Hey y’all and thank you for tuning in to divine feminine tarot T okay if you like what you see please go ahead like share subscribe okay hit the Bell if you want to be here every single time we in the te team up and in here
Yes I did say up and in in here getting it in with these good old tarot messages y’all we back we back we back what you thought okay y’all we about to go ahead and get into it uh jump into it you know I always got to make sure y’all can see
Um if you would like a personal reading for me please do not hesitate to go ahead and hit me up at DF tarot t@ gmail.com all readings are $444 please allow for a 24 to 48 hour turnaround let’s get into it um y’all know I love a good freestyle future
Facing reading um somebody is simply wondering if a gentleman is going to return to them um that is the energy that I’m getting because I keep hearing until you come back to me that’s what I’m going do okay so we G to find out who is that out there that’s saying I’m
Going to r on your door tap on your window pay okay who is saying that okay who is giving aita her flowers so we’re going to find out first things first we want to find out who is it that you’re waiting for we’re gonna just try to figure out who this gentleman is
Okay we going to try to put the picture together we want to see what’s going on um Spirit we looking for clarity Divine goddess we are looking for clarity who is this gentleman that one of our divine feminine sis is checking for okay oppressor y’all this man may be a
Little bit controlling I’m getting the vibe that whoever you are you may be you may be framing his controlling nature in a different way you may be telling yourself that he’s fatherly he is controlling okay and he can be a little stubborn okay but nonetheless this is
Someone that you are crazy about boo boo you are lost in your dreams of him um somebody is totally taken with this gentleman okay you are crazy about him there is nothing anybody can do that’s going to get your mind off him this man may be a Taurus um I’m getting some
Energy uh Taurus uh Aquarius Capricorn some of our more stubborn signs okay um yeah very much Aquarius energy we see the inventor there this man may very well be an aquarius okay um oppressor refusal to change lost dreamer inventor okay you’re lost in this man this man is somebody
That’s very much he he invent this man has invented y’all a whole relationship low key the type of relationship that you’ve had with this man when you two were in relationship with each other it was something that was very unique it was something that you could not really
Um wrap your mind around it was something that you thought of as being I hear that you thought it was silly you thought child’s relationship was a bit silly um that’s really how that man is girl okay this man is a hunter this man consistently goes out kind of hunting
Women looking for women um he has a very high sex drive we see this athlete energy okay this man has a high sex drive y’all this man sounds like you know I ain’t here to talk about nobody’s man so let me shut up um okay Sovine okay this man believes in himself and
Carries himself in a way as though he is above it all okay he feels like the rules don’t apply to him he doesn’t have to not be this kind of you know dark masculine dominant figure that he is okay you want to be considered home to
This man that is your goal that is what you are looking for to be considered home based to this gentleman whoever he may be okay that is the type of uh relationship that you long to have with this man okay and this will require this man to change just letting you know um
This man right now is not even in husband mode but I’m getting a vibe that you do have some type of connection with this man the connection is sincere but it’s like and I to use this terminology but I’m just going to say it it’s like
This man is like a wild dog you know what it is or a stray and you know what it’s like when you try to make a stray dog a house dog okay there will be a lot of test and trials between you two um and you would
Have to be very strategic okay because this man is not used to you know not being capable of or not being able to be whoever it is he needs to be okay status qu this man feels like he is kind of somebody that is he thinks he’s a status quo but he’s
Not he may be you know he feels like he provides something okay but he expects care this is a man that expects a woman to give him a great deal of care and be a bit of a caregiver okay but somebody in love with this man honey I don’t care how controlling
Brother man is somebody feel him okay I’m hearing hope I’m feeling it feel the glad to the to with Mo okay somebody is feeling him somebody wants to be on a boat enjoying some nice Moes andon okay with this man somebody wants to really be and I probably said that
Super ghetto but I don’t care okay I don’t I don’t even care okay uh somebody wants to really be in that in that mode with with bro okay somebody is really looking to be in a particular space with this man okay somebody really is um they want to
Be his home but you may and we’re just going to keep pulling we don’t know but you may not be may not be that realistic about this man you have a fantasy of him okay you want things to go a certain way this man is a bit of a stray y’all
He kind of out here okay and it’s just we got to see if it’s a possibility we’re looking to see what what was what is y relationship relationship really based on what is it really giving what potential does it really have okay so somebody feels that they were rejected whatever the last circumstance
Was in this relationship whatever the last communication was somebody in this feels that they were rejected okay somebody feels that they were left behind you may feel that he rejected you actually okay that’s the energy that we’re receiving you feel that he rejected you or you know what he put a halt to
The relationship okay this man put a Hal to the relationship um psycho crazy ex obsessed won’t let go this man who is obsessed with you acted like you were obsessed with him okay um somebody in a relationship key thing to know about this relationship this relationship is
High octane you guys bring out a great deal of passion in one another you guys really encourage each other to take it up a notch okay in a very serious way there is a lot of friction there may be a lot of sex there may be
Um almost kind of a [ย __ย ] and fighting energy okay just to be completely transparent um and this man is has has like halted things saying that you’re doing too much when this man was doing too much okay this is a situation where somebody fell back when they were really
He was the one he cut up just as much as you cut up okay but he’s choosing to see what he wants to see right about now um even still you were still in your divine feminine energy boom bang po we literally see divine feminine there you were still in your divine feminine
Energy no matter what was going on um you may have been acting how you were acting because you want to correct him and get him to understand that everything cannot be his way look at spirit Spirit just caught me at the past like let me go on and finish that
Sentence for you everything cannot be his way again we’re seeing the same energy this man is selfish this man is stubborn this man is arrogant this man is prideful and that type of [ย __ย ] okay brings out the psycho even in a divine feminine who can deal with that okay
This man is spiritually he’s low frequency somebody has not been willing to admit this to themselves babe admit it to yourself he’s low frequency okay this man is low frequency you will mess around and end up down at the police station wrestling around hollering screaming with this damn man okay now
I’m just going to tell you the truth you’re messing around because divine feminine you are strong you are spiritually strong okay and you don’t take no [ย __ย ] and this man will keep on with his MyWay or the highway Antics and went upside his head and ended up down
There in the back of one of them Black and Whites this man is a you and somebody out there is so in love with this man but I’m telling you you’re not being 100% real with yourself about who this man is and what this man brings out
Of you okay somebody needed some clarity okay that’s what I’m really getting thus far um this man wants everything his way baby a divine feminine no no no you we it’s not going to all be your way and the thing is whatever attachment that you have to this
Man it can pull you and have a hold on you to where you get out of character okay and you don’t want that you don’t want to become somebody that now you didn’t got out of character fooling with this fool okay uh-oh we don’t have time
For that okay y’all saw saw closing this cycle jump out the card when this man halted the relationship he closed a cycle okay he closed out a cycle between y’all when he hit that halt button and this was shocking news to you you might have you may have thought that this man acts
Such a fool over you when he acts a fool over you psycho right there that the fact that he halted was shocking to you but this man halted the relationship and closed out a cycle okay you actually was sitting there thinking the man was going to pop the
Question you thought y’all was going in One Direction and then he felt one kind of way way and this man came out the gate and did something totally different okay you being a divine feminine you just knew that you were going to get the get a like I’m coming to you for real
For serious to make you home and this man shocked the [ย __ย ] out of you when he went in a completely different direction than what you were expecting okay you didn’t see that coming not even in a million years um you had no clue this man had kind of
Been mirroring you for a period of the relationship so you didn’t realize that he was still that same [ย __ย ] my way or the highway type until he pulled out this rejection and closed that cycle you had no idea and you’re like but I love you you were really
Sitting there expecting a ring like you were expecting an offering you thought that this was about to be it okay and this man child this man went in a whole another Direction than what you thought was about to happen Okay this man shocked the [ย __ย ] out of you when he hit
Hal that was something you did not see coming okay you are blown away you are like um I love you I thought I was about to get the ring okay but low key this man feels like it was too late to give you the ring because this
Man has been living a very toxic lifestyle okay this lifestyle has included partying and bullshitting okay yeah yeah yeah yeah you heard me partying and bullshitting whether it was around you in your face behind your back this man was doing a lot of partying and bullshitting what did I say behind your
Back okay turning your back bab what did I just say this man was behind your back talking about it’s driving me out of my mind okay this man was down there to the club getting it in okay getting it in in you didn’t even know this man been
Drinking this man been out late nights okay this man been doing the most and low key you’re [ย __ย ] up over him okay this little scoundrel is somebody that you had deep feelings for now I ain’t going to lie I a going to send you off
And you thought you were going to get an offering from this man this this man that’s been out here doing his thing and this man pulled a uturn a u-turn on you and you’re left feeling some shame some guilt because this man went in what you feel was the wrong
Direction and you feel embarrassed there’s some some embarrassment with some feminine because you’re basically in a space of like I just knew that we was about to do this that and the third I just knew that it was about to go this or that way and this
Punk went in a direction that you didn’t see coming at 40 million paces and you’re just like you’re in disbelief right now okay okay this man has a sex addiction along with the party and this a wild boy okay this boy wild I ain’t going to lie to
Y’all he doing him yeah he doing him okay he may have a child outside of a relationship that he was previously in or even may still be in and this man is still out here humping okay this man is very wild this is a very wild energy very wild energy um not
Necessarily something that you would be used to just isn’t but y’all have something okay y’all have a lot of memories y’all have a lot of memories a lot of things to look back on a lot of the things you’re looking back on you’re looking back on a time when this man may
Have been a little more tamed and this man is looking back on a time where you were not a divine feminine not to say you weren’t a divine feminine as in though you weren’t anointed and that you didn’t know who you were you just may have been more passive to him you weren’t
Really walking in it so strongly you weren’t so sure of it you may not have truly known everything about yourself just yet okay so with that being said you were in a position where you didn’t come off to this man as strongly as you do now right now this man literally is
Sitting back thinking that you’re shady and that you’ve been hiding some of your feelings okay from him and that is because this man may have experienced you based on what he thought of you in the past this man may have experienced you this time in a way that he’s just
Like I don’t remember this being who you are okay meanwhile you’re still making a wish wish you may still want to like I I where are you like you know look at this left you hanging no closure no contact left on red like you’re like what happened you know imagine and I I’m
Totally seeing it imagine thinking somebody is so nuts over you that they would actually propose and they dip and then they’re leaving you on red and [ย __ย ] like that like you have massive regrets this is where we’re seeing this embarrassment and shame coming into play
Cuz you’re like whoa what the [ย __ย ] was I thinking I thought this person I thought this man was like my person and you’re still missing this person based on what you thought y’all had but this man is reckless and love and sex are the same to him this man has run
Out here in these streets baby and this has been a karmic lesson in a sense this man is just he he’s he’s not he’s not ready he’s not ready to ascend that’s the bottom line he’s not ready to ascend okay he’s not ready to ascend he’s not
Really ready to take it up a notch okay um you may want to consider the notion of being happily single because this man was fed up with you he was fed up with your demands okay he was fed up with what you were asking of him this man may have
Been getting readings if not that he was just going to the Bros you know complaining telling what you were doing okay you are exercising a great deal of selflove in this relationship okay there’s a lot of selflove coming out in this relationship and believe it or not you
Exercising selflove had this man in a great deal of of pressure anxiety decision times running out this man wanted to see you back in the passive energy that he envisioned you in some time ago and I’m telling you some somebody needs to hear this because who
You thought this man was baby that’s not him no shade it’s just not you’re missing him baby what you really missing is his true colors okay that’s what what’s leaving you in heartbreak you’re not being real about who this man is you need to really locate him GPS okay locate this man for
Who he really is because you under a love spell right now and you going round and around and around in your man with cycles and triggers about somebody that he this this this man really ain’t [ย __ย ] okay um there may be some bad news okay or you may feel this is bad
News because it’s kind of like it’s time for you to let go and move on and please believe this man had additional secrets and you know anytime somebody out here being a sex at it the secrets are endless the you you saw love child so you know he got karmic babies and karmic
Families and karmic this and karmic that okay this man could potentially bring a firestorm to your life okay Karma drama endings loss mental breakdown girl girl this man a mess okay this man is a mask we not seeing this this is not your divine masculine okay you living in a
Fairy a fairy tale this is not him baby phony trickster Illusions this is not him and I’m going to tell you something this story that you telling yourself about him that’s the bottom line in this reading you’re missing him you you missing because somebody out there missing somebody cuz they ain’t
Being real about who this somebody is if you took five minutes and was real about who he was you would realize it’s been time to move on there’s nothing to miss about this man there is nothing to miss about this man this man is is uh very problematic
Okay this man is very problematic and you’re missing him look at this the devil fell out in Reverse you have everything you need to overpower this man and his little sex magic or whatever this is he got going on this man is not even remotely who you think he you’re
You’re lying to yourself that’s all I got for you sis I wish I had more you’re lying to yourself you need to get clear get clear and get clear fast okay you are lying to yourself about who this man is this is a man that you definitely have the power and the
Energy to get free of okay all you have to do is rever reverse your fortunes reverse how you look at this man again this man’s in a position right now where his he’s upset the reason that he’s halted things is because his past memories of you thoughts of you he
He no longer has you’ve stepped into your divine feminine you are now somebody that is not going to accept certain outcomes you’re not going to accept certain things going on you’re not going to accept the round and round you’re not going to accept the fairy tales you’re not going to accept the sex
Addiction you’re saying things and doing things and standing in your divine feminine and this man he’s not able to take this that’s the bottom line this man is not able to take this he’s not able to handle this okay he can’t let go of the past he
Can’t let go of who he thought you used to be okay which may have been a divine feminine that simply wasn’t as willing to stand on her principles and now that you’re standing on your principles this man cannot take okay 10 of Wands in Reverse this man has released you based
On what he could not take and this is something somebody needs look T of Wands in Reverse again I’m going to say it one more time he could not take okay he could not take and this is something that you really have to get real about okay this is something that
You have to get real about he couldn’t take you 10 of Pentacles in Reverse he could not take you okay 10 of Pentacles in Reverse this man was so upset with you he did not see himself having a family with you this man did not want to be in
The boyfriend energy with you because this man had been doing so much lying and bullshitting okay then now he’s angry and upset because you were not taking it okay you are not accepting it and I’m going to tell you something this man was in Balance somebody out there the problem
Why you’re missing him so much is because you’re saying to yourself you’re seeing a positivity in him that may or not may or may not he may or may not be ready for he’s still living a karmic lifestyle he just may not be ready for what you are ready for that’s number one
Number two this man is right now in a position where you’re you’re kind of fantasizing of him coming to his senses and giving you the things that you want that’s not going to happen because he’s not there yet okay and the sooner that you can come to terms with that the smoother
Things will go that’s a big part of all of this why you’re missing this man why you’re in this okay I just really want to see him again because you’re not coming full circle with who he really is okay eight of Pentacles in Reverse get your focus
Get hold to your focus and get a new Focus this man is not who you think he is okay we got a knight that’s moving towards the eight of Swords anything this man can bring you you would Block it’s no good anything that he thinks is security you’re not going to go for
You’re going to block it eight of Swords you’re going to stand your ground against it seven of Wands this man does not have the Divine masculine energy that would please someone like you you would like for him to and you believe that it’s as simple as one 2 three like
All he had to do is just you know pull it together you know so sample is one two three okay just pull it together and get on his ABCs and one two threes and and you know uh you and me you know what I’m saying but that’s
That’s not what this is this man has uh addictions you know we see see here still sex addiction and all these different things this man has this man has things going on with him that are so much deeper than the Simplicity of what you’re seeing you’re just saying you
Know if he just would clean it up and do this it’s not that simple okay it just isn’t it is not that simple church bells ring y’all when the Judgment card comes through the building y’all already know okay there’s so much going on with this man in terms of judgment and what you
Need to focus on now is kind of un quote unquote uninjured yourself okay because there are more Revelations that you may hear in regards to this man there’s a lot of [ย __ย ] that this man is into and has been dealing in okay Knight of Pentacles okay this man has been out
There and he has been running really free okay think of just he does whatever this man is he’s promiscuous okay and he also goes home to someone seven of Pentacles and five of Pentacles in Reverse four of swords this man this man always presented himself as
Having way less going on to you than he actually did okay he keeps you kind of in a cocoon he got a lot going On okay this man is sitting here um in a position where he’s kind of dropping his his value is dropping this man really ain’t worth [ย __ย ] you might not be noticing this this man may have been at a point in his life where who he was was making him popular or
Making him seem more sought after but this is at this point this man is no longer that person maybe he used to be someone that you admired for some reason maybe it was the way he acted maybe it was his dress maybe it was the money he
Made whatever it was you used to really really really admire about this man he really doesn’t even have that to offer anymore just so you know okay Knight of Wands in the upright with the five of Wands in Reverse this man is to a point now where
He’s really kind of broken down in terms of his value and he’s out here running around doing him really hoping that he can just find a woman that won’t fight with him or argue about anything and won’t demand anything of him or even want him to better himself and she’ll
Just be happy to just be there with him based on I don’t know what y’all cuz it seem like he ain’t [ย __ย ] no more this man actually needs to rebuild he needs to get his [ย __ย ] back together he’s not focused he’s not fair okay Temperance in
The reverse he’s not looking for a woman to tell him the truth this man is angry he’s got a lot of deep-seated anger okay he’s got a lot of deep-seated impatience okay that’s why we saw the o oppressor energy early on that’s why he’s being so controlling okay he’s being controlling
And a lot of that has to do with the fact that he is you know kind of declining okay his reputation or his brand is not what he used to be look at this night of swords in Reverse Knight of Wands in Reverse this man may be a
Sex addict but ain’t no whole lot of women wanted him no more okay so he was thinking back to memories about you okay thinking that you know he would come out in the open and speak with you and you know talk to you okay High Priestess in
Reverse okay and put things out in the open with you about how he used to feel about about you and that you wouldn’t have much to say about it eight of Wands in Reverse this man was thinking that you would kind of be that silent passive I’m just sitting here going with the
Flow he was thinking that you was going to give that okay he thought that you would just end up being this silent collaborator to his [ย __ย ] you know that’s really what he was sitting back believing okay five of Pentacles in the reverse this man was really sitting back
Buying that you know what I’m talking about okay this man was thinking that you would become home but you would have you would have become home to this man let’s make it clear but it was contingent upon you kind of betraying yourself and becoming somebody that quietly sits back
While his raggedy ass tries to continue to be this kind of sex addict and you know whatever the hell else party animal when his reputation is in Decline so you would have gotten him look at this six of cups is now in Reverse you would have gotten this man
At a time where he would have been in Decline so whatever respect might may have previously come with being this man’s woman okay maybe there was a respect in the neighborhood or there was a respect at the job or there was a respect in the company that he that he
Created or you know whatever it may have been whatever situation it was his his fraternity whatever it was let me tell you something girl you were going to be seen as the person who got him on his way down because this is on his way down he’s playing out he’s
Not going to go back to that level of whatever popularity he’s not going to go back to that okay he just is not he’s only going to have his memories and he’s going to become gradually more withdrawn from whatever circles that he was a part of
That’s just the way it is okay whether it was his former gang his former frat okay the former homies and whatever it was okay the the work crowd the after work set the stepper said I don’t know what he was a part of but whatever the
Case may be this man was about to go into a time where he was no longer going to he is no longer getting that same respect okay and he’s going to have to come to turn with some things this man is still dealing with these sexual addictions Ace of Wands and the lovers
Okay and that is the absolute truth this man is in a position now but he really just is not someone that can control himself and that is something that you need to look at you need to be serious about because that’s serious business mhm very serious business okay this man
Is in a position now where his he’s not facing the truth and had you spoken the truth to him okay clarifying the queen of voices I mean the queen of Queen of Swords queen of voices okay you would have ended up in a negative situation with him anyway you
Would have end up with him Hal halting the relationship pause judgment comes through in the reverse yall know church bells gots to ring when judgment comes to the building okay now let me just say the moment that you spoke some real truth to this man the Judgment between you and him was going
To end up in the reverse this man is not looking for a truth speaker this man is not looking for a truth teller this man is looking for someone that’s going to let him stay in his [ย __ย ] he’s not looking to progress The Chariot in Reverse okay he’s not looking to move
Forward Six of Pentacles in Reverse this man is looking to take from you by way of you helping him remain in an illusion of who he is versus who he who he used to be versus who he is this is a man that is stuck in limerance about his
Damn self how do you do that talk about being a narcissist this is a man that wants a woman that’s going to help keep him in the lie that he’s telling himself about himself no divine feminine is going to help a man that’s in karmic energy that can’t be real with
With himself about himself it just is not going to happen Okay there just is no no divine feminine that’s going to do that this man would need to find someone um of karmic energy that also wants to live alive but he’s not going to find a divine feminine that’s willing to do
That okay this man you see the devil card here in rever in in the upright this man was hoping to hold you too him this man has a certain as I said earlier a certain a certain obsession with you he wants to keep you attached he wants
To keep you stuck to him he wants to keep you all in love with him totally involved with him that’s what he’s all about actually as this man has halted this relationship with you and you’re sitting here confused cuz you thought you had a ring coming baby this man is
Expecting you to come back what you thought this man thinking you going to call him back you’re going to come out of your shell okay the hermit in the reverse you’re going to pop out of your shell and you’re going to call him and be like hey I you know I can’t stop
Thinking about you it’s driving me crazy I’m missing my my baby I’m going out of my mind yeah I’m running out of time oh I just wish I could find you girl oh we need to get us on the line because why come we don’t have another
Confessions whose ass do I need to kick to get another confessions who do I need to go off on to get another confessions I hope it ain’t Germaine depri I like Germaine depri we need another confessions okay I’m going to B back okay still classic still classic like
Sicking okay this man is hoping that his Empress because you are his Empress I don’t care what he acting like will return to him but you did not accept his offer okay the empress four of cups you’re not going you’re injured you’re hurt by the way he behaved and so you
Started moving towards your future and as you were supposed to do okay you started moving towards your future you moved away from him though you miss him though you’re looking for him though you have a heart tied to this man you have started to move into your future nobody
Got time for the [ย __ย ] okay let him keep that by himself okay you are sitting back now like you know really wishing like you know really wish and really hopeful that things would be what you need them to be um this man is confused he feels like you have really you
Yourself and you not calling him back has in his own mind contributed to the decline of his value like the fact that you didn’t call him back this is making this man feel we okay this is making this man feel that everything you ever felt for him whatever love whatever you know desires
That he thought you had for him he’s like oh she must not have had though she’s not calling me back okay this man thought that you would call him back this man is devastated okay this man is feeling like this must be a situation where all you
Care about is Unbreaking your own heart it must be another man there that’s how he’s feeling okay three of swords in Reverse with the will of Fortune you’re trying to reever reverse your fortune you must have moved on there must be someone else there there must be another
Man oh my God what is she doing you know he’s in that type of tea okay he feels this is an injustice this man actually feels this is not fair when he’s the one who pulled the [ย __ย ] because he did not have you there to be as passive as you once
Were okay um this man feels like it was not a victory for him though to not end up in a family with you this man was hoping to end up in a family with you he was hoping to end up in a very high frequency love making relationship with
You note that I did say love making I did not say sex okay this man was hoping to end up in the 10 of Cups ace of cups with you love making relationship this man is distinguishing sex with you from um you know whatever karmic short [ย __ย ] he’s doing out here in the
Streets okay or at the at the wherever the hell he hangs out in in the um Boat House house or you know at the company picnics wherever he’s doing what he does okay this man felt that he feels that there’s something special between you and him and it does feel like a loss
To him that he was not able to secure a 10 of Cups M uh ace of cups with you that he was not able to secure a t of Pentacles T of Pentacles in reverse a legacy with you a divine feminine this makes him feel like it’s a shortcoming you know he’s
Not able to get you okay this is making him feel a way okay this is making him feel like you know maybe there’s a type of woman that I cannot get so he did take a blow to his ego if nothing else the Ace of Pentacles in the
Upright okay with the Chariot you move very quickly and the fact that you move very quickly though you may miss him the fact that you move very quickly kind of to a next phase this man feels like you know you dropped your sword okay okay you’re not fighting for him
This man wanted you to fight for him this man fell back thinking that this would create the the possibility or create the moment that he was going to see you really fight to keep y’all love alive page of cups in Reverse once again this man thought that that didn’t happen
Okay you kind of went your own way and now this man is in a position where he feels like he’s been like left Left For Dead a sense like his ego is bruised okay he feels like he’s been left for dead period um he feels like he’s been left for dead
You know um this man wanted to get a certain maternal mothering energy out of you okay and he wanted you to be his mate in that Way Queen of Cups and king of Cups this is where this man wanted you to be his mate where you were kind of like
Um this kind of mothering figure with him he is looking for somebody that can nurture and Mommy him okay he’s looking for someone that will let him get away with murder and he thought you were going to be that he thought you were going to be the person that allowed your
Value to drop okay in order for him to be the man in order for him to be allowed to be manipulative and full of [ย __ย ] you were going to drop your own value this is really what this man believed okay page of Pentacles in the reverse this is how this man was feeling
This is what was coming to him um that was not going to be the case okay you were not going to drop your security for anybody um this cycle that this man completed with you okay we know he tried to um kind of complete a cycle that cycle actually kind of
Repeats okay because you don’t accept his [ย __ย ] okay you’re just not going to do it okay he can’t manifest that with you he can’t transition into anything else with you this man wants to transition with you into a space where you are somebody that he can manifest with but
He wants to manifest kind of protecting his own ego okay being able to being trusted by you to make all the decisions the Sun the magician okay and this is something that you’re just not going for it’s just something that you’re blocking you’re not having it that’s just the bottom
Line you know if he wants that type of relationship you really are so not that the not the one for that okay so just as much as you in a sense need to be real about who he is on a certain level this man also needs to
Be very real about who you are okay you guys may not really really really be being be being real about one another um period okay this can easily turn into a LoveHate relationship um it would be so easy for it to happen especially because he so desperately
Wants to be the dominant but what I’m seeing in this relationship is actually he is the dominant in the relationship and you are the submissive in the relationship but one of the issues here may be that you want to be more of an equal even though you are submissive to him
There’s a lot of contradictions in this relationship okay there’s a lot of contradictions behind the curtains that you two are not talking about that you may need to talk about if you were ever to get married you guys would have to say goodbye to some certain things um and kind of get
Into prayer because you guys are in a in a situation where one of the main problems is that your roles were never clearly identifi with each other okay what you really want in terms of dominance and submission okay okay and this man intends to be the dominant he
Intends to be so dominant he’s oppressive you may not really be being real with yourself about this because being a divine feminine you want to feel like you are in an equal partnership with someone and you’re not really being real with yourself that that’s not really what he brings to the table um
There may need to be some prayer and healing in this okay because again you know without this this is a situation that could end up flat out the gate if you got married divorce properties criminal paternity child support traffic tickets you know this could turn into something the bad
Credit it could turn into something negative if y’all were not willing to right now really discuss what it is y’all want for each other from each other but also who you are to to each other that’s not clear okay that’s not clear this man feels that you run and that you feel and
You feel that he tries to to trap you okay so you guys have some things that you need to discuss okay there needs to be some messages sent love message what do we see right there and the truth is both of you miss each other right now okay but this is a
Karmic Soul tie because even though you’re in your divine feminine this man just is not there yet not even to be Shady he just isn’t he’s still being a jackass I can’t make it no clearer like buddy is a ass whole you know he’s still focused on himself he’s still out here doing
Whatever with whoever we we just don’t have a whole lot of time for that I had to give that a pause we just don’t have a whole lot of time for that okay this man is still out here living in the moment and I get the vibe I’m telling
You whoever this man is he’s way older than his lifestyle you know he may be out here living like a 19yearold at 36 or or living like a 36 year old at 66 or living like a 20 year old at 45 you know this is somebody that’s not doing their
[ย __ย ] the way they supposed to do it he’s even down here at work playing games okay playing with women sweet talking women having Affairs at work having a work wife this man is somebody that you’re not necessarily really going to be able to get where you want to get
With him that’s just the truth and again y’all know I be so an about how my cars is L and then again like I said you have to keep in mind you’re not being 100% honest with yourself about who this man is you might be telling yourself somebody out there now
I don’t know everybody ain’t the same but somebody out there you’re telling yourself a bit of a Fairy Tail when it comes to this man okay you need to tap in there is some tapping in that you need to do because it’s not all sweet with this
Man okay you seeing this man as a king and you want him to be your king you want him to be somebody that that gives you service and gives you miracles okay that’s a Divine masculine that’s a Divine masculine that’s not this man ain’t he’s
Not ready for for that yet this man is still in a place right now where he does have some Artisan Energy being skilled you know knowing how to work things out but he uses it for dark purposes for manipulation okay this man is using his intuition for manipulative practices
He’s a dark empath okay we see Mars energy he’s using his masculine energy to be manipulative Saturn once again this man is also facing quite a bit of karma you going to have to be very real with yourself about this man okay you going have to be very real with
Yourself about this man okay this man needs to go through a great deal of transformation we see this Pluto energy here this man excuse me look at man choking me up y’all uh-uh this man just is not ready for prepared for spiritually aware to be placed in the position of a Divine
Masculine he just is is not um he just isn’t it’s not even to pick on him or this particular masculine he just is not ready yet that’s just where we at that’s just what’s the truth okay if there’s anything to come what is to come between you and this masculine okay whatever future
We see the high priestess okay we see the nine of Pentacles the five of cups um this man is going to try to come back and bring you out of the grief that he wants to consider that you’re in okay um this man takes more than he gives even
Him coming back is going to piss you off and put you in a position of seeing him is taking more than he’s giving because he comes back back from a place of his ego and that’s going to piss you off okay that’s going to piss you off
And it’s going to make you want to just kind of leave him behind like who the [ย __ย ] do you think you are that’s really where you going to be with it okay you hold all the cards right now just so you know um you’re in a position
To Unbreak Your Own Heart with this but just kind of transitioning things this man is going to come back and he is going to want to get into a 10 of cups with you and he’s going to try to and that’s a family position and he’s going to try
To kind of sneak you into that zone okay he’s not going to be forthright and saying that I’m coming back and I’m trying to recapture XYZ he’s not going to do that but he is going to try to get things back he’s going to try to get
Things reborn on another level so he can be in control death and revers and the emperor upright the two of cups in Reverse you’re not really going to be feeling this okay when this man comes back you’re going to see right through him two of swords in reverse and you’re not really
Going to be interested in the commitment that he’s offering a commitment that you did want until you really saw through him and what he’s all about he’s just on some BS um you’re not going to be too interested in what he has to say and you’re just
Going to kind of leave him outside leave the relationship outside even though this man is coming back trying to promote this okay trying to promote his own dominance okay trying to promote the idea that everything y’all just went through a minute ago it ain’t even been
That long this man is going to try to act like everything y’all just went through was the past it ain’t been long it’s not been long it ain’t like it’s been ages okay this man is sneaky like that though we keep getting the seven of Swords energy seven of Swords here seven
Of Swords here okay both places nine of swords in Reverse you really going to kind of wake up from this and kind of get into a space of this man for who he is Ace of Wands and the upright two of Cups we have the two
Of Cups and the upright four of Wands in Reverse even if you talk to him and kind of date around with him this man is not really going to be able to get you into a four of Wands we see the lovers in Reverse he probably can’t even get any
More sex he can get you to answer the phone maybe just to be like yeah uh-huh uh-huh but he’s not going to really get what he wants to get out of it that’s just facts okay this is going to feel like an injustice to him but it is what it is
Because the man ain’t been standing on business y’all he out here being fake the man out here being phony okay he not keeping it real he not keeping it real and he just being seen for who he is okay that’s just what it is okay
Um so he’s in a position now where he might feel like you’re kind of leaving him behind okay and this leaves him in a certain amount of grief the hangman with the five of cups and the nine of swords okay this man is upset this is something
That he’s not necessarily going to take very well the fact that it’s not so much that you moved on for him from him this man treated you in a way where any divine feminine any respect self-respecting woman is going to be like okay well this just ain’t it
I can’t do it like this ain’t for me okay the time you have spent trying to get this man together baby is has been a time that is necessary that’s all I can say any time that was spent going off on the man okay anytime you corrected
Him um and that’s the bottom line in this situation becoming more realistic about once again okay who this man is and not just seeing him the way that you want to see him that is what’s absolutely necessary here okay um any emotions that you you had for him
Um kind of pouring those emotions out at this point and just being a little clearer about what’s what and who’s who that’s just a a over over time that’s something that’s been necessary in this relationship period because this man in his attitude or whatever arrogance or whatever he’s been
Presenting you know it’s been something that kind of left you upside down in different ways okay and it’s time for you to let that go don’t battle with with this man about this five of Wands in Reverse okay don’t give him a message about it okay don’t talk to him about
It it’s just a situation at this point where there’s no room for you to overlook this if you were to just jump into a marital situation with him Two of Wands in Reverse at this particular time we don’t even see it lasting that long we don’t even really see him guarding himself um
Against other women okay we don’t really see it we don’t see him guarding himself in a way that’s going to be helpful to being in a legacy with anyone okay we see the 10 of uh Pentacles in Reverse we see the seven of Pentacles in Reverse
Baby we do not see a legacy we do not see things being what they’re supposed to be okay so it’s best at this point you just need to hold back um and just be who you are overall because again at this point you may miss this man you may still have
It for this man but this man just is not ready okay he just isn’t if you have enjoyed this divine feminine tarot te please go on ahead like share subscribe okay hit the Bell if you want to be here every single time that me and the te team are up in
Here okay getting it in with these good old tarot messages okay I always have to say that multiple times okay you know where to find us okay and as always what do I say I will catch y’all in the next one