Welcome to Fortress aberi I’ve been working on this sement for quite some time now it if Course located here with nine people and a happiness of 71 not as happy as the red rocket truck stop although it has stopped getting any new settlers for some bizarre reason let not
Talk about Sanctuary at the moment in terms of supply lines we have two but today aberi will now be joining uh sunshine hidings Coop and then I’ll be working on it next and our next settlement will be to gray garden at least that’s what I’m thinking or I
Could just set this guy up to go straight to gray garden I guess that would make logical sense we could do that now who we going to sand you look like the perfect the perfect candidate let’s trade some things of course all right let’s see I’m going to
Give you a submachine gun you’ll also need some 45 five ammo so we’ll get that for you give him a single run cuz that’s all you need to start using it um equip it now I supposed be a good way yes Gs are welcome of course in the mafia that
We’ve started here the Commonwealth Mafia look how damper you are sir brilliant all right time to send you and then we’ll take we tour around our uh settlement here how do I do it again no you cancel supply line send him to do you know what we won’t connect gr
Garden just yet we will connect Sunshine Tidings qu did it say there was people there oh I bet it was the two people moved in from uh Green Top Nursery ah would make sense okay they’re not very happy I’ll have to work on that anyway let’s give you a We Tour as to
What I’ve been getting up to so firstly this is the T what you’ve done for us for Mary okay everyone’s appreciating things glad to hear that everyone back to it yes T plant production is massive we plenty of defenses we’re growing corn we’re growing everything here one of the
Largest melon farms you’ll ever see and mut fruit until we connect gry Garden I’m going to distribute mut fruit production between here and there and then once it’s all connect it’ll be great we have some scavenger stations and more feeding TR for uh hopefully attracting some more
Brahman what oh my Supply Line’s under attack what is it just some wild jce for you well it was awesome to see them in action class well now you’ve seen that okay so as you can see I have built an awful lot onto the top here uh it did require we bit of
Uh working things out we also got a bar and a general store generating some nice camps for us I’ve scrapped an awful lot of the settlement and once you reach up here we’ve got our little bedroom area I how do we relaxing time putting an heran
Seat uh with this little lump here uh we’ve got plenty of beds it is a little crowded but not to fear uh the fact that there’s a death claw M here as well ah I I think it’s quite funny I will be decorating it a we bit more uh putting
Stuff and items on top here I have made safety precautions all around you know I’m not a monster but plenty of lockers it does look like a military style base of put Foot Lockers underneath all the beds to kind of give the illusion of people having their own storage we
Probably would have raided these from Gunner positions so it makes sense to have Gunner beds and Gunner Foot Lockers cuz you know there’s plenty of them stack some suitcases and put some metal boxes to give lots of storage and when I decorate it out with you know several
Things um you know stacking the shells maybe putting some nucca bottles that’ll make it look rather pretty uh going on in here we’ve got yet again another sort of decorated uh sleeping area plenty of cover um we will be building more turrets and down the back here you need
To be careful before falling straight to the General Store hello there uh yep we have dog M of course and nine other sers just kind of occupying the place here plenty of turrets uh we haven’t been attacked by anything other than the super mutants uh plenty of power supply
And obviously everything’s connected by several Power conduits as You’ seen everything is nicely lit now that I’ve went over everything I am now going to head on over to mass gravel and Sam we’re going to go through College Square clear it out and then visit Dans so
Let’s head right on over Honestly though I feel the Sim settlements mod was made for me because as I’ve as I’ve DED more into the mods I not only enjoy them more or mods oh there’s more fighting rust davils have popped up so much but I’m really confused as to what
Is fighting up here obviously it’s rusts not super clear what they were fighting I don’t want deal with them though cuz there are a lot of ammunition that I just simply can’t spare I don’t have the ammo I do have scer though so hopefully we’ll get lots around College
Square here but first of course we’re going to have to kill them now in order to do that we’ll use the remainder of our auto pistol first I’m going to get some manufacturing going as well because it just needs done I plenty Molotov cocktails which will be useful against these guys oh
No everything still attached yeah barely Piper barely Blue Bar well what are you going to do up there oh oh Piper hey did I not give you oh I did I did give you this that’s okay out come out nice going to give her a really good assault rifle soon obviously with
Codsworth we couldn’t really give him anything but Piper on the other hand we can oh the car the car the car Piper no it’s going to go it’s going to go paper’s just down at the bottom of the Stars like well desk van yes the first of the episode damn I love Des
F Okay so we’ve uh at least to ble all the L to us there was some pros out of that I’ll probably get off lot once I make it to Dan all right College Square does have the little underground bit that we will go to so oh
Ah welcome to the General Store I may help sorry we don’t serve G kind in here especially the feral kind I’m running out of ammo not the fear though I’m sure we’ll pick up something very burn real bad move yeah what a shot and of course there is a Subway bit
We’ll have to deal with um I want just check make sure clean black [Â __Â ] can you hear all them noises if I look to my left and I look to my right we are in that’s it D not the fear ooh it’s a legendary one ooh there’s
More he can M get all he wants oh someone come from downstairs damn it ah quick the legendary one it’s not moving just burning alive I didn’t need to waste that on it I wanted to waste that on it chance to stagger and H it’s legendary I’ll take
It pity we didn’t get anything good in here just there’s so much violence going on we’re going to have to get over Dance Now long way for shortcut there oh RAC trck advertisement easy City Downs presented by Fallon’s department stores in association with the Boston Jockey
Club three world class races for a total Pur of $450,000 which we know from all the inflation probably doesn’t sound like a large amount I mean given the fact the magazine was $30 I mean that’s probably a price P closer to like 40,000 that’s suppos not in the you know
Not the worst thing in the world like anyway I just hear so much Way Piper no no hey what you got for me come on Piper hey oh come to that okay let’s help this I think is there like a radio station for his like distress guess that doesn’t do anything okay let’s uh side it’s very soothing sign of just
Unlimited laser pistols going on I wish they had I had the ammo that they did tell you what though a lot of novice suit cases we’re getting close to getting our clean black sup I do have a dirty one but as I said the clean making
Sure it’s always a a clean black one kind of gives me that way bit of a you know a challenge something to find Fusion cells R armor that’s okay see once I get Max uh Scrapper I am going to get where do you see the weapons you’ve seen me being collected
Ah someone get out of here in a hurry is everyone oh we know most of them are GS Piper woohoo another see have to test out my lockpicking skills but yes hope you’re all having a fantastic morning day wherever you are evening even I’m recording this currently in the
Nice in a nice sunny afternoon so okay we we we have let them kill an awful lot here let’s go assist tar eliminated we may have a problem over there guess this is it for you okay now I know I can get a really cool weapon right here there’s definitely a few dead
People lying about and lots of ammo okay I don’t night k at your laser rifle sir will be greatly appreciated I don’t think we’ve got company one give me all the XP please you know considering the fact I already cleared out uh College Square this is a fair
Amount yes I’m scrunching single bottle caps I’m what you wouldn’t turn your your nose up at a pound on the floor would you or a dollar good cinematic sir that’s I’m not going to lie you are perfect for Wei photo mode here take a we Pho hey let’s uh have a child
To him excuse me we appreciate the assistance civilian but what’s your business here uh just trying to survive I guess I’m just trying to survive out here I look like a proper Soldier the way you charged in and engaged those ferals I find that a bit difficult to believe are
You from a local settlement I’m from Vault 111 you’re a vault dweller most people wouldn’t admit to such a thing I appreciate your honesty if I appear suspicious it’s because our mission here has been difficult since the moment we arrived in the Commonwealth we’ve been constantly Under Fire if you want to continue
Pitching in we could use an extra gun on our side I want to help but I don’t like the secrecy who are you really you owe us that much very well get him Piper I’m Paladin dance Brotherhood of Steel over there is scribe Halen and Knight Reese
We’re on recon duty but I’m down a man and our supplies are running low I’ve been trying to send a distress call to my superiors but the Signal’s too weak to reach them sir if I may proceed Halen I’ve modified the radio tower on the roof of the police station but I’m
Afraid it just isn’t enough what we need is something that will boost the signal our Target is arcjet systems and it contains the technology we need the Deep range transmitter we infiltrate the facility secure the transmitter and bring it back here so what do you say hey you willing to lend the Brotherhood
Of Steel a hand who are the Brotherhood of Steel our order seeks to understand the nature of Technology its power its meaning to us as humans and we fight to secure That Power from those who would abuse it uh-huh your cause seems Noble I’m pleased that you agree there are very
Few outside the Brotherhood who appreciate the gravity of the situation we’re facing as a species so what do you say will you help us I’ve always liked the Brotherhood of Steel admittedly let’s get moving outstanding even though like Fallout 3 they’re like a massive presence in the New Vegas they’re like virtually
Nonexistent re inside and find his wounds yes sir Reese once you’re on your feet I want you to make certain the perimeter is secure I’m on it all right civilian it’s time to prove your worth head into the police station and resupply yourself then let me know when
You’re ready to begin let’s move out people all right big guy let’s go yeah yeah I’m coming guessing he’s just going to vanish into the building s of thing yeah getting some XP up would be good um no doubt scribe Halen you better get a move
On it’s not a good idea to keep pallad and dance waiting why are you standing around here like there’s nothing to do Paladin dance is waiting for you re you sound like an awfully friendly fellow I’m glad you’re on our side right now where about are we
College Square we just cleared that out right well we could go in and talk dance which is what I am going to do but I want to just go clear out College Square now that I’ve got the ammunition and uh ability to do so make sure we’ve definitely picked up everything that we
Can around here aha another building for anyone wondering once I do an entire location and 100% run I then do it on my little playlist called Guide to the Commonwealth if you want a quick update as I kind of go over the entire location taking up maybe a little slower
Than uh in this play through and uh be sure to check it out okay so cleared this building night on to the next one Piper okay what what next there’s any other we buildings we can scrun from those the downstairs to this that I didn’t go
Into but as I was saying once I get the scer perk maxed it is going to be a good time we’re going to get heaps of stuff o sh baskets they provide good steel woo I knew I instinctively knew what was about to happen I just heard to tick
It’s good to know my reaction skills have definitely not dropped as much as I would have thought so if you’re ever in here there is a trip wire with a bomb that is going to ruin your day and your nice clothes if you’re worrying any it would have been funny if in fall
Out the more your clothes take damage they like start getting wrecked Piper like that honestly Piper you seem to just love anytime I lockpick something so you know I got to keep that in mind anyway I do need to hand over everything that I can give you all right now that
We’ve given Piper over everything seen something there that’s how we got out got anything else for us no if you’re wondering how far backed up at me let’s just say I should have saved after the first near Miss well at least I need I can make some rights here by uh disarming that
Okay let’s try this one more time after uh after all that so we know what’s like what where’s the bomb where what killed me why wasn’t there did I pick it up did I have a bottle cap mine on my person huh what what is this you’ll seen that kill me
Right I’m going to guess it like despawned cuz you know way Fallout can do that when you reload by the way I think cafeteria trayes break down into like a lot of aluminum no the way I’m saying these things oh you men where are they no they
Break down into plastic no it’s the other ones break down into like aluminum right okay yeah we’re going to clear out College Square just after I read this placee there’s anything useful answer is and no anything in the fridge no P clean it would seem Patron wondering about
He’s friendly if he’s not going to give me any hustle I’m not going to give him hustle that’s way I’m going to work it Piper don’t don’t no I mean she took that like a champ must say right 150 carry we going into this hey wait a minute novice lock to
This I wonder is there anything inside like I doubt I doubt there’s anything that could possibly be lurking in here nice here tell you what though that wasn’t on my list a Reaver oh okay that’s just really get a good you made a mistake oh he lost all his arms for
Re there’s so much around here no stay down do not get up I don’t need don’t need to fight more of you ferals gold bot I’ll take that another we no lock it seems to be getting Piper’s Affinity up by constantly opening these so yeah she
Mightn’t be with us for many episodes I am I see you what leveled up once again okay peer move reset I get back here yummy yummy loads of food cooking pound I’m not really going to take any of um anything behind no anything in the toilet nope just the first a c that’s
Us o there’s an outpost oh in here serious they never just want to talk ah down explosives would have been useful earlier all right we’ve kind of got everything to my knowledge we can get anything upstairs that probably cover there’s even more to this Place he cost me some amount of Health didn’t know that was there okay was we see it’s always good to be thorough cuz then you find everything like that and food and more food so yes as I was learning more about doing settlements I discovered that I’m just not getting unlimited scrap from
All the scavenger stations or unlimited food or unlimited water out that it’s all like heavily capped at a certain amount which kind of sucks I’m not going to lie I was a wee bit like ah I I thought I was just going to always be generating like heaps of at a low rate
You know but no that’s not the way it works it works in a way of it just caps at a certain points you’ve got to constantly be EMP EMP EMP emptying the uh the workshop of of purified water of certain foods there we go time to go
Inside and do a we bit of exploring I think there’s even a skill magazine down here in College Square station I wonder what we’re going to find down here don’t know if I’m going to swap over to the machete I might might change it up instead we’re going to go back to the
Laser rifle we have ammo for it so it makes a big difference uh as for upstairs there was a named Raider that we me the willies got some notes off if anyone anyone had noticed oh can I open that oh know it’s just that I can open and close
Okay yeah we pck up we note that I wasn’t aware of let’s go e or it’s the toll note should be done T then oh no did we not pick it up tool note oh maybe I didn’t pick it up because I died oh no again Piper you almost died there H
We’ll get that when we exit the building OHS another trap so many traps around here all right you were quick and easy clean black sup clean black sup whoa how did you just like walk past Piper how did Piper just let that happen two in one piece
Nice still make a m me to most of them light bulb trop B you no Teddy be Baby R seems these Raiders got completely overwhelmed okay I can’t actually take any of your clothing because we are starting to run low on uh well SP we got knocked into the next Dimension
Like o here no that’s a large amount of buffet this can’t be sanitary which I’m not going to say no to O RX man here there you are there are some serious amount of stuff L around here paper re why is it say it’s like you seen that it’s
Like it’s bad karma if I break in here doesn’t bother me paper dislike that H fair enough I don’t think it was meant to be owned ah ah well we haven’t unlocked one of these in a while Let’s test the skills out please can’t be maybe speak no what
About Wisher no Wisher wiser don’t know where that came from okay try reset let’s just get rid of all the Duds that we can use any that we can use wow that was all the ones we could use okay is it track nope can’t be tracked it’s got an A on it
Uh mes has one okay uh wires no would be two so it can’t be that Earth yes yeah nice protect and serve is my audio going or there we go companions permanently inflict 5% extra damage that’s really useful for Piper and anyone else I bring with me so I can’t complain about that
In the slightest there you go Piper you got to be bit of a damage upgrade how great is that I’m going to have to give her some better items though got really really need to give her something better we’ll pick up the cander think I need anything else I haven’t
Been in College Station Square in so long let’s see ah what was that why they just disregard Piper and they’re like get him all right protectron you come down here and you can assist there’s more I’ll kind of I’ll lit in this direction so that the the protectron has time to come
Down sweet woohoo anything in here no anything up the side nope so yeah The Story Goes the Raiders here kind of up the toll price or ra did anyway and let’s just say it didn’t end too well for her and her companions by the the looks of it this is normal for other
Journalists H there has to be a legendary down here I would imagine we’ll find something hey something’s out there you think we’re safe now what it is got a protectron I love as we stupid animations good job protectron okay sound like a turret firing has prevailed oh I must have activated the
Second one I did say that I heard like I heard some sound effect that there was a second protectron but clean black Su yes yes oh no might new got you in the end do you know what this is me Journal J Journal rig is dead only a couple of us
Made it inside we couldn’t hold the entrance there was just too many only way we could go was down we’ll hold up for a few days wait for the girls to move on then get out of here I don’t know I have a feeling that that didn’t
Go down the way you thought it would go down but I will take all of your items here graciously donated by the Raiders of wherever this place is again College Square station to the Glorious uh Commonwealth Empire that I’m currently building never wish a death like that on anyone
Okay so this side of the station is almost fully clear oh there was two of them must have just unlocked it by default I didn’t hear an awful lot of fighting though but looks like that oh bet there’s a dead protectron I imagine we’re going to find a dead one here no
Looks like it released not one but two curious gu the other one is about here oh it didn’t make it in here okay my my aim there come surely my wasn’t that bad anyway well there’s a classic guess I’m just going to do this to get
Piper’s Affinity up I mean I don’t know any other reason for needing to unlock this nice Definitely thought there was a glow one somewhere I guess that’s not the key paper SC the life out of me there I was like who is that there’s probably some pipe stuff that we don’t need p
Pists drop all that okay I need to be careful what else I pick up here I don’t have any space no I need duct tape need to carry duct tape night vision for that don’t need it me we didn’t find a dead protector OD That pretty warm money no du bike dead soldier but you it’s always strange you can’t take the helmets off dead soldiers in this I never understood that clean black s two and one play through Say It Ain’t So oh nice is a novice lock I have the
Tumblers book and all hi how was this difficult it must be there got it yes I’ll take it but don’t really need it useful in here first thank goodness okay Piper that pretty much covers the entirety of this station Le the other one went upstairs might explain something yeah
Okay that’s Station Square done woohoo one place off the left were we skill the bit hangy whoa whoa whoa whoa oh God we need to see if anyone was hurt right aliens aliens yes cuz I’m level 20 now aren’t they woohoo we’ve had the aliens
Finally spawn in I’m going to go up here and see if I can see this note from so this is raik okay don’t need anything else off you clearly I must have came up here just before I died that makes a bit of sense is there another safe here that I unlock
Too there it is oh getting deja vu cuz we definitely were here before got it you silly auto pistol okay I guess we’ve got to go find some milens first things first I need to run back to Sanctuary or Sanctuary Red Rock I need to drop off a load of equipment so I’ll
Do that then we’ll go to uan station and we will go get we’ll go uh H let’s just say we’ll visit the uh the Invaders she’s just started chatting to me so that’s yeah I try to be seems like you’re doing better than trying I appreciate it too few folks can be
Bothered of course in my experience if you want to do real good playing nice only gets you so far I mean look at Diamond City a place I’ve been trying to warn of real danger but every issue I publish all I hear is oh Piper why don’t you ever publish anything happy Piper
Why can’t you write something nice for a change it’s enough to make me want to hang up my hat some days sounds like it must be exhausting huh no kidding but people they deserve to know the truth sure it can be scary in the backround there not listen to
Paper [Â __Â ] doesn’t go by I’m Not Afraid some Institute drone will decide today’s the day to pay Old Piper and family a visit but it’s worth it because I know the truth right absolutely couldn’t agree more how can you protect you and yours if you don’t know what you’re facing
Exactly most folks though they’d prefer a comforting lie not me I’ve seen firsthand what the truth can do my sister and I we grew up way out in the Commonwealth tiny little settlement our dad he was part of the local militia keeping the Raiders off our
Backs and the my lurks out of our latrines as he described well uh one day our dad turns up dead his captain [Â __Â ] named mayburn claims Raiders must have gotten him on watch I didn’t buy it I start making inquiries turns out Captain he’d sold out thought he wasn’t getting paid
Enough to babysit the town he was going to leave the gates open one night let a group of Raiders sack the place and take a cut of the profits my dad found out and was going to turn murn in but murn got to him first Tru and I wasn’t about
To let that bastard get away with murder I tried talking to the mayor but he wouldn’t listen so I papered the entire town in posters wanted for gross dereliction of Duty Captain mayburn the mayor sure wanted to talk after that the town threw mayburn out on his
Ass and were dug in when a very surprised group of Raiders finally sh showed what happened after that we made do sis was still pretty young at the time and mom was out of the picture so we got by on the kindness of others for a while eventually I saved up enough to
Book us both passage with a caravan and then we moved on up to the big city called it home ever since wow Piper you saved those people no those people saved themselves because they knew the truth but hey I I’m sorry if I’ve been rambling I just
Get fired up sometimes it’s just nice to talk to someone who who actually seems to get it you know so should we head out we could really use your help no what do you need sorry glad the help I’d be glad to help if I can something nasty is
Living just around the corner from here it’s only a matter of time before there’s some real trouble what’s really too bad is it would be a nice spot for a new settlement in fact I know some folks that would love to set up there if it
Was safe if you can make sure the old Workshop there is still in one take a gas where be move in later will be able to rebuild Finch Farm Finch Farm or the one beside County Crossing I’m going to I’m going to say it’s them no problem
I’ll take care of them for I hope so we didn’t know what to do clearing the way for red rocket secure oh do you make a plan what damn that’s far away it’s got a treasure though and I can’t wait to get it but damn that is far away right okay
Well I still need to clear my inventory but we got to chat the paper for a bit I’m going to guess her Affinity must already be like at 500 is it 250 or 500 you get chatted to one of the other anyway she’ll be along for probably few
Episodes i’ imagine after her she will get a M replacement and between Preston or Nick might go with Nick um once we save him go through a few things and then after that probably swap over to cat or cury and we’ll see from there yeah I’m just going to swap like male to
Female you know just equality and all that just uh jumping between the two think it’ll make for an interesting play through nonetheless maybe dance actually is maybe the next candid it supply lines are starting to look well though we’ve now connected up 10s and uh Sunshine
Next up will be gray garden I post simja uh coming next so just got to assign a few new people that have decided to pop into the workshop here and then we’ll head back now I know uberland station here hasn’t had much love it’s had nothing in fact but we will be removing
All the fences and I’ll be working on it very soon but what I want to explore first is of course the all important secret alien crash site but first I want to show you this little guy it’s unmarked but you can see that uh the tree fell his Lantern got hit and he
Kind of burned alive real rough way to go well that sort of make sure you don’t Camp under a tree that can possibly fall on top of your head I suppose is the uh is a certain way of putting up ah I’ve had this little glitch where all the
Trees are doing this I will reload the game just as we arrive to this and the fresh reload fixes the TR reweaving problem very odd that it does that so we can see that this Zeta ship has crash landed h i wonder wonder what this little little
Green stuff is oh it seems something something’s injured and has ran away into this cave Piper we must we must investigate there might be a story here now of course if you haven’t met our little alien friend here seems it’s an alien you see that no there you
Are for you see we cannot have you about here nice but I am taking your really light pistol and all 316 rounds even turn off this little guy’s radio I mean I see he he’s already here like he’s dead long before the alien shows up but
Uh see what a z alien looks like inside that’s rough but he couldn’t take a sip suppose probably wouldn’t fit wouldn’t be you know all that yikes yikes skull there looks like it’s from Indiana Jones plenty body parts about here too right let’s get back
Out any many of you are wondering am I going to totally use this overpowered alien pistol damn right because it’s going to be used on super mutants so let’s go fully swim we can find more ammo I’m near sure there is like another location with ammo for
It uh can’t think of it off the top of my head but there’s a little uh Super Mutant place we need to clear out fernal post 115 or 118 my memory good really bad let’s see it’s 115 I was close enough let’s go knock knock super mutants Daddy’s
Home okay now I’m turning on my flashlight I have decided to not be quiet anymore hey hello hi dare ey are you the blind one I’m going die make there I got eviscerated right okay we’ll not use all of it I swap back over to the shotgun you humans made us now suffer
For your arrogance yeah well not suffering much how about you come into this room come on on in see the guy sitting over there sniping want to be in your shoes you’re this is the what were you using there of the Super Mutant got he took that like a chump we will take all but the most important part here is the ballistic weapons do in 5% extra critical damage we guns and bullets little guns for little girls plenty of ammo I’m with my scruncher perk what exactly of this fraternity again oh it was a
Fraternity oh like an actual one I thought it was like a post office goes to show how much I remembered armor bench I know there’s no other unique items here so really it’s just down to just run our way through it can we find anything else jingle jungle is
There any one I’ve missed wait what though the Tes creepy B I’ve seen worse oh Crystal decounter an executive term let have we look wor it’s got one noise has none sense has one yes nice speech mammo we’re over joyed to have such a decorated war war hero like Thomas
Giving a speech in conquer way thank you thank you H settle down now we we should try to get him down here too always brings in people and funding Medal of Honor scholarship ceremony history of Mr gutsy orphan food drive and New Year Bingo we’ll unlock the a I shouldn’t have done
That I should just used it there’s a tur damn what still in one piece going to guess you could have ran up here with the super mutants and activated that although it makes a little sense what I want to know is oh eel nice the scavenger perk is paying dividends for
Me slight nod to my other channel of which I’m going to do some content after I finish doing this little video let’s see what else we got is this a novice locked door that I could just walk past these are the doors I never understood like they don’t
Really change anything about like if you were even battling in this area what okay sweet all that for for what for what exactly liked that liked what we removed an open door that we could have bypassed yeah can I just 19 CS but you know what I forgot I could Des on these
Woohoo what’s in here just stuff that I can pick up I’ll take it I think I think that’s this place think that’s all she wrote New Vegas series when though the TV show’s coming out you all be very glad to hear with the TV show I have made the decision that I’m
Going to do like an episode recap cuz it is really good even M wants to watch it she’s seen the seen the uh the trailer and she was like it looks really good so you know I’ll uh probably watch along with her we’ve uh We’ve tackle a few
Like The Walking Dead and a few other ones not not the most recent Walking Dead I watch too much that but yes I will be doing a review on each episode just seeing what a what a like what a dislike and we’ll here it’s it’s some
Form of content I can do that’s uh a little different and maybe people like it maybe people don’t but it is what it is we’ll have fun all right let’s head on outat what does this do I know I went outside but I came back cuz oh it’s the siren
I did wonder the next time you’re going to hear a siren will probably be Lynn Woods and it’s going to be an awful lot of fun anyway I thought I missed a we room there so that’s why I came back in but oh more teddy bears oh missed muting or looting some
Of these guys oh strange all right now we’re going to head back on night but not after we go through this week supply room that I also forgot about I was just walking back and forth there and lost my way and found this so awesome awesome sauce see now that I’ve
Done all that and really really completed it I can now head on to uh wow I missed the bathroom and everything damn I have leveled up though should pick something what to do what to do do we go more intelligence C collectors we’ve been these for a while now I don’t need lone
Wander cuz I just I don’t need at night I might take either gunot level one or more for scrunching bloody mess is also pretty cool mysterious stranger idiot that would be really good if I wasn’t a super smart character I’m not really super smart but you know getting [Applause] there can’t take Scrapper
[Applause] yet okay I don’t need to worry about that I could take Master terminals if I need it we’ll probably get another level we’ll pick up another one in scer I the ammo I’ve picked up alone has been so worthwhile there seems to be a little location nearby so we
Will oh seek it out I always check every bus it’s just a natural thing that I do I see a bus I will check the bus cuz you never know what you might find you so dead really I can carry something if you need me to
Ow your own there blue yeah I love how close you’s decided to get up up close and personal with me ooh bass moonshine woohoo what to find okay now that we’ve battered all them I don’t even think there is much to the Cambridge Law Offices anything just oh Park in
Garage I don’t remember going near this my on Mark series but I’m ah I hear flying things uh flying things they’re on the Roof oh know it’s the kandall hospital we discovered Bo what what guess there’s more what is that oh oh blood bugs do you know what I would say these
Would easily be like one of the most terrifying things if in real life they remind me somewhat of cazadors and I did not like cazadors loved them as an anime but just hated them other than that just uh cazadors okay so we’ve discovered the candal hospital is that the ambulance
To yeah we’ll do that in a later episode it’ll require a little more time for now we’re going to go in a little special place Walking Dead reference this an unmarked location unions hope Cathedral let’s visit father gab what he’s a rather hostile girl here blue we’re not
Alone and he’s also some got some GS the GS here Gs are attacking him why are you not using I thought I could just give you some ammo and you would using the laser he father Gib you put up a fur fight I’ll give you that not a fantastic one but a fair
One what sort of ammo we picking up off uh we’re getting getting good ammo even off Golds which I’ll take all day every clean black S no we can hope is this door no not accessible of course not oh um okay Piper you take a minute if you
If you feel you need a minute in the presence of uh this sort of place you you go for it I will certainly not say anything about that lots of glowing fungus though for the taking hey I’ll take all that BR fungus and oh an advanced lock let’s
Go oh we have company out in the courtyard they never just want to talk oh dear oh dear Piper why are you not using your laser rifle now I legendary Work that explains why you were so deadly it’s so bad you have no legs wow just just ever so slightly I do need to pick up also levels on uh like healing up with stim packs you okay Piper good job you did well I heard shoting around here I think
Our little protectron buddy has been annihilated or he annihilated something either way we’re about to find out I thought this was a honestly I thought this was an unmarked location apparently not oh it died uh end of the building low key thought this was some sort of like abandoned building
Pepper I’m sure she’ll join us at some point I need to drop I’m probably carrying something silly or I’m not carrying anything silly in which case raises the question St silly weapons Piper comes in I will 100% pick back up oh someone’s lunch I’m sure paper’s going to join us at some
Point oh you back I’ll need to visit the Boston Public Library that’s definitely up in the list get the intelligent bobblehead would say no okay that was a good start woohoo got it there anything in here nope no no no no don’t want well I got paperback so I guess
Guess I’m picking all those weapons up because again I’m going to have some amount of scrap when I decide to you know scrap it all I’m starting to come to the conclusion that this place has been cleared out completely oh no thank goodness there’s more to it oh right the Cambridge out the
Cambridge what this this is it this this was a marked location what this place is a fantastic example fantastic one of why on why certain places shouldn’t have been marked and should have been kept unmarked oh there’s someone there never seen you before I for a few items in a duffel bag
I’ll take that can I if I could just climb up this it would make right I’ve got to got to travel up here huh well that was that was anticlimactic at least we got the stuff off your guy there cuz apparently there’s nothing else up here okay let’s drop on
Down don’t see any enemies yeah RoR all right in terms of quests I have not stuck many of these on and it turns out I have a lot of stuff clearing the way to make a plan tune into that radio that’s for that’s DLC need to talk to
Him uh find Nick Valentine follow the Freedom Trail pill the plug oh thicker oh let’s go sort out Thicket then interesting to see what Sully has got up too hey something’s out there ah it’s a Rite folks now whoa okay I need need something to deal with this B better damn
It here here I’ll definitely Lo this place up yes and we can call Thicket done and dusted can add it on to my uh series here oh by the way we have to actually listen to su’s uh entry forgot all about that that’s it so he’s obviously the guy that we we
Helped earlier uh I doubt it’s changed anything no it’s just shipment logs uh we we definitely should have su’s thing let me just drop down s maybe I put it away or did we listen to it no that’s of a list we going through this
Oh we can read it this is a great spot with the right crew I’d have no problem keeping this place locked down Traders run close enough for easy pickings but not so close that we end up skinned whole damn thing filled with water though figures there’s always a catch
Big ass drainage pump looks mostly intact if I’m lucky it might still work going to take a closer look tomorrow nope not going to be that easy still pump is in better shape than you’d think I’d like to head back and grab some tools but it’s pretty I’ll Tinker with
Them before I bed down and then I’ll head out in the morning shouldn’t be too hard I glad I grabbed that Sledge even if it was a [Â __Â ] to carry all these all this way H thing was rusted tight few good wax with a sledge cleared it right up thing made
The damnedest sound each time though you’d swear something was moving around in there was able to make most of the connections patched up all the pike leaks I could find beside the ones in the water all the noises I’ve been hearing I’m not setting foot there I’ll
Probably head back and drag one of the new guys over here and make him do it and obviously suly got us to do it so I can’t remember if I read all that in fact I’m near sure I didn’t but now that this is a big Raider
Stronghold be able to get up to some can I just turn this off would have been cool if you could turn that off and just flood the entire Place get some [Â __Â ] tell you what this is a really good p now very good pistol open from this
Side right I’m going to let you out come on it said they were friendly don’t know why I believe that it’s a legendary rer quality okay Piper not going to lie we’re in pretty big dooos with this one guess the only thing to do is to just kind of prepare what we’re
Going to have to do here good job Piper there we go came out fully mutated that’s not what I wanted it is coming this way it is coming this way it is coming this way to kill me oh my god oh it’s going to kill me oh it is
Going to kill me if I don’t run run very fast run very far was that okay do you know what I can’t even can’t even L anything what’s that doing over there he’s just sitting over there menacingly hasn’t figured out yet I can just walk in here and one hit and I’m dead
Follow me you big stupid razor claw this shouldn’t take long oh I hope it takes a very long time for you cuz honestly can no no no no no no no I need just need you to oh you were easy there no no no ha now you’ve all got to
Run and deal with the bigger problem which is him he’s the bigger already I believe in you guys you you can oh yes leer print bandana is definitely on the cards as something I is this better it’s got a fire better fire and rate but not as good as the one I’ve got
Equipped is what I’m taking from that but I will take it cuz he’s enough okay I thought he was running away it turns out he’s way to actually kill someone so we’ll take that what weapon were you using oh here submachine gun you’ll do me hey all right let’s just need to go
Down here I’ll deal with the razor claw when I get back up so apart from the obvious oh you what you oh I’m dead I’m dead look look at the grenade at the bottom left corner look at that if I run I’m not running nowhere I spawn and instantly died to the razor
Claw oh no am I on like an infinite death spawn no no no no no no but death spawn no okay I got out of that it was a be bit of a nightmare okay I’ve almost killed this guy it has cost me most
How did to give me that’s so bad oh no no no no no no no no no I just got out of this infinite ass thing and I’m dealing with all this I need to save over that like right now what a rough save cuz in the Cinematic
It runs towards you so you had to be so so fast took me more time than I could admit to get out that why am I getting shum aw okay on Piper let’s go I’ve used all me ammo on that guy get wasted okay I’m going through my ammo like it’s
Going out of fashion here there so many explosions first good thing happen a while yeah oh yeah that guy throwing the grenades uh need to sort you out SW almost sort you I forgot that you were a problem sorry dog no messing about this time all right Piper’s
Injured and I’ve got a lot of ammo come Out Come Out playing games with me huh there we Go May might should just sneak down and release them hey look at the ammo we’re getting whoa you are very brave there I’ll hand it to you on that one I love that we’re going to fight all the way down here to Sully anything we o right mine you’d
Have been extremely dangerous if Left Alive fight good try oh Toth pist it’s got antiseptic so worth picking up every single one of them holy crap ow honestly I should have come here with a free inventory been taking heaps of stuff home with me still am nice nice finishing that
Too someone’s still happily throwing explosives at me though we’re almost at the Bottom but you’re going to throw that I want none of that so oh oh oh no no no no no tell you what I’m going to do though you’re free go get him I’d rather de with the marks at this point I’ll take the armor though anything else M around J beer
Bottles nothing too exciting anything around here o you know what see for everything you were doing earlier eat up as for you Sul you can have one too don’t feel I would leave you out whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you’re taking no damage I forgot how difficult this guy Is [Â __Â ] and Sully is done what is he going to drop me Sully had let it be known Sully Mattis had virtually nothing of note think got this place clear yeah cleared took a little longer than expected I honestly didn’t know that it was this vast I thought more along the lines of
Sully being like a legendary boss or something so this has been interesting can I get up this way I can let’s call that damn lift cuz what I could have done is release the M come down release them then let them ravage the place definitely would have been the better better
Call the’re all normal Mar lks there was no was there any was any of them legendary no all just normal BG standard soft shell marock honestly matis little suly here you you did yourself with this one time to get out of here feel like I’m forgetting something or
Someone damn it the last lock pick of the series of the series The not the series anyway Piper no she have to walk [Laughter] up oh dear yeah that was a ton of fun just clearing all that hopefully you have all had a brilliant time watching the Anarchy that was this episode I’m
Sure Piper all up here that’s that there are a few we surrounding outposts I’m going to just visit before I head right back on over the base uh but in terms of the series we managed to go to Cambridge clear out the Fraternal post College Square uh the
Law offices and the college in building so did quite a bit of work around here and thick it through in just for good measure so on the next episode my plan is to clear out the candle hospital and go over to the Cambridge polymer Labs uh
But I might have to do a quest cuz I think there’s a Master Lock terminal at some point or no the robot the robot will open the door at the end of the tour if my me memory serves me right so we’ll do that um a few more quests in the next
One so uh thank you all for joining me see you in the next one