the Chihuahua I think I’ll name the five a Chihuahua it’s like in the doorbell then Saturday uh the beginning of the of of
Our weekend so it’s tomorrow we’re looking at you know the more six energy so the six is going to be happier tomorrow G be a piece so um basically when when we also go into anything that it feels nerve-wracking then the best thing to do is do something physical clap your hands
Whistle Dixie that’s a physical thing uh if you’re if you’re if you get challenged at work and you’re you’re going to blow your top or something’s happen that’s going to stick on you what you can do is go into the restroom and wash your hands run your hands over cold water and then
Warm water and then cold water but make sure you end with cold water so so your hands are a little bit sensitive or uncomfortable so you can stay grounded while you go back to your desk that’s right for some reason I know that is for someone out there I don’t know
Who yeah I have to put my whole head under the water really I think to calm down I understand because we we’re the same because we can hold grudges we’d like to say we don’t but it would be like a not a grudge when I say a grudge it’s like
Within ourselves Within Myself I’ll I’ll claim it within myself because it’s it’ll stick to me and I’ll bring it up and I how dare them you know that kind of stuff so I’m still working through that so I need to ground um Sunday here we got another Master number going into
So the weekend for the master numbers are a little bit wonky but it’s nice that we don’t have a lot of pressure traditionally if people have the weekend off you don’t have a lot of pressure um but but move into spiritual stuff wa a minute what was that so uh move into
Some spiritual work on Sunday that’s a nice way to do it anyway um I don’t you know I just have one little word with the with the uh Monday is tie things up and let stuff go that kind of thing um and Tuesday is more about being independent small steps
To build things but it’s important to be independent if you are a two life path or forlife path sometimes um it’s hard for you to be independent so those day that day might be a little challenging for you the next one is spiritual Independence which is going to be for Wednesday
So so I it could be as simple as someone expressing something in their custom or spiritual world that you don’t align with and then you need your peace about that um T Thursday is think creatively and also Thursday is a is you’re going to be prone to
Drama so those of you who don’t like drama hello seven life have left did I hear you did I see you there uh Jennifer P is a nine hey yeah yes oh wait wait Shar in is H seven Life cast so I’ll talk to you about this for sure but
The the seven life P for Thursday you know you want to uh you’re not into drama chaos nobody is they don’t nobody wakes up in the morning wanting to stir the pot I guess but for the most part it’s it’ll it’ll affect you but once you know that you say oh that’s
What Deb said about Thursday I see it now oh and then you connect your the experience with the numbers and then you become an expert um so here’s the thing for next Friday the energy signature for next Friday and Saturday is at I don’t believe a lot of
People is are going to be getting Applause for their efforts so there’s sometimes when you do things and you do it with a full heart you know you caim the house or you run an errand for someone and and stuff like that and then at the end of the day it’s
Like hey no one says thanks and you feel underappreciated or something like that try not to go there because it’s it’s just a day that life asks you to chop wood carry water you know that thing chop wood carry water and don’t expect people to applaud you or
Give you or give you a horse to help you because we’re going back in time and we’ve got the nine yeah the nine the nine life path very very sensitive very very old soul I think all of us Lite are old soul this time around I don’t care if you’re
A master number or uh one of the other numbers one thing about master numbers I’ll just set out here is that a master number will need to conquer all of their lessons and the younger part of your life and you won’t be able to reap the benefits of that learning until later in
Your life in general that’s what it is but um since it’s a new Earth we don’t have to go by that we been Quicken it so L that’s what I’ve got for this week well yesterday I was talking to you Deborah and I said it’s amazing how the
Numbers and the astrology are just two different languages and they will generally come together and say the same idea so while you were talking I’m thinking to myself because I have everything on my little computer down here that I was that I thought notes of
What I was going to say and I think you hacked into my computer and but it’s gonna be using a different different language so I thought I would just mention at the beginning briefly about the phases of the moon and I would suggest I got myself down to my favorite
99 Sor and I bought a day planner oh yeah I bought a note taker these are 99 sense everybody but you could keep track of things major events in your life and things that happen and date it so you can observe your lunar your lunar cycle everybody has it
Everybody here on the earth you think that the ocean is the only thing that responds to the tides nope we’re we are 70% water and we respond to the lunar cycle so when you keep track of your lunar cycle you’ll begin to say wow I noticed this pattern so you’ll notice
Your own pattern I’ve been if anyone here has been like me an elementary teacher you always know that when it’s full moon you don’t you don’t know when it is written down you say why are the kids going nuts today they’re crazy what is happening and okay
Oh yeah I forgot full moon so you be ready you be ready for it anyway keep track of your stuff you could write down some little notes about about what’s happening this week this week is going to be the fourth quarter for everyone of the Moon the fourth phase now remember Benjamin
Franklin started out doing a poor man’s Almanac you know the the Farmer’s Almanac always went by the lunar phases telling you when is a good time to plant your seeds the first phase of the moon we’re in the fourth phase the fourth quarter starts today just and it’s it’s
Something like imagine like the fourth quarter in a football game you better have had your plan from the beginning of the game because now things are coming to a conclusion and winding down and this is the time in that you need to take care of any leftover
Details or throw away what no longer serves let’s say in a football example in the fourth quarter if your team is up 40 to five and you have a real important game next week you can take your quarter back out and rest him so that he in good
Shape for the next game so if he’s not he doesn’t have to serve you right now take him out and save it for the next phase so you throw away what no longer serves and you’re beginning to make preparations for the next cycle because you’re ending the cycle right now the
Next week we’re cleaning up the details clean up take care of the details and put everything in order to get a fresh start for the new cycle because you got about a week to go that’s really critical now all Farmers know when you’re tilling the ground and
Preparing the ground if you don’t do that the next cycle will not be able to produce fruit or you know will not be able to give a good harvest if you don’t prepare the ground so we’re preparing the ground for the next lunar cycle and getting rid of stuff you don’t want
Throw it in the compost and you’re making plans for what you are going to plant next cycle we’ll take care of your Det Tails what’s happening is that also is that um we’re going to talk about the daily energies now we’re going to go to
The partic to the planets I see my my monitor is coming is looks like it’s tip cleaning all right I think we’re good so February 2nd and this would be Friday today however this energy is predominant for the next for this end of the lunar cycle because it lasts it’s a lasting energy
And what it is we’ve got over here in this corner Jupiter and Uranus that I’m pointing to down in this lower corner Jupiter and Uranus are close together and they’re in the sign Taurus but they’re opposing opposite you know the word opposing the opposite side the opposite team not in it’s causing difficulty
Stress strain the moon in Scorpio so this is a tug ofar here and in the middle we got the Sun every everyone these are planets who are important for everybody and they’re all in fixed signs Aquarius Taurus and Scorpio so this is a tug ofar between the big Powers what
Let’s put this into plain English you have important tasks to take care of in worldview this is this is kind of the blowing up of the bombs and things that we’re seeing going on there are some really major items that are that are needing to be taken care of because
You’re risking in your personal life things to explode around you you need to take care of some things that are really important prominent issues that will have enduring long lasting effects and you need to take care of the details clean it up take care of those things you have been procrastinating you’ve
Been putting it off but it will be worth it you’ll be glad you took care of these are lingering issues those bombs that are going off in the Border issue have been festering for a long time and you have some things in your personal life that reflect this so give it some
Thought what is it I know for me like it’s my website and all of these things that I haven’t taken care of I got a ton so think about your own life what what is it that’s tagging at you you know you need to do it but it’s hard hard to face
Because it’s difficult and it’s a knot it’s a gordian knot in a tangle so there’s a lot to do um I wrote down as a as a thought I thought you know I think in songs sometime because I get an image from I’m a musician so I thought of that
A song from gersa George gersman wrote many years ago in a musical called porian bestest and he said tote that barge lift that bail and that’s kind of the theme of this week because this is not just today this is going to go on for the week the moon will move out but
This stuff here is G is a big struggle so this week you cannot expect everything to calm down in a week because there’s more to do more it’s more important than a one- day job okay so looking on to tomorrow so this will be the third and this would be uh Saturday
We have the same stuff going on up at the top Jupiter Uranus problems same stuff but the new things that are at it are uhoh Mars we know that can be negative energy fighting this is when Debra saying put your hands in the cold water Mars is aggressive argumentative
And it’s conjunct Mercury communication you’re going to want to fly off the handle to people because you’re going to be mad about something so be careful of what you know guard your tongue always think be kind be loving have that be lead your heart if that thought Pops in a thought negative
Thought you’re mad about something say I’m not going to do that today if I’m still mad next week then I’ll say it next week but do not say it tomorrow for goodness sake that is really important because there are aggressive things out there and I’m afraid the people that are
Blowing up the bombs are not going to will listen to us because it’s not ending right away Mars conjunct Mercury that’s bad news I had a friend astrologer to help you figure out what this means I had an astrologer friend in Rome that I loved so much when I lived
In Rome and we got together we would talk shop talk because there was no internet in this is the 70s you know um so he showed me the astrology chart of his dog and it had Mars conjunct Mercury and his dog in Aries and I said well that
Dog is barking all the time and he laughed he said yes that dog is barking all the time so don’t don’t bark tomorrow because you have another Pluto which is the upper Octave of Mars This is not only aggression but this is what Deborah was talking about wanting
Revenge or holding a grudge I call Revenge Grudge this is you know we know someone who’s always fear angry who’s talking about revenge we don’t want to be that person so revenge and Mercury don’t be that Jupiter makes more of it it’s excessive it just amplifies it puts a
Magnifying glass on that so don’t be angry don’t be re full of of Revenge or Grudge or say why does he do you know just okay because it’s never good for your heart so start with your heart and there is good news because knowing these Tendencies of Mars and Pluto we know
Pluto and Mercury has the higher influence of that you know what you can do that’s the very best time of the year the very best day of the year to do mediumship meditation um G grow your intuition and grow the love the the big all that’s that’s the very best day for
That so Channel this energy of Mars Pluto and Mercury energy into that higher octave so that you are doing the higher energies Pluto is the worst at the bottom and the best at the top so you go to go for the best and focus so hard on
That don’t let yourself be swerved into those lower into the Quagmire into the mud don’t get into the mud wrestling and instead talk to your Spirit guides because it’s the best day of the year for that and this is this is an influence that will continue not just
For one day because February 4th is going to be more more of the same same as yesterday adding Moon Square Saturn you’re going to feel like you’ve had enough you say boy I’m fed up with this and Mercury is exactly Pluto so be fed up with the anger and the frustration
And you’re not going to think about those negative things for a while work on the your Spirit guides and your mediumship your intuition and all the higher aspects of life and communicate with your relatives that are on the other side of the veil also spend the time on that because they’re with you
They know what you’re going through this is the best time for you to do that so say in your prayers you will be speaking to all of your ancestors on the other side of the veil there are some there that you don’t know so leave it open for everybody
Because you need all the help you can get so call on all your dead ancestors and all of your spirit team for help and guidance and be focused on that all during the day put something on your hand to remind you to communicate with them say oh yeah give a minute and
When you something good happens say thank you full of gratitude in your heart that takes us to Monday so on Monday we’ve got more of the same but we have an one added Factor because we have Neptune Square the moon Neptune is going to be square the moon so what
Is that going to add to this feeling oh my last note to myself about February the 4th was said or do some meditation and go to bed I I made I said this is the best time for um mediumship related activities astral travel I forgot to say that communicate with your
Guides dedicate prayers and talks with ancestors but or do meditation and go to bed because keep out of trouble next day Moon and Neptune Moon and Neptune adds a difference in the way things feel and the way things feel is everything isn’t it the way things feel
Is the key here but on this day you’re going to have your emotions will be lacking Focus it’s going to be all over the place mood swings high low you’re hard you’re going to be hard to Define things and you may be confused emotionally up down or there may be some element of
Deception in something someone might be trying to fool you about something tell you something that you know not to be true and so watch out for that so that is your energy for but that that is Monday so no Fox News on Monday on the sixth we still continue with all these
Energies we’ve talked about we’ve got the fourth phase of the moon and we’ve got all those things that we said still going on is it going to ever end you’re going to be asking yourself the moon enters Capricorn what do we know about that Capricorn is discipline and analytical thinking so
That your emotions are you’re going to start analyzing your emotions and say say enough of this I’m going to get it together I have to pull it together what can I do and you say you you you haven’t finished all your jobs yet that you’ve been trying all week and you’re going to
Say I enough I’m going to get it together organize things and I’m going to do it by hook or by Crook and it be determined so that the element of determination and organization enters the mix and on the seventh which is Wednesday the Moon is conjunct Venus and both of those figures
Are try are in a try or good relationship to Uranus what does that mean Moon conjunct Venus you’re feeling some urges that might include something like you need New Harmony in your life you need a new relationship you need a new love interest you need new you need to see
Your friends you need to communicate with the people you love with all those people you love you’re focusing on love and harmony in your surroundings a good day to move around Furniture because you need to move you’re moving stuff you’re moving your emotions you’re Mo you need to
Communicate with your friends your loved ones and you need a feeling of change you need you say you’ve organized your thoughts and now you want to get up and go I’m going to do it here’s the energy to go and make that change so that’s a good day for
That now 8 n and 10 we have something dramatic so if you’re if you think that the uh the problems you’re seeing in the world are not going to are are going to be intensified February 8 9 and 10 we have adding to the mix a big conglomeration
Of planets all squished together we call this in astrology a Stell it means you have all these planetary bodies squished together in a really narrow space what happens all those energies are combined and Amplified so it’s like a big big thing we have Venus Mars Pluto the moon and
Mercury all squished together the first two Mercury and Mars I mean Venus and Mars are in Capricorn we have Pluto the moon and Mercury Al together in Aquarius but they’re all squished in a real narrow spot and they’re not too close to the Sun but the sun is close by all of this
Is huge imagine all of that energy together it’s formid formidable just like scary intense so uh regarding all of that stuff I wrote as my keyword for this critical mass not a real happy word but it’s intense energy now you can use this energy for good do the things that we
Talked about before but don’t be surprised if in those days massive things occur that are important in humanity and certainly in your own life things are going to be uh changing and that is that brings us up to you know we’ve just passed the full
Moon I mean the excuse me new moon New Moon scratch that new moon on the 9th new moon on 9th with all of this so what happens at the new moon is like a seed for the month so imagine that as your seed oh boy wow going to be a lot of
Communication and this is going to be involving uh the Capricorn Justice and the law legal matters and things moving forward for people for the PE we the people so we have Justice and we the people so you can imagine some things that might be happening next week is
Big and these are major events that have long-term effects they’re not just oh this is happening today nope and we will be feeling this for the lunar cycle that sets the scene for the lunar cycle uh oh so this really grab your grab your seat put your you know make sure you wear
Your seat belt and um that’s a that’s a metaphor but um I can’t I can’t say this is not happening this is very major so any anybody who has the last degrees of Capricorn Aquarius it will affect you more than other people and anybody with fixed signs so Leo Scorpio and
Taurus right at the beginning of those signs boom boom wow wow yeah got to say yeah I I I think it’s wonderful how’d everybody like that presentation oh my God I was writing all my notes know I really am sorry that we’re we’re just getting started and I have the the idea
I have to post this on the on my website so you can then look it over and think about it during the week and that’s my plan well they have the the they have the video as well they can yeah you can rewind this video now and see that but
Take some notes and I really suggest you get yourself a little planner where you jot down notes of your lunar cycle and those big days to see what happened to you because they are they will help you in when you go back when you have future events where Cycles touch off the same
Spots you can look at those and say hm this happened before on that day what happened and what did I do and how can I make it better and you’ll be better prepared right L fle is asking did you say Leo as a fixed sign Leo as you said the fixed signs are
Going to have a little tougher time of it yes the beginning if you’re born at the beginning in the first few degrees the first degrees so right at the beginning of the fixed sign is where this is happening okay I I was going to save this for
Next week but I’m going to touch upon it because we’ve got Valentine’s Day coming up Valentine’s Day is always a bombshell I get busy busy busy busy on the lines and it’s because the the energy is so confusing but it’s also because we have expectations this is the time uh correct
Me if I’m wrong uh L but I feel this is the time to try not to predict here we are predicting but don’t have a a fixed uh expectation about something now that’s going to be a little tougher for some numbers I understand that but I think
February until the end of Fe February we’re going to have a little bit of a roller coaster yes well Mar Valentine’s Day is about Venus and Mars the energy the feminine energy and the Mars and the masculine energy now that’s talking that doesn’t mean gender that doesn’t mean
What genitals you have that means your energy masculine energy is out thrusting outward positive there are many females that have that energy uh the feminine energy is receptive and sensitive and there are men that have that too so it’s you know it’s but it’s combining the those two and right now we’ve got
Conjunction of that with at conjunction of the two together at Mars I mean Mars with Pluto and and at Jupiter it’s all like blowing up so it’s it’s more extreme this year then I think it’s probably it’s going to be more extreme than than before it’s more
Um but now I want to just jump in and say extreme to the good as well well right energy yeah say that again strong energy and it can be strong energy but the thing is is that you can uh ride the wave if you can control your emotions
That’s the whole key and if you can know when to be the Observer and say oh isn’t this interesting this Aquarius thing right but Aquarius is is is the democracy Aquarian is thinking of others and so that’s what we have to do and the people who are more self-centered and
The energies that have been self-centered they’re going to resist we are witnessing in February this resistance between focusing on others and then self focused so it’s going to be a dance it’s going to be a dance I’ve got a question here please for you Lite from reversed
Images One how is this connected to the waxing and waning of the moon is part of the consideration in the vibrations absolutely waxing means the growing phase of the Boon that will start next next um I turned my phone off I don’t know why it’s ringing uh uh I mean
I turned the volume down anyway I guess I didn’t waxing is not this wax on wax off no it means growing so from the day I’m gonna mute you until that’s over I’m just GNA mute you just a second till that’s over just raise your hand when it’s over because that’s pretty
Loud want to say I don’t want to lose anybody okay we that okay I’m so sorry I really thought I turned that off better next week guys I promise I promise I’ll put that there put put the phone in the other room anyway waxing is the growing phase it will
Start the 9th when we have the new moon it’s the Dark of the Moon and it then begins to grow and that’s when you start your seed up you know that’s when the seeds are planted and you grow your new your new cycle the waning of the Moon
Starts at the full moon and it gets it’s darker so at the full Moon the Moon starts diminishing at the new moon it starts Waxing or growing and yes that is absolutely what we’re talking about here right now we are in the the waning phase the very the
Last quarter of it where the energies are we’ve got old things to take care of so it’s cleanup time in a big way that it makes sense Indigo Jaguar says hi Lily hi Indigo Jaguar hi hi I saw your pictures over there I keep looking there but
There I love you all I’m so happy to be here and I’m so happy that Deborah in inspired me to do this because I really miss you all so much I love you and been thinking about you forever we got all kinds of good stuff planned for the
Future yes we do and we have organize it in the way that’s best and we’re open to suggestions of what you want to do um and yeah we want yeah definitely want some suggestions you can post it uh you can email us that would be good uh we’re
Just forming it and I really appreciate everybody uh hanging in there with us and um you know when we discuss the moons and the Sun and the planets and the numbers and all of that stuff sometimes it feels like it’s just a mix of it’s just a big
Fat suit and you come away from it saying well what’s in it for me how am I expressing this personally well that means that you would probably need like a private session to see what it is so so basically when you have trouble and this a negative pattern that
Happens over and over again you always get to the same brick wall for instance you have you have in relationships last for about two to three months and then they break off that pattern that’s when you want to go and see it you know somebody about that to see where that
Negative pattern exists once it’s conscious then you can gain distance and then you say oh there it is there it is that’s my lesson to learn and then uh of course correct that’s that these need to be in the right direction I think but uh it’s all going
To be just fine I’m just looking over here for more questions even though on the outside tonight we started uh our country started defining itself again with fire but it is expected and we just have to know our own emotional jobs or our our our place our spiritual jobs during this time and
That is to remain um anchored and not involve yourself emotionally or use yourself emotionally in it because that the world needs us to be anchored in prayer for this this challenging time but but even though it’s challenging you can have some cool stuff happening this week I mean out of the
Blue right relationship a house coming in a new job coming in out of the blue all of that can happen really quick this week so keep us posted you you made me think of an old song I and the song was made popular many years ago I think by the birds for
Everything turn turn it’s an old Bible verse for everything there is a season and a purpose for everything unto heaven so there’s a time to plant a time to be born a time to harvest a time to be born a time to die so if you understand the
Timing of events and you’re trying to you’re to do something that’s not the right time you can be butting your head again and and getting resistance instead if maybe it’s a time for you to plan the move and then you can see when is the best time to
Actually execute this move that I’ve been planning because sometimes you’re going to find yourself pumping into a brick wall and you’ll say why am I not succeeding I’m doing this I’m doing that um so understanding the nature of cycles and the planets and the numbers you can
Plan your life to be a little more productive instead of wasting your energy trying to do things that are not ripe yet maybe can’t yet still growing still growing yeah yeah well we will be back here 6 PM it’s been an hour already my gosh whoa I’m Afra so I know when we’re
Having fun it’s all exciting this is great so we are going to be predicting or giving you predictions and things like that uh the same as this we’re going to polish us polish each other up as best can and uh bring you some real value at the end of every week for the
Next week coming up so until then God bless you and uh in the name of all things good you are healed Flex you are healed black fle you are healed God bless you and we’ll see you next week bye bye everybody thank you