AP last 3 years entrance exam of previous year Shi two question paper part A Part Bel current affairs General awareness r 10 to 30% times the combination of these three articles is regarded as a Golden Triangle by Supreme Court three articles in article 14 1921 21 right to life and person Li 19
Right to freedom of expression right to life and sueme Supreme Court introduce which prominent civil rights activist and leading lawyer was confirmed one rupe by Supreme Court in 2020 for the comments he made on the Chief Justice of India on Twitter Justice of India tter coms Supreme in one rup
Fin in which of the following right to privacy cases it was decided by the Apex court that there is no need of linking other to a bank account Justice kwami vers un of India who is the present chairman of the Bar Council of India current affair B Mar
Update which of the following statements is not relevant to the meaning and significance of the Constitution two and four options which article of the Indian constitution preserves the freedom to practice and propagate any religion article 25 article 25 freedom of and free profession practice and propagation of religion the outcome of the agreement
Between Gandhi and ambedkar was Puna act the procedural law and family laws are the subject matters of concurrent list only Parliament laws in State subject only state legislature both parament state legisl parament state state legis in which year did the European Union Council make the general data protection regulation
2016 201 General data protection regulation European Union Council frame before the implementation of the poxo ACT which of the following was the only specific piece of child abuse legislation Goa children’s act 2003 children children3 state legisl parament the total number of members in Raj is 250 550 which of the following is a
Fundamental duty of the Indian citizen only fundamental duties of the Indian citizen the fundamental duties Mana Gandhi case was popularly known as passport case Golden Triangle concept Supreme Court is in which of the following functionaries salaries may be drawn from the Consolidated fund of India Supreme Court judges salary controller and auditor generals
Salary Election Commission members salary he consoled a fund of Indian in what is a special Constitution position of Jammu and Kashmir it has its own Constitution can constitutional order 27273 article 3735 the period of limitation is in case of a promis not is 3 years PR valod
Ownership to copyright and Goodwill of a business is in Corporal ownership inang of inor ownership jence means knowledge of law skilled of law which one out of the following is more appropriate objective of workers participation in Management workers participation management Industrial problem elections in India are conducted
According to the rules made by the election commission of India example model code of contract the layoffs made by the Indian Parliament example representation of people act 1951 he act UPG version of representation of people act 1950 elections Indian constitution example part 15 of the constition of India
Ele in India matters related to property are governed by the real estate regulation and development Act 2016 property 1882 National Human Rights Commission is vested with the powers of civil code contributory negligence means negligence on either side T is a private round in India a woman could also be punished for this off
Chares of the B one that is not a distinct punishment solitary confinement death penalty life impr solary conf which of the following objectives of the Constitution matches the direct principles of State policy of State policy principles of State policy in India formation of new States falls under article formation of new States and
Alteration of areas or names of exist which of the following provision is inserted by Constitution 86th Amendment act 2002 duty to provide education to Children of 6 to 14 years the president of India shall be elected by the Electoral College constituted for this purpose Electoral College MP impeachment proceedings again is the
President of India can be initiated by either house or the parliament constitution of India law only presid REM Chief Justice of prime minister REM impeachment on award only the fundamental duties under the Indian contition are Incorporated with an inspiration from USSR USSR if a person takes a loan by keeping
The gold as a security from the bank is called pledge if person Bank the direction given by the code to the respondent wife to join with her husband in case of her desertion is called restitution of conjugal rights restoration of conjugal rights which article of the Indian constitution deals with untouchability article
17an article 12 to article5 fundamental fundamental in India cultural and educational rights are guaranteed to religious and lingis minorities religious minorities cult andeducation interest of minorities right of minorities to establish and administer education institutions bonus proof convicted Pro examp PR money 202 VI St PR M enforcement current
Affairs the protection of women from domestic violence Act was passed in the Year 2005 the Supreme Court judgment on Justice putas Swami’s case which is popularly known as ad case was identified with the issue of right to privacy is a fundamental right the offense of rape under the Indian Penal
Code falls under offenses against human body what is that document that authorizes a lawyer to act on behalf of his client the headquarters of the international court of justice is situated in the who among the following is a judge under the Indian criminal law criminal Jud High Court District Court Judge
District collector a member of PCH Supreme Court Judge which is the first state where presidents of rule was imposed under article 356 of the Constitution of India Punjab to fin which of the following statements is most accurate India is ational democracy the funds allotted to each member of the parliament for undertaking
Works under the Member of Parliament local area development scheme is rupes 5 cres perom period F short anticipatory bill can be issued only by The Sessions Court High Court Supreme Court cour which of the following is a Judicial proceeding inquiry and trial investigation law enforcement agencies condu judicial proceeding law
Enforcement and CBI enforcement director police personal the Indian P code was drafted by the first law commiss of India shared by Lord Mak information sport has to be registered without preliminary enquir in the case of M M serious hus crime and water cogn offense cogn offenses ke police prary station rankings Discord information
Which of the following is correct answer to the r of Manus let me direct you tocharge your duty offic go government suspend REM yes or not which of the following is a second generation right right to live right to life right to equality right against arbitary arrest and 21 fundamental right first generation
Right second generation right the stands for professional conduct and ocate of advocates in India is laid down and managed by the bar Council of India which of the following is the oldest Court in India high court of Kolkata AER dictum refers to a remark made by the Court not essentially for the decision
Simp optional order 272 273 article 37035 a jamu and Kashmir Supreme op trents of candidates including assets and education shall have to be disclosed is a judgment qualifications criminal history of a valid reason guel members of armed forces can be arrested by State Police only after obtaining asent from the central
Government Indian army nav Air Force members State Poli Central sh who appoints the governor of states the president which of the following acts as the backbone of the criminal law in India Indian Penal Code evidence indal procedure enforc agencies the TS last 3s exam previous year shift one question
Paper which article of the UN Constitution deals with the disqualification of MPS from Lo saaba or Raj saaba article2 article disqualifications for membership disal option what power does Raj with regard to money bills money BS 14 days delay who was the Constitutional adviser to the constituent assembly sir benel nursing
Ra the concept of el state is included under the constitution of India in di to principles of State Poli Saria commission refers to Central State relations who was awarded the grber prize for justice 2002 Fs nariman in solicit who was the first Chief Justice of Telangana High Court Justice TV radak
Krishna asby versus white case relates to breach of legal right doctrine of pit and substance relates to interpretation of statutes to solve the problem of competing legislature in the same field the constitution of India recognizes religious minorities and linguistic minorities which one of the following schedules of the Constitution of India recognizes official
Languages 8th schedule Indian Country three types of languages languages constitutional languages Classical Languages the control of expenditure of government of India West the parliament mandal commission refers to reservations the power of Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the center and state falls under its original jurisdiction fin Supreme solutioning
Which Landmark case is celebrating its 50 years in 2023 it’s much representation of people act was aned in the year 1951 1950 disabl who is the attorney general of India as on May 2023 current AFF the first meeting of the constituent assembly was held in the year 1946 lay off means terminating an
Employee at the will of the employer Sr bom’s case is pertaining to president’s rule trafficking human beings is violation of right exploitation of traff human being and force Lab human being traffic for LA during National Emergency which of the following articles of the Indian constitution cannot be suspended article 20 and 21 naal Which one of the following schedules of the Indian constitution list the names of states and specifies their territories First R versus tson case relates to mistake of fact ball for versus ball for Cas L to contract 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments deals with local self governments a foreign citizen staying in India cannot claim right to freedom of trade and profession vishaka versus state of Rajasthan case pertains to sexual
Harassment the ad 1961 deals with ethics and rules relating to Advocates Parliament Advocates 1961 amend mod am23 section 45 theic disas act wased in which year 1897 the national green tribal was established in the year 2010 which of the following is not the legislative power of the president to Declare War and Peace
Legislative power of the president summoning each house of the parliament issuing ordinance giving asent to the bill he will po of the president president Supreme the arm for who the chairperson of the national Human Rights Commission the president who was the 16th Chief Justice of India Justice W Chandra full form of upov
Is international Union for the prodection of new varieties of plants which is not a trademark computer only brand P then register trademark the concept of independent Judiciary under the Indian constitution was borrowed from the constitution of USA on USA L adalat cannot disde Dash cases non-c compoundable cases non-c compromisable
Cases a minimum of Dash members are required for unlawful assembly under IPC 1860 five or more which article of the Indian constitution speaks about the participation of workers in the management of undertakings 43a CSR means Corporate social responsibility envirment FAL right compy generate profits am Corporate social responsibility environment who the following is competent to prescribe conditions for the acquisition of C ship Parliament the condition citizenship Act of 1955 citizenship Amendment 2019 citizenship Amendment 2019 follow cament to regulate the right of citizenship by
Now who wrote the book judicial review or confrontation Justice hetar Kaa free legal aid for need under Indian constitution is discussed as part of direct to principles of State policy the three legislative lists are mentioned in the dash of the Indian constitution 7th schedule the5th Amendment of the Indian
Constitution was made in which year 2021 which section of IPC deals with d death 304b instantaneous triple talak was invalidated by the Supreme Court in which case shano versus un of India ordinance promulgated by the president remains valid for 6 months months special provision with respect to
The state of Goa is contained in which article of the Indian constitution article 371 I passage question Preamble andm what is preamble preamble is the preface identity card philosophy of the Constitution of India I shall explain with examples suppose if you want to have the brief overview of the
Book you will know it by reading the prephase of the book you will know what the author is saying by reading the prephase in the same way if we want to derive every details of an individual we can do it with the use of identity card like AAR card employee ID student
ID Etc similarly our constitution of India also has a preamble which is the philosophy prease identity card of the Constitution of India which consists of four themes first team tells about the source of authority where does the Constitution of India derives its power from here in the
Text of the Preamble it is mentioned as we the people of India so the source of authority is the people of India now the second theme of The Preamble mentions about the nature characteristic features of the Constitution of India where nature Sovereign socialist secular Democratic Republic is a composite
Expression in separate is not separated by any punctuation mark but here it is separated by a punctuation mark that is comma in between the words of the nature but in the original Preamble it is not separated with the comma so it is a composite expression then separate composite expression we can not
Separate one word from another s sovereignity means that India would be independent to take a decision we have the Independent to make a decision and to unmake a decision through legislators Etc without any interference from a foreign power that’s called sovereignity for your information class three of article 370 which talks
About shared sovereignity of Jammu and Kashmir with India that means if any decision needs to be taken J and Kashmir should come together and take a decision unilaterally either J and K cannot take a de and India cannot take a Deion both should come together and take a decision
Because it is 50 50% partnership socialist a socialism means in Indian context that the inequality in income inequality in status should be erated REM inequality income and Status so that we establish a welfare state that is socialism and through this socialism we can achieve our goal equality mentioned under article
14 secular on August 15th 1947 the country was partitioned a Islamic Theocratic Pakistan was created in the name of religion but the founding fathers of our country decided not to make a Theocratic religious Nation but a secular state where the Indian state will not Proclaim any religion as a state religion will
Equally promote protect respect all the religions which is the unique system adopted by India without being influenced by our neighborhood Pakistan Bangladesh Myanmar and Sri Lanka as those four neighborhood countries adopted one religion as a state religion here State refers to the definition of state which is mentioned
Under article 12 and article 36 and a word state is mentioned in constitution of India it is the state which is mentioned under article 12 and 36 unless the purpose is specified Democratic through elections with the people of India vote for the legislators and our elected representatives our government governers where the political
Clause will be accountable answerable that is called Democratic Democratic derives from two Greek words demos which means people and katea which means rule in simple terms rule of the people is called democracy Republic the head of the state is the President of India is an elected represent
To but not directly he or she is indirectly elected by Electoral College without any discrimination there will be no discrimination while electing the president of India on the other hand the Queen of England holds the head of the state position because of hereditary third them mentions about the lofty
Goals what are the lofty goals that we want to achieve through this nature those are Justice Liberty equality fraternity justice social economic and political first social justice should be provided followed by economic and then political and it should be 100% subject to restrictions I shall tell you about
The restrictions later but 100% Justice Means 100% justice state of kataka law deception detection test truth detection test and Nar analysis poly brain maing it should be voluntary from the side of the accus accus prodction in respect of conviction for offens Med we accuracy ratio 99.99% remaining % so 100% Justice Rec 100%
Alms 26 in a million soty of thought expression belief faith and worship Liberty article 21 production of life and person Liberty fundamental rate expression freedom of speech and expression Article 19 Clause one sub Clause a believe faith and worship article 25 to 28 right to freedom of freedom of conscience and free
Profession practice and propagation of religion to lty go equality of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all equality Equity equality equality should be under equal circumstances not under unequal circumstances circumstances unequal fraternity assuring the Dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the
Nation the which explanation end and if we see north to south and east to west India is a land of diversity different food items to eat different languages to speak different casts and religions to follow are there despite that we are one that’s called unity and diversity which is called fraternity
That is mentioned over here and the last lofty C which is mentioned in this Preamble common Brotherhood in fact this was the slogan of the French Revolution as well Liberty equality fraternity but we have one more dedicated goal that is Justice 100% Justice these are all the objectives that we want to achieve
Through this constitution of India which are mentioned in this preamble fourth team mentions about the date of adoption the date of adoption national law and our constituent assembly this 26th day of November 1949 do hereby adopt an act and give to ourselves this constitution key principles key principles and
Equality and absolute equality equality before equality under equ cumstances notal circumstances 15 discrimination prit just of race religion cash sex equality of opportunities in Mattery employment education St not under unequal circumstances important Cas important case laws second state of thir Preble is not part of the Constitution and it can be
Amended Preble can be modified altered changed that is amendment can be done Preamble is an integral part of the Constitution of India and Amendment act Preamble which contains majority of provisions of objectives resolutions passed by Pandit Neu was the last item to be discussed thoroughly and voted
Upon like every article mentioned in the constitution of India which was not conveyed in b why Preamble was the last item added to the Constitution of India because to make Preamble compatible with every provision of the Constitution so that no provision in the constitution of India will come in conflict with the
Preamble that is to unlock the mind of the makers of the Constitution this can be better understood by discussing the last case law that is this case law n judge bench of Supreme Court unanimously declared right to privacy as fundamental right in K putas Swami case government services Supreme
Attorney general of India first law officer of the services to privacy viem cour pass the ring which unlocks minds of the makers of theity fraternity assuring the Dignity of the individual fing the Dignity of the individual privac cannot be ised without right to privacy and Supreme Court n judgments of
The Supreme Court un right to privacy fundamental right under Artic 21 article 21 protection of life and 367 it unlocks mind of makers of the article 21 through several case laws rights Supreme second Point second important point for the government and citizens ensuring that decisions and actions align with the
Core values of Indian Nation so government Preamble news because it unlocks the minds of the makers of the Constitution reflecting aspirations the Preamble captures the dreams and aspirations of the Indian people fostering a sense of unity and purpose then state of 1967 the pr in nutshell contains its ideals and its aspirations
If constitution of India achieves its goals automatically people of India will achieve their goals because the constitution of India derives its power from people of India where the people of India gave themselves the power to the constitution of India supreme law of land which enjoy special legal sanctity to rule people of
India first for ban basic structure of Indian parament fundamental rights for state of Kerala 1973 B of the Indian constitution law fundamental rights important fundamental rights to to certain essential features of Indian constitution examp separation of powers the first case L Sharad versus un of India 1951 Parliament Can Am fundamental
Rights and Japan Supreme cour then the next judgment La San Singh was state of 1964 shank sh ultimate power to the parliament Parliament can amend anything using article 368 including fundamental Rights Article 13 does not include a stitutional Amendment and it can amend fundamental rights also state of Rajan direct
Judiciary Parliament cannot fundamental rights can was 1973 law the last Cas where the basic of constitution evolved Parliament can amend fun FAL rights which are not mentioned in the Bas of Constitution and improvise judgment fundamental rights and essential futures of Indian constitution mentioned under basic structure of Indian Doctrine Parliament amend basic
Structure of Indian constitution fundamental rights essential futures of Indian constitution through article 368 basic Strate 1963 first two case law Shankar of India s versus state of Ra British Parliament can do anything and everything except converting a man into a woman and woman into a man but with the evolution of techology even
That is B of living document basic structure of the through subsequent judgments like8 Min applicability of B 24 a73 Supreme so up see the applicability with rpec 24th ail with the retrospective effect from that date 24th April 1973 24th April 1973 land reforms other Provisions judal Jud Jud land reforms other provisions
On men Mills versus of India 1980 Harmony between fundamental rights and DPSS is the Bedrock of the Constitution of India anded fundamental principle separation of powers separation of powers and Judiciary Jud duty is called fundamental parament Judiciary overreach activism Jud guidelin limit increase election sexual harassment guidelines not Motor Vehicles Act is
Act four La few senior judges including Chief Justice of India who appoints other judges appoint judges is called Collegian System Union of India 1981 Jud consultation under article 124 does not mean concur Supreme Court Supreme Court Advocates on records versus Union of India 1993 second Jud consultation under article 124 mean concurrence mean concurrence colleg system will have the ultimate say execu to involve judges appointment judges will appoint themselves in presidential reference
1998 judges including chief jce of India four judges case law Supreme Court Advocates on record versus un of year 2015 99 Amendment it is basic structure of the Indian constitution separation of the Bas of indan judal appointment commission ex people inv appointment the violation of separation of powers violation of separation of powers
And again is the basic struction of the Constitution so Judiciary has struck down 99 am appointments up judges Justice of India is first among the equals normally all Supreme Court judges are equal in Powers but Indian judicial Chief Justice of India will have a VTO power will become the master
Of the rooster United Nations countri a Ben judge a civil Cas or criminal publication the poity general awareness and current some bits on water interest Contact