Start okay socio religious reforms movement ninth chapter socio religious Reform movement this is most important lesson 19th and 20th the important reformers the father of Indian Renaissance was Raja Raman Ray this is compulsory question rajar Ram Brahma and the other members after rajar R his successors were D chra Shen then Swami Dand
Sarasti he founded ARA Sage then Theos iCal Society ramakrishna paramahamsa Swami vianda Rak Krishna Mission Prana samaj mg ranad y Bengal movement iswar Chandra vidyasagar pit ramabai Saraswati DK car in Andra kukur vam the Great soci soci reformer and Rupa Wu the anti cast movements led by Joi B and is
Satak Nar Guru he was very famous reformer in Kerala he founded snd dpy s narayana yog Ras Swami Nar was popularly known as perar Dr BR ambedkar was great architect of Indian constitution and the movement later the Muslim Reformation movement led by S Sayad Ahmed Khan before Ahmed Khan the wahhabi movement
In know 1839 the aligar movement led by led by S Sayad Ahmed KH the reforms of sick and the results of the movements what mement of 20th century and 19th and 20th Century it led to lot of changes in Indian Society it helped to modernity and modernization in India they
Developed the social Consciousness and nationalism also nationalism finally it led to the Indian national movement the main causes for the socio religious movements of 19th and 20th century were the administration of the British and the preachings and the expansion of Christian missionaries they founded number of schools colleges and they spread
Christianity in India and you know Andra particularly the introduction of English medium education in 1835 During the period of Lord William benk as governor General with me minutes you know 1835 and it also influenced by the incidents of utilitarianism liberalism and humanism it also LED some changes in the field of
Social and religious field and they are against the superstitions and evil practices in the religion the social consensus increased the and led to the socio religious reforms the social religious reform of 19th and 20th Century fought against the evil practices religious and social evil practices it was the most important organization
Right the atya Sabha was founded by rajar in 1815 that became later as Brahma in 1828 the other organizations like AR Prana ramish Mission sat theosophical Society theosophical Society Raja rra and is Brahma samage rajar R was born in know Raj nagar you know East uh Bengal State Bengal state in
Conservative Brahman family he was the father of Indian Renaissance how s Sayad Ahmed Khan was the father of Islamic renesance was the father of Indian Hindu Rena his father was ramak and mother tarini Davi he learned 12 languages such as Sanskrit Persian uru and English he studied vas and opat
Quran Bible the Jane and Budd Buddhist texts what are the Jan texts like Trias jataka storiesa deaa mahaa what are the J text what are the sac text you know jism angas 12as jpas suas paristan also studied and he fought against the evil practices in those
Days and he wanted to remove the evil practices in Hindu society and he wanted to develop the scientific approaches and rationality among the people he wanted to aware the people with the ideas of scientific approach and rational it he was influenced by European liberalism and introduced English medium education the English medium education
Improved the Western ideas of Liberty equality and fraternity yeah he was influenced by the European liberalism and he was great religious reformer what what type of mistakes took place in the Hinduism so he wanted to reform it and he was a great humanist humanist and um he was he wanted to liberate the
Peoples from the from their uh conservative ideas so he started one organization like atmia Saba in 1815 that is one organization ATM SAA which was the the meaning of ATM SAA was French Association and later in 1815 it became the Brahma samage the Society of
God it it was it became a it became a debate Club of all the religions all the religions and he opposed the cast cast system and he he supported the castless society and he also opposed the domination of conservative Brahman though he was born in the Brahman family he opposed the conservative brahminism
And domination of brah brahmins in the society and he opposed the unity of God and and also opposed the idol worship he deadly opposed the idol worship and what is the most important aim and objective of the Brahma samaa was to fufy the Hindu religion and he wanted to establish the
Hindu Society based on the vas andanas and he wanted to revive the ancient Indian Glory with based on the vas ands and he also rationality of the religion and also opposed the Sati he also opposed Sati and child marriage infant sites and also cast system idol worship and though he he opposed the
Cast system though he opposed the cast system and idol worship is is his life spent with the Holy thread or white thread the main principles of the Brahma samaa was the monism single God mono means single Theos means God only devote of single God not polytheism poly means multi
Theos means god so he supported how the biti preachers preached monotheism Rama and Krishna Rama or Krishna bti Devo ism or he also supported the monotheism it and also Universal Brotherhood or fraternity these are the Western ideas Liberty equality and fraternity so he was influenced by Western thoughts
Western ideas and he also respect all the religions he also respect the all the religions like Quran like Bible and also studied the the Hindu Vic scriptures also but he did not believe uh that the Brahma believed in the principles of monotheism fraternity and uh though he
Respected though he studied the all the religious scriptures like Quran bhagat Gita and Bible but he did not believe the believe that that religious texts you know on on 27th September 1830 3 he was passed away in the City of Bristol in England after that the Brahma
Sama activities run by D tagur after dend tagur K chra dendr tagur dandad tagur supported the traditional Indian Trad traditions of India and he was also like he believed the Western ideas like rajar R and he supported uh he he T he wanted to teach the vas and upanishads he
Founded tabini sa to preaching the vas andat the tab bodini sabba founded one Journal one magazine which is called T bodini Patria it became official organ of Brahma who found dagur founded the T Sabha and it started a journal called T bodini Patria e later is Chandra vidyasagar rajendra Mishra wrote a
Number of articles to this journal of T bhini Patria and he believed the vas dad tagur believed vas and he supported the vas and he wanted to preach the principl of vas in 1943 he wanted to revise the old Brahma sage and he gave New Life to Brahma Sage
He support and he fought against the and he supported the WID marriages female education and against the polygamy and one person have the more wives so what he supported he supported the Widow remarriages female education and against the polygamy polygamy and he he played important role in
Brahma then K Shandra his time started from 1838 to 1884 he was also another important leader after Dad tagur he he joined in Brahma samage in 1857 and he also o spread the ideas of Brahma samaj in the country in the country Swami Dand sarasti founded ARA is danda saraswati’s original name was
Mola Shankar he was born at tankara tankara Village of Gujarat he also fought against the superstitions he also fought against the superstitions and he founded Arya s in 1875 at Bombay in Maharashtra and he gave famous slogan of he wanted to revive the he wanted to revive the Vas
And he gave the famous slogan go back to vas and you have to study the vas and learned about the greatness of vas so he gave one famous quotation go back to vas and studied the vas and to know about the greatness of Indian history and Indian culture and he was very famous
Scholar in Sanskrit language and he opposed the superstitions and evil practices he opposed the evil practices in Hindu society and he he believed that the principles of monotheism only you have to devote of single God monism and opposed the idol worship he opposed the idol worship and cast system untouchability he fought
Against the C Cast system there is no rigid cast practices and also untouchability uh so he started the social reforms for the upliftment of women he also also gave importance to women’s and their progress he fought against the child marriages infant sites and also supported the WID marriages he he gave
Great support to Widow marriages and fought against the child marriages and fought against the child marriages uh he wanted to develop the women you know in the field of education so finally he started one Journal uh Nam uh satara prakash um he wrote one book satara prash it was a comment on
Vas and he gave powerful and effective strength to Hinduism in Punjab State and is preachings not not only limited to the not only limited to the intellectual group but also reach to the M People in know India and he started the sui movement which is called the purification those who are converted to
Islam and Christianity reenter into the Hinduism so he started the purification movement and sui movement those who are converted to other religions like Christianity and Muslim Islam he gave and opened the doors to entry into the Hindu society and his famous disciple Swami sanand Swami Shanda supported the sui movement and
Those who converted to Hindu Islam and Christianity felt that it is very respect to them and they reentered into Hinduism uh he was the great um Constructor he was the great architect of Hinduism and he was the jurist of the Hindu religion Ian and Hindu culture he was died you know
Azmir Rajan in 1883 after him the activities of AR run by or led by laa anaras and laa laat Swami sanand and Pandit gurat the the AR in after 18 883 run by laa anas laa laat who belong to Punjab State Swami sananda is a famous disciple pit gudat also it
Was to important it have two important features uh like the encouragement of uh English education and also the famine relief meas during the famine condition during the flood conditions it did good service to the English language and his followers and social reformers contribute to the National Education so they founded laa ansas and
Laa lajat founded the daav trust to um contribute the Western education they founded DAV dayanand Anglo trust through the dayanand Anglo trust they founded DAV schools Dand Anglo schools and Dand Anglo uh colleges uh to expand the Western education like English media education in all areas and they also
Encouraged the development of Hindu culture and Hindu philosophy also developed it became the daav organization became very big educational institutions those who are opposed the Western education they founded the gurukula or residential schools in India and they G they educate the people through the ashama uh schools next the theosophical
Society the Theo Theos means Theo means god soio means knowledge theosophical Society the society related with the knowledge of God theosophical society which was founded by Madam blavatsky and Kal alot it encouraged the Brotherhood nature among the countries our Universal Brotherhood nature Universal Brotherhood nature it was founded in New York City in
1875 the theosophical society Madame Bowski and colel alcot came to India in 1879 uh 79 and they are they were influenced by the Indian they were the influenced by the Indian philosophy and Indian spirituality Madame BL and colel alot influenced by the Indian philosophy Indian spirituality and they felt that
India is correct Place uh for the uh establishment of theosophical society so they founded the one branch you know at Adar it is very near to Madras City in 1886 the theosophical society theosophical Society originally founded in New York AR in 1875 but the but its Branch founded you
Know at Adar near Madras in 1886 they opposed the the theosophical society opposed the forceable forceful uh change of the religions and they also revive the Hinduism they wanted to revive the Hinduism the Ireland woman anicent also became the leader in India she led the W rule movement in India
Along with balag gangadhar tilak she led the H rule movement in Madras bangad led the H rule movement in Bombay she joined in uh anicent joined in the theosophical society in 1889 and 1889 in she came to India in 1893 and she felt that India is our mother country and mother country after
The death of colal alcot in 1997 she became the president of she became the president of theosophical society in 1997 and she also expressed or believe on vas ands she and she she preached the Vic philosophy she she preached the Vic philosopy philosophy and and she respect respected the Indian tradition
And Indian culture she fought against the child marriages most of the organizations of of 19th and 20th Century fought against the child marriages she became the uh good educationalist and she founded the Hindu benaras Hindu university university she gave books on education and theosophical Society uh she she started she
Founded she started Wu leag and she started two journals like New India and common will New India and common will she also founded the omu league Society along with bala gangadhar tilak she started two journals like New India and common will uh she led the leadership of home rule movement in 1917
She became the uh president of Indian National Congress at kakata session so she was the first woman president of Indian National Congress and she was the first uh foreign president of Indian National Congress in 19 1917 at kakata and she wanted to try to fight against the India’s independence and she was great
Fighter then ramakrishna paramam ramakrishna paramahamsa time started from 1833 to 1886 his original name was gangadhar he was born in born at kamalapur of West of West Bengal in 1833 since the since his childood he has a good spirituality and he was great devote of Khali MAA of Bengal and later the ganga
Gangadhar became atic and later Rak Krishna paramahamsa and he also believed the single God like monism monism and he believed the God is everywhere in the world uh the religions are different different religions are different ways to reach the god different uh the religions the Christianity and other things he believed that
Every uh and he preached the mo monism monotheism and he also attracted the he also attracted the illiterates and he path way to the spirituality in India and his a disciple ramak Krishna is disciple Swami vianda founded r Krishna Mission now we are discuss about the Swami vianda Swami vianda was born
On uh born on 12th January 1863 at the city of kakata uh his original name was his original name was Narendra dat Narendra data he was also famous uh reformer and during his education period he joined in Brahma samaj and he also uh studied about the religious and
Secular secular books and he suspected the existence of God God and he was um introduction with the ramakrishna paramam and he was influenced by ramakrishna paramam he preached and he became the great philosopher and devote uh later he became atic and became Swami Vive Ananda and he continued the principles he continued
The aim and objective of r RNA params he preached the principles of ramakrishna paramahamsa in his lifelong so he became very famous with the teachings of world religious Parliament held on S held on 11th September 1893 in Chicago so with with his religious preaching he became world famous with the teachings
Of teachings at Chicago on 11th September 1893 and he also preached the philosophical values like vanta and also supported the all the religions are equal all the religions are equal and he also influenced the Western countries of Europe he went to he frequently tour to America England and other countries uh
And also other continents he became the cultural ambassador to India and toured extensively to other continents and countries he gave wonderful speeches about the Indian philosophy and Indian culture finally he was F fell Hill and went to foreign countries for the treatment and returned to India in 19 not2
But he was not cured and died in 19 not2 and expressed what he expressed the nature of God in the woman like how mahavir exp exp expressed the wholehearted uh man is the god so he also expressed the same thing he founded Ram Krishna Mission he founded r Krishna mission in
1896 for the activity social activities and social programs uh he wanted to secure the he wanted to secure the India from the Western countries of Europe uh Europe you also uh the how India became Fame uh and how India how Hinduism became ideal with the idol worship and also
Polytheism polytheism what is the meaning of polytheism to devote the number of gods polytheism and he toured India extensively and also started the uh welfare programs and relief measures relief measures through ramakrishna Mission then Prana s it was founded by mg ranade atmaram panga in Maharashtra 1849 The Prana Saba it was the
Association it was limited time and limited area with the encouragement of K Chandra atmaram P under the leadership of atmaram panga The Prana Sage founded at Bombay in 1867 the other members of PR s were sir RG bandar Justice mg ran mahag goind R bandar was very famous
Sans scholar RJ bandar was and also the famous historian RG bandar was famous historian and Sanskrit scholar he was also one member of Prana s with it was founded with the inspiration and encouragement of K Chandra Shen founded by atmaram he was not only great mg ran was not was
Not only the social reformer but also but also great philosopher great thinker and and also scholar they were influenced by Tokar namad ramadas of bti preachers of Maharashtra bti preachers of Maharashtra uh and also it supported the rational devotionalism and also opposed the cast system opposed the cast system
And also encouraged the Widow remarriages most of the reformers most of the social religious reformers most of the social reformer most of the social reformer gave importance to gave importance to WID marriages and gave importance to Western educ uh female education and they wanted to remove the child marriages the these are
The main aim and objectives of The Prana Sage what are the main objectives of the pr opposed the cast system and en encouraged the M marriages and encouraged the female education and abolish the child marriages these are the A and objective of kard s which was founded by
Atar panga is the inspiration of kha Chandra Shen or encouragement of K Chandra Shen RG bandar also one member Justice ran also one member RG bandar was a great Sanskrit scholar and historian mg ran was great reformer scholar and thinker uh they are not the uh reformers the religious the bti
Preachers of tukaram ramadas namad they wanted to uh change the new ideas um the pr founded founded the arage hes and Widow hes and night schools they F they they established the night schools they founded the WID houses destitutes they founded the Journal of subodha they founded journal what is the
Name of Journal subodha it became The Prana Sage became Center for western part of India activities like Maharashtra Maharashtra Bombay became the center of socio religious reforms uh of western part like Goa Rajasthan and Gujarat it also spread the branches in Bombay and medras also RG bandar NG Chandra worker pit ramabai
Sarasti also became the members in The Prana s now justice ranad justice MJ ranad mahad goind ranad was very famous scholar in India and also reformer and great educationalist and also jurist the famous jurist mg ran was great social reformer scholar educationalist and also jurist and he was he was also member of
One member of a member of uh founding uh Foundation of Congress Party founded at Bombay and he also member of Bombay legislative Council and he worked as Central Finance Committee Member and also worked as Bombay high court judge he founded the Puna sarvajanik Saba mg ranad founded the Puna sarajen Saba in
1870 and also founded the f s and he founded Anglo marata journals like Hindu prakash Anglo marati Daily Newspaper indu prakash was the editor the Puna sarven Saba wrote number of articles about the social and economic matters he also supported the vid marriage he also supported the vid
Marriage and for the welfare of the widows he supported the widows welfare and founded the Widow and also encouraged the Widow remarriage and also encouraged the Widow remarriage Association and also encouraged the Wido remarriage he gave importance to female education and opposed the polygon and opposed the polygamy and he
Also supported the increase of marriage age for girls so he founded Widow remarriage Association in 1861 in 1887 he wanted to discuss about the social Pro problems in Madras state so he he founded Indian national social conference Indian national social conference insc to discuss about the social conditions and social problems in medras
State he was not only the social reformer and he was also famous in famous you know in the field of Education he was fer of the education he played very important role you know in the promotion of Western education of introduction of English medium education and he founded number of educational
Institutions in Maharashtra particularly he was also one member of dakan Education Society he was one member of dakan Education society and he was a very strong religious ideas and he started the social reform movement in Maharashtra and the young Bengal movement the young Bengal movement led by Henry Loui Vivian
Doio he was working as a Henry Vivian doio working as Hindu College professor at kakata and he came to he came to kolata for the purchasing of watches he came from Scotland to purchase the watches you know Kata later he wanted to spread the modern education what is his aim and objective
Of the in future he want wanted to encourage he wanted to spread the Western education or English medium education uh he preached the uh through his preachings he encouraged the literature philosophy history and science for the discussion of the sub for the discussion of the subjects like literature philosophy history
And science he formed one Association and he encouraged the Rel revolutionary thoughts among the people and he also encouraged his students the nature of the questioning doio was he was his famous followers called were called derans or Y Bengal they were the great patriotics they were the they spread
The they spread the ideas of French Revolution and British liberalism doio was died in the age of 22 with kalara the young Bengal movement also red after the death of Henry Vivian D roio later iswar Chandra vidyasagar iswar Chandra viya next iswar Chandra vidyas Sagar
1820 he was also born in V sing Village of Bengal state in very poor family in 1820 he came to power he was also self-made person he he became highly educated and he joined as a teacher and enjoyed with I position what he believed he also followed he was a great womanist iswar
Chandra Vidya Sagar was great humanist he also encouraged the female education and he also encouraged the Widow remarriages and for the development or uplift of the women female he wrote one book about the problems about the problems of widow marriage Widow marriages he supported the widow marriage iswar Chandra Vidya Sagar
Supported the Widow remarriage and he started one movement so the British government the British government introduced Widow remarriage Act in 1856 according to this act the widows can marry and again it also led a great Mo Revolution great Revolt of 1857 the it is also one cause for the introduction of
British uh Widow remarriage Act of 18 1856 this is also one cause for the 1857 SII mutini SII mutini the first wiow remarriage performed on 7th December 1856 at kakata and he was great reformer of Widow remarriages in India then Pand ramabai sarasti she the pandita means scholar it
Was one title to her uh with the plan of she wanted to encourage the women education and she fought against the social injustice atrocities and she wanted to liberate them she wanted to liberate the women from from the social injustice and the atrocities she toured India extensively to liberate the
Women’s she wanted to liberate the women from the against the social injustice and atrocities on the wom so she sted extensively she was very famous scholar in Sanskrit Lang language with with her scholarship with her scholar ability she became the Pandit she became the Pandit and she she opposed the superstitions she
Married she married sudra person and after two years of her marriage he was also died she encouraged the female education and abolished the child marriages she founded she founded women ARA at Pune at Pune she founded women arage at F in 8 1883 she gave wonderful teachings wonderful preachings in England and
America and she expressed about the position of women in her uh preachings DK carve DK carve also the famous educationalist he also he married Widow you know 1893 and he founded the Wido remarriage Association he founded the Widow remarriage Association he worked at peran peran College as professor at Pune in
1892 and he also founded the Hindu Widow Association indu Widow house in 1896 and he also founded the rest houses for the Widow childrens in 1890 uh in 1916 the first Mila University first women University founded at Bombay at Puna by DK carve in 1932 he became the vi Chancellor to
Voice chanc to the women University at punee and he gathered grants from The Villages from he founded the schools in 50 Villages he he did good effort in the field of social reforms and he got the highest civilian Award of bat ratna then K Ving 1848 to 1919 1848 he was born in
Raj and he was the father of Andra Ren agence of rajar ramay was father of Indian renesance kandur V was father of Andra renesance and he studied the Telugu and English language he became the teacher and he worked as uh EDM in different different schools he joined as teacher in rimary
Government uh arts college and he he strengthened the Telugu language he glorified the Telugu language and he he he wrote the books in a very easy languages not grandic language um he he had the title of gadya he wrote the lessons you know Pros PR style not po poetic style he was
Great reformer and his writings easily understandable to the common people he founded viini viini General in 1874 1874 and he dedicated his whole life for the social reform and evil practices in the society and he also supported the female education like all the most of
The social re how the most of the social reformers encouraged female education he also encouraged the female ation and the the country progress depends he believed that the country progress depend are uh depends on the women education he believed and he he opposed the he opposed the child marriage and he encouraged
The and he also he also encouraged the Widow remarriages Widow remarriages he supported the Widow remarriages and he founded the rest houses and he opposed the prostitution and he also fought against the corruption of the officials in those days he founded yarini trust for the destitutes for the widows and poor women and
Childrens with he joined in Brahma with the influence of with the influence of with the inspiration of man he joined in he joined in Brahma so much and it’s the inspiration preachings of Manu he joined in Brahma and he also participated in Brahma samage activities with the help of theay
Help we Al conducted the Widow remarriages in Andra Pradesh okay right what starting You Par oh no ibim ibim College okay BML Complete agriculture Exam hello hello Okay Okay Okay next class Oh no economics by