You You [Applause] I get to work hey everyone on the Facebook world we are back for another special edition this is our second MLK special edition produced from out from among them ministered shout out to all of our family that is tuning in and even those that are not a part of our
Ministry that’s coming and we still appreciate y’all on this MLK Day we are here to have a special position and talk on this MLK Day with four or three of my other brothers that are actually here right now that are going to be sharing their testimony in organizations that
You’ve all come out on for this year we are diving into a ton of topics for men in reference to secret societies and also are sharing a post sea and also why knowing about these organizations and about DC or whether you were in it or whether you are looking to get into it
Are we’re going to be diving into all the subjects and all the questions that you’ve been thinking about so that you can shed some light on the topics of discussion and so without further ado I’m human smart riffle I’m the host for this evening but these other three gentlemen are dynamic speakers dynamic
Things and their own white we all come from different upbringing and also also different families but we’re here to give God a jewelry to shed some light on some topics that make yeah they may feel like they’re superior may feel that they are not open to the public so we are
Going to be setting some light on all of the topics of discussion so before we start the introductions really quick I just want to make sure that will first go clear this is being of use that the stairs you apéritif educational component all of us again are speaking
On behalf of ourselves and so we do want to make sure they’re representing from happiness disclaimer that’s fair use and so you will be again sharing our opinions and also our own personal beliefs in reference to this topic of discussion of us coming out there secret society and specifically of eternity and
So this is the disclaimer that Google for educational purposes only so without further ado about the frame-up rubbing back into treat their introduction we’ll have a mr. William Augustus Griffin sir you can introduce yourself really quick to those that are tuning in this evening broked Kachin so once again names
William Gus’s Griffin happily joining in from Kansas City Missouri that’s right how about them Chiefs and so I went to the University of Pittsburgh I joined out of there and brother Ken Brown rockin with us to share his testimony coming on I want to say correct me if I’m wrong for the first
Time after sharing your testimony live they coming out of alpha bland and so ago that you introduce yourself brother to those that are later for yes sir good afternoon kings and queens this is embrowned I’m Lara absolutely tell us tell us um where did you cross that Ken
And also tell us a little bit about the university that I crossed spring 2011 at Northwestern State University predominantly PWI campus but was very heavily populated with black Greeks on the yard we salute you bro for being able to come on and share your testimony this evening we want to make sure that
We are having the soundcheck so I thank you lorena for telling us we did a schematic coming in i want to say welcome Justin but we’re gonna keep pushing through again we are here for another MLK special edition part two and we’ve actually done this segment before
Last year from out from among the ministries which will have someone in the comment thread if you can drop the link or from our ministry in the comments thread for those that are tuning in and following us for the first time we appreciate y’all we are all three and all four soon-to-be Justin
When he comes back X members of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity incorporated and so we are going to be speaking from the perspective of being on the outside we were once of course inside of the organization as fraternity brothers I have different campuses and also at different locations respectively but we
Are going to be shedding light on very hot topics that come in not just black culture but also and greet them and also just at the college and universities period and so we’re gonna be diving in shortly both well we’ll kick back off and starting this off we appreciate the
Questions you can feel free to list any questions that you have during Q&A that will be getting started within a second because we’ll try to answer as many as we can throughout the evening and so I’m Julian small rupal literally both the hosting and also admin moderating this session but I
Crossed in spring on 2009 at Kennesaw State University originally from Oakland California but I’m right now residing in Atlanta Georgia so we appreciate those who are representing from the south or the west coast of north or whether they even overseas tuning in to watch us this evening we have briefed their jaw
Rocking with us and so we’ll let well that will if it’s okay just so we give Justin a little bit of time to come back on will you tell us a little bit about your testimony bro give us a breakdown of how you came to even make the
Decision to come out of output and what was the reasoning behind that absolutely great great introduction I just want to say simply put I had to weigh my life right so as I continue to pursue the Lord as I continue to read the Bible for myself as I continue to walk and
Fellowship with other believers there’s a you know and Catina is walking the Holy Spirit there’s a condition that came over me when it came to weighing my life and one of the things that I had to wait was just idolatry and I think for me the biggest area of idolatry was
Greek life it was you know my pretty much primary identity where Jesus Christ should have been alright um there’s so much more to that but long story short if you look at my life I think people would have recognized me for being an alpha first versus being a Christian
First or believer and you know I made more disciples then I should make more disciples and I did neophytes right so at every point you know um you can say that all of my stock all of my pride all of my attention was in Greek life was an
Alpha and I knew that was a dollar I knew that something had to confess and repent of and after searching the scriptures and after you know really weighing my life I decided that for me the most personalized and most responsible thing for me to do is to denounce as a our
Display of repenting of the idolatry about her in my life absolutely absolutely man and we appreciate you will Sharon of course your testimony for those that may have missed will from last year on the same date myself will and Justin oh actually here on sharing each other’s testimonies from coming out
Of out the land and literally will is as you heard him say uh he’s a father and also a husband and he’s been able to again see why he should be on the other side and not being a part of before some of these secret societies and also our
KOAT organizations and so tonight for those that are just tuning in we’re going to be touching on a lot of heavy subjects on what you need to be aware of and also shedding light on certain things that may have seen a secret or dark we’re going to be shedding light
The true light of Yahshua HaMashiach our Lord and Savior who is given us the the glasses and the eyes to see and taking the scales off our eyes to really do our research and really dig deep into what the Word of God says about being a part
Of secret societies and also any occult groups for those that don’t know Alpha Phi Alpha was the first National pan-hellenic organization that was started December 4th 1906 at Cornell University Alpha Phi Alpha was also founded under being in a freemason Prince Hall Freemason Hall aware of the
Seven jewels which were the founders of Alpha Phi Alpha pledged themselves to start Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity incorporated at Cornell University and so we’re going to be making some deep connections to how Freemasonry is synonymous with Alpha and so basically you’ll be sealing for yourself to do your own research and whether you’ve
Researched Freemasonry or not five or six I want to say it’s five for sure out of the seven jewels who are the founders of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity incorporated wear themselves Prince Hall freemasons and so if you’ve ever heard of the term Mason’s or Freemasons or Eastern Stars we’re going
To be diving into a lot of those connection points to National pan-hellenic Greeks which are basically black Greek letter organizations and we’re gonna be making some connection points for you all that may or may not have known some of these these troops or that we’ll be sharing and so without
Further ado can one of one of our youngest kings that’s on the segment this evening that is going to be definitely blazing the trail with us this year or without from among the ministries ken can you share a little bit about your testimony bro like how did you get
To the point of coming out of alpha LED yeah so just a little bit of history I was the first generation college board so I went to new campus completely by myself I got into some organizations on my own that were service oriented and out of those meetings in those different
Service organizations I started seeing Greeks during the work promoting scholarship promoting Brotherhood and sisterhood through these events and it was my first time that I had exposure to seeing Greek life and I found myself in alignment with the goals that I thought were of the organization and also built
Rapport with many of the Greek members and decided that I would move forward with actually trying to enter Greek Lane which I did I absolutely loved Alpha I pledged and I want to make sure that everything that I went through through my players process did not go in vain
After that cross I didn’t want to be a little weird so I was very active on cos I was stepped the community service I started programs on campus and I did a lot of research through those years that I was active I would say by the end of
The third year of me being active as an undergraduate I began to pull back from associating myself with a lot of the Greek events on campus and I didn’t know exactly why I know that my dedication to Alpha at some point became an obsession and it took away from me dedicating time
Towards my classes so I was felling and I looked at myself three and a half years later like wow I came here to get a degree and I’m definitely off path of what I originally came for so initially I started to back off from Greek them
Just to to focus more on my studies and figure out what was my plan for my life and how I was gonna get it out of college okay that was my social plan as I graduated and pulled back off of that campus I started really searching for
God I had always knew of God but I can honestly say I had a real relationship with God not a substantial relationship it was a one-sided relationship or I praise Him when things went good and when I was blessed but I never saw him in any other time so I actually started
Reading my Bible I started meditating every day and within the next year and a half to two years I started researching African culture Freemasonry be jell-o’s and I started seeing connections of how these organizations were built on pagan rituals and one day God told me that I
Needed to get out and I wanted I want to be a Christian that’s not a lukewarm Christian so whenever he told me to get out I knew that that was something I immediately needed to do and serve with all of my heart and all of my mind
And all of my soul absolutely bro absolutely and yeah we appreciate again you can share in your testimony alive on on Facebook world and Facebook land for the first time man kudos to you we definitely respect your courage and boldness and being able to share your
Your testimony that God gave you we are going to be diving in onto some of the comments and so we do appreciate those who are already listing comments with us we appreciate you I think his brother Galen Muhammad we will be getting to your question we’re not when I again
Speaking on our opinions on behalf of any of the questions that you may have whether they be good bad ugly or indifferent we’re here to have a healthy dialogue and discussion about again Martin Luther King’s legacy and also some of the good and bad and ugly truths
That we may or may not want to realize that has been left with that legacy that we all celebrate today and so shout out to those that you celebrate Martin Luther King Day today if you are working or not we still are going to pay homage to again Martin Luther King jr. but
We’re gonna be diving into some questions at this time and so we’ll be coming back to you Galen in a second to answer your question but for you brothers will or can we’re gonna talk about a couple of these questions that I know people are always asking when it
Comes to greet them and whether they have denounced renounced or whether they are officially still a member of organization or a secret society and so can you just say the rituals that you said an alpha can and will and not mean it and do you think that God has a
Problem with some of the rituals that you were able to that you and I were able to do when we were crossing into alpha that’s a great question always refer to the brakes yeah and I’m not I’m not speaking it verbatim in the Bible where you’ll be judged by by your tongue and
Their strength in the words that come out of your mouth so I feel like when you’re in organizations like this and you’re saying things you’re doing rituals these are all incantations to Skibo King spirits and not all spirits of the experience I think that we have trouble with saying experiencing
Complete immediately thinking that is a crystalline spirit or that is a spirit of God but there’s also spirits for evil and in these organizations you’re making incantations to pagan estate guides and and and every word that you speak out of your mouth you’ll be judged doing judgment so I think it’s important to
Understand that even though you may not know what you’re saying because I feel like a lot of people that are in Greek life we didn’t know exactly what we were saying we were put into a situation where we where we were indoctrinated we were broken down and and we were put
Through a process that was so exhausting to us in so many areas and we wanted to cross over so if we were given something that we needed to learn and we knew we needed to learn in order to cross over then that’s what we’re going to do as a
Whole line not knowing that those words that were coming out of our mouth had so much weight on them and it took for me to actually get older and mature and alpha to actually start juxtaposing my history book and the Bible and seeing a lot of play on scriptures a lot of play
On words that took away reverence from God and gave reverence specifically to alpha which is definitely against God’s work absolutely and really quick before will charms and can like whether any specific rituals that I know myself and Wilma just we talked about it last year that didn’t sit well with you or that
Had you literally uneasy and your spirit about that you want to share that literally caught you off guard the color of the initial pledge process or the initiation weekend like for anything that stood out to you there are a lot of rituals then I believe I look
Back at now and I definitely hesitated going into it but just kept moving forward now that I’m out I can look back and see there were many instances I definitely want one thing that sticks out to me is the chant that says alpha alpha F is the light of the world
And in the Bible specifically says that God is the light of the world which is a direct contradiction so missing just for instance one of these contradictions and several others juxtaposing my history book and and the Bible was definitely something that led me to know that this was something that was blasphemous it
Was against God and it was something I need to pull out of em good right there man that’s good well what about you bro I know I know you’ve spoken on this recently and off the last year but what was your rituals that again where aha moments for you
Going in or even throughout your initiation we can’t process sure so there’s a couple pieces to that and I think the first piece is that a lot of things I understand in retrospect right now that I’m not in Greek life I’m able to see things a little bit
Differently in Greek life I think there’s a piece of my conscience that I ignored that I put it to the wayside just because I wanted to pursue alpha and but like yeah would it be things and the Sphinx in handbook you know you know taking you know all the types of ritual
Do such as blood oaths in my case or you know who did the gods all these different things just um you know when you line them up don’t really sit right you know and just the pledging process in general being illegal you know hazing being a criminal offense those kind of
Things should weigh on your conscience and but of course I pushed past that said she’d the goal I wanted to achieve and I think this whole conversation when it comes to Greek life I think has to be framed in us so I wanted to kind of back
Up and put a certain frame on it I would say the biggest thing is that I understand there’s people that are listening in and there’s Christians and there’s non-christians and then then there’s people that are Greek and there’s people that are non Greek right and you can have like a matrix of those
Four kind of intersections and so I understand basically and kind of piggyback off of a kin I understand as people listening that do have the Holy Spirit in them right and they’re able to receive and they’re able to be convicted but then there’s other people that are
Of the world and they won’t ever understand and we continue to pray for them and we’ll continue to do things like this that hope so you know pierced our heart and seared of consciousness because right now I know their hearts are hardened to the truth and so I just
Wanted to say that I get while some people would join these organizations and I get that even for myself I was er I wasn’t a believer at the time and as I came to know the Lord um this as I continued to grow in that and I knew that something had to repent
Of and so I know there’s a lot of different people listening and a lot of people and there’s own spiritual walks or their own kind of you know experience with alpha whether it isn’t in there for a long time still undergrad my case I was a grad chapter but in any event I
Would say there’s there’s the Holy Spirit that that guided me and I think there was my conscious even before I was a believer that I should have listened to more so um when I was doing those different rituals when I was just you know abusing people spiritually physically emotionally and I think you
Can say those things and don’t know right um I think you can say those things and mean it but I think a lot of people go into these organizations they these oaths pledge and really not know the depth of that they’re getting into and is especially if they’re not believers
They might understand the full gravity of the spiritual aspect an album was there was there any specific specific ones I know you were commenting on there the little world that stood out to you that life made you feel uneasy during absolutely like I said just any of it
Like being blindfolded held against you well you know like I said there was always on edge like you know when the police would show up at the house you know there was just like what they’d be like said that literal like legal aspect batshit kind of a home you know triggers
Something and then just like yeah whether it be you know the abuse you know and then like I said because I wasn’t a believer at the time I wasn’t aware of the spiritual aspects that we were invoking at the time you know but I think anyone that is a believer it
Should it should dwell on them a little bit to process like what exactly am I saying am i following in the I mean we have the like spirit of fraternity right a back man so like is that what’s a spear the fraternity right like me and like you know after every press like
Meaning or process you know there’s a hem right and we know hymns or spiritual songs and we know that yes look like this true sphere of the fraternity to lead our hearts got our thoughts and controller might be like like what’s the spirit I alpha spirit you know like
Warrants Lord right it did choose to be at the fraternity like that’s not the Holy Spirit I wouldn’t want that to control my life you know war my heart in mind and all that you know I’m saying so those kind of kind of pinpoint um was
It be after functions or pledging to the whole gambit I think if you line that up and really pinpoint some of the spiritual components of the process because I understand some emotional process the physical process and even a spiritual process all those kind of those kind of moments I think would kind
Of stick out to believers and even would stick out to me is somewhat back then but I ignored it right I just thought you know it’s nothing I just wanted coming out who cares right absolutely now and I would say to for myself we appreciate you can and also will I
Was thinking about what stood out to you which of rituals I had actually crossed into a charter line at Kennesaw State University’s towels ADA chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha and during the initiation or membership weekend literally all of us in some way shape or form the matter
What state or what undergrad or grad chapter you pledged into or you have to kneel and we all know from being believers that typically when you kneel you are surrendering yourself especially if you are a believer you’re surrendering yourself to God literally you can lay prostrate on the floor with
Your head down or you can just kneel with your arms up but basically you are in a form of submission and well I know all fraternity and probably all of the sororities and some way shape or form during that process they will have to feel multiple times not just once and
Here in Georgia I could only speak for Georgia where we had cross with our cluster in spring 2009 we had to kneel and in our particular chapter they fed you noodles which I found out afterwards after we had crossed that it was noodles but they had fed us noodles and
Resemblance of the fruit of the gods and so we think about eating fruit and eating different items that could be used a lot of times and pagan rituals a lot of the times it’s going to be considered fruit from the gods the Greek gods is what it was symbolic of and so
Literally when having to kneel and actually eat the fruit of the gods and this is all a part of the above-ground process that they do here in Georgia or they used to do I’m not sure how much has changed that was something that really did stand out to me because if
You don’t kneel usually the brothers are going to come behind you while you’re blindfolded just as we’ll set and make you kneel and so they’re making you submit yourself again to alpha to the spirit of power especially also in reference to we’ll dive a lot into this
Topic of discussion towards the end of the segment tonight we had to Death March literally throughout the halls of a building I’m not going to say what the actual building was while we were basically blindfolded and locked up with our brothers for the line that we were
Of course about to cross into and I could deal with us being blindfolded a lot of spiritual activity that is happening especially for those that are in in tune with the Holy Spirit and connect see sense I literally felt that there were different spirits up in the hallway and
Also in the room did it to our actual chapters our room that we had to of course meal and eat the fruit of the Gods and so out of that when we think we’re just going into these organizations you may not realize until you’re on the outside looking in that
We’re spiritual things and spiritual matters and we may not have been pretty or educated enough to know that we are literally inviting certain spirits into that atmosphere into that chamber or even into that location that you are again having initiation at that particular time and so we’re gonna go to
Galen’s a question because I don’t I don’t want to ignore any of the questions that we have coming in from people that are Greek or non Greek but either one of you brothers can chime in Galen Muhammad said what idolatry do you feel is an alpha and he said there is
Not worship of any other gods but God himself so what idolatry do you brothers feel that was in alpha that made you have the choice to be lost well has its own god or goddess that’s embedded in its rituals that’s placed on the crest of each organizational shield that they pay
Homage to that they give reverence to – chanting – stepping through prayers for for regular meetings so all of this is given reference to those guides and it is putting those guides over God the one and only got by the way God says there’s to be you can’t worship two gods and I
Think that alone was powerful enough for me to be able to say that I needed to leave the organization he’s a jealous God so by you bathing in these rituals Wendy when does Chris giving it given vision to it on your campuses on your community you are blindly giving reference to to those
Guys or badnesses absolutely what about you will we appreciate that Kim yeah yeah so I mean so there’s I just I would say to you just take it at face value the things that alpha has within its meetings or ritual books whatever kiss me there’s clearly some sort of Avoca of
Spirits guys game is something all right I miss there and so I would say that one if you think of also the symbolism as brother Ken mentioned Pharos we’re definitely seen as you know daily on earth in many ways just like Julius Caesar’s you know they you know or the
Emperor of China they all thought they were divine and some capacity I mean the fact that we call it a divine nine to begin with it should try to you know show open your eyes to think that these organizations wrap themselves up to identity to the identity of divinity
Right and so just the fact of the matter is I would say that’s the idolatry piece there the fact that people will make idols of Greek life other lives right and you know you know we see in the Bible they talk about you know high places and groves and I know people
Don’t necessarily worship or and in terms of idolatry the same way as they did back in the Old Testament but we still have these things today I mean they look different but in terms of Greek life I mean people have alpha altars and Sigma shrines and all like
What does that look like you know collection a hoard even of you know alpha paraphernalia and this is this is set up you know this is a shrine you know this is home of worship like you literally calling it a shrine so this is just some some like practical like
Really just basic things you know just basic what is pharaoh represent right you know basic what is a shrine represent right and if you take that and under then with those things running that biblically then we can see the idolatry there yeah and even to your point will
And Ken can hit it on the head just to answer your question to Galen like every Greek letter organization and even all the way down to non black Greek letter organizations all reference a specific Greek god that in terms because the Greeks copied everything that the Egyptians did because it’s literally a
Byproduct debrief the Greek gods are a byproduct of ancient commit back in Egypt and of course of those that have not been living under a rock and those that alpha along with Delta all stems back to literally their traditions their rituals are coming out of ancient
Commits in Egypt and so alpha just like Ken said literally honors and literally worships the Sphinx head and all of us that have been in alpha or you are currently are an alpha man you know that the Sphinx is the most important part of again the brand of alpha and even the
Crest and the Sphinx for those that don’t know is a creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human with some variations it is very prominent as a mythical figure in Egyptian history in Asian history and also in Greek mythology and anywhere you look in the world outside
Of Egypt you can see it with Greek culture and Greece it has again that the body of again a creature and usually a lion and the head of a human and in China you can also see this on different crests and different artifacts that they have in their museums in a Syrian
Culture for those that do study the old testament Assyrians and the trashcans were also unknown to have the skirts head as a part of their their tradition is and their culture and also in India you can definitely see the Sphinx head as a part of their artifacts and also
Their art pieces and galleries and also in museums and then also with going to Egypt because a lot of people wear these symbols and wear these items on their paraphernalia or even on some of the gift that you receive throughout your time in Greek also alpha represents
And also goes back to Horus who is the god of the badge and also kingship and so for those who have not studied because a lot of people do not study Egyptian or ancient net culture and also the history of ancient commits whether you’ve been pledged or not into a Greek
Letter organization ancient Egyptian gods are literally all apart of Greek them especially the National pan-hellenic they have gods all the way from Anubis all the way to set of pickly when it comes to biblical perspectives Osiris and Isis and also as you heard the fullness who is a part of Roth the
Sun God they are considered to be the holy trinity in the Egyptian culture which is what a lot of pseudo Christians or Neo Christians based in reference to the Holy Spirit the father and the son off of Egyptian mythology that they practice with Egyptian gods and so those
Names are very popular in an alpha and also in NPHC land with Isis and also Horace and Osiris if you study all of the National pan-hellenic sororities and also fraternities do honor and worship particular a Gyptian God which of course is in reference to the byproduct of a
Greek god and so we’ll we’ll dive into a lot of this throughout this year in unmasking some of these harsh realities and harsh truths and going back to ancient commit where a lot of the organization’s where symbols and where different nail yeah that symbolize these particular things but they don’t study
Themselves to know that everything possible from Greek culture and a school of course from Egyptian culture are stems from ancient commits where the Nile River Valley is very much so the main aspect of that air and so let’s let’s dive in definitely we appreciate those that are commenting
We’re going to get into questions throughout the evening but let’s mention for some of those that are tuning in we do want you to keep it respectful because we are again discussing and we are learning throughout this segment tonight sharing should be a common knowledge but it’s
Not so common when it comes to people that are a part of Greek letter organizations specifically mph the Greek letter organizations and so we are going to dive into a couple more comments and all the questions so brothers we have another question that came in do you
Think return to two E’s and sororities promote division and so what what you say will or what you say can when it comes to division do you think for frats and sororities promote division from what you’ve seen and being in the inside and also now being on the outside even
Do you think they promote division well I would say yes and no in some cases obviously you join a secret society or an exclusive club there’s a clear distinction between you know in-group and out-group so that is a literal division right so there’s an I think there’s times where there’s the
Invitation across into the in-group and I think there is maybe some you know distinction when people refuse or they’ll aren’t interested and so I think there can be some division has caused and I think that one ton where it’s not any division is when they organizations
Extend an invitation to join in so in many ways you know these organizations try to possibly impact the community at times and then so that seems like it’s you know more of a community aspect right um more social at times as well but at the same time we know that these are
Are you know elitist groups in many ways and so when you had that you know that air of elitism or you know better than or exclusivity then naturally there’ll be a there be a division there and that division is only usually reconciled by becoming a member so I would say yes and
No neck in a long about response or answer I would say yes and no to that okay absolutely what do you say Ken what do you think with division or does it promote division from being in a particular frat or a particular sorority I think we we have to delve into the
Historical context of fraternities and sororities in America so the Freemasons were the first fraternal order planted into America much later you started seeing white sororities and fraternities that were popping up on primarily PWI campuses which basically modeled those Freemasonry so these were sororities and fraternities that were founded by
Freemasons whose kids were gone to college so they were carrying on that elitism these were basically baiban pre-baby Freemasonry and Easterns in eastern stars being born on the college level so that they can start to promote control of younger affluent kids after they started integrating colleges you
Started having blacks going to these PWI campuses who wanted to get into these fraternities and sororities but they were racist so they didn’t let blacks or whites into those sororities later on with integration finally there was black related organizations but they were modeled after those white sororities and
Fraternities so now looking at me being in the em both the member and and now being out I can see that when you’re getting into these organizations you’re already promoting divisive miss because you get on a black campus or you get on a PWR campus where you have black
Scholars emerging scholars and then you start separating and dividing those can into Greek letter organizations black Greeks and regular ZD is goddamn individuals so you’re already separating your brothers and sisters and promoting that elitism and and and then comes the vanity so so so people you would usually
Sit down and talk to lend a helping hand because they’re not associated in a Greek life many of them most of the time you don’t even see those Greeks talking to those people they don’t even speak to them they stick their nose up to them so I think that originally it was a
Divisive tactic by white organizations and race discrimination z’ thrown on to a black campus in order to continue to divide our black brothers and sisters yeah yeah I totally agree with both of you and I’m gonna try min-width with what neat a said shut up some of some of
Our optimum than ministry squad members brothers and sisters kings and queens that are tuning in and also for those that are just rocking with us this evening neat a said people who pledge and don’t pledge is one of the dividers for those who went to a agency you
Versus a PWI you know this probably better than myself and some of the others that actually play into a PWI I had the opportunity to go to vote during my undergrad experience so shout out to those that have been at HBCUs or are graduates of HBCUs so I went to Hampton
University my home by the sea in Hampton Virginia and really I knew some of my college classmates who were pledging into Kappa and Q when I flew but Kappa for sure Hampton that chose not to go through a pledge process because they literally either knew somebody that had
Be able to greenlight them from not having to have hands laid on them or anything from underground a pledge process and so what they say in Greek world is that they were able to skate and so I saw that their line I think back into that
It was like early mid 2000s had come out and he chose not to do the probate with the rest of his line brothers I’m not gonna say his name because it was so much animosity and so much disdain put towards him because the rest of his
Brothers on his line had to go through hell basically to get pledged into capital and so he was ostracized completely after the probate from his lbs and also from older brothers that were calculus on the Hamptons campus to the point where if he walked around even
With his caning on campus some of the older brothers at home company would be trying to since Cain and literally tried to turn their back on him because he chose not to go through an official underground we’re not an official but an unofficial underground pledge process
And so there is a clear separation of the by just from the pledge process itself because those who are who are officially pledged in typically have to go through an underground process to get respect them to get letters at HBCUs especially I can’t speak for all PW eyes
But at HBCUs typically unless you are a large paper line like a lot of the lines that have to come out nowadays to save the longevity of the school chapter few suspensions and other things that have happened to prevent the chapter from coming out with consistent lines you’re
Not able to get respect on HBCU campuses unless you’ve actually gone through a pledge underground process and behaves as we say on the other side and so it does create a divide versus who are your LDS versus who are your LSE’s versus who are the ones that plans and those who
Did not and so there is a clear divide even in that point alone also in reference to bringing together the National pan-hellenic Council on most campuses it’s a ton of divide when it comes to fraternity is just like sororities because just as kin and we’ll both commented there are certain threats
And certain sororities that don’t mess with each other that mean that bro F with each other and so are two combination partnerships from Sir and events especially during Black History Month even at Kennesaw State University I would see certain frats and also sororities that would not participate in certain events because
They just didn’t mess with that other frat or they just didn’t mess with that other sorority and so that’s an obvious divide we’re supposed to all be working together to graduate and to also be scholars and to do great things and represent not just your organization but
God well but we’re so busy fighting each other off of rep and off of street cred a lot of times when it comes to the pledge process if you considered paper versus considered made versus having a split line you are going to have to fight against some of your fellow
Brothers and sisters that are getting the same college degree in the same college education as you and so no one who is in a fraternity or sorority especially that a black National pan-hellenic a sorority or a fraternity can say that there’s not a clear to buy based off of even the pledge process
Alongside of your particular organization that you worked on while you were at college we’re not speaking for Brad chapters but this is definitely seen when it comes to undergrad and so we do appreciate the comments that are coming in J star we appreciate your comments
– man J star said he went to an alumni he said tell tell me this did the founders of any organization skate that’s the obvious that’s the obvious question that a lot of people that are old heads or old frets or old sorority members don’t want to answer because
Again alpha we’re speaking about alpha as I think you are J star were all five out of the six of the founders where Prince Hall Freemasons so that means that a lot of the Prince Hall or freemason ritual and traditions were also embedded in the output the
Alpha findings are jewels as what they called themselves in their in their process and being a member and pledging into outputs a start organization and so that is something that is a hot topic discussion based off of all the sororities and fraternities and we all know that Delta and also aka
Did take a lot of the traditions and also rituals from alpha because of course they marry Delta or woman and also aka woman and so again you can see that there’s a trend especially when it comes to what the sororities do versus what the fraternities do there’s always
A clear a clear connection based off of what the fraks do of the sororities are going to follow so hence the reason why we’re talking as men and as men of God and as Kings on this event and livestream tonight because a lot of men
Do not speak up about some of our truths that come to reality when you are a part of organization secret societies or coats whichever one you want to call it or name it there are some harsh truth on that we do have to speak about and deal
With and let’s dive into some more questions brothers in reference to let’s go to do you still talk to your former lbs that you pledged into alcohol with and what’s your relationship currently now with some of some of your former LDS I personally talk to my former elby’s
Every day we have a group chat we talk every single day I love them and we formed a brotherhood bond that’s beyond any Fraternal Order I know that I can call them at any time they have to me something as well as them whenever they
Have events where we can meet up to just hang out we do that if someone’s married we’re there if they’re in grief we’re going through it together I do appreciate my former line brothers because even though they might not understand my conviction to denounce they respect my decision that is
Something that is allowing me to feel more spiritually alliant with God and and and I know there’s a lot of people that the knowledge that don’t have that same relationship so I really do appreciate my former line brothers for supporting me even though they don’t completely understand my denouncing process what
About you will how was how was your process which our previous elby’s and still associate with any of them today yeah so um I mean we talk in there mostly holidays and like I said birthdays part of that is that I’m in the Midwest
Now used to be on the East Coast and I think another part of that is that you know yeah there’s a there’s a difference obviously that I’m no longer in the in-group right in terms of organizationally and so while there’s the same respect that can brought the talked about just due to conviction
Right they respect my conviction they respect my decision and even though they may not necessarily agree they understand that we do have a friendship and it’s just a little bit more distant now for sure but all in all you know um you know one of my former line brothers came to my
Wedding when I got married you know and and so we you know we keep in touch here and there and then I tend to continue to keep in touch and continue to pray for them as well absolutely I had a little bit different experience from for cheaper others sir because actually came
Kennesaw State where I pledged alpha with the Charter line as an upperclassman and so I transferred in basically as a junior to finish up undergrad there and so I had already known some of the the brothers that were on our charter line in advance and so there was our we was already a
Connection or a bond that was established but some of the other brothers just like myself for transfers into Kennesaw States campus and snow I literally only talked to maybe about two or three that were on the line consistently as like actually being brothers and friends before we across
And so of course the relationship has changed drastically because got to mention that our line with a split line too and for those that don’t know about about Greek Greek life or anything about Greek them when you have a split line that usually means in reference and I’m just speaking directly
From what I know about split lines that half of your line or goes underground throughout and a fit an unofficial pledge process and then the other half of your line uh strings above ground and goes through the general pledge process to get into the organization or a
Sorority or fraternity and so our line was a split line I’m sure there are a lot of people that are watching us now that have been privy or been associated or pledged in a split line and so you know the harsh realities of the chemistry is definitely like poo as I
Like to say when you have a split line because there are those that again may feel a certain type of way because they have an official pledge hazed those who may have been able to go to the official pledge process who considered paper and so literally that
Caused the divide with a lot of the brothers that were in not just our chapter but even our line as a charter line at home as at large and so that left a bad taste in my mouth honestly just to be just to be clear I personally didn’t choose to go to an
Official and unofficial underground profitable I could happen I was asked but I chose not to because my mom actually at the time was dating a Mason Prince Hall Mason and he told me literally when I asked him I was like should we basically had after we’ve already crossed probate just to be able
To get wrapped in to get respect and I had asked him directly as a Mason like is this something that you would do in order to go through an unofficial underground process you said hex to the nah-nah-nah you remember he was like straight up if you if you have the opportunity tonight
Have to be hazed or not have to get beat it does not it does not determine your level of respect or your level of authority when it comes to being a part of an organization that is totally against where a lot of people may be but
I literally chose to listen to a Mason because they get they a SS looked and they asses and I had to I had to really humble myself and choose to not go through an underground pledge process and I was the tail on our official charter line and so this is something
That is always a hot topic discussion when it comes to their relationship with your previous online sisters or your previous line brothers and just like myself I respect their decisions to stay in the organization no matter what their decisions made before but I chose to be
The first person that are at our charter line and also from all of our lines thereafter with our with our previous neos to make the decision to come out of alpha and so that leads to the next question guys we do we do have the main part within any particular scriptures
That God took you to directly when it came to you making the decision or you were getting on the fence of making a decision to come out of the organization what were some things that God was saying to you can and they will come
Back to you though I have a lot a lot of scriptures that’s highlighted and I actually didn’t specifically write them out but I can describe them so one was when I saw that you can’t serve two guys that really convicted me I also started reading more where God was speaking
About casting out those those people that were the Greeks that were basically pulling his people from Christianity and and and he wrote how he destroyed Egypt and has never been rebuilt again and I think that stuck out to me because they were so defined of God and the practices
That were doing was so blasphemous that he destroyed them never – never never fought to be rebuilt again that really resonated it calm in me as well as the since seeing the the quote that says you’re not to be unequally yoked and I feel like I cannot be a full
Christian if unequally yoked with paternal bonds and ties to an organization there’s practicing paganism wow that’s good that’s good that’s it bro what about you will well those couple different scriptures that stood out one was um I said I can pull it up here Luke 14:33 I’m gonna read it in the English
Standard version says so therefore any of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple and essentially I looked at the did a little bit of a worse thing on renounce because I thought that was a very unique word in the Bible see that to me too often and
And when I was looking at the Greek that’s the same word that we get the word apostasy from which we know means turning away from God we’re not being a believer or following oh gods or idols falling away from the faith essentially and so this is the Jesus’s disciples he
Write to his listeners his audiences his followers and essentially saying that you have to renounce you know you have to turn away from those things um and and follow me essentially so I did just um I was convicted because I know that a profession but repentance is a lifestyle
And I know that I didn’t want to be a Christian that wasn’t really taking an inventory of my sin or ass inventory of my life and I wanted to be active in repentance right I wanted a confession repentance to be a lifestyle and you know I wanted to continue to grow my
Faith and I know I see a lot of Christians that you know don’t see repentance as is something that’s Frank and it doesn’t see if something is necessary and for me I knew that I didn’t repent of idolatry had a kind of pride and repent about in addition to
That I was reading through he asked these and just a lot of the wisdom books scriptures and one of the things that stood out was vanity and I and just as I looked through declasse asses and talking about how the things of this world will there be you know I said
Possessions and the things we build up or is this simply vanity and rubbish and not worthwhile and I wanted my life to be worthwhile I wanted my life to be marked by Christ and marked by the Lord and Savior and right now at that time
Rather say was marked by a Greek life no it was more marked by alpha than it was you know Jesus Christ and so I know that was an issue I know that was a problematic I knew that it wasn’t consistent right I knew I wasn’t mine my
Beliefs in the Lord and my lifestyle wasn’t congruent and so do the inconsistency of saying I’m a believer but letting us her in another way I knew how to repent and and that’s and that’s one of those would be cliches which was just the Gospels really seeing what it
Takes to follow the Lord and I knew that how did you can see and I’m continuously repenting of things I’m continuously being sanctified right in something that happened overnight this wasn’t something that I woke up one day up you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna repent I’m gonna
You know throw away all of my Greek outfit no this is a process you know sanctification takes time you know I had a community of believers I have talked to believers I talked to the Alfa’s non our first I’ll talk to people that do
Now I talk to you know I didn’t want to you know make this decision without being well informed it did I said you know through the Lord and pun just like said really really digesting and meditating and eternal eyes in the scriptures how I kind of decision to denounce essentially yeah and in
Reference to what Canon will you both said God typically is going to take us to certain scriptures that will have us climb what our character should because we should be aligning our character with Christ and not any man or not any woman and there’s always scriptures that he’s
Gonna take you myself and others directly to to go to our official process of renouncing or denouncing any particular organization that we pledged into and so a real quick before I comment we are going to get to your your question Jordan Johnson we appreciate your question and also Galen
Of definitely are going to address some of the comments that are in the comments thread and so don’t think that we’re ignoring you just bear with us but but my particular book that God took me to in reference to having my paradigm shift to come out of alpha was the story of
Exodus and we all know the story of Exodus whether you’ve seen it on TV and the movies the big screen Prince of Egypt but we all know that Moses that who was originally an Israelite was raised as an Egyptian and in reference to him being raised as an Egyptian he
Literally was seconds and one of being like a part of that Egyptian culture but he knew after as we all know the story he killed the Egyptian that that one day and had to feel the need to go into exile so that he wouldn’t have Pharaoh
Murder him for killing one of his own people he had to leave Egypt in order to unlearned of the things that he was so pretty to learning by being raised in Egyptian culture and for those that do study the Old Testament Egypt is also synonymous with Babylon and for those
That listen to Lauryn Hill in any capacity born the the great Lauryn Hill comments on Babylon all the time along with Bob Marley and all of his clan and so Babylon is literally a place of chaos but not me a lot of a lot of disturbing things happened in Babylon in terms of
What scripture says and Egypt is a clear synonymous reference towards Babylon when it comes to Old Testament especially and so the main scripture I know that God had taken me to originally with the story of Moses actually came from what we had heard of the sorcerers
Or the divin ears who went by the name of Janus and gam breeze when Janus and jam breeze were literally the veneers and torturers that were able to mirror different things that were seen as miracles or seen as signs and wonders and we know the story when Moses came
Back to again start the process of asking Pharaoh to let his people go the Israelites that were under slavery and bondage it took me to second Timothy 3:8 which just summarized what Jane is and Jane Brees did when it came to Moses it said in second Timothy three eight and
This is from KJV that now as Jane is and Jane Brees withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt Minds reprobate concerning the faith and so there are a lot of people that were in Egyptian culture during that time that did have corrupt minds and
Reprobate minds concerning their faith because again they didn’t believe in in one true God they did believe in the Sun God which is Roth which again stems back to Egypt Egypt gods and also the worship of Egyptian gods and also God took me directly after that in studying the
Story of Exodus because I was told when I went to South Korea to teach English in 2010 that when I came back I was going to have my own Exodus out of out the land and so he brought me to first John 2:19 after studying the symbolism
Of Egypt also without feh and the story of Exodus and with Moses and so first John 2:19 in the KJV says they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out
That they might be made manifest that they were not all of us and so in summary a lot of people are going to be rocking we’re saying that they are God’s showed and their sons and daughters and the during these end times that we are currently in a lot of people are going
To be saying jesus replied this based off of again one lifestyle that they’re choosing to live is going to separate them clearly especially this year 2020 where if you are really rocking with us really rocking with being sons and daughters of God or there’s going to be a clear example of your christ-like
Lifestyle and character that you’re exhibiting so that others will not see that oh this person in the world still or is this person a believer or somebody questioning your own religious faith or religious belief and so there’s going to be a clear separation to see who is
Really rocking with God this year and not by just word order or verbal output book rather what are you having inside of you that’s showing that you are truly of us that you are truly of God and so those are the main scriptures that stood out community in reference to my
Announcement and so we are going to get to I know we did have a couple questions from a couple people on the cat Jordan I asked he said he has a question for us fellas as we are speaking on this did we say that this is from our perspective
And that we’re understanding all of this because perception is everything this is a bit interesting and so he’s Jordan is basically saying in Jordan clarify if I’m not summing it up correctly he’s asking is this literally from our perspective or is this from something that God has literally called you to
Speak out all personally as the column of Christ we instructed in the Bible that a follower is going to meditate on the on God’s Word day and night so when I decided that I was going to become a Christian when I was might actually become a believer of guy I defy I
Decided I was going to follow that doctrine of exactly what was explicitly stated in the Bible so my perspective I guess is is is is the Bible’s perspective I’m trying to model my life around what’s instructed by God through the Bible and not add anything to it and not
Take anything from me absolutely what about you will I mean I think can somebody well you know I want my life to be marked by Christ I want to be come more and more like Christ daily be more more like at the Lord I want his
Thoughts I know my um I want to you know meditate on his word I want to please the Lord I want to you know have his perspective I know its perspective is wholly an infinite and I can only ascertain maybe a portion of that through the Holy Spirit in my flesh
However I do know through you know a special revelation which is God’s Word I’m able to have a godly perspective on situations I’m able to navigate this world with some clarity and with some conviction um and so I think the more my perspective finds to just God’s Word I
Think I think I want one of those I want those to be one in the same in some capacity if possible and so while it is my perspective I think I came more from a worldly perspective to a more godly perspective or more um you know a sanctified perspective over time and so
These things are I would I didn’t consider you know and in the past and so as I continue to weigh you know my life against God’s Word I let the Lord you know lead the way um and I let him 16 you to lead my steps
Yeah and just a reference to what we’ll just just pointed out because I know Jeffrey you had the question or do we all believe that we interpret the Bible the same I would probably speak for all three of us that that we don’t all interpret it the same but if you are
Born again believer that a Holy Ghost World then the Holy Spirit will be and in to determining what the truth of the word of God says and so there are a lot of people’s as we were all talking about it the game that claim to be
Christian or claim to be a follower of Christ Jesus Yahshua HaMashiach but again they have not fully been born-again or literally submitted their mind and their bodies are to Christ and so therefore they may be operating in a reprobate mind or in a unrepentant mind and so they they literally can be going
To church and there are a lot of people just to be real that are going to be going to church that are also going to be going to hell and so we’re not the type of individuals nor should we ever be to put someone in heaven or hell but
There are a lot of people that do still practice Christianity that are not fully saved or that are not saved period and so there is a difference that we as believers whether you are in organization or fraternity or a sorority a secret society or whether you are not
We still have to examine ourselves daily by of course according our lifestyle off of what the Word of God says and the Holy Spirit will will tell us if we’re out of alignment I know for a fact for myself personally that the Holy Spirit checked me along with about four or five
Of my other brothers when we were going to set before we actually crossed into membership weekend and literally had broken us down in a car when we were coming from set late at night and we had nearly a conversation with each other asking is this something that God
Approves of and has being able to pledge into Alpha Phi outfit we’ve literally had a moment of silence where we were tired of course we were driving back late from from coming from set but we literally had the Holy Spirit give us a self-check in that moment in the car with about
Five or six of my line my ex line brothers at the time and literally we had to talk about this God approve of what we’re doing is the is God in alignment with us crossing into outfit and I could be honest and say that the Holy Spirit checked me at that
Particular moment just as much as I’m sure if those that were in the car were actually true believers in Christ they had also been checked but I decided to overrule that and override that what the Holy Spirit was checking my heart with and so there are a lot of people that
Are on this livestreamer that may be watching that the Holy Spirit has talked to you multiple times the Holy Spirit has tried to grab hold of your heart multiple times throughout you being a part of an organization or a secret society or an occult and that you have
Also overridden what the Holy Spirit has tried to check just like myself and many other that have have been a part of these organization has but we’re also sharing that we can’t continue to bypass the Holy Spirit and think that there’s not going to be harsh realities and harmful results for our disobedience
Because the Holy Spirit just like God sees all and knows all and we have to be able to really face the music and accept where we are in the wrong and say when we are being disobedient or operating out of order and so we did have a
Question from Kevin before we go in go ahead well I just want to say you know in terms of interpretation you know it’s been said that there’s one interpretation but multiple applications right and so like when you know Moses wrote the Torah in the first you know the Pentateuch your first thought goes
To the Bible you know you have one intention right or when you know Paul’s right his letters yet one intention or maybe multiple intentions or and with that you know you can ascertain or discern the interpretation right you know sometimes it’s plain English sometimes it’s prophecy or poetic you
Know I went in the Psalms and so that might be a little bit harder to interpret but all in all there’s multiple applications when I when I read the scripture you know it can be you know is something that the meditate on and may be able to grasp it immediately
Or other times you know it take a while so that at the end of the day you know some people read the book and put it down right because they’re a theist you don’t have the whole it’s just another issue another textbooks just another something that a
Collection of words right and so you don’t have to apply you know you can people you know this description says you know it’s like the fool that sees herself in the mirror and walks away and forget what they saw right and so a lot of people don’t even read the Bible and
To be able to interpret let alone apply and so I think when we approach the scripture we approach it humbly knowing that these are you know things of the Lord and why we not be able to fully grasp every pinpoint you know every point perfectly I think we can um you know
Interpret you know due to in a sense pretty pretty accurately due to the Holy Spirit and then from there um like I said we should let the Holy Spirit lead us um so that we can apply it properly well and I think some people you know whatever for various reasons choose not
To apply it in certain ways or it’s use if I don’t know you know and so I just hope that we can agree that there was intention and you know there’s there’s motive there’s there’s a right way or a correct interpretation due to the just a
Nature of writing uh I and then through that our own so we can apply it differently yeah absolutely ken you want to chime in on anything that Wilson okay you hear me I so we’ll come back with can in a second really quick we are going to dive into one of
The brothers questions that he just had up here just now i’ma reload this really quick and Ken we’re going to come back on with your answer to okay you hear me now yeah yeah I was just saying really quick do you want to chime in on any of the last points their
Real head just hit what was this discuss I didn’t hear the a reference to interpreting the Bible differently as believers whether you’re in for a fraternity sorority or or not what what are some of the things that you see are dealing with interpretation yes there’s as clear a different
Determine interpretation of the Bible I think that’s why is so prominent different denominations different types of churches one thing is certain know that we are to call down as Jesus as our Messiah as and Laura God is our only guide and no others no matter what interpretation
That is that’s known yeah and you can on top of what Ken said we’re gonna get to the previous question I think it was by Jeffrey but I did see I think Galen had also pointed out just as we all had been taught when we were in alpha at alpha by
Alpha is the light of the world but clearly and this is even for people that are non-believers they know that Jesus Christ is considered to be the light of the world and so there are such things as and also counterfeit spirits and due to the fact that again alpha is
A baby organization of Freemasonry we all know that Freemasons gloat and also exemplify their whole original basis off of the path of enlightenment becoming 360° sound and knowledge and consciousness is really what Freemasons are based their whole foundation off of and I’m actually going to be interviewing at X Freemason later later
On this year on to talk more in depth about the connection points but yeah Alpha Phi Alpha even though that’s what the organization exemplifies itself as is a clear again disparity when it comes to who the true light of the world is which is Jesus Christ Yahshua HaMashiach and also Yahweh
Depending on what you call him and so even that piece in itself is blasphemous and also a lot of the things that do accompany being the light of the world being embodied the truth and when you find alpha you find a beach and you find your own your own or reality and coming
Out of darkness because you found out for the light that is a clear disparity according to what the Word of God says because we know in scriptures even the New Testament that everywhere that jesus walks when he’s in heaven he exemplifies light he radiates light everywhere that
Jesus goes and so Jesus you truly find Jesus he will direct you out of darkness into the light especially for those who are believers because we do know everyone that’s tracking with those are not believers but there is no comparison to Jesus Christ as being the light and
Savior of the world when it comes to biblical perspectives but we did have the main question and then we’ll get to one of the other breath those questions we are here to talk about MLK jr. because it is the celebration of MLK Day today everyone who is graduated from a
College or even is educated in any type of way knows that MLK jr. was an alpha man a lot of us I’m sure some of the guys and brothers that are a part of our ministry and even the ladies that have pledged infinite sorority have exemplified MLK as being quote unquote
One of the most prolific and most well-known Greeks that has ever walked the face of this earth and so that also leads to the topic of discussion because most alphas will put him up there basically on the same pedestal as Jesus when Jesus was walking the earth and
That is something that whether you went to HBCU or PWI you know that they wreak a hard in alpha land like he is the standard he is the way he is literally the face of alpha on the monuments in VC compared to the website you name it MLK
Is up there literally and so when it comes to MLK the main reason why we had this discussion on in there paid day is do you came and who you will think that MLK should be the standard for Christian living or do you think it should be
Jesus Christ when it comes to Christian living and also in being a part being a part of these organizations that we have previously plugs into it before deciding to join the organization I did want to aspire to align myself with the tenants of these great alpha men as such as dr.
King Hill Harper Frederick Douglass W EBT boy I Jesse Jesse all ends because they’re they’re bringing about social change an advancement of black people I think that the problem in today’s society is that we use our Dollar Tree as a way to validate black mom blackberry cluttered organizations that
We say well you know dr. King was an alpha so you know that it was a muscle on with what guys want me wants for me because he was a pastor and he held black people but at the end of the day we need to scale back from idolizing
People that are humans and realize that there’s always error in humans and that Jesus Christ was perfect so at the end of the day when it’s when it’s my time to to be judged to see if I’m able to go to heaven heaven or not Martin Luther
King is not going to be there making that making that judgment if I’m going to go there or not it’s going to be my dad and Savior that’s great kid what about what about you well what do you say when it comes to to uh to brother
King and his and his legacy of being the standard for a lot of Christian believers that are a part of the use of organizations right I would say you know I think obviously we and this nation as benefit a lot from dr. King and his cohorts the people around him as you
Know just change the landscape of this country in so many different ways and in you know I don’t want to ever detract from that he was a great man in many respects and ends in being a man he was a man of sin as well I don’t know then
It’s tyre you know around with that scent but I also know that I can miss in and I know that no one’s perfect right other than Jesus right he was only perfect man and estimator for the follow I’m the son of man I’m the son of God
And so in terms of dr. King’s legacy um you know you know obviously continues to influence today continues to be the standard in many ways but my sayings continues to be Christ and I know that there’s many prolific figures throughout history um believers or non-believers right um and so that’s that’s always
Gonna be there will be you know Easter or Gandhi you know you know there’s other you know believers believers and so the issues not whether or not you know oh because he happens to be Greek and a believer that means I can be a Greek and believer not necessarily right
Um you don’t know everything about dr. King we don’t know everything about dr. King I just know he is a man right a great figure in fact however I don’t know all of the sin struggles but I just know my own sin struggles and I know that being Greek invited more since
Prost and if I can be personal and and direct I know that a lot of brothers I’m in Greek life and you know sisters in Greek life struggle with sexual immorality and for me I didn’t want to continue to be having sex outside of marriage and being a fornicator I know
That in Greek life plus you know masturbation pornography all of that wasn’t helping like like Greek like wasn’t helping with that sin in my life you know if anything they were promoting you know sleeping around you know I think you know it was cool to be an Alfa
Back when em okay oh it was an Alfa and I think it’s still you know a cool thing you know to be enough i think is very active anyways and I think in some ways maybe I’m okay attracted some things either one attract and I think for me I
Know I definitely was attracting some unwanted attention as well that I didn’t need and as I continue to late you know you know be sanctified as I continue to recognize that the other sin of my life I wanted to you know uh not invite you know more opportunities or footholds for
The enemy um I didn’t want to continue to make any room for me to fall right and so I didn’t want I wanted to continue to be above approached as I continued to be a ministry of God’s Word and so I look for opportunities to be
Above reproach and I think part of that was denouncing renouncing alpha you know like I said being Saint if I start partying stop me like you continuously repent of sin whether it be sexual or otherwise and so I just wanted to say that you know if Jesus seems to be my
Standard and not a man then um I think I have great you know clear conscience than that yeah and that’s and that’s real because I know YouTube brothers just like myself and others that are watching with us have I’m sure heard the response now that you’ve been on the
Opposite side of the fence that people literally when you ask them why have they not come what if they have any reservations or or checks to why they should not be a part of any fraternity or sorority they may were but you saying well I’m okay I’m okay was was was Greek
Or em okay he wasn’t outflow and so like what is typically like your response when you do hear that because I know a lot of of our sisters and brothers that are part of our ministry and even those that are still in fraternities and sororities hear that again
Mo and MLK did it why shouldn’t we be able to do it what do you say to that response can I hear it all the time and I think we need to start realizing that that we’re all human and that humans have error what we do here on in a physical world
It doesn’t equate to a spiritual realm so MLK you know where who is an amazing person a forerunner he did great to to to drive social empowerment followed black people but he lacks spiritual discretion discernment he lacked the sermon he was a pastor a lot of people
Say you know I’m joining this it should be okay because my pastor is an elf or because my pastor is a Sigma well your pastors still like spiritual discernment if your pastor is still in this organization and I hold pastors to a different degree than regular people because they literally are scholars of
The Bible so for you to be in grounded in the Bible and you’re a scholar of the Bible and for you to not for you to choose not to recognize how blasphemous it is to be in this organization and call yourself with a child of God and
Then you’re reaching out to masses of people who are supposed to be spiritually saver it’s concerning for me ya know that’s real that’s real what about you will what do you say when people respond just like Kenneth 20 walk today to that rebuttal yeah I mean like
I said kind of earlier echoey everything Ken said and just like I know he was a man and oh yes and I know he’s not perfect right and so I I don’t model myself after a man unless was the son of man son of God being Jesus Christ and so
Yeah that’s gonna be your excuse for a reason to do something is because someone else did it instead of being the standard of scriptures or Jesus you know the Living Word then we can have that conversation but at the end of the day I think well his his legacy maybe not
Perfect and but and truly great legacy and reputation um I would just say that for me I I wanna I want to live up to God’s standards essentially and I want to continue to you know look beyond just worldly things and you know I know I don’t know that my legacy you
Know I’m trying to follow Jesus footsteps right Hannah MLK so great in many respects I think again as as Ken mentioned a maybe you mentioned as well you know seeking info okay um dr. King in any way and that in that realm seems like a dollar tree to me and so I think
I’m gonna continue to worship continue to follow and Catina I prioritize Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and my standard in my example and so on and say follow him okay he said take up your cross daily and follow after me and so that’s what I’m gonna do yeah just the
Will in Ken’s point just for me to chime in that yeah like our pastors and church leaders have have real-life human humanistic issues they’re not put on they’re not put on the the limelight just to be the face for whatever church or whatever organization that you that
You are going and attending as a member there were people there real men as we saw with a lot of MLK’s insecurities and also some of his flaws that are sometimes not talked about along with him being a mighty man not just for african-americans but also being for the consciousness of sex
Destroying segregation here in the South especially the deep south but we still do have to really examine ourselves because this is one of the brothers commented people do put Obama and also MLK up there with Jesus and the black community it’s an unspoken truth that we
Tried to neglect and try to run away from but Obama is not a synonymous with Jesus just like em okay should not be synonymous with Jesus but those that are Greek or even non Greek and so you have to really truly examine yourself if you
Are using a person as a reason to keep you from making a decision that the Holy Spirit is pulling at you and tugging at you to make on behalf of your own life and your own salvation then you are worshiping that person that individual as an idol period
It’s like duels day there are tons of there are tons of illustrious sorority members and also fraternity members that some of us that pledged into these organizations really admire and wanted to follow in the footsteps and follow in the footprints of these individuals that are stand out black Americans or African Americans in
Their own rights but again that is a form of idolatry and worship if you are truly a believer in Christ Jesus and are not aligning your walk in your legacy your journey in accordance to what we all should be striving for which is to follow a lifestyle of being christ-like
And also following a lifestyle of Christ and so that’s the the clear separation that we do I want to hit home on tonight is and final with as we wind down shortly brothers good I know we got to get out of here there are also a lot of
People that try to argue that these organizations were founded on Christian principles similar to even stigma being founded off of basically the AME black church with with their one of their original founders basically going and starting the AME Church and there are tons of other organizations that twist
Scripture into a part of their rituals or their traditions and their oaths that we take when we were a part of the organizations that we pledged into and so like what do you saying lots of people will start with you will and it will end which you can when it comes to
People saying that these organizations were founded off of Christian principles and so they must not be anything wrong with it or it must not be anything wrong with this organization because it has scriptures to support the the Pledge process or scriptures to support the rituals that we say in that people sure
You know I had a seaman handbook and and at the back of the sinks for handling I think I had and even had Scripture in it you know and yes well you know there might be some Christian values or principles I think that a lot of these biblical principles are universal right
So like if you look at the Proverbs they’re not exclusive to you know being a believer our judeo-christian you know Jewish or judeo-christian knees are these are you know many ways universal Maxim’s right this is just things that will typically happen right and so a lot of the things
He’s seen the Bible other people will accept you know we have no problem with that and so I just think that one we should recognize that while the some of these principles may seem you know Christian they’re not necessarily uniquely Christian and I think anyone could come to the same kind of examples
Whether it be in age in in HPC or not and so I would say one people misconstrue or misuse or abuse the Bible rights for their own wishes and then two people who use anything positive and any kind of in in kind general sense as well
And so I would say the last piece is that people’s aren’t solely built on Christian principles we are as you already kind of mentioned that they were based on Freemason principles you know they were based on spiritual things that weren’t Christian and so there’s three pieces to that and I just think that
Would it be building off for things that aren’t belief aren’t Christian things that are just anyone can kind of kind of a Greek or good right I’m just kind of general good things to incorporate in any organization right um then yeah okay and then lastly people will abuse things
That are a Christian right so that’s what I would say in terms of like being founded on Christian principles there’s that there’s a lot I think three parts to that that needs to be kind of discussing broken down more so yeah we we both know we’ll all three of us and
Even Justin who was on was on know that the church the modern-day Church and also the previous earth did twist biblical biblical principles and also the biblical word into suit like man’s particular agenda but we’re not going to talk about that in depth tonight but in reference to the organization’s can just
Like will said being founded on Christian principle what do you say when it comes to how alpha literally has the story or the excerpt from proof or aback that comes into part or of course the the ritual and also traditions that we follow and basically wherever you go I’ll go
What would you say with Christian principles and also being embedded or inter woven into these organizations fraternities and sororities I believe that that many people that actually aspire to join these organizations and then get into these organizations they they do perfectly believe that they are getting into a Christian like
Organization and that they really do want to build themselves up to be better Christians and better in their christ-like walk the problem is these rituals that are embedded into these organizations are started arm through paganism so the thing is you can’t sprinkle a little bit of good on
Something that’s evil and call it good and another another thing that you cannot do is is justify your continued Sinfulness by saying that well God forgives so I’ll just continue doing whatever I’m doing we have to be accountable as Christians God makes us a comment so you know if we’re not being accountable for our own walk then he’s gonna know that he’s gonna judge he’s
Gonna judge us for it yeah and that’s and that’s real of when it comes to the judgment piece because we’re we’re just here just sharing of what God has already shown us this is really to create some some conversation around certain things that we don’t talk about
A lot with in black culture expressing when it comes to Greek life and greet them because there are people that have come out of these organizations and some of these secret societies and so do want to shed light on hearing both sides and and a reference to taking it
Back to where again NPHC Greek life started from a Freemasonry in Eastern Star they literally build their whole organization structure off of as you heard me say at the beginning enlightenment Masons they worship a God which they called the Great Architect of the universe gyatsu is the is the
Breakdown of the acronym of Yahoo Great Architect of the universe the symbol it represents their God as the all-seeing eye which Egyptians and a lot of Greeks have on their paraphernalia is seen as the eye of course or the all-seeing eye the all-knowing high a lot of us that
Have been raised in hip-hop have seen this with the Illuminati the symbol of the all-seeing all-knowing eye and this also stems back to Osiris it represents the pagan god of Osiris who is an Egyptian god that definitely out them heavily uh worships when it comes to the Sphinx and
Also the Sun God rock and so uh act at this being the highest degree of Freemasonry the initiates proclaim Lucifer to be their God Lucifer in Hebrew is notified as being high yield and in Greek Lucifer is also called a Hemi hence forest which actually means the
Light Bearer and one of the main scriptures that a lot of masons have to learn and have to know literally by front to back is and Isaiah 14:12 2:14 it shows how you are fallen in heaven owed a star son of dawn how you are cut
Down to the ground you who laid the nation’s low you said in your heart I will ascend to heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God I will sit on the Mount of Assembly on the heights of ZAP on I will ascend to the tops of
The clouds and I will make myself like the Most High and so when it comes to counterfeits Lucifer the devil of the enemy for those who are believers always wants to compare himself as a counterfeit to the hi God because he wants to ascend himself to the top throne of being God
Hence again the enlightenment that Freemasonry and also Eastern stars literally embed within their whole origin and foundation Rob the Sun God as you heard me say is considered by the Egyptian as king of all gods and a lot of the ceremonies that imbed with outflow just like with Freemasonry all
Stemmed back to the honor of Rob a Sun God Freemasons and Eastern stars are consider National pan-hellenic fraternities and sororities as their little brothers or little sisters because they are a baby Freemason organizations and so when you look at any of coke on organization chart freemason is up there it’s not the top
One but it’s up there at the top the top five organizations that are considered a cult or secret societies and National pan-hellenic Greek organizations that are stemming from Freemasons especially with output being the first National pan-hellenic organization all are considered baby Mason’s or baby mason organizations and so that means
That they’re at the bottom of the totem pole and at the bottom of the level of secret societies and so this is just to shed light on things that are obviously out on the internet this is 2020 we are in the year of enlightenment legit looking like MIT where you can go and
Research you can go and do your own research for yourself to see don’t don’t necessarily take what we’re saying for granted because the Holy Spirit if you are truly a believer is going to show you that there are some areas that you may be walking in error with or that may
Be literally walking blindly in because you still have blinders on and so we did I want to make sure that we shed light on that subject tonight especially when it comes to MLK jr. as we celebrate MLK Day we did have one final thought that we wanted you all to leave brothers will
And Ken as we get ready to wrap up like literally five minutes we appreciate all of those who have been chiming in on the common thread this has been a healthy dialogue of discussion we did have a couple questions I know Terrance Winnie asked can we not say the
Same thing about TD jakes of being a famous pastor and also other famous pastors even the late and great Eddie long who was a Kappa man we know that there’s a lot of gospel artists that are also a part of organizations tons of tons of entertainers including even
Lecrae in Montell Jordan are a part of organizations along with athletes and so we just talked about that a little bit when it came to Martin Luther King jr. that these are still men but they are not the standard of living if you are a true Christian and follower of Yahshua
You should not be basing your standard off of a pastor or athlete or a musician but you need to abide by your own lifestyle that you claim to live and that you choose to live hopefully as being a follower of Christ and so we just wanted to leave a final thought to
Give you brothers a time to give for those that are watching who may have stayed on the whole time or who may just have come on late and that are literally very much so intrigued or even questioning some of the things that we’ve talked about this evening when it
Comes to us denouncing Alpha and also renouncing our before God of being a member of Alpha what would you say Ken we’ll start with you bro what would you say to that person that may be on the fence that they know that there are some questionable things that do misalign
When it comes to what the Word of God says and also even what the holy spirit may be telling them right now while we’re on live stream and and that they literally don’t know which way to go whether it’s left or right but that they’re on the fence what would you tell
That person can that’s that’s watching right now um I would just say that part of growing as an individual is growing in Christ and standing that understanding his interactions understanding his instruction his hope for us understanding human error through biblical text so you know I think in
Order for you to grow in in the Bible you have to have constant prayer and actually build a relationship with him not in just a church house but have established in your own personal relationship with God when you can go to him about everything not only when he’s
Just blessing you but when you’re confused when when you feel tormented when you feel that you just need to understand him more and there are some things that you feel he’s not revealing to you have their personal connection with God and and start started daily meditation you know Center your spirit
And know what you want to ask of God in advance before you ask of him and soon eventually what you’ll see is you just are on a great closer relationship with him a more profound relationship with him and he’s gonna start sending you some discernment some some spiritual
Discernment where things that may not be revealed to other people will be revealed to you so take that and know that that’s a blessing from him and even though that may be that determine that snot popular that if he’s giving you assignments who to follow through with
That assignment and research as much as you can absolutely Brock absolument we appreciate that final thought man what about you will what would you say to your final thought to that individual that that sister that brother in Christ that that may be on the edge or that may
Be having you speak and can speak and myself speak directly that’s where they’re at currently with their situation right now and making that decision what would you tell that brother sister I would say on two fronts both spiritually just practically spiritually being I want to eliminate
Sin from my life and want to repent of sin in my life what be you know idolatry as we touch them on so many times in this conversation on what that looks like will it be pride you know sexual immorality so I’m not gonna join an organization that goes to
Conferences or regionals or whatever or Nationals and you know has and hire strippers for their room right I’m not going to you know goes or acquisition go to parties and try to pick up chicks and lay up with them right and you know devalue women that way in my own body
That way you know um and I’m not going to spend you know and just will be cursing whatever whatever the case may be I just knew that Greek life was for me was the path that was just a door to more sin I’m in many ways and I wasn’t
Going I just can’t turn a blind eye to that anymore spiritually I just have to speak against sin that they’re denounced and renounce sin on so many fronts and just practically whether it be like saying maybe you don’t necessarily have the same views of sexual morality maybe you
Don’t have the same views of idolatry and pride and maybe you don’t think those are things wrong but hazing is wrong right hazing is illegal practically I don’t want to go to jail I don’t want to be tied to someone or organization that is one loss away from
Being you know just kind of torn down right I didn’t want to be in a house when I throw the cops show up right um I didn’t want to continuously be a part of our organization it just put my life or my family’s life in jeopardy just practically it wasn’t a
What it’s just not fruited um dying and I can’t in good conscience say oh I don’t know I don’t know you know someone called me the court you know asked me to swear you know what was done an organization right um what what sins I committed against myself or other people
What would that I force people to do you know just practically I wouldn’t want to put anyone in that position and I advise everyone listening you know not to continue to put yourself in that position where you have to feign ignorance or you have to listen to
Someone you know mom stay to their child died and so you know with the weather get is the same piece of or just a practical piece that kind of unwise I just want to help you know so someone free magic ensues Christ maybe haven’t put your faith in fight yeah I’d
To do stone said you’re free little beetle or me like yeah absolutely and just I would just finally add before we get ready to pray and wrap up that I always ask this question as there’s a final thought when we talk about subjects like this way I’m ok
If MLK did not make it into heaven what would you all say about him still being an alpha man and that’s something that we just leave as a final question if the standard of excellence for becoming a Greek and spang Greek if MLK did not make it into heaven despite all of the
Accolades despite the Nobel Peace Prize despite of what he did for our community our culture if he did not make it into heaven because none of us know because we’re not there yet we’re not in tofox yet we’re not there yet but if he did
Not make it in would you still have the same rebuttals the same thought process the same mindset when it comes to you being a part of this fraternity this sorority or even just secret a secret society at large you have to ask yourself that real question because
There’s a lot of people that we think that are gonna make it in that did not make it in the word says that specifically so straight and narrow is the path not wide and also large straight and narrow is the path and so there’s a lot of people that we think
Are acting one way but when we again check their lifestyle and they measure up to test every spirit just as the word says that they are they are a counterfeit spirit they are an antichrist spirit because this is the end times there’s a lot of people that
Are going to be saying lord lord did i not know you but they gonna be left outside of those pearly gates and so this is the real question that we’re talking to those who are believers and even those who may be having a cord that we struck this
Evening and making you understand and listen a little bit more to what God and the Holy Spirit may be talking to you about because we’re not playing I always saying when I speak on this subject is that women and a lot of our Queens when they speak they move the earth but when
Men speak only kings speak they open the heavens and so there’s a lot of men that are being really quiet in this day and age that are not talking and speaking up about some of these harsh realities some of these harsh truths and they are a part of some of these organizations and
Even some of them are not but best believe if you are true King you must walk and talk as a king you must not be silent on some of the things that do not align up with what the Word of God says and also what the Holy Spirit is calling
You to speak out on and so hopefully this has shed some light on where you may live with your own walk with Christ or your own maturity levels with Christ because we got to get off of that baby-food job we got to get on solid food we’re not on that liquid then
Liquid potion anymore are we trying to get on solid food that is whole food so some of that stuff that we used to do in 2020 it’s not gonna fly this year 2020 is gonna be a year I’ve already I’ve already spoken to a lot of my my brothers and sisters in Christ
Absolutely muscles that jdn said stop pattycake and with it there’s a lot of things that we’re gonna be seeing throughout this year 2020 that’s gonna make you really have to decide do you truly believe or are you just faking are you just are you to toss false or
Falsifying out here claiming that you’re a believer but that you’re not really walking as to the deeper so you’re not patty cake in this year in 2020 God has already snatched a lot of his sons and daughters out of organizations not just in NPHC organizations by out of free
Masonry out of Eastern star out of other Christian quote unquote honors Greek letter organizations or societies that you pledged into but again God is snatching folks out and so if you are if you are looking to find out more from not just people that you’ve seen on this broadcast tonight
But also on that have shared their testimonies and have been open about what God has told them directly can somebody drop in our link to out from among them calm and the comments thread look us up we we are we are small and mighty but we large and making it a
Tremendous impact because everybody’s not going to talk about it you just already said that at the beginning there’s a lot of folks that’s doing a lot of talking behind closed doors but when it comes to again the Holy Spirit telling you to speak up you quiet we not
Be not quiet we’re not scared we’re not out here trying to sugarcoat things we keepin it real with John we said that we were walking in error from what God told us and God snatched us out of that snatched us out of that way of
Working in that way of living and so we appreciate those on the had been tuning in and we appreciate the commentary and the questions because again this is a decision that you’re gonna have to make after today there’s no more patty cake there’s no more again questioning because such-and-such is in it because
My family is a part of this because my mother or father is a legacy in this organization you have to live your life and you will be standing on Judgment Day by yourself not with your family not your sister not with your brother your unto your uncle in them definitely not
With Martin Luther King definitely not gonna be standing with MLK jr. out there you’re gonna be standing solo dolo by yourself and so we hope that you are walking the walk and talking the talk especially for those kings out there we hope that you are walking and also
Talking to talk to the true king but will can you pray us out bro I know if we already passed our time seven minutes over we just want to make sure that there folks were able to have some light spread on them this evening and can you
Pray yourself bro absolutely I’ll be on it too we just bow our heads and humble ourselves close our eyes to just focus our minds and hearts on you we know that a lot has been shared this evening and we just thank you for this opportunity
To speak truth o Lord we just thank you for another day four gathers together Oh Lord and I just allowing this to transpire although when we just pray that if anything we said was not from you that just falls to the ground Lord we just pray that anything
That was spoken an error or an accurate or Lord but we know we are not perfect a little but you are perfect so we just ask you to go before us by the Holy Spirit Lord we ask that you just take the words we we say and get conscious
And in genuine heart to just set someone off spree Oh Lord we know that we were in banished we were in captivity we were in Egypt Oh Lord but you brought us out from among them and to continue to testify and to praise your Holy Name we
Ransom even continue to just put you at our hearts you know may you be deliverer of my life forever Oh Lord may the words we spoke to this evening Pierson one’s heart O Lord may you soften someone’s heart may we just continue to be faithful to the commnity
Place in our lives and and may the truth of the gospel continue ring loud and loud among us O Lord and so we just pray that everyone that was listening I may listen in the future to this recording receive something from it Lauren may they made it a doughnut Lord and maybe
It just make bear fruit or void in someone’s life or may repentance continue to be a lifestyle may worship continue to be to you and only you made idolatry and pride I’ll be repented up o Lord may just any kind of scent o Lord be this garden Oh Lord we praise you
Lord we honor you we thank you so much for all that you do in our lives and most of all for who you are I mean you continue to be Lord and Savior I’ll put an Omega of our lower of our hearts and of our lives the Lord we love
You we thank you Lord and we just ask in Jesus name that we may meet again and and to honor you and to glorify you it’s when your precious name we pray amen we appreciate our brothers boldness and graciousness man we know if not 39 on
The dot no matter where y’all are at man we appreciate y’all coming on and sharing y’all’s testimonies and y’all’s wiles truth that God gave y’all this evening brothers thank you for the opportunity absolutely absolutely man we’re gonna be having y’all back on I know again soon so stay tuned
Y’all will not be not seeing these faces again we’re also going to be coming back with some omegas there’s not a lot of omegas that I hear about they have denounced because they are knee deep and in their organizations we’re going to be coming back on later this February with
Some amazing some EXO makers matter of fact to give their testimonies because we’re having more men speak out this year and so that this resonated which you all tonight share this content give us some like some hearts if you enjoyed the content this evening keep us lifted
Keep us in your prayers because this journey is it’s not for everybody y’all you know that many many are called but few but few are chosen to walk this walk so we’re choosing to shed light and to spread light this evening and so we appreciate y’all rockin with us I bring
Y’all be safe man we’ll be in touch soon man all right brother Browns IP here come see you Julie please all right now as we get ready to close out we appreciate brothers and sisters rockin with us this has been an out from among them ministries production MLK special
Edition part 2 just as we close out we got to make a decision this year y’all we got to wake up wake up wake up we got to wake up yeah I’m Julian smart rebel I’ve been the host this evening and we close out with this video as we go into
February Black History Month it’s time to wake up yeah you We go wait [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Ah [Applause] Please wake up