I I defended you biggie you don’t even know from an emailer on Friday we mentioned that um you and I love this about you you’ve been asked by our friend Whit Maryfield who is now a member of the Philadelphia Phillies he played baseball here and he listens to
This program which is what an honor you know every it’s one of the coolest things it’s great I mean he’s not only a baseball player he’s a great baseball player an Allstar he is and so Whit Maryfield just signed a contract with the Philadelphia Phillies and literally
Invited biggie to take some swings at a batting practice in a game in June to come to Philadelphia and do it and biggy said I’m going to do that I’m doing it which I love you know I think it’s great once in a lifetime opportunity get on
The field right 100% right so and and conjunction that this on Friday we said that I had just read that Philadelphia after 27 years had ended uh dollar hot dog night because the fans through wienies at each other at last year’s dollar Hot Dog Night Philadelphia and
And an em that’s why I said Philadelphia so an emailer emailed and said let me get this straight biggie announces he’s coming to Philadelphia and they end dollar hot dog it’s a pretty good joke I’ll give him that it’s pretty good joke yeah the time that’s good timing you know I said
Say it to my I said say it to my F Well he did in your email yeah how did you fire back I said well I first I did the laugh till I cry yeah emo emojis but I thought to myself say it to my face you come down here you
Come to this studio and you say they end a dollar hot dog night right after biggie announces he’s headed I’m headed to Philadelphia no more dollar hot dogs that’s it what promotion ended promotion over I appreciate the timing the new guy says he’s inviting him Maryfield says he’s inviting this
Guy hey Maryfield you invite this guy to take some swings look at this guy look at this guy coming down I’m looking forward to you being in the Batters box in that Stadium what your philly Jersey unbutton like the C yeah well he said that he knows I’m a
Cubs fan he said he said you know come watch a team play while the Cubs rebuild yeah oh yeah right I said all right I like it you think members of like the Marlins or we say let’s get out of the you got to see what’s going on at home
Play here get out here get out of here they’ve gone a different direction they say this is the ghost of Babe Ruth reincarnate what if you go out there and just lace them over the left field wall just over and over over again we got to sign this guy
What if somebody wants to sign you after you start make him a DH all he does is hit home runs God that would be incredible he can barely make it to first and then we got to have a pinch Runner every time this is odd he’s using
A cane to get to the batter’s box and hit the ball the that’s that’s just the cave Joe that’s the bat specially made by a Louisville sluger is that aluminum this gave me a special power I didn’t know about the ball every time I like the ball slows
Down and I can just hit it yes just rake just go out there and show off for those Phillies and Marlins and somebody will sign you after that the other the Philadelphia news here is that the uh streets department is apologizing because so many residents in West Philadelphia say they left an excessive
Amount of salt on the streets before a snowstorm or following a snowstorm a couple of weeks ago in Philadelphia some areas of the country got a lot of snow this winter we just did not excessive amount of salt that’s what they were saying was once this once everything
Cleared they had too much salt on the roads and here are a couple of uh folks who live in that area it is a mess it is a horrible mess my car has ass salt dust over it the car wash is always open it’s exy Aline as we speak and it was like
Just a white cloud so I’m like um like should I come now or should I come later because if I come out and this all this white dust to be it defeats the purpose but it died down I guess for people with asthma you know or you know those kind
Of issues respiratory issues it will be a problem apparently some people had breathing trouble there was so much salt in the air all right you think they’re settle down Philadelphia little whiny you want thigh back little whiny on this yeah well now I don’t you know me I I’m
Not I’m no good in the kitchen but I do watch Top Chef and when a dish has too much salt yeah you’re advised to add either uh dairy or Citrus yeah I’ve I’ve tried that I I I had something one day that had too much salt and I tried to
Put it’s hard to rescue though you can’t do it something salted it’s take it it’s my deviled eggs a salty egg I put a salty Egg and I tasted the Filly it for Thanksgiving one year too and I just said no time to make backup no they just
Got to throw them out I did we didn’t have eggs that year oh my God we did not because they were so and I I didn’t put them been on put on egg detail in eight years well once you mess up the devil eggs everyone remembers I know I mean those
Are we gave them to cousin Liz and she made the fancy ones she made like these she the one with the pig farm yeah what oh she one of these puts like a her jalap yeah and they’re so good now everybody’s like Liz is making her eggs
Right Liz is making her eggs and you anybody want me to make eggs long as him nobody and yes she came that one year she had bacon on top of some and she had four different varieties people started eating them before the meal I me like as
Appetizers they like folks wait wait and they’re like no too good everybody loved those eggs she got one of those uh teered egg display things you put it on God everybody loves Liz’s eggs eggs rain down off of it I tried I salted and then
I did that I put like something dairy in there was sour cream or something you know I’m a sour cream man sure and we had extra but why’ you put too much salt in it in the filling yeah in the filling I I wanted a little more Zing that that
Ain’t The Zing when I tasted it the first time round it was too bland so I put in some plenty of salt and then it got too salty and boy you salt overs salt a devil egg forget it forget it the um we’re talking a moment ago about me
Losing My Edge perhaps which I don’t believe is happening uh Others May say that there is a woman who turned 100 two uh birthday parties to celebrate today woman turns 100 she lives in uh New Hampshire and said she would only live there because uh she has she she has no
Use for hurricanes or tornadoes and earthquakes so she’s loved living in New Hampshire for her whole life works for her yeah and when she turned a hundred years old she said something I wonder you know my goal of course is to be 110 I just announced that the other day I
Wonder if I’ll say this she said what one thing she loved was she worked at the same place she was um Telephone operator for over 40 years like 50 years and she said she absolutely loved her job I loved my job I loved the people I worked with
When they interview me at 110 that’s what I’m going to say I’m going say I love the people I work with you’ve probably heard of Biggie he went on to become a major league baseball player call him the second Babe Ruth after his radio career I worked with
That guy and I L the people I work with now then this is refreshing what do you think they ask as the last question what’s your secret what’s the secret of staying like this let’s let’s get her answer now this was a refreshing answer what advice do you have for people to
Live a long life no advice cuz I don’t know how I got here I can’t believe that I’ve lived at this age I really can’t no idea how I got here I like it I I did too it was unvarnished truth but she’s actually able to hold conversation big time
That’s impressive and by the way they they ask her a lot of questions like about her past and they said her memory is razor sharp and she like they showed her pictur she was like here we were at such and such Beach and this was uh and
She told a story about how one time she uh leaned over a stove and her uh sleeve caught on fire and they had to like put out the fire real quick and so her niece who was there started calling her flaming liil her name is Lillian and
They call her and so she’s like and I’ve been flaming liil ever since I loved her didn’t you love that now the opposite of it and this this caus Chris Di heard this actually a woman in Chapel Hill turned 90 and they drive her to a
Country club to give her a surprise 90th birthday party we don’t know how they got her into the vehicle in the first place I think they’re just going for lunch they said we’re going for lunch at the club and so it’s her daughter and granddaughter and of course they’re
Filming because they know when they get to the country club there are like 40 people 50 people standing out there waiting for her and the 90-year-old says what’s going on here there’s a big crowd was it a wedding or something so they have a little quick conversation between
Oh wa it’s crowded it is crowded in there this they must be having something going on see that’s the mom in the oh it’s too crowded it’s too crowded along yeah then and then M the the 90-year-old is like you’re not you’re not going to
Be able to get a seat in there there’s no way there there must be having something going on yeah well you’re not going to get a chair there must be something how do you know you’ll get a chair there I don’t know must be something but I could have got
You I’m not going in I’m not going in I’m not going oh I you’re not going to get a Che I’m not going in you never know and the granddaughter’s like no you have to you have to go in I’m not going in there’s no chance is that Genie is
That Jean is that who is that like she SE now she see somebody what’s going on here I thought that was is that Genie yes JY yes can you believe it what is she doing here who’s the kid who’s the kid no this is what I don’t get out Grand
You have to get out why why I’m not getting out I won’t Grandma you have to get I’m not getting out no not if Genie’s here not doing oh bag I’m dealing with her again oh look who’s here she was a [ __ ] in 78 Chey oh she’s always hit up
Stage so finally she’s it’s Dy on her oh wait a minute this this this is all for me this is all for me mom look what look look who here embarrass you they’re embarrassing you this is embarrassing what are you doing shut the camera off God bless her happy
Birday get get this what are you doing here Gary you come out she just said shut up you didn’t tell me yelling this morning happy birthday a surprise you didn’t tell me no I didn’t tell you why would I tell you and I’m saying what
Is g you yelled at me she said shut up you didn’t tell me Sharon how are you honey right now it’s all for her they’re walking in now she’s 90 listen just because you’re 90 doesn’t mean you’re old cranky old you know some people are awful old people can be really awful you
Could be 50 and be that way and sit there and say of course surpris I’m not going I was going to do my hair different I could have warn something different going the ones who make the news they’re the exception the ones most old people are cranks yeah they’re mean
They’re angry they’re in pain believe me I shock with them now yeah yeah know your parents that’s right they’re not as Whimsical as weep orray not going in there this is awful by their accent I can tell they’re not originally I they’re from Chap Hill or Orange County
I don’t believe so I think they’re uh little part transplant I thought that that woman was exactly how biggie always does his impression of the stereotypical yes woman at a casino in Atlantic you said B I’m not going going to miss the show I’m not going in there I’m not
Going in you spent all the money yes uh from old people to young people my son wants to join the fraternity now he’s he’s he’s figured out he wants to this is new yeah and I you know we coaxed him against it this weekend I don’t think
It’s right for him I know it’s right for a lot of people but I don’t think it’s right for him did you lay out your argument yes I told him that I felt like he was doing fairly well now he’s a freshman at e Carolina but mostly you
Have to pledge when you are a freshman don’t you yeah usually they start rushing in the fall yeah exactly and we didn’t he we said wait till the spring now we’re halfway through the spring semester and now he’s saying well I could rush now and I said let’s I want
Him to pay more attention to his studies I feel like that would take too much away and I said you know what are you going to get he listen did he hear you did he hear your ARG we had a nice long conversation I think he did and then his
Mother showed him a Netflix documentary on a kid who drank himself to death at at a fraternity that’s him that’s cool I’ve never drank that it’s purple sometimes those documentaries backfire I can they can but I that’s a good time you see what you’re witnessing
Here yeah yeah so I I we had a long conversation he’s still considering you know I think he heard us does he have one picked out are some of his friends in one yeah that happens but see he has a good group of friends without the he
Already he’s made seven or eight really good friends there and I said don’t you just want can’t you just do that you know instead of being he but I want to be part of a big group you know well can I ask this I thought now you know a lot
Of frats have kind of made it where you have to keep good grades well that’s what that was his fire that was his fireback I said your grad or St he said no they make you keep good grades yeah because I think if you aren’t don’t keep
Them up now you’re booted that’s true we’ve all seen double secret Pro that’s right that’s right that’s right great point aage zero .0 BL correct correct and actually my wife said you know those movies like Animal House made it look fun and crazy and that’s that’s why it blew up that’s
His wrong and he’s like uh he didn’t know what animal house was of course yeah he doesn’t know that stuff and I think because of the things I think now like even the initiations are toned down I hope and yeah yeah I don’t think there’s anything crazy I think you know
It’s like we can’t hit them right yeah make him jump off the roof make him over drink we can’t so now it’s just kind of like can you afford it yeah yeah can you get in that’s what he’s saying he’s like it’s not like that anymore I don’t know
But but I think since his grades are pretty good now I’d like to keep steady course I just don’t know anything about maybe he feels like he’s got a handle in college now yes he does I don’t know much I know this the other day when we
Were in Savannah this this is you’ll totally appreciate this about myself you know how I do uh we were in Savannah I went to the gym mhm and I was wearing an e Carolina hoodie at the gym you know my purple I do so I’m wearing big purple
And I get there early because I had to fill out some paperwork because it’s a new place for me and there’s one other woman there and she’s probably 25 years old and beautiful and she comes up she goes oh my God are you a pirate I
Am big is that the sound of a gut sucking in yeah I see that you noticed I’m a grad student it’s gorgeous I mean gorgeous Dave you would I mean stereotypically gorgeous okay Geor a picture Georgia girl just a Georgia Peach a Georgia Peach okay wearing next to nothing Spandex and
Whatnot you know nice day then man here comes big per big per walks in that’s what they call me big per I’m not from around here oh my God she says oh my God are you a pirate and I said I am and she what oh my God what year blah
Blah blah I said well my son goes to east okay and she says okay is he part of Greek life and I say he is do you know what that meant M kinda I I wasn’t I I wasn’t positive do you know what she was asking kind now I do she
Was and she said uh is he part of Greek life and I go oh yeah yeah definitely he’s in the teki house big taziki man tazik she said what FR oh my God what Fred is he in and I say oh oh oh he’s pledging I I’m like he’s wow look at you
With a lingo and then she goes oh my God what frat is he pledging and I say you know Theta thetaa lamb Lambda Lambda Trail off what’s the one that Dave always uses from nerds uh lamb and of course they Omega moo it’s the girls not the Moose the
Moose and then she starts spouting off fraternities and says is it blah blah blah I’m like oh I guess you know I mean and we’re the only two there and she keeps she’s like it was wonderful for me I love Greek life my already did this
And that I like okay yeah you know I had to get away from this woman we had to breathe had to yeah I had to breathe exactly oh so diff so difficult yeah I thought I was going to f ain’t there for a while what can you say you know what
Can so does does if you at his college East Carolina are there fraternity houses where people live or do you just live where you live and then there’s a good question I think there there are fraternity hous there’s like a frat row we saw it yeah there are but he’s
Already got an apartment for next year he’s moving in with but I don’t think you have to live in the fraternity house I’m sure well I was in college I mean those those were typically only for the upper class that’s what I thought yeah I think that’s the case depending on the size
So we’re talking about it but I’m against because things are going very well for him right now and I don’t want to rock the boat you I don’t want to mess anything up we’ll see his mother’s very against too is she of course but you no parents for rarely unless you
Know unless they were in unless they were really big into one themselves I never see what the reward is on the other side I guess it’s that Brotherhood that you have for the rest of your life you know sometimes the bond will kick in they get together every year yeah the
Bond that’s right but Isa can’t you just bond with the people you already know you know like we’re all bonded you know yeah but you know freshman friends you’re kind of thrown together you don’t always stick together correct so I don’t know if they will or not but it’s still
Being taken under advisement but at least yeah he doesn’t need to join for friends he’s got that he does not he does not he wants to join for he’s like I want to be part of something bigger like all right who told you to say that
You know have to buy a sport coat that sounds like it comes in a pamplet EXA that’s right exactly