Hi team I have really missed you the last few days have been absolutely crazy I got food poisoning and it was really bad like I was I was sick hallucinating having like night terrs and I’m not going to get into the night tears but it’s I’m not forgetting about
The the grub truck I’ve got all your questions you can still put them in the community post if you have more I’m going to get into that I want to take a little bit of a change in Direction here I’m calling an audible team calling an
Audible what I want to do real quick is look at the two male cards we always get two to three males two to three females these are the males that come up the King of Swords and the king of Wands so I want to ask I want to focus
On these guys the males and try to figure out try to figure out who they are why they did what they did and what they actually did so the King of Swords let’s start with him okay King of Swords How what was his role no let’s not ask that let’s ask why why cuz he comes up as the as one of the killers the time no m i mean I’ve gone through every single one one at a time and he comes up as one of them
Every single time it’s him the king of Wands and then we get our group of girls so this King of Swords one of our Killers allegedly card reading all alleged what’s his motive why did he kill Zanna Maddie Ethan Kaye what is his motive why why did he commit such a heinous
Crime King of Swords please show us his motive for committing such awful crimes is that one that wanted out oh see I the three of cups in Reverse so like not the part’s over three is a crowd not feeling like you’re part of something here that let’s see what was
His motive show us his motive for committing these awful crimes okay Six of Swords the world the hanged man king of Pentacles reversed there’s our M and Kaye card all the time guys he is connected somehow it has to do with Maddie and Kaye and them leaving or Kaye
Leaving it would be the end of something for him the end of the way he makes money this guy profits it hold on I think he yes look them leaving them moving along from a crappy choppy Waters uh chaotic situation to moving on to Palmer ground so in this situation Kaye
Actually getting out of Dodge and moving created all kinds of stress and burdens here with the T of Wands for him now the world card could mean a whole cycle ending the end of something but it could also mean it could this card is sometimes my internet card so this being
Connected to this loss of money here loss of something valuable loss of income loss of property loss of something connects with the ending of another then we get the Knight of Pentacles under the world so this cycle complete or this internet goes with this Knight of Pentacles so it’s slow
Moving Dependable reliable that’s confusing I’m not going to lie this hanged man so he’s thought about things out in every which way he’s overanalyzed the situation and it’s got him actually in a state of uh this is making me think that he wasn’t in the right State of
Mind obviously when he committed this crime he could have also been fed a line of [Β __Β ] you know his motive for doing it or you know maybe he had lots of reasons for doing it but some of them weren’t truthful you know I don’t think he was getting the full story of what
Happened the king of Pentacles in reverse and look who shows up the other guy that King Of Wands the other killer so maybe it would have been a loss of money for this guy this king of Wands the empress Look what comes out under her the star so I do think that
This is related to the internet here the star let me cover up the boobies the star to me right now especially under the EMP Em which is our victim card which is either Kaye or Maddie all the time usually them together they show up together and Ethan
And Dana usually show up together as a lover so with the star you’re center of attention here this is being the one that has everybody’s got their eyes on you star of the show there’s hope there’s hope here and then look at the next card is the work card so that’s
Exactly it there’s going to be a loss of money here sexual of frustration with the king of Wands in reverse because somebody wants to move away M look at this Maddie or Kaylee want to move away from this chaos they don’t like it it’s causing a burden on them whatever’s
Going on on the internet I it should come out in trial hm they felt like they took it slow they were careful with what they put online but they didn’t want to do it anymore the world here an ending of it they didn’t want anything to do with it anymore that was his
Motivation a loss of income somebody sexually frustrated what would be over the work card yes guys okay so we have the star and then so this would go remember I was saying oh maybe like an only fans type Tye situation okay doing the same thing over
And over and over again it’s part of their work the card that would have came out next to M or Kaye is the eight of Swords they were trapped in this crappy situation that they got themselves into but they were bound they were tied to it here’s somebody as the Wounded Warrior
There’s that emperor in reverse the guy who makes the rules there’s a guy in charge of all this I’m going to ask about Demetrius allegedly okay so it seems to me like this King of Swords his motivation was that they wanted out they were going to leave and
It sure looks like it’s something done online here and it would have caused somebody to lose something of value we’ve gotten that before um now I’m totally going with the King of Swords as one of the killers so let’s go real real quick let’s do it this
Way let’s do it this way we’ll go Maddie and Kaye first why would he have wanted we’ll go Maddie and Kaye five cards each why did the King of Swords want Maddie and Kaylee gone Maddie and Kaye us let’s separate him for a second show us the King of
Swords actually let’s say how did he feel about Maddie and Kaye the night that they were killed before the action took place show us his feelings Maddie towards Maddie and Kaye please all right Maddie well we have the that’s our house the 1122 King Road House King of Wands again this charismatic guy
Connected to the house page of Wands that’s like starting something up happy home actually this is the card that they both have in common my bad Kaylee and Maddie both they are in that house that’s what they have in common King Of Wands page of Wands this is Maddie wanting to keep everything
Valuable but see she dropped the ball MADD remember this is our card of evidence learning the instructions here you you followed the instructions with the page of Pentacles you learned something new in Reverse you dropped the ball you Maddie wasn’t able to pick up what was being put down around her I
Don’t think she was reading the room she didn’t take it seriously enough because this was so valuable to somebody they wanted to hang on very tightly it’s Maddie herself it looks like let’s look at kayle’s cards the Ace of Swords the tower in Reverse Kaye Secrets getting
Out Ace of Wands in reverse and her leaving Eight of Cups her leaving at the bottom we have the Queen of Pentacles which is like the mother of the group somebody reliable somebody nurturing and caring who’s not working well with the group wanted out had plans over the horizon
Spilling the secrets with the moon in Reverse stuck in the chaos all right so it looks here like the King of Swords the way that he felt about Maddie was that Maddie it seemed like he actually liked her to be honest with you it seems like there was at least
Sexually here he was attracted to her actually with the 10 of Cups it does seem like he had some affection towards her thing they had in common is the house that’s interesting but he wanted to hold on like to this is a card about total control here securing the bag four of
Pentacles securing the bag taking control over it Maddie dropped the ball here she let the cat out of the bag with I don’t think he knew about Kaye her intentions until this night because look it Kaye Ace of Swords this is finding out something new finding out a truth
Truth Bomb Ace of Swords so he found out something that caused the tower Moment In Reverse this shocking thing that comes that’s nearly impossible to rebuild from because of Secrets coming out that’s the high priestess in Reverse this is the person that knows everything but doesn’t say a word keeps it to
Herself it’s because of this spilling of Secrets Ace of Wands in Reverse this is a new beginning opportunity also member wands could be phallic so this is this new opportunity orop phallic situation that she turned down and she walked away from it she left and I don’t think that they knew
That until that night wow so it’s like yeah everything seemed okay they he had high hopes for Maddie here but then boom what happened right at the end Maddie told Adam everything probably and it seems like Kaye was ready to spill some secrets of her own and people found out they knew
Which leads us back that’s always what we got for Maddie and Kaylee anyway what’s at oh right I’m like what’s at the bottom we already looked at the bottom dummy okay Zanna and Ethan now Maddie and Kaylee have been coming out we kind of got the same same answers all the time
With them but why Ethan and Zanna now we’re still asking about this King of Swords guy one of the guys that comes out as our killer every time so let’s go Zanna then Ethan please show look at what card see guys that Lovers In Reverse lovers lovers lovers who we ask talking about
Zan and Ethan I just got done telling you that that’s the card I get all the time with them okay Zanna and Ethan five cards each show us how the King of Swords felt about them before they were killed just the the that day before they were killed cuz
You know I don’t want to ask about the actual action cuz I want to get a clearer picture here please show us clearly how this King of Swords one of the killers allegedly um how did he feel about Zanna and Ethan the the day before they were killed how
Did he feel about xanana and Ethan okay the card they have in common is the Ace of Swords in Reverse which is a lie an untruth here could also be like the actual stabbings Zanna Queen of Swords so there’s some truth revealed here with her she’s a truth talker that’s our Ice
Queen card also the hofan it’s a relationship card it’s following the morals and ethics card king of Cups reversed the devil reversed 1 two 3 four and five Page of Cups reversed Ethan Ace of Pentacles reversed Knight of Swords two of Swords reversed the high priestess and the Seven of
Pentacles what they both have in common is be careful what you wish for cuz you just might get it being a little bit too overly greedy gluttony there’s our other woman card so trying to get over this betrayal get over a heartbreak because somebody wanted too much could also be this is
Temptation all right so Zanna it seems like how he felt about Zanna he felt like she was a truth teller like she she was cold to him he could have also seen her here since he comes up as the King of Swords as his partner she’d make a perfect
Partner for me which would explain the hant here because a lot of times that’s a card of like marriage partnership but look who’s in the middle Ethan when we read about him alone he comes up as the king of Cups now he’s showing up as the king of Cups reversed
So um he’s thinking like Ethan is you know codependent on her Ethan’s love for Zanna made him look weak and then we have the devil in Reverse so it’s the lovers card actually the same couple this Adam and Eve deal now it’s this is you’re being chained to
This dark energy you’re chained to this dark evilness this couple is but in Reverse here it’s like he likes he thinks that that he’s got a shot with Zanna he thinks he might have a shot here but because of this male this emotional male that she has feelings for cups cups
Cups that’s what made her dark that’s the part he didn’t like was the fact that she was was with Ethan this King of Swords did not like that and then that brought up the page of cups in Reverse they might have even been downplaying it
For a while and then he found out she must have told him the truth it does seem like they were trying to downplay it to this King of Swords their relationship it looks like Ethan he felt like Ethan was a lost opportunity he had a lot of potential here with the Ace of
Pentacles but instead he’s kind of an opportunity ruiner Knight of Swords he feels like Ethan came in really fast I wonder how quick like you know did Ethan slowly EAS his way you know how it just naturally you start to live there or did he come in
Really fast this could also be about Ethan coming in fast with words like saying something slick coming in fast right in the middle of Ethan it’s a decision that you were forced into Secrets being being kept and putting a lot of time and effort into Ethan he feels like so this
I in my opinion this is somebody that Ethan’s known for a while this King of Swords guy the way that I would read these cards is that he felt like e like he had to Ethan had to go there was no choice it doesn’t seem like he disliked Ethan
Actually it seems like you know he didn’t know everything he didn’t know the story but it does seem like he was forced into it here with Ethan there’s something because Ethan was there possibly and they had to do it when Kaylee was there that would make
Sense yeah and how he was feeling about zanana we asked that day he might have thought he had a shot with her but this these cards now that I looked at Ethan’s could be that you know he was probably upset that Zana he’s looking at it like Zanna put him in that situation
But that has nothing to do with Zanna it has to do with the evilness that this guy did okay so it looks like this guy’s problems were just like how they came out with how they looked the first way his problems were with Maddie and Kaylee specifically
Kaye all right King of Swords King of Swords how about this why did you let Dylan and Bethany survive show us how this King of Swords felt about Dylan we go how did the King of Swords feel about Dylan and Bethany the Knight of the murders how did he feel about
Dylan and Bethany the Knight of the murders get this good here this should help us there they are but we’re not asking about them we want to know how he felt about Dylan first then Bethany the Knight of the murder so November 12th into the 13th how did this
King of Swords like why did he let them live how did he feel about Dylan first then Bethany how did this King of Swords feel about Dylan and Bethany the Knight of the murders Dylan and Bethany God this music I have on is scary I was trying I had to
Do a royal reading long story but I put on this Royal music and shit’s getting intense now all right let me concentrate how did he feel about Dylan and Bethany the night of the murders okay what they both have in common is they have a history this could help us
Out guys someone you’ve known from the past somebody they’ve had me he’s got memories with them both of them Dylan page of Swords reversed someone snooping somebody s somebody’s got a spying rle Ooh Somebody got caught doing something wrong to that male that king of Cups 1 two three four page of Wands nine Wounded Warrior Bethany Ace of Wands the star in Reverse The Fool the Tower and the hanged man the bottom of the deck look at this what do they both have in common both girls survivors right the eight of Swords this is you’re in a mental imprisonment that you got yourself out
Of this is getting yourself out of the this is getting yourself out of this bind that that you’re in making the decision at a Crossroads making a decision with the two of Swords okay this guy specifically with Dylan he had caught her doing some spying and lying
Huh he caught her doing spying and lying now right in the middle there’s that male energy now this is usually that it could be Ethan it could be another male it could be how he felt we’re asking how he felt about Dylan the night of so Dylan’s spying and lying that’s for sure
He does feel like Dylan did him wrong and some it seems like he thought Dylan did him wrong in some way but she was the what do you call that the she’s the one that started it all here she’s the one that Lit the match with the page of Wands now
Bethany also played a role in starting this up although then we have the star in Reverse so not having a lot of Hope in her not having a lot of faith taking a new road Taking A New Path something unexpected H these are tricky cards with Bethany so there’s a new opportunity
With Bethany how did you feel about Bethany T night or this could could be a sexual type situation but with the star in Reverse there’s this idea like that they’re lost and then the fool taking this new road doing this new thing the tower how did she feel about Bethany I
Would say honestly with these cards he felt unsure about Bethany like he did seems like the King of Swords knew Dylan better than he knew Bethany that’s for sure I feel like he was unsure of Bethany and I can’t take that Tower very seriously because the whole night was a freaking
Tower was a tower moment okay what role did the King of Swords play in the murders what was his role in these murders four of Swords those four victims let’s ask this what was his role on the second floor where Zanna and Ethan were what did this King of Swords
What did he do what did this male energy here King of Swords that we get all the time is one of the killers what did he physically do the night of the murders on the second floor where Ethan and Zanna and Dylan allegedly were what did this King of
Swords do that was connected to the crimes what did he physically do on the second floor Knight of the murders second floor okay we have a Slowdown here a stalemate turning his phone off not communicating okay then we have the Queen of Swords which is like his
Partner but she’s in Reverse here so this female okay eight of Swords getting your out of it eight eight eights Eight of Cups we got three eights yeah one two three eights All In Reverse this 10 a what did he physically do on the second floor jeez he let
Loose he got somebody out of a situation I don’t feel like he took a whole lot of let me see failed to get things started the lies from this female confused things he made an extremely selfish move Look It Here Comes our other killer on the cards as being
In a I wonder if he was the ring leader that got this guy in a situation he didn’t want to be in there the page of Swords which is gathering information about your fellow Moscow brothers and sisters if you catch my drift he is gathering information on the second floor I’m not
Seeing an actual physical sense of a crime on the second floor with him which is interesting because remember he showed up with Maddie and Kaylee so it looks like King Of Wands is taking Center Stage here but what he did the King of Swords what the role he played on the second
Floor looks like here he stopped communication somehow some way he stopped the communication there was some lie told by a female that confused him communication stopped an untruth or something harsh said by a female caused all types of confusion here but the thing to concentrate on is he took a
Selfish selfish selfish act and he got himself out of trouble the something on the second floor what he did on the second floor that night got him out of a bind and that’s the focus now here he is partnered up with our king of wand rods I’ll say it like that
Again king of rods has got himself in a sit in a in a pickle and it has to do with people gathering information about these sororities and fraternities what information what we’ve gotten before is past deaths stuff about past deaths now let’s ask the cards what he did on the third
Third floor that night how crazy that the king of Wands shows up on the second floor all right King of Swords been here since day one what did he physically do the night of the murders on the third floor where Maddie and Kaye were please show us the actions that the
King of Swords took on the third floor the night of the murders okay what did you do what did he do on the third floor the night of the murders okay ooh he bullied he pushed around here this friend group okay so far we’re getting he’s feeling like he put time
And effort in up up there on the third floor in some kind of way and it wasn’t worth it like he put time in it this is about also a card about bad timing another card with the temperance in Reverse is bad timing this is also a toxic combination here like not getting
Well in the friend group it’s a tox there was toxicity with this group of friends but what did he physically do right in the middle we ask what he physically did this card Five of Swords is about bullying it’s a bully card being pushing people when they’re down kicking you
When you’re down you know winning the fight stealing your swords being smug but it’s the bully card pushing people around overpowering somebody then we have this group of friends usually three or more females being stuck in a situation that they got themselves into up on that or it could be that he
Physically put them you know he physically tied them he physically restrain them somehow okay third floor King of Swords oh are you kidding me with the emperor all right time and effort not paying off because queen of w see this Emperor somebody wasn’t getting along well with this emperor
Somebody was testing this boss guy the guy that’s in charge of those two these two the emperor is in charge of both of them so he wasn’t getting a something wasn’t going right with MADD and Kaylee and him the the boss he they had pissed
Off the boss so he was pushed into doing something that was against morals and ethics with the hofan in Reverse this group of friends they couldn’t leave you couldn’t let them walk away because they got them stuck in a situation by look it this is hanging on
For deer life holding on to something valuable information information but what did they do they let it slip and that’s what got themselves in that situation what did he physically do he physically overpowered people he could have physically put them into this situation but he physically overpowered
Them you can’t read that card any other way okay let me see King of Swords let me ask this let’s go to the king of Wands cuz yeah I can’t make this forever okay King Of Wands so this guy comes out he came out again so in our
Cards just now he came out like he did the action on the second floor Let’s see we can clarify that a little bit all right let’s ask how did the king of Wands feel about Zanna and Ethan how did this guy feel about Zanna and Ethan Zanna first Ethan next how did he
Feel about Zanna and Ethan I got to turn this music off I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack all right King Of Wands how did he feel about Zanna and Ethan okay Knight of Swords so this is coming in hot here with a sword fast
Could also be uh taking fast action saying something slick saying something fast that’s what they both had in common Zanna Ace of Swords man coming through with a truth or an idea Zant emperor in reverse Ethan bottom of it for both of them seven of Pentacles putting a lot of time
And effort into something coming through to collect your payment how did he feel about Zanna so we learned something about Zanna how do you feel about Zanna the emperor in Reverse I’m telling you this is confusing the only thing I can really get from it is he felt like something
Wasn’t fair something never got off the ground he’s got connection this king of Wands has known Z for a while they have that Emperor together that’s something it’s like who called the shots over there this is an abuse of power so it could be oh okay it could
Be was Zanna like did she have I wonder if she had pull like with the girls it’s like her coming up with a new idea to Buck the system that’s very possible Zanna coming up with a new idea to Buck the system we’re going to put this match
Out all things that we were doing we’re putting a stop to it we’re not doing it anymore we’re going to go back to how the way things were the card about the past we want to go back to the way things were but guess what that means
Somebody’s not getting their coin we get this we got it with Maddie and Kaye now we’re getting it with Zanna how about Ethan so like they made a f a fast action here quick decision that had in regards to both of them how did he feel about Ethan that Ethan was
Letting information go Ethan was letting um the reason why they felt like they were losing control could even be losing money then we have this opportunity yeah he was like the cause of the Lost opportunity he was causing them to lose control over somebody was making money from what
Was going on in that house but see Ethan drew a line in the sand and and came to their defense he was defending those girls which could have been why he was there in the first place really and then we have like trying to get over something trying to get back in
I feel like this person was friends with Ethan then Ethan started defending the girls and this guy had he’s got a pass with Ethan too because he’s felt left out he’s actually felt sad about Ethan and was kind of starting to get over it starting to weas his way in
H that is super confusing let’s ask what he did King Of Wands please show us what the king of Wands the physical action he took if any on the second floor the night of the murders what did the king of Wands do physically do on the second
Floor the night of the murders king of rods on the second floor the night of the murders Justice in Reverse he that that’s a criminal act The Chariot Full Speed Ahead pedal to the metal forward movement forward progression okay three of Pentacles this is three or more working together on a
Plan it’s the teamwork card so three or more are there on the second floor putting an absolute end to something something in a [Β __Β ] way and look it literally 10 swords in the back betrayal he in my opinion and it’s right here by the crime so I’m going to take this
Literally literally with three or more so it looks like there was three or more of them allegedly on the second floor let’s see what he did now he’s come up on the third floor too if I remember right king of rods show us what the king of rods physically did on the
Third floor the night of the murders what did he do physically on the third floor the Knight of the murder show us the king of rods physical action on the third floor the night of the murders Ace of Cups reversed so something done out of hate something done out of total selfishness there’s
That Six of Pentacles death card there he is he lost his temper now he’s coming out in the reverse so this is the guy that always comes out as one of the killers I said he comes out on both floors right yeah we’re talking about him so now he’s in the reverse
Which means he lost his temper aggression lost his cool he was stressed out he was overwhelm elmed he definitely did something out of selfishness and hate out of feeling stressed out and overwhelmed he wanted his peace as gross as that is he wanted his piece of the
Action there he was mad cuz people weren’t no longer playing well with the team their friendship was over which angered him this is being mly being greedy so he wanted yeah this is what I was looking for the death card this is being judge jury and executioner so he
Took matters into his own hands on the third floor Ace of Pentacles that’s his opportunity see this is an opportunity like a new job just sick that that that comes up under him the king of Wands he is overwhelmed because he’s in this chaotic situation that’s her
Okay let let’s stick with this king of Wands guy cuz he seemed to have his hand in everything how did he know these victims like give us some clues about this king of Wands how would we know who he is how would we be able to figure out the con
What’s his connection what’s his connection to the victims how can we figure out who he is we know he’s guy of popularity athletic people like him sexy charismatic what is his connection to these victims and how can we figure out who he is give us some Clues okay squash and the beef putting
An end to conflict and chaos I feel like this is hyp allegedly he he’s more with the Ethan and Zanna his group of friends this partying thing that’s how we would know him he’s connected to him he’s definitely in their friend group I feel like I think I know who this
Is let me ask this is this king of Wands is it is this roach you guys know who I mean is this roach King Of Wands is this Roach I think so look it right in the middle Knight of Swords in Reverse this is coming in fast
Right this is our crimes we get we’ve gotten this from the very beginning this is coming in fast aggressively holding on a knife or sword in andout energy quick energy we got this female that he’s got feelings for that’s coming out in many readings having to do with the alleged
Fight he was wounded but up for one more fight with the Wounded Warrior why would he be wounded perhaps from a fight earlier that night he at first felt lost a little bit butt hurt maybe he lost the fight and he was trying to get over here
With this three of swords in Reverse even if we take the bottom cards look this loss he felt was with in the fraternity Moscow our frat card 10 of Pentacles he was trying to get over it by getting rid of the chain cutting the CH the ties That Bind him breaking the
Chains to this couple now remember we just got the this action here action card fast action underscored by more fast action eight of Wands fast action yeah it’s a card about communication could be if it is it’s hor like awful things that are being spoken really fast but
This is also a card about fast action taking action oh my god look it underneath the queen of cups is the king of Cups the couple that’s how would we know him because I just asked so make your own opinion I think those cards kind of
Speak for himself I’m going to ask one more question and put it to bed cuz I think we figured out who that guy is this king of rods all right allegedly for entertainment purposes only what did Demetrius play play a physical role in these crimes you know just some random guy named
Demetrius did he play a role what role did he play if any in these murders Ace of Wands reversed seven of Pentacles reversed page of Wands reversed a deal made two of Cups not being able to overlook something now me taking this oh my God are you kidding me
Okay me taking these first five cards what I was going to say is it looks like he something wasn’t getting off the ground here this is kind of being frustrated that that there’s no more opportunity for you you know lights are out and you can’t ignore it anymore so
You got to uh pump the brakes stop what you’re doing this needs your attention something needs your attention stop what you’re doing something needs your attention you got it you made a deal here you got a promise you made a pack a bond with someone else a friend somebody
You’ve known for a while this isn’t like a deal with the stranger but with the page of rods reversed this is this is like we have two cards of action in the reverse so I’m thinking this he didn’t have any action in it instead it looks
Like he’s connected to our king of w rods well let me see this could be sexual he wants okay he had a deal with the with the Frat Boys it looks like he had a deal with the Frat Boys somebody in a fraternity this random guy named
Demetrius had a deal with the Frat guys now I don’t think that he’s our king of I think this could be showing up as him I think Demetrius may be a king of Wands also it’s very possible because we’ve got the king of rods the Knight of rods the page of
Rods what was he physically doing the night of the murders well it looks like he was having a uh sexual seems like he was having some type of he was getting away with something here he was getting away with something like I said he’s getting away with something that couldn’t be overlooked it
Wasn’t overlooked getting away with something had a deal with one of the Frat guys he was trying to figure out a way to get away he’s trying to figure out a way to to make sure he wasn’t tied to what would happened so he was definitely doing something he did something Reckless he
Did something he did something Reckless I mean it could be that he did something violent whatever he did it was a deal made with another person for sure and it looks like he got away with it h all right well this is a lot of confusing cards I get it and this has
Been a total mouthful for like 50 minutes but I feel like I mean at least I feel like I got somewhere so I feel like now I can move on to the grub truck and I can be a little bit satisfied because I feel satisfied with these cards I mean I
Just wanted confirmation about these two guys oh wait a second okay so we figured out who the one is I believe I got to figure out who this one is King of Swords is this goldberger let’s ask in this situation regarding the murders is this King of Swords that you’ve described to
Us active about he’s you showed us that he was active on the third floor only I believe right you showed us that he has a problem with Kaye mainly Maddie too but Kaye mainly Is this BK because BK actually does come out as the King of Swords when I do his if I do readings on him he comes out as the King of Swords is the King of Swords in this situation BK hermit in Reverse there’s that getting away with something group of friends
Death card in Reverse huh no no it’s somebody from their group of friends things went horribly wrong here this so the King of Swords is somebody in their close circle of friends but stuff went absolutely downhill he was involved in the murders for sure this death in Reverse trying to just heal his
Heartbreak in such a sick way but what he did here was he got away he got away with something so it’s not it’s for sure not BK he got away with going down the wrong road taking a wrong path doing something hastefully um not thinking it through In-N-Out energy violent lose your temper
Type energy he took that path that night he took matters into his own hands he didn’t go within he like it was like he lost his temper I’m not seeing that this is BK because I feel like I don’t think any of of these I don’t think those cards are so let’s ask
This King of Swords cuz Hey that last one actually helped with finding out to narrow it down for the king of rods so King of Swords how does he know the king of rods the king of rods that we’ve been asking about how does how are how do
These two know each other show us how the King of Swords Knows the king of rods how do these two know each other these two guys what’s their connection this one wants out ooh that female that angry female is their connection leaving not working well wanting to quit doing something out of the ordinary being overwhelmed and Defending Your
Territory what do they have in common they have a woman in common a woman stressing them out they had to turn their back to things they care about to basically do what she thinks is fair and balanced seek out their own form of Justice here’s the King of Swords this
Guy King of Swords feeling overwhelmed defending your crappy plan how do they know each other it’s like they have this female in common an angry female in common they also have in common that they’re def they both defend something that didn’t work out and they’re defensive about it they’re defensive about about something
Not working out like a plan not working out well they’re defensive about them not being able to work well with others let me see show us the relationship between these two kings this will be my last question sorry I told you guys I would post every reading
And this is just me keeping my promise I know this is probably ridiculously confusing I probably I just I got to post them all got to post them all King of Swords how do they know each other how can we figure out who the King
Of Swords is tell us about the King of Swords and his relationship how did the King of Swords know how do these two guys know each other how do these two guys know each other Ace of Swords reversed okay they know each other they have past memories together for
Sure stuck in that situation together work card they know each other through each also there’s like an idea of working doing the same thing over and over and over again learning so school they share the same feelings about the past H they both were kind of like sticking around
Spying doing the same thing over and over and over again yeah okay it looks like here they both with what they both had in common is how they felt their memories of the four victims were similar the way that they felt about the four victims was similar this thing that they found
Out clouded their judgment but they were actively spying on them watching them from the inside and from the outside both of them were allegedly doing the same thing over and over and over again yeah they might know each other from work but they’re trying to get themselves out of a
Bind that could be the actual the actual action and it has to do with ending it for the E that’s what they both have in common is they both have Ethan in common and they both have that single that female remember the Queen of Wands who showed up at the bottom here single
Female that has it all doesn’t have to mean you know it just means that she was single at the moment or they’re both connected to dark dark things they both have a weakness for the dark toxic things they can’t ignore those dark toxic things that’s their weakness is they can’t they’re attached
To the dark evil they and they can’t help it that is their weakness they can’t stand alone cuz they need their family of brothers and you know what it doesn’t matter if you’re in the same fraternity or not you’re still under that for Brotherhood fraternity Brotherhood in my
Opinion allegedly this is just my interpretation of the cards I can’t wait to see what you guys think if you made it this far God bless you for that cuz this has been intense and this crazy music in the background I’ll never let that happen again so I’ve missed you see
In the comments and we’ll get to the grub the grub truck tomorrow bye