Apocryph you heard me right the Bible in the apoc oh good night all right no sweat sh Israel yah bahi yahaw yashi I’m preaching officer 5000 yah holding it down till 12 Shield General muham gets here General MIM will be in the building make sure you type your questions in
Online to be answering all your questions it’s a lot going on man let me explain something you know the fun I saw something the other day right well earlier today and yesterday I mean that was Heavy this this viral clip that I saw on Tik Tok about this mother talking
To her daughter you know what I mean she was letting it know like you ain’t going to be part of the alphabet community and be at my house like you supposed to go get with a man get with a brother you I mean have grandkids like you can’t live this
Lifestyle in my home and the sister and the young daughter was like well Mom that ain’t gonna happen the mother was standing on business like no you got a rooll you got a rooll but she like but Mom I met this woman and I was so Happ
I’m so happy with her and her mom said you won’t even give her brother a chance and I applaud that mother for this reason man because we got to understand something that’s rare in today Society outside of the Israelite School of upk because they try to condition our people
You know what I mean blacks Latinos and Native American Indians to accept the lgbtq plus lifestyle got to understand man that is an Abomination unto the most high God the god the most the god of Israel the god of [Ā __Ā ] the god of blacks Latinos Native American Indians
Is against the alphabet community and I’mma show it to you can I get Leviticus 18-22 Leviticus 18-22 give me Leviticus 20 and verse3 God sir let me get 18 to 22 first this is The Book of Leviticus 18 verse 22 thou shal not lie with mankind as with womankind thou neither shalt thou
Lie it says thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind meaning a man is not supposed to lie down with another man a woman is not supposed to lie down with another woman you ain’t supposed to that is an Abomination on un to the most high you
Know what I mean a man being with another man a woman being with another woman read it again from the top this is the book of lus 18 verse 42 thou sh not lie with mankind as with woman it is abomination it is an Abomination it’s an Abomination unto our
God for a man to be with another man and for a woman to be with another woman like I applaud that sister in the th like she was standing on business when it came to her daughter saying you ain’t going to live in this household and live
Like that I pray you understand that’s how you have to be that’s how you have to be because that right there you know what I mean is against the most high you think you can live that lifestyle and they promote it you can’t watch television you can’t watch anything on a
Streaming service like new you like uh Netflix YouTube or um stars or whatever they always throw something out there because that’s what they’re promoting to our people and that is not a lifestyle for us everybody is talking about the uh the new Diddy allegations you know I
Mean the but broke the heart of every brother and sister in Philadelphia about Meek Mill because everybody surprised that Meek Mill was at the Diddy party we should not come to a surprise to any of our people for this reason celebrities should not be your role model that rapper that Entertainer you
Should not be surprised at anything that they do because they’ll sell out for what for money they’ll be gay for a few dollars I pray you understand a lot of them try to fake it but you can only fake it until Diddy invite you to that
House and he be wanting to party what you going to do what are you going to do and here’s the thing too man this is why you cannot put your trust and your faith in these entertainers and these athletes and these you know what I mean into these stars of Hollywood or
The music industry you ain’t supposed to do that you got to put your faith and trust back into the most high back into our King yahawashi hamashiach and back into these priests and Prophets of the Lord here in the Israelite School of universal practical knowledge this is the only place where
Morality lives and thrives anywhere on the planet this is the only place where you’re going to find masculinity this is the only place where you’re going to find really true femininity coming from the sisters because outside in the world they got the sisters want to be more
Masculine and the brothers want to be and our God is against that lifestyle and against that behavior a brother is supposed to be masculine a sister is supposed to be in her femininity read Leviticus 20 and verse 13 over the book lus 20 verse3 if a man also lie with mankind if
A man also lie with mankind man listen if a man also lie with mankind me if a man lie down with another man which you are not not supposed to do read as he lith with a woman as he lith with a woman meaning if you a brother
You know what I mean if you lie with a man like how you supposed to lie with a woman because a brother is supposed to be with a sister because sex is marriage according to God that’s another thing that our people don’t understand I was trying to teach a young brother at the
Slavery the problem with our people too you know what I mean there is no you know what I mean sexual morality you just got to be over sexualized in everything that you say and do and it is a damn shame you got to understand it
You got to have control you have to have discipline sex is marriage it’s something that Commander General Yan said when I was in the world that hit me because it was the heaviest [Ā __Ā ] I ever heard nathala but he said don’t even touch a woman unless you are willing to
Spend the rest of your life with her and since you got to understand when you open your legs up to that man you are accepting that man as your husband and brother you are taking on that sister as your wife because according to God sex is marriage it’s not a marriage
Certificate it’s not a ring you know I mean that you go pay you know I mean whatever x amount of dollars for that’s not marriage according to God keep going both of them have committed an Abomination both of them have committed an Abomination if a man also lie with
Mankind as he lied with a woman both of them have committed an Abomination both of them he did he committed many Abominations right so did Meek I know that hurt listen I’m from Philly Southwest Philly meal we all everybody in this room is from Philly you know
What I mean but God damn that’s a rough situation and you should not be surprised at all because our people that get caught up in Esau’s Society you have no morality you have none you’ll do anything for money you’ll do anything to be famous you’ll do anything to get out
You know what I mean of your current situation and even though you got out of that current situation your life is still destroyed you still destroyed because you’re not doing what our God said you know how many entertainers and athletes you know I mean are miserable in
Thea because they don’t have no purpose they don’t have no Drive they don’t know who they are they have no idea what they really should be doing it just don’t feel right even though you have that money and even though you know what I mean you think you have it you think you
Made it then you’re supposed to be happy a lot of them live miserable lives if you’re not doing what our God said to do you cannot outrun these curses you cannot outrun these curses that our god Set upon us because we disobeyed him I hope you understand that it says if a
Man also lie with mankind as he lied with a woman both of them have committed an Abomination both of them I seen one sister um thumb yard on uh Tik Tok the other day brother and she was talking about well she went to a a black AR
Galla like a black Galla and she went there and was like damn it’s a lot of brothers you know what I mean that brought white women and she was like all right cool and then she said it’s a shame because she said she wants black love she said she wants a Godly black
Man but then she said this is this is what killed me I this how I knew I was in the goddamn Matrix sis was like but my da the dating pool was so hard for me because I want a Godly black man he has to be a Christian he has to be accepting
And pro LGBT I couldn’t video after that my God I said godamn that’s counterproductive how can you say you want a man of God you know what I mean a man of God but you also want to be Pro LGBT well our God is anti-lgbtq plus you do understand that the god of
The Bible the god of Israel the god of blacks Latinos and Native American Indians is not for homosexuals you want the class come yeah our God is anti-lgbtq plus he’s anti that you talking about you talking about you know what I mean you want a man that’s Godly
That’s Christian you know what I mean but he has to be Pro lgbtq I’m like well Goddamn sis that’s counterproductive you going against the grain you are confused just like how a lot of brothers and sisters are confused everybody at that Galla was confused every brother that brought the oppressor
Daughter that’s another sin against the most high because interracial marriage is a sin to the most high just like how homosexuality is a sin to the most high all of it is an abomination black man you supposed to be with that black woman black woman you supposed to be with that black
Man latino man you supposed to be with that Latino woman Latino woman you supposed to be with that latino man First Nation man you supposed to be with that first nation Woman First Nation woman you supposed to be with that first nation man that’s how it’s supposed to
Be it’s all types of messed up out here pick it up for um this is the book ofus 20 verse 13 they shall surely be put to death they shall surely be put to death how did the Lord put you to death now I’ll tell you how Lord put you to death by
Via Aids HIV monkey pox God damn right that’s a rough situation I saw one Double’s face Decay because of monkey Pops I said God damn you imagine your nose and and different parts of your face falling off because you want to be a sodomite that is not a lifestyle for our people
Keep reading their blood shall be upon them their blood shall be upon them because monkey pox like AIDS and HIV are blood diseases man that’s a rough situation I and that’s something that they promote here in America how do you know that they promote it they promote it in every
Church your Bishop your pastor TD Jak the power bottom was in church talking about have you ever been swallowed up good night he was at the Diddy party with MC Mill do it that information as you would like that’s a rough situation I think I I think I know what
I think I know what Antonio Brown was talking about I think we all have a idea what dreams and nightmares is really about that’s a that’s a rough situation like B put his head down like goddamn sir it’s a lot but hey it is what it is but the point is we
Have a better option the only option that we have is to do what our God said the god of the Bible the god of Israel that’s why we have to separate ourselves from these people from their society from their culture as a matter of fact I
Drop down to verse 26 from where you at that’s also in the Bible separation read this bookus 20 verse 26 and ye shall be holy unto me when the Lord says ye shall be holy unto me under understand holy is not your pastor or your Imam or your
Bishop with the white with the white gown on or the purple dress talking about getting swallowed up he’s not holy I pray you understand our God said and ye shall be holy unto me meaning this our God is saying we should be separate that’s what it means to be holy set apart keep
Going for I the Lord am Holy for I the Lord am Holy meaning the most high is separate the most high is set apart keep going God it have separ you from other people our God severed us from other people severed us meaning if my arm got
Separate from my body is no longer attached we ain’t supposed to be part of this Society man and that’s always been so you know I mean with the with the priests and Prophets and the children of Israel and the prophets of God the Lord told Abraham what m you know I mean he
Told Abraham you know I mean our forefather and his wife Sarah to get out of Babylon get away from your family and get up out of here that’s what we got to do man take your mind out of this Society because this place is polluted like it says in Micah chapter 2 and
Verse 10 this is a polluted place our God said ye shall be holy unto me for I the Lord am Holy we supposed to be separate from all this in order to fit into this Society you know what I mean especially to be a black man you got to
Be a sodomite I know a lot of y’all saw Shannon sharp I know everybody loved Shannon sharp he got the podcast played for my my favorite team in the world the dev Broncos man it was a rough week with them y you know what I mean it’s hard to
Claim Meek Mill and Shannon sharp Shannon sharp came out there some sister or some sister on Twitter said some funny [Ā __Ā ] and to be honest with you mumb yard it was disgusting she was like damn where Shannon be getting where Shannon shop it that would look good on me I need you to
Understand something people Israel knows with the what the brother is wearing the tight niip clothes and everything and then we’re gonna go over it later with the with the I know the general gon go into it the pose that he made and how he would standing they talking about oh he
Had two hip replacements he played football that’s not an excuse It’s because the brother got knocked outside the head and had two hip replacement that don’t mean he got to stand and walk and dress like a sodomite that’s not an excuse you know what I’m saying like I
Play listen we we all play football we all play sports all had extracurricular activities you know what I mean we ain’t out here dressing like sodomites with th yard that Ain an excuse you know what I mean to be a lascivious to be a lascivious diabolical what’s the what’s the word I’m looking
For so I don’t don’t get it jammed up to be a wicked brother and to be in that in that huh in his proclivities i b it’s a rough situation it’s a rough situation Our God told us to be holy to be set apart let the oppressor do that let the oppressor
Do it and you brothers and sisters out there defending it you know you know these brothers is living a sodomite lifestyle you know these sisters is living like that and they say oh you jealous you this that and the third ain’t no amount of money you know what I
Mean no amount of money no amount of Fortune can get us to turn especially us here in Israelite School of upk to turn from our God you can’t do that let me explain something to you that’s what they did with mans did they not go to
Matathias I and say you know what I mean you it was like you are a leader amongst the people told Matas that you need to come first you can we’ll give you gold and silver tried to bribe it he said come and be one become one of the Kings
Friends you want to become a friend of this place you can’t be a friend of this place because this place is evil this place is pollut this why our God said this give me proverb 3 and verse 31 this is the Book of Proverbs chapter 3 and verse
31 oh okay go ahead go I envy thou not the oppressor Envy thou not the oppressor Our God said Envy thou not the oppressor don’t look at what the oppressor has and says God Dam you know I mean I got to get that that’s what me
Did that’s what Diddy did that’s what a lot of our people do you look at what the oppressor has in his possessions and you think damn how am I suppos how am I going to get this how can I get down no no you can’t do that keep reading
God and choose none of his ways and choose none of his ways all God said Envy thou not the oppressor and choose none of his ways we ain’t supposed to choose any way of the oppressor that’s what’s wrong you too busy wanting to get down with the oppressor and get down and
How they move and they don’t move the way we supposed to move the scripture says the two manner of people was in Rebecca’s womb man was in her womb Jacob and Esau we are two different manner of people they were a vessel made unto wickedness and we were that vessel made
Unto righteousness why do you think we’re so bad at being Wicked that we make the worst criminals the worst [Ā __Ā ] and [Ā __Ā ] mongers while the oppressor makes the perfect criminal the perfect [Ā __Ā ] and why they can’t be righteous because that’s not how it was meant to
Be we’re going against our own Nation to sell drugs and use drugs and be sodomites and to be [Ā __Ā ] or [Ā __Ā ] mongers that’s the issue Our God said Envy thou not the oppressor and choose none of his ways oh we now if I could IB let me Jeremiah 17 verse4
Show Jeremiah 17 in verse 4 cuz the thing is man what our people need to understand it which is so sad There is a better option if I could thumb y give me um Deuteronomy right me Deuteronomy the 30th chapter and the me Deuteronomy 30 and I want verse
19 let me get there first let me get Deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 Deuteronomy 30: 19 go go go up to verse 15 first come verse 15 see I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil man listen it says see I have set before
Thee this day life and good death and evil what does it mean what the Lord said I have set thee before this day life and good and death and evil go ahead he present us law s Commandments and on the other side showing how if you
Choose not to go that path death and destruction you can have that as well you choose not to go no you want it brother and you right well it says I set I set deep before this day life and good life is the Commandments you only way to
Come to life is to keep the Commandments and it is good to do so evil you know what I mean is the punishment from not keeping the Commandments and death it ain’t just the physical death but a spiritual one that people are spiritually dead right now read verse 16
Come verse 16 and that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God to walk in his ways to walk in his ways where we were commanded to love the Lord thy God to walk in his ways the love the most high and walking his ways is to
Obey the most high and do what he says to not be a sodomite to not be a evil bastard to not be a brother you know what I mean that hates his brother and hates his sister keep going come and to keep his Commandments and his statutes and his
Judgments that thou mayest live and multiply that thou mayest live and multiply that thou May is live in multiply a lot of you think you living your best life now and you are not you The Walking Dead you a zombie walking around we keep the Lord’s statutes and
Commandments man you’ll be blessed Above All Nations man Our God said that we would live and multiply keep reading G and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whether thou goest to possess now go to verse 19 that’s talking about you know I mean that when
We obey Our God he was going to put us in our land you know what I mean when we was going into our land going into Israel you know what I mean we was listen and obeyed the most high and was so heavy about it right even Moses
Didn’t get a chance to go into the land only two from that generation did Joshua and Caleb Joshua and Caleb were the only ones with a new generation not a mean of Israel that went in it’s why it’s important to obey the most high and do
What he says keep going read verse 19 Deuteronomy 30 verse 19 I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death listen the Lord said that I call Heaven and Earth to record this day that I set before thee life and
Death a lot of our people think that we have something called Free Will Free Will is not in the Bible free will is not in the Bible Our God said that I call upon Heaven and Earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death keep
Going blessing and cursing blessing and cursing blessing and cursing meaning this blessing and cursing meaning this the same as life and death keeping the Commandments is life not keeping the Commandments is the punishment that comes blessing and cursing you could be blessed or you could be cursed and who
In a right mind would want to be cursed keep going therefore choose life therefore what choose life our God didn’t give us an option he said therefore choose life because what happens when you don’t choose life give me bar chapter 4 verse one I bu says therefore choose life that
Both thou and thy seed may live that us and our children may live and you wonder why our people are walking around like zombies caught up on that K2 I saw a video of a sister man with her with her uh Cranium open you know
What I mean it was a rough video some of y’all that was sharing that I need you to be mindful of something that is rough the condition that our people you know what I mean are in some of that stuff is graphic I it’s graphic and it also goes
To show you the horror you know what I mean that comes when you don’t do it AR God says to do and it goes to show you how Wicked the oppressor is or how the oppressor is the devil that the Bible speaks of because that is the state that
They want our people in that’s the state and we gotta come we got to rise above that and the only way to do that is to come into the Israelite School of universal practical knowledge that’s right because a lot of our people don’t realize it don’t matter if you’re in
That church or if you’re in that muslimas or you were like that poor sister that was that was that had our things that had our wig spit y’all in the same condition in the same place we have an opportunity to come out of that condition read what you got
I this is the book of 4 verse one this is the book of The Commandments of God and the law that endureth for listen it says this is the book of The Commandments of God and the law that endure forever meaning the the law endures forever it ain’t going nowhere the law
Has not been done away with read all they that keep it shall come to life all they that keep the Lord’s laws statutes and Commandments guess what they shall come to life read but such as leave it shall die but such as leave it shall die if you leave
The Lord’s laws statutes and Commandments you’re going to die you are going to die and not just that rough physical death but that spiritual one that’s why you have so many of our people that try to seek the most high you know what I mean but you don’t like
It says in Hosea chapter 4 and verse 6 you I mean our people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge you don’t realize man you looking for the most high but he’s not in that Christian Church he’s not in that Muslim M he’s not in that
Fake Israelite group the most high is in the Israelite School of universal practical knowledge we’ve been doing this since 1969 under Commanding General y right our God says th listen those that leave it shall die meaning this when you leave if you don’t keep these Commandments oh we you done you are absolutely
Done it says and the law that endure forever and all they that keep it shall come to life but such as leave it shall die you leave and stop keeping these Commandments man guess what you die keeper we come to life now is the time
To come to life now is the time to get your identity back stop looking at what these celebrities have stop looking at how they live stop thinking you know what I mean that if I just do this and Esau with Esau I’ll be all right no there is nothing preventing you from
Coming into this truth and doing what our God said to do we have a nation to build up a nation to build up to raise up Christ’s kingom we doing it right here we doing it don’t be that brother on the sidelines that’s one thing I cannot stand with th y’ I
Used to be a sideline brother and swore I was doing something on the Internet doing this [Ā __Ā ] here just tweeting doing all that being an individual like you’re not doing nothing you got to get in the game you got to get in the fight right because if you’re not what are you doing
You just wasting time stop wasting time the time is now to get right don’t wait till tomorrow give me Romans 13: 11 don’t wait till tomorrow here the thing you don’t know what can happen tomorrow brother get right now get right now and you see brothers and sisters is starting to get
It man especially the sisters Commander General Yana said something that was Heavy this is going to be the year of the sisters now you got sisters like China Monet making music about how about being submission being submissive you know what I mean and everybody was upset and you know why they really upset
Because it goes Against the Machine it goes against Esau Society they don’t want you to be by their brother’s side they don’t want you to be submissive they don’t want you to cook clean sleep with your husband and shut up that’s the key right there and that’s biblical
That’s in the Bible that’s the key to having a happy and longlasting marriage because I pray you understand you do not want to be on the other side of that on the other side of that is nothing but bitterness regret and cat food right and that line at Costco is long it’s real
Long with thum y you sister you don’t want to be like that I pray you understand and for some of y’all that’s like don’t want to share your man you share your man already and a lot of you know you sharing your man but the problem with sharing your man in the
World you’re sharing your man more than likely with another man it’s a rough that’s a rough situation hey be surprised mean like would you rather your husband say hey I’m not coming home be at the other rib’s house or him saying I’m G be at Jerome house playing mad you know
What him you know Jerome don’t play Madden you know your man don’t play Mad Nei some y’all put his head down body like goddamn that’s that’s it that’s what goes on that’s why we got understand this you got what I ask for goad This Book of Romans 13:1
And and that knowing the time this is the time stop putting it off stop putting things off read that now it is high time that now it is high time do you know do you know right do you know how many times I’ve heard this m I’ve had Brothers tell tell
Me all the time in person on Twitter like yeah man when the time is right I’m going to be out there with you I’m going be out I’m going be a soldier right with you I don’t believe nothing I don’t believe it until I see you in all black
Right you know what I mean for 90 days you to become a trooper like godd damn I gotta be able to see it we gota be able to see it some of y’all think oh man some of y’all brothers is cold like he brushing me up no we see it all the time
Brothers you know I mean you can’t be a brother that just do this you have to be about it because Romans 13:11 says and now knowing the time stop saying I’m going to come to class tomorrow or later or I want to get right come at come
Right now I know you I know you funky from all that Zaza from all that weed just come to class like that we’ll work with you we’ll get you off of it come to class I don’t care if you got the bottle in your hand you ain’t bringing the
Bottle and hear it I am gonna pour it out understand that but guess what come to class tuning in online is fine but the only way to get them demons truly up off of you you got to be around the brothers because that demon is
Telling you oh you know what I mean you ain’t got to go you can wait and you’re and you think because I want do the same thing you think you can beat the demon by yourself no you cannot demon knows he got you on the
Choke cold but he can’t have you on the choke cold in here not with mum not with iide not with but not with that ain’t going to happen that’s why he doesn’t want you to come to class and you hear that voice in your mind saying come to
Class tomorrow or come to class next week come to class that day come to class that day because it says in that it says in that knowing the time and now it is High Time read that now it’s high time to awake out of sleep now is the
Time to awake out of sleep a lot of y’all are fast asleep I went on Facebook and I was looking at I had no idea that it was I had no idea that it is some brothers out here that are in the oppressor community the amalec Jewish
Community one brother was AR one brother was trying to argue with the car but it looked like he had a [Ā __Ā ] he had on his head man I B it it looked like that [Ā __Ā ] had a GoPro on his head I know it sound crazy like he has
Little little square box in his head talk about show me the precept on on on on your head being covered I’m like [Ā __Ā ] show the precept or whatever you got on your head like it’s a rough situation right by you got to get out of
That he ain’t even a real Jew he’s the devil that the Bible speaks of you got a lot of our brothers that caught get caught up in that falsehood you and fake Israelite groups thinking you know what I mean that you can do whatever like I applaud every brother you know what I
Mean that comes out of that church that comes out of that M and it comes out of that fake you know I mean group big shout out to my brother man preing I was 5,000 th Wan he did a sit down with c g do Hall man I applore everybody to watch
You know what I mean that interview like double Wan our brother man is a mighty priest and prophet of God here at the Israelite School of upk and he turned his life around he became a new man got out of that fake Israelite group and now
He was called you know what I mean to do the Lord’s work right you being called to do the Lord’s work now and I implore you to do it right now stop waiting stop waiting stop putting it off because what’s going to happen you gonna
Put it off so much you gonna continue to get high continue to do your lasciviousness and be in your proclivities and you gonna forget all about it Satan got you where he wants you now is the time to overcome it and you can overcome
It you have to you have to it says in that knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep keep reading that b for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believe and now is our Salvation near from what we believe our Salvation is right around the
Corner right around the corner and it’s not for every day like you know what I don’t understand like B how could you be a brother and still C for the oppressor like the capping for the oppressor is crazy like Qui as ey like just being on social media on the week
And watching your brothers destroy AMC I’m just you know I be batt with amalec and ishmail on my on my on my Thursday class every week but y’all brothers been going to war with amalec man and not just amalec brothers that want to side with amalec it’s like godd damn like you
Trying to give our Salvation to the PE to a people that’s not really a people they a devil that the Bible speaks of that’s right like the Bible says that these heathens man that these oppressors and all these other nations that are not Israelites are nothing they’re like spit
And this is who you want to give salvation to you do not realize man that they have their salvation what do I mean by they have their salvation Arabs can come out of a Hut where they’re being bombed with Smither come over to America and be put in our neighborhoods where
They have businesses and make tens of thousands of dollars they can go from living in a warart torn Hut being blown to Smither be being put over top of us and making tens of thousands of dollars meaning some Chinese couple can come out of the field in
Wuhan eating bats they still e bat quad des and be put in one of our neighborhoods and make tens of thousands of dollars a week can you get a job in Chinatown no can you get a job in Little Italy no can you get a job in Bollywood you know what
I mean little Kuwait no they have theirs they have their scripture says that this place is you know I mean every foul bird they all in bed with America they all in bed with Babylon to oppress our people and you want to give them the one thing
That they cannot have the one thing that our God told that we were going to get and have and that’s our Salvation now they don’t have nothing to be saved from they are just fine where they are and guess what and like jemah says it’s
Going to come a time if you want to love them if you want to love an oppressor love an oppressor in the kingdom when they’re as low as a dog or you can have them as a pet that’s the time of love I pray you understand I’mma have one named o yell all
Right I’ll take your questions in the room and online we’ll deal with the events of today make sure you’re well armed for the battles that you will get in this week either battles with the demons you’re personally fighting or the battles with the people that will try to
Give you a demon everybody knows that you encounter those people every day right or wrong you D you encounter them every day someone trying to give you a Dem someone trying to pull you out of the truth someone trying to make sure that the gift that the most high gave
You and having a second chance and you could never capitalize on that gift so you got to be ready to battle every day every week every day that you get up every morning every month every year you be ready to fight everyone understands right I’ll help you with that tonight
Okay do you have any other question do I have a questions yet you’re up First question is this is from will the earth still be hard till after Christ comes back or will it be like before Adam was kicked out of the dark I got you when he said I know what he means when he says will the life be
Hard will the earth be hard when Adam when Christ returns that this world will be the way it was intended to be by God before Adam was kicked out of the G that’s why Christ said it is finished when he went and gave up his Spirit to
Pay for what he did as Adam and to pay for the sins that you and I have committed in the past he said it is finished no more suffering no more curses no more punishments when Christ returns we’re going to get the Kingdom of Heaven the Garden of Eden everyone
Understands and Jesus Christ when they took him away he said to be arrested he said now is the prince of this World cast out meaning it’s over it’s over the minute that they took Christ man we won this battle now all of us are just trying to earn the seat that we would
Like to have when he gets back right that’s that either way Christ is coming back either way this planet is going to become a paradise under good leaders and a Good Shepherd now the question is what position will you have who will you be said every house has vessels of Earth
And wood and vessels of gold and silver so even in the Kingdom of Heaven there’ll be very low Israelites Israelites it’ll be our equivalent of Trail apart trash or or white trash in the Kingdom of Heaven there’ll be Israelites who were TD Jake and crlo dollar here but in the Kingdom of Heaven
They’ll be the lowest ranking Israelites in society and then you’ll have Israelites that will have Supernatural power and go to other planets and appear in the room for your face and have rule over continents so you decide who what you want to be and what you want to do now
But the planet will be the Garden of Eden everybody understands next no problem you know we need to we need um Levi come right for the all the turmoil in Haiti too right for all right I’m ready for the next question this is from R it says shal is there any evidence in
The Bible support the existence of dinosaurs yes uh great whales the term great whales in the Book of Genesis when when you translate that word great whales is translated into mighty lizards right so when you read about great whales in the bi in the Bible that is what you would call today dinosaurs
Also the dragon in the scriptures which is all throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament the dragon that also uh speaks to the existence of great giant lizards all right dinosaurs absolutely were real their bones and exist today now the lie about dinosaurs there there are many lies about
Dinosaurs most of the way that we look at dinosaurs is made up because they not they never actually found the skeleton they might have found a foot bone and then they imagine the rest if you want your diet can put it up on the screen
For you most of what how you visualize a dinosaur is is made up because they never find a skeleton intact but they find a foot or a h or a tooth and they imagine the entire rest of the animal and they make up the rest of the skeleton it’s fabricated you can just
Google this in your phone and you’ll see what I just said but giant lizards giant beasts absolutely did exist they exist at the exact same time when people were on the earth meaning uh you know Liars of today say that dinosaurs existed a million years before people that’s not
True dinosaurs existed at the exact same time that people existed the same way right now there’s a line in the elephant around 30 minutes from here in the zoo they places in India where they live with elephants the elephant is right there the elephant comes and eats all
Eats all their fruit every night and they find a way to live with elephants and jaguars in India so it’s it shouldn’t be uncommon that people found a way to live in some proximity to giant animals usually it’s because dinosaurs were on this part of the Earth where uh
The American continent mainly that’s where the bulk of dinosaur remains were found and people lived in the Middle East that’s where people were so while people were in the Middle East Noah and the people after Noah dinosaurs were around the Americas all right so that’s how dinosaurs and people were able to be
On the earth at the same time because they lived on two completely different parts of the earth next car car from officer this is from officer one he said how do you get more discipline how do you get more discipline uh the step the first step is you got to want it right
What you’ll find in lifeok is that most people get what the hell they want and it’s it’s you know it seems uh more complicated to you because because you just don’t really want it if you want more discipline you can get it the same way you get anything else in life that
You want okay if I ask you how do you get some nasty some nasty hoe you’ll know how to do that you’ll know just how to get a nasty hoe you’ll figure out a way to do it it it’s so heavy and that everybody knows that a nasty hoe wants a
Man with money brothers are have so much imagination oh I’m sorry a a promiscuous woman everyone knows that a promiscuous woman wants a man with money men find a way to still get that woman poor they just lie they just go and take a picture
In front of a car that they don’t own you get my point they you find a way to do anything that you actually want to do the reason you didn’t you know have the job that you want or the career that you want is because you didn’t want it bad
Enough that’s it if you actually wanted it you would have gotten it so how do you get discipline what wanting it first and then be willing to make the sacrifices that must be made to attain it now if you apply that to everything in life brother you’ll achieve
Everything that you want to do you might even find out that you don’t want things the way you say you want them once you realize what you have to give up to get them you have to want it you have to sacrifice things to get it you have to
Deny yourself deny your own pleasure deny the things that you like to attain discipline uh give me the scripture where it says um about wisdom in the Apocrypha wisdom and discipline are very similar in nature and understanding where it says attain unto her seek unto her where it
Talks about wisdom as as if wisdom was a woman that you have to court that you have to seek and seduce and hold on to that’s how you attain discipline the brother will find the precept I know it’s in the The Book of Ecclesiastes maybe also ecclesiasticus let me find it for you
You have it up go Ahead you’re a little too distorted can you help me out with that wisdom ex children and lay of them that seek okay is that where I want to start what else do you see find me way prop this up somewhere right here you how can I okay
Goeast 6 verse 27 search and seek and she shall be made known unto thee I think that’s the one I’m looking for that’s what you need this is speaking about wisdom it says search and seek and she shall be made known unto thee it’s it’s it’s speaking about wisdom as if it’s a
Woman to make you understand how dear wisdom has to be to you how much you desire it which is why I use the metaphor of a promiscuous woman because if you want a promiscuous woman you’ll find a way to get her if you have to lie
Stay up all night send her flowers and Candy if you have to do whatever you had to do to get her you would do it well wisdom is the thing you should actually be willing to do anything to get discipline and wisdom are synonymous everyone understands read it from the
Top verse 27 search and seek and she shall be made known unto thee what did I just say earlier I believe you heard it if you want wisdom go get it if you want discipline go get it search and seek and she shall be made known unto thee go
Ahead and when thou has got hold of her oh then when you get it now you finally can control the things in your life that you want to control without discipline without wisdom you can’t do that how in the hell are you going to actually control things in your life people
Control you because you have no discipline so now everyone controls you the co The Police Every rich man everyone just tells you what to do and controls you because you cannot control yourself but if you have wisdom oh now you can control control your environment now you can actually control
Things around you and that’s a treasure young man keep going let her not go don’t let it go once you get hold of it don’t let it go you D I’m not blocking your camera what this say if you if you have it don’t let
It go never let go of it you got it now you got wisdom now you got discipline Don’t Let It Go my God so many of you that’s what’ll happen you’ll give get wisdom you’ll get discipline some promiscuous woman will rip it from your chest will chase you right out of the
Truth you come into the truth you finally learn and you get your life in order But Here Comes Your mom here comes that Wicked one to snatch away that which was swn in thy heart if you get it don’t ever give it up everyone understands keep going do
Sir verse 28 for at the last Thou shalt find her rest and that sh and that shall be turned to thy joy for at the last read that again after at the last thou shal find her rest keep going and that shall be turned to to thy Joy
It’s using the metaphor once again of a woman at the end you shall find her bed and then all of your hard work is turned is turned to Joy oh we well that’s what wisdom can do for you H at the end you’ll get that woman in bed at the end
And all of your hard work all of your training all of your fasting all of your sacrifice and all the hard work you put in will turn into absolute Joy that’s how you get discipline Warrior everyone understands next con this is from F McCoy he said how do y’all feel about
What’s going on in Israel right now do you guys stand with them or the oppressed Palestinians the Israelite School of upk stands with neither one of them that’s right at all none of them we don’t stand with the Palestinians we don’t stand with the oppressors who are our oppressors and the Palestinian
Oppressors and the oppressors of the Hawaiians and the Japanese and anyone else the pales Ians have it far better off than blacks and Latinos far better than us I can only imagine what it would be like to fight for your own land that’s an amazing concept that black
People in America don’t even understand I saw black people do the same thing in South Africa what’s the brother’s name again McCoy McCoy I remember this same fervor back in the 80s for Sun City in South Africa which was a famous resort that Americans would go to and black people
Protested Sun City and protested South Africa and black people gave all of their money to free South Africa and then they freed Nelson Mandela and then the South Africans conquered the country and became the rulers of South Africa when I was a child there was a partti in
South Africa and the South Africans were an oppressed people and Nessa Mandela was in prison when I I was young I watched my people support Africa give money to Africa March for Africa and then I saw the Africans become conquerors and now they rule South Africa and my people are getting shot
Today here in America and are starving to death here my people have no rights and the rights you do have are being rolled back every week I’m not doing it again I’m not doing what we did with the South Afric afans again the Israelite School of upk did not care about the
South Africans the Israelite School of upk cares for blacks and Hispanics that’s our constituency those are the people that we serve that’s it the same way the United Negro College Fund cares about who anyone the United Negro College Fund only cares about say again Negroes it’s in the name right the
NAACP only cares about who anyone NAACP sister Negroes colored people it’s in the name colored people that’s the CP an NAACP right and Benet bris cares about Jewish people and the United Jewish Defense League cares about Jewish people right every group has a constituency that they specifically serve that’s why
You have breast cancer awareness week how much money from uh testicular cancer goes to breast cancer money go breast cancer toarch who wants to know who wants to guess to guess say about not a damn scent because that’s another issue the people with testicle cancer they got to
Raise their own money but the breast cancer people they raise their money then you have other types of cancers then you have muscular distrophy how much money from the muscular distrophy Institute do they give to breast can to the breast cancer institute none they’re trying to solve the issue of muscular
Distrophy you understand everything is allowed to focus on a specific thing and serve that thing that’s not racist it’s just disciplined that’s all and the upk is has Absolute Total discipline and focus on blacks athetics next question this is from uh shant she saidan can you become a member of the
Truth and get your Hebrew name if you are part of a black sority is being a member of a sorority a sin against God being a member of a sorority or fraternity is absolutely a sin against God but it will not keep you out of the
School if you’ve been one in the past joining a fraternal alpha alpha omega SII Kappa alpas sa Alpha Kappa Alpha Delta Sigma Theta they’re just like churches that’s it they’re just religions it’s no different they’re Pagan religions just like the church your mama went to your mama went to a
Pagan church too that’s why they had a a tree in there in December 25th and that’s why they had Halloween candy fraternities and sororities are just simply Pagan worshiping religious sexs that’s it they’re no different than the Baptist or the episcopalians or the Catholics all of them are pagan all of
Them are built to worship a god that is not the god of the Bible but if you’re willing to leave that church you can come into the Israelite School of upk and save your life if you’re willing to leave that sorority or that fraternity you can come into the Israelite School
Of upk and save your life just just don’t ever tell anybody about all that gay stuff you did to get in that fraternity all that LGB lusious counter to masculinity you in that thing don’t bring it up don’t talk about it don’t get have a drink and reminiscent just
Forget it ever happened who else has to do that the Christians who have been assaulted in church they have to just get it out of their mind and come into this and become a brand new person the Christians have also done uh activities that are less than manly to go to church
Am I telling you something you don’t know yeah you know what’s the difference between a church and a fraternity to get in the fraternity you have to do things with a man that you don’t want to do and those sororities too those sororities are full of women who are come on give
Me the word who are like an Greek a Greek island it’s the name of a Greek island absolutely they’re like EP that’s not the island I’m talking about the island I’m talking about is old Greek island had a name begin with begins with a l okay that’s a Greek island sororities
Are filled with women who prefer the attention of other women filled with it right and a lot of them have to do terrible things with those girls and getting those fraternities well the male fraternities are filled with men who prefer the attention of other men and
They have to do terrible things to join those fraternities if you’re Christian you got to do terrible things too if you’re a Christian you have to be touched you have to be violated and then when you tell your mom about it she’s going to smack you in the face so it’s
No different at all going to churches just like being in the fraternity leave both of them and come into the Israelite School of upk everyone understands next we good it was coming from here right it was in the back of me it sounds like sounds like the refrigerator or
Something back there someone check it out check that sound out back this is from AJ AJ says if I may ask with your grace oh my goodness give him a hand he knows how to ask a question please I’m I’m honored and humbled by the way you pose that question go ahead
Out he said I have two questions where did the term holy water come from and is is mentioned in the scriptures and is the herbs a spear or black no problem the term holy water comes from the Catholic church now they’re misc conscrew and twisting and idolizing
Water in the Bible where they the LIE is based on Christ saying if thou drink this water that I offer thee Thou shalt first no more it’s in the Book of John the 22nd chapter someone can read it quickly all right this is what the Catholics and the popes used to Invent A
God Called holy water a mystical device that is make believe in nonsense holy water doesn’t exist but they use this precept in John I think John 4 and22 or 4:19 someone read it when Christ said if thou drink this water that I offer thee Thou shalt thirst no more it might be
For John 423 all right find it quickly so it came from this the Catholics read this scripture and then guess what they got a bucket of water right here that you can have and we’ll give you we’ll pour it on your baby when they get christened and we’ll put it on your head
To heal all of your wounds just give the bishop a certain amount of money and we’ll give you our precious holy water please talk god John 4 verse 13 Jesus answered and said unto her whoever whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again that’s what Christ said
Christ there was a woman at a well Christ told her to give him some real water from this well she didn’t want to do it Christ was telling her man what I have if I gave you what I have you never thirst again he was not talking about
Water he was talking about the truth the knowledge he had the things that he knew that if you knew and applied yourself to keep them forever you would rule the world not the Palestinians not the Israelis but you blacks and Hispanics so he was telling this to this woman at
Well uh she of course didn’t get it she was a heathen and was a promiscuous woman all right this is where the Christians get the belief of holy water from they take it and then they use it to hustle money out of idiots in church ask a question I wish I knew who
Asked me this question it’s an excellent video about church hustles about all of the holy water hustles you know oh who was this brother that asked he was in Detroit I remember now it was a Dar Allah give a Dara a hand I’mma send you this video you D
Real fast all right oh I got a new damn chip from my phone it’s gone get um everyone on your own time you can look up a video about church not hustles Church scams revealed and it’ll show you the giant scam that holy water is in church you
Know and of course if you don’t mind and of course by now you can you know there’s infomercials where they sell you the holy water to pour on your stupid ass your stupid head and you know you’ll feel like you God is coming into your body it’s just because you’re ignorant
And people know that you’re ignorant and they use you which is why you need a Shepherd you need someone to protect you everyone understands that’s where it comes from the earth is indeed round young man give him a hand the Earth is not flat is not flat at all Warrior the
Earth is round um the Earth is a big giant Circle just like that sun you see in the sky right it’s a circle just like the moon in the sky it’s a giant Circle all right also let me tell you something else about the Earth the more proof that
It’s a circle right is that his question is is it flat was it a circle did he say Circle sphere or Circle sphere who knows what pi is it’s a mathematical concept anyone heard of that break down what pi is and I put up here Pi in the Bible I
Believe it’s in Isa first find me the scripture you got to find the scripture I can’t remember I think it’s I think I might know where it is say again you have Pi in the Bible I was about to say well brother you damn that’s a learnning man over
Here go ahead read what p is the value of pi ratio of the circumference of the circle that’s value of P it’s a concept that most people attribute to I think Pythagoras or someone else some ancient Greek or Egyptian who they believe gave them what the circumference of every circle is
It’s a mathematical concept you measure the height of it the length of it and then I think the cross of it this way and that’s pi and and mathematicians say that Pi is I think 3.1 dot dot dot dot dot four five dot dot dot right now Pi is in the Bible
It’s in the Bible long before Pythagoras or whoever they say you know came up with the concept of piie I have it right here give me first Kings 723 the Earth is a circle it’s a circle it’s a sphere all right but this let me show
You pi and then also give me the circle of the earth which is the simplest thing to understand all right read First Kings 7:23 Whoever has it book of First Kings chapter 7:23 sir he made a Molen sea 10 cub from the one brim to the other give me p
In the Bible you might be able to find that up there too as well he made a molten sea 10 cubits the one from the other go ahead one one one brim to the other it was round all about it was what round all about it was round all about go
Ahead and his height was five Cub it was round and the height of it was five cubits go ahead God a line of 30 cubits did Compass it round about and it was around this the round of it was 30 cubits around a cubit is like the
Distance from this finger to your elbow so they’re describing a circle 30 cubits around would you say earlier 10 cubits High keep growing one brid to other to the other uhhuh it was round all about and this height was five cubits and the height of it was five cubits now when
You go and do the math on that that’s like 3.1 something something something it’s piie it’s Pi far before the Greeks or the Egyptians ever knew what the hell it was that’s PI right there that’s the circumference of a circle give me Isaiah when the Lord says what the shape of the
Earth is oh God Isaiah 40 verse 22 it is he that sth upon the circle of the earth say that one more time it is he that sth upon the circle of the earth it is he that sth upon the circle of the earth the earth is a circle which
Is why you can travel around the world which is way the turn around the world comes from because you can travel from one spot go keep going keep going keep going and guess what end up back at that same damn spot people have been doing it since the conquerors went and conquered
The globe don’t you know that that’s how our oppressor was able to conquer so many people because years ago he figured out that the world was a circle and once he knew that then he could send give me some names of some Spanish conquistador some bastards Cortez a montus he could send Spanish
Conquistadors all over the globe because he knew that they wouldn’t fall off the end of the Earth he knew they could just keep going if they started at Spain they could keep going keep going conquer plunder conquer plunder destroy uh turn people into Christians turn people into
Christians and then right back at Spain and once he knew the Earth was a globe he built ships young man that’s when he built ships to conquer the globe the Earth is round Warrior all right okay that this has really been decided in biblical times next this is from officer
Sakan Shalom sir I got the general breakdown if you see fit of 1 Corinthians 9 20-22 absolutely Warrior my pleasure go ahead and read it this the book of 1 Corinthians 9 verse 20 and unto the Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews and so
This is Paul speaking about his method of teaching how he did it the Bible says that Paul is the Apostle of the Gentiles he was sent to the Gentiles specifically to win them to Christ Lord did he do it my god did he do it he went did it and so now he’s
Telling people how he did it what he does the method that he uses to win souls back to Christ back to the most high everybody understands so what did he do first he did what to the Jews he became a Jew meaning what when Paul was trying to teach the
Jews he came at them about how they were wrong in the law and he was right in the law he knows the law give me when he did it look up um when Paul said I learned at the feet of Galil this is this is a specific
Incident incident where Paul is being a Jew to the Jews of course Paul was not from the tribe of Judah but Paul was absolutely a Israelite who kept the Commandments who and at that time they were all called Jews if you were a black or Latino so-call today but you kept the
Commandments you were called a Jew and so if he was battling a Jew or trying to teach a Jew he made that Jew know that he knew the law better than them I learned at the feet look at that term I learned at the feet but the name of the
Cat I think is gal please you done book of Acts 22 verse3 I am very a man which am a Jew which am a what which am a Jew keep going born in Tarsus a city in sicil like it’s sicil yet brought up which is called today Sicily keep
Going yet brought up in the city at the feet of G listen I was born over there in Sicily but I was brought up at the feet of gel G was a priest a super famous important priest meaning he taught me the same way I learned at the
Feet of Commanding General Yanna well Paul learned at the feet of Galil what did he learn he learned the law he learned the law so don’t come at him like what he’s doing is against the law because I know the law I learned at the feet of Galil a Jew keep
Going and taught according to the perfect man of the law and not only did iar learn from gal but I taught in the perfect manner of the law I know what I’m talking about if I tell you that Jesus Christ is King of the Jews I’m
Right I know the law I know what I’m talking about that’s him going to a Jew to convince this Jew but using what the Jew knows to prove that Christ is the king and to prove that they should come into the truth and follow Christ come
On right is that still him stting his registry to them whose registry Paul like saying like like how he would say he studied under somebody on the street like I got you okay registry usually when I came up registry meant your tribe and your nation so but it is what you’re saying
Which is why we tell everyone that we learn that we follow command and general Yanna who you learn from is far far more important than telling someone that you learn from God that means nothing that who does it you ask a Christian who do you follow God
Muslim who do you follow God uh uh Catholic who do you follow God what difference does that make it doesn’t differentiate the three because all of them think that they follow God we specifically say we follow Commanding General Yanna now you know what we’re about now you know what makes us
Different because you say you follow God but you go to TD J’s Church so I know the brand of Christianity you believe in you understand I know just what you believe in you believe in the sww which I can’t say that’s what you believe you say that
You’re a Muslim but you of course follow Muhammad ATA and Osama Bin Laden so I know the brand of Islam you believe in I get that it’s a little different than the brand that other people believe in so saying who you learn from says a lot more about what you believe everybody
Gets it all right go ahead so now past that go back to the question first 9: 20 and unto the Jews I became as a Jew that I might gain the Jews that’s why he did it so he can let him know man I know the law man Jesus
Christ is the son of David he’s the heir to Solomon’s throne just like the Old Testament said he would be you should follow him this cat is a Jew he he understands that he he gets it Jesus Christ keeps the law he came not to destroy the law but to
Fulfill it he came to make sure no one eats pork he didn’t come so that so you could eat pork he came to make sure no one ate pork I came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it that’s what Jesus Christ Tau you’re talking to a Jew he
Understands that because he understands the law keep going to are under the law to them that are under the law what word do you want to focus on there under under this is what twists up so many Christians that really want to be confused about this
Precept to them that are under the law keep going as under the law as under the law to them that are under the law I came to them like I was under the law keep going that I might gain them that are under the law so I could win the people
That are under the law now who are the people that are under the law I’ll give you a perfect example before you answer this is very hard to understand because of the Christian Church two people get pulled over two different calls the first cat that’s in the car has a
Warrant right the other brother has no warrants how does the brother behave when he gets pulled over if he has a warrant how when the cop comes over to his car how does he behave brother he’s nervous he’s scared why LA because he knows that if this cop
Runs his name through a computer he’s going to be under arrest do you understand he’ll be under arrest because he’s under the law so when I get pulled over by a cop oh my God I’m GNA go to jail I’m going to jail oh my God I might run I might fight the
Cop I might try to take his gun things have happened there was a rumor K you might have heard this rumor there was a rumor of allegation that when General catham was in the world allegedly he threw a police dog off a PR building allegedly I said Lord you catham was a
Rough cat when he first came into school they acted like he had assassinated the president Allegedly the police dog you know You’ have thought you know the funeral was like you know was was like JFK’s funeral they tried to give dren catham all the time in the world allegedly okay he was under the law back then back then I said how did you do
It the dog charge you I don’t understand no concept it’s a hell of a thing but the dog had a bad day so now so so allegedly so now if you’re him you know you coming in the truth when the cops pull you over you’re nervous you’re
Afraid you might do anything you might take take a German shepherd and toss it off a 20 story building because you’re scared to death everybody understands give me another brother he doesn’t have any warrants he doesn’t he’s never even gotten the traffic ticket cops pull him over what does he
Do nothing you want my ID there you go D that’s it that’s my ID right here no problem give me the ticket what you wa give me the ticket that’s how you behave when you don’t when you’re not under the law being under the law is different than being a Jew who follows
The law right Galil taught Paul the law he didn’t break the law he was not under the law he obeyed it but when you break it you’re under it now you’re the one getting stoned you’re the one getting 50 lashes you’re the one getting imprisoned you’re the one getting
Ostracized because you’re under it when Paul went around them he acted like he was under it how do we do that in the upk we’re able to talk to brothers from the street from the jail brothers who have cases where they’ve unived people where they’ve done terrible things we
Don’t look at oursel like we’re above them in most cases we are them right we just it’s just been some time since we Liv that kind of Life everyone understands but we can connect to them and we can battle somebody who thinks he’s a rabbi and he thinks he
Understands the law but we can also connect to a brother who’s just who’s in prison right now or who just got out of prison that everyone understands to them that are under the law as under the law so that we can win them to someone that never breaks any rules that never that
Knows the Commandments of God and keeps them all we also we behave like that is us as well so we can win him to someone that breaks the Commandments and he’s his life is in danger all the time because of bad choices he’s made we connect with him as well and we behave
Like him to win him so we can get him into the truth and change his life as well keep going verse verse 21 to them that are without law as without law being not with law to God but under the law of Christ then you have people who are
Totally outside the law what people are they that’s us young man because we weren’t raised in Jerusalem where there’s a law not to eat pig we weren’t living in Jerusalem when we ate the pig so then the priest could seek our lives and try to hurt us because of our crime
We are outside of the law we’re away from the priests we’re away from the people that would Stone you for for adultery or stone you for not paying tithes we’re away from them but not away from Christ do you understand even though you’re away from where there’s a structure that punishes people that
Break the law of Moses don’t think that you’re able to break the law because Christ still rules over you in Galilee in thessalonia in Ephesus in North Philly in Brooklyn in California we’re outside the law here in America we’re outside the law in Jamaica we’re outside the law in Trinidad there’s no law
Against eating pork in in the Dominican Republic there’s no law there’s no one that will arrest you but Christ still sees it and Christ will absolutely put you under arrest in the Dominican Republic he will absolutely still hurt you for eating pork he will absolutely still hurt you in Mississippi even
Though everyone does it he will still hurt you even though the police won’t arrest you Christ will absolutely still hurt you for breaking God’s Commandments I believe that’s said it right good to go here is there more come go ahead that I might gain that are without
The law that I might gain them to the same purpose so he behaves as if he’s someone that is not raised anywhere around where the rules of God are enforced he he acts like that so he can win those people different places have different rules in the land look at
Alexa is it legal to get a DNA test in the land of Israel I don’t know that one different Al Alexa is what’s that thing Alexa is 23 and me legal in Israel Alexa boy I know who you work for you turn on me someone look up in your phone and
Tell me are DNA tests legal in Israel they’re not it’s illegal 23 and me DNA tests are illegal in Israel I wonder why who knows right you think about that one day maybe someone does not want to find out where their blood actually comes from someone does not want to know that
They are not the children of Israel that they are not the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob when someone finds it let me know all right 23 and me DNA test they say it’s to stop um what’s that word that means bastard in a in Hebrew must something manism it’s to stop manism
They don’t want anybody to know that they’re not the father of someone so they outlaw all DNA test right that’s illegal in that country but it’s not illegal here right in our land of Israel eating pork was illegal eating shrimp crab and lobster illegal but it’s not illegal in Alabama
In North Carolina right we’re outside that law but Christ wants us to know that that we’re still under him we we we are still under his rules that’s the point and if you want to teach and if you want to win people to Christ if you
Want to raise up a camp you’re going to have to connect with every type of brother you cannot only connect with your kind of brother with brothers who you relate to if you want to win them you better find a way to relate to them so that you can have them everyone
Understands that’s the point of all of this he’s trying to teach his men find a way to relate to every kind of person find a way man find a way or else this nation can grow and the kingdom of Christ can’t happen see me one more time
Please B all right good to go here no not someone have the M the thing I asked for yet let me get it for you stand by go ahead Warrior you just said I want to know I this my father always said to gain a brother you gota sometimes go
Where he at like sometimes mentally or having a conversation with you just like get understand same you said that’s exactly what I’m saying I believe that’s the same thing okay let me read this privacy concerns they’re saying this be in 2000 amid privacy concerns conditions domestic testing on a doctor’s
Prescription or court order and that testing be done by um accredited Labs commercial an commercial ancestry tests can be purchased from abroad so meaning you have to have a court order to do it you can just do those um 23 and me test just look up is it true that DNA testing
Is illegal in Israel 23 and me it’s right here all right you got it waral to DNA test might need the microphone say it one more time wor for everyone go ahead can you take a DNA test in Israel it is illegal to have DNA T an my you take a home
Test so the home test the ones you can just send your blood and get like 23 in me or those DNA test that’s you’re going to jail if you do that in the land of Israel you’re going to jail if you want a DNA test a judge has to allow you to
Do it right that’s legal here but it’s not legal over there right they they decide in their country they don’t want everybody just finding out where who they are and what bloodline they are they don’t allow that over there over here it’s nothing it’s just a hobby any
Damn way it’s nothing anyway everyone understands next am I done with this next question what you do when you’re homeless if you’re homeless you got to get yourself back up on your got on your feet brother that’s what you got to do you got to handle homelessness like you do every
Other problem first of all you better come into the Israelite School of upk Commanding General yahana brother has a positive effect on homelessness drug addiction on uh on broken homes this school heals the sickness that we go through here as blacks and Latinos man you know how many brothers are in this
School that were homeless tons of them a lot of them the first time I ever heard the word Barracks was when I was young in the truth man and Commander General Yanna had Barrack’s in Harlem he had four or five Brownstones in Harlem that were Barrack and then he had some in
Philadelphia and these these places we called them Barrett we call those places the barracks and it was homes that Commander General yanana specifically bought so that brothers who came into the truth and were diligent and loyal could move into these barracks and be able to get themselves on their feet so
That they one day could get a Home of Their Own and Commander General Yanna has been doing this for 45 years right here in Philly you know what the hell I’m talking about you know what I’m talking about in New York you know what I’m talking about in Alabama in Atlanta
Because right now the upk has places that we call a Barracks all over the world we have these places for brothers to come and live together so that they can get strong together what’s step two of the thing that you need first you got to come into the
Upk the second thing you need you can only get if you come into the upk you’re going to need Brothers up brothers are the answer to homelessness brothers are the answer to Poverty brothers are the ansers to to sadness Brothers you need a family man part of the reason if not a
Large reason that you’re homeless in the first place is because your family is inadequate to help you with your problems mainly because they have the same problem or they’re the cause of it how you going to go to your drug addict mother that would have helped with a
Place to stay your mother’s staying with somebody you don’t have anything anyone in your family that can help you at all they have the same problems as you you need Brothers to stop homelessness Brothers you can lean on as you’re coming out of homeless shelters and
Coming out of sleeping in a tent or sleeping on a par bench you’re going to need Brothers here’s the problem though right now you’re not worthy to be with those men you’re going to have to make yourself worthy to live in that Barracks because those men are anointed priests
They can’t let some drug addict sleep next to them some filthy sinner moving to a Barracks come on sleep outside where you belong with the rest of the animals if you want to come inside become a human being become become better than that base creature that you
Are right now then you have now earned the right to sleep in a house next to a man who has sacrificed everything for the most high God to serve in this school then when you two come together oh we iron sharpens iron oh we does it brother now now you two get stronger
Together stronger and you grow together and then later on there’ll come a time you off for drugs you’re on your feet you got a wife and kids and a home and a car and the slavery of your choice and you’ll see that brother at the Passover and you’ll just laugh and drink
Remembering the time when all you had was each other that’s Commanding General yanana solution to homelessness next conert from Captain Captain M give him a hand in Zechariah 1 verse 18- 21 who are the horns and who are the carpers who are the horns and who are the what
Carpenters I can’t recall that one read it for me to jog my memory let me look it up Zachariah Zariah 1 1 in verse 18 go ahead then lifted up I then lifted up I up my eyes and saw and behold four horns and I said unto the angel that talk with
Me what be these and he answered me these are the horns which have scattered Judah Israel and Jerusalem and the Lord showed me four Carpenters then said I what come to do you said fourar I mean did you say four horns or no did I not hear that four go
Ahead then Zechariah 1 verse 21 then said I what come these to do and he spake saying these are the horns which have scattered Judah so that no man did lift up his head but these are come to freay them FR them to cast out the horns
Of the G Gentiles which lifted up their horn over the land of wait wait who read that I’m sorry the four Carpenters came to say that one more time come listen I’ll start at Verse 18 go ahead Zachariah 1 verse 18 then lifted up I
Sor then lifted I up my eyes and saw and behold four horns and I said unto the angel that talk with me what be these and he answered me these are the horns which have scattered Judah Israel and Jerusalem mm verse 20 and the Lord showed me four Carpenters then said I
What come these to do and he spake saying these are the horns which have scattered Judah so that no man did lift up his head but these are come to fry them to cast out the horns of the Gentiles which lifted up their horn over
The land of Judah to scatter it oh it’s on the tip of my tongue it’s almost are there do me a favor real fast look up that you know that statue in the Bible in the Book of Daniel and see if it’s four in that one right I’m trying to
Remember to break down I can I’m halfway there but I might need to ask Commander General y just because I can’t remember it one part I might remember is four four beasts what is that the leopard The Lion The Leopard the lion the bear and was it another one that’s is is what’s
The other one was one more steel feet is another one it’s four Li bonian Li Persian bear leopard was Rome was Rome okay I I can remember that breakdown from Commander General Yana with these four the four horns are but the four Carpenters I’m only about 5050 on it I can’t recall it
Might come to me in a second M Shak all right slowly get in there the four um horns is talking about the Babylonians the Assyrians the Greeks and the Romans it’s the same four that’s all throughout the Old Testament uh that statue uh that Daniel saw a dream
Of be able to catch up with you Daniel had a dream about it uh that’s the four horns right speaking about horns because they push imagine horns on a cow or a sheep and they push you over and bully you with their horns that’s the four horns the four Carpenters oh it’s almost
There give me a second mishak all right it’ll come to me maybe before class is over if not I’ll just get it from Commander Journal Yana all right anything else S I got to look at it to remember okay um where we at again yeah zear verse okay give me a second M
I’m G get to the next question all right go ahead but the four horns are what I just told you they were all right go ahead this is from shant myque she says the events of the Bible in the past if not then which chapters and books of the
Bible are we currently living in which one AR say that one more time she asked Desiree Mystique that’s an interesting name she got there that’s like an X-Man name it’s like a superhero name Desiree Mystique shant oh man even better Shantay Mystique it’s like it’s like a superhero woman Shantay Mystique from a
Novel Shantay myque what’s your question again the events of the Bible in the past if not then which chapters and books of the Bible are we currently living in and which are the ones that are about to I got you okay you’re a little skewed with your understanding of
What the Bible actually is right the Bible is a living book you might have heard that term before right living book means this let me just first explain carnally where these things come from this entire book is from the past the entire thing right this the Old
Testament is even from deeper in the past than the New Testament the Old Testament is about 6,000 yeah about 6,000 years old the Old Testament the New Testament is about 2,000 years old so the entire thing is from the past from cover to cover everybody gets it
Right but this is a living book meaning this that the things that happened to these people 6,000 years ago 2,000 years ago will absolutely match with things that you are going through today and they will match with things that you’ll go through in the future so these words
That were written a long time ago were written for you today so the experiences of Moses Isaiah Ezekiel Jeremiah the prophecies that they made about what the future would be be like those prophecies came to pass and they will come to pass and so we can read them and we can
Understand today because we understand what a man went through 6,000 years ago what a woman went through 3,000 years ago we can understand what’s happening right now because of that you go into the New Testament the New Testament prophesies the future in the Book of Revelations tells you about the
Prophecies that are coming past us coming when Jesus Christ returns and they also tell you about the things that happened with the men that stood with Jesus Christ and the things that happen with them will also happen with you because you stand with Jesus Christ today so when you think about the Bible
You want to think that it’s a living book you want the precepts you need is that the things that happen a four time happen for our learning that’s a precept from the Bible the entire book is written in the past about incidents that happened in the past and about
Prophecies that have already happened and will happen sorry all right we go now or when are you die all right I’ll take a one two more questions fast one then I got to get out of here go ahead Hebrew law question why is the book of consider Hebrew
Folklore is book of toic part of the apoc the book of to is absolutely part of the Apocrypha I don’t know who in the hell considers it Hebrew folklore maybe some Catholic usually because those are the people that ordered that the Apocrypha be removed from the Bible
Before 1611 the Apocrypha was in the Bible it was part of the Bible right there are many times in the New Testament where Jesus Christ will refer to a book that is in the Apocrypha we refer to that many times uh the Catholic Church ordered that the Apocrypha be
Removed from the Bible and then named it Apocrypha which means like mystery like in essence they don’t understand what any of this is It’s apocryphal it’s a mystery when by taking the Apocrypha out the Bible you is like a puzzle piece that should fit directly in the middle
That’s where the Apocrypha should be the Apocrypha would fit right in between the last book of the Old Testament and the first book of the New Testament so in essence the Catholic Church the pope took the middle out of the Bible and in doing so you’re missing a puzzle that
You can’t get unless you put it in now when the Apocrypha is in the Bible now it makes everything make sense let me give you an Apocrypha precept man give me um Jesus Christ stand upon the Mount Zion give me that that or you know what instead of that one get which is
Excellent they’re all excellent give me the one where where um he said they are as nothing that’s the one I want this this is part of the reason why the Catholic Church took the Apocrypha out the Bible when you add it in the Bible it makes it clear that Jesus Christ only
Died for the nation of Israel and that God only loves the nation of Israel and that the Israelites of the Bible are the blacks and Hispanics of today if you put this puzzle together it will be clear who they are the mystery will be solved like Commander General Yanna
Solved it and gave it to us let me give you one thing in the Apocrypha what was the other question you you were going to give me up okay and read that I’mma turn this live off for one second so I can head upstairs all right this is the book of second e
Chapter 6 I’m start at 54 go ahead tell tell you tell them where you are sister this desire her name again shant Hebrew law Hebrew law this we’re reading from the Apocrypha right now all right tell them where you are this the book of second e 6 ver4 and after these
Adam also who thou mest Lord of all thy creatures and after these Adam also who thou mest Lord of all thy creatures you know who he is right Adam he’s in the Old Testament right he’s in the Old Testament Adam was made Lord of all of the creatures of God meaning he named
Them he decided that they were to be used for this job and they would not be used for that job Adam was made Lord over all the creatures go ahead of whom come we all of him what come we all of him come we all everyone comes from Adam everyone who comes from
Adam the Chinese the so-called Caucasians black people Africans the Palestinians and the Israelis they both come from Adam of him come we all keep going time and the people also whom thou has chosen say that again and the people F focus on the word and and the people
Also whom thou has chosen let me tell you who comes from Adam everyone every race on the planet comes from Adam and the people who thou Hast chosen you see the Catholic Church the Christians they hate any Scripture like that where the most high God makes it clear Sometimes
Some some scriptures in the Bible are hard to understand they’re dark sayings you have to have the Holy Spirit to really understand them then there’s other ones that are just absolutely plain the most high God said everyone comes from Adam including the people that you have chosen keep going God verse 55
All this have I spoken before thee Oh Lord because Thou made the world for our sakes that you made the world for our sakes that’s why this world exists this Society exists for us that’s how important you are in this Society the whole thing is for you everything is
About you the Palestinian Israeli con conflict is about black people in Hispanics the uh the old warning Wars everything you see on the news that you think is distant from you is really about you there is nothing that is not about you why because God made the world for our sakes keep going
Verse 56 as for the other people remember everyone comes from Adam the people he chose and the other people as for the other people keep going which also come from Adam which also come from Adam go ahead thou has said that they are nothing they what they are nothing see
This is why the Catholic church had to get rid of the Apocrypha this is why they did it say they did it because of this because you said that they are nothing that’s in the Apocrypha it’s in the Old Testament too and it’s in the New Testament but the Apocrypha is just
So simple it’s not said with such poetic language it’s just simple you said that they are nothing what is what is ezis talking about he’s referring to the book of Isaiah Isaiah said that there are nothing which is why which is why ezras is saying in the Apocrypha thou H has
Said that they are nothing when did God say it in Isaiah he said that they are nothing this is this is Ezra’s complaining to the Lord God everyone comes from Adam even the people you chose but the you made the world for us but the other people you said that they were
Nothing keep going I but be like unto spitt and has liken the abundance of D unto a drop that fall from a vessel see that that scripture is hard to lie on the abundance of them are like spittle spittle is spit young man and the abundance of them are like a drop
Like a drop I can’t drop that like a drop that fall from a vessel that’s it that’s the Chinese Japanese Arabs Africans the Palestinians and the Israelis like a drop that’s all they are all of them are like a drop it falls from a vessel keep
Going on come verse 57 and now oh Lord behold the Jus and now oh Lord now you see this is not today this is like 6,000 years ago this man said this but you will understand it today because the Bible is a living book these people that
You always told us they were nothing and that we were better than them now oh Lord these heathens keep going which have ever been reputed as nothing have begun to be Lords over us now these heathens that you’ve always said or nothing have begun to be Lords
Over us this book is living this is his complaint 6,000 years ago that’s why he said beg gun because he knows that we’re better than our oppressor we’re better than these other nations because our prophets told us we were better how many how many of your have told you that
You’re the greatest you can be anything you want to be black people are the greatest people on the planet you know how many generations have heard that they were saying that in slavery you’re the greatest people you can do anything you want to do and then you’re going to
Leave out your mama’s house and walk into a world and you’re constantly reminded that you are on the bottom of society but you think you’re so great and you’re always told that you’re so great and you’re all you’re always told that you can do anything in life then
You walk out the door and you see that these people who are nothing are Lords over us continue and to the US and to what devour us and to what devour us not only to be Lords over us but to eat Us Alive to devour us and we of course believe
We’re great we believe we’re the great people people we can do so much we have so much inside of us that could change the world but the reality is they are eating you alive they’re destroying you every day keep going God verse 58 but we thy people who thou H has called thy
Firstborn thy only begotten and thy fervent lover are given into their this is a living book we’re your people we’re your first born we’re the ones who you love fervently and yet we are given into their hands yet they have us the police control our steps and prisons control
Our steps and we eat and have health care and survive at the mercy of white people because some white people might want to be kind enough to give your kids a school to go to and yet God said that he loved us yet we have been given into their hands
Continue verse 59 if the world now be made for our sake Lord if the world was made for us if the world was made for our sakes why do we not possess an inheritance with the world then why don’t we we have an inheritance here in
This world this book is alive this this man said this 6,000 years ago it’s relevant today if we’re so great if we’re so creative and if we’re just wonderful people black people then why don’t we have a portion here that belongs to us why do we fight for the
Palestinians to get a land to have a language and a culture and a law and there is nothing in this planet that we can call our own yet we believe we’re the children of God this is in the Apocrypha this is why they removed it this is why Commanding General yahan and
The men that taught him knew that the Bible is incomplete without it with that pass the class over to officer mumya I security announcements West New York under Commander H for new brother and sister when a new brother or sister comes into the school they are off limits for 6
Months they are to be saluted only their they are here to shed themselves of the world if they need Transportation the teacher will arrange it after six months if a brother or a sister has an interest and a particular person he or she must get permission from the head to speak to
A brother or sister there another six months in which the brother and sister will Court each other after this brother and sister will get permission from the head to to Mar T which is a commandment you find this in numbers 1821 and Malachi 3 ver 8 through1 it means 10
Hebrew 10 of every penny of any increase the Lord you to the give to the treasury Department priest fund Free Will offering for priests not mandatory whatsoever amount you would like upcoming holy complications we got the Passover April 20th dorm North Carolina all right remind a
Aqua to check the bullets and board in the hallway if any brother wants to be a trooper in the school start wearing all black boots shirt pants head scar with that of Israel Israel Y