Hello welcome to True hoop with me gerod Hector and back for a second episode in a row Henry Abbott how are you sir Can’t Get Enough J let’s do this all right Henry I I joked on last Thursday I was like well what we going to talk about on
Monday Allstar are we gonna watch that I was like let’s talk about European football which we did this morning on our on our call so that that’s fine I got my European football talk I dialed in a little late David’s out of town and like the fact is it’s 100% lock like
Travis and Gerard are talking about zidon and meridana it’s like there’s no other way it was going to go like pretty much pretty much yeah what can I say we we we we like footy ball it’s it’s fun it’s good it’s good sport yeah no shame
In it yeah yeah no shame uh but the allstar was this weekend Henry and it is I put in our document the Crown Jewel in quotes of the NBA’s BR and it is because when they sell their broadcast rights package to who their various Partners Turner ASN ABC this weekend is a huge
Part of it right because of in theory the ratings and eyeballs it draws now we know from data that is publicly put out there not that great ratings aren’t aren’t fantastic and that spawns a Litany of pieces mainly by our brethren in media about this game is terrible we
Have to fix it it’s like guys like all this hand ringing like I don’t know like what you want to do like bottom line is this weekend isn’t going anywhere but we do need to have some tweaks to it and I think you know as true hoop we should
Probably have an elevated discussion about this thank you elevated discussion is what we would like to do yeah that’s the goal yeah it’s I think it’s mostly only a big deal because of the schedule right the Super Bowl was last weekend this is the moment that the NBA was inviting the the
The Casual fans who make this successful business they’re inviting to Pivot to basketball right so you want to put like a big showy you want to like bang the drums and you know the whole Symphony play whatever and uh so that the world feels permission to Pivot to this Sport
And like at at that particular thing it’s you know it’s it’s it’s just not a great TV product right like it’s just I don’t I a lot of years I just don’t watch it at all this year I felt like a I don’t know I felt like for my job I
Should like watch the dunk contest like what it’s a weird like a a 49y old man alone in his living room on Saturday night like watching it watching like M mclung pull Shaq out of the audience like the worst it’s literally I mean I I’m the father of a theater student
Right and like yes like I’ve seen a theater like this was just they didn’t even [ย __ย ] rehearse like no one knew their lines was like oh my gosh he’s getting Shaquille O’Neal it’s like nobody’s surprised there’s not a child on plan Earth who thinks that was spontaneous right like sometimes you can
See the stage manager like the person who’s wearing the headset like literally on camera like no you go here you go there it’s like like this just very poor theater this is what we’re doing this is the like did you see what they what what Mahomes did last weekend like this is
Our answer to that is like I agree yeah I mean first of all you Su that all up so well because you’re like What Child is actually get with and then you did the raspberry that’s what children would do that’s what they would say this is
The stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my life I have a million options to watch on this screen you want me to tune into this thing yeah no chance and Henry part that’s part of the problem too right so you know born in 78 that’s that’s when I
Was born so the Aller came to me like 80s 90s I remember it it was my chance to see the star players who I didn’t see all the time on the NBC you know triple header and all that right so Sans Michael Jordan all the people who were
Regulars Patrick Ying all that oh all the Utah got oh these guys at Golden State seem kind of fun like but because there was I didn’t have le there was no lead pass back then I couldn’t none of that you wanted to watch those guys in
The 90s you saw a sports center clip or highlight so that’s what was so great about it for me um but even that’s gone now because if a kid needs wants to go see what Victor wanyama is doing I don’t need to wait for this I can just pull it
Up on my phone and watch whatever I’m doing on on YouTube on house the highlights or whatever that is a great Point um and I think also when I was a kid I was like oh this is just a chance to see the best of the best right that’s
That’s that’s right there on the name right allstar game um but I think it’s increasingly and so you know and I was kind of a sucker I guess right like you know that’s like and I don’t really like that feeling of like yeah like people
Will go for this right this is like yeah I don’t know like this is like when you start looking at the ingredients of a Twinkie and you’re like are they are the people who sell us this are they our friends like uh the fact that it could last on a
Shelf for 20 years should tell you everything you need to know nope they are not your friends they discontinued that sucker didn’t they you know what I mean like that’s the lesson right there and actually part of me was like okay there’s I I have been covering this
League for pretty much my entire adult life and every year on this day we do this right we’re like this is wrong this be better then my new attitude this year is like I’m not sure it matters if it’s not fixed like like we don’t even need
It like if it’s either it matters if it matters then it’s because children are falling in love with the game by watching it in which case the numbers would be good and we’re fine MH if they don’t fix it then the pain is felt by ESPN really only like arguably the
League for not having its marketing reach like or Turner who who has it TNT yeah yeah sorry yeah ESPN most of my but um Turner um so no I’m sorry ESPN has the Celebrity Game dra I don’t know if you know that yes yes Friday game yeah
Yeah they got that yeah get that good money it’s hard to say which one’s bigger yeah Celebrity Game might have been more fun I don’t know yeah Turner as you point out so um so Turner so really it’s ultimately like okay well this will be a hit in the pocketbook of a giant
Corporation or it won’t be so like I don’t I’m not like dying over here over how that plays out right it’s like you know they’re going to sort of to me sort of foolishly wear out um like exhaust the best players in the world who were already exhausted before the weekend
Starts yes that’s too bad I’m really sorry like I you know know I wish that we could have Giannis fresher next week you know I really I wish You’ been in the Bahamas this week I really do like I listen I’m with you because first of all
Part of it too is Right everyone assumes oh yeah Al and and the players say everyone’s it’s just it’s common parland we just it’s like you know when something becomes accepted in language and that’s not what the word actually means but we just say it and it is
Everyone goes oh yeah can’t wait to start the second half of the Season I’m like no dudes you got 27 games left ain’t no second half of the Season you’ve already played two thirds Clank you guys are pretty white at this point I agree with you a week off in Hawaii
The wherever don’t don’t even touch a ball just go enjoy yourself for a little while that’s what these guys needed I I joked on the call this morning yeah Giannis was freshest October 15th that’s who we should have had this game you can see it in the data like that’s when he’s
Running fastest jumping highest like for sure um and there’s actually there’s a little part of this like I think the the reputation as I gather it is that the players are just partying and that might be there might be some drinking and some caring on late at night but I like and I
Think that was unden ibly true in like 2001 yeah you know like the league at that time yeah like I’m telling you it was people were um these players now like I mean Thorp will tell you he he had a bunch of players who literally wouldn’t have to
Touch a single Drink All Season yeah right yeah um and or some who’d have like their rule with like one glass of wine or whatever but um and not night before a game day right um so I think that the there’s another factor to this which is um I’ll just describe I think
The first time I went an allstar game was 2000 that be right um it was in Golden State okay and uh and we were making a I was working for magazine and we were arranging a photo shoot I’m pretty sure that we were trying to get um you trying
To arrange like Kevin Garnett Tim Duncan on the cover together this is the weekend that you do it and it’s usually Friday so like Friday the players are going through all these little stations the MBA has charged a fortune all these media Outlets to like be part of this
Circuit and they’re going to bring you an the allar of your choice for your 15-minute increment for a radio interview or they’re going to be whatever they’re going to do this whole car wash thing um which meant that I I’m pretty clearly remember the Golden State Warriors PR guy who’s still the Golden
State PR guy like standing by him as he’s holding I don’t even remember which star he had there might like Jason Richardson or something um who’s having his photograph taken and I can see that all star schedule for the day as dictated by the NBA right this is NBA
Time it’s literally like sign up to sun down like this dude is just traing from one thing to the next and it’s just I mean I’m exhausted looking at it right it’s like going yeah to business car none of this is exercising none of this is lifting weights none of this is
Getting stronger none of this is resting bath or getting some sunshine it’s all just hotel suite after hotel suite after hotel suite and like I would want to just go to bed at 5:00 P PM that day you know um without any sports so like to me
This is the league has a lot of Leverage to make players do that that and they’re using that leverage to exhaust them and then on Sunday night the players look exhausted and it’s like that’s an issue you know sorry you beat him up you know like sorry you got him here all spent
Shout out to uh Warriors head of PR Raymond Ritter who yes as Henry mentioned has been doing that job for quite a long time one of the best in the biz um no you’re right Henry and so the league makes them do all those things
And then on top of that they have their things they have to do with either their Foundation if they’ve got to deal with Nike Adidas whatever that activation and so has a brunch and then there’s like a the tech Summit and there’s um The Players Association has a party like
You know you got to go and you cannot be a superstar in this business while skipping all those things you got to represent you got to show up you gotta go shake the hand of the like chairman of the watch company that might be giving you a deal right you got to go
Like this is your chance to hop off when Carl Malone skipped it right he was like I’m not gonna do it he I’m not gonna do Allstar and they it did NBA came down super hard I forget what the punch was but it was Mega hard so he did fly in
And then I had a friend who was at like there’s a very exclusive um NBA official sponsors you know about the NBA officials right this is like at that time it was only 12 I think they would allow like one beer sponsor and one Sporting Good sponsor
NBA officials have like a very Swanky thing and they were like car Malone at that thing is like the most Charming person in the world and this I think might be the point of Allstar Weekend for the business bottom line right is like there’s a few CEOs a few bigwig
Sponsors from marketing people who really really really matter the NBA the NBA is just like it’s time to perform Carl it’s time to perform you gota you gotta hop knob you gotta be on Parade no the the the the best and brightest have to be on Parade I me that’s really what
Allstar Weekend is right it’s why it’s not going to go away because it is important to the League’s bottom line again those Partners Henry mentioned you know LeBron Steph KD those three especially have to go shake hands with these people and right like that’s just what matters right now until they’re
Done and then it’s tyes halberton and whever the next crop is is coming up right behind them and yic and this one and that one that’s that’s their job uh’s mostly like I’m going to hobnob with people that’re doing business deals with me with me right but then like not
Today today you’re gonna hop off people who’s doing business deals with me right like like that’s what’s going on there yeah little little little tug of war man and it’s um you know and these things matter right because we’re always about we want the players their best so if you
Play a game Thursday night which quite a few teams did you’re finishing late you’re flying in late Thursday nights you’re getting into Indiana early Friday morning 2 3 o’clock you’re getting a couple hours of rest and that first thing is like nine eight or nine o’clock
And you’re ready to roll and it’s like guys this is and it’s all day as Henry mentioned Friday Saturday Sunday so it is what it is um Henry one of the things that uh also happened over the weekend was we had a record scoring performance of the All-Star Game a team scored over
200 points which I guess 200 is a number that makes people uncomfortable um I I don’t know like it’s just that was it that’s the number and everyone collectively L by everyone I mean our Breen and media lost their minds we’ve got to play better defense and I’m like
But it’s a game by definition that’s not real so how do you presume that they would play better defense and then you get all the well they used to I’m like I challenge you besides that 2001 game in DC to find me a game where it was so
Closed that yes in the fourth everyone guarded up like they were serious I watch a lot of All-Star games growing up I me I don’t remember a whole lot of Defense being played in those games that’s just not what it was they are throwing it up the backboard they are
Catching it in mid eror like that’s what we’re supposed to be right try to excite people all these cool things we can do anyway um so it was a lot of questions in Adam’s press conference about the defense and lack thereof in the league right now and this is a problem and I’m
Like guys I I just I I don’t think that’s it I think it’s a little more Nuance than that I think skill level is so high as we often mentioned so many times on this show um and that in of itself makes it very difficult and as
David will say time and time again listeners of the show if a team’s going to make 43s I don’t care what you’re not winning like you’re just not the math ain’t math as the kids say and that’s you know the East was hot from three once wasn’t game
Over yeah I think there’s a little bit of like did you ever go to the Harlem Globe Charters yeah it’s like you know how that looked where it was kind of like Washington generals right like I think that’s what you see a little bit when
You see 21 points you like oh it was the glob trods right it was like it was like you know just kind of silly right um yeah and I think there’s like I it was kind of I actually I don’t know maybe it wasn’t maybe it was the NBA F I didn’t
Watch it I don’t even know but um but but to me like I until we solve the like delivering the players to the tip off ready to go like I don’t want to hear about itre it seems like right now every single problem NBA has the answer is the
Players need to do more work it’s like bro I can you do blood tests you could do saliva tests you could do jump tests you could do all kinds of Assessments I’m telling you the players who’ve been playing day in and day out are wrecked that’s your fault you made this
Insane schedule and you cooked up a very shoty little report saying that it wasn’t a factor it is a factor and like and they’re not lazy they’re tired and like and then you gave them a gift of like a a long weekend of and and like
Just the a crazy long hours of trade show like you know like well maybe there’s other problems too maybe there’s a problem in the format of it and the Elum ending and the whatever the rules and the the the incentive structure and the money maybe we need to fix first of
All get athletes being athletic right like no one’s ready for that now right like that would seem to be Pro get athletic people to be seems to be the first thing let’s do that no one was looking all that this week and threes are what you shoot when you’re tired
Right this is like I know this right like if I wanted to if if in some very weird Universe I were hired to organize like a fun game for like a grade school around here like I would try to just find Shooters because without the athleticism We’re not gonna have dunkers
Right like like the most fun thing dami can do is just Jack it from half court so guess what he did he jacked it from half court one of them wi so like amazing thing quite a lot of them winning uh for Damen as he won allar K MVP no I I this
Is you you you are so right on this you’re hitting down in the head and you know Adam Silver the NBA commissioner of course has his press conference here and you know this are one of the two times a year where he does like a big kind of
Like State of the Union thing right where he answers questions from all these assem medas at the finals and it’s here and he was asked about Henry and it’s kind of related to this right because what we’re talking about is these guys are not we’re delivering them
To a product that means something to the NBA at the worst possible time they’re exhausted and broken up and not in good shape and it ties into the 65 game rule which these players have to play in order to be eligible for postseason Awards and the postseason and the uh all
NBA teams and all rookie and all that which by the way isn’t just some awesome moniker to have which it is that also depends on if they get Max super max money and so these things matter right okay so Adam was asked about the 65 game
GES and he says you know we have to wait until the end of the season to look at it totally but you know I think he did say and I know you read the read the transcript as well of his of his press conference that you know injuries are
Down and I’m like but what does that actually mean injuries are down that’s a very broad statement to say injuries are down well based on what like based on what criteria based on what are you looking at yeah no that’s a great question like they um it’s hard to find
An issue where the NBA doesn’t give like the impression of data right the impression of evidence-based decisions but you know they don’t actually like if if they were driven by this they would put forth a scientist right who’ answer questions and say like this is the right
Way to analyze this right and like I they don’t ever do that like you won’t find an example so they just kind of they’re they’re data esque at the MBA right like they know they’re supposed to have data and so they say they have data
You want to see the data they will flip you the double Birds right like they’re just like ain’t no way you’re seeing the data like I’ve been through this personally many times like it’s it’s a playbook for sure right yeah Adam’s not gonna tell you what the data is so you
Have to just trust us that the data is exactly what I’m telling you exactly the phrase yeah and it’s outrageous this is the other part of their game it’s outrageous to think that like you know I’m suggesting they’re lying is that like how dare I right like that’s like
The mood it’s like no man I just thought we’d do it like people do when they’re doing it for [ย __ย ] real which is present the evidence like I thought we would do that you know didn’t want to do that okay yeah so actually I’ll give a little example sort
Of on this topic um on the scoring anyway so Adam said um in response to a question he knew was coming about scoring being up right wait really quick before you go that isn’t it so great how Adam just seems to have the perfect answer lined up for every question it’s
Kind of kind of a great skill um so he said that um scoring is up about a point a game right and it is true that’s true I looked it up I didn’t believe him I I didn’t take his word for it I mean I expected he’d done his
Homework like but but I did look it up it’s it’s actually a little under a point on average but I was like well that’s averages are a little screwy because um you know it could be that like the whole league is playing a slower Pace or it could be that there’s
More teams tanking this year or it could be that stars are injured Etc right like so um just as a little like core sample I’m not saying this is the be and end all assessment like I looked at like the 10th scoring team this year compared to
The 10th scoring team last year and that’s actually a bigger difference so the 10th last year was the Jazz 1158 oh here’s the other thing there’s a different number of timeouts every I mean of overtimes every year yes correct so totals get a little screwy right
Minutes play so you gotta look at points per 100 possessions right see that Henry you’re you’re already giving too much context here Henry one point that’s all it is yeah so look a little like the 10th team last year was the Jazz 11 15.8 points for 100 possessions this year it’s the Clippers
118.380 um so three points up meanwhile this this to to my ears anyway this question isn’t coming up because I know people who are super alarmed at these numbers I don’t think people even know these numbers correct what I see happening is people are alarmed at the highlights of
Insane calls right like where the offensive player is like basically like pulling the pin from a grenade and throwing it into the defensive players and player is now dead and they’re like foul on the defender right exactly that’s what it looks like this year it’s just like insane stuff um David can talk
About it more knowledgeably but he’s basically advising his players just don’t touch the driving player right corre don’t touch him all sometimes you can you can not touch him and still get called for the you will what feels different to me is that right like um this is what players are talking about
This is what coaches are talking about this is why coaches are bringing laptops to post game press conferences to [ย __ย ] show this right that’s what the issue is about that’s what the question is about and Adam Silver knows it but he gives this oh my God like scoring is
Actually only up one point and the NBA is not trying to favor offense he well he never said the word referee in this answer not one time and then he said uh um I know there’s some coaches who feel that we’ve hampered in some ways defensive players ability to play
Defense at least the way it used to be played in this league in part that’s been very intentional there was a period of time in this league when people thought the game had become too physical we taken away some of the aesthetic beauty of the game I was one of those
People that felt that way in the 90s okay I’ve been covering this league that entire time that was a great thing that was more than 20 years ago they changed the rules and it was a great success right this is when the Knicks were ugly up the game and it was literally they
Call it like the dick harder rule behind the scen because they like just had this way of just grabbing everybody and they got rid of that and that was great that has absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about today Giant misdirection smoke bomb ridiculous like
Like what are you talking about Adam you guys changed the rules 20 years ago in a way that has been well understood well legislated correct people who love those new rules are outraged at you right now because of the new new rules which are no one can touch anybody when they’re
Playing d right like that’s what Steve ker is mad about right it’s not this [ย __ย ] from 2001 where the [ย __ย ] that was sorry L today no listen I I love it we’re we’re we’re we’re on a roll here no no no no no we’re on a roll it is
Look is true we all know it studies show it the amount of skill present in the NBA today in 2020 far for by far greater than any period in the history of this game I don’t want to hear about Pistol Pete and none of no no no no no nobody
That played back then is as athletic as the 15th player on a roster today it’s just that’s how evolution in science works okay all right so we got a bunch of skilled people everywhere all five people can shoot past it’s like holy hell so that makes defense harder now because
Instead of oh I don’t got to worry about that guy because he can’t really do much with the ball I gotta worry about him and I gotta worry about that guy my man he gets beat I got a cover for my teammate it’s a lot to process by the
Way everybody’s bigger faster stronger the court dimensions have stayed basically the same which is problematic right but in a way they’ve changed because you have people who shoot now at 38 to 40 feet so I have to go out and guard that far which now means there a
Bunch of space that that people have to cover behind me it’s a lot of torque and wear and tear on the body and that point about the hands you’re right hand checking was legislated out a million years ago like that it isn’t about that the play I’m going to reference happened
Uh Indiana versus Boston Andrew neart a very good young Defender second year in the league strong in the chest Jaylen Brown’s trying to get by him I’ve watched that play on slow-mo a million times he cannot get through Andrew’s chest he’s just s hands are way out here
And Jaylen like [ย __ย ] it I can’t get past this guy so he goes up for the shot loses the ball because of Andrew’s big strong chest guess what happened foul Andrew nart and Andrew’s like wait wait wait I’m not touching him I’m just standing here and he can’t move me yeah
It’s a foul on you well that’s what I think a part of what a lot of people are complaining about and that and so you know everything you said about how the game has changed is true every possession both ends of the court all the time and it’s beautiful I it it
Really is like like what’s so sad is that we’re arguing about like shitty parts of the game it’s the Peak basketball as Kevin it’s like the most beautiful basketball like Dominic Wilkins was basically saying like oh we we had our bod’s conditioned to get foul so I would average 35 e like you
Wouldn’t there’s one little wrinkle where it’s easier today but the fact is every Defender is bigger stronger faster than everybody who tried to defend you and they would eat you a lot like or you have to evolve maybe he would evolve but like he didn’t face athletes like this
He didn’t like and it would it would blow his mind right um so I to me um the the little much more more specific concern here are the like I don’t know I’m going to make it up like eight calls a game that are a little bit kind of
Mind-blowingly in favor of the offense which cause everybody to be hands off all game long right like I don’t think free throws are way up but I think that shooting is up because everyone’s got a little more room well the stars do anyway right like for sure you know I
Think that that’s what what’s happening is once once David Thorp is telling his clients as are lot of people just like hey oh you know hands off um don’t play regular defense is what they’re saying like well now that does bring up scoring a little bit right my play D was there
Was one oh my gosh um uh maybe 10 days ago the Blazers Jazz no Blazers nuggets and um High pick and roll and um joic sees that he’s going to be guarded by scoot Henderson but scoot’s like a little slow it’s a scoot’s kind of in the middle he literally just grabs his
Arm and is like you will guard me and like just pulls him over so that’s SC like between him and the hoop and uh because he’s a rookie and yic is MVP so how referee works right so he gets his rookie the smaller rookie and then uh
And then and and and he’s put him like maybe too far away like scoot ends up a yard from yic y then yic gets the ball and the instant he touches it he just scoot gets in perfect like take charge position like my eighth grade coach taught us and then yic literally just
Like aims his left shoulder and pile drives like it’s rugby boom def B scoot actually landed outside of the gimm he flew out of the building because yic knew before he even touched the ball that this was gonna be a foul on scoop and like that’s what we’re talking about Adam what’s your
Answer to that question ref games we that was Thursday show these are the ref games that the players play yeah no this is the only time we get to see Adam like take questions could we got a [ย __ย ] journalist in the room could somebody ask a hard question like could somebody
Be like no Adam I’m not talking about Dick harter’s defense in the 90s I’m talking about this play like why does he have to be so insulated from that right like yeah it’s it’s you know H it is this is just a point where we’re at
Right and all of this is about the delivery of the product right and so every time we mention or one of these things comes up it’s sort of obus skating like the the bigger thing right it’s like oh the players don’t get we need more effort from them it’s like no
You’re getting plenty of effort that’s not the problem right like it’s oh well scoring is actually only up a point no we we just talked about it let’s dig into that a little bit this isn’t what we’re talking about like no let’s get deeper in nuanced here we don’t let’s
Not show them anything Nuance let’s just larger point is this this is the to story we want to tell move on next and you know people just accept it that’s what it is and we hear true like but that’s not really the story guys well I guarantee Adam’s worried about it I
Guarantee he’s thinking about it I guarantee he phone calls and meetings about it right like and in a normal world he would just have to kind of like earn our credibility earn his credibility on this topic from kind of putting a little daylight in there that’s what journalism is right that’s
Like this is how it’s supposed to work right it’s like we’re supposed to believe more in Adam because we’ve seen him seen his thought process through these tough things like I think if you’re like stern was a much stronger leader in this sense where he’s just
Kind of like you know like he would say a lot more stuff right and um sometimes he’d be more vulnerable sometimes less vulnerable but you’d have a lot more of a window into it and like with Adam I think they they seem to have a strategy
With Adam of just like we mustn’t let him look weak right and so they have you know it’s a little harder for journalists like me to get in that press conference now you know what I mean like like um okay David didn’t mind David would was happy he loved these hard
Questions right like he loved to fight right that is not it’s um you know we talk about um person it types right so David clearly no one would say this about it was not a shrinking violet right like personal confrontation was not a problem for him you might even
Argue he quite like personal confrontation no question he did yeah yeah no question was Adam were like maybe not he seems more of a let’s get consensus and everybody agrees and Kumbaya it’s like well I think you need both right to Be an Effective leader I think I there’s different things right
It’s like you know this is like the Godfather like he’s a wartime consle are or whatever right like stern was a wartime consle are and if he didn’t have a war he would just make one up right he would just like let’s go fight somebody right like let’s just go fight somebody
Adam is not a wartime consor at least not a public who God knows what he’s like behind the scenes that’s the scariest part of the whole deal is like I like you know like like we just don’t know what’s happening that matters the NBA like you know if if if Mark Cubans
Was livid with Stern they fought in public yes right someone’s living with silver now well I’ll never know I’m sure it happens every day it’s all just we’re not really covering what matters with the NBA like we just talk about kind of D transaction M it’s you know this is
Not the heart of the matter you know what I [Laughter] mean he’s in the NBA where are you want a player not even in the NBA I love it this oh man this is too good all right guys we’ll be back after this short commercial break this is this is too good Henry
This is arguing you’re right though like what does it matter if Matt MCL and dun K or Jacob Topp who cares that’s that doesn’t that’s irrelevant sprinkling nothing on top of nothing you so we have the ability to see data of what’s popular and what works right and I would imagine without
Having seen the data that from this weekend I would guess the highest rated thing was the Stephen Curry Sabrina uncu three-point Showdown um and I’m only I’m only gather that based on the excitement of it and the kind kind of conversation online and we’ll get into Kenny the J
Smith’s idiotic St comments after but I mean these two friends decided hey let’s go against each other head-to-head because remember Sabrina had the WNBA record three-point uh win uh shooting All-Star contest win scored 39 points something like that she was unbelievable we’re like oh let’s see her go head-to-head with the greatest male
Shooter of all time right and Stephen Curry and Henry it lived up to the hype it was great going into his last rack and his last Two Shots she was still ahead he had to knock down the last three to win um and I I thought it was
Outstanding a really a really excellent thing and gez who knew as you said on our call this morning the thing we’ve never done before is probably the most popular shock of all shocks yeah yeah because it felt like you know by the time they’re you know doing their very
Stage things in the dunk contest right like that feels very inauthentic right and this felt like I felt at the very least like like Sabrina put herself out there right she’s been I don’t know how old she is but she’s been working towards this moment like I’m sure she’s
Been kind of fantasizing about it since she was like 12 right I’m just guessing but like she had real Stakes she had emotional Stakes like she imagine if she’d won right like my it would have been nuts like she did she would have done a thing for a whole gender right like and
It would have been that would have been the greatest thing that ever happened at Allstar Weekend right yes and um and she almost did right that the fact that it felt real and it was inclusive to like casual fans and even women um you know
Felt like fresh and new and step in the right direction right yeah and uh yeah and to me that was uh gave me a little sense of like you know the last authentic thing that happened allar weekend I think there was a year this is before my time I think
There was a year that the players refused to take the court without the league honoring their Union I think is how the NPA first was invented like that’s a big that was authentic yeah you know I remember that yes that was in Teresa’s book uh black ball yeah yeah
Yeah this is whenever that was in the 70s sounds right but um you so that’s like w that put a little bounce in your step right that’s a Zing of reality and so this had a little with of that so yeah to me like I don’t know i’
Interested in your take like is there a tradition of allar weekend that’s so important that we need to keep it just because it’s a tradition no I mean like I don’t there’s nothing I there beyond the fact that what we talked about at the start of the
Show which is this is important for the league and its partners and beyond that no like to to me there’s nothing no the game Slam no none of that none of it not you just need like what’s the most fun stuff that we can come up with with the
Players and like Stephan Serena had a good idea like I I used I mean we’ve been talking about this forever but like what years ago I was advocating I still think it would be really good um physically like uh let’s say you get like four players all miked up mhm and
Everybody has like $50,000 cash and now it’s just basically like gamble like just like like I can do this just like make whatever deal you want to make I like it just just like I don’t know how it plays out but like someone’s going end up with all the
Money like we go to someone has all the money and they’re competitive sobs and it’s you listen you’re definitely going to have some not suitable for work language but guess what like listen I mean come on are we really I think part of it too for me Henry is
Like why do we feel like but what about the children like do you really think kids don’t hear way worse or can find way if they want to if they want to get a hold of it then somebody say oh F that mother like really are we GNA really
Like ring our hands over that I did notice like like the pandemic did a lot of bad things but like I did it was kind of like like cursing on TV just kind of slid in through the back door like it’s okay like that was kind of weird so any
I think we’re I think it’s fine now D it’s fine don’t worry about it it’s whatever it’s whatever listen I I I love the the three-point sh out with those I hope they do more stuff like that now part of the problem again is where the players are delivered in terms of the
Season and how they are healthy I love the I love the idea of you get all the courts set up and you do a bunch a bunch of one-on-one tournaments again the problem is these guys are beat to shreds at this point so like we’re taxing them because they’re going to go hard
One-on-one against each other to advance I know that for a fact but you know they’re going to risk injury and that’s also part of the thing too right which is a large reason I think why you don’t see what people want to see they know we
Got 28 more 30 more games to go I can’t tear an ACL in a allstar game no no no yeah so it’s it’s we have competing agendas here it’s tough I got the you know I don’t I guess my thinking on this really started the day that
Um we had special access to like the hotel um for it was the insanity Dunk Contest right and when Vince Vince sanity had just kind of started it was like a few weeks old he just started like blowing Minds right and um he arrived at the hotel and forgive me if
I’ve told you this before on the podcast I think maybe I have but um I was happen to be standing in this hotel hallway there’s a little placeat as the players come in they go into a series of rooms and like the first room let’s say they
Get like a credential and a schedule from the NBA and maybe they hotel room and then they go to the next room it’s the Players Association and they get like a gift bag and invite to a party and this kind of stuff they go to the
Next room and on and on um well I was standing by maybe the first room and Dr Jack Ramsey legend of the game happened to be standing there and somehow he knows events because basketball is a small world and they have this really meaningful hug and I I’m standing right
There I didn’t mean to be used dropping but I was um and basically Dr Jack’s like how are you doing and he’s like I just I just feel like I’m just running like just running running running running I never feel like I can catch my breath you know I’m just I’m going all
The time and Dr Jack’s just like keep running you know it’s like this is how it is right like I don’t think and then you know so that’s how he felt probably that was Thursday maybe Friday um before the greatest stunk performance of all
Time all time like what if he what if he arrived saying like great [ย __ย ] ready to go man oh we might have seen something yeah right like why wouldn’t we have that like why wouldn’t we want him like that like I agree mention for a game against Sacramento or or cancel
That game entirely so that yes so that our players can do their best you know uh you know you just you asked me before what do you think is secret about the Allstar Weekend then I said nothing I want amend that one of the great things about Allstar Weekend is the Players the
Current players and their ability to connect with the older players the former players and the reverential conversations that happened between the generations I’ve been lucky enough to beat allar a few times and like Henry you know when you’re in a Land of Giants and you’re five foot n you often go
Unnoticed and it’s you know you could be kind of in the corner and they’re like I don’t see you and you just hear the best stuff and it’s a language that again only they know they only they know what it’s like to play in the NBA we have no
[ย __ย ] idea what what that’s like and I I love when they’re able to do that um and you you just see it all up through the through the generations it’s very cool so that’s the one thing I love about allar Wigan is that camaraderie the players have I mean unfortunately
For fans they don’t really get to see that because that’s just not how it works but that’s very cool that same hallway actually John Thompson was there and like you could just see I forget who maybe Elton brand but you could see like you know it’s like there are some very
Meaningful things happening here yeah that’s it matters to these guys right it is a fraternity as much as like they competitors and like David says they want to kill each other on the floor like there is this there is this Brotherhood of like we know what this is
Like and like yeah you do nobody understands what they’re going through right no I mean we we we don’t even right like and we try our best to be very like you know it’s it’s a lot it’s a lot um it’s not easy I mean this is
Where like I think anybody who suggests that like there’s a lot of like loafing or whatever like right like here’s what happens if you’re that guy like you’re immediately replaced correct right like because there’s we do we don’t have to argue about the fact that there are
Roughly a billion people on the plan of playing basketball and they all want your job so like there’s just at this bleeding edge here yeah don’t get people who are like just smoking pot and reading the newspaper don’t give a [ย __ย ] no no and that’s the thing right so a
Lot of the conversations you hear about well we gotta no it’s not there nothing to do with this it’s not about getting the players to try or care no they care probably too much right that that that’s not the problem trust me when we tell you that ain’t it theying Netflix
They’re not no definitely not yeah yeah um you uh had an interesting analogy which I love one of the things you do is just tell analogies about sport um Duncan your son is watching The Last Dance For the First Time as we speak yeah okay speaking of binging Netflix
Yeah that’s my kid yeah and you thought it was it was an interesting way to think about the allstar game and what was happening uh in the Last Dance yeah let me see if I can stick this uh okay so I was he’s sick actually a poor kid
So I took him a little like maybe hot honey lemon or something drop it off and it happens to be a moment it’s a tense moment I think it’s the beginning of the second episode Scotty Pippen is getting his R but he’s in Street Clos because he’s holding out right maybe he’s
Injured and holding out I think is the deal and um and then they both play their first game um after getting their rings and then there’s a there’s Michael Jordan in the locker room and there’s a million microphones in his face and you can hear the reporters complaining about
Like a you’re squishing me whatever you know and uh so then first question is like hey well you know like how do you have you had a chance to talk to Scotty about his situation and he’s like uh he’s like yeah you know Scotty got feelings you know like we’re all proud
Like you’re playing this game you want recognized this kind of next question is also about Scotty and Michael’s like oh are you gonna you g ask me another question about Scotty or are we gonna talk about the game and um and then the guy’s like well what did you think about
The game and he’s like there you go and so a let’s just acknowledge that’s bullying like okay but but B um this little crew of people with the microphones I know that we like to [ย __ย ] on them but like this is what I do for a
Living right this is like I I I have a lot of for journalism and like yeah um and what happened right there is it it Taps into a little something where Michael assumes basically that everyone in that little scrum is going to be there day in and day out no matter what
Happens right but if you look at all the little mic flags and all those microphones like almost all those entities are out of business now like they’re gone right why are they gone well there’s a lot of argument about that I would argue they’re gone because the content that they produced was too
[ย __ย ] boring like you can see it in the data that like this story that someone was going to have to write about the game the the Bulls first game of the year against I don’t even think the documentary right announced the opponent because who cares it didn’t matter like
That’s what we thought Sports journalism was but if you look at the data the people who read that are few and far between they’re the hardcore fans and this is the reason that the sports part of the paper is the part that everyone was like ah you can to have it because
It’s only for this tiny little sliver people who follow this stuff really ently right meanwhile Scotty Pippin worked his whole life he worked in a desk Factory start his arms and he’s like scrapped and he’s like they got this thing and then um signed a long
Deal that committed him to a low salary and now it’s he’s getting screwed because of it right right in front of all of us this man’s like dreams are breaking in front of us that’s what every movie is about right like this is exactly like this is what we the J the
Media needed to write about not because we’re salacious [ย __ย ] right but because we have to tell stories that people care about and people don’t care about your third quarter r but they do care about Scotty P’s heartbreaking right and it did break in it’s still broken and he’s still going on
Documentary like this being pissed off about it right so correct so MJ got to pick the topic and he picked one that was good for him and by the way what did it save him it saved him a second mild little two seconds of soul searching
That’s all his Stakes were very low he could have just said like gez I wish they would pay Scotty like but he didn’t that was too much for him right so to me I’m like you know this is what the NBA does too right like if you um you know
It they they go to a lot of trouble to pick the topics right and um I think that with Allstar Weekend the topic that you’re supposed to write about is how incredible the athletes are how fast they run how high they jump how incredible they dunk that’s where I feel
Like these like 50 60 70 year old journalists who are all recording podcasts right now saying how shitty the weekend was right like um they’re doing that a little bit because the only topic they’re allowed to talk about is this little narrow thing and even in that
Narrow Lane it sucks like they don’t run fast and they don’t jump out because they’re [ย __ย ] tired so to me I’m like and they’re broken and hurt yeah like we’re just supposed to oh a master like there are high schoolers who run faster jump higher because they’re so tired
Like correct correct so that’s there you go probably enough lecture on that no no no no listen I I I am with you no no I I think this is important like we look I forget who said it right like in in years past it’s like a famous saying
That like sports the toy to of The Newsroom right that’s always the view of it right it’s not serious and it’s like okay yes compared to like bombing and yes it is low on the priority list understood however human beings are involved in these stories and yes Scotty
Hip and that was immense heartbreak and as you so well pointed out it’s evident because that heart’s still broken that’s why he’s MJ’s not any good because he felt like this guy who I went to war with and we won these things together who I thought was my brother in arms and
Has gone out of his way to not be my brother in arms oh so that’s how this works huh okay and it’s like you know like when Michael was out they won 55 games Scotty Pippen like we now know you know could WP that year in conventional
Buck score stats he was super Elite now we know like this like guard the other team’s best player super rangy Defender shoots threes like these players are like more valuable than we ever knew right so I I think that Michael Jordan was better than Scotty PPP I think it
Was a lot closer than everybody thought than real time right and he made I mean on the court I’m GNA say like 10x Scotty and like and off the court infinity x Scotty right yeah not even this is why Scotty’s pissed off right like like it
Just seems like it was I’m what it might have rightly been like 7030 6040 5545 but instead it was like a little crumb or Scotty and the whole world all these popes and presidents and like everybody just lies down for the great Michael Jordan right I think that that could get
Under your nerves a little bit you know well listen especially if you know intimate details about St Michael Jordan you’re like really that guy okay cool I get it I get it yeah no no it’s it’s listen it’s a lot in this game it really is um and there’s a we
Talk about it Henry to around the sport there’s a macho culture around it right and something that we try to break through a lot often and like just talk to with more Nuance it’s like guys we’re not cavem men like it’s okay like we you
Don’t have to like act in there oh fire like you don’t you can just actually speak like like a human like it’s fine like it vulnerability is it’s cool don’t worry like you’re not soft like it’s I promise it’s okay and I say all that to BR up because we were talking about
Sabrina and um and Steph and Kan and Jet Smith said after the game I’m paraphrasing oh you know it was great but I wish Sabrina had shot from from the women’s line and I’m like like like first of all and Andrew Martian detailed this on the athletic like talk about
Like just not understanding the moment and this goes back to probably what you talked about Henry in terms of you you love journalism and it’s this is a profession and things that people work their lives toward someone who and say whatever you want about uh Bob kasus or
Ernie Johnson or people like that but they are schooled in journalism and would recognize the moment and likely would not have made the statement right because they would let it hang in the air and breathe because it right there’s there’s affect you do for television but
Kenny as well I used to play basketball and D whatever if she shot from I wish she would shot from the woman’s line why cany she was leading with two with Steph with two shots in on his last rack and her score would have won the men’s competition hello what are we
Doing yeah it was like I the part that got me was um and here I’m just reading from Andrew’s article is um there’s a women’s tea in golf and there’s a men’s tea for a reason God just like I I would just say like I I
Don’t know of anything like I you know I’m a regular guy I go to the same places as people you know like where I see a Costco you know what I mean like I don’t go anywhere in my life ever that’s as misogynist as the NBA right like this
Is I mean I don’t know is there another entity on the planet that as of 2024 hasn’t had a female leader of any significant kind whatsoever right we haven’t had a coach we haven’t had a GM we haven’t had a commissioner like we haven’t like you know the Army we’re
Behind the Army we’re behind like everybody right um and you know it’s not a stretch to suggest that like a lot of the NBA sees women primarily as sexual objects right cor like um do you need me to provide evidence or you just going to trust me on that
One I I have been around life long enough and been around this league long enough and duudes long enough to know yep 100% fact yeah so this is kind of like a like that Arena when when Sabrina is standing on that Court like the lower bowl of that arena
Is like has a fair number of prostitutes MH and it has like you know like has men who will have a different woman tomorrow right like correct just kind like you know and some of them are NBA billionaires right this is this is a a profoundly it’s the most profoundly
Misogynistic place I know it doesn’t mean that there aren’t strong women around it doesn’t mean that everyone’s Mass it just means like it’s a place where you can’t get very far from insisting people right like and so you know there are stories of practically well don’t get me
Start okay so but to me like it’s not surprising that like a retired player given a mic and a lot of latitude to just say whatever would end up saying something like this it could have been 10 times worse I’m kind of surprised it wasn’t to be honest yeah like um so yeah
I mean it’s a bummer I just feel like it’s you know I spend a lot of time uh thinking about women’s sports and watching women’s sports and like it’s like we’re just so behind in the NBA just so it just it you know and it’s just the way that people often talk
About like the Casual like man on the street talks about women’s sports right again it’s from that standpoint of because they’re like those the men you’re talking about who they primarily view women of sexual objects right or baby makers or people that cook food right so why would you be playing this
Thing and I’m like dude do you have any idea how [ย __ย ] good these women are like any clue like any clue at all like they’re so good so so good that’s why we needed Sabrina to win yeah yeah no we God we did oh and it’s funny because you
Kind of saw Steph like when she went he was kind of like excited but also like [ย __ย ] she’s kind of on a run here I got like because when you when the person goes first and sets the bar that’s can it be in your head now yes Steph is El
Lead all that but he’s not immune to pressure like he’s like everyone else every days yeah right and if he misses three in a row he still hading off day on Sunday missing a ton of Threes in that game right so like it’s just it you
Know that’s just how the how this works it I I I find it all interesting and fascinating I do Wonder in that setup because it’s Kenny who said it what if Barkley had said it I wonder what that because he occupies such an interesting and unique space in sports culture and
In popular culture and media he almost has the most attitude to say whatever he wants I mean this is a man who famously refers to San Antonio women is big women and it’s everyone laughs it’s like okay you know it’s cool it matters more if he says it I guess
But like he also is more you know he’s just like trips more you know what I mean good what it say good what it say he just tripped more yeah I just tripped you know and I guess we should a little bit shout out to um Reggie Miller right
Reggie Miller push back a little bit I for actually no it says he said according to you you want her to be playing with dolls that was amazing nice Reggie I like it good one good older sister you know that’s well who used to routinely kick his ass in right
Like re tells the best story was like I think he had his like career like his career high in high school in the game where he scored like I don’t know 40 something points and like Charles and wait why aren’t you guys like because your sister scored like a 100 he’s like
What like hey she’s just you what what do you want sorry scored 100 sorry scor sorry re in your 43 point game sorry still love you little bro yeah uh a couple other things from Adam’s uh press conference he talked about the g- league ignite uh and I
Wrote a story about this league when it was coming out a few years ago for Tru hoop and was all very mysterious I remember Brandon Greer uh who we talked to who I talked to for the for the stories in asan he like it just no one
Knew anything about it it just came out of nowhere and David will can talk far more unig about this but he will often tell us that the NBA does not have a monopoly on Player Development um and we see that right that team doesn’t they
Play a ton of games they don’t win a lot um you know alumni yes he oh oh oh oh players who play uh Josh green um scoot um God who was playing that League there’s another one who’s a pretty big name um okay sorry that’s a pop quiz that’s not
My I I know no no pop quizzes on the on the show but but point is that they play games oh there you go they play a ton of games um but are they actually getting better at basketball but that was how it was sold right Sharie told me like who’s
Better at understanding the NBA then people play in the NBA go I don’t know if that’s exactly right like I mean David didn’t play in the NBA and he has lots of success coaching NBA players I don’t think that needs to be a prerequisite um and anyway with College
Nil deals that now exist the g-league ignite system might be might be shuttering because part of the reason the big draw was well I can go right to the to the pros right a Pro System an academy like system and I don’t have to worry about this College academic stuff
And I can get paid well you can get paid at college now with an nil deal and I I mean maybe NCAA I I would say there definitely are programs in that are better at developing players than G leag night for sure that’s factual maybe players start doing that so I think Adam
Saying we’re not sure what the of that uh program holes I thought was pretty interesting yeah it was definitely interesting and like I I mean it sucks right it’s a problem like their this year’s team is 2 and 18 I think um and you know David could come on this
Podcast on Thursday and list like 50 people who are amazing at Player Development I’m sure he would say the words Ryan penon a lot right yes I I could make a smaller list but I know a lot of these people right oh Charlie Torres was on this show correct yes we had
There’s a bunch of these people who like literally like live out of their cars in some cases one guy lived on a boat um uh Ross mcmains is the name you hear um these dudes are like lifers of like oh I noticed that you’re doing this little
Thing with your elbow when you shoot right like none of those people got jobs ignite that I’m not saying that I know all the best people I’m just saying like it feels like to me if you were in this very small world that we work in if you
Were collecting the for the screening for the purposes of elite Player Development you probably would have caught somebody David new correct right I agree in your net but instead it was like very I mean I don’t know the complaint I heard when it was new was
That it was like kind of a setup to steer stars to Aaron Goodwin right like sh ABD Rim was Aaron Goodwin guy and a lot of the key people seemed to be the proved by Aaron Goodwin that deal I think Jaylen green did end up with Aon
Goodwi I believe so but U so when you’re not honestly trying to make it about Player Development then it you might not succeed at that and I think in fact like uh those three players scoot Henderson Jaylen green and Leonard Hamilton are I think probably just the absolute poster children of like
Physically super gifted and entirely in need of Player Development after reaching the NBA right there were maybe the most poorly developed players like if you were looking to just get better at basketball you would probably go to any of the other options right so like
This is the problem if they were if if they had arrived like Victor did yeah right Victor went to minor league France and got developed way the [ย __ย ] better right like he’s ready to play um Chad homr spent a year like watching from the sidelines and develop that he’s really
Good right like like this is not the best system like it’s just not it just didn’t go well if it went well they wouldn’t be talking about canceling it right they just aren’t good at it that’s all like sorry guys they gave you a bunch of money he didn’t turn it the end
Of making players better sorry it didn’t work sorry yeah so yeah it’s it’s it’s uh it’s this thing though right where the Assumption being that it’s like we talked about with Kenny right oh put an X player on the mic do that it’s like but there are
People who actually work their lives to be good because this is a different skill set right playing in the NBA is a very different skill than coaching in the NBA than teaching in the NBA than gming in the right yes you understand the understood no doubt about that but
Can you then translate all that you know into making this person better no well that’s coaching right like well then you’re not good yeah it’s super competitive I mean it’s just a super competitive world that we live in and like and there’s a lot of money at stake
And you know the person who’s best a Player Development isn’t someone who just thought about Player Development starting last year right like it’s you know I mean David’s been doing this forever right right and he has so many you know he he had a client recently start missing free throws a little bit
And he like was like tearing his hair out because he was watching all this video trying to figure out like what it was and then like a little light bulb went off and he was like it’s this and then he fixed it and um you know how
Many problems can you solve is like a reasonable question this is a question for a doctor right is like what kind of sick people can come in here and you can have them leave feeling better right like that’s a question for a Player Development coach and I think if you’re
New to it like they it’s unlikely you’re going to have a long list of wins right and like why can’t leard Hamilton get minutes right now right like he’s remember David about Le Hamilton before the draft he’s like I love this guy right like he’s he’s got a body from
Basketball heaven right but like but he just needs to learn basketball more like even though he just took a year or two years a year I think didn’t learn much like an Academy of this run by the NBA and it wasn’t good enough you know yeah
No it’s it’s it again it’s it’s a different skill set um you know we talked about European football to start the show right they have Academy systems that’s how that’s how they they do things over there right um and they don’t even get it right all the time
Right they’re get really bad at it right like it’s it’s not easy it’s it’s a it’s a different type of skill and it’s hard work and as you said it’s You’ had to have studied this like made it your life mission d this is what I want to do to
Solve all right like like if you’re like in charge of Player Development for Chelsea and you have 14 year olds then like like and if you aren’t getting them Stars you’re fir yeah right but this J Knight thing like if scoot gets to Portland and he doesn’t know how to read
The pick and roll like do we even know the name of the person who sucked at that like you know what I mean like right whatever next like we’ll get some more scoots in here yeah yeah that’s exactly right no this this is this is the nature of things uh some NBA news
Came down Henry before we got on the Nets uh just fired Jack vaugh um they just extended him uh beginning of last year through 26 27 um look this team is 11 games under 500 they’re two and a half out of the plan right now that’s
What they want to do they want to make the plan they’re going to give a whole lot of stong and dance about we’re not sure if Jack and stars want to play for Jack I don’t know Kevin Durant seem fine playing for jackmon so I don’t I don’t
Know if that’s it like I again this league is difficult being a head coach is difficult um I know there was some tension between him and cam Thomas I know I know fans wanted him to play cam Thomas more and you’ll love this Henry as as the cam Thomas skeptic on this
Podcast this you know he uh he wanted cam to play defense better and I’ve talked about it cam seems uninterested on that side of the floor if I’m being kind right what I don’t know what’s going got on over here so that that was a problem despite the fact that he is an
Elite offensive Talent um you know but he’s pretty good nice got Gotta Throw in his cam Thomas dig but as David said maybe his best role in this league is super six-man Off the Bench you know you just come in and cook second units that’s all
I want you to do maybe that’s it I don’t know you can’t read the game if you can’t like you know make all the right choices then like all you have to do is just flame throw you know he will love to Flame throw so they’ll they’ll
Announce intrum cach and then I guess I’ll figure out who their next head coach I will say this Sean marks this is year eight or nine in Brooklyn your fourth head coach are going on questions right what’s the plan here Sean what are we doing people love him
Like you know and he’s he’s blatantly super smart but um he comes from the Spurs organization Spurs halo effect too Spurs halo effect um I they’re in this thing now though right where there they’re like big expectations pretty big budget and mediocre results like that’s one of the scariest cuz like there might
Not be a Smoking Gun there might not be a broken thing it might just be that you’re just not that good right like that could be it I then what do you do right if this this is your whole life and you buil and it turns out okay I’m
Because then it’s like well now what do I do right you have to Pivot and it’s like well to what I mean I do it seems like the like you know Mel Bridges Untouchable thing is like why yeah why you got to hang on to this guy’s primee
Agreed to not miss the playoffs see what I mean correct yeah correct that’s what I’m saying like bridg is good but you’re yeah I I didn’t understand the moves at all unless hey he might have a Smoking Gun for all we know and this summer Donovan Mitchell’s coming and then all
Things are great maybe I don’t know but that’ be fun be fun if brookin had an incredible team like for Brooklyn for the burough of Brooklyn it’ be fun yes it’s nice they can battle with the Knicks again listen when Durant and Kyrie and James were here and they were
Kicking the Nick’s ass and like that was fun because Nicks fans were pissed it was great he had a nice little thing going on now should humiliate James Dolan out of the league then that would be like a win-win the Knicks fans get what they want like
It’s just it beautiful yeah oh man I love it I love it all right folks uh thank you for joining us today that was a that was a good discussion I wanted to really talk about Allstar and you know yeah and just also like just the larger
This is the league right the things that actually matter don’t get don’t get confused by the stuff they’re actually telling you look a little deeper or as Henry likes to say and I do appreciate this about you look if you just want to tune out for two and a half hours of
Much ball then don’t give a [ย __ย ] about anything we just said yeah then you just spoon in what but if you’re really gonna be like I’m I’m doing this maybe you want to start asking some questions like you sure all right guys