Tonight on The Curse of Oak Island there’s just a big layer of rocks right across this whole area just like the paved area this looks clearly man-made we have gotten it I’m hoping it’s a big jewelry box down here look at that there could be one of the stones from a
Masonic high priest breastplate who had buried the Ark of the Covenant an Oak Island centuries ago ohly sh moly heads up the Vault we about 30 ft above it right now there is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than
200 years man-made workings that date to Medieval Times and a lead cross whose origin may be connected to the knight’s Templar to date six men have died trying to solve the mystery and according to Legend one more will have to die before the treasure can be Found there’s some wood yep no mistak in that one oh a morning of renewed excitement has begun on forward in their quest to solve a 227 year-old mystery how deep are we yeah somewhere between 72 and 74 with the excavation you know we got some wood up
Higher but it was just chewed up pieces but now this is 70 ft and onwards much bigger really wow working with representatives from Irving equipment limited and rock equipment the team is currently Excavating a 10t diameter shaft in The Money Pit area known as
Dmt2 it is a shaft that may not only be on course to intercept the original treasure shaft but also a 7t high concrete encased at 53 ft back in 1897 it was just adjacent to this location where prominent Oak Island Treasure Hunter and Freemason Gilbert hen dug his own 12x 24t shaft in
1937 hoping to reach the Vault but unfortunately he had to abandon the effort at a depth of just 124 ft when ran out of funds to complete the project so it feels as though we’re grazing the head and shaft and now we’re kind of coming back into it Charles is
This this consistent yeah yeah I firmly believe that that shaft just collapsed on the east side and have to go through so I already made mention of that the Danny he said no problem so when Gilbert hon constructed his massive 124 ft deep wood wooden shaft he
Installed a heavy metal plate at the bottom along with a 6 high brace or shield in order to secure the structure into the ground if the Oak Island team does encounter the head and shaft’s shield it will offer hope that they are on course to recover the legendary Vault that
Gilbert headen was unable to reach how much water is in there a lot it’s kind of interesting cuz Danny said that he hasn’t seen it move that fast and then there’s a lot of hydraulic conductivity be it shafts or be it tunnels there things are moving around maybe that’s
Why the water came so quickly up and that can is near where we got the high Trace gold right two other factors that make Rick Marty and their partner Craig tester especially optimistic that Gilbert head was on track to making a major Discovery or that just 2 years ago they themselves
Unearthed a concrete like substance potentially related to the chapel vault in this very same area and just this year they also obtained elevated traces of both silver and gold while conducting water where the Vault would reside but there is one other data point that is certainly of interest and that is that
There was high gold and silver levels in the water sample within the confines of the mt2 so is it saying that this might be the area where the money pit actually is D data points are supportive of something being done there I got more wood coming
Up morning Rick hey Andrew how we doing this morning good how are you good good what’s the word we’re getting there we’re really pushing forward here um Danny’s pressures don’t seem to be spiking right now which is a good indication for us that we’re around 150
Ft give or take there might be something yep I wish we had finish data but we’re going to learn things as we take deeper we certainly aren’t going to stop till we get to about 150 to search for this Vault from here on we need to be constantly Vigilant about what’s coming
Up out of the G talking about what’s coming up we got another load in the bins okay you go see what we got in this one while Rick Lea continues to supervis the excavation of dmt2 later that morning all right guys it’s just right up here metal detection expert Gary Drayton
Along western side of the island lot8 has continued to produce compelling clues that may be critical in helping to solve the Oak Island mystery all right so this is the anomaly okay as you can see it’s an indentation there does seem to be some sort of a
Depression in the ground yeah so I’m gonna say this is probably one of the most interesting anomalies we’ve had this year and it’s just strictly based on the data there is a VF hit right here so that just means there’s something going on under the
Surface 3 months ago in an effort to vet a reported 14th century map of Oak Island that the late author and researcher Zena Halper ometry survey that identified a large metallic anomaly buried more than 10 ft underground since then they have Unearthed several near surface artifacts including a ship making tool that could
Date back to as early as 1500 ad and just one week ago Rick lagina Oak Island historian Paul Troutman and members of the team identified more evidence of several possible buried objects using ground penetrating radar so we have a first anomaly at 5 ft second anomaly at
1920 so the mag hit starts in this corner five in order to obtain a government permit that would allow them to conduct a large-scale excavation of the mysterious anomalies I’m sure we’ll find some stuff here I’m hoping it’s a big jewelry box down here well it’s going to be
Something yeah I mean this whole area is a hot spot yeah all right guys I got to run though let me know I here mate thanks cheers right let’s start griding it out M clearly is anomalous because of all the fines and because of several things like lar and
Zena’s map and there’s a MAG anomaly there too there’s a lot of iron in this area for sure all kinds of things that don’t make sense cuz nobody ever lived there got on it right in the area that Steve last marked right there Mate we’re trying to understand the whole island trying to understand everything as it relates to the story the mystery that is Oak Island it’s going to be tough digging yeah we know the money pit is of interest and now we have some new research and some new theories that
Leads us to these other X Marxist Spots it’s out yeah it’s quite a strong signal but a sound of it wow look at that let me see what this is let me put this away yeah it’s heavy heavy heavy while investigating an area on lot eight where a number of large objects may be buried deep more than 10 ft
Underground big chunky piece of iron that’s fantastic metal detection expert Gary trayon and Jack Begley have just Unearthed a potentially important clue near the surface you see it how it’s mushroom there oh but it’s been beat on a bu without a doubt mate look that looks like it’s a top of chisel yeah
Exactly and when you hold it in your hand like this you you get the feeling that yeah it could have been a chisel mate this has got a swages unpo chisel feel about it I think this is a very very old piece of History were holding in their hands M that’s
Incredible in kman dated the ampo Chisel and the swages back to the Middle Ages oh really way back to the 1400s mate well then what the heck is going on in this area I don’t know mate over the past 3 years that looks old to me that
Looks near Smith’s Cove on the Eastern end of the island but also two iron tools known as swages here on the western side of the island these are very very rare which blacksmithing expert Carmen leg believed to be of great significance I would say the uh swages they were used for major
Mining or tunneling operation for tunneling I would go back as far as mid 1400s feel how heavy that is mate could this iron object that Gary and Jack have just found also be that old and if so could it possibly be connected we’re finding more things like swages and rock chisels and other
Objects that lead to work being done on the western side of the island previous to the discovery of The Money Pit so how are these tools related and why were people doing work on the western side not I’ll put the flag in but you know what mate I think we
Should get this back to the archaeology trailer now so the guys can start out working on this right away yeah we’ll come back what a fantastic day continues in The Money Pit area morning gentlemen guys Rick lagina and Craig tester have gathered members of the team
In the war room for a video conference with Scott Clark a 32nd degree Freemason and o Island researcher from Toronto Canada so gentlemen we all know Scott Clark morning guys earlier this year Scott presented the team with his theory that the 17th century English nobleman Sir William fits may have conspired with
An American Freemason named Andrew beler to hide a massive cach of silver in The Money Pit sometime around 1680 recent finds made on lot8 Rick has invited Scott to present new research connected to another discovery that was made there 3 years ago the red garnet roach which gemologist Charles Luton
Brain believes could date back more than four centuries I’ll pull it out so that everyone can take a look at it at the time I think we all declared it to be the first piece of treasure that had been found on Oak Island mhm it still is quite stunning I believe that the
Information you’ve come up with probably will reveal a lot more about it uh yeah hopefully I mean I know you keep referring it to it as a a brooch an equally enigmatic and cryptic Brotherhood of Freemasonry so as I had thought more about this Garnet it occurred to me that
It was actually the perfect color size and general shape as one of the stones from a masonic Royal Arch high priest breastplate in Freemasonry the 13th degree of the Scottish W is called the Royal Arch of Enoch or Royal Arch of Solomon the high priest is essentially
The head of the Masonic Royal Arch chapter and where these Royal Arch breastplates in a specific Masonic ritual meant to mimic the breastplate of judgment worn by the biblical High priests so the making of the original breastplate is described in the book of Exodus in the Bible on it were 12
Precious and according to the King James translation of the Bible one of these 12 Stones was stated as being a carbuncle or deep red gemstone nowadays a carbuncle is most often associated with a red gar like the one found on Oak Island so I superimposed the Oak Island
Garnet and setting over one of the breastplate Stones I think you can see here it’s very similar to the ones on the other plate that matches pretty well pretty well but what would a masonic Royal Arch high priest breastplate be doing on Oak Island ever since The Money Pit was discovered in
1795 the secretive fraternity known as the Freemasons which many researchers claim this several of their members such as Franklin Delona Roosevelt have not only LED various treasure hunting companies but various Masonic and Templar symbols have also been found across the island symbols that include crosses triangles and carvings of the letter G
Representing the Divine Creator I think well and truly it has been proved that the Masons had an interest in Island but what does that mean does that mean they were here watching over it does that mean they were here searching for something does it mean they were here protecting
Something so connections to Royal Arch Freemasonry in novas having been passed down within lodges one high priest was intimately connected to Oak Island in the early 20th century and would also have worn one of these very rare breastplates During certain Masonic Royal Arch rituals as it turns out Melbourne R
Chapel was Grand high priest from 1954 to 1956 Chapel was also a longtime Oak Island landowner and treasure 12 license holder and even owned lot8 where the garnet and setting were found Mel first became involved with Oak Island of course when he worked with his father William Chapel in
1931 born and raised in Sydney Nova Scotia Mr Chapel was the primary owner of O connection to the treasure mystery began in 1897 when he was just a child that year his father William drilled into the massive box deep in the money ped that would come to be known as
The chapel Vault although he was never able to recover the treasure that his father believed he had encountered is it possible that Mr Chapel came to have secret knowledge through his position as a Freemason about what may be buried on Oak Island there’s always the possibility that any earlier Mason prior to
1795 made use of certain Masonic rituals to hide an actual sacred treasure on the island breastplate on Oak Island for the purpose of acting out a masonic ritual the breastplate was used in a specific Masonic ritual meant to mimic the retrieval of the Ark of the Covenant from a secret vault
Underground these breast plates they were used in a specific Masonic ritual meant to mimic the retrieval of the Arc of the Covenant from a secret vault underground wow in the War Room 32nd degree Freemason Scott Clark has presented the team with his theory that the semi-precious Garnet found four
Years ago on Lot 8 may have been connected to a masonic ritual and also to one of the reason for Chapel to have potentially conducted Masonic rituals on Oak Island the answer is yes in the earliest days of Freemasonry these rituals were meant to be as real
Realistic as possible it is held once each year on the day of atonement in a very secret place underground with neither door nor window with a trap door at top in fact the description of this Vault with its nine arches sounds almost identical to the early accounts of the
Oak Island money pit with its alleged layers every 10 ft down to 90 ft it’s possible these guys were doing the ritual to hide something or perhaps Chapel or any of the Covenant on Oak Island centuries ago from the 11th to the 12th century ad the military order of monks known as the
Knights Templar operated in the Holy Land to protect Christian pilgrims during the Crusades their base of operation was established on Temple mount the site of the original Temple of King Solomon at the last known location of the Ark of the Covenant in in 1307 the order was disbanded by Pope Clement V and
Persecuted by King Philip IV of France some researchers have speculated that this was done in order to confiscate their chps are believed to have escaped from law Rell France loaded with the orders Priceless valuables is it possible that researchers such as Scott Clark and the late Zena hurn have been correct in
Their belief that the Templars hid the their Treasures including the Ark of the Covenant on Oak Island and if so could the proof Li Berry on blot eight it’s very interesting Scott you’ve thought outside the box and there are ways to follow up if the garnet found
Specifically on a lot once owned by Freemasons can be proven to be from a masonic breastplate there could actually be other items on lot eight which could turn out to a depositional chamber for religious artifacts it certainly possible but you have to take the theory
And put it in the field could this be related to the Lot aen H perhaps I think a dig is warranted I think the suggestion from what you found Scott is that there may be a stronger Masonic connection than we realized Chapel was actively engaged in the Treasure Hunt spending money looking
For Treasure here so it makes sense that he knows there’s something here somewhere where yeah to me it goes together I think it’s very interesting just realizing how many people is amazing itself and then this specific brooch might be part of that breastplate is it’s very interesting Scott we will do some
Followup and we will certainly stay in touch and let you know if we find out anything at all sounds good all right well thank you very much the following morning he’s going to get that piece of w yeah while Rick lagina oversees the excavation at The Money
Pit Marty lagina joins Jack Begley Gary Drayton and members of the team thores they’ve been granted permission to conduct a 5ft deep excavation at the sight of the mysterious anomalies the okm says there is an anomaly here at 5 ft and one at 20 but if I can get you
Down five that thing might say something oh yeah this will get us another five the GPX 5000 it’s pulse induction mate this is big burer if they succeed in finding evidence of human activity they can apply for a permit that would allow for a much deeper investigation all right
What do you say we dig yeah let’s do it okay mate I’ll get setled what I would really like to see as I’m digging a chamber of some sort would be fabulous so you know to hit metal to hit concrete to hit wood even
To find wood here say 5 ft down would be gigantically significant it would be hiding something and of course every bucket you’re always looking for signs of treasure that’s a heck of a lot of rocks or nothing but rock yeah I noticed all those Rocks come up look like someone had fill this
Area all of this here layer of rocks right across this whole area a possible paved area in 2019 while conducting an excavation in the middle of the swamp look like deeper paved area like multiple rocks yeah stacking of rocks Billy Gart uncovered a massive Stone paved area stretching across the middle of the
Brackish MOG holy crow I think something really important here which geoscientist Dr Ian Spooner carbon dated to as early as 1200 ad although the team has yet to determine that features purpose could this feature deeper below and if so could it be evidence that Scott Clark’s incredible theory about a Priceless
Treasure connected to the knight’s Templar is true is it Disturbed more this way yeah so I should go that way yeah it’s a pretty big rock come out of there that bold for sure that’s been dug before it looks like it’s been Disturbed there oh you see all the Organics below the
Boulder mhm it suggests that somebody dug then pulled the Rock and put it there I just know there’s got to be something deeper could be an atch this might lead to something much greater the Boulder’s out of place and there seems to be a disturbance underneath it it suggests that somebody
Dug then pulled the Rock and put it there yeah on lot8 located on the western side of Oak Island Marty GPR and magnetometry scans have indicated large metallic objects or structures may be buried up to 20 ft below don’t little like where the first ones at here for
Sure yeah the biggest issue is where did that Boulder come from if the boulder was placed by human intervention we’re talking about tunnels or vaults or whatever could be below that I think we should dig more around that rock and just go down and see what we got here so that’s the
Plan we have a couple clues that what happened here appears to be so extensive it could certainly have been people hiding treasure do it below 5T yeah I’d say you’re have 5T going In well oh hearing anything try inside this Boulder oh Qui as a church mouse dang it’s worth a try yeah all right so what does that mean to us and someone’s been here long time ago some of those fins rolled in this area and although we haven’t found anything today
I mean we can’t put an X through this spot yeah exactly we have an anomaly to report in the sense that we have black organic stuff under the boulder the deeper one though I think we’re at the limit so yep although the team is now dug to the 5-ft Limit that is
Possible today the fact that they Unearthed what appears to be a purposely placed paved feature and a massive artificially placed Boulder means that they will need to apply for a more extensive permit in order to conduct a to my brother and then decide what else
To to do here all right cool scottt will you fill it in yep so let’s go I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of this place yeah me too later that afternoon yeah this is exciting I mean I I I got high hopes for this Rick Marty lagina and their partner
Craig tester arrive at The Money Pit area as the excavation of the dmt2 shaft continues what the latest we’re looking around 89 ft with the excavation and the can currently sits at 104 as well we’re cutting very light very getting close to the bottom of the head and shaft where
It’s probably going to be the softest you know 120t level the 125 that’s going to be the bottom of the champ yeah once we get down to a depth right around 123 124 we will be below headen shaft at that point we reach that Horizon where we hope to find something thanks Andrew
I’m going to go down the wash Plant cuz there’s not a whole lot of people down there all right we’ll see you in a little bit another one coming that is what that is a lot of wood see look at that fantastic a double cut wood chip I’ve
Side that’s great news what is that W chip ax cut one yeah yeah an ax cut wood chip found at a depth of some 90 ft in the dmt2 shaft those big wood chips are similar to what we saw on the stone Roe this chips from axis everywhere wow
One year ago while investigating the Stone Road in the swamp which may date back 5 centuries or more the team found a massive amount of Axe cut wood chips see are from them throwing them down on the swamp so they could put the rocks on something when they built the road is it
Possible that the team has just found evidence of human activity that could date back to the same period as the Stone Road in the swamp or perhaps even the features just Unearthed on lot8 we can bag that yeah got to say that’s a new noise man that’s that’s turning way too
Free so we got to be cutting something it is a potentially critical Moment In The Money Pit area as the dmt2 Kon of appears to have encountered something out of the ordinary at a depth of approximately 105 ft that woke everybody up yeah oh we got it now yeah you’re cooking
Now what we’re trying to do here is come down on some of the things that people who came before us did they they talked about grinding on metal that they couldn’t get through or potentially conrete and each time that was associated with something through the
Zone is about 2 ft what does he think think that obstacle was we’re not sure it should be coming out here anytime piece of a big boulder maybe could be just a big boulder yeah that’s kind of what we were speculating about um just strange characteristics the way that it
Was acting we’ll find out very soon all right here we go look at that big bucket Wow this is fantastic ready yep come look at this maybe we’re into the older stuff okay you take a quick look at this it looks like a peg they wanted to use the Peg and head and stuff would they I doubt it you know why don’t we do the float
Test Dan blanket Chip’s float test if it sinks he always said it was old sinks Like a Rock sinks Like a Rock it’s old if it was a much older Chef they would have used pigs to secure the the Timbers instead of nails right yep a wooden Peg or dowel recovered from the
Dmt2 shaft because both Gilbert hen and Professor irber could this wooden dowel mean that dmt2 has now cut into ancient man-made workings if so might it also be an indication that the team is finally zeroing in on the legendary Chapel Vault big brother we were about 108 ft
Um lots of wood looks like had all of it looks like headen except for a few odd pieces like that pin and it sinks all right do any of the Timbers have dowels in them no not seen not observed any of that they’ll probably try to send it in for
C14 so indications are that this area could be of interest one has to entertain it is indeed associated with the original work and thus perhaps in close proximity to a treasure we have possibly different pieces of wood coming up yeah I think we got some older pieces of wood coming up in there
Mate oh wow th of Timbers as well but a look at it right we have to be very Vigilant and as the wood comes up separate what we deem to be heading shaft from what we deem to be original depositional work so All Eyes On Deck and we have to make some snap
Judgments okay that a dowel or is that a drill hole you can feel it spongy kind of wow that’s about the oldest looking thing that’s come out of there yep so where are we 113 113 okay and the can 124 okay that should be the end of
The shaft shouldn’t it yeah for the can well it’s an interesting area right here it is there just so many questions yeah we’ll figure it out sounds good thank you you’re welcome find some good stuff come on M where are you I like wow the heck with that
Before look seems to have a knack for finding stuff nobody else finds I know I tell you big brother you have a knack for finding stuff nobody else finds lift that jez and that is heavy what on Earth would the purpose of that be I don’t
Know that’s weird yeah in The Money Pit area Rick leina has recovered a potentially an piece of wood from the spoils that were just unearth from a depth of some 120 ft in the dmt2 shaft Sonic can you tell in the center cut yeah God that thing is heavy left that
Sucker Wow might be Oak too that’s pretty cool the square piece of wood found in dmt2 is really interesting it’s not from the hidden shaft see seem to be much older uh there there’s no doubt about that it’s different uh and that alone is substantive I think there is definitely
Hope for this K on down this side got to go come on paint dig us something good up hey let me see if I can pinpoint it yeah big piece of metal yeah I have no idea what it is got another one coming out with way
More of it that’s what it is Holy sh heads up Charles yep there’s the plate look at all the nails sticking out of it that’s a huge plate yep are we that deep that that could be the shield yeah yeah I would say so has to be and removed the heavy metallic Shield
That Gilbert had installed at the base of his shaft in 1937 that’s piece of history there oh definitely piece of History it only offers hope that in the coming days they may be able to reach what Mr Hen could not the fabled chapel V there is only one head and shaft on
Oak Island so it’s part of the history and the lore this means we’re at the deepest part of the Sha and then the hope is that anything underneath that will be something that would be highly relevant to the quests for answers regarding the mystery Andrew we the night call it a
Day yeah I would you agree yeah it’s not going anywhere sure sounds good thanks guys we and a lot of other Searchers have looked for this thing since 1897 when it was first described so each time we get down to that depth we are eagerly hoping we find that Vault and we’re
Hoping this time it’s it it’s got to be out there somewhere right Charles it’s out there you just haven’t found it yet yeah well we’re about 30 ft above it right now I hope so we’ll find it let’s go what began as a search for buried ridges 227 years ago has evolved over
Time Marty Craig and their team as they continue to unearth the hidden history of Oak Island just what might they discover about the history of the world will it involve a vast Treasure of plundered Gold Silver and jewels Priceless artifacts created at the direction of an all powerful
God or will they find that some secrets about the past were never meant to be revealed next time on The Curse of Oak Island wow look at that this might be the missing link to treasure in this area that can’s going down fast wow we’re right at the Vault we should be
Finding something here pretty quick this is it wow this is a big find we caught a piece of this Vault it’s amazing oh baby tonight on The Curse of Oak Island wow look at that this might be the missing link to treasure in this area we’re never in the million years I
Expected to find the link to Portugal and to the night’s Templar that’s astounding that can’s going down fast wow we’re right at the Vault we should be finding something here pretty quick this is it wow this is a big find we caught a piece of this Vault it’s amazing go
Baby there is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than 2 years man-made workings that date to Medieval Times and a lead cross whose origin may be connected to the knight’s Templar to date six men have died trying to solve the
Mystery and according to Legend one more will have to die before the treasure can be Found show time yeah am a grab’s coming up this is the day this is it Pete a shiny moment how we doing good us we’re doing real good really good the level of excitement for a major Discovery in the Money Pit has never been hired for brothers Rick and Marty lagina their
Business partner Craig tester and the members of their team Danny’s down to 137 ft with the can now and everything’s going fine we’re just going to keep continuing on same as yesterday yep once we get through this little last thing of the head and shaft should be verging
Ground hopefully all the way down to 145 range and that’s where we’re looking for the vault or the tunnel we’ll see what happens another 20 30 ft all right I’ll keep you informed all right thank you dmt2 although dmt2 represents their fourth and final attempt this year to
Recover the fabled chapel vault which is believed to lie buried some 153 ft deep it was in this area that notable treasure hunter Gilbert hon firmly believed it would be found when he dug his own shaft back in 1937 but most importantly it was also here that the team obtained evidence of
High concentrations of silver and gold several months ago while testing the water in previously drilled B holes it’s coming out as we approach the area of Interest or vault there we go so we have to be very meticulous to confirm that there might actually be gold and silver not Trace elements but
Actual refined gold and silver in The Money Pit that’s going to be tough walking all right ready okay man let’s get stuck in we have got a signal mate yeah we should definitely dig that it’s see oh yeah depth of some 13 36 ft in the dmt2
Kon these could be washed off and they might have traces of gold on them it’s happened before so you want all on to that mate you to take that to the table please cheers something in there earlier this year while conducting a cord drilling operation in The Money Pit area yeah
It’s a big chunk of metal right there the team recovered two metal fragments that contained high traces of gold so we got I think more of that same metal that we found before yeah maybe this shouldn’t be down there that’s all right okay is it possible that they have found
More evidence of precious metals in dmt2 if so could it be just a small sign of what’s to come from deeper below are we there yet we’re getting close Marty all right anything that that piece just came up I don’t know what it is but we’re going to have xrf done but
It looks quite modern mainly we’re in virgin ground yes yeah there it comes the hell is that that’s not good wait wait wait whoa uhoh cables all wrapped up in the what’s it look like is it jammed in there yeah Anor chain went on the other side it is a potentially serious
Situation for the representatives from Irving equipment limited as a massive support chain has become Tangled around a stabilizer at top the 22 1/2 ton Hammer grab it not only comes at a critical moment as the excavation is less than 20 ft from a potentially historic Discovery it means that the
Operation will have to be halted until the malfunction can be remedied we spent an enormous amount of time and effort digging in The Money Pit resume our treasure hunts so yeah it’s it’s it’s a problem yeah I think we’re going to be on a little break here last time
It took quite a bit to undo that yeah it took about a couple hours that’s so King for you mate while the team waits to continue the excavation of the dmt2 shaft later that morning am mate metal detection expert Gary Dron and treasure hunter Michael John arrive on
Lot 8 located on the western drumin of Oak Island once you find a large group in of potentially good finds like this it’s like what they in addition to The Money Pit and the swamp L eight has now become a potentially critical zone of interest for the team due to a number of
Recent discoveries and developments these include a large met metallic anomaly detected by ground penetrating radar some 20 ft deep just a big layer of rocks right across this whole area this looks clearly man-made a mysterious Stone paved feature and large Boulder proving to represent evidence a previous human activity and a
Semi-precious Garnet gemstone a gemstone that 32Β° Freemason Scott Clark believes could be connected to the knight’s Templar of the Covenant okay mate you ready yep let’s get stuck in now while Rick Marty and Craig await a government permit to conduct a large-scale excavation to determine just what the mysterious buried anomaly could
Be Gary and Michael are hoping to find any clues to help verify if Scott Clark’s incredible Theory could be true good night this is the first Target and see what this baby sounds like oh look that’s that sounds fantastic mate that’s what I liked here mate that is the sound of History being
Uncovered in a few minutes all righty here we go oh look at that that’s nice mate that looks like an old oval chain link yeah the old chain links were always oval the newer chain links around and if you notice the irregularity of it yeah it’s a very
Crude chain link definitely not factory made oh no whenever you need a chain that means you’ve been all in something and you never know maybe there was a chain like around the chest or an old box could Gary Drayton be correct that this piece of chain may have once been
Used to transport connected to the large metallic anomaly that the team hopes to excavate as soon as they can obtain a permit this is fantastic what was a chain doing out in the middle of nowhere cuz this is out and the Boon is even for Oakland yeah right mate put that flag back
In let’s keep rolling mate a good sign that we’re in an area where people will there’s got to be other stuff in the area oh no doubt the next flag is down here mate let’s see what this one says right bit jumpy some deep yeah just set
Yeah there we go here we go anent sign mate yeah still there yeah there we go here we go another excellent sign mate yeah a big old HW shoe no doubt on Lot 8 of Oak Island Gary Drayton and Michael John have what I can tell you mate is kind of
Out of place just here out in the middle of nowhere mate and I don’t believe this was Farmland I don’t think so either no and I’m happy that we found an oxu in this area me too they were definitely all in summing here because we got the
Oxu we got the oval chain that’s that’s the mystery isn’t it yep a large Ox shoe discovered near a piece of chain where the team is also detected a large metal anomaly buried some 20 ft underground wow this ooe was very deep and it’s in great condition who WEA was
All in in this area over the past 2 years the O Island team has discovered numerous ancient stone pathways along with Ox shoes and other evidence suggesting large operations to haul cargo onto and across the island previously the most compelling of these was found between the triangle-shaped swamp and The Money
Pit have Gary and Michael now found more evidence of a similar operation on Lot 8 and if so could it possibly support Scott Clark’s theory that the Knights Templar hid Priceless religious artifacts on Oak Island centuries ago what are those artifacts doing we are on to something here all SS leads to
Activity something happened you know exactly in this area someone spent a lot of time out here now whether they were passing through from one Shore to the other Shore the artifacts tell the story of the side yeah this might be the missing link telling us that we’re on a
Treasure in this area yeah okay mate let’s keep rolling mate later that afternoon all right today’s the day better find that Vault pretty quick Craig that can’s going down fast Vault coins are easy to dig through so Marty leina Craig tester and members of the team continue supervising the excavation
Of the D mt2 shaft hey fellas hey Andrew hey Andrew hey Andrew how we doing the man with the data yeah where are we good we’re at 146 with the Dig with the dig the Dig 157 with the casing okay all right well we should be finding something here pretty
Quick this is it this is your spot Craig now that the 10t wide Steelcase shaft has reached a depth of 157 ft it is a c critical moment for the Oak Island team are we approximately in that zone where we want to the Hammer grab
Tool has more than 10 ft of spoils to remove from The Quon according to the historical record the 7t high Chapel Vault was located at a depth of 153 ft that means the team could be mere feet from a historic Discovery Well we should be getting very
Close now this Hammer Grabber the next one we don’t completely understand The Money Pit even at this late stage the old island treasure company Vault resided roughly at the 150t Horizon and that is the depth where it should be unless it had fallen deeper I have a lot of material in
There we jump any in yeah yeah let’s go you better go help that old man Pete okay what are we into Boulders I see it’s about time you show up we’re right there we’re right at the Vault Zone we should be around the 148 Mark right now what do you
Mean make up the this Clay is it this looks like clay yeah it’s very very very very fine is that embedded yeah you know like the story of Hond and clay or puddled clay puddled clay found at a depth of nearly 150 ft when members of the enow company
Excavated the original Money Pit in 1804 they discovered large amounts of puddled clay packed into the oak platforms descending to the 90t level level acting as a kind of sealant from the believed booby trapped flood tunnels this same type of clay was also reported 93 years later by treasure hun 153
Ft is it possible that the team has now encountered evidence of human activity to protect something of Great Value if so just what might they find next I wouldn’t worry too much about the wood looking really young CU if it was in this kind of environment there’s no Oxygen whatsoever yeah the treasure
Vault is very very precisely described it was puddled Clay through concrete and wood it certainly sounds like a very properly designed Vault that’s what we’re looking for here we go there’s another one is that a bunch of wood that is wood that’s a hell of a lot of wood oh look at
That it look a little more promising yeah oh my goodness it’s exactly what we want that’s a got a post looking piece there are dense yeah feels very heavy I don’t know about that one but this is dense let’s let Billy spread it let’s go over there given the fact that the Oak
Island team obtained high trace of the vast amounts of handcut wood mean that they are on the verge of recovering the treasure people have been seeking for more than two centuries ax cut partially at least well maybe that’s s off that his a cut I don’t know feel a way to that yeah
That’s why it’s hard to see this as contemporary with head it’s very deep too it’s older wood is it oh yeah well let’s keep going Okay piece of wood on the front there piece of wood right on top there bil’s got it wow dang guys is a big p so as heavy as all get out just wildly out of place wildly out of place yeah just wildly out of place that almost looks like what we’d
See in Smith’s Cove you know the clay is plastered on it I mean that’s just pure clay yeah it is a potentially critical Moment In The Money Pit area for Rick Marty Craig and their team I got wash it off all right an important piece of wood
At a depth of nearly 150 ft hey as well as evidence of a possibly ancient wooden structure what’s it mean Charles bringing up some wood from this depth I don’t know is that a tunnel I don’t know I’ll go punch up a tag for it
Great got go wash it off and what makes these discoveries especially compelling is that a large amount of puddled clay was reported by Searchers just before they drilled into the so-called Chapel vault at this approximate depth back in 1897 See Saw marks on that Craig it looks like
It look how broad those are yeah a motor or something yeah what’s it doing down there maybe it’s part of the Vault it could be are we all tired of wood I’m tired of wood but this is this is wood that’s wildly out of place it really
Shouldn’t be there it also heavy as can be I mean this thing is a very dense piece of wood wood it’s right at the right depth so the conjecture is we caught some little piece of this so-called Vault see all the cuts right there I see several yeah well it’s wildly out to
Place yeah I know it doesn’t make sense okay we’ll get Charles to mark that up excellent as the excavation continues in The Money Pit area near bhall 10x Steve Gil joins Michael John to carefully sift through the spoils that were just removed from dmt2 we have a very interesting and
Significant data that happens in around the 150t mar yeah so a few feet above that and 25 ft below that is the interesting area that could be treasure Vault location so potentially there could be a very significant fine in this work okay as always I’ll keep my eyes
Peel DMT is close to a depth where we’re keenly interested in in in what it might show and so we we have a lot of anticipation and of course every bucket you’re always looking for a piece of jewelry a coin what is that youa I think
It’s just a rock or a piece of wood but it almost looks like a fossil yeah this is coal wow he’s like it yeah a lot of coals we know people were down there exactly that’s right yeah dating back at least four centuries mining operations across Europe utilized
The method of burning charcoal in underground furnaces in order to provide oxygen for the workers in 1804 when the ow company first excavated the original Money Pit down to the 90t level they not only encountered puddles clay at various levels Dil and Michael John have just found more evidence of original workings
That were conducted in order to hide the legendary Oak Island Treasure well that says anything we know know people were in this area so that makes the next couple table loads more interesting yeah that’s right yeah what is this look at this that’s interesting does that look like smant
You or concrete what is that it’s something wound between it’s not cement I don’t think but I don’t know yeah you see man oh wow cement’s important in the search because cement itself often goes back to pacing the 7t tall Chapel vault as the clues keep
Adding up for the Oak Island team could that mean the legendary treasure is finally within their reach good I Steve know I’m do I’m going to back and tag it sounds good yeah we should get that examined for show there it goes it’s on back at The
Money Pit the excavation of the dmt2 shf has now surpassed a depth of 153 ft where the Chapel Vault was reported to have been encountered nearly 125 years ago we’re ready with all the clues hinting that a major Discovery is imminent the question now becomes all right what are the numbers brother we
Got uh just put on our 5ot piece that makes it 191 total casing casing is in the ground 174 okay did you want to measurement of the water or you want us to go no just go all right thank you thanks Danny ready P yep Ready smok they going right down see how fast that’s going down jeez that’s the fastest I’ve ever seen a can go down holy smokes that went it’s flying down yeah it was amazing the void has to be below this yeah the boy has to be below this it’s
Flying down you’re actually watching go down in The Money Pit area at a depth of some 174 ft the dmt2 shaft has suddenly begun to rapidly sink into the ground I don’t know if anybody witness that but we just broke a record we’re going down that fast for that size of
Shot that is something I’ve never seen before anything weird you can think of happens here there’s some the Subterranean Vault that also could be very natural and I don’t think we’ll ever be able to understand what that is unless we find something down there that is man-made look at that camera gravel
Wow this just super yep at this point we’re not much far farther to bedrock yeah we done is that the last grab we’re on Bedrock yeah we are we’re definitely there with the dig the fourth and last K of the Season we’re as far down as we can get what’s
Your thoughts yeah you know I’m obviously disappointed that we didn’t hit something significantly better it is a crushing disappointment for Rick Marty Craig and the team after recovering numerous pieces of evidence suggesting that they might have finally pinpointed the location of the fabled Chapel Vault
They have reached a dead end in the form of bedrock at a depth of 183 ft could that mean they were actually digging in the wrong location or could was the hole a success I mean we H to get the Vault absolutely and we didn’t um but yet more anomalies highly
Anomalous stuff needs to be tested maybe some more clues when we get through that vault area and it’s not there it’s disappointing so at this point we’ve just accepted it we can’t stop we have to go as long as we possibly can and figure this out as much as we can this
Year we’ve completed the final can and it’s like a broken record right it keeps replaying you know unsuccessful unsuccessful unsuccessful so I don’t know where we go from here but you mustn’t be deterred and we keep moving forward it’s the only way we’re going to
Solve it so let’s do that no quit I like your spirit ombre later that evening so guys unique opportunity has presented itself Rick Marty and Craig Gather in the war room with members of their team to strategize the few remaining weeks they have left before they will have to suspend search
Activities for the remainder of the year I know that we’ve all been a bit troubled by the fact that the for cans to date at least have not yielded much there may be an opportunity we should possibly you know take advantage of this yeah oh that’s without question
I didn’t know we could fit that in I mean I’m a proponent of digging whenever we can dig so yes I’ve spoken with Irving and they’ve confirmed that it is indeed possible and we have a little bit of wiggle room there I mean that’s a
Great idea if you can do it yeah but do we have a good idea of where we want to go maybe close to C1 yep my thought would be to go up in that area C1 cluster to try to confirm that it is indeed possibly the the original
Money Pit yeah C1 has the highest amounts of gold and silver although the team has already excavated two 10ft diameter shafts in the C1 cluster without making a breakthrough Discovery we’re going to mix between 2017 and 2020 holes earlier this year while conducting water testing in the existing B holes around the C1
Champ the team obtained high readings for silver and gold additional cord Drilling in the area then yielded fragments of metal containing gold as well as evidence of man-made tunnels that could date to as early as 1488 at a depth of nearly 90 ft is it possible that so I’ve
Calculated the positions of tf1 to the west ec1 to the east I’ve left enough room that we can go to the north yes let’s do it is what I would say put it a foot off of ec1 right there there you go right there yep well if we’re going to put it there
I guess we’re PR here going to be centered on B4 all right well we’re kind of burning those very minutes we’re talking about to dig so Scott how about you name this one so if we’re going to position there if we roll that closer to
Ec1 um B4 is going to be basically the center of that Kon it’s B4 call it b4c for B4 Kon so it’s the before we see the treasure before we see the treasure love it works for me yeah now make it so make it so exactly okay gentlemen excellent thank you very
Much ready or what Yep this is it last Canada Year mate it’s in a great location just north of C1 mate that area to me was one of the most interesting areas of the whole campaign he said it couldn’t be done but here we are a new
Day begins on Oak Island and also with it a renewal of Hope for Rick Marty Craig and their team as they begin Excavating the b4c Sha okay okay ready bring it up we’re approaching the of the Year Mother Nature is closing in but as I have said before we’re not going to
Give up ain’t over till it’s over mate we’re positive that there is treasure down there I feel good about this casan as the excavation of the b4c shaft gets underway later that morning hi guys guys hey guys Rick Marty and Craig have assembled members of the
Team in the war room for a meeting via video conference with their associate at Oak Island rebush the research partner of the late author and Oak Island theorist Zena Halburn Doug as you are well aware and Judy are continuing to make uh connections as far as a possible Portuguese connection but Doug in
Particular has reached out to Coran so I’m going to turn it over to Doug and I think we’re going to learn some very interesting facts today so Doug if you want to take over yeah well I I guess what I’m excited about is that we’ve got some scientific reason to look towards
Portugal because of the dating we’ve attained on objects both in the swamp and The Money Pit we have historic reasons now to look towards Portugal over the past 2 years in The Money Pit the team has also Unearthed numerous structures and artifacts suggesting that someone of Portuguese origin visited Oak
Island as as much as 5 centuries ago these discoveries include a fragment of a ship’s Cannon found on Lot 4 two pieces of stone shot one of which was recovered from The Money Pit and the massive Stone Road or shipswar in the triangle-shaped swamp in talking with Coran he has a very interesting
Theoretical reason why Portugal may play an important role so I think you’re going to be really intrigued to to hear what he has to say I’m looking for forward to it Cory I’m going to turn it over to you I believe your team discovered a few Portuguese things Oak
Island Portugal has an incredible Knights Templar history I’m sure you aware that the order of the night’s Templar was dissolved in 1312 in every country in Europe but Portugal in 1307 uh the arrest warrant went out first all across France and later all across Europe they were arrested sometimes they were executed and
Imprisoned between the 12th and early 14th centuries the military order of monks known as the knight’s Templar ACC this treasure included Priceless religious artifacts such as the Holy Grail The Golden manora from Solomon’s Temple and the Ark of the Covenant however when the order was disbanded by
King Philip IV of France in 1307 it has been suggested that a number of Templar knights fled with their vast Treasures to Scotland before taking them to Oak Island although little of the templar’s true history is known following their persecution in France it is well established that a new sect
Would soon rise again in Portugal many Templars fled from Spain from France and maybe other countries who restarted the Knights Templar as order of Christ in 1319 changed their logo he kept sort of the same cross and put a white cross on top of it which became the emblem for the
Order of Christ but under the hood this was exactly the same Brotherhood and what you see in Portugal is that the order of Christ became very much involved in the Portuguese Explorations and discoveries across the globe they sailed on their caravels their Mana Wars with the familiar red crosses all across the
Sea what they did on their Journeys was make maps if you want the one you see here is the cantino map this is from 1502 you can see that already they have Newland here which is called Terra Del re de pugal and Nova Scotia is on the map
Here so if you want to think about the Templar Theory when the Templars were supressed in France when 1907 if a group of Templars managed to escape from France with a treasure during that suppression some believe they brought it here to the new world somewhere so the Portuguese order of
Christ they may have been in search of that Templar treasure themselves treasure themselves yeah for sure but also you know there’s another reason I’m interested in Portugal a lot of uh Templar archives in France you know in Italy in England were destroyed they were not destroyed in
Portugal in the War Room theorist Coran Maul is presenting research suggesting that Clues which could help solve the 227 year-old Oak Island mystery may be located in Portugal there’s some areas in Portugal that I think have a lot of uh Templar archives and would give us a
Lot of reasons to put boots in the ground and the Crystal the convent of Christ in Tomar which became the kns Templar successors the order of Christ head office I believe you know we could find a ton of information there and we also looked at this church it’s called fony
Arcada but this is a very interesting place fonte Arcada was the earliest Knights Templar commander in Portugal it’s very well preserved I think it would be very very interesting and useful to go to these places see if there’s any inscriptions or documents about Templar Explorations that can
Build I think what I found most compelling about Coran’s presentation is he makes a very plausible connection between the kns Templar in Portugal during the Age of Exploration you have this incredible port Portuguese history of navigational uh skill set that allowed them to visit the new world probably before anyone else it’s
Incredibly invigorating because we have a tangible possibility that suggests The Who and maybe a why I think there’s enough here if we have the time and the resources I think we should want an expedition you won’t get an argument from me not on that Corin would you agree that that
It’s valuable to the point where you might be willing to assist us yeah I think that’s a fantastic opportunity so yes please so here’s the thing too Rick while you’re gone I’m going to stay on the island and dig and drill all over the place is anybody against
That I have high hopes for it you know and with everyone’s enthusiasm I think I think we we may just come back with something that’ll be an eye opener yes okay well I think we’re all agreement uh Cor thank you for the presentation thank you for the offer of
Assistance thank you thanks take care guys thank you of a vast treasure buried deep in The Money Pit soon culminate with the revelation of Oak Island’s ultimate Secrets might Rick Marty Craig and the team not only discover what that long sought after treasure is but also answer the questions that have persisted for
227 years who put it there when and why and finally what might they unearth about the true history of North America next time on The Curse of Oak Island welcome to Portugal thank you wow oh man oh my God that’s brilliant right that’s a trophy F mate 90ft Stone
Definitely has this symbol on it oh wow it looks top image yeah it’s perfect so you’re looking right into it who it’s not English no Portuguese yeah that is amazing tonight on The Curse of Oak Island welcome to Portugal thank you if there is a Portuguese connection to the
Construction of the road in the swamp maybe this is the blueprint it’s exactly what we have in wow oh man oh my God that’s brilliant right that’s a trophy f m the 9ot stone definitely has this symbol on it oh wow it looks the spitting image yeah it’s perfect so
You’re looking right into it who it’s not English no Portuguese yeah that is amazing there is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than 200 years man-made workings that date to Medieval Times and a lead crop whose origin may be connected to the
Knight’s Templar to date six men have died trying to solve the mystery and according to Legend one more will have to die before the treasure can be Found this going to be a good day oh yeah another one in the ground yeah last C of year feeling good absolutely how you doing brother but for brothers Rick and Marty leina as well as their team the burning will to solve a 227 year-old treasure mystery has never been stronger
Here we go back to where it all started where we saw that Shiny Gold thing yeah I always said a lot of our fins have been in C1 right so it’s only logical to go around yeah with only 3 weeks left before all search operations will need to be halted
Until next spring they are Excavating their fifth 10t wide steel cased shaft this year in The Money Pit area which they have dumped before c where’s the water Andrew ches whatever okay thank you located in the so-called C1 cluster just 5 ft north of bhle C1 this is the same general location
Where the team has recently recovered not only high traces of both silver and gold through water testing and core drilling but also evidence of believed tunnels at a depth of some 90 ft that could date to as early as 1488 when the b4c Sha surpasses that approximate depth less than 2 weeks from
Now it looks like First amig grab is going in Rick Marty cover the legendary treasure Vault when we dug C1 odd things started to turn up we thought based on all the records that there shouldn’t be any activity from Searchers up by C1 and yet every time we drill we find stuff I
Mean it shows evidence of potential depositor activity so between the old wood and the gold I’m full of expectation money Pit’s been producing me you can’t argue with a day yes the gold in the water and the flex of gold on some of the metallic pieces that we
Took up out of this area that that makes the area hot of course yeah go find some treasure while Marty leina leads the team’s efforts on Oak Island Rick laga oh there they are right there his nephews Peter and Alex and Oak Island historian Doug collori good morning welcome to Portugal thank you have traveled some 2,800 mil East to the city of poo de lenoso Portugal can I introduce you to he’s a
Historian and he’s an expert uh in the kns Templar Portuguese you’re welcome to Portugal upon the invitation of research beliefs could tie the 14th century sect of the Knights Templar known as the Knights of Christ to a number of discoveries that have been made over the
Last 2 years on Oak Island and which are believed to be of Portuguese origin these finds include the Stone Road or Warf uncovered in the triangle shaped swamp a fragment of a ship’s Cannon and two Stone cannon balls one of which was found Deep In The Money Pit
Area I have always said to myself that this Oak Island mystery is incredibly complex and the only way in my opinion to find some answers that we wouldn’t have otherwise have learned so I have I have High Hopes I really do to begin their investigation they have arrived at
The historic church of font ARA so is Coran correct he tells me that this is the first land Granite to the Knights Templar in Portugal yes it is documented that in 11 26 the mother of our first king lady Teresa donated to the Templars font arada probably one of the oldest church
That we have in Portugal is that right from Christian times yes because they needed to have like a stronghold of force here for the r land in 11:26 during the Crusades members of the military order of monks known as the Knights Templar arrived in Portugal at the invitation of King aonso the
First in exchange for their service in battle against Islamic Moors across the Iberian Peninsula the king granted the order both land and great wealth that would help expand their influence across Europe and the holy land where they are believed to have later obtained Priceless religious Treasures Treasures that some researchers suggest are buried
Today on Oak Island we might be looking at at what I think is what that tells me then is whatever the earliest understandings and foundations of who the Templars were might reside within the church correctly uh we will not find written things we will find symbolism in some details of the church
That was what they did at the time cool you know the the church presents a unique opportunity to to learn something today and I I propose that we go visit let’s go to church let’s go to church up to You oh well the the general idea at the time why don’t we split forces Peter okay let’s see what we can find yeah every one of them has a symbol this just unbelievable how many symbols there are on the wall here and so many different ones yeah that F you’re
Immediately impressed at the Antiquity of the building you can literally breathe history out of the air and I I I find it fascinating but it has to be more than that our hope is that we’ll see some symbology connected to Oak Island Jo is this is this an ank right
Here like that probably not not relating with Egyptian myology but it would be a cross and theit the Mason who made the stone yes okay leaving Mason’s marks or Maker’s Marks was a common practice dating back to the 12th century wherein stonemasons would carve their initials and sometimes cryptic symbols to memorialize their
Work a number of believed Masonic and Templar symbols have been found over the years on Oak Island such as on the so-called G Stone the ho Stone and the legendary 90t stone that was found Deep In The Money Pit back in 1804 the people that actually did the
Work would they go on to become or or they certainly would go to be so they arrived they may have arrived to local people using these symbols as the Mason’s marks yes okay a lot of symbols but I haven’t seen anything that ties to OK yet no J huh let’s keep looking
Absolutely if we are really tracking the Templars or Masonic connections to Oak Island we need to look at the Masons marks and see if they actually mean something it may only take one just one clue one strange symbol that says here here is what you seek hey guys
Generational you might be interested in this one over here oh yeah yeah oh that’s interesting I can see it wow that’s pretty cool so I know what we have is a reproduction of the inscription on the 90ft stone but it definitely has this symbol on it right there in poo de
Lenoso Portugal Alex lagina has just identified a potentially important clue related to the Oak Island mystery in the Church of font ARA a church that was once a stronghold for for the night’s Templar dating back to the 12th century actually I have a copy of that picture right there right
There yeah look at this right there it’s perfect y matching one from the mysterious inscription that was reportedly carved on the legendary 90t Stone you know what’s Curious is it’s even got the same slime I know I know this is the only one of these bers marks we’ve seen this is unique right
Here did the person who carved the 90ft stone have a connection to the Knights Templar and Portugal we know that that type of symbology has the potential to tell us many things so the first thing to do is do a comprehensive study of the Mason’s marks but one of the things
About the 90ft stone we’ve always tried to evaluate is is there a clue to who option to consider yeah maker marks but what did that Mark mean to the person who carved it right we’re not certain of the characters on The 90ft Stone but as we understand it that
Symbol is on that stone we should check outside you think there’s something you should see yeah love to you have to take that information and think to yourself okay is this part of a Mason’s Mark and does that make it imperative that we understand what these Mason marks
Possibly are telling us so here we are at what I think is one of the most interesting features of this church big Templar cross and it’s configured with the sun screams uh night Templar Commander very early the circle in the dot in the center of the Cross that’s one of our
Symbols on a stone we call the ho stone that was on Oak Island I’ve never seen it on a cross like that before it is a symbol used by the Templars in Portugal okay and I I I think the circle and the dot is an early alchemical symbol for gold
Yes a symbol for gold in 1921 a massive Boulder featuring a number of carved symbols was found on Oak Island’s Northern Shore believing it might be unfortunately no treasure was found and most of the fragments of the boulder have gone missing however one piece that was
Photographed has come to be known as the ho stone is it possible that the team has just found another clue potentially connecting the Templars to Oak Island and if so could it also be related to the high trace evidence of precious medals that the team has recovered in
The Money Pit area this year I’m curious your take on this your interpretation J do you feel that the ho Stone could be Portuguese and or region it’s and if we’re saying that the portugis were in Oak Island it would be something made by them seeing the O symbol on the ho Stone
Represented on the wall of the church that means something that represented something it’s not decorative and I think there is a direct connection to Oak Island so there’s some information there I just don’t know what it is at this point from what we did today it’s sounds
Like this is maybe this is the infancy of the Templars we may have found some connections here yes so I believe if I’m not mistaken we have the identical symbol over the biginal entrance to the castle of Tomar where the is from the 1160 the capital of the Templar noids in
Portugal so if we’re looking for evidence that the Templars were connected to Oak Island either through symbolism or anything else that’s where we need to go and that’s significant because the Portuguese age of Discovery was completely fueled and driven by the people in Tomar yes so any Journey that
Would have landed on Oak Island in the 16th century would have departed from uh from Tomar to me it’s pretty simple right we also must take a voyage a very short one we need to go to tomar and figure out how it might affect our
Search yep we do so off for go all right pug go back on Oak Island I think he’s going to grab grab another bucket full so the boys can have a look at it that’ probably be good while the excavation of the b4c Sha continues in The Money Pit
Area let’s dig up these things around here ah mate let’s go for it okay see what we got Marty lagina and metal detection expert Gary dren arrive on Lot 8 located west of the triangle-shaped swamp one time I’d like to be with you Gary when we find the spectacular find
So I could show it to Rick can say look what iPhone I guess it’s a little brother thing no mate it’s going to come Lot 8 is really interesting because who’s that might lead somewhere how come you getting two different kinds of sounds there Gary scratchy tones like this a normally iron
It’s not a good two-way right y p this digs easily thank you that Forest stuff is compacted is it I can hear you it in the Rocks underneath there you go I bet it’s in there let’s see still in there yeah we’re just missing it look at that oh
Man oo that’s while searching Lot 8 on the western side of Oak Island Marty lagina and Gary dren may have just found another important clue what do you feel I have no idea what that is that makes two of us as well maybe it’s a off a
Kind of like a gay or a door piece of a hinge you mean yeah yeah there’s going to be a story here yeah a possible decorative hinge found where the team has already Unearthed evidence of heavy cargo being transported to this area Gary and I actually owned a triangular-
Shaped piece of metal on Lot 8 and of course it’s corroded it’s been the next one okay next flag’s over there see what this one sounds like I’ll be Captain Obvious oh let’s have a coin oh good two-way repeatable signal definitely a big Target mate just sir Reveal Your Secrets as I often
Say all there we go right oh another another chunk of iron butter feel of it musket lock plate really we this the first really cool thing I’ve done brilliant that’s a oh my God that’s a first Ro that is very datable then is it yeah this this would be it’s called a
Lock plate and that would be the frisen and that would be the Hammer so it’s a flint lock yeah look the Flint would have gone in there and it would have been more of this but it’s a mus mate we found a musket on o brilliant that has
Got to be that’s fabulous that is fantastic so this might been an entire gun and just all the wood and everything’s gone yeah uh this is the lock and then you’ve got the stock which is the wood per and then the barrel the barrel the action piece of flint lock
Musket the firing mechanism and to find it on Oak Island is is really cool these things just weren’t discarded they were kept so it is a really cool find uh and it might better yet it might tell a pretty major story well Gary buddy I am glad I was
Here when you found what you were looking for yeah I always want to find one mate and we out of two musketeers brilliant fantastic let’s go let’s go back to the shop okay M woo woohoo that is a trophy fine following their search of lot eight in the Oak Island interpretive Center I
Recognize that gr hey first for Oak Island mate y long time coming there we go mate what I believe is a flint lock musket oh wow Isn’t that cool that is cool that’s not something you see very often I don’t think I’ve ever found one really wow
I’ll put it in the scanner and uh it’ll pretty much tell us everything about it all right well let’s see what the Magic Machine can do all right in order to better assess the believed flint lock lired is utilizing the skyscan 1273 CT scanner the device effects producing highdef three-dimensional images of them
This process can identify not only microscopic details but but also the materials that the object is composed of all right guys got it it’s all done all right yep let’s have a look who that is amazing yeah that is beautiful so there it is explain to me what I’m looking at
Gary you see where the uh the front part that’s the frizen yeah that is what covers the pan where the gun powder is is MHM and at the back lay down and I love that stylized o in the middle I think that’s unusual that’ll tell us something no
Style but this has certainly got some style to it it sure looks like it huh you want to see the really neat thing this is a series of really really thin slices put together to create a three-dimensional space you’re going through the metal so now you’re starting to see internal
Parts oh my goodness that you couldn’t see before fantastic right so you’re looking right into it mhm and this this is what’s going to help us identify it the configuration of the screws 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a solid piece of metal these type of Flint loock
Muskets were popular from mid 1500s all the way to the middle of the 1800s but this looks like it’s an older style this has got something special about it it’s probably not a British military issue so that leaves uh French well Portuguese yeah there’s a lot of Clues on that
Thing yeah all right Gary drton good find good find me yeah I I was a great digger as a new day begins the shf continues on Oak Island some 2,800 mil to the east gentlemen he man who ordered the beautiful day I did Rick leina his nephews Alex and Peter
And Oak Island historian Doug croll join researcher Coran Maul and kns Templar expert Xiao F andero in the town square of tumar Portugal and welcome to the Templar city of tomor you you’ve in in the Templar hardland Tomar is a a city on Seven Hills really special place beautiful absolutely
Stunning so this is the Town Center this is the Church of St John the Baptist who was the patron saint of the Knights Templar they see the sun is shining on the statue that we’ve come to see correct yes and gu P he was made Night by our first king Alon in
1157 after a successful military campaign in the holy land where the Templars were headquartered during the Crusades while Dean pice returned to tumar make tumar the new Templar headquarters in Portugal and according to some researchers the temporary hiding place for their priceless religious Treasures on to the left you see the
First castle that gual impai is built there so at the time that gualdim started they were Knights Templar it was 1307 when when King Philip and and the pope actually brought them to their knees the official abandonment of the Knights Templar organization was 137 was 1317 although Portugal would remain a
Stronghold 1307 their headquarters had been moved to France and was now led by Grandmaster Jac de mole but on Friday the 13th of that year in a shocking Act of betrayal King Philip IV of France conspired with Pope Clement V to disband and persecute the order thousands of Templar knights
Including J de mole were arrested tortured and executed Ed however it is believed that several hundred Knights escaped with their sacred Treasures some went to Scotland While others fled back to Portugal and were renamed the Knights of christless treasures the Portuguese King Denise did something very clever he just rebranded
The Templars into the order of Christ so what he did he invented a new name and a new logo so instead of the the Templar cross that we will see on the shield of gualdim he made a square cross with the flattened edges and another cross in the
Middle this is the cross that you will see for example on the ships that went to America and then over time it got a little bit longer until it ended like this today so on the church you see the elongated Cross of the order of Christ wow so when we look at that
Representation that you have the longer part of the stem Nolan’s cross possibly could indicate Portuguese influence can we make that assessment yes if the cross you have it’s in this shape so it’s kind of like a fingerprint then if they create Nolan’s cross it would be in the form of
The elongated cross yes put it that way could Rick lagina be correct that the megalithic cross formation of Boulders that that was discovered in 1981 by Fred Nolan on Oak Island is a representation of the symbol for the Portuguese Knights of the stem is much longer than the arms there’s something
To this an actual connection between Portugal in Oak Island the thing we found on Oak Island is even the most subtle clue might have impact right might have import and that’s why we’re here right absolutely looking for Clues as Rick and the team continue their investigation into more Portugal back on Oak
Island while the excavation of the b4c chef continues in The Money Pit area kman leg this one I’m pretty sure I know what it is but you might be able to shed some light about it but I will just hand it to you our meeting with blacksmithing
Expert Carmen leg in the research center they are eager to get Carmen’s assessment of the mysterious triangular object discovered on Lot 8 just one day ago well it looks like a hinge don’t it it sure does well this is something unique this is something you don’t see every
Day it’s a spade hinge you can see a little Spade on the end of it but it’s a very very small spade looks like a suit of De cards right a lot of hinges were made with spay tips on the end oh just for decoration also if you look at this
One here you can see a little bit a Groove and a band around the bottom of the sued this would be uh early 1400s really yeah it’s it’s very very old how sure are you of that date how sure I know it would fit in the middle
Of the 1400s up until about 1690 1670 cool in the research center blacksmithing expert Carmen leg has just given his assessment that the decorative hinge found one day ago on Lot 8 could predate the discovery of The Money Pit by as much as four centuries you can look it up and you’ll
See a lot of Spanish Eng which Portuguese yes could be from that area seriously Yep this would have been off of a very strong box okay nothing light like clothes or wooden items or anything like that it would be more valuable items so china dishes tools valuables treasure wow anything
Valuable could Carmen leg’s belief that this hinge was part of a chest designed to hold valuable items and possibly be of Spanish or Portuguese origin be correct if so could it be related to the large metallic anomaly that still lies buried some 20 ft deep in the Carmen
Thank you very much it is very helpful and we appreciate it when you come down we will find you more so very good got to see more y we’ll see you the next time thank you as Marty and Craig conclude their meeting with Carmen leg some 30 Mi west of tumar Portugal in
The town of alcad desera Coran texted me it should be just up here Rick leina along with Alex Peter and Doug croll have arrived at the site of a 2,000-year-old Roman construct a Stone Road that researcher Coran Maul believes may further connect the Portuguese Templar order known as
The Knights of Christ to the Oak Island mystery look at the curvature look at the degree of slope remains constant it’s beautiful if there is a Portuguese connection to the construction of the road in the swamp maybe this is the blueprint God look at that that looks
Exactly like an old Roman Road ever since the Oak Island team Unearthed the mysterious Stone Road in the triangle-shaped swamp one year ago they have worked with numerous experts in order to determine its possible origin this is a type of road that was built in Europe in the 1500s to date the
Strongest opinion offered has come from historian Terry devau who also serves as the president of the New England Antiquities during our Steward ship of the mystery the Stone Road is probably one of the most significant finds we have made a road and a bog to what end
For what purpose it looks a lot more similar to what we have that’s for sure yeah we now have a very unique opportunity to visit a very early Stone construct of a road that goes back to Roman times and maybe there’s a possible connection to W
Island we were going to drive up in a chariot we changed our minds I’m so glad to see the show is finally on the road and it is beautiful how are you good how are youcome to shed light on the 2000 is currently restoring the ancient feature to join their
Investigation we were talking on the way up how impressive this is and how very much similar to the road we have in the swamp isn’t it how is this built up like what are the strateg graphy what are the layers it would be in the base putting
Big stones and then another layer of smaller stones to make the compact what about in a wetter area than this say our swamp yeah this already in another medieval constructions in swamps where they use bigger bigger ston created roads like this did any other culture copy the technology did that
Become yes the method yes the heritage of the idea uh is always there they replicate they copy the same technology something that can be similar with what you have in Oak Highland we’re looking for similarities between this and the style of construction of our road because if we
Know there’s Roman roads in Portugal then we know that the Portuguese would be able to observe the technique learn from it and incorporate it into their own and if they’ve done that then we can look for the same signs directly with Oak Island now I’m not sure if you’ve
Seen the road on Oak Island but I believe we have pictures yes I would like to to see that yeah okay but I have something very special to show you up there great okay okay let’s see it you I’m going to go get the video set up so
George our road I’ll meet you back down below Perfect all right we’ll be on shortly just think you’re walk in to 2,000 years of History yeah that’s true isn’t that amazing so uh what I I will show you looks a lot like the stone path yeah it looks the spitting image yeah just
Fabulous Stone path looks exactly like this yeah it looks to spitting image yeah in alod down to Sarah Portugal archaeologist George guo has just shown Rick lagina and members of the team a stone feature that is nearly an exact match in design to a pathway that the
Team found in the Oak Island Swamp just one year ago I saw a a photo from a h Island and it seems to be a little bit like that it does when the Oak Island team uncovered the stone pathway just adjacent to the massive Stone Road
They were struck by the fact that they had also found pieces of cargo barrels in the same area the pathway also appeared to be heading in the direction of The Money Pit I think we have a few areas that might be in in I don’t want to say
Better condition but there’s more rocks in a swam you need more rocks to to to give structure that makes sense is it possible that Rick and members of the team have just seen evidence to explain who may have built the stone featur in the Southeast corner of the swamp you
Could and you wouldn’t tell the difference to me that matches up perfectly my opinion is the Stone Road we have is an adaptation of constructs such as these so uh we have some things we’d love to show you yeah and I think we should go take a look yeah let’s see
Let’s do that let’s be Rolling Stones yep George we have some Stills this was in the Bog covered by about 2 ft of water okay and off to the side here in the swamp material we found a piece of the Portuguese during that time frame choose that type of construct
For purposes of crossing a swamp I’m not an engineer but uh yes it’s possible is it possible the Portuguese were on o Island here you have a trained archaeologist who is saying yes definitely this is something interesting and needed of a study is it probable I’d say we’re we’re approaching that but
There’s more work to do it’s fantastic because it’s not a common construction for this region that’s why I believe this is an important technology yeah so the technology must have come from outside yes I believe they it’s about seeking out and finding information and we have made some interesting
Discoveries I think we found an Avenue of of continued search or research then you can start connecting the dots between Portugal and Oak Island the key question is always why why build that but every piece of information is exceedingly helpful and for that we we thank you
Yeah well we really appreciate your time that’s okay I’m I’m GL did want to come back to Canada and have a look at it thank you so much thank you a mystery that is conf as Rick Marty and their team recover each missing piece of the puzzle just what will they
Ultimately reveal a vast treasure that includes Priceless objects of divine inspiration ancient lost knowledge about the history of mankind one thing is more certain than ever as the Dig continues the answers are getting closer to the surface next time on The Curse of Oak Island the last K on for the year if
We’re going to take a shot at this we’re going to take our best shot is incredible we’re looking for the extension to the road Yes W whoo wo look at this there’s a lot of Cobble there yeah I’m wondering if that’s it already wow it is spectacular stunningly beautiful there’s nine platforms that’s
Exactly the money fit story sorry let’s go start now this video [Applause] [Applause] Watching [Applause] e [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the w