The table and somewhat around is the house education committee members of both Republican and Democrat Party uh tonight we have an hour allotted for this public hearing it will start from the minute uh Denise begins Her speech you have two minutes to speak speak uh I
Will cut you off at 2 minutes uh I will not allow the heckler’s veto to take place tonight so if we cannot be heard in this room I will pause the hearing I will not add additional minutes at the end and I will ensure the person that
Was speaking will get to to speak for their full two minutes uh that is at the discre discretion of the chair so we want to make sure when we’re in here that we can hear everybody I can talk loud into the mic but some people are a
Little bit quieter if you cannot hear the person speaking you need to let me know okay whether you give me a a baseball hand signal or something like that okay I need to know and then I we will address it uh we will have pro and
Con go and we’ll go back and forth until the time is done at this time we will go ahead and start we’ll finish at 601 Denise floor is yours okay well thank you representatives for hosting this public um hearing and I appreciate each and every one of you state
Representatives for all you do my name is Denise fck I’m at the church Ambassador Network and we stand in support of HF 2389 with some possible amendments and clarifications we are very thankful to have Governor Reynolds bring this bill forward Iowa will join other states who are leading for women
It is legislation based on biological truth actually none of us would be here today if it wasn’t for biology God created woman and man period as a grandmother of a beautiful granddaughter I want her to grow up in a world where she is clearly defined and protected by
Her biological sex so today is the day to codify biology right now females are losing safe spaces while biological men are gaining access into sororities women prisons domestic violence shelters and rape centers women and girls are who speak truth on biological differences of male and female are getting silenced and
Cancelled this must stop this bill does not curb the rights of others it simply makes the law recognize the biological differences between the Sexes and protects their rights thank you for bringing this bill forward so that women will continue to enjoy the freedoms they have and they will for generations to
Come and today thank you for with with all of this noise that we hear I am sometimes disappointed by that disappointed that we cannot maintain a civil discourse so thank you chairman wheeler for talking about that today thank you next hold on just for the record when
You guys come whoever’s seated just stay there when you speak and we’ll just have the next person fill the next seat and when you’re speaking get up on their tight howdy y’all my name is Max moetz with one Iowa and I am in opposition to
This bill the first thing I want to say is that I am here as a proud Iowan I believe that we all have that in common I am here because I love this state and I am here because I want a better future for all Iowans it cannot be stressed
Enough that this bill will impact domestic violence and sexual assault services for Iowans I’ve been engaged in sexual assault and domestic violence work for years and am a survivor myself I have seen firsthand the ways that trans people especially black Trans women are disproportionately impacted by by violence this legislation will cost
Us precious lives because it creates the possibility that all of the domestic violence organizations may lose some of the little funding that they do have I’ve worked with these organizations and heard the issues they’re facing loss of funding should not be added to the list also loss of funding for domestic
Violence programs actively harms the very women you purport to be protecting it harms all women regardless of if you see them as such this bill will also harm many lgbtq Iowa families people that I love are raising children here and making our state better I am watching their babies grow up I refuse
To think of these families simply as a Workforce that we desperately need to keep these are workers yes but they are community members and volunteers and people that you could call if you need a meal these people are the reason that Iowa is beautiful to me I know that this
Legislation will scare many lgbtq folks and they will leave but I cannot bring myself to do the same I remember in high school when we added gender uh identity to the Civil Rights bill and when we were third in the nation to get same-sex marriage I remember that because that
Was when I knew that I had a future here in Iowa being in Iowan is just as important to me as being trans this is my state too every time I come to this capital I am reminded of how much I love a state that does not love me back I
Want people to live here raise their families here and make this state better I hope you do too please do not move forward with this Bill thank you thank you next my name is Steve da and I am here uh to express my support for the bill
You will hear a lot of opinions here in the next hour um in in opposition to this bill you will hear no facts there are no facts in opposition to this because what we’re being asked to do is to deny the most basic fact in human biology the first fact that was
Stated about every single person in this room no one ever was announced to the world as a non-binary construct the first thing said about every single person in this room is it’s a boy it’s a girl it is the most basic fact of existence the reason why the other
Side’s arguments sound like the insanity going on out in the retunda is because literally what they are arguing for is insanity what we’re being asked to do is ignore reality to redefine reality we are not permitted to redefine reality the worst mistakes made in human history occur when we attempt to every single
Atrocity had its basis in we get to redefine reality there is as much basis of fact in what you’re being asked to oppose as there would be for wearing a mask to stop an Airborne contagion of a respiratory virus which is to say none and that is why there needs to be
Intimidation and there needs to be shouting and there can’t be facts and there can’t be reason and there can’t be science because there is none to support the opposition to what you are doing all you are doing is affirming the most and first basic fact of human existence we
Are all created either male or female that’s it period end of sentence thank you very much for the time thank you next hello my name is Alexandra St James Gray and I am a proud Iowan I am also an out open trans woman and I know that
People here are going to discuss facts and or science so I’m going to put my personal business out there for you when I decided to transition and I went to my doctor’s office my doctor told me that at the age that I started that I had the estrogen levels of an 18yearold
Woman since everyone wants to discuss science now I’d like to ask the ask the body what dystopian novel are we in this time I’d like to know where we’re going in history because I’m finding us slipping and going backward at one point in time people of color black people
Were were declared three- fifths of a person I’d like to know what percentage of a person queer people are going to get so that I can base my life around it you’ll see a lot of people walking in with the pink triangle I’m not sure if you’re aware what that symbol is it’s
The symbol that gays and lesbians and trans people were made to wear during World War II when Hitler sent people to concentration camps so I live at the intersection of black and queer I need to ask you where are you sending me to a concentration camp or back to a
Plantation again I need to figure out where I’m going in my life I oppose this bill because it will destroy people it will place people in a line of fire it will destruct people this bill is literally playing with lives and understand that you all aren’t making laws for yourselves you
Are making laws laws for generations to come no I’m not here trying to take any Woman’s Place and I do understand exactly who I am but I made choices and decisions for myself that kept me here the choices that I made for myself kept me alive I’m a suicide
Survivor thank you thank you next good evening everyone hold on Jordan Hold on okay floor is yours thank you good evening everyone please turn your mic off Jordan you go to hit the little guy there’s a little human on the right no yours is on okay good evening everyone I’m here to speak in favor of this bill I have swam
And played water polo competitively my entire life and I like all other girls and women deserve the right to feel safe in our locker rooms and restrooms and everywhere else I’m speaking on behalf of all the girls and women who should be here and would be here but fear being
Labeled as transphobic or hateful or any of the other words going around right now if I were to share a concern about a man in my locker room or bathroom I would be met with backlash that is what is happening to girls and women everywhere girls and women are being
Assaulted in locker rooms and restrooms all over this country and many of us are being traumatized catching men staring at us while changing enough is enough I will not back down to the loud and hateful minority and urge everybody to speak out women fought for years for
Equal rights and I feel like all the hard work goes out the door when we allow men into women’s spaces this bill will protect girls and women across Iowa my rights do not end where someone else’s feelings begin please pass this Bill thank you thank you next my name is
Brianna young I’m an attorney who has spent the last 20 years parsing legislation in my legal practice the language of house file 2389 is vague confusing and it will lead to unintended consequences section one defines female as a person whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce OVA many women have conditions
Where their reproductive systems are not developed to produce OVA take the 8 to 13% of women with polycystic ovary syndrome endometriosis is another example there are several their reproductive systems will never develop OVA so if you’re a person with PCOS this bill specifically erases you you are not
A woman anymore under this bill and since the bill limits the definition of mother to a parent who is female then legally you’re not a mother anymore either section two provides it a new birth certificate must include the designation of male or female at Birth
Who gets to decide is it the doctor how does the doctor know when the baby’s born what the reproductive system is designed to do Do they base this on the newborn’s genitalia apparently not section one tells us that you need to base it on the internal anatomy and why
Does it matter what a 50-year-old man’s genitalia looked like at the time he was born anyway what is the state interest in that this bill is so vague it’s sponsored as even know what it means section one says separate accommodations are not inherently equal when asked what equal does mean representative H
Answered equal would mean um I assume that equal would mean I don’t know exactly in this context when the bill sponsor cannot tell you the purpose of the bill or what the bill means that is a problem I know the intention of this bill is to Target transgender siblings
Children’s other Iowans but believe me when I tell you there will be unintended consequences unless you vote no today thank you we’re going to hold off because that gets loud we’re going to hold off until that stops too Madame Chief clerk this is their warning if they continue to cheer and chant
While supporters or the pro uh individuals are speaking we will just sit here thank [Applause] you all right floor is yours thank you for allowing us to speak today my name is jod Jacqueline and I am speaking in favor of this bill I want to talk simply and straight to the point
Since 20121 we have been informed to trust the science so we should not be picking and choosing what science to trust it is a proven scientific fact that XX chromosome is for the female and XY is male therefore I fully support this Bill thank you we’ll also hold off until
She clears the room as well floor is yours my name is Caleb Elin solver and I am in opposition of this bill I actually wrote this at 2: a.m. in the morning right after sucking the boogers out of my six-month nose and offering her Tylenol because she’s
Teething hearing her cry due to her discomfort because it feels outside of her control some of you may know what that feels like to the long nights and the days to care for your child I remember being so excited for these days as my wife and I navigated through the
Scariest parts of pregnancy again some of you know what that feels like but can you imagine what feels like to go through all of that to see your child grow to love you as much as you love them and have to look them in the eyes
And tell them that people who could use their power for so much good would rather choose the destruction and delation of families in this bill you say the term equal does not mean same or value so I ask these changes being implemented are they actually to help your cons constituents combat the very
Pervasive experiences of inequality such as housing discrimination job security violence to self or others to make the world more Equitable fair and therefore just or are these changes recommended because you devalue the lives of trans and queer people and parents I’d hope that I wouldn’t have to look you in the
Eye then also my daughter and to tell her that the state that was once ahead of the game and creating equality Injustice has leaders to use their power to devalue and delegitimize in creating law and writing loving families that wipe the same boogers in Comfort the
Same teething children as you I hope I can share with my daughter who has two mothers that we have legislators that care about every single family and want to create a world where people belong or would you rather tell my child or have me tell my child that our politicians
Could care less about her V we’ll hold off until she clearers as [Applause] well sir would you turn your mic off there thank you floor is yours I’m Amber Williams I’m a mother and I’m a supporter of this bill let me start off by saying that this bill defines our most basic truth
That even our children understand I’ll give you an example in 1990 the movie Kindergarten Cop was released one of the most famous lines was said by a six-year-old boys have a penis and girls have a vagina a simple matter of AA statement of two Sexes articulated by a
Child today that truth is being Twisted by a gender ideology experiment promoted to our children children have become victims of disturbing and irresponsible treatments as misguided adults impose a confused ideology on the most innocent and vulnerable in 2021 roughly 42,000 minor ERS across the US were diagnosed with gender dysphoria nearly triple the
Number in 2017 we have to ask why we know gender ideology has been working its way into public schools for years in both curriculum and extracurricular activities on a parallel track kids have been over stimulated with gender ideology propaganda through social media influencers this indoctrination has fueled identity confusion and has
Created a crisis that ignores that two Sexes are meant by Divine Design to be different and complimentary each having equal dignity and made in the image of God this bill p p passage is urgent as new gender ideologies emerge the lies being told will impact all children that
Are developing a self-standing as a boy or a girl man or a woman a potential husband or wife father or mother a structure that our society was built on and thrives on I ask you to protect our children by passing this bill especially our girls we as women should not have to
Share our safe spaces with a man period ever this not only violates our our privacy but also places our safety at risk and equally important to stop the current efforts to redefine sex to include gender identity a movement to dissolve sex is a stable legal category these attempts would create legal chaos
And that is not a world that can Thrive thank you thank you floor is yours thank you my name is Matthew mcgyver I’m from De Mo um even in just a bit I’ve been in here I’ve heard a great deal of misinformation others can tell
You about the risk this bill May pose to trans folks or the damage this may do to Iowa families I am the father of lgbtq Youth and I’m here to tell you why it’s bad policy Iowa needs to attract and retain Talent 2third of Iowa County Count’s lost population in the last year
For which I’m aware that there are numbers we have gained National and international attention for an attempt to enshrine the debunked discredited and disgraced language of Pie versus Ferguson in Iowa law separate is not equal in the United States and it hasn’t been since Brown V board the I am an
Iowan by choice I moved my pregnant wife here in 2008 to found an organization called the de moin Social Club months later the vnum decision came down and one Iowa held its celebration at that Club it was a beautiful day I would not advise people I love to move to Iowa
Today Iowa businesses compete not just regionally not just with our neighbor States but nationally and internationally for talent overreach like this that is legislating things that government should stay out of makes it harder for our businesses to attract to people to live work and play in Iowa
Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain only if we maintain the rights of all Iowans otherwise even if you don’t care about this particular group of vulnerable Ians government overreach in future administrations and legislatures may come for people that you do care about I would urge you to protect the
Rights of all Ians to take on projects that benefit all Ians such as stopping the slide in our public education supporting our infrastructure and giving local control where local decisions and accountability can reside end the divisive copycats of other states failed policies and protect the rights of all
Ians and our competitiveness on the world stage I thank you for your time thank [Applause] you hello my name is Laura Becker and I’m here today because I was harmed by the lie that biological sex doesn’t matter when I was a child I was a tomboy having a hard time fitting in and
Struggling with depression and anxiety I was do diagnosed in the autism spectrum and experienced chronic psychological and emotional abuse from a parent these issues destroyed my self-esteem and led to constant rumination about self harm and suicide and on Laur all right floor is yours in high school I learned about
Being transgender online and in my school’s LGBT Club gender and queer ideology told me that some people’s identities in essence their gender Souls don’t match their biological sex because of the trauma I was suffering I desperately wanted to escape the pain in my body and become my highest self it
Felt like a Liberation that my biological sex didn’t matter and that I could be free from the constraints of stereotypical social norms despite being suicidal I was medically affirmed as a male prescribed testosterone to inject weakly into my thigh and approved to have my healthy breast removed being
Told that it was medically necessary to validate my confused identity regretfully none of the gender transition procedures helped my mental health in fact I was soon diagnosed as having even more PTSD from living in the delusion that I could change my biological sex I share my story because
In Iowa we have the opportunity to prevent trauma like I went through by admitting that biological sex is real and that having negative feelings about one’s body doesn’t mean that nature can be changed I’ve learned through the bitter pill of trauma that lying about gender identity damages are most
Vulnerable and that children and adults should be safeguarded from experiencing a tragedy Like Mine by passing informed laws that are based in science and not a misguided spiritual and ideological belief thank you thank you floor is yours hello my name is Annie sarone and I am the director of the quer youth
Resource Center as well as a member of the trans Community which I’m very proud of and I am a very happy living trans person here in Iowa I am asking you to vote no on this bill I’ve sat in quite a few of these meetings and watched as
Bills have been moved forward with no data to back them up I’ve watched as our state continues its hateful attack on the lgbtq plus and trans Community I am confused and frustrated why we are here discussing the concept of separate but equal and how our governor believes this
Bill is constitutional when we all know separate but equal is inherently unconstitutional this bill is nothing more than retaliation from our governor as a way to make up for the fact that hf288 pass that why because you didn’t feel the information given was enough and you knew it would do harm you knew
That people would be directly affected and you listen to the people that would be directly affected are you listening to us are you listening to them out there do you actually have the accurate information to pass this through on good conscience at the end of the day what is
The value besides harming 0.29% of Iowa state population I am asking you to vote no on this bill I’m asking you to look at me a human being someone who gives back to their Community who loves living in Iowa look at me and tell me my right
Should be separate from others that a designator marker on my birth certificate is necessary that my community deserves this harm that is being caused then look at yourselves will you be able to answer to the god you preach about to invoke my Catholic upbringing Isaiah 56 3-5 States for thus
Says the Lord to the unic who keep my sabbaths who choose the things that please me and hold fast my Covenant I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than Sons and Daughters I will give them an everlasting name that should not be cut
Off he has given me this life not you and you won’t succeed in taking it away thank you thank you floor is yours my name’s Todd ersen I could have sworn we solved all this two years ago when my daughter brought 50 of her friends down here to save girl
Sports because at the first subcommittee meeting and there’s not a person in this room and there’s not a person out there who doesn’t know what a woman is because when they got here and they saw the Optics of what a real woman looks like they went and caucused the Democrats for
Three hours to make those girls go away it was game over we all know what a woman is 1 plus 1 equals 2 but they’ve got a different math to teach we send our kids to school thinking they’re going to get an education they fertilize and water them with
Pornography with pronouns with social emotional learning and that’s how we get all this tolerance and diversity out there there was just a meta Study last week released no matter how much we butcher their bodies with surgery they’re still just as depressed they’re just still as prone to suicide when they
Get out of there and here’s aun fun fact recently Colorado Spring shooter nonbinary Nashville school shooter trans abine shooter trans Denver school shooter trans Iowa school shooter trans Lakewood Church shooter trans yet here they still are they will not pump the brakes Coast to Coast Maine California I
Believe Washington if you don’t agree with this though they’re promising you they’re going to come into your house and take your kids might I suggest that not talking about tolerance and diversity anymore with this stuff if they’re promising to take your kids when they’re going insane if the grown men are coming into
Your girls bathrooms might I suggest we’re dealing with domestic terrorism they can chant all they want a couple days ago we will not go silently we’ve come to that moment all right think about my daughter and the 50 girls who came down there and put it on
The line think of them continue what they started because whether they go silently or not we’re not the East Coast they need to go thank you thank you you want to turn your mic off or do you want to hit that thank you floor is
Yours my name is Shay Daniels I am a proud American and Iowan I was a National Merit scholar in Marian I learned about leadership from Air Force ROTC in ases and I have a degree in computer science from Iowa State I live love volunteer and Mentor here in De Mo
I contribute to Iowa technology economy and I pay taxes if you ask Governor Reynolds too much in taxes I also happen to be transgender as divisive as discussions like these can be I know we’re all here to build build the best Iowa that we can we believe in the
Promise of America our state motto lights the way but the way forward is still hard reasonable people can disagree when rights appear to be in conflict and that’s okay I also know that it’s hard to understand what it’s like to be transgender and that’s okay
Too we can get by if we listen to each other as Ians and Iowans are not the majority asking for this bill the Ians I talked to want an inclusive state that attracts the best people we can find regardless of their identity when I came out they accepted me despite their
Political party or religious beliefs and the women around me were the ones that told me that they felt safe with me that it was ridiculous that I had planned to go 18 floors down to use a gender neutral bathroom at work they told me that I was part of The Sisterhood that
Remains my highest honor I know in my brain and in my heart that I’m a woman Medical Science recognizes this fact I’m not delusional I’m not a threat to other women my identity is not a mental illness it is not something that can be erased from me through therapy or
Legislated away or even beaten out of me from being for fored to use the wrong facilities it’s integral to who I am I’m not ignoring biology I’m accepting it everything we’ve learned tells us that sex and gender is a rich tapestry that is more complicated than a few sentences
In black and white on a bill we simply don’t need this legislation it’s inaccurate reductive and does not improve the lives of Iowans there are better ways to achieve the promise of the safe and prosperous Iowa that we all want for this reason as a citizen of
This state and as someone who would be erased and endangered by this bill I must ask you to vote against it please help me stay in the state that I love thank you thank you floor is yours my name is Shelley flock art and I’m here as a woman um I do love
This bill we need to keep both men and women safe we need separate bathrooms including single ones when needed this this bill will keep women teens children safe in bathrooms locker rooms and dressing rooms in stores we also need women’s groups such as domestic abuse
Groups to remain a safe space I needed a group to be with bi biological women only years ago I was it was about 25 years ago and I was a victim of domestic abuse um we need women’s sports to remain for women only hold on yeah
Floor is yours okay we we need women’s sports to remain for women only just this morning I was at CrossFit we have women women’s prescribed we weights and men’s prescribed weights um it’s listed every single day that way and as a woman I will never lift what a man can this is
Another space where there needs to be a def defined separation we don’t want to go backward women’s rights movement was one thing but Extreme feminism has gone so far as to invite biological males in spaces um and replace women with them again erasing women we also need to keep
Men safe the me too movement was just a couple years ago keeping men safe from dangers and accusations in locker rooms or restrooms is important as well we are for women we are women or men girls or boys confusion of gender hold on for the purpose of this body we did not call
This public hearing to hear one side so when one side is speaking we’re dead silent out there when another side is speaking we’re not we have people in here that are hard of hearing we have people in here especially in this corner that cannot hear these speeches so shell
I’m going to give you your time back and we’re going to hold off until that stops I know if you’re over here you can probably hear it fine but as I said earlier we’re not going to have a heckler’s Vil I’ve had texts come in I’ve seen different faces and different
Things we have to be able to hear people even if we disagree with them so for this time we’re going to hold off a second and shelle I would like you to start over when we get back to that completely over your call okay floor is yours
All right I’m going to start partway through we don’t want to go backward women’s rights movement was one thing but Extreme feminism has come gone so far as to invite biological males in and place them at the top instead of women again erasing women we also need to keep
Men safe the met too movement was only a few years ago keeping men safe from dangers or accusations in a locker room a restroom is important for men too lastly there was a group here last week trying to silence me and Us by screaming over what we were trying to say during
The time we spoke that’s what happened to women years ago or you know men too um we have the right to have a voice as well now there are biological men wanting to take it away again thank you for this Bill thank you for the truth and thank you for keeping us safe Okay I think we’re good floor is yours thank you so much I am Amy wi andall I am an Iowan I am a transwoman I am a member of the hawaa city council and I rise in Fierce opposition to this bill as all Americans should no one should have to
Come to the capital week after week after week to basically protest for their basic human rights and make no mistake this bill is a repeal of civil rights it is a full frontal assault on the Civil Rights Act it is the first effort by a state government to rein
Reinstitute separate but equal since the 1960s and it is the most Brazen effort by our governor to erase trans and clear people from Iowa I rise in fierce opposition to this bill and demand the government start telling the truth because in the 17 years since gender identity was added to the Civil Rights
Act there has not been one instance of a trans person gaining access to women’s spaces or men pretending to be Trans in order to harass and assault women I would ask that our governor stop gaslighting iin she would admit that she would admit that she is harming women
And attacking their rights she has deprived women of the state to their right to their bod autonomy by seeking a ban on abortion such actions make pregnancy much more dangerous deprives this state of OBGYN providers and creates maternity Health Care deserts I rise in Fierce opposition to this bill
To speak for the hundreds of trans and queer people throughout the state who cannot be here today we are tired of having to see queer youth afraid to go to school because this government has made it a hostile place we are tired of having to watch our friends and family
Move out of state because the place they call home is no longer safe and we are tired of being targets of conniving politicians who attack our Humanity sland our dignity just to score cheap political points and fundra off of their failure of governance queer and trans people have had enough we are human
Beings we are American citizens we are Ians and we do not deserve the abuse we’re getting from our government We rise in United opposition to this bill it is a front to our values and the words written on our flag our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain
Reject this Bill thank you floor is yours hello I’m Courtney clier I’m here in support of this bill the most Supreme and loving being in the universe Almighty and Sovereign God created each of us in this room today he created US male and female with order purpose and
Truthful design for Life the author of confusion deception and death sat the devil deceives people into believing lies about who they are resulting in their suffering Isaiah 5:20 through 21 says woe to those who call evil good and good evil who put Darkness for light and light for Darkness who put bitter for
Sweet and Sweet for bitter woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight that’s what we are here to discuss today telling each other the truth the idea that some believing they are wise in their own eyes are attempting to change the
Meaning of words this legislation is simple truth it’s based on common sense and basic biology you cannot arbitrarily change the meaning of a word to suit Your Personal Agenda or belief people can however choose to live delusion or confusion in their own life and home but
The rest of us should not be forced to join them I am a woman an adult female human I am also a mother I have ovaries and a uterus that for nine months developed three humans and birthed them out of my vagina after laboring for
Hours no man a person with a penis and testicles who changes their pronouns name or takes hormone blockers and puts on makeup in women’s clothing can do that it is truly ridiculous that we need to codify the definitions in this bill and legislate to keep humans with
Penises and testicles also known as boys and men out of our designated for women spaces however here we are because the privacy and safety of girls and women are being disregarded and threatened biological females are being erased and replaced by this nonsensical social engineering Trend which is orchestrated
By the Devil Himself please pass this bill to protect the actual biological girls women and mothers in Iowa thank you thank you we’re not changing floor is yours thank you Keenan Crow One Iowa uh there are a million things to say about this legislation but unfortunately I can’t
Say any of them with absolute Clarity because this legislation is not written for Iowa it is National legislation ported to Iowa without any regard to existing Iowa law and what that means is as previous speakers have mentioned we are looking at a nearly innumerable number of unintended consequences in our
Future now there may be those of you in this room or watching at home who think that this is a very simple Bill indeed we have heard legislators say this over and over again but I will warn you right now that the statutory construction section of the code is a very dangerous
Area of code to mess around in these are definitions that will apply and indeed override definitions in other statutes that already exist the word mother itself is mentioned 325 times in Iowa Code are you confident have you gone through each of these statutes to ensure that you haven’t created any unintended consequences
There because I’m not what about adopted mothers whose biological systems ultimately didn’t develop to produce OVA because of a condition like like PCOS do they no longer deserve the same legal protections and processes simply because they don’t meet the narrowly constructed definition because that is ultimately what is going to happen you
Will pass this and tell yourselves that it’s all very simple and then Iowans will suffer for something that sounds good but ultimately does not work the fact of the matter is this is not a simple bill it’s an incredibly complex bill and the way it shoes horns itself
Into Iowa Code makes it even more difficult to understand what will ultimately happen it may make for good headlines and good postcards but it does not make for good law so I will leave you with this if this is indeed a woman’s Bill of Rights why is the League
Of Women Voters registered against it and if this is supposed to protect women and Rape Crisis and domestic violence shelters why are the organizations who are the experts in this field registered against it as well it’s because the bill doesn’t do anything that it reports to do and it certainly does not protect
Women thank you uh my name’s Josh Briggs hold on o [Applause] sorry floor is yours perfect thank you my name is Josh Briggs um I’m not with an organization I am talking uh in support of this bill um when I’m getting to know somebody at some point in the
Conversation and an EV an evitably turns towards family I’ll get asked do you have any kids to which I respond yes my wife and I have four little little kids they’ll respond how many and I’ll say four and they’ll ask you know the next question will be boys or girls
And I’ll say I have four girls without question every time I say that to somebody their mouth widens a little bit and their eyes open and they’re like wow four girls you’re gonna have fun teenage years without question no matter who it is why do they do that because there is
A distinct difference that everybody in this room knows between boys and girls it’s the universal understanding of that uniqueness of course I’ll have the rare opportunity where I’ll meet somebody with three or four girls and their response is always you better have enough tows and if you have a lot of
Girls like me you’ll understand that there are never clean towels in our house I find it ridiculous that we’re sitting here having this conversation yeah here we are because our society is so painfully fragmented and like the schoolyard bully that forces someone to participate or stay quiet the activists
Outside of this room have forced the need for this legislation through their totalitarian tactics much as they’ve done throughout Academia and research especially in the field of social sciences it does not take a biologist to understand that males and females are different not just in sexual organs but
Size shape respiratory system skin hair nervous system brain sensory and immune systems tissues the science is extremely clear and quite deep females have XX chromosomes and create eggs males have XY and create sperm and when you put the two together you maintain the human species by creating life in fact if you
Look at atmology of the word gender it starts with j or the Greek word genis which means that which produces endure which is short for d derivation or derivative the process for creating so the basis of gender and all actuality is about creating life at the end of the day sir thank
You Flor is yours okay thank you very much thank you for the opportunity um to speak to your committee my name is Wendy abrahamson and I’m an Episcopal priest and I represent the Episcopal dasis of Iowa uh we are declared in opposition to this bill and I have a statement from
Our Bishop uh the right Reverend Betsy Monet um explaining the Theology and spirituality of of why we stand where we do I comment as the bishop of the Episcopal dasis of Iowa a faith leader in this state I oppose this bill in no uncertain terms this legislation is an
Unscientific and in inhumane attempt to punish transgender interex and gender non binary people for wanting to live the lives that God created them to live every human being is created in the image of God and deserves to be treated with the dignity and respect that is due
To God’s image this law would create a second class of humanity and even acknowledges that in the statement on line 16 separate accommodations are not inherently unequal which would be unnecessary to include in the law if it were actually true history and settled law tells us that there is no such thing
As separate but equal and it is astonishing that this legislation would attempt to change that this law also lacks any background in the current scientific understanding of gender gender identity and gender expression which shows us that there’s no true binary in biological sex despite the attempt this law makes to Define it that
Way as a Christian leader I urge you to defeat this legislation in the name of the God who created all humanity and loves each individual uniquely including our transgender intersex and non-binary siblings thank you thank You thank you for inviting me hold on hold on hold on they’re gonna do a switch Good floor is yours thank you for inviting me Kelly kooch Bachelor of Science degree University of Iowa College of Nursing master of science degree Rush Unity University Chicago former director of the mercy heart and kidney Oran transplant Program for right for for for all right Kelly I know you really really want to speak and I know we got others so get really loud into the mic thank you I want to take you inside of a issue and I mean literally uh former director of the organ transplant programs at
Mercy Hospital inside a body cavity Hearts kidney lung liver pancreas uh skin eyes the transplant centers across the country must match organs to viable and needy P needy patients so if you take a transgender situation where a male wants to be a female you remove the penis testicles you implant breasts you give
Hormone IV orally over a period of time and they come back to a medical center and are tested for a transplant their chromosomes do not change it’s female and male you can do any sort of anatomical surgery as well as cosmetic their bone shape is different the pelvic Canal is
Different their brain size is different mandible dentition and even organ cavity pancreas liver hearts are usually larger for male although training as an athlete you can compensate that so no matter what happens to a patient and the extreme is an organ transplant they’ll come come back to the medical centers
Worldwide and do a chromosomal panel and there still is xx and XY and that cannot be changed one woman and one man and that’s all the genders that there are thank you thank you all right floor is yours hello my name is Barry Stevens I’m 13 years old
And my pronouns are are they them as a gender fluid teenager this law attempts to write me out of existence by twisting the meanings of gender and sex into one concept you’re intentionally hurting me my friends and my family boohoo for you though I am not and I will not go away
Because you seem to need a reminder gender is how we present ourselves to the world and sex is based on anatomical genetic and chromosomal details you can know my gender based on how I present and introduce myself how ever you can’t know my sex without access to my medical
Records genetic testing or you being a creep you could you could be solving real problems but instead you’ve been hyper fixated on gender and sex not keeping anyone safer but actively endangering lgbtq Ians I deserve to thrive here not just survive I’m counting on you to do your job and
Protect all the people of Iowa vote no and tell your colleagues to do the same thank you can you state your name again for us Barry Stevens thank you you are the last two the floor is yours talk loud into the mic get up close to
It thank you so much my name is JN Jones I am from Lyn County I’m a huge proponent to this bill we hear today they feel like a woman so that means they must transition for some this means to socially affirm through the use of pronouns hormone therapy and for others
This means surgically removing or constructing genitalia this is harmful damaging and irreversible when presented to a child as an option as a way out of of normal of the normal awkward stage in everyone’s life who wouldn’t take it children as young as 13 are making life decisions they will never be able to
Reverse and they end taking their life but truthfully their life was taken from the moment they joined the cult to be a woman is not to just look like a woman or act like a woman when you dress like a woman aren’t you stating how a woman dresses and
Acts when you curl your hair wear makeup and put on nylons or wear a bra you are stating that these are feminine characteristics that define a woman if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck right wrong this does not apply to to today’s
Philosophy in defining what a woman is a woman is an adult human female though we are called complicated individuals it really is simple to Define our biological makeup let’s talk about feelings does a male who identify as a woman physically feel menstrual cramps or experience tender or painful breasts
That that happens at that time of year during their menstrual cycle or that time of month can can that same male exper a cycle with a surgically constructed vagina the answer is no I find it insulting that we have legislators Schoolboard members and others in the position of authority that
Find it challenging to Define what a female is that’s unacceptable you’re supposed to be standing in truth ask anybody who initially bought into this lie of of transitioning their gender thank you thank you just stay here we’re going to have uh well don’t have your name on there floor is
Yours thank you so much Representatives my name is Becky Taylor I’m the executive director of Iowa safe schools we were founded in 2002 and serve lgbtq students and their allies in all of Iowa’s 99 counties uh if the intent of this legislation was to showcase the governor’s lack of knowledge on basic
Civil rights in this country I applaud her very much Brown versus Board of Education for those of us that did graduate 8th grade civics found that having separate but supposedly quote equal facilities was inherently unequitable and actually illegal if the term equal does not mean same or
Identical as this bill states can anyone in this room championing this bill clarify for me what the term equal means I guess I’m not quite sure what problem this bill is seeking to resolve in attempting to Define sex the bill language actually ignores basic biology it outright ignores our intersex Ians
That live here people who are born with a combination of physically male and female reproductive organs hormone patterns biological patterns Etc which restrooms would the governor ask that these individuals use if this bill passes these are all questions that I would welcome answers to um I think it’s
Really important to remember that since 2007 we have had equal facility access for all Ians and in this time not once has there been an accusation of criminal conduct due to this accommodation not in a restroom not in a locker room or in a school if this is still a concern I am
Happy to inform the folks in this hearing as well as those watching online that it is in fact already illegal for anyone to enter a facility with the intent to harass harm or invade the personal privacy of another Ian uh it’s really a shame that we have
To thank you so much thank you to everybody for coming out tonight uh shameful we weren’t able to get through more but that will conclude this public hearing thank you today we seize the day because a US Cellular you can get an epic Samsung Galaxy s24 with Galaxy AI even me look
Under your chair that’s right get the Samsung Galaxy s24 on US US Cellular today we got former Hawkeye running back lesea Daniels with us we’re going to break down what we heard from Tim Lester lesa’s thoughts on it and fixing this Iowa offense Plus on the eve
Of the Super Bowl we break it down all today lock on hawy you are locked on Hawkeyes your daily podcast on the Iowa Hawkeyes part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Applause] Day hey welcome in I’m Trent condid he’s Lesean Daniels and this is the locked on Hawkeyes podcast thanks for making locked on Hawkeyes your first listen every day we’re available wherever you find podcasts and you can also find us on YouTube while you’re there hit the Subscribe button helps us get in front
Of more Hawkeye fans today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more new customers join today you’ll get $200 in bonus bets if your first bet a $5 or more wins visit lockon to get started Lan good to see you again here a day earlier than our
Normal Friday but going to have a recap episode for tomorrow with the double header of basketball on the horizon with Penn State on both the men’s and the women’s side so thought we’d do this a day early and a little bit closer to what we heard from Tim Lester uh in the
Press conference earlier this week Seth Wallace also named assistant head coach and we’ll talk about that a little bit as well but good to see you and on the Eve here as we get ready right around the corner Super Bowl 58 so lot to talk about how you doing yeah doing great
Doing great uh you know excited to be on the Pod again this week and uh you know was super encouraged by some of the things that I heard from uh Tim Lester and Coach fence this week so uh super excited to dive into that and and talk
About that a little bit well let’s get right into it and talk about Tim Lester we had our thoughts a week ago about it um for everyday listeners here of the podcast I think they know my initial uh thoughts I thought it was uninspiring kind of a boring hire more more vanilla
Here we go uh Kirk with his love of ice cream there’s a little more vanilla down your throat and that’s all we are going to get and I started to warm up a little bit you know the deeper you dive into it after you look back and really the
Details of you know the Syracuse experience and how bad it was well there were some major reasons for that the time at Western Michigan how it ended and the Deep deeper that I dove the more excited I got but then hearing him I I don’t know if it was a complete 180 from
Where I was initially but he won the press conference for me I thought he was outstanding he said the things that he needed to now that’s just that it’s just talking and until we see it on the field that’s a completely different aspect but I really thought he knocked it out of
The park I I think he talked to the fan base you can tell he’s G been a guy as a former head coach that’s done a lot of media he was comfortable there were some fun moments some goofiness that’s kind of in there too overall I was really
Impressed after finally getting to hear from Tim Lester yeah for sure uh I would agree with with all that I mean he said a bunch of things things that if you’re just a fan of the Hawks like that like things that you want to be able to hear
And he talked about um you know the ability of being able to create explosive plays um being efficient from the quarterback position um and as well as developing um route combinations and Route Concepts uh based on how defenses play um the offense so like those are
Some some things that you know you want to hear a lot of it because again over you know especially over the past last few years offensively we haven’t been as explosive as really as we need to be um passing game has been very very uninspiring um to say the least so to
Hear that coming in from uh your new OC I think is uh super super encouraging but another thing that I personally really like is the fact that he talked about um The Run game and how being really really good in the Run game is what’s going to help move the offense
Forward and I know I talk touched on this a little bit last week but uh the place is that uh some Lester is coach especially at his time as Western Michigan um when it came to their offense running the football was a big part of what they did and what they did
Extremely well and uh Tim ler talked about that quite a bit and he then he expanded on that and said the better that they’re able to run the football right it opens up a lot more things in the passing game it opens up a lot more
Opportunities for them to be able to do do what you want to do and the fact that they ran a bunch of 12 Personnel at uh Western Michigan and we’ve got the tight ends to run a bunch of 12 Personnel here at Iowa I think the the marriage
Currently I mean it makes makes a ton of sense you kind of see why um coach farence uh ended up choosing Tim Lester to be the OC just because when you when you listen to him speak you’re like okay this is matching a lot of things that we
Like to hear typically from coach fence and it also helps bring us into more of the Year 2024 uh when it comes to offensive football so I know hey we’re it’s early you haven’t even seen really what it’s gonna look like um on the Iowa offense right we probably obvious get that first
Look um and Spring ball uh you know about a month and a half but uh for the most part I think it’s very very encouraging to some of the things that we’ve heard from uh Tim Lester this week when it comes to bringing in his own style of offense and Mar mirroring it
With what Iowa has done in the past and some of the things that Iowa does best you were involved early on obviously Greg Davis coming in and taking over the coordinator it was a rough start to things but it certainly got very better and you guys had some prolific offenses
There certainly for Iowa standards certainly in 20145 those years were some really good numbers overall uh but it took a while to get there does it feel like like at least on the surface that this marriage and this melding with a very veteran team and a very veteran offense where
You have an offensive line with 160 plus starts uh in their Collegiate careers in you’re starting five you have a quarterback that’s played a lot of games now injuries is a different conversation a running back room that we talk about a ton tight ends the question remains wide
Receiver but being a veteran group like they are and an offensive line that has a lot of starts there does that make it how much easier does that make it I guess I should say being able to do that and do that with the veteran group you
Know I think it makes it uh a lot easier I mean you think about uh those guys they played a lot of football they’ve seen a lot of uh different things that defenses have thrown at them obiously they’ve un installed uh you know their own offense million ton of times because
You always obviously always install new things every single year and a bunch of these guys on offense even though it hasn’t been great these guys have played um football against some really really good football teams it’s not like um you know coming in from when when Davis took
Over and it wasn’t a very uh that first year wasn’t wasn’t great and you know it wasn’t like uh Iowa was in you know Big 10 title games at that point in time um anyway so like these this team that you’re bringing that you’re coming in to
Take over now right they’ve been to a big 10 title uh championship game uh multiple times over the past two years and you’ve got a ton of experience on that offense with guys that have played a a lot of snaps and I’ve seen a lot of
Snaps so I think when you’re bringing in uh a new offensive coordinator who’s trying to install some uh new system I think having a lot of Veteran guys that have been around a lot of football that their football just knowledge is just at a high has a has at a higher base than
You know some of your younger players it’s going to make it that much easier to install an offense because you can make uh similarities to you know maybe your previous system um you’re going to start mirroring a a little bit of the language and things are going to start
Are going to be a lot more familiar for those veteran players to to go ahead and to adjust to um whereas if you’ve got a young team you got guys that haven’t played a ton of football like it’s it’s already difficult enough to to move on
From your high school uh offense to you know a college offense and then to you know go and switch that like you know a year after you you’ve been in the system I mean it’s definitely tough but when you have guys that have played a lot of
Football that you know are in their uh you know third fourth fifth years uh even six years right at the uh at in cols football it’s going to make installing that system so much easier and you don’t necessarily have to hold uh your offense’s hand uh your players
Hands because again they’ve seen a lot of football they’re going to be able to understand the concepts and the things that you’re trying to do um without you know making them all conf used and having them play at a slower Tempo than maybe they would if uh you know they
Were young our players so we heard not only from Tim Lester we heard from Kirk faren some thoughts on that also from Seth Wallace the new assistant head coach will get lesa’s take on that plus quarterback play Kate mamera injuries aside we certainly know the importance
There IA ask a lot of their quarterback I want to talk to lesan a little bit about that and perhaps simplifying the offense what a step forward that can mean for the quarterback position at the UN University of Iowa we’ll do that as we continue lock on Hawkeyes Red Bull gives you wings happy s Super Bowl to all who celebrate from FanDuel it’s America’s number one sports book if you’re like me Super Bowl Sunday it’s all about getting that best spot on the couch grabbing your favorite football snacks and placing some super bets and tell you
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Lockdown hawyes thanks for making lockdown Hawkeyes your first listen every day your team every day that’s what we do here across the lockdown network lesea uh starting with quarterback and I don’t know how many times and and really this is not just a bran fence thing or Greg Davis thing or
Ken Keef thing has been during the 25 years of Kirk fence well it takes a long time to learn the offense and certainly for the quarterback why does it take such a long time to figure out this offense why is it that it feels like you
Have to have a master class in order to to do it what makes certainly quarterback play and just overall the difficult the offense in the past so difficult to pick up right away yeah I think um biggest piece of that is so at Iowa the quarterback is responsible for basically everything so
In addition to you know getting the play calls in and whatnot they also have to go up and they have to identify protection changes identify um who the Mike linebacker Is On Any Given defensive formation that we’re going against um because the again the quarterback is the one that points it
Out there’s other teams where the line points it out they make those uh uh decisions and whatnot and so the quarterback can just focus on uh you know the coverage that you’re seeing and what not but when you add everything of all that piece of the puzzle like this
Just a lot of lot to think about in you know a 40c play clock I mean you get the play in break the huddle at you know 17 15 seconds left on the play clock you get up to the line scrimmage everyone gets lined up okay you see how they’re
Lined up initially you make that uh uh protection changes if needed or you identify uh like linebacker to where you maybe the line is sliding or where we’re working too in the Run game because it’s they still do that in the Run game as well and then now you’re okay check back
Up you have the play clock we’re down to three seconds okay we got to hurry up we got to snap the ball and you know go from there so like right it’s just a lot to think about um whereas hey you in other other places or if you run like an
Air Raid Offense hey you just run out there you get lined up uh line identifies who they’re who they’re sliding to and then you know you go ahead and you SN the ball and you’re off and run it so when you add all that stuff on the quarterback’s play I think
It makes it a little bit a little bit more difficult for for them to get accustomed to it um so I think that’s some of the the part that can make it a little bit more difficult because again when you add that piece to it and now
When you’re calling a pass plays and you’re telling your quarterbacks hey now we you got to make sure that we’re protecting the football um hey you haven’t had it you haven’t had the opportunity to get a good look at the defense and you don’t want to uh turn
The ball over you don’t want to Fumble it because again you don’t want to get pulled out of the game or anything like that so um it can make it it can add a lot of stress to the offensive side of the ball and when you’re not running the
Football well and you’re stuck in those third and medium and third and long situations where uh the defensive line can obviously just just tee off on the offensive line and so that internal clock is ticking a a lot faster you now you’re trying to get the ball out uh it
Can it can make it an extremely difficult situation for for quarterbacks so I think uh that is is part of it and then when you and then I haven’t even talked about you know the audibles and the checks that you have on uh on and um
When you add that piece into it and you’re always talking and Co always talks about um the quarterbacks you know getting us in the right play um making sure that we don’t make take a bad play worse and things of that like it’s just it’s just a lot to think about for for
The quarterbacks and I feel like that’s why it takes a ton of time for the quarterbacks at IA to really really get up to speed because they have to be able to do all that and then on top of that coach par has to trust them I mean of
The day I mean go fence has to be the one to to trust the guys that are that are out there that he’s going to go out there and he’s going to execute as as needed that’s why the P why I know um the past year for for us was just so
Frustrating um for for fans just watching um you know the offense because it was just a bunch of stuff that we weren’t accustomed to even UM quarterback play hasn’t been you know as great as uh we liked it to been just this past year when it came to turnovers
And being in bad plays was just something that we just really weren’t used to seeing so I think that was uh pretty frustrating part of the past season but overall that’s why it’s difficult when it comes to the quarterback position um and being inserted into that uh at Iowa whereas
Running backs hey I mean for the most part hey you you your tell telling you what hole to go to uh you know pass pass protection is a little bit more difficult but I mean you start to understand it pretty quickly uh so yeah it’s definitely a lot easier to be
Plugged in as a running back than it is as a quarterback at I that makes a lot of sense and and really good breakdown of kind of what makes it so important for the quarterback and why we hear that going back in the difficult nature of picking things up you know there’s
Another aspect that very well could be coming it happened in a number of Bull games this year and that was the communication aspect that we’ve seen for what almost 30 years now in the NFL where the OC or the head coach can talk to the quarterback until there’s 15 on
The play clock they did it uh everything that I read from every team that was involved in that absolutely loved it and having that ability coupled with Tim Lester not on the field but up in the booth as an OC something that I think everyone should unfortunately uh the old
OC was not able to do that after his tie rate up in the Press Box in his first year as the OC and had to go down to the field that aside having your offensive coordinator up there being able to see all those things well Sean you definitely know the difference there uh
That’s got to be a huge aspect I know there’s play callers head coaches that are play callers that have to do it on the field but that eye in the sky being either an offensive coordinator or being the offensive coach that’s up there reeling how important is that and being
Able to see kind of the whole field and and how much easier is it to do it upstairs as opposed to down on the field yeah I think it makes it easier because I can as an offensive coordinator I can now make the adjustments on the fly all
Right I don’t as because again it’s the offensive coordinator it’s my offense right we’re running on the things that I want to run and if I’m on the field yeah I can see a little bit but I’m basically relying on whoever happens to be in the Box whether it’s a uh you know
Offensive analyst another offensive coach wherever um that happens to be up there uh to essentially relay what they’re seeing down to me right make it a little bit more more challenging to make those adjustments on the Fly because again uh they’re going to be changing how uh they operate after those
The scripted ples and I think we saw that I think it really reared its head quite a bit this past season like hey our scripted plays we come out we’re looking extremely well we start off you know extremely well in offensive side of football but then as the game moved
Along um it felt like the defenses adjusted very very quickly and then we didn’t have a plan for it and I think part of that is just because again you’re relying on someone else up there in the Box to relo relay those those changes and adjustments um you know to
You down on the field versus being offensive coordinator in the box and and making those those changes and as I understand like being on the sideline is definitely it’s nice and and fun to be able to do that um I think it it presents uh additional like a challenge
For your your offensive coordinator being being down on the field to be able to make those adjustments so that’s why I like the idea of having the offensive coordinator in the booth and then if you add in the part where now like you have the communications and the helmets now
You don’t even have to go through the middleman of the quarterbacks and you know maybe a receiver coach on the sideline do it signals to your to your quarterback now hey you you see what they do you see wherever whatever the situation is whatever the down in
Distance uh all right you the offensive coordinators up there uh in the booth they see maybe how they reacted maybe the last play or maybe the last previous drive to that certain situation okay now I can make this quick change and I can get the play down to my quarterback
Quickly I can get us to the line of scrimmage quickly now I allow the quarterback to have more time to again do those things that I had just mentioned a few few minutes ago I can ID uh you know uh the blitzes that the defense is showing I have time to look
At maybe how the safeties are rotating in in the defense and now I can figure out okay where I want to go with the football so uh having your offensive coordinator in the Press Box is I think is something that should be done because again it it it makes it so much easier
For that offensive coordinator to make those ingame adjustments and Drive by Drive adjust adjustments versus all right now you kind of have to wait to get into the locker room at halftime to really have that more of an in-depth uh discussion to look at you know maybe how
The defense was was adjusting so lesea uh one final thing hearing from Kirk uh said he’s open to change I thought that was a big takeaway there but Seth wellis becoming the assistant head coach and um I don’t know what that entails it doesn’t feel like they
Exactly know what it entails I mean there’s some easy things you know Kirk he’s being pulled a different bunch of different directions and we know that from just everything happening in college athletics there’s a lot on the plate of the CEO and kind of simplifying
Things there do you read it as this is Kirk saying when my retirement comes this is my number one choice do can you read it that way or is it just that a new title for a guy that deserves it Seth walls has had a lot of opportunities Illinois come after him
Minnesota’s come after him Northwestern come after him to be an off a defensive coordinator is it just that hey a guy that we need to keep around and we got to find a way to make that happen yeah I think it’s potentially a little bit of both uh
I think it’s definitely potentially a little bit of both um yeah I mean coach Wallace definitely deserves the all of promotions um because again phenomenal coach has been um has done an extremely good job since he’s he’s been in Iowa I mean hey he was he was there when when I
Was there uh obviously giving the running backs crap all the time because you know linebacker coaches right I mean you’re those guys are always we’re always going butt and heads so it always made sense but I mean he’s done a phenomenal job as essentially basically being uh you know coach Parker’s
Right-hand man when it comes to to to that defense and uh I think knowing that he has had a ton of opportunities to go elsewhere I mean all the defensive coaches has but um I think with um just that his football smarts and his ability
As a coach and the way that he’s really helped uh solidify that that linebacker group year after year and have been playing at a high level um it it makes total sense why he got the got the promotions and um all the all the races
Now when it comes to post coach fence I don’t know I don’t know how uh you know those those talks went I mean maybe it was something like hey like if you know that time comes right like you would be the person right to you’d basically have
The first maybe the first crack at you know the interviews and and whatnot basically be that being a position to essentially be be handed off uh you know that head coaching job maybe almost like how you know State a few years back when aray retired right they kind of just
Handed it off to Ryan day um you know maybe in a situation like that but you never you never really know what uh was in their mind and who knows I could just be you know talking just to talk at this point but uh I definitely think it is
Significant that they did that because I feel like that’s something that they it hasn’t been something that they’ve done and so I think it was extremely unique to go ahead and you know make that announcement and especially adding that that title and it’s not something um I
Think that we should just be like rushing aside but I still think that ao’s parents loves coaching loves football and I don’t anticipating him uh you know going away at least not this after this season but you know you never know kind of what is going to the minds
Of coach ference and uh the new so final thing on this front and it pertains to Lavar Woods who was was uh interviewed for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers special teams job he did not get the job and went to somebody else but the importance of somebody like Lavar now Lavar was not
The Special Teams coordinator when you were there that was Chris White but he has obviously elevated things and uh just how good they are in returns in coverage units and this a guy I kind of stumbled across this thought the other day there’s probably not a coach that
Deals with more people on the football roster than your special teams coordinator because you need a bunch of different parts right so he’s dealing with young guys early in their career those kind of things just the importance of Lavar and your special teams coordinator because he’s working what
Short of quarterbacks pretty much with everybody yeah um yeah I mean there’s it’s interesting that you know special teams coaches don’t get more head coaching jobs I mean I get why they don’t but it’s just interesting because again these guys when it comes to being a head coach a lot of times especially
If you hire really good coordinators a lot of times it’s you basically essentially being being a CEO and making helping uh everyone else your other assistant coaches be do the best jobs that they that they can putting them in uh positions to succeed and then as a special teams coach you’re gonna you’re
In tune with basically every single situation that pops up during the game because again you got to have the Special Teams units ready um at any given time um whether it’s you know end a half situations you know I see you have your your third down situations you
Have your end game situations you know things like that like like as a special team coach you’re going to be in tune with with all of that so you’re going to have an idea of like okay these are these are the areas that we have success in and and