Are you ready 5 3 2 1 what’s up y’all T small the chef AKA Red spec red spe and I’m here with my brother and co-host Papa wolf AKA Alpha Moon and this is food for thought y’all know what this is man by now y should know what this is live everyday night
From 8 to 10 pm we’ll be discussing food music and the truth streaming live on all major platforms including Spotify baby no doubt doubt no doubt so let’s get into this really really quickly let’s Go What’s up what’s up everybody welcome back I’m your host TR small the chef with my co-host Papa wolf AK Alpha Moon first of all we want to thank the listeners for listening today because you could have been anywhere else in the world but you choose to be here with us
Live at fol For Thought man that’s right thank you thank y’all listeners so follow subscribe hit that notification button so you won’t miss any episodes we appreciate that man you can check us out on Facebook at fo forth thought 44424 Instagram at fo forth thought twitch at fo forth thought and YouTube
At fool forth thought fft so um let me get into this right now because we having a little problem with the Instagram okay so we are so sorry about the Instagram I don’t know I’m going live on it but for some reason it doesn’t want to go on live so if you
Guys can switch over some kind of way to Facebook at Food forth thought1 1424 you can catch it there and like I said twitch fol forth thought H with the YouTube YouTube at fo forth thought fft we having a little problem over here with Instagram and and we always having
A problem with Instagram so we are so so sorry about the Instagram followers um right now um also you can catch our audio portion of our podcast on Spotify for podcasters okay so what’s up D what’s good man what’s good man I tell you it’s like uh sometimes everything always
Trying to stop a brother for moving forward like you know it’s like it’s crazy man I mean just to change it up man I know we picked the 49ers last week we were talking about you know 49ers and look what happened you know I mean listen listen listen I wanted to 49 as
The win because I didn’t want back and we and and they did a good job they did a good job you know and um you know they they just didn’t uh didn’t make it come through come they almost did though you know what I mean it was like you know it
Was real close it was like it was real good you know yeah no doubt no doubt they they they they they came through and stuff like that and um you know but I I just want to uh say something you know because uh after the Super Bowl um they had a shooting or
Something in Kansas City and um that was really heartbroken heartbreaking you know one person dead 10 to 15 injured um you know the shooting was uh during a Kansas City uh Super Bowl celebration uh yesterday um it was towards the end of the uh the show thank God it was towards
The end of the show and uh they had like a million attendees there at the time you know and um two people was in custody uh so it’s an ongoing investigation you know at this time man and uh m to uh that uh person who uh
Passed away during that time you know I mean it was it’s very heartbreaking man yeah was it was a tragic it tragic tragic tragic like uh you know like you said something like that you know everybody celebrating and and that kind of thing happens is it’s you know it’s
Heartbreaking um hopefully we got some uh good news we’re gonna be talking about today you know some of uh some of the uh fraternities and and different things like that but um what I want to what I want to tell today we’re going to discuss who we are and why we here right
We’re going to be talking to dancers that you know dance has really changed our history and everything and and music and dance is like the universal language so we gonna have a special guest we gonna have Miss uh Miss I’m trying to get a last name
Right because I always I I can’t roll my tongue like like that so it’s G gag y’all remember me trying to say those are fancy foods so we’re gonna have her and she’s uh the founder of keep rising to the top kr3ts and we really gonna We Really
Gonna talk to her we go way way back yes sir yes yes yes yes way back with that once again um like I was saying before we having problems with uh the Instagram stuff like that I need everybody to to kind of shift over to uh the
Facebook to and and you can even go on Twitch and catch us there um this Instagram is is is giving me a headache right now and technology technology yeah yeah yeah yeah you know this is this is why Instagram needs to change up their their formats of what they doing and get
With get with everybody else because you know things like this is is is is not is not not it’s not cool it’s not Co you also can catch it on that uh YouTube too YouTube is real good if they don’t have uh twitch if you have to if you have to
You can go on uh Facebook at Trent small uh and and catch me over there and uh Facebook at uh Papa wolf 2 if you can’t if you can’t get in there because uh today we having a little uh problem with uh with this thing here and uh it
Ain’t today it’s every day with them we send them emails and everything listen listen listen can’t stop the flow because what’s for us is for us and um please please let us know in the comments the people that’s coming in let us know in the comments if you guys are
Having any trouble getting into onto the platform or or watching it so we know what to do on this side yeah all feedback we need all that feedback so that way just let us know let us know please please let us know what you what you gonna be cooking today bro what’s
What’s going on what you gonna be showing man listen um today I’ll be making my famous Kea burgers and with the help of my handsome grandson okay and we also we uh be watching some videos and stuff like that from Violeta and from a couple of uh fraternities fraternities uh Alpha F
Alpha we’re going to see some of those and stuff like that so um that’s that’s that’s going to be a good thing you know to see some of those doing the stepping and stuff like that so you know I’m really interested in doing in seeing that and I’m definitely
Interested and sitting down and talking with our little sister valeta and we Violet you know I mean she’s been doing a lot of lot of big things so it’s GNA be it’s GNA be real good yes yes yes and uh we grew up with her and uh back in uh
East Harlem Spanish Harlem that’s what you want to call it Spanish Harlem and uh don’t get all the goodies don’t get all the goodies because we got some Blast for them we got some some Blast from the Past you know we wna we want to
Let them uh know what’s going on but I know you all spoke about the fraternities and stuff like that and I know uh some people I sent you some emails and different things like that so um I don’t know um you got anything for
Us um well I have uh a guy that’s uh a gentleman that’s going to call in he’s from uh Alpha 5 Alpha uh he’s been uh in there since uh I think 2000 uh he graduated from uh from Virginia’s uh State I believe oh
Okay okay yeah so uh we want to uh get into that a little see you looking see looking is he calling in now I’m I’m looking now to try to see I thought I’d see the caller calling in and um just looking do it okay uh let me see
Uh so big up to y’all who’s in here tonight yeah who we got in here yeah it’s getting slow because everybody is uh uh moving over let’s see yeah trying to move over so we’re just trying to get everything straight people uh just bear with us once again we’re live
Here yeah ain’t nobody doing it like this this live so everything is out in the open nothing’s being hi or anything like that so we got Bishop trying to fix everything up get everything right okay hold on one second uh we have a a call online hul from cine Carter oh yeah
That’s accept press one to send a voicemail press two good evening caller what’s your name and where you caller from yeah caller yeah what’s up what’s going what’s good gentlemen how you doing how you doing good we good hey what’s up brother we just we just talking about you
Man here okay okay uh just just hang on on on the line for a second I want to show this video that uh I believe I got from you and um then we going to talk from there just stay on the line caller I will all right brother check this Out [Applause] all a right He the mighty pharohs are [Applause] Back [Applause] Yes yes yes yeah so we have a brother uh on the line cian Carter he attended uh Virginia State University from 1996 to 2000 and is a is in uh the fraternity Alpha 5 Alpha he’s going to speak with us a little bit on fraternity and his
Stepping after you know the video we just saw s and you on you on the air brother yeah I’m still here yeah see like I got I got my hair pod in I Heir like the video yeah yeah yeah man we were just looking at the video man and
Just appreciating um you guys and and and I I loved this uh stepping for for many years yes you know uh started in that movie school days and all that kind of stuff you know um I I appreciated it back then man because it it it gave us
Something different you know you know people of color something different to to to to watch instead of you know the normal thing and and and well well I would say this first of all I just want to thank you guys for having me on tonight okay okay so um so yeah I went
Down Virginia state um in 96 I didn’t I didn’t know anything about fraternity I never knew if fraternity even existed but I became an alpha during my junior year at Virginia state um and I March 5th this year I’ll be 25 years in wow so my brothers and I really celebrating
Something special another Milestone but I love I love the FR um it’s about community service is about Brotherhood it’s about you know uplift it’s about bringing young men to the F and really make them understand what alha alha fraternity corporated the oldest black Greek letter fraternity for African-American men established for
University on December 4th 196 right so we have been for 118 years my chapter b g chapter located at VIR University charted December 22nd 1926 um so it’s a Legacy Legacy and when I became a brother in 1999 um steeven was something that I never thought I’d be able to do but
Um I’ve stuck around I’ve seen many brothers coming after me and and and step and all that I just love the step I think step is great for of exercise but it has a has a has a cultural meaning behind it that’s it that’s it so a question how
Many uh like when when you would uh if I if I use the terminology wrong just let me know but when you was crossing how many what’s the percentage that actually make it you know and the percentage that don’t well the thing is that um it kind
Of varies like I said I mean a a lot of young men come out and express interest only a select few are are chosen um maybe because they got the grave they got the community service got things that stands out um not not everybody not everybody makes
It I go by the slan many are many are many are chosen but few feel so and and I know also go ahead caller go ahead hello uh I think we got dropped off there here oh okay yeah you was about to say something but I just feel that um Alpha
Fire alha Fraternity Incorporated is just it just phenomenal just just phenomenal it definitely blessed me to be a better better person I learn so many skills no time management no communication my networking has just expanded and I just I just want to take whatever I’ve learned over the 25 years
Of me being an alpha and passing on to the next young man who want to be an alpha bless one day I G to lay out lay down my my outfit shoes and and and lay down my letters I just want to know that everybody I’ve on the way will continue
A strong Legacy yeah and and one last uh Le for me uh the building blocks if that’s the uh the right word like the principles that uh you guys stand on yeah so so um our aims well our Mel is first of all terms about we shall transcend
All mainly be scholarship Love For All Mankind so mainly serving the community know serving each other scholarship um know education is a primary thing like education is the one thing that no one can ever take from you we have our ancestors they they fought hard for us to have the right to see
Have a SE at the table whether with whites and and primarily whites um to to receive degrees and everything and now love all mankind you love your neighbor as you love yourself BL and it that’s it that’s it that’s it man well thanks for the history lesson because you know uh
We really needed and our youth needed too you know we got a lot of brothers and sisters before but before I go I want to say this and um before when I when I when I was want to become a brother is days I you guys talking about school days yeah Al school
Days and when I really saw them that that just confirmed my interest in kind of motivated you it definitely motivated me it was definit motivation okay okay so so the stepping Drew you in to to get motivated to actually join the fraternity yeah okay abely and and for what 25 years you
Haven’t uh you haven’t turned back yet so I know you out there crossing young brothers and stuff like that so you know how was that Journey how was that Journey with you actually being able to cross other people it’s wonderful okay it’s wonderful because because I’m able
To lay down knowledge I’m able to show them things that I’ve learned that that really hasn’t faded away right um a young brother comes and ask me he said yo brother Carter I need some help or something brother Carter I have a question about something that’s that’s
Responsibility as a big brother is to guide them because soon they’re G to be big brothers and I want to pass on the positive knowledge to them they pass it on to Y Each one teach one it just generating generating more and more people and I just that’s just me I just
Want to be a good brother yeah that’s it so do they come to you and say do they come to you and say big brother C like that likeo a lot of people like like um like like a lot of a lot of well
Say big bro yo what’s up big bro I say yo brother Carter um the guys that came after me that’s kind of close to they call me k um my live Brothers they call me y c c to look like Marcus C so um a lot of my
Older brothers say yo C so was like I get called by many names but like I know I know who’s calling me based on the error right right gocha gotcha well thank you for calling in man and and just letting us know about that man and uh we appreciate that man yeah man
Thanks thanks for dropping that seed man thanks and plus and plus I’m an educator thank you years education thanks brother we appreciate it thanks for calling in brother thanks appreciate peace peace yes sir yes sir say Carter was here just chopping it up with him uh yeah with fraternities and and Alpha
Fire Alpha I love it because everything goes right with you know with the dance choreographer that we got on everything is like you know it’s a beautiful thing I’m loving the vibe loving the vibe yeah so that’s that’s a that’s a beautiful thing there yeah because like
I I was telling them after the school days thing man you know even before that I was into the stepping man and I I wasn’t gonna do it but you know I was stuff like that but okay so so welcome back everybody now uh our next guest is not only a
Friend of us to us yeah yeah amazing she’s amazing mom from East Harlem she is an award-winning choreographer who has worked with the likes of Prince Royals Jill Scott Joe amarion Jim Jones TKA come on the zette Melendez come on General General many many many
More and this this goes on and on yeah she was the ambassador of the Puerto Rican Day Parade welcome to the show vieta galag G G and call them in the house do us a favor just turn the camera uh the other way sideways yes sideways
So you can fit into the uh stream here okay hey what’s going on I see I see you busy uh you’re in your car uh doing your thing see you bu give you a ride around in V you a look at that it’s all good man it’s all good
All good so um I was telling d uh uh earlier well we was telling the audience and our listeners earlier we here live so anything can happen here live and this is why we do it because I guess we like adventure of being live but we was having problems with the um uh
Instagram uh for some reason uh I went to go live and then it didn’t go live I don’t know uh you know I just I I don’t like uh Instagram Instagram is so stressful but uh I I just told you the audience if you need to uh you can go
Back on Trent small uh on Facebook or or you can go on YouTube at fool forth thought well they’re not going to hear that here they’re looking for us there right yeah yeah they’ll hear us when you post it up on YouTube or whoever’s scrolling through YouTube yeah it’s up
There now can’t I can’t I can’t but before we get into to to uh talking to you I want to show them this video real quick is that fine with you yeah go ahead I want to see it uh Video sound on video we get back to that but welcome welcome here today right um tell tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspired you to start dancing you could have did anything else in the world but you decided you wanted to be a dancer well hello everyone um I’m vieta
Gagala based in Spanish Harlem I started my company at the age of 17 and now it’s 33 years now but back then that’s what we live by it was by music by block parties by you know the next steps that are out the next dance that’s out the [ __ ] the Cabbage Patch
Things that would entertain us through the struggles or just you know we was looking for greatness we didn’t care as long as within the Arts and battles so that brought me with the um interest because my sisters were hustle dancers Cindy and jeie and marissah and and I got inspired by them
And one day I was in my mom’s house slant cuz I was adopted and I saw my sister dancing at that time I thought she was my cousin and and she I saw her doing the hustle and I said one day I want to be
Like her and better but in a good way you know right right and um they used to have me as a follower a lead I became a leader a guinea pig they threw me up they threw me down I I do it again I was hyped with stuff like that and it all
Started when I was nine years old too at school at PS1 155 there you and that’s when I went to an audition and Miss Albert that was her name Albert didn’t didn’t you go to5 D yeah 155 yeah yeah we went we went to school she she been in real light
With it because I’m I’m getting ready to like let’s let’s really we yeah yeah we’ve known each other for so long let me let me explain when we were when we were the Four Kings Violeta and her girls was dancing and they were doing their things
We always around the hood so we had a big function at laguadia Memorial house and we went around the city and we borrowed some of the construction uh you know that fencing that plastic fencing and we set the stage up like little uh stages so when we was performing yeah they they
Uh their dancers was in there and everything was beautiful until the twins or somebody twins Being John and Eric it was supposed to been like smoke on the stage you remember vet and and uh what happened was it was so much smoke you couldn’t really even see us the fire
Department came out they wind up shutting the whole place down you know we was over capacity but she was the first one that gave us that that that chance to said Hey listen do y’all want to dance at we got at a show and she was
Like sure you know what I’m saying and we’ve been rocking ever since even when I became uh into my uh Union uh thing um fundraising and and stuff like that we we donated and actually I to I called uh if you listen to Eddie uh this is her
Right here I called Eddie and um because we would do donations from the union you know and um we we were I don’t know if we were the first ones but I know our local went right back to the hood and we helped out and they’ve been doing
Marvelous every since so you know I’ll recommend you to that and thanks for helping us out Yeah that that that that night was was was crazy because you guys were dancing in the back right and everything just got smoked up and I’m scared that we gonna fall off the stage John and Eric flipping in the background the Twins and it it was it was a crazy night but uh
That’s that’s that’s where it started man started so I just want to ask um kr3ts which means keep rising to the top right you guys have performed on world tours with artists such as beyon or Beyonce uh Rihanna Chris Brown and and and who else you have performed with so
So I’ve trained I mean I’ve been all over with hned ey Latin artists hip-hop artist freestyle artist and contemporary people that were famous in that industry like Jack de moah but um in the in the the years that I put in and training with my dancers and developing dancers to becoming
Professional their expertise and greatness of who they are now has led them to dancing with amazing artists like Chris Brown Beyonce JLo um Lady Gaga Rihanna you know you name one of my dancers with them the Super Bowl last year was one of my dancers that I trained and now she became the
Assistant of the choreographer T and she also did the color the movie The Color Purple and these are dancers that couldn’t afford to pay to get trained or just go down downtown to Bro a dance CER or Perry Dance Center and that’s all it is but not to develop
These dances prepare them challenge them and make them feel at home so it’s not only about the fame cuz that’s not what we looked at that time I didn’t know that it was going to become what it is now I did it for the passion because it
Was somewhere I loved that I felt free that I felt safe that I felt good it was my healing it was therapy and it it that also helped others in our time that were gang members that were depress that were you know the issues the and this was our balance our challenge
To help us and to be distracted from anything to influence ourselves that you know to avoid and you know I had a Latin King becoming United States Marines I had the president of the Crips changed his life too changing People life is what it is that’s what it is through the
Arts of dance yeah you always had a passion for this you know it was never about uh money for you at that time because I remember um having my son come to your studio and remember that yes my baby to dance he wanted to dance big up Teddy scamboy you remember that scoozi
On the one twostep he’s there I’m missing no he’s probably listening yeah and um we we I wanted to put him in in your class and stuff like that and and and do what he had to do and and and you know you you told me you know yeah
You know I pay this much every month or whatever and stuff like that but you know things happen you know to people you know where they can’t pay in this and that or whatever so it it wasn’t about the money with you it was just like getting those kids off the street
Having them do something else different and that’s what I loved about you I appreciate that because these things I don’t even good uh a lot of these conversations I don’t remember with individuals parents or friends that I know or people that I don’t know and when I hear this I’m like
Oh my God I said that yeah oh my God I did that like I’m now you’re giving me the flashbacks about the smoke but I got to go back in we got to talk later on about that I remember the twins being on the stage being my security standing there I
Was just telling that to my dancers like oh my God we was really holding it down yeah I never realized that everything we did was love that’s it that’s that’s it and early in the game you talking early in the game you talk in the 80s or whatever
Yes8 you know me and me and me and my brother sitting here uh on this podcast talking and these are the truths you know you’re you’re our truth you know what I’m saying too you know as well as other uh guests that was on the on the show um you know we
That we not just talking out our butt you know what I’m saying there’s two of you guys so there’s more than one that’s saying the same thing so we good we don’t need nothing for validation it is what it is that’s right yeah my son is in the comment he said
Hi I miss you so much you GNA come visit us he better come he’s an alumni now he’s a man now and uh I have two grand grandsons with you know from him so wow well he need to bring those kids over too and he like he like dancing too
So they might like it y yep yep yep yes so at that time go ahead no go ahead go ahead at that time no at that time you know I had like many dancers like at one point at jul bulos after lauia and um
1997 I had over I we rehear twice a week four hours a day and we had over 92 dancers I was able to have 92 dances because the space is big but imagine having 92 dances and not one is paying and later on in the years I had you know my board
Members are like violet these kids or parents they got to help you you’re helping everybody else you got to find a way you’re not paying yourself I didn’t pay myself for I have my company for 33 years 35 years this year is 35 and I’m going explain about that I
Skipped one year because of the co last year I celebrated 33 but I skip always skip the year because of Co but I’m doing 35 May 25th is it is but now when you see my dances in the place that we are now is a beautiful place called Elio
Art Space and um but it it only fits like 40 50 dances this still alive right but imagine you having a company running you know every year and maybe out of 40 dances maybe two only pays yeah now thank God starting September it went to 12 out of 50 dancers that are paying
Monthly yeah because that’s what ask you yeah like people don’t understand yeah like the impact and what I’ve done for the community and what I had to pay just to keep it going and you know the Lost of relationships the Lost of you know holidays celebrations Christmas I
Couldn’t give to my kids because I wasn’t paying myself yeah you know I I had to hustle to make this happen the thing is the thing is I’m sorry I’m sorry just tell us about the different charities um uh you’re involved in in how people can help you
Now uh with by donating and help you get this that’s that’s important yes so back then when y’all knew me we was doing cake sales you know and and I only not all the time but I did it so that I didn’t have the dancers pay for their costumes
So I would try to give half and they put half that was when I did my first show that test move and jibbo the pro donated their equipment legendary DJs at 17 at 17 I was a young mom at that time which is not regular that you see like
Now and I started my company the dance company and I was challenged by the director and he said either you come here to practice you could join the ballet company or you do a Broadway show I’m like Broadway show I don’t even got nobody rich in that at that time I don’t
Know nobody white nobody that’s my best friend that’s white I don’t know how to do this but I thought was a pressure to it and I was like okay I’ll do it I’ll do it and when I started I had over 12 dancers or 15 from that in three months
Became 40 to 60 dancers I did my flyers one of the graffiti artists Oliver um Ros he did my graffiti um and he also did my brother’s rest in peace Wily’s graffiti on the wall we gonna get that that’s how I did that graffiti flyer I had 360 people
Come I did 900 nine choreographies at the age of 17 being a mom being single nine different choreographies doing the costumes being the holes using the cassette tapes cutting it in half editing it um performing as well promoting everything by myself and it’s 33 years now because of
That challenge that’s what I was able to bring back to every dance that joins the company because what I’ve learned that under pressure or being challenged brings the greatest things in your life that you didn’t even think you had like look at you guys yeah it’s way you at
Now yeah like listen we was we were just saying that it’s like you know the challenges it can let you it can break you or it can make you stronger and like I used to tell all all the wolves and all of us we wolves we rip the flesh off
The bone and when the flesh is G we going for the bone marrow because that’s where all the nutrients is translation we don’t stop we don’t never give up we don’t surrender we keep going you know what I’m saying and we need Community leaders and and things like that in our
Community and we got to help fund these people because these are our youths that that they’re helping and they’re committing to that time like you wasn’t getting paid losing family time but you love what you do you know what I’m saying so we as a community got to stand
Up and say hey you know what right now I’m putting it on blast we we go way back so we’re not the only ones that go way back with y’all you know what I mean so all of y’all that that was out that’s out there that’s listening to Papa wolf
That’s listening to D whatever it is y’all need to really start doing what y’all need to do to uplift these Community leaders like voice of Harlem like you know Veta we got to get this stuff done because if we don’t do it Ain gonna do it for us now before I start
Preaching I wanted to ask you you know like and and and like she mentioned will that’s that was her brother that was my man we we stayed at the house me John Eric and us so we we grew up grew up but I want to ask you
How many dancers do you have now I gotta calm down you know I mean how many dancers do you have now and um do you think we need more people in the community to volunteer their times and services to help with the youth oh my God that’s beautiful um
I’m open to inviting those that who are publicists marketing people filmmakers directors um critics to come and be a hand to be a supporter to be of guidance to be you know also reverse for them it’ll be a healing to them because it’s good when you have something that
You can share if you’re gifted and you have something to bring to the table and you see the difference and the growth of someone who didn’t know or experience stuff but because of your talent and expertise and credentials got them more quicker and better to where
They at now so I’m open to those that would want volunteer those that would want to donate those that would give a little bit of time or just come to our shows or come and visit and see for yourself what I’ve done but right now we have over 45 dancers because the space
We have is small but there’s people upset wanting to join and not upset disappointed they’re like they’re waiting for me to call them we just had high demand you’re in high demand you know in high demand and you you answered a question that I had too I meant I know
Uh you were the Ambassador and correct me if I’m wrong for the 116 street festival if y’all haven’t been 16 Street Festival y’all ain’t been to Al we grew up y’all got to get there so I know you was the Ambassador but as far as the Puerto Rican Day Parade you know how
Does that how does how’s that honor for you you know the AIO hood and then you become the ambassador of the festival and how long were you involved in the 116 street I got to ask you a lot of questions okay no that’s fine that’s
Fine y you y’all can do that okay the 116th Festival I’ve I’ve been honored like twice on that stage but it was the Puerto Rican n parade that i was nominated to being the Ambassador I was called from Puerto Rico which I was like wait what they was like oh and we want
To tell you how proud We Are to hear all you’ve done in the body and this and that and we just want to tell you and say that you was nominated and you’re going to be the ambassador of the Puerto Rican a parade and I’m like we’re in
Puerto Rico cuz he’s calling from Puerto Rico I’m like oh my God I’m G fly out there he says no Fifth Avenue I said what I’ve done the parade every year for over 25 years having my dancers my sisters my family my friends going through representing HOT97
105.1 um laa all hospitals Bal bardi we did all companies out there but the 116 festival for those that don’t know there’s over 30,000 people that come every year and more um where it’s closed from 106 Street to 122nd Street back then in our time it was closed in Third
Avenue 106 to 122nd and First Avenue to Park Avenue 116 straight down remember that y definitely and and and that’s the most greatest Festival to me that I’ve ever been in all these years to this day that has been the most greatest culture everyone invited and block parties not
Only Festival we go right straight to the block and continue that’s right yes everybody yeah everybody did so so being that being a part of that was something I don’t care how fame or who I am I still had to continue and do that to me that’s a tradition y you know
I have to represent an abio that’s my home I still live in AIO that’s it that’s right that’s right that’s right I mean you like I said big up man yeah yeah we got yeah big up up te up boy because it’s like you
Know you did you yeah you did a lot and I know like he T I’m sorry go ahead t no no no I’m just saying um tell us about some um because I know you uh received some awards and stuff for that and uh how you felt about you know receiving
Some of the awards that you got okay I’m I’m G be funny with one but I’mma tell you I’ve received here y’all I received Awards yes um Latin Grammy for Best choreography flash mob em talk to you about that I’m sorry and you could talk to me
About that but Emmy for um a commercial that I did for tundo uh this was during Co I was so mad because I didn’t get to go there but I was nominated and you could Google it um uh uh Bessie Awards Proclamation Awards citation Awards blah blah blah blah to
Me I’m like if if you see how many awards I receive I think I’ll Be A Millionaire right now um let’s scratch that one off there was one award that I received I was honored um and it was money right uh and not money like cash but
Money as a donation to maybe my friend J but anyway I was in a show called The Christina show and they were like what’s your dream so I was like oh my God this will be the best I want a studio that’s all I want don’t give me
The money you pay for it we just want one floor in the bottom we don’t want a whole building you could give us that but this is all we need storage dance studio office whatever yo they called me and they were flying me out to Florida to the
Christina show she’s like the Oprah in the Spanish World gotcha amazing lady and so they flew me out surprised me and flew 12 of my dancers out I didn’t know and my dancers performed and you know they surprised me guess who’s here and they perform I’m like crying whatever
Then they go we’re not finished we’re gonna give you Dan’s gifts and we want to give you a gift do you know what and I’m like oh my God they’re gonna answer my my dream because it’s it’s talking about your dream in Spanish your your favorite dream so she goes you’re gonna
Get and the elves are coming with boxes and I’m like what’s that you’re gonna get $10,000 and I’m like worth of jewelry and I’m like cry but they’re like don’t cry you deserve it and she goes you have diamond earrings diamond rings uh tennis uh bracelet you have this you have a chain
And I’m crying and she goes you deserve it because you for your community and I’m like if she only knew why jewelry I need a stud for my dancers that’s right so I was like the next day the producer calls me and I’m like you know thank you
Blah blah blah I said girl I’m going back to the hood y’all put that on national TV now they’re gonna think I’m rich they’re gonna rob me I’m gonna have to put something in my door that’s it they already robbed me you’re too late yeah not for nothing I did get robbed
They took all my stuff I got something else man out there they took my my my whole jewelry I never got to use it wow somebody stole it in my house anyway so that was one of my funny award but not as a nomination award but what I think about getting Awards and
All that stuff it’s cool but nowadays these type of Wars doesn’t match in the times when we get honored and and respected now people pay to get acknowledged or they pay somebody to say hey look at who I am what they call now what they call it days capping they
Capping right now now you got me crying it hurts me because I see that I’ve worked so hard and then somebody gets the key of the city right and I’m like wait I’m from the key to you never got the key to the city May Adams mayor
Adams what’s going on yeah Che record mayor Adams right here yeah I know you in a little bit of problems right now but that ain’t got nothing to do with food for thought this lady need to get recognized check the resume exactly and that’s one place that would be respected because then
When I go submit for Grants is like she’s a fish official we need to help her or the Maho president who has for buildings I’m like we’re not don’t give us the money just give us the place and we do the rest we do our own fundraisers
We let tell you something let me tell you something our history the way we grew we make nothing out of something you got to remember we make nothing if they can’t give you the building then we’ll do it in the bodega store that when he closed down if they can’t give us the
Building then we’ll do our stuff in the summer at randle’s Island you we what I’m trying to say is there’s nothing that can stop you it ain’t stopped you all these son and you just been keep going so yeah the good deeds will come you know what I’m saying the recognition
I know but it’s it’s not that it’s just sad yeah that even the noise in Harlem uhuh we did the movie In the Heights you’re not going to celebrate that it’s not even to celebrate me let’s celebrate that let’s say Latinos in a movie more
Than one dancer got a spot finally in a movie there was over 300 200 dancers that they gave opportunities to from a guy from La recognized and respected me and said we got to put her in I didn’t know she trained this one I didn’t know she did this one but because people
Don’t talk right because of that open doors for everyone else and that’s how we got recognized but how you still not celebrating in and taking that for Harlem Spanish harl I had to do my own that’s what I was gonna say your thing man because to get together and
And all of these different Community leaders and take that to the Forefront of whoever in charge of that burrow like wait hold on like these Community doing all of this but if you did it by yourself there strengthen numbers and this is where this is where with our
Love this is what the Wolfpack um acronym means with our love forms power and knowledge our love is all of us together as one because when we stand by ourself yeah we’re strong you a strong Latino woman that’s been doing a thing but if you standing with 30 40 other different
Latinos and other different africanamerican women of color now you shake them you make them hear our voice because this is what we need for our youth to grow especially in Harlem especially we any younger now like what we going to do this you know so it’s like they thinking they thinking
We giving up like that you know the elders is giving up no you got people like you that’s still going we still pushing that you know and and then you’re teaching the rest of your dancers so now they’ll pick up that and pick up the torch you know what I mean look at
Look at our sons we were doing that we can’t do it no more they became doing what they doing and now so that’s what keep going we got to keep planting that seed so that Foundation is get stronger and stronger and Our Roots Run Deep that we a lot of people Tak vill
Raise our Ro Run Deep we know a lot of people you know what I’m saying and when I say we I’m not just talking about me Bishop I’m talking about people that was in the hood that we grew up with that’s still doing stuff and that’s what we’re
Doing on this platform we we we’re reaching out we can’t go out there and do the things like we doing now yeah we talked about this before we dinosaurs in this new era but we learning why because our voices have to reach out to these
People you know what I’m saying and I se I seen um just to get off the subject I seen uh uh JJ doing his thing in one of them videos I tell you got some you got something for her D you wan well yeah what I wanted to ask the question thanks
Bishop I told you I get into it I have a feza the the Grammy you know that you won for uh best for flash mob there was six other women that you know got that with you do you know if any other and this is going to
The question like we were saying too any other women that you know got that award prior to you guys getting no wow so this was the first time they did that because it was some tribute that they were doing and they chose six other choreographers um from Chicago from Washington DC from
Florida from another place and then New York I think it was five and so I didn’t know that was going on and I got hired with them and Verizon to do this flash mob a flash mob in one day wow and we in different different places they were taken and you know they
All got paid the dances and all and then I I went on tour to to Europe to do 10 cities to judge do panel discussions and um teach classes out there when I flew back here that’s when I got a call from the Grammys that they said you know hey
You know um congratulations and I was like everything went well cuz I wasn’t here I had to still work they had to take care of the rest and they were like yes they did good CU I was like nobody better not be there late I don’t want to
Hear nothing but they were all on point and then she said well we wanted to let you know that we there was voters and we had got people to vote and you was nominated for best choreography flash mob like and then they were like you
Know are you free for November and I was like yeah I just got back he was like okay so give us your information we want to fly you out to Las Vegas and who’s your your other person you want to invite I’m like what that was nice so I
Was like damn I don’t even got a boo but then I said oh my God let me get my assistant JJ and I flew him out with me the one you saw JJ’s been with me for a long time and we flew out there it was a
Great the minute I land they gave me 500 bucks the limo guy was there with my sign it was a great um experience Green carpet that’s good I mean you’ve been you you’ve been involved in so many things man that we don’t even have time on this platform you know what I mean
But I want to get into to to uh GTA right right let’s talk about that a little bit tell them what the GTA is when they came to you or I don’t know if you came to them or whatever um she was in Grand Theft Auto her
Dancers right and you me yeah right and um how was that you know at Grand Theft Auto and and getting into that uh what what so I got a call from some guy and he’s from Germany so that’s how far my name goes I guess that he knew and
Remembered who I was and what I’ve done during that time and they needed a dancer to teach on Grand the photo 3 um the 70s 80s and 90s the old school stuff and they you had to catch up if they do it on the left or the right and it
Continues the steps I don’t know because I didn’t get to see the game I don’t play those games but I did my part but when I went and sat down at Rockstar Games he telling me this is what we looking for I’m looking at him and I
Give him my VHS he puts it in to see my work after he finish he looks at me he whips out the paper with a contract and I’m like he says we’re you’re in I said okay look signed it he explained what was the cost whatever and I did Grand
Theft photo three grand theft photo four they called me back and they were like we need voiceovers um you can bring a few ever I brought Tess Smo nobody even knows that wow tesso JJ was in it and a few my son was in it on the voice over but I
Invited him to see for himself a rehearsal what I do Rockstar Games they came he saw my story and in Grand Theft photo 4 I’m in it as a dancer and the guy um which is um his his last name is colong I I froze his first name but he’s
Famous he’s on Kane um Kane Kane that TV show right Berto Berto cologne he was the guy playing Grand Theft photo for uh Manny esquella he was playing Manny esqu talking about hey this is my my studio these are my dancers which is really me is supposed to be and he’s talking about
The gangs the gang members we got to change the city and cameras are coming in exactly like my story it and I’m like oh my God he took my life story and put it in there technology technology I could have Su him but I didn’t I was honored because
Hello you’re taking my story you got inspired you you could have done something to help more name likeness yeah but I was I was inspired and Grand Theft photo 3 I didn’t really I did my job like I do anything else to get a call from LA and somebody’s like
Congratulations I’m like for what I’m not pregnant I didn’t get married and they’re like no yo you did Grand Theft 403 and I was like oh I did that six months ago they were like what you mean oh you did that six months ago that’s number one in the
World grand theft AO yeah I love it I didn’t even know I’m I’m seeing it in TV and the credits are always look at and I see your name Violet I see Carol I was like really I didn’t even know how far you know I do my job and I [Applause]
Go she’s on that mission you know what I’m saying that to build up so you know she get like what I don’t know I’m on a mission I got I gotta Focus I gotta stay I gotta get these kids off the street I gotta give them some direction I gotta
Give them you know some guidance you know so the other thing is this going to be a hard one but you know wolf ain’t coming nothing light if you can pick three of your alumni dancers you can put three two who would it be and why also I’ll
Make it a little harder too if you could pick three companies that you worked with uh which one you had the most experience and and gained a lot of Knowledge from you could pick three you could pick one from either category if you don’t understand how I’ll explain it
What what company what you mean like any like if from uh from uh like you did the Grammys you worked over in London you worked with the you did um collaborations yeah the collaborations uh Alvin you know you it’s so much stuff you did which company I just one stands
Out to you that stands out to you that that helped you gain a lot and and and you know just was an inspiration to you that you loved working with to me I was a guest in it and I was working with them but I really really enjoyed the experience and
Honored to be in the movie In the Heights just those three months in shooting to me the family environment the respect the honor they gave me by L Manuel speaking every time he he saw me hello bendy I’m like bendy don’t you dare you’re like the same age I am or
Older exactly yeah and he was like no it’s respect m you do and then the casting the the the crew the the staff behind a John trueu the love they gave me how they fitted me in and I’m not I wasn’t even part of the script but the
Fact that they found out who I was and they were like yo we gotta get her in she’s you know a legend an icon whatever they were saying to them do you know the people you you’re you hiring came from her do you know that this one that you
Love they’re like oh yeah I love them she did that that she trained them how about this one oh she trained them oh my God why I don’t know about you I said cuz those people don’t talk about me out there in LA I don’t know I shouldn’t be
A threat hopefully no you are a threat you are but I shouldn’t man yeah you just stay home you know what I mean that’s it so right so that experience was really great um I really don’t I I’ve gotten through other maybe I can’t remember now cuz I wasn’t ready
For that question because I’ve done so many maybe the experience being on the billboard the team that I’ve worked with okay you know for cover 42nd Street she had a big Bill Billboard Street uh what was a shot what was the cover shot cover shot uh they made a a big billboard of
Her she was on that show and uh a model they surprised me they me up you know I looked up I said oh you know what I mean got the VAP you got the VAP yeah I got it was nice though it was nice it was nice it’s a beautiful
Day that that was a great um Team partnership and to me the great team Partnerships now to me I’m sorry I got to shout them out as major world he’s been there for me they’ve been there for me at sponsorship for over 15 years and I’m talking about really been there
Helping me paying for the theaters for events for film let’s give him a shout let’s shut up yes please major world greatest support and they’re not Puerto Rican and they’re not black listen y with our love if if you there to help and really get this real
Genu yeah yes it is yes it is so we I do now I want to get into this cooking segment and after the cooking segment we’re gonna come back with Violeta and we’re gonna talk some more okay so um I do want to know about the pictures
Because I got my sisters waiting we got we coming right we coming right back do the pictures first show the pictures okay let’s do it first little sis now little sis can stay on for a little right that’s right okay so so the audience needs to know that you went to
School with my brother y you guys played football too cuz I was a football player too he used to fight to have me on his team yeah and go ahead Cindy we have some pictures I don’t want to tell you now these pictures are from
1980 I believe and we all was in uh Elementary School and uh I I believe I don’t know if I don’t know if Cindy in them is in there it’s it’s some people it’s some people so T show and when we show the picture show it which when uh
Give me a chance to pull it up here I’ll pull it up when we show the picture we want you to tell us who it is and you know we go from there if you remember the persons you better send me that after this yeah I I got the whole I got
The whole book so hold on I’m about to get that book oh my God look at my sister I got hold on guys y don’t even know go back y don’t understand that this is my sister who’s also a dancer was a dancer yep she’s for the Lord now um but
I gotta screenshot this I’m sorry guys I know you’re GNA like that’s all right that’s all right so um she’s Tau also what you say Bishop Cynthia Rose is saying uh hello to valeta who cythia who oh my sister Cindy that’s Cindy cind yeah she’s saying hi yes I miss my
Sister she’s in Florida she’s my inspiration like I was saying the hustle okay uh when she was in 155 so she’s and and I think Cindy uh you can ask Cindy to uh I think she was in in 155 she graduated before us I think it was with
Sister Linda and because Lisa and Dave and all of us was together but check this one out check this check this out oh my God now let me let me tell the people who who this is this is our cousin Lisa the twin sister John Eric
Sister hey leas big up leas that’s my homie That’s my boy that’s that’s that’s will and then um this was in the class so and then you have I believe this is this was this was I don’t know it looked like a like a science class or something
Like that I have the I have the book and then I believe you you know who this is uh Violet right here that’s my brother Willie uhuh and is that my sister on the right yes it is that’s your sister on the right and that’s EV
EV event that’s that’s who it is so now I’m gonna show you something else see if you know this teacher oh my God Miss Cher Mo Miss Cheryl Moy she was like the dance teacher so we taking you back so you got when I S book draw your
Draw your memory Mich if any of them out there listening Earl light any of y’all know here you go that’s my brother that’s your brother with Miss so fun M was our uh math teacher and she did also Arts like Dr your brother was real good in the graffiti we
Was graffiti artists we was break dancing the Twins and us I didn’t know that thank you yeah yeah I’ll give you everything tell me if you know this guy that’s you yeah you look like your son well your son looks like you definitely everybody say
He go here go this other one oh my God my we GNA send you everything yep we’re gonna send you it and then this last this last character here I want to know if you know him I think you do so that’s why I pulled
It Dave Cousin Dave y yes oh my God look at him he look like upcoming comedian artist there yeah that’s Dave man big out big shout out to Cousin Dave cousin Lisa and uh hope y’all didn’t mind we showing those uh course you just said something
That I didn’t know about my brother look let me show you this we’re gonna send it to you but this is where it came from oh my God that’s it and we we at the time we did our own yearbooks and stuff like that so this this was it Cindy probably
Remembers and stuff like that but this is spe the book was special effect I remember Dave yeah she remember Dave all about tell her the DodgeBall too see we play dodgeball and stuff like that man these kids I don’t know what they doing now so but I I wanted to take you back
And and show you uh some of those things we still looking for that video tape of us at LaGuardia house when we performed and everything like that anybody have that tape we’ve been looking for years video of our performances at laguadia house that day with Violeta with the
Twins um on the VHS sent it over to Fool For Thought man yeah for yeah that would be epic and I think maybe the people that were a part of that we could have asked James Sola but rest in peace he’s not here passed away like who was running lagadia house at
The time well lose um Peter Pete Pete Pascal he passed away Street house um we have hold on we got we got a caller calling in we got a caller calling in let’s see call from AA Briggs Hall to accept press one to send a voicemail press
Two caller what’s your name where you call her from your question hi my name is d I’m calling from New York how are you I’m fine de what’s your question so my question is to the choreographer I would like to know well congratulations on all your accomplishments I want to say thank you
I love to dance you’re welcome I love to dance um I’ve been dancing since I was four years old wow and um at a professional dance school um in malbon New York wow I used to teach out there really wow um I was dancing um I went to dance school at Dorothy dance
School in Mount Veron New York nice oh okay I was Mount Veron High School I used to teach dance at wow okay okay so my question is um are you still like teaching upcoming celebrities yes um upcoming singers or so so yeah so I do artist development
I’m sorry I didn’t even share that thank you for even mentioning that look at that um I do artist development for instance um I’ve worked with Chris Rock’s cousin Sadia Rock she was up and coming and I had to develop her in a month for this thing for bet that she
Won in what I prepared her within a month but I’ve worked with unsigned artists develop them prepare them for the industry um not only about singing you know you have to know how to entertain your your audience and etiquette and presentation and stuff like that if that’s what you um looking for an
Answer towards your question yes yes okay thank you so much thanks Co call app I really appreciate it thank you thank you all right all right all right that was a good question yeah that was a good question question they calling in t give them
That number if they want to call and ask some questions maybe my sister might want to call and she’s like I didn’t know oh she didn’t know okay okay yeah you can call 347 903 5664 you might have to put it in the chat I got it right there there you go
Right on the screen people f for Thor 347 903 564 and we gonna get into that uh video you want to call back right back there or you yeah we gonna get into this video cooking video I’m cooking uh some nice keer burgers with my grandson keep in mind keep in mind I
Told him to you know make sure the camera was right but so if you you got my head cut off a little bit that’s because of you Tristan but I love my grandson and uh let’s let’s take him to that that video and you was one of our
Sponsors too in food yep yes in food in food y yep you but go ahead big up big Up what’s up y’all Trent small the chef I’m here with my grandson Tristan small and we’re going to make you a fabulous Trent small Burger okay so this uh Burger is uh seasoned from Africa and uh we’re using African seasonings so you guys can uh follow along hit that
Subscribe button hit the Bell if you like we doing it big okay so I’m going have my grandson put the seasonings in oh don’t forget Roberto Karen sauce neighborhood B neighborhood Deli okay so we’re going to start with some black pepper okay so we take some no just take you
Could you could pour all of it because it’s already set to a half a tablespoon okay with that okay your salt salt but way we have ground meat here ad20 I like to use ad20 okay that okay some paprika make sure you get everything everything some cumin
C they used to have this as a street food in Africa and it’s called Kea and they are on on skewers but we’re not going to put it on skewers we’re going to put it as a Hamburg we’re going to make it as a hamburger and we’re going
To make the best burger you ever tasted in your life okay so next some cinnamon cinnamon pour that in there okay got some cilantro cilantro uh-huh uh-huh yes sir yes sir get it all around uh-huh okay so Tristan we’re going to put in some parsley mhm right put in the
Parsley and to make this more flavorful and make that that that hamburger stand out we’re going to put in some mint chopped mint so put the mint in there all right so that’s all our ingredients right so it looks what we’re going to do now is mash it all together
We’re mixing it now get that mixed up very well with all the seasoning and everything don’t be afraid of it make sure that’s all together mashed up smells good already it smells good already yep Mor rocking food you know good stuff hey remember visit my YouTube channel
Trent small the chef subscribe log on subscribe yeah I can’t say subscribe subscribe subscribe yeah that’s to Okay and like the video that’s right this might be the new chef of the future Tristan small might start my own channel Tristan small the chef all right so we want to make sure
It forms cuz you want to form a ball so you want to make sure it’s it’s it’s packed together right see how it’s packed okay so now I’m going show you a trick that we use for packing right these are mason jar tops this is just a ring of it
Right so what I do is I take some of this right just a little handful right and I put it inside the Mason jar top and I squish it Down Right M squish it down like that in this mason jar top right so what happens is it comes out
Like that so what happens is when you take that out you got a perfectly round hamburger you want to try it yeah I’ll try all right we’re going to put this hamburger here take some move some of that stuff put it in there all right we put it in
There mash it up cuz it’s got it has to be combined it has to be a whole yep don’t be yeah don’t be scared to mash it okay now what you’re going to do you’re going to flip it on your other hand flip it over and let it come out
Slowly bom look at that VOA look at that a perfect hamburger oh you got to crush it you got to tighten it up just a little bit more tighten it up just a little bit more we did these two hamburgers here I made my ball now you make your ball now what
You’re going to do you’re going to put the ball in there smash it in Smash It Down yep just like that if you don’t have enough put some more in there cuz you don’t want those spaces okay that should be good now make sure it’s mixed up with that
Yep smash it down with your hand don’t be scared of it there you go so now you’re going to flip it over perfectly round hamburger be careful be careful cuz the meat is still all right so we got a skillet going here black skillet I like to put
My uh hamburgers in here they cook very well and my son my grandson trishing is going to put the burgers inside so we probably can get like four in there nice and easy got it all right going you place it in there now you place it when you place it
In this way okay nice boom okay nice easy there we go okay give me a little space I need some space so we going to move that over some more so we can be able to put two more here all right there we go one more all right so this is going to
Cook for like two to three minutes on one side I like to let it cook don’t touch it don’t move it don’t rub it don’t smoke it don’t do none of that stuff just leave it alone and let it cook right okay okay so my grandson going to do the
Honors of Flipping The Burger one at a time one at a time put your make sure you have your hands so you be a to flip it flip this wow at that juicy tendered you got it mhm all right excellent excellent look at how Brown that is yes it’s nice and brown you’re
Going to flip the other ones put your hand in there so it won’t Splash okay yeah right go ahead all right this one’s a little broken up okay I’m sure yeah you got to flip it the other way okay all right so once you flip it it’s going to cook again on that
Side for about 2 minutes right give a little Pat like that look at that see how Brown it is there we have some potato buns some lettuce tomatoes some pepper corns and of course my uh Roberta Karen’s sweet and spicy barbecue sauce have some mustard if you
Like some ketchup and Mayo so we’re going to uh dress up these hamburgers right now okay so what I like to do is I like to make the burger first right Tristan mhm okay so I put the lettuce down right put two pieces if you like tomatoes tomato right right right right right
Okay so that’s how I do it there sometimes excuse me I like to put the uh meal first so take this burger and I put it right up on top of there right looking good right all okay so he wants ketchup so we’re going to get this ketchup going
Here all right so ketchup is going to go there and we’re going to hit it with a nice pepper corn on the top you love pepper corn so you think you could repeat that repeat what I just did let’s do it okay let’s do
It so first got to put at least like two pieces of lettuce yes yes let’s turn this so uh people can see it there you go and then you put Tomatoes hold it hold it with your finger make sure it don’t slide off there we go all right all right squeeze
It lightly cuz it comes out fast got it squeeze no don’t squeeze it at you about to trigger the gun all right all right all right all right oh man put on another one man cuz grandmother just want catchup right so that’s the second one right boom well the third
One didn’t we go through this oh worry the third one that’s fine we’ll get a new bun no you don’t need a new bun okay I’ll eat that don’t worry about that so these are hamburgers that my grandson made Tristan the chef big up Tristan small subscribe hit
That like button Trent small is Chef doing our thing and like I said you can always put the barbecue sauce on there yeah I want barbecue sauce on you want barbecue sauce okay so let’s make that one then we got to you gave me too much
Uh thing on that one okay bring me bring me one so we going to put that there my lettuce my tomato remember hold that hold that so it won’t slide there we go there we go there we go there we go okay so I want some nice got barbecue sauce on that that’s
All right it’s all right we we we going to deal with what we got going to deal with what we got right barbecue sauce and we just tap that on there like that and if you want to put cheese on it you can put cheese if not leave it the way it
Is okay big boy show them what what the eats about all right I taste one you going to taste one which one you going to taste taste that one with the bar okay got to you ready yep I’m ready here we go M Magnificent nice burger I definitely buy on a daily B mhm mhm some good stuff wow that’s it get it in you should try one all right so I’ll try let me see which one I want mhm mhm [Applause] good yeah yeah we’re back we’re back listen
Yes the kids got to learn the cook too man y let me tell you I’m looking at him we gotta get ready to sign him up give him that little coaching put him in the kitchen with Roberta Karen thing and I see like that secret sauce barbecue
Sauce so we got to get them signed up for a young Cooks in America you know they be having them shows like yo get them in on young Cooks in America so you know I wanted him to do his thing man so that that I I had to uh do that for him
You know what I mean um and he was you could see his face he was so happy to do it man so uh to our young Cooks man out there yeah coming what I wanted um okay yeah Violet I think you have your mute button on there we go yeah so
We back we we are definely back quick you know we got get out there Cindy out there out there Cindy give a Veta a call but real quick what I want to ask you um since we were talking about dancing and the different fraternities and stuff uh
Do you know any like you know the Latin fraternities any of them that’s out there that maybe our fft audience that W to you know look into that too do you know any or maybe they can look on your site or something like that we’ve done
Events for them and but I don’t remember the names and one of my dancers is part of it and also one of my board member from Pix 11 she’s a part of it I know I see a o i u i don’t know o I don’t know
I don’t want to make mix the names when we air it if we find out you know we’ll hit you up and there we’ll put it down there so you know they can get in there because you know it’s a really good thing you know what I mean
Yeah right and I know uh sister ballet uh she has some running around to do so we’re gonna uh uh sum this up uh a little quicker than yeah I still got time my board hasn’t come down but my other board family is here that’s it you know she on the Move
Um you started your professional career as a young dancer and uh you went uh Alan Ali dance uh theater and danol dance school did you ever get to meet the great Debbie Allen no she’s a la girl I figur my dancers flew out there and I’m sure they’ve worked with her yeah
Yeah because I figured you was all over the world pretty much you ran into a one time so Debbie one day it gotta happen now Debbie come on down stop M around you know she had cardi B on your show uh cardi B had on one of her shows and
Stuff like that so come on yes we gotta come through she got to face another sister in her level too like that’s right and check the resume deep is deep and and and this um I know you was uh in the Heights we talked about in the
Heights right and movie directed by uh John mchu I believe and act on there was uh anthonyy R and right right right and um director Christopher Scott SC okay so Christopher Scott uh he’s also was a choreographer choreographer right so so did um you you have a segment in the movie did
You help dance in in the movie so so I was asked I was asked to bring a dancer there I was just happy that my son was in it even dancing to find out he was chosen to be the actor and I was happy with that too and to
Know many of my dancers there but when I went I dropped off my dancer a young one one of the OG’s Rockefeller I love her she’s my dance sister she’s a be a legend she said oh you going to shoot with us oh my God I’m so happy I’m like
No I came to drop off she was like what out of all people you the one that needs to be and I said it’s all right I don’t mind giving y’all water I’ll be in the back if if they allow me but she was like no I’m G tell the choreographer I’m
Like no no no no I don’t want no problem I don’t want you know it’s good it’s good think you think he was took your shine or something or or just you just want to lay back you know you didn’t want to get into that no I because I
They were already in shooting sessions they were already the ending of the movie and you know it wasn’t like we were in a Lounge Bar and then hey this is viid blah blah blah and whatever comes with that but in the middle of all that she says no I’m going introduce you
To him I’m like oh my God it’s all right it’s all right so I’m about to leave he comes right what are the odds and then she goes oh um Chris this I want to introduce you to someone and um I don’t know if you know do you know Violet and
He was like you don’t know a violet gagala from Spanish Harlem she’s she’s a choreographer and many of the dancers that came to your film that you chose in to from the audition came from her company she trained them and he was like really who and they were like you know Frank you
Know Francisco Frankie he was like oh I love Frankie and he was like well came from H how about amandy remember oh my God yes um came from huh Tia she was dropping gems like and he’s like wait why I don’t know about you and I know so
Much about them so I was like it’s all right they’re not gonna say it they’re not g to mention my name all the time or whatever so they said but do you know she’s an iconic what she’s done in Spanish Harlem and has helped in blah BL the community but there’s one person
That you need to know that’s in your movie that’s came from her and he was like cool and then she was like graffiti P Noah yeah she was like that’s her son like wait he said he said wait a minute hold on hold up so are you still dancing and
I was like of course I still train I have my company I have my choreographers we still we have a big event at the 116 Festival I’ll invite you so you can see for yourself I even gave him VIP and everything he he saw a whole different
World but he was so humble he was open to receiving the culture of what maybe he didn’t know even the Lifey World which Noah was a part of that he had to tweak and fix and let them understand more about the Life feed and he was open as the choreographer head choreographer
Of that movie to us and he was like so do you have a number take my number down uh um do you want to dance I and then he told his assistant Dana are you thinking what I’m thinking cuz my hair was like blonde and red and I had diamonds and
All this and they was like yo the salon no and I’m like what’s that and then they were like um you can you start rehearsals I’m going to hit you up I said of course they hit me up on a Friday Monday I was already shooting
Rehearsing for a whole week and not even a whole week maybe four days and then um they got me in the pool scene they got me in the opening scene where everybody’s dancing and they had um you know when they show somebody came at the salon when Leslie
Grace comes in I’m the cashier but on Tinder I’m supposed to act like I’m on Tinder and then the phone is ringing and I’m ignoring it because I’m all in the Tinder so yeah I was a part of a few of that yeah big we B from here me and
Christopher Scott he calls me he’s doing the movie The Wicked um Wicked yeah I seen that I seen that on the Super Bowl Super Bowl and he hit me up I say you owe me tickets I want to take my dances to the Broadway at least before the
Movie comes out he was like that’s right I gotta get you yeah are you listening if you out there listening keep your word big up to and and and and and Anthony Ramos man in uh in the he step movie man yeah Noah Noah just did a video no one knows
This but the Mets Noah audition with um his partner at from the the truth you gotta hit her with the truth see she get ready to tell you something no one knows that’s what she hold on hold on do you my son my son dances with the Nets
And you hear me okay my son dances with the Nets and um Kayla Al K Kayla also dances for the Nets as well I think she’s coach whatever I’m not sure the details of that but she chose Noah to work with her to choreograph for an audition for the Mets dancers
Wow I didn’t daners the song he used was Anthony Ramos’s song representing Puerto Rico and we just posted up is on in Instagram on Noah if anybody wants to follow Noah and see what he’s doing and you know battling and working with Rebel and Snipes and winning all those competitions and all but
No no got it yeah I seen him in that video too I seen him in that other video I like wow yeah yeah he he also performed with 50 cents for power last year he did the VMAs he did a lot of stuff but we’re all about the hood yeah
Yeah gotta gotta uh gotta shout that out man and and and that’s a that’s something too we you just said you just said uh we we always for the hood because that’s how we grew up you know what I’m saying that’s that’s that’s how
We we grew up like that you know what I mean we earlier you know we talked about you know Chino and all of these different people that helped us you know what I’m saying so it’s it’s like you know it’s something it’s it’s something that really is true to us and we just
Want to give our flowers back and tell everybody you know yes yes yes do the things they do so keep rising to the top thank you amen and those of you are interested youall know where to find me he has it all on here and YouTube thank
You guys you’re amazing we got more to catch up y’all got to come to rehearsal that’s next I came I came here so know when yeah I gotta get my son down there because uh you know to see you all right sounds good the great one God bless you guys appreciate
You oh man oh man that was that was good and then you know she took the time out to you know she was rushing put us in the schedule that’s a beautiful thing man you know yeah man you know that’s that hood love that’s that family love
That’s that Roots Run Deep love that’s that Wolfpack love that’s that like Y and this is what we all need to get on let’s let’s try to build each other up help each other the littlest thing you know the littlest thing can help somebody a long way you know what I’m
Saying so it’s a it’s it’s a beautiful thing I mean I know we had some more questions for her but she you know she was pressed for time but um um what I was thinking of I wanted to get into you know we talked earlier about the uh uh
The you know the different uh fraternities and stuff like that and you know from our history what I was told when they did the step in and stuff like that we could trace that all the way back you know what I mean that’s why I
Wanted to ask Veta if um you know about any of the you know Hispanic you know fraternities and stuff because we can trace all of this stuff back and different tribes were taken to this new world and they couldn’t communicate so you know so they started you know
Making beats and you know stomping and huming and doing all of these different things you know so I was just looking at I just wanted to drop that you know that little Jewel with people in case they didn’t know you know food for thought you know that was it yeah that that’s uh
Yeah man Alpha Mo it’s uh I’ve been doing a little research not much but there’s a brother by the name of Brian Williams C Brian Williams that went to uh Harvard University right and I think he went to Howard yeah how Howard I’m sorry Howard yeah Howard University and
He says uh some real powerful things um about uh what you was just speaking about you know what I mean that uh they had to communicate with each other uh through making these steps and stuff like that I guess so so so you know you know the man wouldn’t hear them you know
What I’m saying they had yeah that was important I didn’t I left that out you’re right yeah for the man don’t hear what they talking about and also um a lot of them came from different tribes so they didn’t know each other’s language yeah what I mean so that that
And they they hum you know they was doing huming they did all kind of things like you know we it’s funny we look at the beat box and you know and you know shout out to douge Fresh you know and uh how many of us was in school and you
Know they playing on the banging on the you know the lunchroom table making the Beats you know what I’m saying these guys were chained up these slaves was chained up together stomping in unisy you know what I mean so it’s it’s like it’s it’s real interesting and it’s it’s
Real you know good far history and uh you know to pass on yes sir yes sir yes sir so I I want to get into a video hopefully uh the video is playing okay because uh we having a little uh technical technical but we we we we G manage through that yeah quick
Um let’s see let’s get into this thing all right sorry folks for the technical difficulty but you know we we we trying to we trying to we trying to make it make it everywhere that’s it baby video It is the art of we have a problem with difficulty col of steps and stops of claps and C these all step moves and stuff like that a musical Bridge linking pride and purpose p and they they get into you know they Groove and everything
Like that you know and this is this is what we was talking about stepping is a whole different Al together you know it’s very uh it’s very fun to watch very educating African Aman dance and I appreciate it man I appreciate it for all those out there that’s uh you know
Big up to all the the alumni fraternities the sister the brother man it’s it was really good man it was really good to to to to watch those things man yeah and um I want to thank uh Viet for coming out today too we wanted to get into a another video uh
With her and her team that uh she was doing and I believe uh uh her her son was in this uh uh video Noah because I mean it’s it’s a it’s a really good uh good video but we having trouble with the videos so okay yeah we we we will
Definitely make that up for y’all next time in the video section but we we came to do what we came to do brother that’s talk The Violet and chop it up and uh thanks for everybody who uh tuned in all the comments comment section um it was beautiful it was beautiful tonight you
Know like I said we going live we go live so anything can happen at any time point in time and we we just we just gonna uh shake it off it’s that it’s that Joe it’s that Joe Small’s Road you know what I’m saying back that’s it that’s it we just
We we we we just go out of it man we just do what we got to do to keep it moving man and once again remember it’s the journey that gets you to your destination that’s that’s it not the Destin ation that get you to your journey that’s [Applause]
Journey so thanks everybody for tuning in man and remember next Thursday uh be here at 8 uh PM we gonna be chopping up with my man D music DD music fam radio in Harlem big up to D music he going be music yeah man we’re going to be talking
With him a little bit because he’s been in the in the game in the uh hip-hop game since you know man he’s been there uh working with Grandmaster Flash when flash started his thing off man and it’s a lot of history there a lot of history
So we’re gonna chop it up here next week and to everybody out there thanks for listening thanks for tuning in until next week for Thought here A New Year calls for a new kind of podcast live every Thursday at 8:00 pm peace D love you [Applause] peace